Official Ancients FAQ 1-24-08
Official Ancients FAQ 1-24-08
Official Ancients FAQ 1-24-08
Command Cards. 2
Clash of Shields
Counter Attack
Darken the Sky
Double Time
Equal to Command
First Strike
Line Command
Move Fire Move
Troop Command Card
Units.. 4
Light Chariot
Marius Legion
Leaders. 5
Leader Casualty Checks and Evasion
Casualty Checks
Battle. 7
Range Combat
Battle Back
Leader Helmet Symbol
Retreat...... 8
Special Actions..... 8
Unit Evade
Leader Evade
Reference Sheet. 10
Scenarios (core). 11
Second Printing Terrain Clarifications.. 11
Broken Ground
Fordable River
Expansion #1 Greek and Eastern Kingdoms. 12
Expansion #2 Rome and the Barbarians.... 12
Clash of Shields
Q. Which units are ordered when I play a clash of shields card?
A. All units adjacent to an enemy unit when the command card is played are ordered. This can get a little
confusing, especially as the combats take place and enemy units retreat. When there is going to be a lot of
combats, we find marking the units eligible to battle will help. Note units that are ordered on the Clash of
Shields may not fire.
Counter Attack
Q May I "Counter Attack" the "I Am Spartacus" command card?
A. Yes
You will roll dice equal to your command, which could mean you would roll more or less dice than your
Q. May I Counter Attack a Counter Attack card?
A. Yes
Q. My opponent used an Order Heavy Troops card to order 1 unit because he did not have any Heavy units
and I played the Counter Attack card, may I order heavy troops equal to Command or do I have to only
order 1 unit?
A. You may order heavy units equal to your Command.
Note: The player playing the order heavy troops card must order heavy units if he has one or more heavies
on the battlefield. Only if he has zero heavies can he order a unit of his choice. The counterattacking player
- is he bound by the same protocol - he must order heavies if he has one or more heavy units on the
battlefield, and may only order one unit of choice if he does not have any heavy units.
Darken the Sky
Q. I have two different reads on how the "Darken the Sky" card is played?
A. Each unit battles twice with retreats and hits resolved between each battle so the attacking unit may have
to switch targets because it's first target either retreats out of range or is eliminated.
Double Time
Q. On the '"Double Time" card can the group of 4 adjacent linked units span two sections?
A. Yes
Equal to Command
Q. When a command card says equal to command, how many units are ordered when the number of
command cards changes in a scenario?
A. The number of units that are ordered is equal the number of command cards you currently hold
including the card being played.
First Strike
Q. How does a First Strike work?
A. The use of the First Strike card means that the defending unit Battles first, and then if the attacking unit
is not destroyed or retreats, it will attack as was originally intended. The defending unit that Battled first
does not get to Battle Back after the attacking unit is finished with its attack.
Q. How many dice will a heavy chariot unit roll if it is playing a first strike, 3 or 4?
A. 3 dice
We think of the player taking a turn as being on the attack, so the chariot unit is defending when playing
the first strike. A heavy chariot unit defending or when playing a first strike will roll 3 dice.
Q. What units are ordered on the "Leadership" Command card?
A. The Leadership card orders the leader's hex, and either 3 or 4 adjacent linked hexes that are occupied by
your units. You may not skip over a hex with one of your units. All ordered units must be adjacent to
another ordered unit (see p.16 example). Units in adjacent linked hexes to the leader's hex may be in
different sections of the battlefield.
Line Command
Q. Can a Line Command order units in different sections?
A. Yes
Q. When a Line Command card is played, can some of the units not move and just fire?
A. Yes
Units that are part of a line command are not required to move. Units that are armed with missile weapons
that do not move or only move 1 hex may fire.
Move Fire Move
Q. Can light unit order on a Move-Fire-Move card cross a fordable river in a single turn?
A. Yes
The unit must stop on the fordable river hex, may choose to fire and then move again from the fordable
river hex.
Q. Are the normal rules for ranged fire are at work here?
A. Yes
When a light unit moves in the first part, it only will roll 1 combat die. An auxilia unit, if it moves 2 in the
first part, may not do range combat. Because the first move is optional, if a unit does not move in the first
part, it may roll 2 range combat dice.
Q. When playing a Move Fire Move card is the fire optional?
A. Yes
Fire after the unit's first move is optional. Note a unit may not fire or close combat after its second move.
