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Structure and Properties

of Matter

Unit 1 Introduction

Chemisty SCH4U-C

Table of Contents
Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter
Lesson 1: Atomic Structure
Lesson 2: Introduction to Chemical Bonding
Lesson 3: Molecular Shape and Polarity
Lesson 4: Intermolecular Forces and Their Applications
Unit 2: Organic Chemistry
Lesson 5: Saturated Hydrocarbons
Lesson 6: Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Lesson 7: Functional Groups
Lesson 8: Acids, Esters, Amides, and Polymers
Unit 3: Oxidation Reduction Reactions and Energy
Lesson 9: Oxidation Reduction Reactions
Lesson 10: Electrochemistry
Lesson 11: Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Lesson 12: Hesss Law
Unit 4: Rates of Reactions and Chemical Systems
Lesson 13: Collision Theory and Factors Affecting Rates of Reaction
Lesson 14: One-step and Multi-step Reactions
Lesson 15: Introduction to Equilibrium
Lesson 16: Le Chteliers Principle
Unit 5: Equilibrium Applications
Lesson 17: Solubility of Ionic Compounds
Lesson 18: Acids, Bases, and Equilibrium
Lesson 19: Acids, Bases, and Neutralization
Lesson 20: Buffers and Medical Applications

Unit 1 Introduction

Chemisty SCH4U-C

Chemistry is the study of the properties and applications of substances that are all around
us. A good place to begin this study is to look at the structure of the fundamental building
block of matterthe atomas you will do in Lesson 1. You can then consider different ways
in which atoms link together to form the substances around us. In the lessons that follow, you
will learn that the chemical and physical properties of these substances are a direct result of
how substances are put together. In other words, the properties of any substance depend on
the chemical bonds within that substance. In this unit, you will consider two types of bonding.
Understanding the nature of bonding in a substance is the first key step in being able to
explain the substances properties. This understanding is critical because properties ultimately
determine how the substance is used, as well as its potential impact on human health and the
Our knowledge of the atom has led to many amazing technologies. One of the most useful
applications of these technologies is medical imaging. You will begin your study of the atom
by first considering some medical imaging techniques such as the X-ray, a type of ray that can
safely penetrate the body to reveal its inner secrets.

Overall Expectations
After completing this unit, you will be able to
evaluate the benefits and costs to society and the environment of advances in the study of
new materials
investigate the physical properties of a variety of substances and predict the type of chemical
bonds that occur within each substance
describe how the properties of a substance can be predicted and explained through an
understanding of the atomic and molecular structure of the substance

You can access this online Periodic Table and this Scientific Calculator any time you
need them. You will find links to them on the Course Materials page.



Atomic Structure

October 19, 2012

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

In your local hockey championship, there are only 30 seconds left in the game and your team is
down by one goal. You are about to take the most difficult slapshot of your recreational hockey
career when suddenly you feel a pop in your left knee. The trip to the hospital is long and
painful. Once you arrive, the doctor immediately orders an X-ray of the knee. You receive good
news from the X-rayno broken bones. However, you are in a lot of pain, so the doctor needs
to view the soft tissue inside the knee as well. So she orders magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The MRI isnt promising. It indicates that you have torn the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL),
which is perhaps the most crucial of the four ligaments connecting the bones of the knee joint.
That amateur hockey career youve been dreaming about may be on hold for a while.
MRIs and X-ray imaging are technologies that would not have been possible without some of
the basic research that was done by early chemists. You will learn about some of their early
discoveries concerning atomic structure in this lesson.

Planning Your Study

You may find this time grid helpful in planning when and how you will work through this
Suggested Timing for This Lesson (Hours)
Introduction to Atomic Structure and Development of the Atomic Model

Spectroscopy and the Atom

Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom

Electronic Configurations

Key Questions

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson, you will be able to
assess the benefits to society of technologies that are based on the principles of atomic
write electronic configurations for any element of the periodic table
explain how experimental observations and inferences led to the development of the modern
model of the atom
identify the characteristic properties of elements in each of the s-, p-, and d-blocks of the
periodic table, and explain the relationship between the position of an element in the
periodic table, its properties, and its electronic configuration

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Introduction to Atomic Structure

X-rays and MRIs are both examples of medical imaging technologies. However, they differ
in their applications. X-rays are ideal for examining dense tissue, like bone, while MRIs are
best suited for examining soft tissue, like ligaments. X-rays and MRIs both rely on portions
of the electromagnetic spectrum in order to operate. In earlier courses, you learned that the
electromagnetic spectrum represents all possible forms of light energy (Figure 1.1). The energy
of a particle increases inverse to its wavelength, or in other words, particles with shorter
wavelengths have higher energy.



Radio waves



Gamma rays

Cosmic rays












Figure 1.1: The electromagnetic spectrum summarizes all forms of electromagnetic radiation (including light) in order of
decreasing wavelength.

