JNK Research Paper in Multiple Myeloma
JNK Research Paper in Multiple Myeloma
JNK Research Paper in Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a neoplasm of terminally differentiated
B cells, characterized by accumulation of clonal, long-lived plasma
cells in the bone marrow (BM) as well as extramedullary sites.1
Despite the signicant progress that has been made in the
identication of deregulated pathways, MM remains incurable.
Further understanding of the biology of this disease is therefore
needed to develop more effective therapies.2,3
Notable characteristics of myeloma cells include a low
proliferative capacity and a weak apoptotic index in vivo.1,2
Thus, pro-survival mechanisms have central roles in the
accumulation of the malignant clone in MM.2,4,5 Among the
signaling pathways involved in the regulation of cell survival are
members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family,
which includes three members: extracellular-regulated kinase
(ERK1/2), Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38-MAPK signaling.68
Although the functions of ERK1/2 and p38-MAPK in MM have
been dened in recent studies,9,10 the role of JNK in the
pathogenesis of the disease is unclear.
Signaling via JNK has key roles in induction of apoptosis, cell
proliferation, transformation and survival through the phosphorylation and regulation of its substrates.11 As these cellular
responses are important in tumorigenesis, JNK signaling has
Section of Inammation and Signal Transduction, Department of Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK; 2Cell signalling and Cancer Laboratory, Institute of Hepatology,
Foundation for Liver Research, London, UK; 3Centre for Haematology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College, London, UK; 4Department of Histopathology,
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College, London, UK and 5British Heart Foundation Vascular Sciences Unit, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust and Imperial College, London, UK. Correspondence: Dr S Papa, Cell signalling and Cancer Laboratory, Institute of Hepatology, Foundation for Liver Research,
69-75 Chenies Mews, London WC1E 6HX, UK or Dr C Bubici, Section of Inammation and Signal Transduction, Deparment of Medicine, Imperial College London, Commonwealth
Building R10.N6, Du Cane Road, London W12 0NN, UK.
E-mail: s.papa@researchinliver.org.uk or c.bubici@imperial.ac.uk
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 8 May 2012; revised 31 July 2012; accepted 9 August 2012; published online 8 October 2012
inhibitor, SP600125, induces growth arrest in MM cell lines.24
However, the individual contribution of JNK1 and JNK2 to the
pathogenesis of MM is not known due to the lack of chemical
inhibitors specic for each JNK protein.28
Here we show that JNK2 is constitutively active in myeloma
cells, and inhibits the pro-apoptotic activity of JNK1 through
effects on poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)14, thus promoting
survival in myeloma cells. PARP14, a member of the macro-PARP
subfamily of PARP proteins, is an ADP ribosyltransferase that
transduces survival signals in murine primary B cells by regulating
expression of B-cell survival factors as well as by repressing an
apoptotic program involving caspases.29,30 In the mouse, PARP14
has been shown to facilitate B-lymphoid oncogenesis driven by
oncogenic c-Myc.31 However, the mechanisms underlying the
survival function of PARP14 have not been previously investigated
in MM or other types of human cancer.
We demonstrate that PARP14 acts as a physiological downstream effector of the JNK2-dependent pro-survival signal by
binding to JNK1 and inhibiting its activity. We also nd that
expression of PARP14 correlates with disease progression and
poor prognosis in MM. Therefore, this study describes a novel
regulatory pathway in myeloma cells through which JNK2
promotes survival and suggests that selective inhibition of PARP14
might be of therapeutic value.
JNK2 is constitutively active in myeloma cells
Activation of JNK in BM trephine biopsies from four patients with
newly diagnosed MM was assessed by immunohistochemistry
using an antibody that recognizes both phospho-active JNK1 and
JNK2 (p-JNK). All myeloma cells showed strong nuclear staining for
p-JNK in all the samples examined. In contrast, no p-JNK staining
was detectable in the normal plasma cells in tonsillar samples
(n 3) (Figure 1a). Consistently, analysis of JNK activation by
immunoblotting in six additional MM cases showed considerable
increase of p-JNK in BM plasma cells (selected as CD138
CD38hiCD45low/ )32 in ve out of six cases compared with normal
B cells (Figure 1b, left). Interestingly, we also observed that
intensity of p-JNK2 (p-p54, which is the prominent spliced form of
JNK2) was signicantly higher than p-JNK1 (p-p46, the prominent
spliced form of JNK1)11 (Figure 1b, right), indicating that JNK2
activity was increased in myeloma plasma cells. Increased levels of
p-JNK2 were also found in a panel of MM cell lines compared with
p-JNK1 (Figure 1c). The differences in the levels of p-JNK2 versus
p-JNK1 in MM cell lines and primary tumors were not due to
differential protein expression (Figures 1b and c). Further
validation was obtained using a JNK2 kinase assay. A dramatically
elevated JNK2 activity was detected in MM cell lines, whereas
normal B cells lacked a comparable JNK2 activity (Figure 1c). In
contrast, JNK1 kinase assay showed that JNK1 activity was nearly
undetectable in all MM cells tested, and comparable to that found
in normal B cells (Figure 1c). These data indicate that JNK2 is
constitutively activated in myeloma plasma cells.
