Suri Khola Transmission Line Design Report
Suri Khola Transmission Line Design Report
Suri Khola Transmission Line Design Report
) Ltd
October 2014
Table of Contents
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Development region Central
Zone Janakpur
District Dolakha
District headquarter Charikot
VDC Chankhu and Suri
Project location (same as before)
Longitude 86 15 10 to 86 12 50 East
Latitude 27 45 14 to 27 44 10 North
Type of scheme Run of river (RoR)
Source river Suri Khola
Catchment area 36.40 km2 at intake site
Mean annual precipitation 1650 mm
Design discharge 3.075 m3/s (Q40%)
Compensation flow 0.066 m3/s
1 in 100 years return period design flood 167.75 m3/s
1 in 5 years return period operation flood 61.22 m3/s
1 in 2 years return period diversion flood 34.55 m3/s
Project components
Type Concrete lined weir
Crest level 1395 m amsl
Length of weir 20 m including undersluice
Spillway type Free overflow
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Type Gated submerged orifice intake with course trash rack
Nos. of opening 2 nos
Opening size 2.5m long X1.0 m
Conneting canal
Type Box type
Length 18.37 m
Width 1.50 m
Overall depth 1.65 m
L-slope 0.215277778
Overflow spillway length 7.84 m
Overflow spillway capacity 10 m3/s
Gravel trap
Type Continuous flushing hopper type
Overall length 8.17 m
Width 3.75 m
Overall depth 2.60 m
Particle size to be trapped 5 mm
Design flow 3.54 m3/s
Flushing flow 0.41 m3/s
Settling basin
Type Double chamber, gravity flushing type
Settling zone length 43.00 m
Inlet transition length 16.20 m
Single basin width 5.00 m
Overall depth 3.77 m
Particle size to be settled 0.15 mm with 90% settling efficiency
Design flow 3.075 m3/s
Type RCC tank
Storage period 60 s
Effective length 11.45 m
Width 7.50 m
Effective depth 1.91 m
Effective storage 165 m3
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Type Surface, mild steel circular shaped
Length 3384 m
Internal diameter 1.30 m
Thickness 6-22 mm
Design flow 3.075 m3/s
No. of anchor blocks 52
No. of support piers 370
Type Surface type, RCC structure
Length 27.82 m
Width 16.24 m
Height 12.00 m
Tailrace length 80 m
Type Pelton (2 units)
Rated capacity 3700 kW one unit
Turbine axis level 1113 m amsl
Design flow 1.538 m3/s for one unit
Type 3 Phase brushless synchronous (2 units)
Rated capacity 4375 kVA each
Rating 50 Hz, 750 rpm
Governor Electro-Hydraulic
Overhead crane Lifting capacity 25 T
Step up transformer
Type 3-Phase, ONAN cooled, Outdoor type
Rating 2 x 4375 kVA, 6.90/33kV, 50 Hz
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Potential of hydropower energy in Nepal is huge. The perennial nature of Nepali rivers and the
steep gradient of the country's topography provide ideal conditions for the development of some
of the world's largest hydroelectric projects in Nepal. Nepal has approximately 40,000 MW of
economically feasible hydropower potential. However, the present situation is that Nepal has
developed only approximately 650 MW of hydropower. Therefore, bulk of the economically
feasible generation has not been realized yet.
Although granted with tremendous hydropower resources, only about 40% of Nepal's population
has access to electricity. Most of the power plants in Nepal are run-of-river type with energy
available in excess of the in-country demand during the monsoon season and deficit during the
dry season.
To attract private investors towards the development of small hydropower projects, Government
of Nepal has adopted a liberal policy since 1990. Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has also
announced its policy to purchase power generated by the private developers and two distinct
prices for electricity is fixed for both dry and wet seasons. Banks and financial institutions have
also shown their interest to invest in hydropower projects as priority sector investment. This
scenario has encouraged the private investors to promote small hydropower projects in Nepal.
Suri Khola Hydropower Project is located at Chankhu and Suri VDCs of Dolakha district. It has
installed capacity of 7 MW with 2 units of pelton turbines. Geographically the project area is
located between longitudes 86o 14 00E to 86o 09 40E and latitudes 27o 4600 N to 27o
4330 N.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Distance from Kathmandu to Project area is around 175 km. From Kathmandu to Khadichaur
(Araniko Highway), the distance is 78 km. Motorable track road goes from Charikot to Singati.
Charikot is connected to the Araniko Highway via Khadichaur 55 km long road. From Charikot
to Singati, there is track road 35 km long and from Singati to Bhorle is 7 km graveled road. The
road is to be constructed with the active participation from local people. From Dolakha, the
powerhouse site is about 3 km far. The intake site located at Khalde village is about 3 km
upstream from the powerhouse site.
The nearest sub-station from the project site is located at Singati of Dolakha district. The power
generated from this project will be synchronized with 33 kV transmission line. The length of the
proposed transmission line will be about 7 km from the powerhouse of the Suri Khola
Hydropower Project.
The power generated from Sri Khola Hydropower Project shall be connected to the NEA 33 kV
substation in Singati, of Dolakha district. The power generated from Suri Khola HP shall be
connected to 33 kV bus bar of Singati substation. The magnitude of the electricity to be
transmitted is 7 MW from Suri HP to Singati S/S. Project shall construct 33 kV double circuit
line from the proposed switchyard of the powerhouse to the existing 30 MVA 33/132 kV
substation. The length of the proposed 33 kV transmission line shall be about 7 km.
The proposed route of 33 kV Transmission Line of Suri Khola Small Hydropower Project passes
through Gurumphi village of Suri VDC.
The 33 kV transmission line shall be constructed from the switchyard of the powerhouse towards
the NEA substation. The line shall be made in steel tubular poles (telescopic) of 13 m heights
and placed at an average span of 50-60 m. The minimum clearance to ground shall be maintained
above 7 m. The conductor for use in this project shall be 0.10 sq. inch ACSR Dog based on
power to be transmitted, length, and mechanical strength and voltage regulation. Other necessary
materials and accessories like insulators, cross arms, stays, jointing sleeves shall be in
accordance with the IEC standard for use on 33 kV transmission line.
