Final Guidelines SAP 2016 ODD SEM v1-2

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(In exercise of powers conferred under the provisions of section 7 (c ) & 28(b) of the Amity University Uttar
Pradesh Act, 2005, Article 6.3 (b)( Viii) of First Statues and Clause 5 of First Ordinances, Amity University
Uttar Pradesh, with an objective to formulate a procedure for Study abroad Programmes, hereby notifies
these Guidelines).
1.0 Short Title, Application and Commencement
1.1 These Guidelines may be called Amity University Uttar Pradesh (Study Abroad Programme)
1.2 These Guidelines shall apply to all students of Amity University and its campuses.
2.0 Objective
2.1 The objective of these Guidelines is to formulate a procedure for Study abroad Programmes.
3.0 Introduction
Study Abroad Programme (SAP) is important for global exposure to students of various disciplines. SAP
programme has been re-engineered to give an experiential learning platform to the students of Amity on a
global scale. The students will get hands-on experience of gaining knowledge of foreign culture, industry
and economic dynamics. It will provide the students with an opportunity to interact with foreign faculty
and carry out focused projects under their expert guidance.
4.0 SAP-2016 Locations
The SAP 2016 will be conducted at the following Campuses/Universities:
Proposed Dates and Duration

SAP 2016- Odd Semester

2nd Nov 2016

6 Dec 2016

5.0 SAP Sample Itinerary

Special modules delivered by the Industry experts and Leading foreign faculty
Industry Visits
Extensive Project Reports
Excellent exposure, cross cultural orientation & sensitization on the foreign economies, societies, dos and
donts etc.
Familiarization with industry dynamics and trends on a global scale

Detailed SAP Calendar will be provided by IAD / Office of the Gp. Vice Chancellor.
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6.0 Academic Model, Curriculum, Evaluation and Examination

6.1. Programme Structure & Course Curriculum

Prescribed Programs / Courses for SAP

Credit allocation per subject already available on Amizone
Students to select SAP to freeze APWs

A briefing session for SAP will be conducted domain/Institution level by IAD and HOIs, before
students submit their APW.
6.1.2 Assessment & Examinations
The continuous Assessment and ESE of courses will be done by respective HOME Campuses and
SAP campuses as per course curriculum.
1. HoIs will ensure coverage of the syllabus and continuous assessment are completed for all the
courses of Home Campus before the last teaching date i.e. 15 October 2016.
2. The End semester Examinations will be conducted before the students leave for SAP as per the
Examination activity calendar given below:

Submission of Pre Examination Faculty Feedback by the students 12th October 2016
Submission of Online Examination Form by the students 12th October 2016
Last class of the odd semester 15th October 2016
GSSC Completion & Submission of Satisfactory Report on Amizone 15th October 2016
Blocking of Attendance 15th October 2016 (By 6.00 pm)
Online request by the Student for Borderline Debarred Category with B+ Cap. - 15th
October 2016 (By 6.00 pm)
Approval of Examination Form and Recommendation for Borderline Debarred Cases
18th October 2016 (By 12 noon)
Recommendation for Borderline Debarred Cases by Examination Department and
Approval by Competent Authority - 18th October 2016 (By 4 pm)
Generation of Admit Card by Examination Department - 19th October 2016 (By 12 noon)
Distribution of Admit Card to the students - 19th October 2016 (By 4 pm)
Commencement of Odd Semester Examination (including Practical if any) 20th
October 2016
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Last Exam On or Before (including Practical if any) 26th October 2016

3. The students need to meet the academic requirements (attendance, IA/CA & ESE) of courses
studied by them at home campus as per university norms. Attendance will be counted till the
last day of teaching for SAP students at Home Campus.
4. The academic result of the student for previous semester will be same. Examination of back
papers if any will be as per normal University Calendar published on Amizone.
5. The Assessment (continuous and ESE) of SAP will be completed by respective SAP campuses as
per course syllabus.

7.0 Fee

Fee Structure

The Fee structure is applicable for all domains across all Amity Universities & Institutions
DESTINATION Without accommodation
including Value added

With accommodation


For Dubai campus the following fee will be charged in addition to the above: Tourist Visa (90 days)- AED 1,300/- (For male Students above 20 yrs. old and female students above 25
yrs. old)
Student Visa- AED 2,200/- (For male Students below 20 yrs. old and female students below 25 years
Airport Transfers: AED 200/- Optional
The fee does not include return air tickets, visa fee, meals charges, medical insurance charges or any other
out of pocket expenditure which may be borne by the students.

7.2 FEE Payment Instructions

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1. Mode of Payment - Bank draft payable at London / Electronic Transfer
2. Payment to be made in favor of:
b. ACCOUNT NO.: 21853864
d. SORT CODE: 40-07-07
e. IBAN: GB75MIDL400707
1. Mode of Payment - Bank draft payable at Singapore / Electronic Transfer
2. Payment to be made in favor of:
b. Account Number : 003-923926-2
c. Bank Name : DBS BANK LTD
d. Bank Code : 7171
e. Branch Code : 003
f. Swift Address: DBSSSGSG


1. Mode of Payment - Electronic Transfer Only
2. Payment to be made in favor of:
a. Account Name : Amity University
b. Account No. (AED) : 101-43395514-01
c. IBAN No. (AED) : AE040260001014339551401
d. Bank Name : Emirates NBD
e. Branch Address : Dubai Media City Branch
f. Swift Code : EBILAEAD

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1. Mode of Payment Demand Draft Only
2. Payment to be made in favor of: Amity University Uttar Pradesh

All bank charges both in India & overseas have to be borne by the students. The students are advised to
give institutions to bankers making remittance for charges mentioning Remittance charges should be
7.3 Fee Refund Policy
a. Any student who is not been able to go on SAP will henceforth be allowed to take the
refund of the fee paid to us, except for accommodation if that has already been booked.
b. The Fee of indiscipline case will be forfeited.

c. If the University withdraws to offer the SAP course for some reason, the fee of student will
be refunded.

d. The fee of withdrawal cases will be refunded after deducted the processing changes as
applicable & decided by Group Vice Chancellors Office.

