Preamplificador HI-FI Con LME49720 y Tonos PDF

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3-Way Analog Stereo Tone Control Kit

+/-20dB adjustment at 60Hz (Bass), 1KHz

(Midband), and 8KHz (Treble).
Up to 20dB linear amplification. Choice of x1,
x2, x5, or x10 overall gain.
Low noise and distortion of 0.00006% THD and
S/N ratio of 86dB below a 10mV input, and
106dB below a 100mV input.
Requires bipolar power supply of minimum +/5V to max +/-15V
Optional components included for Dynamic
microphone (moving coil) sound amplification
Premium Gold plated Printed Circuit board,
enhances conductivity and avoids all long term

R1 will be10K and R2 will be 47K. And for a gain of 10,

R1 is 10K and R2 is 100K.
The 10K input impedance will accommodate electret or
condenser type microphone inputs as well as crystal or
ceramic units. These microphones typically produce
signals of 100mV or more.
Dynamic microphones have a moving coil inside, and
the impedance of that coil is of the order of 100 to 500
Ohms. They are low impedance sources, and work best
when fed into low impedance amplifier inputs. For
connection to such a microphone, R1 will be 1K. This
allows greater latitude in the selection of feedback
resistor R2, since we can stay at lower resistance
values, and still achieve larger gains. Large gains are
important for dynamic microphones, since their signal
output is one of the weakest sound sources we will ever
encounter: about 2-5mV rms. This is about 20 to 50
times lower than line level inputs which are typically
100mV. For such a setup, selecting R2 of 22K will give a
gain of 22 , and 47K will give a gain of 47.
This will need to be determined experimentally, using
your own dynamic microphone input.

The circuit has a 2-Stage design: a linear amplifier stage (
with gain chosen by user between 1 and 10) and an active
filter amplifier (with additional +/-20dB gains at selected
Input impedance is determined by resistor R1. Standard
audio equipment is able to feed signal into input
impedances of 10K (KiloOhms). So when R1 = 10K, the
input impedance of the tone control will be 10K. Overall
gain is determined approximately by ratio of R2/R1.
Increasing R1 rises input impedance (good) but also
degenerated gain (bad). Raising the value of both
resistors allows increasing input impedance without gain
reduction. However there are other considerations limiting
the values of resistors that should be used. All resistors
create electrical noise ( hiss), due to Brownian motion of
molecules inside materials. This noise is inversely
proportional to ambient temperature and directly
proportional to resistance value. Higher value resistors will
produce more noise. So we will want to use the lowest
possible resistor values that will do the job in any
situation. Using resistor values of 1Meg or more is
undesirable. The noise contributed by all resistors in the
circuit is of the order of 3-4 times lower than the noise
contributed by the integrated circuit OpAmps ( and that
noise is already extremely low), so it is not really a
problem. We just need to be aware of the consequences
of choosing high resistor values , though.
We need to keep the input impedance to at least 10K
(preferably higher) so as to maintain compatibility with all
sound sources.
For a gain of 1, the values of R1 and R2 will be both 22K.
For a gain of 2, R2 will increase to 47K. For a gain of 5,

Phono (record player) signals are not suited for direct

connection to the tone control circuit.
This is due, on the one hand, to the output impedance of
moving-magnet cartridges, which is 47K , and would be
loaded by our circuit, and on the other hand, to the RIAA
equalization required by vinyl records, which this circuit
does not provide.
Moving magnet cartridges are the most common type chances are 99%+ that any cartridge bought today ( or
in the past 30 years) is a moving magnet type. Moving
coil cartridges, are very low impedance sources, and
require dedicated preamplifiers to handle their very low
signal outputs.
The tone control should generally be inserted in the
signal path after the initial preamplifier that follows the
phono cartridge, and provides impedance matching and
RIAA equalization.
Although it is possible to use this circuit to amplify phono
cartridge outputs, that would require increasing R1 to
47K, which, in turn would leave less latitude for
obtaining gain from the first opamp stage. Feedback
resistor R2 would then need to be increased to 500K or
more, to amplify the 10mV phono cartridge signals to the
100-200mV optimal for line level. In fact , many power
amplifiers would expect input levels of 1V rms to deliver
full power, which means we need to get a 100 x gain
from the first stage, bringing R2 into the multi-megohm
range. High value resistors are undesirable, due to noise
considerations, as mentioned before, and excessively
large gains in the first opamp are also not desirable due
to degradation in output impedance and harmonic
distortion of the stage.