To establish the function of constitutive JNK2 activity in
myeloma cells, expression of JNK2 was knocked down in the
human MM cell line, RPMI-8226, using JNK2-specic shRNA
lentiviruses. We used the pLL3.7 lentiviral vector to expresses
JNK2 shRNA (shJNK2) together with GFP in a bicistronic
fashion.33,34 Lentiviruses expressing JNK1 shRNA (shJNK1) or
non-specic shRNA (shNS) were used as controls. Knockdown
was specic, as shRNAs did not affect expression of other related
MAPK proteins (ERK1/2 and p38), as veried by western blots (WB)
(Figure 1d). As shown in Figure 1e, shJNK2 expression caused a
progressive reduction of the GFP-positive cells over time
compared with shJNK1 or shNS, despite the three lentiviruses
each yielding GFP-positive cells in RPMI-8226 cells with
Oncogene (2013) 4231 4242
Figure 1. JNK2 is constitutively activated in MM primary tumors and cell lines and targeting JNK2 results in MM cell death. (a) Immunohistochemical
analysis of phospho-JNK (p-JNK) expression in BM biopsies of newly diagnosed MM patients (Pt 4) and normal tonsillar samples (n 3).
Representative sections are shown. Positive staining for p-JNK is demonstrated in myeloma plasma cells (white arrowheads) by brown nuclear signal.
Positivity for p-JNK is completely absent in normal plasma cells (black arrowheads) in the tonsillar sample. Images are showing 600 magnification.
(b) WBs (left) with antibodies against phosphorylated or total JNK1 and JNK2 showing increased expression of p-JNK in CD138-purified myeloma
from six additional newly diagnosed patients with MM (Pt. 510) compared with normal B cells isolated from human peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (PBMCs) of three healthy donors. Right, densitometry analysis of p-p54 and p-p46 bands versus total JNK2p54 and JNK1p46, respectively.
Intensity of p-p54 (p-JNK2) is significantly higher than p-p46 (p-JNK1). The two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare expression of
p-p54 and p-p46 in CD138-purified myeloma cells from MM patients. Each symbol represents an individual patient; horizontal lines indicate the
median. (c) WBs showing increased expression of p-JNK in a collection of human MM cell lines compared with normal B cells, and increased levels of
p-p54 (p-JNK2) compared with p-p46 (p-JNK1). In-vitro kinase assays (K.A.) with GST-c-Jun as substrate showing JNK1 and JNK2 activities in
indicated MM cell lines and normal B cells. Total JNK1 and JNK2, and b-actin were used as loading control. (d) WBs with antibodies against both
spliced variants of JNK1 (JNK1p46, JNK1p54) and JNK2 (JNK2p46 and JNK2p54) showing the knockdown of either JNK1 or JNK2 proteins in RPMI8226 cells infected with lentiviruses expressing JNK1, JNK2, but not control (lane NS), shRNA. Total p38, ERK1/2 and b-actin were used as loading
control. (e, f) Analysis of GFP expression in RPMI-8226 MM and BJAB BL cells infected as in d showing a reduction of GFP-positive cells over time
in RPMI-8226 shJNK2 cells, but not in shJNK1, control or BJAB cells. Proportion of GFP-positive cells were assessed at indicated times and
expressed relative to the proportion on day 2 after infection. Values are the means.d. of three independent cultures. (g) JNK1 and JNK2 levels
were assessed by WB in BJAB cells infected as in f. A full colour version of this figure is available at the Oncogene journal online.
