Tiếng Anh dành cho giới Bác sĩ, Y tá PDF
Tiếng Anh dành cho giới Bác sĩ, Y tá PDF
Tiếng Anh dành cho giới Bác sĩ, Y tá PDF
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Tieng flnh
danh cho
Practical English for
M edical Personnel
(The patient queues up, and shortly reaches the window. A fter
getting a card and fillin g it in, the patient takes it back to the
(Benh nhan xep hang va chang may choc den dupe cua so. Sau
khi lay duoc the va dien vao, benh nhan dem no lai ban y ta.)
A: Since this m orning I've had a high tem p eratu re2, and I
feel generally w retched.
Td sang den g id td i b i sot cao, va to i cam thay rat kho
A: Is it very busy?6
H ien tren ay cd dong khong?
B: Yes, you can, but if you don't w ait, a lot o f p atien ts will
be before you, and you w on't be able to get the chance
to see the d octo r today. Besides, since you have a high
tem perature, the soon er you see the doctor, the better.
Duoc, anh cd the, nhUng neu anh khdng dot, n h ie u benh
nhan se kham trade anh va anh se khdng the cd c o h o i
gap bac si hdm nay. Ngo'ai ra, v'i anh bi sot cao. anh den
gap bac si cang sdm cang tot.
1. Excuse me, w here do I queue up to register? X in Idi, td i xep
hang cf dau de dang ky?
Day la loi noi tao nha, lich sii. Co the dien dat bang cach
khac nhU sau:
Excuse me, w here do I go to register?
Xin loi, toi phai den dau de dang ky?
I. Substitution drills
new patients,
patients with hepatitis,
1. This is the line for the aged.
disabled armymen.
2. In that case, you'd better go to the department.
oral surgery
8 and 11.
7 :3 0 and 1 0 :3 0 .
3. The registration tim e is between 8 :3 0 and 1 1 :3 0 .
1 2 :5 0 and 1 5 :5 0
2. Sang nay toi bi sot cao. Hmh nhu toi chang con stic li/c gi het.
= Sang nay toi bi sot cao. Bay gid toi thay ra rdi.
3. Di thang may den tang 5, queo trai va di qua cufa hai canh roi
ong se tha’y phfa ben phai co bang chi dan noi ong phai den.
4. Thudng chung toi co nhieu benh nhan d day. Nhung horn nay
khong nhieu.
5. Ong vui long dien vao the nay. Viet ro rang gium. Dung viet
thau. Xong, dem den ban lam viec.
7. W h e re does it hurt?
Bi dau b dau?
A: W h at seem s to be th e p ro b lem ?1
Anh bi sao vay?
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B - doctor bac si
A: Here're my X-rays.
Day la p h im X quang cua tdi.
B: N ot at all. G oodbye!
Khdng cd chi. Tam b ie t!
A: Goodbye!
Tam b ie t!
1. What seems to be the problem? Aiih bi sao va y?
Bac si thuting dung cau nay luc bat dau buoi kham benh.
Ngoai ra con co the noi:
W h at did you w ant to see me about?
W h a t seem s to be bothering you?
Toi bi dau d dau goi.
got chan.
TO ache co the ket hap vdi ten chi bo vi co the de chi sU dau
ddn d bo phan nao. Vt du:
dau rang
dau lifng
nhirc dau
hurt va ache la nhQng dong tC/ chi cam giac dau ddn. Vf du:
I'm aching all over.
Toi dang bj dau nhuc toan than.
T h ese new shoes hurt.
Doi giay mdi nay lam dau chan.
3. Ouch la tu1 cam than, chi tieng keu la dau ddn nhu1 tieng Oi.
I. Substitution drills
do this?
release the finger?
1. Does it hurt w hen I press here?
touch you?
an X-ray.
an electrotherapy,
4. Here's a form that you’ll need for
a routine analysis of blood,
a hepatic function test.
1. Benh nhan bj dung nga xuong dudng khi dang bang qua
dudng c£ch day vai phut, va ong ta bj xay xat vai ch6.
2. Luc toi an vao ch6 nay, ong ta ren len dau ddn.
4. De giup ong mau lanh, toi se bo bot canh tay ong va dan
thuoc len chan trai ong.
5. Bay gid toi se viet giay de nghi ong ngh? lam mot thang. Vdi
tlnh trang hien tai nay, cach lanh benh nhanh chong la nghi
At the Urologist's
O khoa nieu/phong kham
nieu khoa
14. D o you often feel like you w ant to , but then find you
Anti co thttdng cam thay muon tieu ma khong tieu dupe
B: Do you often feel like you want to, but then find you can't?4
Anh co th i/d n g cam thay m uon tieu ma khong tieu dt/Oc
A: S o m e tim e s.5
Thinh thoang.
Dialogue II
A = patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si
A: Is it dangerous?
Nguy h iem khdn g?
1. TO pass w ater (= make w ater = void = piss = urinate) co
nghla la di tieu.
TO chuyen mon y khoa la m icturate, danh tif la m icturation.
2. Yes, it burns la cau tinh luoc cua Yes, it burns when I piss.
Cung co the noi: I piss pins and needles.
3. around my kidneys tUOng dUOng v6i cach noi quen thuoc cua
chung ta la vinig quatth than. C ach noi suy dien nay la do thoi
"nhin mat chtf doan nghTa". Cung nhu stomach cramps bieu
th i s it dau bung.
I. Substitution drills
in your kidney,
impacted in the lower ureter,
3. The report shows you have stones in your bladder,
in your urethra.
treatm ent
4. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the works.
1. Ong co thay dau cf phan lifng dudi khi nSrn xuong khong?
Ong bj dau bao lau roi?
2. Ong co thudng thay muon dai tien, nhung khi co, ong khong
dai tien duoc khong?
3 . Theo toi ong nen di xet nghiem chufc nSng gan de xem ong co
bi benh gan khong?
4. Day la phieu xet nghiem ECG. Dem phieu den khoa ECG de
xin hen xet nghiem. Yeu cau ho cho ong xet nghiem c^ng
sdm cang tot.
5. Thuoc thao duoc Trung Quoc toi ke toa cho ong chtia s6i than
rat cong hieu.
6. Bade dau tien trong qua trinh dieu trj benh cua ong, toi se cho
ong dung thuoc ket hop vdi cham cufu. Theo toi viec ket hop
tay y va dong y se co hieu qua trong tradng hap nay. Dong
thdi, toi se tham khao y kien dong nghiep de xac dinh xem
nen ap dung cach dieu tri nao ntfa.
19. A fter cleaning the cut. I'll have to give you som e stitches.
Sau khi rua sach vet cfit, toi se khau cho anh vai mui.
B: Let m e have a look. It's a very deep cut, but luckily, you
haven't cu t a vein o r artery. I'll have to clean it up b e
cause the w ound is very dirty.
De td i xem. Vet cat rat sau nhung may thay anh khdng bi
d ift tinh m ach hay do n g mach. Tdi se p h a i rCfa sach no v'i
vet thuong rat do.
A: Yes.
M d i day.
A: OK.
Da duoc.
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nh a n
B = doctor bac si
B: 1 can give you som e solu tion to paint on that will help,
but only use it w hen you have to3. R em em b er ... you
m ustn't scratch th em 4!
Tdi cd the cho anh m ot dung dich de b o i len, nhung ch i
b o i khi anh can phai. N h d la anh khdng duoc gai nhe!
