Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Pathophysiology and
Clinical Management
Edited by
Eric S. Orwoll, MD
Michael Bliziotes, MD
The IGF System: Molecular Biology, Physiology,
and Clinical Applications, edited by RON
Neurosteroids: A New Regulatory Function in
Autoimmune Endocrinopathies, edited by
Hormone Resistance Syndromes, edited by J.
Hormone Replacement Therapy, edited by A.
Insulin Resistance: The Metabolic Syndrome X,
Endocrinology of Breast Cancer, edited by
Molecular and Cellular Pediatric Endocrinology,
edited by STUART HANDWERGER, 1999
Gastrointestinal Endocrinology, edited by
The Endocrinology of Pregnancy, edited by
Clinical Management of Diabetic Neuropathy,
edited by ARISTIDIS VEVES, 1998
G Proteins, Receptors, and Disease, edited by
Natriuretic Peptides in Health and Disease, edited by
Endocrinology of Critical Disease, edited by K.
Diseases of the Pituitary: Diagnosis and Treatment,
edited by MARGARET E. WIERMAN, 1997
Diseases of the Thyroid, edited by LEWIS E.
Endocrinology of the Vasculature, edited by
Edited by
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR
With the proliferation of books on osteoporosis in the last few years, one may reasonably ask Why another? Our answer is that the publication of this edition attempts to
use a format that is not available in any other text or monograph in this field. Chapters
dealing with basic science questions and findings are juxtaposed with chapters covering
similar issues from a clinical standpoint. It is our hope that the integration of basic and
clinical sciences in this format will allow readers from many disciplines to fully place in
context the progress, or lack thereof, in the clinical and basic science arenas. At the same
time, we hope to give basic scientists a better view of the state of the art as seen by their
clinical colleagues, and vice versa.
We have attempted to cover as many of the relevant topics of interest as possible while
keeping the length of the presented material reasonable. Traditional issues such as
calcium supplementation and exercise are juxtaposed with updates in molecular pharmacology and imaging. The contributors are all recognized for their seminal contributions
to the field; their rigor, enthusiasm, and (occasionally) focused uncertainty are readily
apparent. It is hoped that the synergy and contrasts in the basic and clinical findings
presented here will be cogent to the reader.
The quality of a multiauthor work such as this requires not only the effort and diligence
of authors and editors, but also the patience and support of the publisher. We wish to
thank Paul Dolgert and Craig Adams at Humana for their generous and timely input and
Eric S. Orwoll, MD
Michael Bliziotes, MD
Preface ....................................................................................................... v
Contributors ............................................................................................. ix
Gonadal Steroids and the Skeleton in Men: Clinical Aspects .... 393
Benjamin Z. Leder and Joel S. Finkelstein
ETSUKO ABE, PhD, Departments of Medicine and Geriatrics, Mount Sinai School
of Medicine and Bronx VA GRECC, New York, NY
MOSE AZRIA, PhD, Department of Pharmacology, University of Paris, Paris, France;
Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Basel, Switzerland
PENNY R. BAINBRIDGE, BA, Division of Clinical Sciences, Clinical Science Center,
Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK
DANIEL T. BARAN, MD, Merck & Co., Westwood, MA; University of Massachusetts
Medical Center, Worcester, MA
BELINDA R. BECK, PhD, Bone Research Laboratory, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR
JOHN P. BILEZIKIAN, MD, Department of Medicine, Columbia University College
of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, NY
JEAN-PHILIPPE BONJOUR, MD, Division of Bone Diseases, University Hospital,
Geneva Switzerland
STEVEN BOONEN, MD, PhD, Leuven University Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases,
Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
ROGER BOUILLON, MD, PhD, Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Endocrinology,
Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
MARY L. BOUXSEIN, PhD, Deparment of Orthopedics, Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
CHARLES H. CHESNUT, III, MD, Osteoporosis Research Group, University
of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, WA
JEFFREY DURYEA, PhD, Deparment of Radiology, University of California,
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
RICHARD EASTELL, MD, Division of Clinical Sciences, Clinical Science Center,
Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, UK
SOLOMON EPSTEIN, MD, Departments of Medicine and Geriatrics, Mount Sinai School
of Medicine and Bronx VA GRECC, New York, NY
JOEL S. FINKELSTEIN, MD, Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
LORRAINE A. FITZPATRICK, MD, Endocrine Research Unit, Mayo Clinic & Mayo
Foundation, Rochester, MN
BERTHOLD FOHR, MD, Department of Medicine, University of Heidelberg Medical
School, Heidelberg, Germany
TATIANA FOROUD, PhD, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
HARRY K. GENANT, MD, Department of Radiology, University of California
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
CARLO GENNARI, MD, Institute of Internal Medicine and Medical Pathology, University
of Siena, Siena, Italy
PAUL GLENDENNING, PhD, Western Australia Institute of Medical Research, Sir Charles
Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia
ROBERT P. HEANEY, MD, Osteoporosis Research Center, Creighton University,
Omaha, NE
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by an inadequate amount and/or faulty structure of bone, resulting in fractures from relatively minor trauma. Although, osteoporotic
fractures are most commonly observed among the elderly, the pathogenesis of osteoporosis starts early in life and involves the interaction of multiple environmental and genetic
factors (1,2). Considerable past research has centered on the influence of reproductive,
nutritional and/or lifestyle factors on the development of osteoporosis. With the advent
of new molecular genetic approaches, the focus of research has recently shifted towards
genetic factors. Genetic epidemiological studies provide convincing descriptive data
demonstrating population and ethnic differences. In addition, studies of familial aggregation, familial transmission patterns, and comparisons of twin concordance rates consistently identify a significant portion of the vulnerability to develop osteoporosis as
being inherited. Almost certainly, the development of osteoporosis will be found to
involve a complex interplay between both genetic and environmental factors.
Heritability of Skeletal Phenotypes
Numerous family studies have demonstrated significant familial correlation for bone
mineral density. An early study in a series of mother-daughter pairs estimated the heritability of radial bone mineral content to be 72% (3). More recently, Sowers et al. (4)
estimated that genes account for 67% of the variability in femoral neck, 58% of the
variability in Wards triangle and 45% of the variability in trochanter (in a group of
premenopausal sisters). A two-generation study of parents and their male and female
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
offspring (5) reported heritability estimates of 4560% for various bone sites. Consistent
heritability estimates were obtained using both sibling and parent-offspring correlations. After
adjusting for lifestyle variables, such as calcium intake, alcohol intake, smoking, etc., heritability estimates of 4660% were obtained for various bone sites. Similar findings were observed
by Jouanny and colleagues (6) who found a correlation between the BMD of children over 15
and their parents (r = 0.27; p < 0.0001). Offspring had a 4.3-fold higher risk of low BMD if one
parent had low BMD and an 8.6-fold higher risk when both parents had low BMD.
Several studies have also documented lower bone mineral density among individuals
with a positive family history of osteoporosis (711). A comparison of premenopausal
daughters of women with and without osteoporosis compression fractures found that the
daughters of women with osteoporosis had 7% (approx 3/41 standard deviation change)
lower bone mineral content at the lumbar spine (p = 0.03) as compared to the daughters
of women without postmenopausal osteoporosis (8). There were also suggestive differences at the femoral neck (5% reduction; p = 0.07) and femoral midshaft (3% reduction;
p =0.15). In a second study, Seemen et al. (9) compared the daughters of women with and
without hip fractures and found that women whose mother had a hip fracture had lower
bone density at the femoral neck (p < 0.05) and femoral shaft (p < 0.001) as compared
to women without a positive family history. However, they were unable to detect reduction at the lumbar spine (9).
Danielson et al. (10) found higher heritability estimates for BMD at the hip, spine and
calcaneous for premenopausal daughters (0.50 < h2 < 0.63) as compared to postmenopausal daughters (all h2 < 0.53). A recent study in a sample of Caucasian premenopausal
women confirmed the negative correlation between the number of relatives with
osteoporosis and BMD as well as the lower BMD association with the presence of any
male first degree relatives with osteoporosis (11).
Lower BMD has also been found among elderly subjects with a positive family history
of osteoporosis. A study in an elderly (6089 yr) population of both white men and
women found that individuals with a positive family history of osteoporosis had lower
BMD than those with a negative family history (12). In particular, there was a stepwise
decrease in BMD as the number of family members with a positive history of osteoporosis
increased. Among men, a maternal history of osteoporosis was associated with lower hip
BMD while positive paternal history was associated with lower spine BMD. In women,
only a positive paternal history of osteoporosis was associated with specific reductions
in BMD levels at the spine and hip. These findings were confirmed in a large study of
white women 65 yr of age or older. In this sample, a maternal history of hip fracture
doubled the risk of hip fracture, even after adjustment for bone density (13).
Due to the strong effect of age on bone mineral density, most studies have compared
adult family members in order to establish the familiality of bone density measures.
However, in a study of children between the ages of 5 and 20, significant correlation
between parent and child BMD were observed with father-child correlation of 83% and
mother-child correlation of 58% (14). More recently, Ferrari et al. (15) estimated the
heritability due to maternal descent only, which was estimated as one-half of the total
heritability (1/2 h2). In this sample of prepubertal girls, all under the age of 12, a series
of bone mineral content variables were measured. For lumbar spine, femoral neck and
midfemoral diaphysis, estimates of heritability due to maternal descent (1/2 h2) ranged
from 1837%. These significant parent-offspring correlations suggest that heredity
influences bone density even in children who have not yet attained peak bone density.
(45%) as compared to the juvenile sample. Higher heritability estimates were obtained
in a second sample of adult male twins (21) in which the cortical bone BMC heritability
estimate was 75%.
Bone Loss and Fracture. The early study by Smith et al. (20) utilized only white adult
males and found a genetic contribution to midshaft bone mass and width. A follow-up
study of a subset of this cohort continued to find strong genetic effects on midshaft radial
width; however, there was no evidence of a genetic effect on bone loss over the 16-yr
interval between examinations, suggesting that environmental factors rather than genes
have greater influence on the rate of bone loss with aging (26). A later study (27) in a large
sample of older males (average age 63 yr) confirmed the more prominent role of environment rather than genetics in bone loss. In that study, a very similar intraclass correlation for bone loss in both monozygotic and dizygotic twins was observed, suggesting
a significant role of common environment, especially smoking and alcohol consumption, on bone loss. Contradictory evidence was obtained in a study of male and female
twins with a wide age range (28). In this sample, evidence of a genetic effect on rates of
change in lumbar spine and wards triangle was demonstrated although there did not
appear to be a significant genetic effect on changes in femoral neck.
Recently, a large Finnish study was performed to compare the rate of nontraumatic
fracture among both male and female monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins born
before 1946 (29). While the rate of twin concordance was greater among MZ twins as
compared with DZ twins, for both male and female twin pairs, the magnitude of difference between the 2 types of twin pairs was quite small. The authors concluded from these
that osteoporotic fracture as a phenotypic outcome was not strongly influenced by genetic
factors. When these same data were then further analyzed by MacGregor et al. (30) using
a variance components approach, they found that genetic factors accounted for approximately one-third of the variance in the liability to fracture at any of the body sites
measured (either hip or spine) for both men and women.
Few studies have been performed to evaluate the role of genetics on markers of bone
formation and bone resorption. An initial study evaluated a sample of 140 pre- and
postmenopausal female twin pairs for markers of bone formation (serum osteocalcin)
and bone resorption (fasting urinary calcium:creatinine ratio and hydroxyproline: creatinine ratio). In this study only the bone formation marker, osteocalcin, had a significant
genetic contribution (80%) to trait variability (31). These results were further examined
using assays to detect circulating products of both type I collagen synthesis and degradation (32). Significant correlation between serum osteocalcin and carboxyterminal
propeptide of type I procollagen (PICP) were found and, in concordance with the previous results of Kelly et al. (31), genetic factors were estimated to account for 95% of
the variance in serum PICP levels. PICP is cleaved extracellularly from the carboxyterminus of procollagen and its circulating levels are correlated with the bone collagen
synthesis rate and osteoblast activity. Pyridinoline cross-linked carboxyterminal
telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), which is cleaved during the degradation of type
I collagen, was not found to be correlated with serum osteocalcin levels; however, the
genetic contribution to the serum levels was estimated to be 64%.
In another sample of only postmenopausal twin pairs, markers of bone formation and
resorption, were examined to identify those with evidence of genetic effects (33). The
three markers of bone formation, osteocalcin, PICP and serum bone-specific alkaline
phosphatase (BAP) all had higher correlation among monozygotic as compared to dizygotic twin pairs, although significant genetic effects were found only for PICP (99%) and
BAP (64%). Among the four markers of bone resorption that were examined, free Dpyridinoline, total D-pyridinoline, urinary type I C-telopeptide breakdown products
(CrossLaps), and urinary type I collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide (NTX), monozygotic twin correlation was significantly higher than dizygotic twin correlation for free
D-pyridinoline and NTX; however, significant heritability was found only for free Dpyridinoline (86%). Thus, the results of this second study do not confirm a significant
genetic role in osteocalcin; however, the serum PICP remained significantly heritable in
both studies. Other findings found in one or the other study include significant heritability of BAP, and free D-pyridinoline.
While twins have been examined most commonly to estimate the heritability of biochemical markers of bone turnover, Livshits et al. (34) examined a sample of nuclear
families from the Chuvasa region of the former Soviet Union and found that about 50%
of the variation in PICP is attributable to genetic factors and about 40% of the variation
in osteocalcin is due to genetic effects. Thus, a significant genetic contribution to PICP
has been consistently reported; however, the apparent inconsistency of findings from
one study to the other among the other biochemical measures may be due to the inherent
technical difficulties and variability related to biochemical marker assays.
In summary, numerous studies have documented the substantial genetic contribution
to BMD and peak BMD. However, genetic effects on the rate of bone loss have not been
convincingly demonstrated. For these reasons, many studies seeking to identify genes
underlying osteoporosis have relied primarily on the study of BMD, and in many cases
on peak BMD, which appear to be the most heritable correlated phenotype.
locus in the chromosomal region (35). Therefore, the results of population-based association tests are often suspect and difficult to interpret (36). Despite the known limitations of population-based association studies it is a commonly used experimental design.
Those genes with known functions that fit current models of trait pathophysiology are
often the first candidates for examination. Although a straightforward enterprise to
perform such molecular studies in the laboratory, osteoporosis researchers employing
candidate gene analysis face a dilemma. Given the complexity of skeletal physiology,
there are likely to be a very large number of candidate genes responsible for the acquisition and maintenance of bone mass. Analysis of each one of these candidates, in
isolation of the others, is likely to be prohibitive and difficult to interpret statistically and
biologically (3739). Similar to most other genetic studies of complex disease,
osteoporosis researchers have studied numerous candidate genes, the most notable of
which are summarized below. Candidate gene analyses have been performed in various
populations using different polymorphisms within the same gene and have yielded,
perhaps not surprisingly, inconsistent results across various experiments.
Vitamin D Receptor. Due to its important role in the regulation of calcium homeostasis, the vitamin D receptor was one of the first candidate genes evaluated for its role in
peak bone density. Using twin pairs, Morrison et al. (53) reported both linkage and
association between a 3' untranslated region (UTR) polymorphism in the vitamin D
receptor (VDR) and spine BMD. Initial results suggested that the B allele, defined by an
absence of a Bsm1 restriction site in the 3' UTR, was associated with lower bone density
and that the VDR locus might contribute as much as 7580% of the variability in peak
bone density, which would account for most, if not all, of the genetic contribution to
BMD. In a series of over 300 unrelated healthy women, the majority of whom were
postmenopausal, an association between the vitamin D receptor and lumbar spine and
femoral neck BMD was observed. Among women with BMD values 2 standard deviations below the mean, there was an over-representation of the BB genotype. Subsequently the linkage data, although not the population association results, have been
retracted (54).
Prior to the recent partial retraction, numerous studies in a variety of age groups were
undertaken to evaluate the role of this 3' UTR VDR polymorphism on bone density and
risk for osteoporosis. Work using an independent sample of premenopausal twin pairs
(55,56) did not find any evidence to support the association between VDR and BMD.
Conflicting results have been reported from a number of studies (11,5768), although
even those which were positive did not observe the magnitude of genetic effect reported
in the initial Morrison et al. (53) publication. In fact, three reports have found the reverse
association to that initially reported (i.e., the b allele was associated with lower BMD).
A meta-analysis (69) of data from 16 studies found no significant association between
the vitamin D receptor locus and bone density when the twin data of Morrison et al. (53),
which was subsequently retracted (54), were excluded from the analysis.
The VDR sequence as originally reported by Baker et al. (70) contains two ATG
(methionine) sequences in the first 4 amino acids. C/T polymorphism exists in the first
potential ATG. Individuals with the T polymorphism start translation at the first
methionine while those with the C polymorphism start translation at the second site
resulting in a VDR protein that is 3 amino acids shorter. In light of the possibility that
this polymorphism could lead to functional consequences (i.e., it is possible that one
form of the VDR might be translated more easily or be more stable in vivo than the other
form), Gross et al. (71) performed an association study between this polymorphism and
BMD in a population of Mexican American women. They found that individuals
homozygous for the longer VDR protein (termed genotype ff) had significantly lower
spine BMD than individuals homozygous for the shorter VDR proten (termed genotype
FF). Heterozygous individuals (genotyped Ff) had intermediate spine BMD. A similar
association was not observed in the same sample using femoral neck or forearm BMD.
Association of BMD with the C/T polymorphism was not detected in a sample of premenopausal French women (72). Recently, a large sample of 535 Caucasian and African
American sister pairs, which employed the start site polymorphism, did not find any
evidence of linkage or association between VDR and BMD (73).
Collagen Type I Alpha I Gene. Abnormalities in type I collagen have been shown to
result in osteogenesis imperfecta and mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes,
which encode the type I collagen proteins have been well-documented in patients with
osteogenesis imperfecta. As a result, more subtle polymorphisms in the COL1A1 and
COL1A2 were hypothesized to perhaps account, in part, for the genetic effects on bone
mineral density (74,75).
Some studies of the regulatory region of COL1A1 have supported an association with
bone mass (76,77). In two samples of white women, one from Aberdeen and the other
from London, the majority of whom were postmenopausal, a common polymorphism
was identified that results in a G to T substitution at the first base of a consensus site for
the transcription factor Sp1 in the first intron of COL1A1 (76). A subset of women from
both samples having vertebral compression fracture was compared to age and sex
matched control samples and those with fracture had a significant over-representation
of the heterozygous and homozygous substitution genotypes. In both samples, spine
BMD values were significantly higher in women homozygous for the wild type allele
(genotype termed SS) as compared to women who were heterozygous (Ss genotype).
However, in the Aberdeen sample only, there was significant evidence of a gene dosage
effect, with women homozygous for the substitution (ss genotype) having still lower
spine BMD measurement. Results for hip BMD were not conclusive although in the
Aberdeen sample a similar trend was observed with an apparent association of higher
BMD values with the SS genotype. Further studies indicate that the evidence of association is much weaker with other COL1A polymorphisms, suggesting that in the Aberdeen
sample at least, the association is particular to the Sp1 polymorphism (78).
The association between COL1A1 and bone mineral density has been confirmed in
another sample (77). A gene-dose effect was observed at both femoral neck and lumbar
spine with SS individuals having the highest BMD values, those with the Ss genotype
having intermediate BMD values and ss individuals with the lowest. Similar to the UK
studies, incident nonvertebral fractures were also related in a dose-dependent fashion to
COL1A1 genotype. Several other studies have reported similar findings (79,80), while
others have found much weaker evidence for association (81,82).
Similar to many reports of association between candidate genes and BMD, there have
been a number of studies demonstrating no effect of the COL1A1 Sp1 polymorphism on
BMD (83,84) or the rate of bone loss (8592). These results clearly demonstrate that
there is not universal agreement among all studies and in fact the effect of the COL1A1
Sp1 polymorphism, if present, is likely to be substantially less than originally estimated.
Other Candidate Genes. While several candidate genes have received the bulk of
the attention of the osteoporosis research community, several other candidate genes have
also been associated with bone mineral density. For example, there has been a report of
an association of an interleukin-6 gene polymorphism with BMD (112) that has been
refuted by at least one study (113). A one base deletion in the intron sequence 8 bases
prior to exon 5 (termed 713-8delC) in the transforming growth factor beta 1 gene has
been associated with very low bone mass in osteoporotic women and with increased bone
turnover in both osteoporotic and normal women (114).
