An Investigation of Factors That Influence Blog Advertising Effectiveness
An Investigation of Factors That Influence Blog Advertising Effectiveness
An Investigation of Factors That Influence Blog Advertising Effectiveness
International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 194-203 (2012)
Since 2000, blogs have rapidly become a cyberspace phenomenon. The new medium has created
a growing trend: blog advertising. Blogs offer unique advantages over other types of advertising,
such as reader coverage and low cost. In addition, blogs generally contain customer comments,
which new customers can use to evaluate the advertised products. As a result, blog advertising is
very successful. A recent survey showed that 40% of the customers that read blog advertising
made a purchase. This study investigates factors that affect blog advertising effectiveness. A
laboratory experiment was designed to determine the effects of appeal strategies, quantity and
quality of negative comments, and customer involvement with the advertised product. The
experiment was designed to test informational and. emotional appeal strategies, high and low
proportions of negative comments, high and low qualities of negative comments, and high and
low levels of customer involvement with the advertised product. Study results show that
informational appeals match customer needs, for customers with high levels of customer
involvement. Study results show that emotional appeals match customer needs, for customers
with low levels of customer involvement. Study results show that proportion of negative
comments has an effect, for any type of customer. Study results show that high-quality negative
comments affect customer attitudes more than low-quality negative comments, for customers
with high levels of customer involvement. Study results extend theoretical and practical
knowledge concerning factors that effect blog advertising effectiveness.
Keywords: Blog Advertising, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Appeal Strategies, Negative
Customer Comments, Customer Attitude Formation, Customer Attitude Changes
J. R. Fu and J. H.F. Chen: An Investigation of Factors that Influence Blog Advertising Effectiveness
J. R. Fu and J. H.F. Chen: An Investigation of Factors that Influence Blog Advertising Effectiveness
A laboratory experiment was used to confirm the
study hypotheses because laboratory experiments are
good for theory development and hypothesis
confirmation. They give researchers control over study
conditions, they have high internal validities, and they
provide precise measurements and convincing support
for causal hypotheses.
A between-subjects experiment design was used.
The experiment design was a fully crossed 2 x 2 x 2
independent groups design, with appeal strategy,
\negative comment quality, and number of negative
customer comments as independent variables and
informational vs. emotional appeal strategy, high vs.
low quality negative comments, and high vs. low
number of negative customer comments as
independent variable levels.
Customer involvement was the fourth
independent variable. Since the experiment was related
to enduring customer involvement with the advertised
product, customer involvement was measured but not
altered in the experiment. Attitude formation and
change were the primary dependent variables. The
dependent variables were measured both before and
after subjects were given customer comments.
3.2 Pretests
Three pretests were used to create the experiment
design. The first pretest was used to choose a product
for which customer involvement was not too high or
low for most of the experiment customers. The product
had to appeal to the experiment customers, who were
all students. The product also had to be familiar and
understandable to most of the experiment customers.
The pretest customers were presented with a list
of five products: a mobile phone, a printer, an MP3
player, a webcam, and a digital photo frame. The
experiment customers, thirty undergraduate university
students, used a 10-item, 5-point semantic differential
scale survey, which was based upon the Personal
Involvement Inventory (PII) by Zaichkowsky [24], to
rate the products.
Survey results showed that the webcam was the
product that had the most balanced number of students
with high levels of involvement with the product and
low levels of involvement with the product. Therefore,
the webcam was chosen as the product for the
experiment. To eliminate brand effects, the brand name
was not revealed.
The second pretest was used to choose
informational and emotional appeals. The pretest
customers, thirty graduate students, used a survey to
evaluate forty appeals (20 informational appeals and
20 emotional appeals). The survey results used to
choose the 10 informational appeals and the 10
emotional appeals with the highest weighted scores.
J. R. Fu and J. H.F. Chen: An Investigation of Factors that Influence Blog Advertising Effectiveness
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