& 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Figure 2. JNK2 promotes MM cell survival by suppressing JNK1-mediated apoptosis. (a) RPMI-8226 and MM1.S MM cell lines and BJAB cells
were infected with lentiviruses expressing JNK1, JNK2 or control non-specific (NS) shRNA, and after the times indicated, stained with PI and
analyzed by FCM. Shown is the percentage of apoptotic cells in the population (sub-G1 DNA content). Values are the meanss.d. of three
independent experiments. (b) Human myeloma JJN3 cells were infected as described in (a), and 6 days after infection the percentage of
AnnexinV cells showing either AnnexinV /7AAD (early apoptosis) and AnnexinV /7AAD (late apoptosis) was assayed by FCM using
AnnexinV/7AAD staining. Data are expressed as means.d. of three separate experiments. (c) WBs, in-vitro JNK1 and JNK2 kinase assay (K.A.)
of lysates from RPMI-8226 and JJN3 cells infected as in (a) for 8 or 10 days, respectively, showing cleavage of caspases and PARP1 as well as
activation of JNK1 and JNK2 using the indicated antibodies and GST-c-Jun as substrate, respectively. Closed and open arrowheads indicate
the pro-cleaved and cleaved (active) products of the indicated proteins, respectively. Activation of p38 and ERK1/2 were analyzed by
immunoblotting with the indicated phospho-specific (p) antibodies. b-actin was used as loading control. (d, e) Co-silencing of JNK1 and JNK2
rescues MM cells from apoptosis induced by JNK2 depletion. RPMI-8226, MM1.S and JJN3 cells were infected with lentiviruses expressing JNK2
shRNA or JNK1/JNK2 shRNA (that is, silencing simultaneously both proteins), and the percentage of sub-G1 population and AnnexinV cells
were determined by FCM at day 6, 10 or 8 of infection. (f ) WBs of extracts from MM cells used in d and e showing levels of cleaved-active
caspase-3 (Cl. caspase-3) and total JNK1/JNK2. b-actin was used as loading control. Representative results from at least three experiments are
Figure 3. PARP14 is overexpressed in MM cells, and its expression correlates with disease progression and depends on JNK2. (a) WBs showing
a reduction of PARP14 levels in MM cells (RPMI-8226, MM1.S and JJN3) but not in BJAB cells infected with lentiviruses expressing JNK2 shRNA
compared with JNK1 shRNA or control NS shRNA. PARP9 and b-actin levels were analyzed with appropriate antibodies as controls.
(b) Immunohistochemical analysis of PARP14 expression in BM biopsies of newly diagnosed MM patients (Pt 4) and normal tonsillar samples
(n 3). Representative sections are shown. Positive staining for PARP14 is demonstrated in myeloma plasma cells (white arrowheads) by
brown nuclear signal. Positivity for PARP14 is completely absent in plasma cells (black arrowheads) in the tonsillar sample. Images are showing
600 magnification. (c) WBs showing PARP14 expression in CD138 -selected cells from the BM aspirates of six additional MM patients
(Pt. 510) and B cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of three healthy donors as well as indicated MM and BL cell lines.
b-actin was used as loading control. (d, left) Gene-expression analysis of PARP14 from oligonucleotide microarray data GSE2658 and GSE5900
(Zhan et al.39,40) showing significantly higher expression of PARP14 transcripts (log2 transformed, median-centered values) in MM plasma cells
(n 414) compared with normal BM (n 22) or monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) (n 44) plasma cells (Po0.0001,
nonparametric KruskalWallis one-way analysis of variance; *Po0.05 and ***Po0.001, Dunns multiple comparison post-hoc tests). For each
box plot, the whiskers represent the 2.597.5th percentile range of values, the lower and up boundaries denote the 25th and the 75th
percentile of each data set, respectively, and the horizontal line represents the median value for each group. (d, right) Gene-expression
profiling of PARP14 from oligonucleotide microarray data GSE12453 (Brune et al.41) showing no significant differences of PARP14 transcripts
levels between normal purified tonsillar germinal center B cells (centrocytes and centroblasts) (n 5) and Burkitts lymphoma (BL) cases (n 5)
(P 0.1013, nonparametric KruskalWallis one-way analysis of variance). The horizontal line indicates the mean. A full colour version of this
figure is available at the Oncogene journal online.
(Figure 3b), conrming that JNK2-independent mechanisms of
regulation exist. To gain additional clinical insights, we examined
the expression of PARP14 transcripts in MM and BL using publicly
available gene-expression data sets.3941 We observed that
PARP14 expression signicantly increases in MM plasma cells
compared with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
signicance (MGUS) or normal BM plasma cells, indicating a
positive correlation between PARP14 expression and disease
progression (Figure 3d, left). In contrast, no signicant differences
were observed between normal germinal center B cells and BL
cases (Figure 3d, right).
