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Not to be confused with Palaeogeography.

palaeographer must know, rst, the language of the text
Palaeography (UK) or paleography (US; ultimately (that is, a 21st-century English or French speaker must
become expert in the relevant earlier forms of these
languages); and second, the historical usages of various styles of handwriting, common writing customs, and
scribal or notarial abbreviations. Philological knowledge
of the language, vocabulary, and grammar generally used
at a given time or place can help palaeographers identify
ancient or more recent forgeries versus authentic documents.
Knowledge of writing materials is also essential to the
study of handwriting and to the identication of the periods in which a document or manuscript may have been
produced.[4] An important goal may be to assign the text
a date and a place of origin: this is why the palaeographer must take into account the style and formation of
the manuscript and the handwriting used in it.[5]

1.1 Document dating

William Shakespeares will, written in secretary hand: a script
dicult for modern readers to interpret[1]

Palaeography can be used to provide information about

the date at which a document was written. However, paleography is a last resort for dating and, for book hands,
a period of 50 years is the least acceptable spread of
time[6][7] with it being suggested that the 'rule of thumb'
should probably be to avoid dating a hand more precisely than a range of at least seventy or eighty years.[7]
In an 2005 e-mail addendum to his 1996 The Paleographical Dating of P-46 paper Bruce W. Grin stated
Until more rigorous methodologies are developed, it is
dicult to construct a 95% condence interval for NT
manuscripts without allowing a century for an assigned
date.[8] William M Schniedewind went even further in
the abstract to his 2005 paper Problems of Paleographic
Dating of Inscriptions and stated that The so-called science of paleography often relies on circular reasoning
because there is insucient data to draw precise conclusion about dating. Scholars also tend to oversimplify
diachronic development, assuming models of simplicity
rather than complexity.[9]

from Greek: , palais, old, and ,

graphein, to write) is the study of ancient and historical
handwriting (that is to say, of the forms and processes of
writing, not the textual content of documents). Included
in the discipline is the practice of deciphering, reading,
and dating historical manuscripts,[2] and the cultural context of writing, including the methods with which writing
and books were produced, and the history of scriptoria.[3]
The discipline is important for understanding, authenticating, and dating ancient texts. However, it cannot in
general be used to pinpoint dates with high precision.


Palaeography can be an essential skill for historians and

philologists, as it tackles two main diculties. First, since
the style of a single alphabet in each given language has
evolved constantly, it is necessary to know how to decipher its individual characters as they existed in vari- 2 Ancient Near East
ous eras. Second, scribes often used many abbreviations,
usually so as to write more quickly and sometimes to Main article: History of writing
save space, so the specialist-palaeographer must know See also: Epigraphy
how to interpret them. Knowledge of individual letterforms, ligatures, punctuation, and abbreviations enables
the palaeographer to read and understand the text. The
Anatolian hieroglyphs

Drawing of the hieroglyphic seal found in the Troy VIIb layer

Cuneiform script
Hittite cuneiform
Egyptian hieroglyphs
Middle Bronze Age alphabets
South Arabian alphabet

Aramaic palaeography


The Aramaic language was the international trade language of the Ancient Middle East, originating in what is
modern-day Syria, between 1000 and 600 BC. It spread
from the Mediterranean coast to the borders of India, becoming extremely popular and being adopted by many
people, both with or without any previous writing system. The Aramaic script was written in a consonantal
form with a direction from right to left. The Aramaic alphabet, a modied form of Phoenician, was the ancestor of the modern Arabic and Hebrew scripts, as well
as the Brhm script, the parent writing system of most
modern abugidas in India, Southeast Asia, Tibet, and
Mongolia. Initially, the Aramaic script did not dier
from the Phoenician, but then the Aramaeans simplied
some of the letters, thickened and rounded their lines: a
specic feature of its letters is the distinction between d
and r. One innovation in Aramaic is the matres lectionis system to indicate certain vowels. Early Phoenicianderived scripts did not have letters for vowels, and so most
texts recorded just consonants. Most likely as a consequence of phonetic changes in North Semitic languages,
the Aramaeans reused certain letters in the alphabet to
represent long vowels. The letter aleph was employed to
write //, he for //, yod for //, and vav for //.
Aramaic writing and language supplanted Babylonian
cuneiform and Akkadian language, even in their homeland in Mesopotamia. The wide diusion of Aramaic
letters led to its writing being used not only in monumental inscriptions, but also on papyrus and potsherds. Aramaic papyri have been found in large numbers in Egypt,
especially at Elephantine among them are ocial and
private documents of the Jewish military settlement in 5
BC. In the Aramaic papyri and potsherds, words are separated usually by a small gap, as in modern writing. At the
turn of the 3rd to 2nd centuries BC, the heretofore uniform Aramaic letters developed new forms, as a result of
dialectal and political fragmentation in several subgroups.
The most important of these is the so-called square Hebrew block script, followed by Palmyrene, Nabataean,
and the much later Syriac script.
Aramaic is usually divided into three main parts:[10]
1. Old Aramaic (in turn subdivided into Ancient, Imperial, Old Eastern and Old Western Aramaic)
2. Middle Aramaic, and
3. Modern Aramaic of the present day.
The term Middle Aramaic refers to the form of Aramaic
which appears in pointed texts and is reached in the 3rd
century AD with the loss of short unstressed vowels in
open syllables, and continues until the triumph of Arabic.

Table showing the Mandaic alphabet (Abagada) with some of

the mysteries represented by the letters

Old Aramaic appeared in the 11th century BC as the ofcial language of the rst Aramaean states. The oldest
witnesses to it are inscriptions from northern Syria of
the 10th to 8th centuries BC, especially extensive state


Ptolemaic period

treaties (c. 750 BC) and royal inscriptions. The early

Old Ancient should be classied as Ancient Aramaic
and consists of two clearly distinguished and standardised written languages, the Early Ancient Aramaic and
the Late Ancient Aramaic. Aramaic was inuenced at
rst principally by Akkadian, then from the 5th century BC by Persian and from the 3rd century BC onwards by Greek, as well as by Hebrew, especially in
Palestine.[10] As Aramaic evolved into the imperial language of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the script used to
write it underwent a change into something more cursive. The best examples of this script come from documents written on papyrus from Egypt.[11] About 500
BC, Darius I (522486) made the Aramaic used by the
Achaemenid imperial administration into the ocial language of the western half of the Persian Empire. This
so-called Imperial Aramaic (the oldest dated example,
from Egypt, belonging to 495 BC) is based on an otherwise unknown written form of Ancient Aramaic from
Babylonia. In orthography, Imperial Aramaic preserves
historical forms alphabet, orthography, morphology,
pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and style are highly
standardised. Only the formularies of the private documents and the Proverbs of Ahiqar have maintained an
older tradition of sentence structure and style. Imperial Aramaic immediately replaced Ancient Aramaic as
a written language and, with slight modications, it remained the ocial, commercial and literary language of
the Near East until gradually, beginning with the fall of
the Persian Empire (331 BC) and ending in the 4th century AD, it was replaced by Greek, Persian, the eastern
and western dialects of Aramaic and Arabic, though not
without leaving its traces in the written form of most of
these. In its original Achaemenid form, Imperial Aramaic is found in texts of the 5th to 3rd centuries BC.
These come mostly from Egypt and especially from the
Jewish military colony of Elephantine, which existed at
least from 530 to 399 BC.[12]
See also

out the inscriptions on stone or metal, which belong to
the science of epigraphy, we are practically dependent
for the period preceding the 4th or 5th century AD on the
papyri from Egypt (cf. papyrology), the earliest of which
take back our knowledge only to the end of the 4th century BC. This limitation is less serious than might appear,
since the few manuscripts not of Egyptian origin which
have survived from this period, like the parchments from
Avroman[13] or Dura,[14] the Herculaneum papyri, and a
few documents found in Egypt but written elsewhere, reveal a uniformity of style in the various portions of the
Greek world; but some dierences can be discerned, and
it is probable that, were there more material, distinct local
styles could be traced.[15]
Further, any given period several types of hand may exist together. There was a marked dierence between the
hand used for literary works (generally called "uncials"
but, in the papyrus period, better styled book-hand) and
that of documents ("cursive") and within each of these
classes several distinct styles were employed side by side;
and the various types are not equally well represented in
the surviving papyri.
The development of any hand is largely inuenced by the
materials used. To this general rule the Greek script is no
exception. Whatever may have been the period at which
the use of papyrus or leather as a writing material began
in Greece (and papyrus was employed in the 5th century
BC), it is highly probable that for some time after the
introduction of the alphabet the characters were incised
with a sharp tool on stones or metal far oftener than they
were written with a pen. In cutting a hard surface, it is
easier to form angles than curves; in writing the reverse
is the case; hence the development of writing was from
angular letters (capitals) inherited from epigraphic style
to rounded ones (uncials). But only certain letters were
aected by this development, in particular E (uncial ),
(c), (), and to a lesser extent A ().

4.1 Ptolemaic period

Aramaic alphabet
Hebrew alphabet
Mandaic alphabet
Sogdian alphabet
Syriac alphabet

Greek palaeography

See also: History of the Greek alphabet

Detail of the Berlin papyrus 9875 showing the 5th column of

Timotheus Persae, with a coronis symbol to mark the end.

