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Tieng flnh
danh cho
Practical English for
M edical Personnel

Nguyen Trung Tanh - Nguyen Thanh Thu

Pham Tan Quyen


Tieng flnh
danh cho
Practical English for
Medical Personnel

Nguyen Trung Tanh - Nguyen Thanh Thu

Pham Tan Quyen


Contents Muc
• luc

Unit One Registering for Treatment

0 6 ng ky dieu tri 5

Unit Two A Road Accident Victim

Nan nhan tai nan giao thong 13

Unit Three At the Urologist's

6 khoa nieu/phong kham nieu khoa 22

Unit Four The Emergency Room

Phong cap cuu 30

Unit Five A Skin Problem

Van de ve da 37

Unit Six A Visit to the Dentist

Di kham nha 45

Unit Seven A Sick Child

Oua tre benh 54

Unit Eight A Diabetic Patient

Benh nhan bj benh tieu dubng 62

Unit Nine An Upset Stomach

Roi loan bao tur 70

Unit Ten At the Neurologist's

6 phong kham bac si than kinh 83

Unit Eleven At the Ophthalmologist's

6 phong kham mat 91
TiG’ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac Si & Y T3 - 3
Unit Twelve A Visit to a Chinese Bone Doctor
Di kham bac si Trung Qu6c tri xuong 98

Unit Thirteen The Surgery Department

Khoa ngoai 107

Unit Fourteen Women's Problems

Benh phu khoa 115

Unit Fifteen The Family Planning Clinic

Phong kham ke hoach hoa gia dinh 124

Unit Sixteen At the Hospital Pharmacy

6 nha thuoc benh vien 131

Unit Seventeen Taking Samples for the Laboratory Tests

Lay mdu xet nghiem 138

Unit Eighteen In the Radiology Department

6 khoa X quang 145

Unit Nineteen Having an Injection

Chich thuoc 152

Unit Twenty At the Cashier's

6 quay thu ngan 159

Appendix I Glossary 165

Appendix II Commonly Used Medical Terms and

Thuat ngCr va tCr ngCr y khoa thong dung 177

Appendix III Key to the Exercises 223

4 - Ttgng A nti d ^ n h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit One

Registering for Treatment

Dang ky dieu tri

Practical English 100

Key Sentences ( 1 - 5 )
1. This is the line for new patients.
Day la hang danh cho benh nhan moi.

2. Fill it in and bring it back to me.

Hay dien vao va mang lai cho toi.

3. In that case, you'd b etter go to the Medical Departm ent.

Trong trtfdng hop do, tot hon anh nen den khoa noi.

4. You'll see it (the Medical D epartm ent) sign-posted to the

Anh se thay tarn bien ghi khoa noi ben phai.

5. T he soon er you see the doctor, the better.

Anh den gap bac si cang so'm cang tot.

TiSng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta - 5

Dialogue I Doi tboai /

A = patient benh nhan

B = nurse y ta

A: (To the nurse)

(Noi vdi y ta)

Excuse m e, w here do I queue up to reg ister?1

Xin loi, td i xep hang d dau de dang ky?

B: T hat is the line for new p atien ts (pointing to line). T h e

registration fee will be 1 yuan. Pay over th ere, and they
will give you a registration card. Fill it in and bring it
back to me.
Do la hang danh cho benh nhan m d i (chi tay vao hang do).
Le p h i ddng ky la 1 nhan dan te. Tra tien 6 do ro i ho se
di/a cho anh m ot the dZng ky. D ien vao the do ro i mang
la i cho tdi.

(The patient queues up, and shortly reaches the window. A fter
getting a card and fillin g it in, the patient takes it back to the
(Benh nhan xep hang va chang may choc den dupe cua so. Sau
khi lay duoc the va dien vao, benh nhan dem no lai ban y ta.)

B: W hat's the problem ?

Anh bi g) the?

A: Since this m orning I've had a high tem p eratu re2, and I
feel generally w retched.
Td sang den g id td i b i sot cao, va to i cam thay rat kho

6 - Tieng Anh danh cho gtoi Bac ST & Y Ta

B: In that case, you'd b etter go to the Medical D epartm ent3.
Trong tnJdng hop nay anh n£n dSn khoa noi.

A: W hich way do I go?4

Tdi d i I6 i nao?

B: G o up to the second floor, and you'll see it5 sign-posted

to the right. Give the d octor your registration card.
Len Idu hai anh se thay tarn bien ghi khoa nay ben phai.
E)Ua cho bac si xem the dAng ky cua anh.

A: Is it very busy?6
H ien tren ay cd dong khong?

B: N orm ally yes, but today you are lucky.

Thudng thi cd, nhiJng horn nay anh may m jn .

A: O h, good. T h an k you. (The patient goes to the second floor.)

6 , tot. Cam on. (Benh nhan len lSu 2.)

Dialogue II Doi thocii II

A = patient benh nhan
B = nurse y ta

A: (To himself) Today, there're so m any people here. It looks

like I'm in for7 a long wait.
(Noi lam bam) H orn nay sao dong ngtfdi the. Chdc d o i lau

(To the nurse)

(Noi vdi y ta)

Tifing Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 7

As it's so busy, w ill it be all right if 1 com e back later?
Vi dong qua, lid u td i trd la i sau cd ditctc khdng?

B: No, you'd b etter w ait, because the registration tim e is

betw een 8 and 11 o'clock, and now it’s alm ost 1 0 1 5 .
Khdng, anh nen deli v'i th d i gian ddng ky la giCfa 8 va 11
gib, bay g id da la 10 g id 15 roi.

A: Can 1 register now and see the d octor in th e afternoon’

Tdi cd the ddng ky bay g id va gap bac si vao b u o i tnJa
duoc khdng?

B: Yes, you can, but if you don't w ait, a lot o f p atien ts will
be before you, and you w on't be able to get the chance
to see the d octo r today. Besides, since you have a high
tem perature, the soon er you see the doctor, the better.
Duoc, anh cd the, nhUng neu anh khdng dot, n h ie u benh
nhan se kham trade anh va anh se khdng the cd c o h o i
gap bac si hdm nay. Ngo'ai ra, v'i anh bi sot cao. anh den
gap bac si cang sdm cang tot.

A: I se e . I'd b etter w ait th en . Can you tell m e how to get to

the M edical D ep artm en t, please?
Tdi hieu. Vay td i p h a i doi. Xin cd cho to i b ie t d i/d n g len
khoa n o i?

B: T ake the lift to th e fourth floor, go through th e double

doors on your right, and go along the corridor u ntil you
see the M edical D ep artm en t on your left.
D i thang m ay len lau 4, d i qua cCfa 2 canh ben tay p h a i
ro i d i doc theo hanh lang cho den kh i gap khoa n o i ben
tay trai.

8 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y T3

A: I hanks a lot. By the way, w hat day is the consu ltant
Cam an nhicu. Nhan thS, ng'ay n'ao ih l cd the gap tiJ van?

B: Every Tuesday afternoon.

M o i tri/a th if ba.

A: O h, that's today. So I'm lucky.

O, vay la horn nay. Tdi may m$n qua.

Words and Expressions T it n g it

register /'redjista/ v dang ky

registration ^redjis'treijan/ n (sU) dang ky
queue up xep hang
generally wretched kho chtu qua
in th at case trong trUdng hap do
double doors cifa doi
corridor /'korido:/ n. hanh lang
consultant /kan'sAltent/ n tU van

1. Excuse me, w here do I queue up to register? X in Idi, td i xep
hang cf dau de dang ky?
Day la loi noi tao nha, lich sii. Co the dien dat bang cach
khac nhU sau:
Excuse me, w here do I go to register?
Xin loi, toi phai den dau de dang ky?

Tig'ng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 9

Hoac co the noi mot c a ch tuy tien nhu sau:
Excuse me, w here do I register?
Xin 16i, toi phai dang ky cf dau a?

2. have a high tem perature b i sot cao

Thuat ngtf have a fever co y nghla tuong ti/.

3. the Medical Departm ent khoa noi

Day la loi van noi. Ten goi chinh thufc la The D epartm ent of
Internal Medicine.

4. Which w ay do I go? = Where do I go? T oi d i lo i nao?

C5 day cau h6i mang y nghia T o i d i lo i nao de d en khoa noi?
Cum tC/ khoa n o i duoc lupc bo vi duoc hieu ngam .
Chu y: Trong cau h6i W here do I go? tC/ w here co nghla
which way.

5. it cl day ham y the Medical Departm ent.

6. Is it very busy? H ie n cho do co dong khdng?

Cau nay co y h6i horn nay d khoa noi co dong ben h nhan
kham benh khong. Neu dong ngUcfi den kham , duong nhien
khoa rat ban ron.

7. Cum ti/ be in for bieu thj da d in h tn tifc ; se p h a i chiu ..., thudng

am chi nhCing sU viec khong hay, vi du:

This patient is in for a second operation.

Benh nhan nay se phai bi giai phau fan hai.

8. By the way, w h at day is the consultant available? N han the,

ngay nao th i co the g a p t i t van?
Trong van noi cung co the dien dat y tren theo c a c h sau:
W ell, when is the consultant available?

10 - Tig'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

TO day bieu thj ngay lam viec nao trong tuan, trong khi tC/
when ngoai nghla tren con ham y thdi diem cu the trong

I. Substitution drills

new patients,
patients with hepatitis,
1. This is the line for the aged.
disabled armymen.

2. In that case, you'd better go to the department.
oral surgery

8 and 11.
7 :3 0 and 1 0 :3 0 .
3. The registration tim e is between 8 :3 0 and 1 1 :3 0 .
1 2 :5 0 and 1 5 :5 0

see the doctor,

start taking the medicine,
4. The sooner you the better.
receive the treatm ent,
give up smoking,

TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta - 11

II. Fill in the missing words

1. This is the line f o r _______________.

2. In this case, you'd b e tte r _______________.
3. The sooner y o u _______________, the better.
4. Go up to t h e _______________, and you'll s e e _______________ ..
5. N orm ally_______________, b u t _______________ .
6. Will it be all right i f _______________ ?

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Xin I6i, thaong binh xep hang a dau de dang ky?

= Xin loi, thuong binh dang ky d dau?
= Thi/ong binh co ducfc xep hang Uu tien khong?

2. Sang nay toi bi sot cao. Hmh nhu toi chang con stic li/c gi het.
= Sang nay toi bi sot cao. Bay gid toi thay ra rdi.

3. Di thang may den tang 5, queo trai va di qua cufa hai canh roi
ong se tha’y phfa ben phai co bang chi dan noi ong phai den.

4. Thudng chung toi co nhieu benh nhan d day. Nhung horn nay
khong nhieu.

5. Ong vui long dien vao the nay. Viet ro rang gium. Dung viet
thau. Xong, dem den ban lam viec.

12 - Tigng Anh danh cho gibi Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Two

A Road Accident Victim

Nan nhan tai nan giao thong

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (6 - 10)
6. W h at seem s to be the problem?
Anh bi sao vay?

7. W h e re does it hurt?
Bi dau b dau?

8. Your arm and elbow seem to be all right.

Tay va cui cho cua anh duftng nhif khong sao.

9. You should take a w eek off work.

Anh nen nghi lam mot tuan.

10. Here's the prescription for your herbal medicine.

Day la toa thuoc bdc cua anh.

Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 13

Dialogue I
A = doctor bac si
B = patient benh nhan

A: W h at seem s to be th e p ro b lem ?1
Anh bi sao vay?

B: W ell, I was crossin g the road, w here a car cam e round

the corner too quickly, and w hen the driver saw m e, it
was too late to stop. I w as knocked to the ground, and
when I got up, my left arm and elbow w ere grazed, and
now, I have a pain in m y rib s.2
A, to i dang bdng qua dudng, co m ot xe h o i q u e o g o c qua
nhanh va khi tai xe thay to i th'i qua tre. Toi b i te xuong
d ifdng va khi td i ngoi day, tay trai va c u i chd cua to i b i
tray da va bay g id to i b i dau d xuong si/dn.

A: I'll ju st take a look. W h ere does it hurt?

De tdi xem. Dau 6 d a u ?

B: It's hard to say. It h u rts all over.

That kho noi. Dau khdp ngL/tii.

A: D oes it hurt w hen I do this?

Co dau khi td i an vao chd nay kh d n g ?

( The doctor presses the patient’s ribs.)

(Bac si an vao xuong sudn cua benh nhan.)

B: O u ch !3 T h e pain is very bad w hen you press here.

U i da! Dau Idm kh i bac si an chd nay.

14 - Tieng Anh danh cho gkji Bac ST & Y Ta

A: Your arm and elbow seem to be all right, but, to be on
the safe side, you'd b etter go to th e X-ray D epartm ent.
W hen the X-rays are ready, bring them back to m e to
exam ine. Here's th e form th at you'll need for the X-rays.
I'll see you later!
Tay va c u i chd cua anh dudng n h u khdng sao, nhung de
chZc An, anh nen td i khoa X quang. Khi cd p h im chup
X quang, dem la i cho td i xem. Day la mau don anh can
de xin chup X quang. H e n gap lai.

Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B - doctor bac si

(The patient brings back the X-ray plates.)

(Benh nhan dem lai cac tarn phim X quang.)

A: Here're my X-rays.
Day la p h im X quang cua tdi.

B: I'll ju st have a look. Everything looks OK, excep t you can

see here. T h ere's a hairline fracture. It's not very serious,
but you should take a m onth o ff w ork, and rest in bed
as m uch as p ossible. I'll give you som e herbal m edicine
to help you heal quickly. T ake it tw ice a day, m orning
and evening.
D e td i xem. M o i thCr deu khong sao, trti chd nay anh xem.
Cd m ot vet n itt b'ttng soi toe. Khdng nghiem trong ISm,
nhifng anh nen n gh i lam m ot thang, va nghi ngoi cang
nhieu cang tot. Tdi cho anh m ot it thuoc b a c de g iu p lanh
vet thuong nhanh. M o i rigay uong 2 Ian, sang va toi.

Ti§ng Anh dcinh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 15

A: W ill I need to be put in p laster?4
Tdi can p h a i bo bot khdng?

B: No. It isn't necessary.

Khong, khong can.

I'll ju s t w rite you a sick note to send to w ork. And here

is th e prescription for your herbal m ed icine.
Tdi se c h i can vie t ch ifn g nhan cd benh cho anh d e g tfi
td i sd lam. Con day la toa thuoc bSc cua anh.

A: Thank you very m uch, doctor.

Xin cam an bac si rat nhieu.

B: N ot at all. G oodbye!
Khdng cd chi. Tam b ie t!

A: Goodbye!
Tam b ie t!

Words and Expressions

graze /greiz/ vt. tray da
rib /rib / n. xuong si/dn
to be on the safe side de ch^c an
hairline /'healain/ n. sOi toe
herbal /’h3:bal/ a. thao diioc
heal /h i.l/ vt. lanh vet thi/ctng
plaster / ’pla:sta/ n bo bot
sick note giay chufng nhan co benh
renal /'ri:nal/ a (thuoc ve) than

16 - Tieng Anh danh cho gldi Bac ST & Y Ta

colic /'k d ik / n. can dau bung
incisor /in'saiza/ n. r£ng ctfa (du6i)
lateral /'laetaral/<a. ben hong, ben canh
penis / ,pi:nis/ n. dUOng vat
testis /'testis/ n. tinh hoan
traum atology /.trama'tDladji/ n. chan thi/ong
urology /jo0'rolad 3i/ n. nieu hoc
electrotherapy /I'lektrao'Gerapi/ n. tri lieu b^ng dien
hepatic /hi'paetik/ a. (thuoc) viem gan

1. What seems to be the problem? Aiih bi sao va y?
Bac si thuting dung cau nay luc bat dau buoi kham benh.
Ngoai ra con co the noi:
W h at did you w ant to see me about?
W h a t seem s to be bothering you?

W h a t seem s to be your trouble?

W h at can I do for you?
In what way are you n o t feeling well?
Tell me w hat your problem is.

2. I have a pain in my ribs. Tdi bi dan d xitcfng si(cfn.

co the dung tu’ ache va pain, vi du ta

= a pain in one's heart

Tigng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac S7 & Y Ta - 17

De chi sU dau ddn d bo phan nao tren c a the co the dung m lu
cau sau:
a pain in my knee.
I've got

Toi bi dau d dau goi.
got chan.

TO ache co the ket hap vdi ten chi bo vi co the de chi sU dau
ddn d bo phan nao. Vt du:
dau rang
dau lifng

nhirc dau

hurt va ache la nhQng dong tC/ chi cam giac dau ddn. Vf du:
I'm aching all over.
Toi dang bj dau nhuc toan than.
T h ese new shoes hurt.
Doi giay mdi nay lam dau chan.

18 - Tieng Anh danh cho g o i Bac ST & Y Ta

sore va painful la tinh td chi sU dau ddn:
I've got a sore throat/arm, etc.
Toi bi viem hong/dau tay ...
My back is so painful that J can't stand upright any more.
Lung toi nhifc den do toi khong dufng thSng dircfc.

De chi su1 dau ddn d c a c bo phan hay co quan thuoc co the

con ngi/di cd the sd dung mot so' thuat ngd chuyen mon nha:
renal colic
chdng than giao
chi'mg dau nira dau

3. Ouch la tu1 cam than, chi tieng keu la dau ddn nhu1 tieng Oi.

4. Will I need to be put in plaster? = Does it need to be put in

plaster? Tdi can p h a i ho hot khong?
Td plaster d day cd the di/oc thay bang td cast.

I. Substitution drills

do this?
release the finger?
1. Does it hurt w hen I press here?
touch you?

TiSng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 19

arm and elbow
throat and the tonsils
2. Your central incisor and the lateral incisor
penis and testes

seem to be all right.

3. To be on the safe side, you'd better go to the

X-ray Departm ent.

Traum atology D epartm ent.
Urology Departm ent.
Dental Department.

an X-ray.
an electrotherapy,
4. Here's a form that you’ll need for
a routine analysis of blood,
a hepatic function test.

II. Fill in the missing words

1. The pain is v e r y _______________when you press there.

2. When the film is re a d y ,_______________ i t ________________to
me to exam ine.
3. Everything lo o k s _______________, except ju st here.
4. I ll put a patch on it to help y o u _______________quickly.
5. it n e e d ________________put in plaster?
6. I'll just write you a _______________to send to work.
7. When I got up, my right arm and elbow were
and t have a p a in _______________my chest.
8. W h a t______________ to be the problem?

20 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Benh nhan bj dung nga xuong dudng khi dang bang qua
dudng c£ch day vai phut, va ong ta bj xay xat vai ch6.

2. Luc toi an vao ch6 nay, ong ta ren len dau ddn.

3 . Hinh nhu khong co gi nghiem trong, nhung de ch 3c an, ong

nen di chup X quang xem co bi nuft xUOng khong.

4. De giup ong mau lanh, toi se bo bot canh tay ong va dan
thuoc len chan trai ong.

5. Bay gid toi se viet giay de nghi ong ngh? lam mot thang. Vdi
tlnh trang hien tai nay, cach lanh benh nhanh chong la nghi

IV. Read th e following passage carefully. Decide, from the

four choices provided, w here you would be most likely to
hear th e s ta te m e n t and describe what has probably hap­
Mr. Sm ith, it's necessary for us to do a diagnostic procedure
that will help us to be more certain what your wife has. It is
called a lumber puncture, and it involves the withdrawal of fluid
from the spine. We need your permission to do this.

A. Neurosurgical Departm ent

B. ENT Departm ent
C. Ophthalmology Departm ent
D. Paediatric Departm ent

TiSng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 21

Unit Three

At the Urologist's
O khoa nieu/phong kham
nieu khoa

Practical English 100

Key Sentences ( 1 1 - 1 5 )
11. How long has this been going on?
Benh da bao lau roi?

12. D oes it hurt when you pass w ater?

Co dau khi anh di tieu khong?

13. How often do you usually pass w ater?

Anh thudng di tieu khong?

14. D o you often feel like you w ant to , but then find you
Anti co thttdng cam thay muon tieu ma khong tieu dupe

15. You'd b ette r do an IVP X -ray to see if you have kidney

Anh nen di chup X quang IVP de xem lieu anh co bj soi than

22 - Tigng Anh danh cho gkSi Bac ST & Y Ta

Dialogue I
A = patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si

A: I'm really w orried, doctor. Every tim e I pass w ater1, it

looks like blood ...
ThWd bac si, to i thtfc sJ lo Idng. M o i Ian td i d i tieu, hinh
n h if co mau ...

B: How long has this been going on?

Viec ay da xay ra bao lau roi?

A: For about on e w eek.

Khoang m ot tuan.

B: D oes it hurt w hen you pass water?

Khi anh d i tie u co dau khong?

A: Yes, it bum s,2 and I often have an ache around my kidneys3.

Co. rat ISm, va to i thudng thay dau 6 vung quanh than.

B: How often do you usually pass water?

Anh thudng d i tie u khongi1

A: A bout 5 tim es a day.

M o t ngay khoang 5 Ian.

B: Do you often feel like you want to, but then find you can't?4
Anh co th i/d n g cam thay m uon tieu ma khong tieu dt/Oc

A: S o m e tim e s.5
Thinh thoang.

Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & ¥ Ta - 23

B: Have you had an X-ray?
Anh da chup X quang chua?

A: No. Should I have one?

Chi/a. Tdi co nen ch u p khdn g?

B: Yes, we'd b ette r do an IV P X-ray. to see if you have kid­

ney ston es. Here's a form to take to X -ray D ep artm en t to
m ake an ap p ointm ent. You'll probably have to w ait about
tw o w eeks, but if I can, I'll try to hurry it up. W h en you
m ake the ap p ointm ent, com e and tell m e the tim e, and
I'll see if I can bring it forw ard.
Cd chi/, chung td i can anh chup X quang IVP de xem lieu
anh co bi soi than khdng. Anh cam giay nay den khoa X
quang de hen chup. Anh cd le se p ha i d o i khoang 2 tuan,
nhung neu td i cd the, td i se co gSng day nhanh sU viec. Khi
anh hen, den cho td i b ie t th d i gian va td i se xem lie u cd
the nhanh hon khdng.

Dialogue II
A = patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si

A: Here's my report from the X -ray D ep artm en t for m y IVP

exam ination, doctor.
Day la bao cao cua td i do khoa X quang chup kham IVP
di/a, thtfa bac si.

B: W ell, the report show s you have a ston e in your kidney,

and an o th er one in your urethra.
A, bao cao cho thay rSng anh b i soi than va m o t vie n khac
trong ong tieu.

24 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T£

A: W here is th e urethra?
O ng tieu d dau vay?

B: It's the last bit o f tubing in your w aterw orks.

D o la ong thoat c u o i cung trong he nieu cua anh.

A: Is it dangerous?
Nguy h iem khdn g?

B: No, but as you know , it's painful.

Khong, nhung n h u anh b ie t day, dau do.

A: W ill I need an operation?

Tdi co can phau thuat khon g?

B: Probably not. W e only use that as a last reso rt.6

Cd le khdng. Chung td i chi lam d ie u ay n h u m ot g ia i phap
cu o i cung.

A: W h at treatm en t w ill I need?

Tdi se can d ie u tri n h u the nao?

B: First I’ll send you to th e U ltrasonic D ep artm en t to try to

disperse the sto n es. I th ink it w ill w ork, as they are not
very big, and the location is ideal for this kind o f treatm ent.
At the sam e tim e I'll give you som e herbal m edicine.
TrUdc tien td i se dua anh td i khoa sieu am de th if tan soi.
Tdi nghi se duoc. vi chung khdng Idn Idm va vi tri cua
chung ly tudng de s£r dung phuong phap dieu tri nay. Dong
thdi to i se cho anh uong it thao duoc.

A: W h at happens if it doesn't work?

D ieu gi xay ra neu phuong phap nay khdng hieu qua?

Tigng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 25

B: In that case you’ll need an operation.
Trong tracing hap do, anh se can phau thuat.

A: Oh, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the U ltrasound w orks7.

6 , to i cau chua cho phuong phap sieu am cd h ie u qua.

Words and Expressions

pass w ater di tieu
burn Iby.rd v. rat
urethra /joa'ri:0ra/ n. ong tieu
waterw orks /’wo:taw3:ks/ n. he nieu
keep one's fingers crossed cau xin
ultrasonic /.Altra'sDnik/ a. sieu am
impact /im'paekt/ vt. anh hiidng
ureter /joa'ri:ta/ n. ong dan tieu

1. TO pass w ater (= make w ater = void = piss = urinate) co
nghla la di tieu.
TO chuyen mon y khoa la m icturate, danh tif la m icturation.

2. Yes, it burns la cau tinh luoc cua Yes, it burns when I piss.
Cung co the noi: I piss pins and needles.

3. around my kidneys tUOng dUOng v6i cach noi quen thuoc cua
chung ta la vinig quatth than. C ach noi suy dien nay la do thoi
"nhin mat chtf doan nghTa". Cung nhu stomach cramps bieu
th i s it dau bung.

26 - Tieng Anh danh cho gicii Bac ST & Y Ta

4. Do you often feel like you w ant to, but then find you can't? =
Do you often have a frequent desire to urinate, but then you
feel you can't? A ith cd thitdng cam th a y muon tie u ma khdng
tie u diltfc khdng?

5. Sometimes D o i k h i (trang ti/ nSng dien), co the duoc suf dung

rieng le de tra lofi cau hoi. Vf du:
D o you ever w et the bed?
Chau co bao gid dai dam khong?
Doi khi.

6. We only use that as a last resort. Chung td i ch i lam dieu a y

nhu’ m ot g ia i phap cuoi ding.
= We only use th at when w e have tried a lot of other tre at­
ments and they have all failed. Chung td i ch i la m d ie u a y
k h i da tin t n h ie u cach chita t r i khac ma b i th a t b a i
= We only use th a t when all else has failed. Chung td i ch i
la m dieu a y k h i m o i b ie n pha p khac deu th a t bai.

7. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Ultrasound works. = I'll

sincerely hope th at the Ultrasound works. Tdi cau mong
plntcfng phap sieu am cd hieu qua.

I. Substitution drills

do you usually pass w ater?

do you have bowel movements?
1. How often did you throw up?
do you have to go to the bathroom?

TiSng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac Si & Y Ta - 27

had an X-ray?
had shots for tetanus?
2. Have you ever had high blood pressure?
ever been seriously ill?

in your kidney,
impacted in the lower ureter,
3. The report shows you have stones in your bladder,
in your urethra.

treatm ent
4. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the works.

II. Fill in th e missing words

1. Does it hurt w hen y o u _______________? And how often do you

h a v e _______________?
2. Do you often feel y o u ______________, but t h e n ______________?
3. You'd better have ,___________to s e e ________________.
4. Here's to take to
5. The report shows you h a v e _______________.
6. First 1 11 send you to t h e ______________to try to
1 th in k _______________, a s _______________ . At the sam e tim e,

28 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y J i

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Ong co thay dau cf phan lifng dudi khi nSrn xuong khong?
Ong bj dau bao lau roi?

2. Ong co thudng thay muon dai tien, nhung khi co, ong khong
dai tien duoc khong?

3 . Theo toi ong nen di xet nghiem chufc nSng gan de xem ong co
bi benh gan khong?

4. Day la phieu xet nghiem ECG. Dem phieu den khoa ECG de
xin hen xet nghiem. Yeu cau ho cho ong xet nghiem c^ng
sdm cang tot.

5. Thuoc thao duoc Trung Quoc toi ke toa cho ong chtia s6i than
rat cong hieu.

6. Bade dau tien trong qua trinh dieu trj benh cua ong, toi se cho
ong dung thuoc ket hop vdi cham cufu. Theo toi viec ket hop
tay y va dong y se co hieu qua trong tradng hap nay. Dong
thdi, toi se tham khao y kien dong nghiep de xac dinh xem
nen ap dung cach dieu tri nao ntfa.

IV. Read th e following passage carefully. Decide which of

the four choices provided is th e least possible situation,
and describe w hat has probably happened
We'll try an alternative course of treatm ent, but it might be a
good idea if I got the nurse to make an appointm ent for you to
see a specialist. A friend of m ine’s a consultant at a big hospital,
and he may advise your going into hospital ju st for a few days
under observation.

A. Urology D epartm ent

B. Paediatric D epartm ent
C. Surgical D epartm ent
D. Dermatology Departm ent

TiSng Anh danh cho gidi Bac S7 & Y Ta - 29

Unit Four

The Emergency Room

Phong cap cau

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (16 - 20)
16. It's a very deep cut, but luckily, you haven't cut a vein o r
Do la vet cSt rat sau nhimg may thay anh khong bi dut tinh
mach hoac dong mach.

17. A re your tetanus injections up to date?

Anh tiem ngua phong don ganh lau chira?

18. It looks badly infected.

No bi nhiem trung n|mg.

19. A fter cleaning the cut. I'll have to give you som e stitches.
Sau khi rua sach vet cfit, toi se khau cho anh vai mui.

20. C om e back in a w eek and I'll take your stitches o u t

Mot tuan niia quay lai, toi se cat chi.

30 - TiSng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta

Diologue I
A - patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac s i

A: A bout tw enty m in u tes ago I was w orking at the leather

cu tting m achine, n o t looking w hat I was doing, and the
knife slipped and cu t m y hand.
Cach day khoang 20 p h u t td i dang lam d m ay cat da thuoc
vi khdng nhin m in h dang lam gi nen dao rdt lam d ift tay

B: Let m e have a look. It's a very deep cut, but luckily, you
haven't cu t a vein o r artery. I'll have to clean it up b e­
cause the w ound is very dirty.
De td i xem. Vet cat rat sau nhung may thay anh khdng bi
d ift tinh m ach hay do n g mach. Tdi se p h a i rCfa sach no v'i
vet thuong rat do.

A: Is it likely to get infected?

Lieu cd bi nh ie m trung khdn g?

B: N ot if we take prop er precautions. I'll use hydrogen per­

oxide solu tion to clean the cut, then give you a tetanus
shot, if you need one. Are your tetanus in jections up to
d ate1?
Khdng, neu chung ta can trong trade. Tdi se dung dung
dich hydro p e ro x id e de rCfa sach vet cSt ro i chich cho anh
m ot m u i phong ddn ganh neu anh can. Anh tiem ngUa
phong ddn ganh lau chaa?

A: Yes.
M d i day.

TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 31

B: In th at case, you needn't have an o th er sh o t2. A fter clean ­
ing the cut, I'll have to give you som e stitch es, and then
you can go hom e. Keep th e stitch es very clean and
change the bandage th ree tim es a day. T ak e it easy and
don't use your hand too m uch for a couple o f days. I
know it'll be hard n o t to use it becau se it's your right
hand, but try. OK?
Trong trUdng hop do, anh khong can chich nura. Sau khi
rda sach vet cat, to i se khau cho anh vai m u i va ro i anh
cd the ve nha. G id cho cac cho khau that sach va thay
bang m ot ngay ba Ian. Nghi’ ngoi va dC/ng dung tay qua
nhieu trong vai ngay. Tdi b ie t khdng dung tay se rat kho
v'i do la tay p h a i cua anh, nhung hay co gang nhe. O K?

A: OK.
Da duoc.

B: After 2 or 3 days, you'll probably find that the stitches will

start itching. But don't scratch them . Otherw ise, they may
get infected. Com e back in a week, and I'll take them out.
Sau 2 hay 3 ngay, anh cd the cam thay cho khau ngda.
Nhung dUng gai. N e u khdng chung se cd the b i nhiem
trung. M o t tuan nUa quay lai, td i se c3t c h i

Dialogue II
A - patient benh nh a n
B = doctor bac si

A: The itching is unbearable! I can't stop m y self from

scratching. Is th ere anything you can do?
Ngda qua khdng chiu n o i! Tdi khdng the khdng gat. Bac si
giup c h o ?

32 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta

B: It looks badly infected. I'd better give you som e antibiotics.
Cho cat bi nhiem trung nang roi. Tdi phai cho anh uong
m o t it khang sinh.

A: Can you take the stitch es ou t now?

Bac si co the cat c h i duoc khdng?

