Examples of Feedback Questionnaires

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Examples of Teacher-Designed/Scored Feedback Questionnaires

A Guided Self-Analysis for Beginning Instructors

Teaching is a complex process that rests in large part on the quality of the exchanges between
students and teacher. As is true of any complex skill, becoming a good teacher requires both
careful self-analysis and feedback from others. Getting feedback from your students is a good
way to develop better teaching skills. However, before asking your students for feedback about
your teaching, it will be helpful if you first take a few minutes to analyze, or reassess your goals
and teaching strategies by asking yourself questions such as the following:
1. How did I decide on the pace of this course, and have I modified the pace at all thus far?
2. When I use the chalkboard, do I:
___make an effort to write clearly, carefully, and slowly?
___repeat aloud what I have written on the board?
___generally cover the board from left to right?
___erase only after students have had sufficient time to read and copy?
Are the problem solutions that I put on the board or overhead sufficiently complete that I
would give them full credit if they occurred on a student's exam?
3. What kinds of classroom interaction with students do I want to encourage, and why?
When a student asks a question that I do not understand or seems dissatisfied with my
initial response, how do I follow up?
4. What efforts am I making to help my students understand how to use their textbook and
other course materials most effectively?
5. How do I select exam questions, homework problems, and/or other assignments?
Do I try out my questions on colleagues before making out the exam and work problems
before assigning them?

Midsemester Student Feedback Questionnaire

Instruction is most effective when there is a good fit between student and teacher. Creating a
good fit requires feedback-both from teacher to student and from student to teacher. This
questionnaire has been designed to help me learn about those aspects of my teaching that have
been the most and the least useful to you thus far. Most of the questions are fairly open-ended, so
please be as descriptive and constructive as possible. Feel free to use the back of this sheet if you
need more space. Thank you.
1. The pace of this course is (check one): ___too slow ___too fast ___about right
If you checked either "too fast" or "too slow," what would you like to see changed?
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Penn State 301 Rider Building University Park, PA 16802

2. How effective do you find my use of the chalkboard, overhead projector, and other classroom
equipment? (Any tips would be appreciated.)
3. Do you generally feel encouraged to ask questions/contribute comments in class?
___Yes ___No
If so, what has encouraged you the most? If not, what could I do to make it easier for you
to participate in classroom interactions?
4. How are you using the textbook and other course materials? (Please be specific.)
5. Please comment on tests and assignments. In what ways is the feedback you receive on these
helping or hindering your accomplishment of course objectives?

Student Perceptions of Learning and Teaching

W. J. McKeachie, The University of Michigan
(From: W. J. McKeachie, Teaching Tips, 9th Ed., 1994. Teachers are welcome to use this form
or items from it without requesting permission from the author.)
The items on this questionnaire ask you to comment on various aspects of your course. The
questionnaire has eight brief parts. The first part is intended to assess your perception of your
own learning; the second part is your perception of characteristics related to instructor
effectiveness. Other parts are not evaluative, but are intended to assess aspects of teacher style.
They ask for a description, not evaluation. For example, either a high or low degree of structure
may be effective.
Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out thoughtfully. Your answers and comments will
help your teacher improve the course.
Date: _________________________
Your Class Standing (Circle): FR SOPH JR SR GRAD
Course: _________________________
Instructor: _________________________
Your GPA in all courses at this college:
3.5-4.0____ 3.0-3.4____ 2.5-2.9____ 2.0-2.4____0-1.9____
Sex: Male Female
Use the following scale:
1 - almost never or almost nothing
2 - seldom or little
3 - occasionally or moderate
4 - often or much
5 - very often
6 - almost always, a great deal
If not applicable, leave blank

Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Penn State 301 Rider Building University Park, PA 16802

Impact on Students
1. My intellectual curiosity has been stimulated by this course.
2. I am learning how to think more clearly about the area of this course.
Student Information Processing
3. My mind wandered a good deal during class.
4. The instructor introduced new concepts so fast that I could not grasp them.
5. I tried to relate the course material to other things I know.
6. The course is increasing my interest in learning more about this area.
Instructor Effectiveness
7. The instructor is enthusiastic.
8. The instructor gives good examples of the concepts.
9. 9. The instructor goes into too much detail.
10. The instructor is helpful when students are confused.
11. The instructor seems knowledgeable in many areas.
12. The instructor knows students' names.
13. The instructor is friendly.
Group Interaction
14. Students volunteer their own opinions.
15. Students discuss one another's ideas.
16. Students feel free to disagree with the instructor.
17. The instructor makes difficult assignments.
18. The instructor asks for a great deal of work.
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Penn State 301 Rider Building University Park, PA 16802

19. The instructor plans class activities in detail.
20. The instructor follows an outline closely.
21. The instructor keeps students informed of their progress.
22. The instructor tells students when they have done a particularly good job.
23. 23. Tests and papers are graded and returned promptly.
Notice!!! This Scale is Different!!!
Student Responsibility
1 - definitely false
2 - more false than true
3 - in between
4 - more true than false
5 - definitely true
If not applicable, leave blank
24. I had a strong desire to take this course.
25. I actively participate in class discussions.
26. I try to make a tie-in between what I am learning through the course and my own
27. I attend class regularly.
28. I utilize all the learning opportunities provided in the course.
29. I have created learning experiences for myself in connection with the course.
30. I have helped classmates learn.

Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Penn State 301 Rider Building University Park, PA 16802

Overall Evaluation
Indicate your evaluation of characteristics below, using numbers based on the following
1 - Poor
2 - Fair
3 - Good
4 - Very Good
5 - Excellent
31. Rate the instructor's general teaching effectiveness for you.
32. Rate the value of the course as a whole to you.
Added Comments Below

Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence Penn State 301 Rider Building University Park, PA 16802

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