A history of Greek handwriting must be incomplete ow- The earliest Greek papyrus yet discovered is probably that
ing to the fragmentary nature of evidence. If one rules containing the Persae of Timotheus, which dates from the

second half of the 4th century BC and its script has a curiously archaic appearance. E, , and have the capital form, and apart from these test letters the general effect is one of stiness and angularity.[16] More striking is
the hand of the earliest dated papyrus, a contract of 311
BC. Written with more ease and elegance, it shows little trace of any development towards a truly cursive style;
the letters are not linked, and though the uncial c is used
throughout, E and have the capital forms. A similar impression is made by the few other papyri, chiey
literary, dating from about 300 BC; E may be slightly
rounded, approach the uncial form, and the angular
occurs as a letter only in the Timotheus papyrus, though
it survived longer as a numeral (= 200), but the hands
hardly suggest that for at least a century and a half the art
of writing on papyrus had been well established. Yet before the middle of the 3rd century BC, one nds both a
practised book-hand and a developed and often remarkably handsome cursive.
These facts may be due to accident, the few early papyri
happening to represent an archaic style which had survived along with a more advanced one; but it is likely
that there was a rapid development at this period, due
partly to the opening of Egypt, with its supplies of papyri, and still more to the establishment of the great
Alexandrian Library, which systematically copied literary and scientic works, and to the multifarious activities of Hellenistic bureaucracy. From here onward,
the two types of script were suciently distinct (though
each inuenced the other) to require separate treatment.
Some literary papyri, like the roll containing Aristotle's
Constitution of Athens, were written in cursive hands, and,
conversely, the book-hand was occasionally used for documents. Since the scribe did not date literary rolls, such
papyri are useful in tracing the development of the bookhand.[15]

at tops of the larger letters, partly by the insertion of
a stroke connecting those (like H, ) which are not naturally adapted to linking, the scribes produced the eect of
a horizontal line along the top of the writing, from which
the letters seem to hang. This feature is indeed a general
characteristic of the more formal Ptolemaic script, but it
is specially marked in the 3rd century BC.

The Derveni Papyrus, a Greek Macedonian philosophical text

dating around 340 BC, considered Europes oldest manuscript

Besides these hand of Chancery type, there are numerous

less elaborate examples of cursive, varying according to
the writers skill and degree of education, and many of
them strikingly easy and handsome. In some cursiveness
is carried very far, the linking of letters reaching the point
of illegibility, and the characters sloping to the right. A is
reduced to a mere acute angle (), T has the cross-stroke
only on the left, becomes an almost straight line, H
acquires a shape somewhat like h, and the last stroke of
N is extended far upwards and at times attened out until
it is little more than a diagonal stroke to the right. The
attempt to secure a horizontal line along the top is here
abandoned. This style was not due to inexpertness, but to
the desire for speed, being used especially in accounts and
drafts, and was generally the work of practised writers.
How well established the cursive hand had now become
is shown in some wax tablets of this period, the writing on
The documents of the mid-3rd century BC show a great
which, despite the dierence of material, closely resemble
variety of cursive hands. There are none from chancelthe hands of papyri.[17]
leries of the Hellenistic monarchs, but some letters, notably those of Apollonius, the nance minister of Ptolemy Documents of the late 3rd and early 2nd centuries BC
II, to this agent, Zeno, and those of the Palestianian show, perhaps partly by the accident of survival (there
sheikh, Toubias, are in a type of script which cannot be is nothing analogous to the Apollonius letters, a loss of
very unlike the Chancery hand of the time, and show the breadth and spaciousness. In the more formal types the
Ptolemaic cursive at its best. These hands have a noble letters stand rather stiy upright, often without the linkspaciousness and strength, and though the individual let- ing strokes, and are more uniform in size; in the more
ters are by no means uniform in size there is a real unity cursive they are apt to be packed closely together. These
of style, the general impression being one of breadth and features are more marked in the hands of the 2nd cenuprightness. H, with the cross-stroke high, , , with tury. The less cursive often show am approximation to
the middle stroke reduced to a very shallow curve, some- the book-hand, the letters growing rounder and less antimes approaching a horizontal line, , and , with its gular than in the 3rd century; in the more cursive linkcross-bar extending much further to the left than to the ing was carried further, both by the insertion of couright of the up-stroke, and , whose last stroke is pro- pling strokes and by the writing of several letters conlonged upwards above the line, often curving backwards, tinuously without raising the pen, so that before the end
are all broad; , c, and , which sometimes takes the of the century an almost current hand was evolved. A
form of two almost perpendicular strokes joined only at characteristic letter, which survived into the early Roman
the top, are usually small; is rather at, its second loop period, is T, with its cross-stroke made in two portions
reduced to a practically straight line. Partly by the broad
). In the 1st century, the hand


Roman period

tended, so far as can be inferred from surviving examples, to disintegrate; one can recognise the signs which
portend a change of style, irregularity, want of direction,
and the loss of the feeling for style. A fortunate accident
has preserved two Greek parchments written in Parthia,
one dated 88 BC, in a practically unligatured hand, the
other, 22/21 BC, in a very cursive script of Ptolemaic
type; and though each has non-Egyptian features the general character indicates a uniformity of style in the Hellenistic world.[15]

ter part of the 2nd century, exercised considerable inuence on the local hands, many of which show the same
characteristics less pronounced; and its eects may be
traced into the early part of the 4th century. Hands of the
3rd century uninuenced by it show a falling o from the
perfection of the 2nd century; stylistic uncertainty and a
growing coarseness of execution mark a period of decline
and transition.

The development of the Ptolemaic book-hand is dicult

to trace, as there are few examples, mostly not datable on
external grounds. Only for the 3rd century BC have we
a secure basis. The hands of that period have an angular
appearance; there is little uniformity in the size of individual letters, and though sometimes, notably in the Petrie
papyrus containing the Phaedo of Plato, a style of considerable delicacy is attained, the book-hand in general
shows less mastery than the contemporary cursive. In the
2nd century the letters grew rounder and more uniform
in size, but in the 1st century there is perceptible, here as
in the cursive hand, a certain disintegration. Probably at
no time did the Ptolemaic book-hand acquire such unity
of stylistic eect as the cursive.[18]


Roman period

Greek papyrus with Homer's verses, 1st century BC

Papyri of the Roman period are far more numerous and

show greater variety. The cursive of the 1st century has
a rather broken appearance, part of one character being
often made separately from the rest and linked to the next
Copy of Herculanean Rolls, Greek papyrus 157152
letter. A form characteristic of the 1st and 2nd century
and surviving after that only as a fraction sign (=) is
Several dierent types of book-hand were used in the Roin the shape
. By the end of the 1st century, there had man period. Particularly handsome is a round, upright
been developed several excellent types of cursive, which, hand seen, for example, in a British Museum papyrus
though diering considerably both in the forms of indi- containing Odyssey III. The cross-stroke of is high,
vidual letters and in general appearance, bear a family deeply curved and has the form . Uniformity of
likeness to one another. Qualities which are specially no- size is well attained, and a few strokes project, and these
ticeable are roundness in the shape of letters, continuity but slightly, above or below the line. Another type, well
of formation, the pen being carried on from character to called by palaeographer Schubart the severe style, has
character, and regularity, the letters not diering strik- a more angular appearance and not infrequently slopes to
ingly in size and projecting strokes above or below the the right; though handsome, it has not the sumptuous apline being avoided. Sometimes, especially in tax-receipts pearance of the former.[19] There are various classes of
and in stereotyped formulae, cursiveness is carried to an a less pretentious style, in which convenience rather than
extreme. In a letter of the prefect, dated in 209, we have beauty was the rst consideration and no pains were taken
a ne example of the Chancery hand, with tall and later- to avoid irregularities in the shape and alignment of the
ally compressed letters, very narrow and and often letters. Lastly may be mentioned a hand which is of great
written high in the line. This style, from at least the lat- interest as being the ancestor of the type called (from its


later occurrence in vellum codices of the Bible) the biblical hand. This, which can be traced back at least the
late 2nd century, has a square, rather heavy appearance;
the letters, of uniform size, stand upright, and thick and
thin strokes are well distinguished. In the 3rd century the
book-hand, like the cursive, appears to have deteriorated
in regularity and stylistic accomplishment.

4.4 Vellum and paper manuscripts

The change from papyrus to vellum involved no such

modication in the forms of letters as followed that from
metal to papyrus. The justication for considering the
two materials separately is that after the general adoption
of vellum, the Egyptian evidence is rst supplemented
and later superseded by that of manuscripts from elseIn the charred rolls found at Herculaneum and dating
where, and that during this period the hand most used
from about the beginning of our era, are specimens of
was one not previously employed for literary purposes.
Greek literary hands from outside Egypt; and a comparison with the Egyptian papyri reveals great similarity in
style and shows that conclusions drawn from the henads 4.4.1 Uncial hand
of Egypt may, with caution, be applied to the development of writing in the Greek world generally.
See also: Uncial script


Byzantine period

See also: Byzantine text-type

The cursive hand of the 4th century shows some uncer-

Section of the Codex Alexandrinus, the oldest Greek witness of

the Byzantine text in the Gospels.

The prevailing type of book-hand during what in

papyrology is called the Byzantine period, that is, roughly
from AD 300 to 650, is known as the biblical hand. It
went back to at least the end of the 2nd century and had
had originally no special connection with Christian literature. In manuscripts, whether vellum or paper, of the
4th century found in Egypt are met other forms of script,
particularly a sloping, rather inelegant hand derived from
the literary hand of the 3rd century, which persisted to at
least the 5th century; but the three great early codices of
the Bible are all written in uncials of the biblical type. In
the Vaticanus, placed in the 4th century, the characteristics of the hand are least strongly marked; the letters have
the forms characteristic of the type but without the heavy
appearance of later manuscripts, and the general impression is one of greater roundness. In the Sinaiticus, which
is not much later, the letters are larger and more heavily made; and in the Alexandrinus (5th century) a later
development is seen, with emphatic distinction of thick
and thin strokes. By the 6th century, alike in vellum and
in papyrus manuscripts, the heaviness had become very
marked, though the hand still retained, in its best examples, a handsome appearance; but after this it steadily deteriorated, becoming ever more mechanical and articial.
The thick strokes grew heavier; the cross strokes of T and
and the base of were furnished with drooping spurs.
The hand, which is often singularly ugly, passed through
various modications, now sloping, now upright, though
it is not certain that these variations were really successive rather than concurrent. A dierent type of uncials,
derived from the Chancery hand and seen in two papyrus
examples of the Festal letters despatched annually by the
Patriarch of Alexandria, was occasionally used, the best
known example being the Codex Marchalianus (6th or
7th century). A combination of this hand with the other
type is also known.

tainty of character. Side by side with the style founded

on the Chancery hand, regular in formation and with
tall and narrow letters, which characterised the period
of Diocletian, and lasted well into the century, we nd
many other types mostly marked by a certain looseness
and irregularity. A general progress towards a orid and
sprawling hand is easily recognisable, but a consistent and
deliberate style was hardly evolved before the 5th century,
from which unfortunately few dated documents have survived. Byzantine cursive tends to an exuberant hand, in
which the long strokes are excessively extended and individual letters often much enlarged. But not a few hands
of the 5th and 6th centuries are truly handsome and show
considerable technical accomplishment. Both an upright
and a sloping type occur and there are many less ornamental hands, but there gradually emerged towards the
7th century two general types, one (especially used in letters and contracts) a current hand, sloping to the right,
with long strokes in such characters at , , , (which
has the h shape), , and , and with much linking of letters, and another (frequent in accounts), which shows, at
least in essence, most of the forms of the later minuscule.
(cf. below.) This is often upright, though a slope to the
right is quite common, and sometimes, especially in one
or two documents of the early Arab period, it has an al4.4.2 Minuscule hand
most calligraphic eect.

