Multiple Realities
Multiple Realities
Multiple Realities
Parallel Reality
A Parallel Reality is created every time you make an important either/or decision that has the
possibility of changing your life.
For example, if you choose to leave a certain job, there will be a Parallel Reality in which you
keep that job. Your Primary Point of Perception - the YOU to whom I am speaking - may not
know about this Parallel reality, but your Multidimensional Soul does.
Your Multidimensional Soul has taken the long trip down from Source into the world of form
and wants to experience every possible option for every experience.
As your consciousness returns to the innate multidimensional thinking of your fifth dimensional
SELF, you will be able to easily compute both your Base-Line Realities and all the Parallel
Realities that shoot out whenever you make an either/or decision.
In this manner, you can have optimum learning from every experience and share your Parallel
Realities with Source.
While our Base-Line Reality is the physical world, you will be unconscious of the fact that
every possible versions of any given reality was lived out in a Parallel or Alternate Reality.
Also, there is a difference between Parallel and Alternate Realities. Your personality in your
Parallel Realities is similar to your personality in your Base-Line Reality.
On the other hand, in Alternate Realities you explore alternate types of personality in similar
situations as your Base-Line Reality. Therefore, your Alternate Realities are comparable to
your Base-Line Reality but YOU are undergoing the same situation through the viewpoint of a
different personality.
In this manner, you can explore different personality traits and even different expressions of
your Divine Qualities within similar, yet slightly different, situations.
As your primary consciousness expands into the upper fourth and lowest fifth dimension,
Parallel and Alternate Realities often bleed through into your Base-Line Reality.
In this manner, your Parallel and Alternate Realities converge into the ever-expanding
Oneness of your ego self who is merging into your Multidimensional SELF.
In fact, when your point of perception rises into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will be
able to preview all the Parallel and Alternate Realities of your third/fourth dimensional self.
Consequently, you will be able to gain the most information and learning from your time in
lower worlds.
From the perspective of your Higher Dimensional Expression you will be able to view your
many manifestations of SELF without judgment.
One of the reasons why you choose NOT to be aware of your Parallel and Alternate Realities
while still holding a 3D form is that there is a strong potential for self-judgment. This selfjudgment would greatly hinder your ascension process. Thus, most ascending ones choose to
limit the perception of their other realities to those that they believe they can use and/or heal.
I am giving you this information now so that you will have a more in-depth understanding of
your myriad multiple realities.
Then, you can more easily follow the journey of Mytre and Mytria as they experience their
Multiple Realities. They share their experiences with you so that you can more easily piece
together the many versions of your complicated, polarized reality.
Your 3D Blinders are coming off now. If you do not prepare yourself for your true world, you
could become so overwhelmed that you may limit or halt your ascension.
Furthermore, it is often easier to understand anothers experience than it is to understand your
own. By learning love and compassion about the challenges of others, you organically learn to
be more loving and compassionate regarding your own challenges.
Perhaps Mytre and Mytria are finally ready to complete their preparation for merging
Mytria and I prepared for our merging by intimately communicating with our minds, our
hearts and our bodies.
We had been apart more than we had been together, but our time together had sent both of
our lives deeply into our Paths of Ascension. We made love again and again, and each time
we merged our bodies more into Oneness. Then, we had an experience neither of us had ever
We seemed to fall asleep, but we woke up together in a world that neither of us had ever
consciously experienced.
At first, it felt as though we were in a thick fog. However, the fog was not cold, hot or damp. In
fact, the fog seemed to twinkle with minute particles of light that appeared to blink on and off.
We could only vaguely see each other, so we held hands tightly as we wandered through the
twinkling fog.
There appeared to be gravity and solid ground beneath us.
However, the gravity was much less than we were accustomed to, even in the Mothership, so
we walked/floated through the unseen world. Eventually, we realized that we were in-between
realities and would need to combine our Heart-Minds to focus on creating and/or finding a
reality with some degree of form.
Eventually, we realized that we were in some form of membrane that flowed between different
frequencies of reality. Then, in a flash, we both understood that we were IN the Akashic
The Akashic Records are living membranes that resonate between each frequency of reality.
