Understanding The Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Isis
Understanding The Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Isis
Understanding The Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Isis
5 Two Arab countries fall apart; The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, Economist, June
14, 2004, 41.
6 The literal name of al-Qaeda in Iraq is al-Qaeda jihad organization in the Land of the Two
Rivers. Ahmed S. Hashim, Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq (Ithaca, NY: Cornel University
Press, 2006), 144.
7 Hashim, 192.
8 Letter Signed by Zarqawi, Seized in Iraq in 2004, in Jean-Charles Brisard, Zarqawi: The New
Face of Al-Qaeda (New York: Other Press, 2005), 235.
9 Nelly Lahoud and Muhammad al-Ubaydi, The War of Jihadists Against Jihadists in Syria,
West Point Counterterrorism Center Sentinel 7, no. 3 (March 2014): 2.
between al-Qaeda and ISIL reached a crisis point when Zawahiri released
a statement disassociating his organization from ISIL, thus expelling
the organization from al-Qaeda.19 Despite this affront, ISIL expanded
its power by seizing territory already under the control of the al-Nusra
Front and other rebel groups.20 In late June 2014, the usually reliable
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated it had documented up to
7,000 deaths in rebel infighting chiefly between ISIL and the al-Nusra
front and its allies.21 This casualty estimate also included a number of
civilians who were killed in the crossfire.
In Iraq, ISILs initial effort to capture territory was directed at the
Sunni cities of Ramadi and Fallujah. The organization established
fairly solid control of Fallujah, but maintained only a limited presence
in Ramadi. 22 As noted earlier, ISIL then electrified the world with its
northern offensive, which gave the organization its greatest victory. All
four Iraqi army divisions stationed in the north collapsed instantly when
faced with the ISIL assaults, and ISIL seized Iraqs second largest city,
Mosul.23 The militants then claimed to be planning to seize Baghdad,
though this threat was never considered credible. At the time, ISIL had
only 3,000-5,000 fighters in Iraq (with about the same number of allied
Sunni forces), and Baghdad is a city of over 7 million people, the majority of whom are hostile Shiites with their own militias.24 Following the
rout of Iraqi security forces, ISIL declared an Islamic Caliphate in the
area it controlled, and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIL leader since April
2010, was declared caliph and the leader of Muslims everywhere.25
To underscore this claim, ISIL changed its name to the Islamic State
(IS), reflecting its enhanced ambitions beyond the Levant and Iraq. This
statement asserted that IS was now the only legitimate authority in the
Muslim world and its authority superseded and replaced the leadership
of each Muslim country. This assertion also challenged al-Qaeda leadership of the jihadi movement.
salience from 1991 to 2003 during the era of sanctions.28 Sunni Iraqis
often viewed post-Saddam policies such as de-Baathification and disbanding the Iraqi Army as a mechanism to break Sunni political power
in Iraq and reduce Sunni Arabs to second class citizens. Many Iraqi
Sunnis referred to de-Baathification as de-Sunnization, viewing the
entire effort as a form of revenge and a effort to bar them from power
US military and civilian leaders quickly came to view deBaathification as a mistake due to its broad scope, but Iraqs Shiite-led
government continued to embrace it after assuming power. While the
US government created the de-Baathification program, it could not end
or modify it by this time, and it was often used by Shiites within the
government as an instrument to dominate Sunni Arabs.30 In 2008, the
Justice and Accountability Law replaced the original de-Baathification
law, but was also used to repress Iraqi Sunnis.31 Shiite Iraqis, for their
part, were infuriated by an unrelenting series of car bombs and suicide
attacks directed against Shiite religious sites and pilgrims.32 The polarization created by this situation created an ideal opening for IS that will
not be rolled back easily.
IS also has strong financial reserves and may be entirely selffinancing at this point.33 This financial independence is the result of an
ongoing strategy to reduce or eliminate dependence on private foreign
donors, who may face government crackdowns on efforts to transfer
funds. To achieve financial self-sufficiency, IS has focused on seizing
loot from conquered areas, imposing taxes within its areas of control
and influence, and smuggling oil from facilities it controls in Syria and
Iraq. Oil smuggling is especially lucrative, but IS may be able to sustain
itself even if this revenue stream is disrupted.34 US and allied efforts
to crack down on IS smuggling, in some cases bombing oil assets, are
useful but should not be regarded as a panacea.35
IS military operations benefit from the expertise of their officials
who previously served as officers or technicians with the old Iraqi Army
disbanded in 2003.36 These individuals have a strong sense of grievance
against both the United States and the Iraqi government, and al-Qaeda
in Iraq (later ISIL then IS) allowed some of them to join that organization after they repented their former involvement with Saddam
Husseins secular Baathist regime and pledged loyalty (baya) to IS.37
28 Fanar Haddad, Sectarianism in Iraq: Antagonistic Visions of Unity (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2011), 89-116.
