Resiganations Latters

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In the letters of resignation the most important thing is to know how to show the
good side, in order to continue maintaining a good relationship with the
organization that is abandoned. Although it is not obligatory to write the reasons
that cause the march, it is possible to include them, since it is considered a
good gesture on the part of the sender. Obviously there are many reasons why
you can give up a position, whether personal or professional, in both cases it is
necessary to use an appropriate language and express clearly and
understandably these reasons.
It is very important in the format of the letters of resignation in English, to
include in the first paragraph, the position, the company and the date in which
the resignation of the position will take place. Also, in the final paragraph, you
must show willingness to collaborate in the transition period and indicate how
you will organize unfinished projects or tasks.
At the time of delivery, we recommend delivering it written by computer and
personally to the responsible, in this way the impression left is much more
positive. As to when to deliver the letter of resignation will be necessary to
consult the procedure in the company, it is usually advisable to deliver it in time
to make space for the organization to find a substitute.

What Should a resignation letter?

When writing a letter of resignation is very important to take into account the
content of it. In turn you must be clear and brief in writing. Next we will see the
parts of a letter of resignation so that its wording is simple.
Formal structure of the resignation letter

The letter of resignation must be organized between 3 or 4 paragraphs and

printed on one side, on A4 paper. The recommended typography for the letters
of resignation is Times New Roman, to a size of 12 points, with the body of the
text justified.
It is necessary to conjugate the verbs of the letter in first person of the present.
Remember to pay attention to spelling.
The parts of the resignation letter are as follows:

Place and date: place from where the sender writes. They are positioned
in the left margin.

Personal information: name, surname, address and contact phone


Company data: department to which you are directing the resignation


Opening greeting: it is convenient to address it to the addressee with

your first and last name, if known. If not, you can use "To whom it may

Start paragraph: you have to mention your resignation to the reasons

that produce it, explaining the reasons for your decision.

Development paragraph: in this block you must inform the date when you
will stop working, and you must include your commitment that you will
finish the tasks assigned so far.

Final paragraph: in this paragraph you must thank those responsible for
the company have allowed the performance of your work in such space.
You can remember the importance of maintaining a good relationship
with the one who has been your boss, from whom you may need a letter
of recommendation.

Farewell greeting: includes a brief and correct closing phrase.

Signature: center your signature with the rest of content.


If you plan to deliver a letter of resignation in your company, there are many
aspects to consider, in addition to advice for drafting, is very important the
delivery of the letter of resignation, for all formal issues that involve this aspect.
First, before submitting a letter of resignation, it is to review the company policy
regarding the time needed to notify you of your resignation. In the employee
manual, which many companies often have, you can find this information. It is
important that in the letter of resignation include the date on which it will
become effective. Wait until the specific delivery time of your letter of
resignation is met to match the date of entry to the new job, if that is the case.
Do not mention your resignation plans until you are going to deliver the letter, it
is possible that the company will make your resignation effective the moment
they know the plans to leave an employee. It is not usually a habitual
performance, but it is advisable to maintain this precaution.
Request a meeting with your boss and hand him the resignation letter in person.
You must be a diplomat, and explain the reason for your resignation. You must
send another copy to the human resources department, and keep a copy of


Do not complicate yourself. When you write the letter, try to be short, concise
and direct. Do not let the letter of place to other interpretations.
Do not transmit distrust before or after your resignation.
Do not discuss your resignation with coworkers; If you do you could generate
a negative atmosphere in the office. Do not ask them for advice on how to write
your letter.
Do not ask your supervisor for a reference for your resignation letter. It is
appropriate to ask for a letter of recommendation, but it is best to do so after
evaluating your boss's reaction. Give your best effort to get a referral letter
before resigning, even if you are going to start a new job. Once you have left
the company, all your achievements and years of service will quickly be

Be polite. Being this your last letter to the company, you must take into

account all your good memories while you write it, you should not think about
the negative things. Leave the negative words aside to have a respectful verbal
discussion at another time.
Give them the best; Then leave a small door open for your return in the future.
This can be truly useful.
Be specific when using words such as: resignation, notice period or last day of
Offer your help during the transition period.

Example of resignation letter in English

(insert your address)
(insert your contact details)
(insert employer name)
(insert employer title)
(insert company address)
(enter date that letter is written)
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr (employer name),
I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be resigning from my
position as (insert job title) at (insert company name), effective in two
weeks/one month. My last day of work will be (enter date).
During my (enter period of time) working with you at (company
name), I feel I have grown professionally and gained invaluable
experience that will benefit me in any future career. This was not an
easy decision and I will miss my job here at (company name) as well
as the people.
I have decided to resign due to (enter reason and explication). I thank
you for all the support you have given me and wish you the best with
all of your future endeavours.
I am happy to provide as much help as I can during the transition
period and please contact me should there be anything you need.
(hand signature for typed letter)
(your full name)
(contact details optional)

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