Two 6.9/33 kV, 4375 kVA outdoor power transformer shall be connected to the 33 kV
transmission line outside the powerhouse. The 6.9 kV bus bar shall be supported inside the
control panel with the required isolating material.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
by different IPPs in the Tamakoshi Singati basin. Till date 33 kV transmission line from Siprin
Hydropower project has been connected to the substation. And this power is transmitted to
Upper Tamakoshi hydro power project.
The main scopes of the study are to select the route of 33 kV transmission line from Suri Khola
powerhouse to Singati substation, Singati, and its drawings with Pole Location; Detail survey
and electrical design of 33 kV transmission line from Suri Khola powerhouse to Singati
substation, Singati; bill of quantity; technical specifications of the equipments required for the
construction of the transmission line.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The detailed survey and design of 33 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line of Suri Khola
Hydropower Project has been carried out by CEPAD Hydro Consultants (P.) Ltd. First of all,
collection and review of existing data and literature related to the site and electricity transmission
was done then after detail survey was performed on the final route for the Transmission Line.
The detail of the work such as calculation, design of electro mechanical components and
drawings are attached in the Annexes at the end.
Team of engineers and local residents, were actively involved in the selection of the appropriate
route for the transmission line and its design. Different routes for the transmission line were
proposed and the appropriate route was selected. The selection of the final route for the
transmission was selected based on walkover survey, direct field observation, appropriate length
and discussions with local key informants. Technically feasible and socially acceptable route was
selected for the detail topographical survey.
Topographic survey of transmission line corridor was done using Total Station and other
machines as per the requirement of site. The topographical map with the pole locations is in
1:10,000 scales with contour interval of 20 m. with the help of software GIS. Pole Locations,
profile, layout of the Route and the Topographical map of the route can be found in Annex A.
The proposed 33 kV double circuit transmission line will be 6.8 km. long, with steel telescopic
poles with height of 13 m, having average ruling span 60-70 m. The ground clearance of the
designed transmission line will be greater than 7 m. First of all, route survey was carried out by
walking through the proposed project alignment. Latter on the detail survey was carried out by
using Total Station and detail topographical map for the proposed route is prepared. The plan of
the transmission line will be prepared in the scale 1:15,000 and that of L section shall be
prepared in suitable scale. The location of the pole can be found plotted in the map and the
coordinates can be found in Annex B. From the detail survey report, the quantity of poles,
length of conductors, insulators and stay out etc. is also quantified. The location of the stay shall
be fixed by receiving the deviation angle of the proposed alignment. The telescopic tubular poles
(13 m) are proposed for the ease of transportation. The conductors for the transmission line after
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
the detail electrical analysis is ACSR Dog. The hardware and structure shall be based on the
latest standards and practices adopted by different agencies.
By the help of survey data, sag of the conductor between the poles was determined and hence the
length of the conductor. The calculated length of the conductor was 6.99 km. For 3 Phase
double circuit line the length of conductor required will be around 42 km. The list of particulars
needed for the construction is attached in Annex B.
Every pole is to be grounded by using 2.5 m. long GI spike earthing rod (of 16 mm. diameter).
One spike earthing rod is to be driven into the ground near each telescopic pole. Preventive
measures should be taken to avoid rusting/corrosion of the joints as it increases resistance of the
path of grounding.
The cost estimation for civil works shall be based on the unit rates developed from prevailing
labor rate, construction equipment rate and material rate taking into account the local situation
and bill of quantities derived from design drawings. The rates for locally available labor shall be
obtained from District rates of Dolakha District. The rate of construction equipment shall be
taken from regularly updated cost data, quotation from the supplier/ manufactures. The rates of
construction materials shall be derived accordingly as their source of supply. While calculating
the construction materials rate, sufficient attention shall be given to the mode of transportation
and their corresponding cost shall be included. From labor cost, material cost and equipment
cost, the direct cost per unit of construction activity shall be calculated. All other indirect costs
such as office overhead, contractors financing cost, insurance, bond, profit and risk margin shall
also be included in the total cost of the activities. Detail cost estimation and Bill of Quantity are
attached in Annex C.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
This specification covers the design, manufacturing/ fabrication, procurement, supply and
delivery to the site of the following goods.
a. Porcelain Insulators
b. Stay Set
c. Miscellaneous
This specification covers the fabrication and supply of pin insulators, suspension
insulators, and stay insulators as herein specified for use on overhead power line
construction. The qualified manufacturer should be a holder of ISO Certificate.
All insulators furnished under this specification shall be fabricated and tested in
accordance with the National Standard referenced for each type of the following
b. 33 kV Pin Insulator
The pin insulator made up of brown glaze high quality porcelain shall be manufactured
and tested in accordance with ISO or the latest version hereof as detailed in drawings.
The pin insulators shall have the following rating and features.
System Voltage 33 kV
Highest System Voltage 36 kV
Rated Voltage 33 kV
Creepage Distance (minimum) 580 mm
Wet Power Frequency Withstand Voltage for 1 minute 75 kV
Impulse Withstand Voltage 170 kV
Puncture Power Frequency Voltage (minimum) 180 kV
Visible Discharge Voltage (effective) 27 kV
G.I. Pin Head Large
c. Disc Insulator
The disc insulator made up of brown glaze high quality porcelain shall be manufactured
and tested in accordance with ISO or the latest version hereof as detailed in drawings.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The disc insulator shall be ball and socket type of size 16 mm. B. the disc insulator shall
be supplied in a string of three (3) pieces of 11 kV disc insulators for 33 kV voltage
system with tension clamp as detailed in related drawing. Each 11 kV disc insulator shall
have the following rating and features:
System Voltage 11 kV
Highest System Voltage 12 kV
Rated Voltage 11 kV
Porcelain Diameter 255 mm
Spacing 145 mm
Creepage Distance (minimum) 320 mm
Power Frequency Puncture withstand Voltage 1.3 Actual dry Flashover Voltage
Wet Power Frequency Withstand Voltage 35 kV
Impulse Withstand Voltage 75 kV
Visible Discharge Voltage (effective) 9 kV
Electro-Mechanical Strength 45 kN
Applied Standard IS:731:1971
d. Stay Insulator
The Stay insulators shall be made of brown glaze high class porcelain as shown in the
related drawing. The stay insulator shall be manufactured and tested in accordance with
ISO as detailed in drawings. The stay insulator shall have following ratings and features:
Rated Voltage 33 kV
Highest System Voltage 36 kV
Creepage Distance (minimum) 57 mm
Minimum Failing Load >80kN
Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, kV for 1 minute:
Dry 27 kV
Wet 13 KV
IS Designation C
e. 33 kV Insulators Pin
1. General
This specification covers the fabrication and supply of bolt type, cross arm insulator
2. Description
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The insulator pin to be supplied shall conform to the shape and dimensions shown in
the drawing contained in this specification. The insulator pin shall be furnished with
a spring steel split lock washer and nut assembled on the insulator pin.
