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EMC32 InstallationManual A5 en 11

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RF Test Suite

R&SEMC32 - EMC Measurement Software

R&SAMS32 - Antenna and OTA Measurement Software
R&SWMS32 - Wireless Measurement Software
Installation Manual

PAD-T-M: 3574.3342.02/01.00/CI/1/EN

Installation Manual

Test & Measurement

1144.5428.42 11

2016 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Muehldorfstr. 15, 81671 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0
Fax: +49 89 41 29 12 164
E-mail: info@rohde-schwarz.com
Internet: http://www.rohde-schwarz.com
Subject to change Data without tolerance limits is not binding.
R&S is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Trade names are trademarks of the owners.
The following abbreviations are used throughout this manual:
R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32 is abbreviated as R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32


1 Introduction .......................................................................... 5
2 Newsletter Service ............................................................... 6
3 Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 ....................................... 7
3.1 System Requirements ......................................................................... 7
3.2 Installation Fundamentals................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Installation Folder................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Data Security and User Administration .................................................. 8
3.3 Software Installation ............................................................................ 9
3.3.1 New Installation...................................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Driver Installer Tool .............................................................................. 13
3.3.3 Network Installation Tips ...................................................................... 15
3.3.4 R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Backup ................................................ 15
3.4 iKey Software Protection .................................................................. 16

4 Starting the program ......................................................... 17

5 R&S EMC32 Configuration ................................................ 18
6 R&S AMS32 Configuration ................................................ 20
7 R&S WMS32 Configuration ............................................... 21
8 Upgrading R&S EMC32 / AMS32 ...................................... 22
8.1 R&S EMC32 Product Cross Reference Table .................................. 22
8.2 Migrate R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Folders ................................. 23
8.3 Upgrade Procedure............................................................................ 24
8.3.1 Base License iKey Upgrade ................................................................ 24
8.3.2 Software Upgrade Procedure .............................................................. 24

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32


9 Uninstalling R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 ................................ 26

10 Using the iKey Merge Tool ................................................ 27
10.1 Upgrade of the Base License to V9/10 ............................................. 27
10.2 Merge Option iKey to a Base License iKey ..................................... 29

11 Troubleshooting ................................................................ 31
12 Index ................................................................................... 32

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

System Requirements


This document will guide you through the installation process of R&S EMC32 - EMC
measurement, R&S AMS32 Antenna and OTA measurement and R&S WMS32
Wireless Measurement software. You will find the necessary instructions for installation,
upgrade, the configuration of the software, the start of the program and tips on
installation troubleshooting. If you need further assistance for solving problems during
the installation please contact your nearest Rohde & Schwarz Support Center:

ROHDE & SCHWARZ Customer Support Europe, Africa, Middle East

Phone: +49-4129-12345
E-Mail: customersupport@rohde-schwarz.com

ROHDE & SCHWARZ Customer Support North America

Phone: 1-888-TEST-RSA (1-888-837-8772) selection 2
E-Mail: customer.support@rsa.rohde-schwarz.com

ROHDE & SCHWARZ Customer Support Latin America

Phone: +1 410 910 7988
E-Mail: customersupport.la@rohde-schwarz.com

ROHDE & SCHWARZ Customer Support Asia/Pacific

Phone: +65 65 13 04 88
E-Mail: customersupport.asia@rohde-schwarz.com

ROHDE & SCHWARZ Customer Support China

Phone: +86-800-810-8228 / +86-400-650-5896
E-Mail: customersupport.china@rohde-schwarz.com

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Newsletter Service
System Requirements

Newsletter Service

Before you start using R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 system software you should register for
the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 newsletter service at Rohde & Schwarz website. You will
benefit from the registration by receiving information about news and updates of R&S
Use the following link with a web browser

or start the registration dialog via the help menu item ? EMC32 on the Web
Register Now. To register in this manner, your computer must be connected to
the Internet.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

System Requirements

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32


System Requirements
Before installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 you should check that your computer fulfills
the following minimum system requirements:
Operating System

Windows 10, 64-bit

Windows 8, 64-bit
Windows 7, 32-bit and 64-bit
Windows XP with SP3 (32-bit only)

