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Issue 2

Scania Retarder


Function description

1 712 020

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden




Electrical System

General............................................................ 3
The design of the system ................................ 4

Interaction with other systems

........................................................................ 7
Retarder CAN ................................................. 9

Brake sensor functions

Brake pedal sensor........................................ 11

Lever sensor.................................................. 13

System functions

Brake lamp.................................................... 14
Limiting at high temperatures....................... 14
ABS/EBS communication, general .............. 15
EDC communication, general....................... 17
Exhaust brake ............................................... 18
MBP (engine brake program) output ............ 21
Warming up the driver and
passenger compartments............................... 22


General.......................................................... 23
Configuration codes...................................... 24
Configuration, explanations.......................... 27
Control unit as a part..................................... 29

Control unit connections

...................................................................... 31

Warning system

General.......................................................... 35
Warning lamp, fault indication ..................... 37
Resetting the warning system ....................... 38

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden

10:05-07 en

Electrical system

Electrical system

Electrical system

The auxiliary brake control unit is

microprocessor based.

The control unit and its program are the

same for all versions. How the control unit
carries out its tasks depends on the
configuration. This is described under the
heading Configuration.

The control unit is equipped with an

integrated warning system, see Main group
10 Scania Retarder, Function description
under the heading Warning system.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden

Electrical system

The design of the system


2 3 4





















The illustration is general and applies to both trucks and buses. Vehicles with a lower level of
equipment are covered where appropriate.

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

The design of the system

1 The clutch pedal switch is used to enable
the driver to increase throttle when
changing down without interrupting
downhill speed control1 or braking using
the hand lever.

8 Main exhaust brake switch. For trucks after

9911, this switch is only fitted to vehicles
with automatic exhaust brake (EXB).
9 Diagnostic socket for PC.
10 PC with SD trouble shooting program.

Note: Actuating the accelerator pedal

interrupts retarder braking when the clutch
pedal is in the released position.
2 The brake pedal sensor is used to provide
retarder braking using the brake pedal2 and
to automatically activate downhill speed
3 The accelerator pedal sensor sends a signal
to the control unit to interrupt downhill
speed control or retarder braking that has
been requested with the lever. If, on the
other hand, the clutch pedal is in depressed
position, retarder braking continues.
4 The AUT switch is used to make it possible
for the retarder and downhill speed control
to be activated automatically using the
brake pedal. It must also be possible for the
driver to shut down all retarder activation
from the brake pedal e.g. on slippery
5 The hand lever has six positions. The five
brake positions each give a fixed braking
torque: 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 Nm.
In the max. position, the exhaust brake is
also activated, according to the conditions
under the heading System functions,
Exhaust brake.
6 The switch on the top of the lever is for
manual activation of downhill speed
7 Warning lamp to warn of faults in the
auxiliary brake system or its adjoining
systems and circuits.

1.Downhill speed control requires the vehicle to be equipped

with ABS/EBS.
2.Brake pedal control requires the vehicle to be equipped with
3.Optional equipment on trucks only.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden

Electrical system

11 The exhaust brake1 is not controlled by the

driver but by the control unit.
12 Dual temperature sensors at the outlet from
the retarder oil cooler. The temperature
forms the basis of the decision by the
control unit for any temporary decrease in
braking power.

19 The auxiliary brake orders the Opticruise

system to switch to the engine brake
program if engine speed and, accordingly,
cooling capacity is insufficient.
20 The diagnostics lamp and diagnostics
switch are concealed under a cover in the
instrument panel.

13 The proportional valve controls brake

torque to the requested level at different
road speeds. As road speed decreases, the
retarder requires higher and higher oil
pressure to be able to brake with the
requested torque. The proportional valve
controls this and so enables the retarder to
brake at speeds down to approx. 20 km/h.
14 The stop light illuminates when the
auxiliary brake is applied. This is illegal in
certain markets. This feature can be
deactivated by removal of relay R8.
15 The auxiliary brake communicates with the
EDC system to ensure that the two systems
will not interfere with each other's
operation. Braking disengages the cruise
control of the EDC and depressing the
accelerator disengages retarder braking.
16 The auxiliary brake receives information
from the ABS/EBS system so that it can
disengage retarder braking at short notice.
Signals from the ABS/EBS system about
ABS control interrupt retarder braking
within 0.2 seconds. Retarder braking via
the brake pedal as well as all downhill
speed control are disengaged by any fault
in the ABS-system.
17 The engine speed gives the control unit
continuous information about available
cooling capacity. The control unit can
demand a temporary decrease in retarder
power and so prevent overheating in the
cooling system.
18 The auxiliary brake receives road speed
data from the Opticruise, CS2 or the
gearbox over-revving protection. See
paragraph 13.

1.Some buses are not equipped with exhaust braking.

2.Optional equipment on buses only.