3. Materials
The insulator pins specified herein shall be fabricated from hot rolled steel. The pins
shall be a single piece obtained preferably by the process of forging it shall not be
made by joining, welding, shrink-fitting or any other process from more than one
piece of material. It shall be of good finish free from flaws and other defects. The
finish of the collar shall be such that a sharp angle between the collar and the shank
is avoided.
4. Galvanization
All ferrous pins, nuts and washers expect those made of stainless steel shall be hot
dip galvanized. The threads of nuts shall be cut after galvanizing and shall be oiled
and greased. The galvanization shall confirm to IS 2629-1985.
f. Tension Clamp.
The tension clamp shall be of ball and socket type to be used for disc insulators. The
details of the clamp shall be as described herein document. The
fabrication/manufacturing of the tension clamp shall confirm to the latest version of ISO
or equivalent standards. The galvanizing of the ferrous metal should be hot dip
galvanized and shall be conformed to the specification IS 2629-1985.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
This specification covers the supply of the stay set assembled with the following
accessories for use to guy overhead 33 kV line at angle points and dead end points. All
the accessories shall be galvanized as per the relevant standards.
b. Stay Rods
Stay rods shall be made of mild steel of ultimate tensile strength of 4200 kg/sq. cm. as
per IS 432 Part 1. Length and section of the rod shall be as mentioned in the rating and
features. One end of stay rod shall be square headed 505015 mm. and other end is
threaded as shown in drawing.
c. Turn Buckle
The stay turnbuckle shall be bow type with ratchet nut adjuster as shown in figure. The
turnbuckle shall be made of steel of 4200 kgf/sq. cm. as per IS 432 Part 1. Bow type part
of the turnbuckle shall be made of the 18 mm. steel rod. A thimble made of 18 SWG
G.I., steel shall be coupled with bow. The thimble shall be suitable for 7/10 SWG stay
d. Stay Plate
The stay plate shall be square type galvanized M.S. plate of 6 mm. thick. The plate shall
have suitable square shape hole of 40 mm. 40 mm. at the center. The dimension of the
plate shall be of 400 mm. 400 mm. for 33 kV line. Stay plate rod assembled with stay
rod has been shown in the drawing.
e. Galvanizing
All the stay set assembly must include rod, plate, turnbuckle, nut and bolts, washers,
thimble, etc. and they should be hot dip zinc galvanized conforming to IS 2629-1985.
f. Stay Wire
The stay wire shall be zinc coated steel wire strand type generally used for guying the
Stay Set used on poles for the construction of overhead power line.
a. Description of strands
The steel strand shall be fabricated in accordance with ASTM specification A-475 or
and equivalent national or international standard, subject to the provision of
paragraph 4 contained herein.
The steel strand shall have the following features:
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
b. Packaging
The steel wire strand shall be furnished in 60 m. reels. Each reels shall have a
weather resistance tag securely attached the length, nominal diameter, number of
individual wires, grade of the strand, and the class of zinc coating.
g. Other Accessories
The Stay Set shall also include all other accessories such as nut, bolts, washers, thimble,
etc. that are necessary to assemble and fit the complete Stay Set.
a. Full Tension Sleeve
The sleeve shall be dual tension (2 pieces) for use with ACSR conductor. The steel
sleeve shall be heavily plated for resistance to corrosion and compatibility with
aluminum and shall be abrasive lined for maximum holding strength.
The aluminum outer sleeve for 100 sq. mm ACSR conductor shall have a filler hole to
permit centering over the steel sleeve and permit inhibitor application.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
be of required strength and conforming to latest ISO standards. However the diameter of
the aluminum wire should not be less than 3.25 mm.
c. PG Clamp
PG Clamps shall be used for application in the non-tension connection at jumper
supports in 33 kV line structures. PG Clamps should be suitably designed for tightening
and holding of 100 sq. mm. conductor in place. It must be corrosion resistant and
conform to latest ISO standards.
The materials to be procured shall be subjected to routine test before final shipment to
delivery site. Following tests may be carried out:
i. Dimension Test
ii. Temperature Cycle Test
iii. Mechanical Failing Load Test
iv. Porosity Test
v. Power Frequency Test
vi. Galvanizing Test
vii. Bend Test/Load Test
viii. Hardness
b. Type test certificate, if applicable shall be included in the bid and shall bear a date that is
not earlier than five years from the last date of bid submission. The type test certificate
shall have been issued by a reputed independent laboratory.
For Mechanical,
For Galvanizing
For Dimensions and Temperature Cycle Test and Puncture
Mechanical and
Lot Test
Porosity Test
1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
sample sample rejection rejection sample sample sample sample
e Number
size test number number size size size size
to 8 8 0 2 2 5 5 3 3
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
3.2.1. SCOPE
The specification covers the design, manufacturing/fabrication, and supply and site delivery
of Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) commonly used on overhead
power/distribution line construction
1.1. All conductors should be of ACSR construction and shall be manufactured in strict
conformity to BS215 Part 2. The ACSR conductor shall be fabricated in accordance with
British Standards Institution Specification BS215 Part 2 1956 or IS 398:1961.
The steel core and the first layer of aluminum shall be greased. The grease shall be of
neutral type and at temperature of 100C and the grease neither flow nor extrude from
the conductor. The grease shall retain its properties as resistance to oxidation and
chemical stability at all service temperatures. The steel strands of ACSR conductor shall
be performed so that they remain inert and do not move relative to each other when the
conductor is out. The outermost layer of all conductors shall be stranded with right hand
The correct tension must be maintained on the stranding machine when spinning the
cable to avoid the possibility of bird caging due to stringing. Any condition not
complying may be rejected at the discretion of the Engineer.