CPU: Intel Core models or comparable with core speed > 2.4 GHz
RAM: 4 GB (Windows 7 / 8 / 10), 1 GB (Windows XP) or
Hard Disk Space: at least 1 GB free, usage of SSD recommended
Screen Resolution: at least 1280 x 1024 Pixels, 65536 colors (higher resolution
recommended). Screen size at least 17 inches.
IEEE bus interface from National Instruments:
with newest IEEE488.2 driver
Compatible cards from other manufactures are not supported !
Administrator Access Privileges during installation required
The integrated Software Update Manager requires internet access for querying the
R&S webpage on updates and important messages (for further information on how to
configure the update polling period refer to the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 online help).
If your computer does not meet these requirements, the performance of the
software may be not ensured.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Installation Fundamentals


Installation Fundamentals


Installation Folder

The following considerations shall give the administrator of the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32
computer some hints for the selection of the installation location.
The folder structure of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 can be split into two sections:
Executables and device drivers
(require only read access during R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 runtime)
Data files like configuration and calibration files, test templates and test results
(require full file access during R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 runtime)
Due to security reasons the standard R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 operator will be logged in
the Windows computer as Standard or Power User. This account will not provide write
access to the standard Windows program files folder where the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32
executables and device drivers will be installed by default.
For solving this issue the setup program allows to define another location for the R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 data folder (for example C:\ProgramData\EMC32 or D:\EMC32,
for installations on Windows 7 / Vista the data folder is set to the common application
data folder by default).
For all R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 users the computer administrator must set full
read and write access to this folder, to all its subfolders and to all R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 shortcuts.


Data Security and User Administration

For ensuring the data security of the EMC data files the file protection functions of the
Windows operating system have to be used (security section in the Windows file or
folder properties dialog).
User administration features inside R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 are not designed to ensure
data security and can therefore only be used to prevent Standard Users from modifying
essential settings inside the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 (for example the device

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation

In case R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 is only operated by few users of comparable

knowledge level, it may not be required to use file security features of the operating
system. Here the user has to decide, if a user log-in and user list is required and if test
data of different users shall be kept in different directories.
For further information on this issue refer to the Online Help chapter Data Security and
User Administration.


Software Installation
Both the multiple installation of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 and the installation of
different R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 versions on one computer is not possible! If
you want to separate EMI and EMS measurements completely, you must follow
the instructions in the Online Help, chapter User Administration Different
User Profiles.
If any previous version of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 is already installed, then first
you have to uninstall that one!
Please also refer to the chapters "Updating R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32" and
"Uninstalling R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32".

R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 V10.0 requires an upgrade license for each main

application EMI/EMS/AMS when the existing license is < V9. Thus do not install
V10.0 on your test system PC when this license is not available.
Regarding the upgrade procedure of the iKey please refer to chapter 10.1.


New Installation

All necessary information for the installation and the installation process of R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 are provided by the Autostart program on the R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 CD-ROM. Just follow the few easy steps described below and you
will have the software installed on your computer, ready to use.
Start of Installation:
1. Close all running programs.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation

2. Insert the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32-CD into your CD-ROM drive. If Autorun is

enabled on your system, the installation starts automatically and you can skip steps 3
and 4.
3. From the Start menu, select Run.
4. Type D:\ShowAutoStart.bat (substitute the correct letter of your CD-ROM drive for
5. Click on the Install EMC/AMS/WMS32 Software button and follow the instructions
on the screen (read the license agreement, enter your name and company name).
6. The installation program prompts you to select the product which you want to install.

R&S EMC32 EMC Measurement Software:

R&S EMC application with EMI and/or EMS section will be installed
R&S AMS32 OTA Measurement Software:
R&S AMS32 OTA measurement software will be installed.
R&S WMS32 Wireless Measurement Software:
R&S WMS32 Wireless Measurement Software (TS8997) will be installed.

If you are updating from a previous version > V6.10.20, this dialog will not appear
since the setup program has stored your settings in the registry. These settings will
appear in the next step as default selection.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation

7. Select R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Software and click on the Next> button. In this step
you must select the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 main applications and the options you
want to install. Click on the disk drive or X symbol ( ) to either select an option for
installation or remove an option. If you select a main application you can change the
installation path for the executables by clicking on the Change button (refer to
Installation Fundamentals for further information).
If you are upgrading from a version < V9.x please refer to the 'Product Cross
Reference Table' in the chapter Upgrading R&S EMC/AMS32 for further information
about which R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 options correspond to your product.

