Spring and Wells

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Part 650 Engineering Field Handbook

National Engineering Handbook

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Issued draft July 2012

Cover: The spring flows into Onion Creek in Hayes County, Texas

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(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12


Springs and Wells

650.1200 Introduction



Source of water supply

(a) Water-bearing materials................................................................................. 122
(b) Aquifers in the continental United States................................................... 123
(c) Effects of geologic structure......................................................................... 123
(d) Conservation of groundwater resources..................................................... 124


Springs and seeps

(a) Springs............................................................................................................. 125
(b) Seeps................................................................................................................ 128
(c) Spring design................................................................................................... 128
(d) Maintenance.................................................................................................. 1216

650.1203 Wells
(a) Types.............................................................................................................. 1217
(b) Site selection................................................................................................. 1221
(c) Hydraulics..................................................................................................... 1222
(d) Design............................................................................................................ 1223
(e) Construction................................................................................................. 1236
(f) Well development after installation........................................................... 1236
(g) Testing............................................................................................................ 1237
(h) Selecting a pump.......................................................................................... 1239
(j) Applicable State laws and groundwater rights......................................... 1240
(k) Contracts and specifications....................................................................... 1240
(l) Records.......................................................................................................... 1241
(m) Abandonment................................................................................................ 1241
650.1204 References

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12




Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Table 121

Water-well construction methods and applications


Table 122

Changes in yield with increase in well diameter


Table 123

Guidance on when to use a gravel pack


Figure 121 The hydrologic cycle, with a focus on groundwater



Figure 122 Artesian well flowing at surface, Missouri


Figure 123 Principal aquifers of the United States


Figure 124 Groundwater provinces of the United States


Figure 125 Effect of geologic structure on groundwater


Figure 126 Depression spring, seepage or filtration type


Figure 127 Typical contact spring


Figure 128 Springs in jointed sandstone


Figure 129 Springs in jointed basalt


Figure 1210 Springs in jointed limestone


Figure 1211 Artesian springs at outcrop of aquifer


Figure 1212 Spring development in stream channel


Figure 1213 Spring collection system


Figure 1214 Spring box and pipe arrangement


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Figure 1215 Hydraulic ram cross section


Figure 1216 Water well supplying center-pivot sprinkler irrigation

system, Idaho


Figure 1217 Sand point used for small diameter driven well


Figure 1218 Diagram showing terms used in the water-table aquifer



Figure 1219 Typical irrigation well in unconsolidated materials

(see App. A, Glossary) for definition of terms


Figure 1220 Documentation of water-table well design


Figure 1221 Documentation of artesian well design


Figure 1222 Diagram showing terms used in the artesian aquifer



Figure 1223 Filter design gradation, based on aquifer particle size



Figure 1224 A completed satellite well unit as part of a multiwell



Figure 1225 Typical manifold multiple-well system. Note that the

pump may be an engine or electric motor


Figure 1226 Sample layouts for manifolds pumping systems


Figure 1227 Well interference in an unconfined aquifer


Figure 1228 Cross section of developed well showing filter pack and
well screen


Figure 1229 Relationship between drawdown and yield


Figure 1230 Air line for measuring depth to water level


Figure 1231 Water well pump powered by electric motor, Washington


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12


Springs and Wells

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Chapter 12


Springs and Wells


The purpose of this chapter is to provide conservationists and engineers with some of the fundamentals of
planning and developing groundwater resources. The
chapter contains information that must be considered
and analyzed if a successful and long-lasting water
supply is to be obtained from wells or springs. The
nature of groundwater, methods of obtaining it from
springs or wells, and the development and maintenance of groundwater recovery systems are described.
Groundwater has many advantages over water from
other sources, and its economic importance cannot be
The term groundwater is a simplistic term that
encompasses water in the saturated zone beneath the
Earths surface, water that is under pressure, and the
complex movement of groundwater as an integral part
of the Earths hydrologic cycle, as depicted in figure

Figure 121

The principal ways of using groundwater are through

spring and well developments. A spring is a natural
outflow of water from an underground supply to the
ground surface. A seep differs from a spring, in having
no definite opening. A well (vertical or horizontal) is
a hole drilled, dug, or driven into the earth to obtain
For more detailed information, refer to the following
chapters in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
National Engineering Handbook (NEH), Part 631:
Chapter 30, Groundwater Hydrology and Geology
Chapter 31, Groundwater Investigations
Chapter 32, Well Design and Spring Development
Chapter 33, Groundwater Recharge
For springs, see the NRCS National Conservation
Practice Standard (CPS), Code 574, Spring
Development. For wells, see the CPS Code 642, Water

The hydrologic cycle, with a focus on groundwater resources

ff spring


water table
ian p

e sur



Water table


artesian well

Water table



Water table (unconfined)




Nonflowing Groun table
artesian well
r flow


Impermeable rock

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)




Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Groundwater is located in the area of the Earths crust

known as the zone of saturation and is contained in
aquifers: water table aquifers, confined aquifers, or
perched aquifers.
In a water table aquifer, the water is not confined, is at
atmospheric pressure, and may rise or fall in the upper
zone of saturation, depending on rate of recharge and
rate of withdrawal, drainage, or outflow. In a confined
aquifer, the water is confined in the zone of saturation
by an overlying relatively impermeable layer and may
be at a pressure greater than atmospheric. If the water
in a confined aquifer rises above the containing layer
when penetrated, the aquifer is said to be artesian,
even though water may not freely flow from the well.
Many artesian wells do not flow freely at the ground
surface (fig. 122), but the added pressure reduces
pumping requirements.
The elevation to which water will rise up in a tube or
well that penetrates an aquifer (confined or unconfined) is the potentiometric surface. The water table is
more properly termed the potentiometric surface in
an unconfined aquifer, also called a water table aquifer.
Perched aquifers occur in the vadose zone above and
not connected to the regional water table. They occur because of an aquiclude or lower barrier of less
permeable strata. Perched aquifers may be important
local but limited sources of fresh water. Many volcanic
islands have perched aquifers, which are important
freshwater sources, for example.

Figure 122

Artesian well flowing at surface, Missouri

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook


Source of water

(a) Water-bearing materials

Although underground streams may flow in cavernous
limestone or lava tubes, the main source of groundwater in rock formations is the pores and cracks.
Unconsolidated sands or gravels generally are the
most important aquifers, with high porosity and permeability. Porosity is an expression of void spaces,
while permeability is an expression of the ability of the
earth material to transmit water. Jointed and permeable sandstone and jointed limestone containing solution passages are next in importance as aquifers. The
movement of water in sandstone is controlled by its
permeability, or the uniformity, compaction, amount
of interconnected voids (pores) in the sand, and by
the frequency of joints, fractures, and bedding plane
Groundwater is found in joints and solution passages
in limestone. Groundwater is found in joints and
fractures in volcanic rock, lava tubes, interflow zones,
voids in cinder beds, or alluvial deposits (deposited by
running water) between lava flows.
Small amounts of groundwater may be obtained from
jointed or fractured zones of dense, hard rock. Joints,
fractures, and lineaments stand open in such rock at
depths of less than 300 feet. Lineaments can be extensive surface features or a linear topographic feature
of regional extent that may reflect crustal structure
(e.g., fault lines, aligned volcanoes, and straight stream
Fine-grained (primarily silts and clays) sedimentary
formations and sands or gravels with clay fines are
relatively impermeable. These do not yield appreciable
amounts of water to wells; although, occasionally
water is obtained through open fractures, joints, or
lineaments. These materials frequently form confining
layers over more permeable materials.


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(b) Aquifers in the continental United

General information about groundwater and aquifers in the United States is available from the U.S.
Geological Surveys (USGS) National Atlas of the
United States (USGS 2011) (fig. 123) (http://www.
The USGS has delineated significant groundwater
provinces of the United States (fig. 124) (USGS 1984)
(http://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/2242/report.pdf), based
on the areal extent of important water-bearing formations. The provinces are described in detail therein.
State geological surveys may also have more detailed
groundwater maps and other information about
groundwater resources.

Figure 123

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(c) Effects of geologic structure

Some structural features or conditions favor the accumulation of groundwater in aquifers; others act as
drains. Conditions favorable for retaining groundwater
are as necessary for underground storage as dams are
for surface reservoirs.
Such geologic dams, or traps, can be structural or can
be caused by differences in water-bearing capability
among strata.
Major geologic structures favoring accumulation
and retention of groundwater are synclines, grabens,
faults, and dikes (fig. 125). Minor structural features
such as joints, fractures, and lineaments also influence
the accumulation and movement of groundwater in

Principal aquifers of the United States

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

rocks. Joints often occur in a predictable pattern and

often determine the best depth and location of wells.

(d) Conservation of groundwater


Traps are caused by rock layers, reducing the permeability of an aquifer or completely blocking it. Traps
also can result from a change to finer grained deposits, an increase in cementation, or an unconformity.
Unconformities, or breaks in the continuity of sedimentary deposition, are common and extensive. They
can result in the formation of intermittent aquifers (fig.
125) and also introduce doubt in predicting the occurrence of groundwater at specific locations.

With the expanding use of groundwater resources,

planners, developers, and users should recognize the
need for conservation. A groundwater conservation
plan should consider the following:
With two or more aquifers in one recovery system, measures should be designed to prevent
Groundwater resources must be protected
around livestock waste confinement facilities.

Figure 124


Groundwater provinces of the United States

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Uncontrolled discharge from a free-flowing artesian aquifer may waste large amounts of groundwater.


The conservation program for groundwater

development should analyze the amount that is
economical to withdraw from the aquifer, the
purpose of use, and the expected amount of

A spring or seep is a place where water from an aquifer discharges naturally into a surface water body or
onto the land surface. Such flow is controlled by either
gravity or hydraulic pressure (artesian).

Locating a new well too close to other operating

systems may lower the water table and destroy
the existing systems.

(a) Springs

Figure 125

Effect of geologic structure on groundwater



Downthrown side of
normal fault
Favorable area*

Faulted monocline

Springs and seeps

Spring flows may vary considerably throughout the

year, especially when originating from an unconfined
aquifer. Spring flow variations are due to the rise and
fall of water in a water table aquifer, rate of recharge,
or the variation of pressure in an artesian aquifer.

(1) Gravity springs

Gravity springs result where water moves from the
water table aquifer through permeable materials to the
land surface, or where the land surface intersects the
water table. Gravity springs are normally low-yielding
sources of groundwater. However, they may supply
enough water for individual household or livestock
Gravity springs are of three principal types: depression springs, contact springs, and fracture or tabular
springs. Figures 126 to 1210 show the geologic structures for various types of gravity springs.

