English For Doctor
English For Doctor
English For Doctor
danh cho
Practical English for
Medical Personnel
Ti Li u Do
Y H c Th c Hnh chia s
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
At the Urologist's
6 khoa nieu/phong kham nieu khoa
Unit Four
A Skin Problem
Van de ve da
Unit Six
Unit Seven
A Sick Child
Oua tre benh
Unit Eight
A Diabetic Patient
Benh nhan bj benh tieu dubng
Unit Nine
Unit Five
An Upset Stomach
Roi loan bao tur
Unit Ten
At the Neurologist's
6 phong kham bac si than kinh
Unit Eleven
At the Ophthalmologist's
6 phong kham mat
TiGng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac Si & Y T3
Ti Li u Do
Y H c Th c Hnh chia s
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Having an Injection
Chich thuoc
Unit Twenty
Unit Nineteen
Unit Eighteen
Unit Seventeen
Unit Sixteen
Women's Problems
Benh phu khoa
Unit Fifteen
At the Cashier's
6 quay thu ngan
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Unit One
Dialogue I
Doi tboai
Since this m orning I've had a high tem p eratu re2, and I
feel generally w retched.
Td sang den g id td i b i sot cao, va to i cam thay rat kho
Dialogue II
Doi thocii II
T it n g it
1. Excuse me, w here do I queue up to register? X in Idi, td i xep
hang cf dau de dang ky?
Day la loi noi tao nha, lich sii. Co the dien dat bang cach
khac nhU sau:
Excuse me, w here do I go to register?
Xin loi, toi phai den dau de dang ky?
Tig'ng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 9
TO day bieu thj ngay lam viec nao trong tuan, trong khi tC/
when ngoai nghla tren con ham y thdi diem cu the trong
I. Substitution drills
new patients,
patients with hepatitis,
the aged.
disabled armymen.
oral surgery
8 and 11.
7 :3 0 and 1 0 :3 0 .
3. The registration tim e is between
8 :3 0 and 1 1 :3 0 .
1 2 :5 0 and 1 5 :5 0
the better.
give up smoking,
12 -
Unit Two
Dialogue I
A = doctor bac si
B = patient benh nhan
A: W h at seem s to be th e p ro b lem ?1
Anh bi sao vay?
14 -
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B - doctor bac si
(The patient brings back the X-ray plates.)
(Benh nhan dem lai cac tarn phim X quang.)
Here're my X-rays.
Day la p h im X quang cua tdi.
1. What seems to be the problem? Aiih bi sao va y?
Bac si thuting dung cau nay luc bat dau buoi kham benh.
Ngoai ra con co the noi:
W h at did you w ant to see me about?
W h a t seem s to be bothering you?
W h a t seem s to be your trouble?
W h at can I do for you?
In what way are you n o t feeling well?
Tell me w hat your problem is.
a pain in my
Toi bi dau d
dau goi.
got chan.
TO ache co the ket hap vdi ten chi bo vi co the de chi sU dau
ddn d bo phan nao. Vt du:
dau rang
dau lifng
nhirc dau
hurt va ache la nhQng dong tC/ chi cam giac dau ddn. Vf du:
I'm aching all over.
Toi dang bj dau nhuc toan than.
T h ese new shoes hurt.
Doi giay mdi nay lam dau chan.
I. Substitution drills
do this?
1. Does it hurt w hen I
2. Your
it n e e d ________________put in plaster?
Unit Three
At the Urologist's
O khoa nieu/phong kham
nieu khoa
Practical English 100
Key Sentences ( 1 1 - 1 5 )
11. How long has this been going on?
Benh da bao lau roi?
12. D oes it hurt when you pass w ater?
Co dau khi anh di tieu khong?
13. How often do you usually pass w ater?
Anh thudng di tieu khong?
14. D o you often feel like you w ant to , but then find you
Anti co thttdng cam thay muon tieu ma khong tieu dupe
15. You'd b ette r do an IVP X -ray to see if you have kidney
Anh nen di chup X quang IVP de xem lieu anh co bj soi than
22 -
Dialogue I
A = patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si
Dialogue II
A = patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si
W here is th e urethra?
O ng tieu d dau vay?
1. TO pass w ater (= make w ater = void = piss = urinate) co
nghla la di tieu.
TO chuyen mon y khoa la m icturate, danh tif la m icturation.
2. Yes, it burns la cau tinh luoc cua Yes, it burns when I piss.
Cung co the noi: I piss pins and needles.
3. around my kidneys tUOng dUOng v6i cach noi quen thuoc cua
chung ta la vinig quatth than. C ach noi suy dien nay la do thoi
"nhin mat chtf doan nghTa". Cung nhu stomach cramps bieu
th i s it dau bung.
4. Do you often feel like you w ant to, but then find you can't? =
Do you often have a frequent desire to urinate, but then you
feel you can't? A ith cd thitdng cam th a y muon tie u ma khdng
tie u diltfc khdng?
5. Sometimes D o i k h i (trang ti/ nSng dien), co the duoc suf dung
rieng le de tra lofi cau hoi. Vf du:
D o you ever w et the bed?
Chau co bao gid dai dam khong?
Doi khi.
6. We only use that as a last resort. Chung td i ch i lam dieu a y
nhu m ot g ia i phap cuoi ding.
= We only use th at when w e have tried a lot of other tre at
ments and they have all failed. Chung td i ch i la m d ie u a y
k h i da tin t n h ie u cach chita t r i khac ma b i th a t b a i
I. Substitution drills
do you usually pass w ater?
do you have bowel movements?
1. How often
2. Have you
had an X-ray?
had shots for tetanus?
ever had high blood pressure?
ever been seriously ill?
in your kidney,
impacted in the lower ureter,
in your bladder,
in your urethra.
treatm ent
,___________to s e e ________________.
4. Here's
to take to
Unit Four
30 -
Diologue I
A - patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac s i
A: A bout tw enty m in u tes ago I was w orking at the leather
cu tting m achine, n o t looking w hat I was doing, and the
knife slipped and cu t m y hand.
Cach day khoang 20 p h u t td i dang lam d m ay cat da thuoc
vi khdng nhin m in h dang lam gi nen dao rdt lam d ift tay
B: Let m e have a look. It's a very deep cut, but luckily, you
haven't cu t a vein o r artery. I'll have to clean it up b e
cause the w ound is very dirty.
De td i xem. Vet cat rat sau nhung may thay anh khdng bi
d ift tinh m ach hay do n g mach. Tdi se p h a i rCfa sach no v'i
vet thuong rat do.
A: Is it likely to get infected?
Lieu cd bi nh ie m trung khdn g?
B: N ot if we take prop er precautions. I'll use hydrogen per
oxide solu tion to clean the cut, then give you a tetanus
shot, if you need one. Are your tetanus in jections up to
d ate1?
Khdng, neu chung ta can trong trade. Tdi se dung dung
dich hydro p e ro x id e de rCfa sach vet cSt ro i chich cho anh
m ot m u i phong ddn ganh neu anh can. Anh tiem ngUa
phong ddn ganh lau chaa?
A: Yes.
M d i day.
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nh a n
B = doctor bac si
A: The itching is unbearable! I can't stop m y self from
scratching. Is th ere anything you can do?
Ngda qua khdng chiu n o i! Tdi khdng the khdng gat. Bac si
giup c h o ?
32 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta
1 can give you som e solu tion to paint on that will help,
but only use it w hen you have to3. R em em b er ... you
m ustn't scratch th em 4!
Tdi cd the cho anh m ot dung dich de b o i len, nhung ch i
b o i khi anh can phai. N h d la anh khdng duoc gai nhe!
1. up to date cap rihat, cf day co nghia den gicf con hieu qua
2. have another shot chtch m ot m u i ni(a (chtch t r i cam )
3. ... when you have to. ... k h i can. (Khi ban chju khong noi nCfaf)
4. ... you mustn't scratch them ! ... khong du"cfcgai\ Day la loi noi
nhan manh.
i. Substitution drills
deep cut,
1. It's a very / This is a very
serious fracture,
rare case,
rare case,
34 -
but luckily,
3. Come back
in a week,
in 3 days,
in a month,
3. Day la Ip thuoc xdc. Di/ng dung thuoc tril khi that can thiet.
Neu ngufa chm khong noi. hay thoa thuoc len vet thiiong.
4. Bay gid ong co the v. Mot tuan nQa quay lai de toi kham vet
khau xem chdng nao co th nit chi di/ot.
IV. Read the following passages carefully. Decide, from the
four choices provided, w here you would be m ost likely
to hear th e sta te m e n t and describe w hat has probably
1. This is an em ergency. The surgeon is already waiting in the
operating room. As soon as the am bulance arrives, tell them
to bring the patient straight through here, and then we'll
wheel him into the room.
A. Traum atology Departm ent
B. Radiology Departm ent
C. Plastic Surgery Departm ent
D. Medical Departm ent
2. I'm glad you could com e right away. As you know, your wife
took sick downtown and had lapsed into unconsciousness by
the time she arrived here in the am bulance. Perhaps you
could elaborate on w hat m ight have caused this.
A. Surgical Departm ent
B. Manipulation Clinic
C. Biochem istry Departm ent
D. Medical Departm ent
Unit Five
A Skin Problem
Van de ve da
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (21 - 25)
21. I've had a rash all over my body and it itches all the time.
Toi bj say man do het ca ngudi va luc nao cung ngiia.
22. Have you noticed if anything makes it worse?
Anh co de y thay co gi lam cho no te hon khong?
23. In that case, you might be allergic to seafood.
Trong trtfdng hop do, co le anh bi di tmg v6i do hai san.
24. Have you used anything different on your face recently?
Anh co dung cai gi khac tren mat gan day khong?
25. Rem em ber, n o t every thing expensive o r foreign is neces
sarily b etter.
Hay nhd la khong phai cai gi dat tien hay cua ngoai quoc deu
nhat thiet tot ho'n.
Dialogue I
A - patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si
A: I've got a rash all over my body and it itch es all th e
tim e, and I have som e lum ps on m y arm s. C an you give
m e anything for it?