Few genes influencing complex traits have been identified by the study of candidate
genes alone. Therefore, researchers in the area of osteoporosis have utilized other types
of experimental designs to identify genes contributing to the risk for osteoporosis. To
improve the likelihood that a gene influencing osteoporosis might be identified, many
investigators often proceed to search the genome, testing polymorphic markers evenly
spaced on all chromosomes. A strength of the genome-wide approach is that it allows
investigators to find susceptibility genes that are not obvious candidates based on current
models of trait pathology.
One of the most important considerations for any type of study designed to identify
genes for a complex trait is specification of phenotype. Researchers have employed
various types of phenotypic definition in an effort to successfully identify genes contributing to osteoporosis. Low bone mineral density (BMD), independent of other factors
such as falls and aging, is the strongest known determinant of osteoporotic fracture risk
(4042). Therefore, it is not surprising that many researchers have focused their efforts
on the identification of genes contributing to BMD as a means to perhaps identify genes
that also influence the risk of osteoporosis. The distribution of BMD is consistent with
that expected from a quantitative or polygenic trait. That is BMD per se shows continuous variation, and discrete phenotypes are not generally discernible by studying the
frequency distributions for bone density. Continuous variation is the consequence of the
additive effects of genes (alleles) at multiple genetic loci that influence bone mass.
Polygenic inheritance for bone density is consistent with previous findings that bone
mass is influenced by multiple biochemical, mechanical and physiological systems,
each of which may have its own genetic inputs. The challenge is to characterize these
multiple genetic inputs (35).
Identification of the genes contributing to polygenic traits can be extremely complex,
even for a phenotype such as BMD with substantial heritability. Therefore, several types
of genetic studies have been employed to dissect the genetic contribution to BMD.
One technique has been the identification of families with extreme BMD phenotypes. The rationale for such studies is that genes with a substantial contribution to
BMD are more likely to be segregating in families with extreme BMD measurements.
This strategy has been employed to ascertain families with either very high or very low
BMD. An advantage of this approach is that statistical tests of linkage can be employed
which model the genetic contribution to BMD as a single gene effect. Such studies
typically employ parametric linkage analyses, the most powerful study design for the
identification of genetic loci contributing to disease or in this instance, extreme BMD
phenotypes. Unfortunately, there are several limitations to this particular experimental
design. First, and perhaps most importantly, the genes found to contribute to the extreme
BMD phenotypes observed in these unusual pedigrees may not contribute substantially
to the normal variation in BMD phenotype observed in the general population. A second
limitation of the ascertainment of extreme pedigrees is their rarity in the population,
resulting in great expense to identify such families.
An alternative to the identification of pedigrees with extreme phenotype is the ascertainment of families with members having BMD within the normal phenotypic range. In
such pedigrees, BMD is inherited in a complex, non-Mendelian fashion, with multiple
genes and environmental factors contributing to the phenotype. As a result, a particular
model for BMD phenotype inheritance may be impossible to specify. In this instance,
nonparametric linkage analysis, which does not specify a model for phenotypic inheritance, is the most powerful method for gene identification. This approach involves the
identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL), which are genes whose alleles influence
a quantitative trait. The overall genetic control of a quantitative trait generally results
from the collective influence of many genes, each of which may contribute only a small
amount to the genotypic variance, making their identification difficult. This previously
daunting task has been made feasible through the recent implementation of technologies
to identify genetic variation (polymorphisms) at landmark spots along the genome
(marker loci) and the development of statistical methods to detect and genetically map
the chromosomal locations of QTLs (37,4347).
QTL analyses typically involve gathering a large number of related subjects thought to be
segregating for genes that influence a given trait, and then following the transmission of
allelic variants of marker loci from one relative to another. All statistical tests of linkage
employing nonparametric linkage methods are based on identity by descent (IBD) marker
allele sharing. Alleles are IBD if siblings inherit the same marker allele from the same parent.
If the marker being tested is in close physical proximity to a gene influencing the phenotype,
then siblings with similar phenotypic values would be expected to share marker alleles IBD.
Conversely, siblings with dissimilar phenotypes would be expected to share fewer marker
alleles IBD near the gene influencing the phenotype. An advantage of quantitative linkage
methods as employed here is that no arbitrary cutoff for high or low phenotypic values
is necessary; therefore, all siblings pairs are included in the analysis. QTL mapping can be
a powerful strategy for the study of inherited diseases in both humans and animals.
Most human QTL analyses have, thus far, failed to detect genes with small to moderate effects and rarely, if ever, are designed to simultaneously assess multiple gene and
environmental effects (4851). Moreover, analyses designed to refine the chromosomal
position of QTL may require finding an even larger number of families than that required
to detect the initial linkage result. This is likely to be extremely costly, and may also
create other problems. Families with different environmental exposures and genetic and
ethnic backgrounds may enter into the sample, creating heterogeneity, and thereby
decreasing the power to detect and localize a given QTL effect (52). The DNA sequence
variants that are responsible for the QTL are unlikely to be immediately recognizable.
In contrast to many qualitative, Mendelian traits where a discrete phenotypic difference
is often the consequence of an inactivating mutation, the allelic variation responsible for
quantitative traits probably has a subtler basis.
Few large studies have been undertaken to identify novel genes underlying the risk for
osteoporosis. Koller et al. (121) reported linkage to chromosome 11q12-13, a region
which was examined for linkage to peak BMD following the report of linkage of three
Mendelian BMD-related phenotypes, autosomal dominant high bone mass, autosomal
recessive osteoporosis-pseudogliona and autosomal recessive osteopetrosis, to this chromosomal location. In the sample of 835 premenopausal Caucasian and African-American sisters, nonparametric linkage analysis methods supported a gene underlying peak
BMD, with a maximum LOD score of 3.5 with femoral neck BMD. When the two races
were analyzes separately, the Caucasian sample (364 independent sibling pairs) obtained
a maximum LOD score of 2.78, while the African-American sisters (97 independent
sibling pairs) had a maximum LOD score of 1.52.
Linkage analysis using BMD at other skeletal sites provided additional evidence for
linkage to chromosome 11q12-13. The maximum lod score for the combined samples
with Wards triangle BMD was 2.84 with similar evidence found independently in the
African-American (LOD=1.40) and Caucasian (LOD=1.46) samples. Linkage analysis
with trochanteric BMD showed a maximum lod score of 1.87 in the combined sample
with greater evidence found in the African-American (LOD=1.48) than in the Caucasian
(LOD=1.16) sisters. Evidence for linkage to the 11q12-13 region was also found with
lumbar spine and total body BMD, although the LOD scores were less than 2.0.
Subsequently, a 10 cM autosomal genome screen was completed in an initial sample
of 429 Caucasian sister pairs (122). Multipoint nonparametric linkage analysis identified
six chromosomal regions with LOD scores above 1.85 in the genome screen sample;
however, only the linkage findings on chromosomes 1, 5, 6, and 22 were at or near a marker
locus and therefore were pursued further in an expanded sample of 595 sister pairs (464
Caucasian, 131 African-American). The 11q region had already been pursued by
genotyping an expanded sample of Caucasian and African-American sister pairs (121).
The results on chromosome 1q were the most promising of the genome screen. The
initial genome screen resulted in a lod score of 3.11, which increased to 3.86 when additional Caucasian and African-American sister pairs were included in the analysis. Interestingly, this is not the same region of chromosome 1 reported by Devoto et al. (119), in a
genome screen employing pedigrees ascertained on the basis of an osteoporotic proband.
Evidence of linkage to chromosome 5p also increased with the inclusion of additional
Caucasian and African-American sibling pairs, from a genome screen LOD score of 1.9
to 2.2 after all available individuals were included in the analysis. Linkage to chromosome 6p was not substantially increased following the inclusion of both additional Caucasian and African-American sibling pairs. However, when only Caucasian sister pairs
were included in the analysis the maximum LOD score was 2.1. Finally, the initial evidence
of linkage to chromosome 22 decreased substantially with the inclusion of additional
sibling pairs, suggesting that the initial linkage result was likely a spurious result. These
linkage findings provide substantial evidence that genetic loci influencing the highly heritable bone mineral density phenotypes can be detected. These genetic studies have been
completed in less than half of the final sample and suggest that samples of this size can be
used to identify chromosomal regions in which to pursue high density genotyping.
More recently, Niu et al. (123) performed a genome wide screen for linkage to BMD
in 153 sibpairs who were originally identified as extreme sibling pairs for blood pressure
values. Using proximal forearm BMD, they obtained a peak LOD score of 2.15 over a
very large region (>50 cM) on chromosome 2. This large region of chromosome 2
appears to include the region previously identified by Spotila et al. (120) using families
ascertained through an individual with low BMD.
High Bone Mass Families. One approach to identify genes for bone density is through
families segregating apparently Mendelian forms of abnormal bone density. One such
family was recently reported in which extremely high bone density (the converse of
osteoporosis) appears to segregate as an autosomal dominant disorder (115,116).
Affected individuals in this family have spine BMD measurements greater than 3 standard deviations above the mean without evidence of osteopetrosis or other osteosclerotic
bone disorders. Affected individuals do not have clinical sequelae and the proband was
identified fortuitously when high bone mass was noted following X-rays related to a car
accident. The family has been extended and now includes 22 individuals, 12 of whom
have the high BMD phenotype. Using a genome screen approach, linkage to chromosome 11q12-13 was identified with a LOD score of 5.74.
Genotyping of additional markers has localized the gene to a 30-cM interval. A
systematic search for mutations that segregated with the high BMD phenotype identified
an amino acid change in low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5)
(123a). Of note, loci for the disorders osteoporosis-pseudoglioma (117) and autosomal
recessive osteoporosis (118) have also been linked to this same region and loss-offunction mutations have recently been identified in families with osteoporosispseudoglioma syndrome (123b). LRP5 is a single pass membrane receptro involved in
the Wnt canonical signaling pathway. Wnts are secreted factors that play critical developmental roles in cell fate determination and morphogenesis. The fact that sequence
alterations in LRP5 can produce a spectrum of bone phenotypes indicates that this
protein, and the Wnt signaling pathway through which it acts, may be exciting targets for
the development of ne therapeutic strategies. However, it is presently unclear as to
whether allelic variation in LRP5 is an important determination of the distribution of
BMD values observed in normal popluations (123c).
Low Bone Mass Families. A series of families with multiple members having
osteopenia has been used to evaluate candidate genes for osteoporosis (16) as well as
to identify novel genetic linkage regions (119). Ascertained through a proband with low
bone density, seven families having a total of 37 members with osteopenia (corrected
spinal Z scores < 2.0) have been identified. Commingling analysis suggested spinal
BMD Z-scores had a bimodal distribution, consistent with an autosomal dominant
mode of transmission. Parametric lod score linkage analysis was performed in these
families to evaluate three candidate genes: COL1A1, COL1A2 and the vitamin D
receptor. Using an autosomal dominant model for the inheritance of spine BMD, with
the allele predisposing for low BMD having a frequency of 0.01, linkage to all three
candidate genes was excluded, with lod scores below 2.0 (16). Subsequently, parametric and nonparametric linkage analysis was performed in these 7 families using data
from a genome screen (119). The maximum parametric LOD score (Zmax = 2.08; theta
= 0.05) was obtained on chromosome 11q2223 with the marker CD3D. Nonparametric
sibling pair linkage analysis using 74 independent sibling pairs derived from these same
7 families supported linkage to chromosome 1p36 with a maximum LOD score of 3.51
at D1S450 (multipoint LOD score = 2.29), chromosome 2p2324 with a maximum lod
score of 2.07 at D2S149 (multipoint LOD score = 2.25), and chromosome 4qter with
a maximum lod score of 2.95 at D4S1539. Extension of the study to include an additional 67 sibling pairs, each having at least one member with BMD values more than
Table 1
QTLs Contributing to Normal Variation in BMD in Humans
Quantitative trait locus
2 standard deviations below the norm, has increased the multipoint LOD score on
chromosomes 1 to 3.01 (120).
Various experimental approaches have been undertaken to identify genes contributing
to the risk of osteoporosis. Extensive study of several promising candidate genes have
yielded inconsistent results, suggesting that if these loci contribute to BMD, it is likely that
their effect is relatively small and may be limited to particular populations. Various research
groups using a variety of phenotypes including extreme and non-extreme families have
undertaken genome-wide studies. While each study has identified unique chromosomal
regions, there does appear to be some overlapping regions between studies, suggesting that
these complementary approaches may provide insight regarding the genes contributing to
BMD and which may therefore influence the risk of osteoporosis (Table 1).
Although recent clinical reports show promise, unraveling the very complex genetic
basis of skeletal development will be difficult because of the genetic and cultural heterogeneity of the patient populations. One approach to this problem is the use of appropriate
animal models to pinpoint candidate genes for more focused human investigation.
Workers investigating determinants of bone mass in humans have limited ability to
intervene in the genetics, personal environment, or skeletal biology of their subjects. In
a complex disorder such as osteoporosis, experimental approaches that can either manipulate or hold constant biological variables that determine BMD provide a crucial
opportunity to systematically examine the pathophysiologic processes that contribute to
osteoporosis vulnerability. Animal research can help to elucidate possible roles of genetic
and environmental constituents in the regulation of bone mass that might be otherwise
difficult to untangle.
While the genetic basis for some extreme phenotypes might be due to the deletion of
a gene or to an inactivating mutation, it is much more likely that extremes of BMD are
due to subtle changes in gene expression, perhaps developmental genes early in life or
possibly arising from allelic differences in untranslated regions of the genome that
contain sequences controlling gene expression. Consequently, it will be very hard to
devise a way of proving that a candidate gene really does underlie the phenotype. There
may be no discernible sequence or expression difference to identify the gene, and even
if there is, its presence does not prove etiological significance. While association studies
can go some way to implicating a particular genetic locus, they can never be proof of a
causal relation. For this a functional assay is needed: a way to alter the genetic sequence
and see whether this modification results in a different phenotype. Such experiments are
possible only in animals and may be the sole way to understand how genetic differences
result in individual variation in bone mass (124).
An ideal model that can be used for all studies in bone research does not exist. Whether
or not an animal model is useful depends largely on the specific objectives of the study
and frequently involves tradeoffs between such factors as realism, reproducibility of
results and feasibility. Birds, mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, sheep, pigs, and nonhuman primates have all been the subject of experimental osteoporosis research (125127). Each
of these animal systems has its own advantages and disadvantages in regard to the
following parameters: the similarity of skeletal metabolism and experimental bone disease to human processes, the time needed for breeding and for skeletal development, the
cost of acquiring and maintaining the animals, and the ability to take advantage of both
classical genetic techniques and the more recently developed molecular genetic techniques to introduce or eliminate specific genes. The obvious requirement for a reasonably detailed knowledge of basic genomic structure currently limits the choice for genetic
animal models of osteoporosis to mice, rats and nonhuman primates.
Mice and rats are by far the most commonly used animals in bone research. Both mice
and rats reach peak bone mass early in their life span and then undergo bone loss with
aging (128132). Following ovariectomy, a reduction in bone mass and strength occurs,
that can be prevented by estrogen replacement (133138). The SAM/P6 (senescence
accelerated mouse/prone) mouse has low peak bone mass and develops fractures in
middle and old age (139146). It is the only experimental animal model with documented fragility fractures of aging. Histomorphometric studies of primates and humans
yield very similar values (147). The nonhuman primate has both growing and adult
skeletal phases. Peak bone mass occurs around age 9 yr in cynomologus macaques (148)
and around 1011 yr in rhesus monkeys (149,150). Nonhuman primates experience
decreased bone mass after ovariectomy (151153), but the response to estrogen replacement has not been well-characterized. Nonhuman primates experience bone loss with
age (154,155) but older animals also develop osteoarthritis with spinal osteophyte formation (156158) that can obscure the accurate radiographic assessment of spinal bone
mass (159). The extreme requirements for housing and care of nonhuman primates limit
their use to a relatively small number of facilities.
Of the three currently available options, the mouse is arguably the model of choice
because: (1) mice are much cheaper to house and easier to handle; (2) mouse genetic
resources are quite extensive; and (3) once candidate genes are identified, the ability to
manipulate them in mice and to deduce unambiguously their role in disease is unparalleled (160,161). Moreover, gene targeting has reached new heights in mice, but is barely
on the horizon in other animals. With gene targeting perhaps as the ultimate arbiter for
establishing cause-and-effect relationships between a candidate gene and osteoporosis
susceptibility, the mouse is apt to remain the primary experimental model system for the
foreseeable future (161,162).
uniquely define them compared to other strains. Typically, inbred strains are derived
from 20 or more consecutive generations that have been brother x sister mated; the strain
can then be maintained with this same pattern of propagation. Individual animals within
an inbred strain are as identical as monozygotic twins. There are several qualities of
inbred strains that make them especially valuable for research. The first is their longterm relative genetic stability. This is important because it allows researchers to build on
previous investigations. Genetic change can occur only as a result of mutation within an
inbred strain. A second important quality of inbred animals is their homozygosity because
inbred strains will breed true. Once the characteristics of a strain are known they can be
reproduced repeatedly allowing for replicate experimentation as well as for studies by
other investigators. The influence of genotype upon a particular characteristic can be
investigated by placing mice from several inbred strains in a common environment.
Observed differences must then be, within limits, the consequence of genetic factors. By
reversing this strategy, and placing mice from a single inbred strain in a variety of
environments, it is possible to estimate the importance of environmental influences upon
a parameter of interest. Thus, inbred animals can be used to determine whether genetic
variation in the expression of a characteristic exists and the environmental malleability
of the characteristic. Experiments with inbred strains also have some limitations. While
strain differences are easily demonstrated, it is often very difficult to attach much meaning to these differences, because the genes and gene products involved are usually
unknown. Because comparisons of mice from two or more strains do not usually provide
any information about the nature of the genetic differences, crosses between genotypes
must be used to analyze patterns of genetic influence (Fig. 1). Additionally, when using
an inbred strain to investigate any type of phenomenon, it is important to be aware that
the observations may be relevant only to that strain. Because an inbred strain differs from
all others, there will be characteristics unique to it. It is therefore, important to use more
than one strain to confirm that any observation obtained pertains to the species and not
just to the strain studied.
Inbred mice of different strains exhibit marked differences in parameters of skeletal
integrity. Kaye and Kusy (163) examined bone tissue from five inbred mouse strains (A/J,
BALB/CByJ, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and PL/J). Although body weight was similar in all
five strains, tibial bone mass, composition and biomechanical strength varied considerably. Using peripheral quantitative computed tomography, Beamer et al. (164) surveyed
female mice from 11 inbred strains (AKR/J, BALB/cByJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, C57L/J,
DBA/2J, NZB/B1NJ, SM/J, SJL/BmJ, SWR/BmJ, and 129/J). This postmortem study
found that phenotypically normal inbred strains of mice possess remarkable differences
in total femoral BMD that were detectable as early as two months of age. Since these
genetically distinct strains of mice were raised in the same controlled environment the
observed differences are, in all likelihood, the result of genetic variation. Subsequent
endocrinologic studies of F2 progeny from a cross between C3H/HeJ and C57BL/6J
found that those mice with the highest BMD also had the highest serum insulin-like
growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels, whereas the F2 progeny with the lowest BMD had low
IGF-I levels (165). Although more than 35% of the variance in BMD for the F2 mice
could be attributed to serum IGF-I levels, definitive evidence of a causal relationship
between circulating IGF-I and BMD will require more extensive functional studies using
the two progenitor strains. These preliminary investigations clearly indicate substantial
genetic regulation of BMD in mice. Modern genetic methods, such as selective breeding
Fig. 1. Generation of murine recombinant inbred strains. Only four of the 19 autosome pairs from
parental inbred strains A and B, and the assortment of chromosomes in the subsequent
crosses derived from these strains, are shown. F1 hybrids are genetically identical to each other,
but individuals in the subsequent F2 generation are not because of recombination events. RI
strains also harbor recombinations but are homozygous at all loci as a result of the extensive
inbreeding involved in their production.
and QTL analysis, can exploit these heritable strain differences to find and more directly
evaluate the genetic linkage of osteoporosis-related traits (vide infra).
