Alexandra Williams Resume Teaching Final112116

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Alexandra Jena Williams

California State University
Multiple Subject Credential
Clear credential received July 2015

Completed May 2013

Azusa Pacific University

Completed May 2008

Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies


Member of the 2016 Apple Teacher Cohort for both Mac and iPad

August 2016 Present

Member of the Local District NW Blended Learning Cohort for 2016

August 2016 Present

On-Campus Clubs and Groups

August 2014 June 2016
Girls Robotics Lunch Club Duties:
Created a lunch club for girls, to help improve school test scores in
math and science.
Lead elementary age girls in the engineering and online coding
of solar-powered robots.
American Sign Language Lunch Club Duties:
Created a lunch club for elementary students to learn American Sign
Member of the California Mathematics Council (CMC)

October 2012 Present

Woodlake Community Charter School, Woodland Hills, California
July 2016 Present
Fifth Grade Teacher Duties:
Create digital notebooks, online WebQuests, and write other
online curriculum in science, math, social studies, and language
arts as a part of the LAUSD NW Blended Learning Cohort of 2016.
Educate students using EngageNY language arts curriculum.
Teach students in math using Eureka Math curriculum.
Create and teach Physical Education lessons once per week.
Westside Global Awareness Magnet School, Marina del Rey, California
July 2013 July 2016
Fifth Grade Teacher Duties:
Created lessons in intervention for English Language Learners.
Managed instructional aids and paraprofessionals
in a self-contained classroom.
Taught lessons using California Treasures reading curriculum.
Educated students with EnVision math curriculum.
Instructed students using EngageNY reading and Eureka Math
Designed and taught Physical Education lessons twice per week.
Educated Students using FOSS science curriculum.
Co-planned and coordinated elementary performances for Black
History Month, Winter Holiday, and Hispanic Heritage Month.
Organized and prepared two successful 5th Grade Culmination
Successfully received funding for two Donors Choose projects,
which have yielded 10 Chromebooks, and a class set of books.

Mentored and instructed a student teacher for four months.

Field Trip and Event Duties:
Organized class field trip to the Griffith Park Observatory.
Coordinated field trip to Gjusta Bakery, where students learned
the chemistry of cooking.
Planned and executed a class surfing trip with Venice lifeguards.
Organized and prepared week-long science camp trip for students in
the Angeles Mountains.
CHIME Institute Charter School, Woodland Hills, California
February May 2013
Fifth Grade Student Teacher Duties:
Taught students in a full inclusion setting, including students who are
gifted, students who learn typically, and students with special needs.
Coordinated brain breaks with three students with ADHD every hour.
Worked with special education teacher and paraprofessional to modify
language arts lessons for a student with cerebral palsy, using an eye
gaze board, and other technology.
Wrote dictated language arts summaries for a student with Dyspraxia.
Aided a student with Oppositional Defiant Disorder in completing
assignments by presenting him with closed choices.
Assisted a student with Down syndrome in meeting short-term and
long-term goals using an iPad.
Andres and Maria Cardenas Elementary School, Van Nuys, California
September December
Second Grade Student Teacher Duties:
Worked primarily with English Language Learners, making specific
accommodations for all lessons.
Taught lessons using California Treasures language arts curriculum.
Developed and taught EnVision mathematics curriculum.
Created original activity sheets to correspond with lessons taught.
Incorporated EBeam Smart Board technology into daily instruction.
X PRIZE Foundation Executive Assistant, Playa Vista, California
March 2010 July 2012
The X PRIZE Foundation is an educational (501c3) nonprofit organization
whose mission is to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity.
Executive Assistant Duties:
Orchestrated an ocean conservation presentation to local Girl Scouts
of America.
Assisted in the organization of the MoonBots 2.0 awards ceremony;
a competition for students ages 9-17 to design and build lunar robots.
Authored Foundation blog and uploaded blog posts twice each week.
Maintained and developed the relationship between the Foundation
and a sales consulting firm.
American Idol Production Assistant, Los Angeles, California
January March 2010
Logged contestants and judges on-camera reactions with a Producer.
Supervised contestants while they waited for their call time.
GeoVisions Tutoring Program, Munich, Germany
Volunteered as a live-in English tutor for a family of three.
Planned English lessons each week for the family.
Reference list available upon request

August November 2009

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