Tdi b i say man do khap ngudi va luc nao cung ngUa, ngo'ai
ra to i b i m ay cuc sung tren hai tay. Xin bac si cho td i thuoc
gi uong.
B: Let m e have a look. How long have you had th is rash?
D e td i xem. Anh da b j say man d o bao lau r o i?
A: A bou t th ree days.
Khoang ba ngay.
B: Have you noticed if anything m akes it w o rse1?
Anh co de y thay co g i lam cho no te hon kh o n g ?
A: I really don't know.
Tdi thuc stf khdng biet.
B: Have you ever had it before?
Trade day cd bao gicf anh b i n h u vay khdn g?
A: I had it once before. W h en I was sm all, I w en t on h o li
day w ith my parents to th e seaside, and I had th e sam e
rash there.
Toi cd b i m ot Ian. H o i td i con nho, td i d i n g h i m at vdi ba
m e td i ra bai bien va to i cung bi m an do the nav.
OK, doctor.
Vang, thUa bac s i
Dialogue II
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor bac s i
1. Have you noticed if anything makes it worse? = Does
anything aggravate the condition? Anh cd d e y tltay cd gi
I. Substitution drills
rash all over my body
1. I've got a
42 -
and it
Unit Six
Dialogue I
A dentist nha si
B = patient benh nhan
A: H ello, I'm Dr. Jo h n so n . Please have a seat. How can I
help you?
Xin ch'ao. to i la bac si Johnson. Xin m d i ngoi. Anh b i gi
th e ?
A: W hen does the pain o ccu r?1 Is it only w hen you are
eating or practically th rou g h ou t the day?
Con dau xay ra h o i nao? Chi khi anh dang <3n hay thuc te
suot ca ngay?
Now, please com e and sit over here. Open up, let me
have a look. W ell, it's not the problem o f your wisdom
tooth, but your m olar has decayed quite badly. So I think
it will relieve you a lot if I rem ove the too th 2.
Nao. anh den ngoi day. M d m ieng ra de tdi xem. O, khong
p ha i do rin g khon cua anh co van de ma la do rang ham
cua anh da bi sau/huy hoan toan. Vi vay td i cho rang anh se
bdt dau nhieu neu td i nho cai rang do.
Dialogue II
A = dentist nha si
B = patient benh nhan
1. When does the pain occur? Can dau xay ra hoi nao?
Cau hoi nay thuPng co ti'nh chat chung chung, thUdng dung de
khdi mao cho nhifng cau hoi cu the tiep theo. Vi du:
W hen does the pain occur?
Con dau b3t dau khi nao?
Is it only when you are eating o r practically throughout
the day?
Co phai chi luc 3n hay tiep dien suot ngay?
D oes it con n ect to eating?
No co lien quan den viec an khong?
Is it relieved by any special types o f food, such as milk?
No co the dupe giam nhe bdi loai thuc pham d ie biet nao
khong, nhu sua chSng han?
D o any particular kinds of food change it?
Co loai thuc pham dac biet nao co the lam no thay doi
D oes it b other you at night?
No co xay ra luc ban dem khong?
How long have you had it?
Anh bi dau bao lau roi?
How does it hurt?
No dau nhu the nao?
D oes this pain go to an o th er place?
Con dau co lan ra noi khac khong?
W h a t kind of pain? ... sharp? shoot? dull?
Anh dau nhu the nao? ... dau buot/nhoi/am 1?
2. remove the tooth = draw out / pull out / extract the tooth,
nho rang (= draw out / pull out / extract the tooth)
3. oh, no Khdng, xin ditng. Tddng tu nhu ta noi O i!, Ui da! luc bi
4. the prize-winning condition vi th e ngon lanh / tinh trang d ep
Day la loi noi khoi hai, thudng dung d the phu dinh. Trong bai
y noi rang cua benh nhan trong tinh trang khong ra lam sao
5. If you'll just move over here. Mcfi anh sang ngoi day.
If d day chi su d e nghi. Khong nen dung Would you please ....
vi trong ngtf canh cua bai doi thoai nay cach dung do qua
trinh trong, mat tu nhien.
6. ... brushing ... danh rang
Trong trUdng hdp nay, sau brushing la tCf your teeth (duoc
hieu ngam) d day your teeth da duoc tinh luoc de cau van
duoc gon nhe hon.
7. scale and polish = tooth cleaning cao cao rang va danh bong
8. So ... Vay ...
Bac st co y khoi hai de giup benh nhan cam thay bdt cang
I. Substitution drills
1. As soon as I
wisdom tooth,
your molar has decayed quite badly,
your artery is clogged,
your throat is badly infected,
your elbow is swollen.
II. Fill in the missing words
1. When does the pain occur? Is it o n ly __________ or
2. As soon a s _________ , my
3 - lt s not -____________. b u t ____________ So I think ____ ______ if
52 - Tigng Anh danh cho gwi Bac S7 S V 1&
Unit Seven
A Sick Child
Dua tre benh
Practical English 700
Key Sentences (31
54 -
Dialogue I
A = doctor bac si
B = the sick childs parent me cua d iia tre berth
A: W hat's the m atter w ith this little chap?
Chau trai b i sao vay?
B: He has a ch esty co u g h 1 all the tim e. His tem perature is
high, and he keeps telling m e he w ants to be sick.
Chau b j ho long n g i/c suot. Than n h i$ t chau cao va c if
ludn m ieng bao td i la chau m uon benh.
A: D oes he bring anything up?
Chau co bi non khdng?
B: No, because he has been o ff his food for the past two
days. He ju s t brings up b ile2.
Da khong, vi chau da khdng <3n gi ca hai ngay qua. Chau
c h i d i ra m at xanh thoi.
A: I'll ju s t have a look at him .
De td i xem.
(To the boy) Let m e pop this in to your m outh to take
your tem perature.
(Noi vdi chau trai) D e bac bo cai nay vao trong m ieng chau
de lay than n h ie t ch u t nhe.
(To his mother) It looks like3 I'd b etter take it rectally as
he w on't keep it in his m outh.
(Noi vdi me chau) Chdc td i p h a i lay than n h iet chau bang
du fin g true trang vi chau khdng chiu ngam n hiet ke trong
m ieng.
Tjgng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
Dialogue II
A = doctor bac si
B = the sick childs parent me cua d ua tre benh
A: Ju s t as I expected, it looks like he has pneum onia. You
can see here. T h ere's a shadow over his left lung. But
don't worry. It's n o t seriou s.
N h u td i nghi, chau b i viem phoi. Ba co the xem day. Co
m ot vet m d ben p h o i trai. N hung ba dUng lo. Khdng
nghiem trong dau.
B: W ill he have to have any in jectio n ?
Chau se p h a i tiem chich gi khdng?
A: 1 m afraid so, becau se in jectio n s w ork m uch faster than
ChSc la vay. vi tie m chich hieu qua nhanh hon uone
B: Goodbye, doctor.
Tam b ie t bac si.
1. chesty cough ho
Thong thudng td cough vei chesty cough deu bieu thi chting
ho, nhiing cough thudng chi con ho mang ti'nh sinh ly hoac
benh ly (do thay mui kich thich dan den ho); khac vdi chufng
ho do viem phoi.
2. bring up bile non ra td i m a t xanh
Noi mot cach chfnh xac ph3i dung ngCf dong td sau: bring up
bile-stained fluid d i ra chat long cd dich m at.
3. It looks like ... H in h n h it ...
Tu1 look d day khong lien quan gi tdi thj giac.
4. Is there any other w ay of doing it? = Can we try another
way? Cd cach nao khac khdng?
5. nip this problem in the bud = catch it in the beginning ngdn
chan ngay t i t trong tn'fng nitcfc
6. ... no meat or fatty foods, khdng ditoc an t h it hay thitc an dau
no d day co nghla cam chi, khdng diMc.
I. Substitution drills
wants to be sick.
1. He keeps telling me he
take it rectally.
relieve him o f his pain first.
give him blood transfusions.
run some tests to confirm the diagnosis.
bruise easily?
need any pillows to sleep?
Unit Eight
A Diabetic Patient
Benh nhan bi benh tieu dirdng
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (36 - 40)
36. D o you know if your family has a history of diabetes?
Anh co biet lieu gia dinh anh co tien sOf benh tieu dutmg
37. W e'll do some checks on you.
Chung toi se thuc hien vai kiem tra doi v6i ong.
38. Do you have any other symptoms?
Ong co nhung trieu chung nao khac khong?
39. Don't w ork too hard and put yourself under stress if you
can possibly avoid it
Dung lam viec qua stfc va dung de bj stress neu ong co the
tranh ducfc.
40. Your health is m ore important than your work.
Sue khoe cua anh quan trong hon cong viec.
Dialogue I
A - patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si
I'm th irsty all the tim e, doctor, and feel very tired, and I
can't con cen trate at all on m y work.
ThUa bac si, lu c nao to i cung khat nude va cam thay rat
m et. Tdi khdng the tap trung lam viec duoc.
A: O K, doctor.
Vang, thUa bac si.
Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c s i
A: I feel very tired, and can't keep my atten tio n on anything
for very long.
Toi cam (hay rat met, va td i khdng the chu y cai gi lau
1. Do you know if any of your fam ily members have a history of
diabetes? Anh cd b ie t lieu gia dinh anh co tien s ifb en h tieu
chtifng khdng?
= Have you any diabetes in the family? Gia dinh anh cd a i bi
as it runs in families. =
I. Substitution drills
lung cancer?
1. Do you know if your family has a history of
heart disease?
sugary things,
fattening food,
television food,
stim ulating food,
a duodenal ulcer,
gastric flu.
tim etable.
Unit Nine
An Upset Stomach
Roi loan bao tu
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (41 - 45)
41. H ow many times a day have you been vomiting?
Anh oi mot ngay bao nhieu lan?
42. W hen do you get stomach cramps?
Anh bj dau bao tur hoi nao?
43. First let me take your temperature.
Trudc tien de toi do than nhiet cua anh.
44. I'll give you some medicine for it to make you feel better.
Toi se cho anh it thuoc de anh cam thay do hon.