A ceramic or crystal phono cartridge (used on many

consumer - non-HiFi record players) would have much
higher a signal output of 100-200mV, and could be used
as input to the tone control.
There still remains the issue of providing RIAA
compensation, however doing so later in the signal path is
not impossible, and would even increase overall S/N ratio
of the system ( by retaining high frequency emphasis
throughout the signal path, and de-emphasizing at higher
signal levels.)

only be installed into their sockets after you are finished

handling the board, to avoid undue exposure to ESD.
All the other components can be mounted either topside
or bottom side.


Start by inserting all resistors first. Resistors only,

nothing else. Components will have to be inserted and
soldered strictly in the order of their height above the
A good order for soldering is:
1. solder one end of each component first - this is an
anchor joint - ,
2. solder the opposite end,
3. reheat the first end and reflow it to perfection.

Soldering to a double sided PCB requires more heat and

more time than to a single sided PCB.
You have to heat 2 copper pads (top + bottom) the copper
channel that connects them, and the component lead to
flow temperature before solder will melt. And you have
more solder to heat and melt. Once melted, you must
continue applying heat for 2 seconds to allow solder to
reach the opposite side.
More than twice as much solder is required. Enough
solder to make 2 solder cones , and fill the channel.
Removal will be substantially more difficult so avoid
Some components (notably capacitors) may have multiple
solder pads for inserting pins. There will be one pad for
one end of the component, and 3 pads for the opposite
end, at 5mm, 7.5mm and 10mm distance. The group of 3
pads are electrically shorted. This is to accommodate
parts of different pin spacing. When inserting a part with
5mm pin spacing at these positions, be sure to insert into
the lone pad and the closest pad of the group of 3 shorted
pads. Do not insert the component at pads belonging to
the same group of 3. You will short-circuit the component
and the circuit will not work.
Potentiometers will be installed on the bottom (unmarked)
side of the PCB. Other components will be installed on the
printed side. This allows the pots to be soldered in position
on the PCB after they have already been secured to the
front panel with their mounting nuts. Why?
The potentiometers are the only components that are
secured in two places -both at the front panel and on the
PCB. This creates a possible problem. It may be difficult to
position all 3 pots in three dimensional space so they
coincide perfectly with their mounting locations both on the
PCB and on the front panel. And stressing the pots by
forcing them to fit through front panel holes after they have
been soldered, is likely to crack them. It is therefore safer
to first loosely screw the pots to the front panel, then
position them and insert their pins into the PCB. Then
solder only ONE pin ( a middle pin) of each pot to the
PCB. You can still, at this point, re-heat the single pin
solder joint to re-position the pot slightly if needed and
relieve any stress. Tighten the nuts to the front panel, and
if everything is good, then solder the remaining pins of the
pots. Soldering the pots to the PCB irreversibly secures
the pots in their final position, and should thus be done
last. You will be thankful that the pots are mounted on the
bottom of the PCB, as most case assemblies tend to have
a removable top cover, and this approach allows you to
look down from the top, solder the pots last, and see what
you are doing. At the same time the IC's need to be on the
TOP (printed) side of the PCB. This is also desirable,
since topside access to the IC's is important. IC's should

The only important positioning rule is that the

potentiometers go on the non-printed side of the PCB
and the IC's go on the printed side, this to facilitate
soldering and access. The remaining components can
go on either side, however which side you place them
on is a decision you must make now, before you start.