8.0 Application Process and Selection of the students

a. Students to apply for SAP to their respective HOI through their programme coordinator.
b. Students APW will be approved by HoI on AMIZONE as per model framework
c. Students selection to be recommended by the Course Advisory Committee and approved
by HOI.
d. A Faculty coordinator will be designated by HoI/Domain Head (selected from the respective
Institutes/group of institutions of a domain from where students for SAP have been
approved), who will accompany the students to each SAP campus and who will also deliver
the assigned course(s) & will monitor the student progress. HoI will submit a proposal to
University HQ for necessary approval from Chancellor. The faculty coordinator from an
institution will depend upon number of students opted for SAP campus.
e. List of the students who are going for SAP will be forwarded to following :
Dean (SAA&SS) for necessary approval of the University for Credit Transfer along with Course
Dean (Exams) for examination planning
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IAD and Office of Amity Group Vice Chancellor for information, further processing and
necessary action for facilitating visa and other logistics arrangements and coordination with SAP

IAD will assist the HoIs / HODs, Students and faculty in Visa Application process, logistics
arrangement and other itineraries..

8.1 Documents Required For SAP Application

The students have to submit the following forms to their respective Programme Coordinator/Programme

SAP Application Form (Annexure A) for Singapore, Dubai, Australia & USA


Indemnity Bond on a Rs.100/- stamp paper, notarized and signed by their parents.
(Annexure B). To be filled by students opting for Amity Accommodation


In-case the student is opting for own accommodation then he must submit the
Indemnity Bond on a Rs.100/- stamp paper, notarized and signed by their parents.
(Annexure C)


Undertaking on a Rs.10/- stamp paper, notarized and signed by themselves. (Annexure



SAP London Application form for SAP London only (Annexure E)


London Pre-Arrival Guide (Annexure F)


Singapore Pre-Arrival Guide (Annexure G)

8.2 General Guidelines for Students


The students must adhere to the highest standards of conduct stipulated by the


The students must be actively engaged in making their classroom sessions an interactive
and learning.


When going for industry visits, showcasing themselves as brand Amity and leave a
lasting impression.


Any case of indiscipline will result into terminated the SAP for a student immediately
and the student will be send back to home campus.


The Students must report back to home campus by the due date. Any extension beyond
SAP dates will be given by University HQ on recommendations of HOI.

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Annexure A

Campus opted for the Study Abroad Programme 2016:

Name: _________________________

Preference 1st

Preference 2nd

Enrolment No: ________________________

Programme: ________________________ Batch: __________________

Semester: _________

Academic Performance:Semester



No. of Back papers

Write a short note on how you stand to benefit from this Study Abroad Programme?
Passport Details (please attach photocopy).
Passport No:- ___________________ Date of Issue: _____________ Valid upto : ________________
Place of issue: ___________________________ Issued by: __________________________________
Parents Details:
Fathers Name: ___________________ Occupation: __________________ Organization: ___________
Designation: _________________ Mobile No: _____________ Email: __________________________
Mothers Name:___________________ Occupation: __________________ Organization: ______________
Designation: _________________ Mobile No: _____________ Email: __________________
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Any previous Medical History: ________________________________________________________

Financial Details:
How are you going to fund your SAP trip:
Family Income: _________________________________
Contact Details:
Residential Address: __________________________________________________________________
Mobile No: _____________________ Email Id: ____________________________________
Emergency Contact Details: _______________________ Mobile: _____________________

All the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have submitted the
undertaking for Study Abroad Programme in prescribed format of the Amity University.
Date: ..
Signature: ..
Recommendation of Programme Coordinator/Programme Leader:
Signature: ..

Date: ..

Name: ___________________
Designation: _______________
Contact No: _______________

Approval by Head of Institution:



Signature: ....
Name: _______________

Final Approval by Amity Group Vice Chancellor

Approved/ Not approved

Date: ..

Amity Group Vice Chancellor

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Annexure B














__________________(Institutes Name) in its ____________________ Programme bearing enrolment no. ________,

is now proceeding to . as a part of Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2016.
I have understood that Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) have made the necessary
arrangement for the conduct of said program. I have gone through the rules and regulations prescribed by the Amity
and to be followed by the students, while on an outstation tour, which I have found very
appropriate, and the same has also been read and understood by my son/daughter who has also executed an
undertaking for the same. I have fully understood that my son/daughter is going entirely at his/her own accord and
Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) shall not be responsible for his/her own actions and
deeds during their stay in .(Place of visit)
I hereby promise to keep indemnified and harmless the Amity and .(Visiting Institution for SAP),
its Parents body, their Employees /officials, from every type of loss(s) or damage(s) which may arise out from the
action or inaction of my son/daughter, during the said tours, and also from any claim arising from those action or
inaction of my son/daughter.

Signature of the Indemnifier_____________________

Name of the Indemnifier _____________________

1. Signature of Witness:_____________

2. Signature of Witness:____________

Name: ___________________________

Name: _________________________

Date: ____________________________

Date: ___________________________

Address: __________________________

Address: _________________________

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Annexure C (for students who opt for Own Accommodation)

















__________________(Institutes Name) in its ____________________ Programme bearing enrolment no. ________,

is now proceeding to as a part of Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2016. We have made












I have understood that Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) have made the necessary
arrangement for the conduct of said program. I have gone through the rules and regulations prescribed by the Amity
and to be followed by the students, while on an outstation tour, which I have found very
appropriate, and the same has also been read and understood by my son/daughter who has also executed an
undertaking for the same. I have fully understood that my son/daughter is going entirely at his/her own accord and
Amity and (Visiting Institution for SAP) shall not be responsible for his/her own actions and
deeds during their stay in .(Place of visit)
I hereby promise to keep indemnified and harmless the Amity and .(Visiting Institution for SAP),
its Parents body, their Employees /officials, from every type of loss(s) or damage(s) which may arise out from the
action or inaction of my son/daughter, during the said tours, and also from any claim arising from those action or
inaction of my son/daughter.

Signature of the Indemnifier_____________________

Name of the Indemnifier ______________________

1. Signature of Witness:____________

2. Signature of Witness:____________

Name: __________________________

Name: ___________________________

Date: ____________________________

Date: ____________________________

Address: __________________________

Address: __________________________

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Annexure D









____________________________(Institutions Name) in its__________________ Programme bearing

enrolment no ____________________, and now proceeding to ____________________(Visiting
Institution for SAP), for `Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2016. from .. till . I
have taken the necessary permission/concurrence from my Parents/Guardian, for my travel to this study
abroad programme.

