Lesson 2

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Lesson 2

Being a Nationalistic Leader

Its a great way to think that after studying and working on all activities in
This lesson, you will be able to:
Pick out the clues in the sentence that help point to the meaning of a
Get the main idea and the theme of a selection.
Distinguish literal language from figurative language.
Identify and interpret figurative language.
Write a personal reflection on a given topic




Write the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the italicized word.
_____ 1. He is an agile basketball player. He moves easily and quickly on the hard court.
a. strong
b. fast
c. experienced
d. powerful
_____ 2. I had made this request before but I should like to reiterate it now.
a. explain
b. ask
c. prove
d. repeat
_____ 3. The meticulous student reviewed his test paper so carefully that there was not a single
error to be found.
a. intelligent
b. punctual
c. careful
_____ 4. Government is trying hard to ameliorate the housing condition of the urban poor by
building low cost houses.
a. improve
b. lessen
c. end
d. raise
_____ 5. The firemen heard the occupants of the burning building shouting and coughing. The
smoke was suffocating

a. choking

b. helping

c. burning

d. heating


Write the word to which the underlined pronoun refers.
_____ 1. It was perhaps the education which I received from my tenderest infancy which has
molded my habits.
_____ 2. The sky would seem to look clear and blue when we heard mothers voice although it
was not always bright.
_____ 3. Molecules of a substance in liquid form are closer together and move more slowly than
those in a gaseous
_____ 4. One of the most famous stories in the world is that of the wooden horse.
_____ 5. Because the moon has no atmosphere, scientists are looking forward to setting up an
observatory there.


Write the letter of the dominant sensory image suggested by the following lines. Choose
from the box below.

a. touch

c. sight

e. smell

b. motion

d. sound

f. taste

1. Pebbles cold and sharp under my feet

2. Green mangoes with bagoong
3. Perfume, roses and baking bread
4. Continuous as the stars that shine
5. The grating of cartwheels on the pebbles


Read the passages carefully then write the letter of the best answer to each question that
_____ 2. The battle continued furiously. It was like a hurricane. I could not see what was going on
because it was so fast
and feathers were flying and rising all around like smoke. What is described?
a. a badminton match b. a whirlwind
c. a cockfight
wild duck hunting
_____ 3. The night had come quickly and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear the mighty
throb of the engine far
below down the deck. Where were the people?

a. on a train

b. in a trailer

c. on a plane


on a

_____ 4. We can only set out nets a few times a day. Setting the nets and hauling them in takes a
lot of time and work.
Who is the speaker?
a. a stevedore
b. a fisherman
c. an acrobat
d. a hunter
_____ 5. Tense, silent moments of pain followed when the old body was shaken with the agony of
knife meeting flesh. And
calm, sure hands ripped open the boil on the quivering lid; knife cut a nerve, nerve
trembled with infinite pain.
What is going on?
a. a surgical operation b. a vehicular accident c. a stabbing affray
1. I circle several times while I lose altitude trying to penetrate the darkness from different
vantage point, getting the lay of the land as well as I can in the darkness. Who is the speaker?
a. a skydiver
c. a cameraman
b. a pilot
d. a photographer


Each number consists of an initial statement that uses a figure of speech and three
interpretations. In your notebook write the letter of the figure of speech used on the first
number and the letter of the interpretation that best expresses the meaning of the statement
on the second number. Choose the figure of speech from the box below.

a. simile
b. metaphor
e. apostrophe

c. personification d. hyperbole

_____ 1-2. The stalks were taking on gold in the late afternoon sun.
a. The palay were turning to gold.
b. The palay were ripening.
c. The palay were drying up.
_____ 3-4. From the cradle to the grave is but a day.
a. The baby died one day after it was born.
b. The cradle is a days walk to the grave.
c. Life is short.
_____ 5-6. My uncle is as talkative as a parrot.
a. My uncle talks a lot.
b. My uncle is a politician.
c. My uncle doesnt talk much.
_____ 7-8. Freedom: Let your bells ring.
a. The speaker longs for freedom.
b. The speaker wants to hear the bells.
c. The speaker rings the bells of freedom.
_____ 9-10. The man is a diamond in the rough.

a. He is wealthy.
b. He wears precious stones
c. He is good despite his appearance.


Complete the dialogs with the correct question words as suggested by the responses.
1. Q: ______________ were you absent last Friday?
A: Because I had a sore throat.
2. Q: ______________ is that aromatic odor coming from?
A: The kitchen, I suppose.
3. Q: ______________ is that boy approaching us?
A: Paolo.
4. Q: ______________ birthday are we celebrating on December 25?
A: Jesus Christs.
5. Q: ______________ will you bring with you tomorrow?
A: Some sandwiches, juices and fun snacks

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