The purity of the aluminum shall be the highest commercially available and not less than
99.5%, the copper content not exceeding 0.48%. The contractor shall submit the
certificates of analysis giving the percentage and the nature of any impurities in the
metal from which the wires are made. Aluminum wire shall be made to BS2627 and
steel wires to BS4565.
Precaution shall be taken during the manufacturing, storage and erection of steel
core aluminum conductors to prevent the possibility of contamination by copper or
other materials, which may adversely affect the aluminum. The manufacture of steel
core aluminum shall be carried out in a portion of factory specially set aside for such
purposes. Machinery previously used in manufacture of copper or copper-bearing
conductors shall not be for the manufacture of these aluminum or steel wires. The size
and the composition of the entire conductor shall be as stated in general specification.
The conductor shall be supplied on drums of approved construction. The drums shall be
securely battened to protect the conductor. Drum battens shall not be removed until the
drum is properly mounted on the drum station on line and battens shall be immediately
refitted to the drum if any surplus conductor is left therein. Each drum shall be marked
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
with the manufacturers name, direction of rolling, any mark, code name, the length, size
stranding, net weight, gross weight, approximate measurement and production date of
the conductor and manufacturing batch number incised. The minimum length of the
conductor shall be at least 1 km. per drum and maximum 2 km. per drum. However
EMPLOYER may ask supplier to supply conductor of 1 km. length per coil and coiled
without drum if required. The supplier shall quote the individual weight of the conductor
and weight of the wooden drum on which it is rolled.
It is made clear to the contractor that the guaranteed weight of the conductor ACSR
DOG is 394 kg. per km. For any reduction in the actual weight of the conductor from
guaranteed weight, the deduction on the contract cost will be made by the Employer for
the reduced weight as per the rate quoted on the price schedule. However, no extra cost
shall be paid to the contractor for the increased weight of the conductor (hence the length
of the conductor).
The following listed specification is those, which govern the fabrication. Testing and supply
of the materials to be made under this tender are contained in IFB.
Description DOG
2 Number/Diameter of wire
Aluminum 6/4.72
Steel 7/1.57
3 Cross section
Aluminum 105 mm
Steel 13.55 mm
Total 118.7 mm
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The manufactured conductors shall be subjected to the routine test at the manufacturers
premises before shipment.
The following tests will be carried out as per IS398: Part 2 1976 Aluminum conductor,
ACSR conductor (Second edition):
a. Breaking Load Test
b. Ductility Test
i. Torsion Test
ii. Elongation Test
c. Wrapping Test for Al. wires & Galvanized Steel wires
d. Resistance Test
e. Galvanizing Test
Each reel of conductor furnished shall contain only one length of conductor in other words
there should not be any joint in the conductor rolled in a reel.
All conductors shall be packaged in non-refundable wooden reels and shall be protected
against damage in handling, shipping and storage by heavy wood lagging securely applied to
each reel. All reels shall be sufficiently sturdy to withstand to shipment, storage and field
construction operation without distortion or disintegration.
All reels shall be legibly marked in paint with the following information:
a. Size of Conductor
b. Type of Conductor
c. Length in meter
d. Net weight of Conductor
e. Direction of Rolling
f. Total weight of the whole reel
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The bidder shall provide with the bid two (2) clear copies of the standard governing
fabrication of the conductor and two (2) clear copies of all other specification referenced
therein as relevant to the fabrication and testing of the ACSR conductor
The supplier shall also provide with the certificate of compliance, as specified in BS215 Part
2: 1970 at the time of the shipment of each lot of the conductor or as required by the
appropriate selection of the equivalent national standard.
The bidder shall provide certified type test results of all types of ACSR conductors as
required by governing standards.
All data, drawings, catalogue and others technical documents shall be bound separately from
the Bid document.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
(To be filled in by the Bidder/Manufacturer/Supplier)
The Bidder/Manufacturer/Suppliers are required to furnish the following information in the
Data Sheet. Separate sheets can be used if additional space is required. The information
furnished shall be supported by the catalogue and test reports. Any deviation from
EMPLOYERs requirements shall be clearly mentioned giving the reasons thereof.
0.1 sq. inch ACSR Conductor
Description Unit
A Manufacturer
B Governing Standards
Diameter Yes/No
Materials Yes/No
F Technical Data
1. Size
2. Number/Dia. Of wire
a. Aluminum
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
b. Steel
3. Cross Section
a. Aluminum
b. Steel
c. Total
4. Conductor Diameter
5. Ultimate Strength
6. Modulus of Elasticity
3.1.1. Scope
1.1. This Specification covers the design, fabrication, testing and supply of steel telescopic
poles to be used to support overhead electric lines and equipment.
3.1.2. Description
2.1. The poles shall be telescopic, uniformly tapered circular in cross-section. The poles
shall be fabricated in sections as specified in Table 2 out of welded tubes of suitable
lengths. The diameters of the top and the bottom end of the completely assembled pole
shall be as specified therein.
2.2. The sections of the steel poles shall be designed such that the butt end of the top section
fits on the top end of the second section, the butt end of the second section fits on the top
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
end of the third section and so on. The various sections shall be fitted together by
pressed friction joints. The completely assembled telescopic pole shall have the design
loads as specified in Table 1. The separate pole cap shall be provided with top section of
the pole. The bottom section of the pole shall be provided with a base plate.
3.1.3. Material
3.1. The telescopic pole sections and fittings shall be manufactured from standard steel as per
BS 4360 Grades 43 C, D, E or 50 C, D, E or equivalent national/ international standards.
3.2. The steel tubes shall confirm to the requirements of BS 6323 Parts 1 to 8 Steel Tubes.
3.1.4. Manufacture
4.1. The pole shall be erected by friction joint without involvement of through bolt, site
welding or any type of additional device of joint at the time of erection.
4.2. It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to determine the thickness of the tubing
adequate to sustain the load and test requirements. The Bidder shall determine the
thickness of the tubing to develop the required pole strength in accordance with the
Bidder's method of fabrication. However, the thickness of the tubing shall not be less
than 3 mm, and the following tolerances shall be maintained:
Each segment of the Pole has been denoted by the designation B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7.