X-rays are a high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation (an invisible type of light energy).
Because of their energy, X-rays easily pass through soft tissue like skin, lungs, and muscles.
However, X-rays cannot penetrate dense material like bone. Consequently, bones appear light
in colour, in an X-ray image, while soft tissue appears dark. MRIs use low-energy radio waves,
powerful magnets, and an unusual property of the hydrogen nucleus, to generate images of the
bodys soft tissue.
How can an MRI reveal the structure of soft tissue? MRI images are based on hydrogen
atoms, which are plentiful in soft tissue. Experimental evidence suggests that the nucleus of a
hydrogen atom spins and wobbles in a cyclical fashion. In other words, it precesses (or spins),
much like a tiny rotating top (Figure 1.2). The angle of this spin (or precession) is random, from
one atom to the next.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Main magnetic field

Figure 1.2: The spinning nucleus of the hydrogen atom wobbles in a cyclical fashion (or precesses), like a spinning

During an MRI, the patient is exposed to radio waves specifically tuned to the precession
frequency of the hydrogen atoms nucleus. As hydrogen nuclei in the body absorb this energy,
they align and precess in the same direction. When the radio waves are turned off, the
hydrogen nuclei slowly return to their natural random alignment and release the energy they
had absorbed, again in the form of radio waves. Detectors surrounding the patient collect this
energy and use it to generate an image of soft tissue in the body, such as the brain.
X-rays and MRIs are just two of the many technologies that have resulted from research
into the atoms structure. Our society has clearly benefited from this research. However,
fundamental research is expensive, and sometimes it seems that not all people have equal
access to the benefits resulting from this research. For example, a recent study found that welloff Ontarians were 38% more likely to have MRIs done than their poorer counterparts.
Now you will examine the atom in greater detail in order to see what other beneficial
applications are possible.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Development of the Atomic Model

By the turn of the twentieth century (1900), the atom was thought to consist of a sphere of
positive charge with negative electrons dispersed inside it, much like chocolate chips spread
throughout a chocolate-chip muffin (Figure 1.3). This model was created as a result of
numerous experiments conducted by scientists during the nineteenth century.

Negatively charged electrons

Positively charged medium

Figure 1.3: The model of the atom in 1900


However, this model of the atom was about to undergo a radical transformation. The first
major change came about as a result of one of the most famous experiments in the history
of chemistrythe Rutherford gold foil experiment. In this experiment, Ernest Rutherford
bombarded a very thin sheet of foil, made of gold, with alpha particles. (Alpha particles are
positively charged particles, each containing two protons and two neutrons, and are symbolized
by the Greek letter, . See Figures 1.4 (a) and (b).) Rutherfords source of alpha particles was a
sample of the radioactive element, polonium. Elements that are radioactive have unstable nuclei.
These atoms spontaneously decay (or fall apart), emitting tiny fragments of themselves. One of
the decayed products of polonium is an alpha particle.
Figure 1.4 shows the set-up for the Rutherford gold foil experiment. Given the understanding of
the atom at the time, Rutherford expected that most of the positive alpha particles would pass
straight through the atoms in the gold foil. In fact, most did. However, much to his surprise, a
small fraction of alpha particles deflected at wide angles and fewer still rebounded back toward
the source. Rutherford explained these observations by inferring that these few alpha particles
must have hit a small object of dense positive charge.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Gold foil

Source of



Gold foil



Source of


What Rutherford expected to see

What Rutherford saw

Figure 1.4 (a)

Figure 1.4 (b)

Figure 1.4: (a) Rutherford predicted that most of the alpha particles would pass directly through the gold foil, without
deflecting. (b) Most did. However, a few were widely deflected.

Rutherford had discovered the nucleus! Rutherford also inferred that since most alpha particles
went through the foil without deflecting, most of the atom must consist of empty space. As
a result of Rutherfords work, the model of the atom changed to a small, dense, positive core
called the nucleus, surrounded by orbiting electrons (Figure 1.5). Interestingly, if a typical atom
could be enlarged to a diameter of one kilometre, then the atoms nucleus would be the size of a
marble measuring one centimetre.


Path of electrons orbits

Figure 1.5: The Rutherford model of the atom

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Support Questions
Be sure to try the Support Questions on your own before looking at the suggested answers provided.
Click on each Suggested answer button to check your work.

