Erica Shryock-Prob Cause - 001

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PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT ACCUSED PARTY OR PARTIES: ERICA M. SHRYOCK MPD CASE NO. 17-000620 THE UNDERSIGNED AFFIANT GIVES THE STATEMENT OF FACTS RECITED HEREIN AS BEING TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS OR HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND SUBMITS SUCH STATEMENT OF FACTS IN SUPPORT OF PROBABLE CAUSE, FOR DETENTION TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE JUDICIAL OFFICER CONDUCTING THE PRE-TRIAL RELEASE INQUIRY. DATE: MAY 14, 2017 SUBJECT; | PERMITTING ABUSE OF A MINOR; ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A MINOR 15? DEGREE VICTIM: SUSPECT: ERICA M. SHRYOCK WF DOB: 12/13/97 214 8. CORDELIA ST. SSN: MAGNOLIA, AR 71753 EVIDENCE: OFFICER REPORT SUSPECT STATEMENT INVESTIGATOR: SGT. COLTON BURKS FACTS: On May 14, 2017 at approximately 11:30am Lieutenant Sam Kirby was dispatched to the Magnolia Regional Medical Center in regards to a child that had been bitten by rats. Lt. Kirby spoke with ER nurse Bill Dempsey, who explained that the child was 15 days old and weighed approximately Sibs. Dempsey also said that the child had been bitten at least 100 times and that the bites were severe, Sergeant Colton Burks and Captain Todd Dew were requested to further investigate this incident. Sergeant Burks and Captain D. at the ho: tographed the child's injuries, The child was identified ag ‘and her parents were Erica Shryock and Charles Elliot farms, hands and face were covered in rodent bites, her wersawere bitten as well. There was i wound that was approximately one inch in diameter on forehead, the skull was visible. transported to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in fe Rock by Columbia County Ambulance Service, Detective Dustin Cloud followed the ambulance there. CONTINUED........ PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT RE: ERICA M. SHRYOCK PAGE 2 At the hospital, Sergeant Burks spoke with Charles Elliott's mother, Regina Barto, explained that Charles had told her that bitten by a mouse. When she saw she told Charles and Erica that they take Jto the hospital. Regina further explaine: way) had to go to the hospital. Charles and Erica were transported to the Magnolia Police Department for questioning. Sergeant Burks and Captain Dew questioned Erica first. Prior to questioning, she was advised of her rights. She stated that eos them and signed a statement of rights form that, - Erica were afraid that was going to be taken away, and told them that either indicating ica said that she put to sleep aroupgaQ5-30am on this morning, and she woke up to fg screaming at around . Erica cl feed her and noticed that she was covered in blood. Erica stated tha was sleeping in the same room, in a bassinet, next to the bed, Detectives told Erica thai would have had to been screaming for a while, due to the amount of bites. Erica stated tharshe knew there were rats in the house, but admitted that neither she or Charles did anything to address the rodent issue. After questioning Erica, detectives questioned Charles Elliott. Prior to questioning, Charles was advised of his rights. He stated that he unde them and signed a statement of rights form indicating so. Charles said that they woke up ll ne and crying at gzpund 05:00am, and then he saw blood everywhere. He said he went and got a rag to

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