A combination of several pieces of these segments will form a pole. Each piece of
segment shall be measured 2.5 m in length and tapered in such a way that each adjacent
numbered pieces fit into the other for assembling the required type of pole such as Pole
B26 and B27. Assembling segments B2, B3, B4, B5 and B6 shall form the Pole B26.
And assembling segments B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 and B7 shall form the Pole B27.
4.4. All welding of the poles shall be carried out at the manufacturers' plant.
4.5. 4.5 Welds parallel to the longitudinal axis of the poles shall be fillet welds. Each section
of the pole shall have only one longitudinal weld. However the bottom section B6 of
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
11m long poles and B6 & B7 sections of 13m long poles can have maximum one
additional longitudinal weld. No circumferential joints/welds of the tubes are permitted.
All welds shall be capable of withstanding, without failure or cracking, the stresses in a
pole when subjected to its ultimate design loads
4.6. All seam welds on joint mating surfaces shall be ground flush. All high spots in the
galvanizing on the mating surface shall be ground and if the galvanizing is damaged in
the process, it shall be repaired.
4.7. The pole shall have hole configurations and sizes as shown in the drawings attached
herewith. The hole sizes and the locations of the hole must, however, be confirmed with
the office prior to manufacture.
4.8. The steel tubular telescopic poles must be manufactured by a company approved to
quality standard ISO 9001:2000. The ISO 9001 certification number, the name of the
authorized approving authority with the contact address and telephone and fax numbers
shall also be stated. The Bidder shall enclose a copy of the ISO 9001 certificate with the
4.9. The minimum overlap between the following segments shall be as follows:
All sections of the pole shall be hot dip galvanized both internally and externally in accordance
with IS: 2629-1985 or equivalent national or international standard. After galvanizing, the
external surface of poles below ground level and 500mm above ground level shall be painted as
a. Thorough clean brush and solvent degrease, then one coat of phosphoric acid based etch
primer both inside and outside followed by,
b. One coat airless spray of epoxy based bituminous black paint of 1x100 microns dry film
thickness inside of the pole base
c. Two successive coat airless spray of epoxy based bituminous black paint of 2x100
microns dry film thickness outside of the pole base.
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The pole shall have an identification marked with indelible paint on the pole at a position
approximately 3.5 m. from the butt end, which is clearly and indelibly marked with:
b. Length of pole in meters and its design working loads as defined in this specification.
The pole shall be marked with a permanent horizontal line at a point 1/6th of the pole height
from the butt end of the assembled pole. The mating depth of the relevant sections of pole shall
also be indelibly marked.
3.1.7. Footstep Holders, Earthing Lug, Base Plate and Pole Cap
i. Each type of pole shall be provided with the Footstep Holders and the Earthling Lug and
these shall be fabricated and shop-welded to the pole pieces as described below:
a. The footstep holders shall be fabricated and shop-welded on the segments so that
after assembly of the required type of pole these should be located alternatively on the
opposite sides of the poles at a vertical distance of 0.6 m to 0.7 m. from each other.
The Footstep holders shall be provided only on the pole segments that lie above 2.0 m
above the ground level and 1.0 m below the Cross-arm level. The Contractor shall
also provide Footsteps of adequate type, size and strength to hold on two man-
weights (about 150 kg) in maximum and in numbers not less than 2% of the total
numbers of Footstep holders welded on.
b. The earthling lug shall be welded on the relevant segment of the pole so that it lies
about 1.0 m below the ground level.
ii. Each steel telescopic pole shall be provided with pole cap and base plate of suitable type
and size. The materials of the base plate and pole cap shall be same as that of pole and
should also be galvanized. The minimum thickness of pole cap and base plate shall be
2mm and 4mm respectively.
a. The size of pole cap should be designed so that it just hold tightly on the top of the
topmost segment of each pole by three numbers of 8mm dia screws and hold the
rain water from entering into the Pole.
b. The size of base plate for different types of poles shall be designed by the
manufacture considering 50 kN/m2 as the maximum bearing capacity and 1.5 as the
Factor of safety against overturning.
3.1.8. Design
The data and the drawings related to the poles and fittings provided in this specification
are only conceptual. Contractor shall have to carry out detail design and submit for
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
approval. Only after approval of the submitted drawings the contractor can manufacture
the poles and the fittings. In the following sections pole details are given for design calculation.
After the design calculation, the weight of the poles shall not be less than 2.5% of the guaranteed
weights for acceptance. Greater than above tolerance value will not be accepted. It shall be clear
to the Contractor that if the actual weight of the pole and/or fittings is less than guaranteed
weight then a proportional deduction on the Contract cost will be made by the Owner as per the
reduction of the weight of the pole and/or fittings. No increase in cost will be given to the
Contractor for any increase of the weight of the pole.
Load Pt. Max. Load Applicable
Pole Above Below
Total Top from Top (Design-working Load) N
Type Ground Ground
(m.) (mm.) (m.) (kg.f)
(m.) (m.)
The strength of steel material and design load shall be as per below:
13 m. Pole
Tensile Strength of Steel Min. 430/580 N/mm
Yield Strength of Steel Min. 330 N/mm
Transverse Load 375 kgf
Vertical Load 375 kgf
Wind Load 60 kg/m
The design working load shall be the yield strength reduced by factor of safety of 2.0.
3.1.9. Tests
The Contractor shall keep the employer informed about the status of manufacture of the goods so
that the inspection and testing can be performed in the presence of the employer or his
representative. Before inspection & testing the Contractor shall satisfy himself that the work in
all respect is in accordance with the specification and ready for inspection & testing.
All parts shown to be defective during testing & inspection shall be rejected or replaced at the
Contractor's cost to the satisfaction of employer.
No parts of the goods shall be dispatched to the site before it has passed the tests or has been
inspected and found to comply with the specification to the satisfaction of employer.
A program for factory tests to be performed is to be mutually agreed on by the Contractor and
the Employer. The Contractor shall work out a complete program for testing of the poles and
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
accessories to be supplied with a description of the various test procedures. All instruments and
equipments necessary for carrying out the tests shall have evidence of recent calibration. The test
program shall be submitted to the Employer for review & approval at least 15 days before the
actual inspection date sought by the Contractor.