In December 2007, the nuclear reactor at Chalk River, Ontario (near Ottawa), belonging
to Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), was shut down for maintenance. This
reactor produces much of North Americas supply of technetium-99m, an important
radioactive chemical used in the diagnosis and treatment of many major diseases.
a) Research the properties of technetium-99m and its medical applications, and then
write a brief paragraph about these properties.

b) Why cant technetium-99m be stockpiled, like other medications?

c) Critics argue that the Chalk River reactor is old and potentially dangerous. However,
building a new nuclear reactor is very expensive. In your opinion,
should Canadian tax dollars be used to replace the reactor? Explain
Suggested answer
your reasoning.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Spectroscopy and the Atom

The next major development in our understanding of the atom came from a branch of
chemistry called spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the study of energy that is absorbed or emitted
by matter. By the mid-nineteenth century, chemists already knew that each element of the
periodic table (which is reproduced at the end of Unit 1) emits its own characteristic spectrum
of light when it absorbs energy from some external source.
For example, a sample of hydrogen gas emits purplish light when electricity is passed through
it. When this purplish light is passed through a prism, it is found to be made up of two violet
lines of colour, a blue-green line, and a red line (Figure 1.6). Regardless of the source of the
hydrogen, these lines always appear in the same position, with the same light wavelengths. The
red wavelength is always 656.3 nanometres (abbreviated as nm), the blue-green wavelength
is 486.1 nm, the blue-violet one is 434.1 nm, and the violet one is emitted at 410.2 nm. This
pattern of lines emitted by elements became known as a line spectrum.
Violet line
410.2 nm

434.1 nm

486.1 nm

Red line
656.3 nm

Figure 1.6: The line spectrum of hydrogen


The origin of these spectral lines baffled scientists until the early twentieth century. In 1913,
the Danish physicist, Niels Bohr, proposed an explanation for the origin of line spectra that
required the current model of the atom to be changed. Bohr suggested that the distinct colours
in line spectra were emitted by electrons. He proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in very
specific orbits, and that each orbit has a distinct energy. When the electron absorbs energy
from some external source, it jumps to a higher orbit or energy level. A jump from one level
to another is called an electron transition. The attraction of the nucleus eventually pulls the
electron back to a lower energy level. When it does, the energy that the electron absorbed
is emitted. The energy emitted by the atom, according to Bohr, is the difference in energy
between the two energy levels that the electron occupied. In the case of hydrogen, the four lines
of the visible spectrum correspond to the electron transitions shown in Figure 1.7.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C




410.2 nm
434.1 nm blue-violet


656.3 nm
486.1 nm

Figure 1.7: The four colours in the hydrogen spectrum are the result of four specific electron transitions that produce light in
the visible spectrum.

Many other electron transitions are also possiblebut the light they emit, such as infrared or
ultraviolet light, isnt in the visible spectrum.
Now, go to the website of the University of Colorado in Boulder and search for Models of the
Hydrogen Atom. Click on this link to open the applet. (If you have trouble locating this applet,
do a web search using the terms Colorado and phet and models of the hydrogen atom.)
You will start by selecting Prediction, and then Bohr, followed by Show spectrometer,
and Show electron energy level diagram. Finally, you should select White, and then turn
on the white light source by clicking on the red button, to begin the experiment. Observe the
spectrometer bar graph (to see the light that hydrogen emits) and the electron energy-level
diagram (to see the electron transitions that produce this light). If you are not getting results fast
enough, try adjusting the slider at the very bottom of the page to fast. This applet will help you
to understand how scientists first conceived of the electron levels or shells, and it will help you
to answer the Support Questions later on in the lesson.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C


Figure 1.8: X-rays are used to create images like this one.


One method of producing X-rays also involves electron transitions. Some elements will produce
X-rays when electron beams pass through them. Inside an X-ray machine, atoms of a suitable
element are first bombarded with a beam of electrons. This causes some of the inner orbit
electrons to be bumped out of the atom, forming a temporary hole. The resulting electron
hole can be filled by any electron in the atoms intermediate or outer orbits. If the electron
comes from an outer orbit, flashes of high-energy X-rays are emitted. The reason that these
emissions have high energy is because the energy difference between the two electron orbits is

Support Questions

Ernest Rutherford used the element polonium in his gold foil experiment. What property of
the element polonium makes it extremely dangerous to work with?
Suggested answer


Rank the following forms of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing

Suggested answer
energy: visible light, gamma rays, radio waves, infrared waves


Compare the energy of red, blue-green, blue-violet, and violet light illustrated
Suggested answer
in Figure 1.7.


Explain why atomic emission spectra are sometimes called fingerprints of

Suggested answer
the elements.

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C


There are only four lines in the visible spectrum of hydrogen. Explain why an
electron transition from n = 6 to n = 1 would not appear in the visible spectrum
Suggested answer
shown in Figure 1.6.

Limitations of the Bohr Model of the Atom

The Bohr model of the atom successfully explains the origin of the hydrogen line spectrum. In
fact, it also explains the spectra of other single electron systems, such as He+ and Li2+. However,
the Bohr model is somewhat limited in explaining the properties of multi-electron atoms. For
example, look at Figure 1.9, which shows emission spectra of hydrogen, mercury, and neon.