8. Click on the Next> button and change the path for the installation of the R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 data (refer to Installation Fundamentals for further information).
In case of an upgrade, use the path where your R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 data is

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation

When installing on Microsoft Windows 7 the default data folder path will be set to the
system common application data path (for example C:\ProgramData\EMC32 on
Windows 7).
By default this folder is not shown in the Windows 7/8/10 file explorer, so
changing the path to C:\EMC32 may be useful. Take also in mind that this path
later contains all your configuration and test result data for backup purpose.

9. Click on the Next> button and start the installation process.

10. On a successful installation you will receive a confirmation which you can close by
clicking on the Finish button.
11. Alternatively the installation process may be started directly via the command
D:\SETUP.EXE (substitute the correct letter of your CD-ROM drive for D:).
12. After the completion of the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 main installation the appropriate
device drivers have to be installed (e.g. NI-GPIB, VXI Plug & Play or USB driver). For
this purpose the EMC32 Driver Installer Tool may be started immediately by ticking
the Run Installer for required drivers (VXI, USB) option. Refer to the next chapter for
further information on this tool.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation

Please note that for each R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 application or option an iKey
must be available. Otherwise the software can only be operated in demo mode,
which means that no devices can be addressed and measurements are only
performed in a simulation mode. For demonstration purposes you can use this
feature of the software


Driver Installer Tool

The R&S Driver Installer Tool is a utility program which allows to install all required USB,
VXI plug&play and other device drivers in a sequence. The Driver Installer Tool may be
started either immediately after the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 installation or via the entry
in the Rohde & Schwarz program group.
The driver installer tool runs the setup programs from the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 CDROM root folder which may have to be adapted if the CD-ROM image location was
changed after the initial installation. Before running the installation ticks the device
drivers which are required for the devices in your system. For further information on the
supported devices by R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 and the required drivers please refer to
the list of supported devices in the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 CD Auto Start program on

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation

If you update R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 the R&S Driver Installer Tool will check for
installed drivers and thus selects only drivers with older versions installed for updating.
If you add a new device to the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 device list which
requires a VXI driver you may optionally start the Driver Installer Tool in R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 from the driver missing warning dialog.
If you run an update of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 it may be required to update
the drivers as well. Thus you see the new version of the driver delivered with
this R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 release in the appropriate column of the driver
installer tool.
Some driver may need a Windows restart after installation is completed. In this
case you either should postpone the Windows restart action or you must
resume the driver installation after this driver manually.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Software Installation


Network Installation Tips

Typically the installation of the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 application software should be

done in the Program Files folder of your local hard disk. But it is possible to place the
R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 data folder on a network server. Hereby it should be
guaranteed that an appropriate network speed is available. Otherwise performance
problems in R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 may appear.
Hence you should first install R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 on your local hard disk as
described above (administrator rights will be required). After this step you can move the
paths of the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 folders onto the network server. For more details
about this item please refer to the chapter OPTIONS File Location in the R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 Online Help.
It is required that you have read / write access on the corresponding network drive.
If you are not sure about any of the options, have your system administrator help you
with installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32.


R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Backup

The data backup of the measurement data as well as the system configuration is
recommended cyclically. Hereby all selected R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 files are written
into a compressed file in the ZIP format.
R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 therefore provides a utility function which allows to backup or a
restore the complete system configuration and measurement results. The backup /
restore dialog is opened via File Backup/Restore.
For more details about this item please refer to the chapter Backup and Restore Data
and Configuration in the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Online Help.