B: No, but I'll look at it again in three days, ju st to see if I

can take them ou t then.
Khdng, nhung ba ngay nCfa td i se xem lai de xem khi ay
td i co the cat c h i d u o c khdng.

A: Can you give m e anything to relieve the itching? It's un­

Bac si cd the cho to i th u o c gi de giam ngda khdng? Khdng
chiu noi.

B: 1 can give you som e solu tion to paint on that will help,
but only use it w hen you have to3. R em em b er ... you
m ustn't scratch th em 4!
Tdi cd the cho anh m ot dung dich de b o i len, nhung ch i
b o i khi anh can phai. N h d la anh khdng duoc gai nhe!

A: T hank you, doctor.

Cam on bac si.

Words and Expressions

scratch /skraetj/ vt. gai
antibiotic /aentibai'Dtik/ n khang sinh
stitch /stitj-/ n. mui khau
itch /itJ7 «•; vi. ngufa

Tigng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 33

solution /sa’ljuijan/ n. dung dich
hydrogen peroxide hydro peroxide
tetanus /’tetanas/ n. phong don ganh
fracture /Traektfa/ n. sti ntft, sU gay

1. up to date cap rihat, cf day co nghia den gicf con hieu qua

2. have another shot chtch m ot m u i ni(a (chtch t r i cam )

3. ... when you have to. ... k h i can. (Khi ban chju khong noi nCfaf)

4. ... you mustn't scratch them ! ... khong du"cfcgai\ Day la loi noi
nhan manh.

i. Substitution drills

deep cut,
serious fracture,
1. It's a very / This is a very but luckily,
rare case,
rare case,

you haven't cut a vein or artery.

the bone is still lined up.
we’ve got a supply of m edicine on hand.
it's not serious.

34 - Tieng Anh danh cho g o i Bac Si & Y Ta

2. I'll have to clean it up because

the wound is very dirty,

we re going to perform an operation,
we re going to dress the wound,
we re going to bandage you up.

in a week,
in 3 days,
3. Come back and
in a month,
tom orrow afternoon,

I'll take your stitches out.

I'll see if it's OK or not.
I'll give you the second treatm ent.
I'll bring your lab report.

II. Fill in the missing words

1. T h e ________is unbearable! I can't stop myself fro m _______ . Is

there a cure?
2. By the way, are y o u r ______ in je ctio n s_______ ?
3. I can give you s o m e _________ t o ________ that will help. You
are only supposed t o _________i t ________ when y o u _______
4. Let me have a look. It s a v e ry __________ , but lu ck ily ,______

III. Translate th e following into English

1. De toi xem. Khong b( duft sau nhi/ng b( nhi£m trung nang.

Tri/dc tien toi nen sat trung vet thi/Ong.

2. Bay gid. toi se may vet thi/ong. 10 ngay nCfa quay lai de rut

Tifing Anh ddnh cho gi6i B^c ST & V Ta - 35

3. Day la Ip thuoc xdc. Di/ng dung thuoc tril khi that can thiet.
Neu ngufa chm khong noi. hay thoa thuoc len vet thiiong.

4. Bay gid ong co the v§. Mot tuan nQa quay lai de toi kham vet
khau xem chdng nao co th§ nit chi di/ot.

IV. Read the following passages carefully. Decide, from the

four choices provided, w here you would be m ost likely
to hear th e sta te m e n t and describe w hat has probably
1. This is an em ergency. The surgeon is already waiting in the
operating room. As soon as the am bulance arrives, tell them
to bring the patient straight through here, and then we'll
wheel him into the room.
A. Traum atology Departm ent
B. Radiology Departm ent
C. Plastic Surgery Departm ent
D. Medical Departm ent
2. I'm glad you could com e right away. As you know, your wife
took sick downtown and had lapsed into unconsciousness by
the time she arrived here in the am bulance. Perhaps you
could elaborate on w hat m ight have caused this.
A. Surgical Departm ent
B. Manipulation Clinic
C. Biochem istry Departm ent
D. Medical Departm ent

36 - Tigng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y TS

Unit Five

A Skin Problem
Van de ve da

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (21 - 25)
21. I've had a rash all over my body and it itches all the time.
Toi bj say man do het ca ngudi va luc nao cung ngiia.

22. Have you noticed if anything makes it worse?

Anh co de y thay co gi lam cho no te hon khong?

23. In that case, you might be allergic to seafood.

Trong trtfdng hop do, co le anh bi di tmg v6i do hai san.

24. Have you used anything different on your face recently?

Anh co dung cai gi khac tren mat gan day khong?

25. Rem em ber, n o t every thing expensive o r foreign is neces­

sarily b etter.
Hay nhd la khong phai cai gi dat tien hay cua ngoai quoc deu
nhat thiet tot ho'n.

TiGng Anh d^nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 37

Dialogue I
A - patient benh nha n
B = doctor bac si

A: I've got a rash all over my body and it itch es all th e

tim e, and I have som e lum ps on m y arm s. C an you give
m e anything for it?
Tdi b i say man do khap ngudi va luc nao cung ngUa, ngo'ai
ra to i b i m ay cuc sung tren hai tay. Xin bac si cho td i thuoc
gi uong.

B: Let m e have a look. How long have you had th is rash?

D e td i xem. Anh da b j say man d o bao lau r o i?

A: A bou t th ree days.

Khoang ba ngay.

B: Have you noticed if anything m akes it w o rse1?

Anh co de y thay co g i lam cho no te hon kh o n g ?

A: I really don't know.

Tdi thuc stf khdng biet.

B: Have you ever had it before?

Trade day cd bao gicf anh b i n h u vay khdn g?

A: I had it once before. W h en I was sm all, I w en t on h o li­

day w ith my parents to th e seaside, and I had th e sam e
rash there.
Toi cd b i m ot Ian. H o i td i con nho, td i d i n g h i m at vdi ba
m e td i ra bai bien va to i cung bi m an do the nav.

38 - TiSng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta

B: Have you eaten any seafood recently?
Anh cd Sn dd hai san g$n dtty khdng?

A: I don't usually eat it, but I ate som e at a dinner about

three days ago.
Toi khdng tht/dng Sn, nhtfng cach day khoang ba ngay to i
co dn m ot it d b u o i Sn tdi.

B: In that case, you m ight be allergic to 2 seafood. D on't eat

any seafood, and I'll give you som e m edicine to take. And
don't scratch it even if it's very itchy.
Trong trUdng h op do, co the anh bi d i dng vdi do hai san.
DC/ng cm hai san. Toi se cho anh it thuoc uong. DCfng gai
ngay ca neu rat ngifa.

A: OK, doctor.
Vang, thUa bac s i

Dialogue II
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor bac s i

A: My skin3 has suddenly gone4 rough and red, doctor, and

spots keeps breaking out. Is th ere anything I can do?
Da td i thlnh lin h bi san sui va dd len, thUa bac si, va m un
cd n o i len. Toi p h a i lam sao?

B: Have you used anything different on your face recently?

Co co dung cai gi khac tren m at gan day khdng?

Tig’ng Anh dcinh cho gidi BSc ST & Y TS - 39

A: I usually use C h in ese face cream , but for my birthday, I
got som e very expensive American face cream w hich sm ells
very nice, and I w onder if th at could be the problem .
Tdi thating dung kem thoa m at Trung Q udc. nhtin g vao d ip
sinh nhat cua toi, to i co dung m ot it kem thoa m at cua M y
m u i rat thorn. Khong b ie t d o cd the la van dS k h o n g i

B: Do you have th e face cream w ith you?

Cd co dem kem thoa m at do theo khon g?

A: Yes, here it is.

Vang, co day.

B: It sm ells very strong. M aybe you are allergic to the

perfum e in it. Q u ite a lot o f people are allergic to highly-
perfum ed cream s. I suggest you stop using it im m ediately.
I’ll give you som e an tih istam in e pills to take th ree tim es
a day, and if there's no im provem ent w ithin tw o days,
com e back to m e. R em em b er, not everything expensive
or foreign is necessarily better.
M u i rat gdt. Co the co b i d i dng th ir rn/dc hoa trong do.
Rat nhieu n g itd i b i d i Ctng vd i cac lo a i kem co d o ntfdc
hoa cao. Toi de nghi cd ngung dun g no ngay. T oi se cho
cd vai vien khang d i ifng de uong m ot ngay ba Ian va neu
trong vong 2 ngay ma khong co cai thien, hay quay la i
day. N h d la khdng p h a i cai g) dSt tien hay cua ngoai quoc
deu nhat th ie t tot hon.

A: All right, doctor. I'll rem em ber.

Vang, thwa bac sJ. Toi se nhd.

40 - Tieng Anh danh cho gibi Bac ST & Y T3

Words and Expressions
rash /rae// n. man do
lump /L\mp/ n. khoi u
allergic /a'lardyk/ a dj ting
seafood /'si:fu:d/ n. do/thtic an h3i s3n
face cream kem thoa mat
perfume /'p3:fju:m/ n. nUdc hoa
antihistamine /.aenti'histamin/ n khang dj ufng
necessarily /'nesasarali/ a d nhat thiet
aggravate /'aegraveit/ vt lam toi te them
gash /gaeJ7 n. vet tet
boil /boil/ n. soi/phong
intolerance /in'tDlarans/ n. tha thti/khong hop (thufc an)
prickly heat nong oi btic
eyewash /'aiwof/ n. thuoc rtia mat
gauze /go:z/ n. thoa Idp mdng
lesion /’li^ an / n. thuong ton
assuage /a'sweidy vt. lam diu

1. Have you noticed if anything makes it worse? = Does
anything aggravate the condition? Anh cd d e y tltay cd gi
lam cho no te hcfn khdng?

2. be allergic to = be sensitive to di itng v&i

Danh tti cua allergic va sensitive la allergy va sensibility Vi

Ti6ng Anh dSnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 41

This patient had no history of food o r drug allergy
Benh nhan nay khong co tien sti di Omg thac pham hay
thuoc (duoc pham).
There's no history of allergy to food or drugs.
Khong co tien sur di ting thuc pham hay thuoc.
He had no history of penicillin sensibility.
Ong ta khong co tien sOr dj ting vdi thuoc penicillin.
She showed clinical sensibility to peanuts.
Ba ta co trieu chting di ting lam sang vdi dau phong.

3. skin a day chi da m at.

4. has suddenly gone d o t n h ie tt tr d nen

I. Substitution drills

rash all over my body

deep gash on my right arm
1. I've got a and it
boil on my back
flesh wound on my leg

itches all the time,

discharges constantly,
bleeds freely.

42 - Tigng Anh danh cho g o i Bac ST & Y Ta

eaten any seafood?
had any food intolerance (food that
2. Have you recently does not agree with you)?
changed your bowel habit?
been bothered by prickly heat?

antihistam ine pills

3. I'll give you some to

take three times a day.

dust on lesions several tim es daily.
drop into the eye once a day.
apply on the sore spot until the pain is assuaged.

II. Fill in the m issing words

1. I've h a d __________ , and I __________ . Can you give me any­

thing for it?
2. Have you re c e n tly __________ ?
3. Have you used anything d iffere n t____________ recently?
4. Maybe you are allergic t o _____________ .
5. I ll give y o u ____________ to u s e ___________, and if there's
com e back to see me.

Tifing Anh d4nh cho gicii Bac ST & Y Ta - 43

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Gan day toi bi dau ngi/c va nghet mui nen thay kho thd. Than
nhiet hoi cao hdn binh thudng. Bac si vui long kham cho loi.
hoac: Gan day toi bj dau ngUc va tufc ngdc. Toi thay kho thd
than nhiet toi hoi cao hon binh thudng.

2. G^n day ong co dung thuoc gi khong?

3. Gan day ong co dung thuoc gi thoa da khong?

4. Co le ong bi di ufng vdi thuoc penicillin.

5. Toi se ke toa cho ong. Dung theo lieu Idong toi ghi. Neu mot
tuan nufa khong thay dd, hay den day kham lai.

IV. Read the following passage carefully. Decide, from the

four choices provided, w here you would be m ost likely
to hear th e s ta te m e n t and describe w hat has probably
The skin’s hardly broken. It's only a scratch. But you must
have had a terrible bump on your head when you banged into the
windscreen, and you'll have a m onum ental bruise to prove it.
Take this lotion and apply it gently. That will bring the bruise out.
Perhaps you’d better lie down for a few minutes, but fortunately
there’s no need to keep you in, and you can go home once you've
got over the shock.

A. Surgery Departm ent

B. Brain Surgery Departm ent
C. Skin Departm ent
I). Massage Clinic

44 - Tieng Ann danh cho g « i Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Six

A Visit to the Dentist

Di kham nha

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (26 30) -

26. W hen does th e pain occur?

Con dau xay ra hoi nao?

27. Is it only when you are eating o r practically throughout

the day?
Lieu chi khi dang an hay thuc te suot ca ngay?

28. D oes it just co m e w hen you eat cold food, o r is it con ­

stant for any types of food like hot o r sour food?
Lieu chi dau khi anh an do an lanh hay dau thudng xuyen
vo'i bat ky loai thuc an nong hay chua nao?

29. O pen up, let me have a look.

Md m ieng ra de toi xem.

30. I only need to give you a scale and polish.

Toi chi can cho anh cao cao rang va danh hong rang.

Tig'ng Anh d^nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 45

Dialogue I
A —dentist nha si
B = patient benh nhan

A: H ello, I'm Dr. Jo h n so n . Please have a seat. How can I

help you?
Xin ch'ao. to i la bac si Johnson. Xin m d i ngoi. Anh b i gi
th e ?

B: 1 think the grow th o f my w isdom too th is affecting the

neighbouring to o th , and I'm feeling a lot o f discom fort.
Toi nghi cai r in g khon dang nhu cua to i anh hudng den
cac rang xung quanh va to i cam thay rat kho chiu.

A: W hen does the pain o ccu r?1 Is it only w hen you are
eating or practically th rou g h ou t the day?
Con dau xay ra h o i nao? Chi khi anh dang <3n hay thuc te
suot ca ngay?

B: Um ... only w hen I'm eating.

... chi' khi td i dang Zn.

A: OK. D oes it ju s t com e w hen you eat cold food o r is it

con stan t for any types o f food like hot or sou r food?
D uoc roi. Chi dau kh i anh 3n do 3n lanh hay dau thudng
xuyen vd i bat ky thUc <3n nong hay chua nao?

B: Oh, doctor, as soon as I pop som eth in g in to m y m outh,

my teeth start protesting.
O. thUa bac si ngay khi to i bo cai g) vao m ieng la rSng toi
beit dau dau.

46 - Tieng Anh dSnh cho g c i Bac ST & Y Ta

A: Now, please com e and sit over here. Open up, let me
have a look. W ell, it's not the problem o f your wisdom
tooth, but your m olar has decayed quite badly. So I think
it will relieve you a lot if I rem ove the too th 2.
Nao. anh den ngoi day. M d m ieng ra de tdi xem. O, khong
p ha i do rin g khon cua anh co van de ma la do rang ham
cua anh da bi sau/huy hoan toan. Vi vay td i cho rang anh se
bdt dau nhieu neu td i nho cai rang do.

B: O h, n o 3, doctor! It'll hu rt too m uch!

O i khong, dC/ng bac si! N h o dau lam !

A: Now, calm down. W e've so m any types o f painkillers

you could spend a w hole day taking your pick, and I
guarantee that any on e o f them will im m ediately num b
the area on w hich I'll be w orking. So don't worry, it
w on’t hurt at all.
Nao, hay binh tlnh. Chung to i co rat nhieu loai thuoc giam
dau anh co the bo ca ngay ma xia rang cung khdng sao.
Tdi bao dam la bat c d thuoc nao cung se nhanh chong
lam te cho ma td i se nho. Vay nen dCfng cd lo, khdng dau

B: OK, doctor.
Vang, thifa bac si.

A: Before I start, could you ju s t rinse out, please?

TnJdc kh i td i bat dau, xin sue m ieng.

B: All right.

Tig'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 47

Dialogue II
A = dentist nha si
B = patient benh nhan

A: H ello, I'm D octor W ang. P lease take a seat. T ell m e what

your problem is.
Xin ch'ao, to i la bac si Wang. Xin m d i ngoi. Cho to i b ie t
anh bi cai gi.

B: Frankly speaking, d octor, 1 haven't been for a dental

check-up for years, and, as I speak, I'm sure you have
noticed th at my teeth are n o t in the prize-w inning condi­
Thtfa bac si, thu that la n h ie u nSm ro i td i chua kham rSng
va khi to i n o i chuyen td i tin la bac si de y thay rSng td i d
vao tinh trang khdng ra lam sao ca.

A: W ell, let m e take a look first. If you'll ju s t m ove over

h ere.5 (The dentist indicates the seat the patient is to sit in)
C onsidering you haven't had a check-up for years, you've
obviously been bru sh in g6 regularly becau se you don't
have any cavities or gum problem s. I would say, I only
need to give you a scale and p olish7.
A, de td i xem cai da. M d i anh sang ngoi day. (Nha si chi
cai ghe benh nhan se ngoi vao) X et vie c anh chua kham rang
da nhieu nSm, chSc la anh van danh rSng dSu dan vi anh
khong b i sau hay cd van de ve lo i rdng nao ca. Cd le toi
chi can cho anh cao cao rSng va danh bong rSng la xong.

B: Is that going to hurt m uch?

5 e dau nhieu khdn g?

48 - Tigng Anh danh cho g o i Bac ST & Y Ta

A: Sin ce you last visited a d entist, we have a lot m ore
advanced technology. So you can close your eyes, forget
ab ou t your w orries and ju s t dream o f glistening new
gn ash ers.8
Tinh tC/ lu c anh den kham d nha si Ian cu o i cung, chung
to i da co ky thuat tan tie n hon nhieu. Vay anh cCf nhSm
m at va quen d i nhCTng lo au va c it m o la lat nura rang m'mh
sang b a n g la i thoi.

Words and Expressions

wisdom tooth rang khon
neighbouring tooth rang xung quanh
discomfort /dis'kAmfat/ n. sU kho chiu
pop /pop/ vt. bo vao
protest /pra'test/ vi. chong doi
molar /'maola/ n. = m olar tooth rang ham
decay /di'kei/ vi. bj sau / phan huy
numb /nAm/ vt. te
cavity /'kaeviti/ n. lo sau rang
gum /gAm/ n. loi rang
scale /skeil/ n cao cao rang
polish /'pDlif/ n thuoc danh bong rang
glistening /'glisami}/ a. sang loang
gnasher /'naeja/ n. nghien rang
fragrance /'freigrans/ n. mui hUOng
swallow /'swolao/ vt nuot
clog /klog/ vt. nghen, dong
radius /'reidias/ n. ban kfnh / xUdng quay

Ti€ng Anh dSnh cho gidi B ic ST & Y Ta - 49

1. When does the pain occur? Can dau xay ra hoi nao?
Cau hoi nay thuPng co ti'nh chat chung chung, thUdng dung de
khdi mao cho nhifng cau hoi cu the tiep theo. Vi du:
W hen does the pain occur?
Con dau b3t dau khi nao?
Is it only when you are eating o r practically throughout
the day?
Co phai chi luc 3n hay tiep dien suot ngay?
D oes it con n ect to eating?
No co lien quan den viec an khong?
Is it relieved by any special types o f food, such as milk?
No co the dupe giam nhe bdi loai thuc pham d ie biet nao
khong, nhu sua chSng han?
D o any particular kinds of food change it?
Co loai thuc pham dac biet nao co the lam no thay doi
D oes it b other you at night?
No co xay ra luc ban dem khong?
How long have you had it?
Anh bi dau bao lau roi?
How does it hurt?
No dau nhu the nao?

D oes this pain go to an o th er place?

Con dau co lan ra noi khac khong?
W h a t kind of pain? ... sharp? shoot? dull?
Anh dau nhu the nao? ... dau buot/nhoi/am 1?

50 - Tieng Anh danh cho gtcii Bac ST & Y Ta

2. remove the tooth = draw out / pull out / extract the tooth,
nho rang (= draw out / pull out / extract the tooth)

3. oh, no Khdng, xin ditng. Tddng tu nhu ta noi O i!, Ui da! luc bi

4. the prize-winning condition vi th e ngon lanh / tinh trang d ep

Day la loi noi khoi hai, thudng dung d the phu dinh. Trong bai
y noi rang cua benh nhan trong tinh trang khong ra lam sao

5. If you'll just move over here. Mcfi anh sang ngoi day.
If d day chi su d e nghi. Khong nen dung Would you please ....
vi trong ngtf canh cua bai doi thoai nay cach dung do qua
trinh trong, mat tu nhien.

6. ... brushing ... danh rang

Trong trUdng hdp nay, sau brushing la tCf your teeth (duoc
hieu ngam) d day your teeth da duoc tinh luoc de cau van
duoc gon nhe hon.

7. scale and polish = tooth cleaning cao cao rang va danh bong

8. So ... Vay ...

Bac st co y khoi hai de giup benh nhan cam thay bdt cang

TiSng Anh d in h cho gk5i B^c ST & Y Ta - 51

I. Substitution drills

pop som ething into my m outh, my teeth

start protesting,
1. As soon as I swallow som ething, my stom ach hurts,
chew, my tooth aches,
smell the fragrance, I feel dizzy.

2. So I think it will relieve you a lot if I

remove the tooth,

give you a m assage treatm ent,
give you an acupuncture,
give you a cup.

wisdom tooth,
3. It's not the problem o f your but

your molar has decayed quite badly,

your artery is clogged,
your throat is badly infected,
your elbow is swollen.

II. Fill in the missing words

1. When does the pain occur? Is it o n ly __________ or ?

2. As soon a s _________ , my

3 - lt s not -____________. b u t ____________ So I think ____ ______ if

52 - Tigng Anh danh cho gwi Bac S7 S V 1&

4 . Considering y o u ____________ , you've obviously been
______ _ b e c a u se __________ .
5 . Since y o u _____________ , we've h a d _____________ . So you'll

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Ong thay dau luc nao? Dau vao buoi sang hay buoi toi? Ong
dau am i thudng xuyen hay chi dau luc thdi tiet thay doi?

2. Moi khi an thufc 3n co nhieu gia vj, rang toi dau muon chet.

3. Rang ong khong bi sao dau. Chi tai ong khong danh rang
dung cach . Nen, toi nghi neu ong danh rang nhu toi hudng
dan, rang ong se tot hon nhanh chong.

4. Ong da Idn tuoi ma sdc khoe ong con qua tot. C hac ong da
tap the due thudng xuyen.

5. Gan day chung toi dUa ra ky thuat mdi. V iec ap dung ky thuat
mdi nay da nang cao chat luqng dieu trj va lam giam dau ddn
cua benh nhan. Nen ong hay thU gian.

Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 53

Unit Seven

A Sick Child
Dua tre benh

Practical English 700

Key Sentences (31 - 35)
31. He has a chesty cough all the time.
Chau bj ho long nguc suot.

32. D oes he bring anything up?

Chau co non mua khong?

33. He's been off food fo r th e past tw o days, and he just

brings up bile.
Chau da khong Sn gi hai ngay qua va chi oi ra mat xanh.

34. It looks like I'd b e tte r take the tem p eratu re rectally as he
w on't keep it in his mouth.
ChSc toi phai lay than nhiet chau bSng dudng true trang vi
chau khong chiu ngam nhiet ke trong mieng.

35. W h en you're back at hom e, keep him in bed, and make

sure the room is well-ventilated.
Khi ba ve nha, giu chau tren gitfdng va nho la phong phai
duoc thong thoang tot.

54 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Dialogue I
A = doctor bac si
B = the sick child’s parent me cua d iia tre berth

A: W hat's the m atter w ith this little chap?

Chau trai b i sao vay?

B: He has a ch esty co u g h 1 all the tim e. His tem perature is

high, and he keeps telling m e he w ants to be sick.
Chau b j ho long n g i/c suot. Than n h i$ t chau cao va c if
ludn m ieng bao td i la chau m uon benh.

A: D oes he bring anything up?

Chau co bi non khdng?

B: No, because he has been o ff his food for the past two
days. He ju s t brings up b ile2.
Da khong, vi chau da khdng <3n gi ca hai ngay qua. Chau
c h i d i ra m at xanh thoi.

A: I'll ju s t have a look at him .

De td i xem.

(To the boy) Let m e pop this in to your m outh to take

your tem perature.
(Noi vdi chau trai) D e bac bo cai nay vao trong m ieng chau
de lay than n h ie t ch u t nhe.

(To his mother) It looks like3 I'd b etter take it rectally as

he w on't keep it in his m outh.
(Noi vdi me chau) Chdc td i p h a i lay than n h iet chau bang
du fin g true trang vi chau khdng chiu ngam n hiet ke trong
m ieng.

Tjgng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 55

(Five minutes later)
(5 phut sau)
W ell, he's got qu ite a fever. H ere's a no te for you to take
to X-ray. T ake him along th ere as soon as p ossible, and
bring the plates back to m e.
Oi, chau bi sot roi. Ba cam giay nay dua chau d i chup
X quang. Dua chau d i cang nhanh cang tdt rd i dem phim
chup den cho to i xem .

B: T h an k you. I'll go right away.

Cam on. Toi se d i ngay.

Dialogue II
A = doctor bac si
B = the sick child’s parent me cua d ua tre benh

A: Ju s t as I expected, it looks like he has pneum onia. You

can see here. T h ere's a shadow over his left lung. But
don't worry. It's n o t seriou s.
N h u td i nghi, chau b i viem phoi. Ba co the xem day. Co
m ot vet m d ben p h o i trai. N hung ba dUng lo. Khdng
nghiem trong dau.

B: W ill he have to have any in jectio n ?

Chau se p h a i tiem chich gi khdng?

A: 1 m afraid so, becau se in jectio n s w ork m uch faster than

ChSc la vay. vi tie m chich hieu qua nhanh hon uone

56 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta

B: I think that will be a problem , because when he had in­
je ctio n s before, he scream ed and threw tantrum s, and it
w as very difficult to keep him still. Is there any oth er
way o f doing it?4
Tdi nghi se co van d e vi h o i chau tiem chich trifd c day,
chau thet len va n o i con thinh no, rat kho giCr cho chau
yen. Co cach nao khac khong?

A: I'm afraid not. W e have to nip the problem in the bud5,

or it could becom e m ore seriou s.
ChZc la khdng. C hung ta p h a i ngSn chan ngay tit trong
trilng nifdc, keo khdng benh cd the nghiem trong hon.

B: Yes, I see, doctor.

Vang, thiia bac si, td i hieu.

A: W hen you're back at hom e, keep him in bed, and m ake

sure the room is w ell-ventilated . Give him a light diet,
no m eat or fatty food s6. Here's his prescription. T here're
som e cough m ed icine, and som ethin g to bring down his
tem perature. And bring him back every day for a penicil­
lin injection.
Khi ba ve nha, g id chau tren giudng va n h o 'la phong phai
duoc thong thoang. Cho chau 3n kieng nhe, khdng d ifoc
An th it hay th ifc an dau md. Toa thuoc cua chau day.
Trong toa cd thuoc ho va thuoc de ha nhiet. M o i ngay
dem chau den day de chich p e n ic illin .

B: T h an k you very m uch, doctor. I'll m ake sure I’ll follow

your advice. Should I com e in the m ornings or afternoons?
Cam on bac si nhieu. Tdi se lam theo lOi khuyen cua bac
si. Tdi nen den vao b u o i sang hay b u o i c h ie u ?

Tifi’ng Anh ddnh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 57

A: It doesn't m atter. Any tim e th at suits you. See you
tom orrow .
Khdng quan trong. Luc nao tien cho ba. H e n m ai g£p lai

B: Goodbye, doctor.
Tam b ie t bac si.

Words and Expressions

chesty cough ho long ngiic / ho su
sick /sik/ a. benh
bile /bail/ n. mat xanh
rectally /Yektali/ ad. bang trUc trang
pneumonia /njui'maoma/ n. viem phoi
shadow /'Jaedao/ n vet md
tantrum /'taentram/ n cOn thmh no
ventilate /Ventileit/ vt. thong hoi / thong thoang
light diet an kieng nhe
greasy food thufc an co md
penicillin /.pem'silin/ n. thuoc penicillin khang sinh
micturition /.miktjoa'rijan/ n chting tieu da’t
exertion /ig'z3:Jan/ n no lUc
numbness /'nAmms/ ti te ciifng
transfusion /traens'fjuijan/ n. truyen (mau, dich)
bruise /bru:z/ vi. bam giap
pillow /'pilao/ n. cai goi

58 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

1. chesty cough ho
Thong thudng td cough vei chesty cough deu bieu thi chting
ho, nhiing cough thudng chi con ho mang ti'nh sinh ly hoac
benh ly (do thay mui kich thich dan den ho); khac vdi chufng
ho do viem phoi.

2. bring up bile non ra td i m a t xanh

Noi mot cach chfnh xac ph3i dung ngCf dong td sau: bring up
bile-stained fluid d i ra chat long cd dich m at.

3. It looks like ... H in h n h it ...

Tu1 look d day khong lien quan gi tdi thj giac.

4. Is there any other w ay of doing it? = Can we try another

way? Cd cach nao khac khdng?

5. nip this problem in the bud = catch it in the beginning ngdn

chan ngay t i t trong tn'fng nitcfc

6. ... no meat or fatty foods, khdng ditoc an t h it hay thitc an dau

no d day co nghla cam chi, khdng diMc.

I. Substitution drills

wants to be sick.
has pain in the left loin on micturition,
1. He keeps telling me he becomes breathless on the least exertion,
has a feeling of numbness of his face.

Tigng Anh d£nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 59

take it rectally.
relieve him o f his pain first.
2. It looks like I'd better give him blood transfusions.
run some tests to confirm the diagnosis.

bring anything up?

have headaches very often?
3. Does he bruise easily?
need any pillows to sleep?

It. Fill in the missing words

1. He keeps telling me t h a t ______________ .

2. Just as I expected, it looks like he h a s _______________. You
c a n ______________ . T h e re 's _______________.
3. It looks like I'd b e tte r _______________.
4. We have t o ______________ , or i t _______________ .
5. I think that will be a problem, b e c a u s e _______________.

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Ong ta cuf noi hoai vdi toi ong ta bi kiet sufc.

2. Dung nhu toi doan, than ong ta co san. Phim X quang cho
thay mot diem toi.
3. Co le toi nen dung thuoc de dieu trj benh nhan nay.

Hinh nhu toi nen dung thuoc de di£u tri benh nhan nay.
4. Chung ta nen giai phau ong ta ngay. Bang khdng, se nguy
hiem den tinh mang cua ong ta.
5. Theo toi, mo khong tot cho ong ta vi ong ta qua gia va stic
khoe khong tot, nen ong ta se khong qua duoc ca mo.
60 - Tjgng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta
IV. Read the following passage carefully. Decide, from the
four choices provided, w here you would be most likely to
hear the s tatem en t and describe what has probably hap­
This is a seven-year-old female who was apparently in good
health until about four days prior to admission. At that time she
began to sneeze and to com plain of some nasal obstruction and a
sore throat. Her cough was persistent and non-productive. The
patient has had a fever for the past few days, and today it was
39"C. On physical exam ination the vital signs were within normal
limits, except for the tem perature. Generally, the child looked
actually ill. She was coughing, would occasionally have bouts of
sneezing, and was having som e difficulty breathing. The lungs are
clear, and there is m oderate splenomegaly.

A. General Surgery Departm ent

B. Orthopedic Surgery
C. Paediatric Departm ent
D. Ophthalmology D epartm ent

Tig'ng Anh d^nh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 61

Unit Eight

A Diabetic Patient
Benh nhan bi benh tieu dirdng

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (36 - 40)
36. D o you know if your family has a history of diabetes?
Anh co biet lieu gia dinh anh co tien sOf benh tieu dutmg

37. W e'll do some checks on you.

Chung toi se thuc hien vai kiem tra doi v6i ong.

38. Do you have any other symptoms?

Ong co nhung trieu chung nao khac khong?

39. Don't w ork too hard and put yourself under stress if you
can possibly avoid it
Dung lam viec qua stfc va dung de bj stress neu ong co the
tranh ducfc.

