Proposed Programmes Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan
Proposed Programmes Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan
Proposed Programmes Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan
For Teachers:
1. Teachers’ sensitization programmes to promote girls’ participation.
2. Teacher training on Inclusive Education: General school teachers will be
sensitized and trained to teach and involve children with special needs in the
general classroom. For existing special educators, capacity building programmes
will be undertaken.
3. Disseminating use of Learning Outcomes: Training to teachers at the grass root
level, as well as the required training programmes for Key Resources Persons at
the state, district and block levels.
4. Incorporating ICT in Education: Today, technology has increasingly become a
vital element in the enhancement of quality in education. The use of ICT would
help transform the process of teaching and learning from the traditional
instructional teacher-centred endeavour to a learner-centred approach.
Therefore, teachers need to equip and acquaint themselves to the use of
technology for pedagogical practices which would lead to improved efficiency.
Training in ICT is provided through in-service training programmes. Teaching-
learning processes could be enhanced through computer aided learning.
a. Training of Vocational Teachers on the use of advanced technology
(including ICT) and innovative techniques may be regularly organized,
especially to support training of children with special needs.
b. Vocational teachers may be trained in utilizing e-learning materials,
instructional video-films and interactive computer aided programmes for
supplementing teaching and providing a wide variety of learning
experiences to the learners
5. Guidance and Counselling Guidance: Counselling is an important aspect of
school education that aims at providing educational, personal and vocational
guidance and counselling service to children. The existing teachers should also
be trained for this purpose, besides arranging Guest Lectures by prominent
people in different fields may be considered. Standardized tests may be used for
identifying the needs, interests, strengths and weakness of the learners and
accordingly provide the required guidance and counselling services.
6. Enriching Life Skills: For realisation of the goal of education i.e. holistic
development of learner, there is also need for making provisions to develop life
skills, values, pre-vocational skills, in the school curriculum. Opportunities need
to be provided in the in schools provisioning time in the school time table for
various activities promoting experiential learning, life skill, values, pre-
vocational skills and health and physical education. Activities for life skills and
values may be developed by the teachers at the block and district levels and also
disseminated across schools.
7. Sports and Yoga (Mindfulness): Realizing the need for holistic development of
children, Yoga and physical activities are encouraged. Physical education
instructors are recruited in schools.
8. Regular in-service training programmes of 5 days on pedagogy, subject content
and other related aspects of vocational education
9. Blended Learning
10. Workshops/Lectures/Programmes for creating Awareness on RTE Act
11. Special training programmes on communication skills
12. Training programmes on classroom management, managing resources
(including material and human resources), strategic planning, leadership
techniques, production methods, etc.
13. Interactive training programmes utilizing technology based systems like
For Teachers/Parents:
1. Community Mobilization in Education: Community mobilisation and close
involvement of community members in school education is extremely critical as
it fosters ‘bottom up approach’ not only in effective planning and
implementation of interventions in the schools but also in effective monitoring,
evaluation and ownership of the government programmes by the community.
Active participation of the community also ensures transparency, accountability
and helps in leveraging the cumulative knowledge of the community for better
functioning of school.
2. Workshops/Lectures/Programmes for creating Awareness on RTE Act, Learning
Outcomes etc.
For Students:
1. Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP)/ Remedial Teaching: Each individual
is unique in terms of cognitive and affective development, social maturity,
ability, motivation, aspiration, learning styles, needs, interests and potential.
Innate variations in intelligence, social and economic background, past learning
experiences, and perhaps variations in the level of congruence between the
learner and the curriculum are also factors underlying student differences.
Catering to individual differences, therefore, assumes paramount importance. To
achieve this, students are provided with suitable assistance and guidance in
accordance with their abilities and learning needs, so that they can develop their
potential to the maximum extent.
2. Promoting reuse of textbooks: Every child in the school must receive textbooks
on time i.e. at the beginning of the academic year. But most children do not
receive school text books at all. For every academic session, thousands of new
textbooks are being printed, bought and used. On the other hand, almost the
same number of textbooks and course material are being discarded after its use.
Usually these textbooks are not being reused or recycled generating huge
quantities of paper waste.
3. Blended Learning