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The Infinitive

infinitiv lung to go
infinitiv scurt go
infinitiv dezbinat (split infinitive) to honestly admit (folosit pentru a accentua
adverbul de mod)
Adv. de mod


To go


Activa to see
Pasiva to have seen
to have been seen

Simple to speak
Continuous to be speaking
to have been speaking

Present infinitive indica simultaneitatea sau posterioritatea cu actiunea verbului conjugat.

Perfect infinitive indica anterioritate fata de actiunea verbului de conjugat.
Infinitivul poate avea orice functie sintactica.

Subiect: To swim in the sea is pleasant.

It is pleasant to swim in the sea. (IT anticipativ)

Complement direct: She wants to tell us something.

Nume predicativ (predicative): How hard it is to please everybody.

His wish is to win the prize.

Atribut: This is a book to read on holiday.

Complement circumstantial (in engleza = Adverbial Modifier):
I stopped [to tell him the news.]
Adverbial Modifier of Purpose

Infinitivul scurt
Se foloseste dupa:
1. Verbele modale: He may come.
They ought to do it.
2. Verbe de perceptie (see, hear, feel): He saw me leave the room.
3. Verbele: make, let, hope: He made her do it.
4. Had better / best, would rather / sooner: She had best admit her fault.
5. Anumite expresii: go hang, go fetch

Constructii complexe cu infinitivul

1. Acuzativul cu infinitiv (the Accusative + Infinitive)
Subiectul infinitivului este diferit de subiectul verbului conjugat si este in cazul Ac.
Este folosit cu:
Verbele de perceptie hear, feel, notice, perceive, see, watch
I heard [them sing] a song.

Verbele: make, let, have, experience, cause

They let [them go.]

Folosirea infinitivului arata ca actiunea este incheiata.

Infinitivul lung
!!! La diateza pasiva se foloseste infinitivul lung.
They were heard to sing.
They were let to go.
Se mai foloseste infinitivul lung cu urmatoarele verbe:
To want, desire, forbid, intend, demand, wish
I want [you to understand] the truth.

To believe, consider, expect, imagine, know, suppose, think, trust, understand

She imagined [him to be] right.

To allow, command, compel, force, oblige, order, permit, urge, warn

I ordered [him to open] his bag.

To advise, appoint, assist, choose challenge, convince, enable, persuade, send

She advised [me not to leave.]

2. for to + infinitiv
Se foloseste dupa:
adjective ca: necessary, advisable, imperative, impossible, easy, difficult
It is unusual [for him to write such a long letter.]
substantive: problem, idea, subject s.a.
It was madness [for them to leave in such weather.]
verbe: arrange, ask, hope, long, plan, pray, provide, ring, send, telephone,

They arranged [for her to come.]

Functiile sintactice constructiei for to +infinitiv sunt:
a) subiect (in cazul prezentei unui IT anticipativ)
IT is advisable [for him to leave.]
b) nume predicativ:
c) complement direct:

The best thing is [for you to agree with me.]

He wished [for her to come at once.]

d) complement prepozitional (Prepositional Object deletion of the preposition):

I would be delighted [for you to meet Mary.]
e) propozitie subordonata circumstantiala de scop (Adverbial Clause of Purpose):
Ive bought some magazines [for you to read in the train.]
f) Adverbial Clause of Result:
This book is too difficult [for me to read.]

3. Nominativul + infinitiv
A. Este folosit dupa:

Verbe intranzitive ca: seem, appear, happen, chance, prove, turn out
He appeared to have understood the problem.

Verbe declarative la diateza pasiva: say, declare, report, announce

The old man was said to have left.

Be + likely, unlikely, sure, certain, difficult

He is sure to think of every possibility.
Mary is difficult to persuade.

B. Inlocuieste constructia Acuzativ + infinitiv (specifica diatezei active) la diateza

Apare dupa verbele:
See, hear, feel:

She was seen to leave the office.

Think, know, consider, expect, understand, believe, suppose

She is believed to be an excellent actress.

Command, order, allow, let: The boy was allowed to leave.

Cause, make, have, force, compel: He was made to do it.


