New Skills
New Skills
New Skills
Acrobatics (Agi)
Animal Handling (Wil)
Appraise (Int)
Artistic Expression (Sty)
Athletics (Str)
Concentration (Wil)
Crafting (Various) (Int)
Deception (Sty)
Disguise (Sty)
Escape Artist (Agi)
Forgery (Int)
Gambling (Sty)
Insight (Awr)
Intimidate (Wil)
Investigate (Awr)
Knowledge (Various) (Int)
Melee Weapon (Various) (Str)
Navigate (Int)
Perform (Various) (Sty)
Pilot (Various) (Rea)
Persuade (Sty)
Ranged Weapons (Various) (Agi)
Research (Int)
Riding (Agi)
Self-Control (Wil)
Sleight of Hand (Agi)
Stealth (Agi)
Survival (Wil)
Technical Expertise (Various) (Int)
Treat Injury (Int)
Sniper: By Taking a Full Round Action to Aim a Ranged Attack, you May Add
your Concentration Skill Rank to your Attack Bonus or Damage Bonus
Feint (Tiered): By Making a successful Deceive roll during Melee Combat, you
may add your Tiers in this Advantage to either your next Attack or your next
Dodge attempt. This counts as a movement action.
Reckless Abandon (Tiered): You may reduce your Defenses for the round by
an amount up to your Tier in this Advantage to add the same amount to your
Attack or Damage bonuses for this round.
Animal Empathy (Tiered): You may add your Tiers in this Advantage to Your
Ride and Handle Animal Skill Rolls by making a Successful Persuade Test
against the Animals Willpower.
Size Up Opponent: By making an Insight test against an opponents
Deception, you may determine your opponents relative combat abilities
compared to yours. Choose a combat skill or defense ability, and the test
reveals whether the opponent is better or worse than you.
Attractive (Tiered): You may add your Tier bonus to any Style-Based Test
against anyone who would find your species or gender attractive.
Melee Expert (Tiered): If your skill with a Melee Weapon is less than your Tier
in this Advantage, you may substitute your Tiers for your Melee Weapon Skill.
Two for Flinching: If you make a successful Intimidate test against an
opponent, you may force them to hesitate for a combat round (May make
only standard and move actions). A given opponent may only be made to
flinch once in a given combat.
Defensive Fighter (Tiered): You make take a penalty of up to your Tiers in this
Advantage to your Attack skills during a round to add the same amount to
either your Block or Dodge defenses.
Diehard: When your Vitality is reduced to zero, you do not begin bleeding out.
Instead, you are automatically considered stabilized. Additional attacks,
however, can still inflict lethal damage.
Recall (Tiered): Add your Tier to any Intellect test made to recall information.
You may also use the Knowledge skill untrained, as you tend to recall details
better than most.
Evasion (Tiered): Add your Tier in this Advantage to your Dodge Defense to
Avoid area-effect attacks.
Enamor (Tiered): You may use one of your Social skills (Deceive, Intimidate,
Persuade, or Perform) to capture the attention of others. They must make an
opposed concentrate skill roll against your Social skill, or they will be unable
to focus or notice anything other than you. Hostile actions in the nearby area
render this ability unusable. Each Tier of this Advantage grants you the ability
with a different Social Skill.
Wrestling (2 Tiers): Whenever you make a successful Unarmed attack, you
may immediately make a grappling test, using you attack roll for the initial
grappling roll. With the Second Tier of this Advantage, you may make a
damage roll during any round you have grappled an opponent. This attack
cannot be dodged or blocked, only Soaked.
Fearless: You are Immune to any fear-inducing effects. You gain a +2 Bonus to
your Self-Control to resist the Intimidate skill.
Tireless (Tiered): You gain a Bonus to your Toughness equal to your Tier in this
Advantage to resist exhaustion and fatigue.
Improved Critical (Tiered): Increase your Critical Threat range by 1 for a
chosen attack form, to a maximum of +4 per attack form.
Improved Disarm: You suffer no penalties when attacking to disarm an
opponent or when attacking a held object. When attempting to disarm, your
opponent does not get a free shot at disarming you.