I hereby undertake that:

1. I shall follow the rules and regulations as laid by Amity & _________________
____________(Visiting Institution for SAP) for the Study Abroad Programme (SAP) 2016 which have
been clearly read and understood by me.
2. I shall not break any of the rules & regulations and also the laws of the Country where I am
3. I shall not indulge in any unlawful activity and any activity other than my duties & obligations.
4. I shall not do anything which may cause any injury or damage to me or to any other person.
5. I shall keep my visa papers with full security & always ready.
6. I shall observe strict discipline and follow the instructions of my Teachers/Professors/Attendants
and other authorities during my stay at ..
7. I shall not do anything while undergoing the said tour at (place of visit), which may
bring disrepute to Amity &

(Visiting Institution for SAP), its officials, or

prejudice the relations between Amity and the participating institutions.

8. I will make the complete payment as laid down by Amity & ________________ Visiting Institution
for SAP) for the said Programme.
9. I have taken the necessary Insurance Policy, and Amity & _____________________ (Visiting
Institution for SAP) has no liability whatsoever, to bear, in case any mishap / mishappening
occurs to me.

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10. I shall in no case leave ..(place of stay) during my stay for this Study Abroad Program
and would proceed straight back to India post completion. In case due to extreme circumstances I
need to leave (Place of stay)., I understand that I would need the written permission of
Director, Amity ....................................
11. I also understand that in case I am found guilty of any unlawful activity or breaking the rules
mentioned above or otherwise, I shall be liable to be deported back to India and Amity &
................ (Visiting Institution for SAP) shall not be liable for any financial
12. I am responsible for my visa documentation and shall not hold Amity & ______________________
(Visiting Institution for SAP) responsible for Visa Rejection.
13. I would make the complete payment towards any loss or damage caused by me to the Institutes
property or the Arrangements made during my stay at .. (Place of stay).
(Signature of the Student)

(Signature of the Witness)

Name: _____________________

Name: ___________________

Address: ___________________






Date: _____________________ __

Date: ____________________

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Annexure E

Study Abroad/Exchange Application Form 2015/2016

In order for your application to be processed, we must have a fully completed Application Form and all supporting
Supporting documents required are:
Full copy of the passport
Immigration Check Form
Academic Transcripts / Certificate
English Language test result / Letter from current institute confirming current studies in English
Bank Statement
Enrolment letter from current institute
Study Programme
Year of entry:
Period of Study
Autumn Semester (September to December)
Winter Semester (January to May)
Spring Semester (May to August)
Summer Semester (August-November)

Study Programme


Last Name:

First Name:

Middle Name(s):


Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year)

Country of Citizenship (as in passport):

Passport Number:

Passport Issue date: (DD/MM/YY)

Passport Expiry Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Permanent/Home Mailing Address:

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Home number/Street:
Telephone (Inc country code):
Alternative email:

Postal/Zip Code:


Home University:
Current Year of Study:

Contact Details of your Next of Kin

Full Name:
Home number/Street:
Postal/Zip Code:
Telephone (Inc country code):


Disability/Learning Difference Information

Amity University [In] London welcomes students with disabilities and strongly encourages you to disclose any
disability or medical condition which may impact your studies. Declaring disability will not affect the academic
decision about your application but will help us put any individual arrangements or facilities in place for the start of
your study abroad programme.

Please tick at least one of the following:

No known disabilities
Specific Learning disability e.g. Dyslexia
Blind/partially sighted
Deaf/hearing impairment
Wheelchair user/mobility difficulty
Mental health difficulties
Unseen disability e.g. Diabetes, Epilepsy, Asthma
Autistic spectrum disorder/Aspergers Syndrome
Disability not otherwise listed, please explain below

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Please indicate any additional support you may require

Competence in English Language

Is English your first language /



Are you currently being taught in English? Yes


Personal Statement

Please tell us a bit about yourself, including your reasons for choosing to study abroad at Amity University [In]
London permission (please limit to 300 words):

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Have you ever studied in the UK before? If yes, where did you study, how long did you study for and what
programme did you study? What type of visa did you have for your studies?

I give


I give Amity University [In] London permission to contact 3rd parties (e.g. parents, guardians or home institution).
Yes, I give consent to contact 3rd parties
No, I do not give consent to contact 3rd parties
Do you have any criminal convictions? Yes


(If yes, you will be contacted confidentially for further information and to determine your eligibility to attend Amity
University [In] London permission.)
I undertake that I will return to my home country with seven days of the end of the course at Amity specified in my
invitation letter.
I agree to provide a copy of my exit stamp obtained when leaving the UK to Amity within seven days of returning
home. I understand that my certificate and transcript will not be provided until I send the exit stamp to Amity
University [IN] London.
I confirm that the above information is correct and complete and all supporting documents are correct and
authentic. If you are submitting this form electronically, please type your name or enter your electronic signature
below. In doing so, you confirm that the above statement is correct, as if the document has been signed and dated
by hand.
Signed : _______________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________

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Annexure F


Study Abroad Program

Pre-arrival Guide for the

program with Amity
University, New Delhi

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Introduction ..............................................................................................1
Entry Criteria .............................................................................................2
Application and Supporting Documents ......................................................2
Accommodation ........................................................................................3
Visa and Immigration Advice ......................................................................4
Medical, Dental and Insurance Matters ......................................................5
Finances ....................................................................................................6
Before Travelling to the UK ........................................................................7
Cost of Living .............................................................................................8
Airports .....................................................................................................8
Arrival in the UK.........................................................................................8
Student Support ...................................................................................... 10
Life at Amity ........................................................................................... 11
Facts about UK ......................................................................................... 12
Check Lists ............................................................................................... 14
Contacting School .................................................................................... 16
Useful Links/ Books & Websites ............................................................... 16

