Control of BL
Control of BL
Control of BL
Efficiency of aircraft gas turbine engines in transonic flow can be increased with the use of compressor having multiple
stages and high pressure ratio but this kind of configuration leads to increment in weight and cost also. A lot of
researches were done in this field and our aim is achieving high pressure ratio so that efficiency of compressor can be
increased. Performance of compressor blade in transonic flow which is partly high subsonic and low supersonic is very
important due to occurrence of shock wave which leads to flow separation and this causes different type of losses and
this will affect the performance of compressor and therefore performance of engine also reduces. To avoid these losses
and to prevent or delay separation different methods like actuating devices, modification in geometry of axial fans etc.
are used today and in this paper BL control methods are used to delay or modify flow separation of blade.
Axial compressors are designed and developed in such a manner that these could be used to operate under steady
axisymmetric flow, where pressure rise across compressor depends upon compressor mass flow rate. In axial
compressor flow enters the first blade and leaves axially which is parallel to the axis of shaft. Higher mass flow rates
gives higher thrust. Axial compressor has lower pressure ratio per stage then the centrifugal one. In transonic aircraft
axial flow compressors has been used therefore to increase performance of transonic aircraft pressure ratio across
blades of the compressor should be high and to achieve this flow over the blade needs to be modified.To prevent
compressor flow instabilities different methods and devices are available today. Methods like tiny grooves or slot on
endwall, casing treatments etc. have been employed to compressor rotor blade in the late 1980s. In Transonic flow
performance is very important because this type of flow is partly high subsonic and low supersonic which leads to the
formation of shock and due to this losses increases and overall engine performance reduces. Compressor rotor blade
geometry is very important because its geometry decides where shock appears on the blade and therefore separation of
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Isentropic efficiency
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
In the equation 1 PR is the pressure ratio and is the specific heat ratio for air which has the standard numerical
value of 1.4. & are the total temperatures of outlet and inlet respectively.
To increase the performance of transonic aircraft many researches has been made in this field. There are various
devices and methods available today to prevent compressor flow instabilities. Some of the methods are casing
treatment, tiny grooves or slots made on endwall etc. and these methods have been employed to compressor rotor blade
in the late 1970s. Many methods like adding plasma actuating devices on the trailing edge of blade, Boundary layer
control by suction etc. have been developed to delay or prevent separation.
Features of suction and blowing method has been used separately on the rotor blade separately but not at the same time.
Before using this control surfaces in our geometry we have done a lot of literature survey to get appropriate coordinates
of rotor blade surface and we got these points from the researches made in 90s.
Suction and blowing has been used in many other researches to prevent flow separation and these methods has delayed
flow separation and reduces the boundary layer effects especially on airfoils. Due to the occurrence of shocks in
transonic flow, Performance of compressor rotor has been decreased therefore researches has been made in this field so
that performance of the rotor could be increased by some means.
In the previous researches suction and blowing both methods has been used but in this research we want to use features
of both the methods at the same time and by this mean we want to avoid or delay flow separation so that flow remain
attached to the blade and velocity vectors should be smooth so that we got high pressure ratio per stage. When suction
method has been used in the previous researches then increment in pressure ratio was not much effective and when
blowing has been used then increment in pressure ratio was more than suction therefore we got the idea of using both
the methods at the same time to reduce compressor instabilities and to increase performance of transonic axial
3.1 Modelling
Modelling of rotor blades has been done in CATIA V5 (a software used for modelling and designing any
object).Modelling of compressor rotor blade is not an easy job due to complexity of curve i.e. it is twisted from hub to
tip, unless we do not have proper coordinates of points, blade modelling is not possible and these coordinates of point
can be obtained from literature survey of researches made in this field. First modelling of single surface has been done
by joining coordinates of four points and then formation of all surfaces of blade has been done by joining coordinates
of all the points then geometric model of blade is ready and after this casing hubs and outer walls of blades has been
modelled and this depends on the tip clearance chosen.
Table 2 Important parameters of Model
Maximum chord length
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Maximum span
Inlet Diameter
Outlet Diameter
Tip Clearance
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
There were thirty six blade in single rotor stage of compressor which has been shown in Fig.1 and number of elements
corresponding to each blade was very high due to which this would take too much of computational time and cost.
