Mobile Device: 1 Characteristics
Mobile Device: 1 Characteristics
Mobile Device: 1 Characteristics
1 Characteristics
Device mobility can be viewed in the context of several
Physical dimensions and weight
Whether or not the device is mobile or some kind of
host to which it is attached to is mobile
What kind of host devices can be bound to
How devices are attached to a host
When the mobility occurs
Smartphones, handheld mobile devices
As stated earlier, the most common size of mobile computing device is pocket-sized that can be hand-held, but
other sizes for mobile devices exist too. Mark Weiser,
known as the father of ubiquitous computing, computing everywhere, referred to device sizes that are tabsized, pad and board sized,[2] where tabs are dened
as accompanied or wearable centimetre-sized devices,
e.g. smartphones and smart cards, and pads are dened
as hand-held decimetre-sized devices, e.g., laptops and
tablet computers. If one changes the form of the mobile
devices in terms of being non-planar, one can also have
skin devices and tiny dust-sized devices.[1] Dust refers
to miniaturised devices without direct HCI interfaces,
e.g., micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), ranging from nanometres through micrometers to millimetres.
See also Smart dust. Skin: fabrics based upon light emitting and conductive polymers and organic computer devices. These can be formed into more exible non-planar
display surfaces and products such as clothes and curtains,
see OLED display. See also smart device.
3 Uses
See also
Converged device
HTML5 in mobile devices
List of emerging technologies
Mobile interaction
Near eld communication (NFC)
Portable communications device
Smart device
[1] Poslad, Stefan (2009). Ubiquitous Computing Smart Devices, Smart Environments and Smart Interaction. Wiley.
ISBN 978-0-470-03560-3..
[2] Weiser, Mark (1991). The Computer for the TwentyFirst Century. Scientic American. 265 (3): 94104.
[3] Beddall-Hill, Nicola; Jabbar, Abdul & Al Shehri, Saleh
(2011). Social Mobile Devices as Tools for Qualitative
Research in Education: iPhones and iPads in Ethnography, Interviewing, and Design-Based Research. Journal
of the Research Center for Educational Technology. 7 (1):
6790. ISSN 1948-075X.
[4] Robbins, Renee (May 28, 2009). Mobile video system
visually connects global plant oor engineers. Control
[5] Mellow, P. (2005).The media generation: Maximise
learning by getting mobile. In Ascilite, 470-476
[6] Lotz, Amanda D. (2007). The Television Will Be Revolutionized. New York, NY: New York University Press.
p. 65-66
[7] Boru & Storie, Jill & Dale (January 2014). Mobile
devices in medicine: a survey of how medical students,
residents, and faculty use smartphones and other mobile
devices to nd information*". J Med Lib Assoc.
[8] Terry Anderson (29 October 2014). Mobile Devices for
Online Casino.
[9] Casey, Mike (June 26, 2014). Army seeks to increase
use of mobile devices.
Mobile Devices. Library Technology Reports. 44
(5): 1015. 2008.
Hanson, C. W. (2011). Chapter 2: Mobile Devices
in 2011. Library Technology Reports. 47 (2): 11
7 External links
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