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Interaction with other systems

The block diagram at the end of this
description shows which other systems are
connected to the Scania auxiliary brake system
and in which directions information is

ABS/EBS system disengages the auxiliary

brake during ABS control. Afterwards,
when ABS control has finished, the
auxiliary brake can function as normal.

Fault codes are a part of this exchange of

information and therefore, for example, the CS
system fault codes will be shown under the
auxiliary brake system.
The illustration applies to both trucks and buses
and covers all appropriate optional equipment.

The auxiliary brake is connected to the

alternator's tachograph signal, W+. This
means that the control unit can determine
the speed of rotation of the coolant pump
and thus also know the volume of coolant
flow at any moment.
Retarder braking generates a great deal of
heat and this must be dissipated by the
vehicle's ordinary cooling system. Braking
power may reach approx. 540 hp
continuously and up to 880 hp for short

Do not confuse the alternator signal W+ with

the EDC systems PWM signal. The PWM
signal gives the throttle position and not
coolant flow.

The auxiliary brake is connected to the

EDC system to ensure that the two systems
will not interfere with each other's
The EDC must know if the driver is
braking using the auxiliary brake, and then
disengage the cruise control of the EDC.
Moreover, the auxiliary brake must be
disengaged as soon as the driver
accelerates, irrespective of whether he is
accelerating with the pedal or with the
cruise control of the EDC.

The auxiliary brake is connected to the

ABS/EBS system so that it will not
interfere with ABS control.
The auxiliary brake brakes hard, but only
on the driven wheels. For this reason the


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden

Electrical system

The auxiliary brake is connected to the

Opticruise, CS or the normal overrevving
protection of the gearbox, so that the
control unit can obtain data on the vehicle
road speed.
The working parts of the auxiliary brake
i.e. the retarder and the exhaust brake, have
different effects at different road speeds.
On the basis of the road speed, the control
unit can decide how to achieve optimum
braking and then activate the retarder, the
exhaust brake or both.

The auxiliary brake is connected to the

Opticruise to enable it to request the
activation of the engine brake program.
If the downhill speed control regulator in
the auxiliary brake control unit perceives
that it is not able to maintain speed, it can
even order the Opticruise to change down
as soon as possible.
Over long periods, it can be said that the
auxiliary brake takes precedent over the
Opticruise. In the short term the opposite is
the case. For example, if the auxiliary
brake has requested braking of the vehicle
by means of the exhaust brake, the
Opticruise system will still be able to
control the exhaust brake during its gearchanges. When each gear-change is
complete, the exhaust brake will again be
used for braking the vehicle.

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Retarder CAN

From 9911 the retarder control unit uses CAN

communication to communicate with EBS
control units. Applies to trucks only. The
communication cables CAN LOW and CAN
HIGH are connected to pins 39 and 40 on the
retarder control unit.

CAN messages sent from the retarder to EBS

are as follows:

EBS/ABS fault

Regulated brake torque

Configuration, max. retarder torque

Retarder CAN and EDC

CAN communication

CAN is an abbreviation of Controller Area

Network. CAN communication is used to
reduce the number of cables in the vehicle and
at the same time increase reliability. CAN
communication is serial data communication
and can be compared to communication
between computers in a network.

For certain engine types with EDC,

communication with the retarder occurs via the
two CAN cables. Applies to trucks from 0005

Every control unit that communicates using

CAN is connected to the CAN LOW and CAN
HIGH cables. Through these cables, each
control unit continuously sends and receives
CAN messages to and from other control units.
Which CAN message the control unit sends or
listens for depends on the configuration of the
control unit.

When "Engine fan control" is selected, the

retarder control unit will send CAN messages
with the desired engagement level of the engine
fan to the EDC control unit. The engagement
level depends on the coolant temperature.

The retarder communicates with the EDC via

CAN, if the configuration "Engine fan control"
is selected in Scania Programmer.

As a mechanic, it is important to remember that

individual CAN signals cannot be checked
using a Multimeter.
Retarder CAN and EBS

EBS version 2.2 is introduced at the same time

as Retarder CAN. These systems communicate
using CAN if the configuration Brake torque
via CAN is selected for the retarder in Scania
If the retarder has this configuration, the EBS
system will have priority over the retarder and
via CAN signals, decide how much the retarder
should brake when the brake pedal is
depressed. The retarder then decides when and
how much the exhaust brake should be
activated for the requested brake torque.
CAN signals sent from EBS to the retarder are
as follows:

Requested brake torque

ABS control


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden

Electrical system

Scania integrated auxiliary brake system

The EDC control unit sends information

concerning the current fuel volume and the
current engine speed via CAN bus to the
coordinator, COO. The coordinator converts
the information and generates a PWM signal
for current fuel volume and a W signal for the
engine speed, these signals are sent to the
retarder control unit, RET. The retarder control
unit receives several other input signals, such
as from the temperature sensor. When the
retarder control unit senses too high a coolant
temperature, it can send a signal on the CAN
bus to the EDC control unit with a request for
fan control. The EDC control unit then decides
the engagement level.
On vehicles equipped with a coordinator, it is
important that the retarder control unit is
always programmed as if the vehicle had a
6 pole alternator with an alternator frequency
of 172Hz. This is because the W signal that is
generated by the coordinator is equivalent to
the signal from a 6 pole alternator.