Amity London Business School has several different exchange programs with Amity University New
Dehli and this guide is tailored for Amity University students.
Amity London Business School is proud of its reputation. Many students choose to join us for a
semester (two months) and find that spending a period of study at a highly regarded institution in
one of the worlds most vibrant cities is not only a great experience in and of itself, but also
enhances their academic insights, employability and life skills.
Improve your employability
Studying abroad is a great way to enhance your employability. Your experiences of studying abroad
and navigating cultural and academic challenges will give you an edge in your future career. In
addition to building your cross-cultural awareness, you will acquire a range of transferable skills that
are highly valued by employers.
In general, studying abroad develops your skills as a communicator, both verbally and in writing. At
Amity London Business School, we also help you develop skills and personal qualities such as
confidence, flexibility, analytical ability, problem-solving, working in a team and the ability to adapt
to new situations.
Enhance your degree
Studying abroad gives you an opportunity to specialise further in an area that interests you. Studying
at Amity London Business School will introduce you to new and innovative ways of learning in a
different academic environment.
Develop an international perspective
Studying in a culture different from your own will broaden your understanding of the world and how
other people study and socialise. You will return home with new ideas and an informed perspective
on the world around you.
Network and make friends from all over the world
As a visiting and exchange student you will be studying and living alongside students from the UK
and all over the world. Take advantage of the range of social and networking opportunities on offer
and make life-long friendships while you do.
Explore London

London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education,
entertainment, fashion, finance, media, professional services, research and development,
tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence. It is the world's leading financial
centre alongside New York City.

London has been described as a world cultural capital. It is the world's most-visited city.
London has a diverse range of peoples and cultures, and more than 300 languages are
spoken within its boundaries.

Entry Criteria
In order to apply for the Study Abroad Program at Amity London Business School you must satisfy
the following criteria:
1. A letter from your University stating your medium of study is English.
2. Written approval from Amity University New Delhi confirming that you are eligible to take part in
our Study Abroad Program.
Application and Supporting Documents
The application form for the Study Abroad Program is enclosed with this Pre-arrival Guide and
should be completed and returned with the required supporting documents to Amity London
Business School via email to
Supporting documents required are:
A scan or photocopy of every page within your passport
Academic Transcripts
(For UG students your Secondary School A level and O Level Transcripts)
(For PG students your BA Transcript)
Academic Certificate ( if available)
(For UG students your Secondary School Certificate)
(For PG students your BA Certificate)
English Language letter from the University confirming that the Medium of study is English
Evidence of Sufficient Funds (Bank Statement)
It is critical you provide the documents required in order to follow UK Border Agency regulations or
you will not be allowed to enter the UK.
After you have sent the documents and they have been approved by Amity staff we will issue you
with a visa letter. With this visa letter you can apply for a student visitors visa. When applying please
follow the instructions within the email with the visa letter attached and read the advice on
immigration within this guide.
If you have any queries concerning your visa application please visit the UKBA website or contact Amity

Once accepted:
This pre-arrival guide is designed to help you prepare for your journey and to provide some basic
information about immigration, travelling to the UK and what to expect on arrival. It will also answer
some of the questions you may have about Amity London Business School. Please read all of the
information carefully to help you plan your trip.
We understand that travelling to a different country and studying in a new place can be a daunting
experience and, no doubt, you will have lots of questions. We are here to help. Dont hesitate to get
in touch with us if you have any queries or concerns about anything.
We hope you have a safe journey and we look forward to welcoming you in London.
Now that you have accepted your offer to study with us, it is important to start thinking about some
of these things in advance of your travel to the UK...

If you have not started looking into this already, you should do so immediately. You should
arrange accommodation before arriving. You may have issues with immigration unless you
have proof of a stable address in the UK.
Amity London Business School does not provide accommodation but has strategic
agreements with certified accommodation providers. Contact the Student Support Officer as
soon as possible for more details concerning this accommodation. Amity will give you
information regarding the method of payment once the accommodation booking is
London has an abundance of privately let accommodation that you can rent by yourself or
with other students. However, searching for accommodation is a long process and you need
to start searching at least 3 months before arrival. Be very careful to ensure the
accommodation you are renting is legitimate. Amity staff are unable to find private rented
accommodation on your behalf however may be able to offer tips and general guidance
when it comes to house-hunting. You may have trouble arranging accommodation in the
private rental sector from abroad; you may need to consider arranging temporary
accommodation in a local Bed & Breakfast (B&B) or hotel for your first few days in the UK.
Please contact the Student Support Officer if you need help or advice regarding
As your stay in London is for a relatively short amount of time you may have trouble renting
privately as it is likely that you will have to enter into a contract for at least 6 months. Tenancy
Agreements are legally binding documents and so if you have any questions you should always seek
advice before signing one. Contact the Student Support Unit who can refer you for specialist help if

Homestay Accommodation
Homestay is where you live in the home of a host family and is one of the most popular types of
accommodation for international students enrolled on any short courses at Amity London Business
School. Amity does not provide Homestay Accommodation but can help with your search and
provide advice.
Declaration Form for Accommodation
We can provide advice regarding accommodation but it is ultimately your responsibility.
You are obliged to sign a declaration form if we arrange your accommodation before the booking is
finalized. The form states that you will abide by UK Law, Amity London Business Schools regulations
and the landlords terms and conditions. You will be held liable for any breach of these conditions
and may be evicted if the breach is deemed sufficiently serious.

Visa & Immigration Advice

Do make sure that your passport is valid and up-to-date! Normally your passport needs to be
valid till 6 months after the end of your exchange program. If you need to have your
passport renewed, do this well in advance of your travels
It is not wise to book your flights until you receive your visa, just in case anything goes wrong
and you cannot get your flights refunded.
You can only apply for your visa within 3 months of your intended course start date.
However, you should make sure that you meet all of the requirements in advance to
prevent any problems arising. You should contact your nearest British Embassy, Consulate
or High Commission to find out how early you can submit your application, or check the UK
visas website
To apply for your visa you need to complete:
Application form VAF1D.
The form can be found at
Please check the visa applications centres overseas page for details of how to submit your
application in your country.
Visa & Immigration Information
All non EEA nationals must apply for entry clearance before travelling to the UK.
Depending on your nationality you may be required to obtain entry clearance before you will be
allowed to enter the UK as a student. These pages will provide you with guidance on all aspects of
this part of your journey to Amity.vis
Applying for a visa can be one of the most confusing and challenging aspects of studying in another
country. We are here to help you with this process as much as possible, and this page provides some
useful information about the main types of visas which students might need. Please remember that
preparing in advance is the most important thing you can do with any visa!
If you feel confused about anything you read in this document or are unsure of your next steps
remember we are here to help. Please contact us by email at admission@london.amity.edue