You can archive (or move) either individual files or complete tests out of these
directories. These files and tests will no longer be accessible by R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32. Moving of important calibration or configuration files may also
prevent other tests from being opened or started. For detailed information on the
file structure of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 refer to the appropriate section of the
R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 online help.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Installing R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

iKey Software Protection


iKey Software Protection

R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 is copy protected by a hardlock iKey that contains the license
information. Before running R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 with devices, the iKey driver must
be installed and the iKey itself be connected to the PC.
The installation of the iKey software is easily started via the R&S Driver Installer Tool
(refer to the previous chapters).
Follow the instructions in the setup program. You may need to restart your computer or
connect the iKey to a free USB port of your PC during the installation.
You can check the correct functionality of the iKey as follows:
After restarting the computer a utility program appears in the task list called iKey Token
Utility with which you can check whether the iKey can be detected by the driver. By
double clicking on that icon the program is started and the following dialog appears on
the screen. If the serial number of the iKey is displayed here, the iKey has been
detected correctly.

Figure 3-1 iKey Token Utility Program Dialog

Make sure that the USB interface is activated in the BIOS settings of your
computer. The standard installation only supports up to 4 iKeys to be connected
at once. Use the EMC32 iKey Merge Tool (refer to chapter below) to add R&S
EMC32-Kxx options to a EMC32-E/-S main license key in order to reduce the
number of iKeys required to run R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32. Disable Windows
energy saving modes since the communication between a running R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 will be lost after re-starting the PC.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Starting the program

iKey Software Protection

Starting the program

Once the installation of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 is finished, an R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

icon is displayed on your desktop. Simply double-click it to run the program. You may
also start the program from the Start button on your Windows desktop.
To launch the program using the Start button:
1. Click the Start button on your desktop.
2. Select Programs Rohde & Schwarz EMC32 EMC32 or Programs
Rohde & Schwarz AMS32 AMS32.
Selection of the User Interface Language:
The user interface language of the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 can be changed in the R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 via the dialog Extras Language... The new language will be
activated after a re-start of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

R&S EMC32 Configuration

iKey Software Protection

R&S EMC32 Configuration

Before running a measurement with R&S EMC32 the software must be adapted to your
system, i.e. you must tell the application which measurement devices are available,
through which interfaces these devices may be addressed, how the devices are
connected with each other and how a test using this devices should be performed.
A Configuration Wizard is available in R&S EMC32 which determines the
measurement categories and the measurement instruments available in the system
through user queries. Using this information the configuration wizard creates a standard
configuration for your system. Correction tables and test templates will also be copied
into the appropriate directories. After this step R&S EMC32 is ready to run the first
demo measurement.
Before the first start of a real EUT measurement the appropriate calibration data
for the antennas/transducers and the signal paths have to be entered or calibrated
(for more information on this subject refers to the chapter system calibration in
the online help).
To run the Configuration Wizard perform the following steps:
1. Run R&S EMC32 as described in the previous chapter.
2. If the start dialog is activated you will find a symbol there to start the configuration

Figure 5-1 Start Dialog of R&S EMC32

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

R&S EMC32 Configuration

iKey Software Protection

3. You may also start the wizard via the menu entry:
Extras Wizards Configuration Wizard.
4. The following dialog will appear which contains a tab for EMI and/or EMS, depending
on the installed main applications.
5. In the first step, select the measurement category: radiated and/or conducted.
6. In the next step you select the device type which is available in your system for each
device class, and set the appropriate interface or interface address.
7. After you have completed all your inputs, you may start the configuration process by
clicking the button Finish.

Figure 5-2 Dialog of the Configuration Wizard (EMI and EMS tab index)

The R&S EMC32 software is now ready for the first start of a demo
measurement. Before the first EUT measurement can be performed, a
calibration of the signal paths and the input of the antenna and transducer
calibration data may be required.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

R&S AMS32 Configuration

iKey Software Protection

R&S AMS32 Configuration

Before running a measurement with R&S AMS32 the software must be adapted to your
system, i.e. you must define the available measurement devices, through which
interfaces these devices may be addressed, how the devices are connected with each
other and how a test using this devices should be performed.
After the first installation of the R&S AMS32 the data base is empty. For a quick Demo
installation, the CD contains a Standard Data Configuration which have to be copied
to the corresponding directory of the actual R&S AMS32 installation:

Please copy all files of the subdirectories Configuration, Attenuation, OTA

Measurements and OTA Auto Test to the corresponding directories of your actual
installation. When copying the standard data the R&S AMS32 application should be
closed. When starting the R&S AMS32 all the standard data are available.
After this step R&S AMS32 is ready to run the first demo measurement.
Before the first start of a real EUT measurement the appropriate calibration data
for the antennas/transducers and the signal paths have to be entered or calibrated
(for more information on this subject refer to the chapter system calibration in
the online help).
The R&S AMS32 software is now ready for the first start of a demo
measurement. Before the first EUT measurement can be performed, a
calibration of the signal paths and the input of the antenna and transducer
calibration data may be required.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

R&S WMS32 Configuration

iKey Software Protection

R&S WMS32 Configuration

Before running a measurement with R&S WMS32 the software must be adapted to your
system, i.e. you must define the available measurement devices, through which
interfaces these devices may be addressed, how the devices are connected with each
other and how a test using this devices should be performed.
After the first installation of the R&S WMS32 the data base is empty. Refer to the Quick
Guide Installation for the necessary steps to get your TS8997 running. All Quick
Guides, other files and a backup could be found on the system DVD that comes with
your TS8997 or on the R&S TS8997 homepage.
Before the first start of a real DUT measurement the appropriate calibration data
for the cables and the signal paths have to be entered or calibrated (for more
information on this subject refer to the Quick Guide Calibration.
The R&S WMS32 software is now ready for the first start of a demo measurement.
Before the first EUT measurement can be performed, a calibration of the signal paths
and the cables may be required.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Upgrading R&S EMC32 / AMS32

R&S EMC32 Product Cross Reference Table

Upgrading R&S EMC32 / AMS32

For running R&S EMC32 / AMS32 V9/10 you need to upgrade first your base license
iKey EMC32-EB, EMC32-S or AMS32 (from a version < V9) with the appropriate
upgrade options EMC32-U9E, EMC32-U9S or AMS32-U9.
Please contact your sales representative for further information on the upgrade license.


R&S EMC32 Product Cross Reference Table

The following cross reference table shows what R&S EMC32 / AMS32 V9/10
application(s) and option(s) you must install to cover the functionality of a previous
product version.

R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 V9 Product + Options





EMC32-E Plus



EMC32-K7 (optional)


EMC32-K7 (optional)



Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Upgrading R&S EMC32 / AMS32

Migrate R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Folders


Migrate R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Folders

Since R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 allows to fully separating the executable and data folder,
you may want to migrate the data folders to the new R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 data root
folder which has been defined during the setup (refer to the chapter (refer to the chapter
R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 V10.0 requires an upgrade license for each main
application EMI/EMS/AMS when the existing license is < V9. Thus do not install
V10.0 on your test system PC when this license is not available.
Regarding the upgrade procedure of the iKey please refer to chapter 10.1.

New Installation). In that case apply the following steps:

1. Before you uninstall the previous version do a backup of all data folders using the
Backup utility (refer to the chapter R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Backup for further
2. Now upgrade R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 (refer to the chapter Upgrade Procedure for
further information).Upgrade Procedure
3. Run R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 once to complete the setup and close the application.
4. In the data root folder open the file
<data root folder>\Configuration\EMC32.ini with Notepad or any other text editor.
5. Search for the section [SystemPaths] where R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 stores the
path information for all data folder (SYSTEM and TESTS). Change the folder path for
all lines in this section and save the INI file.
6. Run R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 and restore all data using the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32
restore function.
If you use the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 user login or a split R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 configuration with several INI files it will be necessary to do
the adaptation of steps 4 + 5 for each INI file.
Tables=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Tables\
Correction=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Correction Tables\
LimitLines=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Limit Lines\
FreqLists=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Frequency Lists\
Graphic=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Graphic\
HWSetups=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Hardware Setups\

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Upgrading R&S EMC32 / AMS32

Upgrade Procedure

TestTemp=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Test Templates\

CalibTemp=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Calibration Setups\
Icons=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Icons\
Tests=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\Tests\
EutInfos=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\EUT Information\
ReportSetups=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Report Setups\
Reports=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Reports\
RefCalib=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\System\Reference Calibrations\
DeviceList=C:\Program Files\Rohde-Schwarz\EMC32\Execute\Configuration\


Upgrade Procedure


Base License iKey Upgrade

Before starting the upgrade to version 9/10 check that you have the appropriate upgrade
licenses available for your base licenses iKeys as listed in the table below.