In the Byzantine period, the book-hand, which in earlier The uncial hand lingered on, mainly for liturgical
times had more than once approximated to the contem- manuscripts, where a large and easily legible script was
serviceable, as late as the 12th century, but in ordinary
porary cursive, diverged widely from it.[15]


Accents, punctuation, and division of words

use it had long been superseded by a new type of hand,

the minuscule, which originated in the 8th century, as
an adaptation to literary purposes of the second of the
types of Byzantine cursive mentioned above. A rst attempt at a calligraphic use of this hand, seen in one or
two manuscripts of the 8th or early 9th century,[20] in
which it slopes to the right and has a narrow, angular
appearance, did not nd favour, but by the end of the
9th century a more ornamental type, from which modern
Greek script descended, was already established. It has
been suggested that it was evolved in the Monastery of
Stoudios at Constantinople.[21] In its earliest examples it
is upright and exact but lacks exibility; accents are small,
breathings square in formation, and in general only such
ligatures are used as involve no change in the shape of letters. The single forms have a general resemblance (with
considerable dierences in detail) both to the minuscule
cursive of late papyri, and to those used in modern Greek
type; uncial forms were avoided.

while formal style imitated the precision of an earlier period without attaining its freedom and naturalness, and
often appears singularly lifeless. In the 15th century, especially in the West, where Greek scribes were in request
to produce manuscripts of the classical authors, there was
a revival, and several manuscripts of this period, though
markedly inferior to those of the 11th and 12th centuries,
are by no means without beauty.

4.5 Accents, punctuation, and division of


In the course of the 10th century the hand, without losing its beauty and exactness, gained in freedom. Its nest
period was from the 9th to the 12th century, after which
it rapidly declined. The development was marked by a Variants of paragraphos
1. to the intrusion, in growing quantity, of uncial forms See also: Punctuation
which good scribes could t into the line without disturbing the unity of style but which, in less expert
In the book-hand of early papyri, neither accents nor
hands, had a disintegrating eect;
breathings were employed. Their use was established by
2. to the disproportionate enlargement of single letters, the beginning of the Roman period, but was sporadic in
papyri, where they were used as an aid to understanding,
especially at the beginnings and ends of lines;
and therefore more frequently in poetry than prose, and
3. to ligatures, often very fantastic, which quite in lyrical oftener than in other verse. In the cursive of papyri they are practically unknown, as are marks of puncchanged the forms of letters;
tuation. Punctuation was eected in early papyri, literary
4. to the enlargement of accents, breathings at the same and documentary, by spaces, reinforced in the book-hand
time acquiring the modern rounded form.
by the paragraphos, a horizontal stroke under the beginning of the line. The coronis, a more elaborate form of
But from the rst there were several styles, varying from this, marked the beginning of lyrics or the principal secthe formal, regular hands characteristic of service books tions of a longer work. Punctuation marks, the comma,
to the informal style, marked by numerous abbreviations, the high, low and middle points, were established in the
used in manuscripts intended only for a scholars private book-hand by the Roman period; in early Ptolemaic pause. The more formal hands were exceedingly conserva- pyri, a double point (:) is found.
tive, and there are few classes of script more dicult to In vellum and paper manuscripts, punctuation marks and
date than the Greek minuscule of this class. In the 10th, accents were regularly used from at least the 8th cen11th and 12th centuries a sloping hand, less dignied than tury, though with some dierences from modern practhe upright, formal type, but often very handsome, was tice. At no period down to the invention of printing did
especially used for manuscripts of the classics.
Greek scribes consistently separate words. The bookHands of the 11th century are marked in general (though
there are exceptions) by a certain grace and delicacy, exact but easy; those of the 12th by a broad, bold sweep
and an increasing freedom, which readily admits uncial
forms, ligatures and enlarged letters but has not lost the
sense of style and decorative eect. In the 13th and still
more in the 14th centuries there was a steady decline;
the less formal hands lost their beauty and exactness, becoming ever more disorderly and chaotic in their eect,

hand of papyri aimed at an unbroken succession of letters, except for distinction of sections; in cursive hands,
especially where abbreviations were numerous, some tendency to separate words may be recognised, but in reality it was phrases or groups of letters rather than words
which were divided. In the later minuscule word-division
is much commoner but never became systematic, accents and breathings serving of themselves to indicate the
proper division.[15]

numismatics. The discipline of ancient Indian scripts and
the languages they are written needs new scholars who, by
adopting traditional palaeographic methods and modern
technology, may decipher, study and transcribe the various types of epigraphs and legends still extant today.[22]

The language of the earliest written records, that is,

the Edicts of Ashoka, is Prakrit. Besides Prakrit, the
Ashokan edicts are also written in Greek and Aramaic.
Moreover, all the edicts of Ashoka engraved in the
Kharoshthi and Brahmi scripts are in the Prakrit language: thus, originally the language employed in the inscriptions was Prakrit, with Sanskrit adopted at a later
stage. Past the period of the Maurya Empire, the use
of Prakrit continued in inscriptions for a few more centuries. In north India, Prakrit was replaced by Sanskrit by
Paper strip with writing in Kharoh, 2nd5th century
the end of the 3rd century, while this change took place
about a century later in south India. Some of the inscriptions though written in Prakrit, were inuenced by San5 India
skrit and vice versa. The epigraphs of the Kushana kings
are found in a mixture of Prakrit and Sanskrit, while the
Mathura inscriptions of the time of Sodasa, belonging to
See also: Linguistic history of the Indian subcontinent
the rst quarter of the 1st century, contain verses in classical Sanskrit. From the 4th century onwards, the Guptas
The art of writing in India is a feature that developed came to power and made Sanskrit ourish by supporting
gradually, as in other areas of the world, by going through it in language and literature.
the stages of pictographic, ideographic and transitional
phases of the phonetic script, which in turn developed In western India and also in some regions of Andhra
into syllabic and alphabetic scripts. In the subcontinent, Pradesh and Karnataka, Prakrit was used till the 4th centhree scripts like Indus, Kharoh and Brhm became tury, mostly in the Buddhist writings though in a few conprevalent. In addition, Greek and Arabic scripts were temporary records of the Ikshvakus of Nagarjunakonda,
also added to the Indian context after their penetration in Sanskrit was applied. The inscription of Yajna Sri Sathe early centuries of the common era (CE). The origin takarni (2nd century) from Amaravati is considered to be
and interaction among these scripts is a matter of con- the earliest so far. The earlier writings (4th century) of
stant debate. The decipherment and subsequent develop- Salankayanas of the Telugu region are in Prakrit, while
ment of Indus script is also a matter for continuous re- their later records (belonging to the 5th century) are writsearch and discussion. After an elapse of a few centuries ten in Sanskrit. In the Kannada speaking area, inscripthe Kharoh script became obsolete; the Greek script in tions belonging to later Satavahanas and Chutus were
India went through a similar fate and disappeared. But written in Prakrit. From the 4th century onwards, with
the Brhm and Arabic scripts endured for a much longer the rise of the Guptas, Sanskrit became the predominant
period. Moreover, there was a change and development language of India and continued to be employed in texts
in the Brhm script which may be traced in time and and inscriptions of all parts of India along with the respace through the Maurya, Kua, Gupta and early me- gional languages in the subsequent centuries. The copperdieval periods. The present day Ngar script is nothing plate charters of the Pallavas, the Cholas and the Pandyas
but the developed form of Brhm. The Brhm is also documents are written in both Sanskrit and Tamil. Kanthe mother script of many existing scripts. Legends and nada is used in texts dating from about the 5th century and
inscriptions in Brhm are engraved upon leather, wood, the Halmidi inscription is considered to be the earliest
terracotta, ivory, stone, copper, bronze, silver and gold. epigraph written in the Kannada language. Inscriptions
Arabic got an important place, particularly in the royalty, in Telugu began to appear from the 6th or 7th century.
its beginning in writings from the 15th
during the medieval period and it provides rich material Malayalam made[23]
for history writing.
Most of the available inscriptions and manuscripts written in the above scriptsin languages like Prkrita, Pi,
Saskta, Apabhraa, Tamil and Persianhave been
read and exploited for history writing, but numerous inscriptions preserved in dierent museums still remain
undeciphered for lack of competent palaeographic Indologists, as there is a gradual decline in the subcontinent of such disciplines as palaeography, epigraphy and

5.1 North India

See also: Kharosthi and Devanagari
In north India, the Brahmi script was used over a vast
area; however, Ashokan inscriptions are also found us-