Deft Grappler: You only need one free hand to make a Grappling test. You are
not considered defenseless while grappling an opponent.
Improved Initiative (Tiered): Gain your Tier bonus in this Advantage to all
Initiative tests.
Improved Grapple (Tiered): Opponents suffer a penalty equal to your Tiers in
this Advantage to tests made to escape your holds.
MacGyver: You suffer no penalty for attempting a skill without the proper
tolls, you improvise tolls from whatever is at hand. If you have to, you may
work with no tools at all with only a -2 penalty.
Inspire (5 Tiered): By spending a Fate Point, your allies may all add your Tier
in this Advantage to all tests made during this round. This Advantage only
has five Tiers.
On Your Feet: You may stand from a seated or prone position as a free action
rather than a Movement Action.
Meat Shield: If an ally is within your Movement range and is hit by an attack,
you may take a move action to place yourself in harms way. The attack then
targets you. You cannot dodge an attack you are a Meat Shield for, only Block
or Soak. You may only play Meat Shield once per round.
Jack of All Trades: You may use any Skill Untrained.
Multilingual (Tiered): For each Tier in this Advantage, you know how to speak,
read, and write in an additional language.
Rabbits Foot (Tiered): For every five Tiers You Have in this Advantage; you
Gain an Additional Fate Point.
Drive-By: During a round, you may pause in the middle of a Movement Action
to make an additional Action, provided you have not already made your
action this round. You may then continue your movement action where you
left off.
Brute Force (Tiered): When making a Melee Attack, you may take a penalty of
up to your Tiers in this Advantage to add the same amount to your Damage
Surgical Precision (4 Tiered): Chose either Ranged Attacks or Melee Attacks.
You may ignore penalties for attacks of this sort caused by either cover or
concealment (chosen when this Advantage is Taken). Each additional Tier of
this Advantage allows you to choose another option, so at 4 Tiers, all Melee
and Ranged attacks are immune to both cover and concealment. Total cover
or concealment still prevents you from attacking an opponent.
Ground Fighting: You suffer no penalties for Melee attacks made while Prone.
Your opponents gain no bonuses to Melee attacks made while you are prone.
Quick Draw: You may ready a weapon as a free action, rather than a standard
Rapid Reload: You may reload a weapon as a free action rather than a
standard action.
Ranged Weapons Mastery (Tiered): When using a Ranged Weapon whose skill
rank is lower than your Tiers in this Advantage, use your Tiers as your Skill
Crowd Fighting: When facing multiple opponents in melee combat, you may
make a Deceive or Acrobatics test once per round to redirect an opponents
attack to another adjacent opponent.
Seize the Moment: By Spending a Fate Point, you may act first in a round
regardless of your initiative roll.
Under Pressure (Tiered): For each Tier of this Advantage, choose a Skill. You
may make tests with this skill when under duress as if you were not (Such as
attempting to pick a lock while being shot at) You suffer no penalties for being
under duress with this skill.
Whirlwind of Destruction (2 Tiered): When you drop an opponent, you gain an
immediate follow-up attack against an adjacent opponent. If you have the
second Tier of this Advantage, you do not have to be adjacent to your followup opponent, moving as far as your Speed will allow to move between
opponents. You may continue to make follow-up attacks until you are either
out of movement or you fail to incapacitate an opponent.
Helping Hand: When an ally is making a skill check in a skill you also possess,
you may assist them, giving them a +2 bonus to their skill test.
Track: You may use the Investigate or Survival Skill to follow any visible trail
left by a target.
Sixth Sense: You may still Dodge an attack you were not previously aware of,
such as when surprised or from a Stealth-Using adversary.
Fencing Mastery: When you Block a Melee attack successfully, you may
choose to immediately make a follow-up disarm attempt. This attempt
functions as usual, including giving your opponent the chance to disarm you
as well.
Sword-Breaker: When you successfully block a melee attack, you may
immediately make a follow-up attack against your opponents weapon.
Tough as Nails (Tiered): Add your Tiers in this Advantage to your Vitality.
Mosh Pit Survival (Tiered): Add your Tiers in this Advantage to Soak tests
made against Unarmed Attacks.