1. up to date cap rihat, cf day co nghia den gicf con hieu qua
3. ... when you have to. ... k h i can. (Khi ban chju khong noi nCfaf)
4. ... you mustn't scratch them ! ... khong du"cfcgai\ Day la loi noi
nhan manh.
i. Substitution drills
deep cut,
serious fracture,
1. It's a very / This is a very but luckily,
rare case,
rare case,
in a week,
in 3 days,
3. Come back and
in a month,
tom orrow afternoon,
2. Bay gid. toi se may vet thi/ong. 10 ngay nCfa quay lai de rut
4. Bay gid ong co the v§. Mot tuan nQa quay lai de toi kham vet
khau xem chdng nao co th§ nit chi di/ot.
A Skin Problem
Van de ve da
A: OK, doctor.
Vang, thUa bac s i
Dialogue II
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor bac s i
1. Have you noticed if anything makes it worse? = Does
anything aggravate the condition? Anh cd d e y tltay cd gi
lam cho no te hcfn khdng?
I. Substitution drills
1. Gan day toi bi dau ngi/c va nghet mui nen thay kho thd. Than
nhiet hoi cao hdn binh thudng. Bac si vui long kham cho loi.
hoac: Gan day toi bj dau ngUc va tufc ngdc. Toi thay kho thd
than nhiet toi hoi cao hon binh thudng.
5. Toi se ke toa cho ong. Dung theo lieu Idong toi ghi. Neu mot
tuan nufa khong thay dd, hay den day kham lai.
A: W hen does the pain o ccu r?1 Is it only w hen you are
eating or practically th rou g h ou t the day?
Con dau xay ra h o i nao? Chi khi anh dang <3n hay thuc te
suot ca ngay?
B: OK, doctor.
Vang, thifa bac si.
B: All right.
3. oh, no Khdng, xin ditng. Tddng tu nhu ta noi O i!, Ui da! luc bi
5. If you'll just move over here. Mcfi anh sang ngoi day.
If d day chi su d e nghi. Khong nen dung Would you please ....
vi trong ngtf canh cua bai doi thoai nay cach dung do qua
trinh trong, mat tu nhien.
7. scale and polish = tooth cleaning cao cao rang va danh bong
wisdom tooth,
3. It's not the problem o f your but
1. Ong thay dau luc nao? Dau vao buoi sang hay buoi toi? Ong
dau am i thudng xuyen hay chi dau luc thdi tiet thay doi?
2. Moi khi an thufc 3n co nhieu gia vj, rang toi dau muon chet.
3. Rang ong khong bi sao dau. Chi tai ong khong danh rang
dung cach . Nen, toi nghi neu ong danh rang nhu toi hudng
dan, rang ong se tot hon nhanh chong.
4. Ong da Idn tuoi ma sdc khoe ong con qua tot. C hac ong da
tap the due thudng xuyen.
5. Gan day chung toi dUa ra ky thuat mdi. V iec ap dung ky thuat
mdi nay da nang cao chat luqng dieu trj va lam giam dau ddn
cua benh nhan. Nen ong hay thU gian.
A Sick Child
Dua tre benh
34. It looks like I'd b e tte r take the tem p eratu re rectally as he
w on't keep it in his mouth.
ChSc toi phai lay than nhiet chau bSng dudng true trang vi
chau khong chiu ngam nhiet ke trong mieng.
B: No, because he has been o ff his food for the past two
days. He ju s t brings up b ile2.
Da khong, vi chau da khdng <3n gi ca hai ngay qua. Chau
c h i d i ra m at xanh thoi.
Dialogue II
A = doctor bac si
B = the sick child’s parent me cua d ua tre benh
B: Goodbye, doctor.
Tam b ie t bac si.
I. Substitution drills
wants to be sick.
has pain in the left loin on micturition,
1. He keeps telling me he becomes breathless on the least exertion,
has a feeling of numbness of his face.
Hinh nhu toi nen dung thuoc de di£u tri benh nhan nay.
4. Chung ta nen giai phau ong ta ngay. Bang khdng, se nguy
hiem den tinh mang cua ong ta.
5. Theo toi, mo khong tot cho ong ta vi ong ta qua gia va stic
khoe khong tot, nen ong ta se khong qua duoc ca mo.
60 - Tjgng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta
IV. Read the following passage carefully. Decide, from the
four choices provided, w here you would be most likely to
hear the s tatem en t and describe what has probably hap
This is a seven-year-old female who was apparently in good
health until about four days prior to admission. At that time she
began to sneeze and to com plain of some nasal obstruction and a
sore throat. Her cough was persistent and non-productive. The
patient has had a fever for the past few days, and today it was
39"C. On physical exam ination the vital signs were within normal
limits, except for the tem perature. Generally, the child looked
actually ill. She was coughing, would occasionally have bouts of
sneezing, and was having som e difficulty breathing. The lungs are
clear, and there is m oderate splenomegaly.
A Diabetic Patient
Benh nhan bi benh tieu dirdng
39. Don't w ork too hard and put yourself under stress if you
can possibly avoid it
Dung lam viec qua stfc va dung de bj stress neu ong co the
tranh ducfc.
A: I'm th irsty all the tim e, doctor, and feel very tired, and I
can't con cen trate at all on m y work.
ThUa bac si, lu c nao to i cung khat nude va cam thay rat
m et. Tdi khdng the tap trung lam viec duoc.
A: O K, doctor.
Vang, thUa bac si.
Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 63
B: You will have to give a urine sam ple, and bring th e re
sults straight back to m e.
Ong se p ha i cho mau nude tie u va dem ket qua la i ngay
cho tdi.
Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c s i
A: W h at should I do ab ou t it?
Vay to i nen lam g i?
B: First o f all, we'll run som e ch ecks3, and I'll give you som e
medicine, but also I'll give you som e advice. Eat m ore
vegetable and bean products. Have a regular tim etable.
Don't eat too m any sugary things. Don't work too hard
and put you rself under stress if you can possibly avoid it.
TrUdc tien, to i se thuc h ie n vai kiem nghiem va td i se cho
thuoc ong uong, nhung to i cung se cho ong vai Id i khuyen.
H ay Sn nhieu rau va cac san pham dau hat. Co m ot thOi
gian b ieu lam vie c deu dan. DC/ng an nhieu thuc pham cd
dudng. DUng lam v ie c qua sUc va dUng de bi cSng thSng
neu ong co the tranh duoc.
A: I'll try, but I'm very busy at w ork, and always seem to be
behind. If I get behind , I feel even m ore stressed.
Tdi se co gdng. nhung td i rat ban ron va luc nao cung bi tre
nai. Neu tdi tre nai, tdi se cam thay con cSng th jn g hon nUa.
1. Do you know if any of your fam ily members have a history of
diabetes? Anh cd b ie t lieu gia dinh anh co tien s ifb en h tieu
chtifng khdng?
= Have you any diabetes in the family? Gia dinh anh cd a i bi
ben h tieu diicfng khdng?
Ti/Ong tU ta co the noi: Do you have a fam ily history of diabe
tes? hoac Has anyone in your fam ily ever had diabetes?
3. First of all, we'll run some checks. Tni&c tien, chung tdi se tien
hanh k iem nghiem.
Bac si c3n cur vao Idi noi cua benh nhan de de xuat y kien chu
quan cua minh trong viec chan doan, nhung chi khi nao co xet
nghiem lam sang mdi chac chan duoc. run some checks co
nghia tien hanlt k iem nghiem de co ket luan chinh xac.
I. Substitution drills
lung cancer?
1. Do you know if your family has a history of heart disease?
2. It sounds like there's a chance you may have a duodenal ulcer,
gastric flu.
sugary things,
fattening food,
and have a regular
3. Don't eat too many television food,
stim ulating food,
tim etable.
