EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Narrative Writing
EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Narrative Writing
EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan Narrative Writing
Narrative Writing
Mara Miller
9th Grade English
Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
Introductory Assignment: Students will watch a short clip of the movie The Princess Bride and then
write an explanation of what happened. 10 min. They will turn these in but they will not be graded.
I will, give a short explanation that this is an example of writing a narrative. They have just explained the
characters, setting, and events of what has happened in the movie.
Explanations of the aspects of a narrative. 30 min. Prezi presentation on the aspects of a narrative.
Ending activity: Students will pick an interesting event from their lives and write about it, using the
tools that we have discussed in the lecture. I will go around and help them brainstorm events that have
happened to them.
Day 2:
Introductory Assignment: Storytelling activity. I will break the students into groups of 4 and they will
tell a 3 minute story about what had happened to them from the event that they chose last class.
Students will point their iPad at the QR code embedded in the Powerpoint and go to a sample of a very
boring narrative. Students will then critique said narrative and bring it to the next class, where the next
lesson will start
Students will be writing a short explanation of the events transpiring in The Princess Bride. They will be
turning these in and they will not be graded. This will give me an understanding of their ability to summarize
Scoring Guidelines:
Students will not be graded on this assignment, but their involvement in this activity will be factored into their
participation grade.
Their critique of the sample narrative and their re-write of it will help me understand what they have gathered
from the topics we have talked about. This will be a graded assignment.
Scoring Guidelines:
This assignment will be graded Pass/Fail. Pass will be if they took the time to explore what we had talked
about in class and made a real attempt to make the narrative interesting. Fail will be if their was no attempt to
correct the narrative.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Using storytelling as an outlet for lesson in History, explaining the tradition of many stories and
narratives being past down orally. (History)
Bringing into question changing the names of the characters in the story to make sure there is no issue
with the law (Ethics)
For teachers
For students
iPad or tablet, notebook dedicated strictly to the class, Google account, and Internet
Key Vocabulary
QR code
Additional Notes