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Neurotechnology Products


Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved

Release date: 10/18/2016.

Neurotechnology Products Activation

Table of Contents
1 About

2 Trial products activation

2.1 Requirements

2.2 Activation wizard for Windows

2.3 Configuration file for Linux and Mac OS X

2.4 Activation for Android

3 Licenses obtain in your application

4 Troubleshooting

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.


Neurotechnology Products Activation

1 About
Neurotechnology products should be activated before using SDK components. If you do not activate the SDK after you
install it, you cannot use the major functionality of SDK. We ask you to activate your product to verify that your installation is
performed with a genuine Neurotechnology product. Also, product activation ensures that the product license has not been
used on more devices than are permitted by the license agreement.
SDK activation is required for all purchased licenses, standard or extended versions of SDK and trial product versions. When
you activate your SDK or license, no personal information is sent to Neurotechnology.
The easiest way to activate a license (SDK) is to run the Activation wizard. This tool helps to activate licenses using
step-by-step instructions. Activation wizard is run with Setup.exe on Windows or, if you prefer a manual installation, it should
be run after saving SDK package from Bin\[platform]\Activation directory (ActivationWizard.exe for Win32_x86 and
Win64_x64 platforms).
Activation wizard can be used only on Windows. Licenses for Mac OS and Linux should be activated manually as described
in this Activation.pdf

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

2.2 Activation wizard for Windows

Neurotechnology Products Activation

2 Trial products activation

2.1 Requirements
All Neurotechnology trial products allow 30 days trial period. After this period you will not be allowed to use trial product.
The following requirements should be met when using trial products:
Internet connection. To use trial product, you must have constant internet connection. Otherwise, you will not be able to
use trial product.
Activate trial version. The activation can be performed by two methods: Activation Wizard ( page 2) (only for Windows)
or Configuration file ( page 4) (for all platforms). Read the next sections of this document for activation instructions.
Use only trial product on a computer. If you want to use one of the Neurotechnology trial products, you are not allowed
to use any of Neurotechnology licensed products on the same computer at the same time. If you have several licensed
products running on a computer, activation services should be stopped when using trial products. This is done during trial
products activation.

2.2 Activation wizard for Windows

Activation Wizard is application which allows activate trial products. Activation Wizard can be used only in Windows OS.
bin\Win64_x64\Activation folders of downloaded SDKs distribution. Follow these instructions to activate your trial
version of SDK:
1. 1. Start Activation wizard application:

In this window you can select the product (or products) which will be used for trial purposes. When products were selected,
Activation wizard will generate NLicensing.cfg file to the same directory.
Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

2.2 Activation wizard for Windows

Neurotechnology Products Activation

2. Press Next button and start Activation service (pg.exe) using the button on the right:

This window displays general information about product: time left for trial products, local and external IP addresses, licensing
information (location of licensing service, configuration file mode and licensing file log).
3. If you want to add, remove or change product trial licenses, you should click the Configure button. It will open a window
identical to the trial product selection window. Note, that if you choose different trial product licenses they will replace the
current trial licenses.
4. If you have other Neurotechnology products running on computer, after starting Activation Wizard you will see dialog box
prompting you to stop running licensing services (standard PC protection type).
If you choose Yes, running licensing services will be stopped and youll be able to activate and use Trial product. But if
standard PC protection type licensing services will be stopped, you will not be able to use licensed products. If you need to
use licensed product again, stop trial product licensing service and start the one of licensed product.
5. If you do not have direct access to the internet, you can set-up trial product to work through proxy server. Proxy server
settings can be entered in Connection Settings window. Choose Settings->Proxy from menu in Activation Wizard:

By default Disabled option is selected. This means that your computer is connected to the internet directly. If you use proxy
server for connecting the internet, enable proxy by entering these settings:
Address. IP address of your proxy server (e.g.,
Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

2.4 Activation for Android

Neurotechnology Products Activation

Port. Number of port for proxy server connections.

When you finish activation, Neurotechnology licensing service (pg.exe) will be running in a background and fully functioning
SDK will be available for the period of 30 days.
If you need to use licensed product, stop trial product licensing service and start the one of licensed product. Activation.pdf
explains how to activate the Standard or Extended version of SDK.

2.3 Configuration file for Linux and Mac OS X

Trial products can also be activated manually by customizing configuration file and starting licensing service manually. This
licensing option is used for Linux and Mac OS X operating systems (if product supports them) or when Activation wizard for
Windows can not be used. In this case a client should edit configuration file (pgd.conf) manually.
Activation configuration file (pgd.conf) should be saved in Activation folder of the SDK (Bin\[platform]\Activation).
For Windows platforms (Win32_x86 and Win64_x64) user should create and save this file in Activation folder (also this file
is created when Activation wizard is used). Linux and Mac OS X (Linux_x86, Linux_x86_64, MacOSX_universal) have
pgd.Sample.conf file which can be edited and renamed.
When you open pgd.Sample.conf you will see these settings:
mode activation mode. 3 modes are available: single, server and gateway. When using trial product Server should be
address - IP address of a proxy server. It is an advanced setting when you are using proxy server for activation.
port - number of port for proxy server connections.
If proxy server is not used, port and address fields is not required.
Example (when proxy server is not used):
Mode = server
Example (when proxy server is used):
Mode = server
address =
port = 80

After the configuration file was added to an appropriate folder, licensing service should be started. To install licensing service
on Windows, run this in command line (pg.exe is saved in Activation folder):
pg.exe install
If you need to stop licensing service, you can run this command:
pg.exe uninstall
Note: licensing service should be run with administrator privileges. If you are using command prompt, run it as an
It is recommended to use Activation wizard (

page 2) for Windows.