1. Dao nay toi rat hay khat nude va de met moi. Toi khong the
tap trung vao viec gi duoc lau.
2. Ngoai ca c trieu chting nay ra, ong con co trieu chijfng bat
thudng nao khac khong?
4. Nay ong Lee, toi co Idi khuyen ong. TrUdc het, hay lap thdi
gian bieu deu dan va song theo thdi gian bieu do. Dting qua
ham lam. Stic khoe cua ong quan trong hon viec lam. Thti hai,
an kieng cung quan trong. Dting an thtic an co chat dudng
nhu khoai tay hoac keo. Hay an nhieu san pham lam tti dau.
Rang nhd dieu toi dan. Bang khong khi stic khoe sut kem, ong
se khong the lam viec duoc.
An Upset Stomach
Roi loan bao tu
44. I'll give you some medicine for it to make you feel better.
Toi se cho anh it thuoc de anh cam thay do hon.
B: 1 get very bad stom ach -ach e and I also have a lot o f
Tdi bi dau bao tJ nang va b i day h o i di7 lam.
A: First let m e take your tem perature, and I’ll ju st feel your
pulse ...
Trude lie n de td i do than n h ie t cua anh, td i se dem nhip
dap cua anh ...
Dialogue II
A - patient ben h nhan
B = doctor b a c si
A: T h an k you, doctor.
Cam on bac si.
Lien quan den than nhiet con co nhtfng cach bieu dat sau:
falls/abates/declines promptly,
begins to re m it
Your fever
dropped/is reduced to normal,
b ecom es low er and low er day by day.
’ ha xuong ngay.
bat dau thuyen giam.
Con sot cua anh <
ha xuong rmfc binh thudng.
. m6i ngay thuyen giam dan.
tem perature,
blood pressure,
3. First let me take your pulse.
m easurements.
1. May ngay qua toi bi dau bung dtf 13m. An bat ciif gi xong la toi
di tieu ngay, va cung c3m thay buon non.
3. Than nhiet ong binh thudng. M ach cung binh thudng. Ket qua
xet nghiem ECG (dien tam do) binh thudng. Ket qua X quang
cho thay khong co van de gi. Nhung ludi cua ong hdi bi dd.
4. Ong bi ciim r6i. De toi ghi toa thuoc. Uong c a c vien thuoc den
nay theo hudng dan suf dung ghi tren nhan.
5. Khoa X quang, khoa thi nghiem va ECG deu toa lac d cuoi
hang lang tren tang 1.
6. Ong nen nghi ngoi cang nhieu cang tot. Uong thuoc theo toa.
An nhieu va uong nhidu nUdc. Trong vong 3 ngay ong se dd
hon nhieu.
D o c t o r : ______________ ?
Mr. Johnson: Yes. doctor, I often have difficulty in breathing.
D o c t o r : ______________ ?
M r. Jo h n so n : I've had trouble with my breathing for quite a
long tim e now.
D o c to r: _______________ ?
Mr. Johnson: No, I've never had a really serious illness, I had
rather a severe attack o f influenza a few years
ago, though.
D octor: ?
Mr. Johnson: I last had a holiday ju st before Christmas, I went
skiing in H arb in ._______________?
D octor: No, Mr. Johnson. I do not think your condition is
very serious. Nevertheless, you must look after
yourself. I suggest that you drink a glass o f fresh
w ater three times a day and w henever you feel
that pain, take an aspirin.
At the Neurologist's
O phong kham bac sT than kinh
48. A t your age, and as this is the first time you've had this
problem, the best thing for you is exercise.
0 tuoi cua anh, va vi day la lan dau tien anh bi van de nay,
dieu tot nhat anh co the lam la tap the due.
B: At your age, and as this is the first tim e you’ve had this
problem , th e b est thing for you is exercise. Try to get up
at the sam e tim e every day. G o to the park to do m orn
ing exercises, and go to bed around the sam e tim e each
night. I'll also give you som e m edicine to help you sleep
d tuSi cua anh, va vi day la Ian dau tien anh bi van de
nay, d ie u tot nhat anh cd the lam la tap the due. Co gSng
thtfc day vao cung m o t g id m d i ngay. H ay den cong vien
de tap the due b u o i sang, va d i ngu vao cung m ot g id m o i
dem. Tdi cung se cho anh it thuoc de anh ngu ngon hon.
Dialogue II
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si
1. come on phdt sinh, xuat hien. vf du:
I can feel a cold coming on.
Toi thay muon bi cam.
2. Do you have any other symptoms? Anh coil cd trieu chi'tng nao
khac khdng?
symptom thudng chi nhufng bieu hien benh ma benh nhan
dim thay ducfc, con nhufng gi ma bac sT hay y ta n^m duoc qua
viec nhin, nghe, chan doan, bat m ach thi goi la sign; vi vay
chdng insomnia m at ngu la symptom, con rapid pulse mach
d ap nhanh chinh la sign dau hieu.
3. I've lost my appetite ... Toi an khdng thay ngon ... Tucfng tu co
the noi:
= I've no/little ap p etite for food.
= I've lost/have no relish for food.
= I've a poor/feeble/w eak/delicate appetite.
= I'm disinclined to eat.
4. ... I can't stop it from shaking. ... toi khdng lam sao cho chan
h et run dU0c.
= It keeps on shaking. Chan cit run mdi.
I. Substitution drills
2. At your age, and as this is the firrt tim e you've had this
problem, the best thing for you is to give up smoking,
to have a regular
tim etable.
do morning exercises,
practise shadow boxing every morning,
3. Go to the park to
have a breath of fresh air.
receive sun-ray treatm ent.
1. Khi nao ong thudng bi buon non? Bi trudc hay sau bCfa an?
2. Ong da Idn tuoi roi, va vi day la Ian dau ong bi chufng benh
nay, dudng nhu cach dieu trj benh tot nhat la ong hay can
bang cuoc song cua ong vdi thien nhien.
3. Ngay khi ket qua chan doan duoc khlng djnh, chung tdi se
dua ong d£n phong mo ngay.
4. Vai tuan qua, thi luc cua tdi trd nen ngay cang kem va bay
gid tdi tham chi cung khdng thay ro moi vat trudc mat.
5. Toi tha uong thuoc con hon bi mo.
1. I've told you before that if you continue to work such long
hours with that degree o f stress, you'll end up having a ner
vous breakdown. I'm not going to prescribe tranquillizers, be
cause you will becom e dependent on them and then you'd
need pep pills to give you energy. The remedy is in your own
hands. You must relax, or better still, take a week's holiday
and get away from the tensions at work which produce all
this stress and strain and give you these fits of depression.
At the Ophthalmologist's
53. Please read th e ch art from the top, and go as far as you
Vui long doc bang chti tif tren xuong va doc chung nao con
thay ro.
54. Keep your head still, but follow the pencil with your eyes.
Giiif dau yen nhung m at nhin theo cay but chi nay.
B: Com e over here and I'll test your eyes2. F irst cover your
left eye like th is, and w hen I point, please read th e chart3
from the top, and go as far as you can, telling m e which
way the “ E” points.
H ay lai day de td i thCf mSt. TrUdc tien, hay che m jt trai lai
nhu the nay va khi td i chi, vui long doc bang chU tU tren
xuong td i khi nao khdng d o c d uo c nUa th) thdi, bao td i
bie t chU ‘E ‘ chi hudng nao.
A: All right.
B: G ood. N ow th e o th e r eye.
Tot. Bay g id td i mSt kia.
B: Now, com e and sit here, and I'll exam ine your eyes.