Favorable area*

A depression spring is formed when the land

surface intercepts the water table in permeable
Dike interrupting
Favorable area*



Unconformity causing intermittent aquifer

Favorable area* Favorable area*



Old land

A contact spring is formed when downward

movement of water is restricted and deflected
laterally to the land surface by a layer of impervious material; for example, the outcrop of a
perched water table forms a contact spring.
Fracture or tabular springs are formed when
water emerges from fractures or joints in rock,
from solution channels in limestone or gypsum,
or from natural tunnels in volcanic rock.


*Favorable to the accumulation and retention of groundwater.

* Favorable to the accumulation and retention of groundwater

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Figure 126

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Depression spring, seepage or filtration type

Land su





Permeable material sand

Figure 127

Typical contact spring

Permeable material
sandstone, jointed limestone, or jointed basalt
Perched water table
Contact spring

Contact spring
Impermeable material clay or shale

Area groundwater table

Permeable material
sandstone, limestone, jointed basalt

Contact spring

Impermeable material


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Contact spring
to stream

Chapter 12

Figure 128

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Springs in jointed sandstone

dw a
t er t


Groundwater mainly in joints, fractures, and along bedding planes in sandstone

Figure 129

Springs in jointed basalt

Jointed basalt flows

Groundwater table


Groundwater in joints and in scoriae between flows

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(2) Artesian springs

When a water-bearing bed is confined between relatively impervious strata and water is introduced from
a higher elevation, the confined water is said to be
under artesian pressure. Artesian springs occur where
these confined permeable strata are exposed near the
surface (fig. 1211). Springs may also occur where
the confining formation over the artesian aquifer is
ruptured by a fault or where the aquifer discharges
to a lower topographic area. The flow from these
springs depends on the difference in the recharge and
discharge elevations of the aquifer and the size of the
openings transmitting the water. Artesian springs can
be sensitive to the pumping of wells located nearby.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

existing spring and well locations and yields

current hydrologic conditions (precipitation and
departure from normal)
USGS and State geological survey investigative
copies of well drillers logs for wells in the vicinity or in aquifers of interest
interviews with well drillers who have done work
in the area
county soil survey report and interpretation data,
and general description of geologic conditions
map showing groundwater development sites
and including the geologic situation of each site

(b) Seeps
A seep does not have a defined outlet but zones where
seepage emerges, which can be developed like a
spring, capturing and funneling the water to a point of

(c) Spring design

Existing information should be collected to determine
feasibility and potential for development for water
supply, such as:

groundwater contour maps or structural contour

maps of known aquifers
geology reports from previous investigations
In developing springs or seeps, it is necessary to select
a spring that can provide the required quantity and/or
quality of water for the intended use, protect it so that
it can be used without excessive maintenance, and
determine that it will meet all NRCS requirements.

Figure 1210 Springs in jointed limestone

Jointed limestone containing groundwater
in regular solution passages



er t




(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(1) Planning and investigation

Spring flow may vary significantly throughout the year.
The investigation should determine the range of flows
and the nature of the water-bearing material and the
hydrogeologic conditions that create the spring. The
assessment should determine if the spring development will affect ecological functions. Water rights and
other necessary permits should be acquired before
spring development. Also, conduct a wetland determination and cultural resources assessment.
If the investigation shows that a spring site could be
developed, a plan for use should be prepared with the
user before making design and construction details.
Possible sources of contamination from barns, feedlots, septic fields, and other zones of saturation should
be identified in relation to the direction of groundwater flow.
Methods of developing gravity springs normally involve removal of obstructions, collection of flow, and
drainage of more of the water-bearing formation if
more volume is required.
Artesian springs can be developed by any of the methods for gravity springs, as well as by lowering the
outlet elevation.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(2) Removing obstructions

Deposits of fine-grained materials (sand, silt, or clay)
brought to the outlet by groundwater can obstruct
spring flow, as can slope-wash materials deposited on
the outlet. Vegetation growing in or around the outlet
can obstruct flow and consume water. Removing obstructions usually adds appreciably to the spring flow.
If spring water carries sediment to the opening, a filter
or sump may be needed. A sump should be located
below the spring so that the sediment will not build up
over the outlet between periodic cleanings and should
be designed to facilitate cleaning by sluicing if possible. Diversions may be used to carry harmful surface
drainage away from the spring area. If the collection of
several small flows is planned, use covered galleries or
drains to avoid the need to clean and maintain diversions.
The flow of small springs can be reduced substantially
by the transpiration of plants. Plants can be removed
mechanically or controlled with herbicides. Care must
be exercised with either method. The herbicides could
contaminate the spring. Mechanical removal may expose large areas of bare, erodible earth, and the resulting sediment may impair the spring opening or downstream areas unless suitable vegetation is established.

Figure 1211 Artesian springs at outcrop of aquifer

Intake area
Impermeable materialshale
Permeable materialsandstone aquifer
Permeable materialalluvium
Springs at
outcrop of

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(3) Collecting flow

Collecting the flow from several openings or seepage
areas from an outcrop of water-bearing material may
be the only practical method for development. If water
flows from fractures, the individual openings should
be cleaned and the water collected in a perforated
pipeline or gravel-filled ditch (French drain) graded to
a central sump or spring box.
In collecting water seeping from permeable material,
the ditch or tunnel should expose the necessary length
and thickness of the water-bearing zones. The excavation must extend far enough below the water-bearing
zones to ensure gravity collection.
The flow of depression and contact springs may be
increased by excavation to drain additional portions of
the aquifer. Such excavation can be either by ditches
or tunnels, depending on the topography at the spring,
and the characteristics of the water-bearing and underlying materials.
If the spring is on gently sloping or nearly level terrain, a ditch along the outcrop of the water-bearing
material is usually the most economical method. The
ditch should be dug to intercept as much of the waterbearing zone as practical.

(4) Lowering outlet elevation

This method can improve the flow of springs supplied
by an extensive system of channels in rock or by a
large volume of permeable water-bearing material, as
in some artesian springs. Lowering the outlet elevation
increases the head of water available to increase flow
at the spring. If the available volume is great, lowering the outlet elevation may produce a substantial and
long-lasting increase in flow. If the volume of water is
limited, the increase in flow may be only temporary.
The supply source should be characterized before the
outlet is lowered.
(5) Construction techniques
Previous local experience may be the single most
important factor in developing a spring. The method
of development chosen should be based on characteristics of the spring, such as topography, nature of the
water-bearing material, type of spring opening, volume
of flow, and seasonal or yearly variations in flow.


Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

The use of explosives in spring development is not

recommended. The shattering and dislocation of rock
from blasting may cause the existing flow to cease or
to move to another location.
A spring box and pipeline are the most satisfactory
means of delivering water to the point of use. The
spring box, or collecting basin, should be designed and
located so that water does not pond over the spring
openings. Ponding above the spring openings reduces
spring flow and may cause seeps to change their path
of flow. Sketches of a typical spring collection system,
spring box, and pipe arrangement are shown in figures
1212 through 1214. The collection system shown is
suitable for developing a seepage or filtration spring
(fig. 126) or a contact spring (fig. 127).
Spring boxA spring box may be constructed in the
apex of the V-shaped headwall as shown in figure 12
12. A spring box provides a settling basin for sediment
removal and facilitates maintenance of the spring. If a
spring box is used with a collector system as shown,
the upper wall should have openings located so that all
the water collected can enter the box.
Satisfactory spring boxes can be constructed of concrete, sections of galvanized metal or concrete pipe,
HDPE pipe, or other prefabricated materials. Wooden
spring boxes should be made of redwood or treated
lumber, if permitted for the intended use. For springs
not requiring a collector system, the upper wall of the
box can sometimes be omitted. The spring box should
have a tight-fitting cover. The entire development
should be covered with earth to a depth that prevents
freezing, and the disturbed area should be revegetated
and protected from livestock, wildlife, or vehicular
traffic (figs. 1213 and 1214).
CollectorThe collector can consist of perforated pipe
laid in graded small gravel or graded sand (fig. 1213),
or it can be a ditch backfilled with graded, small gravel
or graded sand. A hydraulic analysis should be done
to properly size pipes. When installing a collector in
permeable material, construct a cutoff wall of clay,
concrete, sheet piling, or other impervious material
in the downhill side of the trench. The cutoff should
extend down to impervious material to intercept the
water and cause it to flow to the point of collection.
Under some conditions, sand points can be driven into
saturated material to serve as collectors.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Figure 1212 Spring development in stream channel



Spring box
Wing wall


Plan view



Spring box
Wing wall



Section AA1
Spring box
Wing wall

Collector pipe

Front view
(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Figure 1213 Spring collection system

Pervious material collector

Water tight
Place pipe at uniform
grade to prevent airlock

To tank

Close ends of perforated collector

6-in graded
sand or
small gravel


Tamped clay

4-in clay tile

Detail of collector
Section AA

Sectional elevation of collection system

Located to pick up all seeps (fence out

collection system where necessary)

Outbox pipe





Collection wall may be concrete

clay, masonry, or sheet piling.

Pipe leading to tank

A spring box may be built as part

of the collector wall (see detail).
In sufficient volume, a spring box
is all that is required.

Collectors may be tile,

perforated pipe, or gravel.

Extend walls far

enough to provide
an adequate cutoff.
Plan of spring box used
with collection system



Spring box

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

In plan view, the headwall or cutoff is usually constructed as a large V with the apex downhill and the
wingwalls extending into the hill to prevent water
from escaping. If concrete is used, the wall should be
4 to 6 inches thick. Masonry, sheet piling, plastic, or
clay may also be used for the headwall, which should
extend deep enough to prevent underflow.
ProtectionSprings are frequently at locations susceptible to flooding. The spring and its appurtenant
structures should be protected to permit use without

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

continual maintenance. Diversions may be needed.

The spring itself can be developed so that flood flows
passing over the top do not cause damage. A concrete
retaining wall, or wing-wall, properly constructed and
located prevents channel degradation and dewatering
of the spring aquifer. A spring box with a steel or concrete lid placed below the top of the concrete wingwall and protected by a debris basin of rock and gravel
is adequate flood protection. The pipeline should be
extended far enough down the valley to avoid flooding of the watering tank. This type of development is
illustrated in figure 1212.

Figure 1214 Spring box and pipe arrangement


Install pipe tee

and vent

Delivery pipe

Tee in spring box draws

water from beneath the
surface, prevents leaves
or trash from plugging inlet.

Tank may be of
different sizes and shapes.
Stock tank approaches
should be kept dry.

Detail delivery pipe net

Removable coversplace earth

over box to depth required to
prevent freezing.