45. Take the tablets as directed on the label.
Uong thuoc theo hudng dan tren nhan thuoc.
70 -
Dialogue I
A = doctor bac s i
B = patient benh nhan
C om e in. W h at can I do for you?
M d i vao. Toi cd the g iu p gi cho anh?
B: I haven't been feeling m y self for 2 or 3 days. Every tim e
I have som ethin g to eat, it goes straight through m e, and
I also feel sick 1. I keep getting stom ach cram ps, and I've
had a fever for a few days.
Tdi da khdng d u o c kh o e hai hay ba ngay rSi. M o i Ian td i
3n cai gi vao la no c ii nhw vao nha khdng, va td i cam thay
buon non. Tdi cCf b i dau bao tCf, va b i sot da vai ngay.
Dialogue II
A - patient ben h nhan
B = doctor b a c si
A: H erere my resu lts, d octor.
Thifa bac si, day la cac k e t qua cua tdi.
B: Have a seat, and let's have a look. W ell, your EC G is
perfectly norm al. And th ere's no problem w ith your
X-ray, eith er. B u t your w hite blood cell cou nt is rather
high, w hich is w hat 1 expected as it show s your body is
fighting the virus.
M d i anh ngoi de td i xem. Nao, dien tam dd ho'an toan
binh thddng. Cung khdng cd van de gi vdi p him X quang.
Nhdng so bach cau cua anh hoi cao theo n h d td i ngh i vi
cd the anh dang chong la i vi-rut.
A: Is th ere anything you can give m e to m ake m e feel
better, doctor? I'm very busy at w ork this w eek, and I
have a lot o f studying to do, but I really don't feel up to
it. A lso, my dau ghter is ill in bed, and ...
Bac si cd the lam gi de g iu p td i cam thay d d hon ddoc
khdng a? Tdi rat ban tuan nay va td i la i p h a i hoc nhieu
qua. nhdng td i khdng the kham noi. N goai ra, con gai td i
dang nhm benh. va ...
TiSng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
B: D on't worry. It's ju s t gastric flu, but Ill give you som e
m edicine for it to m ake you feel better. T h re e tim es a
day take the w hite tab lets as directed on th e label after
m eals; and for the charcoal tab lets, take one o r tw o de
pending on how loose your bow els are.
DC/ng lo. Chi la cum tid u hoa thdi, nhung td i se cho anh
m ot it thuoc de anh cam thay d d hon. Ba l$n m o t ngay
uong cac vien trSng theo hudng dan trdn nhan thuSc sau
cac bUa Sn; con m ay vien thuoc than, uong m o t hay hai
vien tuy vao phan long c d nao.
74 -
1. feel sick = feel nauseated cam thay btion non
Cung co the dung retch de biu thj y n^y.
Vi du:
He would retch at th e foulness.
Anh ta cam thay muon non oe truoc mui hoi thoi do.
2. And going to the toilet? Anh di toa-let a?
Trong tieng Anh, go co the ket hop vdi mot dia diem n^o do
de tao thanh mot to hop tif mang nghia "di dau de thi/c hifn
muc di'ch nao do". Vi du:
go to bed
di ngu
go to the cinema
di xem phim
go to school
di hoc
go to the toilet
di ve sinh, di toa-let
go to cou rt
ra toa
go t o church
di le
go to the medical departm ent
di kham noi khoa
begins to re m it
dropped/is reduced to normal,
b ecom es low er and low er day by day.
ha xuong ngay.
mdi ngay an 1
78 -
I. Substitution drills
2. He keeps
m easurements.
______________ ?
______________ ?
A: _______________?
80 -
A : ______________ ?
Mr. Johnson: I get the pain about once a week, generally after
I've been gardening.
o c t o r : ______________ ?
o c t o r : ______________ ?
M r. Jo h n so n :
D o c to r:
_______________ ?
Tifing Anh danh cho gi<5i Bc ST & Y Ta -
Mr. Johnson: No, I've never had a really serious illness, I had
rather a severe attack o f influenza a few years
ago, though.
D octor:
Unit Ten
At the Neurologist's
O phong kham bac sT than kinh
Dialogue I
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si
Dialogue II
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si
A: I've got a terrible pain th at sh oo ts down my leg, and I
can't stop it from shaking4. My hands keep shaking too,
so I find it very difficult to w rite.
Tdi b j dau kinh khung Ian xuong td i chan va td i khdng lam
sao cho chan h e t run duoc. Tay td i cung cCf run lam td i rat
kho viet.
B: Have you noticed any paralysis?5
Anh thay cd dau h ie u b i lie t khdng?
1. come on phdt sinh, xuat hien. vf du:
I can feel a cold coming on.
Toi thay muon bi cam.
2. Do you have any other symptoms? Anh coil cd trieu chi'tng nao
khac khdng?
symptom thudng chi nhufng bieu hien benh ma benh nhan
dim thay ducfc, con nhufng gi ma bac sT hay y ta n^m duoc qua
viec nhin, nghe, chan doan, bat m ach thi goi la sign; vi vay
chdng insomnia m at ngu la symptom, con rapid pulse mach
d ap nhanh chinh la sign dau hieu.
3. I've lost my appetite ... Toi an khdng thay ngon ... Tucfng tu co
the noi:
= I've no/little ap p etite for food.
= I've lost/have no relish for food.
= I've a poor/feeble/w eak/delicate appetite.
= I'm disinclined to eat.
4. ... I can't stop it from shaking. ... toi khdng lam sao cho chan
h et run dU0c.
= It keeps on shaking. Chan cit run mdi.
Tifing Anh d in h cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta -
liet khong?
= Have you noticed anything you can't m ove?
I. Substitution drills
bad m igraine attacks,
1. Recently I've been having
2. At your age, and as this is the firrt tim e you've had this
problem, the best thing for you is
to give up smoking,
to have a regular
tim etable.
do morning exercises,
3. Go to the park to
88 -
Unit Eleven
At the Ophthalmologist's
O phong kham mat
Dialogue I
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b ac si
A: R ecently I've been getting headaches, and my eyes don't
seem to focus properly1.
Dao nay to i hay bi n h i/c dau va mSt td i hinh n h u khdng
thay ro.
B: W hen did you last have your eyes checked?
Lan cu o i ong kham m jt la khi n ao?
A: Tw o years ago. A t th at tim e I had no problem s. Now I
can't even m ake ou t som eth in g ten m etres away.
Cach day 2 nSm. Luc dd td i chua b i gi het. Bay g id ngay
ca m dt vat cach xa 10 m et td i cung khdng thay ro.
B: Com e over here and I'll test your eyes2. F irst cover your
left eye like th is, and w hen I point, please read th e chart3
from the top, and go as far as you can, telling m e which
way the E points.
H ay lai day de td i thCf mSt. TrUdc tien, hay che m jt trai lai
nhu the nay va khi td i chi, vui long doc bang chU tU tren
xuong td i khi nao khdng d o c d uo c nUa th) thdi, bao td i
bie t chU E chi hudng nao.
A: All right.
B: G ood. N ow th e o th e r eye.
Tot. Bay g id td i mSt kia.
92 -
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B - doctor b a c si
1. ... my eyes don't seem to focus properly. = I can't see clearly.
M at tdi hitih nhtf khong nhin ro dittfc.
2. test your eyes k iem tra thi life
Khi lam xet nghiem loai nay, b ac si thudng stf dung thj luc
bieu va b3ng phan loai mau hoac suf dung nhCfng dung cu
Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta -
I. Substitution drills
You must
a dirty towel,
dirty hands.
your throat
your nose,
your knees.
Unit Twelve
A Visit to a
Chinese Bone Doctor
Di kham bac sT
Trung Quoc tri xuong
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (56 - 60)
56. Is the pain still as bad?
Van con dau nhu the khong?
57. Can you stand up straight?
Ong dung thang ducfc khong?
58. I'll manipulate your back to relieve your pain.
Toi se nSn lung de giam dau cho ong.
59. D on't do any violent physical exercise, o r lift any heavy
Dimg tap the due nang hoac nhac vat nang.
60. Put a board on top o f th e m attress on your bed with just
a sheet over it, and don't sleep on the sofa.
Dat mot m ieng van len nem giudng roi chi trai ra len. va
dung ngu tren ghe nem dai.
98 -
Dialogue I
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c s i
A: T his m orning, w hile I was lifting a heavy box, I had a
very sudden pain in my low er back. It was so bad that I
fell to the ground, and couldn't get up.1
Sang nay lu c dang nhac m ot cai thung nang thi bong nhien
to i b j dau d phan lung dudi. Dau den n o i to i te xuong dat
va khong dCfng day noi.
B: Is the pain still as bad?2
Van con dau nhieu the khong?
A: Yes, it is. At first I felt faint, and broke out in a cold
sw eat. Now, I don't feel faint any m ore, but the pain is
still excruciating.
Con. M d i dau to i thay xay xam ro i toat m o hoi. Bay g id td i
het bi xay xam ro i nhung van con dau khung khiep.
B: OK. Can you stand up any straighter?
Thdi duoc. Ong dung thang hon dUOc khdng?
A: No. T h is is the b est I can do.
Da khdng. D itng n h u vay la het m ile roi.
B: Please lie down and I w ill see if I can feel anything.
W h at sort o f pain is it? 3 Is it a sharp pain or a throbbing
Vui long ndm xuong de td i kham xem cd gi khdng. Dau ra
sao? Dau n h o i hay dau tifng con?
Dialogue II
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B = d o c to r b a c si
1. It was so bad that I fell to the ground, and couldn't get up.
102 -
I. Substitution drills
a slipped disc,
1. Its pretty certain that you have
pneum onia,
a m acrocytic anem ia.
do as I say.
2. It's very important that you
do a diagnostic procedure?
exam your abdom en?
do rectal exam inations?
104 -
Unit Thirteen
Dialogue I
A = doctor bac si
Dialogue II
A = d o c to r b a c s i
B = p a tie n t benh nhan
A: Let m e have a look how your leg is doing today.
D e to i kham xem horn nay chan ong ra sao.
B: It's very painful.
Dau Idm bac si a.