115 412

Vehicles equipped with a coordinator

A Scania integrated auxiliary brake system

B EDC system
C Opticruise system
D CS system or overrevving protection
E ABS, ABS/TC or EBS system up to and
including version 2.1
F EBS system from version 2.2 onwards
G Tachograph signal from the alternator
Signal routes between the auxiliary brake
control unit and other computer controlled
systems that may be fitted to the vehicle.
Any faults are transmitted from one system to
another in the same direction as
communication takes place (see arrows).

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Brake sensor functions

How the auxiliary brake system controls are
used is described in the Driver's manual.
Brake pedal sensor
The brake pedal sensor consists of a
potentiometer that sends an analogue voltage to
pin 23 on the control unit. The signal informs
the control unit of the requested brake torque.
The potentiometer is built into the footbrake
valve. The graph below shows how the voltage
increases as the brake pedal is depressed.

A fault in the ABS/EBS system up to and

including EBS version 2.1 will also cause the
control unit to ignore the signal from the brake
pedal sensor. This applies as long as the ABS
warning lamp is illuminated. When the lamp
goes out, the control unit once again takes the
position of the brake pedal into consideration.
The control unit receives the message about the
ABS/EBS fault on pin 14.


The control unit disregards the position of the

brake pedal if the AUT switch is OFF. In this
case, automatic downhill speed control is
disengaged. In addition, the retarder braking
which takes place at the beginning of brake
pedal travel ceases1i.e. before the wheel brakes
are applied.

116 086

Note: Note that the potentiometer already gives

a voltage, approx. 0.5 V, before the brake pedal
is depressed.


The brake pedal sensor is adjusted in such a

way that the voltage starts to rise as soon as
the pedal is actuated. The voltage should be
within the grey zone. When the pedal is in the
released position, the potentiometer provides
approx. 0.5 V. Voltage increases up to approx.
4.5 V when the brake pedal is fully depressed.

1.The torque level is determined by the configuration. See

graph under the headline Configuration, Configuration codes.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Retarder CAN and EBS

For trucks with EBS from version 2.2 onwards

which have the retarder configuration Brake
torque via CAN, the EBS system will have
priority over the retarder and via CAN
messages request the desired brake torque from
the retarder when the brake pedal is depressed.
Pin 23 on the retarder control unit is therefore
not connected on these vehicles.
Application of the wheel brakes and the
retarder is controlled completely by EBS when
the brake pedal is depressed, so for these
vehicles, no brake pedal characteristics are
If faults occur in ABS/EBS, the option of
retarder control by depressing the brake pedal
is removed by the EBS ceasing to send the
CAN message "ABS fully operational".
Retarder control by depressing the brake pedal
is not possible as long as the CAN message is
not sent. The retarder control unit receives the
message "ABS/EBS fault" on the CAN cables,
pins 39 and 40. The ABS/EBS warning lamp is
illuminated as long as the fault is active.
Note: The ABS/EBS warning lamp can be
illuminated without the option brake pedal
activation of the retarder being disconnected,
i.e. the retarder is not disconnected for all types
of EBS faults from version 2.2 onwards.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Hand lever sensor

The control unit receives the signal from the

hand lever on pin 8. The signal informs the
control unit of the requested brake torque.

The hand lever has six fixed positions. The five

braking positions correspond to torque levels of
500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000 Nm. In the
max. position, the exhaust brake is also
engaged1. This occurs internally in the control
unit. Hence there is no contact for this purpose
in the hand lever sensor.


114 699

The hand lever has a sensor which provides an

analogue voltage to the control unit. This
voltage increases the more the lever is pulled

116 087


5 (Max)

The voltage from the hand lever sensor should

be within the grey zone. In position 0, the
potentiometer shows approx. 0.5 V, and when
the lever is moved to the max. position, about
4.5 V.

1.Provided that the exhaust brake switch on the instrument panel

is on.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

System functions
Stop light
The stop light (and an indicator lamp that is
standard only on trucks without ABS), is
activated by the control unit under the
following conditions.

The stop light illuminates if the brake

torque requested at the lever or brake pedal
exceeds 450 Nm.

The stop light also illuminates if the

downhill speed control regulator in the
control unit requests 900 Nm or more.

The configuration governs the maximum

permitted magnitude of the power and torque
in the vehicle. However, braking capacity
always decreases according to the above

The stop light goes out when the retarder

brake torque drops below 300 Nm.