R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Upgrade License







Please contact your sales representative for further information on upgrade licenses.
For upgrading the base license iKey please follow the instructions in chapter 10.1. Since
the iKey Merge Tool is required for this action you need first to install R&S
EMC/AMS/WMS32 V9 as described in the next chapter.


Software Upgrade Procedure

If you upgrade the software, the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 system data and test results
will not be deleted the upgrade only replaces the program.
Nevertheless, for the safety of your data we recommend making a backup of all
test and calibration data stored in the EMC32 folder. Use the EMC32 backup /
restore utility for this purpose (refer to R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 Data Backup for
further information).
For updating R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32, perform the following steps (provided that
you have not received other instructions together with the upgrade):

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Upgrading R&S EMC32 / AMS32

Upgrade Procedure

1. Run a backup within R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 to save your existing data.

2. Any uninstalling and reinstalling of the iKey software is not required.
3. Perform the steps 1 10 from the chapter 3.3.1. Use the same installation path as
used by the currently installed R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32. For the selection of the main
applications and options to install refer to chapter 8.1
4. Do not run the configuration wizard after a successful upgrade.
5. Restore any device driver configuration files if you have changed the original files
delivered with the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 setup program.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32 Uninstalling R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

Upgrade Procedure

Uninstalling R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32

To uninstall R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 perform the following steps:

1. From the Start menu, select Settings Control Panel.
2. Double-click on Add/Remove Programs (Software).
3. Click the Install/Uninstall tab.
4. From the list of programs that you can remove, select Rohde & Schwarz EMC32.
5. Click Add/Remove.
6. In the opened Windows Installer Dialog select Remove and confirm that you want to
remove the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 application (follow the instructions when it asks
you to insert the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 installation CD-ROM, or press the Cancel
The uninstall program removes all program files, folders and registry entries which
have been installed during the setup process.
7. When the files have been removed, the uninstall program indicates that the process
is complete. Click on the OK button.
8. Delete the Rohde-Schwarz folder in the Windows Program Files folder using the
Windows File Explorer.
To uninstall iKey software perform the following steps:
9. Exit first the program iKey Token Utility if this is active in the task bar.
10. From the Start menu, select Settings Control Panel.
11. Double-click on Add/Remove Programs (Software).
12. Click the Install/Uninstall tab.
13. Remove the iKey from the USB port.
14. From the list of programs that you can remove, select Safenet iKey Components.
Click Add/Remove.
15. From the list of programs that you can remove, select Safenet iKey Driver. Click

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Using the iKey Merge Tool

Upgrade of the Base License to V9/10


Using the iKey Merge Tool

Upgrade of the Base License to V9/10
For upgrading your base license to version 9/10 you need the base license iKey (e.g.
EMC32-EB), the upgrade license document with the license code (e.g. EMC32-U9E)
and the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 software V9/10 installed on your PC.
Do not remove an iKey or shutdown your PC when the iKey Merge Tool is running
since the contents of the iKeys may be lost. Shut down any running programs.
1. Start the iKey Merge Tool from the R&S EMC32 program group, connect only your
base license iKey and press the Load iKeys button to read data of your connected

2. If the currently connected iKey supports an upgrade to V9/10 the Upgrade to V9

button will be shown.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Using the iKey Merge Tool

Upgrade of the Base License to V9/10

3. The upgrade will be started by pressing the Upgrade to V9 button. A new window
opens where the license code from the license upgrade document U9 has to be
entered. Take care to verify the selected Base License Type.

4. While reprogramming the iKey the actual status is shown in the information window.
When the programming is finished successfully, the U9 option is displayed in the left
window and the tool can be closed with the Exit button.