A: Now the an aesth esia has w orn off. W e'll give you som e
strong painkillers. It's norm al to have a lot o f pain at this
Bay g id thuoc m e da h e t tac dung. Chung to i se cho ong
dung thuoc giam dau manh. O giai doan nay, dau nhieu la
binh thudng.
I'm afraid it w ill last about 2 w eeks, but we'll give you
plenty o f pain killers to keep it under control, so don't
E r in g ong con dau khoang 2 tuan nCfa nhung chung to i se
cho ong dung n h ie u thuoc giam dau, nen ong dClng lo.
Tieng Anh ctenh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
1. wheel dung nhu danh tu1co nghla la banh xe, con dung nhu dong
tu1thi co nghia difa d i bang xe day. Mot so danh tC/ cung co the
duoc su1 dung nhu dong tu1 nhU:
You gut the fish b efore you scale it.
Truoc tien hay mo ca moi ruot ra tru6c khi cao vay.
T he sm oke made my eyes water.
Khoi lam toi chay nUo'c mSt.
T he nurse handed the patient into (out of) the car.
Y ta do' benh nhan len (ra khoi) xe ho'i.
T he patient storied about his age.
Benh nhan giau khong noi tuoi cua minh.
2. Day-room
Ndi hoat dong cua benh nhan noi tru. 6 day ben h nhan c 6 th
danh cd, doc bao, danh bai, cung co the dudi sU hiidng dan
cua bac sT tien hanh c a c hoat dong gi3i tri khac.
3. TO family d day chi ngUdi nha cua benh nhan.
4. ... eat soup made w ith m arrow b o n e ........an n ip nau vd i h ly
xUcftig ...
Chung ta xUa nay thudng tin rang an xifchtg bo xitchtg. NgUdi
Anh My vi sao khong nau an? Ky thuc ch^ng qua la chung ta
noi an chao sUdn, con ho thi noi An xup tuy xUOng. Chi kh^c
nhau cach noi ma thoi.
5. and d day dung vdi y nghla doi chieu so sanh, co the djch la ma
con; tr a i la i con.
I. Substitution drills
1. I can see from your X-ray that
your femur is broken in several places,
there's a cavity in the upper lobe of the right lung,
theres an indistinctly outlined shadow betw een the
7th and 9th ribs,
your elbow is dislocated.
112 -
right away,
in time.
as soon as possible.
in the shortest possible time.
in hospital
in bed
for about
four weeks,
a fortnight,
two da.ys.
a month.
114 -
Unit Fourteen
Women's Problems
Benh phu khoa
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (66 - 70)
66. I have very bad period pains every month.
Thang nao toi cung bi dau hanh kinh rat nhieu.
67. Is your period heavy o r light?
Ba ra mau kinh nhieu hay it?
68. I'll give you som e herbal medicine to relieve your
stomach cramps.
Toi se cho ba dung thuoc bSc de giam con dau bung kinh.
69. D on't eat very h o t o r cold food, and keep off stimulating
foods such as sour o r spicy food.
Dung dung thiic an qua nong hoac qua lanh va tranh cac
thuc an kich thich nhu thuc an chua hay cay.
70. If w e think it's malignant, we'll bring you in right away for
Neu chung toi thay do la budu ac, chung toi se dua ba di giai
phau ngay.
Dialogue I
A = patient benh nh a n
B = doctor bac si
A: Good afternoon , doctor. I w onder if you can help me. For
the last th ree o r four m on th s I've been getting really bad
period pains. T h ey are so m uch w orse than 1 usually
have that I feel som eth in g is n o t right.
Ch'ao bac si. Xin bac si g iu p cho. Ba bon thang qua toi bi
dau hanh kinh rat nhieu. Dau hon b'mh thudng nhieu den
n o i td i nghi chdc co van de.
B: Have you noticed anything else different?
Ba co nhan thay gi khac nUa kh o n g ?
A: Yes. I've been losing w eight althou gh I still eat the same
am o u n t.1
Da cd. Toi bi xuong can m ac dau Sn uong van binh thudng
B: I'd b etter give you an internal exam in ation . P lease remove
your underw ear and lie dow n on the cou ch . I'm ju st go
ing to in sert my finger in to your an u s.2 T ry to relax as
m uch as possible, and it shou ldn't hurt.
Toi se kham n o i cho ba. Vui long c d i dd lo t ro i n'Sm tren
ghe. Tdi se dua ngon tay vao hau m on ba. Rang thoai mai
cang nhieu cang tot thi se khdng dau.
A: All right, doctor.
Da duoc, bac si.
116 -
Dialogue II
A = doctor b ac s i
B = patient benh n h a n
A: W hat's the problem , M iss W ang?
Bi sao the, cd W ang?
118 -
kinh nguyet
kiet stic
a .
underwear /V n d aw ea/
n .
noi soi
lanh tinh
1. I've been losing w eight although I still eat the same amount.
Ban tay co nam ngon: ngon tro the first finger, ngongiita the
second finger, tuan tu c a c ngon ke tiep. Ngon tro con co ten
index finger, hoac fore finger. Ngon g ii(a doi luc con dU0c
goi la middle finger, ngon dp lit con duoc goi la ring finger,
con ngon lit la sm all/little finger, finger dung d so it thudng
ham y ngon tro. Ngon cai goi la thum b, khong n5m trong loai
3. How long will it take for these tw o examinations? Hai buoi
bao lau?
7. stomach cramps sit dau quan & bung ditdi luc hanh kinh
= sharp, lower abdominal pains
I. Substitution drills
1. For the last 3 or 4 months, I've been
getting very bad period pains.
having some slight painless vaginal bleeding.
suffering from interm ittent, sharp, lower abdominal pains.
noticing a small am ount of bleeding between periods.
insert my finger into your anus,
2. Im ju st going to
3. Try to
Unit Fifteen
Dialogue I
A - d o c to r bac si
B = p a tie n t benh nhan
A: W hat can I do for you, Ms W ang?
Ba can gi, thi/a ba W angi
B: W ell, doctor, m y p eriod s1 have been very irregular since
1 had a coil fitted, and also 1 have a con stan t discharge2,
w hich is very inconvenien t, and I'm w orried som ethin g is
Da thi/a bac si, tit kh i dat vong, kinh nguyet td i khdng deu
va cung b i rong kinh rat la bat tien. Toi set co van de gi.
A: Did you have a ch eck-up before the coil was fitted?
Ba co kiem tra tnJdc kh i dat vong khong?
B: Yes, o f course.
Vang, cd a.
A: How long is it sin ce it was fitted?
Ba dat vong bao lau r o i?
B: Ju st tw o m on th s ago.
C h i cach day 2 thang.
Dialogue II
A = p a tie n t
B = doctor
benh nhan
bac si
Ill send you for a pregnancy test. It4 w on't take long.
Bring the result back to m e th is afternoon.
Tdi se dua ba d i th if thai. Khdng lau dau. TrUa nay dem
ket qua la i cho tdi.
(Thirty minutes later when the patient brings back the result.)
(30 phut sau, benh nhan dem ket qua lai.)
W ell, you're lucky this tim e. T h e test proved negative5,
but to be on th e safe side in future, you'd b etter take
extra-precautions. I suggest th at you also consid er using
another m ethod o f birth control, for exam ple, the rhythm
m ethod. Since you're n o t allowed to have any m ore ch il
dren, it's b etter for you to take extra-precautions.
A, Ian nay ba m ay mSn. Ket qua th it am tinh. Nhung tU
ray ve sau de chSc Sn, ba nen co bien phap phdng ngUa
ky. Toi de nghi ba cung nen tinh den viec dung m ot
phuong phap tranh thai khac, ch$ng han nhu bien phap
kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet. Vi ba khdng duoc phe p cd
con nUa, ba nen dS phOng ky hon.
A: 1 see, doctor.
Da td i hieu, thUa bac si.
co thai
am tinh
1. period kinh nguyet
Day la ti/ rut gon cua menstrual period, hien duoc dung rat
pho bien. Thuat ngti lien quan la m enstruation ho3c menses
2. discharge chi sU ra kinh (vaginal discharge; discharge from
3. something d day co nghla la thuoc.
4. It chi sU kham thai.
5. negative dm tinh, neu ket qua la duong tinh thi at h3n co r5c roi.
I. Substitution drills
1. My periods have been very irregular since
I had the coil fitted.
I have taken this medicine.
I began to use this m ethod of contraception.
I had the operation.
128 -
since I
1. My
which is
130 -
Unit Sixteen
Dialogue I
A = t h e sick child's p a ren t me cua dua tre benh
B = pharm acist duoc si
Yes, it tells you here on the label. Now 3, this solu tion is
to paint on his skin. I'll give you a bag o f cotto n buds to
use w ith it. F irst shake the b ottle, paint it over the
w hole o f the infected area using a cotto n bud, and after
use, m ake sure you screw the top tightly back on the
bottle, and store it away from heat and light.
Can, nhan thuoc co c h i cach s ii dung. A, con nCfa, dung
dich nay dung de b o i len da be. Toi se dua ba m ot tin bong
gon de b o i thuoc. Trade tien, lac chai, b o i thuoc khdp vung
da b i nhiem trung bang bong gdn, ro i sau khi b o i xong nhd
van ndp ky va cat chai tranh nhiet va anh sang.
Dialogue II
duoc si
p a tie n t benh nhan
A = pharm acist
B =
No, don't use any m etal. You'd b ette r use an earthenw are
pot. Keep the leaves5 to use again in th e aftern oon , and
every day use a new bag.
Khdng, ddng dung n o i kim loai. Ba nen dung sieu dat. Gid
la thuoc de dung la i vao b u o i trda, vd m o i ngay dung 1
g o i thuoc m di.
1. sweetened orange juice ntf&c cam cd pha them ditcfng
Khong duoc noi sweet orange juice vi nude cam von di co
ngot tu nhien dau?
2. Do I need to shake the bottle? Tdi cd can l&c chai khdng?
(Khong c ln noi them before taking it trtfdc kh i uong chi cho
dai dong.)
3. Now A , cdn nita. TO dung de tao sU chu y.
4. heat it up dun nong len (= boil)
TO boil trong cau sau nghla la soi.