Rigveda manuscript in Devangar (early 19th century)

script diers from the Northern version in being more

angular. Most of the modern scripts of South India have
evolved from this script, with the exception of Vatteluttu,
the exact origins of which are unknown, and Nandinagari,
which is a variant of Devanagari that developed due to
later Northern inuence. In south India from the 7th century of the common era onwards, a number of inscriptions belonging to the dynasties of Pallava, Chola and
Pandya are found. These records are written in three different scripts known as Tamil, Vattezhuttu and Grantha
scripts, the last variety being used to write Sanskrit inscriptions. In the Kerala region, the Vattezhuttu script developed into a still more cursive script called Kolezhuthu
during the 14th and 15th centuries. At the same time, the
modern Malayalam script developed out of the Grantha
script. The early form of the Telugu-Kannada script
is found in the inscriptions of the early Kadambas of
Banavasi and the early Chalukyas of Badami in the west,
and Salankayana and the early Eastern Chalukyas in the
east who ruled the Kannada and Telugu speaking areas
respectively, during the 4th to 7th centuries.

ing Kharoshthi, Aramaic and Greek scripts. With the

advent of the Saka-Kshatrapas and the Kushanas as political powers in north India, the writing system underwent
a denite change due to the use of new writing tools and
techniques. Further development of the Brahmi script 6 Latin
and perceivable changes in its evolutionary trend can be
discerned during the Gupta period: in fact, the Gupta
script is considered to be the successor of the Kushana See also: History of the Latin alphabet
script in north India.
From the 6th to about the 10th century of the common
era, the inscriptions in north India were written in a script
variously named, e.g., Siddhamatrika and Kutila (Rajan script). From the 8th century, Siddhamatrika developed into the rad script in Kashmir and Punjab,
into Proto-Bengali or Gaudi in Bengal and Orissa, and
into Nagari in other parts of north India. Ngar script
was used widely in northern India from the 10th century
onwards. The use of Nandinagari, a variant of Nagari
script, is mostly conned to the Karnataka region.
In central India, mostly in Madhya Pradesh, the inscriptions of the Vakatakas, and the kings of Sarabhapura
and Kosala were written in what are known as boxheaded and nail-headed characters. It may be noted
that the early Kadambas of Karnataka also employed
nail-headed characters in some of their inscriptions.
During the 3rd4th century, the script used in the inscriptions of Ikshvakus of Nagarjunakonda developed a unique
style of letter-forms with elongated verticals and artistic
ourishes, which did not continue after their rule.[23]


South India

The earliest attested form of writing in South India is represented by inscriptions found in caves, associated with
the Chalukya and Chera dynasties. These are written in
variants of what is known as the Cave character, and their

Attention should be drawn at the outset to certain fundamental denitions and principles of the science. The
original characters of an alphabet are modied by the material and the implements used. When stone and chisel
are discarded for papyrus and reed-pen, the hand encounters less resistance and moves more rapidly. This
leads to changes in the size and position of the letters,
and then to the joining of letters, and, consequently, to
altered shapes. We are thus confronted at an early date
with quite distinct types. The majuscule style of writing,
based on two parallel lines, ADPL, is opposed to the minuscule, based on a system of four lines, with letters of
unequal height, adpl. Another classication, according
to the care taken in forming the letters, distinguishes between the set book-hand and the cursive script. The difference in this case is determined by the subject matter of
the text; the writing used for books (scriptura libraria) is
in all periods quite distinct from that used for letters and
documents (epistolaris, diplomatica). While the set bookhand, in majuscule or minuscule, shows a tendency to stabilise the forms of the letters, the cursive, often carelessly
written, is continually changing in the course of years and
according to the preferences of the writers.
This being granted, a summary survey of the morphological history of the Latin alphabet shows the zenith of its
modications at once, for its history is divided into two
very unequal periods, the rst dominated by majuscule
and the second by minuscule writing.[24]




Jean Mabillon, a French Benedictine monk, scholar and

antiquary, whose work De re diplomatica was published
in 1681, is widely regarded as the founder of the twin
disciplines of palaeography and diplomatics. However,
the actual term palaeography was coined (in Latin) by
Bernard de Montfaucon, a Benedictine monk, in the title
of his Palaeographia Graeca (1708), which remained a
standard work in the specic eld of Greek palaeography
for more than a century.[25] With their establishment of
palaeography, Mabillon and his fellow Benedictines were
responding to the Jesuit Daniel Papebroch, who doubted
the authenticity of some of the documents which the
Benedictines oered as credentials for the authorisation
of their monasteries.[26] In the 19th century such scholars as Wilhelm Wattenbach, Leopold Delisle and Ludwig
Traube contributed greatly to making palaeography independent from diplomatic. In the 20th century, the 'New
French School' of palaeographers, especially Jean Mallon, gave a new direction to the study of scripts by stressing the importance of ductus (the shape and order of the
strokes used to compose letters) in studying the historical
development of scripts.[27]


Majuscule writing
Capital writing


the orderly regularity of the later period. Side by side

with upright and square characters are angular and sloping forms, sometimes very distorted, which seem to indicate the existence of an early cursive writing from which
they would have been borrowed. Certain literary texts
clearly allude to such a hand.[28] Later, the characters of
the cursive type were progressively eliminated from formal inscriptions, and capital writing reached its perfection in the Augustan Age.
Epigraphists divide the numerous inscriptions of this period into two quite distinct classes: titulu, or formal inscriptions engraved on stone in elegant and regular capitals, and acta, or legal texts, documents, etc., generally engraved on bronze in cramped and careless capitals. Palaeography inherits both these types. Reproduced
by scribes on papyrus or parchment, the elegant characters of the inscriptions become the square capitals of the
manuscripts, and the actuaria, as the writing of the acta
is called, becomes the rustic capital.
Of the many books written in square capitals, the ditions
de luxe of ancient times, only a few fragments have survived, the most famous being pages from manuscripts of
Virgil.[29] The nest examples of rustic capitals, the use
of which is attested by papyri of the 1st century,[30] are
to be found in manuscripts of Virgil[31] and Terence.[32]
Neither of these forms of capital writing oers any diculty in reading, except that no space is left between the
words. Their dates are still uncertain, in spite of attempts
to determine them by minute observation.[33]
The rustic capitals, more practical than the square forms,
soon came into general use. This was the standard form
of writing, so far as books are concerned, until the 5th
century, when it was replaced by a new type, the uncial,
which is discussed below.

6.2.2 Early cursive writing

Folio14 recto of the Vergilius Romanus written in rustic capitals,

also contains an author portrait of Virgil.

The Latin alphabet rst appears in the epigraphic type

of majuscule writing, known as capitals. These characters form the main stem from which developed all the
branches of Latin writing. On the oldest monuments (the
inscriptiones bello Hannibalico antiquiores of the Corpus
Inscriptionum Latinarum = CIL), it is far from showing

While the set book-hand, in square or rustic capitals,

was used for the copying of books, the writing of everyday life, letters and documents of all kinds, was in
a cursive form, the oldest examples of which are provided by the grati on walls at Pompeii (CIL, iv), a series of waxen tablets, also discovered at Pompeii (CIL,
iv, supplement), a similar series found at Verespatak in
Transylvania (CIL, iii) and a number of papyri.[34] From
a study of a number of documents which exhibit transitional forms, it appears that this cursive was originally
simplied capital writing.[35] The evolution was so rapid,
however, that at quite an early date the scriptura epistolaris
of the Roman world can no longer be described as capitals. By the 1st century, this kind of writing began to develop the principal characteristics of two new types: the
uncial and the minuscule cursive. With the coming into
use of writing surfaces which were smooth, or oered little resistance, the unhampered haste of the writer altered
the shape, size and position of the letters. In the earli-


Minuscule cursive writing


est specimens of wrting on wax, plaster or papyrus, there

appears a tendency to represent several straight strokes
by a single curve. The cursive writing thus foreshadows the specically uncial forms. The same specimens
show great inequality in the height of the letters; the main
strokes are prolonged upwards (

= b;

= d) or down-

wards ( = q;
= s). In this direction, the cursive
tends to become a minuscule hand.[24]

Uncial writing

Although the characteristic forms of the uncial type appear to have their origin in the early cursive,[36] the two
hands are nevertheless quite distinct. The uncial is a libraria, closely related to the capital writing, from which
it diers only in the rounding o of the angles of certain letters, principally
. It represents
a compromise between the beauty and legibility of the
capitals and the rapidity of the cursive, and is clearly an
articial product. It was certainly in existence by the latter part of the 4th century, for a number of manuscripts
of that date are written in perfect uncial hands (Exempla,
pl. XX). It presently supplanted the capitals and appears
in numerous manuscripts which have survived from the
5th, 6th and 7th centuries, when it was at its height.[37] By
this time it had become an imitative hand, in which there
was generally no room for spontaneous development. It
remained noticeably uniform over a long period. It is difcult therefore to date the manuscripts by palaeographical criteria alone. The most that can be done is to classify
them by centuries, on the strength of tenuous data.[38] The
earliest uncial writing is easily distinguished by its simple
and monumental character from the later hands, which
become progressively sti and aected.