As described above, the study of inbred strains usually provides very little information about specific mechanisms of gene action. The analysis of single mutant vs normal
genes is often a more effective approach. Comparisons between homozygous mutant
mice and their normal homozygous wild-type and heterozygous litter mates may
Fig. 2. Experimental steps in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. Two different inbred strains
are first crossed to produce genetically heterogeneous F2 progeny. All of the progeny undergo
phenotype assessment and then DNA samples are obtained to allow genotyping of each individual
at multiple marker loci distributed throughout the genome. Statistical associations of markers and
phenotypes are then performed to identify putative QTLs underlying the trait(s) of interest.
Several of the identified sites map near candidate genes of interest in skeletal biology.
Beamer and colleagues examined femoral cortical bone density in 714 F2 progeny from
a C57BL/6J and CAST/EiJ cross (181). Significant QTL associations were found at 4
separate chromosomal sites. Two separate groups have performed F2 intercrosses between SAMP6, an established murine model of senile osteoporosis, and other mouse
strains of higher peak BMD and have mapped 5 QTLs significantly affecting spinal
BMD (182) and two QTLs significantly affecting femoral cortical thickness (183).
Results from these complementary studies should begin to define the landscape of the
genetic regulation of BMD and help partition this quantitative trait into separate genetic
components amenable for more detailed evaluation.
QTL analysis promises to identify the chromosomal position of many genes influencing osteoporosis-related traits. However, the ultimate goals of complex trait analysis
to identify coding sequences and to understand their biological roles at a molecular
levelremain the major challenge. Initial QTL analyses on an adequately-sized F2
intercross rarely succeed in narrowing map positions to less than 1020 cM. This is
because the phenotypes of individual animals are easily swayed by the influence of
unlinked or environmental noise (161). Positional cloning of human disease genes has
demonstrated that even when the position of a gene has been defined within one or two
million base pairs and all the DNA sequences within that region have been isolated,
identification of the relevant gene can still be a formidable task. Fortunately, new experimental strategies for fine QTL mapping, development of transgenic technologies, and
more traditional approaches employing congenic strains, promise to eventually bridge
the gap between cloning and disease.
QTL fine mapping involves careful analysis of recombinants within an interval previously found to contain the gene. For a compilation of the various experimental designs
currently available, the reader is referred to an excellent recent review by Darvasi (184).
One of the most attractive strategies exploits the high mapping resolution present in RI
strains (recombinant inbred segregation test, RIST). Using the RIST design, a QTL of
moderate effect, previously mapped to a 25 cM interval in an F2 interstrain cross, can be
mapped to a 1 cM interval with less than 1000 animals and only two stages of two
generations each. Once the QTL has been resolved to such a narrow region, an examination of candidate genes within that region can take place and transform a conventional
positional cloning strategy into a positional candidate approach.
Transgenic technology creates a very effective tool for analyzing the physiological
roles of specific genes. A transgenic animal contains a segment of exogenous genetic
material stably incorporated into its genome, resulting in a new trait that can be transmitted to further generations. Two widely used methods introduce exogenous genetic
material into the genome: 1) microinjection of one-cell fertilized embryos, and 2) genetic
manipulation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. In contrast to traditional gain-of-function
mutations, typically created by microinjection of the gene of interest into the one-celled
zygote, gene-targeting via homologous recombination in pluripotential ES cells allows
one to precisely modify the gene of interest (185). Employing ES methodology, investigators have generated site-specific deletions (knock-outs), insertions (knock-ins),
gene duplications, gene rearrangements, and point mutations. In addition to facilitating
the study of known candidate genes, molecular complementation (transfer of specific
genes) of selected phenotypes is a potentially important tool for gene identification. The
recent success of transgenic technologies employing yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC
transgenics) holds great promise for studying QTLs that influence a developmentally
restricted phenotype which requires the transfer of both the locus and the long-range
regulatory element(s) responsible for normal temporal or regional expression of the gene
(186). Traditionally, the mouse has been considered the optimal animal model for conducting transgenic and gene-targeting experiments. Although investigators have succeeded in creating transgenic rats (187), the considerable time and expense involved
limit the feasibility of widespread use of this animal model. Furthermore, gene-targeting
technology to knock-out endogenous genes is currently feasible only in the mouse.
Classical transmission genetics can also be used to transfer a gene of interest from a
donor strain or mutant onto the genetic background of an inbred strain. Using this
approach, one is able to transfer regions containing risk or protective QTLs, or even
multiple QTLs, onto appropriate background strains (Fig. 3). Such congenic strains are
produced by repeated backcrossing to the background inbred strain and genotypic selection of the desired allele at a marker or markers at each backcross generation (188190).
After 7 backcross generations, the congenic and background strains can be expected to
be about 98% genetically identical except for the transferred (introgressed) chromosomal region (190). The primary advantage of the congenics is that the influence of an
individual QTL on any trait can be tested using the congenic vs background strain
comparison at any level from the molecular to the physiological. Any differences found
would strongly implicate a QTL in the introgressed chromosomal region as the cause of
the differences. When there are several congenic strains for a given QTL, their differing
sites of recombination can aid in attaining higher resolution mapping of the QTL with
respect to neighboring markers. The near elimination of genetic noise due to unlinked
loci greatly aids the search for candidate genes associated with each QTL, and for studies
of differential gene expression (191). Ultimately, congenic strains can greatly facilitate
positional cloning of a QTL. It can be anticipated that over the next one-two years, many
genetic markers and almost all genes will be physically mapped in the human and mouse
genomes. Consequently, knowing which genetic markers define a QTL region will
automatically indicate which candidate genes are in the region. In addition, congenic
strains provide an invaluable resource for further defining specific genes of interest and
for in depth studies of the mechanisms by which they affect skeletal phenotype.
Currently diagnosis of osteoporosis is greatly dependent upon assessing BMD and
other risk factors for fracture. Discovery of genes that play important roles in determining peak bone mass, rates of bone loss, and bone microarchitecture (i.e., trabecular
thickness, number, etc.) may allow clinicians to divide the currently large population of
osteoporosis patients on the basis of pathophysiology. This may have important implications for therapy since patients who have osteoporosis based on different pathophysiologies may respond differently to various therapies. Additionally, genetic studies may
allow early identification of patients at high risk for osteoporosis when preventive
Fig 3. Congenic strain development involves the transfer of the region of a QTL from one
progenitor strain (donor) to the other (background). In this example, a segment of chromosome
4 genomic material from D2 has been introgressed onto the B6 background strain through a
process of repeated backcrossing and genotypic selection of the desired allele at each backcross
generation. The production of congenic strains requires a great deal of time and effort, but the
payoff is enormous. Because of the near elimination of genetic noise due to loci elsewhere in
the genome, congenic strains can be invaluable tool for the identification of the precise gene(s)
underlying a QTL.
measures, such as optimizing intake of calcium and vitamin D, may be more effective
than later in the course of the disease.
The prospect of institution of early preventative strategies for this common disease
raises the issue of genetic screening. In general, there are several conditions that must
be met for a screening test to be useful (192). These conditions include the following:
1) the prevalence of the disease must be high in the screened population; 2) the test must
be acceptable to the population screened; 3) there is an accepted therapeutic intervention
regulate will provide opportunities to develop agents that increase osteoblast function.
Discovery of a new class of pharmacological agents that increased osteoblast activity
and/or promoted de novo bone formation could lead to curative therapy for osteoporosis.
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Ego Seeman, MD
Progress in the study of the genetics of osteoporosis is slow for several reasons. For
example, the phenotype is poorly defined; fractures are too uncommon to allow credible
detection of any association between genes that regulate a structural determinant of bone
strength. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) predicts bone strength, but it has not
proven to be clinically useful in the identifying regulators of skeletal growth and aging,
in part, because it is a two dimensional projection of a three dimensional structure. This
measurement is too ambiguous to allow detection of the cell-, and surface-specific
genetic determinants of bone size, geometry, and volumetric bone mineral density
(vBMD). Even vBMD, the net result of changes in accrual and changes in bone size
during growth and aging, and cortical thickness the net effect of periosteal and
endocortical modeling and remodeling, may be too complex for detecting associations
with specific genetically determined mechanisms. This complexity, in part, may explain
why associations between aBMD and candidate gene polymorphisms are negative, contradictory or, at best, weak. Under 13% of the variance in aBMD is accounted for by
any polymorphism, excluding their usefulness as a predictor of fracture or bone loss.
Bone loss is not just resorptive removal of bone, it is the net result of the amount of
bone resorbed on the endosteal (intracortical, endocortical, trabecular) surfaces and the
amount formed on the periosteal surface. The net amount of bone resorbed is a function
of the imbalance between the volume of bone resorbed and formed at each BMU and the
rate of bone remodeling (activation frequency). Thus, examining the rate of bone loss
using densitometry to identify genetic factors accounting for the variance in net bone loss
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
is fraught with problems. No trials have been done stratifying by genotype then randomization to placebo vs treatment within each genotype. Without this design, genotype
specific differences in response to drugs, calcium supplementation, or exercise, may be
due to covariates unevenly distributed in the genotype groups rather than the genotype.
Advances have occurred at a more reductionist level; in identification of gene regulation of osteoclastogenesis and osteoblast differentiation in animals, identification of
loci on chromosomes associated with bone strength, identifying linkage in family studies between high bone mass and a region of a chromosome. Description of the age- and
gender-specific means and variances of less ambiguous phenotypes such as bone length
and periosteal growth (which determine bone size), and endocortical expansion or contraction (determining cortical thickness), trabecular numbers (determined at the growth
plate) and thickness (determined by endosteal apposition) may be more fruitful provided
that candidate genetic and environmental factors explaining part of this variance can
then be identified.
volume of bone removed and replaced within each BMU; greater resorption depth in
women may result in loss of connectivity while a reduction in bone formation may favor
trabecular thinning with less disruption to trabecular architecture in men.
Thus, the following questions arise; during growth, what is the age- and gender- and
bone length-specific variance in periosteal apposition, endocortical resorption and formation during growth in males and females? What proportion of this variance is genetically determined and what specific genetic factors explain this genetic component of
total variance? Are there specific genetic factors that identify persons with differences
in periosteal apposition, and so, differences in bone size? Are there genetic factors
influencing periosteal apposition and bone size that distinguish persons with and without
fractures? Why is endocortical apposition sex- and site- specific? What genetic factors
regulate and co-regulate the cellular events that establish the diameter of the bone, the
proximity of these surfaces, and hence the thickness of the cortex, its distance from the
neutral axis of the long bone, and so, bone strength? What is the variance in trabecular
numbers at the growth plate, what is the size of the genetic component of variance, and,
what genetic factors explain a proportion of the genetic variance. What genetic factors
account for the age-specific increase in trabecular thickness during prepubertal and
peripubertal growth? During aging, what genetic factors regulate and co-regulate continued periosteal apposition, endocortical and trabecular remodeling rate during adulthood, menopause and old age? What genetic factors influence the surface specific extent
(activation frequency) of remodeling and the volumes of bone removed and replaced in
the BMU, and thus BMU balance, the net amount of bone lost and its structural consequences during young adulthood, midlife and in old age in women and in men? Are there
genetic factors identifiable in patients with fractures that explain any differences in the
surface extent of bone remodeling and the nature of the remodeling imbalance that
produces bone fragility?
Answers to most of these questions are not available. The purpose of this chapter is
to describe problems that impede progress in the study of the genetics of osteoporosis,
and to examine the role of genetic factors that influence the modeling and remodeling
of the periosteal and endosteal (endocortical, trabecular, intracortical) surfaces of the
skeleton. It is the absolute and relative movement of these surfaces that determine external
bone size, the proximity of these surfaces to each other and hence the mass of bone, its
geometry, macro- and micro- architecture, and so, its strength.
Given that an association is detected, the multifactorial nature of fracture suggests that
only a small proportion of fractures are the result of the structural abnormality produced
by any one or more genotypes. Most fractures in the community are likely to be due to
structural abnormalities produced by genetic and nongenetic factors quite unrelated to
the single genotype being studied. That is, the attributable risk conferred by the gene is
likely to be small. To be of value in predicting fractures in the population, the genotype
must be common and have a large effect. If uncommon it will account for few fractures
and will be difficult to detect.
Kannus et al. examined whether genetic factors explain variation in risk of fracture
in a 25-yr follow up of 2308 monozygotic and 5241 dizygotic twin pairs; 786 subjects
sustained an osteoporotic fracture (3). In women, the pairwise concordance rate for
fracture was 9.5% (95% CI 5.315.5) in monozygotic, and 7.9% (5.211.4) in dizygotic
pairs. In men, the figures were 9.9% (4.418.5) and 2.3% (0.65.7) leading the authors to
conclude that susceptibility to osteoporotic fractures is not influenced by genetic factors.
Deng et al. reported the prevalence of Colles fractures (CF) is 11.8% in 2471 women
aged 65 years, 4.4% in 3803 of their sisters and 14.6% of their mothers (17). The
probability that a woman will suffer CF if her mother has, is 0.155, the probability that
a sister will suffer CF given that her sister has, is 0.084. The relative risk (the ratio of the
recurrence risk to prevalence), measures the degree of genetic determination, which is
1.3 for a woman with an affected mother and 1.9 for a woman with an affected sister.
These parameters are consistent with a heritability of 0.25 for CF.
If a genotype is associated with increased fracture risk it should be more prevalent in
fracture than non-fracture cases. Several candidate genes have been examined in this regard.
Aerssens et al. found no evidence for a higher prevalence of VDR, COLIA1, and ER
genotypes in 135 patients with hip fractures compared with 239 controls (4). Uitterlinden
et al. reported that women with Ss or ss polymorphism of the COL1A1 are over represented in the 111 women with nonvertebral fractures (RR = 1.3) (5). For incident
nonvertebral fractures the proportions of fracture cases in the SS, Ss, and ss groups
were 5.4% (64/1194), 7.4% (39/526) and 13.8% (8/58); only the latter achieved significance (odds ratio, OR = 2.2). For prevalent vertebral fractures, the respective
figures were 4.6% (44/949), 6.7% (28/420) and 4.5% (2/44) (NS). Even though the OR
for nonvertebral fractures was statistically significant, only 8 of 111 women with
nonvertebral fractures had the ss polymorphism, and 50 subjects with the ss polymorphism had no fractures.
The same investigators analyzed the combined influence of polymorphisms in the
VDR and COLIA1 genes for fracture, 1004 postmenopausal women were studied (6).
The baT VDR haplotype, constructed from three adjacent restriction fragment length
polymorphisms, was over represented in fracture cases giving an OR of 1.8 (1.03.3) for
heterozygous carriers and 2.6 (1.45.0) for homozygous carriers of the risk haplotype.
The effect was similar for vertebral and nonvertebral fractures and was independent of
BMD. Fracture risk was not VDR genotype-dependent in the COLIA1 reference
group (genotype GG) while in the COLIA1 risk group (genotypes GT and TT) the risk
of fracture was 2.1 (1.04.4) for heterozygous and 4.4 (2.09.4) for homozygous carriers
of the VDR risk haplotype. The authors infer that VDR and the COLIA1 polymorphisms
are genetic markers for osteoporotic fracture in women, independent of BMD and that
similar in the fracture cases and controls leading the authors infer that a TA repeat
polymorphism, but not polymorphisms in the exon 1 and intron 1, is associated with
increased risk of fractures and a modest reduction in aBMD.
In a study by Becherini et al., three ERa gene polymorphisms (PVU:II, XBA:I, TA
dinucleotide repeat polymorphism 5') were studied in 610 postmenopausal women
(11). A difference in the number of TA repeats between women with a vertebral
fracture (n = 7) and without was observed in women with a low number of repeats (OR
2.9, 1.65.7). Subjects with a low number of repeats had the lowest aBMD. The
authors suggest the TA repeat polymorphism at the 5' end of the ERa gene accounts
for part of the heritable component of aBMD. Given the small number of fracture
cases, it is not clear whether the difference in aBMD associated with the TA repeats
accounted for increased fracture risk.
Berg et al. followed subjects since 1977, 19 of 49 women sustained a fracture during
18 yr; no difference in fracture rate existed between the groups with different VDR
genotypes (12). Nor was there an association detected between rate of bone loss and
VDR genotypes among 77 of 118 participants followed since 1977. Houston et al.
reported no VDR genotype was over represented among the 44 women with spine
fractures in a sample of 171, even though individuals with bb genotype had a lower
aBMD than those with BB genotype (13). Riggs et al reported no VDR genotype was
over represented in 43 women with osteoporosis compared to 139 controls (14).
IL1 stimulates bone resorption while IL1 receptor antagonist (IL1ra) inhibits IL1
(15). The distribution of three IL1 gene polymorphisms (C 511 -T, G 3877 -A, C 3954
-T) did not differ among in 389 patients with spine fractures and controls. A1A1/A3
genotypes of the IL1ra polymorphism were more frequent in osteoporotics (56.2%) than
controls (43.3%). The RR for fractures was 1.68 (12.8) in individuals with A1A1/A3
genotypes. Lumbar spine aBMD was reduced in individuals with A1A1/A3 genotypes.
The authors conclude an 86-base pair repeat polymorphism in the IL1ra gene is associated with increased risk of fractures. Yamada et al report that a T to C polymorphism ar
nucleotide 869 of the transforming growth factor beta 1 gene (TGF beta 1) is associated
with prevalent spine fractures in 118 Japanese women compared with 339 without spine
fractures (16). The adjusted OR was 2.8 (1.17.6) for TT and TC vs CC, and 3.4 (1.2
10.1) for TT vs CC.
Thus, associations of fracture risk with genotypes are reported in the literature, most
commonly for the COLIAI and ER gene. In general, the associations reflect a relative
fracture risk increase of 1.52.5 but the attributable risk is small and rarely transparently
presented in the results section of discussed. Authors rarely, if ever, define how many
more cases coming to fracture would be identified using the genotype in addition to risk
factors such as age, aBMD, a marker of bone remodeling or presence of a fracture.
intracortical, trabecular) surface modeling and remodeling that has occurred during
growth and aging and thus may be too ambiguous a phenotype, i.e., too insensitive, to
be able to detect an association between a gene regulating a structure responsible for only
a part of the deficit in aBMD (19).
A given deficit in aBMD is likely to have a heterogeneous structural basis and therefore a heterogeneous pathogenesis with many genetic factors contributing. For example,
reduced aBMD may be due to reduced bone size or reduced vBMD. Reduced bone size
may be due to reduced periosteal apposition during growth, aging or both. Reduced
vBMD may be due to reduced accrual of cortical bone mass, trabecular numbers and
thickness during growth, or due to excessive loss of these structural elements during
aging. Reduced cortical and trabecular thickness may be due to excessive endosteal
(endocortical, trabecular) surface resorption, itself due to increased activation frequency,
an increase in the volume of bone removed by osteoclastic bone resorption or a decrease
in the volume of bone replaced by osteoblastic bone formation within the BMU, or any
combination of these three distinctly regulated and partly coregulated processes. How
can any genetic determinant be detected when these specific multifactorial structural
changes are summated into a single phenotype like aBMD?
Men lose less cortical bone than women because periosteal apposition is greater in
men than in women, endocortical resorption is only slightly less in men than in women
(20). The same applies to patients with fractures; the cortices may be thinner because
periosteal apposition is reduced during growth or aging so that the abnormality may reside
in genetic factors influencing the behavior of the periosteal apposition, not endocortical
remodeling. Moreover, cortical thickness may be normal but trabecular BMD may be
reduced selectively (as occurs in the early postmenopausal years when increased remodeling occurs on trabecular surfaces as trabecular bone has a greater surface to volume ratio
than cortical bone). Therefore deficits in aBMD in women compared to men may have
more to do with sex-specific genetic determinants of periosteal apposition than endosteal
remodeling, a point lost when using aBMD as the phenotype.