Students who come to the UK to study on exchange programs for less than six months are required
to apply for a student visitor visa:
Student Visitors may NOT work or volunteer while in the UK.
You cannot switch from a Student Visitor visa into any other visa category, you would have to
leave the UK and make a new application to return in a different visa category.
Please (Click Here) for more information about Student Visitor
If you already hold a UK visa for a different immigration category, you should check the UKBA
website to see if your visa permits you to study.
Contact the Student Adviser if you require any help or guidance completing the application form or if
you wish to clarify which supporting documents you need to submit.
Remember: it is important that you keep photocopies of the completed forms and all your
supporting documents.
Amity London Business School is required to inform the UK government if a student:
fails to enrol on their course
stops attending their course
is absent without consent
withdraws from the course or defers their studies
finishes their course earlier than expected
breaches the conditions of their visa
Students seeking advice about their applications can also contact the UKCISA (UK Council for
International Student Affairs) helpline. The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 1pm to 4pm.
UKCISA Helpline number: if you are in the UK, call 020 7107 9922. If you are outside the UK, call +44
207 107 9922. The UKCISA website also provides helpful and up-to-date information for
international students: or you can find more
information on the UKBA website.
Medical, Dental, & Insurance Matters
Students in the UK for less than 6 months MUST purchase medical insurance before
travelling, as you will NOT be eligible for treatment under the NHS (National Health Service).
Don't forget to purchase appropriate travel insurance, just in case anything happens to your
luggage or any delays occur during your journey.
Be sure to check the medical and immunisation requirements. Make sure you have been
immunised against the following diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough,
haemophilus influenza type B, polio, meningitis C, MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), and
tuberculosis. You should bring a printed record of your immunisation history as well as any
recent medical check-ups. Please check the UKBA website for country specific medical

Cost of Living
From the moment you accept your offer to study with us it is important to start thinking about
money and how you will support yourself whilst in the UK. The earlier you start saving money for
your studies, the better! On this page we will try to provide a bit of information about money and
finances, so hopefully there will not be any unpleasant surprises once you arrive at Amity.
The International Student Calculator is a free online tool which is really useful for managing your
money and can help you work out how to build a budget for living in the UK. (Click here) to go to the Calculator, enter the money
you have coming in and what you spend to see your budget.
Can I work while studying?
If you are on a student visitor visa the UKBA regulations state that you can not work in the UK while
Can my family members come with me?
Your dependants can accompany you to the UK if:
you are studying at postgraduate level on a course lasting at least 12 months
you are a government-sponsored student on a course lasting at least 6 months
Therefore, as a student on our Study Abroad Program you can NOT be accompanied by dependants.
Your finances
The UKBA has specified the amount of money that you will need to show to enter the UK as a
student. Students must have proof that they have their course fees and 1000 for each month of the
course in their bank account.
Students on our Study Abroad Program you will, therefore, need to provide proof that they can
support themselves for a two month module (2000).
The UKBA will ask to see proof of the above in the form of bank statements, a letter from your
bank or a passbook showing amounts held on your bank account. This account must be in your
name or your parents/ legal guardians name and funds must have been in your account for 28
days. If using your parents/legal guardians account, you need to show evidence that you are
related to them and that you have permission to use their money. This is usually by showing an
original birth certificate and signed letter confirming your parents are willing to sponsor you and
that you are their son or daughter.
The statement or letter should be dated no more than 28 days before the date of application.
Please refer to the UKBA website for more detailed information.
Calculating Overseas Money:
If you are using overseas currency, you will be expected to show the closing balance in pounds
sterling. The UKBA use the official exchange rate on the OANDA website, which can

be found at; we recommend you print and enclose the

currency conversion with your application.
Overseas Banks
The UKBA have now issued information about Banks from which they will not accept proof of funds.
These can be found on the UKBA website Please make sure that you
have your funds in a bank accepted by the UK Border Agency.
If you do not have your own bank account the funds in your parents account may be accepted but
the bank accounts of other family members will NOT be accepted.
In order for the funds in your parents account to be accepted as proof you will need to provide the
following documents:
A copy of your parents bank statement
Your birth certificate (and the translation of your birth certificate if it is not in English)
An Affidavit signed by your parents stating they are willing to sponsor you during your
If you are being sponsored by your parents unless you provide these documents a visa letter will not
be issued.
If you have any questions please contact Amity London Business School.

Before Travelling to the UK

Travel tips
Check with your airline to find out your baggage limit. Use good strong luggage, well-secured and
with your name and your UK address clearly marked on them. It will be your responsibility to carry
your luggage, so only pack as much as you can carry.
What to bring to the UK
a warm waterproof winter coat or jacket
two jumpers/sweaters
strong waterproof shoes or boots
warm gloves/hat/scarf
personal medicine
laptop computer
We strongly recommend that you pack essential items such as medicine, travel documents, maps,
contact numbers and this booklet in your hand luggage. You must carry a doctors note for any
medicine that you bring with you. You must not bring foodstuff in your luggage or any illegal drugs

Cost of Living
London is a tourist city, so there is a huge variety of choice when it comes to things to see
and do and especially with places to eat and drink! There is everything from coffee shops
and fast food to many sit-down, restaurants, so it's always a good idea to read menus before
you go into a restaurant.
Cinema tickets cost around 9 per person. Theatre tickets can cost from 15-50, depending
on where you sit.
Train travel can be very expensive for longer trips, but you can get cheaper tickets if you
purchase them as far in advance as possible.
Commuting to School on a train or bus every day can get VERY expensive, so it is important
to find accommodation near school.
London has a good bus network which can take you to places like shopping centres outside
the city. There are weekly and month passes and student discounts, all of which can save
you money on bus travel.
You will need to cover the cost of contacting home, which can vary greatly depending on
your phone/internet package and where you are contacting. Comparison sites such as offer information on the best student internet deals and guidance on making
cheap international calls.
You should plan to spend at least 50 per week on food and groceries, depending on where
you shop. Sainsburys, Morrisons, Asda, or Tesco are 4 of the largest supermarket chains in
Remember that there are student discounts available for many things. You can apply for an NUS
card, plus many tourist locations and restaurants offer student discounts.
Travelling to London
When travelling to the UK, the major airports are London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Stansted and
London City Airport
Arrival in the UK
You should have no problems going through the immigration controls, but if you do it is your right to
speak to the office of the UKIAS (United Kingdom Immigration Advisory Service), where you can get
advice and help.
Passport Control
1. Ensure you complete your Landing Card before you meet the Border Force Officer in the UK (non
EEA students)
2. Have your passport ready with you, and if you carry your passport in a protective wallet make
sure you remove it before you present it to the Border Force Officer
3. Select the correct queue EU or non-EU.
4. The immigration officer will check all your documents carry all your school papers ( visa letter) in
your hand luggage.