(nm) 400






Figure 1.9: The emission spectrum of hydrogen, mercury, and neon

Note that the spectra of the larger atoms are far more complex than the spectrum of hydrogen.
The large spaces between spectral lines can be successfully explained by Bohrs idea of energy
levels. However, the small spaces between some of the lines cant be explained using the Bohr
model. These spectral lines are results of electron transitions between energy levels. Therefore,
small gaps between spectral lines suggest that there are sub-levels between the atoms main
energy levels. Attempts to include sub-levels in the Bohr model had only limited success. It soon
became clear that this model of the atom had to be revised.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom

The development of the next atomic model began with the discoveries of some rather peculiar
properties of the electron. In other science courses, you may have learned that electrons
travel as waves. Yet, you have also read that the electron is a negatively charged particle.
Understandably, this is very confusing. Are they waves or particles?

Are Electrons Waves or Particles?

Many electrical phenomena, such as static electricity, can easily be explained by negatively
charged particles (electrons) moving from one place to another. However, by the 1920s, there
was considerable evidence to support the idea that electrons could behave as a wave of energy as
well. For example, in 1927, C. J. Davisson and L. H. Germer conducted an experiment in which
electrons were fired at a nickel crystal. A detector was used to trace the path of the electrons
after their collision with the crystal.
The results of the experiment produced a ring pattern identical to the one produced when
X-rays were fired at the crystal (Figure 1.10). The production of rings like this is a characteristic
property of waves, known as diffraction. X-rays are waves that are part of the electromagnetic



Figure 1.10: Diagram (a) shows the typical pattern of rings produced when X-rays are scattered by a nickel crystal.
Diagram (b) shows a similar pattern, produced when electrons are scattered by the crystal.

The dual nature of the electron (behaving both as a particle and a wave) was one of the key
ideas that led to the current model of the atomthe quantum mechanical model. A detailed
description of this model requires an understanding of complex mathematics and therefore is
far beyond the scope of this course. One of the key ideas in this model is that the exact location
and speed of the electron can never be simultaneously known. Consequently, it is inaccurate


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

to describe the electron as a particle orbiting a fixed path around the nucleus, as in Bohrs idea
of an orbit. Instead, quantum mechanics uses the idea of probability to describe the location of
the electron. According to quantum mechanics, there is a region of space around the nucleus in
which the probability of finding the electron is high. These high probability regions or electron
clouds are called orbitals (Figure 1.11).




Figure 1.11: Orbitals are regions of space around the nucleus where the probability of finding the electron is high. Note that
this is a spherically symmetrical orbital or s orbital.

Heres an analogy to help you visualize what an orbital is. Suppose that the plus sign in Figure
1.11 (a) is a beehive. Each dot in the picture represents flowers visited by the bees of the hive.
Note that the density of visits is greatest near the hive and then decreases as the distance
from the hive increases. Similarly, in an atomic orbital, each dot represents the location of the
electron at any given moment. The electron density is greatest at the centre of the orbitalthe
nucleus. Electron density decreases as the distance from the nucleus increases. Theoretically,
there is no outer limit to how far the electron can be away from the nucleus. However, for
practical purposes, each orbital has an outer boundary, as shown in Figure 1.11 (b) and (c). This
area within the orbital represents the region around the nucleus in which the probability of
finding the electron is about 95%.
The shape and energy of orbitals is determined by solutions to a complex mathematical
equation known as the Schrdinger wave equation. The results of this equation show that there
are four different orbitals, which are identified by the letters s, p, d, and f.

Figure 1.12 represents the four different possible orbitals. Each orbital represents a region of
space around the nucleus where the electron can be found. The s orbitals are arranged in a
spherically symmetrical manner around the nucleus. There is only one type of s orbital. Each s
orbital can accommodate two electrons.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C


s orbital

Figure 1.12: The s orbital is spherical. The centre of this three-dimensional graph is the nucleus.

There are three different p orbitals. Each looks like a dumbbell that is arranged around one
of the three coordinate axes: x, y, and z. The orbitals can each hold up to two electrons. This
means that a complete set of p orbitals can hold up to six electrons.

px orbital
pz orbital

py orbital


All p orbitals

Figure 1.13: There are three different p orbitalspx, py, and pz.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

There are also five d orbitals and seven f orbitals. The complex, three-dimensional shape
of these orbitals, which will not be illustrated, is beyond the scope of this course. Like s
and p orbitals, each d and f orbital can hold up to two electrons. Therefore, d orbitals can
accommodate up to 10 electrons, while f orbitals can accommodate 14. Table 1.1 summarizes
the four types of orbitals and the number of electrons they can accommodate.

Table 1.1: Four orbitalss, p, d, and f


Quantity of orbitals

Maximum number of electrons they can hold

(2 electrons per orbital)



What Do Atoms Look Like?