Patients with fractures have smaller bones than controls (21). About 40% of the deficit
in BMC and 20% of the deficit in aBMD at the spine due to the difference in bone size
in cases and controls, the remainder is the result of reduced vBMD (which may be due
to reduced accrual or excessive bone loss). So, looking for genes that contribute to
reduced accrual or excessive loss will not be fruitful using the aBMD deficit as the
phenotype. If bone size is increased in the fracture cases, aBMD may be normal obscuring any deficit in vBMD in the (larger) bone. The lack of difference in aBMD will lead
the investigator to falsely infer that no reduction in accrual during growth or bone loss
during aging has occurred in the fracture cases compared with controls, and so, there will
be failure to seek genetic factors responsible for the larger bone size or reduced vBMD
in the fracture cases.
Cortical thickness is also an ambiguous phenotype given that final cortical thickness
is the net result of periosteal and endocortical modeling and remodeling throughout the
whole of life. There are likely to be regulators and coregulators of these two surfaces
working in conjunction with regulators of growth in bone length. For a given species
with a given bone length, the extent of periosteal apposition and endocortical modeling
and remodeling will be adapted to produce the correct long bone width and cortical
thickness for biomechanical competence. Thus, the periosteal and endocortical surfaces
forming the cortex must be studied separately. However, periosteal or endocortical
dimensions are dependent on age, bone age, height, weight, bone length and gender.
Therefore, these covariates must be taken into consideration when variance in a trait is
measured. When this is done it may be possible to quantify to genetic and environmental
contributions to this variance.
Just as aBMD and cortical thickness are the net result of a great many differing
regulatory processes, vBMD is also unlikely to be a suitable phenotype for the identification of genetic regulators of bone fragility because vBMD is a function of the relative
growth of bone size and the mass accrued within it, not a function of the absolute change
in bone size or bone mass. For example, in Turners syndrome, aBMD is reduced because
bone size is reduced; vBMD is normal because there is a proportional reduction in size and
the amount of bone accrued in the smaller bone (22). The same deficit in vBMD may be
produced by entirely different mechanisms that will remain obscure unless mass and size
are studied separately. For example, oophorectomy in growing rats produces a larger
bone than sham operated animals but the accrual of mass is no different. The combination
of a reduction in mass relative to the (larger) bone size results in reduced vBMD.
Orchiectomy results in a reduction in growth in mass and size but the reduction mass in
greater than the reduction in size so that vBMD is reduced. Thus, the pathogenetic
mechanisms resulting in osteoporosis in the growing female and male rat differ (23).
These cell-, tissue-, surface-, region-, gender-specific structural abnormalities are the
result of independent and codependent specific regulatory processes. It is difficult to
envisage how an association between a specific gene or gene product and bone fragility
can be detected using aBMD as a phenotypic endpoint given its structural ambiguity. This
ambiguity may be partly responsible for the null observations, the inconsistent, poorly reproducible and contradictory associates found between various candidate genes and aBMD.
Even when associations are reported, interpretation of the observations is not feasible because
the structural basis underlying the association between aBMD and any genotype polymorphism has never been defined apart from the one example cited above (18).
The heritability estimate is not determined using the absolute aBMD values, but the
residual values about the mean. The residuals are dependent on what variables are used to
define the mean, such as age. A traits heritability has no single unique value but varies
according to which factors are taken into account in specifying the mean and what variables
are used in partitioning the total variance in the specific population being studied.
The heritability estimate is applicable only to the population and environment from
which the sample is drawn. Heritability is not the proportion of an individuals aBMD
attributable to genetic factors. The term does not identify a percentage or a morphologically
identifiable part of a trait that is genetically determined, or the proportion of disease attributable to genetic factors as often stated (26). It is incorrect to state that 80% of aBMD is
due to genes, that a given percentage of fractures are due to genetic factors, a given percentage
of the population having BMD below 2.5 SD is due to genetic factors. Heritability refers to
possible causes of variationvariation in a trait across a particular population.
If total variance (the denominator) increases with age due to an increase in both
genetic and environmental variances, but the environmental variance increased more
than the genetic variance, then heritability decreases yet the genetic component of variance has increased. If the total variance increases due to an increase in the environmental
variance, the heritability will decrease despite genetic variance remaining unchanged.
If measurement error is high then the heritability estimate cannot be high because the
error component is contained in the denominator.
The value of quantifying the genetic and environmental components of total variance
in absolute terms is seen when candidate genes or environment al factors are fitted to
determine whether genetic or environmental factors may explain the variance. Quantifying the total variance and estimating genetic and environmental components of variance is based on principles derived by Fisher 80 yr ago. Modeling can be achieved by
studying correlations between twins using the Classic Twin Model, i.e., under the
assumption that MZ twin pairs share environmental factors pertinent to the trait to the
same extent as do DZ twin pairs (24,25). If the MZ correlation exceeds the DZ correlation, the model must attribute the excess to the effect of shared genes. If the only reason
why twins are correlated is because they share genes, the correlation between MZ pairs
will be twice that between DZ pairs. If the DZ correlation is greater than one half the MZ
correlation, then the amount by which it is greater must be attributed by the model to the
effects of environmental factors shared by twins: the common environment variance.
chromosome 14. The study illustrates that bone fragility in old age is established during
growth in sfx/sfx and that deficits in bone mass in patients with fractures may also have
their origins in growth.
How does bone fragility develop during growth? What genetic mechanisms contribute to structural abnormalities responsible for bone fragility? Long bones grow in length
by endochondral ossification and in width by periosteal apposition. The mass of bone in
long bones may increase by increasing its length, but for a given length, the mass may
increase in three ways, by increasing periosteal apposition, increasing endocortical
apposition or by increasing the matrix mineral content (or density) of the bone tissue
itself. There have been several advances in our understanding of the genetic regulation
of growth in bone size, trabecular and cortical mass.
Matrix Mineral
In general, the matrix mineral content or amount of mineral in a volume of bone tissue
remains constant from early life to old age (31), but there is variation among individuals
that may have genetic basis. The mechanisms that account for difference in matrix
mineral density remain obsure. There is evidence for an association between matrix
mineral content and VDR genotypes. Sainz et al. reported associations between VDR
and femoral cortical matrix mineral density in 100 normal prepubertal Americans of
Mexican descent aged 6.711.7 yr (32). Care was taken to match for bone age, height,
weight, body surface area, or BMI between the groups. This is critical in studies of
growth because changes are very rapid. Even small differences in maturation between
genotype groups (which may be nonsignificant because of small numbers) can produce
large differences in structure falsely attributed to the genotype. Girls with aa and bb
genotypes had a 23% higher matrix mineral density and 810% higher vertebral trabecular BMD than those with AA and BB genotypes. The 23 girls with aabb genotype had
2% higher femoral and 12% higher vertebral BMD than the 14 girls with AABB genotype. VDR alleles were not associated with vertebral or with femoral CSA or cortical
bone area (measurements obtained using quantitative computed tomography). In children, accuracy of cortical density measurements is limited when the cortices are thin.
Assuming no technical concerns are present, the mechanisms by which vitamin D receptor alleles affect matrix mineral density are obscure.
Cortical Thickness
Cortical thickness is determined by the relative growth of the periosteal and
endocortical surfaces. The extent of periosteal expansion determines the peak diameter
of the long bone. The movement of the endocortical surface relative to the periosteal
surface establishes cortical thickness and the distance the cortical mass is placed from
the neutral axis of the long bone, a critical determinant of bone strength. The movement
of the endocortical surface is determined by the extent of endocortical bone resorption
and formation. If both are equal there will be no net movement of the endocortical surface
during growth and cortical thickness will be determined entirely by the extent of periosteal apposition. For any given degree of periosteal expansion, cortical thickness may
be reduced if endocortical bone resorption is excessive, if bone formation is reduced, or
both. Under these circumstances, as the width of the long bone increases it may develop
a progressively thinner cortex.
In males there is little movement of the endocortical surface of the metacarpals so that
bone resorption is matched by the same amount of apposition producing little net change
in the medullary canal diameter. At weight bearing sites like the femur, there is net
endocortical resorption enlarging the medullary cavity (33). At puberty in males, periosteal expansion increases, probably due to androgen and GH and IGF-1 dependent
periosteal apposition. In females, estrogen inhibits periosteal expansion accounting for
the smaller long bone diameter in females than males. However, estrogen, metabolites
of estrogen, and perhaps progestins may inhibit endocortical bone resorption and stimulate endocortical apposition reducing the medullary diameter of the narrower long bone
so that final cortical thickness is similar in men and women but constituted largely by
periosteal apposition in men and by both periosteal apposition and endocortical contraction (75%:25%) in females (34).
Thus, there are surface-, gender-, and site- specific regulatory mechanisms influencing cortical mass and its geometric arrangement. What genetic factors regulate the length
of the bone, its width, cortical thickness and medullary diameter? What mechanisms
ensure that a bone of given length has a width that maintains bending strains below a level
at which fracture will occur? If bone width is reduced, are there genetically determined
mechanisms to ensure that compensatory increases will occur in cortical thickness to
maintain strains within a tolerable level? If there is an abnormality in bone matrix
collagen, are there genetically determined compensatory mechanisms that will modify
bone size or shape to compensate for the loss of bone strength? For a given bone length,
greater diameter may require a proportionately thinner cortex while a narrower bone may
require a thicker cortex to reduce strains equally. There are likely to be genetically
determined mechanisms that co-regulate length, width, the periosteal and endocortical
surfaces to form a bone with a diameter and cortical thickness appropriate for the size
and biochemical needs of that animal.
Species- and sex-specific differences in bone mass are achieved by species- and sexspecific differences in the growth of the periosteal and endocortical surfaces of long bones.
For example, the SAM P6 mouse has reduced peak bone mass because the cortices are thin
compared with the P2 control (35). The thinner cortices are the result of reduced
endocortical bone formation during growth so that the bone has a wider medullary cavity.
Whether endocortical resorption is also increased is unknown (endocortical bone resorption was not measured). Periosteal bone formation was no different to the P2 control (the
P6 and P2 have similar bone diameter). The reduction in endocortical bone formation is
due to a fall in the osteoblast progenitor population. Replacement of the marrow by marrow
cells from P2 controls restores bone formation (36). The mechanisms responsible for the
accelerated aging of the colony forming units responsible of osteoblast progenitor formation are unavailable. What ever the mechanism, the reduction in osteoblasts was confined
to the endocortical surface adjacent to marrow, not the periosteal osteoblast.
Differences in the behavior of the endocortical surface is also largely reponsible for
differences in bone mass in C3H and B6 mice. External bone size is similar in C3H and
B6 strains because periosteal bone formation is similar. The C3H mice have higher
femoral and tibial BMC than the B6 because endocortical diameter is less (37).
Endocortical diameter is less because endocortical bone formation normalized against
total endocortical surface was greater in C3H (38). Femoral periosteal BFR/bone surface
was also slightly higher in C3H than C57 in this study. The genetic basis for the strain
specific differences in endocortical bone formation are not known.
There may be other mechanisms responsible for species differences in bone morphology in these animal models. Chen and Kalu also report that C3H mice have a smaller
marrow area (39). Bone length, periosteal MAR and BFR did not differ by species. C3H
had higher intestinal calcium absorption than B6, higher Ca uptake by duodenal cells and
more occupied intestinal vitamin D receptors. The mice were fed 0.4, 0.1, or 0.02% Ca
diets. Over 5 d, C3H mice maintained positive Ca absorption at all intakes, whereas B6
mice had negative Ca absorption at the two lowest Ca intakes, lower serum calcium. At
0.4% Ca, PTH was 43% higher in C3H than B6. Low Ca increased PTH in B6, not C3H.
The authors suggested that in the face of a lower intestinal Ca B6 mice are more likely
to rely on mobilization of Ca from bone to maintain Ca homeostasis. Endocortical bone
resorption should therefore be greater in the B6 strain but this was not measured.
Linkhart et al. report that C3H mice have greater BMD and lower medullary cavity
volume than B6 mice, in part due to greater bone formation and increased osteoblast
progenitor cells (40). Osteoclast numbers on bone surfaces of the secondary spongiosa
were twofold higher in C57 than C3H mice aged 5.5 wk. Bone marrow cells of C57 mice
cocultured with Swiss-Webster osteoblasts produced more osteoclasts than C3H marrow cells. C57 marrow cell cultures formed 2.5-fold more pits in dentine slices than did
C3H marrow cell cultures suggesting to the authors that differences in the osteoclast
precursor population contribute to differences in BMD between these strains.
Not all studies are consistent. Turner et al also report that C3H mice had greater
cortical thickness of the femur and vertebrae than B6 (41). However, the trabeculae were
more highly mineralized but fewer in number in the vertebral bodies, femoral neck, and
greater trochanter. Trabecular number in the C3H vertebral bodies was about half that
of B6. The thick, more highly mineralized femoral cortex of C3H mice resulted in greater
bending strength of the femoral diaphysis. Strength of the lumbar vertebrae was no
different between strains because the thicker cortices were combined with inferior trabecular structure in the vertebrae of C3H mice.
Akhter et al. studied 16-wk-old C3H, B6, and DBA mice (42). Greater cortical area
was due to greater periosteal bone formation rate. Mid-diaphyseal total femoral and tibia
CSA and moment of inertia were greatest in B6, intermediate in C3H, and lowest in DBA
mice. The authors suggest the specific distribution of cortical bone represents a difference in adaptation to similar loads. The size, shape, and aBMD of the bone are a result
of breed-specific genetically regulated cellular mechanisms. Compared with the C3H
mice, the lower aBMD in B6 mice is associated with long bones that are weaker because
the larger cross-sectional area fails to compensate completely for their lower aBMD.
Heterogeneity within and between species may be the result of differences in periosteal growth. Mice made GH receptor protein (GHRP) deficient have reduced femur
BMC due to a reduction in periosteal apposition rather than a reduction in endocortical
remodeling (43). The defect is reversed by administration of IGF-1.
In the MOV 13 mouse, a transgenic strain carrying a provirus which prevents transcription initiation of the alpha 1(I) collagen gene, bone fragility is the result of a form
of osteogenesis (44,45). Heterozygotes for the null mutation survive into adulthood and
their fibroblasts make less collagen type I. In this mouse there is an adaptation that
compensates for the bone fragility; bending strength is increased in this animal by
compensatory periosteal apposition. This study suggests that, in this model of osteogenesis, continued periosteal bone formation compensated for the marked reduction in type
I collagen synthesis, maintaining bending strength relative to wild type controls.
The genetic factors conferring a higher or lower vBMD are unknown but this information is important because the position of an individuals peak vBMD in young adulthood determines the vBMD for many years later. Prepubertal growth is sex hormone and
GH/IGF-1 dependent in males and females. Whether some individuals are more sensitive to these regulators of growth and so develop greater trabecular numbers or thickness
(and so have vBMD at the 95th percentile) during prenatal, postnatal or peripubertal
growth is not known.
Rosen et al. reported differences in femoral vBMD in C3H than B6 mouse strains (56).
Serum IGF-I was over 35% higher in C3H than B6. F1 progeny had IGF-1 and femoral
BMD levels intermediate between the parental strains. F2 progeny with highest BMD
had highest IGF-1 while skeletal IGF-1 (calvaria, tibia, femora) was ~30% higher in C3H
than B6 mice. The authors inferred that the difference in vBMD between strains may be
related to systemic and skeletal IGF-I synthesis. Whether the greater endocortical bone
formation in the C3H is explained by greater IGF-1 is unclear.
et al reported that women with the ff genotype had 12.8% lower spine aBMD than the
FF group (61). This was not seen in the study by Harris et al. (60). Follow up over 2 yr
showed the decrease in femoral neck aBMD was greater in women with ff than with FF
(4.7 vs 0.5%, p = 0.005), yet lumbar spine aBMD was reduced but rates of loss were
greater at the femoral neck.
Arai et al. report a thymidine-cytosine (T-C) transition polymorphism at the translation
initiation codon of the VDR gene in 239 Japanese females (62). Among 110 premenopausal women, spine aBMD was 12% higher for mm than MM homozygotes. Cloned DNA
from the ATG (M allele) variant yielded a 50 kD protein (MP), and that from the ACG (m
allele) variant a 49.5 kD protein (mP) in transfected COS-7 cells. Vitamin D dependent
activation of a luciferase reporter construct in transfected HeLa cells was increased 19.5-,
11.2-, and 15.5-fold in cells expressing, respectively, mP, MP, and both mP and MP. The
extent of expression of mP was ~20% less than that of MP in vitro and in transfected HeLa
cells. The authors conclude that the T-C polymorphism results in synthesis of a smaller
protein with increased biologic activity associated with increased aBMD. By contrast,
Eccleshall et al. report that the start codon polymorphism (SCP) of the VDR gene, examined in 174 premenopausal women aged 3156 yr, was unrelated to BsmI genotype, BMD,
calcium, PTH, or vitamin D levels (63). NTX was 33.5% higher in ff than FF women,
suggestive of a difference in bone resorption rate, but no other biochemical markers differed. Inferences are difficult to make when results are so contradictory.
Mizunuma et al. reported the association of ER polymorphisms, lumbar aBMD and
bone turnover in 173 pre- and postmenopausal women (64). Women with Xx genotype
had higher aBMD than those with xx genotype. The authors suggested that the Xx
genotype may be associated with greater accretion of bone during young adulthood.
As an association between a 3' UTR polymorphism of the IL-6 gene and BMD is
reported, Takacs et al searched for linkage between this polymorphism and peak aBMD
in 812 healthy premenopausal sibpairs but found no evidence for linkage between the IL-6
gene locus and aBMD in Caucasians or African Americans (65). Lorentzon et al. examined
a G/C polymorphism in position -174 of the IL-6 gene promoter in 90 boys, aged ~17 yr.
Boys with the CC genotype had ~7% higher aBMD at several sites than GG counterparts
but did not predict the increase in aBMD that occurred during 2 yr followup (66).
with problems. Bone loss probably needs to be broken down into less ambiguous components for successful identification of its regulators. Two individuals may lose exactly
the same percentage of the same baseline aBMD by entirely different mechanisms. The
imbalance at the BMU may be the same, but due to reduced bone formation in some
patients, increased bone resorption in others. The imbalance at the BMU may be less in
one individual but remodeling rate may be higher. Both remodeling rate and imbalance
in the BMU may be identical but one subject may have greater periosteal apposition than
other so it appears (using densitometry) that one has lost more bone than another. Genetic
factors contributing to reduced bone formation or increased bone resorption in the BMU,
activation frequency, periosteal apposition will be obscure unless the heterogeneity of
bone loss between individuals, and in an individual at different times of life, is recognized and adequately measured.
Bone loss is greater in women than men because men have greater absolute gain in
bone by periosteal apposition, the absolute amount of bone resorbed on the endosteal
surfaces do not differ very much in men and women (20). Periosteal apposition during
ageing differs by region, gender, race, and perhaps according to biomechanical factors.
These components of bone modeling and remodeling have rarely been defined in terms
of their age-, gender-, and menopause- specific means and variances so that no information is available regarding the roles of candidate genes in determining the variance for
each of these traits.
Bone loss after menopause is estrogen dependent. In the elderly, secondary hyperparathyroidism associated with calcium malabsorption may partly contribute to bone loss
by increasing cortical bone remodeling. Perhaps polymorphisms of the ER gene or PTH
receptor gene may be associated with activation frequency at differing stages of the
aging process. Bagger et al. investigated the possible relation of the PvuII and XbaIRFLPs
of the ER gene and aBMD in a cross-sectional study of 499 postmenopausal women and
prospective study of 101 postmenopausal women followed for 18 yr (67). Postmenopausal bone loss at the hip and spine was determined over 6 yr and bone loss in the lower
forearm over 18 yr. No effect of the ER genotypes on rates of loss was found.
On the other hand, Salmone et al. reported an association between ER genotypes and
aBMD before and after a 5-yr HRT in a placebo-controlled, population-based study of
322 early postmenopausal women (68). At baseline, no differences in the lumbar or
femoral neck aBMD were present between the ER PvuII groups. In the non-HRT-group,
lumbar spine aBMD decreased more in the PP (6.4%) and Pp (5.2%) than pp (2.9%)
(p = 0.002) leading the authors to infer that subjects with the ER PvuII genotypes PPand
Pp may have a greater risk of bone loss after menopause than those with the pp genotype
and that they may preferentially derive benefit from HRT. No changes occurred at the
femoral neck.