To install licensing service on Linux and Mac OS X, run this command line:
./pgd or ./run_pgd.sh

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

2.4 Activation for Android

Neurotechnology Products Activation

2.4 Activation for Android

Trial license for Android is automatically activated when Multibiometric Sample package for Android is installed. This
package (multibiometric-sample.apk) is saved in Bin\Android folder of the downloaded Neurotechnology SDK.
Copy this file to your Android device and and launch it. It will install 4 application on your device: VeriEye (for irises
recognition), VeriFinger (for fingerprints recognition), VeriLook (for faces recognition) and VeriSpeak (for speaker
Note: samples installation can be run only when installation from Unknown sources is enabled. Go to your Android device
settings and enable General->Security->Unknown sources.
When you finish installation from multibiometric-sample.apk, run one of the installed samples. Trial license will be obtained. If
you do not have direct access to the internet, you can set-up trial product to work through proxy server. Proxy server settings
can be entered in Connection Settings window. Choose Settings->Activation in the right corner. In this window you can
configure licensing server - specify address and port:

Also, when you select Settings->About (

page 1)->Activation, you can check which components were activated.

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

2.4 Activation for Android

Neurotechnology Products Activation

Usage of the Trial SDK is limited up-to 30 days. Trial SDK requires constant internet connection.

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

Neurotechnology Products Activation

3 Licenses obtain in your application

When you have activated a license(s), you can start using licensed biometric components in your application. Before using
licensed functionality in your application, you should obtain licenses for each component. Some usage examples:
Fingerprint enrollment from a scanner requires licenses for these components:
Face verification requires licenses for these components: Biometrics.FaceExtraction,Biometrics.FaceMatching.
Facial features detection: Biometrics.FaceDetection,Biometrics.FaceExtraction, Biometrics.FaceSegmentsDetection.
Basically, each Neurotechnology API component requires a license. Developer's guide (e.g. Neurotechnology Biometric
SDK.pdf) saved in Documentation folder of the SDK has the chapter named Licensed API functionality (About ( page
1)->Licensing). This section lists down which API functionality is enabled by which license. Using the table from this section
you can check if a particular component is unlocked by the license you have. For example, if you have bought Fingerprint
Client license then you can use such components as Biometrics.FingerExtraction, Biometrics.FingerDetection or Media. But
if you need to perform fingerprint segmentation which is accessed from Biometrics.FingerSegmentation component, you
should purchase additional license Fingerprint Segmenter.
Sometimes it can be a tricky task to decide which component you should use and which licenses are required. SDK includes
tutorials (/Tutorials folder) for C/C#/VB.NET/Java languages which demonstrate how to perform a biometric task and how to
obtain and release licenses. Also previously mentioned Developer's guide includes API Reference documentation.
Let's see how licenses are obtained in Detect facial features tutorial for C#:
// Let's specify licensed components names. These names are taken from the previously
mentioned table
// Face detection and face features detection are performed by NBiometricClient.
// Face segments detection is defined as an additional component, because face
detection/extraction and segmentation
// are separate tasks and may require separate licenses.
string components = "Biometrics.FaceDetection,Biometrics.FaceExtraction";
const string AdditionalComponents = "Biometrics.FaceSegmentsDetection";
//Now let's try to obtain these licenses:
// Obtains licenses for specified "components" from licenses manager server "local" using
"5000" server's port
if (!NLicense.ObtainComponents("/local", 5000, components))
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not obtain licenses for components:
{0}", components));
if (NLicense.ObtainComponents("/local", 5000, AdditionalComponents))
components += "," + AdditionalComponents;

// Perform Facial features detection. See tutorial source code

//It is required to release licenses after biometric task was performed
Licenses for components are obtained in the same way for other biometric tasks.

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

Neurotechnology Products Activation

4 Troubleshooting
If you encounter problems while installing or using the SDK, please contact Neurotechnology Support Department
support@neurotechnology.com or your local distributor. It is desirable to send us additional information about your PC
configuration and installation details.

On Windows, the PC information should be obtained through Activation Wizard:

1. Switch to the "Diagnostic" window in the Activation Wizard.
2. Copy the contents of the window to the clipboard or save the text to a file.
3. Paste the information to the email message or attach the file with the saved text.

On Linux, the PC information should be obtained in following way:

1. Run the diagnostic_report.sh script in Bin/Linux_x86/Activation or Bin/Linux_x86_64/Activation
directory (use directory for your architecture). The script must be run as superuser (root).
2. Copy the output to the clipboard or save to a file.
3. Paste the information to the email message or attach the file with the saved text.

Copyright 2008-2016 Neurotechnology. All rights reserved.

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