Retarder CAN with fan control

In certain countries it is illegal for the stop light

to illuminate during retarder braking. This
feature can be deactivated by removal of stop
light relay R8.
Limiting at high temperatures
The braking power of the retarder is reduced if
the cooling system cannot manage to dissipate
the heat generated. The driver can increase the
cooling capacity by changing down so that the
engine runs at a higher engine speed. Cooling
capacity, and thus braking power, is directly
proportional to the engine speed.

From 0005 certain vehicles are equipped with

engine fan control.
When the retarder configuration "Engine fan
control" is selected, the retarder control unit
will send CAN messages with the desired
engagement level of the engine fan to the EDC
control unit. The engagement level depends on
the coolant temperature.

If the retarder is not capable of holding the

speed, the driver should brake, change down
and try again at a lower road speed. When the
coolant starts to return to its normal
temperature, the retarder will gradually regain
its original braking power.
The graph below shows how the available
braking capacity of the retarder is decreased at
high coolant temperatures.
The control unit monitors both brake torque
and brake power with regard to the
temperature. The temperature value is taken
from both sensors at the outlet from the
retarder oil cooler.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

ABS/EBS communication, general

Signals from the ABS system about ABS
control interrupt retarder braking within
0.2 seconds. This is done by the control unit
simultaneously breaking the current to the
solenoid for compressed air supply1 and to the
proportional valve. In this way, the compressed
air, that held the braking oil in the retarder, is
released. The power to the exhaust brake
solenoid valve is interrupted simultaneously.
ABS control

The auxiliary brake control unit is immediately

notified on pin 35 that ABS control has begun.
Retarder braking interferes with ABS control.
The ABS system disconnects the auxiliary
brake during ABS control, in order to give the
ABS system free scope. Afterwards, when
ABS control has ceased, the driver can again
use the auxiliary brake.
If it was downhill speed control that was
interrupted by ABS control, this is gently
restored as soon as ABS control ceases.
For trucks with retarder configuration Brake
torque via CAN (from EBS version 2.2
onwards) the signal ABS control is sent to the
retarder as a CAN message. The
communication cables CAN LOW and CAN
HIGH are connected to pins 39 and 40 on the

1.Called ON/OFF in the wiring diagram in Main group 16.

From 9908 for trucks and from 9910 for buses, this valve is a
part of component V97.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

ABS/EBS warning

The ABS/EBS control unit lights the ABS/EBS

warning lamp if there is a fault in the ABS/EBS
system. The same signal is used by the
auxiliary brake control unit to interrupt both
retarder braking via the brake pedal and
downhill speed control. Conversely, it will be
possible to use the hand lever positions. The
control unit receives the ABS/EBS warning on
pin 14.
For trucks with EBS from version 2.2 onwards
and with retarder configuration Brake torque
via CAN, the choice of retarder control by
depressing the brake pedal is removed by the
EBS ceasing to send the CAN message "ABS
fully operational". Retarder control by
depressing the brake pedal is not possible as
long as the CAN signal is not sent. The retarder
control unit receives the ABS/EBS fault
message on the CAN cables, pins 39 and 40.
The ABS/EBS warning lamp is illuminated as
long as the fault is active.
Note: The ABS/EBS warning lamp can be
illuminated without brake pedal activation of
the retarder being disconnected, i.e. the retarder
is not disconnected for all types of EBS faults
from version 2.2 onwards.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

EDC communication, general

EDC system, PWM signal

The auxiliary brake control unit senses the

throttle position of the EDC engine by reading
the pulse width modulated (PWM) signal.
Pulse width increases with increased throttle
The auxiliary brake control unit receives the
PWM signal on pin 12. The signal is illustrated
in the figures below.
The PWM signal is a constant frequency square
wave. The voltage level U is also constant. The
variable is the activation time, calculated as a
percentage of each cycle.

104 966


A Cycle time
A PWM signal with a pulse width of 10%
indicates zero torque.

The PWM signal carries information very

accurately to the control units. The auxiliary
brake control unit will immediately generate a
fault code if the PWM signal seems
Note: The PWM signal cannot be reliably read
using an ordinary multimeter. Instead, use the
fault codes to locate the cause of any possible

104 967


A Cycle time
A PWM signal with a pulse width of 90%
indicates maximum torque.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Exhaust brake

The exhaust brake1 is not controlled by the

driver but by the control unit.
The working parts of the auxiliary brake
i.e. the exhaust brake and the retarder, have
different effects at different speeds. On the
basis of the road speed, the control unit can
decide how to achieve optimum braking and
then activate the exhaust brake, retarder or
One condition for the activation of the exhaust
brake by the retarder control unit is that the
main exhaust brake switch (applies only to
certain vehicles) on the instrument panel is on.
The exhaust brake is activated:

if the brake torque requested from the hand

lever exceeds 2700 Nm.

if the control unit is configured for

automatic exhaust brake and the requested
brake torque from the brake pedal sensor
exceeds 500 Nm.

if the downhill speed control regulator

integrated in the control unit requests
exhaust braking.