Q. Does this mean a unit adjacent to leader when a rally card is played that does not have any blocks rallied
is not ordered?
A. Correct
Only a unit that has one or more blocks rallied back are ordered. A rallied unit may gain more than one
block when rallied, but the unit may not gain more blocks that it originally had.
In addition, units that are at full strength cannot be rallied (no blocks to rally back) therefore the unit may
not be ordered.
Q. On the rally card, does the player choose ONE unit to rally, either a unit with a leader in the hex or a
unit adjacent to a leader?
A. No
All your leaders on the battlefield may rally units when the rally card is played. The unit that is being
rallied has to have at least one lost block and be in the leader's hex or adjacent to a friendly leader's hex on
the battlefield. One block is brought back and placed with a unit for each unit symbol rolled. Note a leader
symbol will rally any unit type. A unit may not gain more blocks that it originally had.
Q. On the rally card it says "for each unit type rolled" what does this mean?
A. Only units that have lost a block may rally back a block(s). The unit that is rallied must be in the leader's
hex or in a hex adjacent to a leader. A green unit type symbol rolled, means any green circle unit will rally.
A blue unit type symbol rolled, means any blue triangle unit will rally. The red unit type symbol rolled,
means any red square unit will rally (except an elephant or heavy chariot unit). Note a leader symbol when
rolled, will rally one block type of your choice.
Light Chariot - Fire Range
Sorry to all I thought we had made the correction to Light Chariot's fire range on both Expansion #2 and
#3 Reference Cards but somehow the card was printed with Light Chariot Fire Range of 2 hexes, when of
course it should be Light Chariot Fire Range is 3 hexes.
Marius Legions Rule
Q. In Expansion #2, it states the Marius Legions Rule lets the medium infantry have a ranged attack but in
expansion #3, Marius Legions Rule states both the heavy and medium infantry now have this ranged attack.
Which one is correct?
A. When Marius Legions Rule is in effect both Roman medium and heavy infantry are armed with pilum
and sword and are considered missile weapon capable units.
In regard to the published scenarios in Exp #2, the only heavy infantry unit feature is Caesar's Tenth Legion
with a number of special unit abilities.
Q. On page 11 second printing second bullet - When an elephant Battles Back after being attacked in Close
Combat it will roll the same number of dice as the unit which made the attack on the elephant unit. It
sounds like the elephant unit battling back would get the bonus. Is that correct?
A. The section just above reads - In Close Combat, an elephant unit will roll the same number of battle dice
as the unit it is attacking would normally roll against the elephant. Key word here is normally. Bonus dice
a unit rolls against the elephant are not consider the units normal attack dice so the elephant unit would not
roll more dice than the attackers normal dice.
Q. The rules say if the elephant rolls a "sword" hit, they re-roll for possible additional hits. What if the reroll(s) are a sword, do I continue to re-roll as long as a sword keeps coming up?
A. Yes
An elephant when on a roll will do a lot of damage. Remember to track both hits and flags.
(core) The above rule is different than what Note 5 on the Reference sheet states. We recommend that you
update Note 5 as follows: Note 5 - Any sword hit scored by an Elephant unit is re-rolled one time only for
possible additional block hits or flag results.
Elephant Retreat Rules in a little more detail:
When the retreat path of the elephant is blocked (both hexes towards its side of the battlefield are occupied
by units - regardless of friend or foe) the elephant is not moved back and does not lose any blocks; rather
the units that blocked the retreat path must each lose one block for each hex the elephant had to retreat but
could not.
Q. When an elephant must retreat, but both retreat hexes are occupied and a lone enemy leader occupies
one of the hexes, how does the remove one block from each unit work on the lone enemy leader?
A. The enemy leader block is removed from the battlefield.
Q. When an elephant must retreat, and both retreat hexes are occupied, one of the hexes is occupied by a
lone friendly leader, how does the remove one block from each unit work on the lone friendly leader?
A. A lone friendly leader does not block the elephant's retreat path and the Elephant unit may move onto a
hex with the lone leader.
The rule is - A unit, without an attached leader, may retreat onto a hex that contains a friendly leader that is
alone on a hex. The leader attaches to that unit, and the unit's retreat movement is stopped and the unit
ignores any additional retreat movement.
