Ellen Weber Pre Student Teaching Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate

Grade Level:

Ellen Weber

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common

Lesson Plan Template
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

List the Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Use the

following format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to identify the letter C, correlate it to the sound <k>,
write the letter, and identify words that begin with c.
Describe how the objective is relevant to students lives.
This is relevant to the students lives because they will be using the letter c
for the rest of their lives and schooling.
List the words relevant to the content area that you will either introduce
and/or review during your lesson.
Cow, corn, crown, carrots, camel, car, camera, cake, cowboy, cube, cook,
comb, cloud.
These are all possible words that will be given to students on cards to go
List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.
C- cards with pictures, finding c, bunny activity page 91, Cc bag of items,
Corky Cubs Crazy Caps book, Cc poem/song, write Cc page, Smart Board
sorting activity, crayons, pencils.

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to
measure students level of understanding toward the learning objective(s)
prior to teaching the lesson.


Could they Identify

How many words could
letter c <K> sound?
be named that start
with C
I will administer an oral test and ask the3 students if they know what sound
the letter <c> Yes
makes. I will then give the
students 30 seconds to name as
many words that
start with <c> as they5 can.

APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson pre-assessment. (if


Is your pre-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the timeline as to when you plan to administer the preassessment?
(Recommended timeline is a minimum of two days prior to teaching your
The oral test will be given two days prior to the first day of the lesson.
Create and insert a table/chart/graph that shows the pre-assessment data
results. (if applicable)

Identify letter c makes <k> Sound

Knew Skill
Did Not know Skill

How many words could be named that start with C?

How many words
could be named that
start with C?

Grayson Bridger Tenley Rashaun Zach

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.

Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have
demonstrated they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives,
instruction, and post-assessment.
I will use these results to direct my instruction and really make sure that I
cover the <k> sound and what words it corresponds to. I know that since
two of the students have no prior knowledge I need to be sure to introduce
this thoroughly and spend more time there.
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment
you will use to measure students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after
teaching the lesson.

Is your post-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan

Yes, Under analyze.
APPENDIX: Include a copy of a Key/Product (completed by you, the teacher) which
provides a model of the desired outcome.

Is your key included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to
incorporate into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning.

I will use the Smart Board for a sorting activity at the very end of the
lesson where children identify what pictures start with C and which do not
start with C. This will be partly a math review from their sorting lesson in
the previous week.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to
meet the needs of all learners and accommodate differences in students
learning, culture, language, etc. * Be sure that these accommodations are
based on what you identified/described in your contextual information
(Task I).
There are no students in the group on IEPs however I will pay special
attention to Rashaun to make sure that he is keeping up as I know he
needs a little extra help.

Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student
behavioral/developmental needs in order to keep students on task and actively engaged
throughout the lesson.

I will keep students on task by bringing their attention back to the group
when it wanders. I also will go at a brisk pace so that the students do not
lose interest. Since we are working at a small table and I will be in the
center I will be able to see each student. When we move over to the Smart
Board I will instruct the students to walk slowly and sit in front of the Smart
Board telling them that to get a turn they must show me how nicely they
can sit.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome of

learning objectives)
Describe how you will activate student interest and present the learning
objective in an engaging way (this is your lesson opening).
I will grab the students attention with a mystery bag of items. In the
bag there will be items that begin with the letter C. As I pull out an
item I will ask the children what it is and then put it into a story. As I
keep pulling out items I will continue on the story. The story is meant
to be silly and will grab the childrens interest.
I will grab the students attention by singing the Cc poem along with
music. We will sing it two times through.
Describe how you will communicate (to students) how the objective is
relevant to their lives.
I will tell the students that they need to learn how to write the letter C and
use the sound it makes in order to read and write later on all through their
school careers and lives.
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to
model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills required of the
objective. (cite theories/theorists)
I will pass out the Cc photo cards to each child. I will explicitly state (Dr.

Archer) that children are to look at the picture and tell the others and
myself what it is. After telling us they will flip their card over and show that
it does start with the letter C.
After each student has a turn, I will read Corky Cubs Crazy Caps to use as a
mentor text. I will point out words that begin with C and encourage the
children to do so also. This book uses repetition of C words so that the
children are clearly given lots of examples of words that begin with the
letter C.