29 Hashim, 192-193.
30 W. Andrew Terrill, Lessons of the Iraqi De-Baathificaiton Program for Iraqs Future and the Arab
Revolutions (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2012), 56-60.
31 Terrill, 48-50.
32 Haddad, 184.
33 Tim Arango and Eric Schmitt, US Actions in Iraq Fueled Rise of a Rebel, New York Times,
August 11, 2014, A-1.
34 Steven Mufson, Islamic State Draws on Oil Assets for Funds Fuel, Washington Post,
September 16, 2014., A-12.
35 Helene Cooper and Anne Barnard, Warplanes Blast Militants Refineries in Syria, Targeting
a Source of Cash, New York Times, September 26, 2014, A-1.
36 Ben Hubbard and Eric Schmitt, Trained in Army, ISIS Leaders Use Their Expertise, New
York Times, August 28, 2014, A-1.
37 Michael Knights, ISILs Political-Military Power in Iraq, West Point Counter Terrorism Center
Sentinel 7, no. 8 (August 2014): 3.
IS also has the tremendous advantage of being able to move back and
forth between Syria and Iraq. If defeated in Iraq, the organization can
potentially re-group in Syria and attack into Iraq at a later time, unless
defeated or contained in Syria. Comprehensively defeating IS in Syria
will be significantly more difficult for the US-led coalition due to the
lack of a strong partner on the ground.
Another advantage for IS is that it is relatively well-armed and
equipped. In the aftermath of its victory in northern Iraq, the organization seized massive amounts of modern Iraqi military equipment,
acquired by the Baghdad government from the United States. While
an exact inventory is not available, 4 infantry divisions and supporting troops fled the battle in June 2014, leaving behind almost all of
their weapons, equipment, and supplies including artillery, tanks, and a
variety of other military vehicles. It is unclear how long IS will be able
to use and maintain American tanks, although it is possible IS ex-regime
soldiers (or those trained by them) will be able to keep some of them in
use. In Syria, IS has captured large stocks of weapons and equipment
from Assad government forces, including older Russian T-55 tanks.38
IS forces may also have been able to seize advanced Man Portable Air
Defense systems (MANPADs) from one of the major Syrian bases that
it has overrun.39 Prior to these seizures, IS used weapons from the
previous insurgency in Iraq and weapons supplied directly or purchased
with funds from supporters throughout the region.
IS also had considerable opportunity to expand and strengthen itself
during its initial time in Syria. The Assad regime allowed IS to develop
its military strength in Syria with a de facto truce seemingly in effect in
2013 and into 2014.40 At this time, Assads priority was to attack more
moderate and respectable opposition forces and the al-Nusra Front
in the belief that the West would never allow IS to come to power.
Assad appeared to hope the West would be forced to acquiesce, or even
support, the continuation of his regime. The Syrian regime also chose
not to attack IS, while it was attacking other rebel forces to seize territory they controlled, with heavy casualties on all sides. The militants
responded to this restraint by avoiding conflict with the Syrian military,
instead consolidating their hold over territory previously controlled by
other opposition militias. This expedient approach dramatically ended
in summer 2014, when IS attacked government forces in an effort to
seize territory and military infrastructure controlled by the regime.41
By this time, IS was a formidable fighting force. In August, its forces
captured the Tabaqa airfield in northern Syria in a serious setback for
the Assad regime, involving large-scale casualties on both sides. This air
force complex served as a basing facility for a number of ground forces
as well as several squadrons of combat aircraft.42
38 Michael R Gordon and Helene Cooper, U.S. General Says Raid Syria is Key to Halting ISIS,
New York Times, August 22, 2014.
39 Thomas Gibbons-Neff, Islamic State Might Have Taken Advanced MANPADS from
Syrian Airfield, Washington Post, August 25, 2014, A-1.
40 David Blair, Why Syrian Leader Secretly Stoked the Crisis, Daily Telegraph, August 23,
2014, 6.
41 The Next War against Global Jihadism; Confronting the Islamic State, Economist, September
13, 2014, 53.