Han et al. investigated the presence of three restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the ER gene locus in 248 healthy postmenopausal Korean women aged 4168
yr (69). No relationship was present between genotypes and spine aBMD. Kobayashi et
al. investigated 238 postmenopausal Japanese aged 4591 yr (70). aBMD at lumbar
spine and total body were higher in homozygotes for the Px haplotype (PPxx), to heterozygotes (PPXx, Ppxx), than those lacking the Px haplotype (PPXX, PpXX, ppXx, and
ppxx) leading the authors to conclude that variation in ER gene partly explains low
per year was found in 7 of 9 subjects with the BB allele, in 15 of 37 with Bb, and in 8
of 26 with bb (p < 0.01) (79). The annual rate of change was greater in BB subjects
(2.3%) than in bb (0.7%) and Bb (1%). There were no differences in bone loss at the
proximal femoral BMD between the groups.
Garnero et al. studied 189 healthy premenopausal women aged 3157 yr (75). No
differences in bone formation (osteocalcin, bone alkaline phosphatase, PICP), bone
resorption (CrossLaps, NTX), or aBMD were found between the three VDR genotypes.
These polymorphisms were concluded not to be predictive of bone turnover or BMD in
these premenopausal women. Garnero et al. also reported no relation of VDR genotype and
BMD at spine, hip, forearm, or whole body, with rate of bone loss, or with markers of
bone formation or bone resorption 268 postmenopausal women aged 5070 yr (76).
There were no differences in age, years since menopause, body mass index, or dietary
calcium intake that may obscure any associations. Rates of bone loss measured over 2 yr
were significant but did not differ between the genotypes. Analyses confined to 128 women
within 10 yr of menopause did not identify more rapid bone loss in any of the genotypes.
As bone loss in the elderly may be partly explained by secondary hyperparathyroidism
due to calcium malabsorption, more rapid bone loss in one genotype may be the result
of an association between reduced calcium absorption and one of the VDR genotypes.
Gennari et al. examined this possibility in 120 postmenopausal women aged 5275 yr
(81). VDR genotypes showed no association with femoral neck or lumbar aBMD. Intestinal calcium absorption, measured with SrCl2, was lower in BB than bb, in tt than TT,
and in AABBtt than aabbTT or AaBbTt genotypes. PTH, alkaline phosphatase and
vitamin D metabolites did not differ by genotype. Zmuda et al. studied 156 AfricanAmerican women aged 65 yr and older and reported that fractional Ca-45 absorption was
14% lower in women with BB than bb genotype (p = 0.08) but no association between
VDR genotypes, aBMD or bone turnover markers was observed (82). In another study,
women with the BB and bb genotypes had similar fractional calcium absorption on a high
calcium intake. However, women with the BB genotype had a lower fractional calcium
absorption and a reduced incremental rise in intestinal calcium absorption in response
to calcium restriction than those with the bb genotype (83). Kinyamu et al. reported no
differences in intestinal VDR protein concentration, calcium absorption, or serum 1,25
dihydroxyvitamin D among 92 Caucasian women aged 2583 yr as a group or in the 25
35-yr or 6583-yr old women (84). Francis et al. report that no association between
fractional calcium absorption or aBMD and VDR genotypes in 20 men aged around 60
yr with vertebral crush fractures and 28 controls (85). Barger-Lux et al. found no relationship between the allele and the receptor density in duodenal mucosa among 35
premenopausal women (86).
Salamone et al. studied the rate of change in aBMD among 392 healthy, pre-, peri-,
and postmenopausal white women during 2.5 yr (80). Spine bone loss was greater in periand postmenopausal women with than without an APOE4 allele with the allele explaining 6.1% of the bone loss. Among non-HRTusers, there was a twofold higher rate of
spine bone loss in women with than without an APOE4 allele.
type followed by random allottment of placebo or drug within each genotype. Most studies
have been done in trials conducted years before with blood sampling for genotype classification done more recently. Obviously, the genotype will not have changed, but as there
has been no stratification, it is possible that there are differences in factors other than the
genotype that may explain a difference in response in BMD or a biochemical marker. Slight
differences in the groups in age, years postmenopause, dietary calcium intake, baseline
aBMD may not be statistically significant (conveniently assured by small sample sizes) but
the difference may be enough to either produce a difference in one genotype (producing
a type 1 error) or obscure a difference (producing a type 2 error)
Graafmans et al. reported the results of a two year study in 81 women aged about 70
yr receiving placebo or vitamin D (400 IU daily). Increased aBMD in the vitamin D
group relative to placebo group was 4.4% in the BB genotype (p = 0.04), 4.2% Bb
genotype, and 0.3% in the bb genotype group (87). It is not clear from the paper whether
the changes in the BB differed from the changes in the bb. Tajima et al. reported that
functional difference between the VDR FokI genotypes in response to training (88).
However, the duration of training was one month with only 10 subjects in the FF and 10
in the Ff or ff genotypes make the interpretation of any changes difficult.
Responses to treatment were compared in TGF-1 genotypes in 363 postmenopausal
Japanese women (130 untreated), 117 (1a hydroxyvitamin D or 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D) and 116 (HRT) (89). In controls, the rate of bone loss decreased according to the TT,
TC, CC, with a difference detected between the CC and TTgenotypes. The positive
response of spine aBMD to HRT increased according to the ranking TT, TC, CC. Individuals with the CC genotype responded to vitamin D with a 1.6% annual increase in
spine BMD, whereas those with the TT or TC genotypes lost bone. The authors infer that
these results suggest that TGF-1 genotype is associated with the rate of bone loss and
the response to active vitamin D.
In a cross-sectional study, 425 ambulatory postmenopausal women 4285 yr old,
were genotyped for BsmI polymorphism at the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and the
PvuII polymorphism in the estrogen receptor (ESR1) gene (90). To investigate the
interaction between HRT and receptor genotypes in an effect on heel stiffness index (SI).
A two-locus genotype (VDR-bb/ESR-PP) present in 9.5% of women explained over
30% of the total HRT-related heel SI difference in the sample. Women bearing this
combined VDR/ESR1 genotype who received HRT for more than 5 yr had a 21% (1.25 SD)
greater heel SI than those bearing the same genotype but who received HRT for <5 yr. This
may translate into a two- to threefold difference in the risk of fracture suggesting to the
authors that QUS of the heel in postmenopausal women taking HRT is affected by
variation in VDR and ESR1 loci, jointly.
Han et al. found no association between polymorphisms of the ER gene and the
response to HRT in terms of aBMD mean decrements in biochemical markers in 248
healthy postmenopausal Korean women (69). Marc et al. reported that 24 postmenopausal women aged 5673 yr with osteoporosis received cyclic etidronate (400 mg/d)
and calcium (1000 mg/d) for 1 yr (91). Lumbar aBMD increased 7.3% in BB and
7.0% in Bb groups, and 2.5% in bb. Osteocalcin decreased 54.2% in bb compared to
32.4% in BB women. The authors conclude that response to bisphosphonate therapy
combined with calcium supplementation is modified by BsmI polymorphism of the
VDR receptor.
strength, after adjusting for age, height, and weight) (94). Heritability estimates demonstrated a genetic component to lean body mass, grip strength, and leg extensor strength of
0.46, 0.30, and 0.52, respectively. However, the total additive genetic influence of aBMD
was reduced on adjusting for muscle variables suggesting that there may be common
genetic factors regulating muscle and bone mass. The authors also reported an independent
association between muscle strength and bone mass after adjusting for lean mass.
Nguyen et al., in a study of in 57 monozygotic and 55 dizygotic female twin pairs aged
52.8 13 yr, reported that intrapair differences in lean mass were associated with intrapair
differences in femoral neck aBMD, fat mass was associated with TBBMD, while both lean
and fat mass were independent determinants of lumbar aBMD (95). By contrast to the above
studies, these investigators reported that the genetic correlation of lean mass and BMD was
not significant and that the association between lean and fat mass was attributable mainly to
environmental factors. The authors conclude that lean and fat mass and BMD are under
strong genetic regulation, but the associations between them are mediated largely via environmental influences. The reasons for the disparate observations are not apparent.
Guesens et al. reported an association between muscle strength and the VDR genotypes.
The investigators found no association between BMD at femoral neck, lumbar spine, and
proximal forearm and VDR genotypes in 501 healthy women aged above 70 yr (96).
However, in a posthoc analysis, in non-obese women, femoral neck BMD was 5% higher
in women with bb than BB genotypes (z scores were 0.35 0.13 for BB, 0.09 0.07 for
Bb, and 0.04 0.09 for bb). Women with BB genotype had 23% lower quadriceps
strength than those with bb genotype, which remained significant after adjusting for age,
calcium intake, and femoral neck aBMD. The reason for adjusting for aBMD is not apparent. Whether there were differences in exercise activity or muscle size that may account
for the muscle strength differences was not examined. After correction for quadriceps
strength, no difference in femoral neck aBMD was found between the VDR types in
nonobese women. From this data, the authors infer that an association exists between
muscle strength and an allelic variant at the VDR locus in non-obese elderly women, which
could contribute to the association between VDR polymorphism and femoral neck aBMD.
reliance on statistical adjustment rather than study design, and the use of posthoc analyses
to infer causation. Heritability estimates, used as the measure of genetic effect, provide a
measure of the proportion of the age-specific population variance attributable to genetic
factors but little if any clinically useful information. These flaws need to be addressed.
Distinct morphological phenotypes (height, bone length, bone width, endocortical width,
cortical thickness, trabecular number, thickness) should be carefully quantified according
to their age-, gender-, and race-specific means and variances. Genetic and environmental
factors should be sought that explain variance in these and other traits. Expressing variance
in absolute terms and fitting candidate genetic and environmental factors that may explain
variance is hypothesis generating. Controlled randomized trials with prior stratification by
genotype are needed to identify genotype-specific effects. The null hypothesis states that
no biologically meaningful effect exists between genotypes, skeletal growth, aging and
effects of treatment. This hypothesis cannot be rejected.
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its volume or size and the density of the mineralized tissue contained within its periosteal
envelope. The mean volumetric mineral density of bony tissue (BMD in g of hydroxyapatite per cm3) can be determined noninvasively by quantitative computed tomography
(QCT). The technique of either single or dual X-ray (SXA, DXA) absorptiometry provides measurement of the so-called areal or surface bone mineral density (BMD in
g of hydroxyapatite per cm2). The values generated by this technique are directly dependent upon both the size and the integrated mineral density of the scanned skeletal tissue.
This second variable is made of several components including the cortical thickness, the
number and thickness of the trabeculae and the true mineral density corresponding to
the amount of hydroxyapatite per unit volume of the bone organic matrix. The term bone
mineral density without the additional areal qualification has been widely used with
the general understanding that neither the SXA nor the DXA techniques provides a
measurement of volumetric density. This notion, which should be obvious to bone
biologists using DXA technology in either experimental or clinical settings, has not
always been fully appreciated leading to mis- or overinterpretation of the data generated
by this noninvasive technology (2). Therefore, it has to be reemphasized that aBMD is
the summation of several structural components which may evolve differently in response
to genetic and environmental factors. Nevertheless, areal BMD remains of clinical relevance in the context of osteoporosis. Indeed, the values of areal BMD have been shown
to be directly related to bone strength, i.e. to the resistance of the skeleton to mechanical
stress both in vivo and in vitro (for review, see refs. 3 and 4). Thus, there is an inverse
relationship between areal BMD values and the prevalence of osteoporotic fractures (5).
At the spinal level, the total mineral content (BMC in g of hydroxyapatite) of the
vertebrae, including the posterior arch, can be measured using the classical anteroposterior (frontal) projection. The BMC and the derived areal BMD of the vertebral body
isolated from the vertebral arch can also be obtained by using DXA in the lateral
(sagittal) projection (6,7). The so-called bone mineral apparent density (BMAD in
g/cm3) is an indirect and rather imprecise estimate of the volumetric skeletal density (8).
This extrapolated variable can be expected to be less related to bone strength than areal
BMD, since it does not take into account the important size component that influences
the mechanical resistance.
Therefore, in terms of overall bone strength prediction, the areal BMD/BMC value is
more informative than the isolated measurement of the volumetric trabecular density,
since the former variable includes both the bone thickness and its integrated volumetric
density. This statement does not mean that other variables which are more difficult to
precisely assess, such as the microarchitecture of the trabecular network and/or the
intrinsic quality of the mineralized tissue, do not play a contributing role in the resistance to mechanical force. Furthermore, it is obvious that a full understanding of the
fundamental mechanisms that underlie the marked interindividual variability observed
in bone mass gain will require separate analysis of how bone size, cortical thickness and
volumetric trabecular density evolve during growth and to identify which are the main
respective genetic and environmental factors that determine the development of each of
these three important contributors to bone strength in adulthood.
in bone mass at birth. Likewise, the volumetric bone mineral density appears to be also
similar between female and male newborns (9). This absence of substantial sex difference in bone mass is maintained until the onset of pubertal maturation (911). During
puberty the gender difference in bone mass becomes expressed. This difference appears
to be mainly due to a more prolonged bone maturation period in males than in females,
with a larger increase in bone size and cortical thickness (10). Puberty affects much more
the bone size than the volumetric mineral density (1,2,10). There is no significant sex
difference in the volumetric trabecular density at the end of pubertal maturation (1217).
During puberty, the accumulation rate in areal BMD at both the lumbar spine and femoral
neck levels increases four- to sixfold over a 3- and 4-yr period in females and males,
respectively (18). The change in bone mass accumulation rate is less marked in long bone
diaphysis (18). There is an asynchrony between the gain in standing height and the
growth of bone mineral mass during pubertal maturation (10,18,19). This phenomenon
may be responsible for the occurrence of a transient fragility that may contribute to the
higher incidence of fracture known to occur when the dissociation between the rate of
statural growth and mineral mass accrual is maximal (20,21).
during mid-puberty, the maximal level, thus occurring at an earlier chronological age in
females than in males (49). The role of IGF-I in calcium and phosphate metabolism
during pubertal maturation in relation to essential nutrients for bone growth is illustrated
in Fig. 1. The rise in the plasma levels of IGF-I, calcitriol, and Pi are correlated with the
elevation in indices of the bone appositional rate such as alkaline phosphatase (5053)
and osteocalcin (5255). Note that the plasma concentrations of gonadal sex hormones,
as well as those of adrenal androgens (dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione),
which increase before and during pubertal maturation, do not seem to accord with the
accelerated bone mass gain (5658). Whether differences in the adaptive responses
which control calcium and phosphate homeostasis could play a role in the increased
variance in lumbar spine or femoral neck BMD/BMC remain to be explored. As recently
reviewed, the interaction between the growth hormone-IGF-I axis and sex steroids is
quite complex (53). The effect of these interactions on the gains in bone size and mass
during pubertal maturation, independent of their influence on the rate and duration of
longitudinal growth, remains largely unknown.
see ref. 53). The plasma concentrations of the bone formation markers are highest when
the velocity of bone mineral accrual is maximal. This suggests that the two phenomena
are related. The high urinary excretion of bone resorption markers, such as collagen
pyridinium cross-links, observed during childhood, decreases after the growth spurt and
reaches adult values at the end of pubertal maturation, i.e., at 1516 and 1718 yr of age
in girls and boys, respectively (for review, see ref. 53). This probably reflects the
decrease in the resorption rate associated with the reduction and arrest in longitudinal
bone growth. In a longitudinal study in pubertal girls, bone turnover markers
(osteolcalcin, bone specific alkaline phosphatase, and collagen pyridinium cross-links)
were modestly related to statural height gain, but they were not predictive of gains in
either total bone mineral content or density as assessed by DXA (59).
Genetic Determinant
As mentioned above the variability in BMD/BMC at the level of the lumbar spine and
of the proximal femur, unrelated to changes in the statural height, increases during
pubertal maturation. The contribution of heredity, compared to that of the environment,
to this increased bone mass variability is not clearly elucidated. Genetic factors account
for a large percentage of the population variability in BMD among age- and sex-matched
normal individuals (60). Daughters of osteoporotic women have a low BMD (65). BMD
is decreased among the relatives of 38 middle-aged men with severe idiopathic
osteoporosis (66). To investigate the proportion of the BMD variance across the population explained by genetic factors, known as its heritability (67), two human models
mainly have been used. In the twin model, within-pairs correlations for BMD are compared between monozygotic (MZ) twins, who by definition share 100% of their genes,
and dizygotic (DZ) twins, who have 50% of their genes in common. Stronger correlation
coefficients among adult MZ as compared to DZ twins are indicative of the genetic
influence on peak bone mass, accounting for as much as 80% of lumbar spine and
proximal femur BMD variance (60). Lean and fat mass are also genetically determined
(68). Indeed, it appears that 80 and 65% of variance of lean and fat mass, respectively,
are attributable to genetic factors. However, genetic factors affecting lean and fat mass
have only little influence on lumbar spine or femoral neck BMD. These results differ
from previous evidence of indirect genetic effects on bone mass occurring through the
determination of lean body mass (69).
Parentsoffspring comparisons have also shown significant relationships for BMD,
albeit heritability estimates have been somewhat lower (in the range of 60%) than in the
twin model (70). Actually, the magnitude of direct genetic effects on peak bone mass as
evaluated in both human models may be overestimated by similarities in environmental
covariates (62,71). We investigated correlations for bone mineral content, areal and
volumetric bone mineral density and bone area in the lumbar spine and femur (neck,
trochanter, and diaphysis) in premenopausal women and in their prepubertal daughters
(72). Regressions were adjusted for height, weight and calcium intake, to minimize the
impact of indirect genetic effects as well as of dietary influences on bone mineral mass
resemblance among relatives. The results indicate that despite great disparities in the
maturity of the various constituents of bone mass before puberty with respect to peak
adult values, heredity by maternal descent is detectable at all skeletal sites and affected
virtually all bone mass constituents, including bone size and volumetric mineral density.
Moreover, when daughters bone values were reevaluated 2 yr later, while puberty had
begun and bone mineral mass had considerably increased, measurements were highly
correlated with prepubertal values and mother-daughter correlations had remained
unchanged. Thus, a major proportion of this variance is due to genetic factors which are
already expressed before puberty with subsequent tracking of bone mass constituents
through the phase of rapid pubertal growth until peak bone mass is achieved. Interestingly, it appears that male to male and male to female inheritance of bone mass may differ
substantially (71). It might be hazardous therefore to extrapolate genetic influences on
bone mineral mass as identified in women to the male population, in which this question
has virtually not yet been investigated.
In contrast to the clear heritability of peak bone mass, the proportion of the variance in
bone turnover that depends on genetic factors, as assessed by various markers of bone
formation and resorption, appears to be small (73). Hence, peak bone mass is very likely
determined by numerous gene products implicated in both bone modeling and remodeling.
Among the multiple candidate genes harboring polymorphic loci so far investigated
in relation to BMD and/or BMD changes, the vitamin D receptor (VDR)-3' end alleles
are controversial (7482). A meta-analysis combining 16 separate studies examined the
relationship between VDR genotypes and BMD (82) and found that subjects with with
the BB genotype had a 2.4, 2.5, and 1.7% non-significantly lower BMD as compared to
bb at the level of the femoral neck, lumbar spine, and distal radius, respectively. The
more recently described association between VDR-5' start codon polymorphism (FokI)
and BMD, at first observed in small cohorts of postmenopausal Mexican-American
women (83), white premenopausal American women (84), and Japanese women (85),
has not been confirmed in two larger European studies in healthy premenopausal women
or prepubertal girls (86,87).