The control unit sends the output signal from

pin 17 to the exhaust brake or to the exhaust
brake control unit EEB.

1.Some buses are not equipped with exhaust braking.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system


The exhaust brake is disengaged as follows:

if the clutch pedal is depressed.

if the accelerator pedal is depressed.

if the engine speed drops below 800 900 rpm; this is done in order to reduce
exhaust emissions.

if the PWM signal from the EDC is greater

than 15%; this indicates a certain throttle

if the ABS/EBS is active.

if there is a fault in the ABS/EBS system,

exhaust braking requested via the brake
pedal will be interrupted, which is a legal
requirement. The exhaust brake can
however, be activated using the hand lever
or a retrofitted floor switch.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system


The EEB has an electronic control unit for

control of the exhaust brake and an automatic
function for the white smoke limiter. With EEB
and proportional valve V1 a stepless utilisation
of the exhaust brake is achieved, as opposed to
EXB with solenoid valve and automatic
retarder operation.
Retarder with Opticruise and EEB has a floor
switch for manual activation of the exhaust
When activated, the chain of events can be
different depending on how long the floor
switch is kept depressed. The signal is applied
to pin 51. Depressing the switch momentarily
sends a signal from pin 54 to the Opticruise
control unit requesting Opticruise engine brake
program. If the pedal is depressed for a longer
period, the signal is sent to pin 54 and pin 17
and then on to the exhaust brake control unit.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

MBP output
The control unit is equipped with a special
output, MBP, at pin 54. MBP is the Swedish
abbreviation for engine brake program.
The MBP output is intended for
communication with the Opticruise control
unit. The function of the MBP output is to
request the Opticruise to change down earlier
and at a higher engine speed than normal, in
order to maintain high coolant flow and so
increase the length of time the retarder can be
The MBP output is activated as follows:

if retarder torque exceeds 450 Nm whilst

the coolant temperature exceeds 90C and
engine speed drops below 1400 rpm.

if the torque requested torque using the

hand lever exceeds 2700 Nm whilst the
actual brake torque exceeds 450 Nm.

if the exhaust brake floor switch is


if the brake torque exceeds 450 Nm whilst

downhill speed control is engaged and the
expected propeller shaft speed is exceeded
by 125 rpm.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Warming up the driver and passenger

The retarder can be used to warm up the
interior of the vehicle. This is very useful
during cold weather, especially in buses
The warm-up function is used in two different
ways, depending on whether or not the vehicle
has ABS/EBS. It works as follows.
Vehicles with ABS/EBS

Warm-up can only be activated if the coolant

temperature is below 70C when the starter
voltage is switched on.
The maximum available power calculated in
kW is halved until the coolant reaches 50C.
The warm-up function is automatically
interrupted when the coolant reaches 85C.
Vehicles without ABS/EBS

Vehicles without ABS/EBS do not have any

automated operation of warm-up. Warm-up is
achieved simply by applying the accelerator
and retarder braking with the lever
simultaneously. In principle, it is normal
control unit regulation which limits how long
warm-up can continue, but the temperature
inside the vehicle reaches a comfortable level
long before this. See the graph under the
heading Limiting at high temperatures.
The maximum available power calculated in
kW is halved until the coolant reaches 50C.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system


The control unit contains all the computer
programs necessary for all trucks and buses.
The control unit must be configured so that it
uses the correct computer program for the
relevant Scania vehicle. This is simply the
equivalent of the code plug fitted to other, less
modern control units, e.g.for CAG, CS and
Scania automatic gearboxes.

Note: Incorrect configuration will always

result in reduced performance and/or service


The required control unit configuration is

entered using a PC during manufacture. As a
spare part however, the auxiliary brake control
unit is only delivered configured for trucks
with ABS, which is the most common

Old type of diagnostics panel up to 9910


If necessary, the configuration can be changed

using a PC and Scania Programmer, which is
available on CD-ROM. The standard
configuration for the vehicle concerned must
be used in all but exceptional circumstances.
This is described in greater detail under the
heading, Configuration, explanations.

114 595

The configuration can also be read without a

PC, in the form of a configuration code, a so
called flashing code, from the diagnostic lamp
2 which is marked RET.

New type of diagnostics panel from 9911


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Configuration codes

The digits are flashed out as follows:

1st digit - 1.5 s pause - 2nd digit - 1.5 s pause 3rd digit - 1.5 s pause - 4th digit - 4.5 s pause,
end. After that follow any fault codes.

The configuration codes consist of 3 digits. The

digits are flashed out as follows:
1st digit - 1.5 s pause - 2nd digit - 1.5 s pause 3rd digit - 4.5 s pause, end. After that follow
any fault codes.

115 413

Control units up to 9911

Standard versions:
Trucks equipped with ABS have configuration
code 4681.