Q. The rules say that a Warrior Infantry unit loses it bonuses (+1 combat die and ignores 1 flag) in the "next
combat battle" after its first loss. So if a full strength Warrior unit is engaged in close combat, loses a block
and then battles back, does it do so with 3 or 4 battle dice?
A. The warrior unit rolls 4 battle dice.
When a unit battles back, it was our intent for it to be part of the attacking units combat sequence. Think of
close combat as the attacking unit striking and the defending unit striking back. I believe that is how
battling went at this time - Strike, Strike back
A bonus Close Combat after a unit has made a Momentum Advance, however, is consider as a new Close
Combat. Why bring this up here? Because If a full strength Warrior unit is engaged in close combat,
loses a block and is forced to retreat (I was lucky and rolled two flags with my medium cavalry). The
warrior unit retreats 2 hexes. I make a Momentum Advance and move an additional hex with my cavalry
and am adjacent to the same warrior unit again. My bonus Close Combat against the same warrior unit is a
clean miss, I hate when that happens! The warrior unit then battles back with 3 dice because the Warrior
unit is no longer at full strength and the bonus Close Combat is treated as a new combat.
Leader Casualty Checks and Evasion
Key Summary
When must a leader evade?
A leader must evade when a leader is with a unit that has all its blocks eliminated, after all the unit's blocks
are removed, the leader must evade.
There are a number of situations when a unit's blocks may be lost: range combat, close combat and failure
to complete a retreat (see details below). Other situations that are not detailed here, include but are not
limited to: evading unit, elephant rampage, occupying an elephants retreat path, rolling fire, sunk in marsh.
Some situations will require a leader casualty check prior to the leader evade.
1. When a leader is alone in a hex and is attacked in range or close combat, if the leader is not hit and
eliminated, the leader must evade.
2. A unit with an attached leader that loses one or more blocks in combat (range or close combat), but the
unit is not eliminated, after the unit's blocks are removed, there is a leader casualty check (2 dice). But
because the unit still has blocks remaining, the leader may not evade.
3. A unit with an attached leader that loses one or more blocks in combat (range or close combat) and the
unit is eliminated, after the unit's blocks are removed, there is a leader casualty check (1 die). If the leader
is not eliminated by the casualty check, the leader must evade.
4. When a unit with an attached leader is attacked and does not lose any blocks from the combat dice rolled
but is forced to retreat from flags rolled, and it loses one or more blocks because it cannot complete its
entire retreat movement but is not eliminated, after the retreat loss blocks are removed, there is a leader
casualty check (2 dice). Because the unit still has blocks remaining, the leader may not evade.
5. When a unit with an attached leader is attacked and does not lose any blocks from dice rolled in the
combat but is forced to retreat from flags rolled, and the unit loses one or more blocks and is eliminated
because it cannot complete its entire retreat movement, after all the unit's blocks are removed, there is a
leader casualty check (1 die). If the leader is not eliminated by the casualty check, the leader must evade.
6. When a unit with an attached leader is attacked and the unit loses blocks from the combat dice rolled,
after the combat loss blocks are removed, there is a leader casualty check (2 dice). If the leader is not
eliminated, the leader may not evade and must remain with the unit. Now if the unit is also forced to retreat
but cannot complete its entire retreat movement and is not eliminated, after the retreat loss blocks are
removed, the leader may not evade because the unit still has blocks remaining. Another leader casualty
check is not required because only one leader casualty check is made during any combat sequence and the
loss of blocks from combat and the retreat, are due to the same dice roll combat sequence.
7. When a unit with an attached leader is attacked and the unit loses blocks from the combat dice rolled,
after the combat loss blocks are removed, there is a leader casualty check (2 dice). If the leader is not
eliminated, the leader may not evade and must remain with the unit. Now if the unit is also forced to retreat
but cannot complete its entire retreat movement and is eliminated, after the retreat loss blocks are removed,
the leader must evade. Note, retreat movement that was not completed by the unit that was eliminated has
no effect on the leader. Another leader casualty check is not required because only one leader casualty
check is made during any combat sequence and the loss of blocks from combat and the retreat, are due to
the same dice roll combat sequence.
Other details to Remember
A leader on his baseline hex that must evade is removed from the battlefield. Your opponent does not gain
a Victory Banner when a leader evades from the battlefield.