Plan of guard and tank

Place coupling here to permit tank

to be drained by removal of riser.
Drain for use in winter or to work in box

Openings or
as needed


Place gravel or rock

at tank approached
to afford a firm
Metal, concrete
or wood tank




Place pipe on uniform

grade to prevent air locks.

Note: Spring box may be constructed of concrete,

metal culvert, or oil drum. Use type of collection
system required develop spring.
Place all pipe below frost line.

Protect end with rock

and provide drainage.
Note: Tee may be placed here and horizontal
pipe extended outside tank base and
plugged. Removal of plug will permit
flow to bypass tank.

Sectional elevation

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Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(6) Delivering spring water by gravity flow

An important part of the spring development is the
arrangement of the delivery and overflow pipe layout
(fig. 1214). Pipelines can be of plastic, copper, or
galvanized iron. When water is to be used for human
consumption, the State health department requirements for materials and installation must be met. Pipe
with a minimum diameter of 1.25 inches (inside diameter (ID)) should be used where the grade is over 1

center. Figure 1214 shows a good method of bringing

the delivery pipe into the tank and bypassing the flow.

Where the grade is between 0.5 percent and 1.0

percent, a 1.50-inch (ID)-minimum-diameter pipe is
recommended. Grades under 0.5 percent require a
2.0-inch-minimum-diameter pipe. Grades less than 0.2
percent are not recommended. If pipe of the recommended size cannot handle the flow, the size should
be increased or an overflow provided. See NEH650.03,
Hydraulics, for additional information on waterline
sizes and capacities. Cleaning may be made easier by
placing Ts or Ys with plugs at strategic points in
the pipelines. See CPS Code 516, Pipeline.

Hydraulic ramsA hydraulic ram is an automatic

pump operated by water power. It uses the power
developed by the surge of a quantity of falling water
to force a much lesser amount of water to an elevation above the source of supply. Figure 1215a shows
a typical hydraulic ram in cross section, and figure
1215b shows the general configuration of a hydraulic
ram used for a stream development.

The pipe should be laid on a straight, uniform grade,

since high spots create air locks that may stop the
flow or reduce its velocity. See also Understanding
Gravity-Flow Pipelines: Water Flow, Air Locks, and
Siphons, British Columbia, Ministry of Agriculture
and Lands, (http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/resmgmt/
publist/500Series/590304-5.pdf). Vents should be
installed to improve flow in long delivery lines or at
major changes in grade. Pipes should be laid below the
frost line and covered to prevent freezing.
The inlet to the pipe leaving the spring box should
be placed at least 6 inches above the floor to provide
a sediment trap. A watertight connection should be
made where the pipe leaves the spring box or goes
through the cutoff wall. A tee and vent pipe should be
installed on the pipe within the spring box to reduce
plugging by leaves or trash, or the entrance to the pipe
should be screened.
The pipe can be connected to the water tank in a number of ways. Bringing the pipe under the tank and vertically through the bottom is the most desirable way
if the tank is to be used during freezing weather. The
inlet and outlet pipes should be fairly close together
near the center of the tank. Water may freeze around
the edge of the tank, but it will tend to stay open at the


(7) Pumps
If the outlet of the spring is lower than the point of
use, a pump will be needed to deliver the water supply. Refer to the NRCS Energy Self Assessment Web
site for guidance on selection and design of pumps and
energy sources (http://www.ruralenergy.wisc.edu/

The volume of water that a ram can pump depends on

the fall between the supply and the ram, the height the
water is to be raised from the ram to the reservoir, and
the quantity of water available. If the water supply is
limited, a ram must be selected that will operate with
the minimum quantity of water available. If the water
supply is ample, the ram size is governed by the quantity of water needed daily.
Manufacturers build rams that operate successfully on
flows of 1.5 gallons per minute or more with at least 2
feet of head.
The number of gallons of water delivered per minute
to a given point can be estimated with the following


D = volume in gallons per minute that the ram will
V = water supply available in gallons per minute
F = fall in feet between the water supply and the
E = vertical elevation in feet that water is to be
lifted above the ram
e = ram efficiency (use 0.6 in the absence of specific data)

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Figure 1215

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Hydraulic ram cross section


Inside or
check valve

Delivery pipe

Supply pipe

Outside valve

Diagrammatic sketch of ram


Delivery pipe

Delivery pipe


Tile drain

Drive pipe

Gate valves
Sketch of typical ram installation

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

To determine if a ram is practical, collect the following

number of gallons per minute that the spring,
artesian well, or stream, will deliver
number of gallons per day desired from the ram
available fall, in feet, from the water supply to
the ram
elevation, in feet, to which water is to be raised
above the ram
pipeline distance, in feet, from the ram to the
point of discharge
pipeline distance, in feet. from the source of
water to the ram
Windmills and wind turbinesWindmills can power
pumps for water for livestock or domestic use, either by mechanic lift or by generation of electricity
to power an electric pump. Contact the NRCS State
conservation engineer for current design criteria for
windmills and turbines. Prevailing wind velocities
and direction are key criteria, as well as the potential
power delivered.
Electric motorsWhere available, electricity can
be used as a power source for pumping water.
Advantages of electric motors are their reliability, efficiency, low maintenance cost, and easy adaptation to
automatic control. An electric motor will deliver full
power throughout its life. Disadvantages are cost of
construction, cost of power, and power interruptions.
Also, the capacity of many single-phase lines limits the
power of motors that can be used to about 5.6 kW (7.5
hp), which may not be adequate for high lifts and highyield developments.
Photovoltaic cellsSolar power can be used to power
water pumps if suitable arrays can be deployed and
provide enough power for the design needs. Power
storage and alternate power sources are additional
criteria that must be met if photovoltaic arrays are
employed. Technical guidance for design of solar-powered systems can be obtained from the NRCS State
conservation engineer. An example guide is the NRCS
Technical Note No. 28, Design of Small Photovoltaic
(PV) Solar-Powered Water Pump Systems (http://www.


Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Internal combustion enginesThe rated power of internal combustion engines greatly exceeds the power
that they can be expected to produce on a sustained
basis. The kind of fuel, accessories, and cooling system used, as well as air temperature and altitude,
must be considered in selecting internal combustion
engines. The fuel may be gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil,
propane, butane, or natural gas. The cooling system
may use water or air.
Because altitude and air temperature affect power output, and engine ratings are based on performance at
sea level and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit,
corrections must be made for most irrigation pumping
installations. General rules for correcting for elevation
and temperature are: reduce the continuous load rating 3 percent for every 1,000 feet above sea level, and
reduce the continuous load rating 1 percent for every
10 degrees above 60 degrees Farenheit.
In addition to the reductions, the rated power should
be further reduced by 5 to 10 percent for consumption
by accessories (fan, generator, water pump) and 15 to
20 percent for continuous service.
Air quality and energy considerationsWhere possible, use renewable energy or electrical power to run
pumps in lieu of internal combustion engines to reduce pollution and operating costs.

(d) Maintenance
With periodic maintenance, a developed spring will
provide good quality water for many years. Springs
usually become contaminated when barnyards, sewers, septic tanks, cesspools, or other sources of pollution are located upstream in the recharge area. In very
permeable formations (gravels, limestone, basalt, etc.),
however, contaminated material frequently enters the
water-bearing channels through sinkholes or other
large openings and may be carried in the groundwater
for long distances. These precautionary measures help
to ensure consistent high quality spring water:
Test the water quality before a spring is developed. Install a diversion uphill from the site to
intercept surface-water runoff and carry it to a
safe outlet.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Build a fence to exclude livestock from the

surface-water drainage system at all points uphill
from the spring.
Provide access to the tank for maintenance.
Periodically check the spring water for contamination. A marked increase in turbidity or flow
after a rainstorm is a good indication that surface
runoff is reaching the spring.
Disinfect spring encasements by a procedure
similar to that used for dug wells. If the water
pressure is low enough that water does not rise
to the top of the encasement, disinfectant may be
held for 24 hours. If the flow cannot be shut off
entirely, disinfectant should be introduced continuously for as long as practicable or per State
or local requirements.
Continually check the trough for algae buildup,
mudholes, and animal damage. Make necessary repairs or adjustments. Methods to control
algae include the use of chemicals (e.g., copper
sulfate or chlorine bleach), the use and quantity
of which depends on the intended water use.
Ultrasonic methods can also be used to prevent
algae buildup.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook



A well to extract groundwater consists of a hole, with

or without a supporting casing, extending from the
ground surface to or into water-bearing earth materials. When properly constructed and developed, it will
permit extraction of groundwater. If the aquifer is
artesian, pumping requirements are less or precluded
if sufficient flow is at the ground surface.

(a) Types
Wells are dug, driven, or drilled, depending on their
intended depth, the nature of the earth materials, the
rate at which water will be removed, and the depth to
the groundwater table or the elevation of the piezometric surface for artesian conditions. Figure 1216
shows a well being used to supply a traveling centerpivot irrigation system.

(1) Dug or open pit

This type of well is usually excavated by hand into a
shallow water-bearing stratum. Such wells are prone
to surface water contamination.

Figure 1216 Water well supplying center-pivot sprinkler

irrigation system, Idaho

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(2) Driven well

A driven well is constructed by forcing a pipe into the
ground until it penetrates the water-bearing stratum.
This type of construction is limited to shallow depths,
usually less than 50 feet.
Several methods are used to construct driven wells.
The pipe may be fitted with a sand point, which is
driven into the water-bearing formation (fig. 1217).
The earth material may be removed from the pipe by
a sand bucket or pump, or a hydraulic jet may be used
to remove material from the end of the pipe. This type
of construction is often used where a battery of wells
can be connected to a single pumping unit or where
artesian pressure occurs.
Direct push techniques may also be employed for
shallow wells, using the hydraulic capabilities of drill

(3) Jetted well

High pressure water delivered through piping may be
used to establish a water well. The rods are literally
driven through the hydraulic erosion of the earth material and flushing it up to the surface. A drive bit can be
combined with the jetting action to break up hard soils
or rock formations.

