Final Evaluation: NURS 3021H Clinical Practice Focused On Chronic Disease Management

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NURS 3021H Clinical Practice Focused on Chronic Disease


Final Evaluation
Student: Sarah Ross
Clinical Instructor: Eni Abiola
Clinical Placement Hospital PRHC

Unit D2

Total Hours Completed: 128

Date: November 21st, 2016



NURS 3021H Clinical Practice Mid-Term Evaluation

Program Goals
Students graduating from this program will be:
1. Prepared as generalists entering a self-regulating
profession in situations of health and illness.

2. Prepared to work with people of all ages and genders

(individuals, families, groups, communities and
populations) in a variety of settings.
3. Expected to have an enhanced knowledge of the program
foci: indigenous, women's and environmental health and
aging and rural populations.
4. Prepared to learn to continuously use critical and scientific
inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply
nursing knowledge in their practice.
5. Prepared to demonstrate leadership in professional nursing
practice in diverse health care contexts.
6. Prepared to contribute to a culture of safety by
demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by
identifying, and mitigating risk for patients and other
health care providers
7. Able to establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and
culturally safe relationships with clients and health care
team members based upon relational boundaries and
8. Able to enact advocacy in their work based on the
philosophy of social justice.
9. Able to effectively utilize communications and informational
technologies to improve client outcomes.
10. Prepared to provide nursing care that includes
comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidenceinformed interventions and outcome measures.

3000 Level Outcomes

On completion of 3000 level courses students will be
able to:
Fully understand how to practice in a self-regulating
Analyze clinical situations and reflect on individual roles of the
nurse as it impacts upon patients and the nursing profession.
Rationalize the link between health and illness.
Understand the complexity adults, of all genders, to achieve
optimal health.
Use a critical perspective in applying the foci to nursing
knowledge and practice.
Integrate critical reflective evidence-informed care using
multiple ways of knowing.
Develop and embody leadership at the point of care.
Expand awareness of leadership in nursing.
Identify strategies to develop leadership potential.
Anticipate, identify and manage risk situations.
Demonstrate awareness of resources related to risk
Engages in deliberative personal centred relational practice to
assist individuals, families and communities to achieve health.
Acknowledge own potential to contribute to effective
collaborative team function.
Advocate for individuals, families, and communities
recognizing the influence of public policy on health.
Recognize contextual influences on persons lived experiences
within the health care system.
Integrates and applies critical thinking to the use of
information technology and dissemination strategies as related
to clinical outcomes.
Critically assess the individuals, family and community health
status. Collaborate to identify priority health needs.
Identify evidence informed interventions and health outcome
evaluation in complex care situations.

NURS 3021H Clinical Practice Final Evaluation

Course Objective
1. Demonstrate accountability and responsibility in the
teaching-learning relationship.

2. Explain the experience of chronic illness in individuals

receiving care in chronic care settings




I have deomnstrated accountability

and responsibility in the teachinglearing relationship by showing up
on-time each week for clinical and
simulations, being in proper uniform,
handing in all work pormptly and on
time and not missing any days. I
specifically showed my accountability
and responsibility when I was the
Team Lead for the day this semester.
During this I helped my peers with
their patients, answered call bells,
helped other nurses and helped my
peers with any of their questions
before they went to the instructor for
help. This showed my reliability ,
responsibility and accountability in
the teaching-learning relationship.
I have been able to explain the
experience of chronic illness through
completing my reflections and
pre/post-clinicals throughout the
semester. In my pre/post-clinicals I
was able to identify my patients
diagnosis's, the treatments and
diagnostic tests associated, my
focused assessments and nursing
diagnoses for each. I also showed this
through writing my progress notes
each shift, which explained my

3. Interpret critical aspects of the persons experience of

chronic illness in relation to the nursing process such as
common signs and symptoms, responses to treatment,
patterns of coping, and impact on individual and family

4. Identify symptoms and common medical treatments of

selected chronic illness.