A leader's evade will turn into an escape, when the leader's evade path is occupied by enemy units or
Leader Casualty Check
Q. When do I need to make a Leader Casualty Check?
A. There are a number of situations when a leader casualty check must be taken.
Attached Leaders: When a leader is attached to a unit and the unit loses one or more blocks for any reason
but is not eliminated, there is a chance the leader may also be hit and a leader casualty check must be taken.
Roll 2 battle dice. To hit the leader, you need to roll two leader symbols. A leader casualty check must be
made when:
- Unit loses a block from ranged combat.
- Unit loses a block from close combat.
- Unit loses a block when the unit is evading.
- Unit loses a block when it cannot complete a retreat move.
- Unit loses a block from an elephant rampage.
- Unit loses a block from an elephant needing to retreat and both retreat path hexes occupied.
- Unit loses a block from rolling fire.
- Unit loses a block when sunk in marsh.
Note, however, only one leader casualty check is made during a combat sequence (a roll of the dice).
For example, when a unit with an attached leader loses blocks in a close combat, a leader casualty check is
made after the blocks are removed. If the unit also must retreat because of flags on the same combat dice
roll and unit loses more blocks because its retreat route is occupied, another leader casualty check is not
required. The flag loses were from the same combat roll, and only one leadership casualty check is made on
a leader during a combat sequence.
Leader's Unit Eliminated: When the leader casualty check is required because all blocks of the unit the
leader is attached to are eliminated and the leader is now alone in the hex, roll only 1 die. To hit the leader,
you need to roll one leader symbol. If the leader is not hit on this single die roll, the leader must evade back
toward his own side of the battlefield, one, two or three hexes. Flags rolled against a unit that was
eliminated, have no effect on the leader. If in Close Combat the attacking unit eliminates a unit with an
attached leader, it may Momentum Advance onto the vacated hex after the leader evades out of the hex.
Leader Alone in a Hex: When a leader is not attached to a unit, leader is alone in a hex, and is attacked by
Range Combat or Close Combat, the attacking unit determines the proper number of battle dice to roll. To
score a hit on the leader, you need to roll one leader symbol. If the leader is not hit, he must evade back
towards his own side of the battlefield. Flags rolled against a leader when alone in a hex, have no effect. If
in Close Combat the attacking unit does not eliminate the leader, it may NOT Momentum Advance onto
the vacated hex after the leader evades out of the hex.
Range Combat
Q. Do leaders affect ranged combat?
A. No
A leader or sword symbols when rolled in ranged combat, do not count as a hit against the target unit.
Exception is that a leader symbol when roller in range combat and the target is a leader that is alone in a
hex then a leader symbol is a hit.
Q. What units have missile weapons?
A. All light units have missile weapons, including light foot, Auxilia light foot, light horse and light
chariot. These units are considered armed with javelins, spears or some type of throwing weapon and have
a range of 2 hexes. Units armed with bow or sling weapons have a range of 3 hexes.
Scenarios, which indicate medium foot units or other unit types, to be armed with bow weapons will be
noted in the War Council notes section of the scenario.
Battle Back
Q. On page 11 second printing second bullet - When an elephant Battles Back after being attacked in Close
Combat it will roll the same number of dice as the unit which made the attack on the elephant unit. It
sounds like the elephant unit battling back would get the bonus. Is that correct?
A. The section just above reads - In Close Combat, an elephant unit will roll the same number of battle dice
as the unit it is attacking would normally roll against the elephant. Key word here is normally. Bonus dice
a unit rolls against the elephant are not consider the units normal attack dice so the elephant unit would not
roll more dice than the attackers normal dice.
Q. If you can't retreat when called to and after unit takes losses for not being able to retreat, can you still
battle back?
A. Yes
When a unit must retreat but cannot, after taking the proper number of block losses (one piece is removed
for each retreat hex it cannot complete) the unit may battle back in close combat. Consider this as defense
in depth if the units behind are your units preventing the retreat -or- consider this fighting in desperation, if
the units behind are enemy units preventing the retreat ;o)
Leader Helmet Symbol
Q. Please explain when and how the Leader (helmet) symbol on the dice is used.
A. The leader symbol side on the dice is used in four situations.
1. A unit's battle dice result in close combat is modified when it is with an attached leader or in an adjacent
to a leader's hex. One hit is scored on the unit being attacked for each leader symbol rolled.