Figure 1217 Sand point used for small diameter driven


Driven well

Water level

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(4) Drilled well

A drilled well may be constructed through any material and to great depths. Many types of drilling rigs are,
in general, used:
Rotary auger rig uses a cutting bit and receptacle
(bucket cylinder or spiral) attached to a drill
stem. This equipment is used primarily for exploration wells of shallow depth and small diameter.
Cable tool rig or spudder uses a weighted bit
attached to a flexible cable for breaking the material loose and a bailing bucket for removing the
loose material from the well. This equipment is
generally used for drilling wells 3 to 24 inches in
diameter and less than 1,500 feet deep.
Hydraulic rotary rig uses a bit attached to a
hollow drill stem. Water is forced through the
drill stem to float the loosened material out of
the well. When unstable strata must be drilled
through, this equipment relies on the drilling fluid
to stabilize these sections until the drilling can be
completed and the casing installed.
Reverse hydraulic rotary rig is similar to the
hydraulic rotary rig, but the water is introduced
at the top of the well and pumped out through
the drill stem, relying on the weight of the water
column to hold unstable strata open.
Air rotary rig has uniform diameter channels
rather than water jets, and the mud pump is replaced by an air compressor. Air rotary drills are
suitable for drilling through hard rock.
Sonic (vibratory) drill rig is a large hydraulic
rotary rig that cuts through rock with a combination of cutting and high frequency resonant vibrations. This technology also works well in unconsolidated materials and reduces drill cuttings,
drilling time, and often minimizes the disruption
of bedding, lamina, and material structure. It also
reduces sampling time and enables rapid continuous sampling where needed.
Table 121 lists various methods of constructing a well
and their appropriate application.

Sand point


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Materials for
which best suited

and consolidated
medium hard
and hard rock

Silt, sand, gravel

less than 1 inch;
soft to hard consolidated rock

Silt, sand, gravel,


Silt, sand,
gravel less than
2 inches, soft
to hard consolidated rock

Cable tools


Reverse hydraulic rotary

Air rotary

Drilled wells

Light, portable Silt, sand, gravel

less than 1 inch

Jetted wells

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

2,000 2/


1,500 2/

1,500 2/










wrought iron,
fiberglass, or
plastic pipe3

Steel or
wrought iron

wrought iron,
fiberglass, or
plastic pipe3

wrought iron,
fiberglass, or
plastic pipe3

Standardweight pipe

Standardweight pipe

Usual casing

All uses

All uses

All uses

All uses




Fastest method for all

except hardest rock. Casing
usually not required during
drilling. Effective for gravel
envelope wells.

Effective for water exploration. Requires casing in

loose materials. Mud-scow
and hollow rod bits developed for drilling unconsolidated fine to medium sediments.

Limited to shallow water

table, no large gravel.

Limited to shallow water

table, no large gravel


5003,000 Very fast drilling. Combines

rotary and percussion
methods air drilling, cuttings
removed by air. Would be
economical for deep water

5004,000 Effective for large-diameter

holes in unconsolidated and
partially consolidated deposits. Requires large volume of
water for drilling. Effective
for gravel envelope wells.







Springs and Wells

Any depth


Any depth

Any depth






Usual maximum depth

Water table
depth for which
best suited

Water-well construction methods and applications

Hand, air ham- Silt, sand,

gravel less than 2

Driven wells

Well construction method

Table 121

Chapter 12
Part 650
National Engineering Handbook







2,000 2/



Any depth

Usual maximum depth

Water table
depth for which
best suited






wrought iron,
fiberglass, or
plastic pipe

Sheet metal
or plastic

None in consol. rock

Usual casing

1 Yield influenced primarily by geology and availability of groundwater.

2 Greater depths reached with heavier equipment.
3 Care must be used in selecting material and designing casings for greater depths. See NEH631.32.

Power auger

Clay, silt, sand,

gravel less than 2

Clay, silt, sand,

gravel less than
1 inch

Hand auger


Soft to hard consolidated rock

Materials for
which best suited

Water-well construction methods and applicationscontinued.

Sonic (vibratory)

Driven wells

Well construction method

Table 121



All uses





Limited by gravel over 2

inches, otherwise same as
for hand auger.

Most effective for penetrating and removing clay.

Limited by gravel over 1
inch. Casing required if
material is loose.

5004,000 Rapid hole advance in rock

and unconsolidated materials.



Chapter 12
Springs and Wells
Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(b) Site selection

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

If additional information must be obtained, prepare an

investigation plan, including:

The following elements are essential to maximize the

potential yield of a site and to document the wells
planned use and expected yield requirements:
a study of the water well successes and failures
in the area, including location maps, history, and
records of wells
geologic maps and groundwater availability studies
history of known contaminants and spills and
their locations and potential hydraulic connections relative to the proposed well location
a study of the geology and groundwater availability is important in obtaining successful wells.
These elements are essential:
an adequate and dependable water source

the location, depth, and number of test holes

type of drilling rig
type of sampling and logs to be kept
remote sensing tests, using electrical resistivity,
conductivity, and seismic methods
geologic characteristics to be identified
The following should be obtained during the test drilling:
General information
start and completion date
name of individual recording drilling data
location of hole (georeferenced, include map)

sufficient underground reservoir space

drilling method with type of bit, sampling

method, mud or fluid type

a structure or conditions that act to retain water

total depth

It is best to determine whether these elements are

present before deciding to drill a well.
The geologic investigation should always include a
review of existing information on groundwater. After
acquiring the information, the following steps should
be taken:
Step 1 Prepare a base map or obtain aerial
photographs of the area. The map or photograph
should be to a scale of at least 4 inches = one mile
Step 2 Interview owners of wells in the area.
Step 3 Interview drillers who have worked in the
Step 4 Study well logs and notes of other agencies
or water specialists knowledgeable about the area.
Step 5 Plot the information acquired on a base
map or aerial photograph.
Step 6 Evaluate the chances for obtaining the
desired yield and water quality.

name, title, and address of person responsible for

the water well
description of rock characteristics of each stratum
thickness and depth of each stratum
drilling characteristicsdrilling hard, smooth,
fast; bit bounce; mud loss; and bit drop
time used in drilling each interval
types of downhole logging
selected drill cutting and water samples
Aquifer performance testing normally consists of:
measured static water level depth, date and time
recorded, and method of measurement
the construction of a test well and sometimes
observation wells
depth of water well
length of casing and screening
length of stick-up above ground surface
inside diameter of well bore or casing

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

type of casing material or ASTM material

schedule and joint type (e.g., standard weight
steel, PVC Schedule-80)
screen slot size
type and length of filter material
sealing material and grout (e.g., bentonite, cement, or admixtures) and quantities used
a pumping test to show the time, drawdown (distance from the static water table before pumping
to the water level in the casing during pumping),
and distance-drawdown information
a pumping test to determine step-drawdown
determining the time required for water level
recovery after pumping

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

coefficient. The cone of depression will continue to expand until the recharge of the aquifer equals the pumping rate. Recharge occurs and stabilizes when the cone
enlarges to intercept enough of the aquifers natural
recharge or a body of surface water, or until there is
enough precipitation on the area above the cone of
depression or leakage through overlying or underlying
When the recharge rate does not equal the pumping
rate, the cone of depression grows in depth and width,
and yields for the pumping depths may become uneconomical. Another factor is that the cone of depression
may expand and intercept the cone of another pumping well, resulting in well interference and loss of efficiency. Whether a favorable recharge is occurring can
be determined by measuring the drawdown level in a
producing well and an observation well and by studying the changes of the drawdown depths over time.

Test results are used for:

determining dependability of storage volume and
recharge characteristics

Figure 1219 shows the position of the static water

level and the shape of the cone of depression that

defining the yield-drawdown relationship, or the

wells specific capacity
analyzing formation samples
analyzing the water quality for corrosion and encrustation potential, and overall chemical quality
for the intended use

Figure 1218 Diagram showing terms used in the watertable aquifer formula
Ground surface
Diameter of well
radius of influence

identifying aquifer characteristics

Depth to
water table

Cone of depression

For a well to yield a high rate of flow, the water must

move in large volumes through the aquifer into the
well. Entrance velocities should be as low as possible.
See section 650.1203(d)(5)(i) for information on well
screen design. See CPS Code 642, Water Well, for current criteria. Figure 1218 shows a typical well in two
dimensions. Realize, though, that groundwater movement into a well is radial, as well as three-dimensional.
The flow from an aquifer into a well requires a change
in water level and in energy measured from that of the
static water level. The slope of this change is steepest
near the well and determines the cone of depression
(figs. 1218 and 1219). The dimensions that the cone
develops depend on the pumping rate, the time since
pumping started, the transmissibility, and the storage

Saturated thickness of sand before pumping

(c) Hydraulics



in well,

Pumping level

Well screen

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Impervious stratum

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

develops around a pumping well. It also illustrates

features and terms commonly used in well design and

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

The following design decisions are influenced by geologic, engineering, and economic considerations, as
well as by standards requirements:
drilling method

(d) Design

earth materials

Information needed in designing a well may best be

obtained from study of logs and sieve analyses of samples from test holes. The samples must be representative of the aquifer materials. See section 650.1203(b),
Site Selection, for items to be observed. If no test
holes have been drilled, records of nearby wells will
be helpful. If no wells have been drilled in the area, a
geologic report on the site will provide the best basis
for design decisions.

diameter and depth of hole

position, size, and number of casing perforations
need for a well screen
need for a gravel envelope
choice of well development method
A well must be designed to fit site conditions. A properly designed and constructed well is a conservation
practice. The design information for a well should be

Figure 1219 Typical irrigation well in unconsolidated materials (see App. A, Glossary) for definition of terms
Ground surface

Well casing
(R) Radius of influence

Static water level

Cone of
Profile of cone
of depression

of aquifer

Cone of





of well

Pumping level

Diameter (2r)
Well screen
Gravel pack or filter

Impervious stratum

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

documented. Figures 1220 and 1221 show the minimum information that should be recorded. Note that
State and local requirements and criteria may differ.
See CPS Code 642, Water Well.

age and duration, economic life of the well, type of

production system, type of well, materials to be used
in the well, and cost estimates for installation, pump,
well materials (screen, casing, etc.), testing, and well

Sometimes final decisions must be made as the well

drilling proceeds. Methods of analyzing essential
information to design the most efficient well are given
in the NEH631.32.
For design purposes, a well is analyzed in two parts:
the cased section and the intake section. Before the
actual design is started, prepare a design outline that
includes the amount of water required, annual pump-

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(1) Capacity
Before selecting a casing diameter, pump size, screen
or slot size, the potential well capacity or yield must
be known.
These factors affect the capacity of a well in unconsolidated sand or gravel formations.

