Week 15 (Cont'd) : Assessing Student Learning
Week 15 (Cont'd) : Assessing Student Learning
Week 15 (Cont'd) : Assessing Student Learning
Determine an appropriate test for that purpose. Compare and contrast standardized tests and teachermade tests. Compare and contrast the different types of teachermade test items and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each. Construct the different types of items that can be included in teacher-made tests. List the purposes for assigning grades. Assign letter grades for participating students and provide a valid rationale for this assignment. Describe procedure for teacher record keeping and the reporting of student progress.
Types of Tests
1. Standardized tests
constructed by experts with explicit instructions for administration, standard scoring procedures, and tables of norms for interpretation Useful in comparing the performance of one individual with another, of an individual against a group, or of one group with another group. Results typically yield a percentile norm, an age norm, and a grade-level norm (or a combination)
Types of Tests
Teacher-made tests:
Low reliability Most teachers lack skill for designing valid tests or writing appropriate test items 3 alternatives for constructing tests: Objective test Essay test Combination
Evaluates student progress Check homework Measure whether content from immediate/preceding lessons was understood Short in lengththree to five questions Limited to material taught in immediate/preceding lessons Encourage students to keep w/their work Provide feedback for teachers related to their effectiveness Serve as warning signal of teaching/learning problems
Grading Systems
Teachers collect relevant data and then must interpret it and assign grades There is no way to assign grades that is fair to all students 2 grading systems: Absolute grading standards Relative grading standards
Limitation: Does not take into account differences in overall ability of students
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
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