W ell, your eyes look very red. Have you been overw ork
ing them ?
Nao, hay den ngoi day de td i kham mdt. Cha, m dt ong
trong dd qua. O ng cd rang m dt qua khdng?
A: W ell, I've been reading late every night, as I'm com ing up
to exam s.
A, dao nay dem nao td i cung doc rat khuya vi td i sdp thi.
B: Try not to rub you r eyes, even if they itch, and don't
bum the candle at b oth ends4. I'll give you som e an tisep
tic solu tion to b ath e your eyes w hen they itch, and som e
very effective C h in ese eye solu tion, w hich often can nip
this problem in th e bud before it develops. Put the drops
in tw ice a day, m ornin g and evening.
Rang dC/ng d u i m dt cho du cd ngifa m dt d i nUa va dCfng
lam vie c qua site. Tdi se dua ong dung dich sat trung de
rCfa m dt khi b i ngifa va dung dich rCfa m dt Trung Q uoc rat
h ieu nghiem . Thuoc nay thudng ngdn chan benh m dt nay
nqay tCf dau. N hd th u o c m o t ngay 2 Ian, b u o i sang va b uo i
1. ... my eyes don't seem to focus properly. = I can't see clearly.
M at tdi hitih nhtf khong nhin ro dittfc.
4. ... don't burn the candle at both ends. = ... don't burn
yourself o u t .... ditng lam v iec qua site hoac ditng huy hoai site
I. Substitution drills
a dirty towel,
2. You must have rubbed your eyes with
dirty hands.
your eyes,
your throat
3. Now com e and sit here, and I'll exam ine
your nose,
your knees.
2. Hay den day, dung cai nay che mat phai lai. Doc c a c dau
hieu bang m at trai khi toi chi bang cay nay va cho toi biet
mui ten co chi len, chi xuong, qua trai hoac phai hay khong.
3. Hinh nhu boi loi da gay ra benh mat cho ong. Tuan nay, ong
co dung thuoc nho mat khi boi xong khong?
4. TO ray ve sau, di/ng bao gid dui mat bang tay hoac bang khan
A Visit to a
Chinese Bone Doctor
Di kham bac sT
Trung Quoc tri xuong
Dialogue II
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B = d o c to r b a c si
1. It was so bad that I fell to the ground, and couldn't get up.
Dau den noi tdi te xuong d at va khdng ditng day noi.
... so ... th at ... co nghla ... d en noi ma ...
I. Substitution drills
a slipped disc,
1. It’s pretty certain that you have
pneum onia,
a m acrocytic anem ia.
do as I say.
don't skip a day.
2. It's very important that you
don't eat too much,
retain an excellent appetite.
1. Toi qua luc toi va ban dong nghiep dang ddi mot cai rUOng thi
toi bj dau nhoi d lung dudi. Dau den ndi toi toat mo hoi.
2. Ong ngoi thang len chut xfu duoc khong? Bay gid quay phan
than tren de toi kham.
3. Cach dieu trj Ian trUdc cua toi co cong hieu khong?
4. Bay gid, toi se nSn khdp xUOng de no vao dung khdp. DC/ng
so. Khong dau dau.
5. Bay gid ong co the ve. Nhung hy vong ong se theo cach dieu
trj cua toi sau khi ong rdi khoi noi day.
64. W e'll make sure that you get the best possible treatm ent.
Chung toi se dam bao ong duoc dieu tri tot nhat.
A: W hen you w ake up, your leg w ill be in plaster, and you'll
have to stay in hosp ital for about four w eeks.
Khi ong thCfc day se thay chan bo b o t va ong se p h a i ndm
vien khoang 4 tuan.
Dialogue II
A = d o c to r b a c s i
B = p a tie n t benh nhan
A: Now the an aesth esia has w orn off. W e'll give you som e
strong painkillers. It's norm al to have a lot o f pain at this
Bay g id thuoc m e da h e t tac dung. Chung to i se cho ong
dung thuoc giam dau manh. O giai doan nay, dau nhieu la
binh thudng.
A: I'm afraid it w ill last about 2 w eeks, but we'll give you
plenty o f pain killers to keep it under control, so don't
E r in g ong con dau khoang 2 tuan nCfa nhung chung to i se
cho ong dung n h ie u thuoc giam dau, nen ong dClng lo.
A: No. You'll have to ask your fam ily to bring som e in.
They can keep it in th e ward refrigerator, and you can
ask the nurse to heat it up for you.
Khdng. Ong p ha i bao ngUdi nha mang vao. H o cd the de
xup trong tu lanh cua khoa va ong cd the n h d y ta ham
xup gium .
1. wheel dung nhu danh tu1co nghla la banh xe, con dung nhu dong
tu1thi co nghia difa d i bang xe day. Mot so danh tC/ cung co the
duoc su1 dung nhu dong tu1 nhU:
You gut the fish b efore you scale it.
Truoc tien hay mo ca moi ruot ra tru6c khi cao vay.
T he sm oke made my eyes water.
Khoi lam toi chay nUo'c mSt.
T he nurse handed the patient into (out of) the car.
Y ta do' benh nhan len (ra khoi) xe ho'i.
T he patient storied about his age.
Benh nhan giau khong noi tuoi cua minh.
5. and d day dung vdi y nghla doi chieu so sanh, co the djch la ma
con; tr a i la i con.
I. Substitution drills
four weeks,
in hospital a fortnight,
4. You'll have to stay for about
in bed two da.ys.
a month.
2. Toi phai bo bot chan phai ong, va toi se cuf ngUdi bao cho gia
dinh ong biet ngay.
3. DC/ng lo. Chung toi se co het sufc chtia tri cho ong.
4. An xup tuy xuong khong co hai gi ma con co Idi cho ong ntfa.
5. Bay gid ong thay dau la binh thudng vi thuoc me da het tac
dung. NhUng bay gid chung toi se bao y ta cho ong dung
thuoc giam dau.
Women's Problems
Benh phu khoa
69. D on't eat very h o t o r cold food, and keep off stimulating
foods such as sour o r spicy food.
Dung dung thiic an qua nong hoac qua lanh va tranh cac
thuc an kich thich nhu thuc an chua hay cay.
70. If w e think it's malignant, we'll bring you in right away for
Neu chung toi thay do la budu ac, chung toi se dua ba di giai
phau ngay.
A: Yes. I've been losing w eight althou gh I still eat the same
am o u n t.1
Da cd. Toi bi xuong can m ac dau Sn uong van binh thudng
Dialogue II
A = doctor b ac s i
B = patient benh n h a n
B: I see.
A ra the.
1. I've been losing w eight although I still eat the same amount.
Tdi bi xtiong can m ac dit an uong van binh thitcfng.
2. I'm going to insert my finger into your anus. Tdi se di(a ngon
tay vao hau mon ba ( nham kiem tra dm d a o + trUc trang)
(rectovaginal exam).
Ban tay co nam ngon: ngon tro the first finger, ngongiita the
second finger, tuan tu c a c ngon ke tiep. Ngon tro con co ten
index finger, hoac fore finger. Ngon g ii(a doi luc con dU0c
goi la middle finger, ngon dp lit con duoc goi la ring finger,
con ngon lit la sm all/little finger, finger dung d so it thudng
ham y ngon tro. Ngon cai goi la thum b, khong n5m trong loai
4. ... we'll bring you in right away for surgery. Chung tdi se dita
ba nhap vien tien hanh phdu thuat ngay.
bring you in = you'll be admitted / taken to the hospital
dira nhap vien
7. stomach cramps sit dau quan & bung ditdi luc hanh kinh
= sharp, lower abdominal pains
I. Substitution drills
1. For the last 3 or 4 months, I've been
2. Toi muon nghe phoi cua ba khi ba thd, va nghe nhip tim cua
ba. Vui long ccfi nut ao khoac ra, ven ao lanh len. DC/ng lo.