2. When a leader is attached to a unit and the unit loses a block, there is also a chance that the leader may
be hit. A roll of one or two leader helmet symbols, as the situation requires, will hit and eliminate the
3. When you play the "I Am Spartacus" Command card and you roll a leader symbol you may order any
unit or leader of your choice.
4. When you play the "Rally" Command card and you roll a leader symbol it will rally one block type of
your choice.
Q. Does a unit retreat when a single flag is rolled on the unit and the attached leader is hit and eliminated.
A. The unit must retreat, seeing your leader parish would no doubt shake up the most veteran unit.
Q. Does every hex in a retreat have to be closer to the retreating unit's baseline?
A. Yes
Q. If both hexes directly behind a unit are occupied, may the unit retreat one hex to the side and then two
hexes to the rear?
A. No
Q. Does an enemy leader alone in a hex block my unit's retreat?
A. Yes
When moving a unit you may not move onto or through a hex occupied by an enemy unit or lone enemy
Q. What does ignore one flag mean?
A. Each time the unit is being targeted in battle, it may ignore one flag. When the unit can ignore more than
one flag, for example it has a leader attached and is supported, it may ignore two flags each time it is
Q. When retreating can a unit that has no attached leader retreat into a hex with a friendly leader?
A. Yes
A unit, without an attached leader, may retreat onto a hex that contains a friendly leader that is alone on a
hex. The leader attaches to that unit, and the unit's retreat movement is stopped and the unit ignores any
additional retreat movement.
Q. The rules state a flag will cause a retreat equal to the movement allowance of the unit. That's seems like
a lot? A light cavalry with 2 flags will be going off board for sure.
A. You are correct, 2 flags (8 hex retreat) will normally send a light horse unit to the edge of the battlefield,
where it will lose one block for each hex the unit cannot retreat. But remember when being attacked, the
light horse unit may choose to evade. Only symbols that match the evading unit will score a hit, flags and
swords are a miss. One last point, you really need to keep units in support, especially cavalry units on your
flanks, to avoid an entire flank from running.
Q. How do you handle a cavalry or chariot versus the elephant on a retreat?
A. Horse or chariot unit that must retreat because an elephant unit rolled a flag against it moves back 1
additional hex for each flag. For example, a light horse must retreat 5 hexes when an elephant unit rolls a
single flag against a light cavalry unit that cannot ignore a flag.
Unit Evade
Q. How does a War Machine conduct an Evade? May it still Evade if its routes of Evade are occupied by
other units?
A. Because a War Machine is a unit it will follow the rules for evading.
- An Evade movement is a 2 hex move towards the units own side of the battlefield. An Evade move of 1
hex is possible and is permitted, but only if it is the only possible hex available. A unit may not Evade if
both hexes towards its side of the battlefield are blocked (regardless if friend or foe).
Therefore, a War Machine unit like other units that can Evade, must have an evade path, and it may not
Evade if both hexes towards its side of the battlefield are blocked.
Remember an evading a War Machine unit, instead of making a move towards the units own side of the
battlefield, is removed from the battlefield instead. The war machine crew has escaped and does not count
as a Victory Banner.
Q. May the attacking unit momentum advance onto the evading enemy's hex if the enemy unit is eliminated
by the close combat roll against the evading unit?
A. No
When the defender announces a unit is going to Evade, the attacking unit may not momentum advance onto
the evading enemy's hex even if the evading unit is eliminated.
Q. When a unit evades must it always evade toward its own side of the battlefield?
A. Yes
An evading unit must always move towards its side of the battlefield when making an evade movement.
Q. What happens if an evading unit has a lone friendly leader behind it -- if the evading unit moves onto the
leader's hex does the leader automatically attach to the unit and stop the 2nd evade move?
A. Yes.
Q. When an evading unit moves back onto a leader that is alone in the hex is the leader at risk when the
attacking unit rolls to hit the evading unit?
A. No
Hits occur in the hex originally occupied by the evading unit (some of the evading troops simply did not
run fast enough). A leader that attaches in the evading units first or second evasion hexes does not roll for
a leader check.
Q. It says you may evade 1 hex (instead of the normal 2) if one hex is the only hex available?
A. The edge of the battlefield, blocking units and impassable terrain are situations that will allow a unit to
evade 1 hex (instead of the normal 2) and is still a legal evade move.
