Thus, factors focusing in advertising, strategy of advertising, and means of advertising are main
contributors for consumers brand choice. So, the study is conducted considering following research
i. What is the effect of media of advertisement on brand choice of customer?
ii. What is the influence of sources factors on customer brand choice?
iii. What are the influences of massage factors on customer brand choice?
iv. What is the relation among media, massage and source factors of advertisement?
H2: There is significant positive relation between source factors and customer brand choice.
H3: There is significant positive relation between massage factors and customer brand choice.
Expertise is the specialized knowledge the communicator possesses back the claim. Trustworthiness
describes how objective and honest source is perceived to be (Amtataw, 2017).
Message factor: The message is the key element in advertising. The major purpose of advertising is to
effectively transfer the intended message to the target audience. Other creative aspects such as appeals,
execution framework, copywriting, and artwork support the effective delivery of the message (Koirala,
Advertising goal is a component of integration communication of marketing and achievement level to be
accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time. Advertising is classified under its
objectives according to their aim like to inform targeted customer market, persuade to consumer about
products, remind time to time to regular customs, or reinforce through the revised mixture of products or
modified version. These objectives correspond to different states in the hierarchy-of-effects model
discussed as:
Informative advertising
The aim of advertising is to inform to consumers in the market who are searching and consuming such
types of commodities and services. There is necessary to create brand of product or company as good as
compared to competitors and increase awareness, knowledge of related old or new products, its features.
Advertisement explains the features of product like fuel economies (Koirala, 2019).
Persuasive advertising
There is variation in interest, preference, wants and needs of people in market. So, the advertising works
as persuasive means of creating liking, preferences, conviction and purchase to consumers to its products
of and services. Some persuasive advertising uses comparative advertising, which made and explicit
comparison of attributes of two or more brand (Koirala, 2019).
Reminder advertising
Consumers are not remembering for long lasting time about advertised information. So, advertising
reminds time to time to consumers which stimulates repeat purchase of products and services (Koirala,
Reinforcement advertising
Due to variation in interests, desires, wants and needs of consumer in market, there is requirement of
modification of products and adding new features. For continuity of products in market, company should
reinforce to targeted consumer. Advertising convinces current purchasers as well as probable customers
in market that they made the right choice. Automobile ads often depicts satisfied customers enjoying
special features of their new car (Koirala, 2019).
Nicosia Model
Howard-Seth Model
Extensive Problem solving: At the initial point, the knowledge and belief of consumer about brand of
product is very limited. Consumers have no brand preferences and interests to see information about
numbers of brand in market (Howard and Sheth, 1969).
Limited brand Solving: Due to limited knowledges and beliefs, brands are partially established. It means
consumers are not fully access to various brands in order to reach brand preferences. Some brand
information is sought compared to others and criteria are likely to be fairly well defined. To make good
preferences, some products criteria must be well defined and positioning on consumers' mind. Based on
consumers' desire of product, company should consider those things effectively.
Routinized response behavior: Routinized response behavior shows that consumers have knowledge
and belief about brands very well. And there is enough experiences and information’s to avoid confusion
about the various brands. Consumers are loyal towards some specific brands.
These above points show that initially consumers have scarce of knowledge, belief on the specific brand.
Secondly limited brand is solving through communication and make brand loyal by creating knowledge,
belief and assurance of consumers. It indicates that communication between consumer and firm make
loyalty of consumers towards particular brand.
Boateng, (2019) conducted a study on the effect of advertisement on consumer preferences and brand
choice. The objective of the study was to determine various mediums used for advertisement, assess the
types of advertisement, determine factors that mostly influence consumer behavior with Herbalife brand
and examine which advertisement influence consumer brand preference Herbalife product. The researcher
has adopted descriptive design under which case study, and cross section design was used with non-
probability sample size retailer 60 and 30. Consumer data was collected through questionnaire. The
finding of study was that advertising influences the consumer brand preferences of Herbalife product on
the basis of how advertisement promote Herbalife product.
Advertising Media
Message factor
The conceptual frame work for the study where five independent variables. Impact on consumer brand
choice is measured on the basis of respondent response. Media used for advertising, message factors,
source factors, perceived quality of product and celebrity endorsement are independent variable used to
analyze consumer decision in the process of brand choice with dependent variable consumer brand choice
of shoes, home appliance, jacket etc.
Media selection: There are various media option available to the advertiser. The advertising media can
be grouped into the four broad categories: There are many advertising “media” such as newspaper,
magazine and journals, television cinema, outdoor advertising. The media is the vehicles for delivering
the message to the target audience. This aspect of advertising involves evaluating and selecting the
appropriate media (Koirala, 2019).