DC/ng nhuc nhfch. Hit thd cham rai.
3. Ket qua hai xet nghiem nay se co ngay thoi. Neu am tinh, ba
co the ve. Nhung neu duong tinh, chung toi se bao gia dinh
ba ngay va cho ba nhap vien de dieu tri.
74. Since you're not allowed to have m ore children, it's bet
ter for you to take extra-precautions.
Vi ba khong duoc phep co them con, ba nen co bien phap
phong ngita ky.
B: Yes, o f course.
Vang, cd a.
B: Ju st tw o m on th s ago.
C h i cach day 2 thang.
Dialogue II
A = p a tie n t benh nhan
B = doctor bac si
A: Tw o w eeks.
2 tuan.
B: I’ll send you for a pregnancy test. It4 w on't take long.
Bring the result back to m e th is afternoon.
Tdi se dua ba d i th if thai. Khdng lau dau. TrUa nay dem
ket qua la i cho tdi.
A: 1 see, doctor.
Da td i hieu, thUa bac si.
1. period kinh nguyet
Day la ti/ rut gon cua menstrual period, hien duoc dung rat
pho bien. Thuat ngti lien quan la m enstruation ho3c menses
5. negative dm tinh, neu ket qua la duong tinh thi at h3n co r5c roi.
I. Substitution drills
1. My periods have been very irregular since
2. Ba mdi dat vong duoc 1 tuan, nen co the chua trd lai binh
thudng duoc. Sau hai tuan, neu v£n con chay mau am ho, hay
den day kham lai.
3. Thong thudng, ba se khong dinh thai sau khi duoc dat vong
nhung doi khi cung co ngoai le. Vay, de ch ac an, toi de nghj
ba nen can than hon.
Dialogue II
A = pharm acist duoc si
B = p a tie n t benh nhan
A: No, don't use any m etal. You'd b ette r use an earthenw are
pot. Keep the leaves5 to use again in th e aftern oon , and
every day use a new bag.
Khdng, ddng dung n o i kim loai. Ba nen dung sieu dat. Gid
la thuoc de dung la i vao b u o i trda, vd m o i ngay dung 1
g o i thuoc m di.
1. sweetened orange juice ntf&c cam cd pha them ditcfng
Khong duoc noi sweet orange juice vi nude cam von di co
ngot tu nhien dau?
5. leaves
NgUdi nude ngoai thudng dung td leaves: la de chi thuoc
dong y.
2 tablets 3
1 capsule 4
1. Give your child tim es a day after meals.
1 graduation 2
1 dessertful 5
1. Thuoc cua ong day. Vui long doc hudng dan sti dung ghi tren
2. TrUdc khi dung Iq thuoc nUdc nay, nhd lac cho ky.
3. DC/ng hoa tan bot nay bang nUdc tra. Tra se lam mat tac dung
cua thuoc.
5. DC/ng dung noi kim loai de nau thao dUOc. Ong nen dung sieu
dat. Khi dang dung thuoc nay, hay an thi/c an khong co gia vi
va tranh dung do bien.
Taking Samples
for the Laboratory Tests
Lay mau xet nghiem
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (81 - 85)
81. The first one is no problem, but the second one has to
be done on an empty stomach.
Xet nghiem dau tien khong co van de gi nhung xet nghiem
thuf hai phai lam khi bung doi.
Dialogue II
A = doctor bac si
B= p a tie n t benh nhan
B: W ill it hurt?
Co dau khon g?
Dialogue III
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B - nurse y td
A: Yes.
Vang a.
A: I'll do my best .4
Tdi se co.
3. There Tot ; da lay xong mau mau. TO nay dung de gay sU chu y
ncfi benh nhan. Trong van noi ti/ there rat thong dung; y nghia rat
da dang (co the bieu thj sU hai long, dac y, hoi tiec, an ui, khich le
hoac khieu khich ...) tuy theo tinh c3nh ma sCr dung:
There! W h a t did I tell you?
Thay chua! Toi nhSc anh cai gi?
There! I said you would hurt yourself.
Thay chua! Toi noi la anh se bi dau ma.
I. Substitution drills
blood tests,
1. I've come for som e stool tests.
gastric juice analyses and urine tests.
make a mess,
skip a day.
3. Be careful and try not to
break the bottle,
get your hands dirty.
1. Ong da an sang r6i nen chung toi khong the xet nghiem gan
cho ong dUOc. Toi nay hay nhin an va sang mai di/ng an sang.
Luc 6 gid 30 den day de chung toi lay mau mau.
2. Toi se lay mau mau tu1ngon tay gitfa cua ong. DC/ng lo. Khong
dau dau.
3. Vui long lay tach va lo nay di vao nha ve sinh ke ben va lay
mau nUdc tieu va phan. Nhot gia tach va lo sach se.
4. Doi vdi mau phan, chung toi chi can mot it. Con vdi mau
nUdc tieu, chung toi can nufa tach. Ong hieu khong a?
O khoa X quang
88. Make a fist and clench it tightly until I have inserted the
NSm chat tay lai den khi toi dam kirn vao.
89. Take a deep breath, then breathe out, and hold your
Hit sau vao roi thd ra, xong nin thd.
A: Please com e in, Mr. W ang. P lease take your cloth es off
above the w aist. T h en com e over here and hold on to
this, w ith your front flat again st th e plate.
M d i ong W ang vao. Vui lo hg c d i tran. Xong den day g iJ
chat cai nay, e p sat n gi/c vao m ieng kieng.
A: Put your hands like this and your shou lders forward like
this, and rest your ch in h ere2.
Dua tay len n h if the nay va Udn vai ra phia tn ld c n h if the
nay va de cSm len day.
B: Is th at right?
Vay dung chila?
A: No, please put your shou lders fu rth er forw ard. T hat's
right. I'll give you in stru ctio n s over the m icrophone.
Chita, vui long di/a vai ra phia tri/d c chut ntia. D ung roi.
Tdi se hi/dng dan ong qua m icro.
Dialogue II
A = radiographer b a c s iX q u a n g
B - p a tie n t b e n h n h a n
A: Com e in, Mr. W ang, and sit down. I'm going to give you
an IVB in jectio n , so w e can exam ine your gall-bladder.
First, please take o ff all your cloth es and put on this
gown. I'm going to put a rubber band above your elbow .
Now m ake a fist and clench it tightly until I have in
serted the needle, th en you can relax your grip.
M d i ong W ang vao ngoi xuong. Toi se chich m ot m u i IVB
de cd the kham tu i m at cua ong. Trade tien, hay cd i het
quan ao ra va m ac ao choang nay vao. Tdi se buoc day
thun phia tren c u i chd ong. Nao, nSm chat tay la i den khi
td i dam kim vao, xong ong cd the n d i tay ra.
Now com e over here and lie dow n, please. D on't worry,
you w on't feel anything. And don't w orry ab ou t the noise
the m achine m akes. I'll tell you over the m icrophone
w hen to breathe in and out, and w hen to hold your
H ay den day ndm xuong. DC/ng lo, khdng cam thJi'v gi dau.
Va dC/ng ngai tie n g dong cua may. Toi se bao qua m icrd
khi nao ong nen h it vao va th d ra va khi nao nin thd.