Q. Can a unit evade across a fordable river hex?
A. Yes
A unit that is making an Evade move, may move through a Broken Ground hex, forest hex and Fordable
River hex. The units evade movement is not stopped by these terrain features.
Q. Does evading negate leader symbol hits? Or do they still count?
A. Only symbols that match the evading unit will score a hit when a unit is evading, flags, swords and
leader symbols and other unit type symbols will all miss. In addition, If a unit evades an attack from an
elephant, since sword rolls "miss," the elephant does not re-roll sword rolls.
Leader Evade
Q. Can a leader Evade through a hex containing an enemy leader alone in a hex?
A. No
A leader must Escape though a hex with a lone enemy leader. An enemy leader when alone in a hex,
however, does not roll any dice, so the leaders may escape through the hex with no dice rolls against the
Q. When a leader cannot evade is he lost?
A. After a leader survives a leader casualty check, the leader must evade 1, 2 or 3 hexes. The key word in
the rule is must. If the leader cannot move back, toward his own side of the battlefield, he is eliminated and
counts as a victory banner. Note however, a leader may make an Escape move through enemy units when
the enemy occupies his path.
Q. The leader evasion rules say that a player can "Choose" evade his leader off the battlefield. But if a
leader is in the last row of his side's hexes and is attacked but not hit, wouldn't he be forced to evade at least
one hex and off the board?
A. Yes
The leader is still not counted as a victory banner even though the evasion off the board is forced.
Q. Can a helmet symbol on a section Command card be used to move a leader in a different section of the
A. No
To order a leader will cost one order on the section card and therefore must be ordered in the section
specified on the order card.
Q. Can you order a leader with the order 1 unit of your choice found on some of the Command cards?
A. No
A Leader when attached to a unit may only be ordered when a Command card with a helmet is played or
when the "I Am Spartacus" roll is a leader symbol. A leader when alone in a hex may be ordered when a
Command card with a helmet is played or by a Leadership card or when the "I Am Spartacus" roll is a
leader symbol.
Q. May a leader detach from a unit when a Leadership card is played?
A. No
Leaders when attached to a unit may only detach when a Command card with a helmet is played (section
cards, order mounted) or when the "I Am Spartacus" roll is a leader symbol.
Q. Does a cavalry unit have to advance to battle again?
A. Yes
To be eligible for a bonus close combat, a unit (warrior, foot unit with a leader, cavalry, chariot, elephant)
must make a successful close combat and advance into the vacated hex.
Q. Does a cavalry unit have to advance and move 1 additional hex to gain a bonus close combat?
A. No
A cavalry may advance an additional hex before the unit makes a bonus close combat, but it may choose to
stay in the first hex it advanced onto and make a bonus close combat. Or it may choose not to make a bonus
combat. No combat is forced. A bonus close combat is only possible when the unit advances. So you must
advance if you want to do bonus close combat, but you may advance and even move the one additional hex
and not do the bonus close combat.
Q. When a cavalry unit has made a successful bonus close combat that eliminates or forces the enemy unit
to retreat, can the cavalry advance and move an additional hex?
A. No
A cavalry unit, after a successful bonus close combat that eliminates or forces the enemy unit to retreat
from the hex, may advance onto the vacated hex, but it may not move the additional hex or battle again this
Q. What does the word "Advance" mean in the Momentum column on the reference card?
A. When the reference card states "Advance" this means the unit may advance onto the empty hex after a
close combat attack that either eliminates or forces the enemy unit to retreat from the hex.
When reference card states " Advance - May Battle" it means the unit may advance onto the empty hex
after a close combat attack that either eliminates or forces the enemy unit to retreat from the hex and may
battle in close combat again. Note some terrain will prevent a unit from battling when moving onto the
terrain hex.
When reference card states " Advance - Move 1 hex - May Battle" it means the unit may advance onto the
empty hex after a close combat attack that either eliminates or forces the enemy unit to retreat from the hex
and then may move 1 additional hex and then may battle in close combat again. Your cavalry unit must
first advance onto the empty hex before it may move one additional hex. The additional hex may be onto
any adjacent hex including the one it just moved from. Note some terrain when moved onto will prevent the
unit from moving one additional hex.