The following test shall be performed for each type of poles. All testing shall be fully
documented and the certified test report shall be provided to NEA.
a. Checking of dimensions and the weight of each type of individual part of segment of the
Tendered Goods assuming material density as 7850 kg/m3.
b. Assembly test and checking of the Dimension and the weight of the Assembled Pole and
the Fittings.
d. Deflection test & Permanent set test by applying the 1.2 times the maximum
permissible load.
e. Break Test of the pole equals or exceeds 2 times the design working load.
Number of each type fittings selected for conducting the above-mentioned tests shall be as
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Nos. of Poles for Dimension Nos of Poles for Assembly & Other
Lot size
Check Test
Up to 100 5 1
More than 100 up to
10 2
More than 500 15 3
Above described testing of poles at the factory shall be performed in accordance with the
following or the related standards or the practices:
a. For conducting the Drop Test, the assembled pole shall be dropped vertically from a
height of about 2.5 m or one sixth of the total pole height. The Drop Test may not result
with any break in the welding of any of the pole segment. Any break observed in any of
the pole segment may cause to reject the consignment at the Engineers direction.
b. For conducting the Permanent Set Test, the assembled pole selected shall be rigidly
supported for a distance from its base equivalent to its scheduled buried depth. It will
then be gradually loaded up to a load equal to the maximum permissible load. The load
shall be applied at right angles at the point of load application located 30 cm from the top
of the pole for poles of length less than 5 m and 60 cm from top of the pole for poles of
length longer than 9 m. The load shall be gradually and uniformly applied in increments
of 10% of the design-working load up to 120% of the design-working load. At each
increment of load, deflection of the pole tip shall be measured. The 120% loading shall
be maintained for 5 minutes. The load shall be gradually reduced to zero and the amount
of permanent deflection of the pole tip shall be recorded.
The permanent deflection at this state shall not exceed 4mm per meter length of the
free portion of the tested pole. If the Permanent Deflection Value exceeds the maximum
specified value, in this case also the test is repeated on another sample from the
consignment. Further failure in this test may also cause the rejection of the consignment
at the Engineers direction.
c. Other tests shall be carried out as per the related standards or the practices.
Should any of the poles first selected fail to pass any of the tests specified above, two further
poles shall be selected for testing from the same batch i.e. same pole length, manufactured on the
same day in respect of each failure. Should one or both these additional poles fail, the test
material represented by the test samples shall be deemed as not complying with the requirement
of the specification.
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CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
The poles are utilized for forming the following two kinds of pole sets. The dimension and other
relevant parameters specified for forming all of the three pole sets are shown on the table below.
The Bidders are required to check the correctness of the dimensions the Pole Clamps carefully
and are welcomed to suggest better type of Clamps (if any) for improvement based on their past
experience in this field. If the Bidders suggest for better type of Clamps they shall quote for the
suggested type of Clamps. The minimum strength of the end fittings shall not be less than 70kN.
S. Uni Qty
Description of Materials Dimension
No. t .
1 Lower Cross Arm No. 6
2 Iron Plates No. 12 6100390 mm.
3 Pole Clamp 'Y1' with nut, bolt and washer No. 3 As Per Drawing
4 Bracing Plates No. 12 650984 mm.
5 Pole Clamp 'Y' with nut, bolt and washer No. 1 As Per Drawing
Stay Clamp set with V hanger with nut. bolt and
6 Set. 1 As Per Drawing
b) Pole Fittings and accessories for Dead end H- Pole
S. Uni Qty
Description of Materials Dimension
No. t .
1 Cross Arm Channel No. 6
2 Iron Plates No. 12 6100370 mm.
3 Pole Clamp 'Y1' with nut, bolt and washer No. 6 As Per Drawing
4 Horizontal Bracing Angle (Up) No. 1 675752450 mm.
5 Pole Clamp 'X1' with nut, bolt and washer No. 2 As Per Drawing
6 Horizontal Bracing Angle (Below) No. 1 675752550 mm.
7 Pole Clamp 'X2' with nut, bolt and washer No. 2 As Per Drawing
8 Cross Bracing Angles No. 2 675752567 mm.
Stay Clamp set with V hanger with nut. bolt and
9 Set 2 As Per Drawing
3.1.11. Drawing of the Clamps, Cross Arms, Horizontal & Cross Bracing
11.1. Typical drawing of the Pole clamps, Cross Arms, Bracing etc. are shown on the
drawings herein. On which the size of clamps varies and stated as Clamp-X, Clamp-XI,
Clamp-X2 and so on. Their dimensions are mentioned on the drawing. Thickness and
width of the clamp must be as stated in drawing.
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CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
11.2. Hexagonal Nut-Bolts and Washers shall be of 16-mm. diameters and with varying
lengths and threaded portions and shall confirm the strength to BS. The size (length) and
quantity of Nut-Bolts and Washers shall be as per required to fix the channels, clamps,
bracing plates etc.
11.3. The Bidders have to check the correctness of the length of the Bracing and the
Clamps and if founds any, incorrectness they have to suggest the correct length and
should quote the price for the correct length and type.
11.4. Number of stay clamp with V hanger as per total number of poles quantity.
12.1. The Bidder shall provide with the Bid two (2) clear copies of the governing
standards for selection of tubings, fabrication and testing of Telescopic Tubular Steel
Poles and two (2) clear copies of all other relevant standards referenced therein.
12.2. The Bidder shall provide a complete design, description and certified dimensional
drawings of each type of pole; otherwise the bid offer shall be rejected.
12.3. Two (2) clear certified copies of all type tests performed on at least one type of
pole and similar working loads shall be submitted otherwise the bid offer shall be
rejected. The type test must have been carried out in recognised national or international
testing laboratory.
12.5. All data, drawings, catalogues and other technical documents shall be bound
separately from the Bid documents.