I will demonstrate how to write the letter C using the worksheet
with C taped to a board (modeling Bandura)(Visual Learning
Gardner). I will directly instruct them on the proper way to write
the letter C (John Hattie).
I will pass out the worksheet on writing the capital and lower case
letters of C.
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on
to guided practice.
I will observe the students to identify if each of them is grasping the
identification of the letter C. If students are still struggling I will pass
out more cards and through repetition I will see if the children are

understanding the concept

I will visually observe the students writing of the letters and correct
them if they are having trouble.
After finishing the worksheet I will instruct the students to gather on
the floor in front of the Smart Board.
As the students are in front of the whiteboard I will tell them they are
using their sorting skills from math to sort the pictures that start with
the letter C into one side and the pictures that do not start with the
letter C onto another column
We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to
practice the skills and content needed to meet the learning objective(s).

After reading the book I will give the children page 91 that is the bunny
sheet. The children and I will work together to find and circle all of the
items that start with C.

After demonstrating on the taped up worksheet the students will
write the letter C as well.
Together the students and I will trace the first line of letters of C.
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on to independent
I will see how the students are identifying the words and using the write
words for the pictures. Each student will get multiple turns to pick out items
that start with the letter C. I will check to make sure that each student is
able to identify items.

I will visually observe the students to see if they are understanding
how to write the letter C via the worksheets.
You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills
required by the lesson objectives? (this is the post-assessment)

Students will find more items that begin with C on their own before
Students will write the rest of the letters on their own and I will
observe them as they do so.
At the bottom of the page the students will draw a picture of

something that starts with the letter c. They then will write that word
onto the line after I write it above their picture so they have
something to look at to make sure they are making the letters
Each student will get a chance to grab a picture on the smart board,
identify it, and put it into the right category.

APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of your post-assessment.

Is your BLANK COPY of the post-assessment included at the end of this
lesson plan?
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective and any
skills/content that were taught in an interactive manner (whole/small
group, etc.).
The lesson closing will be the Smart Board activity. As a group we will move
over to the rug in front of the Smart Board and I will call on children to sort
pictures that start with c and pictures that do not start with c. The students
will drag and drop the pictures to the correct part on the chart.

(This portion may only be done after the post assessment is
Describe the results of the Post-Assessment and be sure to address the following:
Students progress from pre-to-post assessment. (if applicable)
Factors that may have influenced the post assessment results.
How the results of the post assessment highlight what areas of the
lesson will require re-teaching (if any).
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph (below) that shows the post-assessment data
results. If you used the same document for both the pre and post assessments, it is strongly
encouraged that you show the comparison.

Identify letter c makes <k> Sound

Knew Skill
Did Not know Skill



Could they Identify

letter c <K> sound?

How many words could

be named that start
with C

How many words could be names that start with C?


Words that Started with

C Pre Assessment
Words that Started with
C Post Assessment

List and describe two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction

I felt that I did really well on implementing the lesson. I knew what I
was doing and I really knew my group of children which helped a lot.
I also thought my assessment plan was good for kindergarteners. It is
so hard to justify giving them worksheets, quizzes, and tests that I
knew oral assessments would be more beneficial.
I thought I did really well incorporating the Smart Board into my
instruction. The children had such a fun time that we used it on the
following small group as well. I also thought that I was able to
accurately show the skill of writing the letter C. The children really
caught onto the skill and could even remember to tell me what sound
it made and think of more words that started with the letter C.
List and describe two things you feel were challenges during the planning, implementation
and/or assessment of the lesson.

I thought it was a challenge coming up with what to do for
assessment in order to show progress and knowledge growth. It took
time for me to think of putting it into pie charts on simply did they
know the skill or not. I also found it a challenge to work with one
student particularly during implementation because he was behind
where all my other students were on tract. I did love that I was able
to counter this by Groton having small groups for reading and math
and really being able to target where he needed help during my
lesson and knowing that I would have to give him extra help during
the lesson.
I thought it was a challenge figuring out just how to show how to
make a C so that the children would understand. So many times that
skill is taken for granted and it was hard to know how much detail
would be needed. Once I figured that out it went well. I also found it
a challenge to bring in the Smart Board when we normally work our
group at the table. It was easily resolved however and went well in
the end.
List and describe two ideas for redesign you would make if you were to teach this lesson


If I were to teach this again I would make it so that there was less
worksheets. I was really in the hands of my teacher and the other
kindergarten teachers who use multiple worksheets. I would like to
see more interaction physically from the children but again that is
another challenge with the content of the lesson. Also, I would like to
have possibly a different book to read as I felt that one got long even
though the children were interested. Or I would have done an activity
based solely on the book to get the children more involved.
I would bring in the paddleboards more if I were to redo this. It was
an afterthought and I honestly should have used them. Also, I would
have done more with writing the letter on the Smart Board.

Pre and Post Assessment Blank Chart



Could they Identify

letter c <K> sound?

How many words could

be named that start
with C

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