Q. I am having a little problem reading the backside of the Reference Sheet.
A. Read the chart
- The top row is what you rolled on a die. (green, blue, red, swords, banner, leader helmet)
- The left column going down is the unit you are targeting on your attack.
Q. The special rule says that the Roman side gets a victory banner for moving onto a camp hex.
A. Move onto camp hex and stop in the hex will gain Roman player a banner. You don't gain a victory
banner if your Roman unit moves through the hex.
Q. Does a unit need to remain there to keep the banner?
A. No
Q. Does it lose the banner if the Carthaginians reclaim the camp?
A. No
Q. There seems to be an error
about the depiction of Mago's forces in the Trebbia scenario. Mago and his
men are depicted as Romans. The Special rule speaks of a medium cavalry and two medium warriors, but
units depicted are one medium infantry and two medium warriors.
A. We did make a few mistakes
- Lower battlefield edge, Roman not Syracusan.
- Mago's forces (not Mogo) are Carthaginian blocks and consist of 1 leader, 1 medium cavalry and 2
medium warrior units.
Q. Since Mago's force is starting on the opposite edge of the map when the Carthaginian player plays an
"Inspired Left Leadership" which section of the battlefield do Mago's force enter?
A. The Carthaginian left section just on the Roman side of the Battlefield.
Broken Ground
Movement: No movement restrictions for foot units, except war machine units, which may not enter a
broken ground hex. A mounted unit must stop when it enters a broken ground hex and move no further on
that turn.
Battle: A foot unit may battle the turn it moves onto a hex with broken ground. A mounted unit may not
battle the turn it enters a broken ground hex.
Close Combat - When your unit battles an enemy unit on a broken ground hex or your unit is on a broken
ground hex and battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat.
Range Combat - When your unit targets an enemy unit on a broken ground hex with range combat it will
roll its normal battle dice, when your unit is on a broken ground hex and battles with range weapons it will
battle with normal dice.
A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that
may be rolled.
Line of Sight: Broken ground does not block line of sight.
Movement: A unit must stop when it enters a forest hex and move no further on that turn.
Battle: A unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a forest hex. Light infantry, light sling infantry, light
bow infantry, auxilia infantry and warrior infantry units are the exception. These units may move onto a
forest hex and still battle.
Close Combat - When your unit battles an enemy unit on a forest hex or your unit is on a forest hex and
battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat.
Range Combat - When your unit targets an enemy unit on a forest hex with range combat will roll a
maximum of 1 die.
A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the number of battle dice maximum that
may be rolled.
Line of Sight: A forest hex will block line of sight.
Fordable River (specified in scenario instructions)
Movement: A unit must stop when it enters a fordable river hex.
Battle: A unit may battle the turn it moves onto a fordable river hex.
Close Combat - When your unit battles an enemy unit on a fordable river hex or your unit is on a fordable
river hex and battles out, it will roll a maximum of 2 dice in close combat.
A unit may still make a Momentum Advance after a successful Close Combat.
Range Combat - When your unit targets an enemy unit on a fordable river hex with range combat it will
roll its normal battle dice, when your unit is on a fordable river hex and battles with range weapons it will
roll a maximum of 1 die.
A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that can
be rolled.
Line of Sight: A fordable river hex does not block line of sight.
Q. What happens when a unit with an attached leader enters a marsh hex, and the 1 die is roll for moving
onto a mash hex the unit loses a block?
A. Because the unit lost a block in the mash, it is possible that the leader could also be lost and there is a
leader casualty check. When a leader is with a unit the leader casualty check is 2 dice and if the last block
of the unit is eliminated in the marsh, the leader casualty check is 1 die.
When the last block of the unit in a marsh is eliminated and the leader casualty check is not a hit, the leader
must evade one, two or three hexes back toward his own side of the battlefield.
Q. If a leader alone is evading onto a marsh hex what happens?
A. Roll one die against the leader when the leader moves onto the marsh hex. To hit the leader the roll
needs to be a leader symbol. If the leader is not hit, the leader may continue his evade move or choose to
stop on the marsh hex.
Q. If a leader alone is moving onto a marsh hex what happens?
A. Roll one die against the leader when the leader moves onto the marsh hex. To hit the leader the roll
needs to be a leader symbol. If the leader is not hit, the leader must stop on the marsh hex.