Hydrogen is the simplest of all atoms. Since it has an atomic number of 1, it has only one proton
and one electron. The single electron of hydrogen occupies an s orbital. Therefore, the hydrogen
atom is always shown as being spherical. Most atoms (other than hydrogen and helium) consist
of a nucleus surrounded by a number of different orbitals blended together. Since orbitals
are three-dimensional waves, its difficult to imagine what the blended orbitals may look
like. To get a sense of how this blending works, you can review a two-dimensional model
of waves blending together. When two approaching wave pulses meet, they momentarily
blend together to form one large pulse (Figure 1.14). But as two pulses continue, they emerge
and continue in the direction they were travelling. Unlike water waves, however, the blended
orbitals in atoms stay together.

Figure 1.14: Two-dimensional wave pulses meet and blend to form one large pulse (middle). Since atomic orbitals
are three-dimensional waves, different orbitals blend together to form the shape of an atom.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

An atomic orbital is like a three-dimensional wave. Therefore, the shape of an atom is the
result of the blending of its orbitals. If an atom contained s and p orbitals, these orbitals would
combine and blend together like the combining wave pulses in Figure 1.15, to produce a new
wave that was a blend of the two shapes. The result would be an atom that was neither spherical
nor shaped like a dumbbell, but rather something in between.

Figure 1.15: An s and a p orbital combine to produce a new orbital that is a blend of both sphere and dumbbell.

In summary, the quantum mechanical model suggests that atoms consist of a nucleus
surrounded by a combination or blend of orbitals containing electrons. In order to explain
the properties of the elements, it is necessary to know the energy of these orbitals and their

Energy-level Diagrams
The energy-level diagram (Figure 1.16) shows the relative energies of the orbitals in an atom
under normal conditions. Comparing the energies of the orbitals and the number of electrons
they occupy is useful to explain and predict the properties of the elements of the periodic table.
Each circle represents one orbital. Each orbital can accommodate up to two electrons and is
labelled with a number followed by a letter, such as 2s. The number in the orbital label gives
the energy level of the orbital. For example, the first energy level (n = 1) contains only one
orbital1s. This orbital has the lowest energy of all. You can think of it as the orbital closest
to the nucleus. The s orbital is analogous to the Bohr idea of the first orbit around the atom.
The second energy level (n = 2) contains two types of orbitalss and p. Since they are slightly
different in energy, they are often referred to as sub-levels of the second energy level.
We can use a simple mathematical formula to calculate the number of orbitals (sub-levels)
associated with a given level, n. This formula is n2. For example, if we are looking at
n = 2, the formula, n2, tells us that there will be 22 sub-levels or orbitals associated with the
second level in the atom. So for n = 2, we will have four orbitals associated with
n = 2. The first of these four would be the s orbital and the other three would be the group of


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

three orbitals of the p type (for the second level, n = 2, we would call that group of
p orbitals, the 2p group of orbitals).

If we moved to the fourth level, n = 4, the formula n2 shows us that there will be 42
orbitals associated with the fourth level. Those 16 orbitals will contain all four types of
orbitals, s, p, d, and f. The first one will be the s orbital at the fourth level (called 4s), the
next three orbitals will be the group of p orbitals (three of them called the 4p group).
The next type, the d type, would have a group of five orbitals of the d type (five of them
called the 4d group), and the remaining seven orbitals of the 16 would be the group of f
type orbitals (seven of them called the 4f group).
Table 1.2 shows the orbitals that would be associated with a given level. We will use this
table later.

Table 1.2: Listing of orbitals associated with energy levels, n

Level, n

Number of
orbitals, n2
12 = 1

List of orbitals associated with level n


2s 2p

3s 3p 3d

2 =4
3 =9

4 = 16

4s 4p 4d 4f

16 (maximum)

5s 5p 5d 5f


6s 6p 6d 6f


7s 7p 7d 7f

If you look at Figure 1.16, you can see those 16 orbitals associated with the fourth level (4s,
4p, 4d, and 4f). Locate them and count them. Notice how the s, p, d, and f orbitals have
progressively higher energy levels. This means that electrons in a 4p orbital will have higher
energy than electrons found in a 4s orbital. Figure 1.16 illustrates the relative energy levels of all
orbitals that could exist in a given atom.
Note that as you proceed to higher energy levels, the space between energy levels decreases. This
results in some rather unusual orbital arrangements. For example, Figure 1.16 indicates that the
3d orbitals are closer in energy to the 4s and 4p orbitals than they are to the 3s and 3p orbitals.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C














Figure 1.16: Master energy-level diagram


Increasing energy


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Rules for Filling Energy-level Diagrams

As youll soon see, these diagrams are a powerful tool to help explain trends in the properties
of the elements. But first, some basic rules need to be established for filling these diagrams with

1. Pauli Exclusion Principle (Opposite Spin)

When filling these diagrams, electrons are often represented as arrows (Figure 1.17).
The direction of the arrow is used to represent a property of the electron called its spin.
Experimental evidence suggests that the electron spins, much like a toy top. Further evidence
suggests that there are two possible spin states for the electron. These are represented by either
an up arrow or a down arrow. If there is only one electron in the orbital, as is the case for
hydrogen, then the spin state of the electron can be either up or down. However, if the orbital
contains a second electron, the two electrons must have opposite spins. Chemists have found
that electron repulsion is minimized if the two electrons spin in opposite directions. A second
electron will be excluded from entry if it does not have the opposite spin. This is known as the
Pauli exclusion principle.