Minuscule cursive writing

Page from the Magdeburg's Chronica archiepiscoporum

the minuscule cursive was consequently the only scriptura epistolaris of the Roman world. The ensuing succession of documents[41] show a continuous improvement in
this form of writing, characterised by the boldness of the
strokes and by the elimination of the last lingering majuscule forms. The Ravenna deeds of the 5th and 6th
centuries[42] exhibit this hand at its perfection.
At this period, the minuscule cursive made its appearance
as a book hand, rst as marginal notes, and later for the
complete books themselves. The only dierence between
the book-hand and that used for documents is that the
principal strokes are shorter and the characters thicker.
This form of the hand is usually called semi-cursive.[24]

Early minuscule cursive

In the ancient cursive writing, from the 1st century onward, there are symptoms of transformation in the form
of certain letters, the shape and proportions of which correspond more closely to the denition of minuscule writing than to that of majuscule. Rare and irregular at rst,
they gradually become more numerous and more constant and by degrees supplant the majuscule forms, so that
in the history of the Roman cursive there is no precise
boundary between the majuscule and minuscule periods.
The oldest example of minuscule cursive writing that has
been discovered is a letter on papyrus, found in Egypt,
dating from the 4th century.[39] This marks a highly important date in the history of Latin writing, for with only
one known exception, not yet adequately explainedtwo
fragments of imperial rescripts of the 5th century[40]

6.3.2 National hands

The fall of the Empire and the establishment of the barbarians within its former boundaries did not interrupt the
use of the Roman minuscule cursive hand, which was
adopted by the newcomers. But for gaps of over a century in the chronological series of documents which have
been preserved, it would be possible to follow the evolution of the Roman cursive into the so-called national
hands, forms of minuscule writing which ourished after
the barbarian invasions in Italy, France, Spain, England
and Ireland, and which are still known as Lombardic,
Merovingian, Visigothic, Anglo-Saxon and Irish. These
names came into use at a time when the various national
hands were believed to have been invented by the peoples
who used them, but their connotation is merely geograph-



ical. Nevertheless, in spite of a close resemblance which

betrays their common origin, these hands are specically dierent, perhaps because the Roman cursive was
developed by each nation in accordance with its artistic

Exultet rolls provide the nest examples. In the 9th century, it was introduced in Dalmatia by the Benedictine
monks and developed there, as in Apulia, on the basis
of the archetype, culminating in a rounded Beneventana
known as the Bari type.[47]

Lombardic writing


8th-century Merovingian script.

A 10th-century codex of Origo gentis Langobardorum from


In Italy, after the close of the Roman and Byzantine periods, the writing is known as Lombardic, a generic term
which comprises several local varieties. These may be
classied under four principal types: two for the scriptura
epistolaris, the old Italian cursive and the papal chancery
hand, or littera romana, and two for the libraria, the old
Italian book-hand and Lombardic in the narrow sense,
sometimes known as Beneventana on account of the fact
that it ourished in the principality of Benevento.
The oldest preserved documents written in the old Italian
cursive show all the essential characteristics of the Roman cursive of the 6th century.[44] In northern Italy, this
hand began in the 9th century to be inuenced by a minuscule book-hand which developed, as will be seen later,
in the time of Charlemagne; under this inuence it gradually disappeared, and ceased to exist in the course of the
12th century. In southern Italy, it persisted far on into the
later Middle Ages.[45] The papal chancery hand, a variety
of Lombardic peculiar to the vicinity of Rome and principally used in papal documents, is distinguished by the formation of the letters a, e, q, t. It is formal in appearance
at rst, but is gradually simplied, under the inuence of
the Carolingian minuscule, which nally prevailed in the
bulls of Honorius II (1124-1130). The notaries public in
Rome continued to use the papal chancery hand until the
beginning of the 13th century. The old Italian book-hand
is simply a semi-cursive of the type already described as
in use in the 6th century. The principal examples are derived from scriptoria in northern Italy, where it was displaced by the Carolingian minuscule during the 9th century. In southern Italy, this hand persisted, developing
into a calligraphic form of writing, and in the 10th century took on a very artistic angular appearance.[46] The

The oshoot of the Roman cursive which developed

in Gaul under the rst dynasty of kings is called
Merovingian writing. It is represented by thirty-eight
royal diplomas,[48] a number of private charters[49] and
the authenticating documents of relics.[50]
Though less than a century intervenes between the
Ravenna cursive and the oldest extant Merovingian document (AD 625), there is a great dierence in appearance
between the two writings. The facile ow of the former
is replaced by a cramped style, in which the natural slope
to the right gives way to an upright hand, and the letters,
instead of being fully outlined, are compressed to such an
extent that they modify the shape of other letters. Copyists of books used a cursive similar to that found in documents, except that the strokes are thicker, the forms more
regular, and the heads and tails shorter.[51] The Merovingian cursive as used in books underwent simplication in
some localities, undoubtedly through the inuence of the
minuscule book-hand of the period. The two principal
centres of this reform were Luxeuil and Corbie.[52]

Alphabet in Visigothic script.

In Spain, after the Visigothic conquest, the Roman cursive gradually developed special characteristics. Some
documents attributed to the 7th century display a transitional hand with straggling and rather uncouth forms.[53]
The distinctive features of Visigothic writing, the most
noticeable of which is certainly the q-shaped g, did not


Set minuscule writing

appear until later, in the book-hand. The book-hand became set at an early date. In the 8th century it appears as
a sort of semi-cursive; the earliest example of certain date
is ms lxxxix in the Capitular Library in Verona.[54] From
the 9th century the calligraphic forms become broader
and more rounded until the 11th century, when they become slender and angular.[55] The Visigothic minuscule
appears in a cursive form in documents about the middle
of the 9th century, and in the course of time grows more
intricate and consequently less legible.[56] It soon came
into competition with the Carolingian minuscule, which
supplanted it as a result of the presence in Spain of French
elements such as Cluniac monks and warriors engaged in
the campaign against the Moors.[57]
The Irish and Anglo-Saxon hands, which were not directly derived from the Roman minuscule cursive, will
be discussed in a separate sub-section below.


Set minuscule writing

One by one, the national minuscule cursive hands were

replaced by a set minuscule hand which has already been
mentioned and its origins may now be traced from the


6.4.2 Irish and Anglo-Saxon writing
The half-uncial hand was introduced in Ireland along with
Latin culture in the 5th century by priests and laymen
from Gaul, eeing before the barbarian invasions. It was
adopted there to the exclusion of the cursive, and soon
took on a distinct character. There are two well established classes of Irish writing as early as the 7th century: a large round half-uncial hand, in which certain
majuscule forms frequently appear, and a pointed hand,
which becomes more cursive and more genuinely minuscule. The latter developed out of the former.[61] One of
the distinguishing marks of manuscripts of Irish origin is
to be found in the initial letters, which are ornamented
by interlacing, animal forms, or a frame of red dots. The
most certain evidence, however, is provided by the system of abbreviations and by the combined square and
cuneiform appearance of the minuscule at the height of
its development.[62] The two types of Irish writing were
introduced in the north of Great Britain by the monks,
and were soon adopted by the Anglo-Saxons, being so
exactly copied that it is sometimes dicult to determine
the origin of an example. Gradually, however, the AngloSaxon writing developed a distinct style, and even local
types,[63] which were superseded after the Norman conquest by the Carolingian minuscule. Through St Columba
and his followers, Irish writing spread to the continent,
and manuscripts were written in the Irish hand in the
monasteries of Bobbio Abbey and St Gall during the 7th
and 8th centuries.

Half-uncial writing

The early cursive was the medium in which the minuscule forms were gradually evolved from the corresponding majuscule forms. Minuscule writing was therefore
cursive in its inception. As the minuscule letters made
their appearance in the cursive writing of documents, they
were adopted and given calligraphic form by the copyists
of literary texts, so that the set minuscule alphabet was
constituted gradually, letter by letter, following the development of the minuscule cursive. Just as some documents written in the early cursive show a mixture of
majuscule and minuscule forms, so certain literary papyri of the 3rd century,[58] and inscriptions on stone of
the 4th century[59] yield examples of a mixed set hand,
with minuscule forms side by side with capital and uncial letters. The number of minuscule forms increases
steadily in texts written in the mixed hand, and especially
in marginal notes, until by the end of the 5th century
the majuscule forms have almost entirely disappeared in
some manuscripts. This quasi-minuscule writing, known
as the half-uncial[60] thus derives from a long line of
mixed hands which, in a synoptic chart of Latin scripts,
would appear close to the oldest librariae, and between
them and the epistolaris (cursive), from which its characteristic forms were successively derived. It had a considerable inuence on the continental scriptura libraria of
the 7th and 8th centuries.

6.4.3 Pre-Caroline
James J. John points out that the disappearance of imperial authority around the end of the 5th century in
most of the Latin-speaking half of the Roman Empire
does not entail the disappearance of the Latin scripts, but
rather introduced conditions that would allow the various
provinces of the West gradually to drift apart in their writing habits, a process that began around the 7th century.[64]
Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great, d. 604) was inuential in the spread of Christianity to Britain and also sent
Queens Theodelinde and Brunhilda, as well as Spanish
bishops, copies of manuscripts. Furthermore, he sent
the Roman monk Augustine of Canterbury to Britain
on a missionary journey, on which Augustine may have
brought manuscripts. Although Italys dominance as a
centre of manuscript production began to decline, especially after the Gothic War (535554) and the invasions
by the Lombards, its manuscriptsand more important,
the scripts in which they were writtenwere distributed
across Europe.[65]
From the 6th through the 8th centuries, a number of
so-called 'national hands were developed throughout the
Latin-speaking areas of the former Roman Empire. By
the late 6th century Irish scribes had begun transforming Roman scripts into Insular minuscule and majuscule



scripts. A series of transformations, for book purposes,

of the cursive documentary script that had grown out of
the later Roman cursive would get under way in France
by the mid-7th century. In Spain half-uncial and cursive
would both be transformed into a new script, the Visigothic minuscule, no later than the early 8th century.[66]

Carolingian minuscule

sive was sometimes aected, in varying degrees, by the

set librariae; the cursive of the epistolaris became a semicursive when adopted as a libraria. Nor is this all. Apart
from these reciprocal inuences aecting the movement
of the hand across the page, there were morphological
inuences at work, letters being borrowed from one alphabet for another. This led to compromises of all softs
and of innite variety between the uncial and half-uncial
and the cursive. It will readily be understood that the origin of the Carolingian minuscule, which must be sought
in this tangle of pre-Carolingian hands, involves disagreement. The new writing is admittedly much more closely
related to the epistolaris than the primitive minuscule; this
is shown by certain forms, such as the open a ( ), which
recall the cursive, by the joining of certain letters, and by
the clubbing of the tall letters b d h l, which resulted from
a cursive ductus. Most palaeographers agree in assigning
the new hand the place shown in the following table:[24]