1. everything = all my clothes tat cd do cjtidti ciia toi
2. Rest your here.
Having an Injection
Chich thuoc
92. Now, roll up your sleeve, and I'll give you a small injection.
Nao, xSn tay ao len de toi chich thuoc.
A: I have no idea.
Khong b ie t nda.
B: Yes, and rest your arm on the table and relax. Hold still,
Vang, de tay len ban va thoai mai. Lam an giuf tay yen.
Dialogue II
A = nurse y td
B = p a tie n t benh nh a n
A: Can you com e in now , please, and let m e see your arm.
M d i ba vao de td i xem canh tay.
A: No, that seem s to be all right. I'll give you your first
in jection now.
Dung the, cd ve tot. Bay g id to i se chich m u i dau tien.
B: I understand.
Vang, td i hieu roi.
A: Now, I'll ju s t use this sw ab3 to sterilize it, then give you
the injection. Try to relax as m uch as you can.
Bay g id to i se dung m ie n g bong nay de sat trung ro i chich
cho ba. Rang cang thoai m ai cang tot.
(After the injection )
(Chich xong)
A: W hen you get hom e, put a hot tow el on it, but don't
press it too hard. And the pain should go away4 in a
couple o f hours.
Ve den nha, chuOm khan nong len vet chich nhung dC/ng
an manh qua. Va khoang vai tieng se het dau.
1. W hat happens if I can't come? Con tieu tdi khong d en dutfc thi
Cau nay co nghla neu trong hay Ian co Ian khon g d en dWOc
thi sao? Tuong ti/ ta cung co the noi: W hat w ill happen if I
can't come? Nhung y nghla co the khac biet chut it. Trong cau
dau y nghla tuong doi nhe nhang, ngi/cfi hoi co y mong muon
se khong co chuyen gi nghiem trong x3y ra; con trong cau sau
ngiidi hoi mang tam trang lo lang khong biet se co "hau qua"
gi khong, thanh ra cau sau co the djch la N eu to i khdng den
dirtc lieu cd sao khdng?
Theo tan suat suf dung thi cau trade daoc dung nhieu hdn cau
sau. Cho nen hoc vien can phai chu y nhang cau co y nghia
na na vdi nhau nhang lai co nhang diem khac biet tinh te ma
chi qua sa no lac tim hieu mdi cd the phan biet daoc.
4. go away = disappear h et
I. Substitution drills
head nurse,
1. Vui long ngoi xuong va xSn tay ao len, toi se xet nghiem xem
ong co di ting thuoc penicillin khong.
2. Ket qua xet nghiem cho thay ong bj di ufng thuoc penicillin.
3. Ke tCi' ngay mai, ong can den benh vien chich 1 mui thuoc
moi ngay. Qua trinh dieu tri se keo dai 10 ngay. Ong co the
ta quyet djnh nen di buoi sang hoac buoi chieu, nhi/ng ong
nen di dung buoi ong da chon va dung gid.
4. Ve den nha, ong hay dSp khan am len cho chich. Di/ng cha
len cho chich. Se mau het dau.
At the Cashier's
O quay thu ngan
98. I'm sorry, I'll have to give you all your change in coins.
Xin 16i, toi phai thoi cho ba tien xu.
99. W hen you come back, don't bother to queue, just come
to the window.
Khi trd lai, ba khoi can xep hang, hay den thang quay.
A: All right.
Da duoc.
B: Yes, but I’m sorry I'll have to give you all your change in
Vang, nhung e rang to i p h a i th d i la i cho dng tie n xu.
A: Thanks. G oodbye.
Cam on. Chao cd.
Dialogue II
A - p a tie n t ben h nhan
B = cashier thu ngan
B: Yes, it is. Let m e see your paper w ork and I'll see how
m uch you'll have to pay.
Dung the. Cho td i xem g ia y td cua dng de to i tinh dng
phai tra bao nhieu.
B: Bye!
Chao dng!
I. Substitution drills
1. Can you change yuan ?
5 0 -fen coins.
small bills.
small coins and bills.
in a while
3. Will it be all right if I com e back to pay?
in two hours
this afternoon
1. Altogether y o u ____________ .
2. I'm sorry I’ll have to give you all your change i n ___________ .
3. Let me see y o u r___________ and I'll s e e ____________ .
4. Ju st a moment, please, and I'll work o u t ___________ . Well,
t h a t ____________ 2 0 0 yuan altogether.
1. Cho toi xem giay td de toi tinh ong thieu bao nhieu tien.
2. A, ong thieu 50 te c3 thay. Vui long di/a tien le. Neu ong difa
td 1 00 te, toi khong co tien thdi cho ong duoc.
3. Vui long di den quay ke ben de doi tien le. Ong khong can
phai xep hang. Hay di thang den quay.
abate /a'beit/ vt.; vi. thuyen giam 9
acupuncture /’aekjopArjkt/a/ n. cham cufu 12
aggravate /’aegraveit/ vt. lam toi te them 5
agony /'aegam/ n. cdn dau 14
allergic /a'bidjik/ a. di ijfng 5
anaemic /a'ni:mik/ a. thieu hong cau 14
anaesthesia /,aenis'0i:zja/ n. thuoc gay me 13
anemia /a'ni:mja/ n. benh thieu hong cau 12
ankle /'aeqkl/ n. mat ca chan 18
antibiotic /'aentibai'otik/ n. khang sinh 4
antihistamine /.aenti'histamin/ n. khang dj ufng 5
antiseptic /,aenti'septik/ a.; n. (thuoc) sat trung 11
anus /'einas/ n. hau mon 14
appetite /'aepitait/ n. si/ ngon mieng 10
associate /a'saojieit/ a. lien ket 9
assuage /a'sweid^ vt. lam dju 5
asthma /'aesma/ n. suy§n 9
cavity /'kaeviti/ n. lo sau rang 6
change /tjeind 5/ n. tien thdi 20
charcoal /'t/a:kaol/ n. than (cui) 9
charcoal tablets vien thuoc than 9
chart /tfa:t/ n. bang chQ 11
chesty cough ho long ngUc/ho su 7
chronic /'kronik/ a kinh nien 12
clench /klentj-/ v. nam chat 17
clog /klDg/ vt. nghen, dong 6
coil /koil/ n. vong tranh thai 15
coin /koin/ n. ti£n xu 20
colic /'kohk/ n. con dau bung 2
concentrate (on) /’konsantreit/ vi. tap trung vao 8
day-room /'deiru:m/ n. phong duSng benh 13
decay /di'kei/ vi. b| sau / phan huy 6
delicate /'delitkat/ a. yeu (sufc khoe) 10
depressed /di'prest/ a. chan nan 10
diabetes /,daia'bi:ti:z/ n. tieu dudng 8
diastolic /.daia'stolik/ a. (thuoc) trUOng tim 9
discharge /dis'tjaidy n. ra mau 15
discomfort /dis'kAm fat/ n. sU kho ch(u 6
disincline /.disin'klain/ v t. lam cho khong vui 10
dislocate /'dislaokeit/ v t. sai khdp 13
face cream kem thoa mat 5
fast /fa:stJ vi. nhm an 17
feeble /’fi:bl/ a. yeu (duoi), yeu dt 10
fem ur /'fi:ma/ n. xUdng dui 13
focus /’faokas/ vt. tap trung, nhin 11
fracture /Traekt/a/ n. su1 nult, sl/ gay 4
fragrance /Treigrans/ n. mui hi/dng 6
fridge /fridy n. tu lanh 16
hairline /'healain/ n. sdi toe 2
heal /hi:l/ vt. lanh vet thuang 2
hepatic /hi'paetik/ a. (thuoc) viem gan 2
herbal /'h3:bal/ a. thao daoc 2
hold the breath giCf hoi, nin thd 18
hydrogen peroxide hydro peroxide 4
hypertension /.haipa'tenjan/ n. cao huyet ap 8
jog /d5Dg/ v. chay bo 13
keep one's fingers crossed cau xin 3
label /’leibl/ n. nhan 16
larynx /'laeriqks/ n. thanh quan 16
macrocytic /.maekrao'sitik/ a. thuoc hong cau I6n 12
malignant /ma'lignant/ a. ac tinh 14
manipulate /ma'nipjoleit/ vt. n5n bop 12
marrow bone tuy xi/ong 13
mattress /'maetris/ n. nem 12
microphone /'maikrafaon/ n. micro 18