Figure 1.17: The energy-level diagrams for hydrogen and helium

Note: In this lesson, you will need to draw diagrams such as the one above. The best
option is to draw them with your word processors drawing tools, if possible. You may
also draw them on paper.
If you are drawing with a pen or pencil, you should insert your drawings into a wordprocessing document for online submission by scanning (or taking a picture of) your
drawing. For instance, the camera on a cellphone can be used to photograph each
drawing, and you could then email or transfer your drawings to your computer for
insertion in a document. If possible, reduce the size (especially the file size) of your
scan or photograph so that your online submission doesnt become too large (with too
many megabytes).

2. Aufbau Principle (Lowest Fill First)

When orbitals are filled with electrons, orbitals with the lowest energy are filled first.
Chemists refer to this as the Aufbau principle. Therefore, the two electrons of helium are
normally found in the 1s orbital. The third and fourth electrons in beryllium are found in the 2s
orbital, because it is the lowest level after the 1s orbital has been filled by two electrons.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

The order that orbitals are filled must be from lowest energy level (1s) and upward. Figure 1.16
could be used to determine the order by listing the orbitals from the bottom of the diagram
to the top in the order that they are found on that figure. However, this is tedious, and a
simpler tool can be used to produce the correct order of filling the orbitals. This tool is a slight
modification of Table 1.2. By modifying this tool, we can create what is termed, the diagonal
rule for filling orbitals. A series of parallel, diagonal lines is drawn on the table as shown in
Figure 1.18.























Figure 1.18: The diagonal rule for orbital order

The order to fill orbitals can now be listed by tracing along each diagonal line starting with the
top diagonal and reading downward to the left along that diagonal. That first diagonal contains
just the 1s orbital, so our list begins with 1s. We now move down to the second diagonal
and read along it, reading again downward to the left again. The next orbital to fill is the 2s.
Reading along the third diagonal now we have 2p, then 3s. The next diagonal gives us 3p and 4s.
The fifth diagonal produces 3d, 4p, then 5s. Hopefully the pattern becomes clear. The order of
filling produced by this diagonal rule will appear as follows:
[1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d]

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

This tool will allow us to describe the location of electrons, in general, for any atom on the
periodic table. As with many chemistry concepts, this tool is not foolproof. You may encounter
exceptions to this rule in your studies.

Lets now make use of this tool to describe the electron arrangement for a few elements on the
periodic table. We will begin with a simple atom: silicon, Si, with atomic number 14.

As silicon has 14 electrons, we will want to describe in which orbitals these 14 electrons would
be found. From Figure 1.18, we have established, the diagonal rule, the order that orbitals will be
filled with electrons, so we simply follow that order of filling in the list above.
Recall that each type of orbital can accommodate two electrons. Consequently any s orbital
could hold a maximum of two electrons. Because p orbitals exist in groups of three in a set, a
group of p orbitalssuch as the 2p group or the 3p groupcould accommodate a total of six
electrons. A group of d orbitalssuch as the 3d group or the 4d groupcontaining five orbitals
in the group can accommodate 10 electrons, while any group of f orbitalssuch as the 4f or
5f groupcould accommodate 14 electrons, since f orbitals exist in groups of seven in a set.
Review this from the earlier discussion of orbital types and commit this idea to memory. Orbital
types (s, p, d, and f) being in sets of (1, 3, 5, and 7 orbitals) in each set respectively, accommodate
(2, 6, 10 and 14) electrons respectively.
Lets now use these ideas to describe the electron arrangement (configuration) for the 14
electrons found in any silicon atom. The electron arrangement would be described this way:
Si = [1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p2]
In that listing, one of the entries reads 2p6. The 2p part is the set of p orbitals associated with
the second level, n=2. Remember that p orbitals are always in a set of three. The 6, shown as
a superscript, tells us that those p orbitals contain six electrons, of course implying that those
three orbitals must be full. If you add all of the superscripts, the result is 14 (electrons).