Controversy turns on the question whether the Carolingian minuscule is the primitive minuscule as modied
by the inuence of the cursive or a cursive based on the
primitive minuscule. Its place of origin is also uncertain:
Rome, the Palatine school, Tours, Reims, Metz, SaintDenis and Corbie have been suggested, but no agreement
has been reached.[67] In any case, the appearance of the
new hand is a turning point in the history of culture. So
far as Latin writing is concerned, it marks the dawn of
modern times.[68]

6.4.5 Gothic minuscule

In the 12th century, Carolingian minuscule underwent a
change in its appearance and adopted bold and broken
Gothic letter-forms. This style remained predominant,
Beginning in the 8th century, as Charlemagne began with some regional variants, until the 15th century, when
to consolidate power over a large area of western Eu- the Renaissance humanistic scripts revived a version of
rope, scribes developed a minuscule script (Caroline mi- Carolingian minuscule. It then spread from the Italian
nuscule) that eectively became the standard script for Renaissance all over Europe.
manuscripts from the 9th to the 11th centuries. The origin of this hand is much disputed. This is due to the confusion which prevailed before the Carolingian period in
the libraria in France, Italy and Germany as a result of the 7 Rise of modern writing
competition between the cursive and the set hands. In addition to the calligraphic uncial and half-uncial writings, These humanistic scripts are the base for the antiqua and
which were imitative forms, little used and consequently the handwriting forms in western and southern Europe.
without much vitality, and the minuscule cursive, which In Germany and Austria, the Kurrentschrift was rooted in
was the most natural hand, there were innumerable vari- the cursive handwriting of the later Middle Ages. With
eties of mixed writing derived from the inuence of these the name of the calligrapher Ludwig Stterlin, this handhands on each other. In some, the uncial or half-uncial writing counterpart to the blackletter typefaces was abolforms were preserved with little or no modication, but ished by Hitler in 1941. After World War II, it was taught
the inuence of the cursive is shown by the freedom of as an alternative script in some areas until the 1970s; it is
the strokes; these are known as rustic, semi-cursive or no longer taught. Secretary hand is an informal business
cursive uncial or half-uncial hands. Conversely, the cur- hand of the Renaissance.
A page in Carolingian minuscule (Book of Exodus)



Frontispiece, handwritten in Early New High German, of the socalled 'Stadtbuch' from Bolzano, dated 1472



Handwriting by Niccol de' Niccoli (13641437), which served

as the origin of italic type.

There are undeniable points of contact between

architecture and palaeography, and in both it is possible
to distinguish a Romanesque and a Gothic period .
The creative eort which began in the post-Carolingian
period culminated at the beginning of the 12th century
in a calligraphy and an architecture which, though still
somewhat awkward, showed unmistakable signs of
power and experience, and at the end of that century
and in the rst half of the 13th both arts reached their
climax and made their boldest ights. The topography
of later medieval writing is still being studied; national
varieties can, of course, be' identied but the problem of

distinguishing features becomes complicated as a result
of the development of international relations, and the
migration of clerks from one end of Europe to the other.
During the later centuries of the Middle Ages the Gothic
minuscule continued to improve within the restricted
circle of de luxe editions and ceremonial documents. In
common use, it degenerated into a cursive which became
more and more intricate, full of superuous strokes and
complicated by abbreviations. In the rst quarter of the
15th century an innovation took place which exercised a
decisive inuence on the evolution of writing in Europe.
The Italian humanists were struck by the eminent
legibility of the manuscripts, written in the improved
Carolingian minuscule of the 10th and 11th centuries, in
which they discovered the works of ancient authors, and
carefully imitated the old writing. In Petrarch's compact
book hand, the wider leading and reduced compression
and round curves are early manifestations of the reaction
against the crabbed Gothic secretarial minuscule we
know today as "blackletter"; Petrarch was one of the few
medieval authors to have written at any length on the
handwriting of his time; in his essay on the subject, La
scrittura[69] he criticized the current scholastic hand, with
its laboured strokes (articiosis litterarum tractibus) and
exuberant (luxurians) letter-forms amusing the eye from
a distance, but fatiguing on closer exposure, as if written
for other purpose than to be read. For Petrarch the gothic
hand violated three principles: writing, he said, should
be simple (castigata), clear (clara) and orthographically
correct.[70] Boccaccio was a great admirer of Petrarch;
from Boccaccios immediate circle this post-Petrarchan
semi-gothic revised hand spread to literati in Florence,
Lombardy[71] and the Veneto.[72] A more thorough
reform of handwriting than the Petrarchan compromise
was in the ong. The generator of the new style
(illustration) was Poggio Bracciolini, a tireless pursuer of
ancient manuscripts, who developed the new humanist
script in the rst decade of the 15th century. The
Florentine bookseller Vespasiano da Bisticci recalled
later in the century that Poggio had been a very ne
calligrapher of lettera antica and had transcribed texts to
support himself presumably, as Martin Davies points
out[73] before he went to Rome in 1403 to begin his
career in the papal curia. Berthold hUllman identies
the watershed moment in the development of the new
humanistic hand as the youthful Poggios transcription of Cicero's Epistles to Atticus.[74] By the time the
Medici library was catalogued in 1418, almost half the
manuscripts were noted as in the lettera antica. The new
script was embraced and developed by the Florentine
humanists and educators Niccol de' Niccoli[75] and
Coluccio Salutati. The papal chancery adopted the new
fashion for some purposes, and thus contributed to its
diusion throughout Christendom. The printers played
a still more signicant part in establishing this form of
writing by using it, from the year 1465, as the basis for
their types. The humanistic minuscule soon gave rise to
a sloping cursive hand, known as the Italian, which was


also taken up by printers in search of novelty and thus

became the italic type. In consequence, the Italian hand
became widely used, and in the 16th century began to
compete with the Gothic cursive. In the 17th century,
writing masters were divided between the two schools,
and there was in addition a whole series of compromises.
The Gothic characters gradually disappeared, except
a few that survived in Germany. The Italian became
universally used, brought to perfection in more recent
times by English calligraphers.[24]

Six glyphs

See also
Asemic writing
Authorship analysis
Victor Gardthausen palaeographer
Glyph and Grapheme


9 References
This article incorporates text from a publication now
in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911).
"article name needed ". Encyclopdia Britannica (11th ed.).
Cambridge University Press.
[1] Cardenio, Or, the Second Maidens Tragedy, pp. 1313: By William Shakespeare, Charles Hamilton, John
Fletcher (Glenbridge Publishing Ltd., 1994) ISBN 0944435-24-6
[2] 'Palaeography', Oxford English Dictionary.
[3] Latin Palaeography Network. Retrieved 05/04/2013. Check date values in:
|access-date= (help)
[4] Robert P. Gwinn, Paleography in the Encyclopaedia
Britannica, Micropdia, Vol. IX, 1986, p. 78.
[5] Fernando De Lasala, Exercise of Latin Paleography
(Gregorian University of Rome, 2006) p. 7.
[6] Turner, Eric G. (1987). Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient
World (2nd ed.). London: Institute of Classical Studies.
[7] Nongbri, Brent (2005). The Use and Abuse of P52: Papyrological Pitfalls in the Dating of the Fourth Gospel
(PDF). Harvard Theological Review. 98: 2348 (24).
[8] Grin, Bruce W. (1996), The Paleographical Dating of
[9] Schniedewind, William M. (2005).
leographic Dating of Inscriptions.
Higham, Thomas. The Bible and
ing: Archaeology, Text and Science.

Problems of PaIn Levy, Thomas;

Radiocarbon DatRoutledge. ISBN

[10] Cf. Klaus Beyer, The Aramaic Language, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986, pp. 9- 15; Rainer Degen, Altaramische Grammatik der Inschriften des 10-8
Jh.v.Chr., Wiesbaden, repr. 1978.
[11] This script was also used during the reign of King Ashoka
in his edicts to spread early Buddhism. Cf. Ancient
Scripts: Aramaic. Accessed 05/04/2013

Historical Documents

[12] Cf. Nol Aim-Giron, Textes aramens dgypte, Cairo,

1931 (Nos. 1-112); G.R. Driver, Aramaic Documents
of the Fifth Century B.C., Oxford: Clarendon Press,
repr. 1968; J.M. Lindenberger, The Aramaic Proverbs of
Ahiqar, Baltimore, 1983.


[13] Cf. E. H. Minns, Journ. of Hell. Stud., xxxv, pp.22.

List of New Testament papyri

[14] Cf. New Pal. Soc., ii, p. 156.

