Whither Stratigraphy - Andrew D.miall
Whither Stratigraphy - Andrew D.miall
Whither Stratigraphy - Andrew D.miall
Sedimentary Geology 100 (1995) 5-20
Whither stratigraphy?
Andrew D. Miall
Department of Geology, Universityof Toronto, TorontoM5S 3BI, Canada
Received 1 February 1995; revised version accepted 12 May 1995
There have been three revolutions in sedimentary geology. The first two began in the 1960s, consisting of the
development of process-response sedimentary models and the application of plate-tectonic concepts to large-scale
aspects of basin analysis. The third revolution, that of sequence stratigraphy, began in the late 1970s and helped to
draw together the main results of the first two: the knowledge of autogenic processes learned through facies analysis,
and the understanding of tectonism implicit in the unravelling of regional plate kinematics. Developments in the use
of seismic-reflection data and the evaluation of a hypothesis of global eustasy provided considerable stimulation for
stratigraphic research.
Current developments in the field of sequence stratigraphy are focusing on three areas. (1) Elaboration of the
sequence-architecture models for various configurations of depositional environment and sea-level history. (2)
Exploration of various mechanisms for sequence generation, especially tectonism and orbital forcing. (3) Attempts to
improve the level of precision in stratigraphic correlation and to refine the geological time scale, as a means to test
the model of global eustasy.
The growth in the power of computers and our knowledge of physical and chemical processes has led to the
evolution of an entirely new way of evaluating earth history, termed quantitative dynamic stratigraphy. Mathematical
modelling and numerical simulation of complex earth processes are now possible, and require the collection and
integration of a wide array of quantitative and qualitative data sets. Applications include the study of the
geodynamic evolution of sedimentary basins, modelling of stratigraphic sequences and global climates, studies of
Milankovitch cycles (cyclostratigraphy) and simulation of fluid flow through porous media. The Global Sedimentary
Geology Program has brought many of these areas of study together in multidisciplinary, global-scale studies of the
sedimentary history of the earth. The results of these studies have wide application to many problems of importance
to the human condition, including the past history of global climate change and other environmental concerns. The
study of stratigraphy is at the centre of the new view of the earth, termed earth-systems science, which views earth as
an 'organic' interaction between the lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
I. Introduction
T h e science o f s t r a t i g r a p h y has u n d e r g o n e
e n o r m o u s c h a n g e s d u r i n g t h e last t h r e e d e c a d e s ,
with an e x p l o s i o n o f k n o w l e d g e r e g a r d i n g t h e
physics a n d c h e m i s t r y o f s e d i m e n t a t i o n a n d t h e
and has resulted in a collection of some 28 regional volumes, 6 volumes of field guides, and
various other products. The European Geotraverse has been a similarly ambitious project
(Blundell et al., 1992). In both cases stratigraphy
and basin analysis form a large part of the research product.
rivers to base-level change and to other influences, such as climate change and tectonism, is
much more complex than had been suggested,
and sequence models for this environment are
therefore still evolving (Miall, 1991; Schumm,
1993; Wescott, 1993; Shanley and McCabe, 1994;
Blum, 1994). Studies of carbonate sedimentation
on continental platforms and slopes show that
carbonate environments respond very differently
to sea-level change than do clastic environments,
and are very sensitive to other controls, such as
changes in water temperature and suspendedsediment concentration. Architectural models
must be adapted, accordingly. In particular, carbonate sedimentation is most active during sealevel highstands, developing thick platform deposits and slope debris aprons (the products of
'highstand shedding'), in contrast to clastic deposits, the thickest accumulations of which are
commonly those deposited on the continental
slope during lowstand (James and Kendall, 1992;
Schlager, 1992). The architectural implications of
erosion and oceanward sediment transport during
falling base level, is also a recent addition to the
body of sequence concepts, leading to modifications in our understanding of the timing of
beach-barrier systems and submarine fans (the
'forced regressions' and 'falling-stage systems
tracts' of Posamentier et al., 1992; Hunt and
Tucker, 1992).