5. The immigration officer will stamp the visa page of your passport. The visa sticker (vignette) tells
you how long you can stay.
6. The immigration officer will ask you questions related to the course and purpose for travel to
establish you are genuinely studying in the UK. The immigration officer will also question you to
check the standard of your English. Do not challenge the immigration officers decision or give any
false information but make a note of what they say.
7. Make sure you are familiar with the conditions of your visa and that you are not allowed to work
in the UK (non EEA students).
Remember: you should be sure to have your documents relating to your studies at Amity London
Business School and finances in your hand baggage.
Damaged luggage
Report any damaged luggage to the appropriate authorities in the airport terminal. If you have
insurance you will be able to claim for this. Once you have reported any damage, leave the baggage
Lost luggage
Wait until the entire luggage load has been taken off the plane. If your luggage is not there, do not
panic but report this to the authorities in the baggage hall. Do not stay in the baggage hall once you
have reported your lost luggage. Come out and continue your journey.
European Union currency controls
If you are entering the UK from a non-European Union (EU) country and are carrying 10,000 Euros or
more (or the equivalent in other currencies) you must declare the cash to HM Revenue and Customs
(HMRC) at the place of your arrival in the UK. If you fail to declare any cash, travellers cheques or
bank drafts that you are carrying, or if you provide incorrect or incomplete information, you could
receive a fine of up to 5000. You must use the C9011 form to make the cash declaration. Forms are
available at ports and airports and also from the HMRC website.
Visit and go to Travel Forms to download a copy. If you are travelling
between another EU country and the UK, you do not have to make a declaration.
Travelling to London from the airport
Once you have completed your journey through immigration control and customs, you will want to
make your way to the place you will be staying. Travelling in London is very easy as London has a
very good bus, train and underground train system
We recommend that you study the tube map carefully, working out where you are going to and then
plan your route, using the information provided.
Don't worry about asking people for information or for directions - look for signs at the airport. You
may have to take a black cab (taxi) for part of the journey.

Travelling to central London from Heathrow Airport

If you are coming in to central London from Heathrow you have the option of travelling by
underground train, bus or rail links. By underground, take the Piccadilly line (blue) into central
London. By bus take an Air-bus to either Victoria train station, Russell Square or Kings Cross. By rail
link, you can catch the Heathrow express into Paddington train Station.
The cost and ease of travel is variable but the rail link takes 15 minutes and costs about 10. The bus
and tube take longer but cost less. The airport website provides lots of useful information.
To get a black cab (taxi) from Heathrow to central London, takes 45 minutes-60 minutes and costs
over 35.

Travelling to central London from Gatwick Airport

If you are coming to central London via Gatwick airport, you can take the Gatwick Express train or
the coach/bus. By train a single cost around 10 and takes 30 minutes to reach Victoria Coach
Station. The airport website provides lots of useful information.
To get a black cab (taxi) from Gatwick to central London, takes 60-75 minutes and costs around 65.
Trains run at regular intervals .To look up train times and prices in advance, please
visit: or
Take care with valuables, jewellery and cash andalways carry immigration documents and any
other important papers on your person. This is especially important when travelling on the London

Student Support
There will be lots happening during your first few weeks in the UK and it is not uncommon for
students to feel overwhelmed at times. Remember that Amity London Business School offers a great
deal of support to students please contact the Student Support Officer if you have any problem,
large or small.
Induction Day
An orientation programme takes place at the beginning of each semester, prior to the start of your
course. The programme is compulsory for all international students and will include workshops and
information sessions; the extensive services we provide, and about studying in the UK and life in
London. You will have the chance to meet staff and make friends with other international students.
Amity London Business School Information & Facilities
Students are allowed to use Birkbeck college facilities, all lectures and seminars are held at the
University of Londons Birkbeck College, on Maletstreet.

Arriving at Amity London Business School: what you can expect in your first few days...
Once your long journey is over and you are finally in London, you can make your way to school and
start settling into your new student life. Remember, to plan on arriving to London earlier to your
induction day so not to miss out on any of the sessions and events.

Here are a few things you should do during your first few days in London
When you first arrive, you should be able to move into your accommodation which you have
You should come to school to complete your enrolment
Be sure to bring your passport with you on the Induction Day, as you will need to have your
passport and visa scanned (this is mandatory for all international students) and your
passport is needed for various registration sessions.
You can meet academic faculty staff and see the department where you will be studying.
There will be campus tours and city excursions during your stay.

Life at Amity London Business School

UK Border Agency Policy
A record of attendance is strictly maintained for each student, which reflects on the students
academic performance and adheres to UK Border Agency rules. Under Home Office regulations
students who fail to attend classes will be in breach of their visa and will be reported to the Home
Office. Student attendance policy is clearly stated in the student handbook which will be given to all
students at orientation:
You are expected to attend ALL lectures.
A student is required to attend regularly and maintain a minimum attendance of 90%.
According to UKBA regulations students enrolled on our study abroad program are not allowed to
In case of difficulties students are requested to inform Amity immediately so that we can provide
you with assistance and advice.