Alte folosiri ale infinitivului

1. Pentru exprimarea scopului [adesea dupa: in order (not) to, so as (not) to]
He went there to visit her.
so as to visit her.
(in order) not to miss the train.
2. La contragerea unor propozitii subordonate precedate de un cuvant care incepe
cu WHwhat to buy.
She adviced us where to go.
how to do it.
who to look for.
when to come.
4. Acuzativul +infinitiv are funcia sintactic de complement prepoziional,
dup adjective care exptim caliti intelectuale sau morale i sunt urmate de
prepoziia OF:
Exemple: brave, careless, clever, considerate, courageous, cowardly, cruel,
foolish, generous, good, inconsiderate, kind, mean, thoughtful, wicked.
It is very kind of [you to do that.]
It was nice of [Mary to keep the secret.]
5. n propoziii relative contrase (reduced relative clauses):
He was the first [to speak.]
She is the best [to act in that play.]
Here is a pen [to write with.]
6) n construcii absolute (absolute constructions): to tell the truth, to be sure, to
be frank, to say nothing of, to be honest, to be more precise.
To tell the truth, I dont know anything about her.
7) n vorbirea indirect (Indirect Speech) pentru a nlocui imperativul din
vorbirea direct (Direct Speech):
Open the window , he said.
He told me to open the window.
8) Particula TO poate ine locul infinitivului pentru a evita repetiia.
A: Did you visit London?

B: No, I didnt. But Id like to.

Infinitivul scurt Short Infinitive

1) Dup expresiile to do nothing but/except i to do anything but/except.
He does nothing but lie in the sun all day.
2) n construcii eliptice: Why not leave tomorrow?
3) n expresii ca: to let drop, to let fly, to let drive, to let go, to let slip, to hear
tell, to hear say, to make believe, to make do .a.
Before the debates, the manager let drop an interesting, remark
Shell have to make do with less money.

A. Verbe urmate de infinitiv: afford, aim, agree, bother (la negativ), care (la
negativ), condescend, consent, endeavour, fail, get (reach the stage of), decide,
demand, determine, hesitate, hope, learn, long, manage, offer, prepare,
presume, pretend, proceed, profess, promise, propose, prove, refuse, resolve,
seek, semm, strive, swear, tend, threaten, trouble (la negativ), try (attempt),
undertake, volunteer, vow (a jura, a se lega)

verbele: appear, chance, happen, seem pot fi urmate i de o propoziie

introdus prin THAT (that-clause) care are un IT anticipativ cu funcia de subiect.
It appeared to be empty.
It appeared [that somebody had emptied it.]

B. Verbe urmate de construcia Acuzativ+Infinitiv: accustom, aid, appoint,

assist, cause,challenge, command, commission, compel, defy, direct, drive,
empower, enable, encourage, entice (a ispiti, a momi, a amgi), entitle, force,
get (causative), impel, implore, incite, induce, inspire, instruct, invite, lead,
leave, oblige, order, persuade, press, prompt, provoke, remind, require,
stimulate, teach (how to), tell, tempt, trust, warn
The commander ordered [his troops to lay down their arms.]
He persuaded [me do the work again.]
Inf. scurt
Well have to get [someone to repair the door.]
C. Verbe urmate de infinitiv sau gerunziu:
1) verb+inf.
advise, allow, attempt, begin, cease, continue, decline, deserve, disdain, dread,
fear, forbear, forget, go on, neglect, omit, plan, regret, remember, start, try,
2) verb + [acuzativ+inf]:

authorize, forbid, permit, recommend, require, urge

3) fie verb + inf., fie verb + [acuzativ + inf.]:
cant bear, hate, intend, like, loathe, love, need, neglect, prefer
Dup verbe care exprim sentimente sau atitudini (like, love, prefer, hate, loathe,
dread, cant bear) urmeaz:
a) gerunziu dac se vorbete la modul general:
I like looking round antique shops. (generally speaking)
b) infinitiv dac este vorba de o situaie particular, special, singular.
Id like to visit you in your new house when youve settled in.
Dup verbe ca: remember, forget, regret:
a) gerunziu pentru a exprima anterioritatea:
He remembered giving (having given) her the message.
I regret saying that.
b) infinitiv pentru a exprima simultaneitatea:
He remembered to give her the message.
Dup go on:
a) gerunziu - an existing state of afairs
He went on talking.
b) infinitiv a new activity in a chain
He went on to talk to Paul.
Dup try:
a) gerunziu exprim rezultatul sau experiena dup efectuarea unei activiti
Have you ever tried driving in London?
b) infinitiv exprim ideea de posibilitate
You should try to answer all the questions.
Dup need, deserve gerunziul are nelesul unui infinitiv pasiv
My pen needs filling (to be filled).
D. Verbe urmate de Acuzativ + inf. scurt sau Acuzativ + participiu: feel, hear,
notice, observe, perceive, see, sense, watch.
I saw [him enter] the shop. (am vzut ntreaga aciune)
I saw [him entering] the shop. (aciunea era n desfurare cnd am vzut-o)
- causative have: Ill have [the electrician check] it.
- make, let: He made [me do it again.]
My neighbour let [me borrow his car.]
E. Verbe urmate de Acuzativ+to be: understand, acknowlwdge, declare, find,
think, consider, show, assume, reveal, know, discover.
The court declared [the book to be obscene.]
I believe [it to be impossible.]

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