FIDIC Seminar Brochure

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Two Days Training Course on



4th & 5th August, 2014
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area
August Kranti Marg, New Delhi - 110016.

7th & 8th August, 2014

Seminar Hall, 1st Floor, Pravin Gandhi College of Law,
Mithibai College Campus, Bhaktivedanta Marg,
Vile Parle (West), Mumbai - 400056.

Organised by

Consulting Engineers
Association of India

Supported by



Pravin Gandhi College of Law


The FIDIC 1999 Conditions of Contract are
being used the world over where multi-lateral
development banks provide the funding. With a
number of large and complex projects going on
in the country and also in the offing, coupled
with a highly competitive arena in which the
consultants, contractors and vendors have to
provide their services, it is necessary that each
party to the contract is clear about their rights
as well as their obligations. For this to be so it
is imperative that project personnel of each
party understand the implications of each
clause of the contract and take timely action
for the due performance and implementation
of their obligation under the contract for the
proper and effective progress of the project and
to avoid any issues which can adversely affect
any of the parties or the project.
In a contract some documents serve as
general guidelines where as others are
specific. This differentiation and the
implications must also be understood by the
parties concerned.
The training course will serve to explain and
illustrate how to use the FIDIC Conditions of
Contract, administer and manage it. The
course will deal with practical issues on the
FIDIC 1999 Conditions of Contract including the
New Red Book, Yellow Book, Silver Book and
the Pink Book. These will be presented by Mr.
Bogdan Oprea, a FIDIC Accredited trainer.


All professionals actively involved in preparing and implementing projects
under the FIDIC Conditions of Contract:
w Consulting Engineers
w Architects
w Contractors / Sub Contractors w Owners

w Quantity Surveyors
w Funding agencies

w Central and State Government departments / Ministries involved in projects

w Executive of PSUs of Infrastructure Sector

w Builders / Developers

w Construction professionals

w Insurers w Lawyers

w Suppliers

CEAI being the member association of FIDIC is the only body in

India authorised to issue certificates with the FIDIC name and logo.

Case Studies and special topics based on Indian

cases will be covered by Mr. O P Goel, Dr. P V
Amarnadha Prasad and Mr. Uttam Sengupta.


Mr. Bogdan Oprea

Mr. Bogdan received degrees in civil

engineering from the Institute of Civil
Engineering, Bucharest, Romania,
and from L'Institute Nationale de Science Apliques, Lyon, France where
he was awarded a Diplome d'Etudes
Aprofondies (DEA). He is a Member
of the Dispute Resolution Board
Foundation, of the Romanian Association of Consulting Engineers and
other organizations. His name is also
listed on the DRBF President List of
Dispute Boards Member, Romanian
national list of adjudicators, and he is
an accredited mediator.

He has served as Mediator, Negotiator and Adjudicator under FIDIC Conditions of Contract on several International Contracts.
He has trained extensively for FIDIC
as an accredited FIDIC trainer in
Europe, Middle East, Asia, South
America and Africa, specializing on
FIDIC contracts and the management of claims and the resolution of
He started his career as a Teacher
Assistant at the Faculty of Roads,
Railways and Bridges, then in the

Bucharest Branch Department of

National Administration of Roads.
Later he joined Iptana Search as a
chief designer for bridges and then at
Louis Berger as a Deputy Project
Manager and Claims expert. He now
has his own company- AB Resolution
which specializes in assessing
claims, disputes, contractual risk,
mediation, adjudication, contracts
and claim analysis, etc.

Mr. O P Goel

Dr. P V Amarnadha

Mr. Uttam

Mr. O P Goel had a brilliant academic

career after which he joined the Central Engineering Services and retired
as Director General (Works), Central
Public Works Department, Government of India. During that he got versatile experience in all facets of civil
engineering particularly buildings,
roads & bridges right from planning,
designing construction, project management, monitoring, litigation, arbitration, etc. He worked on many prestigious projects in India and abroad
and has to his credit construction of
large number of buildings, bridges,
road works, water supply and sewage
treatment plants, special constructions like chimneys, towers, irrigation
structures, dams, barrages etc.

ings Congress - Founder President,

Indian Roads Congress - VicePresident and Indian Institution of
Technical Arbitrators - President. He
is also associated with various professional bodies on Arbitration Indian Council of Arbitration, International Council of Consultants, Construction Industry Arbitration Council,
Singapore Institute of Arbitrators Singapore, International Centre for
Alternate Dispute Resolution, Dispute Review Board Foundation,
U.S.A. and Singapore International
Arbitration Centre.

He has organised and participated in

a number of National and International conferences, seminars and
workshops. He has a number of technical papers to his credit. He has a
deep understanding of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract and the Dispute
Resolution Mechanism. He has delivered Lectures on Dispute Resolution
in National and International Conferences and also as a faculty in Training Institutes. Being on the panels of
Arbitrators & Adjudicators of various
organizations and professional bodies he has handled large number of
arbitration cases. Besides he has
He is a Fellow Member of the Instituacted as Arbitrator in about two huntion of Surveyors, Indian Institution of
dred cases. He has been the ChairBridge Engineers, International Assoman/Member of Dispute Review
ciation of Bridge and Structural EngiBoards in 14 projects of Highways,
neering, Institution of Valuers, ConHe plays a leading role in the prestiIrrigation and Sewerage of large maggious professional bodies - Institution sulting Engineers Association of
nitude and an Adjudicator in many
of Engineers (India) - National Presi- India, International Society of
building projects.
dent during 2003 2004, Indian Build- Trenchless Technology, et al.