40. Your health is m ore important than your work.

Sue khoe cua anh quan trong hon cong viec.

6 2 - Tigng Anh ddnh cho g t ii Bac ST S Y TS

Dialogue I
A - patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si

A: I'm th irsty all the tim e, doctor, and feel very tired, and I
can't con cen trate at all on m y work.
ThUa bac si, lu c nao to i cung khat nude va cam thay rat
m et. Tdi khdng the tap trung lam viec duoc.

B: Do you know if any o f your family m em bers have a h is­

tory o f d iab e te s?1
Ong cd b ie t lie u bat c it ngu di nao trong gia dinh ong cd
tien si/ benh tie u dud ng khdng?

A: No, they don't.

Khdng, khdng cd ai.

B: Have you noticed any o th e r sym ptom s?

Ong cd de y thay cd trie u chifng nao khac khong?

A: 1 have felt dizzy a few tim es.

Tdi cam thay choang vang m ot vai Ian.

B: It sounds like th ere's a chan ce you may have diabetes,

but we'll need to do som e checks. T ake this form and go
to the Laboratory D ep artm en t, and they will look after
Cd ve n h u cd the ong cd nguy co b i tieu dudng, nhung
chung td i can tie n hanh vai kiem tra. Cam giay nay d i td i
khoa xet nghiem , O dd ho se chSm soc cho ong.

A: O K, doctor.
Vang, thUa bac si.
Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 63
B: You will have to give a urine sam ple, and bring th e re­
sults straight back to m e.
Ong se p ha i cho mau nude tie u va dem ket qua la i ngay
cho tdi.

A: W ill it take long?

Se mat lau khdng?

B: No, ju st a few m inu tes.

Khong, chi m ot vai phut.

A: T hank you, doctor. I'll do it right away.

Cam on bac si. Tdi se lam ngay.

Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c s i

A: I feel very tired, and can't keep my atten tio n on anything

for very long.
Toi cam (hay rat met, va td i khdng the chu y cai gi lau

B: Do you have any o th e r sym ptom s?

Ong con cd trieu chifng gi khac khdng?

A: Yes. I'm drinking a lot m ore w ater than usual.

Cd. Tdi uong nhieu nude hon binh thudng.

B: Have you any diabetes in the family?

Trong gia dinh ong cd ai b i tie u dudng khdng?

64 - Tieng Anh danh cho gitii Bac ST & Y Ta

A: Yes. My m o th er has had it for m ore than tw enty years.
Co. M e td i b i b£nh nay hc/n 20 nSm.

B: T h en there's a stron g probability that you m ight have it

too, as it runs in fam ilies2.
Vay co rat n h ie u kha nSng ong cung bi ntia vi benh nay
co d i truyen trong gia dinh.

A: W h at should I do ab ou t it?
Vay to i nen lam g i?

B: First o f all, we'll run som e ch ecks3, and I'll give you som e
medicine, but also I'll give you som e advice. Eat m ore
vegetable and bean products. Have a regular tim etable.
Don't eat too m any sugary things. Don't work too hard
and put you rself under stress if you can possibly avoid it.
TrUdc tien, to i se thuc h ie n vai kiem nghiem va td i se cho
thuoc ong uong, nhung to i cung se cho ong vai Id i khuyen.
H ay Sn nhieu rau va cac san pham dau hat. Co m ot thOi
gian b ieu lam vie c deu dan. DC/ng an nhieu thuc pham cd
dudng. DUng lam v ie c qua sUc va dUng de bi cSng thSng
neu ong co the tranh duoc.

A: I'll try, but I'm very busy at w ork, and always seem to be
behind. If I get behind , I feel even m ore stressed.
Tdi se co gdng. nhung td i rat ban ron va luc nao cung bi tre
nai. Neu tdi tre nai, tdi se cam thay con cSng th jn g hon nUa.

B: Your health is m ore im portant than your work. If that4

fails, you w on't be able to work. You m ust put your
health first.
Site khoe cua o ng quan trong hon cong viec. N eu that b a i/
neu khdng con sUc khoe, ong se khdng the lam viec. Ong
p h a i dat site khoe len hang dau.

TiSng Anh d in h cho giOi Bac ST & V Ta - 65

A: I understand, doctor. I'll try my best to follow your advice.
Thi/a bac sJ td i hieu. Tdi se c 6 hSt stfc theo l&i khuy£n
cua bac si.

Words and Expressions

thirsty /’03:sti/ a khat
concentrate (on) /’konsantreit/ vi. tap trung vao
diabetes /,daia'bi:ti:z/ n. tieu ducfng
urine /'joarin/ n. nU6c tieu
blood sample mau mau
symptom /'simptam/ n. trieu chtfng
bean product san pham dau hat
sugary things nhiirng thuf co dudng
to follow one's advice theo Idi khuyen cua ai
hypertension /.haipa’tenjan/ n cao huyet ap
congenital /kan'd3emtl/ a bam sinh
duodenal ulcer loet ta trang

1. Do you know if any of your fam ily members have a history of
diabetes? Anh cd b ie t lieu gia dinh anh co tien s ifb en h tieu
chtifng khdng?
= Have you any diabetes in the family? Gia dinh anh cd a i bi
ben h tieu diicfng khdng?
Ti/Ong tU ta co the noi: Do you have a fam ily history of diabe­
tes? hoac Has anyone in your fam ily ever had diabetes?

6 6 - Tigng Anh danh cho gk)i Bac ST & Y Ta

2. as it runs in families. = it seems that it's congenital.
dudng nhit dd la di truyen.

3. First of all, we'll run some checks. Tni&c tien, chung tdi se tien
hanh k iem nghiem.
Bac si c3n cur vao Idi noi cua benh nhan de de xuat y kien chu
quan cua minh trong viec chan doan, nhung chi khi nao co xet
nghiem lam sang mdi chac chan duoc. run some checks co
nghia tien hanlt k iem nghiem de co ket luan chinh xac.

I. Substitution drills

lung cancer?
1. Do you know if your family has a history of heart disease?

2. It sounds like there's a chance you may have a duodenal ulcer,
gastric flu.

sugary things,
fattening food,
and have a regular
3. Don't eat too many television food,
stim ulating food,

tim etable.

Tifi'ng Anh ddnh cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta - 67

II. Fill in the missing words

1. Have you n o tic e d ______________ ?

2. W e 'll______________ some c h e c k s_______________ .
3. Take th is ______________ and go to t h e _______________ . and
th ey 'll______________ .
4. Y o u ______________ have to g iv e _______________ , and bring
the resu lts______________ to me.
5. There's a s tro n g ______________ that you might
______________ too, as i t _______________ in the family.
6. Don't work hard a n d ______________ y o u rself______________
if you c a n ____________ __ avoid it.
7. Y o u r______________ is m o r e _______________ than your

III. Translate th e following into English

1. Dao nay toi rat hay khat nude va de met moi. Toi khong the
tap trung vao viec gi duoc lau.

2. Ngoai ca c trieu chting nay ra, ong con co trieu chijfng bat
thudng nao khac khong?

3. Gia dinh ong co tien sti benh tieu dudng khong?

4. Nay ong Lee, toi co Idi khuyen ong. TrUdc het, hay lap thdi
gian bieu deu dan va song theo thdi gian bieu do. Dting qua
ham lam. Stic khoe cua ong quan trong hon viec lam. Thti hai,
an kieng cung quan trong. Dting an thtic an co chat dudng
nhu khoai tay hoac keo. Hay an nhieu san pham lam tti dau.
Rang nhd dieu toi dan. Bang khong khi stic khoe sut kem, ong
se khong the lam viec duoc.

68 - Tieng Anh danh cho gtoi Bac ST & Y Ta

IV. Read th e following passages carefully. Decide where you
would be most likely to hear the statem ent and describe
w hat has probably happened
Well, let me put it this way, your body needs sugar to func­
tion, just you know for sleeping, working, playing, all those sorts
of things. And it's insulin that enables your body to use this sugar,
and if you haven't got enough, the sugar builds up in the blood
and you actually get dehydrated really and the only way your
body can get rid of sugar is to send it out through the kidneys,
through the urine. So you send out loads and loads of urine and
so you get an awful thirst and that's usually thd first symptom,
especially with som ebody young, you know, who's going to actu­
ally need insulin.

A. Medical Departm ent

B. Obstetrics Departm ent
C. ENT Department
D. Urology Departm ent

Well, it depends when and sort of how you get diabetes.

I f ... on the whole, below the age of, erm, about 30, you are going
to need to have insulin injections for the rest of your life because
you're not producing enough insulin and probably no insulin after
a while. But, erm, there are lots ... it's almost what 2% of the
population, possibly m ore, now have diabetes and in the sort of
the latter age range people develop it, um, and sometimes it can
be controlled ju st by diet or with diet and tablets.

A. M edical D epartm ent

B. Obstetrics D epartm ent
C. ENT D epartm ent
D. U rology D epartm ent

Tifi’ng Anh dcinh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 69

Unit Nine

An Upset Stomach
Roi loan bao tu

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (41 - 45)
41. H ow many times a day have you been vomiting?
Anh oi mot ngay bao nhieu lan?

42. W hen do you get stomach cramps?

Anh bj dau bao tur hoi nao?

43. First let me take your temperature.

Trudc tien de toi do than nhiet cua anh.

44. I'll give you some medicine for it to make you feel better.
Toi se cho anh it thuoc de anh cam thay do hon.

45. Take the tablets as directed on the label.

Uong thuoc theo hudng dan tren nhan thuoc.

70 - TiSng Anh danh cho gk5i Bac ST & Y T2

Dialogue I
A = doctor bac s i
B = patient benh nhan

C om e in. W h at can I do for you?

M d i vao. Toi cd the g iu p gi cho anh?

B: I haven't been feeling m y self for 2 or 3 days. Every tim e

I have som ethin g to eat, it goes straight through m e, and
I also feel sick 1. I keep getting stom ach cram ps, and I've
had a fever for a few days.
Tdi da khdng d u o c kh o e hai hay ba ngay rSi. M o i Ian td i
3n cai gi vao la no c ii nhw vao nha khdng, va td i cam thay
buon non. Tdi cCf b i dau bao tCf, va b i sot da vai ngay.

A: How m any tim es a day have you been vom iting?

Anh b j d i m ay Ian m d t ngay?

B: I've been vom iting 2 o r 3 tim es a day. I often feel like

vom iting but m anage to stop m yself.
Tdi da b j d i mCfa hai hay ba Ian m dt ngay. Tdi thudng cd
cam giac m uon d i nhung co site kiem lai.

A: And going to th e to ile t? 2

Con d i toa-let th i sao?

B: I go to th e to ile t 3 o r 4 tim es a day, and my bow els are

very loose.
Toi d i toa-let 3 hay 4 Ian m d t ngay, con ruot td i rat long
(phan rat long). (LND)

A: W h en do you get sto m ach cram ps?

Anh b i dau bao tCt k h i n ao?
Tifi'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS - 71
B: Im m ediately after eating.
Ngay sau khi an.

A: Are they very bad?

Co dau lam khdng?

B: 1 get very bad stom ach -ach e and I also have a lot o f
Tdi bi dau bao tJ nang va b i day h o i di7 lam.

A: First let m e take your tem perature, and I’ll ju st feel your
pulse ...
Trude lie n de td i do than n h ie t cua anh, td i se dem nhip
dap cua anh ...

Your tem perature is slightly above n o rm al.3 O pen your

m outh and say "A h ”. Y our tongue looks coated. Now
please unfasten your b lou se so I can listen to your heart.
Than nhiet ciia anh tren m dc binh tht/Ong m ot chut. Hay
ha m ieng va n o i “A h". Ludi cua anh d o qua. N ao hay m d
nut ao de td i nghe n g i/c anh xem tim dap ra sao.

Your heart sounds perfectly all right.

Tim anh dap rat deu.

Let's take your blood pressu re4.... T h e re ’s no problem

there. I’m going to give you th ree form s. T ake this one to
the X -ray D ep artm en t and have an X-ray, take th is one
to the Pathology Lab, and we'll get your w hite blood cell
cou nt checked out. T h is last one is for you to have an
ECG at the EC G D ep artm en t. You'll find all th ree depart­
m en ts tog eth er at th e end o f the corridor on th e second
floor. C om e back tom orrow m orning and pick up all
three reports, then bring th em to my office.

72 - Ti§ng Anh danh cho gk5i Bac SI & Y Ta

D e chung td i do huyet ap cho anh ... Khdng cd van de gi.
Tdi se cho anh ba phi&u. Cam phieu nay den khoa X quang
va chup X quang, cam p h ie u nay den Phong th i nghiem
benh ly ro i chung td i se kiem tra so bach cau cua anh.
Phieu cu o i cung la dS anh do dien tam do 6 khoa dien tam
dd. Anh se thay ba khoa gan nhau d cuoi hanh lang tren
tang hai. H ay quay la i vao sang mai, lay ba ban bao cao,
mang den vSn phong tdi.

Dialogue II
A - patient ben h nhan
B = doctor b a c si

A: H ere’re my resu lts, d octor.

Thifa bac si, day la cac k e t qua cua tdi.

B: Have a seat, and let's have a look. W ell, your EC G is

perfectly norm al. And th ere's no problem w ith your
X-ray, eith er. B u t your w hite blood cell cou nt is rather
high, w hich is w hat 1 expected as it show s your body is
fighting the virus.
M d i anh ngoi de td i xem. Nao, dien tam dd ho'an toan
binh thddng. Cung khdng cd van de gi vdi p him X quang.
Nhdng so bach cau cua anh hoi cao theo n h d td i ngh i vi
cd the anh dang chong la i vi-rut.

A: Is th ere anything you can give m e to m ake m e feel

better, doctor? I'm very busy at w ork this w eek, and I
have a lot o f studying to do, but I really don't feel up to
it. A lso, my dau ghter is ill in bed, and ...
Bac si cd the lam gi de g iu p td i cam thay d d hon ddoc
khdng a? Tdi rat ban tuan nay va td i la i p h a i hoc nhieu
qua. nhdng td i khdng the kham noi. N goai ra, con gai td i
dang nhm benh. va ...
TiSng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 73
B: D on't worry. It's ju s t gastric flu, but I’ll give you som e
m edicine for it to m ake you feel better. T h re e tim es a
day take the w hite tab lets as directed on th e label after
m eals; and for the charcoal tab lets, take one o r tw o de­
pending on how loose your bow els are.
DC/ng lo. Chi la cum tid u hoa thdi, nhung td i se cho anh
m ot it thuoc de anh cam thay d d hon. Ba l$n m o t ngay
uong cac vien trSng theo hudng dan trdn nhan thuSc sau
cac bUa Sn; con m ay vien thuoc than, uong m o t hay hai
vien tuy vao phan long c d nao.

A: Is there anything else I can do th at w ill help?

Tdi cd the lam gi khac nda?

B: I know you're busy, but you really shou ldn't go to work.

However, that's up to you. R e st as m uch as p ossib le,
drink plenty o f liquids, eat plenty o f vegetables and fruit.
R em em ber, an apple a day keeps th e d octo r aw ay5. If
there's no im provem ent after th ree days, com e back and
see m e again.
Toi biet anh ban, nhung that sU anh khdng nen d i lam. Tuy
nhien, tuy anh. C d nghi ngoi cang nhieu cang tot, uong
nhieu chat long, Sn nhieu rau va trai cay. H a y n h d la m oi
ngay Sn m ot qua tao thi se khdng p ha i d i bac s i N eu sau
ba ngay ma khong cai thien gi, den gap la i tdi.

A: T h an k you, doctor.
Cam on bac si.

74 - Tieng Anh danh cho gicii Bic ST & Y J i

Words and Expressions
upset r Apset/ a. kh6 chiu, roi loan
vom it /V o m it/ vt.; vi. 6i, rmjfa
toilet /’toilit/ n. toa-let
cramp /craemp/ n. quan dau, cting (co)
wind /wind/ n. (day) hoi
unfasten /An'fa:san/ vt. th^o, cdi
count /kaont/ n. so li/qng
charcoal /'tja:kaul/ n than (cui)
charcoal tablets vien thuoc than
bowel /'baoal/ n. ruot
orally /’oxali/ ad. qua dudng mieng
abate /a'beit/ vt.; vi. thuyen gi3m
remit /ri'mit/ vt.; vi. lam diu di
elevation /.eli'veifan/ n. thang may
associate /a’saujieit/ a. lien ket
systolic /sis'tDlik/ a. (thudc) tam thu
diastolic /daia'stDlik/ a. (thuoc) trUOng tim
inappropriate /.ina'praopriat/ a. khong thfch hop
nocturnal /nok't3:nal/ a. thuoc ve ban dem
asthma /'aesma/ n. suy£n
ECG dien tam do
flu /flu:/ n cum

Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi BSc ST & Y T3 - 75

1. feel sick = feel nauseated cam thay btion non
Cung co the dung retch de bi£u thj y n^y.
Vi du:
He would retch at th e foulness.
Anh ta cam thay muon non oe truoc mui hoi thoi do.

2. And going to the toilet? Anh di toa-let a?

Trong tieng Anh, go co the ket hop vdi mot dia diem n^o do
de tao thanh mot to hop tif mang nghia "di dau de thi/c hifn
muc di'ch nao do". Vi du:
go to bed
di ngu
go to the cinema
di xem phim
go to school
di hoc
go to the toilet
di ve sinh, di toa-let
go to cou rt
ra toa
go t o church
di le

go to the medical departm ent

di kham noi khoa

76 - Tieng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

3. Your tem perature is slightly above normal. Than nhiet ciia
anh tren mite binh thu&ng m ot chut.
Ba phuong phap thudng dung de do than nhiet la:
take one's tem perature by mouth / orally
do than nhiet qua m ieng
take one's tem perature under the arm
do than nhiet of nach
take one's tem perature by rectum / rectally
do than nhiet qua true trang

Lien quan den than nhiet con co nhtfng cach bieu dat sau:

falls/abates/declines promptly,
begins to re m it
Your fever
dropped/is reduced to normal,
b ecom es low er and low er day by day.

’ ha xuong ngay.
bat dau thuyen giam.
Con sot cua anh <
ha xuong rmfc binh thudng.
. m6i ngay thuyen giam dan.

’ an elevation of tem perature.

You have high tem perature, associated with chill,
chills with tem perature.
Ban bi sot cao.

4. take one's blood pressure = check/ measure one's blood pres­

sure do hnye t dp
Huyet ap thong thudng la 180/80 (luc co lai la 180, luc thu
gian la 80).

Tig'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 77

Doc la huyet eip 1 8 0 tren 8 0 .
the blood pressure rises/is elevated huyet d p tdng
the blood pressure drops/falls huyet d p silt

5. an apple a day keeps the doctor away. mdi ngay an 1

trdi tdo se giup ban dUffc k h o e tnatih.
Bac si thudng dung nhCfng cau c^ch ngon de khuyen b3o benh
nhan. Loai cau ca ch ngon nay rat nhieu, dudi day chi ddn cOf
vai vi du:
A light heart lives long.
Ngudi co tam hon khoang dat se song lau.
Care kills a cat
Uu phien lam giam Lho.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Nhifrig viec can lam thl nen lam ngay de tranh day dua
phien toai sau nay.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise.
Ngu sdm day sdm se giup cho ta khoe m anh, giau co va
thong thai.

Prevention is better than cure.

Phong benh hcfn chtia benh.

78 - Tieng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

I. Substitution drills

two or three days,

a couple of weeks,
1. I haven't been feeling m yself for a month,
quite a long time.

getting stom ach cramps,

having a singing in my ears,
2. He keeps exhibiting silly inappropriate laughter,
having nocturnal asthma.

tem perature,
blood pressure,
3. First let me take your pulse.
m easurements.

II. Fill in th e missing words

1. How many times a day have y o u _____________ ?

2. Immediately a f te r ______________, I g e t _____________ and I
also h a v e _____________ •
3. Let m e ____________ your tem perature, and I'll just
your pulse. Your tem perature i s _____________ .

4. Your tongue lo o k s ______________•Your heart sounds

5. Don't worry. I'll give you s o m e __________ to m a k e ___________.

6. I know you're busy, but y o u _____________ . R e s t____________ ,
d r in k ____________ - an d e a t _______________.

Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 79

III. Translate th e following into English

1. May ngay qua toi bi dau bung dtf 13m. An bat ciif gi xong la toi
di tieu ngay, va cung c3m thay buon non.

2. Ong b| tieu chay co nang khong? Co bi sinh bung khong? Ong

co oi thudng xuyen khong? 6 i co nhieu khong?

3. Than nhiet ong binh thudng. M ach cung binh thudng. Ket qua
xet nghiem ECG (dien tam do) binh thudng. Ket qua X quang
cho thay khong co van de gi. Nhung ludi cua ong hdi bi dd.

4. Ong bi ciim r6i. De toi ghi toa thuoc. Uong c a c vien thuoc den
nay theo hudng dan suf dung ghi tren nhan.

5. Khoa X quang, khoa thi nghiem va ECG deu toa lac d cuoi
hang lang tren tang 1.

6. Ong nen nghi ngoi cang nhieu cang tot. Uong thuoc theo toa.
An nhieu va uong nhidu nUdc. Trong vong 3 ngay ong se dd
hon nhieu.

IV. Com plete th e following dialogue betw een a doctor and a

A: _______________?

B: Doctor, I've been having pains in my chest.

A: ______________ ?

B: I feel like 1 have sharp knives cutting at my heart. It's almost

A: ______________ ?

B: Yes, my father and grandfather had heart attacks. That's

why I m alm ost certain that I'm having heart trouble as well.
A: _______________?

B: Usually in the afternoon or late evening.

80 - Tieng Anh danh cho g o i Bac ST & Y Ta

A : ______________ ?

B: Yes. I also get indigestion very badly.

B: Yes. 1 like to eat tom atoes and oranges.

A: _______________ ?
B: Well, yes, I often eat uncooked vegetables.
A: Then your problem is not heart disease. It's ulcers.

V. Try to fill th e blank with w hat the doctor or Mr. Johnson

will say
Mr. Johnson: I haven’t been feeling well just lately, doctor, so
thought I'd com e and see you for a check-up.
Doctor: ?
Mr. Johnson: Yes, I feel a slight pain ju st here som etimes. I
think it may be arthritis.
Doctor: ?
Mr. Johnson: I get the pain about once a week, generally after
I've been gardening.
Doctor: ?
Mr. Johnson: It generally lasts about a quarter of an hour, but
it's a continuous pain. Perhaps I've got a touch of

D o c t o r : ______________ ?
Mr. Johnson: Yes. doctor, I often have difficulty in breathing.
D o c t o r : ______________ ?
M r. Jo h n so n : I've had trouble with my breathing for quite a
long tim e now.

D o c to r: _______________ ?

Tifing Anh danh cho gi<5i B£c ST & Y Ta - 81

Mr. Johnson: It usually affects me when I run for a bus, but
last w eek I had it while I was playing tennis. I
think it must be blood pressure.
Doctor: ?
Mr. Johnson: I work in an office.
D octor: _______________?

Mr. Johnson: Yes, I have an excellent appetite. In fact, my wife

says I eat so much that there must be something
wrong with me.
Doctor: ?

Mr. Johnson: No, I've never had a really serious illness, I had
rather a severe attack o f influenza a few years
ago, though.
D octor: ?
Mr. Johnson: I last had a holiday ju st before Christmas, I went
skiing in H arb in ._______________?
D octor: No, Mr. Johnson. I do not think your condition is
very serious. Nevertheless, you must look after
yourself. I suggest that you drink a glass o f fresh
w ater three times a day and w henever you feel
that pain, take an aspirin.

82 - Tieng Anh danh cho g tii Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Ten

At the Neurologist's
O phong kham bac sT than kinh

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (46 - 50)
46. Recently I've been having bad migraine attacks.
Gan day toi bi cac con dau ntia dau.

47. My memory is good only for things that happened a long

time ago, but I can't remember things that happened
Tri nho cua toi tot chi vdi nhting viec xay ra cach day lau,
nhung toi khong the nhd nhting gi xay ra gan day.

48. A t your age, and as this is the first time you've had this
problem, the best thing for you is exercise.
0 tuoi cua anh, va vi day la lan dau tien anh bi van de nay,
dieu tot nhat anh co the lam la tap the due.

49. If my diagnosis is confirmed, you'll have to have an

Neu chan doan benh trang cua toi dupe khang djnh, anh se
phai chju phau thuat.

.50. My hands keep shaking so I find it very difficult to write.

Tay toi cti run lam toi rat kho viet.

Tifing Anh danh cho gifli B^c ST & Y Ta - 83

Dialogue I
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si

A: R ecently I've been having bad m igraine attacks, w hich

stops me from sleeping, and I seem to be losing my
m em ory.
Can day td i b i cac con dau nCfa dau lam td i khong thS ngu
duoc, va dudng n h u td i b i m at tri nhd.

B: How long has this been going on?

D ieu nay da keo dai bao lau r o i?

A: For about three m onth s.

Khoang ba thang.

B: W hen does it usually occur? D oes it com e o n 1 in the

No thudng xay ra khi nao? Cd xay ra vao b u o i chieu khdng?

A: W ell, it usually com es on in the aftern oon o r evening

w hen I take a rest.
N o thudng xay ra vao b u o i ch ie u hay b u o i to i khi td i nghi

B: D o you have any o th e r sy m p to m s?2

Anh con cd trie u ch itn g gi khac khdng?

A: Yes, quite a few. I've lost my ap p etite3 and always feel

depressed. N orm ally I have lots o f in terests but now I’m
not very in terested in any o f them . My m em ory is good
only for. things that happened a long tim e ago, but I can't
rem em ber things that happened recently.
84 - Tifing Anh danh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta
Co, nhiSu ISm. Tdi Sn khdng thay ngon va lu c nao cung
cam thay chan nan. Thudng td i cd nhieu niem say m e vay
ma bay g id td i khdng con quan tam den cai gi nCfa ca. Tri
n h d cua td i tot c h i vdi nhUng vie c xay ra cach day lau,
nhung td i khdng the n h d nhUng g i xay ra gan day.

B: At your age, and as this is the first tim e you’ve had this
problem , th e b est thing for you is exercise. Try to get up
at the sam e tim e every day. G o to the park to do m orn ­
ing exercises, and go to bed around the sam e tim e each
night. I'll also give you som e m edicine to help you sleep
d tuSi cua anh, va vi day la Ian dau tien anh bi van de
nay, d ie u tot nhat anh cd the lam la tap the due. Co gSng
thtfc day vao cung m o t g id m d i ngay. H ay den cong vien
de tap the due b u o i sang, va d i ngu vao cung m ot g id m o i
dem. Tdi cung se cho anh it thuoc de anh ngu ngon hon.

Dialogue II
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c si

A: I've got a terrible pain th at sh oo ts down my leg, and I

can't stop it from shaking4. My hands keep shaking too,
so I find it very difficult to w rite.
Tdi b j dau kinh khung Ian xuong td i chan va td i khdng lam
sao cho chan h e t run duoc. Tay td i cung cCf run lam td i rat
kho viet.

B: Have you noticed any paralysis?5

Anh thay cd dau h ie u b i lie t khdng?

Tig'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 85

A: For the past m onth , I've often had problem s m oving my
left leg, and now I have trou ble m oving m y right arm as
Thang roi, td i thudng gap kho khan cCf dong chan trai, cdr
bay g id td i cung gap kho khan c il ddng tay p h a i nUa.

B: It sounds like a pinched nerve. I'll w rite ou t a form for

you to take to X-ray, and I'll have a look at your C T re­
port. If my diagnosis is confirm ed, you'll have to have an
Cd the than kinh b i dau. Toi se viet cho anh m o t p h ie u dS
anh cam d i chup X quang, va td i se xem bao cao chup cat
Idp. N eu chan doan cua td i duoc khdng djnh, anh se phai
chiu phau thuat.

A: I'd rather have an operation than have to put up w ith all

these problem s. W ill th ere be a long w ait for th e opera­
tion, if I do need it?
Tdi th'a chiu phau thuat con han p h a i chiu dung tat ca
nhUng thCf nay. Se d o i lau de d uo c phau thuat khdng, neu
to i can p h a i phau th u a t?

B: No, only about 10 days.

Khdng, c h i khoang 10 ngay.

Words and Expressions

m igraine /'m i:grein/ n. dau nufa dau
in terest A n tris t/ n. dam me, quan tam
a p p e tite /’aepitait/ n sU ngon mieng
d epressed /di'prest/ a. chan nan
shake /Jeik/ vi. bat (tay)

86 - TiSng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta

confirm /kan'f 3 :m/ vt. kh^ng djnh
paralysis /pg'raelisis/ n. Net
relish Preli// n. khoai khau, sU ngon mieng, sanh 3n
feeble /Ti:bl/ a. yeu (duoi), yeu dt
delicate /'delikat/ a. yeu (stic khde)
disincline /.disin'klain/ vt. lam cho khong vui

1. come on phdt sinh, xuat hien. vf du:
I can feel a cold coming on.
Toi thay muon bi cam.

2. Do you have any other symptoms? Anh coil cd trieu chi'tng nao
khac khdng?
symptom thudng chi nhufng bieu hien benh ma benh nhan
dim thay ducfc, con nhufng gi ma bac sT hay y ta n^m duoc qua
viec nhin, nghe, chan doan, bat m ach thi goi la sign; vi vay
chdng insomnia m at ngu la symptom, con rapid pulse mach
d ap nhanh chinh la sign dau hieu.

3. I've lost my appetite ... Toi an khdng thay ngon ... Tucfng tu co
the noi:
= I've no/little ap p etite for food.
= I've lost/have no relish for food.
= I've a poor/feeble/w eak/delicate appetite.
= I'm disinclined to eat.

4. ... I can't stop it from shaking. ... toi khdng lam sao cho chan
h et run dU0c.
= It keeps on shaking. Chan cit run mdi.

Tifing Anh d in h cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta - 87

5. Have you noticed any paralysis? Anh thay co dau hieu bi t i
liet khong?
= Have you noticed anything you can't m ove?

I. Substitution drills

bad m igraine attacks,

trouble in passing water,
1. Recently I've been having
terrible anxiety,
habitual constipation.

2. At your age, and as this is the firrt tim e you've had this

problem, the best thing for you is to give up smoking,
to have a regular
tim etable.

do morning exercises,
practise shadow boxing every morning,
3. Go to the park to
have a breath of fresh air.
receive sun-ray treatm ent.

4. For the past m onth, I often had problems

moving my left leg.

raising my hand promptly,
bending my body backward,
bringing my knees up.

88 - Tieng Anh ctenh cho giOi Bac ST & Y M

It. Fill in th e missing words

1. When d o e s ___________ usually occur? Does it come on

___________ w h e n _____________ ?
2. At your age, and as this is the first time you've had this prob­
lem, the best thing for you i s ______________ .
3. If my diagnosis is confirm ed, you'll have t o ____________ .
4. For the past m onth, I often had p rob lem s______________ ,
and now I have tro u b le _____________ .
5. I prefer t o ____________ th a n _______________ .

III. Translate th e follow ing into English

1. Khi nao ong thudng bi buon non? Bi trudc hay sau bCfa an?
2. Ong da Idn tuoi roi, va vi day la Ian dau ong bi chufng benh
nay, dudng nhu cach dieu trj benh tot nhat la ong hay can
bang cuoc song cua ong vdi thien nhien.
3. Ngay khi ket qua chan doan duoc khlng djnh, chung tdi se
dua ong d£n phong mo ngay.
4. Vai tuan qua, thi luc cua tdi trd nen ngay cang kem va bay
gid tdi tham chi cung khdng thay ro moi vat trudc mat.
5. Toi tha uong thuoc con hon bi mo.

IV. Read the follow ing passages carefully. Describe what

has probably happened

1. I've told you before that if you continue to work such long
hours with that degree o f stress, you'll end up having a ner­
vous breakdown. I'm not going to prescribe tranquillizers, be­
cause you will becom e dependent on them and then you'd
need pep pills to give you energy. The remedy is in your own
hands. You must relax, or better still, take a week's holiday
and get away from the tensions at work which produce all
this stress and strain and give you these fits of depression.

TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 89

2. Go to bed early, rise early. Get as much exercise as you can in
the open air, without fatigue. Eat and drink m oderately of
plain and nourishing food and especially, keep the mind di­
verted, and in as easy and cheerful a state as possible.
3. Continue taking vitamin pills every day. 1 don't approve of
the idea of working yourself to death. When you get to a cer­
tain age, you can't work as hard as you used to. Break your­
self of this habit and take it easy by participating in a mild
sport or some other hobby.
4. All jokes aside, you should take it easy. Your blood pressure
is slightly above normal, but nothing to worry about. How­
ever, precaution is better than the cure. You’d better take
care of yourself while you are still in good health.

90 - TiS'ng Anh d^nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS

Unit Eleven

At the Ophthalmologist's

O phong kham mat

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (51 - 55)
51. W h en did you last have your eyes checked?
Lan cuoi cung ong kham mat la khi nao?

52. C om e over h ere and I'll te s t your eyes.

Hay lai day de toi thuf mat.

53. Please read th e ch art from the top, and go as far as you
Vui long doc bang chti tif tren xuong va doc chung nao con
thay ro.

54. Keep your head still, but follow the pencil with your eyes.
Giiif dau yen nhung m at nhin theo cay but chi nay.

55. Try not to rub your eyes, even if they itch.

Rang difng dui mat cho du co ngiia mat di nua.

Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta - 91

Dialogue I
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b ac si

A: R ecently I've been getting headaches, and my eyes don't

seem to focus properly1.
Dao nay to i hay bi n h i/c dau va mSt td i hinh n h u khdng
thay ro.

B: W hen did you last have your eyes checked?

Lan cu o i ong kham m jt la khi n ao?

A: Tw o years ago. A t th at tim e I had no problem s. Now I

can't even m ake ou t som eth in g ten m etres away.
Cach day 2 nSm. Luc dd td i chua b i gi het. Bay g id ngay
ca m dt vat cach xa 10 m et td i cung khdng thay ro.

B: Com e over here and I'll test your eyes2. F irst cover your
left eye like th is, and w hen I point, please read th e chart3
from the top, and go as far as you can, telling m e which
way the “ E” points.
H ay lai day de td i thCf mSt. TrUdc tien, hay che m jt trai lai
nhu the nay va khi td i chi, vui long doc bang chU tU tren
xuong td i khi nao khdng d o c d uo c nUa th) thdi, bao td i
bie t chU ‘E ‘ chi hudng nao.

A: All right.

B: G ood. N ow th e o th e r eye.
Tot. Bay g id td i mSt kia.

92 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac SI & Y T3

A: W ell, this one is w orse.
A, m dt nay kem hon.

B: N ever m ind, ju s t read as far as you can.

DC/ng lo, hay d o c den kh i nao khdng doc duoc nOa thi

A: I can only read the first th ree lines.

Toi c h i d o c d uo c 3 hang dau.

B: Now, com e and sit here, and I'll exam ine your eyes.
W ell, your eyes look very red. Have you been overw ork­
ing them ?
Nao, hay den ngoi day de td i kham mdt. Cha, m dt ong
trong dd qua. O ng cd rang m dt qua khdng?

A: W ell, I've been reading late every night, as I'm com ing up
to exam s.
A, dao nay dem nao td i cung doc rat khuya vi td i sdp thi.

B: Try not to rub you r eyes, even if they itch, and don't
bum the candle at b oth ends4. I'll give you som e an tisep ­
tic solu tion to b ath e your eyes w hen they itch, and som e
very effective C h in ese eye solu tion, w hich often can nip
this problem in th e bud before it develops. Put the drops
in tw ice a day, m ornin g and evening.
Rang dC/ng d u i m dt cho du cd ngifa m dt d i nUa va dCfng
lam vie c qua site. Tdi se dua ong dung dich sat trung de
rCfa m dt khi b i ngifa va dung dich rCfa m dt Trung Q uoc rat
h ieu nghiem . Thuoc nay thudng ngdn chan benh m dt nay
nqay tCf dau. N hd th u o c m o t ngay 2 Ian, b u o i sang va b uo i

Ti§ng Anh ddnh cho gidi B ic ST & Y Ta - 93

Dialogue II
A - patient benh nhan
B - doctor b a c si

A: My eyes are very red and sore.

M M td i b i do va dau.

B: I'll ju st take a look. Focus your eyes as far away as possi­

ble. Now I'll m ove my pencil. Keep your head still, but
follow the pencil w ith your eyes ... I'll ju s t pull up your
eyelid to have a look. Please look dow n. N ow look up.
Now look to the right ... N ow to th e left.
De td i xem. N h in cang xa cang tot. Bay g id to i xe dich
cay but chh G id dau ydn nhtJng m at nhin theo b u t ch) ...
Toi se g id m i m dt de kham. H a y nhin xudng. N ao ngudc
mat len. Roi nhin sang p h a i ... Roi nhin sang trai.

A: D oes everything look all right?

MSt to i co b i sao kh o n g ?

B: You have an in fection . You m u st have rubbed your eyes

w ith a dirty tow el, or dirty hands.
Ong bi viem mSt. Chac ong dui m at bang khan do hoac
tay do.

A: I can't rem em ber doing th at, b u t I did go sw im m ing.

N orm ally I always use eyedrops afterw ards, but this week
I didn't, becau se m y eyes w ere too painful.
Tdi khdng n h d cd lam the khdng nhi/ng td i cd d i boi. Tdi
thudng dung thuoc nhd m at sau kh i boi, nhung tuan nay
to i khdng nhd, vi m dt td i dau qua.

94 - TiSng Anh danh cho gk5i Bac ST & Y Ta

B: It looks like that's w hat caused your problem .
Co le dd Id nguydn nhdn bdnh m dt cua 6ng.

A: C an you give m e anything for it?

Bac si co cho td i dung thuoc g'l khong?

B: U se th ese drops th ree tim es a day, and don't go sw im ­

m ing until it clears up.
N hd thud'c nay m d t ngay 3 Ian va ddng d i b o i trade khi
het dau.

A: I'll do that. T h an k you.

Toi se lam the. Cam on bac si.

Words and Expressions

focus /Taokas/ vt. tap trung, nhin
chart /tfa:t/ n. b^ng chuf
overwork /,90va'w3:k/ vt. lam qua sufc
antiseptic /.aenti'septik/ a.; n. (thuoc) sat trung
eyedrop /'aidrop/ n. thuoc nho mat
eyelid /'ailid/ n. mi m at

1. ... my eyes don't seem to focus properly. = I can't see clearly.
M at tdi hitih nhtf khong nhin ro dittfc.

2. test your eyes k iem tra thi life

Khi lam xet nghiem loai nay, b ac si thudng stf dung thj luc
bieu va b3ng phan loai mau hoac suf dung nhCfng dung cu

Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 95

kham thi luc kiem tra niSng luc hoat dong cua nhan cSu.
Trong khi do ngti dong tti examine one's eyes kh am mdt c6
nghia bac si phai vach mi mat de kiem tra phan thit trong mAI
hoac sU dung dung cu kiem tra benh tinh trong mat nhu thd

3. chart, visual chart bieu do, thi life bieu

4. ... don't burn the candle at both ends. = ... don't burn
yourself o u t .... ditng lam v iec qua site hoac ditng huy hoai site

I. Substitution drills

1. When did you last have your checked?

a dirty towel,
2. You must have rubbed your eyes with
dirty hands.

not have used your m edicine properly,

You must
have strained your eyes.

your eyes,
your throat
3. Now com e and sit here, and I'll exam ine
your nose,
your knees.

96 - Tigng Anh d£nh cho g o i Bac ST & Y Ta

II. Fill in the missing words

1. Come over here and I 'll_____________ your eyes.

2. Now, I'm going t o _______________your eyes.
3. You must h a v e _______________your eyes.
4. I'll give you some eyedrops, which often c a n ___________ this
problem in t h e __________ before i t _______________ .
5. Use these drops 4 times a day u n til______________ .
6. To my great surprise, the r a s h ______________ by itself.
7. Take this m ixture, or your cough w ill______________ .
8. I'll ju s t _____________ your eyelid to have a look.

III. Translate the following into English

1. Ong co bao gicf kham mat chua?

2. Hay den day, dung cai nay che mat phai lai. Doc c a c dau
hieu bang m at trai khi toi chi bang cay nay va cho toi biet
mui ten co chi len, chi xuong, qua trai hoac phai hay khong.

3. Hinh nhu boi loi da gay ra benh mat cho ong. Tuan nay, ong
co dung thuoc nho mat khi boi xong khong?

4. TO ray ve sau, di/ng bao gid dui mat bang tay hoac bang khan

TiSng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 97

Unit Twelve

A Visit to a
Chinese Bone Doctor
Di kham bac sT
Trung Quoc tri xuong

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (56 - 60)
56. Is the pain still as bad?
Van con dau nhu the khong?

57. Can you stand up straight?

Ong dung thang ducfc khong?

58. I'll manipulate your back to relieve your pain.

Toi se nSn lung de giam dau cho ong.

59. D on't do any violent physical exercise, o r lift any heavy

Dimg tap the due nang hoac nhac vat nang.

60. Put a board on top o f th e m attress on your bed with just

a sheet over it, and don't sleep on the sofa.
Dat mot m ieng van len nem giudng roi chi trai ra len. va
dung ngu tren ghe nem dai.

98 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac S i & Y Ta

Dialogue I
A = patient benh nhan
B = doctor b a c s i

A: T his m orning, w hile I was lifting a heavy box, I had a

very sudden pain in my low er back. It was so bad that I
fell to the ground, and couldn't get up.1
Sang nay lu c dang nhac m ot cai thung nang thi bong nhien
to i b j dau d phan lung dudi. Dau den n o i to i te xuong dat
va khong dCfng day noi.

B: Is the pain still as bad?2

Van con dau nhieu the khong?

A: Yes, it is. At first I felt faint, and broke out in a cold

sw eat. Now, I don't feel faint any m ore, but the pain is
still excruciating.
Con. M d i dau to i thay xay xam ro i toat m o hoi. Bay g id td i
het bi xay xam ro i nhung van con dau khung khiep.

B: OK. Can you stand up any straighter?

Thdi duoc. Ong dung thang hon dUOc khdng?

A: No. T h is is the b est I can do.

Da khdng. D itng n h u vay la het m ile roi.

B: Please lie down and I w ill see if I can feel anything.

W h at sort o f pain is it? 3 Is it a sharp pain or a throbbing
Vui long ndm xuong de td i kham xem cd gi khdng. Dau ra
sao? Dau n h o i hay dau tifng con?

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gifii Bac S7 & Y Ta - 99

A: I'm not really sure. It's very painful and it sh o o ts down
my leg.
Khdng b ie t chac nda. Dau ISm va dau d o c xuong chan.

B: W ell, it's pretty certain th at you have a slipped disc. First

I'll m anipulate your back to relieve your pain. T h en , I’ll
put you in traction, and give you acup uncture as well.
A, chdc la ong b i le ch dJa cd t song. TrUdc tie n to i se ndn
li/ng de giam con dau. Roi to i se bo b o t va cham c itu nJa.

A: W ill it be very painful?

Co dau Idm khong!1

B: Don't worry. It w on't hu rt at all becau se we use certain

acupuncture points to suppress th e pain.
DC/ng lo. Hoan toan khong dau vi chung to i cham citu mot
so huyet de giam dau.

Dialogue II
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B = d o c to r b a c si

A: I feel m uch b ette r now , d octor. T h e tre a tm e n t seem s to

have w orked4.
ThUa bac si, to i thay d d n h ie u roi. Cach d ie u tri dudng
n h d cd h ieu qua.

B: D o you still have any pain at all?

Ong con b i dau ch u t nao kh d n g ?

100 - TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

A: O nly a little bit from tim e to tim e. W hen you m anipu­
lated my back, th e pain was unbearable, but afterw ards, I
felt b etter. Is th ere anything th at I can do to help?
Thi'nh thoang chi dau m o t chut. Khi bac si nSn lung, td i
dau khdng chiu n o i nhung sau do thay d d hon. Tdi cd the
lam gi de d d hon khdng?

B: Yes. D on't do any violen t physical exercise, or lift any

heavy w eights. Put a board on top o f the m attress on
your bed w ith ju s t a sh eet over it, and don't sleep on the
Cd. DC/ng tap the due nang hoac nhac vat nang. Dat m ot
m ieng van len nem g iudng ro i c h i trai ra len thdi, va dC/ng
ngu tren ghe nem dai.

A: I see, doctor. H ow long should I do this for?

H ieu roi, thUa bac s i Tdi p h a i lam the nay bao la u ?

B: I'm afraid you'll always have to do this. But w hen your

back is b etter, you don't need to continu e to sleep on the
board. It's very im p ortan t th at you do as I say. O th er­
wise, the pain will b ecom e chronic, and you'll have to
have an operation.
E r in g ong p h a i lu on luon lam the. Nhung khi lung d d
dau, ong khong can tie p tuc ngu tren m ieng van. D ieu
quan trong la ong p h a i theo Idi td i dan. Bang khdng ong
se b j dau kinh nien va p h a i mo.

Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 101

Words and Expressions
lower back li/ng dudi
excruciating /iks'kru:Jieitiiy a dau khung khiep
sharp pain dau nhoi
throbbing pain dau nhufc nhoi
shoot /Ju:t/ vi. Ian xuong
m anipulate /m a'nipjoleit/ vt. n3n bop
acupuncture /'aekjopArjktJa/ n. cham cifu
cup /kAp/ n. tach
unbearable /An'bearabl/ a khong chiu noi
mattress /'maetris/ n nem
chronic /'krom k/ a kinh nien
instruction /in'strAkfan/ n. si/ huong dan
macrocytic /.maekrao'sitik/ a thuoc hong cAu Idn
anemia /a'ni:mja/ n benh thieu hong cau
vaginal /va'djainal/ a thuoc am dao

1. It was so bad that I fell to the ground, and couldn't get up.
Dau den noi tdi te xuong d at va khdng ditng day noi.
... so ... th at ... co nghla ... d en noi ma ...

2. Is the pain still as bad? = Is the pain still as acute (sharp) as it

was? Van con dau nhieu nhif vay a?

102 - Tieng Anh danh cho g o i Bac Si & Y Ta

3. W hat sort of pain is it? Dau ra sao?
Trong bai bon, chung ta da hoc qua td dau dcfn lien quan tdi
nhufng bo vj tren c 0 the, con trong bai nay ta se phan biet ca c
loai con dau, vf du:
dull pain
dau am 1
sharp pain
dau nhoi
colicky pain
dau quan
knife-like pain
dau nhu bj dao dam
bursting pain
dau nhu xe
throbbing pain
dau tCmg con
stabbing pain
dau nhoi
constant pain
dau dai dang
tearing (splitting) pain
dau nhu xe
excruciating pain
dau kich liet

4. TO work cd nghia cd tdc dung. Vf du:

How long does a sleeping pill take to work?
Mot vien thuoc ngu co tac dung bao lau?

TiSng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 103

Your idea w on't w ork in practice.
Y kien cua anh khong co tac dung trong thirc t £
TO work trong v3n noi xuat hien rat thudng xuyen. Khi nhtifng
vat dung nhu tu lanh, dien thoai, dau m£y, xe dap bi hu, ban
chi can noi It doesn't w ork la du roi. Ngay ca bo phan n«io
tren co the co van de cung co the sCf dung tti w ork de di£n t3,
vi du:
Your heart is working badly.
Tim anh hoat dong khong tot.
My brain doesn't seem to be working well today.
Dau oc toi horn nay dudng nhu hoat dong rat kem.


I. Substitution drills

a slipped disc,
1. It’s pretty certain that you have
pneum onia,
a m acrocytic anem ia.

do as I say.
don't skip a day.
2. It's very important that you
don't eat too much,
retain an excellent appetite.

see if I can feel anything?

do a diagnostic procedure?
3. Can you lie down and I'll
exam your abdom en?
do rectal exam inations?

104 - Ti£ng Anh d§nh cho gicii Bac ST & Y Ta

II. Fill in the missing words

1. Is the pain s t ill___________ ?

2. First I felt faint, and broke o u t ___________ .
3. Can you sit u p ___________ ?
4. First let m e ________your neck to relieve y o u r_________ .
5. Do you still have any pain i n ___________ ?
6. I feel much better now, doctor. The treatm ent seems to

7. It's very im portant that you follow my advice. Otherwise,

_________will b e c o m e ______________ , and y o u 'll__________ an
8. Don't do a n y ___________ , o r ___________ .

III. Translate the following into English

1. Toi qua luc toi va ban dong nghiep dang ddi mot cai rUOng thi
toi bj dau nhoi d lung dudi. Dau den ndi toi toat mo hoi.
2. Ong ngoi thang len chut xfu duoc khong? Bay gid quay phan
than tren de toi kham.

3. Cach dieu trj Ian trUdc cua toi co cong hieu khong?

4. Bay gid, toi se nSn khdp xUOng de no vao dung khdp. DC/ng
so. Khong dau dau.

5. Bay gid ong co the ve. Nhung hy vong ong se theo cach dieu
trj cua toi sau khi ong rdi khoi noi day.

TiS’ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 105

IV. Read the following passages carefully, and describe
what has probably happened
1. Traditionally, Chinese people only used to pay the doctor
while they were well and they used to go to their doctor
fairly regularly, you know, maybe four or five tim es a year,
and they would only pay the doctor when they w ere kept
well. The doctor had various m ethods; of which acupuncture
was one, diet was another, exercise was another, er, of ensur­
ing that the person lived a right life style. If you’re living in
tune with the law o f the universe, going to sleep when it’s
dark, waking up when it's light, working, resting, doing all
these things properly, then you won't get sick.
2. Well, holistic m edicine takes into consideration the whole of
the person. Now what this means, in most holistic systems, is
regarding the person as a physical entity, a m ental or em o­
tional person, and also even their spiritual side o f them . Um,
it also includes looking at the body as a whole rather than
looking at individual parts o f the body, and as a way o f ex­
plaining this, we could look at conventional m edicine as pro­
ducing people who are like a cardiologist, who looks at a
heart, um, a brain specialist, a person who deals with bones,
or, etc. So what w e’ve tended to do in conventional medicine
is to break things down to a point w here we re actually only
looking at one part of the person and we re not actually relat­
ing terribly well that part to the rest o f the body, w hereas ho­
listic medicine insists that if th ere’s a problem, er, with your
right foot, that is going to som ehow affect your entire body.

106 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Thirteen

The Surgery Department

Khoa ngoai

Practical English 700

Key Sentences (67 - 65)
61. I can see from your X -ray that your femur is broken in
several places.
Qua phim X quang toi thay xUOng dui cua ong bi gay vai cho.

62. You'll have to stay in hospital for about four w eeks.

Ong se phai nSm vien khoang 4 tuan.

63. Your leg will have to be in traction.

Chan ong se phai bo bot.

64. W e'll make sure that you get the best possible treatm ent.
Chung toi se dam bao ong duoc dieu tri tot nhat.

65. It's normal to have a lot of pain at this stage.

6 giai doan nay, dau nhieu la binh thudng.

TiS'ng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 107

Dialogue I
A = doctor bac si
B - patient benh nhan

A: I can see from your X -ray th at your fem ur is broken in

several places, and I'm afraid w e'll have to operate. Lie
here, and don't m ove your leg. Som eon e will com e for
you to take you to th e O perating T h eatre.
Qua p h im X quang td i thay xuong d u i cua ong b i gay vai
cho, va e rSng chung to i p h a i mo. NSm xuSng day va
dtfng cCf dong chan. Se co ngUdi ddn difa ong td i phdng
m o .

B: All right, doctor.

Vang, thifa bac si.

A: W hen you w ake up, your leg w ill be in plaster, and you'll
have to stay in hosp ital for about four w eeks.
Khi ong thCfc day se thay chan bo b o t va ong se p h a i ndm
vien khoang 4 tuan.

B: W hy do 1 have to stay in hospital so long?

Sao to i p h a i ndm vien lau qua vay?

A: Because your leg w ill have to be in tractio n . So we can't

let you go hom e. But, every day th e nu rses w ill w h eel1
you in to the D ay-R oo m 2, o r if th e w eath er is nice, into
the garden, and we'll m ake su re th at you get th e best
possible treatm en t.
V? chan ong p h a i bo bot. N e n chung td i khong the de ong
ve. N hung m d i ngay y ta se day xe ISn dua ong den
phdng dudng benh hoac, neu th d i tie t tot, dua ong ra
vudn. Chung td i bao dam ong duoc d ie u tri tot nhat.

108 - TiSng Anh danh cho gidi B3c ST & Y Ta

A: Can som eon e telephone m y fam ily3 to let them know
that I'm here?
Xin nhd ai goi di$n bao gia dinh tdi rin g tdi dang d day dUOc

B: Yes, I'll m ake sure it's done right away.

Duoc, td i se bao g o i ngay.

Dialogue II
A = d o c to r b a c s i
B = p a tie n t benh nhan

A: Let m e have a look how your leg is doing today.

D e to i kham xem horn nay chan ong ra sao.

B: It's very painful.

Dau Idm bac si a.

A: Now the an aesth esia has w orn off. W e'll give you som e
strong painkillers. It's norm al to have a lot o f pain at this
Bay g id thuoc m e da h e t tac dung. Chung to i se cho ong
dung thuoc giam dau manh. O giai doan nay, dau nhieu la
binh thudng.

B: How long w ill th is pain last?

Con dau the nay bao lau nita?

A: I'm afraid it w ill last about 2 w eeks, but we'll give you
plenty o f pain killers to keep it under control, so don't
E r in g ong con dau khoang 2 tuan nCfa nhung chung to i se
cho ong dung n h ie u thuoc giam dau, nen ong dClng lo.

Tieng Anh ctenh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 109

B: Is it a good idea to eat soup m ade w ith m arrow b on e to
help my leg heal quickly?
Toi cd nen An xup nau vdi tu y xuong d £ mau lanh chdn

A: It w on't do you any harm , and5 it m ay do you som e

Khdng cd hai g) ma con co the co Id i cho ong.

B: Can I order the soup here?

Tdi g o i xup d day duoc khdng?

A: No. You'll have to ask your fam ily to bring som e in.
They can keep it in th e ward refrigerator, and you can
ask the nurse to heat it up for you.
Khdng. Ong p ha i bao ngUdi nha mang vao. H o cd the de
xup trong tu lanh cua khoa va ong cd the n h d y ta ham
xup gium .

B: Is there anything else I can do to help?

Tdi cd the lam gi de mau lanh khdn g?

A: Relax and enjoy y o u rself as m uch as p ossible. A sk your

family to bring in your favourite food, and you can also
ask our cook to m ake special food th at you like. M ake
the m ost o f your tim e in bed, w h ilst you don't have to
N ghi ngoi va giai tri cang nhieu cang tot. Bao ngUdi nha
dem vao m on <3n ong thich va ong cung cd the n h o dau
bep chung tdi nau m on Sn dac b ie t nao ong thich. H ay tan
dung thdi gian nghi ngoi trong khi ong khdng pha i lam viec.

B: T hank you, doctor.

Cam on bac si.
110 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta
Words and Expressions
fem ur /'fiima/ n. xUOng dui
traction /’traek/an/ n. bo bot
day-room /'deiru:m/ n. phong dudng benh
right away ngay lap tufc
anaesthesia /,aenis'0 i:zja/ n thuoc gay me
painkiller /'pein.kila/ n. thuoc giam dau
marrow bone tuy xUOng
lobe /laob/ n. chop
dislocate /'dislaokeit/ vt. sai khdp
jog /d3Dg/ vt.; vi. chay bo

1. wheel dung nhu danh tu1co nghla la banh xe, con dung nhu dong
tu1thi co nghia difa d i bang xe day. Mot so danh tC/ cung co the
duoc su1 dung nhu dong tu1 nhU:
You gut the fish b efore you scale it.
Truoc tien hay mo ca moi ruot ra tru6c khi cao vay.
T he sm oke made my eyes water.
Khoi lam toi chay nUo'c mSt.
T he nurse handed the patient into (out of) the car.
Y ta do' benh nhan len (ra khoi) xe ho'i.
T he patient storied about his age.
Benh nhan giau khong noi tuoi cua minh.

Ti&ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 111

2. Day-room
Ndi hoat dong cua benh nhan noi tru. 6 day ben h nhan c 6 th£
danh cd, doc bao, danh bai, cung co the dudi sU hiidng dan
cua bac sT tien hanh c a c hoat dong gi3i tri khac.

3. TO family d day chi ngUdi nha cua benh nhan.

4. ... eat soup made w ith m arrow b o n e ........an n ip nau vd i h ’ly

xUcftig ...
Chung ta xUa nay thudng tin rang an xifchtg bo xitchtg. NgUdi
Anh My vi sao khong nau an? Ky thuc ch^ng qua la chung ta
noi an chao sUdn, con ho thi noi An xup tuy xUOng. Chi kh^c
nhau cach noi ma thoi.

5. and d day dung vdi y nghla doi chieu so sanh, co the djch la ma
con; tr a i la i con.

I. Substitution drills

1. I can see from your X-ray that

your femur is broken in several places,

there's a cavity in the upper lobe of the right lung,
there’s an indistinctly outlined shadow betw een the
7th and 9th ribs,
your elbow is dislocated.

112 - Tieng Anh danh cho glfii Bac ST & Y Ta

right away,
in time.
2. I'll make sure it's done
as soon as possible.
in the shortest possible time.

eat soup made with marrow bone to

help my leg heal quickly?
go to the park and jog in the fresh air
3. Is it a good idea to
every day in the morning?
try home treatm ent?
have an operation?

four weeks,
in hospital a fortnight,
4. You'll have to stay for about
in bed two da.ys.
a month.

II. Fill in the missing words

1. I can see from y o u r __________ that y o u r______________ is

b ro k e n _____________ , and I'm afraid w e 'll____________ .
2. When y o u ___________ y o u r_________________ will be

3. Your leg will have to be i n _____________ .

4. We’ll make sure that you get the b e s t_____________ .
5. I'll ask som eone to telephone your family to let them know
t h a t_____________ •
6. We'll give you _____________ to k e e p ______________ .
7. You can ask the nurse to heat i t ____________ for you.

Ti6ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 113

8. Relax a n d _____________ yourself. Ask your family to bring
_________your favorite food.
9. Make the most o f your tim e in b e d ,_____________ You d ° nt
have to work.

III. Translate the following into English

1. Phim X quang cho thay xUdng ong quyen phai cua ong bi gay
vai ch6, va e rSng chung toi ph3i mo.

2. Toi phai bo bot chan phai ong, va toi se cuf ngUdi bao cho gia
dinh ong biet ngay.

3. DC/ng lo. Chung toi se co het sufc chtia tri cho ong.

4. An xup tuy xuong khong co hai gi ma con co Idi cho ong ntfa.

5. Bay gid ong thay dau la binh thudng vi thuoc me da het tac
dung. NhUng bay gid chung toi se bao y ta cho ong dung
thuoc giam dau.

IV. Read the following passages carefully. Describe what

has probably happened
1. We re happy to say that the operation has been a complete
success, and the patient is now out of danger. It won't be pos­
sible for you to see her yet because she won't be fully con­
scious until the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off, but
I'll be able to give you more inform ation this evening. I can
tell you then which ward she is in and give you details of
visiting hours.
2. I'll take your tem perature. Ju st rest the therm om eter under
your tongue and keep it still. Afterwards, I'll give you a gene­
ral check-up. But think you're quite healthy It’s ju st a matter
of your being overw eight and not getting enough exercise.
You mustn't start thinking that you're an invalid.

114 - TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Fourteen

Women's Problems
Benh phu khoa

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (66 - 70)
66. I have very bad period pains every month.
Thang nao toi cung bi dau hanh kinh rat nhieu.

67. Is your period heavy o r light?

Ba ra mau kinh nhieu hay it?

68. I'll give you som e herbal medicine to relieve your

stomach cramps.
Toi se cho ba dung thuoc bSc de giam con dau bung kinh.

69. D on't eat very h o t o r cold food, and keep off stimulating
foods such as sour o r spicy food.
Dung dung thiic an qua nong hoac qua lanh va tranh cac
thuc an kich thich nhu thuc an chua hay cay.

70. If w e think it's malignant, we'll bring you in right away for
Neu chung toi thay do la budu ac, chung toi se dua ba di giai
phau ngay.

Tigng Anh danh cho giOi Sac ST & Y Ta - 115

Dialogue I
A = patient benh nh a n
B = doctor bac si

A: Good afternoon , doctor. I w onder if you can help me. For

the last th ree o r four m on th s I've been getting really bad
period pains. T h ey are so m uch w orse than 1 usually
have that I feel som eth in g is n o t right.
Ch'ao bac si. Xin bac si g iu p cho. Ba bon thang qua toi bi
dau hanh kinh rat nhieu. Dau hon b'mh thudng nhieu den
n o i td i nghi chdc co van de.

B: Have you noticed anything else different?

Ba co nhan thay gi khac nUa kh o n g ?

A: Yes. I've been losing w eight althou gh I still eat the same
am o u n t.1
Da cd. Toi bi xuong can m ac dau Sn uong van binh thudng

B: I'd b etter give you an internal exam in ation . P lease remove

your underw ear and lie dow n on the cou ch . I'm ju st go­
ing to in sert my finger in to your an u s.2 T ry to relax as
m uch as possible, and it shou ldn't hurt.
Toi se kham n o i cho ba. Vui long c d i dd lo t ro i n'Sm tren
ghe. Tdi se dua ngon tay vao hau m on ba. Rang thoai mai
cang nhieu cang tot thi se khdng dau.

A: All right, doctor.

Da duoc, bac si.

116 - Tigng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta

B: T h ere's som ethin g I'm n o t sure about. T here seem s to be
som e s o n o f a lum p, and it could ju st possibly m ean you
have a tum or. So I'll give you a form to take to the B-
typ e-U ltrasonic D ep artm en t to have a scan, and I'll give
you an o th er form to take along to the Endoscopy D epart­
m ent to check it out.
Cd g i day ma td i chua dam chdc. H inh n h u cd m ot khoi u,
va co le ba b i bifdu. Vay td i se dua cho ba m ot p h ie u de
dem den khoa sieu am lo a i B xin sieu am, va m ot p h ie u
nUa dem den khoa n o i soi de kiem tra.

A: How long will it take for th ese tw o exam in ation s?3

Hai b u o i kiem tra nay se m at bao la u ?

B: They should b oth be finished by the end o f tom orrow af­

ternoon. If we find it's benign, we'll have to see you once
a m onth, e ith er you w ill com e here, or we'll visit you.
And if we th ink it's m alignant, we'll bring you in right
away for surgery4.
Den c u o i trUa m ai la xong. N e u thay la bifdu lanh, chung
tdi se kham cho ba m o t thang m ot Ian, hoac ba den day
hoac chung td i den nha ba. Va neu chung td i cho la bifdu
ac tinh, chung td i se dua ba d i g ia i p h h i ngay.

Dialogue II
A = doctor b ac s i
B = patient benh n h a n

A: W hat's the problem , M iss W ang?

Bi sao the, cd W ang?

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 117

B: W ell, doctor, I have very bad period pains every m onth.
They are so bad that w hen I lie down, I often roll around
in agony.
Da bac si, thang nao td i cung b i dau hanh kinh. Dau dd
den n o i khi ndm xuong la td i thudng Idn Ion dau ddn.

A: Is your period heavy or lig h t?5

Cd ra mau kinh n h ie u hay it?

B: It's always very heavy.

Thudng rat nhieu.

A: And how long does it la st?6

Va keo dai bao la u ?

B: Eight to ten days. It m akes m e feel drained, and I can't

concentrate on w ork becau se o f th e pain. My face always
goes very pale.
TU 8 den 10 ngay. Lam td i cam thay kie t sdc va khdng the
tap trung vao cong vie c vi dau qua. Sdc m at td i thudng tai

A: Eight to ten days - T hat's too long. Becau se you're losing

so m uch blood, you're probably anaem ic, w hich is why
you feel so tired.
8 den 10 ngay. The thi lau qua. Vi cd mat qua nhieu mau,
cd the cd bi thieu hong cau, b o i the cd cam thay m et mdi.

