Revising For Exams Update 051112 PDF

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Revising for exams

How to effectively prepare and revise for exams

Theres no secret to exam success - its all in the
preparation. But how do you prepare for exams? The
following tips will help you organise your time and
materials to ensure youre well prepared.

The essentials
Find out how you will be assessed. What kinds of exam
will you be sitting multiple choice, essay, open-book,
take home? Different types of exams can require
different forms of preparation.
Look at old exam papers. Find out what areas of the
course or which topics have been examined in the past.
Review the subject handbook and objectives to gain a
sense of the main issues that have been covered and
the types of knowledge you will be expected to
demonstrate. As you review your notes try to recall how
the material has been examined in the past. At the end
of each unit of work it is also useful to ask: how might
this be tested in the exam?
Be clear about:

How many exams you will have and what each is

worth as a percentage of your final grade.

Whether there will be a choice of tasks or a range of

questions in the exams.

Whether the department

information sessions.

Where to find old exam papers or model answers.




Set goals and prepare early

How well do you want to do in this subject? How much
time and effort are you prepared to put into achieving
your target?
Ideally, you prepare for exams throughout the semester
by attending all your classes and revising work weekly,
if not daily. Serious, final exam study should begin about
four weeks before the exam date. But, dont panic if you
havent started yet its not too late!
Find a space just for study:

Organise your subject material:

Make sure you have the subject guide and objectives,
any information about the exam and a complete set of
lecture and prac/lab notes for your subject. Check that
you have all the handouts distributed in classes.
Organise your notes sequentially in a ring binder or in
computer files so that they reflect the topics in the
course outline. Information should also be well indexed,
summarised and easily accessible for revision purposes.
Prioritise your subjects:
Which subjects do you want to do your best in? Which
subjects do you find most difficult? You may want to
spend more time on your weaker subjects so that you
achieve a certain average grade. Or you may want to
aim for an H1 in a particular subject even if it means
aiming only at a Pass in another.
Prioritise the topics within a subject:
Using your subject outlines, identify which topics will be
examined. Find out whether you have to answer
questions on all areas or whether you can limit the range
of topics you need to prepare. The aim is to identify
what MUST be studied, what SHOULD be studied and
what (if anything) can be ignored.
Make a revision timetable:
Plan how you will use the time leading up to your exam.
Its better to plan frequent short revision sessions
around 50 minutes as longer sessions are less
effective for recall. Allocate 2 to 3 hours for revision
each day and youll be amazed how much you can cover
in a week.

Revision in action
Once you have worked out which topics you will answer
questions on in an exam its time to start revising. Note
that revising means looking at again not learning
something for the first time. If youve been working
effectively throughout the semester, revision should be
a process of reminding yourself about the important
points and consolidating your understanding of a topic.

Take time to think about where you work most

productively and plan to do your exam revision there. Do
you work better at home alone in your room or at the
library surrounded by others? Remove distractions from
the area: Internet, mobile phone, magazines, any nonstudy related material that may tempt you away from
your work.

If you are looking at material for the

first time during exam revision you will
need to give yourself extra time to
understand the topic and grasp the
new concepts.

Academic Skills


Go for excellence

Additionally, many exams test whether you can apply
the rules or principles you have learned to new areas, so
it is less likely that you will be asked to replicate or
regurgitate examples you worked on during classes.

What to revise
When revising, ask yourself two questions:

How can I improve my knowledge and

understanding of the topic?
How can I improve my ability to demonstrate my
knowledge in the exam?

Best results will be achieved if you aim to refine both

your subject knowledge and your exam performance
capabilities. It is unproductive, for example, to
continually extend your subject knowledge if you have
difficulty applying information to solving problems or
expressing your understanding in essay form.

Match your learning strategy to the type of material:

Learning by rote is good for remembering lists, items in
order, formulae and vocabulary. To learn by rote try
repetition, rhymes, melodies and peg words.
Mnemonics are also useful and you can make up your
own to suit the material. For example:

Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit (for the notes of the

treble stave)

My Very Elderly Mother Just Saw Uncle Neds

Parrot (for the planets in order from the sun)

Revision sessions should thus involve:


Identifying what you already know and understand,

what you need to know, and how you can find out
and/or remember additional information.


Preparing to demonstrate in the exam that you

understand what you have learned for example,
that you can apply principles or theories to new
material and situations.

Make sure you allow time in your revision

timetable for both kinds of work.

Improving subject knowledge for


Different strategies are needed, however, to remember

concepts and theories, argumentative material and
systems. Understanding the big picture, familiarising
yourself with any specialised vocabulary and explaining
the ideas and processes to others will develop your
understanding and recall of this type of material.
Make revision a meaningful task:
Ultimately, you will remember more of the information
you revise if you can make it meaningful to yourself in
some way. Give it purpose by thinking about where and
how you will apply the information; or make it personally
relevant by thinking about whether and how the
concepts apply to you.

Demonstrating your learning

Do something active when reading over your notes:

Your understanding and recall of information will
increase if you engage actively with the material. Try to:

Attempt old exam papers:

Familiarise yourself with the structure and format of old
exam papers in your subjects. Write answers to the
questions and then check them against your notes to
see if you have omitted any important points.
Check the Uni Melb library website which has archived
copies of old exam papers at

Make summaries in your own words

Draw a mind map or diagram of information you

have in text form

Draft some questions to test knowledge of the

material you have just studied

Cover sections of a list or formula and see if you

can supply the missing information

Write detailed answers within the time limit to the

questions on a previous exam paper, and reflect:

Explain the topic to a friend if you can clearly

express the concepts in your own words, you can be
sure you understand the topic well

Imagine a situation from a different point of view

for example, the clients, the patients, the plaintiffs
or imagine pictures, figures and physical structures
from another perspective

Annotate your notes as you read and develop a list

of key terms and concepts

Learn general rules and principles rather than

masses of unrelated facts:
Generally, its better to know fewer topics in some
depth than to try to remember isolated bits of
information from across the subject. That is, it is easier
to recall information that is connected and logically

Do I need to work faster in order to complete the

paper or slow down and include more detail?

Would my answers earn the allotted number of

marks? E.g. if 5 marks are allocated to a question, a
single word answer is not likely to be sufficient.

Put extra time into practising the exam tasks you

least prefer:
Some people like writing essays and dislike problem
solving; some people excel at multiple choice and do
poorly when asked to write extended responses. It is
important that you identify and improve your
performance in all exam tasks you will need to do.
If you need help preparing for exams, seek it as early as
possible, whether it is from your tutors, lecturers,
Academic Skills Advisers or student support services.

Academic Skills


Go for excellence
V2 1012

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