Figure 1220 Documentation of water-table well design

Surface sanitary seal concrete
100-mm (4-in)-thick distance from pipe
on all sides (minimum 2 ft)
Height of casing above surface __________m

Ground surface
Top soil

Surface casing, if needed, pipe diameter ____________

Pipe length ___________
Gage ___________

Fill with concrete 40 mm (1.5 in) or more thick

Fill with groutthe area between the casing and
hole walls

geologic layer

Protective casing size:

External diameter __________
Minimum wall thickness __________
Weight per meter __________
Positive seal, if needed, to keep out poor-quality

aquifer layer

Total depth planned __________m

Total depth drilled __________m


Perforated casing

Bottom of hole

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Physical characteristicsPhysical characteristics

that influence well capacity are size, porosity, and
uniformity of the water-bearing materials. Generally,
sands suitable for irrigation development have a porosity of 20 to 40 percent of the volume of the waterbearing material. A uniform sand has greater porosity
and more water-bearing capacity than a nonuniform
Depth of water-bearing formationThe depth from
the static water level to the bottom of the well or the
impervious stratum determines the amount of drawdown that a well can have. Drawdown influences the
slope and velocity of the water approaching the well
and helps determine the well capacity. Other factors
being equal, well capacity is in proportion to H h,

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

where H is the depth of water-bearing formation and

h is the depth of water remaining in the well while
pumping, measured on the outside of the casing. See
figures 1218 or 1219.
The following formula may be used to predict the
capacity for any desired drawdown or the drawdown
for any desired capacity of a well, if the discharge and
drawdown are known for a given condition:

H2 h2
= 2
Q1 H h1 2

Figure 1221 Documentation of artesian well design

Surface sanitary seal reinforced
100-mm (4-in)-thick minimum distance
from pipe on all sides (minimum 2 ft)
Not needed __________
Needed __________

Valve with positive shutoff

Height of casing above surface __________m
Ground surface

Top soil
Surface casing, if needed,
Pipe diameter ____________
Pipe length ___________
Gage ___________


Fill with concrete 40 mm (1.5 in) or more thick


Fill with groutthe area between the casing and

hole walls
Protective casing size:
External diameter __________
Minimum wall thickness __________
Weight per meter __________



Positive pressure seal type specifications:

Well casing size:
External diameter __________
Length __________
Minimum wall thickness __________
Weight per meter __________

Artesian aquifer


Bottom of hole and casing

Total depth planned __________m
Total depth drilled __________m

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Q = measured well capacity at known drawdown
Q1 = well capacity at desired drawdown depth
H = saturated thickness (static head) of water table
h = depth to static drawdown level in well during
h1 = desired static drawdown level in well during

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Effectiveness of screen or casingThe open area of

casing perforations or well screen needs to be considered in determining well capacity.
Computing probable capacityDischarge formulas
for equilibrium conditions have been derived for water
table aquifers and artesian aquifers. Each formula is
based on the assumption that recharge is at the periphery of the cone of depression (fig. 1219).
The formula for capacity of a water table aquifer is:

For example: A well has a static water level at a depth

of 50 feet and a measured capacity of 850 gallons per
minute with a drawdown of 34 feet. The capacity for
25 feet of drawdown would be:

Q1 =

Q1 =

Q H 2 h1 2
H h

(50 ft ) (50 ft 34 ft )

Q1 =

Q1 =

Q1 =

850 2, 500 ( 25 )
2500 (16 )

A properly constructed well in a water table aquifer

should yield about 90 percent of its capacity when
the drawdown is about two-thirds of the depth of the
static water level. The radius of influence for an average well of 12 to 18 inches in diameter is between 200
and 1,000 feet.
The quantity of available water moving into a well
increases rapidly as the aquifer grain size increases.
The effective diameter of sand, the D10 size, can be
determined by screening samples of the aquifer formation. The porosity percentage can be estimated by
compacting a sample of the aquifer formation material
to its natural state in a quart jar and then measuring
the quantity of water needed to fill the voids.

850 1, 875
2, 244

1, 593, 750
= 710 gal/min
2, 244

Extent of water-bearing formationThe extent of

the formation influences the total quantity that may be
pumped. If the water supply is blocked off on one or
more sides, the quantity pumped is naturally less than
unrestricted flow.
Diameter of wellThe diameter of the well is more
important in allowing proper pump installation than in
determining the well yield. Doubling the diameter of a
well increases the capacity by only about 13 percent.


K (H2 h2 )
1, 055 log R / r

Q = well capacity or pumping rate, gal/min
K = permeability of aquifer, gal/d/ft2
H = saturated thickness of the aquifer before pumping, ft
h = depth of water in the well while pumping, ft
R = radius of the cone of depression, ft
r = radius of the well, ft

850 gal/min (50 ft ) (50 ft 25 ft )

H2 h2
= 2
Q1 H h1 2


The formula for capacity of an artesian aquifer (fig.

1222) is:

Pm ( H 2 h1 )
528 log R / r

Q = gal/min
P = permeability of the water-bearing sand, gal/d/ft2

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

are frequent, wells in this formation may produce up

to 5 gallons per foot per minute.

m = saturated thickness of artesian aquifer, ft

H = static head (or depth) of water in well measured from bottom of aquifer, ft
h = depth of water in the well while pumping, ft
R = radius of the cone of depression, ft
r = radius of the well, ft
Permeability of an artesian or water table aquifer must
be determined from laboratory or field tests.
The cavernous-formation aquifer supports an ideal
well if the underground supply is adequate and recharge is rapid. Water enters the well at the bottom of
the casing and is pumped. The yield is limited only by
the supply and recharge of the underground reservoir.
No well screen is required.
A sandstone-formation aquifer is usually a low producer per unit of depth; it may produce only about 1 gallon per foot per minute. However, if cracks or crevices

Specific capacityA water wells overall performance

can be expressed in terms of specific capacity, which
is simply the wells pumping rate (gpm) divided by the
drawdown depth in the well (ft) or gallons per minute
per foot. The specific capacity integrates all of the
variables that affect water yield, including the aquifer
characteristics and the well design, construction, and
condition. A recorded change in specific capacity over
time indicates either changes occurring in the aquifer
or (more likely) changes in the condition of the pump,
screen, or casing.

(2) Diameter
In determining the diameter of a well to be installed,
the following items should be considered:
the diameter necessary for installing a pump able
to lift the maximum amount of water to the projected elevation with the best pumping efficiency
the yield capacity of the aquifer
aquifer characteristics

Figure 1222 Diagram showing terms used in the artesian

aquifer formula
Ground surface
Diameter of well
radius of influence


Depth to
water table

Cone of depression

in well,


Pumping level

thickness of
water-bearing sand


Well screen

The relationship between well diameter and yield is

not proportional and depends on numerous factors.
For unconfined aquifers, table 122 shows the approximate increase in yield by changing the diameter of the
casing. For artesian aquifers, the increased yield is
about half that shown in the table.
Factors such as depth, pump characteristics, layout,
and method of developing the well are more important
than capacity in determining well diameter. Generally,
developing two medium-sized wells, such as a 10-inch
or 12inch well, costs less than developing one large
well, such as a 24-inch or 36-inch well. The combined
yield of the smaller wells is almost always much
greater than the yield of the larger well.

(3) Efficiency
Well efficiency is the ratio of theoretical drawdown to
actual drawdown and is a function of the design. It is
not uncommon for a well to be only 60 percent efficient. However, with good construction and development, up to 90 percent efficiency can be attained.

Impervious stratum

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

(4) Cased section

The cased section is the upper part of the well. It includes the hole, the casing, the gravel pack, and sanitary protection. Following are casing considerations.
The hole must be large enough to permit the
insertion of casing, gravel pack, and the well
stabilizer material. It must be large enough to
accommodate the required flow and the necessary parts of the pump to be used. A vertical
well should be deep enough to extend to the
bottom of the water-bearing strata and should be
straight and plumb, which may require the use
of centering guides. A well less than 12 inches in
diameter generally cannot accommodate a pump
large enough to supply sufficient irrigation water.
Shallow wells with centrifugal-type pumps are
often drilled as a battery of wells connected with
a manifold. In this case, the wells are generally
drilled 6 to 8 inches in diameter or driven 2 to 4
inches in diameter.
The well stabilizer is material used to fill the annular space between the well hole and the casing
and above the intake section. The well stabilizer
must have no gaps or bridges. If separation occurs in placing the column of materials, the void
could cause the casing to collapse.

Table 122

Changes in yield with increase in well diameter

Well diameter inches






Percent increase in yield (read across only)


































Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

The casing is the inner lining of the well that

holds the hole open. It also provides a conduit
for installing the pump, pump column, or drop
pipe. A casing should be used wherever unstable
material might cave in or where water from
contaminated strata is to be kept out of the well.
In a dug well, the casing is usually brick, stone,
or concrete. In all other types of wells, the casing
material may be plastic (PVC or ABS), styrenerubber, steel, fiberglass, reinforced plastic
mortar, or concrete. The type of casing selected
depends on the corrosion and encrustation
potential of the water and the strength required
for the well site. In installing the casing, precautions should be taken to ensure that joints are
All wells should have sanitary protection. State
laws may vary. However, the well casing should
terminate not less than 1 foot above the ground
surface and have a watertight cover or seal to
prevent contaminated water or other objectionable material from entering the well. The annular space around the casing should be filled with
cement grout, bentonite clay, or other suitable
materials. A positive seal is required between the
casing and the impervious material overlying the
aquifer of artesian wells.
A concrete slab with watertight connections outside
the casing and extending at least 2 feet beyond the
well hole is usually adequate. It may be extended to
serve as a base for pumping equipment. Internal combustion engines should have a separate base to prevent damage by vibration. If pumping equipment does
not cover and seal the top of the casing, an additional
cover should be provided. Provision should be made
to allow water-level monitoring.

(5) Intake section

The most important part of the well is the intake section. This consists of the screen or slot section and the
gravel pack or filter. The design and installation of the
intake section affect the wells efficiency.
Well screensA well screen is installed at the lower
end of the casing to permit water to flow into the well
from the desired or targeted aquifer interval, while
retaining the coarser aquifer materials around the well.
The screen also permits removal of finer materials
during the well development process. Screens must

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

have an open area of at least 15 to 20 percent of their

surface to keep entrance head losses to a minimum.
Screens are manufactured according to several designs and from a variety of corrosion-resistant materials. Nonmetallic materials are also used for screens.
The screen or perforated length is the first selection
in the design of the intake section. The length is controlled by the formation thickness, the aquifer type,
stratification, and design efficiency.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

line operation where the pump connects directly to the

pipeline. The length of the perforated section needed
to keep the head loss through the screen less than 2
feet can be computed by the following formula:

The screen length for nonhomogeneous artesian

aquifers must be determined from sieve analyses
of the formation.
Theory and experience have shown that screening the bottom third of homogeneous water-table
aquifers is adequate.
Screens for nonhomogeneous water-table aquifers are designed the same as those for nonhomogeneous artesian aquifers.
Generally, from a third to half of the water-bearing
stratum is cased with a screen or perforated casing, except in formations where no casing is needed.
The amount of the water-bearing stratum screened
depends on the aquifer materials, but generally most
of the water is obtained from the lower third of the
water-bearing stratum.
When the pump is operating, the cone of depression
lowers the water around the casing so that no water
enters along the upper portion of the water-bearing
formation. A perforated casing or screen in this area is
an added expense with no benefit derived from its use
and is often a source of trouble.
When a section is alternately above and below water,
corrosion weakens it and may cause it to cave-in.
Water entering the casing above the water level inside
the casing can entrain air and cause problems in pipe-


L = length of screen or perforated section
D = diameter of screen or casing
C = Screen coefficient, or 11.31 Cc Ap
Cc = orifice coefficient of contraction for the
screen opening (it may be assumed to be
about 0.62)
Ap = ratio of total area of screen openings to
total area of screen

Screen length is generally governed by the type of

aquifer present. The four types are homogeneous artesian and water-table aquifers and nonhomogeneous
artesian and water-table aquifers. Screen design principles include the following:
From 70 to 80 percent of the thickness of the
water-bearing sand in homogeneous artesian
aquifers should be screened.