By first soldering one end of all resistors, you anchor all

of them so they dont move.
Because components are initially free to move, this first
solder joint may turn out frosty, as the part may have
moved slightly during cooling. This is ok, it is only an
anchor joint. It will keep the component fixed so the
opposite end will get a perfect joint.
You then solder the opposite pin of each part, in order,
trying to spend no more than 10 seconds with the
soldering iron at each pad. This second solder joint is
done while the part is firmly held, so you have no excuse
not to make a perfectly shiny cone.
After all parts have their second lead soldered, return
and reheat all the first joints, to allow them to re-flow
without movement, creating perfect solder joints.
By only soldering one end of each component at a time,
you give time to all parts to cool down between jobs, not
overheating any of them.
Perfect solder joints are extremely important here,
because high quality audio requires the best
Add the IC sockets next. Insert them into the PCB with
the PIN 1 index marker to match the index painted on
the PCB. This is important. Once inserted , the IC
sockets will obscure the white legend on the PCB, and
the socket marker will be the only reminder you have of
which way to insert the PIN 1 end of the IC. Place the
PCB face down, so it is seated on the IC sockets. Solder
one pin of each socket to anchor them. Then solder the
remaining pins. Try to NOT solder them in order. Heating
3 adjacent pins for 10 seconds each can supply enough
heat to melt the plastic socket frame. Go from one pin to
an opposite pin, and then to the other IC socket, before
returning to an adjacent pin. Do not insert the ICs into
the sockets at this time.
Continue adding the next taller components to the PCB.
Capacitors, then terminal blocks, then potentiometers.
You only need to bend resistor and capacitor wires
slightly outward on the bottom side, to keep them from
falling. Bending their leads too far from the vertical
plane, will make it more difficult to properly snip all
excess leads after soldering, and will also risk them
touching adjacent component leads, or directing the
solder sideways and causing a short-circuit.

K330 3-way tone control schematic diagram

Once channel only

The two electrolytic capacitors, CP1! and CP2 mount

with their negative (-) terminal towards the edge of the
board with the screw terminals.
Be careful both handling and soldering the
potentiometers. Excessive force on the pins can cause
the phenolic substrate to crack. Potentiometer pins
should fit easily in their holes. Once soldered, do NOT
twist, push, bend or otherwise try to adjust the position
or angle of the potentiometers. The pins are very firmly
soldered into the PCB and WILL NOT move, the only
thing that will give are the phenolic pin supports, which
will crack. Such a crack will kill the potentiometer. The
phenolic supports carry the electrical contacts and any
crack will result in a broken conductor path. No repair is
possible, and removing the damaged pot will be a
veritable challenge, possibly damaging the PCB.
So, ensure the front panel holes in the enclosure are
correctly positioned so the potentiometer shafts will fit
without stress or force. Once the pots are secured to
both the front panel and the PCB, do not twist or nudge
them. Allow some play in the fasteners that secure the
PCB inside the case, such as with rubber or flexible
grommets, so you will not stress the potentiometers
when securing the PCB.
The screw terminals allow solderless, removeable
connections between the circuit and the enclosure
jacks. More than one wire can connect to each terminal.
Shielded wires should be used to connect the sound
input and output lines from the PCB to the enclosure
The fasteners that secure the PCB to the enclosure
should not make grounding connections. PCB ground
should connect to enclosure ground at one point only.
Ideal fasteners for the PCB will be nylon standoff snapin fasteners.
Schematic diagram included on previous page shows
one channel of the circuit only and power components.
Second channel component numbers are the same as
those for the first channel, but with an "A" added at the
end. For purposes of this circuit, the "A" designated
components belong to the RIGHT channel, and the plain
number components belong to the LEFT channel. Parts
starting with "CP" belong to the power supply and are
not channel-specific.
Component values are not shown on the schematic, but
on the last page of this leaflet. Some component values
( such as the working voltage of the capacitors) may
change in future versions of the kit, and this will be
reflected on the last page.
Power Supply
A rectified and filtered bipolar ( dual rail ) power supply
is needed. Minimum voltage is +/-5V, and maximum +/17V. A +/-18V supply will allow a maximum output
voltage of 11V rms from the circuit, while a +/-12V
supply will allow a maximum output of 7V rms.
The maximum current draw is 65mA, and this will only
happen if the circuit is operating at +/-18V supply.
Filtering capacitors of at least 3000uF per rail should be
provided in the power supply, if unregulated.