115 863


Trucks equipped with ABS/EBS have

configuration code 468.

115 763

Trucks with EBS via CAN have configuration

code 4682.

Standard versions:

Buses with ABS have 4581.

Trucks without ABS/EBS have 453.

Buses equipped with ABS have 458 (438 for
earlier versions).

8 1

115 415

115 864

Trucks without ABS/EBS have 4531.

115 866

Buses without ABS have 4531.

Buses without ABS have 453.

Control units from November 1999

Vehicles built from 9911 have a new retarder

control unit with one more configuration digit.
The following can be configured using this
fourth digit:

Brake torque via CAN, (from EBS version

2.2 onwards).

Engine fan control.

Note: This type of control unit is introduced as

a spare part for both trucks and buses from
9911. However, buses must not be configured
with EBS CAN. If a bus is found to be
configured with "Brake torque via CAN (from
EBS version 2.2 onwards)", trouble shooting
should begin immediately and the control unit
be reprogrammed using Scania Programmer.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Significance of configuration codes

First digita

Max. retarder torque 2400 Nm, of which 1500 Nm before the wheel brakes are

Max. retarder torque 3000 Nm, of which 1500 Nm before the wheel brakes are

Max. retarder torque 2400 Nm, of which 2000 Nm before the wheel brakes are

Max. retarder torque 3000 Nm, of which 2000 Nm before the wheel brakes are

Second digit

Without automatic downhill speed control, 300 kW retarder power

With automatic downhill speed control, 300 kW retarder power

Without automatic downhill speed control, 400 kW retarder power

With automatic downhill speed control, 400 kW retarder power

Without automatic downhill speed control, 500 kW retarder power

With automatic downhill speed control, 500 kW retarder power

Without automatic downhill speed control, the retarder power is controlled


With automatic downhill speed control, the retarder power is controlled


Third digit

Without hand lever control, without brake pedal control, without manual
downhill speed control

Without hand lever control, with brake pedal control, without manual downhill
speed control

With hand lever control, without brake pedal control, without manual downhill
speed control

With hand lever control, with brake pedal control, without manual downhill
speed control

Without hand lever control, without brake pedal control, with manual downhill
speed control

Without hand lever control, with brake pedal control, with manual downhill
speed control


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Third digit

With hand lever control, without brake pedal control, with manual downhill
speed control

With hand lever control, with brake pedal control, with manual downhill speed

Fourth digitb

Without Brake torque via CAN, from EBS version 2.2, without Engine fan

With Brake torque via CAN, from EBS version 2.2, without Engine fan control.

With Engine fan control, without Brake torque via CAN.

With Engine fan control, with Brake torque via CAN, from EBS version 2.2.

a: Control units on trucks built from 9911 may

have configuration Brake torque via CAN, from
EBS version 2.2 onwards. The application of
wheel brakes and retarder is then controlled
entirely by EBS when the brake pedal is
activated, and therefore no brake pedal
characteristics are configured for these vehicles.
This type of control unit is introduced as a spare
part for both trucks and buses from 9911.
b: Vehicles built from 9911 have a new retarder
control unit with one more configuration digit.
This type of control unit is introduced as a spare
part for both trucks and buses from 9911. The
control unit should only be configured
according to the table, if other configurations are
present, this must be changed using Scania


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Configuration, explanations
Configuring the control unit instead of using a
range of different code plugs simplifies both
management of parts and any modifications to
the vehicle in question. Modifications may be
as simple as swapping the standard alternator
for a more powerful one, with a different
number of terminals and/or gear ratio.
Modifications must always be carried out after
careful consideration. Configuration must then
be checked and updated.
The control unit must always have the correct
and complete information1. Otherwise, it will
not be able to perform its tasks in the correct
Never attempt to improve the performance of
the auxiliary brake system yourself, by
experimenting with the configuration. Each
standard configuration has been developed
using the collective expertise of Scania in order
to achieve the best combination of braking
capacity, running costs and ride comfort.
The configuration governs, among other things,
the following:

Which controls can be used to operate the

auxiliary brake system.

Whether downhill speed control is to be

included and if so, how this should be
operated. Applies only to vehicles with

The maximum power of the retarder

calculated in kW. The power must be
limited to the maximum amount of heat
which can be dissipated by the vehicles
ordinary cooling system.

The maximum torque of the retarder

calculated in Nm. It is of course desirable
for vehicles with a high gross weight to
have high brake torque, but the torque must
be limited to a level which the central gear
can tolerate without causing premature

1.By information we mean everything from software and input

signals to correct configuration.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Brake pedal characteristics, i.e. how hard

the retarder brakes before the wheel brakes
are applied. This is normally 2000 Nm for
both buses and trucks. Trucks
manufactured from 9911 may have the
configuration Brake torque via CAN, from
EBS version 2.2 onwards. For these
vehicles, no brake pedal characteristics are

Available cooling capacity in the cooling

system. Alternator frequency must be
correctly specified or the control unit will
miscalculate the engine speed and thus
coolant flow at any given time. Incorrect
data can for example cause problems with
overheating or unnecessarily low retarder

Communication with EBS via CANis

introduced on trucks from 9911. The
configuration Brake torque via CAN, from
EBS version 2.2 onwards, is therefore
selected. Application of the wheel brakes
and retarder is fully controlled by EBS
when the brake pedal is depressed.

