Private and Confidential
Private and Confidential
Private and Confidential
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your address]
[Your address]
[Your postcode]
I am writing to request that [BANK NAME] repay all the charges in relation to direct debits,
unauthorised overdrafts and standing orders applied to my account for the entire period I have banked
with [BANK NAME]. I wish to deal with this matter in writing, and therefore politely request that no
other method of communication be used to seek its resolution.
I believe the fact that I have been incurring bank charges is contrary to the Lending Code (178), which
Subscribers should be sympathetic and positive when considering a customers financial
difficulties [] the first step when a subscriber becomes aware of a customers financial
difficulties, should be to try to contact the customer to discuss the matter.
The first step taken by [BANK NAME] upon becoming aware of my financial difficulty was to inform
me of an additional charge. I would draw your attention to 180 of the same, which states:
Financial difficulties may become evident to a subscriber from one or more of the
following events [] Items repeatedly being returned unpaid due to lack of available funds []
this list is illustrative and non-exhaustive.
I feel that the frequency and nature of the charges applied to my account for returned items should
have made [BANK NAME] aware of my financial hardship. Similarly, [INSERT PERSONAL
CIRCUMSTANCES], and I feel my account activity reflects this, which likewise should have brought
my hardship to the attention of [BANK NAME].
The charges applied by [BANK NAME] have, at times, worsened my financial situation and left me
unable to pay for basic living expenses or meet financial commitments.
I would further draw your attention to the Banking Conduct of Business Sourcebook (5.1.4):
In particular, a firm should deal fairly with a banking customer whom it has reason to
believe is in financial difficulty
I feel that the application of these charges by [BANK NAME] are unfair, and in breach of the above. I
also feel that the fees imposed are disproportionate to costs incurred by [BANK NAME] and thus
contravene the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.
I ask that all of the bank charges taken from my account be returned, as I believe their application was
unfair. I would suggest that this take the form of either a cheque, or a deposit into a live account.
Alternatively, I ask that you mark your response FINAL RESOLUTION, to allow me to escalate the
matter as appropriate.
I look forward to a full response to this letter within fourteen (14) days of delivery.
Yours sincerely
[Your Name]