Every Akashic Record stores the molecular pattern of every experience and sensation that is
sandwiched between that Akashic Membrane and the Akashic Record that resonates one
octave lower.
Neither one of us had consciously read the Akashic Records, but we realized that now we
would have to do so in order to get our bearings.
Once again we joined our consciousness to amplify our abilities. Mytria has worked with the
Great Mother and had connected with all her multidimensional emotions and sensations, and I
had greatly expanded my multidimensional thinking and the power of intentional thought.
Together, we were much more than we were alone.
We faced each other, toe to toe, heart to heart and head to head and merged our
consciousness into the Oneness. With loving comfort, I surrendered into the downloading of
her abilities into me, as she surrendered into the download of my abilities into her. This
membrane reality had no sense of time, so we could not predict how long we remained
merged. However, due to our mutual downloads, we shared with each other every experience
we had while we were apart.
Suddenly, our eyes flew open, and we looked into each others eyes, feeling as though that
we had NEVER been apart.
It is difficult to put into words the shift that occurred within me. All that I can describe is that
somehow I was completed. The ever-present sense of longing that I had suffered since I left
Mytria and came to the Mothership was replaced with a quiet sense of security and unity.
Mytria told me that she felt the same.
We stood looking into each others hearts until we realized that the fog was beginning to shift.
We observed as the dim glimmer of lighted particles began to connect into mutable patterns of
energy. In total unity of thought we simultaneously reached out and touched the pattern
closest to us.
Instantly, we were transported into ancient Earth, many millennia before the fall of Atlantis, and
saw our first Pleiadian Colony.
We had just arrived from Lyra, our Homeworld, looking for adventure.
Our society started out small, but quickly multiplied within just a few generations. We were
happy and peaceful for thousands of years. However, the easy life that encouraged creativity
within those whose hearts sought Power Within, created an urge to control for those who
sought Power Over others.
We had never known the slow progression of time nor the freedom to explore our inner selves
that we found on Earth.
Hence, we didnt suspect that some of us harbored a need to dominate and control others. At
first, the others that were dominated were non-humanoid. Thus, the animals, plant life and
body of the planet were mistreated with no remorse. Eventually, the few expanded their
dominance to restrain and injure their own kind.
Conflict arose between the two diverse manners of expression, which quickly expanded into
fighting and, eventually, into outright war.
The violence escalated until the damage to planet Earth was so devastating that we had to
leave the Paradise that we have turned into a war zone. The peace that we had sought in our
new home was damaged by the few, as well as by the many who lived in denial until it was too
Our vision ended as we sorrowfully watched as the remnants of our wounded society reentered their Space Craft to find yet another new home.
We returned to the fog/membrane knowing exactly why we had to suffer so long in the
Galactic War of Service to SELF societies against Service to Others worlds.
We had always thought of ourselves as the victims, yet it was our own society that started the
karmic cycle of energy out is energy back.
We then understood that we were IN the Akashic Records of planet Earth, and surmised that
we must stay there until we were fully briefed on the TRUE history of Earth. Hence, we worked
our way forward from our first landing on Earth. Yes, we came again to Earth to make similar
Once again we abandoned Earth, leaving Gaia to repair Her world.
It is for this reason that we Pleiadians are now so dedicated to Gaia.
Eventually, we found ourselves in the Akashic Records of Earth circa 2013 AD, the reality
timeline that we would be visiting. However, we realized that before our lessons were
completed we had to investigate the myriad Parallel and Alternate Realities of that timeline.
We needed to be fully updated on all this information, as we would be educating the
ascending humans about their true history.
Many that were the dark ones in one reality were the saviors in an Alternate Reality. In
order to fully transmute a third/fourth dimensional reality into the fifth dimension and beyond,
the myriad reality timelines would need to merge into ONE.
Hence, the polarized expressions and alternate choices of different realities needed to merge
into ONE.
Once these third/fourth dimensional polarities and realities are merged, Gaia and Her
inhabitants can more easily merge with the higher creations, choices and expressions of their
Multidimensional Realities.
The ascending ones, humanoid and non-humanoid, that we will visit are the forerunners of
this multidimensional merging.