Course Weekly Outline: AC & DC Machines in S.I. System of Units Volume II, A. K. Theraja

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‫بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم‬

Republic of Iraq University: Technology

The Ministry of Higher Education College:
Department of Electrical
& Scientific Research Engineering
Department:Electrical Eng.
Lecturer name: Jasim F. Hussein
Academic Status: Lecturer
Qualification: PhD.
Place of work:University of
Course Weekly Outline
Course Instructor Dr. JasimFarhoodHussein
Course Coordinator 50%
DC machines Study aimed to providing students adequate theoretical
knowledge, Besides helping to reinforce the practical applications aspects for
Course Objective DC machines. As well as the study of the properties of DC generators and
DC motors that make them able to acquire the necessary skills to solve
engineering issues specialist in this field.
DCMACHINES Introduction, Generators, Motors,Testing, Single Phase
Course Description Transformer, Three Phase Transformer, Auto-Transformers, Software
1. M.G.Say and E.O.Taylor, Direct Current Machines, Pitman Pub.
2. H.C. Gerhard Henneberger, Electrical Machines.
Electrical technology , AC & DC machines in S.I. system of units volume II
2007 . by B.L. Theraja , A. K. Theraja

Term Laboratory Quizzes Project Final

Tests Exam
Course Assessment
20% ----- 10% ---- 70%

General Notes

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