Knockdown of PARP14 induces apoptosis
We next asked if PARP14, like JNK2, is required for MM cell
survival. As with JNK2, depletion of PARP14 by shRNA (shPARP14)
induced apoptosis (Figures 4ac). Silencing was specic, as
shPARP14 did not affect expression of PARP9 (Figure 4d). The
impact of PARP14 knockdown in two additional MM cell lines,
OPM-2 and KMS12-BM, was monitored by the progressive
disappearance of GFP-positive cells in shPARP14-infected cells
(Figure 4e). Interestingly, PARP14 knockdown markedly increased
JNK1 activity with magnitude similar to JNK2 knockdown,
indicating that PARP14 is required for JNK1 inhibition (Figure 4c,
Supplementary Figure S2A). This effect of PARP14 knockdown was
specic, as p38 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation/activation was
comparable in shNS- and shPARP14-infected cells (Supplementary Figure S2B). Similarly, JNK1 activation and a dose-dependent
apoptosis were also induced by the pan-PARP inhibitor
PJ-34, which has been previously used to examine PARP14
function (Supplementary Figures S2C,D).29,30,42 Notably, PARP14
knockdown did not affect survival of BJAB cells (Figures 4a and c),
despite these cells exhibit high PARP14 protein levels (Figure 3c)
that were effectively knocked down (Figure 4d), in accordance
with their insensitivity to JNK2 depletion (see Figures 1f and 2a).
Together, these data indicate that knockdown of PARP14
resembles JNK2 knockdown, and suggest that JNK2 may mediate
MM cell survival by regulating the levels of PARP14.
PARP14 mediates survival signaling by JNK2
To test directly the role of PARP14 in JNK2-mediated survival in
MM, we examined the effects of ectopic expression of PARP14 in
JNK2-depleted cells using the lentiviral expression vector, pWPI.34
Because the large size of the PARP14 ORF precluded efcient
packaging of lentivirus particles, we generated PARP14(DN553), a
truncated form of PARP14 that has previously been found to
mimic its physiological functions (Figure 5a).29 We tested whether
apoptosis caused by JNK2 knockdown could be reversed by
ectopic expression of PARP14(DN553). RPMI-8226 cells infected
with either PARP14(DN553) or empty pWPI lentiviruses were
double infected with shJNK2 lentivirus. PARP14(DN553) overexpression was conrmed by WB (Figure 5b). Of note in
PARP14(DN553)-overexpressing cells, levels of total PARP14
(endogenous plus exogenous) were comparable to those in
control cells (Figure 5b; compare lane 1 with lane 3). As shown in
Figure 5c (left panel), apoptosis induced by JNK2 knockdown was
completely reversed by PARP14(DN553) overexpression in RPMI8226 cells. Notably, the protective efcacy of PARP14(DN553)
overexpression against this killing was comparable to that of
control shNS-infected cells (see Figure 2a), whereas pWPI
expression afforded no protection to apoptotic shJNK2-infected
cells. Similar results were observed in additional MM cells (Figures
5c and d and data not shown). Remarkably, ectopic expression of
PARP14(DN553) suppressed JNK1 activity in JNK2-depleted cells
(Figure 5b; JNK1 K.A.). These results show that restoration of
PARP14 expression rescues the apoptotic phenotype in myeloma
cells caused by JNK2 depletion.
Oncogene (2013) 4231 4242
Figure 4. PARP14 expression is required for survival of MM cells. (a) RPMI-8226, MM1.S and BJAB cells were infected with lentiviruses
expressing PARP14 or control NS shRNA, and after the times indicated, stained with PI and analyzed by FCM. Shown is the percentage
of apoptotic cells in the population (sub-G1 DNA content). Values are the meanss.d. of three independent experiments. (b) JJN3 cells were
infected as described in (a), and the percentage of AnnexinV cells showing either AnnexinV /7AAD (early apoptosis) and
AnnexinV /7AAD (late apoptosis) was assayed by FCM using AnnexinV/7AAD staining. Data are expressed as means.d. of three separate
experiments. (c) WBs and in-vitro JNK1 kinase assay (K.A) of lysates from RPMI-8226, JJN3 and BJAB cells infected as in a and b for 10 days,
showing cleavage of indicated caspases and PARP1 as well as activation of JNK1 using the indicated antibodies and GST-c-Jun as substrate,
respectively. Closed and open arrowheads indicate the pro-cleaved and cleaved (active) products of the indicated proteins, respectively.