Enrolment at Amity
Be sure to bring all of the necessary documents and paperwork to ensure your enrolment goes as
smoothly and as quickly as possible.
Documents needed:
Original passport
Academic Transcripts
o (For UG students your Secondary School A level and O Level Transcripts)
o (For PG students your BA Transcript)
Academic Certificate ( if available)
o (For UG students your Secondary School Certificate)
o (For PG students your BA Certificate)
English Language letter from the University confirming that the Medium of study is English

2 passport photographs
Acceptance letter
Facts about the UK
Climate and clothing
British weather can be changeable throughout the year. During the summer months (June to August)
temperatures can reach 25C 30C, whilst in the winter it can drop to around 5C during the day,
and there is usually some snowfall in January or February. You will need to make sure that you have
adequate clothing to cope with the changes in British weather. It would be wise to bring the
a warm waterproof winter coat or jacket
two jumpers/sweaters
strong waterproof shoes or boots
warm gloves/hat/scarf
It may be cheaper to buy some of this clothing when you arrive in Britain. You will be warmer
wearing several thin layers of clothing rather than one single thick layer of clothing. Dress in Britain
is mostly very informal. You can wear your own style of clothes but you will probably need extra
warm clothes and a winter coat as well.
Cost of living in London
You will need at least 1000 per month to cover basic living expenses, depending on your personal
lifestyle. Please ensure that you have sound, reliable funding from a sponsor or your family before
you leave. Make sure that you have enough funds to cover the cost of living. Most students need
around 2000 to cover all living expenses. Please note this does not include the cost of your
tuition fees. When agreeing an accommodation contract, a landlord may expect you to pay a
months rent in advance. If you are renting privately you will have to budget for bills for example
light, heat, water, telephone and internet rental. You may also have to pay for temporary
accommodation on arrival. This will cost approximately 40- 70 per night. Below are examples of
the costs of some essential items you will need whilst you are in the UK:
Books and equipment (per semester)200
Coat 20-100
Boots 30-60
Jeans 20-60
Warm jumper 10-30
Trainers 20-80
Accommodation (per week) 90-190
Food (per week) 50
Travel for a week 15-20
TV Licence 139.50
The prices given are an approximate guide to costs. You might find it useful to use the Education UK
online budget planner at to help you organise your finances.
We would recommend that, if possible, you open a bank account with one of the multinational
banks (eg HSBC) before leaving your country. This account can then be transferred to London and
you should be able to use any cash machine (ATM) as soon as you arrive.

50 notes please note that although 50 notes are legal tender in the UK they are not in common
circulation and you might therefore have difficulties using them. When ordering UK currency try to
avoid receiving 50 notes. If you do have any problems using 50 notes once in the UK you can
change them at any bank.
Electrical equipment
Electricity in Britain is supplied on 240volts/50Hz cycles. You should ensure that any electrical
appliance you intend to bring with you will work safely on this voltage and bring adapters to help
convert the voltage when necessary.
The Student support unit offers lists of places of worship in London for people of all major faiths and
is available to students on request.
Amity can offer advice on the following:
Student visa applications
application fees
passport and photo issues
maintenance funds
change of circumstances
what to do if your application for Student Visitor Visa is refused
Further guidance on completing a Tier 4 (General) Student application form can be found on the
UKCISA website. You are strongly advised to read this before contacting the Student Support Unit

After you have received your offer

Ensure you have adequate funds for tuition fees and the cost of your stay in the UK
Pay the accommodation fees in full (if applicable)

Before you leave


Check the start date of your course(s) and the dates of induction, so you know
when to arrive.

Book your accommodation.

Arrange medical insurance.

Arrange travel insurance for your possessions

Check whether you need permission to transfer money to the UK. Order British
currency and/or travellerscheques for immediate expenses upon arrival

Check whether your government has restrictions on how much money you can take
out of your country

Weigh your baggage, to check it is within your baggage allowance and light enough
for you to carry

What to bring in your hand luggage

Your passport and visa

The final letter of acceptance for your course

Documentary evidence of your finances

Medication, details of medical conditions and a letter from your doctor detailing any
prescribed drugs you are taking

Medical Insurance Documents

Details and policy wording for any insurance you have arranged

Enough money in sterling and travellerscheques for your first few weeks

Maps and any useful contact numbers

A note of the numbers on your travellerscheques, your passport number and your
offer letter details, packed separately to the originals


What NOT to bring in your hand luggage


There are restrictions on food products that you can bring to the UK from outside
the EU ( Please check on the UKBA website)

There is a restriction on the amount of Tobacco and Alcohol that you can bring to
the UK

Never bring any counterfeit goods, illegal drugs , firearms including realistic
imitations , offensive weapons including knives or indecent or obscene material

Documents to bring

Passport with visa

2 passport photos

Acceptance letter
Copy of Academic Transcripts
(For UG students your Secondary School A level and O Level Transcripts)
(For PG students your BA Transcript)
Academic Certificate ( if available)
(For UG students your Secondary School Certificate)
(For PG students your BA Certificate)
English Language letter from the University confirming that the Medium of study is

Essential things to do
I must
Register as a student of Amity London Business School

Attend my departmental welcome

Meet my Personal Tutor

Arrange to meet the Student Support Unit regarding any disability (if applicable)

Familiarise myself with the campus

Familiarise myself with the local area

Become familiar with the local bus, train and tube service

Take out personal contents insurance for all Belongings

Be sure to know how to contact the Student Support Office


Contacting the School

The office opening hours are 9:00am till 6pm, Monday to Friday.
The office is closed on national holidays but remains open during the week outside term time.
By Post
Amity London Business School
7 Bedford Square
By Phone
0207 631 0190
By Fax
0207 637 1993
By Email
General Enquiries:
Admission Office:
Student Support:

Useful Links, Books and Websites

For more information about UK visas and living in the UK websites and further reading:

The following books are also very useful on UK culture and life:
Lonely Planet: Great Britain
David Else et al. (2011)
Lonely Planet Publications
The Rough Guide to Britain 7
Robert Andrews et al. (2008)
Rough Guides Ltd
Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour
Kate Fox (2008)
Hodder and Stoughton
The English: A Portrait of a People
Jeremy Paxman (2007)
Penguin Books

Notes from a Small Island

Bill Bryson (1997)
Black Swan

Here are some other websites which you may find useful
'First Steps' the British Council's pre-departure guide for international students Plus many other useful
help sheets including 'Creating Confidence' and 'Staying Safe'.
'Prepare for Success' provides useful information and activities to help you prepare for academic life in
the UK
The UK Border Agency website for information on your visa and studying in the UK
You can also find us on Facebook at ( or Twitter



