Bonner AEA

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CONTACT: Susana ODaniel
501-375-4611 (office)
479-422-8207 (cell)

(Little Rock, AR, November 17, 2016) We elect school board members
to make sound decisions about students and schools. Blevins School
Board member, Tom Bonners decision to dress in blackface
demonstrates his poor decision making. It is the duty of all educators
to ensure that all students have a safe and supportive learning
environment. When a school district leader compromises students
sense of safety, it is our duty to call into question his ability to continue
to serve and his capacity to make sound decisions for students. The
Arkansas Education Association calls for the resignation of Tom Bonner
as his action fails to demonstrate an ability to be a school leader for
students or educators.
It is inexcusable and unconscionable that Mr. Booner, chose to
abandon his duty to students in Blevins by appearing in blackface. As a
School Board member, Mr. Booner is in a position that impacts the

school environment of Blevins, and as such he lacks the ability to make

good decisions as a leader. The simple truth is that students and
families counted on Bonner to protect them and he failed. Students
across the country have faced disciplinary action when they have
participated in shockingly similar racist activities. While Mr. Bonner
apologized to the school board, he did not apologize to students, their
families or the community who entrusted him with their public
The Blevins School District has established policies for students and
school employees to ensure high standards for conduct and ethical
behavior. Disappointingly, school board member Bonner, is not held to
the same standards for ethics within his role. That is wrong. So are his
actions. When existing policies fail to hold bad actors accountable, it is
up to us to do so. Mr. Bonner, prove your ability to put students first
by stepping down.
The Arkansas Education Association (AEA) advocates for public
education students and professionals in Arkansas, to fulfill the promise
of public education - preparing every student to succeed in a diverse
and interdependent world. AEA is the largest and oldest professional
association in Arkansas our work is fundamental to the state, and we
accept the profound trust placed in us.

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