5. leaves
NgUdi nude ngoai thudng dung td leaves: la de chi thuoc
dong y.
I. Substitution drills
tablets 3
capsule 4
graduation 2
dessertful 5
2. Now, this
is to
Unit Seventeen
Taking Samples
for the Laboratory Tests
Lay mau xet nghiem
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (81 - 85)
81. The first one is no problem, but the second one has to
be done on an empty stomach.
Xet nghiem dau tien khong co van de gi nhung xet nghiem
thuf hai phai lam khi bung doi.
82. If you eat anything except porridge, I'll not be able to do
the liver function test.
tieu ong Sn bat cuf gi tnr chao ra, toi se khong the lam xet
nghiem chuc nang gan duoc.
83. I'm going to take a small sample of blood from your
middle finger.
Toi s5p lay mau mau tCr ngon tay giura cua ong.
84. Use something to scrape off a little about the size of a
soybean, and put it in the box.
Dung vat nao do cao m ot it khoang ccf hat dau nanh, roi bo
vao lo.
85. Be careful and try not to make a mess.
Nhd can than dung lam vay ban.
138 -
Dialogue I
A = p a tie n t
B = doctor
benh nhan
bac si
Dialogue II
bac si
p a tie n t benh nhan
A = doctor
140 -
Is th is right, doctor?
D ung chua, thUa bac si?
Dialogue III
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B - nurse y td
Vang a.
A: I'll do my best .4
Tdi se co.
142 -
1. The first test is no problem. = The first test is OK. Thunghiem
I. Substitution drills
blood tests,
stool tests.
gastric juice analyses and urine tests.
skip a day.
break the bottle,
get your hands dirty.
Unit Eighteen
Dialogue I
bac s i X quang
benh nhan
A - radiologist
B = p a tie n t
Please com e in, Mr. W ang. P lease take your cloth es off
above the w aist. T h en com e over here and hold on to
this, w ith your front flat again st th e plate.
M d i ong W ang vao. Vui lo hg c d i tran. Xong den day g iJ
chat cai nay, e p sat n gi/c vao m ieng kieng.
Put your hands like this and your shou lders forward like
this, and rest your ch in h ere2.
Dua tay len n h if the nay va Udn vai ra phia tn ld c n h if the
nay va de cSm len day.
Is th at right?
Vay dung chila?
No, please put your shou lders fu rth er forw ard. T hat's
right. I'll give you in stru ctio n s over the m icrophone.
Chita, vui long di/a vai ra phia tri/d c chut ntia. D ung roi.
Tdi se hi/dng dan ong qua m icro.
Dialogue II
A = radiographer b a c s iX q u a n g
B - p a tie n t b e n h n h a n
A: Com e in, Mr. W ang, and sit down. I'm going to give you
an IVB in jectio n , so w e can exam ine your gall-bladder.
First, please take o ff all your cloth es and put on this
gown. I'm going to put a rubber band above your elbow .
Now m ake a fist and clench it tightly until I have in
serted the needle, th en you can relax your grip.
M d i ong W ang vao ngoi xuong. Toi se chich m ot m u i IVB
de cd the kham tu i m at cua ong. Trade tien, hay cd i het
quan ao ra va m ac ao choang nay vao. Tdi se buoc day
thun phia tren c u i chd ong. Nao, nSm chat tay la i den khi
td i dam kim vao, xong ong cd the n d i tay ra.
Tig'ng Anh dnh cho gidi BSc ST & Y Ta -
B: All right.
Vang duoc.
A: C lench your fist, please. T h at's right. (Inserts the needle)
Now you can relax your grip. (He finishes the injection and
w ithdraws the needle.) T h at's it.
H ay ndm chat tay lai. D ung roi. (Dam kirn vao) Bay g id ndi
tay ra. (Bac si chich xong va rut kirn ra.) The la xong.
Now com e over here and lie dow n, please. D on't worry,
you w on't feel anything. And don't w orry ab ou t the noise
the m achine m akes. I'll tell you over the m icrophone
w hen to breathe in and out, and w hen to hold your
H ay den day ndm xuong. DC/ng lo, khdng cam thJi'v gi dau.
Va dC/ng ngai tie n g dong cua may. Toi se bao qua m icrd
khi nao ong nen h it vao va th d ra va khi nao nin thd.
Now breathe in, take a big breath. Hold your breath.
Nao h it vao, h it sau vao. N in thd.
Now you can b reathe out.
Bay g id cd the th d ra.
(A fter the exam ination)
(Sau khi kham)
I th ink th at shou ld be all right. Y ou can get dressed now.
ChSc tot roi. O ng cd the m ac quan ao vao.
B: T hank you, doctor.
Cam on bac si.
148 -
1. everything = all my clothes tat cd do cjtidti ciia toi
2. here & day
Trong van noi ta thudng dung here; there, this, that kem theo
dong tac tren de the cho nhCTng danh tC/ phtfc tap. Vi du:
Turn your head slowly to the left - and now
this. N o w sit back in your chair and put your
here. Lift up your left hand and squeeze your
your palm, and place your right hand on that.
You're doing perfectly well, Mr. Yong.
rest it on
feet right
fingers in
That's right.
Tu tu xoay dau sang trai - roi tua vao day. Bay gid ngoi tua
lai vao ghe, chan de d day. Dua ban tay trai len roi nSm chat
cac ngon trong long ban tay l^i, ke tiep dat tay phai len chd
do. Dung roi. Ong lam tuyet lSm, ong Yong.
TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta -
I. Substitution drills
and your shoulders for
1. Put your
like this
head down
2. Rest your
so that we can
Unit Nineteen
Having an Injection
Chich thuoc
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (91
152 -
Dialogue I
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B = nurse y td
Dialogue II
A = nurse y td
B = p a tie n t benh nh a n
A: Can you com e in now , please, and let m e see your arm.
M d i ba vao de td i xem canh tay.
No, that seem s to be all right. I'll give you your first
in jection now.
Dung the, cd ve tot. Bay g id to i se chich m u i dau tien.
I understand.
Vang, td i hieu roi.
Now, I'll ju s t use this sw ab3 to sterilize it, then give you
the injection. Try to relax as m uch as you can.
Bay g id to i se dung m ie n g bong nay de sat trung ro i chich
cho ba. Rang cang thoai m ai cang tot.
(After the injection )
(Chich xong)
W hen you get hom e, put a hot tow el on it, but don't
press it too hard. And the pain should go away4 in a
couple o f hours.
Ve den nha, chuOm khan nong len vet chich nhung dC/ng
an manh qua. Va khoang vai tieng se het dau.
1. W hat happens if I can't come? Con tieu tdi khong d en dutfc thi
Cau nay co nghla neu trong hay Ian co Ian khon g d en dWOc
thi sao? Tuong ti/ ta cung co the noi: W hat w ill happen if I
can't come? Nhung y nghla co the khac biet chut it. Trong cau
dau y nghla tuong doi nhe nhang, ngi/cfi hoi co y mong muon
se khong co chuyen gi nghiem trong x3y ra; con trong cau sau
ngiidi hoi mang tam trang lo lang khong biet se co "hau qua"
gi khong, thanh ra cau sau co the djch la N eu to i khdng den
I. Substitution drills
roll up your sleeve,
1. Now,
and I'll
The pain
The toothache
The rash
Your chest distress
should go away in
a couple of hours,
no time,
a few days,
a week.
158 -
Unit Twenty
At the Cashier's
O quay thu ngan
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (96 - 100)
96. Here's all my paper work. H ow much will I have to pay
Tat ca giay td cua toi day. Toi phai tra ca thay bao nhieu?
97. I'll just w ork it out. Altogether you owe 35 yuan.
Toi se tinh. Tong cong ba con thieu 35 nhan dan te.
98. I'm sorry, I'll have to give you all your change in coins.
Xin 16i, toi phai thoi cho ba tien xu.
99. W hen you come back, don't bother to queue, just come
to the window.
Khi trd lai, ba khoi can xep hang, hay den thang quay.
100. Here's your receipt and change.
Bien nhan va tien thoi cua ba day.
Dialogue I
A - p a tie n t
B = cashier
benh nhan
thu ngan
Yes, but Im sorry I'll have to give you all your change in
Vang, nhung e rang to i p h a i th d i la i cho dng tie n xu.
160 -
A: T h at doesn't m atter.
' Khdng sao dau.
B: Here's your receipt and change.
Bien nhan va tiSn th d i cua dng day.
A: Thanks. G oodbye.
Cam on. Chao cd.
Dialogue II
A - p a tie n t ben h nhan
B = cashier thu ngan
B: Yes. But if you can pay 100 o r even 5 0 yuan now , and
show m e your identity card, 1 can let the p h arm acist give
you your m edicine today instead o f w aiting u ntil tom or
Duoc. Nhung neu ong co the tra trUOc 100 hay tham chi
50 te cung d uo c va cho td i xem chUng m in h thu. td i se
bao duoc si dua thud'c cho ong ngay horn nay thay vi doi
den mai.
Chao dng!
162 -
1. Can you change 100 y u a n ? Ong doigiittn tcf 100 te dtfCfc khong
I. Substitution drills
yuan ?
in a while
in two hours
to pay?
this afternoon
Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
ong thieu 50 te c3 thay. Vui long di/a tien le. Neu ong difa
td 1 00 te, toi khong co tien thdi cho ong duoc.
3. Vui long di den quay ke ben de doi tien le. Ong khong can
phai xep hang. Hay di thang den quay.