Dr. P. V. Amarnadha Prasad is a

Graduate in two branches of engineering in civil and mechanical, has
over two decades of professional
experience in engineering, legal and
arbitration matters pertaining to
infrastructure projects. Dr Prasad is
very active in the Techno-Legal profession and has expertise in the
design of highway projects, project
management, preparation of tender

documents and tender administration for engineering procurement

and construction contracts.

sumer Protection Act. Dr Prasad is

the Chairman of Technical Arbitrators,
Andhra Pradesh State Centre and
Member of the Institute of ManageDr Prasad is an approved legal expert ment Consultants of India, Indian Roads
for various projects under National
Congress, Indian Building Congress,
Highways Authority of India and other Indian Council of Arbitration, Indian
agencies. Has served as an Arbitrator Society of Construction Law. He is an
in many cases and is appointed as
active member of the Consulting EngiCourt Commissioner by Andhra Pra- neers Association of India and is an
desh State Commission under ConIndian faculty on construction contracts.

Mr. Uttam Sengupta graduated in

Commerce and later on did his LLM
from the University of Bombay. After
graduation he joined Siemens Limited as a "Commercial Trainee" and
moved up in the organization in different capacities and in different divisions. During his long innings in
Siemens he handled commercial
issues of various domestic and international projects in the field of power
and it also extended to heading the
project management team at the corporate level. In Siemens he was also
deputed abroad and that gave him
international exposure.

across various industries, with particular reference to infrastructure

and construction industry in India
and abroad, particularly, in GCC countries, where the contracts are predominantly structured upon the
FIDIC Conditions of Contract.

In 2004, Mr. Sengupta was invited by

Voltas Limited (A TATA Enterprise) to
head the "Risk Management" cell for
their International Operation Business Group. He has rich experience,
in handling contractual matters,

ject risk assessment, contract review

and drafting to ensure successful bidding activity.

He is actively involved, in mentoring

management students from reputed
management institutions in International Business, lecturing and sharHe specialises in Contract Manageing of knowledge at various corpoment, evaluation of risk by reference rate forums and institutional bodies,
to contract provisions, monitoring
and is on the Ad-hoc Board of Studand reviewing them so as to suggest ies in Management Courses
mitigation measures in the entire con- (Mumbai University) as Industry Reptract procedure, including basic risk
resentative. He has actively particiareas. He has also experience in rep- pated in International FIDIC conferresenting and defending dispute adju- ences in London, UAE and India. He
dication proceeding, in coordination
is also an Indian faculty on Construcwith reputed International Legal
tion Contracts and Risks.
Attorneys and Claim consultants. His
He is a Member of the Governing Couninternational market knowledge and
cil of the Consulting Engineers Assocontracting knowhow, assists in prociation of India and also the Co-Chairviding valuable and detailed advised
man of its Western Region Centre.
advise in Tendering process, on pro-



Project Contracting Strategy*

Financial Clauses and Procedures*

w Contracts Principle, Types, Law

w Common Law Civil Law
w Project Contracting Strategy

w Measurement and Evaluation w Variation and Adjustment

w Contract Price and Payment procedure and practice
w Statement at completion w Final payment certificate

Introduction to the 1999 FIDIC documents*

Case Studies & Special Topics-2 by Mr. O P Goel

(Construction Contract; Plant and Design-Build, Turn Key, Short Form


Risks, Force Majeure & Termination*


Background and reasons for change

Examination of format and content of General Conditions
Examination of Guide to Particular Conditions
Annex to documents
Selection of appropriate type of Contract


Termination by Employer
Suspension & Termination by Contractor
Risk allocation
Force majeure

Contract start up*

Claims *

w Appointments w Procedures
w Programme w Guarantees w Insurance

w Claims procedures principles

w Claims by the Employer w Claims by the Contractor

Responsibilities of Main Parties*

Management of disputes and Avoiding disputes*



General issues w Responsibilities of the Employer

The Engineer w The Contractor
Contractor's Representative
Nominated Sub-Contractor
Design and Employer Requirements

Management of Projects - Key Areas Workmanship and Time*


Staff and Labour

Plant, Materials and Workmanship
Commencement, Delays and Suspension
Taking over of the works
Tests and Defects Liability
Defects during the Defect Liability Period
Performance Certificate

Case Studies & Special Topics-1 by Dr. P V Amarnadha Prasad

Note: *Topics will be taken by Mr. Bogdan Oprea

Disputes Adjudication Board ; Dispute combined Boards

DAB Agreement & Procedures
Amicable Settlement practical aspects
Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms

Case Studies & Special Topics-3 by Mr. Uttam Sengupta


CEAI Secretariat
CEAI Centre, OCF Plot No.2, Pocket 9,
Sector B, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110070.
Tel: +91 11-26134644 | E-mail:

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