Wives of Holy Prophet Pbuh
Wives of Holy Prophet Pbuh
Wives of Holy Prophet Pbuh
His first marriage was with Hazrat Khadija, which lasted till her death. Between his ages from
fifty-sixty he married eleven times and after the age of sixty he did not marry. He devoted to
Hazrat Khadija till her death. After the death of Hazrat Khadija, he married Hazrat Sawdah who
was a widow. However during the battles, he married several ladies. His wives are called
Mothers of the Faithful- Umhat-ul-Mominin who did not marry after the death of Holy Prophet
(PBUH). It is stated in the Quran (His wives are their mothers).
These are as follows
Hazrat Khadija
She is also known as Tahira meaning pure. She belonged to a noble Quraish family. She was a
widow when she first met Holy Prophet (PBUH).She acquired the services of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) to send him to an expedition to Syria to carry some merchandise. As a result Khadija
him to be very honest and skillful person. Therefore afterwards, she proposed to him for
marriage when she was forty years old. The marriage was very successful and Holy Prophet
(PBUH) didnt marry as long as Hazrat Khadija lived. They had four daughters and two sons.
Unfortunately two sons died in infancy and out of daughters, only the youngest Fatima survived.
Hazrat Khadija was the first ever person who converted to Islam. She also suffered the hardships
along with the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It was a great loss for the Holy Prophet because there was
no one else to give him moral support as she could. Hazrat Khadija also donated her wealth at his
will so he never had financial problems in his life. She was a true friend and supporter of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) and according to Buhkari and Muslim The noblest women of the world
are Hazrat Maryam and Hazrat Khadija.
Hazrat Sawdah
After the death of Hazrat Khadija, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was left alone and he had to look
after daily life affairs and to raise his children of his own and that was a hurdle in his mission. So
his friends suggested him to remarry to Hazrat Sawdah. And so he decided to marry her. She was
an early convert to Islam and she could be more faithful. She was very devoted to the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) and she was a simple and pious lady. Later on when Holy Prophet (PBUH)
married Aisha, Sawdah did not become jealous. Holy Prophet (PBUH) divided his time equally
with his wives. Holy Prophet (PBUH) loved her for her virtue and simplicity. Among all of his
wives, she was most generous and charitable. She died in the twenty-second year of Hijrat and
buried in Jannat ul Baqi.
Hazrat Aisha
After Hijrat, Holy Prophet (PBUH) married Hazrat Aisha who was ten years old at the time. On
attaining maturity, her marriage was celebrated in Madinah. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu
Bakr. She was also known as Humaira. At the time of Holy Prophet (PBUH)s death, she was
twenty five years old and she never remarried in her remaining forty-eight years. She also
preached and propagated Islam throughout her life. Hazrat Umar respected her very much and
she acknowledged that fact. On 17 Ramadan 57 A.H, she died and was buried at Jannat ul
Baqi.She was a great interpreter if religious issues and as a most learned person. Umar bin
Zubair said Hazrat Aisha was the most scholarly person of her time in Quran, fundamentals of
religion, fiqah, poetry, medicine, Arabian history, genealogy and discrimination between lawful
and unlawful things. Hazrat Aisha used to convey decision on religious matters during the first
three Khalifas.
Hazrat Hafsa
Hazrat Hafsa was the daughter of Hazrat Umar and was born five years before prophet hood. It
was her second marriage. Holy Prophet (PBUH) married Hazrat Hafsa as a view to strengthening
his union with Hazrat Umar and his tribe. Hazrat Hafsa died in the month of Shabaan 45 A.H.
Before her death, she announced to distribute her property to the poor. She was also buried in
jaant ul baqi. Her knowledge regarding religious matters were also very accurate and it was near
to Hazrat Aisha. She became a teacher guide and authority on these matters. She was also the
custodian of the original copy of the Holy Quran.
Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaimah
She was the daughter of Khuzaimah bin Abdullah. She first married to Abdullah bin Jehsh who
was martyred in battle of Uhad. Hazrat Zainab married in 3 A.H to Holy Prophet (PBUH) but her
marriage lasted for only some time. She was also buried in Jannat ul Baqi. Holy Prophet (PBUH)
offered her funeral prayers himself. She died when she was thirty years old. She was a very
sympathetic and caring lady and thats why she was called Umm-ul-masakin (the mother of the
Hazrat Umm-e Salamah
She was known in this title because of her son Salamah from her first husband Abdullah bin
Asad, but her actual name was Hind bint Ali ummaiya ibn Mughira. She came from a wealthy
and generous Quraish tribe, and was brought up in great luxury. She accepted Islam and migrate
to Abyssinia and then Makkah and then eventually to Madinah. She was the first woman to
migrate to Madinah. Her husband in the battle of Uhad and afterwards she married to Holy
Prophets (PBUH) in 4 A.H. She died in 63 A.H and shes buried in Jannat ul baqi. She was also
very educated and she narrate 378 ahadis. She was very modest and generous. She was
extremely devoted to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and also devoted to Islam.