Factor Source: Consumer get information from various parties like friend, relatives, celebrity etc. The
term source to mean the person involved in communication a marketing message directly. Message’s
impact also depends on how the target audience views the communicator. Messages delivered by highly
credible sources are more persuasive. Sources of credibility expertise, trustworthiness, and likability.
Expertise is the specialized knowledge the communicator possesses back the claim. Trustworthiness
describes how objective and honest source is perceived to be (Amtataw, 2017).
Message factor: The message is the key element in advertising. The major purpose of advertising is to
effectively transfer the intended message to the target audience. Other creative aspects such as appeals,
execution framework, copywriting, and artwork support the effective delivery of the message (Koirala,
4.1. Introduction
The chapter four deals with the finding and result of data analysis collected from the field survey using
tools as questionnaire. The descriptive statistical tools are used for analyzing and explaining the result of
data. The demographic variables and characteristics were presented in the chapter. The SPSS software is
used for the data analysis. The data is tabulation. The descriptive statistical tools like means, frequencies,
percentage were used for the interpretation of data. MS-Excel is also used to analyze the data as
requirement. The analysis of result considers the profile of respondent, their attitude towards brand of
product, advertisement means. On the basis of psychological reaction, the respondent is taken as the fact
or data for the study in various statement about the brand and means of advertisement.
Table 3
Education of Respondents
Education level Frequency Percent
Primary Level 4 0.95
Under SLC/SEE 31 7.38
SLC/SEE 61 14.52
Plus 2 112 26.67
Bachelor 94 22.38
Master 68 16.2
Above master 54 12.9
Total 420 100.0
Source: Field Survey, 2023
Table 4
Occupation of Respondents
Occupation of Respondents Frequency Percent
Unemployed 51 21.14
Agricultural sector 14 3.33
Student 47 11.19
Job (service) 297 70.71
Business 11 2.61
Total 420 100.0
Source: Field Survey, 2023
4.3.1 Response of Advertising
Table 5
Advertising to Make Purchase Decision
Response on Advertising Frequency Percent
Yes 187 44.5
No 14 3.3
Sometime 219 52.1
Total 420 100.0
Source: Field Survey, 2023
4.3.2 Reason to Choose Brand
Table 6
Reason to Choose Brand
Shoe Cloth
Reason to choose brand Frequency Percent Frequency Percent
Easy availability 84 20.0 70 16.7
Table 6 shows that 44.3% of the customer choose branded shoe for the quality followed by 22.6% and
20% of the customer choose branded shoes for price and easily availability respectively. Similarly, 54.3%
of the customer choose branded cloth for the quality of product followed by 17.9% and 16.7% of the
customer buy branded products for price and easily availability respectively. The study found that
customer have common reason for choosing branded shoes and cloth.
Media Used Advertisement of Shoe Brand
Table 9
Information for Shoe Brand
Peer groups and family influence have 3.00 5.00 4.61 0.58
effect on my brand preference
Table 12
Message Factor for Advertisement of Cloth Brand
Fulfilling both the company's and the 2.00 5.00 4.26 .96
consumer's interest in the advertisement
message has effect on my brand choice
Advertising tells me “Which brand have the 1.00 5.00 4.30 1.07
feature I am Looking for?"
In this part the correlation between dependent as well as independent variable is analysis. The positive
significant correlation shows the influence of source, massage media on brand choice. The correlation
coefficient and its significance of media, source, massage and brand choice of shows in following table
15 below:
Table 15
Correlation of Shoes Brand Choice with Media , Source and Message Factor
The correlation coefficient and its significance of media, source, massage and brand choice of cloth in
following table 16 below:
Table 16
Correlation of Cloth Brand Choice with Media, Source and Message factor
Particular Media adv. Source factor Message factor choic
Media Advertisement 1 .518** .710** .531**
Source Factor .518** 1 .633** .748**
Message factor .710** .633** 1 .615**
Regression analysis is used to analyze the relationship between several independent variables and a single
dependent variable. This analysis technique helps researchers to demonstrate how much of the variability
is explained by a number of independent variables in the dependent variable. It includes several
techniques for modeling and analyzing several variables when the focus is on the relationship between a
dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Specifically, regression analysis helps one
understand how the dependent variable’s typical value changes when any one of the independent
variables varies, while the other independent variables are fixed.
4.6.1 Regression Assumption Tests
Table 17
Coefficient of Multiple Correlation and Determination
Table 18
ANOVA of Shoes and Cloth Brand
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Regression 251.136 3 83.712 1459.889 .000a
Table 19
Regression Analysis
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .652 .088 7.418 .000
Media adv. .070 .028 .048 2.490 .013
Source factor -.619 .026 -.596 -23.951 .000
4.7 Discussion
Descriptive statistics analysis on specific information from media uses shoe brand advertisements, which
are mostly outdoor advertisements, with significantly higher mean, i.e., 4.32. Specific media is used for
cloth brand advertisement, mostly outdoor advertisement, which significantly contributes to my brand
choice, i.e., 4.49. Home appliance products are advertised using specific information media. On "outdoor
advertising significantly influences my brand choice," the score is 4.57. Outdoor advertising is the most
appropriate and preferred consumer viewpoint.