Although a regulated supply can be used, regulation is

not likely to bring any noticeable benefit, so long as the
power transformer is capable of 100mA output.
Signal levels and power supply
The supply voltage determines the maximum signal
levels that can be processed without clipping
(distortion). A 1Vrms input signal will have a peak
voltage of 1.41V. If a gain of 5 is chosen for the input
stage, the signal output from the first opamp will be 1.41
x 5 =7.05V peak. The IC's cannot swing up to the supply
rails. They can only come to within 2V of the supply
rails, and if distortion is to be kept low, they can only
come within 3V of the rails. That means that for a 7.05V
peak signal to be reproduced, the supply voltage to the
opamp would need to be at least +/-10.05V.
If you use a supply voltage of +/- 8V, the signal will be
clipped (peaks of waves will be flattened), which results
in very audible distortion.
So logically, you might want to use the highest supply
voltage possible to prevent running out of signal
The IC's can withstand a maximum of +/-18V supply, but
to be safe you should not go over +/-17V. With a 3V
headroom, this allows them to handle a maximum signal
of about 10V rms.
Similarly, the input stage of the power amplifier ( or
other devices that follow this unit) can be overloaded
into distortion if the signal level is too high compared to
the power supply voltage used in that equipment. Often
the only way to find out is by trying.
It is theoretically desirable to try to work with the largest
signal levels possible at every processing stage, since
the noise added by every component is constant
regardless of signal level, and
thus higher signals will yield higher S/N ratios.
The choice of input gain however, needs to take into
account the peak values of the input signal and the
tolerance of driven equipment to large signals.
A signal that is specified at 1V rms may have brief
peaks that exceed 15Vrms. These may happen only
once or twice in a song, but if they do, distortion may
Music dynamic range can exceed 80dB (this is what
CD's bragged about when they replaced vinyl), which
means the loudest sound can have a voltage level
10,000 times higher than the softest sound. You do the
math, and you can see that finding a signal level that
both brings out the quietest sounds, and does not
overload equipment can be tricky. Having to switch
between multiple input signal sources that have
intrinsically different signal levels, generally forces
manufacturers to maintain signal levels conservatively
low to avoid clipping.
Since you have the luxury of making some decisions
about your input gain, you may want to test your setup
with actual music, while installing gain resistors
temporarily at the input stage.
Resistors R1 and R2 can be soldered in a way that
makes removal easier. Do not push the resistor all the
way down to the PCB . Allow its leads to protrude to the
bottom of the PCB only enough to be soldered, and

leave the resistor with long leads on the top side of the
PCB, towering above other components. You can thus
remove it if you want to change gain setting.

Going further
Although some level of experimentation is possible with
component values, to achieve various frequency
response schemes, this can only be done within a
narrow range.
The 3-way tone control is a combination of high-pass,
low-pass, and band-pass active filters. It is not a
parametric equalizer. Although traditional (Baxandall)
bass/treble controls have always had simple
mathematics, and were easy to design, adding a third
bandpass filter into the circuit is not trivial. In fact, the
mathematics increase in complexity so much, that they
become impossible to resolve except by iterative
process. Arbitrary values are thrown in to the equations,
and many iterations are calculated until relatively
consistent part values are determined.
This complexity arises from the fact that each filter
interacts to some degree with the operation of the
others. The default values provided with this circuit
result in minimal frequency interactions, which are
inaudible in use. However, departing from these values,
begins to cause increasingly audible interactions. ( You
could almost say that the component values designed
for this circuit lie in a sweet spot and are nearly the
only values that will work)
In practice, you could move the working frequencies of
the 3 bands by up to a factor of 2 up or down, without
significant interaction. Certainly shifting up the corner
frequency of the treble control, or shifting down the
frequency of the bass control are modifications that can
be made without worry.
Any frequency change would need to involve changing
some capacitor values. Changing resistor values is out
of the question. A very delicate balance was achieved
with the resistor values, and those should not be
Essentially, doubling a capacitor value in the bass or
treble controls, lowers the corner frequency of that
control by a factor of 2 ( an octave). Conversely, halving
the capacitor value, increases the frequency by a factor
of 2.
The most common modification involves moving the
bass frequency down from 60 Hz to 45 or 30Hz, to allow
controlling of frequencies that feed a sub-woofer, and
avoiding muddy bass when increasing low-pass
response. The alternate 0.068uF capacitors provided,
can be used in place of the 0.047uF for C2 and C3 in
the schematic to lower the bass frequency to 45Hz. You
can further lower this frequency to 30 Hz, by providing
your own, 0.1uF capacitors.
For the high-pass filter, decrease C6 to raise the band
where the treble control is acting, and increase it to
lower the band. Use a 1.5:1 or 2:1 ratio at most. Be
aware that lowering this band by more than 1.5:1 will
clash with the mid-range control.