4. Toi tra bang tien xu duoc khong?
164 -
Appendix I
abate /a'beit/ vt.; vi. thuyen giam
barium /'beanam/ n. bari
cavity /'kaeviti/ n. lo sau rang
change /tjeind 5/ n. tien thdi
166 -
day-room /'deiru:m/ n. phong duSng benh
v t.
v t.
sai khdp
TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
earthenware pot sieu dat
face cream kem thoa mat
gash /gaef/ n. vet tet
hairline /'healain/ n. sdi toe
identity card chting minh thi/
jog /d5Dg/ v. chay bo
keep one's fingers crossed cau xin
label /leibl/ n. nhan
170 -
macrocytic /.maekrao'sitik/ a. thuoc hong cau I6n
necessarily /'nesasarali/ ad. nhat thiet
on an em pty stomach de bung doi
painkiller /'pein,kila/ n. thuoc gi3m dau
172 -
B ic
ST & Y T4
queue up xep hang
radius /'reidias/ n. ban kfnh/xi/dng quay
scale /skeil/ n. cao cao rang
S )
tablet /'taeblit/ n. vien thuoc
to scrape o ff cao
,r 9
ultrasonic /.Altra'sDmk/ a. sieu am
vaginal /va'd5ainal/ a. thuoc am dao
ventilate /'ventileit/ vt. thong hoi, thong thoang
vest /vest/ n. ao thun lot
Ting Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T a -
waist /weist/ n. that li/ng, eo
waterworks /wo:taw3:ks/ n. he nieu
wind /w ind/ n. (day) hoi
wisdom tooth rang khon
wrist /rist/ n. co tay
176 -
Appendix II
benh vien c0 sd
children's hospital
children's polyclinic
first-aid station
general hospital
va tre em
infectious disease hospital
isolation hospital
leprosarium; hospital for lepers trai phong; bnh vien danh cho
ngi/di m^c benh phong
lock hospital; venereal disease hospital
m aternity hospital
special hospital
phong bang bo
cashiers (w indow )
consulting room
delivery room
phong sinh
discharge office
dispensary; pharmacy
electrotherapy room
phong cap
178 -
phong nG
phong tre
isolation room
phong cach ly
isolation ward
phong cach ly r
phong nam
nha xac
phong mo
phong ddi
khoa rang
khoa (chuyen
khoa noi
khoa khoi u
khoa mat
khoa san
khoa nieu
khoa X quang
Nhan vien y vu
bac si gay me
assistant doctor
bac si phu ta
bac si true
brain specialist
cardiac surgeon
b k sT trUdng
dentist nha si
dermatologist bac si da liu
bac si Tay y
head of the dep artm ent of surgery tri/dng khoa ph^u thuat
head of the dep artm ent of medical adm inistration
khoa phan phat thuoc
ntf ho sinh
Ting Anh d in h cho gidi Bc ST & Y Ta -
nerve specialist
chufng so gio
cold sweat
relapse s i/ta ip h a t
shiver; shudder si/ rung minh, ret run
subcutaneous hem orrhage
xuat huyet
dudi da
allergic rhinitis
chting diec
nasal obstruction
nghet mui
viem tai
otitis externa
otitis interna
otitis media
benh tai
viem hong
viem mui
giong mui
nUdc bot
sore throat
184 -
viem hong
tieng u tai
caxinom mui
2. K hoa m t
loan thi
thj li/c md
ban mu mau
can thi
quang ga
viem mat
phu mi mat
lao thj
sty cai leo
visual fatigue
moi mat
ao giac thj
visual hallucination
3 . Benh ve m ieng
caries benh sau rang
to change tooth
thay rang
sau (rang)
nha khoa
!Ua ludi
khe hd moi
noi lap
viem mieng
dau rang
vacillating tooth
4 . Benh da lieu
actinic dermatitis
186 -
nhd rang
ap tc
baldness; alopecia
bedsore vet loet do nam bat dong tren git/ofng trong thdi gian
da i
benh te phu
mun nUdc; mun rpp
bleb; herpes
phat ban
bam mau
bieu bi
erythema m ultiform e
erythema nodosum
ban do da dang
ban do not
noi da ga
hem atom a
khoi tu mau
itch; itchy
vet, dat
malignant boil
nhot a c tinh
m alignant edema
phu ac tinh
mass khoi
benh sdi
nettle rash
may day
cong, te
polypus; polyp
benh ke
prickly heat
benh ghe
scale vay da
seborrheic derm atitis
sensitive skin
skin carcinoma
da nhay cam
caxinom da
benh da
ton thudng da
loai da
skin type
benh ke
to suppurate; suppuration
benh nam da
athlete's foot
thuy dau
5. H e thong ho hap
asthma benh hen suyen
asthma due to excessive phlegm
chest distress
chest pain
dau ngi/c
dau ngi/c
dry cough
ho khan
chting kho thd
phu phoi
influenza benh cum
viem phoi
pneum othorax
short breath
thd nac
non ra mau
acute myocarditis
apoplexy dot quy
thieu mau
phinh dong mach chu
aortic aneurysm
auricular fibrillation
chronic leukemia
suy tim
chting ha huyet ap
lymphoid tuberculosis
dau tuy
myocardial infarction
viem co tim
danh trong ngi/c
kjch phat
Ti&ng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta -
abdominal distension
abdominal pain
acute gastritis
chting bieng an
viem ruot thtia
carcinoma of colon
carcinoma of esophagus
chronic gastritis
caxinom bung
xd gan
tieu chay
loet ta trang
benh ly
esophageal ulcer
192 -
gastric perforation
thung da day
h6i trang
piles benh tri
hepatic failure
suy gan
tac ruot
benh lao ruot
caxinom tuy
stomach trouble
album inuria
vo nieu
soi than
calculus of kidney
incontinence of urine
viem than
renal failure
suy than
retention of urine
bi tieu tien
tuberculosis of kidney
urinary calculus
soi nieu
194 -
dai dam
9. K hoa xuong
u xdong-xd
osteoma u xUOng
benh thap
thap khdp
u nao
hon me
concussion of brain
chufng co giat
chufng don
disorders of consciousness
encephalitis; cerebritis
chufng khong lo
bifdu giap
benh gut
ao giac
196 -
viem nao
sif ngat
peripheral neuritis
unconsciousness sU vo y thufc
vertigo; dizziness si/ chong mat, hoa mat
say thai
mat kinh
carcinoma of uterus
ectopia pregnancy
edema of pregnancy
xuat tinh
fetal anomaly
benh lau
hypertension of pregnancy
im perforate hymen
infertility; sterility
tinh vo sinh
irregularity of m enstruation
198 -
viem vu
bang huyet
premature birth
sa tti cung
tti cung
viem hong
benh dich ta
Dengue fever
sot danga
Ti6ng Anh d in h cho gibi Bac ST & Y T i -
benh ly
benh djch
epidemic disease
epidemic encephalitis
viem quang
c3m nSng
mien djch
im m unity
infantile paralysis
infectious disease
influenza; flu
cam cum
to inoculate
tiem truyen
quai bi
benh can ta
paratyphoid (fever)
benh djch
the plague
benh dai
relapsing fever
scarlet fever
benh ban do
ho ga
whooping cough
comminuted fracture
gunshot w ound
khia rach
sai khdp
open fracture
gay xddng hd
severe w ound
slight w ound
bong gan
superficial w ound
traum a
chan thuong
vet thi/ong
ti so anbumin-globulin
su thinh chan
blood groups
blood lipoids
blood pressure
huyet ap
clinical observation
coagulation tim e
diastolic pressure
b it mach
gastric juice analysis phan tich djch vj
laboratory report
phan ting am tinh
negative reaction
phep sd n in
huyet thanh
do than nhiet
TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
total protein
urine test
X-ray examination
phim X quang
X-ray film
abdominal laparotom y
allergic reaction
am putation
sif cat
block therapy
blood transfusion
to change dressings
cold compress
thay bang
gac lanh
course of tre atm e n t
204 -
si/dan lull
to dress a wound
general anaesthesia
tram rang
tiem di/di da
hypodermic injection
incision sU rach
to inject tiem
intramuscular injection
intravenous injection
local anaesthesia
tiem bap
gay me cue bo
penicillin reaction
to perform an operation
thi/c hien ca mo
physical therapy
si/ choc
sun-lamp treatm en t
chi khau
rach bung
to take medicine
uong thuoc
cat chi
lieu phap mo
si/ ghep
cystoscope thiet bj soi bang quang
dental unit may chufa rang tong hop
diagnostic couch
dilator cai nong
directional lamp
ngoai than
fixation forceps
kep cd dinh
forehead lamp
den tran
TiSng Anh danh cho gifii Bac ST & Y Ta - 207
heart-lung machine
height gauge
hemostatic forceps
tu i chudm da
long a p/may ap
operating lamp
operating table
optom eter
khuc xa ke
nhiet ke mieng
may xong oxi
bua go chan
surgical forceps
weighing platform
buc can
X-ray machine
may do X quang
17 . H o ly
nAm vien
be in hospital
high-protein diet
sut can
to lose w eight
low-caloric diet
to put on w eig ht
hoi phuc
to recuperate
che do An nhat
sick note
soft diet
strict bed rest si/ nAm tren gii/ting nghi ngoi tuyet doi
to transfer to another hospital
visiting hours
chuyen vien
1 8 . T h u o c tay
sd pha thai
acetic acid
acetit axit
210 -
khang doc td
antitussive trj ho
appetizer; appetiser
ri/Ou khai vi
aspirin aspirin
astringent chat lam san da
atropine atropin
cay belladona
between meals
gitfa 2 bCfa an
TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 211
blood tonic
thuoc bo mau
brown mixture
caffeine cafein
calcium tablet
thuoc canxi
nang thuoc
cathartic thuoc xo
cerate thuoc s ip
tre con
lieu luong
212 -
sU nghien thuoc
nhu tUOng
ether ete
eye lotion
fractional dose
glucose injection
tiem glucoza
heatstroke preventive
tiem truyen
si/ bom
sii hit vao
iodine tincture
con iot
TiSng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
I. U. (International Unit)
Don vj Q uoc te
lethal dose
chat long
thuoc xufc
dudng manit
medicine; drug
hdp dich
nasal drops
ointm ent
on an em pty stomach
de bung doi
pectoral syrup
siro chufa ho
vien tron
plasma substitute
permanganat kali
p h ln ufng
natri clorua
sodium chloride
solvent dung moi
specific remedy
sU diet khuan
styptic; hem ostat thuoc lam san da; tac nhan cam mau
boc dudng
sugar coated
uong di/dc
turpentine oil
twice a day
dau thong
yeast men
19 . Thuoc D o n g y
acupuncture and moxibustion
cham cufu
hat mo
apricot seed
con ret
ephedrine ephedrin
cinnabar chu sa
counteraction and harm onization
distension; swelling
sU cang; sUng
giun dat
emetic measures
face acupuncture
216 -
five tastes (of medicinal herbs): sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty
nam vi (cua thuoc dong y): chua, dang, ngot, cay va man
flow er of Japanese honeysuckle
toa thuoc
dan gian
four methods o f diagnosis
four properties (of medicinal herbs): cold, hot, w arm , and cool
ti/a li/cfi
sU nang ne
hat gai dau
hemp seed
herb soup
herbal medicine
cam kim
mat ong
sU cUdng trang
licorice root
re cam thao
TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
la son tra
loquat leaf
la sen
cu sen
lotus seed-pod
malt mach nha
medicinal materials
thuoc md
hoa cuc
moxa leaf
la ngai cufu
mau re sen
sU teliet
sd quan sat
Thao Cuong Muc (Sach thuoc Trung Quoc ban ve thao duoc)
pill thuoc vien
pill and pow der made of m elted or sublimated minerals
thuoc vien va thuoc bot bang hoa chat mem hoac sach
plantain herb
xa tien thao
plaster bo bot
powder medicine
218 -
thuoc bot
(khong vd)
to rotate the needle
xoay kim
luc phu: ddm (mat), vi (da day), tieu trang, dai trang, bang
quang va tam tieu
sU dau nhtic
(ly chufng)
symptoms caused by the cold factors indicating chronic func
tional decline of internal organs
cac nhan to lanh cho thay sU suy gi3m chufc n3ng man tinh
cua cac co quan noi tang (han chufng)
symptoms showing the deficiency of vital energy of the patient
to ward off diseases cac trieu chufng cho thay su thieu hut
nang li/ong thiet yeu giup benh nhan tranh benh (hu chufng)