B: I see.
A ra the.

118 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS

A: I'll give you som e herbal m edicine to relieve your sto m ­
ach cram p s7, and you can also have acupuncture if you
like. A part from that, don't eat very hot or cold food, and
keep o ff stim ulating foods such as sour or spicy food.
D on't take too m uch exercise, and try to relax and enjoy
Tdi se cho cd dung thuoc bSc de giam dau hanh kinh va
cd cung co the cham cifu neu muon. Ngoai chuyen do ra,
dCfng Sn thC/c 3n qua nong hoac qua lanh va tranh cac
m on An kich thich n h u thu’c Sn chua hoac cd n h ie u gia vi.
DC/ng tap the due qua n h ie u va rang nghi ngoi hi/dng thu
cuoc song.

B: I'll try to rem em ber that.

Tdi se rang n h d a.

Words and Expressions

period /'piariad/ n kinh nguyet
agony /'aegani/ n. con dau
drained /d rein d / a kiet stic
anaemic /a 'n i:m ik / a . thieu hong cau
underwear /V n d aw ea/ n do lot
couch /k a o t// n. ghe dai
insert /in 's3 :t/ vt dUa vao
anus /'ein as/ n. hau mon
scan /skaen/ n. chup scan, sieu am
endoscope /'en d ask aop / n . noi soi
benign /b i'n ain / a lanh tinh
m alignant /m a'lig n an t/ a. ac tinh

T ifn g Anh danh cho gidi Bac Si & Y Ta - 119

surgery /’s3:d3an/ n. gieii phau
interm ittent /.inta'm itant/ a. xen ke, ti/ng con
pelvic /'pelvik/ a. thuoc xUOng chau
tw ist /tw ist/ vt. van veo

1. I've been losing w eight although I still eat the same amount.
Tdi bi xtiong can m ac dit an uong van binh thitcfng.

2. I'm going to insert my finger into your anus. Tdi se di(a ngon
tay vao hau mon ba ( nham kiem tra dm d a o + trUc trang)
(rectovaginal exam).
Ban tay co nam ngon: ngon tro the first finger, ngongiita the
second finger, tuan tu c a c ngon ke tiep. Ngon tro con co ten
index finger, hoac fore finger. Ngon g ii(a doi luc con dU0c
goi la middle finger, ngon dp lit con duoc goi la ring finger,
con ngon lit la sm all/little finger, finger dung d so it thudng
ham y ngon tro. Ngon cai goi la thum b, khong n5m trong loai

3. How long will it take for these tw o examinations? Hai buoi

kiem tra nay k e o ddi bao lau?
C on co the noi: How long will it take for both of these

4. ... we'll bring you in right away for surgery. Chung tdi se dita
ba nhap vien tien hanh phdu thuat ngay.
bring you in = you'll be admitted / taken to the hospital
dira nhap vien

right away = immediately

ngay lap tufc

120 - Tieng Anh ddnh cho gicii Bac ST & Y T3

for surgery = for surgical operation
de phlu thuat

5. Is your period heavy or light? Ba hanh kinh nhieu hay it?

TUOng tu co the noi: Do you have a lot of blood or little
blood during your period? Ba ra mau kinh nhieu hay it?

6. How long does it last? = How long does it flow? No k e o dai

bao lau?

7. stomach cramps sit dau quan & bung ditdi luc hanh kinh
= sharp, lower abdominal pains


I. Substitution drills
1. For the last 3 or 4 months, I've been

getting very bad period pains.

having some slight painless vaginal bleeding.
suffering from interm ittent, sharp, lower abdominal pains.
noticing a small am ount of bleeding between periods.

insert my finger into your anus,

take sample of your discharge for lab test,
2. I’m ju st going to
give you a careful pelvic exam ination,
have a look at your m enstrual history.

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac Si & Y Ta - 121

relax as much as possible,
twist the arm like this,
3. Try to bend your body forward, and it shouldn t hurt.
raise your arms to the level
of the shoulder,

II. Fill in the missing words

1. Have you noticed anything e ls e _____________ ?

2. I'd better give y o u _____________ . P le a s e ___________ your
___________ a n d ______________ . I'm ju st going t o ________. Try
t o _____________ , a n d ______________.
3. These two lab tests should both be finished b y ___________ . If
we find it's benign, w e 'll_____________ , and if we think it's
m alignant, w e’l l _____________ .

III. Translate the following into English

1. Ba co trieu chtfng nao khac bat thudng khong?

2. Toi muon nghe phoi cua ba khi ba thd, va nghe nhip tim cua
ba. Vui long ccfi nut ao khoac ra, ven ao lanh len. DC/ng lo.
DC/ng nhuc nhfch. Hit thd cham rai.

3. Ket qua hai xet nghiem nay se co ngay thoi. Neu am tinh, ba
co the ve. Nhung neu duong tinh, chung toi se bao gia dinh
ba ngay va cho ba nhap vien de dieu tri.

IV. Read the following passages carefully. Describe what

has probably happened
1. Mrs. Mason has been a clinic patient throughout her preg­
nancy. Her course has been uneventful up to now, and pre­
vious pregnancies w ere also w ithout difficulty. Her m ajor
problem is vaginal bleeding. This has been profuse, requiring

122 - Tieng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac SI & Y Ta

an entire box of pads and even a towel. A vaginal exam ina­
tion was not done. The patient's blood pressure is 110/70.
2. Mrs. Young is 40 years old and was in good health until a
month ago, when she noted a solitary lump in her left breast.
She denies traum a, and there's no pain associated with it. She
has had no discharge or pruritus of her left nipple. She denies
back, arms, leg, or rib pain. She also denies nausea, vomiting,
shortness of breath, or chest pain. There's no im pairm ent of
her sensorium, and there's no family history of carcinom a.

TiSng Anh d£nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 123

Unit Fifteen

The Family Planning Clinic

Phong kham ke hoach hoa
gia dinh
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (71 - 75)
71. Did you have a check-up before the coil was fitted?
Ba co kiem tra trade khi dat vong khong?

72. H ow long is it since the coil was fitted?

Ba dat vong duoc bao lau roi?

73. I suggest that you also use another method of birth

control, for example, the rhythm method.
Toi de nghi ba cung nen dung bien phap ngua thai khac,
chang han nhu bien phap theo doi thdi gian giao hop an toan.

74. Since you're not allowed to have m ore children, it's bet­
ter for you to take extra-precautions.
Vi ba khong duoc phep co them con, ba nen co bien phap
phong ngita ky.

75. If after a week there’s no change, come back and see me

Neu sau mot tuan ma khong thay doi, quay lai day kham lan
124 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T3
Dialogue I
A - d o c to r bac si
B = p a tie n t benh nhan

A: W hat can I do for you, Ms W ang?

Ba can gi, thi/a ba W angi

B: W ell, doctor, m y p eriod s1 have been very irregular since

1 had a coil fitted, and also 1 have a con stan t discharge2,
w hich is very inconvenien t, and I'm w orried som ethin g is
Da thi/a bac si, tit kh i dat vong, kinh nguyet td i khdng deu
va cung b i rong kinh rat la bat tien. Toi set co van de gi.

A: Did you have a ch eck-up before the coil was fitted?

Ba co kiem tra tnJdc kh i dat vong khong?

B: Yes, o f course.
Vang, cd a.

A: How long is it sin ce it was fitted?

Ba dat vong bao lau r o i?

B: Ju st tw o m on th s ago.
C h i cach day 2 thang.

Ti6ng Anh d£mh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 125

A: Tw o m onth s is not very long for your body to gel back
to norm al after having a baby and having th e coil fitted.
But I'll give you so m eth in g 3 w hich should clear up the
discharge. If after a w eek th ere’s no change, com e back
and see me again.
H ai thang chua du d e c a the ba trd la i binh thucfng sau khi
sinh va sau khi dat vong. N hung td i se cho ba d iin g thuoc
de het rong kinh. N e u sau m ot tuan khong co thay d o i gi.
hay quay la i kham Ian nUa.

Dialogue II
A = p a tie n t benh nhan
B = doctor bac si

A: My period is late and I'm w orried that I m ight be preg­

nant. But since I've been using a coil, is th at possible?
Toi bi tre kinh nen to i so co that roi. N hung vi td i da dat
vong, co the nao td i cd thai khdn g?

B: There's a sm all possibility. How late is your period?

Cd it kha ndng. Ba tre kinh bao la u ?

A: Tw o w eeks.
2 tuan.

B: I’ll send you for a pregnancy test. It4 w on't take long.
Bring the result back to m e th is afternoon.
Tdi se dua ba d i th if thai. Khdng lau dau. TrUa nay dem
ket qua la i cho tdi.

126 - Tieng Anh danh cho gicii Bac ST & Y T i

(Thirty minutes later when the patient brings back the result.)
(30 phut sau, benh nhan dem ket qua lai.)

W ell, you're lucky this tim e. T h e test proved negative5,

but to be on th e safe side in future, you'd b etter take
extra-precautions. I suggest th at you also consid er using
another m ethod o f birth control, for exam ple, the rhythm
m ethod. Since you're n o t allowed to have any m ore ch il­
dren, it's b etter for you to take extra-precautions.
A, Ian nay ba m ay mSn. Ket qua th it am tinh. Nhung tU
ray ve sau de chSc Sn, ba nen co bien phap phdng ngUa
ky. Toi de nghi ba cung nen tinh den viec dung m ot
phuong phap tranh thai khac, ch$ng han nhu bien phap
kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet. Vi ba khdng duoc phe p cd
con nUa, ba nen dS phOng ky hon.

A: 1 see, doctor.
Da td i hieu, thUa bac si.

Words and Expressions

coil /kail/ n vong tranh thai = intra-uterine (contraceptive)
device (IUD)
inconvenient /,inkan'vi:njant/ a. bat tien
discharge /dis'tjaidy n. ra mau
pregnant /'pregnant/ a co thai
negative /'negatrv/ a am tinh
extra-precaution /’ekstrapri'koijan/ n. phong ngi/a ky
rhythm /'ndam/ n chu ky kinh nguyet
rhythm m ethod bien phap kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet
contraception /.kDntra'sepJan/ n. thuoc ngUa thai

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 127

condom /’kondam/ n. bao cao su
pessary /'pesan/ n. vbng nang
intra-uterine /,intra'ju:tarain/ a. trong tif cung

1. period kinh nguyet
Day la ti/ rut gon cua menstrual period, hien duoc dung rat
pho bien. Thuat ngti lien quan la m enstruation ho3c menses

2. discharge chi sU ra kinh (vaginal discharge; discharge from


3. something d day co nghla la thuoc.

4. It chi sU kham thai.

5. negative dm tinh, neu ket qua la duong tinh thi at h3n co r5c roi.

I. Substitution drills
1. My periods have been very irregular since

I had the coil fitted.

I have taken this medicine.
I began to use this m ethod of contraception.
I had the operation.

128 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bic ST & Y T3

before the coil was fitted?
before you took the contraceptive?
2. Did you have a check-up before you becam e pregnant?
during the first 3 months of

the coil was fitted?

you have taken the medicine?
3. How long is it since you have been practising shadow boxing?
you had your last kidney stone?

4. I suggest that you also use another method of birth

the rhythm method,

using the condom,
control, for exam ple,
taking a pill,
fixing a pessary.

II. Fill in the missing words

1. My have been very since I

and also I which is
and I'm w o rried ______________.
2. is not very long for after

3. I'll give you som ething, which sh o u ld _____________ the

4. Well, you a r e _____________ this time. The test proved
but to be you'd better

5. I suggest that you also use another method of

for e x a m p le ,______________•

Tig'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 129

III. Translate the following into English
1. TO khi b3t dau dung thuoc b £c si cho Ian tn/cfc, bao tuf toi rat
kho chju. Toi thudng bj tieu ch^y va dau bung. Sd r£ng bao tuf
toi co van de.

2. Ba mdi dat vong duoc 1 tuan, nen co the chua trd lai binh
thudng duoc. Sau hai tuan, neu v£n con chay mau am ho, hay
den day kham lai.

3. Thong thudng, ba se khong dinh thai sau khi duoc dat vong
nhung doi khi cung co ngoai le. Vay, de ch ac an, toi de nghj
ba nen can than hon.

IV. Read the following passages carefully, and talk about

what has happened
In the simplest possible term s, IVF is a method by which a
woman who has difficulty conceiving is som etim es able to have a
baby. After her m enstrual cycle has been m onitored, she begins
treatm ent. Fertility drugs are adm inistered so that her ovaries are
stimulated to release an abundance o f follicles, which are then re­
The woman's partner is asked to provide a sem en sample to
insem inate the eggs contained in the follicles in the laboratory.
The next day an em bryologist checks to see which, if any, eggs
have been fertilized. If success was achieved, a physician transfers
one or more of the fertilized eggs, which are now referred to as
embroys, to the woman's uterus. If requested, the rest o f the em­
bryos will be cryo-preserved for later im plantation. After fifteen
days, blood is drawn for the first pregnancy test.

130 - Tieng Anh dcinh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Sixteen

At the Hospital Pharmacy

O nha thuoc benh vien • •

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (76 - 80)
76. The tea will stop them from working.
Tra se lam thuoc m at tac dung.

77. Give him one of these graduations twice a day.

Cho be uong mot mtic thuoc nay mot ngay 2 fan.

78. It tells you here on the label.

Nhan thuoc co chi cach sii dung.

79. Shall I avoid any particular food?

Toi co phai kieng loai thtic an nao khong?

80. This solution is to paint on his skin.

Dung dich nay dung de boi len da be.

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 131

Dialogue I
A = t h e sick child's p a ren t me cua dua tre benh
B = pharm acist duoc si

A: Here's my child's p rescription.

Toa thuoc cua con to i day a.

B: Ju s t a m om en t, please. H ere you are. I ll ju s t explain

w hat you have to do. Give your child tw o tab lets three
tim es a day after m eals. If he w on’t take th em , grind
them up, and, as they taste b itter, m ix th em w ith a
teaspoon o f sugar, or dissolve th e pow der in sw eetened
orange ju ic e 1.
Xin d o i m ot chut. Thuoc day. Tdi se g ia i thich cach sCi
dung thuoc. Cho be uong 2 vien ba Ian m o i ngay sau beta
an. N eu be khdng chiu uong, hay nghien th u o c ra va, v)
thuoc dang, pha thuoc vd i 1 m uong ca p h e duOng hoac
hoa tan bot thuoc vao rnJcfc cam cd pha them di/dng.

A: Can I dissolve th em in tea?

Tdi pha thuoc bang nude tra dwoc khdng?

B: No. T h e tea w ill stop th em from w orking. A nd h ere’s his

cough m ixtu re. Give him one o f th ese gradu ations twice
a day.
Khdng. Tra se lam th u o c m at tac dung. Con d a y la thuoc
ho cua be. Cho be uong m ot m ite thuoc nay m d i ngay hai

A: I see. D o I need to shake the b o ttle ’ 2

A ra the. Cd can p h a i ISc chai thuoc khdng?

132 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta

B: Yes, it tells you here on the label. Now 3, this solu tion is
to paint on his skin. I'll give you a bag o f cotto n buds to
use w ith it. F irst shake the b ottle, paint it over the
w hole o f the infected area using a cotto n bud, and after
use, m ake sure you screw the top tightly back on the
bottle, and store it away from heat and light.
Can, nhan thuoc co c h i cach s ii dung. A, con nCfa, dung
dich nay dung de b o i len da be. Toi se dua ba m ot tin bong
gon de b o i thuoc. Trade tien, lac chai, b o i thuoc khdp vung
da b i nhiem trung bang bong gdn, ro i sau khi b o i xong nhd
van ndp ky va cat chai tranh nhiet va anh sang.

A: Is it necessary to keep it in the fridge?

Cd can cat trong tu lanh khdng?

B: No, that's n o t necessary. Ju s t keep it in a cool dark place.

Khdng, khdng can thiet. Chi can de cho m at va toi.

Dialogue II
A = pharm acist duoc si
B = p a tie n t benh nhan

A: This is your herbal m ed icine. Every m orning soak one

bag in 5 0 0 m is o f cold w ater for 1 or 2 hours, then heat
it up4 quickly. As soon as it starts to boil, turn down the
heat, and sim m er it for 3 0 m inu tes. T h en turn o ff the
heat. Leave it to cool, th en pour out the liquid to drink,
being careful not to let any o f the leaves go into the cup.
Day la thuoc bac cua ba day. M d i sang ngam 7 g o i thuoc
vao 500 m ililit n ad c lanh khoang 1 hay 2 tieng, ro i dun
nong that nhanh. Ngay khi bat dau soi, bdt Ida va de soi
riu riu khoang 30 phut. Xong tat bep. D e nguoi ro i rot
thuoc ra uong, n h d dC/ng de la thuoc rdt vao tach.

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 133

B: W ill it be all right to use a steel pan?
D ung n o i sSt cd d do c khdng?

A: No, don't use any m etal. You'd b ette r use an earthenw are
pot. Keep the leaves5 to use again in th e aftern oon , and
every day use a new bag.
Khdng, ddng dung n o i kim loai. Ba nen dung sieu dat. Gid
la thuoc de dung la i vao b u o i trda, vd m o i ngay dung 1
g o i thuoc m di.

B: Should I avoid any particu lar food?

Tdi cd p h a i kieng lo a i thdc Sn nao kh d n g ?

A: D on't eat stim u latin g food or seafood.

DC/ng dung thdc Sn cd tinh kich thich hoac d o bien.

B: W ell, I'll try.

Vang, td i se rang.

Words and Expressions

tablet /'taeblity n vien thuoc
grind /graind/ vt. nghien
sweetened /'swi:tnd/ a. ngot
cough m ixture thuoc ho
graduation /.graedjo’eijan/ n. mijfc thuoc
cotton bud bong gon
fridge /fridy n. tu lanh = refrigerator
label /'leibL/ n nhan
simmer /'sima/ vi. soi riu riu

134 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y l i

earthenware pot sieu dat
larynx /'laerigks/ n. thanh qu3n

1. sweetened orange juice ntf&c cam cd pha them ditcfng
Khong duoc noi sweet orange juice vi nude cam von di co
ngot tu nhien dau?

2. Do I need to shake the bottle? Tdi cd can l&c chai khdng?

(Khong c ln noi them before taking it trtfdc kh i uong chi cho
dai dong.)

3. Now A , cdn nita. TO dung de tao sU chu y.

4. heat it up dun nong len (= boil)

TO boil trong cau sau nghla la soi.

5. leaves
NgUdi nude ngoai thudng dung td leaves: la de chi thuoc
dong y.

Ti6ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 135

I. Substitution drills

2 tablets 3
1 capsule 4
1. Give your child tim es a day after meals.
1 graduation 2
1 dessertful 5

paint on his skin,

dust on lesions several times
2. Now, this is to insert rectally im m ediately
after each bowel movement,
instil into the larynx as directed
several times a day.

shake the bottle?

store it away from heat and light?
3. Do I need to
keep it in the fridge?
keep off stim ulating food and seafood?

II. Fill in the missing words

1. I'll ju st explain w h a t_______________ .

2. If he won t take th e m ,______________, and, since they
___________ , mix them w ith _____________, or dissolve
___________ i n ________________.
3. If you dissolve them in tea, the tea w ill_____________ .
4. This solution is t o _______________, and I'll give you a bag of
cotton balls to

136 - TiSng Anh danh cho gkfti Bac ST & Y Ta

5. After use, make sure you screw the to p ______________ , and
store the bottle away fro m ________________.
6. Shall I - ^ any particular food?

' -"* >/ ■' * ■' . . ,

III. Translate the following into English

1. Thuoc cua ong day. Vui long doc hudng dan sti dung ghi tren

2. TrUdc khi dung Iq thuoc nUdc nay, nhd lac cho ky.

3. DC/ng hoa tan bot nay bang nUdc tra. Tra se lam mat tac dung
cua thuoc.

4. Ong co the pha thuoc ho dang nay vdi nUdc va them si ro

ngot vao. Khi dung xong, nhd van nap ky vao.

5. DC/ng dung noi kim loai de nau thao dUOc. Ong nen dung sieu
dat. Khi dang dung thuoc nay, hay an thi/c an khong co gia vi
va tranh dung do bien.

IV. Read the following passage carefully. Describe what has

probably happened
I'm sorry but we don't keep much medicine in stock. You have
to go to the drugstore. Ju st give them this prescription, and they'll
give you the medicine.

Ti§'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 137

Unit Seventeen

Taking Samples
for the Laboratory Tests
Lay mau xet nghiem
Practical English 100
Key Sentences (81 - 85)
81. The first one is no problem, but the second one has to
be done on an empty stomach.
Xet nghiem dau tien khong co van de gi nhung xet nghiem
thuf hai phai lam khi bung doi.

82. If you eat anything except porridge, I'll not be able to do

the liver function test.
tieu ong Sn bat cuf gi tnr chao ra, toi se khong the lam xet
nghiem chuc nang gan duoc.

83. I'm going to take a small sample of blood from your

middle finger.
Toi s5p lay mau mau tCr ngon tay giura cua ong.

84. Use something to scrape off a little about the size of a

soybean, and put it in the box.
Dung vat nao do cao m ot it khoang ccf hat dau nanh, roi bo
vao lo.

85. Be careful and try not to make a mess.

Nhd can than dung lam vay ban.

138 - Tigng Anh d£nh cho gidi Bac SI & Y Ta

Dialogue I
A = p a tie n t benh nhan
B = doctor bac si

A: Good afternoon , doctor. I've com e for som e blood tests.

Is it possible for you to do th em now?
Ch'ao bac s i Tdi den de xe t nghiem mau. Bac sJ co the
lam xe t nghi$m bay g id khdng?

B: Let me have a look. T h e first test is no p rob lem ,1 but the

second one has to be done on an em pty stom ach. So I
suggest th at you com e back tom orrow m orning, and we'll
do both o f th e te sts together.
De td i xem. X et nghiem dau tien khdng cd van de gi,
nhung xe t nghiem th d hai p h a i lam khi bung doi. N en td i
de nghi sang m ai ong trd la i de chung ta lam ca hai xet
nghiem chung.

A: How long do I have to fast?2

Tdi pha i nhin an bao la u ?

B: From five o'clock th is evening, you should only eat por­

ridge. D on't drink any liquids tom orrow m orning. And
don't e a t anything tom orrow m orning before you com e.
TCf 5 g id chieu nay, ong c h i nen Sn chao. Sang m ai ddng
uong gi ca. Va sang m ai trUdc khi den day, ddng Zn gi het.

A: O h, that'll be difficult, because usually I eat a lot.

Cha, kho that vi td i thudng An nhieu.

Tigng Anh d£nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 139

B: If you eat anything excep t porridge, I'll not be able to do
the liver function test.
N eu dng Sn bat cCr gi trCl chao ra, td i se khdng the lam xet
nghiem c h ifc nSng gan difOc.

A: In th at case, I suppose I'll have to fast.

Vay thi to i p h a i nhin thdi.

Dialogue II
A = doctor bac si
B= p a tie n t benh nhan

A: Hold ou t your hand, please. I'm going to take a sm all

sam ple o f blood from your m iddle finger.
Vui long dua tay ra. Toi se la y m o t it m au tit ngon giCfa
cua ong.

B: W ill it hurt?
Co dau khon g?

A: D on't worry. You'll only feel a sm all prick. I'll ju s t wipe it

first to sterilize it.
DC/ng lo. Ong chi thay b i chich nhe thdi. TnJdc tie n to i se
lau de sat trung.

T h ere3. T hat's all finished . N ow , we'll take a sam ple from

a vein. Hold ou t your arm , please, and rest it on the
desk. C lench your fist!
Tot. Xong roi. Nao, chung ta se la y m au m au tC/ tinh mach.
Vui long dua canh tay ra d e len ban. NSm chat tay lai.

140 - TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi B£c ST & Y Ta

B: Is th is right, doctor?
D ung chua, thUa bac si?

A: That's perfect. N ow relax your grip. That's everything for

today. C om e back in th ree days, and we'll give you the
Tot ISm. Nao n d i lo ng tay ra. Horn nay tat ca da xong. Ba
ngay nCta quay la i de chung to i bao ket qua.

Dialogue III
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B - nurse y td

A: Here are m y form s for urine and stool tests.

Day la p h ie u x e t nghiem nude tieu va phan cua toi.

B: Here is a box for you r sto o l sam ple. U se som ethin g to

scrape o ff a little ab o u t th e size o f a soybean, and put it
in the box. Be careful and try not to m ake a m ess.
Day la lo dung m au phan cua ong. D ung vat nao do cao
m ot it c d hat dau nanh ro i bo vao lo. N h d can than dCfng
vay ban.

A: Yes.
Vang a.

B: And here's a b o ttle for your urine sam ple. W e ju s t need

it on e-th ird full. D o you have any qu estions?
Con day la lo dun g nUdc tieu. Chung to i c h i can day 1
phan 3 lo. O ng cd m uon h o i gi khdng?

TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 141

A: No, that all seems quite clear.
Khong a. Tat ca d eu ro rang.

B: Now, take these to the toilet which is next door. When

you are ready, bring them back to me.
Nao, dem cac lo nay d en nha v$ sinh ke ben. ChC/ng nao
xong, dem la i cho tdi.

A: I'll do my best .4
Tdi se co.

Words and Expressions

fast /fa:st/ vi. nhin an
porridge /'porid^ n. chao
liver function test xet nghiem chtifc nang gan
on an em pty stomach de bung doi
prick /prik/ n. dau nhu kim cham
sterilize /"steralaiz/ vt. sat trung
clench /klent// vt. nam chat
to scrape o ff cao
soybean /'soi'bi:n/ n. dau nanh
to make a mess lam bay hay

142 - Tieng Anh danh cho gicii Bac S i & Y Ta

1. The first test is no problem. = The first test is OK. Thu’nghiem
dau tien khdng co van d e gi.

2. How long do I have to fast? = How long do I have to go w ith ­

out food and drink? Tdi p h ai nhin an trong bao lau?

3. There Tot ; da lay xong mau mau. TO nay dung de gay sU chu y
ncfi benh nhan. Trong van noi ti/ there rat thong dung; y nghia rat
da dang (co the bieu thj sU hai long, dac y, hoi tiec, an ui, khich le
hoac khieu khich ...) tuy theo tinh c3nh ma sCr dung:
There! W h a t did I tell you?
Thay chua! Toi nhSc anh cai gi?
There! I said you would hurt yourself.
Thay chua! Toi noi la anh se bi dau ma.

4. I'll do my best. Toi se co.

NUdc tieu va phan khong phai noi muon lay la co ngay, chinh
vi vay benh nhan mdi noi se cd.

I. Substitution drills

blood tests,
1. I've come for som e stool tests.
gastric juice analyses and urine tests.

Tigng Anh d£nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 143

2. I'm going to take a small sample of

blood from your finger,

urine from the bottle,
blood from a vein,
stool from the box.

make a mess,
skip a day.
3. Be careful and try not to
break the bottle,
get your hands dirty.

II. Fill in the missing words

1. The liver function test has to be d o n e __________ .

2. Hold out your hand. I'm going to take __________.
3. You'll only feel a _________ .
4. Here's a box for y o u r__________ . Use som ething t o ________
the size o f ______ , and put it in the box. Now, this is a bottle
for y o u r________. We ju st need i t ________ full.

III. Translate the following into English

1. Ong da an sang r6i nen chung toi khong the xet nghiem gan
cho ong dUOc. Toi nay hay nhin an va sang mai di/ng an sang.
Luc 6 gid 30 den day de chung toi lay mau mau.
2. Toi se lay mau mau tu1ngon tay gitfa cua ong. DC/ng lo. Khong
dau dau.

3. Vui long lay tach va lo nay di vao nha ve sinh ke ben va lay
mau nUdc tieu va phan. Nhot gia tach va lo sach se.
4. Doi vdi mau phan, chung toi chi can mot it. Con vdi mau
nUdc tieu, chung toi can nufa tach. Ong hieu khong a?

144 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Unit Eighteen

In the Radiology Department


O khoa X quang

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (86 - 90)
86. Strip off all your clothes and put on this robe.
Hay cdi het ao quan roi m ac ao choang nay vao.

87. I'll give you instructions over the microphone.

Toi se hudng dan ong qua micro.

88. Make a fist and clench it tightly until I have inserted the
NSm chat tay lai den khi toi dam kirn vao.

89. Take a deep breath, then breathe out, and hold your
Hit sau vao roi thd ra, xong nin thd.

90. Take a spoonful of barium meal, hold it in your mouth

until I ask you to swallow it.
Uong mot mufing sunfat bari, ngam trong mieng den khi toi
bao ong nuot.

Ti6'ng Anh d&nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 145

Dialogue I
A - radiologist bac s i X quang
B = p a tie n t benh nhan

A: Please com e in, Mr. W ang. P lease take your cloth es off
above the w aist. T h en com e over here and hold on to
this, w ith your front flat again st th e plate.
M d i ong W ang vao. Vui lo hg c d i tran. Xong den day g iJ
chat cai nay, e p sat n gi/c vao m ieng kieng.

B: Shall I take o ff everything1?

Tdi cd p h a i c d i het kh d n g ?

A: Ju s t above th e w aist, b u t you can keep your vest on. Or

you can take o ff all your cloth es and put on th is robe if
you like.
C hi cdi tran thdi nhung cd the m ac ao lot. H oac ong cd the
cdi het ao quan ro i m ac ao choang nay vao neu ong muon.

B: All right, doctor.

Vang, thua bac si.

A: Put your hands like this and your shou lders forward like
this, and rest your ch in h ere2.
Dua tay len n h if the nay va Udn vai ra phia tn ld c n h if the
nay va de cSm len day.

B: Is th at right?
Vay dung chila?

A: No, please put your shou lders fu rth er forw ard. T hat's
right. I'll give you in stru ctio n s over the m icrophone.
Chita, vui long di/a vai ra phia tri/d c chut ntia. D ung roi.
Tdi se hi/dng dan ong qua m icro.

146 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

(The doctor begins to fluoroscope the patient.)
(Bac si bM dau chieu X quang benh nhan.)

T ake a deep breath, th en breathe out, and hold your

breath. G ood. N ow , keep breathing in and out. D on't be
nervous. T here's nothing to be afraid of. D on't move
while the m achine is m oving. T ake a spoonful o f barium
m eal, hold it in your m outh until 1 ask you to sw allow
it. Now sw allow a little o f w hat you have in your m outh.
Now, sw allow the rest o f it. Right. That's finished. You
can put your cloth es back on now.
H it sau vao ro i th d ra, xong nin thd. Tot. Nao, tie p tuc hit
vao thd ra. DC/ng lo. Khong co gi pha i lo ca. DC/ng nhuc
nhich khi m ay dang hoat dong. Uong m ot m uong suniat
bari, ngam trong m ie n g den khi td i bao nuot. Nao, nuot
m ot it thdi. Roi, nuot h e t luon. Tot. Xong roi. Ong co the
mac quan ao vao.

Dialogue II
A = radiographer b a c s iX q u a n g
B - p a tie n t b e n h n h a n

A: Com e in, Mr. W ang, and sit down. I'm going to give you
an IVB in jectio n , so w e can exam ine your gall-bladder.
First, please take o ff all your cloth es and put on this
gown. I'm going to put a rubber band above your elbow .
Now m ake a fist and clench it tightly until I have in­
serted the needle, th en you can relax your grip.
M d i ong W ang vao ngoi xuong. Toi se chich m ot m u i IVB
de cd the kham tu i m at cua ong. Trade tien, hay cd i het
quan ao ra va m ac ao choang nay vao. Tdi se buoc day
thun phia tren c u i chd ong. Nao, nSm chat tay la i den khi
td i dam kim vao, xong ong cd the n d i tay ra.

Tig'ng Anh d£nh cho gidi BSc ST & Y Ta - 147

B: All right.
Vang duoc.