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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b. Each cross-arm shall be attached to the pole by a pole clamp or by machined bolts of
sufficient length to pass completely through the holes provided on the pole and cross-
arms and receive their full complement of nuts.
c. Bolts of proper length shall be used. Excess nuts shall not be used to make use of a
bolt, which would otherwise be too long. The end of a machined bolt projecting more
than 3 centimeters beyond the nut shall be cut off to a length of 2 centimeters beyond
the nut. Each bolt, when installed, shall have its full complement of nuts.
e. During the erection work at the field there may be necessity to modify galvanized
steel hardware and may have to be drilled, reamed, filed or cut. Under such a
condition the area of the steel exposed, after these modifications, shall be coated with
a zinc-rich paint to protect the steel from corrosion.
1.3. Excavation
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Any excavation left open during discontinuous construction, which is accessible to the
public or along public thoroughfare, shall be covered or barricaded, and marked by
suitable visual means, to prevent a public hazard.
Excavations shall be properly located and sized for the intended use. Pole and stay plate/
anchor excavations shall be correctly sized to retain undisturbed soil to the greatest
extent consistent with the means of excavation. Pole holes shall be made by power-
driven auger or by manual methods; power-driven shovel equipment shall not be used.
Pole holes shall be excavated to the specified depth with no tolerance shallow and
tolerance of ten (10) centimeters deep. The bottom of pole holes shall be undisturbed
soil, gravel or rock. Stay plate holes shall be excavated by manual methods to specified
depth with no disturbed soil in the direction of the anchor rod.
All excavations shall be backfilled with excavated material, or as specified for the
installation. Backfill shall be free of foreign materials and shall be well tamped with
excess backfill graded over the excavated area to prevent depressions resulting from
eventual natural compaction.
Poles shall be set in accordance with the appropriate Sections of the Construction
Each pole shall be assigned a unique construction number at the time of structure staking
for preliminary identification and preparation of SDS.
Pole holes shall be dug large enough in diameter to admit a tamping bar all around the
periphery of the pole and shall have a uniform dimension as per the type of pole used at
the top and bottom. Poles shall be planted in the ground to the depth specified in
construction. Drawings before planting a pole, the bottom of the hole made for planting
the pole, shall be cleaned of free soil and firmly tamped, to prevent the hole from
The stability of a pole, particularly a pole without stay, is greatly influenced by the size
of the pole hole, the nature of the soil and the care exercised in back filling and tamping.
Two active hand tampers and one slow shovel shall result in good compaction.
Poles shall be set to stand perpendicular except at terminals, angles and other points of
excessive strain where they shall be given a rake not to exceed 10 centimeters against the
direction of strain. Poles located at the sides of banks or other locations, where washouts
may occur, shall be protected by suitable cribbing, or shall be referred to the Engineer
for recommended action.
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CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
After the pole is in position and the hole is back filled and tamped, soil shall be piled and
packed firmly around the pole. Pole setting shall be inspected prior to acceptance and
any back fills that have sunk shall be refilled.
Where it is necessary to set poles at locations where the soil has very low bearing value,
or in swampy conditions, a pole may be fitted with a bog shoe in accordance with
construction drawings the engineer may specify that type of construction.
Set pole and pour 860 mm diameter foundation as per construction standard construction
drawing. Level areas around pole and set gabions in pattern shown in construction
drawing. It is important to lace adjacent gabions together along the perimeter of all
contact surfaces. Fill gabions with hard, durable, clean stone, 100 mm to 200 mm in size
in three layers. Install two connecting wires at each layer. Lace gabion lids securely
making certain all edges are closed. Fill void between pole and gabion with hard,
durable, clean rock 200 mm minimum size.
3.4.2. STAYS
2.1.Installation of Stays: Where stays are installed on a line angle structure, line of stay
shall bisect the outside line angle. The span of stay extending between poles shall not be
greater than 60 meter. Anchor and anchor rods shall be set so that the axis of the rod and
line of stay shall be straight. The portion of the anchor rod above the ground shall not be
bent at an angle to connect a stay wire. If this occurs, anchor and anchor rod shall be
reset. The anchor rod shall not be exposed for more than 15 centimeters above the ground
after the anchor is set. If gravel back fill is required to set anchor in soft or unstable soil,
as per construction drawing the Contractor will have to carry out the gravel back fill as
directed by Engineer.
The Contractor, in general, shall install at least one stay for the supports in the following
2.2.Stay Insulators: Stay insulators shall be installed on all stays in accordance with the
construction drawings.
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Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) Dog conductor shall be used for 33 kV
double circuit overhead lines.
3.1. Sagging: Conductors shall be sagged in accordance with the sag chart specified by these
specifications. Conductors must not be sagged too tightly (less than specified sag) as
unspecified extra tensions may result in failure of conductor structure. Conductors sagged
too loosely (more than specified sag) may contact adjacent conductors hardware or any
structure. Excess sag can reduce clearance beneath the line with the ground to the point of
3.2. Sag Charts: Unless otherwise noted, all sag charts are calculated on the basis of 35
kg/m2 wind pressure. Sag is always measured vertically, without wind, when conductors
are being installed or re-sagged. Unless otherwise specified by the Site Engineer or
Engineer for a specific condition, initial or stringing sag shall be applied to the
installation of all new unstressed conductors.
3.3. Damaged Conductor: Damaged conductors shall be repaired by using a repair sleeve
provided that no more than 2 strands of the outer aluminum layer are damaged and
further provided that none of the sleeve core strands are damaged. For a conductor
damaged in excess of the above conditions, the damaged section of the conductor shall be
cut out and a tension splice installed. When cutting out damaged section of conductor, no
more than 1 tension splice shall be permitted in a span and no splice is made within 8
meters of an insulator attachment.
3.4. Sag Error: Sag error shall not exceed 40 mm from the sag defined by the sag chart.
3.5. Conductor Attachment: Conductors shall be secured to pin insulators with pre-formed
conductor ties or with tie wire. Insulator ties, except at jumper supports in structures,
shall be made with pre-formed ties when available. Conductors shall be connected to
dead end assemblies with tension set.
3.6. Line Splices for Tensioning and Looping: Cleaned and polished contact surfaces are
necessary to make conductor splices so that it shall remain free from trouble. Great care
shall be taken to completely clean the strands of aluminum conductor. The splicing sleeve
must be centered over the conductor ends before compressing to make a splice of
required strength. Appropriate sleeve shall be used for splicing ACSR conductors prior to
installation. The outer strands of aluminum shall be carefully cleaned with a wire brush to
remove all foreign matter till the aluminum shines brightly. The cleaning applies to both
new and old conductors. The manufacturer pre-filled with inhibitor compound supplies
splicing sleeves for aluminum conductor. Splices in line conductors shall be so located
that the end of the splicing sleeve is at least 30 cm from the end of a suspension or dead
end clamp. Non-tension loops, such as between dead ends, shall be spliced with a
connector when the conductors are of same metal and size.