A second example is the element tungsten, W, with atomic number 74.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

If we follow the order of orbital filling from the diagonal rule, the electron arrangement
(configuration) of the 74 electrons would be written this way:
W = [1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10, 5p6, 6s2, 4f14, 5d4]
When the elements are arranged according to increasing atomic number, as they are in the
modern periodic table, they align into four distinct sets (Figure 1.25). The elements of groups 1
and 2 (including helium) have electronic configurations ending in an s orbital. These elements
are sometimes referred to as the s-block elements.
Groups 13 through 18 are sometimes called the p-block elements because their
configurations end in p. The transition metals are d-block elements. The lanthanides (elements
57 to 71) and actinides (elements 89 to 103) make up the f-block elements. Each row (also called
a period) on the periodic table corresponds to an energy level. The outermost electrons of the
second row of elements, for example, are in the second energy level.

3. Hunds Rule (Align Spins)

When electrons are placed within a sub-level in which the orbitals have identical energy (p, d,
or f), electron repulsion is minimized if each orbital receives one electron before pairing occurs.
This is known as Hunds rule. For example, Figure 1.19 shows the preferred arrangement for
nitrogens 2p electrons.



(a) Preferred electron arrangement

(fewer repulsions)

(b) More repulsions

Figure 1.19: For orbitals that are identical in energy, such as p orbitals, having the electrons spread throughout all
of the orbitals and spinning in the same direction (a) results in fewer repulsions than in the (b) arrangement.

Now you can apply the principles youve learned so far to a few small atoms: lithium, nitrogen,
and oxygen.
Since lithium has an atomic number of 3, it contains three electrons and three protons.
Therefore, the 1s orbital fills first because it is lower in energy than the 2s (due to the Aufbau
principle), and the two electrons in the 1s orbital have an opposite spin (due to the Pauli
exclusion principle).
In nitrogen, the 1s and 2s orbitals fill first because they are the lowest in energy. The remaining
electrons go into the 2p orbitals because they are next lowest in energy. Note that each of the 2p
orbitals gets one electron before pairing occurs (due to Hunds rule).
The eighth electron in oxygen can go into any of the 2p orbitals because they are equivalent in
energy. However, its spin must be opposite (due to the Pauli exclusion principle).


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C












Figure 1.20: Energy-level diagrams for lithium, nitrogen, and oxygen

Draw the energy-level diagram for fluorine.

Since fluorine has atomic number 9, it has nine electrons in its orbitals.
1. The first two electrons occupy the lowest orbital1s.


Figure 1.21

2. The next orbital to be filled is the 2s orbital.


Figure 1.22


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

3. The remaining five electrons are added to the 2p orbital.


Figure 1.23

Support Questions

How do the terms orbit and orbital differ? 


Write the electron arrangement for each element using the diagonal rule, and draw the
energy-level diagram for each. Indicate whether each element belongs in the s-block,
p-block, d-block, or f-block of elements.

Suggested answer

a) aluminum, Al

Suggested answer

b) chlorine, Cl

Suggested answer

c) scandium, Sc

Suggested answer

Electronic Configurations
Energy-level diagrams for large atoms are complex and tedious to draw. An abbreviated
form of these diagrams, called electronic configurations, can be used to convey the electron
arrangements of the elements. Like energy-level diagrams, electronic configurations give the
correct order of orbitals from lowest to highest energy, as well as the number of electrons that
occupy each orbital. This information is listed in order from left to right. For example, the
energy-level diagram of fluorine is shown in Figure 1.24.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C


Figure 1.24: Energy-level diagram of fluorine

The corresponding electronic configuration for fluorine is 1s2 2s2 2p5 and is read as:
1s two, 2s two, 2p five. Note that the orbitals are given in order of increasing energy,
as in the energy-level diagram. The superscript above each orbital letter indicates the number of
electrons occupying the orbital.

Figure 1.25: The periodic table is divided into the s sub-level block, p sub-level block, d sub-level block, and f sublevel block.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Electron Arrangements of Ions

The procedures for drawing energy-level diagrams and electronic configurations also apply to
ions. As you learned in earlier courses, ions are atoms or groups of atoms that have an excess
of either positive or negative charge. Atoms form ions by either gaining or losing electrons.
The number of electrons gained or lost can often be predicted by the elements location on the
periodic table. For example, the element oxygen tends to gain two electrons in its chemical
reactions to produce the oxide ion, O2. The atom is named oxygen, while the ion is named
oxide. The configurations of oxygen and oxide are:
O 1s2 2s2 2p4 O2 1s2 2s2 2p6
The oxide ion has the same electronic configuration as the nearest noble gas element neon:
O2 1s2 2s2 2p6 Ne

1s2 2s2 2p6

Oxide and neon are said to be isoelectronic, meaning that they have the same number of
electrons. Experimental evidence shows that atoms or ions with filled outer orbitals are
chemically stable. For example, neon is so chemically stable that it doesnt react at all under
normal conditions. Similarly, lone oxide and fluoride ions are also non-reactive. However,
individual oxygen and fluorine atoms are among the most reactive elements in the periodic
table. Consequently, the atoms of many elements tend to gain or lose electrons so that they have
the same electron arrangements as their nearest noble gas.