The original sequence models were developed
for extensional continental margins, and it is now
being shown that in other types of tectonic setting, especially foreland basins, sequence architecture and composition are quite different (Swift
et al., 1987; Jordan and Flemings, 1991; Posamentier and Allen, 1993).
the crust u n d e r a continuously applied compressive stress in converging plate environments may
lead to periodic adjustments to the flexural load
in adjacent basins (Peper et al., 1992; Waschbusch
and R o y d e n , 1992), and this may prove to be one
of the most important mechanisms for the develo p m e n t of high-frequency stratigraphic sequences
(those of 104-106-year duration). In fact, the
' n e e d ' for eustasy as a m e c h a n i s m to g e n e r a t e
sequences is receding (e.g., Peper, 1994; Yoshida
et al., in prep.), and this makes global correlation,
as a test of eustasy, even m o r e important.
A t the same time, a rigorous evaluation of
early ideas about orbital forcing--the so-called
Milankovitch effects--has confirmed that the
processes are real (Berger et al., 1984), and much
work on the geological record is d e m o n s t r a t i n g
that sequences in the Milankovitch b a n d have
developed at many times in the geological past
(Fischer, 1986; D e Boer and Smith, 1994). Orbital
forcing profoundly affects climate, and at certain
times climate c h a n g e has been severe e n o u g h to
trigger major episodes of continental glaciation,
Table 1
Stratigraphic cycles and their causes
Type ~'
Probable causes
Major eustatic cycles caused by formation and
breakup of supercontinents.
(1) Eustatic cycles induced by volume changes
in global mid-ocean spreading centres.
(2) Regional extensional downwarp and crustal
mental adjustment and improvement of the architectural model. For example, Hopkins et al. (1991)
used monthly fluid production data to test the
applicability of fluid-flow models to a water-injection production situation in estuarine sandbodies
of the Upper Mannville Sandstone of Alberta.
Blair et al. (1991) examined the flow of pentachlorphenol in groundwaters around a chemical
The value of these different kinds of models is
that they offer the opportunity to vary the input,
to experiment with relationships between the
variables and observe the outcome, lterative experimentation, increasing improvement of the
real-world test data sets, and ever more sophisticated numerical modelling, hold the promise for
orders-of-magnitude improvements in our knowledge about how the earth works. New programs
for inverse modelling are evolving that permit the
iterative adjustment of forward models for the
simulation of specific sets of geological conditions. These promise to provide unique solutions
for complex problems. For example, The longstanding problem of determining the relative importance of variations in subsidence, sediment
supply and sea-level change in the construction of
given basin stratigraphies (Burton et a[., 1987)
may be on the verge of resolution (Lessenger,
1993; T. Cross, pers. commun., 1995).
5. D i s c u s s i o n
bolide impacts and their consequences, culminating in the discovery of a crater in Mexico that
may be the location of the terminal Cretaceous
impact event (Hildebrand et al., 1991).
The nature of m o d e r n stratigraphic data bases,
the research techniques that have evolved, and
the kinds of questions that stratigraphers can now
ask and answer, place stratigraphy at the very
centre of earth-system science, a new, multidisciplinary approach to the study of the earth that
emphasizes " t h e interactions between the different parts of the E a r t h - - t h e atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and the solid E a r t h - - a n d
about the balance in the global environment that
exists as a result of those interactions" (Skinner
and Porter, 1995). In many respects the emergence of the concept of earth-system science is
validating the power of the Gaia hypothesis: the
view of the earth as an 'organic' self-regulating
entity (Schneider and Boston, 1991).
So, whither stratigraphy? The answer at present seems to be an increasing refinement of our
abilities to collect precise data and to integrate it
more effectively based on dynamic models of
sedimentary processes. This will lead to a far
more sophisticated understanding of complex
earth systems, with consequent improvements in
our ability to predict outcomes of importance to
the h u m a n condition. Stratigraphy is no longer
'stamp collecting' but, like the so-called ' h a r d '
physical sciences, now consists of sets of rigorously acquired data and quantitative, testable hypotheses. It has come of age.
Will the earth develop a runaway greenhouse
effect? Will we run out of nonrenewable energy?
Can toxic waste dumps and poisonous landfills be
cleaned up? How did life really begin? What is
the danger of another bolide impact of the magnitude that wiped out the dinosaurs? If you want
answers to these questions, ask a stratigrapher.
The data are in our files.
I am grateful to Bob Ginsburg and Tim Cross
for commenting on an early draft of this paper.
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