micturition /.miktjoa'ri/an/ n. chiifng tieu dat 7
migraine /'mi:grein/ n. dau nd/a dau 10
molar /"mania/ n. rang ham 6
necessarily /'nesasarali/ ad. nhat thiet 5
negative /'negativ/ a. am tinh 15
neighbouring tooth rang xung quanh 6
nocturnal /nok't3:nal/ a. thuoc ve ban dem 9
num b /nAm/ vt. te 6
numbness /'iwmms/ n. te cufng 7
painkiller /'pein,kila/ n. thuoc gi3m dau 13
paper w ork giay td 20
paralysis /pa'raelisis/ n. Net 10
radius /'reidias/ n. ban kfnh/xi/dng quay 6
rash /raeJ7 n. man do 5
reaction /ri'aekfan/ n. phan ting 19
rectally /'rektali/ ad. bang trUc trang 7
register /'redjista/ v. dang ky 1
registration /.redjis'trei/an/ n. (si/) dang ky 1
relish /'relij/ n. khoai khau, si/ ngon mieng, sanh an 10
remit /ri'mit/ vt.; vi. lam diu di 9
renal /'ri:nal/ a. (thuoc ve) than 2
rhythm /'ridam/ n. chu ky kinh nguyet 15
rhythm m ethod bien phap kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet 15
rib /rib/ n. xi/ong sUdn 2
right away ngay lap ttic 13
robe /raob/ n. ao choang 18
rubber band day thun 18
scale /skeil/ n. cao cao rang 6
scan /skaen/ v. chup scan, sieu am 14
scratch /skraetf/ vt. gai 4
seafood /'si:fu:d/ n. do/thtic an hai s^n 5
tablet /'taeblit/ n. vien thuoc 16
tantrum /'taentram/ n. cdn thinh no 7
testis /'testis/ n. tinh hoan 2
tetanus Aetanas/ n. phong ddn ganh 4
ultrasonic /.Altra'sDmk/ a. sieu am 3
unbearable /.An'bearabl/ a. khong chiu noi 12
underwear /'Andawea/ n. do lot 14
unfasten /,An'fa:san/ vt. thao, cdi 9
upset /'Apset/ a. kho chiu, roi loan 9
ureter /joa'ri:ta/ n. dng dan tieu 3
urology /joa'roladji/ n. nieu hoc 2
urethra /joa'ri:0ra/ n. ong tieu 3
Nhan vien y vu
anesthetist bac si gay me
assistant doctor bac si phu ta
attending doctor; doctor in charge bac si true
aurist bac si (chuyen khoa) tai
3 . Benh ve m ieng
4 . Benh da lieu
acne muntrufngca
actinic dermatitis chufng viem da anh sang
5. H e thong ho hap
abrasion sU hdt da
bruise vet tham tim
burn bong
closed fracture gay xUdng kin
comminuted fracture gay xi/dng manh vun
collision injury ton thudng do va cham
cramp chuot rut
fracture gay xuong
gunshot w ound vet thuong sung ban
infection sir nhiem khuan
injury from fall ton thuong do rdi/nga
knife traum a chan thudng do dao
lacerated khia rach
luxation sai khdp
open fracture gay xddng hd
scald bong (nUdc nong/hdi nong)
1 8 . T h u o c tay
1. This is the line for elderly patients / cancer patients, etc.
2. In this case, you'd better come back tomorrow / wait in that line.
3. The sooner you have an operation / start treatment, the better.
4. Go up to third floor, and you'll see the pharmacy on your right.
(Go up to the second floor, and you'll see the sign straight in
front of you.)
5. Normally we have no more than 100 patients, but today there're
a lot more than that.
6. Will it be all right if I vary the dose / don't have an operation?
1. Excuse me, where do the disabled armymen queue up to register?
= Excuse me, where do the disabled armymen register?
* Do disabled armymen queue somewhere special?
2. This morning I got a high temperature. I don't seem to have any
= This morning I got a high temperature. Now I just feel totally
U nit Tw o
1. The pain is very bad / severe / sharp when you press there.
2. When the film is ready, bring it back to me to examine.
3. Everything looks OK / fine / good, except just here.
4. I'll put a patch on it to help you get better / heal quickly.
5. Does it need to be put in plaster?
6. I'll just write you a sick note / certificate to send to work.
7. When I got up, my right arm and elbow were stiff / sore, and I
have a pain in my chest.
8. What seems to be the problem?
1. The patient was knocked to the ground when he was crossing
the road a few moments ago, and he's been grazed in several
places / and he's grazed in several places.
2. When I press this point, he groans with pain.
3. It seems there's no serious problem, but to be on the safe side,
you'd better go for an X-ray to see if there's any fracture.
IV. A.
U nit T h re e
1. Does it hurt when you cough / swallow / talk / sit / urinate?
And how often do you have a bowel movement?
2. Do you often feel you want to sleep, but then you have insomnia?
Do you often feel you want to eat, but then you have no appetite?
3. You'd better have an examination / a check-up to see if there's
something wrong.
You'd better have a blood test to see if your W. B. C. is normal.
4. Here's your medical records to take to the specialist.
5. The report shows you have a tumor / a broken arm.
6. First I'll send you to the Ultrasonic Department to try to disperse
the stones. I think it will work as they are not very big. At the
same time, I'll give you some herbal medicine.
1. Do you feel pain in your lower back when you lie down?
How long have you had this pain?
2. Do you often feel you need a bowel movement, but when you
try, you can't go?
IV. B.
Somebody has come for a second or third check-up and he's still
having the same problem. So, the doctor is making other recom
mendations to solve the problem. One recommendation is an al
ternative treatment, but the doctor also wants him or her to see
a specialist and to check into a hospital to run tests.
U nit F o u r
1. Let me take a look. It's not a deep cut, but it's badly infected. I'd
better sterilize the wound first.
I ,. j ;■•Jj ;
2. Now, I'll stitch the wound. Come back in 10 days to have the
stitches removed.
3. This is a bottle of ointment. Don't use it unless it's absolutely
necessary. If the itch is unbearable, rub it over the wound.
4. Now, you're free to go. Come back in a week, and I'll examine
the stitches to see when we can remove the stitches.
1. Traumatology Department
There has been a bad accident, and the ambulance paramedics
have called a hospital to inform them of this seriousness of the
patient, and so the emergency room staff is preparing for the
arrival of the patient.
2. Surgical Department
The husband's wife became very sick, and was taken to the hos
pital. Now the husband has arrived at the hospital and is talking
to the doctor about the illness. The doctor is trying to get infor
mation from the husband to help him diagnose the illness.
1. I've had headache, and I can't sleep at night. Can you give me
anything for it? OR:
I've had rashes for two weeks, and I can't stop scratching them.
Can you give me anything for it?