The size of slots in screen or casing should be <D85 and

>D60 size of the filter. For naturally developed wells,
the slots should be small enough to exclude about a
third of the aquifer formation. Usually, a screen or casing with 15 to 20 percent open area will cause a small
enough head loss for efficient operation of the well.
Size gradations of aquifer material or filter material are
determined through sieving of samples with standard
wire-mesh sieves.
The screen length and slot size are dictated by the
characteristics of the water-bearing formation, so the
well screen diameter can be varied to meet hydraulic
conditions. The main factor that governs screen diameter is limiting the water entrance velocity to reduce
clogging, corrosion, or encrustation. The entrance velocity is calculated by dividing the expected or desired
yield of the well by the total area of the openings in the
Ve =


Ve = screen entrance velocity, ft/s
Q = well yield, ft3/s
As = Open area of screen (ft2)

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Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

A conservative water well design has a well screen entrance velocity of about 0.1 foot per second, which has
been the common industry standard for many years.
The American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Standard A10006, however, no longer stipulates a
maximum screen entrance velocity and cites recent
research and testing that indicate that allowable well
screen velocities are a function of the aquifer characteristics, the overall well design and intended performance, and the quality of the groundwater being
pumped. The maximum recommended entrance velocity should be less than 0.7 foot per second.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Cu = coefficient of uniformity
Sands with a Cu<2 do not benefit greatly from development by surging (section 650.12(f); Well development after installation). Sands with Cu>2 but < 3 may
benefit from development by surging, but water will
flow through the aquifer freely enough that surging is
not essential.
The following five conditions should be met in selecting the size of gravel or filter material:

Generally, either a manufactured well screen or a

factory-perforated casing should have a sharp outer
edge, and the perforations should be larger on the
inside than the outside to permit the passage of sand
grains entering the perforations. Torch-cut perforations are generally unsatisfactory because they cannot
be cut uniformly and are larger on the outside than on
the inside. They tend to become clogged with sand or
gravel grains. Manufacturers of well screens or perforated casing will supply information on the area of
perforations for any given diameter, opening size, and
capacity per foot of length per foot of head loss.
Filter packA sand or gravel filter pack should be
used in wells developed in strata composed of fine material of relatively uniform size so that aquifer materials cannot pass through the well screen or perforated
The filter must exclude sand and finer materials from
the well and permit maximum flow of water from the
water-bearing formation to the well screen or perforated section. When a gravel filter pack is to be installed,
the well screen should be equipped with centering
guides. These guides will assure the uniform placement of the gravel pack.
The design criteria for the filter are based on a sieve
analysis of the dried aquifer material.
The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) of the aquifer can be
used to determine the need for a gravel pack. The Cu
is determined by dividing the D60 size by the D10 size
(Hazen formula):


Cu =

Cu of the filter material should be <2.

D15 size of the filter material should be >4 D15
size of the aquifer material.

The uniformity of the aquifer should be included in the criterion for a filter. If D50 filter/
D50 aquifer<7.5, the movement of sand into the
filter should not be excessive. This conclusion
is based on experiments with aquifer Cus of
less than 2, so the D50 size of the filter can be
at a maximum of 7.5 D50 size of the aquifer.
Assuming that this same criterion will hold true
when aquifers with Cus higher than 2 are gravel
packed, the maximum D50 size of the filter
would be determined by the formula:
Cu = 60
D50 ( filter ) =

15 D50 (aquifer)
Cu (aquifer)

The D85 size of the filter should be < 2.5 D10, to

keep the Cu within 2.
The filter gradation curve should be as nearly
parallel to the aquifer gradation curve as the
above conditions will allow.
Table 123 provides general guidance for filter packs,
based on aquifer characteristics.


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National Engineering Handbook

The procedure to use in applying the above conditions

to determine the size of filter material is:

Step 6 Check to see that the D15 minimum size

meets the requirement of being >4 D15 size of aquifer. If not, move the D15 point to meet this requirement and replot the filter curve through this point
and the D50 point with a Cu less than 2 to fit a new

Step 1 Make a sieve analysis of aquifer material to

determine the percentage smaller than the screen
Step 2 Compute and locate on graph the D50 size
of the filter as determined in item (3) above.

Filter design exampleA sample well-filter design

problem follows.

Step 3 Assume that D10, D50, and D60 are in a

straight line. The Cu should not exceed 2; then D10
minimum size would be D50 size 0.6. Locate this
D10 minimum point on graph.

Given aquifer sieve results:

Step 4 Locate the maximum D85 size of the filter at

2.5 D10 size.
Step 5 Plot a uniform filter curve through the D50
point as nearly parallel to the aquifer curve as the
above minimum D10 and maximum D85 points will

Sieve no.

% passing

Step 1 Determine filter gradation.

Step 2 Plot sieve results on grain-size distribution
forms (fig. 1223).

Table 123

of uniformity (Cu)


Aquifer grain size


Decision whether to
use gravel pack

Use gravel pack.

D60<0.76 mm

Use gravel pack.

0.76 mm<D60<2.54 mm Gravel pack may

be omitted if a well
screen is used that
has enough openings to allow water
to enter well without
excessive head loss.
D60>2.54 mm


Step 3 Read D10 = 0.3 mm, D50 = 0.65 mm, D60 =

0.75 mm

Guidance on when to use a gravel pack

Do not use gravel

pack, but use a manufactured well screen
or perforated casing.
Omit gravel pack
because it might hold
back fine sand that
should be removed
from the aquifer by
natural development.

Cu =

D50 filter =

= 2.5

15 D50 (aquifer) 15( 0.65 )

= 3.9 mm
Cu (aquifer)

D10 filter = 0.6 D50 = 0.6 ( 3.9 ) = 2.3 mm, minimum

D85 filter = 2.5 D10 = 2.5 ( 2.3 ) = 5.8 mm, maximum

Step 4 Plot filter on curve.

Filter design limits
100% pass 3/8 sieve
64% (8) or 56 to 72% pass #4
6% (8) or 0 to 14% pass #8
A filter from 4 to 8 inches thick is sufficient for a gravel
envelope. Installing a thicker filter enlarges the effec-

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Springs and Wells

Figure 1223 Filter design gradation, based on aquifer particle size distribution

Chapter 12


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National Engineering Handbook

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

tive well area and only decreases the velocity of water

approaching the well. If difficulty is encountered in
keeping the velocity low enough to prevent the water
from carrying sand into the well, the effective diameter of the well can be increased by using a thicker filter
or by installing a larger casing.

(6) Multiple well systems

A multiple-well or manifold system may be required to
obtain the needed amount of water. Three conditions
are necessary for a manifold system to be successful.
The water table should be close enough to the
land surface to permit pumping the wells by suction lift.
The water-bearing sand and gravel should permit
good water yield without excessive drawdown,
and the stratum should be thick enough to permit
prolonged pumping.
The individual wells must be highly efficient.
Investigation, casing, and screen selection are
the same for a multiple-well system as for any
other well.
Two types of installations are used in multiple-well
systems: sand points and small individual wells. Figure
1224 shows the components for a satellite well unit.
Figure 1225 shows a typical manifold multiple-well
system. Only four satellite wells are shown. Additional
satellite wells may be added to a system.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

All connections on the suction side of the pump must

be airtight. The practical suction lift on most pumps is
limited to 25 feet or less. A common practice with satellite wells is to drill and case to about 35 feet below
the normal water table in the aquifer.
The drop pipe extends to within 2 feet of the bottom
of the well, making it about 30 feet below the manifold
line. The manifold line may be on the surface of the
ground or buried close to normal water level.
The size of manifold lines depends on the friction loss,
the volume of water flowing, and the distance that
water flows through the pipe. If more than one well is
on a manifold, increase the pipe size as the pipe approaches the central well. Each manifold is an individual design problem.
Manifold lines should be installed with a slight incline
toward the central well. This incline prevents high
points where air pockets can be trapped and reduce
the flow.

Figure 1224 A completed satellite well unit as part of a

multiwell system
Ground line
Mainifold line
Well seal cap

Drop pipe, 80 mm (3 in)

diameter minimum
Static water level

No exact spacing of the wells can be set. Sometimes

the water supply will be adequate on 10-foot spacings.
However, it is good practice to space wells at least
40 feet apart so interference between them will be at
a minimum. After the first well is set, the remaining
wells can be set by connecting the pump discharge to
them and jetting them into place.

Well bore
Well stabilizer
and fill

9 m (30 ft+)

Figure 1226 shows several layouts of satellite wells

relative to the central well. The general configuration
of the aquifer with respect to the overlying property
largely dictates which arrangement is best. Drilling
test wells may be necessary to locate the aquifer and
define its characteristics.

80-200 mm (3-8 in)

Thick gravel pack
of saturated

A drop pipe is installed in each satellite well and is

connected to the manifold or header pipe, which in
turn is connected to the intake side of the pump.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)



(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Suction header

Double sweep tee

Foot valve

Perforated casing


Drop pipe

water table



Suction header


Sand and


Single sweep
reducing tee

Ditch grade

Springs and Wells

Reducing ell

Single sweep tee



Ground line

Figure 1225 Typical manifold multiple-well system. Note that the pump may be an engine or electric motor



Chapter 12
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National Engineering Handbook

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

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National Engineering Handbook

Figure 1226 Sample layouts for manifolds pumping systems

Example 1

Manifold lines

Manifold lines



Example 2
Example 3



Example 4

Figure 1227 Well interference in an unconfined aquifer

Observation wells
50 ft

50 ft

50 ft

Ground surface

Pumping well

Pumping well

Static water level

Intersecting cones of depression

Water surface
when pumping
Pumping level in well
Radius of influence (R)

Impermeable material

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Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

An observation well can be drilled at some measured

distance from the well and the drawdown determined
at that point. If the drawdown at the well (outside the
casing) is known, the radius of influence can be determined. For example, if 40 percent drawdown is measured 50 feet from the well, then 20 percent drawdown
will be at 100 feet from the well, 10 percent drawdown
at 200 feet from the well, and 5 percent drawdown
at 400 feet from the well. If possible, wells should be
spaced at least twice the radius of influence as determined above.

quality, size, and placement of the screen

Closer spacing causes interference between the wells

(fig. 1227). Wells spaced 800 feet in the above example would have radii of influence overlapping each
other at the 5-percent drawdown point, causing interference and inefficiency.