tangerine peel vo quit
angelica root
re bach chi
lieu phap
Ha Thu O
Phuc Linh
mach tupng
noi tang
Am Duong
bao cao su
late marriage
sU that vdi
Appendix III
1. This is the line for elderly patients / cancer patients, etc.
2. In this case, you'd better come back tomorrow / wait in that line.
3. The sooner you have an operation / start treatment, the better.
4. Go up to third floor, and you'll see the pharmacy on your right.
(Go up to the second floor, and you'll see the sign straight in
front of you.)
5. Normally we have no more than 100 patients, but today there're
a lot more than that.
6. Will it be all right if I vary the dose / don't have an operation?
1. Excuse me, where do the disabled armymen queue up to register?
= Excuse me, where do the disabled armymen register?
3. Take the lift to the fifth floor, turn left and go through the
double doors, and you'll see on your right a notice for the place
you have to go to.
4. Usually we have a lot of patients here. But today there re not
5. Could you please fill in this card? Write it clearly. Don t scrawl.
After that, take it to the desk.
U nit Tw o
1. The pain is very bad / severe / sharp when you press there.
2. When the film is ready, bring it back to me to examine.
3. Everything looks OK / fine / good, except just here.
4. I'll put a patch on it to help you get better / heal quickly.
5. Does it need to be put in plaster?
6. I'll just write you a sick note / certificate to send to work.
7. When I got up, my right arm and elbow were stiff / sore, and I
have a pain in my chest.
8. What seems to be the problem?
1. The patient was knocked to the ground when he was crossing
the road a few moments ago, and he's been grazed in several
places / and he's grazed in several places.
2. When I press this point, he groans with pain.
3. It seems there's no serious problem, but to be on the safe side,
you'd better go for an X-ray to see if there's any fracture.
224 -
& Y Ta
4. To help you heal quickly, I'm going to put your arm in plaster,
and also, put a patch on your left leg.
5. Now, I'll write you a sick note for one month. With your present
condition, the best way to recover quickly is to stay in bed.
IV. A.
U nit T h re e
1. Does it hurt when you cough / swallow / talk / sit / urinate?
And how often do you have a bowel movement?
2. Do you often feel you want to sleep, but then you have insomnia?
Do you often feel you want to eat, but then you have no appetite?
3. You'd better have an examination / a check-up to see if there's
something wrong.
You'd better have a blood test to see if your W. B. C. is normal.
4. Here's your medical records to take to the specialist.
5. The report shows you have a tumor / a broken arm.
6. First I'll send you to the Ultrasonic Department to try to disperse
the stones. I think it will work as they are not very big. At the
same time, I'll give you some herbal medicine.
1. Do you feel pain in your lower back when you lie down?
How long have you had this pain?
2. Do you often feel you need a bowel movement, but when you
try, you can't go?
TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi B ic ST & Y Ta -
3. I think you should go for a liver function test to see if you have
liver trouble / problem?
4. This is an ECG test form. Take it to the ECG Department to
make an appointment. Ask them to give you an appointment as
early as possible.
5. The Chinese herbal medicine 1 prescribed is very effective for
kidney stones.
6. As the first step in your treatment, 1 would like to prescribe some
medicine combined with an acupuncture treatment. I think this
combination of western medicine and Chinese medicine would
be effective for this case. At the same time, I would like to con
sult with my colleagues to determine what further treatment to
IV. B.
Somebody has come for a second or third check-up and he's still
having the same problem. So, the doctor is making other recom
mendations to solve the problem. One recommendation is an al
ternative treatment, but the doctor also wants him or her to see
a specialist and to check into a hospital to run tests.
U nit F o u r
2 26 -
3. I can give you some cream to rub on that will help. You are only
supposed to rub it on when you itch.
4. Let me have a look. It's a very bad bruise, but luckily, the swel
ling is not bad.
1. Let me take a look. It's not a deep cut, but it's badly infected. I'd
better sterilize the wound first.
j ;Jj ;
2. Now, I'll stitch the wound. Come back in 10 days to have the
stitches removed.
3. This is a bottle of ointment. Don't use it unless it's absolutely
necessary. If the itch is unbearable, rub it over the wound.
4. Now, you're free to go. Come back in a week, and I'll examine
the stitches to see when we can remove the stitches.
1. Traumatology Department
There has been a bad accident, and the ambulance paramedics
have called a hospital to inform them of this seriousness of the
patient, and so the emergency room staff is preparing for the
arrival of the patient.
2. Surgical Department
The husband's wife became very sick, and was taken to the hos
pital. Now the husband has arrived at the hospital and is talking
to the doctor about the illness. The doctor is trying to get infor
mation from the husband to help him diagnose the illness.
U nit F iv e
1. I've had headache, and I can't sleep at night. Can you give me
anything for it?
I've had rashes for two weeks, and I can't stop scratching them.
Can you give me anything for it?
2. Have you recently visited a wooded area?
1. Recently I've had a pain in my chest and I'm congested and I
cant breathe easily. My temperature is slightly above normal.
Can you please give me a check-up?
Recendy I've had a pain in my chest, and my chest has been con
gested and I find it hard to breathe. My temperature has been a
little above normal . . .
2. Recendy have you been on any medication?
3. Recendy have you used any lotion on your skin?
4. You're probably allergic to penicillin.
5. I'll write you a prescription. Use the dosage I've prescribed. If
there's no improvement in one week, come back to see me.
I V . A.
Someone just had a car accident, and he went to see the
doctor. The doctor has already examined him, and the doctor is
giving him his treatment.
U nit Six
1. When does the pain occur? Is it only when you drink something
cold or when you drink anything?
When does the pain occur? Is it only when you chew something
hard or any time you eat?
2. As soon as I eat something sweet, my tooth start aching.
3. It's not a cavity, but only a sensitive tooth. So I think you'll be all
right if you stay away from sensitive food.
4. Considering you have many cavities in the past, you've obviously
been taking good care of your teeth because you have no cavities
5. Since you last had a check-up, we've had several new dental
hygienists start working here. So you'll be well taken care of by
1. When do you notice the pain? Does it occur in the morning or at
night? Is it a constant dull pain or does it only occur when the
weather changes?
2. Whenever I eat spicy foods, my tooth begins to kill me.
3. It's not a problem with your tooth. You're simply not brushing
your teeth properly. So, I think if you brush the way I show you,
your teeth will quickly show improvement.
4. You're so old, and your health is so good. You must have been
exercising regularly.
5. We've recently introduced some new technology. The application
of this new technology has improved the quality of the treat
ment, and lessened the patients' suffering. So just relax.
U nit Seven
1. He keeps telling that his foot hurts.
1. He keeps telling me that he is exhausted.
2. Just as I expected, there's a stone in his kidney. The X-ray shows
a dark spot.
IV. c.
It seems that the doctor is consulting with another doctor
about a patient who recently came in, and the doctor is having
difficulty diagnosing her problem.
Unit Eight
1. Have you noticed being dizzy lately?
1. Lately, I've been thirsty, and get tired easily. I can't concentrate
on anything I do for a very long time.
2. In addition to these symptoms, do you have any other abnormal
3. Does your family have a history of diabetes?
4. Mr. Lee, I want to give you some advice. First, set up a regular
time schedule and follow it. Don't be too busy with your job.
Your health is more important than your job. Secondly, diet is
also important. Dont eat sugary things, such as potatoes or
candy. Eat more bean products. Try to remember what I've told
you. Otherwise, when your health deteriorates, you won't be able
to work.
IV. A.
This is a doctor explaining to a diabetic patient in simple
terms what diabetes is, and the symptoms that are associated
with it.
U nit N ine
232 -
5. Don't worry. I'll give you some laxatives to make your bowel
movements normal.
6. I know you're busy, but you must slow down. Rest for one week,
drink lots of water, and eat three healthy meals a day.
1. For the past few days, I've had a bad stomach-ache. Everything
I eat goes straight through me, and I've been often feeling nau
2. Is your diarrhoea very serious? Do you have gas? How often,
have you vomited? Is your vomit very serious?
3. Your temperature is normal. Your pulse is normal. Your ECG
report is normal. Your X-ray report shows no problem. But your
tongue is a little coated.
4. You've got the flu. Let me prescribe some medicine. Take these
black pills as directed on the label.
