Coverdale Trinity High School

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I am not sure where I came up with this. I do know that I have used it over
the last 7-8 years and it is pretty in depth.
I. Preseason
A. Meeting and getting to know the players:
1. Team meeting at __________ High School
2. Recruiting meeting at junior high school(s)
3. Summer program:
a. Weight lifting 3 days a week at _________ High School
b. Passing league(?)
c. Summer camps
4. Summer conditioning
5. Initial team meeting 1 week before first practice

B. Academic checks:
1. Grade checks immediately and every three weeks until end of grading period, then
every two
2. End of year checks
3. Summer school

C. Staff:
1. Selecting assistants
a. on staff coaches
b. out of system applicants
c. community volunteers
2. Meetings and coaching assignments
3. Attend clinics

D. Parents:
1. Letter to parents about ___________ football program and an invitation to attend
Parents' night
2. Parents' night practice
a. introduce staff
b. talk to the parents about the program,rules, team expectations, etc.
3. Answer questions
4. Parents are invited to watch practice
5. Mother's quarterback club
a. elect officers
b. Sunday ice cream social
c. program sales
d. pre-game meal

E. Field Maintenance:
1. Mow, water, fertilize, and work on game field
2. Lay out the practice fields

II. In Season
A. Coaching:
1. Practice plans
2. Weight lifting
3. Attendance at J.V. games
4. Scouting
5. Lining the game field

B. Media:
1. Be accessible to the media
2. Designate a coach to call TV and newspapers after the game
3. Seek recognition for the players

C. Academics:
1. Grade checks every two weeks
2. Be accessible to teachers
3. SAT and ACT dates and scores
D. Administration:
1. Special events:
a. homecoming
b. parents' night
c. association football night
d. fall sports night
e. club night
III. Post Season
A. Honors and Awards:
1. Statistics for players
2. Push player for all conference, all-region, and all-state
3. Awards banquet
4. Information to colleges

B. Weight Room:
1. Motivation
2. Lift-off competitions
3. Fund raiser lift - a - thon

C. Academics:
1. Grade checks
2. SAT and ACT test dates and scores
3. Work with guidance

D. Staff:
1. Evaluate assistants
2. Assistants evaluate the head coach
3. Evaluate the J.V. program

E. Winter and Spring Sports:

1. Encourage participation
2. Assist coaches in recruiting athletes
3. Attend events

F. Films:
1. Copies for colleges
2. Organize and copy

IV. Academics
A. Monitoring:
1. Teacher input
2. Interim and report card checks

B. Motivation:
1. Pressure by coaches
2. All-conference academic team

C. Curriculum (working with guidance):

1. College bound students
2. Non college bound students
D. Tutors:
1. NHS tutors
2. Peer tutors
3. Study hall before weight lifting
4. SAT prep courses

V. College
A. Parents:
1. What to expect
2. Academic requirements

B. Recommendations:
1. Proper divisions (I,IAA,II,III)
2. Contacts and letters

C. Visits:
1. College games
2. On campus

D. Films:
1. Selecting players best games
2. Send to colleges as requested
3. Follow up on film requests
E. Requirements:
1. GPA and core curriculum
2. SAT and ACT scores
3. Admission requirements
4. Register players with clearing house

VI. School Spirit

A. Cheerleaders:
1. Develop a positive working relationship
2. Recognition
3. Team appreciation
4. Banners and signs
5. Spirit related events

B. Administration:
1. Planning
2. Participation
3. Positive attitudes and comments

C. Band:
1. Working together
2. Use of the game field

D. Teachers:
1. Positive attitude and comments
2. Post information and recognize team in the classroom, (articles, pictures, etc.)

VII. Community
A. Youth League:
1. Offer help
2. One day clinic for coaches
3. 3 day youth clinic
4. Attendance at games

B. Coaches:
1. Volunteers
2. Stat people at games
3. Scouting
4. Chain crew

C. Junior High School:

1. Follow upcoming athletes
2. Attend junior high school athletic events

D. Community Spirit:
1. Distribute schedules
2. Proper thanks to patrons
3. Recognition
4. Needs of the program (i.e. pregame meals)

E. Booster Club:
1. Attend meetings and be an active member
2. Support other programs
3. Make them aware of the financial needs of the football program.

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