(e) Construction
Have all required construction equipment and materials to finish the well at the site before drilling starts.
Avoid leaving a hole open for any length of time;
swelling, caving in, and sloughing of formation
materials might permanently damage the well
and lessen its yield. Construct a hole of constant
diameter and alignment.
Use extreme care to place the screen and casing
according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
In placing the formation gravel stabilizer and
gravel or filter pack, avoid the separation or
bridging of material.

quality and dimensions of the casing

(f) Well development after installation

The purpose of development is to condition the well
to produce the maximum amount of sediment-free
water with minimum drawdown. Development is the
last operation in constructing a well. It is the mechanical removal of fine sand, silt, and clay from the aquifer
around the well, forming a natural gravel envelope.
Or, if no coarse particles are present, it removes fines
through an artificial gravel envelope. Development is
essential to completing wells satisfactorily in unconsolidated materials. Figure 1228 shows a cross section of a filter pack in a developed aquifer, along with
the well screen.
Wells may be developed by surging, backwashing, jetting, pumping, and use of compressed air, dry ice, acid,
or dispersing agents. Packers (inflatable or mechanical) may be used to separate or isolate water-bearing
strata during well development. Knowledge of drilling
methods and the reaction of particular formations to
development is required to select the proper method.
Information from the record of materials penetrated is
used to guide the development process.

Figure 1228 Cross section of developed well showing

filter pack and well screen

Wells should be spaced far enough apart that their

radii of influence do not intersect as at a. Depending
on the permeability of the aquifer and the drawdown,
the radius of influence, R, may range from 100 to
3,000 feet or more, determined with observation wells
spaced at regular intervals away from a pumping well.
Some checking can be done after the well is ready
for testing, but the various parts of the well can be
checked only before and during construction, such as
diameter of the hole
quality and placement of the gravel pack


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Springs and Wells

The curve shows that 77 percent of the maximum yield

can be obtained with a 51-percent (38 ft) drawdown,
for a yield of about 2,130 gallons per minute. The following test procedures are recommended:
1. Measure and record the depth to static water
level (may be measured with steel tape that has 1
to 2 feet. of its lower end chalked).
2. Determine whether the well is artesian or nonartesian by referring to the well log for evidence
of the presence of a confining layer. If the static
water level is above the bottom of the confining
layer, the well is artesian.

(g) Testing
A well is not completed until it has been pumped to determine its capacity and drawdown and does not yield
undesirable sediment when pumped at the required
capacity. The contractor should complete developing
and testing the well before leaving the job.

ExampleThe water stands 75 feet in a well and the

pumping test yielded 1,470 gallons per minute with a
drawdown of 23 feet. This is 31 percent of the total
possible draw down. The curve shows that at 31 percent of the maximum drawdown, this nonartesian well
will produce 53 percent of the maximum yield, so the
maximum yield would be about

1, 470
= 2, 770 gal/min

Figure 1229 Relationship between drawdown and yield





The optimum yield and required lift may be estimated

by converting drawdown obtained from the tests
to percentage of possible drawdown and relating it
to yield (fig. 1229). The curves shown are average
drawdown-yield relations for a large number of wells.
At 50-percent drawdown, nonartesian wells produce
about 77 percent of possible yield and artesian wells
produce about 55 percent.

4. Pump the well at a near-maximum rate (50%

drawdown or slightly more) until drawdown and

Percent relative yield

A well usually produces about 75 percent of its capacity when the drawdown is at half the water depth and
about 90 percent when the drawdown is at two-thirds
the water depth. For economical pumping, the pump
should be designed to operate between these two extremes, since increasing the pumping rate to the maximum causes every gallon that is pumped to be lifted
the total depth from the surface to the drawdown
level. Overpumping a well may also cause excessive
sand pumping and possible well failure. As soon as a
well is completed and developed, a test pump should
be installed to verify the well development and yield.

3. Measure the height of the static water column or

100 percent drawdown. For nonartesian wells,
100 percent drawdown is the depth from the
static water level to the bottom of the aquifer
or to the bottom of the well if the aquifer is not
completely penetrated. For artesian wells, 100
percent drawdown is the depth from static water
level or piezometric surface to the bottom of the
confining layer.



Bridging of fine sand in the aquifer near the well may

result from too violent action at the beginning of work.
When water is pumped from a well, sand particles in
the formation tend to move toward the well. Because
the steady pull of pumping is in one direction, finer
sand grains wedge against each other and bridge
across openings between coarser grains. To prevent
bridging and remove fine grains, keep the water agitated by reversing the direction of flow.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook


Chapter 12







(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Percent lowering (drawdown)




Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

yield are constant at that rate. Drawdown may

be considered constant when three measurements taken 1 hour apart are the same. Water
levels during pumping should be measured with
an electric sounder or air line. Several hours
to several days of continuous pumping may be
required. Record drawdown and yield.
5. Convert measured drawdown to percent drawdown. Refer to figure 1229 to estimate optimum
drawdown and yield and the most economical
water yield from a specific well.

(1) Measuring drawdowns

Drawdown can be measured using an air pressure
gage or an electric sounder. Many deep-well pumps are
equipped with pressure gages and air lines of known

Figure 1230 Air line for measuring depth to water level

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Air lineThe air line is usually a copper tube an

eighth to a quarter inch in diameter, but may be a
quarter-inch-galvanized pipe. Its surface end is connected to a pressure gage with an air valve just below
the gage (fig 1230). The lower end of the pipe is open.
The pipe must be airtight and should extend 20 feet or
more below the lowest pumping level. The exact depth
to the lower end of the air line must be known.
Air pressure can be furnished by a tank connected
to the line or by a hand pump. The gage indicates the
pressure necessary to counterbalance the depth of water outside the air line. This is the maximum pressure
that can be attained.
Depth to water level is the depth to the lower end of
the air line less the gage reading in meters or feet. If
the gage reads in pounds per square inch, multiply the
reading by 2.31 to obtain feet.

Figure 1231 Water well pump powered by electric

motor, Washington


Attach air

Pump column
Static water level

Drawdown curve
Pumping level

Water level inside casing

Pump bowls

End air line 2 ft

above top of


(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Electric sounderAnother satisfactory and accurate

method of measuring water level is by means of an
electric sounder. The electric circuit is completed with
water contact.

(2) Measuring yield

An accurate well test requires careful measurement of
yield. Pipe orifices are commonly used to measure discharges within a range of 50 to 2,000 gallons per minute. Parshall flumes or sharp-crested weirs are used to
measure larger flows. Smaller yields can be measured
using a container of known volume and recording time
required to fill it (V/t). In-pipe flow meters may also
be used to measure water yield, including mechanical impeller-type meters and electronic nonobtrusive

(h) Selecting a pump

In selecting a pump, consider required capacity, total
lift, diameter of the well, location of the well, and type
of power available. The common types of pumps are
turbine, centrifugal, propeller, gear, plunger, and airlift.
Each type of pump is constructed to operate under
a specific range of conditions. A pump should not be
selected without a thorough knowledge of the planned
operating conditions and pump characteristics. Figure
1231 shows a large capacity irrigation well head,
with electric motor powering the pump. Refer also to
NEH630.1202 for information on pumps and energy
MaintenanceProper well maintenance will extend
the life of the well. Without proper maintenance, a well
may fail.

(1) Pump service

The owners may service the pump and treat the well.
Pump manufacturers issue instructions and recommendations for pump operation and maintenance. If
the owner follows the recommendations, the expected
life should be reached.
(2) Water testing
Water samples should be analyzed before a well is
constructed to determine if corrosion or encrustation
will be problems. Knowing this in advance enables
installation of an appropriate screen or casing. Screens
of various metals, alloys, and other materials are available for specific water quality applications.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

(3) Clogging of intake section

Screen encrustation is caused primarily by deposits of
carbonates of calcium or magnesium, deposits of clays
or silts, and the presence of iron, bacteria, or slimeforming organisms in the water.
Where encrustation is a problem, periodic cleaning by
a reliable and experienced well servicer may be necessary. The well should be cleaned before the yield is
reduced seriously. Various chemicals are used to treat
wells, depending on the type of encrustation, screen,
and casing composition.
Where screen clogging is caused by bacteria that generate an iron or slime precipitate, chlorine treatment is
effective when combined with a biodispersant.

(4) Well testing

Each year, make the following tests and measurements
for comparison with previous data, so trouble can be
detected early, when it is still possible to rectify the
Each winter, when all wells have been at rest a
long time, run a 2-hour pumping test. Record the
static water level, the pumping rate, and frequent
drawdown measurements as described under
Measure static water level and drawdown water
level while pumping and determine the wells
specific capacity (gal/min/ft) as an indicator of
overall well performance. Changes in specific
performance may indicate that well may require
Every 2 months, all year, measure and record the
static water level when the pump has been off at
least 4 days. Record details.
During the heavy pumping season, measure the
yield and drawdown and record them along with
the length of time that the pump has been running. Several measurements per summer are

(5) Well failures

Well failure is generally a result of continued sand
pumping until the well caves in, the collapse of the
well casing, or pumping the aquifer dry. A decrease in
the well discharge is usually due to one or more of the

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

a lowering of the water level or hydrostatic head

in the aquifer
pump or motor wear or failure
poor installation
filter or casing failure due to settlement of fine
aquifer materials in the gravel pack
biological growth, iron bacteria, or chemical
encrustation on the well screen or perforations
A producing well may fail completely or its output may
decrease to a level that it is uneconomical to continue
its use. If the specific capacity declines by 30 percent
or more, then the well may have a serious problem, requiring additional testing and trouble-shooting. There
is no treatment for a falling water table except to use a
pumping rate or cycle that allows the water table to be
recharged as rapidly as water is withdrawn.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

use and conservation, security of investment, and

responsibility for administrative guidance.
Most States regulate the development and administration of groundwater resources in the public interest.
Common State regulations include the following:
All persons drilling wells for others must be
Drilling permits, logs, and any work performed
on wells must be reported to the State on prescribed forms.
Wells furnishing domestic or municipal water
must be properly constructed and finished to
prevent contamination.
Flowing wells must be suitably capped and regulated to avoid waste.
Abandoned wells must be sealed.