A: C lench your fist, please. T h at's right. (Inserts the needle)

Now you can relax your grip. (He finishes the injection and
w ithdraws the needle.) T h at's it.
H ay ndm chat tay lai. D ung roi. (Dam kirn vao) Bay g id ndi
tay ra. (Bac si chich xong va rut kirn ra.) The la xong.

Now com e over here and lie dow n, please. D on't worry,
you w on't feel anything. And don't w orry ab ou t the noise
the m achine m akes. I'll tell you over the m icrophone
w hen to breathe in and out, and w hen to hold your
H ay den day ndm xuong. DC/ng lo, khdng cam thJi'v gi dau.
Va dC/ng ngai tie n g dong cua may. Toi se bao qua m icrd
khi nao ong nen h it vao va th d ra va khi nao nin thd.

Now breathe in, take a big breath. Hold your breath.

Nao h it vao, h it sau vao. N in thd.

Now you can b reathe out.

Bay g id cd the th d ra.

(A fter the exam ination)

(Sau khi kham)

I th ink th at shou ld be all right. Y ou can get dressed now.

ChSc tot roi. O ng cd the m ac quan ao vao.

B: T hank you, doctor.

Cam on bac si.

148 - Tigng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Words and Expressions
waist /weist/ n. that lung, eo
vest /vest/ n. ao thun lot
strip off cdi quan ao
robe /raob/ n. ao choang
gown /gaon/ n. ao choang
microphone /’maikrafaon/ n. micro
barium /'beariam/ n. bari
gall-bladder /go:l 'blaeda/ n. tu i mat
rubber band day thun
hold the breath giQ hoi, nin thd
ankle /'aeqkl/ n. mat ca chan
wrist /rist/ n. cd tay
cuff /kAf/ n. bang, vong
cystography /sis'tDgrafi/ n. thuoc tao anh bang quang

1. everything = all my clothes tat cd do cjtidti ciia toi

2. here & day

Trong van noi ta thudng dung here; there, this, that kem theo
dong tac tren de the cho nhCTng danh tC/ phtfc tap. Vi du:

Turn your head slowly to the left - and now rest it on

this. N o w sit back in your chair and put your feet right
here. Lift up your left hand and squeeze your fingers in
your palm, and place your right hand on that. That's right.
You're doing perfectly well, Mr. Yong.
Tu tu xoay dau sang trai - roi tua vao day. Bay gid ngoi tua
lai vao ghe, chan de d day. Dua ban tay trai len roi nSm chat
cac ngon trong long ban tay l^i, ke tiep dat tay phai len chd
do. Dung roi. Ong lam tuyet lSm, ong Yong.

TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 149

I. Substitution drills

and your shoulders for­

hands ward like this,
knee and lift your ankle up.
1. Put your like this
arm and your wrist up.
head down with your nose touching
the table.

2. Rest your here.

give IVB injection,

give IVP injection,
3. I'm going to
put my blood pressure cuff around your arm,
give cystography injection,

exam ine your gall-bladder,

exam ine your kidney,
so that we can
check your blood pressure,
check your bladder.

II. Fill in th e missing words

1. Com e_______here, h o ld ________ th is,_______ your back

fla t_____ _ the plate.
2. Put y o u r______like this, and rest y o u r_______ here.
3. Now, please put y o u r_______further forward.

150 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

4. Would you please bend y o u r__________ a bit more?
5. Don't move w h ile ___________ .
6. That's everything for today. You c a n __________ a n d _______ __

III. Translate the following into English

1. Vui long n3m len ban chup X quang nay. De dau goi ong len
tam kim loai chup X quang nay. DC/ng nhuc nhich.
2. Hay cdi tran ra va m ac ao choang nay vao. An sat ngi/c vao
day va de cSm cho nay. Nin thd khi toi b3o.
3. Vui long keo canh tay tri/dc len va de cui cho len ban chup X
quang, co tay hudng len tren. Tot! Bay gid hay co ep vai xuong.
4. Nao, hit sau vao. Nin thd va uong sunfat bari nay. Tot!

V. Read the following passages carefully and talk about

what has happened
Sit back in your chair and put your feet slightly apart on the
floor. Put your hands in your lap, one on top of the other with the
palms upwards. Close your eyes. Keep your mouth closed and
take a deep breath through your nose. Now, take another deep
breath. Now, tense the m uscles in your left leg by pressing your
left foot as hard as you can on to the floor. Now, relax it. Now,
press you right foot hard on to the floor. Now, relax it. Now lift
up your left hand and squeeze your fingers into your palm. Now
relax your left hand. Now do the same with your right hand. And
then relax it. Lift your shoulders as high as you can - and now let
them fall. Turn your head slowly to the left - and now turn it to
the right. And now bring it to the centre again.
One more, take a deep breath. When you breathe out, make it
last twice as long as when you breathe in. Now, take another deep
breath. And now, another deep breath. Nov/ listen to your breathing.
Try to think only about your breathing. If you begin to think of any­
thing else, remember to think once more about your breath.

Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 151

Unit Nineteen

Having an Injection
Chich thuoc

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (91 - 95)
91. Please show me your prescription.
Vui long cho xem toa thuoc.

92. Now, roll up your sleeve, and I'll give you a small injection.
Nao, xSn tay ao len de toi chich thuoc.

93. It's important that you don't skip a day.

Nhd la khong ducfc bo ngay nao.

94. I'll just use this swab to sterilize it.

Toi se dung m ieng bong nay de sat trung.

95. The pain should go away in a couple of hours.

Khoang vai tieng se het dau.

152 - Tieng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS

Dialogue I
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B = nurse y td

A: Is this w here I com e for an in jection?

Day cd p h a i la ncfi chich thuoc khdng?

B: Yes Can you please show m e your prescription?

Dung the. Vui long cho xem toa thuoc.

A: Here you are.

Da day a.

B: Oh, penicillin. D o you know if you are allergic to it?

A, p e n ic illin . Ba co b i d i Ctng thuoc nay khong?

A: I have no idea.
Khong b ie t nda.

B: T hen I’ll have to te s t you to see if you're allergic to it.

Now, roll up your sleeve, and I'll give you a sm all
Vay to i p h a i xe t nghiem xem ba co bi d i ifng thuoc nay
khong. Nao, x jn tay ao len de to i chich thuoc.

A: Shall I sit dow n?

Tdi cd p h a i n go i kh d n g ?

B: Yes, and rest your arm on the table and relax. Hold still,
Vang, de tay len ban va thoai mai. Lam an giuf tay yen.

Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 153

(After the shot)
(Sau khi chich)

Now, w ait ju s t ou tsid e for 15 m in u tes, th en I'll have a

look to see your reaction.
Bay gid, ra ngoai dcfi 15 p h u t ro i to i se xem phan Ong thudc.

Dialogue II
A = nurse y td
B = p a tie n t benh nh a n

A: Can you com e in now , please, and let m e see your arm.
M d i ba vao de td i xem canh tay.

B: Here. N othing seem s to have happened.

Day a. H inh n h u khdng cd gi.

A: No, that seem s to be all right. I'll give you your first
in jection now.
Dung the, cd ve tot. Bay g id to i se chich m u i dau tien.

B: How m any in jectio n s w ill I need?

Tdi can chich bao n h ie u m u i?

A: O ne every day for seven days. It should be around the

sam e tim e each day. O n your way out, m ake som e ap­
p ointm ents w ith th e recep tio n ists to com e every m o rn ­
ing, afternoon o r evening, w hichever suits you b est.
M d i ngay m ot m u i trong 7 ngay. N en chich dung g io m oi
ngay. Luc d i ra, n h d thu xep cuoc hen vdi nhan vie n tie p
tan de den chich m d i sang, ch ieu hoac toi, b u o i nao tien
cho ba nhat.
154 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ta
B: W h at happens if I can't co m e?1
Con neu td i khdng d en d uo c th'i sao?

A: It's im portant th at you don't skip a day2. O th erw ise the

course may not be effective.
D ieu quan trong la ba khong duoc bo bUa nao. Bang
khdng qua trinh d ie u tri se khong cdng hieu.

B: I understand.
Vang, td i hieu roi.

A: Now, I'll ju s t use this sw ab3 to sterilize it, then give you
the injection. Try to relax as m uch as you can.
Bay g id to i se dung m ie n g bong nay de sat trung ro i chich
cho ba. Rang cang thoai m ai cang tot.
(After the injection )
(Chich xong)

B: Oh, it really hu rts. H ow long w ill the pain last?

O, dau that. Dau n h u the nay bao la u ?

A: W hen you get hom e, put a hot tow el on it, but don't
press it too hard. And the pain should go away4 in a
couple o f hours.
Ve den nha, chuOm khan nong len vet chich nhung dC/ng
an manh qua. Va khoang vai tieng se het dau.

Ti£ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 155

Words and Expressions
reaction /ri'aekjan/ n. phan ufng
skip a day bo mot ngay
effective /iTektrv/ a. cong hieu
swab /swob/ n. mieng bong, gac

1. W hat happens if I can't come? Con tieu tdi khong d en dutfc thi
Cau nay co nghla neu trong hay Ian co Ian khon g d en dWOc
thi sao? Tuong ti/ ta cung co the noi: W hat w ill happen if I
can't come? Nhung y nghla co the khac biet chut it. Trong cau
dau y nghla tuong doi nhe nhang, ngi/cfi hoi co y mong muon
se khong co chuyen gi nghiem trong x3y ra; con trong cau sau
ngiidi hoi mang tam trang lo lang khong biet se co "hau qua"
gi khong, thanh ra cau sau co the djch la N eu to i khdng den
dirtc lieu cd sao khdng?
Theo tan suat suf dung thi cau trade daoc dung nhieu hdn cau
sau. Cho nen hoc vien can phai chu y nhang cau co y nghia
na na vdi nhau nhang lai co nhang diem khac biet tinh te ma
chi qua sa no lac tim hieu mdi cd the phan biet daoc.

2. It's im portant th at you don't skip a day. EHeu quan trong la ba

khdng duVc bo biia nao.
Cung cd the noi:

It's important that you take the injection every day.

Dieu quan trong la ong phai tiem thuoc mdi ngay.

156 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

3. swab = alcohol sponge bong tam con

4. go away = disappear h et

I. Substitution drills

roll up your sleeve,

strip off your vest,
1. Now,
open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out,
bend slightly forward,

give you a small injection,

put a patch on your back,
and I'll check your throat,
tap your spine.

2. On your way out, m ake som e appointm ents with the

head nurse,

The pain a couple of hours,

The toothache no time,
3. should go away in
The rash a few days,
Your chest distress a week.

Tig’ng Anh d3nh cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 157

li. Fill in the missing words

1. Is this where I com e f o r _________?

2. Do you know if you're allergic t o ________?
3. Roll up y o u r________, and I'll give y o u _______.
4. It's important that y o u ______ . Otherwise the course may not
be effective.
5. I'll just use th is ________t o _______ it.

III. Translate the following into English

1. Vui long ngoi xuong va xSn tay ao len, toi se xet nghiem xem
ong co di ting thuoc penicillin khong.

2. Ket qua xet nghiem cho thay ong bj di ufng thuoc penicillin.

3. Ke tCi' ngay mai, ong can den benh vien chich 1 mui thuoc
moi ngay. Qua trinh dieu tri se keo dai 10 ngay. Ong co the
ta quyet djnh nen di buoi sang hoac buoi chieu, nhi/ng ong
nen di dung buoi ong da chon va dung gid.

4. Ve den nha, ong hay dSp khan am len cho chich. Di/ng cha
len cho chich. Se mau het dau.

158 - Tlgng Anh ddnh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS

Unit Twenty

At the Cashier's
O quay thu ngan

Practical English 100

Key Sentences (96 - 100)
96. Here's all my paper work. H ow much will I have to pay
Tat ca giay td cua toi day. Toi phai tra ca thay bao nhieu?

97. I'll just w ork it out. Altogether you owe 35 yuan.

Toi se tinh. Tong cong ba con thieu 35 nhan dan te.

98. I'm sorry, I'll have to give you all your change in coins.
Xin 16i, toi phai thoi cho ba tien xu.

99. W hen you come back, don't bother to queue, just come
to the window.
Khi trd lai, ba khoi can xep hang, hay den thang quay.

100. Here's your receipt and change.

Bien nhan va tien thoi cua ba day.

Ti§ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 159

Dialogue I
A - p a tie n t benh nhan
B = cashier thu ngan

A: Here's all my paper w ork. How m uch w ill 1 have to pay

Tat ca giay td cua to i day. Tdi p h a i tra ca thay bao nhi&u?

B: I'll ju s t w ork it ou t. A lto g eth er you ow e 3 5 yuan.

De td i tinh. Tong cong dng con th ie u 35 t$.

A: Can you change 100 yuan?1

Co d o i g ium td 100 te d uo c khdn g?

B: O h, I'm afraid not. C an you take it to th e shop outside

to get som e change? W h en you com e back, don't bother
to queue, ju s t com e to th e w indow .2
Khdng a. O ng vui long dem ra tie m ngoai kia d o i tien le.
Luc quay lai, dng k h o i can xep hang, hay d en thSng quay.

A: All right.
Da duoc.

(Five minutes later he comes back to the window.)

(5 phut sau, ong ta quay lai quay tinh tien.)

Here's 5 0 yuan. Is th is OK?

50 te day. Duc/c chua a?

B: Yes, but I’m sorry I'll have to give you all your change in
Vang, nhung e rang to i p h a i th d i la i cho dng tie n xu.

160 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T3

A: T h at doesn't m atter.
' Khdng sao dau.

B: Here's your receipt and change.

Bien nhan va tiSn th d i cua dng day.

A: Thanks. G oodbye.
Cam on. Chao cd.

Dialogue II
A - p a tie n t ben h nhan
B = cashier thu ngan

A: Is this the place w here I com e to pay?

Day p h a i la cho tra tie n khdng?

B: Yes, it is. Let m e see your paper w ork and I'll see how
m uch you'll have to pay.
Dung the. Cho td i xem g ia y td cua dng de to i tinh dng
phai tra bao nhieu.

A: Here you are.

Day a.

B: Ju st a m om en t, please, and I'll w ork out the bill. W ell,

that com es to 2 0 0 yuan alto g eth er.3
Xin doi m ot lat de td i tinh hoa don. A, len tdi 200 te ca thay.

A: O h, I'm sorry I don't have so m uch m oney w ith m e. W ill

it be all right if I com e back tom orrow to pay?
6 , xin Id i td i khdng dem theo du tien. Ngay m ai td i quay
la i tra tien d uo c kh d n g ?
Ti§ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 161
B: Yes. But if you can pay 100 o r even 5 0 yuan now , and
show m e your identity card, 1 can let the p h arm acist give
you your m edicine today instead o f w aiting u ntil tom or­
Duoc. Nhung neu ong co the tra trUOc 100 hay tham chi
50 te cung d uo c va cho td i xem chUng m in h thu. td i se
bao duoc si dua thud'c cho ong ngay horn nay thay vi doi
den mai.

A: Here's 100 yuan and my ID card, and I'll com e back to ­

m orrow w ith th e rest o f the m oney. T h an k you. See you
tom orrow .
100 te va chCfng m inh th u cua td i ddy. Ngay m ai td i se
quay la i tra n o t phan con lai. Cam on. Chao ngay m ai gSp

B: Bye!
Chao dng!

Words and Expressions

paper w ork giay td
change /t/eindj/ n. tien thoi
coin /koin/ n. tien xu
identity card chifng minh thu

162 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac S i & Y Ta

1. Can you change 100 y u a n ? Ong doigiittn tcf 100 te dtfCfc khong

= Can you break down 100 yu an ?

2. When you come back, don't bother to queue, just come to

the window. K hi quay la i k h oi can x ep hang, a t di thang den
quay. Cung co the noi: When you come back, don't bother to
stand in line, just come to the window.

3. Well, that comes to 200 yuan altogether. A, tat cd vi chi Id

200 te. Cung co the noi: Well, the total is 200 yuan.

I. Substitution drills

1. Can you change yuan ?

2. I'm sorry I'll have to give you all your change in

5 0 -fen coins.
small bills.
small coins and bills.

in a while
3. Will it be all right if I com e back to pay?
in two hours
this afternoon

Tifing Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 163

II. Fill in the missing words

1. Altogether y o u ____________ .
2. I'm sorry I’ll have to give you all your change i n ___________ .
3. Let me see y o u r___________ and I'll s e e ____________ .
4. Ju st a moment, please, and I'll work o u t ___________ . Well,
t h a t ____________ 2 0 0 yuan altogether.

III. Translate the following into English

1. Cho toi xem giay td de toi tinh ong thieu bao nhieu tien.

2. A, ong thieu 50 te c3 thay. Vui long di/a tien le. Neu ong difa
td 1 00 te, toi khong co tien thdi cho ong duoc.

3. Vui long di den quay ke ben de doi tien le. Ong khong can
phai xep hang. Hay di thang den quay.

4. Toi tra bang tien xu duoc khong?

164 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

Appendix I

abate /a'beit/ vt.; vi. thuyen giam 9
acupuncture /’aekjopArjkt/a/ n. cham cufu 12
aggravate /’aegraveit/ vt. lam toi te them 5
agony /'aegam/ n. cdn dau 14
allergic /a'bidjik/ a. di ijfng 5
anaemic /a'ni:mik/ a. thieu hong cau 14
anaesthesia /,aenis'0i:zja/ n. thuoc gay me 13
anemia /a'ni:mja/ n. benh thieu hong cau 12
ankle /'aeqkl/ n. mat ca chan 18
antibiotic /'aentibai'otik/ n. khang sinh 4
antihistamine /.aenti'histamin/ n. khang dj ufng 5
antiseptic /,aenti'septik/ a.; n. (thuoc) sat trung 11
anus /'einas/ n. hau mon 14
appetite /'aepitait/ n. si/ ngon mieng 10
associate /a'saojieit/ a. lien ket 9
assuage /a'sweid^ vt. lam dju 5
asthma /'aesma/ n. suy§n 9

TiS'ng Anh d£nh cho gidi B£c ST & Y TS - 165

barium /'beanam/ n. bari 18
barium meal sunfat bari 18
bean product s3n pham dau hat 8
benign /bi'nain/ a. lanh tinh 14
bile /bail/ n. mat xanh 7
blood sample mau mau 8
boil /bail1 n. soi/phong 5
bowel /'baoal/ n. ruot 9
bruise /bru:z/ vi. bam giap 7
burn /b'i'.n/ v. rat 3

cavity /'kaeviti/ n. lo sau rang 6
change /tjeind 5/ n. tien thdi 20
charcoal /'t/a:kaol/ n. than (cui) 9
charcoal tablets vien thuoc than 9
chart /tfa:t/ n. bang chQ 11
chesty cough ho long ngUc/ho su 7
chronic /'kronik/ a kinh nien 12
clench /klentj-/ v. nam chat 17
clog /klDg/ vt. nghen, dong 6
coil /koil/ n. vong tranh thai 15
coin /koin/ n. ti£n xu 20
colic /'kohk/ n. con dau bung 2
concentrate (on) /’konsantreit/ vi. tap trung vao 8

166 - Tigng Anh d in h cho gicii B3c ST & Y t l

condom /’kondam/ n. bao cao su 15
confirm /kan'f3:m/ vt. kh ing djnh 10
congenital /kan'djenitl/ a. bam sinh 8
consultant /kan'sAltant/ n. tU van 1
contraception /.kontra'sep/an/ n. thuoc ngi/a thai 15
corridor /'korido:/ n. hanh lang 1
cotton bud bong gon 16
couch /kaotJ7 n. ghe da i 14
cough mixture thuoc ho 16
count /kaont/ n. so luong 9
cramp /kraemp/ n. quan dau, cufng (cd) 9
cuff IkAil n. bang, vong 18
cup /kAp/ n. tach 12
cystography /sis'tDgrafx/ n. thuoc tao ^nh bang quang 18

day-room /'deiru:m/ n. phong duSng benh 13
decay /di'kei/ vi. b| sau / phan huy 6
delicate /'delitkat/ a. yeu (sufc khoe) 10
depressed /di'prest/ a. chan nan 10
diabetes /,daia'bi:ti:z/ n. tieu dudng 8
diastolic /.daia'stolik/ a. (thuoc) trUOng tim 9
discharge /dis'tjaidy n. ra mau 15
discomfort /dis'kAm fat/ n. sU kho ch(u 6
disincline /.disin'klain/ v t. lam cho khong vui 10
dislocate /'dislaokeit/ v t. sai khdp 13

TiS'ng Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 167

double doors ctfa doi 1
duodenal ulcer loet ta trang 8

earthenware pot sieu dat 16

effective A'fektrv/ a. cong hieu 19
electrotherapy /i'lektrao'0erapi/ n. trj lieu bang dien 2
elevation /.eli'vei/an/ n. thang may 9
endoscope /'endaskaop/ n. noi soi 14
excruciating /iks'kruijieitny a. dau khung khiep 12
exertion /iq'z3:Jan/ n. no liic 7
extra-precaution /'ekstrapri'koijan/ n. phong ngi/a ky 15
eyedrop /'aidrop/ n. thuoc nho mat 11
eyelid /'ailid/ n. mi mat 11
eyewash /'aiwoj-/ n. thuoc rCra m at 5

face cream kem thoa mat 5
fast /fa:stJ vi. nhm an 17
feeble /’fi:bl/ a. yeu (duoi), yeu dt 10
fem ur /'fi:ma/ n. xUdng dui 13
focus /’faokas/ vt. tap trung, nhin 11
fracture /Traekt/a/ n. su1 nult, sl/ gay 4
fragrance /Treigrans/ n. mui hi/dng 6
fridge /fridy n. tu lanh 16

168 - TiS’ng Anh d in h cho gidi B£c ST & Y Ta

gash /gaef/ n. vet tet 5
gall-bladder tui mat 18
gauze Iqy.zl n. thoa I6p m6ng 5
generally wretched kho chju qua 1
glistening /'glisamg/ a. sang loang 6
gnasher /'naeja/ n. nghien rang 6
gown /gaon/ n. ao choang 18
graduation /.graedju'ei/an/ n. mufc thuoc 16
graze /greiz/ vt. tray da 2
greasy food thOfc an co m5 7
grind /graind/ vt. nghien 16
gum /gAm/ n. loi rang 6

hairline /'healain/ n. sdi toe 2
heal /hi:l/ vt. lanh vet thuang 2
hepatic /hi'paetik/ a. (thuoc) viem gan 2
herbal /'h3:bal/ a. thao daoc 2
hold the breath giCf hoi, nin thd 18
hydrogen peroxide hydro peroxide 4
hypertension /.haipa'tenjan/ n. cao huyet ap 8

Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 169

identity card chting minh thi/ 20
impact /im'paekt/ vt. anh hi/dng 3
in that case trong trudng hop do 1
inappropriate /,ina'praopriat/ a. khong thich hdp 9
incisor /in ’saiza/ n. rang ojfa (di/6i) 2
inconvenient /,inkan'vi:njant/ a. bat tien 15
insert /in’s3:t/ vt. di/a vao 14
instruction /in'strAkfan/ n. si/ hudng dSn 12
interest /'intrist/ n. dam m e, quan tam 10
interm ittent /.inta'mitant/ a. xen ke, ti/ng con 14
intolerance /in'tolarans/ n. tha thif/khong hop (thufc An) 5
intra-uterine /,intra'ju:tarain/ a. trong tuf cung 15
itch /it// n.; vi. ngtfa 4

jog /d5Dg/ v. chay bo 13

keep one's fingers crossed cau xin 3

label /’leibl/ n. nhan 16
larynx /'laeriqks/ n. thanh quan 16

170 - TiSng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

lateral /'lsetaral/ a. ben hong, ben canh 2
lesion /’lirjan/ n. thi/ong ton 5
light diet an kieng nhe 7
liver function test xet nghiem chufc nang gan 17
lobe /laub/ n. chop 13
lower back lung di/di 12
lump /L\mp/ n. khoi u 5

macrocytic /.maekrao'sitik/ a. thuoc hong cau I6n 12
malignant /ma'lignant/ a. ac tinh 14
manipulate /ma'nipjoleit/ vt. n5n bop 12
marrow bone tuy xi/ong 13
mattress /'maetris/ n. nem 12
microphone /'maikrafaon/ n. micro 18
micturition /.miktjoa'ri/an/ n. chiifng tieu dat 7
migraine /'mi:grein/ n. dau nd/a dau 10
molar /"mania/ n. rang ham 6

necessarily /'nesasarali/ ad. nhat thiet 5
negative /'negativ/ a. am tinh 15
neighbouring tooth rang xung quanh 6
nocturnal /nok't3:nal/ a. thuoc ve ban dem 9
num b /nAm/ vt. te 6
numbness /'iwmms/ n. te cufng 7

T ifn g Anh d&nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 171

on an em pty stomach de bung doi I7
on the safe side de chac 3n 2
orally /'arrali/ ad. qua dudng mieng 9
overwork /,aova'w3:k/ vt. lam qu£ stfc 11

painkiller /'pein,kila/ n. thuoc gi3m dau 13
paper w ork giay td 20
paralysis /pa'raelisis/ n. Net 10

pass w ate r di tieu 3

pelvic /’pelvik/ a. thuoc xi/ong chau 14
penicillin /.peni'silin/ n. thuoc penicillin khang sinh 7
penis /'pi:nis/ n. duong vat 2
perfum e /'p3 :fju:m/ n. nude hoa 5
period f piariad/ n. kinh nguyet 14
pessary /'pesan/ n. vong nang 15
pillow /'pilao/ n. cai goi 7
plaster /'pla:sta/ n. bo bot 2
pneum onia /nju:'maonia/ n. viem phoi 7
polish /'poll// n. thuoc danh bong rang 6
pop /pop/ vt. bo vao 6
porridge /'poridy n. chao 17
p reg n an t /’pregnant/ a. co thai 15
prick /prik/ n. dau nhu kim cham 17
prickly h e a t nong.oi bufc 5
p ro test /pra'test/ vi. chong doi 6
172 - TiS'ng Anh ddnh cho g«5i B ic ST & Y T4
queue up xep hang 1

radius /'reidias/ n. ban kfnh/xi/dng quay 6
rash /raeJ7 n. man do 5
reaction /ri'aekfan/ n. phan ting 19
rectally /'rektali/ ad. bang trUc trang 7
register /'redjista/ v. dang ky 1
registration /.redjis'trei/an/ n. (si/) dang ky 1
relish /'relij/ n. khoai khau, si/ ngon mieng, sanh an 10
remit /ri'mit/ vt.; vi. lam diu di 9
renal /'ri:nal/ a. (thuoc ve) than 2
rhythm /'ridam/ n. chu ky kinh nguyet 15
rhythm m ethod bien phap kiem tra chu ky kinh nguyet 15
rib /rib/ n. xi/ong sUdn 2
right away ngay lap ttic 13
robe /raob/ n. ao choang 18
rubber band day thun 18

scale /skeil/ n. cao cao rang 6
scan /skaen/ v. chup scan, sieu am 14
scratch /skraetf/ vt. gai 4
seafood /'si:fu:d/ n. do/thtic an hai s^n 5

TiS'ng Anh d^nh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 173

shake /Jeik/ vi. bat (tay) 10
sharp pain dau nhoi 12
shadow /'Jaedau/ n. vet md 7
shoot /Ju:t/ vi. Ian xuong 12
sick /sik/ a. benh 7
sick note giay chufng nhan co benh 2
simmer /'sima/ vi. soi riu riu 16
r S )

skip a day b6 mot ngay 19

solution /sa'lju:Jan/ n. dung dich 4
soybean /'sDi'bi:n/ n. dau nanh 17
sterilize /'steralaiz/ vt. sat trung 17
stitch /stitJ7 n. mui khau 4
strip off cdi quan ao 18
sugary things nhufng thiif co dudng 8
surgery /'saidjari/ n. giai phau 14
swab /swob/ n. mieng bong, gac 19
swallow /'swDlao/ vt. nuot 6
sweetened /'swiitnd/ a. ngot 16
symptom /'simptam/ n. trieu chufng 8
systolic /sis'tolik/ a. (thuoc) tam thu 9

tablet /'taeblit/ n. vien thuoc 16
tantrum /'taentram/ n. cdn thinh no 7
testis /'testis/ n. tinh hoan 2
tetanus Aetanas/ n. phong ddn ganh 4

174 - Tieng Anh danh cho gk3i Bac SI & Y TA

thirsty /'03:sti/ a. khat 8
throbbing pain dau nhufc nhoi 12
to follow one's advice lam theo Idi khuyen cua ai 8
to make a mess lam b iy hay 17
to scrape o ff cao 17
toilet /'toilit/ n. toa-let ,r 9
traction /'traekjan/ n. bo bot 13
transfusion /traens'fju^an/ n. truyen (mau, dich) 7
traum atology /,tro:ma'tolad3i/ n. chan thitong 2
twist /twist/ v. van veo 14

ultrasonic /.Altra'sDmk/ a. sieu am 3
unbearable /.An'bearabl/ a. khong chiu noi 12
underwear /'Andawea/ n. do lot 14
unfasten /,An'fa:san/ vt. thao, cdi 9
upset /'Apset/ a. kho chiu, roi loan 9
ureter /joa'ri:ta/ n. dng dan tieu 3
urology /joa'roladji/ n. nieu hoc 2
urethra /joa'ri:0ra/ n. ong tieu 3

vaginal /va'd5ainal/ a. thuoc am dao 12

ventilate /'ventileit/ vt. thong hoi, thong thoang 7
vest /vest/ n. ao thun lot 18
vom it /'vDiTiit/ vt.; vt. 6i, mtfa 9
Ti§ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T a - 175
waist /weist/ n. that li/ng, eo
waterworks /’wo:taw3:ks/ n. he nieu
wind /w ind/ n. (day) hoi
wisdom tooth rang khon
wrist /rist/ n. co tay

176 - Tieng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y T3

Appendix II

Commonly Used Medical

Terms and Expressions
Thuat ngu va tu ngu y khoa
thong dung
H6 thong benh vien & to chtrc y te
anti-epidemic station tram phong dich
army hospital; m ilitary hospital benh vien quan y
attached hospital; affiliated hospital benh vien chi nhanh
base hospital; rear hospital benh vien c0 sd
children's hospital benh vien nhi dong
children's polyclinic phong kham da khoa nhi dong
Chinese medical hospital benh vien Trung y
clinic benh vien tL//chuyen khoa
field hospital benh vien da chien
first-aid station tram cap cufu
general hospital benh vien da khoa
health center trung tam y te
health center for w om en and children trung tam y te phu ntf
va tre em
infectious disease hospital benh vien danh cho benh truyen
isolation hospital benh vien cach ly

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi BSc ST & Y Ta - 177

leprosarium; hospital for lepers trai phong; b£nh vien danh cho
ngi/di m^c benh phong
lock hospital; venereal disease hospital benh vien hoa lieu
m aternity hospital benh vien phu s3n
mental hospital; lunatic asylum benh vien tam than
obstetrical and gynaecological hospital benh vien phu khoa
va san khoa
sanatorium nha dieu dudng
special hospital benh vien dac biet
stom atology hospital; oral medical hospital benh vien rang
tum or hospital benh vien ung bi/du

Phong, Ban trong benh vien

admission office van phong tiep nhan benh nhan
bandaging room phong bang bo
blood bank ngan hang mau
cashier’s (w indow ) quay thu tien
consulting room phong kham
delivery room phong sinh
discharge office van phong lam thu tuc xuat vien
dispensary; pharmacy tram y te; tiem thuoc
electrotherapy room phong lieu phap dien
emergency departm ent; emergency room phong cap cufu
emergency w ard phong cap cl/u

fem ale w ard phong nG

inpatient departm ent phong benh nhan noi tru
infant room phong tre

178 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac S7 & Y Ta

isolation room phong cach ly
isolation ward phong cach ly r
laboratory phong xet nghiem
male ward phong nam
medical adm inistration departm ent phong phat thuoc
mortuary nha xac
nursing departm ent phong dieu dudng
observation w ard phdng theo doi
operation room; operation theater phong mo
outpatient departm ent phdng benh nhan ngoai tru
record room phdng luU trCf ho s0
registry; registration office van phong dSng ky
waiting room phong ddi
ward phdng (danh cho benh nhan)

