Video Installation Art: The Body, The Image, and The Space-in-Between

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Video Installation Art

The Body, the Image, and the


James Turrel

b. 1943 in Los Angeles

Background in math, perception science and

Quaker/Christian spiritual basis


Pepn Osorio

b. 1955 in Santurce Puerto Rico

Community based art practices in Philadelphia
and New York

Worked as a social worker in the Bronx


Adrian Piper

b. 1948 in New York City

Training in analytical philosophy

Cornered 1988 17min

All you have to do, Piper argues, is to echo or depict
those defensive categorizations as they are, without too
much aesthetic or literary embellishment, in order to
generate a certain degree of self-awareness of how
inadequate and simplistic they are. Hal Foster, et al Art
Since 1900: Vol 2

1945 to the Present.

Video Installation Art: The Body,

The Image, and the Space-inBetween

Ephemeral - 154

Presentation vs. Representation 156, 158

Envelopment of
Viewer 161

The Space-In-Between 163

Museumization - 166

Ephemeral - 154

= lasting for a delimited time period in a particular

the visitor rather than the artist performs the
piece (157) > watching other people experience
the work is part of the work

question of accessibility of installation art, since it is
so temporary and site specific

Presentation vs. Representation 156, 158

Representational = viewer asked to experience
work as signifying something else (not related to
physical space)

Presentational = viewer asked to engage and with
and cocreate a performance in realtime and space

not mutually exclusive coexist in some works

cant transport/package/sell an installation

Envelopment of
Viewer 161

Television imaginary conversation if it were
video art, viewer would be aware of physical space
and television set as object

distinction between envelopment or immersion in
the representation (distraction from surroundings)
and envelopment in the apparatus (awareness of

(closely related to representation vs. presentation)

The Space-In-Between 163

while an installation can be described in 2D forms
the space-in-between is always missing the ART
is no longer present (154)

space itself; space in between visitor and
installation; space in between visitor and visitor;
space you observe between other visitors and
installation; space between artist and installation;
space between artist and visitor?

the space that needs to be filled (with what?) in
order for the artwork to be what it is

Museumization - 166

two interpretations: installation art transforms the
museum as cultural institution; installation art
demonstrates newfound recognition of
presentational forms within traditional ideas of the
museum and art world

questions around art as commodity

Benjamins aura (redux)

What is the politics of valorizing the death of
artworks ritual/authentic quality? This seems deeply
Eurocentric. For colonized cultures access to this
function was forcibly taken away, so you cant say that
technological reproducibility is inherently progress.
(This critique might help us think about the
importance of presence and aura in installation art,
particularly for artists whose perspectives and
experiences have been marginalized or

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