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3.7. PG Clamps: PG clamps are furnished in a full range of sizes for application in the non-
tension connection in 33 kV circuits. In all applications of PG clamp fittings, the
conductor metal shall be wire-brushed to a bright condition to remove surface oxidation
on the conductor.
3.8.1. Attachments to Poles: Bolt holes are provided on poles for cross-arms, cross-arm
braces and stay bolts.
3.8.2. Conductor Ties: Pre-formed ties and grips shall be used for attaching conductors
to structures when available. If pre-formed materials are not available, the wire shall
be soft conductor so that when made up, the tie wire will bind the conductor tightly.
No tie wire shall be used for a second time. Tie wire shall be of the same metal as
that of the bare conductor to which the tie is applied.
3.8.3. Conductor Support: The conductor supports on straight lines shall be carried on
the top wire groove of the pin insulator. Conductors shall be attached to the side
conductor groove of pin insulator on the outside of angles so that transverse
conductor tension will tend to hold the conductor in the insulator groove. Conductor
ties shall not hold a conductor on the insulator when uplift exists.
4.1. The line alignment should be as straight as possible to minimize requirements for stays.
The basic span shall be maintained within the following limits:-33 KV line: 55m to 65 m
4.2. All types of line clearances shall be maintained as per the construction standards
provided to the Contractor. Deviations from the standards may be allowed only for
unique or special conditions.
4.3. Safety rules of the NEA shall be strictly observed at all times by the Employee and the
Contractor and their personnel. Special care shall be taken to maintain the optimum
conductor sag to provide adequate safety to the construction and the property or people.
4.4. All fastenings (e.g. nut bolts, stays and the like) shall be so installed that the constructed
line components shall not fail to remain within the safety margin while maximum
working load is applied.
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Profile Drawings
Suri Khola Hydropower Project
33 KV Double Circuit Tranmission Line
0 0
0 0
0 0 PP P P P P
P 1200 PP
1400 P PP
Maldung P
P 15
P Kuikep
PP 13
Olitar P
00 Chanmara
00 P P
1 P
tPP Sub Station
Bagnadi 19
P P 0 0
Singati Bajar
0 0
0.35 0.175 0 0.35 0.7 1.05 1.4
Placename Building Contour Landcover
S.No. Label Easting Northing Chainage Pole Type
1 PP 0 423289.2290 3070817.8750 1113.31 0 H
2 PP 1 423244.4490 3070859.1610 1118.26 60.91 H
3 PP 2 423214.5992 3070874.1620 1113.21 94.32 SP
4 PP 3 423178.1190 3070892.4950 1130.23 135.14 SP
5 PP 4 423107.9960 3070920.5010 1139.22 210.65 H
6 PP 5 423063.3910 3070916.7865 1112 255.41 SP
7 PP 6 423013.1210 3070912.6003 1111.22 305.86 SP
8 PP 7 422955.7636 3070907.8238 1123 363.41 H
9 PP 8 422910.4081 3070929.1031 1116.26 413.51 SP
10 PP 9 422869.0276 3070948.5174 1113 459.22 H
11 PP 10 422838.5909 3070974.8386 1101 499.46 SP
12 PP 11 422818.2921 3070992.3927 1095.47 526.29 SP
13 PP 12 422797.8111 3071010.1043 1089 553.37 H
14 PP 13 422749.0948 3071030.2138 1091.33 606.07 SDP
15 PP 14 422712.7488 3071049.1864 1090.44 647.07 SP
16 PP 15 422680.7497 3071065.0892 1084.33 682.81 SP
17 PP 16 422608.5092 3071094.4429 1093.51 760.78 SP
18 PP 17 422564.6546 3071108.8218 1091 806.94 SP
19 PP 18 422529.0468 3071120.2295 1089.38 844.33 SP
20 PP 19 422497.5324 3071129.2307 1087.48 877.10 SDP
21 PP 20 422442.9593 3071138.9661 1086.96 932.54 SDP
22 PP 21 422395.7686 3071157.7821 1080.55 983.34 SP
23 PP 22 422362.5636 3071171.6615 1075.42 1,019.33 SP
24 PP 23 422324.7853 3071187.9127 1072.75 1,060.45 SP
25 PP 24 422296.1317 3071201.6505 1071.32 1,092.23 H
26 PP 25 422252.7006 3071243.7426 1063.3 1,152.71 SP
27 PP 26 422215.8962 3071279.4123 1062.27 1,203.97 SP
28 PP 27 422191.0225 3071303.5191 1060.19 1,238.60 H
29 PP 28 422146.8841 3071309.5673 1057.88 1,283.15 SP
30 PP 29 422095.3192 3071316.6330 1057.2 1,335.20 SP
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Length of the Transmission Line, Span between Poles and Conductor required
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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List of Particulars:
Cost Estimate
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Suri Khola Hydropower Project
33 kV Transmission line
Dolakha, Nepal
Cost Estimate
Delivary Site: Dolakha
Job: Supply and Delivery of Line Materials for Construction of 33 kV Double Circuit Line from Powerhouse to Singati Substation, Singati,
(In Words:Fifteen Million Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Rupees and Eighty Paisa)
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Cost Estimate
Job: Construction of 33 kV Double Circuit Line from Powerhouse to Singati Substation, Singati Dolakha
(In Words: Two Million Seven Hundred Eighteen Thousand and Five Hundred Rupees)
Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
CEPAD Hydro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Cost Estimate
Job: Construction of 33 kV Double Circuit Line from Powerhouse to Singati Substation, Singati Dolakha
(In words: NPR Eighteen Million Six Hundred Sixty Eight Six Hundred and Thirty Rupees and Eighty Paisa)
Annex D Technical Drawings (Steel
Telescopic Pole)
Annex E Technical Drawings
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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Suri Khola Hydro Power Project
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