2017 TEST-7 Mains Self Study

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Mains Self Study 2017: Test - 7

October 18, 2016

Answer ALL the following questions in about 200 Words.

1. What do you understand by region? Differentiate between regional planning and regional
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 1
2. Discuss the evolution of atmosphere and hydrosphere. Examine differences between Earths
and Mars atmospheres and comment if Mans desire to colonise Mars is practical or not.
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 2
3. How does earthquake help study the interior of the Earth? Also examine why its necessary to
study earths interior.
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 3
4. Bring about the basic difference between the drift theory and Plate tectonics.
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 4
5. What are the evidences in support of the continental drift theory?
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 5
6. What are metamorphic rocks? Describe the types of metamorphic rock and how are they
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 6
7. Mass movements can be grouped under three major classes: (i) slow movements; (ii) rapid
movements; (iii) landslides. Differentiate between these three. Also examine causes of
landslides in the Western Himalayan region.
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 6
8. Limestones behave differently in humid and arid climates. Why? What is the dominant and
almost exclusive geomorphic process in limestone areas and what are its results?
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 7

9. Why is troposphere the most important of all the layers of the atmosphere? How does climate
change affect atmospheric composition and its dynamics?
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 8
10. How do the latitude and the tilt in the axis of rotation of the earth affect the amount of
radiation received at the earths surface?
Source: Class XI NCERT Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Chapter - 9

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