The source factor has the highest mean on "peer groups and family have effect on brand preference" and
the lowest mean on "advertisement undertaken trained expert has effect on brand preference," i.e., 3.59,
with standard deviations of 0.72 and 1.55, respectively. Consumers prefer most peer groups as a source
factor in advertising. As a result, the source of information is chosen by an adviser in the market to
improve the product's brand.
Respondents' responses on cloth brands show the highest mean on "peer groups and family influences
have an effect on brand choice," 4.61 with standard deviation 0.58, and the lowest mean on
advertisement, 3.48 with standard deviation 1.33. On various statements, respondents provided responses
on home appliance products. With a standard deviation of 1.06, the statement "Peer groups and family
influence have an effect on my brand preference" has the highest mean. And the lowest on "Advertising
undertaken by trained experts has an effect on brand preference," with a score of 3.72 and a standard
deviation of 1.29.
The message factor is described on various product brands. The examination of descriptive statistics for
various shoe brands. The highest mean is on "the frequency of advertisement has an effect on my brand
preference," i.e., 4.22 with standard deviation 1.10, and the lowest on "Using background music during
advertising contributes to my brand choice," i.e., 3.72 with standard deviation 1.24. Advertising becomes
more important from time to time.
The cloth brand is the message factor for advertisement. The statement "the frequency of advertisement
has an effect on brand choice" has the highest mean, 4.37, and the standard deviation is 0.800. Similarly,
the highest mean on the statement "Advertising tells me "Which brand has the feature I am looking for?"
is 4.65, with a standard deviation of 0.73. "Using background music during advertising contributes to my
brand choice" has the lowest score, 3.93, with a standard deviation of 1.21.
The shoe brand's advertisement, the respondent's response to various statements. The highest mean on the
recent shoe advertisement Campaign convinced me to buy or use the product, which was 4.65 with a
standard deviation of 0.57. On brand selection based on cloth brand advertisements on various mean for
the statement "The recent shoe advertisement campaign makes me purchase or use the product" is 4.59
with a standard deviation of 0.58, and the mean for the statement "The recent shoe advertisement
campaign has helped me develop awareness of the product" is 4.16 with a standard deviation of 1.41.
Similarly, there is a higher mean on "the recent shoe advertisement campaign makes me purchase or use
the product," i.e., 4.57 with standard deviation 0.587, and a lower mean on "the recent shoe advertisement
campaign has helped me develop awareness of the product," i.e., 3.70 with standard deviation 1.18.
The advertisement information is about a specific shoe brand. The credibility of the advertiser and the
company has an effect on my brand choice, which is 0.543. The "credibility of advertiser and company"
has the highest correlation. In the case of clothing, "Newspaper Advertisement Significantly Contributes
to my Brand Choice," or 0.676. Similarly, "Newspaper Advertisement Significantly Contributes to my
Brand Choice" is 0.676 on home appliance products.
The correlation between shoe brand choice and source factor is 0.653, while the correlation between
message factor and media advertisement is 0.443. In brand selection, the shoes brand was highly
correlated with the source factor, followed by the message factor. The correlation between cloth brand
choice and source factor is 0.518, message factor is 0.71, and media advertisement is 0.53. And the
correlation between home appliance brand choice and the Source factor is 0.30, the message factor is
0.655, and the media factor is 0.601. The home appliance product was highly correlated with media
advertising, followed by the message factor.
The coefficient of independent variable plays an important role in product brand selection. The findings
are consistent with the findings of the Boateng study. In 2019, advertising influences brand choice, and
product quality influences brand choice. Teleaba, Poperscu, & Ilesan (2021) investigate how various
forms of media advertising influence product brand selection. According to Asadollahi et al., (2020),
emotional advertising in home appliance products has a positive relationship. Lalayan, Pangemanan, &
Worang (2017) found that advertising had a significant impact on consumer purchase intention, quality,
and frequency. Awan, Ismail Majeed, and Ghazal are examples of people who are aware (2016).
According to the findings of the study, advertisements play a significant role in consumers' purchasing
behavior and choices.
The result contradicts Neupane's 2019 finding that TV indoor advertising is preferred, but in this study,
outdoor advertising is most appropriate or has a significant impact on brand choice of product. In
addition, Sama 2019 discovered where newspaper advertising is most preferred. According to Getachew
(2018), message factor quality plays a significant role in brand matching, whereas Samidi (2018)
researcher findings show that attitude has a high influence on brand choice. The brand name S&G (2017)
is significant,