Denny's Resturant
Denny's Resturant
Denny's Resturant
Question 1: Has Jim Adamson been successful in changing the corporate culture at Avantica?
Yes. Jim has been able to change the corporate culture of Advantica due to his ability to
accept change. He comprehended that undertaking change at a cultural level was a vital approach
that would add to systematic change in behaviour and attitude diversity among the employees.
This was because the cultural value and dimension of the organization is tied to the core or key
beliefs and value in the organization (Foster, 2010). First, as the CEO of the company he
embraced the concept that leadership drives organizational change.
Question 2: How effective is the diversity strategy Advantica has put in place?
The strategy was very effective. First, they knew that they had to use intensive training as
a tool towards cultural change. Everyone was needed to take part in various training programs.
From the cooks, to the directors training was mandatory. Besides, all the services and cooks were
called upon to watch a video on diversity.
Question 3: .Do their efforts get to the core problems at Advantica?
Advanticas efforts to change the image of the company has changed the core problems
of the organization. However, this effort as to be constant to stay relevant. The Dennys diversity
states it better in their corporate mission: we are committed to value differences by making
diversity change a priority (Foster, 2010).
Question 4: What are the other major challenges facing the financial future of Advantica?
The primary or key challenge facing the company was projecting a business working
environment that was discriminative to gender and race. The restaurant made a statement that it
was a good place for minorities and women eliminating the others.
Question 5: What other avenues of communication could be used to demonstrate the new
corporate culture of diversity?