Draw the energy-level diagram and write the electronic configuration for magnesium and the
ion that magnesium forms.

The nearest noble gas to magnesium is the element neon. Both the energy-level diagram and
the electronic configuration indicate that magnesium has two more electrons than neon.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C







Magnesium atom

Magnesium ion, Mg2+

Figure 1.26: Magnesium loses its 3s electrons when it forms Mg2+.

Electronic configurations:
Mg: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

Mg2+: 1s2 2s2 2p6

Therefore, to achieve an electron arrangement like that of neon, magnesium must lose
its two electrons in the 3s orbital. As a result, the magnesium ion has the chemical
symbol Mg2+.

Support Questions

Write the electronic configuration for:

a) selenium, Se
b) strontium, Sr


Suggested answer

Based on their electronic configurations, write the chemical symbol of the ion that the
elements in Support Question 9 most commonly form. Justify your prediction.

Suggested answer


Sketch the energy-level diagram for phosphorus.


Use your diagram in Support Question 11 to

Suggested answer

a) predict why P4 is not common.

b) explain why P3 is more likely to exist than P5+.


Suggested answer

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

The Careers in Chemistry box below is the first in a series of profiles about career
opportunities in chemistry. As you continue through the course, you will read about the career
paths of three inspirational Canadian chemists. Some of these scientists have dedicated most
of their lives to their chosen subject. As you read about their career paths and what motivated
them to pursue a career in chemistry, you may get some ideas that will help you with your
career choices.

Careers in Chemistry
In the introduction to this course, you had the opportunity to view the video "Chemistry: All
About You." This video was made to celebrate 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry. As
you saw from the video, chemical research solves many complex global problems involving
food, water, health, energy, and transportation.
The goal of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC) is to increase public awareness and
appreciation of chemistry. One hundred years ago, Madame Marie Curie was awarded the
Nobel Prize for her pioneering work in chemistry and 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of
the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies. If you want to learn more
about IYC and the International Association of Chemical Societies, key these titles into the
search engine of your browser and you will quickly be directed to the appropriate websites.
The following table highlights three careers in chemistry and the education and/or training
needed to achieve these goals in Ontario. Its quite easy to do some basic research into a career
in chemistry that interests you. Simply key the keywords in your browser (for example, waste
management technician educational requirements) and insert the data you find into a table
like the one that follows.


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Table 1.3: Careers in Chemistry


Educational requirements
Ontario Secondary School Diploma
with a majority of senior credits
Grade 12 English
Grade 11 Biology (C) or (U)

Professional designation
Ontario College Advanced
Diploma in Chemical
Engineering technology (three
years of full-time study)

Grade 12 Chemistry (C)

Grade 12 Mathematics

Ontario Secondary School Diploma

with a majority of senior credits
Grade 12 English or French
Grade 12 Biology
Grade 12 Chemistry
Grade 12 Physics

Practical Nurse Diploma

(three years of full-time
Bachelor of Nursing (BN)
or Bachelor of Nursing
Science (BScN) (four years
of full-time study)

Grade 12 Mathematics

Successful completion of specific

required subjects at the appropriate
level (Grade 12U or university)

Bachelors Degree in

English, Physics, Biology, Chemistry

(Organic and Physical, Biochemistry,
Calculus, Statistics, Humanities, or
Social Science)
(This normally requires a minimum
of two years of study at the university
PCAT (Pharmacy College Admission

Note: Admission requirements change from time to time. The information above was correct
when this course was written (20112012).


Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

Heads Up: Remember, atomic mass as shown in the periodic table has been averaged based on the
occurrence of isotopes.

Key Questions
Now work on your Key Questions in the online submission tool. You may continue towork
at this task over several sessions, but be sure to save your work each time. When you
haveanswered all the units Key Questions, submit your work to the ILC.

The development of MRI imaging technology is one useful spinoff of basic research into
the structure of the atom. Research, however, is expensive. Many people argue that the
high cost of research outweighs its potential benefits. Provide one argument for and one
argument against increasing current funding for atomic-structure research. Use specific
examples from this lesson in your answer to support each position. (6 marks)


The emission spectrum of an unknown element contains two linesone in the visible
portion of the spectrum, and the other, ultraviolet. Based on the following figure and on
what you have learned about Niels Bohrs model of the atom, account for the difference
in energy between these lines. (3 marks)



Radio waves















Gamma rays

Cosmic rays

Lesson 1

Chemistry SCH4U-C

3. a) Draw the energy-level diagram and write the electronic configuration for zirconium
(element 40). (3 marks)
b) Use the diagram to explain why the Zr4+ ion exists. (2 marks)
c) Compare the stability of the Zr atom and the Zr ion. Account for any differences in
their stability. (2 marks)

Now go on to Lesson 2. Send your answers to the Key Questions to the ILC
when you have completed Unit 1 (Lessons 1 to 4).


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