Several independent investigators have shown the importance of age, gene-environment, and gene-gene interactions to explain the inconsistent relationship between bone
mineral mass and VDR-3' and 5'-genotypes. Thus, significant BMD differences between
VDR-3' BsmI genotypes were detected in children (88,89), but were absent in premenopausal women from the same genetic background (89). Moreover, the latter study found
that BMD gain in prepubertal girls was increased at several skeletal sites in Bb and BB
subjects in response to calcium supplements whereas it remained apparently unaffected
in bb girls, who had a trend for spontaneously higher BMD accumulation on their usual
calcium diet (89,90). Accordingly, a model taking into account the early influence of
VDR-3' polymorphisms, calcium intake and puberty on BMD gain has been proposed
to explain the relation between these genotypes and peak bone mass (90). Interestingly
also, several investigators have noted a significantly lower height among women and
men with the VDR-3' BB compared to Bb or bb genotypes (89,9194). Considering the
relationship between body size and bone size, as well as the influence of calcium intake
on both body height and bone area during growth (94), it is tempting to speculate that
VDR-3' alleles together with environmental calcium might exert an indirect and complex influence on peak bone mass by regulating skeletal growth. Altogether, these
observations provide a possible physiological mechanism for the relationship between
VDR gene polymorphisms and bone mass and emphasize the methodological limitations
of earlier studies focusing on the association between VDR genotypes and BMD regardless of age and environmental factors. Moreover, other potential gene-environmental
interactions, such as those involving physical exercise (95), as well as gene-gene interactions might further modulate the relationship between VDR gene polymorphisms and
bone mass, as for instance, an interaction between VDR and estrogen receptor (ER) gene
polymorphisms. In summary, VDR-3' and 5'-alleles are possibly weak determinants of
bone mineral density, their effects being easily confounded by the influence of many
other genes and environmental factors. Hence, VDR gene polymorphisms alone are not
clinically useful genetic markers of peak bone mass, but could be one significant factor
to explain some of the variability observed in the population.
Physical Activity
The responsiveness to either an increase or a decrease in mechanical strain is probably
greater in growing than adult bones (9698). Hence, the concept of public health programs aimed at increasing physical activity among healthy children and adolescents in
order to maximize peak bone mass has been promoted. Several recent reports in children
or adolescents involved in competitive sport or ballet dancing indicate that intense
exercise is associated with an increase in bone mass accrual in weight-bearing skeletal
sites (99106). The question arises whether this increase in BMD/BMC resulting from
intense exercise is translated into greater bone strength. A recent cross-sectional
study in male elite-tennis players using peripheral QCT and side-to-side arm comparison indicates that the increase in BMC reflected an increased bone size which
was associated with an augmentation in an index of bone strength. By contrast, no
change in either cortical or trabecular vBMD was observed (107). Whether the same type
of beneficial structural change for bone strength is observed at other skeletal sites, such
as vertebral bodies and proximal femur, in response to different kinds of intense exercise
during childhood and adolescence, remains to be documented. In terms of general public
health, observations made in elite athletes cannot be the basis of recommendations for
the general population, since intense exercise is beyond the reach of most individuals.
Much more relevant is information on the effect of moderate exercise on bone mass
acquisition. Some (63,108,109), but not all (110114) cross-sectional studies have found
a slightly positive association between physical activity and bone mass values in children and adolescents. However, the positive association found cross-sectionally was not
confirmed by observational longitudinal studies relating bone mass gain to physical
activity (112,115). Measurements of the duration, intensity, and type of physical activity
that are based on recall are not very precise, particularly in children. Therefore, it is
possible that negative findings could be ascribed to poor validity in the methods used to
estimate physical activity. Recent controlled prospective studies carried out in prepubertal girls (116) or boys (117) indicate that exercise programs undertaken in schools, and
considered on the average as moderate, can increase bone mass acquisition. These
indicate that the growing skeleton is certainly sensitive to exercise, and suggest that prepuberty would be an opportune time for implementing physical education programs
Nutritional Factors
Puberty is considered to be a period with major behavioral changes and alterations in
life-style. It is also assumed that important modifications in food habits occur during
pubertal maturation, particularly in affluent societies. However, there is still a lack of
quantitative and qualitative information regarding the evolution of both micro- and
macronutrient intakes in relation to pubertal maturation. At the individual level, to what
extent variations in the intakes of some nutrients in healthy, apparently well-nourished,
children and adolescents can affect bone mass accumulation, particularly at sites susceptible to osteoporotic fractures, has received increasing attention over the last 10 yr. Most
studies have focused on the intake of calcium. However, other nutrients such as proteins
should also be considered.
It is usually accepted that increasing the calcium intake during childhood and adolescence will be associated with a greater bone mass gain and thereby a higher peak bone
mass (123,124). However, a survey of the literature on the relationship between dietary
calcium and bone mass indicates that some (108,114,125129), but not all studies
(8,109,112,113,115,130) have found a positive correlation between these two variables.
As with physical activity, several sets of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, including
our own unpublished results on dietary calcium intake and bone mass accrual in female
and male subjects ages 919 yr, are compatible with a two threshold model. On one
side of the normal range one can conceive the existence of a low threshold, set at a total
calcium intake of about 400500 mg/d, below which a positive relationship can be
found. Within this low range the positive effect of calcium would be explained merely
by its role as a necessary substrate for bone mass accrual. On the other side of the normal
range, there would be a high threshold, set at about 1600 mg/d, above which the
calcium intake through another mechanism could exert a slightly positive influence on
bone mass accrual. In addition, the levels of the two thresholds could vary according to
the stage of pubertal maturation. In our own cross-sectional study (10), a significant
positive relationship between total calcium intake as determined by two 5-d diaries was
found in females in the pubertal subgroup P1P4, but not in the P5 subgroup. Furthermore, in the longitudinal study (18) when results were analyzed by taking into account
the influence of age and pubertal maturation, the relationship between the absolute
values of the calcium intake and the gain in BMD Z score suggested that calcium may
be more important before than during pubertal maturation (130a).
Several intervention studies have been carried out in children and adolescents (94,131
135). Overall, these indicate greater bone mineral mass gain in children and adolescents
receiving calcium supplementation over periods varying from 12 to 36 mo. The benefit
of supplemental calcium has been greater in the appendicular than in the axial skeleton
(94,132). Thus, in prepubertal children, calcium supplementation is more effective on
cortical appendicular bone (radial and femoral diaphysis) than on axial trabecular rich
bone (lumbar spine) or on the hip (femoral neck, trochanter) (94,132). The skeleton
appears to be more responsive to calcium supplementation before the onset of pubertal
maturation (132). As intuitively expected, this benefit may be particularly substantial in
children with a relatively low calcium intake (94). In 8-yr old prepubertal girls with a
spontaneously low calcium intake, increasing the calcium intake from about 700 to 1400
mg augmented the mean gain in aBMD of six skeletal sites by 58% as compared to the
placebo group, after one year of supplementation (94). This difference corresponds to a
gain of +0.24 standard deviation (SD). If sustained over a period of 4 yr such an increase
in the calcium intake could augment mean aBMD by 1 SD. Thus, milk calcium supplementation could modify the bone growth trajectory and thereby increase peak bone
mass. In this regard it is interesting to note that an intervention influencing calciumphosphate metabolism and limited to the first year of life may also modify the trajectory
of bone mass accrual. As a matter of fact, a 400 IU/d vitamin D-supplementation given
to infants for an average of 1 yr was associated with a significant increase in aBMD
measured at the age of 79 yr (136). The aBMD difference between the vitamin
D-supplemented and non-supplemented group was particularly significant at the femoral neck, trochanter and radial metaphysis (136). These observations are compatible with
the programming concept, according to which environmental stimuli during critical
periods of early development can provoke long-lasting modifications in structure and
function (137,138).
Another aspect to consider is that the type of the supplemented calcium salt could
modulate the nature of the bone response. Thus, the response to administration of a
calcium phosphate salt from milk extract appears to differ from those recorded with
other calcium supplements. Indeed, the positive effect on aBMD was associated with
an increase in the projected bone area at several sites of the skeleton and a slight
increase in statural height (94).
This type of response was not observed when calcium was given as citrate maltate salts
(132,133), carbonate alone (134), or carbonate combined with gluconate lactate (135).
Interestingly, it was similar to the response to whole milk supplementation (139). But in
this study (139), the positive effect on bone size could be ascribed to other nutrients
contained in whole milk, whereas in the other study the tested calcium-enriched foods had
the same energy, lipid, and protein contents as those given to the placebo-group (94).
It is important to consider whether or not the gain resulting from the intervention will
be lost after discontinuation of the calcium supplementation. The answer to this question
remains uncertain. It could depend on the type of bone response observed, which could
differ according to the type of the supplemented calcium salt. As mentioned above, with
milk calcium phosphate salt (94), the increase in aBMD was associated with an increase
of bone size. One year after discontinuing the intervention, differences in the gain in aBMD
and in the size of some bones were still detectable, at the limit of statistical significance
(94,140). Very recently, we observed that this difference was still present 3.5 yr after
discontinuation of the supplementation (141). These results need additional confirmation
by long-term follow-up of the cohort, ideally until peak bone mass has been attained, as
well as by other prospective studies. Nevertheless, they apparently differ from results
obtained with other calcium salt supplements (132,142). As a matter of fact, calcium given
in other forms to pre- or peripubertal girls does not appear to modify bone size (132135),
nor to induce a persistent effect after stopping the intervention (143,144). This comparative
analysis suggests that the positive effects observed on the aBMD or BMC gain with citrate
maltate salts (132,133), or carbonate alone (134) could be primarily related to an increment
in the volumetric density resulting from an inhibition of bone remodeling.
Despite a positive effect on mean aBMD gain there is still wide inter-individual
variability in the response to calcium supplementation. As discussed above, it is possible
that part of the variability in the bone gain response to calcium supplementation could
be related to the VDR gene polymorphisms (89).
Among nutrients other than calcium, various experimental and clinical observations
point to the existence of a relationship between the level of protein intake and either
calcium phosphate metabolism or bone mass, or even osteoporotic fracture risk
(145,146). Nevertheless, any long-term influence of dietary protein on bone mineral
metabolism and skeletal mass so far has been difficult to identify. Apparently contradictory information suggests that either a deficient or an excessive protein supply could
negatively affect the balance of calcium and the amount of bony tissue contained in the
skeleton (145,146).
Despite these uncertainties, multiple animal and human studies indicate strongly that
low protein intake per se could be particularly detrimental for both the acquisition of
bone mass and the conservation of bone integrity with aging. During growth, undernutrition, including inadequate supply of energy and protein, can severely impair bone
development. Studies in experimental animals indicate that isolated protein deficiency
leads to reduced bone mass and strength without histomorphometric evidence of osteomalacia (145,146). Thus, inadequate supply of protein appears to play a central role in
the pathogenesis of the delayed skeletal growth and reduced bone mass observed in
undernourished children.
Low protein intake could be detrimental for skeletal integrity by lowering the production of IGF-I. Indeed, the hepatic production and plasma concentration of this growth
factor, which exerts several positive effects on the skeleton, is under the influence of
dietary protein (147). Protein restriction has been shown to reduce circulating IGF-I by
inducing resistance to the hepatic action of growth hormone (148). In addition, protein
restriction appears to decrease the anabolic actions of IGF-I on some target cells. In this
regard, it is important to note that growing rats maintained on a low protein diet failed
to restore growth when IGF-I was administered at doses sufficient to normalize its
plasma concentrations.
Variations in the production of IGF-I could explain some of the changes in bone and
calcium-phosphate metabolism that have been observed in relation to intake of dietary
protein. Indeed, the plasma level of IGF-I is closely related to the growth rate of the
organism. In humans, circulating IGF-I, of which the major source is the liver, rises
progressively from 1 yr of age to reach peak values during puberty. As described above,
this factor appears to play a key role in calcium-phosphate metabolism during growth by
stimulating two kidney processes, Pi transport and the production of calcitriol (64,149).
IGF-I is considered an essential factor for bone longitudinal growth, as it stimulates proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes in the epiphyseal plate (150). It also plays a
role on trabecular and cortical bone formation. In experimental animals, administration of
IGF-I also positively affects bone mass (151), increasing the external diameter of long
bones, probably by enhancing the process of periosteal apposition. Therefore, during
adolescence a relative deficiency in IGF-I or a resistance to its action that could be due to
an inadequate protein supply may result not only in a reduction in the skeletal longitudinal
growth, but also in an impairment in widthwise or cross-sectional bone development.
In well-nourished children and adolescents, the question arises of whether variations
in the protein intake within the normal range can influence skeletal growth and thereby
modulate the genetic potential in peak bone mass attainment. There is a positive relationship between protein intake, as assessed by two 5-d dietary diary methods with weighing
most food intakes (146,152), and bone mass gain during pubertal maturation (146).
Since both bone mass and protein intake increase in both sexes during adolescence, it is
not surprising to find a positive correlation between these two variables.
However, we found that the correlation remained statistically significant even after
correcting for the influence of either age or pubertal stage. The association between bone
mass gain and protein intake was observed in both sexes at the lumbar spine, the proximal
femur, and the femoral mid-shaft. The association appeared to be particularly significant from pubertal stage P2P4. However, these results should not be interpreted as
evidence for a causal relationship between protein intake and bone mass gain. Indeed,
it is quite possible that protein intake, which overall was related to the amount of ingested
calories in our cohort, is to a large extent determined by growth requirements during
childhood and adolescence.
As was the situation for other nutrients such as calcium, only prospective interventional
studies will establish whether variations in protein intake within the range recorded in
our western well-nourished population can affect bone mass accumulation during
growth. Such prospective intervention studies should delineate the crucial years during
which modifications in nutrition would be particularly effective for bone mass accumulation in children and in adolescents. This kind of information is of importance in order
to make credible and well-targeted recommendations for osteoporosis prevention programs aimed at maximizing peak bone mass.
bone mass. This is probably also the case of various chronic diseases, which in addition
may require therapies that can affect bone metabolism. Impaired bone growth has been
frequently observed in chronic rheumatoid arthritis, chronic renal failure, cystic fibrosis,
inflammatory bowel diseases, malignant hemopathies, hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia major. Some conditions will be discussed further in this chapter.
Delayed Puberty
Epidemiological studies have provided suggestive evidence that late menarche is a risk
factor for osteoporosis through a negative effect on PBM. In a cohort of men with a history
of delayed puberty osteopenia has been reported (154). Delayed puberty or adolescence
has been defined as the absence of any sign of puberty in a subject who has attained the
upper normal limit of chronological age for the onset of puberty (155). This means an
absence of increase in testicular volume at 14 yr in a boy or an absence of any breast
development in a girl at 13 yr of age. The causes of delayed adolescence have been
classified into permanent and temporary disorders (155). The permanent ones can be due
to either hypothalamo-pituitary or gonadal failure (155). Among the temporary disorders,
some can be explained by the presence of chronic systemic diseases, nutritional disorders,
psychological stress, intensive competitive training, or hormonal disturbances such as
hyposecretion of thyroid hormones or growth hormone, or hypercortisolism (155). However, the most common cause of delayed adolescence is the so-called constitutional delay
of growth and puberty (CDGP). It is a transient disorder with, in some cases, a familial
history of late menarcheal age of the mother or sisters, or a delayed growth spurt in the
father. This condition has been considered so far as an extreme form of the physiological
variation of the timing of the onset of puberty for which the normal range is about 812
and 913 yr of age in girls and boys, respectively. The onset of puberty is a complex process
involving the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and other endocrine
systems such as the growth hormone-IGF axis of which the targets include factors influencing the bone mineral balance and the growth rate of the skeleton. Several mechanisms
whereby CDGP may lead to a low peak bone mass have been suggested (156).
Anorexia Nervosa
Significant deficits in trabecular and cortical bone, which may result in osteoporotic
fractures, have been observed in young adult women with chronic anorexia nervosa.
Several factors can contribute to the reduced bone mass acquisition, including low
protein intake resulting in a reduction in IGF-I production and thereby decreasing bone
formation; low calcium intake enhancing bone resorption; estrogen deficiency; and
glucocorticoid excess which interrupts normal acquisition of bone mineral and may
contribute to increased bone loss (153).
Exercise-Associated Amenorrhea
Impaired bone mass acquisition can occur when hypogonadism and low body mass
accompany intensive physical activity. As in anorexia nervosa, both nutritional and
hormonal factors probably contribute to this impairment. Intake of energy, protein and
calcium may be inadequate as athletes go on diets to maintain an idealized physique for
their sport. Intensive training during childhood may contribute to a later onset and
completion of puberty. Hypogonadism, as expressed by the occurrence of oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea, can lead to bone loss in females who begin training intensively after
Research by the authors of this chapter is supported by the Swiss National Science
Foundation (Grants no. 32-49757.96, 32-58880.99, and 32-58962.99), Nestec Ltd, Cerin,
Novartis, Institut Candia.
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The purpose of the bone density measurement is to quantify the density or mass of bone
mineral (calcium hydroxyapatite) in a medium consisting not only of the mineral itself, but
also fat, muscle and bone marrow constituents as well as other biological materials. Measurements at central sites, such as the hip and spine, are inherently more complex than
peripheral measurements because the bones are embedded in greater tissue thicknesses of
more variable composition. Compared to peripheral sites (e.g., the calcaneus and forearm),
where single-energy x-ray absorptiometry (SXA) and ultrasound measurements are available, central measurements require multiple-energy projection imaging techniques such as
dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or quantitative computed tomography (QCT).
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the underlying physical principles and
principal error sources of DXA and QCT measurements as they apply to the central
skeleton. In addition to describing the underlying principles and error sources, which
have remained relatively constant since the inception of these techniques, this chapter
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
will also provide information on the currently available whole-body DXA and QCT
systems and some of the new approaches used by these systems to reduce cost and scan
times and to improve precision and ease of use.
All x-ray based bone densitometry systems operate by comparing the x-ray attenuation of the tissue being measured to the attenuation of a reference system containing a
mineral sample of known composition. In most systems, the mineral used in the reference sample is calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10[PO4]6OH2). The comparison to a reference
of fixed composition assumes that the composition of the mineral in the tissue does not
vary significantly. Although this assumption is violated in a few disease conditions, it
is generally not considered a problem for the clinical application of bone densitometry.
The term x-ray attenuation refers to the removal of x-ray photons from the incident beam
of x-rays impinging on the tissue. At the x-ray energies most often used in bone mineral
density measurements, the two common mechanisms are the photoelectric effect, in which
an atom absorbs the incident photon, and Compton scattering, in which the photon is deflected by a collision with an atomic electron and loses an amount of energy which is a
function of both the incident energy and the deflection angle. Photoelectric absorption and
Compton scattering depend on the energy of the incident photon, the density of electrons in
the tissue and the mean atomic number of the atoms in the tissue. Photoelectric absorption
depends particularly strongly on the atomic number (Z) of the tissue and is more important
in bone than in soft tissue because the bone contains a larger proportion of the higher-Z
elements such as calcium (z = 20) and phosphorus (Z = 15). The fractional attenuation of
incident x-ray photons as a function distance L in centimeters of tissue traversed is:
I/(I0) = exp[( L)]
[Eq. 1]
where I is the measured x-ray intensity exiting the tissue, I0 is the incident x-ray
intensity and is called the linear attenuation coefficient and is typically given in units
of cm1. It is also possible to write this equation using the mass attenuation coefficient
mm, which is typically given in cm2/g, and which depends only on the photon energy and
the elemental composition of the tissue:
I/(I0) = exp[( L)]
[Eq. 2]
is the density in g/cm3 of the tissue. As we will see later, if the m of the tissue is
known, it is possible to measure the areal density, L (g/cm2), which is the primary
measurement provided by DXA. L is the mineral mass per unit cross-sectional area
measured at a given point in the two dimensional DXA image. On the other hand, QCT
images are cross-sectional maps of the linear attenuation coefficent (), which are converted to maps of bone-equivalent density (typically mg calcium hydroxapatite per cm3
of tissue) by comparison to a calibration standard scanned in the CT system.
In a DXA system, the areal density of bone mineral is measured at a specific location
in the image based on the differential attenuations of two x-ray beams of different
energies. Before discussing the procedure by which the areal density is calculated from
the absorptiometric measurements, we will explore two simple examples, single-photon
absorptiometry (SPA) (13) and dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA) (46). These two
techniques are based on measurement of attenuation of mono-energetic radionuclide
sources (DPA employed a 153Gd radionuclide source with 44 and 100 keV photon
Fig. 1. Idealized illustration of a SPA acquisition. The areal density of bone is calculated assuming a constant water-equivalent soft tissue baseline.
energies), and were employed prior to the introduction of DXA. However, the simple
physics employed in SPA and DPA devices can be readily extended to understand the
basic underlying principle of DXA, which utilizes a poly-energetic x-ray source.