To overcome this problem and to reduce our computational cost and time our model has been restricted to single blade
geometric model which has been shown below in Fig.2 and results and analysis has been done for this model only.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
First global mesh parameters has been defined and after this part mesh parameters has been defined which has been shown
in the above Fig.3 In the part mesh setup different element sizes have been defined to create coarsen mesh on the edge of
the blade. When all the parameters have been defined then create prism layer and then apply compute for generating mesh
grids. Grid generation of single blade has been shown in Fig.4 and Grid of outer walls and casing has been shown in Fig.5.
Table 3 Mesh parameters of Grids of model with and without blowing boundary layer control surface
Initial Height
Total Height
Total Elements
Total Nodes
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Grid or mesh generation on the blade surfaces has been shown in Fig.4 and two different views has been shown in this
Fig. at the surface of blade grids were very fine because this was the domain where flow behaviours were very
Grids formation on the geometry other than blade surface has been shown in the Fig.5 and grids of these outer walls
and casings were not very fine because flow behaviour around these surfaces were out of our interest.
3.2.2Grid generation with boundary layer control surface
This geometry has two control surfaces and two holes. Among the two control surface one was suction surface and
other was blowing surface and one was suction hole and other was blowing hole. In the part creation method these
surfaces were also assigned a name and prism layer were calculated for both suction and blowing surface. Prism layers
were applied to these surfaces because we want finer mesh on these surfaces also and remaining steps to develop grids
were similar to previous case.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Grid generation of blade surfaces having suction and blowing control surfaces has been shown in Fig.6 and on the
suction and blowing surface grids were very fine because we have more interest on the flow behaviour on these
3.3 Boundary conditions for computational simulation
Computational Fluid Dynamics has been used to solve the model associated with the fluid flow by applying numerical
methods. There were many CFD softwares like ANSYS- (GAMBIT, FLUENT and CFX etc.), OPEN FOAM, Gerrish
Flow solver etc. available today for computational simulation and analysis. Among all these softwares ANSYS CFX
was high performance CFD tool which delivers accurate and reliable solutions therefore ANSYS CFX has been used in
our study. This software has three tools to do computational simulation and analysis and they were CFX-pre-processor,
CFX solver manager and CFX-post processor.
3.3.1CFX pre-processor
This part of CFD tool worked as pre-processor for the simulation software. Grid file produced in ICEM should be
imported to the CFX-pre by generating CFX input file of that model. After this open this file from CFX-pre and then
domain should be created in pre-processing software and this problem is defined in turbo mode. Turbo mode has been
used to provide some pre-specified conditions. CFX Pre setup for model without boundary layer control surfaces
The settings for CFX- Pre used are based on the units of the mesh imported.
The parameters for the mesh units in mm are: Basic Settings
Machine Type : Axial Compressor
Rotation Axis : z
Component type
Type : Rotating
Value -16043 [RPM]
Tip clearance at shroud : yes
Fluid :-- Air Ideal Gas
Analysis Type : -- Steady State
Model data :
Reference Pressure :- 0 (Zero) Pa
Heat Transfer :- Total Energy
Turbulence :- Shear stress Transport
Wall Functions :- Automatic and compressible high speed heat transfer model
Inflow/Outflow boundary templates: P-total inlet P-static outlet
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Rotation Axis : z
Component type
Type : Rotating
Value -16043 [RPM]
Tip clearance at shroud : yes
Fluid :-- Air Ideal Gas
Analysis Type : -- Steady State
Model data :
Output file generated in previous file was the input file for this part and for computational simulation graphical
interface method has been used by this tool. In our study Double precision has been used because this would give
results with more accuracy but when this solver has been applied to execute the file this would take double
computational memory.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
CFX post-processor
The result or output file of CFX solver manager worked as input file for this tool and first that output file has been
loaded in to this tool. When the results were initialized thermodynamic properties can also be extracted from
optimization process therefore expression of isentropic efficiency and pressure ratio has been also created in expression
tab of CFD-Post.
There were two defined models for analysis and this analysis has been done in CFX post-processor. First model
without any boundary layer control surfaces has been analysed and then model with combination of suction and
blowing boundary layer control surfaces. Three dimensional simulations have been done by using simulation software
ANSYS CFX. In post processing results have been analysed in the form of velocity vectors. Velocity vectors has been
checked not at various section of span but also at two models with changed length units and rpm.