2. Have you recently visited a wooded area? OR:
Have you recently eaten any seafood?
3. Have you used anything different on your skin / on your hair
4. Maybe you are allergic to pollen / your cat.
5. I'll give you some cream to use for one week, and if there's no
improvement within one week, come back to see me.
1. Recently I've had a pain in my chest and I'm congested and I
can’t breathe easily. My temperature is slightly above normal.
Can you please give me a check-up? OR:
Recendy I've had a pain in my chest, and my chest has been con
gested and I find it hard to breathe. My temperature has been a
little above normal . . .
2. Recendy have you been on any medication?
3. Recendy have you used any lotion on your skin?
4. You're probably allergic to penicillin.
5. I'll write you a prescription. Use the dosage I've prescribed. If
there's no improvement in one week, come back to see me.
U nit Six
1. When does the pain occur? Is it only when you drink something
cold or when you drink anything? OR:
When does the pain occur? Is it only when you chew something
hard or any time you eat?
2. As soon as I eat something sweet, my tooth start aching.
3. It's not a cavity, but only a sensitive tooth. So I think you'll be all
right if you stay away from sensitive food.
4. Considering you have many cavities in the past, you've obviously
been taking good care of your teeth because you have no cavities
5. Since you last had a check-up, we've had several new dental
hygienists start working here. So you'll be well taken care of by
U nit Seven
1. He keeps telling me that he is exhausted.
2. Just as I expected, there's a stone in his kidney. The X-ray shows
a dark spot.
IV. c.
It seems that the doctor is consulting with another doctor
about a patient who recently came in, and the doctor is having
difficulty diagnosing her problem.
Unit Eight
IV. A.
U nit N ine
1. For the past few days, I've had a bad stomach-ache. Everything
I eat goes straight through me, and I've been often feeling nau
2. Is your diarrhoea very serious? Do you have gas? How often,
have you vomited? Is your vomit very serious?
3. Your temperature is normal. Your pulse is normal. Your ECG
report is normal. Your X-ray report shows no problem. But your
tongue is a little coated.
4. You've got the flu. Let me prescribe some medicine. Take these
black pills as directed on the label.
5. The Radiology Department, Lab and ECG Department are all lo
cated at the end of the corridor on the first floor.
6. You should rest as much as possible. Take the medicine as pre
scribed. Eat lots of food, and drink lots of water. Within three
days, you'll show great improvement.
What seems to be the trouble?
Can you describe the pain?
Does your family have a history of heart trouble?
When do you usually notice the pain?
Do you have any other symptoms?
Do you eat fruits and vegetables?
Do you often eat them raw?
Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 233
Do you feel uncomfortable?
When do you usually feel painful?
How long does it usually last?
Do you have difficulty in breathing?
How long have you had this?
When does it usually affect you?
What do you do?
Do you have a good appetite?
Have you ever had any serious diseases before?
When did you take your last holiday?
. . . Is it serious?
U nit T en
U nit E lev en
1. Come over here and I'll test your eyes.
2. Now, I'm going to examine your eyes.
3. You must have strained your eyes.
Ti&ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 235
4. I'll give you some eyedrops, which often can correct this problem
in the early stages before it gets worse.
5. Use these drops 4 times a day until your eyes clear up.
6. To my great surprise, the rash disappeared by itself.
7. Take this mixture, or your cough will develop into pneumonia.
8. I'll just open your eyelid to have a look.
U nit T w elv e
1. Is the pain still persistent?
2. First I felt faint, and broke out in a rash.
3. Can you sit up straighter?
1. Last night, a co-worker and I were moving a trunk when I sud
denly felt a sharp pain in my lower back. It was so bad that I
immediately broke out in a cold sweat.
2. Can you sit a little straighter? Now turn your upper torso, and
let me examine it.
3. Was the last treatment I gave you effective?
4. Now, I'll manipulate the joint to put it back in place. Don't be
afraid. It won't hurt.
5. Now, you're free to go. But I hope you'll follow my treatment
after you leave here.
1. I can see from your X-ray that your leg is broken in three places,
and I'm afraid we'll need to operate.
2. When you wake up, your leg will be in a cast.
3. Your leg will have to be in traction for one week.
4. We'll make sure that you get the best care possible.
5. I'll ask someone to telephone your family to let them know that
you've been in an accident.
6. We'll give you some painkillers to keep the pain under control.
We'll give you some ice-pack to keep the swelling down.
7. You can ask the nurse to heat it up for you.
8. Relax and rest yourself. Ask your family to bring in your favorite
9. Make the most of your time in bed, and remember you don't
have to work.
1. The X-ray shows that your right shin bone is broken in several
places, and I'm afraid we'll have to operate.
2. I must put your right leg in a cast, and I'll immediately send
some people to notify your family.
3. Don’t worry. We'll try our best to give you the best treatment
U nit F o u rte e n
1. Have you noticed anything else abnormal / unusual?
2. I’d better give you a pap smear test. Please take off your pants
and underwear. I'm just going to test your urethras. Try to relax,
and don't think what I'm doing.
3. These two lab tests should both be finished by tomorrow. If we
find it's benign, we'll need to remove it, and if we think it's ma
lignant, we'll need to admit you for the further treatment.
U nit Fifteen
1. My periods have been very late since I was fitted with an IUD,
and also I have very heavy bleeding, which is very inconvenient,
and I'm worried there might be a problem.
2. Two months is not very long for your period to return to normal
after you have had an abortion.
3. I'll give you something, which should stop / slow down the dis
4. Well, you are lucky this time. The test proved negative, but to be
on the safe side, you'd better take further precautions.
5. I suggest that you also use another method of birth control, for
example, temperature charting.
240 - Tien g Anh da n h cho gidi B ac ST & Y T i
1. Since I started taking the medicine you prescribed last time, my
stomach has been very uncomfortable. I often experienced loose
bowel movements, and my stomach often hurts. I'm afraid my
stomach has a problem.
2. You've just had the coil in place for one week, and your body
has not returned to normal. After two weeks, if you still experi
ence wetness down there, then come back and see me.
3. Ordinarily, you won't get pregnant after being fitted with an
IUD, but sometimes there're exceptions. So, in order to be on the
safe side, I suggest you use extra-precautions.
Unit Sixteen
U nit S ev en teen
Unit Eighteen
1. Come over here, hold on to this, with your back flat against the
2. Put your head like this, and rest your arm here.
3. Now, please put your elbow further forward.
4. Would you please bend your waist a bit more?
5. Don't move while the machine is taking your picture.
6. That's everything for today. You can put your clothes back on
and go home now.
Unit N ineteen
U nit T w en ty
1. Altogether you owe 100 yuan.
2. I'm sorry I'll have to give you all your change in small bills / coins.
3. Let me see your paper work and I'll see what your total bill is.
4. Just a moment, please, and I'll work out the total. Well, that
comes to 200 yuan altogether.
1. Show me your paper work, and I'll work out how much you
2. Well, altogether you owe 50 yuan. Please pay in small bills. If
you give me a 100-yuan bill, I can't give you change.
3. Please go to the window next door to break down this bill. You
don't need to stand in the line. Just go straight to the window.
4. Would you mind if I pay in coins?
Bien dich
N gu yen Trung Tanh - N g u y e n Thanh Thi/ - P ham Tan Q u y e n
In 1.000 cu6n kh6 14,5x20,5cm t^i Xi nghi$p In MACHINCO - 21 Bui Thi XuAn - Q 1 -
Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh So xuSit b in 792-08/CXB/270-55/THTPHCM In xong v i r>$p luu
chieu thing 9-2008.