Figure 1 shows a cross-section through an idealized limb consisting of an outer cylinder containing concentric rings consisting of subcutaneous fat, muscle and bone. A
intensity I0 of photons of known energy E is emitted from the radionuclide source and
impinges on the limb. On the other side, the output intensity I is measured. The fractional
attenuation of the photon beam is given by:
I/(I0) = exp {[fatm (L)fat + musclem (L)muscle + bonem (L)bone]}
[Eq. 3]
It is clear that to measure the areal density (L)bone, we must know the areal densities
of the other components, assuming a priori knowledge of the mass attenuation coefficients for muscle, fat and bone at the photon energy E. In an SPA or in a single-energy
x-ray system (SXA), this is accomplished by assuming a constant thickness of soft tissue
of known composition around the bone of interest. Such an assumption may be realized
experimentally by placing the limb of interest in a water bath to obtain a soft-tissue
baseline, a known and constant attenuation of soft tissue. In this setting (Fig. 1), the
composition of soft tissue is considered to be water equivalent, and of negligible thickness compared to the thickness of the water bath.
In projectional densitometry of central sites such as the spine or hip, it is not possible
to use a single-energy approach in combination with a water bath because of high variability in the thickness and composition of the surrounding soft tissue. In this case, soft
tissue attenuation is determined by measuring the differential attenuation of two photon
energies (46). Figure 2 illustrates the principle of DPA by showing a cross-section
through a segment of torso containing a lumbar vertebral body. The fractional attenuations of the two photon energies are given by two equations:
[I/(I0)]LE = exp{[STm,LE (L)ST + bonem,LE (L)bone]}
[I/(I0)]HE = exp{[STm,HE (L)ST + bonem,HE (L)bone]}
[Eq. 4]
The fractional attenuation on the left hand side are measured experimentally, and the
mass attenuation coefficients bonem and STm are known a priori at the two energies. We
can simplify this by calculating the log attenuation factors (LA), where (LA)LE = log
[I/(I0)]LE and (LA)HE = log[I/(I0)]HE.
(LA)LE = STm,LE (L)ST bonem,LE (L)bone
(LA)HE = STm,HE (L)ST bonem,HE (L)bone
[Eq. 5]
Thus we have two equations in two unknowns, (L)ST and (L)bone. We can solve for
these two variables to obtain the areal densities of soft tissue and bone:
(L)bone = {[(LA)HE (STm,HE/STm,LE) (LA)LE)]/[bonem,HE (STm,HE/STm,LE) bonem,LE]}
[Eq. 6]
(L)ST = {[(LA)HE + (bonem,HE/bonem,LE) (LA)LE]/[STm,HE + (bonem,HE/bonem,LE) STm,LE]}
Thus, from measuring attenuation values at a given point using two photon energies, it is
possible to measure the areal densities of the soft tissue and bone tissue components. However, this assumes that the mass attenuation coefficients for the bone and soft tissue components are known at the photon energy. While this may be readily measured or estimated for
bone material, the composition of the soft tissue (proportion of lean and fat) is highly variable.
This may be estimated by performing a log attenuation measurement in a region where there
are no bone elements, and assuming that the relative proportions of lean and fat components
in the soft tissue does not vary over the region being imaged. In this case (see Fig. 2), the ratio
of the log attenuations for the two energies is calculated in this non-bone region.
[Eq. 7]
[Eq. 8]
DMS (Montpellier, France). Systems range in cost from $30,000 for the basic pencil
beam systems to $100,000 for a system equipped with fanbeam and C-arm option.
Figure 3 shows a schematic of a DXA system. An x-ray tube is mounted on a gantry,
as is a detector system. Dual-energy spectra may be generated by placing a rare earth
filter at the aperture of the tube, or by rapidly changing the kVp of the tube. The dualpeak energy spectrum provides an approximation of the dual-photon condition. The
detector system measures the intensity I of x-rays transmitted through the tissue being
imaged. An air calibration, typically performed daily or several times per day, provides
a reference value I0, which is divided into I to provide the log attenuation value ln(I/I0).
Both the detector system and the x-ray tube are mounted on a gantry, which scans the tube
detector system across the object to generate the image. The gantry is responsible for
mechanical support of the x-ray tube and detector, as well as for delivery and extraction
of electronic signals. Attenuation measurements (LAHE and LALE) from the detector
system are conducted to a computer, where calibration factors are applied to generate
images of areal density of bone and soft tissue. These images are then analyzed to
calculate areal BMD for specific bones. In this section, we will discuss the components
of the DXA system in detail.
System Geometries
There are two specific types of system geometries (Fig. 3), related to whether the DXA
system contains a single detector, or an array of detectors. In the single detector scanning
geometry, called the pencil beam geometry, the detector is positioned opposite from the
x-ray tube, and these two components define a single ray path, or pencil beam, through
the object being imaged. A projectional image of the bone of interest, or of the total body,
is formed by scanning the pencil beam across the field of view in a rectilinear pattern.
When a detector array is employed, a system geometry called a fanbeam is used. In this
geometry, a fan-like set of ray paths is formed between the x-ray tube and the individual
detectors. There were several motivations for the development of fanbeam systems.
These included shorter imaging times (due to the ability to image the entire spine or hip
in a single sweep with a wider detector), and clearer images based on the array of small
(mm to sub-mm) detector elements. Both of these improvements potentially benefit
precision due to reduced patient motion and improved definition of bone areas. Additionally, fanbeam systems have been promoted for vertebral fracture assessment based
on lateral scans of the spine. When equipped with a rotating C-arm (Hologic QDR-4500
series), such systems can perform the imaging with the patient in the supine position,
which improves patient comfort and presumably measurement quality.
X-Ray Tube
The x-ray tube produces x-ray photons having a wide range of energies. The maximum
photon energy is equal to the peak kilovoltage (kVp) of the x-ray tube times one electron-volt.
The peak energy of this broad distribution is called the effective energy. In order to approximate the dual-peak energy spectrum of 153Gd, DXA manufacturers utilize two different
methods to shape this relatively broad x-ray energy spectrum into narrower high-energy
and low-energy peaks. GE-Lunar, Norland and Diagnostic Medical Systems filter the
x-ray beam with a rare earth metal (9), which absorbs x-rays at the energy of its characteristic
K-edge absorption line (Fig. 4). GE-Lunar DXA devices utilize cerium filters with a K-edge
of 40.4 keV, resulting in a bi-modal x-ray energy spectrum with peaks at 38 and 70 keV. The
Norland devices utilize Samarium filters with a K-edge of 47 keV, generating high- and lowenergy peaks of 45 and 80 keV, respectively. Hologic DXA devices generate dual-energy
x-ray spectra by switching the x-ray tube voltage on a rapid time scale (8). The Hologic QDR4000 pencil-beam device generates a bi-modal x-ray energy spectrum by rapidly switching
the x-ray tube voltage between 140 and 70 kV on a 8-ms time scale (Fig. 4). For the QDR4500 fanbeam series, the kVp is switched between 100 and 140 kVp.
Detector Systems
The function of the detector is to determine the tissue attenuation at a given point in
the patient by comparing the x-ray intensity measured at that point to the x-ray intensity
Fig. 4. Illustration of x-ray spectrum obtained with Cerium filtration (top) and kVp switching
measured with no patient present. Pencil beam DXA systems typically utilize a single
crystal of sodium iodide (NaI) mounted to a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The incident
x-rays produce scintilla of visible light when they interact with the atoms of NaI crystal,
and these scintilla are detected by the PMT, which produces an electrical current pulse
which is a function of the energy of the x-ray. In the Lunar DPX series of DXA devices,
the PMT signals are electronically processed to measure the energy and assign the x-ray
count to a high- or low-energy x-ray window. Hologic DXA systems, on the other hand,
rapidly switch the kVp to modulate the energy of the x-ray beam. This approach does not
require that the detector system measure the individual photon energies. In this case, the
detector system is operated in current-integration mode, which means that the PMT
outputs an electrical current which is a function of the detected x-ray intensity. Fanbeam
DXA systems, such as the Hologic 4500 series, and the Lunar Expert and Prodigy, utilize
arrays of detectors. In the Hologic 4500 densitometers, the detectors arrays consists of
Radiation Dose
The radiation doses for DXA are quite small, and are generally equivalent to the
radiation exposure level associated with a few days of background radiation (1719).
Effective doses of on the order of 12 mSv have been reported for pencil beam DXA of
the spine and hip (20). The radiation dose from fanbeam measurements is higher by about
a factor of 10, potentially ranging up to 62 mSv (21).
Sources of Error
Literature reports on the accuracy error of DXA in studies of excised bone samples
vitro have ranged from 24% (2227). The precision of DXA depends on both machine,
patient and operator-dependent factors (9,11,23,24,2832). Machine dependent factors
include changes in the effective energy of the x-ray tube, which may affect the stability
of the BMD calibration and instabilities in the detector and associated electronics.
However, this source of precision error is generally quite small, and for well-maintained
systems the long-term precision in vitro is typically on the order of 0.5%. In pencil beam
systems, statistical uncertainties in the mean BMD in a region of interest are a source of
random precision error in BMD measurements. This is more of a problem with the
photon counting systems than for the current-integrating systems because photon counting requires a low x-ray beam intensity to operate properly. Precision error in vivo is
dominated by patient positioning, since the projected area of the spine or hip is affected
by the rotation of the bone. Other sources of precision error include inconsistencies in
the bone edges as determined by computer algorithms, as well as user interaction in the
placement of anatomic markers (e.g., vertebral markers). For PA spine measurements, published values for the short term in vivo precision vary between 0.71.5%. Reported precision
errors for lateral spine measurements are higher and have been reported to range up to 3%.
Precision values for AP hip measurements range from 0.81.8%, with the lowest precision errors found for the total femur region. Precision errors are typically higher in the
elderly than in younger subjects, because reduced bone density results in poorer bone
edge definition as well as difficulty in placement of intervertebral markers.
The first limitation is that both DXA BMC and areal BMD measurements scale with
bone volume (33,34). Of two bones with the same volumetric density, the larger bone
will have a higher areal density. Thus, the bone densities of two populations having
different skeletal sizes and shapes are not directly comparable. Several literature reports
have examined the impact of this technical problem on comparisons of DXA BMD
between ethnic groups (35,36) as well as measurement of BMD in children (3740).
The bone mineral calculation of DXA assumes that human tissue is a two-component
system consisting of bone and a soft tissue component of uniform composition. DXA
systems resolve this problem by acquiring a soft tissue baseline in a region adjacent to the
bone of interest, and using Eqs. 7 and 8 to correct for the admixture of adipose tissue. This
approach assumes uniformity in the proportion of adipose material in the soft tissue.
However, this assumption may not be correct for all body shapes, and thus the fat content
overlying the bone may be different from that estimated from the soft-tissue sample. If the
amount of fat in the beam path is underestimated, this may artificially lower the BMD
value. If it is less, it may artificially increase the BMD value. This problem has been
extensively examined in the literature (4143). Several studies have utilized CT images to
delineate the distribution of adipose tissue and employed this information to check the
assumptions of DXA. Tothill found that inhomogenities in the adipose distribution resulted
in errors up to approx 5% in AP spinal BMD and larger errors for lateral imaging41.
Svendsen et al performed a similar study and found accuracy errors of 5% for the AP spine,
10% for the lateral spine, and 6% for the femoral neck and total femur regions (42).
Images acquired by a fanbeam system are magnified by a system- and patient-dependent
magnification factor (1113,44,45). For a DXA image, the size of this magnification factor is
a function of the distance of the bone from the detector and of the source detector distance.
Because the magnification has similar effects on both the projected area and BMC, its effect on
the diagnostic value of areal BMD is not considered to be significant. However, the patientdependent magnification factor should be taken into account for studies in which geometric
variables such as femoral neck width or the hip axis length are measured from DXA images.
Beam hardening is a phenomenon which results in a dependence of the BMD measurement on the total thickness of tissue. Beam hardening results from the fact that the
radiation source is not monoenergetic but is in fact a distribution of x-ray energies. As
the poly-energetic x-ray beam traverses the body, the lower energy photons in the continuous spectrum are preferentially absorbed. Thus, for particularly large body sizes, the
energies of the x-ray beam, and thus, the log attenuations, are different than those obtained
during the calibration measurement, which may involve a much smaller overall thickness of tissue. While the dual-energy calibration is able to account for most of the range
of fat and lean tissue thicknesses, the fact is that at the extreme end, the effective shape
of the x-ray spectrum differs from that used across the calibration measurement. Reports
have investigated the magnitude of this effect on BMD measurements in conditions
appropriate to hip and spine studies (11,25,4648). Blake et al. performed at phantom
study with body thicknesses varied between 1525 cm and found a maximum BMD
deviation BMD from the known value of 0.23 g/cm2, with a RMS deviation on the order
of 0.01 g/cm2, which is approximately equal to the measurement precision (46).
Several error sources may falsely elevate AP spinal BMD values. These include aortic
calcium deposits, osteophytic growth near the endplates, hypertrophy of the posterior
elements, hemangiomas and vertebral wedge and crush fractures. Some of these error
sources may be circumvented by performing spinal DXA measurements in the lateral
projection. While lateral vertebral BMD measurements do show greater ability to discriminate vertebral fractures than AP measurements (49,50), they have limitations as
well. These include higher precision errors, as well as potential superposition of the L1
and L4 vertebral bodies by the ribs and ilium, respectively (33).
section of tissue. Figure 5 depicts the geometry of a CT measurement. The patient crosssection is contained within a fan of x-rays defined between the edges of the detector array
and an x-ray point source. The x-ray attenuation of the patient is measured along raypaths corresponding the lines defined between individual detector elements and the x-ray
source. Along the patients length, the x-ray beam is shaped to radiate a relatively thin
slice of tissue typically ranging from 1- to 10-mm. The fan of x-rays circumscribes a
circular field of view, which is itself contained within a square image matrix, which
typically consists of 512 512 square pixel elements, or pixels. Because the image
represents a slice of tissue, the picture elements have a thickness, and thus are volume
elements, or voxels. The dimensions of the voxels may be adjusted depending on
the size of the organ being imaged. The voxel dimensions in the slice plane typically
range from 0.9 to 0.2 mm, with slice thicknesses varying from 10 to 1 mm. The CT image
is acquired when the x-ray source and detector rotate around the patient, and the absorption is continuously measured for each detector element. Through a 360 source-detector
rotation, each voxel is intersected by several ray-paths. The x-ray absorption measurements taken at the different angles are recorded in a computer and combined in a process
known as back-projection to calculate the linear attenuation coefficient at each voxel.
Image data for multiple slices are acquired with motion of the patient table through the
CT gantry. In older models of CT scanners, the patient table stepped in discrete increments, and a 360 rotation of the source/detector was performed at each position. In the
newer model of helical CT scanners, the table and source/detector system move continuously, resulting in significant reductions in image acquisition time (51,52).
In the resulting CT image, the voxel values are based on the linear attenuation coefficients. Because these linear attenuation coefficients depend on the effective x-ray
energy (which varies between CT scanner models and different kVp settings of the same
scanner), a simple scale, known as the Hounsfield scale, is used to standardize them. The
gray-scale value of each voxel is represented as a Hounsfield Unit, given by:
HUT = [(T w)/w] 1000
where HUT is the HU of a volume element of tissue and T and w are the linear
attenuation coefficients of the tissue and of water, respectively. The HU scale is a linear
scale in which air has a value of 1000, water 0, muscle 30, with bone typically ranging
from 300 to 3000 U.
The value of the Hounsfield unit for a given tissue type depends on several technical
factors. First, if the sizes of the structures in the tissue are smaller than the dimensions of
the voxel, the HU value is subject to partial volume averaging, in which the HU value is
the average HU of the constituent tissues of the voxel, weighted by their volume fractions.
For example, a 0.78 0.78 10 mm voxel of trabecular bone is a mixture of bone, collagen,
cellular marrow and fatty marrow, and HU is the volume-weighted average of these four
constituents. Beam hardening is a second source of variation in HU. In a CT image, the
result of this is that for the same tissue, attenuation coefficients at the outside of the patient
are systematically higher than those in the interior. Although manufacturers of CT equipment have implemented beam-hardening corrections, the efficacy of these corrections
varies between manufacturers and between technical settings on different machines.
Fig. 6. Lateral scoutview. L1L4 vertebrae are labeled. Bottom left: Axial slice through L3
vertebral body. Bottom right: Trabecular region of interest in L3 vertebral body.
(Columbia, KY) and by Siemens Medical Systems (Erlangen, Germany). The Image
Analysis standard consists of rods with varying concentrations (200 mg/cm3, 100 mg/cm3,
and 50 mg/cm3) of calcium hydroxyapatite mixed in a water-equivalent solid resin
matrix (59). During the analysis of the QCT image, regions of interest are placed (Fig.
6) in each of the calibration objects, and linear regression analysis is used to determine
a relationship between the mean HU measured in each region and the known concentrations of bone-equivalent material. This calibration relationship is then used to convert
the mean HU in the patient region of interest (for example, vertebra or proximal femur)
into a concentration (reported in mg/cm3, i.e., the mass of bone per unit tissue volume)
of bone equivalent material in the region of interest. Unlike areal bone mineral density,
the QCT density measurement is independent of bone size, and thus is more robust
measure for comparisons of bone density between populations and potentially for growing children as well.
The major source of error in the QCT bone measurement is the phenomenon of partial
volume averaging. Because the voxel dimensions in QCT measurements (0.81.0 mm in
the imaging plane, 310 mm slice thicknesses) are larger than the dimensions and spacing
of trabeculae, a QCT voxel includes both bone and marrow constituents. Thus a QCT
measurement is the mass of bone in a volume containing bone, red marrow and marrow fat.
A single-energy QCT measurement is capable of determining the mass of bone in a volume
consisting of two components (e.g., bone and red marrow), but not in a three-component
system (60,61). Resolving the mass fractions of bone, red marrow and marrow fat in the
QCT voxel requires a dual-energy QCT measurement (62). Because fat has a HU value of
200, compared to 30 HU for red marrow and 3003000 HU for bone, the presence of fat
in the QCT volume reduces the depresses the HU measurement. Thus, the presence of
marrow fat causes single-energy QCT to underestimate the mass of bone per unit tissue
volume, an error which can be corrected using dual-energy acquisitions. The effect of
marrow fat on QCT measurements is larger at the spine than at the hip or peripheral skeletal
sites. Whereas the conversion from red to fatty marrow tends to finish by the mid-20s in
the hip and peripheral skeleton, the vertebrae show a gradual age-related increase in the
proportion of fat in the bone marrow which starts in youth and continues through old age
(63). The inclusion of fatty marrow in the vertebral BMD measurement results in accuracy
errors ranging from 515% depending on the age group. However, because the increase
in marrow fat is age-related, single energy CT data can be corrected using age-related
reference databases, and the residual error is not considered to be clinically relevant.
Provided that the QCT scan is acquired at low effective energies (i.e., 80-90 kVp) (62), the
population SD in marrow fat accounts for roughly 5 mg/cm3 of the 2530 mg/cm3 population SD in spinal trabecular BMD. This residual error is not considered large enough to
merit clinical use of dual-energy techniques, which are more accurate, but which have
larger radiation doses and precision errors (61).
Precision errors ranging from 12% have been reported for spinal QCT (57,58). This
precision error is attributable to several sources including the reproducibility of slice and
region of interest positioning as well as scanner instabilities (64). Simultaneous calibration corrects to some extent for scanner instabilities, as well as for variable beam hardening depending on patient size and shape. Using a simultaneous calibration technique,
the long-term CV of a well-maintained CT scanner should be close to 1%. The effect of
variable patient positioning can be minimized by careful review of lateral localizer scans
to ensure consistent slice placement and gantry angulations. Computer programs that
place the region of interest automatically or semi-automatically may also be used to
reduce precision errors.
QCT equipment typically includes a bone mineral reference phantom and software to
process the CT images and report the results. All manufacturers of CT equipment offer a
QCT option which may be purchased during installation or upgrade of the CT scanner.