Hand (handwriting)

List of New Testament uncials

Palaeographic letter variants
Scribal abbreviation
Textual scholarship

[15] In creating and expanding the following sections on Greek

palaeography inclusive of the Vellum and Paper
Manuscripts subsection specialist sources have been
consulted and thoroughly perused for the relevant text
and citations, as follows: primarily the article on general palaeography by renowned British papyrologist and
scholar Sir Harold Idris Bell, present in Chisholm, Hugh,


ed. (1911), Encyclopdia Britannica Eleventh Edition,

Cambridge University Press - now in the public domain;
Barry B. Powell, Writing: Theory and History of the Technology of Civilization, Oxford: Blackwell, 2009. ISBN
978-1-4051-6256-2; Jack Goody, The Logic of Writing
and the Organization of Society, Cambridge University
Press, 1986; the essential work by British palaeographer
Edward Maunde Thompson, An Introduction to Greek and
Latin Palaeography, Cambridge University Press, 1912
(repr. 2013). ISBN 978-1108061810; the German work
by Bernhard Bischo, Latin Palaeography: Antiquity and
the Middle Ages, trad. Daibhm O. Crinin & David Ganz,
Cambridge University Press, 1990, esp. Part A Codicology, pp. 7-37. ISBN 978-0521367264. These texts will
be referred to throughout the present article with relevant
inline citations.
[16] Fragments of Timotheus poetry survive, published in T.
Bergk, Poetae lyrici graeci. The cit. papyrus-fragment
of his Persae (Persians) was discovered at Abusir and has
been edited by Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendor, Der
Timotheos-Papyrus gefunden bei Abusir am 1. Februar
1902, Leipzig: Hinrichs (1903), with content discussion.
Cf. V. Strazzulla, Persiani di Eschilo ed il nomo di Timoteo (1904); S. Sudhaus in Rhein. Mus., iviii. (1903), p.
481; and T. Reinach and M. Croiset in Revue des etudes
grecques, xvi. (1903), pp. 62, 323.
[17] Wax tablets of this period are preserved at the University
College London, cf. Speaking in the Wax Tablets of Memory, Agocs, PA (2013). In: Castagnoli, L. and Ceccarelli,
P, (eds.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
[18] Cf. Lewis Campbell, On the Text of the Papyrus Fragment of the Phaedo, Classical Review, Volume 5, Issue
10,December 1891, pp. 454-457, published online: 27
October 2009.
[19] Cf. Wilhelm Schubart, Griechische Palaeographie, C.H.
Beck, 1925, vol. i, pt. 4; also 1st half of new ed.
of Mullers Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft; and
Schubarts Das Buch bei den Griechen und Rmern (2nd
ed.); ibid., Papyri Graecae Berolinenses (Boon, 1921).
[20] Cf. P.F. de' Cavalieri & J. Lietzmann, Specimina Codicum
Graecorum Vaticanorum No. 5, Bonn, 1910; G. Vitelli
& C. Paoli, Collezione orentina di facsimili paleograci,
Florence (rist. 1997).
[21] Cf. T.W. Allen, Notes on Abbreviations in Greek
Manuscripts, Joun. Hell. Stud., xl, pp. 1-12.
[22] There are few available texts relating to Indian palaeography, among which Ahmad Hasan Dani, Indian Palaeography, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1997; A. C.
Burnell, Elements of South-Indian Palaeography, from
the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century AD, repr. 2012;
Rajbali Pandey, Indian Palaeography, Motilal Banarasi
Das, 1957; Naresh Prasad Rastogi, Origin of Brhm
Script: The Beginning of Alphabet in India, Chowkhamba
Saraswatibhawan, 1980.
[23] For this section cf. South and South-East Asian Scripts,
Ch. 9; archaeological/linguistic information on Scripts
used in India. Accessed 3 April 2013; Indian Languages, on Accessed 3 April 2013.

[24] The contents of the following sections on Latin palaeography especially the parts relating to Minuscule
writingare mainly based on the specialist writings consulted and cited throughout the text, from the following sources: primarily the article on Latin handwriting by French palaeographist A. de Bouard, present in
Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911), Encyclopdia Britannica
Eleventh Edition, Cambridge University Press - now in the
public domain; the requisite Fonts for Latin Palaeography - Users manual, by Juan-Jose Marcos, 2011; Schiapparelli, La scrittura latina nell'et romana, 1921; Giorgio
Cencetti, Paleograa latina, Jouvence, 2002; Bernhard
Bischo, Paleograa latina. Antichit e Medioevo, Antenore, 2000 (Ital. ed.); Edward Maunde Thompson, An
Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography, cit. These
two introductory paragraphs are directly quoted from the
Encyclopdia Britannica Eleventh Edition.
[25] Bernard de Montfaucon et al., Palaeographia Graeca,
sive, De ortu et progressu literarum graecarum, Paris, Ludovicum Guerin (1708).
[26] Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of the New Testament Fourth
Edition (Oxford University, 2005), p. 206.
[27] R. Marichal, Paleography in New Encyclopaedia New
York: Gale-Thomson, 2003 Vol.X, p. 773.
[28] Cf. Henry B. Van Hoesen, Roman Cursive Writing,
Princeton University Press, 1915, pp.1-2.
[29] Cf. mile Chatelain, Palographie des classiques latins,
pl. LXI-II, LXXV; Oxyrhynchus Papyri, viii, 1,098.
[30] Cf. Karl Zangemeister & Wilhelm Wattenbach, Exempla
codicum Latinorum, Koester, 1876, pl. I-II.
[31] Cf. Pal. Soc., cit., pl. 113-117; Archivio paleograco
italiano, i, 98.
[32] Cf. Pal. Soc., pl. 135.
[33] Cf. Karl Franz Otto Dziatzko, Untersuchungen ber ausgewhlte Kapitel des antiken Buchwesens, BiblioBazaar,
repr. 2010; E.A. Lowe, More Facts about our Oldest
Latin Manuscripts, in the Classical Quarterly, vol. xix, p.
[34] Cf. Carl Wessely, Schrifttafeln zur lteren lateinischen
palaeographie, Leipzig, E. Avenarius; Oxyrhynchus Papyri, passim; Vincenzo Federici, Esempi di corsivo antico;
et al.
[35] Cf. Franz Steens, Lateinische Palographie - digital version, 2nd ed., pl. 3 (German); Wessely, Studien, xiv, pl.
viii; et al.
[36] Cf. Edward Maunde Thompson, Handbook of Greek and
Latin Palaeography, s.v.; Van Hoesen, The Parentage and
Birthdate of the Latin Uncial, in Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, xlii.
[37] A list is given in Traube, Vorlesungen, i, 171-261, and
numerous reproductions in Zangemeister & Wattenbachs
Exempla, and in Chatelain, Uncialis scriptura.
[38] Cf. Chatelain, Unc. script., explanatio tabularum.


[39] Cf. Archiv fr Urkundenforschung, iii, pl. i.

[40] Cf. Theodor Mommsen, Fragmente zweier Kaiserrescripte in Jahrbuch des gemeinen deutschen Rechts, vi, 398;
Preisigke in Schriften der wissensch. Gesellsch. in Strassburg, xxx; Pal. Soc., cit., pl. 30.
[41] For example, a certicate of AD 400 in Wessely, Studien, cit., xiv, pl. xiii; a letter of AD 444 in Wessely,
Schrifttafeln, cit., pl. xii, No. 19.
[42] Cf. Gaetano Marini, I Papiri diplomatici, Lightning
Source UK Ltd, repr. 2012.
[43] Cf. Luigi Schiapparelli, Note paleograche in Archivio
storico italiano, lxxiv, 55; also his La scrittura latina
nell' et romana (note paleograche) (with 32 facsimiles),Como, 1921.
[44] Cf. Giuseppe Bonelli,Codice paleograco lombardo,
Hoepli, 1908; Archivio paleograco italiano, cit., i, iii, vii.
[45] Cf. Michele Russi, Paleograa e diplomatica de' documenti delle Province napolitane, Naples, 1883.
[46] Cf. Elias Avery Lowe, Beneventan Script, Oxford :
Clarendon Press, 1914; facsimiles in O. Piscicelli Taeggi,
Paleograa artistica di Monte Cassino, Montecassino,
[47] Cf. Viktor Novak, Scriptura Beneventana, Zagreb, 1920.
[48] Lauer & Samaran, Les diplmes originaux des
Mrovingiens : fac-simils phototypiques avec notices et
transcriptions, Paris, E. Leroux, 1908.
[49] Cf. Jules Tardif, Fac-simil de chartes et diplmes
mrovingiens et carlovingiens : sur papyrus et sur parchemin compris dans l'inventaire des Monuments historiques, Paris: J. Claye, 1866.
[50] Cf. Maurice Prou, Manuel de palographie: Recueil de
fac-simils d'critures du Ve au XVIIe sicle, Paris: A. Picard et ls, 1904, pl. v.
[51] Cf. Album palographique de la Socit de l'cole des
chartes, pl. 12.
[52] Cf. Traube, Perrona Scottorum in Sitzungsberichte of the
Munich Academy, 1900; Liebart, Corbie Scriptorum in
W.M. Lindsays Palaeogr. Lat., i.
[53] Cf. Ewald and Loewe, Exempla scripturae visigothicae, pl.


[58] Oxyrhynchus Papyri, cit., iv, pl. vi, No. 668; xi, pl. vi,
No. 1,379.
[59] Pal. Soc., cit., pl. 127-8; Arch. pal. ital., cit., v, pl. 6.
[60] Cf. many examples in mile Chatelain, Semiuncial Script,
[61] Cf. Wolfgang Keller, Angelschsische Palaeographie,
Mayer & Mller, 1906.
[62] Cf. Schiapparelli in Arch. stor. ital., cit., lxxiv, ii, 1-126.
[63] Cf. Keller, op. cit.; W.M. Lindsay, Early Welsh Script,
Oxford: J. Parker & Co., 1912.
[64] James J. John, Latin Paleography, in J. Powell, Medieval
Studies 2nd. ed. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press,
1992), 15-16.
[65] See Bernhard Bischo, Latin Palaeography: Antiquity
and the Middle Ages, trans. Daibi O Croinin and David
Ganz (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990),
83-112; 190-202.
[66] John, 16.
[67] Cf. int. al., Harald Steinacker in Miscellanea Francesco
Ehrle, Rome, 1924, iv, 126; G. Cencetti, Postilla nuova
a un problema paleograco vecchio: l'origine della minuscola carolina, in Nova Historia, 1955, pp. 1-24; B.
Bischo, Latin Palaeography: Antiquity and the Middle
Ages, cit., pp. 108109.
[68] Cf. also Encyclopedia Britannica - free resource information at , and: This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed.
(1911). "article name needed ". Encyclopdia Britannica (11th
ed.). Cambridge University Press. ss.vv..
[69] Petrarch, La scrittura, discussed by Armando Petrucci, La
scrittura di Francesco Petrarca (Vatican City) 1967.
[70] Petrarch, La scrittura, noted in Albert Derolez, The script
reform of Petrarch: an illusion?" in John Haines, Randall
Rosenfeld, eds. Music and Medieval Manuscripts: paleography and performance 2006:5f; Derolez discusses the
degree of Petrarchs often alluded-to reform.
[71] Mirella Ferrari La 'littera antiqua' a Milan, 1417-1439
in Johanne Autenrieth, ed. Renaissance- und Humanistenhandschriften, (Munich: Oldenbourg,) 1988:21-29.

