Guide To Form A Club
Guide To Form A Club
Guide To Form A Club
camera/photography club
revitalise an existing one .
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Experienced amateur photographers will take note of events you run or information
in the local paper. They will frequent the local camera shop.
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Clubs must be responsive to changes in technology or they will fail in the long
ii) There is no point in 2011 for clubs to base on old technology,
iii) Recognise change quickly and adopt it at club level. I have no idea what new
technology will evolve in the next 10 years but I do know that what we know
today will change.
iv) Change can be invigorating when created by us but debilitating when forced on
us, which should we choose is a no brainer.
d) Recognise the 80/20 rule , 80% of the work will be done by 20% of the members, this
does not change much so accept it, work with it and move on.
e) The 80/20 rule also applies to competition, where 80% of the prizes go to 20% of
members, work hard to lift the standards of newer and inexperienced members and
they will progress up the ranks but the 80/20 rule will still apply.
f) Continue to ask members what they want from the club, the 80/20 rule says that 80%
will go along with what the vocal 20% want , over time some of the 80 will move to
the 20 so keep asking and don't be discouraged by apparent apathy amongst
members, there is only room for a few drivers and most will be passengers.
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The Club
1. How many members do you need?
a) If you follow the Who and How above all you need is enough to start a committee, 4
or 5 will do it.
b) Clubs that are providing a learning and fun environment have between 30 and 100
members your club will grow if you provide this fun , learning environment..
a. Initially
Vice President
Treasurer ( Can be Secretary, Treasurer for a small Club)
Competition Director. ( to manage your competitions.
As the Club Grows you could add some or all of the following positions
7. Web Master ( responsible for maintaining the Club Web Site )
8. Workshop director ( responsible for organising Club Workshops)
9. Special events director ( responsible for exhibitions etc.
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Older more established clubs will have a club Laptop and Projector
The Projector needs to be HD.
Other clubs use or hire members or community equipment
The Lotteries Commission is sympathetic to clubs applying for grants to acquire
equipment. which will usually be granted on the basis of the club contributing 10% of
the value from their own resources.
e) Ideally Projectors and Computers should be calibrated on a regular basis, equipment
for this is available in the $300 price range and can be hired out to Club members to
help defray this cost.
f) In a calibrated world an image on your own computer monitor should look the same
as the one projected at club events, the only way to achieve this is for both to be
There are for's and against for each, do your homework and work out what is best for
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in sync with your club presentation and give critique as if they were present, with speakers
attached to your club laptop all members can hear and communicate with the judge.
The Skype system is being used by several Country Clubs with great success
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