patients day and any important

information that was relevant to their
day and illness. As well, I
demonstrated my ability to explain
the experience and pathophysiology
of HIV & AIDS in my post-conference
I have been able to interpret critical
aspects of my patient's experience of
their chronic illnesses through
preforming head to toe assessments.
Through my assessments I am able to
identify the common signs and
symptoms that are expected in my
patient's illnesses and also any
abnormal findings that are
presenting. Each shift I interact with
each of my patient's and any family
throughout the day to be able to
understand where they are at with
the coping of the illness. Hearing
their experiences and worries allows
me to better understand their
situations. I specifcally did this in my
charting, which documented the
patients changes throughout the shift
on each of these levels.
I have demonstrated my ability to
symptoms and common medical
for selected chronic illnesses through
researching each of my patients
before I come onto the floor to have

understanding of their common signs

symptoms, treatments they are
reciving and
why they are receiving them. This
includes the common treatments,
diagnostic tests and functional
assesments for each of my patients. I
have done this for various types of
cancers, myeodyelplastic syndrome,
gleoblastoma and so on. I specifically
did this on the floor through knowing
my patient's behaviours and relaizing
when something was off. This could
be through their moods, facial
expression, tone of vice, type of
conversations etc. This led me to
assess my patient to find out if there
were any sypmtoms that we could
5. Demonstrate select nursing and collaborative interventions
related to caring for the person with chronic illness such as
specific assessments, medication administration, physical
and chemical restraints, enteral feeding & residual
volumes, NG tube insertions, wound care, patient
controlled medication administration pumps.

I have demonstrated select nursing

and collaborative interventions
related to caring for patient's with
chronic illness, such as screening for
Dementia, preforming a bladder
scan and then showing my peers how
to use it, helping to transfer a patient
radiation therapy in Durham,
medications under my primary
nurse/clinical instructors
supervision, and have also found out
how to
complete an Impact Report. I have

administered subcutaneous
medications into a subcutaneous line,
as well as directly into the skin,
preformed proper PPE for contact and
droplet precautions, preformed
wound care for patients and gained
valuable knlowedge/information on
this subject in lab, I have taken blood
sugars and provided insulin according
to the patient's sliding scale, I also
have inserted a new subcutaneous
line for a patient. I have preformed
several post-mortem cares and have
witnessed a patient passing, as well
as the nurse pronouncing their death.
I have preformed medication
reconsitution, priming an IV line,
adminstering medications through a
G-tube and was also able to help
with tracheostomy care for a patient.
One day in the semester I was also
able to practice my leadership skills
by being the team lead for the day
and helping everyone in my group
with their patients.
6. Identify potential consequences/complications of select
chronic illnesses and related interventions.

I have demonstrated my ability to

consequences/complications of
select illnesses through being able to
understand my patients medications
and the
adverse effects that they may have,
and also
the drug-drug interactions for their

medications. I have also been able to

identify abnormal lab findings and the
reason behind them for each of my
patients in my post clinical. I have
specifically learned about wound care
management and the complications it
can have as one of my patients had a
coccyx dressing that the nurse had
cut hole into, which was allowing
feces to enter into the wound area. I
was able to notify my primary nurse
and instructor about this and we were
able to change the dressing and oder
on the Kardex for the changing of it.
Another complication I witnessed was
lack of education surrounding one of
my patients who had a tracheostomy,
who had lost his cannula in his bed.
My instructor and I then preformed
tracheostomy for the patient and
tried to teach the patient throughout
the shift about how to manage his
illness. I also specifically witnessed a
patient passing as my and another
peer in my group were changing him.
This was an interesting experience
which showed how fast things can
change on the palliative floor.
7. Under the supervision of a Registered Nurse, demonstrate
safe, competent, evidence-informed, holistic nursing
practice with clients with chronic illness
a. Use a wide range of effective communication
strategies and interpersonal skills to appropriately
establish, maintain, re-establish and terminate the
nurse-client relationship

I have demonstrated a wide variety of

throughout this placement. I am able
to build and maintain therapeutic
relationships with each of my clients,
and also able to contiune that
relationship with the patients who are

b. Demonstrate accountable, responsible and ethical

c. Engage in respectful, collaborative, therapeutic and
professional relationships
i. Demonstrate therapeutic use of self
ii. Create a culturally safe environment
d. Apply nursing models and theories
e. Demonstrate health promotion and illness
prevention practices
f. Demonstrate patient advocacy
g. Predict outcomes of nursing care
h. Evaluate client response to nursing care
i. Critically appraise own practice in relation to nurseclient/family interactions and as a member of the
health care team

there continuously. I have also been

able to work on and build my
professional communication skills
with other nurses through face to
providing in-depth, clear progress
notes for the next nurses coming on
the floor. I have been accountable,
responsible and ethical all placement
through showing up on time and
submitting all work on time, being
eager to learn and help, and through
following best pracice guidelines
when in clinical. I have demonstrated
therapeutic use of self specifically
through accompanying a patient on a
transfer to Oshawa for a radiation
treatment. Even though I did not do
too much, being there and being
someone for the patient to talk to
was a great experience. I have tried
throughout the semester to creat a
culturally safe environment through
not having biases about patients and
going in with a clean slate, also with
the rest of my clinical group I have
tried to make relationships with
everyone to be able to build a good,
trustworthy envirnment between us
as well. I have applied many nursing
theories when caring for my patients,
such as the theory of comfort, theory
of stress and environment theory. I
have also outlined/explained each
theory in all of my post-clinicals as
well. I have demonstrated health