[54] Cf. Clark, Collectanea hispanica, 63, 129-130; Schiapparelli in Arch. stor. ital, cit., lxxxii, 106.

[72] Rhiannon Daniels, Boccaccio and the book: production

and reading in Italy 1340-1520, 2009:28.

[55] Numerous reproductions exists in the literature, cf. int.

al., Ewald and Loewe, Exempla, cit.; Burnam, Paleogr.
iberica; Clark, Collectanea, cit.; Garcia Villada, Paleogr.

[73] Davies, in Kraye (ed.) 1996:51.

[56] Cf. Munoz, Paleogr. visigoda; Garcia Villada, op. cit.

[75] Stanley Morison, Early humanistic script and the rst roman type, reprinted in his Selected Essays on the History
of Letter-Forms in Manuscript and Print, ed. by David
McKitterick, 2 vols. 1981:206-29.

[57] Cf. Hessel, Ausbreitung der karol Minuskel in Archiv fr

Urkundenforschung, vii, viii.

[74] Ullman, The Origin and Development of Humanistic Script

(Rome) 1960.



Further reading

11 External links

Western palaeography

Bernhard Bischo, Latin Palaeography: Antiquity

and the Middle Ages, Cambridge University Press,
1989. (Translation by Dibh Crinn and David
Ganz of: Palographie des rmischen Altertums und
des abendlndischen Mittelalters. (Grundlagen der
Germanistik 24) Erich Schmidt Verlag 1986.)
E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores: A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the
Ninth Century, Clarendon Press, 1972.

French Renaissance Paleography (A scholarly site

providing over 100 French manuscripts from 1300
to 1700 with tools for deciphering and transcribing
'Manual of Latin Palaeography' (A comprehensive
PDF le containing 82 pages profusely illustrated,
June 2014).
'Manual of Greek Palaeography' (A comprehensive
PDF le containing 71 pages profusely illustrated,
January 2014).
'Palaeography'. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911.

Parkes, M. B. English Cursive Bookhands, 12501500. (Oxford Palaeographical Handbooks.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969

Palaeography: reading old handwriting 1500

1800: A practical online tutorial, from the National
Archives (UK)

Jacques Stiennon, Palographie du Moyen-ge, 3e

dition Armand Colin 1999

A comprehensive survey of all the important aspects

of medieval palaeography.

Sir Edward Maunde Thompson, An Introduction

to Greek and Latin Palaeography Clarendon Press,

(German) A scholarly maintained web directory on



Indian palaeography

Burnell, Arthur Coke (1878). Elements of SouthIndian Palography, from the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century A.D., Being an Introduction to the
Study of South-Indian Inscriptions and MSS. (Second enlarged and improved ed.). London: Trbner
& Co.
Pandey, Rajbali (1957).
Motilal Banarasi Das.

Indian Palaeography.

Ojha, Gaurishankar Hirachand (1959). The Palography of India/Bhratya Prcna Lipiml (in
Hindi) (Third ed.). Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
Dani, Ahmad Hasan (1997). Indian Palaeography.
Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.


Digital palaeography

Malte Rehbein, Patrick Sahle, Torsten Schaan

(eds.): Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age. BoD, Norderstedt 2009, Volltext, ISBN 38370-9842-7
Franz Fischer, Christiane Fritze, Georg Vogeler
(eds.): Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital
Age 2. BoD, Norderstedt 2010, ISBN 978-3-84235032-8

Another scholarly maintained web directory on

palaeography (200 links with critical comments, in
Comprehensive bibliography (1,200 detailed references with critical comments in French).
Online Tuition in the Palaeography of Scottish Documents 1500-1750
An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeography
by Thompson, Edward Maunde Outdated (published 1912) but good and useful illustrated handbook, available as facsimile.
Free palaeographical fonts
Self-correcting medieval palaeography exercises
(13th and 14th century)
12th to 17th century manuscripts originating from
Europe and the Middle East, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Interactive Album of Mediaeval Palaeography Collection of online exercises for the transcription of a
variety of scripts, from 8th to 15th century
Walter Burley, Commentarium in Aristotelis De
Anima L.III Critical Edition by Mario Tonelotto
: an example of critical edition from 4 dierent
manuscripts (transcription from medieval palaeography).
ELM, a database of manuscripts written in Latin before 800





Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Palaeography Source: Contributors: MichaelTinkler, The Anome, Sjc,

Eclecticology, XJaM, William Avery, Leandrod, Robertolyra, Michael Hardy, Kwertii, Norm, Kku, SebastianHelm, Ihcoyc, Adam Bishop,
Furrykef, Wetman, Robbot, RedWolf, Psychonaut, Romanm, JackofOz, Adam78, Kpalion, Zoney, RivGuySC, Utcursch, J. 'mach' wust,
Gdr, Skal, Lumrs, Rich Farmbrough, Guanabot, Dpm64, Dbachmann, Uppland, Stbalbach, Kwamikagami, Brisis~enwiki, Flipper174,
RJFJR, BDD, Brunnock, Graham87, BD2412, FlaBot, Margosbot~enwiki, RobSiddall, YurikBot, JSilvanus, RobotE, RussBot, Witan,
Hede2000, Pigman, Ksyrie, Vancouveriensis, Denihilonihil, WayneC, Bota47, Varano, Trojanavenger, Thnidu, Scolaire, SmackBot, Jagged
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File:AlfabetoVisigodo.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Osado Source:
bible.arp.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Adrian Pingstone
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Public domain Contributors: old doc Original artist:
C5%BEvart_91.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
document&docId=set031101set173 Original artist: ?
File:Codex_Alexandrinus_1_Tim_3,16.jpg Source:
Tim_3%2C16.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Codex Alexandrinus, A or 01 (Gregory-Aland) manuscript of the Greek Bible
Original artist: unknown, 5th century
File:Codex_Marchalianus_Pg_71.JPG Source:
Pg_71.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Codex Marchalianus, manuscirpt of Septuaginta Original artist: Unknown<a
1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
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Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
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svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, based on scan from Faulmann 1880 (File:Das Buch der Schrift (Faulmann) 186.jpg,
PD-old) Original artist: Fut.Perf.
manuscript_minuscule_Aristotle.png License: Public domain Contributors: Reproduction in: Franz Steens, Proben aus grieschischen Handschriften und Urkunden, (Trier: Schaar und Dathe, 1912). Web source: Paul Halsall, Byzantine Paleography. Cropped by
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HOMER_-_1st_CENTURY_B.C..JPG License: Public domain Contributors:
c/4/3/metadata-01-0000116.tkl&do=61484.pdf&pageno=219& Original artist: Thompson, Edward Maunde,(1840-1929).
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License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: BOhisto Original artist: Civic Archives of Bozen-Bolzano
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CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: DMSEG
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License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: DMSEG
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BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: DMSEG
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BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: DMSEG
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Rolls_-_Papyrus_157-152.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Fragmenta Herculanensia: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oxford
Copies of the Herculanean Rolls ... (1885), page 175 Original artist: de:Walter Scott (scholar) (1855 1925)
File:Mandaic_Alphabet.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Scraped together by me on a very basic paint programme Original artist: Gareth Hughes
File:Merov.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: The original uploader was Judgesurreal777 at English Wikipedia
File:Niccolo_de_Niccoli_italic_handwriting.jpg Source:
italic_handwriting.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Written by Niccol de' Niccoli (13641437). Copied in The Origin and
Development of Humanistic Script by Berthold Louis Ullman (Rome, 1960), Plate 37 Florence, Naz. Conv. Soppr. I. X. 44, folio 1v Lives
of Alexander and Caesar translated by Guarino. Scanned by HDoug of The Fountain Pen Network. Posted on italic term in computers
and writing. Uploaded to en.wikipedia by Wareh. Transferred to Commons by User: using CommonsHelper. Original artist: Niccol
de' Niccoli
Langobardorum.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: James Steakley
File:P.Berol._inv._9875_col._v_coronis.jpg Source:
_v_coronis.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: W. Schubart, Papyri Graecae Berolinensis. Bonn, 1911. Original artist: W. Schubart
File:Paleography.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Illustrazine di copertina: frammento di un codice pergamenaceo (17,5*25 cm) che contiene omelie per diverse occasioni, in scrittura
gotica testuale formata, s. XIV. In questo caso, si propone un modello di predicazione, in lingua romana, da fare da parte del vescovo
all'inizio della visita di una chiesa parrocchiale. Visita vinneam istam ... Verba praeposita dirigit propheta David cuicumque prelato ecclesiastico cui ecclesiae cura in toto vel in parte est comissa. Et tangit propheta tria in eisdem verbis. Nam primo hortatur prelatum seu rectorem
ecclesiasticum ad ecclesiae sibi comissae diligentem circumspexionem ... Secundo monet eundem prelatum seu rectorem ad regiminis...
Archivio P.U.G., Sez. Paleograa. Foto F. de Lasala, S.I. Original artist: F. De Lasala
File:Paragraphos.png Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0 Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
RomanVirgilFolio014rVergilPortrait.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Digital photo of original manscript Original artist:
Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718'
height='11' srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Shakespeare-Testament.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Unknown Original artist: William Shakespeare and unknown scribe
File:Six_glyphs.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Ospalh
File:The_Derveni_Papyrus.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fkitselis




hieroglyphic_seal_reverse.png License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Uncial_d.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
My modication of GDFL-covered Commons image Image:Onciale latine.png, whose original source was fr.wikipedia; description page
is/was here. Original artist: User:Rodasmith modication of work uploaded by Vincent Ramos
File:Uncial_e.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
My modication of GDFL-covered Commons image Image:Onciale latine.png, whose original source was fr.wikipedia; description page
is/was here. Original artist: User:Rodasmith modication of work uploaded by Vincent Ramos
File:YingpanKharoshthi.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: English Wikipedia Original artist: Originally uploaded by PHG


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