(j) Applicable State laws and

groundwater rights

Air-conditioning and cooling waters must be

returned to the ground through recharge wells.

State laws regarding the use of groundwater must be

followed. Three principal sets of rules or doctrines
form the basis for these laws:
Absolute ownership, or the common-law rule,
which states that the owner of the land is the
absolute owner of all underground waters under
their property. The owner may develop and use
their groundwater without regard to effects on
groundwater supplies of adjacent landowners,
subject to qualifications in some States. This doctrine does not recognize flowing groundwater
or the effect that its misuse may have on other
landowners using the same source.
Ownership with reasonable use is similar to the
common-law ownership, but limits the owner to
a reasonable use related to the needs of other
owners of lands overlying a common groundwater source.
The appropriation doctrine follows the rule that,
where groundwater limits or boundaries can be
reasonably established, the subsurface waters
are public waters and subject to appropriation.
Priority rights are issued from a designated State
agency after an examination of the intent of use.
The appropriation system emphasizes beneficial


Disposal of any contaminants, such as brines

or industrial wastes, which affect the quality of
public water supplies, can be restricted.
Administering these regulations is usually the responsibility of a designated State agency. Administration
and control of groundwater in overdraft areas pose
many complex technical problems.

(k) Contracts and specifications

Few individuals take the trouble to draw up a contract
when having a well drilled. Although an oral contract
is binding on both parties, it can be a source of misunderstanding because it depends on memory. On the
other hand, contract specifications that are too rigid
lead to excessive costs and should be avoided.
When a legal contract is required, the landowner
should be encouraged to consult an attorney. A thorough understanding and agreement on at least the
following points are necessary for a satisfactory job:
1. The well will be started at the surface with ____inch pipe with a weight of _____pounds per foot
or _____class polyvinyl chloride and carried to a
depth of about _____feet. If two or more lines of

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

casing are run, an ample overlap will be allowed

and an effective seal will be set.
2. The well will be drilled in such vertical alignment
that after perforating and testing, a deep-well
pump having a clearance of 1 inch on each side
can readily be installed and operated without
undue stress or wear from excessive inclination
of the shaft.
3. As construction progresses, the contractor shall
keep, and furnish to the owner on completion of
the well, an accurate record of materials passed
through; water-bearing strata; progress in sinking
the casing; depth, size, and number of perforations, or screen opening and dimensions; static
water level; development work; drawdown; and
record of testing.
4. The casing will be perforated in all water-bearing
strata (except quicksand) likely to yield a satisfactory supply of good-quality water. The sizes
of perforations will be determined on the basis
of the grain-size distribution of aquifer materials
according to best practice.

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

In case a dispute might arise, the procedure to be followed in settling the dispute should be set forth in the
contract. Large well-drilling companies have their own
contract forms. If company contract forms are used,
the landowner should be encouraged to read their
provisions carefully and understand the agreement
before signing.

(l) Records
Maintaining complete records aids efficient and economical groundwater development. Therefore, copies
of the records of test holes, completed well and equipment, development operations, and pumping tests
should be retained in the field office and other offices
as required.
Prepare a permanent file containing:
test hole logs and location map
sieve analysis of formation samples
water analysis

5. The advisability of installing a well screen, an

artificial gravel envelope, or both will be determined on the basis of the grain-size distribution
of aquifer materials according to best practice.

all geologic data collected in the exploration


6. After completion, the well will be surged thoroughly with a surge block, bailer, or other equipment until sand-free water is obtained. The work
of surging or other development will be paid for
at the rate of $_____per hour.

pump specification sheets, performance curves,

parts lists, etc.

7. After the well has been surged and bailed, it will

be tested with a pump furnished by the driller.
The pump will have a capacity in excess of
expected yield and will be able to pump at variable rates. The pump will be operated continuously for _____hours. An air line or other suitable
method will be used to measure the drawdown
periodically during pumping.

well design drawing showing accurate finished

dimensions and details

details of repairs, acid treatments, etc.

(m) Abandonment
Test holes and abandoned wells should be sealed
in accordance with the CPS Code 351, Water Well
Decommissioning, when they no longer serve their
original purpose.

8. The unit price per foot of well will be $______

($_____per ft), which includes the cost of moving
to and from the well site and setting up the equipment. The cost of perforating will be included
in the unit price unless otherwise stated. Test
pumping will be paid for at the rate of $________
per hour and will include time for installing and
removing the pump.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


Chapter 12


Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

U.S. Geological Survey. 1984. Ground-water regions

of the United States. Geological Survey WaterSupply Paper 2242, Washington, DC.


American Water Works Association. 2007. Standard

A10006, Water Well. American Society of Civil
Engineers, Denver, CO.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2011. The National Atlas of the

United States, Washington, DC.

Johnson, E.E. 1986. Ground water and wells. 6th ed,

Johnson Division. St. Paul, MN.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2011. National
Conservation Practice Standard, Pipeline, Code
516. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2010a. National
Engineering Handbook, Part 631, Chapter
30, Groundwater hydrology and geology.
Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2010b. National
Engineering Handbook, Part 631, Chapter 32,
Springs and wells. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2009a. National
Engineering Handbook, Part 631, Chapter 31,
Gound water investigations. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2009b. National
Engineering Handbook, Part 631, Chapter 33,
Ground water recharge. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2002. National
Conservation Practice Standard, Water Well
Decommissioning, Code 351. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2001a. National
Conservation Practice Standard, Spring
Development, Code 574, Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service. 2001b. National
Conservation Practice Standard, Water Well,
Code 642, Washington, DC.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Appendix A


Alluvial materials

Annular space


Artesian water

Any water that is confined in an aquifer under pressure so that it will rise in
the well casing or drilled hole above the bottom of the confining layer overlying the aquifer. This term includes water of flowing wells, and water under
artesian pressure in wells that do not flow.


Forcing the water back out of the well through the screen or slotted casing
and into the water-bearing formation. Backwashing is used to develop a well,
i.e., to remove undesirable fines.


The consolidated or cemented rock, which may underlie the alluvium or soil,
or may outcrop at the land surface.

Blotter or sand blotter

A layer of fine sand (usually about 2 feet thick) installed between the top of
the gravel filter pack and the surface seal (bentonite or concrete), usually at
or above the static water level. It helps maintain separation of the seal and
filter so that the seal is not pulled into the gravel filter pack


A rigid pipe installed in the well to prevent the walls from sloughing into the

Cement grout

A mixture of water and cement in the ratio of not more than 5 to 6 gallons
of water to 94 pounds of Portland cement. For a better flowing mixture, 3 to
5 pounds of bentonite clay may be added to the cement and the water increased to not more than 6.5 gallons.

Cone of depression

As groundwater flows to a pumping well, the slope of the water surface increases. As distance from the well increases, the slope becomes flatter until
it merges with the potentiometric surface beyond the influence of the well.
The water surface within the influence of a pumped well is an inverted cone
with its apex in the well and its base in the static water table.

Consolidated formation

Recent materials deposited by running water. The unconsolidated sand and

gravel commonly found underlying floodplains of major streams or rivers
form alluvial aquifers. These sand and gravel deposits are often intermingled
with silt and clay.
The space between two cylindrical objects, one of which surrounds the
other, such as the space between the walls of a drilled hole and a casing or
between a permanent casing and a temporary surface casing.
A geologic formation that will yield enough water to a well for practical use.

A naturally occurring geologic formation that has been lithified (turned to

stone). The term is sometimes used interchangeably with the word bedrock.
It includes rocks such as basalt, rhyolite, sandstone, limestone, and shale.
Commonly, this type of formation will stand at the edges of a bore hole without caving in.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook


Drawdown (Hh)

Filter or gravel pack

A gravel envelope surrounding the well screen, designed to prevent sand

from entering the well. Gravel or other permeable filter material is placed in
the annular space around the well screen. A gravel pack is frequently used
to prevent the movement of finer material into the well and to increase the
ability of the well to yield water without pumping sand or sediment.

Head loss (l)

The difference in elevation between water level inside the well (during
pumping) and outside at the point where the drawdown curve intersects the

Lift (L)

The vertical distance from the water level in the well during pumping to the
ground surface or some other specified point such as the center of the discharge pipe.

Mineralized water



The degree to which earth material contains spaces not occupied by solid
particles. The amount of water that can be contained in a volume of a formation is the porosity times the volume, usually expressed as a percentage.

Potentiometric surface

The elevation to which water will rise up in a tube or well that penetrates a
confined aquifer. The water table is more properly termed the potentiometric
surface in an unconfined aquifer, also called a water table aquifer.

Pumping level (h)

Radius of influence

Sand pumping

The pumping action yields sand that is eroding from the gravel pack or the


A perforated or slotted section of pipe or screen used to separate the well

water from the surrounding aquifer. Its proper design allows water to flow
into the well without eroding the filter pack or aquifer material.

Sieve analysis

A procedure for measuring the percentage of various particle sizes, by

weight, by shaking grain sizes in an earth material sample by shaking the
sample through a series of different-sized sieves, weighing and plotting the
results on a grain size distribution chart.


Introduction of any chemical, organic material, live organism, or radioactive

material that will lower the quality of the natural groundwater. Also included
is the introduction of heated or cooled water into the groundwater if the
changing of the water temperature renders the water less usable.
The distance from the position of the static water table before pumping to
the level of the water in the well during pumping.

Any naturally occurring groundwater that has a high chemical content.

The ability of a geologic material (sand, for example) to transmit water.

Static head or depth of water in well while pumping.

The area affected by the discharge from a well, also known as the circle of
influence, in plan view. The radius of the circle is the radius of influence (R).

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)

Chapter 12

Springs and Wells

Part 650
National Engineering Handbook

Specific capacity


Unconsolidated materials

Water table

The surface level of the groundwater at the top of the saturated zone in a
water-bearing formation. More properly termed the potentiometric surface.

Well stabilizer

Material placed in the annual space between the hole and the casing to hold
the casing in place.

The wells performance expressed as the pumping rate (yield) in gallons per
minute divided by the drawdown in feet during the pumping, or gallons per
minute per foot of drawdown.
A means of developing a well by forcing water back and forth through the
screen or slot area of the well casing.
Naturally occurring earth deposits that have not been lithified. Alluvium,
soil, gravel, clay, and overburden are some of the terms used to describe this
type of deposit.

(210VINEH, Amend. 60, July 2012)


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