The Science of Teaching Science
The Science of Teaching Science
The Science of Teaching Science
Active problem-solving confers a deeper understanding of
science than does a standard lecture. But some university
lecturers are reluctant to change tack.
utbreak alert: six students at the Chicago State Polytechnic University in Illinois
have been hospitalized with severe vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach pain, as well as
wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Some are in a critical condition. And the universitys health centre is fielding dozens of calls from students with similar symptoms.
This was the scenario that 17 third- and fourth-year undergraduates dealt with as
part of an innovative virology course led by biologist Tammy Tobin at Susquehanna
University in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. The students took on the role of federal public-health officials,
and were tasked with identifying the pathogen, tracking how it spreads and figuring out how to contain
and treat it all by the end of the semester.
Although the Chicago school and the cases were fictitious, says Tobin, we tried to make it as real as
possible. If students decided to run a blood test or genetic assay, Tobin would give them results consistent with enterovirus D68, a real respiratory virus. (To keep the students from just getting the answer
from the Internet, she portrayed the virus as an emergent strain with previously unreported symptoms.)
If they decided to send a team to Chicago, Tobin
and Scientific
Scientific American
would make them look at real flight schedules and
special issue
confirm that there were enough seats.
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In the end, the students pinpointed the virus, but they also made
mistakes: six people died, for example, in part because the students
did not pay enough attention to treatment. However, says Tobin, that
doesnt affect their grade so long as they present what they did, how it
worked or didnt work, and how theyd do it differently. What matters
is that the students got totally wrapped up in the problem, remembered what they learned and got a handle on a range of disciplines.
We looked at the intersection of politics, sociology, biology, even
some economics, she says.
Tobins approach is just one of a diverse range of methods that have
been sweeping through the worlds undergraduate science classes. Some
are complex, immersive exercises similar to Tobins. But there are also
team-based exercises on smaller problems, as well as simple, carefully
tailored questions that students in a crowded lecture hall might respond
to through hand-held clicker devices. What the methods share is an
outcome confirmed in hundreds of empirical studies: students gain a
much deeper understanding of science when they actively grapple with
questions than when they passively listen to answers.
We find up to 20% better grades over usual methods, says Tom Duff,
a computer scientist who developed a team-based learning approach
at the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley, UK. Other activelearning proponents have found similar gains. Last year, a group led by
biologist Scott Freeman at the University of Washington in Seattle published an analysis of 225 studies of active learning in science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) and found that active learning
cut course failure rates by around one-third1.
At this point it is unethical to teach any other way, declares Clarissa
Dirks, a microbiologist at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and co-chair of the US National Academies Scientific Teaching
Alliance, an initiative to reform undergraduate STEM education.
Active learning is winning support from university administrators,
who are facing demands for accountability: students and parents want
to know why they should pay soaring tuition rates when so many lectures are now freely available online. It has also earned the attention of
foundations, funding agencies and scientific societies, which see it as a
way to patch the leaky pipeline for science students. In the United States,
which keeps the most detailed statistics on this phenomenon, about 60%
of students who enrol in a STEM field switch to a non-STEM field or
drop out2 (see A persistence problem). That figure is roughly 80% for
those from minority groups and for women.
Not everyone embraces the idea. Active learning can be a tough sell to
faculty members who thrived on standard lectures during their own
student years, and who wonder whether the benefits of active learningwhich requires substantially more preparation than do standard
lectures could possibility justify the time that the approach would
take away from their research.
Understanding and addressing the resistance has become one of
the reformers prime concerns. Robert Lue, the other co-chair of the
teaching alliance and director of the Derek Bok Center for Teaching
and Learning at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
says that he is hell bent on erasing this sense that research is where
you apply your intellect, and teaching is a rote skill. Scientists need
to approach teaching with the same rigour and appreciation for evidence that they exercise in the laboratory, he says. Its at the frontier
of research. And the more people we get involved, the faster that
research will go.
On the surface, active-learning classes can seem to differ little from
more conventional approaches. Undergraduate students have always
had discussion sessions to ask about the course material, and laboratory classes in which they would carry out experiments. But if you
look more closely, says Tobin, these are often just cookbook exercises.
The typical approach is read that and be prepared to talk about these
questions, or follow that procedure and youll get this result. In an
active-learning class such as hers, she says, the students take charge
name the sensory nerves of the leg, and what neuroscientist Sarah
Leupen asks of her introductory physiology class at the University of
Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC):
Youre innocently walking down the street when aliens zap away the
sensory neurons in your legs. What happens?
a) Your walking movements show no significant change.
b) You can no longer walk.
c) You can walk, but the pace changes.
d) You can walk, but clumsily.
We usually get lots of vigorous debate on this one, says Leupen, who
spends most of her class time firing such questions at her students. Its
lovely to experience.
What makes those questions special is that the students cannot
answer them simply by reading the course material although they
are expected to have done that before attending class. Instead, they have
to apply what they have learned, which they do by clustering around
tables in small teams and arguing over the options. That struggle is the
real pay-off, says Leupen, who eventually explains the right answer (in
this case, d). And if a team gets it wrong, she says, thats usually a good
thing because then they really remember it.
Evidence has been accumulating for decades that students who
actively engage with course material will end up retaining it for much
longer than they would have otherwise, and they will be better able
to apply their knowledge broadly. But the evidence began to draw
widespread attention only around the turn of the century not least
thanks to Carl Wieman, who suddenly became one of the movements
most visible champions when he was awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in
Physics for his co-discovery of BoseEinstein condensates. I started
way before the Nobel prize, says Wieman, who is now at Stanford
University in California. Its just that people didnt pay attention to
me until then.
Wiemans conversion began in the late 1980s, when he noticed
something about the graduate students coming into his atomic-physics
lab then at the University of Colorado Boulder. They had done
really well as undergraduates, but couldnt do research, he says. Over
the years, they learned how to be good scientists, but that had little to
do with how well they had done in their courses.
In trying to figure out why, Wieman came across the already huge
body of empirical research on learning most of it totally unknown
to science departments. Among the most striking findings, he says,
was one3 that explained his own observation. It showed that in the
traditional way of teaching, students could pass the test, but did not
get a basic conceptual model of the subject, he says.
Other scientists were coming to much the same realization, and
they were starting to experiment with other ways to teach. By the
time Wiemans Nobel shone a spotlight on the efforts, many fields had
started what is now known as Discipline-Based Education Research:
investigations into active methods for teaching concepts specific to
each branch of science4.
Other powerful advocates included biologist Bruce Alberts, then
president of the US National Academy of Sciences. In 2004, Alberts
consolidated several academy panels into the Board on Science
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A study tracking 17,000 post-secondary students in the United States and Puerto
Rico found that only two-fifths of those who enrolled in a STEM discipline went on to
obtain a degree in the field, or were still studying for one 6 years later.
Stayed in
Switched to
non-STEM field
Left without
a degree
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