42 Ryan Lucas, Jihadis Capture Major Syrian Air Base in Northeast, Daily Star, August 24,
In addition to its strengths, IS has a number of strategic disadvantages. IS personnel are exclusively radical Sunni Muslims, and
the IS leadership seeks the religious and cultural destruction of Shiite
Muslims. IS fighters are known to murder and enslave Shiites simply
for being Shiites.48 Beyond this savagery, IS has also announced plans
to destroy all major Shiite shrines in the territory it captures. The organization has already made good on these threats in Mosul after it seized
control.49 IS leaders have further stated their intentions to destroy the
shrines of Iraqs leading Shiite holy cities of Karbala and Najaf. They
refer to Karbala as the filth-ridden city and Najaf as the city of
polytheism.50 Many Shiites would die to protect these cities, and the
43 Eric Schmitt and Michael R. Gordon, The Iraqi Army was Crumbling Long Before its
Collapse, U.S. Officials Say, New York Times, June 12, 2014, A-1.
44 Ceylan Yeginsu, From Turkey, ISIS Draws a Steady Stream of Recruits, New York Times,
September 16, 2014, A-1.
45 Shane Scott and Ben Hubbard, ISIS Displaying a Deft Command of Varied Media, New
York Times, August 31, 2014, A-1.
46 Unsavoury Allies: The War against Jihadists, Economist, September 6, 2014.
47 Kareem Fahim, Ahmed Azam and Kirk Semple, Sunnis in Iraq often See Their Government
as the Bigger Threat, New York Times, September 11, 2014, A-1.
48 Abigail Hauslohner, With the Rise of Islamic State, Iraq is Splintering along Religious and
Ethnic Lines, Washington Post, September 30, 2014, A-1.
49 Loveday Morris, Razing of Mosuls Shrines Sparks First Signs of Resistance against Islamic
State, Washington Post, July 30, 2014; A-8; Tim Arango Tears and Anger, as Militants Destroy Iraq
Citys Relics, New York Times, July 30, 2014.
50 Thomas Erdbrink, As Sunni Militants Threaten its Allies in Baghdad, Iran Weighs Options,
New York Times, June 13, 2014, A-10.
past, Iraqi, Syrian, and Kurdish soldiers can only be encouraged to fight
to the death rather than surrender to an enemy that will mistreat, and
ultimately kill them. Moreover, many IS recruits appear to have come
from the lowest rungs of their societies with little education and perhaps
only limited literacy in Arabic.58 Such individuals can show courage in
battle, but it is unclear if they can adapt to rapidly changing battlefield
conditions if their leaders are killed or incapacitated.
IS grandly claims to be a universal movement with Baghdadi, the
leader of all Muslims, but this assertion is hardly credible. While the IS
message has been effective among some discontented Sunnis in Iraq and
Syria, it is unclear if it will have strong resonance in other countries. In
all other Arab states, except Lebanon, Sunni Muslims comprise either
all or most of the political leadership. Even Lebanon is quite different
from Syria and Iraq since it maintains a number of democratic institutions and engages in power sharing among Christians, Shiite Muslims,
Sunni Muslims and other groups. Moreover, many Sunni Arabs are also
angered and offended by IS tactics of beheadings, crucifixion and the
enslavement of women. Correspondingly, IS has created and alarmed
an large number of enemies including the United States, the Sunni-led
Arab states, Europe, al-Qaeda, Iran, and other countries and groups.
While many of these states and organizations will not cooperate with
each other, they will all behave as adversaries of IS.
The United States, Iraq, and their allies seek either to destroy IS or
marginalize the organization so it is no longer a serious threat. They
also hope to eliminate conditions under which IS successor organizations might be reborn from a series of defeats. All of this can only be
done with a comprehensive and evolving understanding of IS strengths
and weakness. At the present time, the most important advantage that
IS maintains is Sunni Arab hostility to the Baghdad government, which
must be significantly diminished in order to undermine the roots of IS
appeal. This will not be an easy problem to overcome, but it is achievable provided that the Iraqi government behaves responsibly and US
military forces in that country are able to help rebuild the Iraqi military
while airstrikes and other actions buy time. US Army, and possibly
Marine Corps, trainers must also plan to continue supporting Kurdish
forces in Iraq and possibly work with Sunni local defense forces assigned
to operate in Sunni areas. US and Iraqi intelligence analysts will have
to carefully consider any information indicating anti-IS activities among
the tribes and evaluate which tribes appear most reliably anti-IS.
Iraqi leadership, not the United States, will be the most important coalition entity in any strategy to undercut IS ability to mobilize
Sunni resentment against the Iraqi government. The ability to do so
is currently the greatest IS strength in Iraq. On the political level, this
situation requires the current and all future Iraqi governments must find
ways to reassure Sunnis they will not be victimized because of their sect
by Shiite officials operating with impunity. Sunni regions must receive
greater autonomy, including local self-defense. There must also be a reasonable level of Sunni representation in national institutions in Baghdad
58 Yeginsu, A-1