b-actin was used as loading control. (d) WBs showing the knockdown of PARP14 levels in indicated MM cell lines and BJAB cells infected with
lentiviruses expressing PARP14, but not control (lane NS), shRNA. PARP9 and b-actin were used as loading control. (e) Analysis of GFP
expression in OPM2 and KMS12-BM infected as in d showing a depletion of GFP-positive cells over time in shPARP14 cells, but not in control
cells. Proportion of GFP-positive cells were assessed at indicated times and expressed relative to the proportion on day 4 after infection.
A representative experiment out of three is shown.
Figure 5. PARP14 suppresses JNK1-mediated apoptosis in JNK2-depleted cells. (a) Schematic representation of full-length (FL) (amino-acid
residues 1 to 1801) FLAG-tagged PARP14 (FLAG-PARP14 (FL)) and the C-terminal fragments of PARP14, FLAG-PARP14(DN553) and FLAGPARP14(DN1470), used in complementary and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. The three macro domains (Macro), the PARP-domain and
the proteinprotein interaction domain WWE are indicated. (b) Representative WBs showing ectopic expression of FLAG-PARP14(DN553) in
RPMI-8226 cells infected with lentiviruses expressing FLAG-PARP14(DN553) or empty virus (pWPI), and then double infected with lentiviruses
expressing JNK2 shRNA. Endogenous (FL) and exogenous PARP14 (FLAG-PARP14(DN553)) are indicated. Kinase assays (K.A.) showing inhibition
of JNK1 activity in the same RPMI-8226-infected cells. GST-c-Jun was used as substrate. Total JNK1/2 and b-actin was used as loading control.
(c, d) Ectopically expressed FLAG-PARP14(DN553) rescues JNK2-depleted cells from apoptosis. Myeloma cell lines were infected as in b, and
apoptosis was assessed by FCM using PI (c) or AnnexinV/7AAD staining (d). Shown are bar graphs representing the mean (s.d.) percentage
of apoptotic cells in the population (sub-G1 DNA content or AnnexinV cells) in three independent experiments.
The identication of pathways that govern survival of myeloma
plasma cells is of great interest for possible therapeutic applications, as deregulated survival is a key feature of myelomagenesis.1,2,4
In this study, we show that JNK2 is a master regulator of survival
of myeloma cells, and dene a new regulatory pathway linking
JNK2 to JNK1 through regulation of a novel survival factor of
B-lineage cells, PARP14.30 Moreover, we report for the rst time a
correlation of PARP14 expression with tumor survival and
progression in MM.
Elevated activity of p-JNK was found in myeloma plasma cells in
all the BM trephine biopsies of newly diagnosed MM patients
tested, but was nearly undetectable in normal plasma cells in
the tonsillar samples. This basal JNK activity in myeloma plasma
cells exhibits exclusive nuclear localization, which is consistent
with published reports demonstrating the accumulation of p-JNK
in the nucleus of cancer cells.18,23 Unlike JNK1, JNK2 has autophosphorylation activity that leads to its constitutive activation
in several tumor cell types.16,18,44 Consistent with this, we found
that the major JNK protein that is phosphorylated in MM cell
Oncogene (2013) 4231 4242
Figure 7. PARP14 inhibition enhances cytotoxicity of anti-myeloma agents. (a) High PARP14 expression significantly correlates with
poor survival outcomes post therapy. Shown are the KaplanMeier overall survival (OS) curves of MM patients treated with total therapy 3
(TT3) according to PARP14 expression above or below the median value of 1082 based on a data set GSE2658 (Zhan et al.39,40) (P 0.0202).
(b) RPMI-8226 and MM1.S viability, as assessed by MTT assay, 48 h after treatment with dexamethasone (Dex) [5 mM or 10 mM], PJ-34 [50 mM],
or both in combination, is shown. Values are the means.d. of triplicate cultures. *Po0.05, **Po0.01 and ***Po0.001, two-tailed t-tests.
