infinitiv lung to go
infinitiv scurt go
infinitiv dezbinat (split infinitive) to honestly admit (folosit pentru a accentua
adverbul de mod)
Adv. de mod
To go
Activa to see
Pasiva to have seen
to have been seen
Simple to speak
Continuous to be speaking
to have been speaking
Infinitivul scurt
Se foloseste dupa:
1. Verbele modale: He may come.
They ought to do it.
2. Verbe de perceptie (see, hear, feel): He saw me leave the room.
3. Verbele: make, let, hope: He made her do it.
4. Had better / best, would rather / sooner: She had best admit her fault.
5. Anumite expresii: go hang, go fetch
Infinitivul lung
!!! La diateza pasiva se foloseste infinitivul lung.
They were heard to sing.
They were let to go.
Se mai foloseste infinitivul lung cu urmatoarele verbe:
To want, desire, forbid, intend, demand, wish
I want [you to understand] the truth.
2. for to + infinitiv
Se foloseste dupa:
adjective ca: necessary, advisable, imperative, impossible, easy, difficult
It is unusual [for him to write such a long letter.]
substantive: problem, idea, subject s.a.
It was madness [for them to leave in such weather.]
verbe: arrange, ask, hope, long, plan, pray, provide, ring, send, telephone,
3. Nominativul + infinitiv
A. Este folosit dupa:
Verbe intranzitive ca: seem, appear, happen, chance, prove, turn out
He appeared to have understood the problem.
A. Verbe urmate de infinitiv: afford, aim, agree, bother (la negativ), care (la
negativ), condescend, consent, endeavour, fail, get (reach the stage of), decide,
demand, determine, hesitate, hope, learn, long, manage, offer, prepare,
presume, pretend, proceed, profess, promise, propose, prove, refuse, resolve,
seek, semm, strive, swear, tend, threaten, trouble (la negativ), try (attempt),
undertake, volunteer, vow (a jura, a se lega)