Nurs2020 Evaluation Ross Midterm

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NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

Trent/Fleming School of Nursing

Trent University-Peterborough Site
Semester_W 2016

NURS 2020H Clinical Course Evaluation

Mid-term Evaluation
Student: __Sarah Ross________________________________
Clinical Instructor: ______Sandy White_________
Total Clinical Hours: ______
*Signed log must be attached
Grade: satisfactory


NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

Clinical Instructors Evaluation (midterm):

Course Objective

Evidence/Indicators: (The student has ...)

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Demonstrated professional responsibility and

accountability to collaboratively plan, implement
and/or evaluate a health promotion project relevant to
the community population served, using elements of
the course website such as the learning system and
regular, punctual communication with preceptor and

Sarah has demonstrated responsibility through

her completion of pre-clinical activities
(survey, orientation, sim demonstrations &
independent activities). She has been able to
work collaboratively with her project partner
to establish a project on smoking cessation for
staff/volunteers at the Youth Shelter. She uses
the course website to stay current and submit
her work. She communicates regularly with
her preceptor and her faculty.

Applied their knowledge to support population

assessment, collaborative and evidence informed
health promotion project development,
implementation and process and outcome evaluation.

Sarah has demonstrated her knowledge of

population assessment, and key components
of project planning. They submitted an ethics
application for a survey they intended to use
however, the following week their preceptor
changed the focus of the project.

Demonstrated ethical respectful and professional

practice when working with community organizations
and the population with whom they work.

Sarah has been ethical and maintained

confidentiality in her discussions of the
agency and their needs. As mentioned above,
she was quite flexible in changing focus of
project despite work already being started.

NURS 2020H Community Based Nursing Practice

She has developed a professional relationship
with her preceptor and the staff/young people
at the facility
Demonstrated knowledge of relational practice in
project development, respectful of group process,
leadership/followership, and collaborative practice to
meet the needs and build capacity of the population in
the given context.

Demonstrated self-regulation by engaging in selfreflective practice and identifying learning needs

through self-assessment that align with the SONs
program goals and the Community Health Nursing
Standards of Practice in Canada.

She has worked well with her preceptor and

group partner by ensuring she is engaged and
completing her portion of the workload. By
doing this, there has been no delay in the
progress of the project. Also, the written
praxis notes have demonstrated a shared
workload in a timely fashion.

Sarah has set her learning goals and through

her weekly logs has identified how she has
met different course objectives. Her written
work is submitted professionally and in a
timely fashion. She has been receptive to
feedback. She has had excellent attendance at
seminar and participates respectfully.

Clinical Instructors Comments (Any area marked unsatisfactory need to be commented on).
Sarah is off to a strong start this semester in learning about project planning, community needs and health promotion.

Signature of Instructor_________

____________________________Date_Feb. 17, 2016

Signature of Student_____________________________________________________
*all signatures must be in writing and not typed

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