Retarder control of the engine fanis

introduced on certain engine types in
trucks from 0005. When the configuration
"Engine fan control" is selected, the
retarder control unit will send CAN
messages with the desired engagement
level of the engine fan to the EDC control
unit. The engagement level depends on the
coolant temperature.

The above can be a guide in such cases where a

certain fault is suspected as being caused by
incorrect configuration.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Control unit as spare part

Every control unit from our parts department is
configured for trucks with ABS. In such
vehicles, and only there, the control unit may be
used as delivered. Otherwise, the configuration
must be changed using a PC and Scania
Programmer, which is available on CD-ROM.

Standard setting as
spare part


Operation with brake pedal


yes / no

Operation with hand lever


yes / no

Manual activation of downhill speed control


yes / no

Automatic activation of downhill speed control


yes / no

Automatic activation of exhaust brakea


yes / no

Retarder versionb



Retarder power

500 kW

300 / 400 / 500 kW

Retarder torque

3000 Nm

2400 / 3000 Nm

Brake pedal characteristicsc

2000 Nm

1500 / 2000 Nm

Compensation of current to the proportional valved

0 mA.

+/- 50 mA

Alternator frequency (Truck, 6 poles) at engine speed

500 rpm

172 Hz

100 - 255 Hz

Alternator frequency (Bus, 8 poles) at engine speed

500 rpm

200 Hz

100 - 255 Hz

Alternator frequency (Truck, 8 poles, 90 A) at engine

speed 500 rpm

230 Hz

100 - 255 Hz

Communication with EBS via CANe


yes / no

Communication with EDC via CAN, engine fan



yes / no

a: Certain buses have no exhaust brake at all.

b: Applies to the construction and design of the
actual retarder.
c: Trucks built from 9911 may have the
configuration Brake torque via CAN, from EBS
version 2.2 onwards. For these vehicles, no
brake pedal characteristics are configured.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

d: Poor braking power during the initial stage

or jerky downhill speed control on gentle
downhill slopes may be an indication that the
current intensity needs to be adjusted. Too low
and too high current intensity can both cause
jerky downhill speed control. The reason for
this is that there are a whole series of tolerances
that must tally in order to give the required
comfort, from current to compressed air and
from mechanical precision to oil pressure. Any.
adjustments may only be made under
exceptional circumstances and then only slight
adjustments, e.g. 5 mA at a time.
e: From 9911, the retarder control unit
communicates using CAN communication with
the EBS control units and from 0005 with EDC
control units (applies only to trucks). This
retarder control unit that supports this
communication is introduced as a spare part for
both trucks and buses from 9911.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Control unit connections

The table below shows which input signals the
control unit can receive and which pin is used
for which signal.

The * symbol beside the pin number indicates

that the input signal in question is activated
when the control circuit is earthed.

Most, but not all, input signals are in the form of

a positive voltage.

Control unit input signals


Input signal

Hand lever position


PWM signal from EDC.


Accelerator pedal switch


ABS/EBS reports ABS/EBS fault. For trucks with retarder configuration

Brake torque via CAN, from EBS version 2.2 onwards, the signal ABS/EBS
fault is sent to the retarder as a CAN message. The CAN cables are connected
to pins 39 and 40, see Other connections.


Propeller shaft speed, i.e. current road speed


Brake pedal position. The input signal is not used for trucks with retarder
configuration Brake torque via CAN, from EBS version 2.2 onwards; instead,
in these vehicles the EBS control unit sends the required retarder brake torque
via CAN. The CAN cables are connected to pins 39 and 40, see Other


Temperature sensor 1


Diagnostics switch


AUT switch for automatic activation of downhill speed control.


Switch for manual activation of downhill speed control


Exhaust brake switch on instrument panel


Engine speed, i.e. current cooling capacity.


ABS/EBS announces ABS control. For trucks with retarder configuration

Brake torque via CAN (from EBS version 2.2 onwards) the signal ABS
control is sent to the retarder as a CAN message. The CAN cables are
connected to pins 39 and 40, see Other connections.


Temperature sensor 2


Clutch pedal switch


Foot-operated switch for exhaust brake, not standard equipment


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

The table below shows which output signals the

control unit can send and which terminal pin is
used for which signal.
Earthing points, power supplies etc. are covered
under the heading Other connections.
Most, but not all, output signals are activated by
a positive voltage in the control circuit.
The * symbol beside the pin number indicates
that the output signal is instead activated by the
control circuit being earthed.
Control unit output signals



Output signal

Proportional valve (+) for torque control of the retarder


Solenoid valve (or control unit) for exhaust brake


Request to EDC for disengagement of cruise control.