Cac khoa trong benh vien

biochemistry departm ent khoa hoa sinh hoc
cardiovascular surgery departm ent khoa phau thuat tim mach
dental departm ent khoa rang
dental surgery dep artm ent khoa phau thuat nha
dermatology departm ent; skin departm ent khoa (chuyen
cardiosurgery dep artm ent khoa phau thuat tim
cerebral surgery dep artm ent khoa phau thuat nao
gynaecology dep artm ent khoa phu khoa
infectious disease departm ent khoa truyen nhiem
internal medicine departm ent khoa noi

Tifi'ng Anh d in h cho gidi BSc Si & Y Ta - 179

manipulation clinic khoa lam sang
obstetrics and gynaecology departm ent khoa phu san
oncology departm ent khoa khoi u
ophthalm ology departm ent khoa mat
physiotherapy departm ent khoa vat ly trj lieu
plastic surgery departm ent khoa ph^u thuat tao hinh
traditional Chinese medicine departm ent khoa y hoc dan tdc
Trung Quoc
ENT departm ent khoa tai mui hqng
general medicine departm ent khoa y hoc tong hop
general surgery departm ent khoa phau thuat tong hop
neurology departm ent khoa than kinh
obstetrics departm ent khoa san
orthopedics departm ent khoa chinh hinh
paediatrics departm ent khoa nhi
pathology departm ent khoa nghien aJfu benh
surgery departm ent khoa phau thuat
thoracic surgery khoa phau thuat ngUc
traum atology departm ent khoa chan thuong
urology departm ent khoa nieu
X-ray departm ent; rediology departm ent khoa X quang

Nhan vien y vu
anesthetist bac si gay me
assistant doctor bac si phu ta
attending doctor; doctor in charge bac si true
aurist bac si (chuyen khoa) tai

180 - Tieng Anh d in h cho gicii Bac ST & Y TS

brain specialist nha chuy£n khoa nao
cardiac surgeon nha p h lu thuSt tim
cardiovascular specialist nha chuyen khoa tim mach
chief physician/surgeon b k sT trUdng
clinician bac si lam sang
dental surgeon; oral surgeon nha phlu thuat rSng; nha phlu
thuat mieng
dentist nha si
dermatologist bac si da li§u
dietician bac sT (chuyen khoa) dinh di/dng
director of the hospital giam doc benh vien
doctor of traditional Chinese medicine; herb doctor bac si
Dong y
doctor of Western medicine bac si Tay y
ENT doctor; ENT specialist bac sT tai mui hong; nha chuyen
khoa tai mui hong
first-aid personnel nhan vien so cufu
gynaecologist bac si phu khoa
head nurse y ta tri/dng
head of the dep artm ent of internal medicine trddng khoa noi
head of the dep artm ent of surgery tri/dng khoa ph^u thuat
head of the dep artm ent of medical adm inistration trudng
khoa phan phat thuoc
head of the nursing departm ent trudng khoa dieu dudng
head of the o u tpatient departm ent tri/dng khoa ngoai tru
heart specialist nha chuyen khoa tim
laboratory technician ky thuat vien phong xet nghiem
m idwife; obstetric nurse ntf ho sinh

Ti§ng Anh d in h cho gidi B£c ST & Y Ta - 181

nerve specialist nha chuyen khoa than kinh
nursing staff nhan vien dieu dudng
obstetrician; obstetrist beic si s3n khoa
oculist; ophthalm ologist bac sT nhan khoa
oncologist bac sT (chuyen khoa) khoi u
orthopedist bac sT chinh hinh
paediatrician bac si khoa nhi
pharmacist; druggist duoc si
physician; internist thay thuoc
practitioner bac si thi/c tap
radiologist chuyen vien X quang
radiographer chuyen vien chup X quang
resident doctor bac sT thudng tru
surgeon bac sT ph^u thuat
urologist nha chuyen khoa tiet nieu
venereologist bac si chuyen khoa da li£u

Mot vai chung benh

allergy dj ufng
anemophobia chufng so gio
chill sd rung minh, si/ ret run
cold sweat sii toat mo hoi
complication bien chufng
cyanosis chtfng xanh tim
external hem orrhage xuat huyet ngoai
general malaise tinh trang kho d
internal hem orrhage xuat huyet trong

182 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi BSc ST & Y TA

listless; languid (sii) Id dd
nausea chting buon non
night sweat mo hoi trom
perspiration si/ thoat mo hoi
relapse s i/ta ip h a t
shiver; shudder si/ rung minh, ret run
subcutaneous hem orrhage xuat huyet dudi da
vomit si/ non mtia

1. Nhung chung benh thong thuong

acute tonsillitis viem amidan cap

allergic rhinitis viem mui dj ting
anosmia chting mat khtiu giac
aphonia chting mat tieng
auditory vertigo; auralvertigo chong mat benh tai
auricular abscess ap-xe tai
auricular infection; infection of auricle nhi£m khuan tai
auricular injury ton thuong tai
cold injury of nose ton thuong do lanh mui
congestion of throat sung huyet hong
deafness chting cam diec
earache; otalgia chting dau tai
nasal hem orrhage chay mau cam
fracture of nasal bone gay xiiOng mui
to have a running nose so mui
hearing disability chting diec
hem atom a of larynx khoi tu mau thanh quan

Tifing Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 183

laryngitis viem thanh quein
laryngocarcinoma caxinom thanh quiin
larynx thanh qu3n
nasal congestion sung huyet mui
nasal mucus niem dich mui
nasal obstruction nghet mui
nasosinusitis; nasal sinusitis viem xoang mui
nasopharyngeal carcinoma caxinom mui hong
otitis viem tai
otitis externa viem tai ngoai
otitis interna viem tai trong
otitis media viem tai giufa
ear hem orrhage chay mau tai
otomycosis; aural mycosis benh nam tai
otopathy benh tai
otorrhea chay djch tai
pharyngitis viem hong
hem atom a of nose khoi tu mau mui
rhinitis viem mui
rhinocarcinoma; nasal carcinoma caxinom mui
rhinolalia giong mui
saliva nUdc bot
sore throat viem hong
sputum ddni
tinnitus tieng u tai

184 - TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T i

2. K hoa m §t

astigmatism loan thi

blurring of vision; blurred vision thj li/c md
cataract benh due thuy tinh the
color blindness; m onochrom atism benh mu mau; benh don
conjunctivitis viem ket mac
corneal ulcer benh loet giac mac
cornea giac mac
defects of vision thi giac kem
eye injury ton thi/ong mat
eyelid tum or u mi mat
eyes sore benh dau mat
glaucoma chting tang nhan ap
half-blindness ban mu mau
hyperopia chting vi§n thi
intra-ocular foreign body vat la trong mat
iritis viem mong mat
keratitis viem giac mac
lacrimal abscess ap-xe tuyen le
lid injury ton thi/dng rm mat
myopia; nearsightedness can thi
nyctalopia; night blindness quang ga
ocular vertigo chong mat benh mat
ophthalmia; ophthalm itis viem mat
orbital injury ton thi/ong hoc mat
palpebral edema phu mi mat

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 185

photophobia chufng so anh sang
presbyopia lao thj
sty cai leo
trachoma benh mat hot
visual fatigue moi mat
visual hallucination ao giac thj

3 . Benh ve m ieng

caries benh sau rang

to change tooth thay rang
coating of tongue; fur !Ua ludi
decayed sau (rang)
dentistry nha khoa
draw tooth; pull out a tooth; extract a tooth nhd rang
gingivitis viem loi
halitosis chufng hoi mieng
harelip khe hd moi
lip boil sUng moi
stammer noi lap
stomatitis viem mieng
toothache dau rang
vacillating tooth rang bj lung lay

4 . Benh da lieu

acne muntrufngca
actinic dermatitis chufng viem da anh sang

186 - Tieng Ann danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

allergic derm atitis chufng viem da dj ufng
anasarca phu toan than
aphtha ap tc»
baldness; alopecia chufng hoi, chufng rung toe (long)
bedsore vet loet do nam bat dong tren git/ofng trong thdi gian
da i
beriberi benh te phu
bleb; herpes mun nUdc; mun rpp
blister mun r\Udc
boil; furuncle nhot
chilblain ciidc (cho sting dau d tay chan vi bi lanh)
to come out in a rash phat ban
corn chai (chan, tay)
dermatitis chufng viem da
drug allergy di ufng thuoc
desquamation si/ troc vay da
dropsy; edema; hydrops tran dich; phu
dry skin da kho
ecchymosis bam mau
eczema cham
epidermis bieu bi
erythema m ultiform e ban do da dang
erythema nodosum ban do not
freckle tan nhang
goose skin noi da ga
hem atom a khoi tu mau
itch; itchy benh ghe, chung ngufa

Ti&'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 187

to itch all over ngtia rtg^y to£n than
lupus luput
macula vet, dat
malignant boil nhot a c tinh
m alignant edema phu ac tinh
mass khoi
measles benh sdi
nettle rash may day
normal skin da thi/dng
numb cong, te
oil skin da nhctn
onychomycosis benh nam mong
pellagra benh thieu vitamin PP
polypus; polyp polip
prickly heat benh ke
psoriasis benh vay nen
puffiness trang thai bi phong len
pus-pocket tu i mu
to run w ith pus chay mu
running sore ghe ngufa chay mu
scabies benh ghe
scale vay da
seborrheic derm atitis viem tiet ba nhdn
sensitive skin da nhay cam
skin carcinoma caxinom da
skin disease; derm atosis benh da
skin injury ton thudng da

188 - Ti§ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS

skin type loai da
split vet ran
miliaria; prickly heat benh ke
to suppurate; suppuration lam mu; sii mUng mu
swelling sung, phong, loi
tinea benh nam da
athlete's foot benh nam da chan
turgidness tinh trang cUOng mau
varicella; chicken-pox thuy dau

5. H e thong ho hap

asthma benh hen suyen

asthma due to excessive phlegm benh hen suy£n do qua
nhieu dcfm rai
bronchial asthma benh hen phe quan
bronchiectasis chufng gian phe quan
bronchitis viem phe quan
broncho-pneumonia viem phe qu3n
cancer of lung; pulm onary carcinoma ung thu phoi; caxinom
chest distress dau ngi/c
chest pain dau ngi/c
cough ho
dry cough ho khan
dyspnea chting kho thd
pulm onary edem a phu phoi
hiccup nac
influenza benh cum

Tifeng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 189

lung abscess ap-xe phoi
pleurisy viem mang phoi
pneum onia viem phoi
pneum othorax tran khi mang phoi
pulm onary emphysema tran khi phoi
short breath thd nac
spit si/ khac nhd
suffocation sU ngat thd
tracheitis viem khi quan
tuberculosis (TB) benh lao
to vom it blood non ra mau

6 . H e thong huyet quan tim

acute myocardial infarction nhoi mau co tim cap

acute myocarditis viem co tim cap
apoplexy dot quy
anemia thieu mau
aortic aneurysm phinh dong mach chu
arrhythmia chufng loan nhjp
arteriosclerosis benh xd cting dong mach
auricular fibrillation rung tam nhi
auricular paroxysmal tachycardia nhjp tim tam nhi nhanh kjch
bradycardia nhjp tim nhanh
chronic leukemia benh bach cau man tinh
congenital heart disease benh tim bam sinh
coronary heart disease benh tim hinh vanh
heart disease benh tim

190 - TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

heart failure; cardiac failure suy tim
heart m urm ur tieng thdi tim
hemophilia benh Ua chay mau
hypertension chufng cao huyet ap
hypotension chting ha huyet ap
leukemia benh bach cau
lymphnoditis viem hach bach huyet
lymphoid tuberculosis lao bach huyet
lymphoma u bach huyet
multiple myeloma dau tuy
myocardial infarction nhoi mau c0 tim
myocarditis viem co tim
palpitation danh trong ngi/c
pericarditis viem mang ngoai tim
phlebitis viem tinh mach
scurvy benh thieu vitamin C
septicemia nhiem khuan huyet
sudden arrest of heart tim ngi/ng dot ngot
tachycardia chting tim dap nhanh
thrombus cue dong mau
toxanemia thieu mau nhiem doc .
valvular disease of heart benh van tim
vascular spasm chting co that mach
vasculitis viem mach
ventricular fibrillation rung tam that
ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia nhip tim tam that nhanh
kjch phat

Ti&ng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 191

7 . H e thong tieu hoa

abdominal distension chufng c5ng bung

abdominal pain chting dau bung
acute cholecystitis viem tu i mat cap
acute gastritis viem da day cap
anal fissure ntit hau mon
anorexia chting bieng an
appendicitis viem ruot thtia
ascariasis benh giun dua
ascites co trudng
bacillary dysentery benh ly trUc khuan
carcinoma of colon caxinom ket trang
carcinoma of esophagus caxinom thi/c qu3n
carcinoma of the stomach caxinom bung
chronic gastritis viem da day man tinh
cirrhosis xd gan
colic con dau bung
colitis viem ket trang
constipation chting tao bon
diarrhoea tieu chay
diseases of digestive system cac can benh v§ he tieu hoa
duodenal ulcer loet ta trang
dysentery benh ly
dyspepsia loan tieu hoa, kho tieu
enteritis viem ruot non
enterospasm co that ruot non
esophageal ulcer loet thuc quan

192 - Tieng Anh danh cho gibi Bac ST & Y T i

gallstone sdi mat
gastralgia chting dau da day
gastric perforation thung da day
gastric ulcer loet da day
gastritis viem da day
gastroptosis chting sa da day
gastrospasm chting co th^t da day
hernia thoat vj
hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract xuat huyet bo da day -
h6i trang
piles benh tri
hepatic failure suy gan
hepatitis viem gan
hyperacidity tang do axit
infective hepatitis viem gan virut
intestinal cancer ung thu ruot
intestinal colic con dau bung
intestinal obstruction tac ruot
intestinal tuberculosis benh lao ruot
jaundice chting vang da
liver cancer ung thu1gan
nausea buon non
pancreatio carcinoma caxinom tuy
pancreatitis viem tuy
peritonitis viem mang bung
rectal cancer ung thu true trang
stomach-ache chting dau da day

TiSng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & V Ta - 193

stomach trouble chufng dau da day
tympanites sii trudng bung
hookworm disease benh giun moc

8 . H e thong tie t nieu

album inuria anbumin-nieu

anuria vo nieu
calculus of kidney soi than
prostatitis viem tuyen tien liet
cystitis viem bang quang
dysuria kho tieu tien
enuresis chufng d a i dam
glucose in urine glucoza trong nUdc tieu
hematuria tieu tien mau
incontinence of urine dai dam
nephralgia chifng dau than
nephritis viem than
renal failure suy than
retention of urine bi tieu tien
tuberculosis of kidney benh lao than
urethritis viem nieu dao
urinary calculus soi nieu
urinary tract infection nhiem khuan bo nieu
vesical calculus soi bang quang

194 - TiS’ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac SI & Y Ta

9. K hoa xuong

arthritis viem khdp

chondroma u sun
fibrositis chting viem mo xo
gibbosity; gibbous budu gu; co bi/tiu gu
muscle diseases benh ve co
myalgia chting dau co
myelitis viem tuy
myoma u CO
myoparalysis chting Met co
myositis viem co
myospasm co that c 0
osteitis viem xi/ong
osteocarcinoma caxinom xUOng
osteofibroma u xdong-xd
osteoma u xUOng
osteomyelitis viem xUOng tuy
periostitis viem mang xudng
rheumatism benh thap
rheumanthritis thap khdp
rickets benh cdi xudng

10. H e thong than kinh

adiposis chting beo phi

air-sickness chting say may bay
amnesia chting mat tri nhd
car-sichness chting say xe

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac SI & Y Ta - 195

cerebral disease benh ve nao
cerebral hem orrhage xuat huyet nao
cerebral ischemia nao thieu mau cue bo
cerebral vascular accident tai bien mach mau nao
cerebroma u nao
chorea chufng mua giat
coma hon me
concussion of brain chan dong nao
convulsion chufng co giat
cretinism chufng don
delirium hoang tifofng/me sang
diabetes benh tieu di/dng
disorders of consciousness sif roi loan y thufc
dwarfism tinh trang lun
encephalitis; cerebritis viem nao
epilepsy benh dong kinh
faint sif ngat
frenzy con thao cuong
gigantism chufng khong lo
goiter bifdu giap
gout benh gut
hallucination ao giac
headache chufng dau dau
hemiplegia liet nufa ngi/di
hydrocephalus chufng tran djch nao
hyperinsulinism chufng tang tiet insulin
hyperthyroidism chufng tang nang tuyen giap

196 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac SI & Y TS

hypothyroidism chting gi3m nang tuyen giap
hysteria hysteria
infantile eclampsia chting kinh giat cua tr£ con
insomnia chting mat ngu
lethargy chting ngu lim
lumbago chting dau lung
mania con hi/ng cam
migraine chting dau ntia dau

neuralgia dau day than kinh

neurasthenia chting suy nhuoc than kinh
neuritis viem day than kinh
neuroparalysis Met than kinh
neurosis chting loan than kinh
neuroticism tinh trang loan than kinh
notalgia chting dau lung
neurospasm co that do than kinh
neurotoxia tinh trang nhi£m doc than kinh
paralysis chting Met
Parkinsonism hoi chting Parkinson
peripheral neuritis viem day than kinh ngoai bien
psychosis chting loan tam than
schizophrenia tam than phan Met
sea-sickness chting say song
shock soc
spasm chting co that
thyroiditis viem tuyen giap
trigeminal neuralgia dau day than kinh sinh ba

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 197

unconsciousness sU vo y thufc
vertigo; dizziness si/ chong mat, hoa mat

1 1 . Benh phu san

abortion say thai

amenorrhea mat kinh
asphyxia newborn baby ngat tre sd sinh
caesarean section thu thuat Xe-da
cancer of the breast ung thi/ vu
carcinoma of uterus caxinom tuf cung
cervicitis viem co tuf cung
difficult labor de kho
dysmenorrhea chting dau kinh
ectopia pregnancy thai nghen ngoai tuf cung
edema of pregnancy phu thai nghen
emission; seminal emission xuat tinh
epididymis mao tinh hoan
epididymitis viem mao tinh hoan
fetal anomaly thai nhi di dang
gonorrhea benh lau
hypertension of pregnancy chufng tang huyet ap thai nghen
im perforate hymen mang trinh khong thung
impotence bat li/c, liet duong
infertility; sterility tinh vo sinh
inflam m ation of oviduct viem dng dan trting
irregularity of m enstruation ky kinh nguyet khong deu
mastitis viem vu
198 - Tigng Anh d in h cho gidi B ic ST & Y T i
menstrual disorder roi loan kinh nguyet
metritis viem tuf cung
metrorrhagia bang huyet
orchitis viem tinh hoan
ovarian cyst u nang bu6ng trting
ovaritis viem buong trting
pelvic infection nhiem khuan chau hong
premature birth sinh tr£ thieu thang
prolapse of the uterus; falling of the w om b sa tti cung
prolonged labor de lau
puerperal fever sot san
puerperal infection nhi§m khuan s3n
rupture of uterus gian doan tti cung
sanitary belt dai ve sinh
spermatocystitis viem tui tinh
syphilis benh giang mai
testis tinh hoan
uterine dysfunction loan nang tti cung
uterus; w om b tti cung
vaginal hem orrhage xuat huyet am dao
vaginitis viem am dao

12. Cac benh khac

angina viem hong

chicken-pox thuy dau
cholera benh dich ta
Dengue fever sot danga

Ti6ng Anh d in h cho gibi Bac ST & Y T i - 199

diphtheria benh bach h3u
dysentery benh ly
endemic disease benh dich dja phUdng
epidemic disease benh djch
epidemic encephalitis viem nao djch
erysipelas viem quang
heliosis; heat apoplexy c3m nSng
hepatitis A viem gan A
hepatitis B viem gan B
im m unity mien djch
infantile paralysis benh bai I iet tre em
infectious disease benh nhiem khuan
influenza; flu cam cum
to inoculate tiem truyen
leprosy benh phong
malaria; fever and ague benh sot ret
measles benh sdi
mumps quai bi
paracholera benh can ta
parasitism nhiem ky sinh trung
paratyphoid (fever) benh can thudng han
pestilence benh djch
the plague benh dich hach
quarantine thdi ky kiem djch
rabies benh dai
relapsing fever sot tai phat
scarlet fever benh ban do

200 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi BSc ST & Y Ta

schistosomiasis benh s3n mang
smallpox benh dau mua
tetanus benh uon van
typhoid; typhoid fever benh thudng han
typhus benh sot Rickettsia
to vaccinate chung dau
vaccine vacxin
whooping cough ho ga
yellow fever sot vang da

13. Benh ngoai thuong

abrasion sU hdt da
bruise vet tham tim
burn bong
closed fracture gay xUdng kin
comminuted fracture gay xi/dng manh vun
collision injury ton thudng do va cham
cramp chuot rut
fracture gay xuong
gunshot w ound vet thuong sung ban
infection sir nhiem khuan
injury from fall ton thuong do rdi/nga
knife traum a chan thudng do dao
lacerated khia rach
luxation sai khdp
open fracture gay xddng hd
scald bong (nUdc nong/hdi nong)

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 201

scarification si/ rach nong da
severe w ound vet thuong nghiem trong
slight w ound vet thi/ong nhe
sprain bong gan
superficial w ound vet thuong nong
traum a chan thuong
vital injury sU ton thuong tri mang
w ound vet thi/ong

1 4 . N h ung hinh thuc kiem tra thong thuong

A/G ratio ti so anbumin-globulin

assay si/ xet nghiem
auscultation su thinh chan
barium meal exam ination bQa Sn xet nghiem bari
basal metabolic rate toe do chuyen hoa cd ban
biopsy sinh thiet
bleeding tim e thdi gian chay mau
blood groups cac nhom mau
blood lipoids cac lipit mau
blood pressure huyet ap
blood sugar di/dng huyet
blood test xet nghiem mau
cholesterol cholesterol
clinical observation si/theo doi lam sang
coagulation tim e thdi gian dong mau
diastolic pressure huyet ap tam trUOng
to feel one's pulse b it mach
202 - TiSng Anh danh cho g*c>i Bac ST & Y T i
erythrocyte sedimentation rate; ESR ti le lin g hong cau
to examine by fluoroscopy kham benh bang phep soi huynh
gastric juice analysis phan tich djch vj
to have one's chest X-rayed chup X quang ngUc
health examination kiem tra stic khoe
hemoglobin huyet cau to
hepatic function test thuf nghiem chtic nang gan
hyperglycemia chting t3ng glucoza-huyet
hypoglycemia chting giam glucoza-huyet
icterus index eh? so vang da
inspection stf kiem tra
laboratory report bao cao cua phong xet nghiem
lipoprotein lipoprotein
negative reaction phan ting am tinh
palpation phep sd n in
percussion phep go chan
plasma huyet tuong
platelet count dem tieu cau
positive reaction phan ting di/ong tinh
red (white) blood cell count dem te bao mau do (trlng)
routine analysis of blood sti phan tich mau theo thudng le
routine urinalysis si/ xet nghiem nUdc tieu theo thuong le
serum huyet thanh
spirometry phep do phe dung
stool test xet nghiem phan
to take one's tem perature do than nhiet

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 203

systolic pressure ap suat tam thu
thym ol turbidity tinh trang due thymol
total protein protein toan phan
urine test xet nghiem nUdc tieu
X-ray examination kiem tra X quang
X-ray film phim X quang
X-ray film taking chup phim X quang

1 5 . Phuong phap trj lieu

abdominal laparotom y thu thuat mo bung

allergic reaction phan ufng khi bi di ufng
am putation sif cat
anaesthesia mat cam giac
block therapy lieu phap phong be
blood transfusion si/ truyen mau
to change dressings thay bang
cold compress gac lanh
cobalt radiation tre atm e n t dieu tri coban bufc xa
composite treatm en t dieu trj h6n hop
conservative tre atm e n t dieu trj bao t6n
control of bacterial infection kiem tra sU nhiem khuan do vi
course of tre atm e n t qua trinh dieu trj
curative effect tac dung chufa benh
cure rate toe do chufa benh
dietotherapy lieu phap am thuc
drainage si/dan lull

204 - TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi B ic ST & Y T i

to dress a wound rtia vd bang bo vet thi/ong
drug therapy dieu trj bang thuoc
electrotherapy lieu phap dien
enema dung djch thut
excision; resection si/ c lt bd
extracorporeal circulation tuan hoan ngoai than
extraction of pus si/ rut mu
to fix a false tooth chufa rang sau
fluid infusion sii truyen djch
general anaesthesia gay me toan than
to have a tooth filled tram rang
healing of burns chufa lanh vet bong
heat treatm ent dieu tri bang hoi nong
hemolytic treatm ent dieu trj tan mau
hernia repair phuc hoi thoat vj
hot compress gac nong
hydrotherapy thuy lieu phap
hypodermic injection tiem di/di da
incision sU rach
to inject tiem
intramuscular injection tiem bap
intravenous injection tiem tinh mach
local anaesthesia gay me cue bo
massage si/ xoa bop
mud-bath therapy lieu phap tam trong him
nature cure trj lieu thien nhien
new cure trj lieu mdi

TiSng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 205

penicillin reaction phan ting penicillin
to perform an operation thi/c hien ca mo
physical exercise therapy lieu phap luyen tap vat ly
physical therapy lieu phap vat ly
psychoanalysis phUdng phap phan than
psychotherapy lieu phap tam than
puncture si/ choc
radiotherapy lieu phap tia X
reduction of the fracture thuat tiep cot
to replace dislocated joints stia sai khdp
replantation of severed limbs si/ noi chi bj dtit 11a
sleep therapy lieu phap ngu
spinal tap si/ lay tuy song
sun-lamp treatm en t dieu trj bang den ciic tim
sun-rays treatm ent dieu trj bang tia ci/c tim
suture; surgical stitching chi khau
tap the abdom en rach bung
to take medicine uong thuoc
to take out the stitches cat chi
therapy; treatm en t lieu phap; si/ dieu trj
tissue therapy lieu phap mo
transplantation si/ ghep
ultra-short wave tre atm e n t dieu trj bang song ci/c ngan
ultrasonic treatm en t dieu trj bang sieu am
ultraviolet ray tre atm e n t dieu trj bang tia tti ngoai
urethral catheterization si/ thong nieu dao

206 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T i

16. Dung cu y te thuong dung

artificial blood vessel mach mau nhan tao

aural speculum pheu tien trieu
autoclave sterilizer may khuf khuan lo hap
bandage bang cuon
bicycle ergometer co li/c ke xe dap
blood heat exchanger bo phan trao doi than nhiet
blood pressure gauge dong ho do huyet ap
boiling sterilizer may khuf khuan bang cach dun soi
bronchoscope dng soi phe qu3n
catheter dng thong
colonoscope dung cu soi ruot ket
constant heat cabinets fo r infants phong sudi cd dinh cho tre
cystoscope thiet bj soi bang quang
dental unit may chufa rang tong hop
diagnostic couch giudng chan doan
dilator cai nong
directional lamp den dinh hudng
electric blood counter may dem huyet cau dien
electrocardiograph may ghi dien tim
electroencephalograph may ghi dien nao
esophagoscope ong soi thuc quan
extra-corporeal circulation apparatus may/bo phan tuan hoan
ngoai than
fixation forceps kep cd dinh
fluoroscope kinh huynh quang
forehead lamp den tran
TiSng Anh danh cho gifii Bac ST & Y Ta - 207
forehead m irror gtfcJng soi tran
gastroscope dung cu noi soi da day
heart-lung machine may do tim phoi
height gauge may do chieu cao
hemostatic forceps kep cam mau
hot w ater bottle b'rnh nude nong
ice bag tu i chudm da
incubator long a p/may ap
isotope scanner may noi soi c lt Idp dong v!
laryngoscope den soi thanh quan
laser scalpel dao mo laser
mercury vapor lamp den hoi nUdc thuy ngan
micro-wave therapeutic apparatus may trj lieu viba
m outh m irror guting soi mieng
obstetric chair ghe khoa s3n
obstetric table ban do de, ban sinh
operating lamp den phau thuat
operating table ban phau thuat
ophthalmoscope dung cu soi day mat
optom eter khuc xa ke
oral therm om eter nhiet ke mieng
oxygen inhalator may xong oxi
oxygen tank; oxygen cylinder binn oxi; xi lanh oxi
pacemaker vat dieu nhip
percussion ham m er bua go chan
platform scale can ban
quartz mercury lamp den thuy ngan thach anh

2 08 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi B ic ST & Y T i

rectal thermometer nhiet ke true trang
rectoscope may noi soi trifc trang
retractor c ii banh- ,
rhinoscope cai soi mui
scalpel dao mo
shadowless lamp den mo
short wave diatherm y machine may dien nhiet song ngSn
spirometer phe dung ke
splint c li nep
sterilizing equipm ent thiet bi khif khuan
stethoscope ong nghe tim phoi
stitch chi khau
supersonic diagnostic set bo chan doan sieu am
surgical forceps kep phau thuat
syringe bom tiem
syringe needle kim bom tiem
suture chi khau
thermometer nhiet ke
thoracoscope ong nghe ngi/c
tongue spatula; tongue depressor cay danh ludi; cai de li/cfi
ultra-violet lamp den tif ngoai
uteroscope dung cu soi tiif cung
visual testing chart do thi kiem tra thj giac
weighing platform buc can
X-ray machine may do X quang

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & V Ta - 209

17 . H o ly

be in hospital nAm vien

follow -up exam ination sU xet nghiem tiep theo
full diet nhin An hoan toan
high-caloric diet che do An nhiet luong cao
high-protein diet che do An protein cao
leave hospital; be discharged fro m hospital ra vien; xuat vien
light diet che do An nhe
liquid diet che do An long
to lose w eight sut can
low-caloric diet che do An nhiet lUdng thap
to make w ard rounds di kiem tra phong
nutrition si/ dinh di/dng
to put on w eig ht tAngcan
to recuperate hoi phuc
routine exam ination si/ xet nghiem thudng le
salt-free diet che do An nhat
sick note giay chting nhan co benh
soft diet thtic An mem d§ tieu hoa, thtic An nhe
strict bed rest si/ nAm tren gii/ting nghi ngoi tuyet doi
to transfer to another hospital chuyen vien
visiting hours gid tham benh

1 8 . T h u o c tay

aborticide sd pha thai

acetic acid acetit axit
adrenocortical horm one hormon v6 thudng than

210 - TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi B ic ST & Y T i

adults ngi/di Idn
aerosol khi dung
alcohol con
alternate day cach nhat
alternate night cach dem
anaesthetic chat gay me
analgesic thuoc giam dau
antiasthmatic trj hen
anti-inflammatory chong viem
antineoplastics chong ung thi/
antipruritic tri ngufa
antipyretic ha sot
antibiotic chat khang sinh
antidiarrheal thuoc tieu chay
antihypertension ha huyet ap
antiseptic thuoc sat trung
antispasmodic thuoc chong co that
antitoxin khang doc td
antitussive trj ho
appetizer; appetiser ri/Ou khai vi
aspirin aspirin
astringent chat lam san da
atropine atropin
aureomycin aureomixin
bactericide thuoc diet khuan
belladonna cay belladona
between meals gitfa 2 bCfa an

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gi6i Bac ST & Y Ta - 211

blood tonic thuoc bo mau
boric acid axit boric
brown mixture hop chat cam thao
caffeine cafein
calcium tablet thuoc canxi
capsule nang thuoc
cardiac stimulant; cardiotonic thuoc kich thich tim; thuoc tr<?
cathartic thuoc xo
cerate thuoc s ip
children tre con
chloramphenicol cloramphenicol
cod liver oil dau gan ca moruy
codeine codein
collateral action; side effect tac dung bang he
contraceptive thuoc tranh thu thai
demulcent thuoc lam diu
diaphoretic thuoc tiet mo hoi
digestive loi tieu hoa
dilute hydrochloric acid axit hydrochloric loang
diuretic thuoc loi tieu
dose lieu luong
drop giot
drug allergy di ufng thuoc
drug dependence; drug addiction sU nghien thuoc
drug intoxication ngo doc thuoc
emetic chat gay non