5. Please keep your upgrade license document as reference.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Using the iKey Merge Tool

Merge Option iKey to a Base License iKey


Merge Option iKey to a Base License iKey

To reduce the number of required iKeys for running R&S EMC32 the iKey Merge Tool
has been installed with R&S EMC32. This tool allows transferring the contents of an
R&S EMC32 option iKey EMC32-Kxx to a main license iKey EMC32-EB or EMC32-S or
vice versa.
Combining an EMC32-EB, EMC32-S or AMS32 iKey is not supported by the
iKey Merge Tool!
For merging an R&S EMC32-Kxx option iKey to an EMC32-EB or S main license iKey
perform the following steps:
Do not remove an iKey or shutdown your PC when the iKey Merge Tool is
running since the contents of the iKeys may be lost. Shut down any running
1. Connect both iKeys to your PC (the source and the target iKey).
2. Click the Start button on your desktop.
3. Select Programs Rohde & Schwarz EMC32 Tools iKey Merge Tool. A
dialog will appear.
4. In the iKey Merge Tool click on the Load iKeys button to read the information stored
on both iKeys.

Figure 10-1 Rohde & Schwarz iKey Merge Tool Program Dialog

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32

Using the iKey Merge Tool

Merge Option iKey to a Base License iKey

5. Select the option you want to transfer in the table of the source iKey and click on the
arrow buttons to move the option to the table of the target iKey.
6. Click on the button to Save Changes to iKeys to start the transfer process.
7. Do not remove any iKey as long as the transfer process is running.
8. Close the program after the transfer is completed.
9. Store the source R&S EMC32 option iKey as a confirmation of your option license.

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R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32


Merge Option iKey to a Base License iKey


Occasionally, users encounter problems during installation. Here are some
troubleshooting tips you can use that may resolve the problem. If you have any further
questions, read the Readme file or contact the Rohde & Schwarz Customer Support.
A "Hibernating" or Standby" mode of Windows may not be supported by the drivers
for the IEEE interface or for the iKey. Therefore to avoid any possible device driver
access errors, such a mode should be deactivated in the Power Control dialog of the
Windows control panel.
Before installation, shut down any running programs, including virus-checking
programs. Usually, virus-checking software has little or no impact on the installation
process; however, if you are running such software and encounter difficulties with
your R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 installation, turning off the virus-checking programs
and then re-installing often solves the problem.
If you receive a message during the installation process that a DLL of Windows is
used and therefore cannot be upgraded, quit this message with OK and the
installation process will be continued (this typically indicates that the latest service
pack is not installed). Usually this has no further influence on a successful installation
Delete any files in your temporary folder. (This folder is determined by the TEMP
environment variable. Usually it is located in C:\TEMP or C:\WINDOWS\TEMP.)
Run a disk scanning utility. Hard drive errors can cause problems with the installation
process. (Some Microsoft Windows systems contain a utility named ScanDisk you
can use. If you have questions about disk scanning utilities, see your system
Copy the R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 setup CD to your hard drive, then run SETUP.EXE
from your hard drive.
Check to make sure there was enough free disk space on your hard drive. (The
setup process should notify you if there is not enough free disk space prior to
Always use in the Regional Options tab-index for Numbers and Currency the
Decimal symbol . instead of ,. Do not use the digit grouping symbol , (use space
character instead).
Virus scan programs with an active real-time scanning process may decrease the
performance of R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32. If possible deactivate this process or
exclude R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 files from this process.
During the installation R&S EMC/AMS/WMS32 requires full access to the Windows
registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Rohde & Schwarz.

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11


R&S EMC32, R&S AMS32, R&S WMS32




Administration .......................................... 8
Autostart ................................................ 10
Installation .......................................... 10
Standard Data .................................... 20
Wizard ................................................ 18
Backup ............................................... 15
Security ................................................ 8
Data Folder ............................................ 12
iKey ........................................................ 16
Merge Tool ......................................... 27
Drivers ................................................ 13
Folder ................................................... 8
Fundamentals....................................... 8
Hardware............................................ 16
Network .............................................. 15

Installation Manual 1144.5428.42 - 11

Software ............................................... 9
Language ............................................... 17
Newsletter Service ................................... 6
Online Help ............................................ 17
R&S AMS32 Configuration ..................... 20
R&S EMC32 Configuration .................... 18
R&S EMC32 Cross Reference Table ..... 22
R&S WMS32 Configuration .................... 21
Starting the program .............................. 17
Support .................................................... 5
System Requirements .............................. 7
Troubleshooting ..................................... 31
Uninstalling ............................................ 26
Update ................................................... 22
Update Manager ...................................... 7
Upgrade ................................................. 22
Procedure .......................................... 24
Wizard ................................................... 18


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