(c) MM1.S were infected with the indicated lentiviruses and treated with dexamethasone [10 mM]. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay at
48 h after treatment. Values are the means.d. of triplicate cultures. **Po0.01 and ***Po0.001, two-way ANOVA with Bonferronis post-hoc
tests. (d) MM1.S infected with lentiviruses expressing FLAG-PARP14(DN553) or empty virus (pWPI) were cultured for 48 h with dexamethasone
[5 mM or 10 mM] alone or in combination with PJ-34 [50 mM]. The bar graphs show the percentage of apoptotic cells in the population (sub-G1
DNA content) analyzed by FCM. Values are the means.d. of triplicate cultures. ***Po0.001, two-way ANOVA with Bonferronis post-hoc tests.
(e) MM1.S were infected as in c and then treated with bortezomib (Bortez) [5 nM]. Cell viability was measured by MTT assay at 24 h after
treatment. Values are the means.d. of triplicate cultures. ***Po0.001, two-way ANOVA with Bonferronis post-hoc tests. (f ) MM1.S were
infected as in c and then treated with thalidomide (Thal) (25 mg/ml), lenalidomide (Len) [1 mM] or left untreated for 72 h. Cell viability
was measured by MTT assay. Values are the means.d. of triplicate cultures. ***Po0.001, two-way ANOVA with Bonferronis post-hoc tests.
(g) Schematic model for JNK2-dependent myeloma cell survival. JNK2 suppresses basal apoptosis in myeloma cells via PARP14. Constitutive
JNK2 activity regulates levels of PARP14, which in turn inhibits JNK1, thereby suppressing the activation of endogenous apoptotic pathways.
Finally, we observed that high PARP14 mRNA expression
correlated with poor survival outcomes in newly diagnosed MM
patients treated with total therapy 3 protocol.39,40 In line with
these clinical observations, we showed that inhibition of PARP14
can cooperate with anti-myeloma agents in inducing more
effective cell death, suggesting that PARP14 could be targeted
to improve anti-MM therapies. Therefore, it will be of interest to
examine the role of PARP14 in development of drug resistance.
In summary, we identify a novel pathway whereby constitutively active JNK2 promotes survival via PARP14, which in turn
associates with JNK1 and inhibits its kinase activity; this inhibition
is crucial for the suppression of basal apoptosis in myeloma cells
(Figure 7g). Our ndings dene for the rst time the individual role
of JNK1 and JNK2 in MM and demonstrate that PARP14 is a novel
physiological downstream effector of JNK2, thus expanding the
number of specic targets downstream of JNK2. These results may
open new avenues for therapeutic intervention in MM.
Patient samples
After approval from the Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust Research Ethics
Committee and informed consent according to the Declaration of Helsinki,
BM samples were obtained from patients with MM undergoing routine
diagnostic procedure.
Mononuclear cells were isolated from BM aspirates by Ficoll gradient
centrifugation, and primary CD138 MM cells were positively sorted using
CD138-conjugated magnetic beads (Miltenyi-Biotec, Surrey, UK) as
previously reported.32
Sample preparation was performed as previously described.54 Rabbit antihuman PARP14 and phospho-JNK were used in a dilution of 1:50. The
staining in the myeloma samples was reviewed and scored by a qualied
hematopathologist (K.N.) in a blinded fashion. Stained sections were
analyzed with a light microscope (BX51, Olympus, Hamburg, Germany)
carrying a DP70 digital camera.
Gene-expression proling
Publicly available gene-expression data for a series of MM (GSE2658 and
GSE5900) and BL (GSE12453) primary samples proled on Affymetrix U133
(Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) platforms were downloaded and
analyzed against human PARP14 (probe 224701_at).3941
Statistical analysis
Data are shown as means.d. of three experiments. Statistical signicances of differences were determined using appropriate tests as
described in gure legends. The minimal level of signicance was Po0.05.
The authors declare no conict of interest.
We are grateful to S Chokshi, R Williams and J Dyson for critical comments on the
manuscript. We also thank D Trono (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
Switzerland) for the pWPI lentiviral vector and M Johns (Imperial College) for the
human PARP14 cDNA; H Cooksley, A Riva (Institute of Hepatology), and PM Choy, MH
Lam and V Patel (MSc students) for technical support. GF receives funding from NIH
grants R01 CA084040 and R01 CA098583 and Cancer Research UK grant C26587/
A8839. DOH receives professorial support from the British Heart Foundation. This
study was primarily supported by a research grant from Kay Kendall Leukemia Fund
(KKL443) to CB, and in part by grants from Italian Association for Cancer Research
(Start-up 8557) and the Foundation for Liver Research to S.P.
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