5. The Radiology Department, Lab and ECG Department are all lo
cated at the end of the corridor on the first floor.
6. You should rest as much as possible. Take the medicine as pre
scribed. Eat lots of food, and drink lots of water. Within three
days, you'll show great improvement.
What seems to be the trouble?
Can you describe the pain?
Does your family have a history of heart trouble?
When do you usually notice the pain?
Do you have any other symptoms?
Do you eat fruits and vegetables?
Do you often eat them raw?
Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
Do you feel uncomfortable?
When do you usually feel painful?
How long does it usually last?
Do you have difficulty in breathing?
How long have you had this?
When does it usually affect you?
What do you do?
Do you have a good appetite?
Have you ever had any serious diseases before?
When did you take your last holiday?
. . . Is it serious?
U nit T en
1. When do you normally feel nauseous? Does it occur before or
after the meal?
2. You're already getting along in years, and since this is the first
time you've had this problem, it seems that the best treatment
for you is to balance your life with the nature.
3. As soon as our diagnosis is confirmed, we'll send you to the
operation room immediately.
4. For the past few weeks, my vision has gotten worse and worse,
and now, I can't even see things in front of me clearly.
5. I'd rather take the medicine than be operated on.
1, 2 .The patient is not having a nervous breakdown. This is probably
a psychiatrist giving recommendation to the patient who is under
a stress and who is in bad health because of the stress.
3. This is a doctor's advice for a workaholic, someone who works
all the time and never spends time relaxing, playing sports or en
joying life.
4. This is a doctor's advice given to a person who is in good health,
but is showing small symptoms of stress or problems.
U nit E lev en
1. Come over here and I'll test your eyes.
2. Now, I'm going to examine your eyes.
3. You must have strained your eyes.
Ti&ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta -
4. I'll give you some eyedrops, which often can correct this problem
in the early stages before it gets worse.
5. Use these drops 4 times a day until your eyes clear up.
6. To my great surprise, the rash disappeared by itself.
7. Take this mixture, or your cough will develop into pneumonia.
8. I'll just open your eyelid to have a look.
1. Have you ever had an eye exam?
2. Come, use this to cover your right eye. Use your left eye to read
the signs where I point with this stick, and tell me if the arrows
point up, down, left or right.
3. It appears swimming has caused this problem with your eyes.
Did you use eyedrops when you finished swimming this week?
4. From now on, never rub your eyes with your hands, or rub your
eyes with dirty towels.
U nit T w elv e
1. Is the pain still persistent?
2. First I felt faint, and broke out in a rash.
3. Can you sit up straighter?
4. First let me adjust your neck to relieve your spinal pressure.
First let me straighten your legs to relieve your pinched nerve.
5. Do you still have any pain in your hip joint?
236 -
1. Last night, a co-worker and I were moving a trunk when I sud
denly felt a sharp pain in my lower back. It was so bad that I
immediately broke out in a cold sweat.
2. Can you sit a little straighter? Now turn your upper torso, and
let me examine it.
3. Was the last treatment I gave you effective?
4. Now, I'll manipulate the joint to put it back in place. Don't be
afraid. It won't hurt.
5. Now, you're free to go. But I hope you'll follow my treatment
after you leave here.
U nit T h irteen
1. I can see from your X-ray that your leg is broken in three places,
and I'm afraid we'll need to operate.
2. When you wake up, your leg will be in a cast.
3. Your leg will have to be in traction for one week.
4. We'll make sure that you get the best care possible.
5. I'll ask someone to telephone your family to let them know that
you've been in an accident.
6. We'll give you some painkillers to keep the pain under control.
We'll give you some ice-pack to keep the swelling down.
7. You can ask the nurse to heat it up for you.
8. Relax and rest yourself. Ask your family to bring in your favorite
9. Make the most of your time in bed, and remember you don't
have to work.
1. The X-ray shows that your right shin bone is broken in several
places, and I'm afraid we'll have to operate.
2. I must put your right leg in a cast, and I'll immediately send
some people to notify your family.
3. Dont worry. We'll try our best to give you the best treatment
2 38 -
4. It won't hurt to eat some marrow bone soup, and it will do you
some good.
5. It's normal that you feel pain now because the anaesthesia has
wom off. But now, we'll ask the nurse to give you some pain
U nit F o u rte e n
1. Have you noticed anything else abnormal / unusual?
2. Id better give you a pap smear test. Please take off your pants
and underwear. I'm just going to test your urethras. Try to relax,
and don't think what I'm doing.
3. These two lab tests should both be finished by tomorrow. If we
find it's benign, we'll need to remove it, and if we think it's ma
lignant, we'll need to admit you for the further treatment.
1. Do you have any other abnormal symptoms?
2. 1 want to listen to your lungs as you breathe, and your heart
beat. Please unbutton your coat, lift up your sweater. Don't
worry. Hold still. Breathe slowly.
3. The result of these two lab tests will be available soon. If it s
negative, then you're free to go. But if it's positive, we'll immedi
ately notify your family and admit you for treatment.
1. A doctor is consulting with another doctor about a case of a
woman who has abnormal vaginal bleeding.
2. This is a doctor reporting his patient's situation to a senior
U nit Fifteen
1. My periods have been very late since I was fitted with an IUD,
and also I have very heavy bleeding, which is very inconvenient,
and I'm worried there might be a problem.
2. Two months is not very long for your period to return to normal
after you have had an abortion.
3. I'll give you something, which should stop / slow down the dis
4. Well, you are lucky this time. The test proved negative, but to be
on the safe side, you'd better take further precautions.
5. I suggest that you also use another method of birth control, for
example, temperature charting.
240 -
1. Since I started taking the medicine you prescribed last time, my
stomach has been very uncomfortable. I often experienced loose
bowel movements, and my stomach often hurts. I'm afraid my
stomach has a problem.
2. You've just had the coil in place for one week, and your body
has not returned to normal. After two weeks, if you still experi
ence wetness down there, then come back and see me.
3. Ordinarily, you won't get pregnant after being fitted with an
IUD, but sometimes there're exceptions. So, in order to be on the
safe side, I suggest you use extra-precautions.
This is a doctor explaining to a new patient the process of IVF.
Unit Sixteen
1. This is your medicine. Please read the directions on the label.
2. Before you take this bottle of liquid medicine, please shake it well.
3. Don't dissolve this powder in tea. The tea will counteract the
medicine's effect.
4. You may dilute this bitter cough mixture by adding some water
and add some sweet syrup. When you're finished, please screw
the top on securely.
5. Don't use a metal pan to boil the herbs. Youd better use an
earthenware pot. When youre taking this medicine, try to use
bland food, and stay away from seafood.
This is a pharmacist talking to a patient, and telling him
theyve run out of the medicine that the patient needs, and sug
gesting that the patient go to a drugstore to find the medicine.
U nit S ev en teen
1. The liver function test has to be done on an empty stomach.
2. Hold out your hand. I'm going to take a blood sample.
3. You'll only feel a small prick.
4. Here's a box for your stool sample. Use something to scrape off
the size of a bean, and put it in the box. Now, this is a bottle for
your urine sample. We just need it half full.
242 -
1. You've already eaten breakfast, so we can't give you a liver test.
Starting tonight stop eating, and tomorrow morning, don't eat
breakfast. At 6:30, come here and we'll take your blood sample.
2. I'm going to take a small blood sample from your middle finger.
Don't worry. It won't hurt.
3. Please take this cup and box, and go to the toilet next door and
you can take your urine sample and stool sample. Be careful to
keep the cup and the box clean.
4. As for the stool sample, we just need a little bit. The urine sam
ple we need half a cup. Do you understand?
Unit Eighteen
1. Come over here, hold on to this, with your back flat against the
2. Put your head like this, and rest your arm here.
3. Now, please put your elbow further forward.
4. Would you please bend your waist a bit more?
5. Don't move while the machine is taking your picture.
6. That's everything for today. You can put your clothes back on
and go home now.
1 . Please lie down on this X-ray table. Rest your knee on this X-ray
This is a relaxation treatment being given by a psychiatrist to
a patient.
Unit N ineteen
1. Is this where I come for a shot?
2. Do you know if you're allergic to any antibiotics?
3. Roll up your cuff, and Ill give you an examination.
4. It's important that you come here consistently. Otherwise the
course may not be effective.
5. I'll just use this cotton ball to clean it.
244 -
1. Please sit down and roll up your sleeve, and I'll give you a peni
cillin allergy test.
2. The test shows that you're allergic to penicillin.
3. Starting tomorrow, you need to come to the hospital to get a
shot every day. The treatment will last for 10 days. You can de
cide yourself whether mornings or afternoons are better, but you
should be consistent in your visits, and it should be around the
same time.
4. When you go home, apply a warm towel to the injection spot.
Don't rub it. The pain will soon go away.
U nit T w en ty
1. Altogether you owe 100 yuan.
2. I'm sorry I'll have to give you all your change in small bills / coins.
3. Let me see your paper work and I'll see what your total bill is.
4. Just a moment, please, and I'll work out the total. Well, that
comes to 200 yuan altogether.
1. Show me your paper work, and I'll work out how much you
2. Well, altogether you owe 50 yuan. Please pay in small bills. If
you give me a 100-yuan bill, I can't give you change.
3. Please go to the window next door to break down this bill. You
don't need to stand in the line. Just go straight to the window.
4. Would you mind if I pay in coins?
Tig'ng Anh d in h cho gidi B ac ST & Y Ta -
Bien dich
N gu yen Trung Tanh - N g u y e n Thanh Thi/ - P ham Tan Q u y e n
Bien tap
Trinh bay sach
Siia ban in
Nha sach M IN H T A M
2861 An Dtftfng VttJng P i Q5 TP.HCM
a 8 3 5 3 6 0 8 -8 3 5 4 8 4 5 F u 8302417
In 1.000 cu6n kh6 14,5x20,5cm t^i Xi nghi$p In MACHINCO - 21 Bui Thi XuAn - Q 1 Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh So xuSit b in 792-08/CXB/270-55/THTPHCM In xong v i r>$p luu
chieu thing 9-2008.
Ti Li u Do
Y H c Th c Hnh chia s