212 - Ti6 ng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y T i

em ollient thuoc lam diu da
emulsion nhu tUOng
epilatory tac nhan lam rung long
erythromycin eritromixin
ether ete
every other hour cach gid
excretive kich thich bai tiet
expectorant thuoc long ddm
external use dung ngoai da
eyedrops thuoc nho mat
eye lotion thuoc boi mat
female sex horm one hormon gidi tinh nu1
fluid infusion chat dich tiem truyen
formalin fomalin
fractional dose lieu li/ong phan doan
gargle thuoc sue mieng
gentian violet thuoc nhuom mau tim gentian
glucose injection tiem glucoza
heatstroke preventive du1phong say n5ng
hormone hormon
hydrogen peroxide solution giai phap ni/6c oxy gia
infusion tiem truyen
insufflation si/ bom
inhalation sii hit vao
injection su1tiem
insulin insulin
iodine tincture con iot

TiS’ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 213

I. U. (International Unit) Don vj Q uoc te
laxative thuoc nhuan trang
lethal dose lieu gay chet
liquid chat long
lotion thuoc xufc
major tranquilizer thuoc an than chu yeu
male sex hormone hormon gidi tinh nam
mannitol dudng manit
medicinal powder thuoc bot
medicine; drug thuoc
mixture hdp dich
morphine mocphin
mydriatic thuoc gian dong tuf
myotics thuoc lam co dong tCf lai
nasal drops thuoc nho mui
ointm ent pomat
on an em pty stomach de bung doi
overdose qua lieu
paint; pigm ent chat de boi; s ic td
pancreatin pancreatin
pectoral syrup siro chufa ho
pepsin pepsin
pill vien tron
plasma substitute thay huyet tddng
potassium perm anganate permanganat kali
potent drug thuoc hieu nghiem
quinine quinin

214 - Tigng Anh danh cho gicii Bac ST & Y Ta

reaction p h ln ufng
repellent tan sUng
scent drug thuoc suf dung d dang hit, ngufi
sedative; tranquilizer thuoc gi3m dau; thuoc an thin
shake before use 13c trade khi dung
sodium chloride natri clorua
solvent dung moi
specific remedy phi/Ong thuoc dac tri
sterilization sU diet khuan
stimulant si/ kich thich
streptomycin streptomixin
styptic; hem ostat thuoc lam san da; tac nhan cam mau
sugar coated boc dudng
suppository thuoc dan
be taken at bed tim e uong luc di ngu
to be taken orally uong di/dc
be taken w hen necessary uong luc can
tetracycline tetraxiclin
tonic thuoc bo
toxic dose lieu thuoc doc
turpentine oil dau thong
twice a day 2 Ian mot ngay
vitamin vitamin
yeast men

Tig'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 215

19 . Thuoc D o n g y
acupuncture and moxibustion cham cufu
acupuncture points diem cham cufu
apricot seed hat mo
areca-nut qua cau
cassia bark vo que
centipede con ret
ephedrine ephedrin
cinnabar chu sa
counteraction and harm onization phan tac dung va h^i hoa
cupping lorn
dark Japanese apricot o mai
deep insertion sU luon vao sau
diaphoresis sii toat mo hoi
distension; swelling sU cang; sUng
dried orange peel vo cam kho
dried pepperm int herb cay bac ha kho
dried tangerine fibres soi quit kho
dry human placenta nhau thai ngUdi kho
ear acupuncture; auricular needling cham cufu tai
earth-worm giun dat
eight therapeutic methods tam phuong phap tri lieu
emetic measures bien phap gay non
face acupuncture cham cufu mat
five solid viscera: heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney n^m
noi tang dac: tim, gan, lach, phoi va than

216 - Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T3

five tastes (of medicinal herbs): sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty
nam vi (cua thuoc dong y): chua, dang, ngot, cay va man
flow er of Japanese honeysuckle hoa kim ngan Nhat
folk prescription; traditional popular prescription toa thuoc
dan gian
four methods o f diagnosis bon phuong phap chan doan
four properties (of medicinal herbs): cold, hot, w arm , and cool
bon dac tinh (cua thuoc b lc): lanh, nong, am va mat
fruit of Chinese haw thorn qua tao gai Trung Quoc
fruit of Chinese w olfberry can khdi (vj thuoc dong y)
fur on the tongue ti/a li/cfi
galvanic acupuncture; acupuncture w ith electric stimulation
cham cufu dien
ginger gi/ng
gingko (cay, qua) Ngan hach (Bach qua)
ginseng sam
to handle the needle cam kim
heaviness sU nang ne
hemp seed hat gai dau
herb soup xup di/oc thao
herbal medicine thuoc di/Oc thao
honey mat ong
Huang Ti Nei Ching (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal
Medicine) Hoang De Noi Kinh
Huang Ti Wai Ching (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of External
Medicine) Hoang De Ngoai Kinh
interrogation si/ tham van
invigoration sU cUdng trang
licorice root re cam thao
TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 217
lily bulb cu cay loa ken
loquat leaf la son tra
loquat leaf extract la son tra chiet
lotus leaf la sen
lotus seed-pod cu sen
malt mach nha
to m anipulate the needle thao tac stf dung kim
medicinal materials nguyen lieu lam thuoc
medical ointm ent thuoc md
chrysanthemum hoa cuc
moxa cay ngai ctiu
moxa leaf la ngai cufu
moxibustion cufu
mulberry qua dau
musk xa huong
node of lotus root mau re sen
numbness sU teliet
observation sd quan sat
pangolin scales xuyen son giap, con te te
peach kernel nhan qua dao
Peng Tsao Kang Mu (Com pendium of M ateria Medica) Ban
Thao Cuong Muc (Sach thuoc Trung Quoc ban ve thao duoc)
pill thuoc vien
pill and pow der made of m elted or sublimated minerals
thuoc vien va thuoc bot bang hoa chat mem hoac sach
plantain herb xa tien thao
plaster bo bot
powder medicine thuoc bot
218 - T ifn g Anh danh cho gidi B ac ST & Y Td
proved recipe cong thtic da dUOc chting thtic
pulse feeling and palpation mach dap manh va danh trong
purgation si/ tay rtia
to push the needle in dam kim vao
resolution si/ phan giai
retention of the needle in the body thuat lUu cham
rhizome of Chinese goldthread Hoang lien (vj thuoc dong y)
root of herbaceous peony (w ith bark) re cay mau don (co vo)
root of herbaceous peony (w ith out bark) re cay mau don
(khong vd)
to rotate the needle xoay kim
royal jelly stia ong chua
scalp acupuncture cham ctiu da dau
secret prescription of excellent curative effect tac dung chtia
benh tuyet vdi cua toa thuoc bi mat
seeds of Chinese arborvitae hat cay bach (bach tti nhan)
set prescription toa thuoc dinh s5n
Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Fevers) Thuong Han Luan
six hollow viscera: gall-bladder, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, bladder and sanjiao (three portions of the body cavi­
ties housing the internal organs and anim ating their functions)
luc phu: ddm (mat), vi (da day), tieu trang, dai trang, bang
quang va tam tieu
soreness sU dau nhtic
stem of capillary sagebrush than cay ngai cufu
stem of m istletoe than cay tam gtii

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 219

symptoms indicating th at the internal organs are affected
cac trieu chufng cho thay c a c CO quan noi tang b| anh hudng
(ly chufng)
symptoms caused by the cold factors indicating chronic func­
tional decline of internal organs c a c trieu chufng gay ra bdi
cac nhan to lanh cho thay sU suy gi3m chufc n3ng man tinh
cua cac co quan noi tang (han chufng)
symptoms showing the deficiency of vital energy of the patient
to ward off diseases cac trieu chufng cho thay su thieu hut
nang li/ong thiet yeu giup benh nhan tranh benh (hu chufng)
tangerine peel vo quit
angelica root re bach chi
therapeutics lieu phap
tingling te
Traditional Chinese Medicine Y hpc co truydn Trung Quoc
tuber of fleece-flower Ha Thu O
tuckahoe Phuc Linh
types of pulse; pulse conditions mach tupng
viscera noi tang
warming and stim ulation ham nong va kich thich
five elements (water, fire, w ood, m etal and earth) Ngu
hanh: Thuy, Hoa, Moc, Kim, Tho
Yin and Yang Am Duong
pilose antler (of a young stag) gac co long (cua mot con nai

2 0 . Ke hoach hoa gia dinh

birth control; fam ily planning ke hoach hoa gia dinh

condom bao cao su

220 - Tig'ng Anh d in h cho gibi Bac S i & V Ta

contraceptive devices dung cu tranh thai
couples of child-bearing age cac cap vgr chong d tuoi sinh con
fixing a contraceptive diaphragm dat mang tranh thai
fixing a pessary dat vong nang petxe
instrumental contraception sU tranh thu thai bang dung cu
intra-uterine contraceptive ring vong tranh thai
late childbirth sinh con muon
late marriage hon nhan muon
ligation of spermatic duct sU that ong dSn tinh
medical contraception thuoc tranh thai
oral contraceptive thuoc uong tranh thai
single-child certificate giay chufng nhan con mot
sterilization triet san
sterilization operation phau thuat triet s3n
tubal ligation sU that vdi
vasectomy thu thuat cat bo ong dan tinh

Ti6ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 221

Appendix III

Key to the Exercises

Unit O n e

1. This is the line for elderly patients / cancer patients, etc.
2. In this case, you'd better come back tomorrow / wait in that line.
3. The sooner you have an operation / start treatment, the better.
4. Go up to third floor, and you'll see the pharmacy on your right.
(Go up to the second floor, and you'll see the sign straight in
front of you.)
5. Normally we have no more than 100 patients, but today there're
a lot more than that.
6. Will it be all right if I vary the dose / don't have an operation?

1. Excuse me, where do the disabled armymen queue up to register?
= Excuse me, where do the disabled armymen register?
* Do disabled armymen queue somewhere special?
2. This morning I got a high temperature. I don't seem to have any
= This morning I got a high temperature. Now I just feel totally

Tieng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac S7 & Y Ta - 223

3. Take the lift to the fifth floor, turn left and go through the
double doors, and you'll see on your right a notice for the place
you have to go to.
4. Usually we have a lot of patients here. But today there re not
5. Could you please fill in this card? Write it clearly. Don t scrawl.
After that, take it to the desk.

U nit Tw o

1. The pain is very bad / severe / sharp when you press there.
2. When the film is ready, bring it back to me to examine.
3. Everything looks OK / fine / good, except just here.
4. I'll put a patch on it to help you get better / heal quickly.
5. Does it need to be put in plaster?
6. I'll just write you a sick note / certificate to send to work.
7. When I got up, my right arm and elbow were stiff / sore, and I
have a pain in my chest.
8. What seems to be the problem?

1. The patient was knocked to the ground when he was crossing
the road a few moments ago, and he's been grazed in several
places / and he's grazed in several places.
2. When I press this point, he groans with pain.
3. It seems there's no serious problem, but to be on the safe side,
you'd better go for an X-ray to see if there's any fracture.

224 - Ti£n g Anh da n h cho gicii Bac SI & Y Ta

4. To help you heal quickly, I'm going to put your arm in plaster,
and also, put a patch on your left leg.
5. Now, I'll write you a sick note for one month. With your present
condition, the best way to recover quickly is to stay in bed.

IV. A.

U nit T h re e

1. Does it hurt when you cough / swallow / talk / sit / urinate?
And how often do you have a bowel movement?
2. Do you often feel you want to sleep, but then you have insomnia?
Do you often feel you want to eat, but then you have no appetite?
3. You'd better have an examination / a check-up to see if there's
something wrong.
You'd better have a blood test to see if your W. B. C. is normal.
4. Here's your medical records to take to the specialist.
5. The report shows you have a tumor / a broken arm.
6. First I'll send you to the Ultrasonic Department to try to disperse
the stones. I think it will work as they are not very big. At the
same time, I'll give you some herbal medicine.


1. Do you feel pain in your lower back when you lie down?
How long have you had this pain?
2. Do you often feel you need a bowel movement, but when you
try, you can't go?

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi B ic ST & Y Ta - 225

3. I think you should go for a liver function test to see if you have
liver trouble / problem?
4. This is an ECG test form. Take it to the ECG Department to
make an appointment. Ask them to give you an appointment as
early as possible.
5. The Chinese herbal medicine 1 prescribed is very effective for
kidney stones.
6. As the first step in your treatment, 1 would like to prescribe some
medicine combined with an acupuncture treatment. I think this
combination of western medicine and Chinese medicine would
be effective for this case. At the same time, I would like to con­
sult with my colleagues to determine what further treatment to

IV. B.

Somebody has come for a second or third check-up and he's still
having the same problem. So, the doctor is making other recom­
mendations to solve the problem. One recommendation is an al­
ternative treatment, but the doctor also wants him or her to see
a specialist and to check into a hospital to run tests.

U nit F o u r

1. The itch / headache / pain is unbearable! I can't stop myself

from shaking / crying.
2. By the way, are your hepatitis injections up to date?

2 26 - Tigng Anh d in h cho g«3i B ic ST & Y T i

3. I can give you some cream to rub on that will help. You are only
supposed to rub it on when you itch.
4. Let me have a look. It's a very bad bruise, but luckily, the swel­
ling is not bad.


1. Let me take a look. It's not a deep cut, but it's badly infected. I'd
better sterilize the wound first.
I ,. j ;■•Jj ;
2. Now, I'll stitch the wound. Come back in 10 days to have the
stitches removed.
3. This is a bottle of ointment. Don't use it unless it's absolutely
necessary. If the itch is unbearable, rub it over the wound.
4. Now, you're free to go. Come back in a week, and I'll examine
the stitches to see when we can remove the stitches.


1. Traumatology Department
There has been a bad accident, and the ambulance paramedics
have called a hospital to inform them of this seriousness of the
patient, and so the emergency room staff is preparing for the
arrival of the patient.
2. Surgical Department
The husband's wife became very sick, and was taken to the hos­
pital. Now the husband has arrived at the hospital and is talking
to the doctor about the illness. The doctor is trying to get infor­
mation from the husband to help him diagnose the illness.

Tifing Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 227

U nit F iv e


1. I've had headache, and I can't sleep at night. Can you give me
anything for it? OR:
I've had rashes for two weeks, and I can't stop scratching them.
Can you give me anything for it?
2. Have you recently visited a wooded area? OR:
Have you recently eaten any seafood?
3. Have you used anything different on your skin / on your hair
4. Maybe you are allergic to pollen / your cat.
5. I'll give you some cream to use for one week, and if there's no
improvement within one week, come back to see me.

1. Recently I've had a pain in my chest and I'm congested and I
can’t breathe easily. My temperature is slightly above normal.
Can you please give me a check-up? OR:
Recendy I've had a pain in my chest, and my chest has been con
gested and I find it hard to breathe. My temperature has been a
little above normal . . .
2. Recendy have you been on any medication?
3. Recendy have you used any lotion on your skin?
4. You're probably allergic to penicillin.
5. I'll write you a prescription. Use the dosage I've prescribed. If
there's no improvement in one week, come back to see me.

228 - Tig'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y TS

I V . A.

Someone just had a car accident, and he went to see the

doctor. The doctor has already examined him, and the doctor is
giving him his treatment.

U nit Six

1. When does the pain occur? Is it only when you drink something
cold or when you drink anything? OR:
When does the pain occur? Is it only when you chew something
hard or any time you eat?
2. As soon as I eat something sweet, my tooth start aching.
3. It's not a cavity, but only a sensitive tooth. So I think you'll be all
right if you stay away from sensitive food.
4. Considering you have many cavities in the past, you've obviously
been taking good care of your teeth because you have no cavities
5. Since you last had a check-up, we've had several new dental
hygienists start working here. So you'll be well taken care of by


1. When do you notice the pain? Does it occur in the morning or at

night? Is it a constant dull pain or does it only occur when the
weather changes?
2. Whenever I eat spicy foods, my tooth begins to kill me.

Tifing Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 2 29

3. It's not a problem with your tooth. You're simply not brushing
your teeth properly. So, I think if you brush the way I show you,
your teeth will quickly show improvement.
4. You're so old, and your health is so good. You must have been
exercising regularly.
5. We've recently introduced some new technology. The application
of this new technology has improved the quality of the treat­
ment, and lessened the patients' suffering. So just relax.

U nit Seven


1. He keeps telling that his foot hurts. OR:

He keeps telling me that he can’t see clearly.
2. Just as I expected, it looks like he has tuberculosis. You can see
by the X-ray. There’s a dark spot on his lungs. OR:
Just as I expected, it looks like he has a fractured arm. You can
notice on the X-ray. There’s a crack on the bone.
3. It looks like I'd better grind the pills and mix them with his food.
4. We have to treat this quickly, or it could become a big problem.
5. I think that will be a problem, because he won t lie still / he
can't swallow pills.

1. He keeps telling me that he is exhausted.
2. Just as I expected, there's a stone in his kidney. The X-ray shows
a dark spot.

2 3 0 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

3. It seems I'd better use medicine to treat this patient. OR:
It appears I should use medicine to treat this patient.
4. We'd better operate on him immediately. Otherwise, his life will
be in danger.
5. I think it's not good for him, because he's too old and his health
is not good, so he won't survive the operation.

IV. c.
It seems that the doctor is consulting with another doctor
about a patient who recently came in, and the doctor is having
difficulty diagnosing her problem.

Unit Eight


1. Have you noticed being dizzy lately? OR:

Have you noticed yourself tired often?
2. We'll run some checks on you.
3. Take this form and go to the lab, and they'll give you a urine
4. You'll have to give them a blood sample, and bring the results
immediately back to me.
5. There's a strong possibility that you might have hepatitis too, as
it runs in the family.
6. Don't work hard and exert yourself too much if you can possibly
avoid it.
7. Your health is more important than your job.

Tieng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 231

1. Lately, I've been thirsty, and get tired easily. I can't concentrate
on anything I do for a very long time.
2. In addition to these symptoms, do you have any other abnormal
3. Does your family have a history of diabetes?
4. Mr. Lee, I want to give you some advice. First, set up a regular
time schedule and follow it. Don't be too busy with your job.
Your health is more important than your job. Secondly, diet is
also important. Don’t eat sugary things, such as potatoes or
candy. Eat more bean products. Try to remember what I've told
you. Otherwise, when your health deteriorates, you won't be able
to work.

IV. A.

This is a doctor explaining to a diabetic patient in simple

terms what diabetes is, and the symptoms that are associated
with it.

U nit N ine

1. How many times a day have you had cramps?

2. Immediately after I eat, I get dizzy and I also have cramps.
3. Let me take your temperature, and I'll just take your pulse. Your
temperature is slightly above normal.
4. Your tongue looks coated. Your heart sounds irregular

232 - T ifng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

5. Don't worry. I'll give you some laxatives to make your bowel
movements normal.
6. I know you're busy, but you must slow down. Rest for one week,
drink lots of water, and eat three healthy meals a day.


1. For the past few days, I've had a bad stomach-ache. Everything
I eat goes straight through me, and I've been often feeling nau­
2. Is your diarrhoea very serious? Do you have gas? How often,
have you vomited? Is your vomit very serious?
3. Your temperature is normal. Your pulse is normal. Your ECG
report is normal. Your X-ray report shows no problem. But your
tongue is a little coated.
4. You've got the flu. Let me prescribe some medicine. Take these
black pills as directed on the label.
5. The Radiology Department, Lab and ECG Department are all lo­
cated at the end of the corridor on the first floor.
6. You should rest as much as possible. Take the medicine as pre­
scribed. Eat lots of food, and drink lots of water. Within three
days, you'll show great improvement.

What seems to be the trouble?
Can you describe the pain?
Does your family have a history of heart trouble?
When do you usually notice the pain?
Do you have any other symptoms?
Do you eat fruits and vegetables?
Do you often eat them raw?
Tifing Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 233
Do you feel uncomfortable?
When do you usually feel painful?
How long does it usually last?
Do you have difficulty in breathing?
How long have you had this?
When does it usually affect you?
What do you do?
Do you have a good appetite?
Have you ever had any serious diseases before?
When did you take your last holiday?
. . . Is it serious?

U nit T en

1. When does the headache usually occur? Does it come on in the

moming when you wake up?
2. At your age, and as this is the first time you ve had this problem,
the best thing for you is to get plenty of rest.
3. If my diagnosis is confirmed, you'll have to see a specialist and
get further treatment.
4. For the past month, I often had problems concentrating, and
now I have trouble remembering things.
5. I prefer to take medicine than be operated on.

234 - Tigng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y T£

1. When do you normally feel nauseous? Does it occur before or
after the meal?
2. You're already getting along in years, and since this is the first
time you've had this problem, it seems that the best treatment
for you is to balance your life with the nature.
3. As soon as our diagnosis is confirmed, we'll send you to the
operation room immediately.
4. For the past few weeks, my vision has gotten worse and worse,
and now, I can't even see things in front of me clearly.
5. I'd rather take the medicine than be operated on.


1, 2 .The patient is not having a nervous breakdown. This is probably

a psychiatrist giving recommendation to the patient who is under
a stress and who is in bad health because of the stress.
3. This is a doctor's advice for a workaholic, someone who works
all the time and never spends time relaxing, playing sports or en­
joying life.
4. This is a doctor's advice given to a person who is in good health,
but is showing small symptoms of stress or problems.

U nit E lev en

1. Come over here and I'll test your eyes.
2. Now, I'm going to examine your eyes.
3. You must have strained your eyes.
Ti&ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 235
4. I'll give you some eyedrops, which often can correct this problem
in the early stages before it gets worse.
5. Use these drops 4 times a day until your eyes clear up.
6. To my great surprise, the rash disappeared by itself.
7. Take this mixture, or your cough will develop into pneumonia.
8. I'll just open your eyelid to have a look.


1. Have you ever had an eye exam?

2. Come, use this to cover your right eye. Use your left eye to read
the signs where I point with this stick, and tell me if the arrows
point up, down, left or right.
3. It appears swimming has caused this problem with your eyes.
Did you use eyedrops when you finished swimming this week?
4. From now on, never rub your eyes with your hands, or rub your
eyes with dirty towels.

U nit T w elv e

1. Is the pain still persistent?
2. First I felt faint, and broke out in a rash.
3. Can you sit up straighter?

4. First let me adjust your neck to relieve your spinal pressure.


First let me straighten your legs to relieve your pinched nerve.

5. Do you still have any pain in your hip joint?

236 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

6. I feel much better now, doctor. The treatment seems to have
worked / be effective / be working.
7. It's very important that you follow my advice. Otherwise, your
leg will become infected, and you'll need an operation. OR:
It's very important that you follow my advice. Otherwise, your
arm will become dislocated, and you'll require an operation.
8. Don't do any strenuous work, or lift anything heavy.

1. Last night, a co-worker and I were moving a trunk when I sud­
denly felt a sharp pain in my lower back. It was so bad that I
immediately broke out in a cold sweat.
2. Can you sit a little straighter? Now turn your upper torso, and
let me examine it.
3. Was the last treatment I gave you effective?
4. Now, I'll manipulate the joint to put it back in place. Don't be
afraid. It won't hurt.
5. Now, you're free to go. But I hope you'll follow my treatment
after you leave here.

1. It sounds like someone is explaining the traditional Chinese

methods of doctors and the traditional Chinese perspective on
2. Someone is explaining the differences between holistic medicine
and conventional medicine.

Ti&ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 237

U nit T h irteen

1. I can see from your X-ray that your leg is broken in three places,
and I'm afraid we'll need to operate.
2. When you wake up, your leg will be in a cast.
3. Your leg will have to be in traction for one week.
4. We'll make sure that you get the best care possible.
5. I'll ask someone to telephone your family to let them know that
you've been in an accident.
6. We'll give you some painkillers to keep the pain under control.
We'll give you some ice-pack to keep the swelling down.
7. You can ask the nurse to heat it up for you.
8. Relax and rest yourself. Ask your family to bring in your favorite
9. Make the most of your time in bed, and remember you don't
have to work.


1. The X-ray shows that your right shin bone is broken in several
places, and I'm afraid we'll have to operate.
2. I must put your right leg in a cast, and I'll immediately send
some people to notify your family.
3. Don’t worry. We'll try our best to give you the best treatment

2 38 - Tieng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta

4. It won't hurt to eat some marrow bone soup, and it will do you
some good.
5. It's normal that you feel pain now because the anaesthesia has
wom off. But now, we'll ask the nurse to give you some pain­

1. It sounds like a doctor is talking to a patient's family, giving

them the good news of a successful operation, and giving them
information on when they can visit patients.
2. Somebody who is not healthy has come to see the doctor. But
after the doctor checked him, there was no problems found, and
so the doctor's now giving him advice, and encouraging the
patient to exercise more in order to help to control his weight

U nit F o u rte e n

1. Have you noticed anything else abnormal / unusual?
2. I’d better give you a pap smear test. Please take off your pants
and underwear. I'm just going to test your urethras. Try to relax,
and don't think what I'm doing.
3. These two lab tests should both be finished by tomorrow. If we
find it's benign, we'll need to remove it, and if we think it's ma­
lignant, we'll need to admit you for the further treatment.

TiS'ng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 239

1. Do you have any other abnormal symptoms?
2. 1 want to listen to your lungs as you breathe, and your heart
beat. Please unbutton your coat, lift up your sweater. Don't
worry. Hold still. Breathe slowly.
3. The result of these two lab tests will be available soon. If it s
negative, then you're free to go. But if it's positive, we'll immedi­
ately notify your family and admit you for treatment.


1. A doctor is consulting with another doctor about a case of a

woman who has abnormal vaginal bleeding.
2. This is a doctor reporting his patient's situation to a senior

U nit Fifteen

1. My periods have been very late since I was fitted with an IUD,
and also I have very heavy bleeding, which is very inconvenient,
and I'm worried there might be a problem.
2. Two months is not very long for your period to return to normal
after you have had an abortion.
3. I'll give you something, which should stop / slow down the dis­

4. Well, you are lucky this time. The test proved negative, but to be
on the safe side, you'd better take further precautions.
5. I suggest that you also use another method of birth control, for
example, temperature charting.
240 - Tien g Anh da n h cho gidi B ac ST & Y T i
1. Since I started taking the medicine you prescribed last time, my
stomach has been very uncomfortable. I often experienced loose
bowel movements, and my stomach often hurts. I'm afraid my
stomach has a problem.
2. You've just had the coil in place for one week, and your body
has not returned to normal. After two weeks, if you still experi­
ence wetness down there, then come back and see me.
3. Ordinarily, you won't get pregnant after being fitted with an
IUD, but sometimes there're exceptions. So, in order to be on the
safe side, I suggest you use extra-precautions.


This is a doctor explaining to a new patient the process of IVF.

Unit Sixteen

1. I'll just explain what this medicine is for.

2. If he won't take them, crash them, and, since they taste bitter,
mix them with something sweet, or dissolve the power in some
kind of liquid.
3. If you dissolve them in tea, the tea will counteract the effect.
4. This solution is to apply on your rash, and I'll give you a bag of
cotton balls to use as applicators.
5. After use, make sure you screw the top on securely, and store
the bottle away from heat and sunlight.
6. Shall I avoid any particular food?

TiS'ng Anh danh cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 241

1. This is your medicine. Please read the directions on the label.
2. Before you take this bottle of liquid medicine, please shake it well.
3. Don't dissolve this powder in tea. The tea will counteract the
medicine's effect.
4. You may dilute this bitter cough mixture by adding some water
and add some sweet syrup. When you're finished, please screw
the top on securely.
5. Don't use a metal pan to boil the herbs. You’d better use an
earthenware pot. When you’re taking this medicine, try to use
bland food, and stay away from seafood.


This is a pharmacist talking to a patient, and telling him

theyve run out of the medicine that the patient needs, and sug­
gesting that the patient go to a drugstore to find the medicine.

U nit S ev en teen


1. The liver function test has to be done on an empty stomach.

2. Hold out your hand. I'm going to take a blood sample.
3. You'll only feel a small prick.
4. Here's a box for your stool sample. Use something to scrape off
the size of a bean, and put it in the box. Now, this is a bottle for
your urine sample. We just need it half full.

242 - Tieng Anh danh cho gidi Bac S7 & Y Ta

1. You've already eaten breakfast, so we can't give you a liver test.
Starting tonight stop eating, and tomorrow morning, don't eat
breakfast. At 6:30, come here and we'll take your blood sample.
2. I'm going to take a small blood sample from your middle finger.
Don't worry. It won't hurt.
3. Please take this cup and box, and go to the toilet next door and
you can take your urine sample and stool sample. Be careful to
keep the cup and the box clean.
4. As for the stool sample, we just need a little bit. The urine sam­
ple we need half a cup. Do you understand?

Unit Eighteen

1. Come over here, hold on to this, with your back flat against the
2. Put your head like this, and rest your arm here.
3. Now, please put your elbow further forward.
4. Would you please bend your waist a bit more?
5. Don't move while the machine is taking your picture.
6. That's everything for today. You can put your clothes back on
and go home now.

TiSng Anh d in h cho gidi Bac ST & Y Ta - 243

1 . Please lie down on this X-ray table. Rest your knee on this X-ray
plate. Don’t move.
2. Take oft the clothes above your waist, and put on this gown.
Press your chest against this and rest your chin here. Hold your
breath when I ask you to do it.
3. Please bend your forearm and rest your elbow on the X-ray table
with your wrist turned upward. Good! Now do your best to press
your shoulders down.
4. Now, take a deep breath. Hold your breath, and swallow this
banum meal. Good!


This is a relaxation treatment being given by a psychiatrist to

a patient.

Unit N ineteen


1. Is this where I come for a shot?

2. Do you know if you're allergic to any antibiotics?
3. Roll up your cuff, and I’ll give you an examination.
4. It's important that you come here consistently. Otherwise the
course may not be effective.
5. I'll just use this cotton ball to clean it.

244 - Tieng Anh danh cho gioi Bac ST & Y Ti

1. Please sit down and roll up your sleeve, and I'll give you a peni­
cillin allergy test.
2. The test shows that you're allergic to penicillin.
3. Starting tomorrow, you need to come to the hospital to get a
shot every day. The treatment will last for 10 days. You can de­
cide yourself whether mornings or afternoons are better, but you
should be consistent in your visits, and it should be around the
same time.
4. When you go home, apply a warm towel to the injection spot.
Don't rub it. The pain will soon go away.

U nit T w en ty

1. Altogether you owe 100 yuan.
2. I'm sorry I'll have to give you all your change in small bills / coins.
3. Let me see your paper work and I'll see what your total bill is.
4. Just a moment, please, and I'll work out the total. Well, that
comes to 200 yuan altogether.

1. Show me your paper work, and I'll work out how much you
2. Well, altogether you owe 50 yuan. Please pay in small bills. If
you give me a 100-yuan bill, I can't give you change.
3. Please go to the window next door to break down this bill. You
don't need to stand in the line. Just go straight to the window.
4. Would you mind if I pay in coins?

Tig'ng Anh d in h cho gidi B ac ST & Y Ta - 245

Tieng Anh danh cho
Practical English for Medical Personnel
(ta i b in )

Bien dich
N gu yen Trung Tanh - N g u y e n Thanh Thi/ - P ham Tan Q u y e n

Chju trach nhiem xu<5t bon



Trinh bay sach PHAM V A N VINH
Siia ban in V A N ANH


62 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai - Quan 1
S 8225340 - 8296764 - 8222726 - 8296713 - 8223637
Fax: 8222726
E-mail: nxbtphcm@vnn.vn

ThiK hien lien doanh

Nha sach M IN H T A M
2861 An Dtftfng VttJng P i Q5 TP.HCM
•a 8 3 5 3 6 0 8 -8 3 5 4 8 4 5 F u 8302417

In 1.000 cu6n kh6 14,5x20,5cm t^i Xi nghi$p In MACHINCO - 21 Bui Thi XuAn - Q 1 -
Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh So xuSit b in 792-08/CXB/270-55/THTPHCM In xong v i r>$p luu
chieu thing 9-2008.

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