Hazrat ZainabbintJahsh
She was the daughter of Umaimah bin Abdul bin Mutalib. She was also a cousin of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH). She was one of the early converts of Islam and her real name was Barra, which
was changed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH). In 3 A.H she was married to Zaid bin Harris who was
a freed slave of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and was his adopted son.
When Holy Prophet PBUH sent her a proposal for Zaid, she refused because he was a freed slave
but Holy Prophet (PBUH) insisted. Eventually she accepted however the marriage was
unsuccessful and Zaid divorced her. Holy Prophet (PBUH) then proposed to her and she
accepted. She died at the age of 53. After death, her house was sold and money was distributed to
the poor, she was also buried JannatulBaqi. Hazrat Aisha said In the eyes of Allahs messenger,
only Zainab competes with me in honor and dignity.
Hazrat Jawairiyah bin Harris
Jawairiyahbint Harris was a captive of the tribe of BanuMustalaiq in 5 A.H. She requested Holy
Prophet (PBUH) to pay her ransom and free her however Holy Prophet (PBUH) proposed her for
marriage and also pay her ransom. As a result of this marriage, the Muslims freed all prisoners
numbering 600. Because Muslims did not want any of the members of His pbuh family to be
After the marriage the holy prophet pbuh changed her name Barra to Jawairiyah. She died at the
age of 65 and buried in Jannatulbaqi. She was of very religious mind. And many traditions are
quoted on her authority.
Hazrat umme e- Hibabah
She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan and her real name was Ramlah. She accepted Islam and
migrated to Abyssinia with her husband who converted to Christianity there. She left him and
afterwards Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent her a proposal of marriage. She was married to Holy
Prophet (PBUH) in 6th or 7th year of Hijrat. She died at the age of 73 in 44 A.H. She was buried
in Jannatulbaqi. She was a true Muslim and most importantly she left her family which was then
the prominent tribe of Makkah. He father was Abu Suffiyan and her brother was Mauwiyah. She
is a narrator of 65 traditions. She tried to take water for the captives during the reign of the third
Khalifa Hazrat Usman. She was born in the house of a tribal chief yet she underwent all the
sufferings for the sake of Islam. She left her country as well.
Hazrat Safiyah
Her real name was Zainab and she was born in Madinah, she belonged to a Jewish tribe
BanuNazir. When this tribe was expelled, her father settled in Khyber where she was married to
Salam bin Mishqam who eventually divorced her. After the falloff Khyber, Safiyah was brought
to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a captive but Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave orders that she should
be seated behind him and proposed to her. After the marriage, her name was changed to Safiyah.
She died at the age of 60 and was buried in Jannatulbaqi. She was very sober, very generous,
kind and sympathetic. During the rebellion against Hazrat Usman, she went to his house with
food and water however the rebels didnt allow her to enter the house. She returned and deputed
Hazrat Imam Hussain to take food and water to Hazrat Usman. A number of traditions have been
quoted from her.
Hazrat Maimunahbint Harris
Her original name was Barra. She was the sister-in-law of Abbas bin Abdul Matlib (uncle of
Holy Prophet (PBUH). She married twice. After the death of her second husband, when she was
living as a widow, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent her a proposal in 7 A.H. After the marriage,
she was given the name of Maimunah, which means the blessed one. Hazrat Aisha said,
Maimunah was very god-fearing and had great regard for her kith and kin. She was also fond
of freeing slaves. Holy Prophet (PBUH) called her a symbol of goodness. 46 traditions are
quoted from her. She died in 51 A.H and buried in Jannatulbaqi.
Hazrat RehanaBintShamoon
She belonged to a well-known Jewish tribe, BanuQuraiza. She was brought as a captive of war in
6 A.H. She was freed and proposed by Holy Prophet (PBUH). She died ten years after the death
of Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Hazrat Maria Qibitia
In reply to the letter sent by Holy Prophet (PBUH) to accept Islam, the chief of Egypt did not
accept Islam however many presents to Holy Prophet (PBUH). He also sent Hazrat Maria as a
present, she accepted Islam. Therefore Holy Prophet (PBUH) married her. She gave birth to Holy
Prophet (PBUH)s son Ibrahim. She got a position among the wives of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH). Hazrat Maria was a very religious minded lady and she came from a respected family.
She was the second lady after Hazrat Khadija to have the honor of becoming the mother of Holy
Prophet (PBUH)s son. Hazrat Maria was buried in JannatulBaqi, she was greatly respected by
the first two Khalifas. A pension was paid to her after the death of Holy Prophet (PBUH)