Flow behaviour in the form of velocity vectors at quarter chord location has been shown in the above fig. and this has
been done for two different scale and vortex of strong strength could be seen here as the flow has been separated and
boundary layer effects were dominant here.
Flow behaviour at half of chord location has been shown in the above fig. and vortex of small strength has been
observed and boundary layer effects were not dominant in this case.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Flow behaviour at 80% chord location has been shown in Fig.9 and two different length scale has been used and it has
been found that results were similar for both length scale and in this case very tiny strength vortex has been observed
and Boundary layer effects were negligible.
Fig.7, 8 and 9 represented velocity vectors at 25%, 50% and 80% span location respectively. When results have been
analysed then it has been observed that boundary layer effects were dominant near quarter chord of span which could
be seen in the above Fig.7 At quarter chord location flow separation has been occurred i.e color changes from orange to
green and some strong vortex has been also formed at this location. At 50% and 80% span location flow separation has
been also occurred but boundary layer effects were not as dominant as in near quarter chord location and very small
vortex of tiny strength has been formed also and this could be seen in Fig.8 and Fig.9.
Flow analysis has been done for models with two different length scale and it was found that results were similar for
both models. Results have been shown in the form of velocity vectors, at quarter chord location velocity vectors were
not smooth as the boundary layer effects were dominant here and due to this flow separation has been occurred and this
could be seen in the above three Fig. and at other two span location velocity vectors has been found to be smoother
than at quarter chord location.
From the results obtained it was clear that we need to develop some steps through which flow separation could be
delayed or prevented and for this combination of suction and blowing methods has been used in this study.
Results for the model with the combination of suction surface and blowing surface has been analysed and Velocity
vectors for three span location of blade i.e at 25%, 50% and 80% span location which has been shown in Fig.10,11 and
12 respectively. In the suction method suction surface and suction hole has been created on the blade surface and
results has been obtained for mass flow rate 1kg/s and in blowing method blowing surface and blowing hole has been
created on the blade surface and results has been obtained for two mass flow rate 1.5kg/s. Suction surface has been
used to suck the low energy fluid and blowing surface has been used to blow high energy fluid to the flow and here
feature of both the methods has been combined and used as a single method.
Fig.10 velocity vectors for model with control surfaces at 25% span chord location
Flow behaviour at the quarter chord location has been shown in Fig.10 and in this case suction and blowing control
surfaces has been introduced in the geometry and this could be observed that boundary layer effects were not dominant
and some vortex of small strength has been observed also.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
Fig.11 velocity vectors for model with control surfaces at 50% span chord location
Flow behaviour in the form of velocity vectors at half chord location with the introduction of suction and blowing
control surfaces has been shown in Fig.11 and velocity vectors were smooth and very ting vortex could be seen.
Fig.12 velocity vectors for model with control surfaces at 80% span chord location
Flow behaviour in the form of velocity vectors at 80% chord location with the introduction of blowing and suction
control surfaces has been shown in the Fig.12 and in this no vortex has been seen and flow separation has been
High energy fluid has been blown to the flow through blowing hole and suction surface used to suck the low energy
fluid through suction holes and in this study both the processes has been worked simultaneously and fluid has been
reenergized and there were no low energy fluid due to which flow separation occurred by this way flow separation has
been prevented. From the above figure it could be shown that by the use of boundary layer control method velocity
vectors found to be smoother and no strong vortex has been seen.
Results has been obtained for the both model i.e model with and without boundary layer control surfaces and it has
been obtained that flow separation has been delayed or prevented with the introduction of combination of suction and
blowing surface in the blade geometry. When there was no boundary layer control surface then flow separation
occurred and boundary layer effects were dominant near quarter chord location due to this some strong vortices has
been formed but with the introduction of blowing and suction control surface in the blade geometry flow separation has
been prevented and vortex of very tiny strength has been observed. As a result pressure ratio has been observed as
1.724 and increment in pressure ratio has been found to be 0.11.
Authors would like to thank university for providing computational facilities and colleagues for their continuous
support. Special thanks to co-author Late Twisha Patel for her support. I heartily pay my gratitude to my colleagues Ms.
Sumana Mukherjee and Ms. Twisha Patel as they have been constantly helping me in it. Without their co-operation and
support, working on this paper would have been very difficult.
Copyright to IJIRSET
ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753
ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710
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