Retarder diagnostic lamp on instrument panel


RET warning lamp on instrument panel


Proportional valve (-) for torque control of the retarder


Solenoid valve for oil accumulator


Solenoid valve for compressed air supply


Request for engine braking program, MBP


Stop light relay

Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Electrical system

Other connections


System earth (0 V)

Brake pedal sensor (-)

Temperature sensor 1 (-)

Temperature sensor 2 (-)


L cable, diagnostic socket


System voltage (24 V)


System voltage (24 V)


System earth (0 V)


Hand lever sensor (-)


Communication cable, CAN LOW. Dependant upon how the retarder control
unit is configured and how the truck is equipped, this cable is used for
communication with EBS, from EBS version 2.2 onwards, and EDC.


Communication cable, CAN HIGH. Dependant upon how the retarder control
unit is configured and how the truck is equipped, this cable is used for
communication with EBS, from EBS version 2.2 onwards, and EDC.


Brake pedal sensor (+)


Hand lever sensor (+)


K cable, diagnostic socket


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden

Warning system

Warning system
If any faults arise, the control unit will initiate a
variety of measures. This is to prevent the fault
causing expensive damage.
If a fault occurs, the control unit will also light
the warning lamp (RET) on the instrument
panel. If the fault ceases, the warning lamp
usually goes out by itself. This is not always
the case and depends on the nature of the fault.

10 1845


The vehicle must get up to speed for the

ABS/EBS lamp to go out. Before this, the RET
lamp cannot go out either, in case the fault is
one which concerns auxiliary brake and ABS/
EBS interaction.


10 1845

Certain types of fault disable downhill speed

control, for instance, or make it impossible to
use the brake pedal to initiate downhill speed
control. However, the lever usually still works
even when such faults have developed. The
reason may be a fault in the ABS/EBS system,
for example, and in such a case the ABS/EBS
lamp should come on.

10 2571

The lamp should come on for a second every

time the ignition is turned on (test).

Resetting of the warning system is carried out

on two levels. The flashing codes are erased
and the warning lamp goes out. Fault codes that
are read using a PC can only be erased using a
PC. This is described under the heading Final
erasure of fault codes using a PC.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Warning system

Why fault codes are generated

The control unit reacts quickly and according
to certain instructions. In practice, the control
unit works with long series of conditions,
signals, routines and commands that
continuously succeed each other.
When the control unit discovers a fault, or
something which it interprets as abnormal, it
immediately reacts and generates a fault code.
The warning system can generate about 40
different fault codes depending on the nature of
the fault. Fault codes are generally very

Despite the advanced software, a fault may
arise which the control unit is unable to
distinguish from something which may occur
under normal operation. If this is the case, no
fault code is generated. There is always a limit
to how complete the monitoring can be. The
above applies to all types of control units.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Warning system

Warning lamp, fault

Warning lamp

10 1845

If the fault ceases, the warning lamp will

generally go out automatically. This may seem
coincidental to some drivers, but has of course
functional or safety reasons.
More information on reasons for fault codes
can be found in SD and in the work description
for trouble shooting.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Warning system

Resetting the warning

The warning system may occasionally need
resetting. Someone may have, for example
disconnected a cable harness whilst the ignition
was turned on. This is quite a common
occurrence. The control unit will then interpret
it as a fault. This will also illuminate the
warning lamp RET.

10 1845

Resetting of the warning system is carried out
at two levels and is described below.

This extinguishes the RET warning lamp and

erases the flashing codes shown by the
diagnostic lamp 2. The fault codes will
however remain in another memory that can
only be accessed using a PC, see Final erasure
of fault codes using a PC.

Old version of diagnostic panel up to and

including 9910


1 Press in the switch 1 and keep it depressed.

10 2097

Erasing flashing codes

115 526

1, 2

New version of diagnostic panel from 9911


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


Warning system

2 Turn the starter key to the drive position

and wait at least 3 seconds. The resetting is
now complete.

Final erasure of fault codes using

a PC.

10 1845



10 2571

3 Drive the vehicle and check that the

ABS and RET lamps go out. If they don't,
or if the RET lamp illuminates again,
despite repeated resetting, then a fault
remains. If so, carry out trouble shooting of
the system, preferably using SD and a PC.

Fault codes are stored in the order they are

registered. How many times a fault has
occurred can also be seen. This can be of use
for example with sporadic malfunctions1.
After completion of trouble shooting the fault
codes should be finally erased using a PC and
the command Erase fault codes.

1.That the diagnostic lamp's flashing codes have been erased

makes no difference.


Scania CV AB 1999, Sweden


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