8. Critically appraise own practice in relation to nurseclient/family interactions and as a member of the health
care team

promotion and illness prevention

practicies through patient teaching
about their illness, specifically the
patient who had the tracheostomy. I
also demonstrated illness prevention
practices through wearing proper PPE
equipment with an patients who
required it and also following proper
floor protocols. I have demonstrated
patient advocacy through assessing
voicing them to either my instructor
or primary nurse to try and find a
solution for my patient. I have
demonstrated my ability to predict
outcomes of nursing care through
predicitng assessments and patient
risk factors within my pre clinicals
demonstrated my ability to evaluate
client response to nursing care
through providing in-depth and clear
progress notes about any concers the
apparaised my practice throughout
the semseter through self-reflection
I have demonstrated my abilities to
appraise my own practice through my
reflections and assignments. Theses
have allowed me to look back on my
clinical experience and what I did,

what I could've done and what I can

do for the next time. I have also done
this through personal reflection when
I am on the floor to try and help
better myself/practice techniques and
by accepting constructive criticism. I
demonstrated critical appraisal of my
own practice also through completing
my midterm evaluation, where halfway through the semseter I reflected
on my experiences and the
skills/knowledge I have accquired
during this placement.
9. Participate in professional development based on reflective
practice and critical inquiry

I have been able to demonstrate my

ability to participate in professional
develoment, based on reflective
practice and critical inquiry through
participating in post-conferences
each week with my clinical group. As
a group we were able to reflect on
our day/experiences and any
struggles we may have encountered
and form a discussion about what
happened, what we did and what we
could do next time. I also had the
ability to participate in two hosptial
in-services throughout the semester
which provided information about
MAID and the "art of dying", which
provided a lot of information to
benefit my future practice as a nurse.

Areas of Strength Identified by Student


1. Reliability
2. Communication
3. Medication Administration
Areas for Future Development Identified by Student
1. Documentation Skills
2. Injections
3. IV Skills
Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a
Sarah you have been a pleasure to have in the clinical setting. You have a natural
ability to interact with the patients, staff and your peers and you have successfully
developed several therapeutic relationship during clinical. You have great insight into
clinical setting you have great insight into clinical situations as by your weekly reflective
practice and through your participation in post conference. This insight will serve you well
throughout your nursing career and is fundamental in the development of your critical
thinking skills.
I also feel one of your strengths is your empathy and kind heart; you genuinely care
about what are doing within the clinical setting and it shows in your work. Never stray
from these qualities, as your patients will continue to benefit from years to come.
I have received excellent feedback from the RN and RPN you have worked with over
the last several weeks and positive remarks have been passed along from the patient

themselves. You are keen to take on new experiences in the clinical setting and your
written assignments have been very well done.
Continue to work on developing your assessment skills and taking on new experiences
as they present themselves. Remember, you will get as much from your clinical
placements as you allow yourself to; continue to push yourself out of your comfort zone in
order to develop your nursing skills. You were also a great team leader and you should be
proud of yourself for the great acheievment you continue to achieve!
Excellent work this semester in NURS3021 and all the best in your next clinical!

Clinical Practice Attendance (8 Hours Per Shift)

Th Fri
Week 8
Week 6
Week 8
Week 7
Week 8
Week 8

Th Fri


Week 8
Week 8

Week 9

Week 10 8


Total number of clinical practice hours completed: 128 /128 Hours

Clinical Practice Outcome (completed by Clinical Instructor): Satisfactory
Clinical Learning Centre
Total number of clinical replacement simulation hours completed 14 / 14
Total number of lab hours completed 22 / 22 Hours
Clinical Learning Centre Outcome (completed by Course Lead): Satisfactory
Signature of Course Lead:


Signature of Clinical Instructor:


Signature of Student:
25 , 2016

Date: Decemeber 7th,

Date: November




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