There are several do's and don't's that a visitor should remember while in Singapore.
Handshaking is a warm way of greeting others regardless of racial background. Once invited to a home remove your
shoes and also while entering a temple or a mosque.
Laws relating to littering are strictly enforced in urban areas, so don't litter while in Singapore. Other don'ts in
Singapore include no smoking in public areas including restaurants. Dropping a cigarette end in the street would
lead to fine of minimum S$ 350+ 7% GST.
Be punctual for the appointments. Exchange of cards is quite common and while giving hold it with both hands. It is
considered proper to address by using Mr., Mrs. or Miss and not first names.
Don't touch opposite sex as it may not be received in a good light. On the other hand don't point with your finger
this is considered rude and you may use entire hand with the palm to draw attention.
There are strict penalties for possession and use of drugs as well as for trafficking in illegal drugs. Trafficking
charges may be brought based on the quantity of illegal drugs in a subject's possession, regardless of whether there
is any proven or demonstrated intent to distribute the drugs. Convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences
and heavy fines. Singapore has a mandatory death penalty for many narcotics offenses. Singapore police have the
authority to compel both residents and non-residents to submit to random drug analysis and do not distinguish
between drugs consumed before or after entering Singapore in applying local laws.
Visitors should be aware of Singapore's strict laws and penalties for a variety of actions that might not be illegal or
might be considered minor offenses in the United States. These include jaywalking, littering and spitting. Singapore
has a mandatory caning sentence for vandalism offenses. Caning may also be imposed for immigration violations
and other offenses.
There are strict penalties for those who possess or carry arms, or who commit crimes with arms. Singaporean
authorities define "arm" as any firearm, air-gun, air-pistol, automatic gun, automatic pistol and any other kind of gun
or pistol from which any shot, bullet or other projectiles can be discharged or from which noxious liquid, flame or
fumes can be emitted, and any component part thereof. This definition also includes any bomb or grenade and any
component part thereof. The unlawful possession of any arm or ammunition could result in imprisonment and
caning. Any person convicted of committing a crime with an arm could receive punishment which could result in the
maximum penalty of imprisonment for life and caning.
Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime,
prosecutable in the United States. In Singapore, local law prohibits causing or encouraging prostitution of, or
engaging in sexual relations with, a female below the age of 18. An indecent assault against anyone, male or female,
regardless of age, is also prohibited. Those convicted of facilitating or abetting the prostitution of any woman or girl
could be sentenced to imprisonment of up to five years and a fine or both. If the crime involves a female below the
age of 16, the offender faces an additional charge carrying a possible sentence of imprisonment of up to three years
and a fine or both.
Singapore enforces strict laws pertaining to the propriety of behavior between people and the modesty of
individuals. The Singaporean law "Outrage of Modesty" is defined as an assault or use of criminal force on any
person intended to, or knowing it to be likely to, outrage the modesty of that person. Penalties may include
imprisonment for up to two years, a fine, caning, or a combination thereof. Men are sometimes accused of
inappropriately touching other people, often women, resulting in their prosecution and punishment under this
Singaporean law.

Special Circumstances: Singapore customs authorities enforce strict regulations concerning temporary import and
export of items such as weapons, illegal drugs, certain religious materials, pornographic material, videotapes, CDs,
DVDs and software. Singapore customs authorities' definition of "weapon" is very broad, and, in addition to
firearms, includes many items which are not necessarily seen as weapons in the United States, such as dive knives,
kitchen knives, handcuffs and expended shell casings. Carrying any of these items without permission may result in
immediate arrest. All baggage is x-rayed at every port of entry, so checked baggage will also be inspected for
regulated items.


Prohibited Goods
Obscene articles, publications, videotapes, disks and software
Reproductions of copyright publications, videotapes, disks, records and cassettes
Cigarettes and liquors with Singapore duty not paid.
Imitation tobacco products
Chewing gum
Toy currency
Psychotropic substances and drugs
Endangered species of wildlife and their by products
The tax for alcohol less than 15% in content is S$9.00 per liter. Inquire with your moving consultant.

Goods Controlled
Imitation tobacco products
Chewing gum
Toy currency
Endangered species of wildlife and their by products
Psychotropic substances and drugs
Endangered species of wildlife and their by products

Telecommunication and Radio

Communication Equipment
Toy Walkie-Talkies
Dutiable Goods
Arms and explosives


School Numbers 6602 9500 to 09
Dr Moorthy, Principal Amity, Singapore Handphone: 8201 9046
Mr Prateek Nayak, Senior Marketing Manager Handphone: 9390 6514
Ms Farah Nadia Deputy Student Support Manager Handphone: 9099 9773
Taxi Services
Comfort Cab link: 6552 1111
Citicab: 6552 2222
SMRT Taxis :6555 8888
Premier Taxis:6363 6888
Smart Automobile :6485 7700
Silver Cab :6363 6888
Trans-Cab Services:6555 3333
Credit Cards
American Express : Tel: 6299 8133 or 6732 2244
Amex 24-hr service : Tel: 1800 295 0500
Mastercard : Tel: 6533 2888
Important Hospital Numbers
Changi General Hospital : 6788-8833
24-hr emergency service : 6389-2222
Singapore General Hospital : 6222-3322
Indian High Commission
In case of emergencies: 6238 2538
Police: 999 (toll-free)
Emergencies/ Ambulance/ Fire Brigade: 995 (toll-free)
Traffic Police: 6547 0000

Police Hotline:1800 353 0000 (toll-free)

Non-emergency ambulance: 1777
Tourism Information (24-hrs): 1800-736 2000 (toll-free)
Flight Information (24-hours):1800-542 4422 (toll-free)
Directory Assistance: 6777 7777 or 100

How to reach Amity?

Public Transportation
Stop at Raffles Place Station
Use Exit I to 1 Finlayson Green
Take Lift to Level 10
By Taxi
Alight at HongLeongBuilding Taxi Stand / John Hancock Taxi Stand
Proceed to 1 Finlayson Green
Take Lift to Level 10
By Bus
Nearest Bus Stop
Raffles Quay / Shenton Way / Robinson Road
10, 10E, 70, 75, 100, 107, 128, 130, 162, 196, 196E, 538, 539, 970



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