For the mid-range control, increase or decrease C4 and

C5 together, maintaining the value of C5 always about
5 times larger than C4. This will move the center
frequency up or down. Again, shift frequency no more
than a 1.5:1 or 2:1 ratio at most.
Omitting the center band components (R6, R7, C4, C5,
P2) will create a 2-band circuit, without any adverse
effect on the remaining controls. Greater latitude in
moving the bass and treble frequencies will be possible
in that case.
Although it is conceivable that you could allow selection
of input impedance and gain ( R1 and/or R2) by front
panel mounted switches, if such a setup is desired, then
the wires connecting to those switches would need to
be shielded wires. Noise pickup becomes a possibility,
so extreme care is required. Two shielded cable
segments will be needed for each resistor that needs to
be switched. The core of each cable will go the each
resistor lead, and the shields will all be connected to the
PCB ground at a single point. Only one end of the shield
should connect to ground. The opposite end remains
The potentiometers can likewise also be connected to
the PCB via shielded wires, if the circuit needs to be
positioned farther from the front panel.
Noise pickup from the power supply (60Hz and 120Hz
hum) can be prevented by enclosing the power supply
in a ferrous metal shield, connected to ground.
If a metal enclosure is not possible, a shielding cage
can be constructed from plastic sheet ( or even
cardboard) which has adhesive copper or iron foil
applied on it. Electrical connection to the foil can be
made using a machine screw and nut, since soldering
would melt or char the underlying plastic.
The circuit can first be tested with it's power supply
unshielded, to determine if a hum problem really exists,
before planning for a shield. Many times this is not
The power supply can also be kept outside the circuit
enclosure, feeding only the filtered DC to the tone
control case.
Component removal
De-soldering components from a 2-sided PCB can be a
challenge. It helps to take a 2-step approach: first
remove as much solder as possible from each joint by
using a solder sucking pump and/or wire braid. Then reheat each joint on bottom side, while gently pulling up
on the component lead with long-nose pliers from the
opposite side. Do not start pulling until the solder in the
joint has been flowing for at least 2 seconds. Opposite
side solder tends to melt later than heated-side solder,
and you risk pulling away the copper pad if you pull
It is always best to think first, plan ahead, so you won't
have to remove anything. If you think a component
installation may be temporary, leave long leads, then
remove by snipping off the leads just above the PCB.
Desoldering the lead fragments is then an easier task.

3-Way Tone Control Kit K330

See the latest documentation at:
Please download, save, and print this file. Above URL may
change in the future.

Parts List
Part values and markings, one channel shown.
Second channel uses same part numbers, with suffix A .
C1, C8 1uF 1uJ 100 x4
C2, C3 0.047 xx473J x4
C2, C3 0.068 xx683J x4 (alternative)
C4, C6 0.0047 xx472J x4
C5 0.022 xx223J x2
C7 0.001 xx102J x2
CP3, CP4 0.1 ceramic 104 x2
CP1, CP2 50-100uF 25V+ electrolytic x2
R1, R2 22K red-red-black-red-brown x4
R3 953 ohm white-green-orange-black-brown x2
R4, R5, R11 11K brown-brown-black-red-brown x6
R6, R7 3.6K orange-blue-black-brown-brown x4
R8, R9 1.8K brown-grey-black-brown-brown x4
R13 270 ohm red-purple-black-black-brown x2
R 10K, brown-black-black-red-brown alternative values for R1/R2 x2
R 47K, yellow-purple-black-red-brown alternative values for R1/R2 x2
R 100K, brown-black-black-orange-brown alternative values for R1/R2 x2
R 953 ohm white-green-orange-black-brown alternative values for R1/R2 x2
IC1, IC2 LME49720AN x2
IC Socket-8 pin x2
Terminals, screw - 3 position x3
PCB x1
P1, P2 Potentiometer, stereo 100K linear x2
P3 Potentiometer, stereo 500K linear x1

Note that values and appearance of parts supplied with the kit may change, as updates and
improvements are made. The parts supplied with a future kit may not be identical to the parts
supplied with this one. If cosmetically identical builds are required, it is best to purchase all kits
at the same time.
For easy identification of circuit position, all parts belonging to the second channel use same
part designations as the first channel, with A added after it. CP designated capacitors are
part of the power supply.

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