Alternatively, a QCT package may be purchased from one of the manufacturers of specialized QCT equipment. The price for a QCT package can range between $5,00035,000,
depending on whether the package only includes a calibration phantom or whether it also
includes an analysis computer and software. The following vendors offer QCT systems:
IMAGE ANALYSIS (Columbia KY) offers a package which include a bone mineral
calibration reference standard incorporating 200 mg/cm3, 100 mg/cm3, and 50 mg/cm3
concentrations of calcium hydroxyapatite in a water-equivalent resin matrix, an anthropometric torso phantom for longitudinal scanner QC and computer software to analyze
spinal CT images, report BMD results and analyze longtidunal QC scans. The BMD
measurement is based on acquisition of 10-mm thick slices through the T12-L3 vertebral
bodies. The analysis software automatically places regions of interest in the calibration
phantom and an elliptical region of interest in the anterior vertebral body. Other features
of the Image Analysis software include a reporting module which calculates a T-score
and which compares the patient data with an age-related normative curve. This QCT
package may be purchased directly from the manufacturer or as an add-on in installation
and upgrade of selected CT scanner models.
MINDWAYS (San Francisco, CA) offers a package which include a bone mineral
calibration reference standard incorporating four solutions of different concentrations of
dipotassium hydrogen phosphate as well as a sample of fat-equivalent material encased
in a Lexan framework. Mindways also provides an anthropometric torso phantom for
longitudinal scanner QC and computer software modules to analyze spinal CT images,
report BMD results and analyze longitidunal QC scans. There are two different spinal
BMD software modules. A two-dimensional analysis module measurement is based on
acquisition of 10-mm thick slices through 24 contiguous vertebral bodies. The analysis
software automatically places regions of interest in the calibration phantom and the user
manually places an elliptical region of interest in the anterior vertebral body. A threedimensional spine module is based on volumetric CT scans of the L1 and L2 vertebral
bodies. The user interactively corrects the volumetric scans for rotation of the vertebrae
in the AP and lateral planes, which allows the software to reconstruct a corrected 10-mm
slice through the mid-vertebral body. The user then interactively places an elliptical
region of interest in the anterior vertebral body. As with the Image Analysis software,
other features of the Mindways software include a reporting module which calculates a
T-score and which compares the patient data with an age-related normative curve. This
QCT package may be purchased directly from the manufacturer.
CIRS (Norfolk, VA) offers a non-simultaneous calibration reference which consists
of vertebra-shaped calcium hydroxyapatite inserts inside a simulated human torso. The
user scans and analyzes images of the phantom to derive a scanner dependent, but not
patient-specific relationship between concentration of calcium hydroxyapatite and HU.
The analysis software applies this relationship to the mean HU inside a vertebral ellipse
placed interactively by the user. The package includes reporting software which allows
comparison of the patient BMD to a normative curve.
complex structures such as the hip, where minor variations in slice positioning can result
in large variations in BMD. Moreover, single-slice scans are highly dependent on user
interaction, particularly with respect to slice positioning. Three-dimensional CT scanning and image analysis procedures have become feasible with the advent of fast helical
CT scanners and the cost reduction in computer processing power, which allows for
inexpensive processing of the large volumes of CT data acquired in helical scans. Procedures have been developed for three-dimensional scanning of the spine and hip. In
typical spine and hip protocols, the L1/L2 vertebrae and proximal femora (from superior
aspect of femoral head to inferior aspect of lesser trochanter) are scanned with contiguous 3-mm slices. Using a radiation dose calculation developed by Kalender et al. (65),
the radiation doses for these procedures have been estimated at 350 Sv and 1200 Sv
for spine and hip protocols respectively.
One of the most powerful applications of helical CT scanning and three-dimensional
image analysis is bone mineral assessment of the hip (66,67). Lang et al. have published
a computer algorithm which processes three-dimensional CT images of the proximal
femur to measure bone mineral density in the femoral neck, the total femur, and in a
region which combines the trochanteric and intertrochanteric sub-regions of the Hologic
DXA systems (Fig. 7) (66). Within each anatomic sub-region, the density, mass and
volume are computed for the cortical and trabecular components as well as for the
integral bone envelope. For trabecular BMD measurements, the precision of this method
in vivo was found to range from 0.6 to 1.1% depending on the volume of interest assessed. In addition to the bone density measurements, the program can also measure
aspects of the cross-sectional hip geometry. These measures include the cross-sectional
areas and moments of inertia of the femoral neck, as well as the three-dimensional hip
and femoral neck axis lengths. There is some evidence that the compartmental measurements provided by QCT of the hip may be clinical and research interest. A range of
studies have shown that trabecular bone may be important in the etiology of trochanteric
as opposed to femoral neck fractures (6870). In a study in vitro examining the effect of
bone mineral density and geometry on proximal femoral fracture load, Lang et al. found
that volumetric trochanteric trabecular BMD was highly correlated with fracture load
when the femora were loading condition simulating a fall to the side. On the other hand,
volumetric bone mineral density was only moderately correlated (r2 = 0.45) with failure
load in femora loaded in a single-legged stance condition. However, femoral neck BMD,
cross-sectional area and axis length together explained 93% of the variation in failure
load (66). The ability to examine both trabecular and cortical bone is an advantage for
QCT of the hip, particularly in the case of therapies such as parathyroid hormone (PTH).
In a QCT study of patients undergoing PTH therapy, Cann et al. found that cortical bone
maintained its density but significantly increased its mass and volume (71).
The QCT manufacturer Mindways offers a software module which allows bone mineral assessment of the hip using helical CT scanning. In this procedure, called CTXA,
a helical CT scan of the hip is reformatted into the AP projection and analyzed similarly
to a DXA scan. The program allows the user to compute areal and volumetric integral
BMD as well as volumetric trabecular BMD in regions comparable to those of DXA. The
reporting module compares the CT-derived areal integral BMD measures to the
NHANES III normative DXA data.
In the spine, the use of volumetric QCT measurements impacts precision more than
discriminatory capability. Their ability to improve the precision of spinal measurements
Fig. 8. QCT vertebral regions of interest. Top row of images are three-dimensional regions and
bottom row are standard regions defined on single-slice scans.
interest placement. Lang et al. developed a volumetric spinal QCT approach in which an image
of the entire vertebral body is acquired and anatomic landmarks such as the vertebral endplates
and the spinous process are used to fix the 3D orientation of the vertebral body, allowing for
definition of new trabecular and integral regions which contain most of the bone in the vertebral
centrum, as shown in Fig. 8 (58). Although measuring a larger volume of tissue may enhance
precision, these new regions are highly correlated with the mid-vertebral sub-regions assessed
with standard QCT techniques and may not contain significant new information about vertebral
strength. Consequently, volumetric studies of regional BMD, which examine specific subregions of the centrum that may vary in their contribution to vertebral strength (7274), and
studies of the cortical shell (75), the condition of which may be important for vertebral strength
in osteoporotic individuals, are of interest for future investigation.
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Osteoporosis is sometimes termed the silent epidemic because early osteoporosis is
asymptomatic, and significant bone loss may become evident only after a hip or vertebral
fracture has occurred. Fractures, especially of the spine, hip, and wrist, are the clinical
complications of osteoporosis. Initially, spine fractures tend to be asymptomatic but they
are associated with significant morbidity as the severity and number of fractures increase.
The most serious fractures are those of the hip, which contribute substantially to morbidity,
mortality, and health care costs. Within a year of a hip fracture the mortality rate is as high
as 20% with reduced functional capacity in 50% of surviving patients (1). Even the presence of clinical risk factors such as lifestyle, diet and family history of osteoporosis are
relatively insensitive in predicting the presence of osteopenia (2). The pathophysiology of
osteoporosis is multifactorial and complex. Fractures, the clinical manifestations of
osteoporosis, depend on a variety of factors including the propensity to fall, visual acuity,
response to falling, and bone strength (3,4). However, bone mass is the most important
determinant of bone strength and accounts for up to 80% of its variance (5,6). Thus reduced
bone mass should be a useful predictor of increased fracture risk (7). In fact, many prospective studies of older subjects have shown that levels of bone density at the spine or hip that
are one standard deviation below the population mean increases the risk by a factor of two
to three (811). Methods of measuring bone mineral density are pertinent to the assessment
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Units of Measure
Bone fragility can be assessed by measuring bone mass in selected regions of interest.
Both areal bone density and volumetric bone density are commonly referred to as bone
mineral density (BMD). Since bone mass, (measured in grams), is dependent on the size
of the bone and the size of the region of interest, areal BMD measures are typically
normalized to bone area and expressed as grams per unit area (mg/cm2). Measures of
volumetric bone density are expressed in grams per unit volume (mg/cm3). The most
common sites of measurement are areas where fragility fractures are likely to occur,
(e.g., the spine, proximal femur, and the distal forearm). All these regions can be measured using dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), (areal density) or quantitative computed
tomography (volumetric density). In this chapter, we make no distinction between areal
or volumetric density except where noted. For anterior-posterior (AP) spine and Total
Femur BMD assessments by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, the units of measure
have been standardized across manufacturers such that the BMD measured on different
devices and different manufacturers is on average the same.
Reference Population
To be clinically useful, BMD results for individual patients are usually related to
values obtained from a healthy reference population. There are no universal standards
for these reference data. It is ideal to use, when available, a population that is most closely
related to the patient in terms of sex, race, and country of origin. Reference populations
are usually described in terms of the mean BMD and standard deviation of the population as
a function of age, sex, and race, and in some cases nationality. Figure 1 shows the sex and
race mean BMD values for the Total Femur ROI from the National Health and Nutrition
Fig. 1. Reference data from the NHANES III Study (21). BMD is shown in standardized BMD units.
Examination Survey (NHANES) III (21). Bone density can vary by as much as 25%
between Black males and Caucasian females of the same age. For many patients, adequate
reference groups are not available. Therefore, the clinician must use available data and
be aware of possible ethnic and geographical differences.
The T-Score is an expression of the comparison of a patients BMD to young adult (or
peak) reference values. It is expressed in units of the young adult population standard
deviation, SD, or as a percent of the reference populations value. The T-Scoresd represents the number of SDs a BMD measurement is above or below the mean bone mass of
a young normal population matched for sex and race. In units of standard deviations,
T-Scoresd is defined as:
T-Scoresd = (BMDpatient BMDpeak)/Std.Devpeak
[Eq. 1]
where BMDpatient is the patients BMD value, BMDpeak is the young adult reference
BMD value, and Std.Devpeak is the population standard deviation at that peak value. As
a percentage of the populations peak value, T-Scores% is defined as:
T-Score% = (BMDpatient/BMDpeak) 100
[Eq. 2]
Z-Scores are comparisons of the patients BMD to an age-matched reference population value and can also be represented in units of population standard deviations or as
a percent of the reference populations value. The Z-Scoresd expresses the number of
standard deviations a subject differs from the mean value for an age, sex, and race
matched reference population. Z-scores are not used to define osteoporosis since their
use would result in the apparent prevalence of disease not increasing with age. The
Z-score, however, is quite useful clinically in assessing a patients skeletal status relative
to his or her peers. In units of standard deviation, Z-Scoresd is defined as:
Z-Scoresd = (BMDpatient BMDage-matched)/Std.Devage-matched
[Eq. 3]
where BMDpatient is the patients BMD value, BMDage-matched is the reference population BMD value at the same age as the patient, and Std.Devage-matched is the population
standard deviation at the patients age. As a percentage of the populations age-matched
BMD value, Z-Scores% is defined as:
Z-Score% = (BMDpatient/BMDage-matched) 100
[Eq. 4]
A sample calculation of the T- and Z-Score is shown graphically in Fig. 2. A 70-yrold female patient has a BMD that is 2.4 population standard deviations below the mean
BMD value of a young reference population and 1 population standard deviation below
the mean BMD value for women her age in the reference population. Thus, the Z-Scoresd
is 1.0 while her T-Scoresd is 2.4.
NOF Recommendations
The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) is a nonprofit health organization dedicated to promoting bone health and to reducing the prevalence of osteoporosis and
fractures. It has made treatment recommendations based on BMD and other risk factors
(23). For instance the NOF has recommended:
Initiate therapy to reduce fracture risk in women with BMD T-scores below 2 in the
absence of risk factors and in women with T-scores below 1.5 if other risk factors are
These guidelines are an enhancement to the WHO criteria in that they consider risk
factors that may affect fracture risk in addition to just the BMD T-Score. Despite these
recommendations the precise BMD threshold values for the initiation of treatment are
a matter of continued debate.
Fig. 2. Calculating T and Z Scores. Graph is for the Total Femur from the NHANES III study for
female Caucasians. The patient shown is a 60-yr-old Caucasian woman with a BMD of 0.64 mg/cm2.
Her Z-score is 1.0 while her T-Score is 2.4.
Table 1
WHO Definitions of Osteoporosis on BMD or BMC Valuea
Low bone mass (Osteopenia)
Severe (established) osteoporosis
A value of BMD greater than 1 SD below the average value
of a young adult (T > 1)
A value of BMD more than 1 SD below the young adult
average but not more than 2.5 SD below (2.5 < T <= 1)
A value of BMD more than 2.5 SD below the young adult
average value (T <= 2.5)
A value for BMD more than 2.5 SD below the young adult
average and there has been one or more osteoporotic
Fracture Risk
The diagnosis of osteoporosis currently relies heavily on bone mass measurements,
and in a clinical setting the essential role of bone densitometry is to identify patients at
higher risk for fractures. There have been several large epidemiological studies to
estimate fracture risk in light of BMD measures at several different anatomical sites.
The Study of Fractures (SOF) assessed hip fracture risk in 8,134 Caucasian women
over age 65 yr from BMD measurements of the proximal hip, lumbar spine, forearm,
and the calcaneus (8). Figure 3 shows the relative fracture risk as a function of Z-Score
using the SOF results. A postmenopausal Caucasian woman with a Z-Score of 2 at the total
hip had a risk of hip fracture 5.4 times that of women with a Z-Score of 0 at the same age.
Fig. 3. Fracture risk associated with the BMD measurement from different measurement sites
taken from the SOF study. The risk of fracture relative to women at the mean BMD is shown as
a function of increasing Z-Score.
Ross and Wasnich et al. proposed the concept of remaining lifetime fracture probability (RLFP) (24). RLFP is a method of expressing absolute fracture probabilities
calculated from long-term epidemiological studies. The model considers a variety of
BMD measurement sites in light of ethnicity and gender. The clinician can choose
specific treatment strategies for individual patients and view how the RLFP changes
over the short term (the next year) and the long term (remaining life expectancy).
Similarly, Melton et al. (25) introduced the concept of lifetime fracture risk. This
model uses clinical risk factors to determine the risk of fracture in the patients remaining lifetime.
However, the guidelines for reimbursement from insurance companies and government coverage in many cases drive the decision to perform the measurement. A 1998
Medicare law provides reimbursement for bone density tests in five groups including:
1. Estrogen-deficient women at clinical risk for osteoporosis.
2. Individuals (man or woman) with vertebral abnormalities indicative of osteoporosis,
low-bone mass or vertebral fracture.
3. An individual (man or woman) receiving long-term glucocorticoid therapy.
4. An individual (man or woman) with primary hyperparathyroidism.
5. Individuals (men or women) being monitored to assess the efficacy of an FDA-approved
osteoporosis drug therapy.
The guidelines state that these individuals will be covered for repeat BMD tests at a
frequency of every two years. Patients receiving high glucocorticoid doses (i.e., 7.5
mg/d of prednisone) may qualify for 6-mo or yearly measurements, and individuals who
are first assessed using a peripheral BMD site may require an axial (spine, hip) BMD
Diagnostic Algorithms
Several examples of diagnostic algorithms have been proposed for the use of BMD
measures. The NOF has suggested an approach based on widespread screening to enhance
the detection of subjects with low BMD and high fracture risk. Those recommendations
are based heavily on the assumption that the patient will consider a treatment option if
BMD is found to be reduced (23). Using this approach, the measurement of BMD should
not be considered unless the patient would consider the use of an intervention. An
alternative approach that depends on the presence of clinical risk factors for osteoporosis
while the distal and ultradistal measurement sites contain about 50% trabecular bone
(28,29). However, osteoporosis is a systemic disease and loss of bone usually occurs at
all sites (albeit at different rates) and low-bone density at a variety of measurement sites
is associated with the risk of osteoporotic fracture (8,27). One could thus assume for
diagnostic purposes that bone density could be measured at any site. However, measurements of the lumbar spine in the very elderly are commonly falsely increased by the
presence of soft tissue mineralization related to degenerative arthritis (8,30).
In a meta-analysis, Marshall et al. (9) showed that the predictive value of available
BMD fracture measures are similar when considering overall fracture risk. However, the
risk of hip fracture is best predicted by BMD measures of the proximal femur (26).
The clinician should be aware of the limitations of BMD measures, such as the effect
of disease or medication on the site of measurement. For example, changes in BMD
are often more marked in the trabecular bone of the spine and can be detected earlier
than at the hip or wrist. In the elderly, where degenerative spinal disease may be
prevalent, BMD assessed by spinal QCT or at an appendicular site (e.g., the femur)
may be more effective for risk assessment. Alternatively, lateral DXA scanning of the
lumbar spine reduces the influence of degenerative changes and may be a more suitable measurement approach in the elderly (31).
Serial measurements are potentially useful to monitor the natural history of osteoporosis and to assess response to therapy. The choice of anatomical site for longitudinal
testing depends on two variables, the rate of change of bone mass at that skeletal site and
the precision of the measurement. In general, the observed change in bone density should
be 2.8 times the long-term precision error for the technique in order for the change to be
significant (34,35). When performed by an experienced technologist the precision of
serial DXA scans of the lumbar spine is approx 12% and is approx 23% at the femoral
neck. Thus changes in bone density of at least 36% at the spine and 68% at the femoral
neck are required to be considered significant. The rate of bone loss in the lumbar
spine in early menopause is on average 2% per year when assessed by DXA, but may
range from less than 1% by radial SXA to more than 5% per year by spinal QCT (36).
Thus, the choice of interval between measures must be informed by knowledge of the
precision of the technique and expected change at the site of measurement (37). Testing
too infrequently can mean that patients who are rapidly losing bone are not detected; but
testing too frequently is unlikely to yield useful information. For patients with secondary
conditions producing osteoporosis, such as corticosteroid therapy, a rapid rate of bone
loss can occur and more frequent measurements (every 6 mo) may be useful (38).
Repeated measurements also may be useful for assessing the response to therapy. In
applying serial measures, however, one must be aware of the phenomenon of regression
to the mean, which can confound interpretation of serial changes (39).
Poor compliance can impact the long-term preventive strategy of osteoporosis management. For example, poor compliance is often observed in patients treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). One study in the UK revealed that almost 40% of
women prescribed HRT were not using the treatment after 8 mo (40). Compliance with
treatment for osteoporosis may be enhanced through regular doctor/nurse follow-up,
including education about the benefits of treatment and which side effects to expect.
There is some evidence to suggest that knowledge of bone density enhances the acceptance of prescribed lifestyle changes and therapeutic intervention (41,42). Monitoring
can also be used to follow patients after cessation of therapy (43).
Measurement Precision
Errors are inherent in quantitative measurements. There are two types of measurement
errors: accuracy error and precision error (44). Accuracy error (also termed validity)
refers to the ability of a technique to measure the true value. To evaluate accuracy errors
the true values of the measured parameters must be known. For most BMD techniques,
accuracy has generally been defined as the degree to which bone densitometry is able to
estimate the mineral content. The measured BMC or BMD is compared directly to the ash
or volumetric density of the measured bone. One should note that for clinical applications
only the fraction of the accuracy error that varies from patient to patient in an unknown
fashion is of relevance. The other fraction, i.e., the systematic, constant inaccuracy, can be
averaged across subjects and is not important for two reasons. First, for diagnostic use of
the technique the reference data will be affected by the same systematic error and thus the
T- and Z-scores remain unaffected. The relative relationship between healthy and
osteoporotic bone is maintained. Second, when monitoring change in bone density, the
systematic error is present in both baseline and follow up measurement and does not
contribute to the measured change (45). For these reasons, small systematic accuracy
errors are of little clinical significance provided they remain constant.
Precision error (also termed reliability) reflects the reproducibility of a technique. It
measures the ability of a technique to measure a parameter consistently over multiple measurements. In the clinical context of monitoring, precision is more important than accuracy.
There are two major sources of precision error: equipment and technologist/patient. Precision
errors can be further separated into short term and long-term precision errors.
Short-term precision errors characterize the reproducibility of a technique and are
useful in describing the limitations of measuring changes in skeletal status. Generally
short-term precision errors are assessed from measurements performed either on the
same day or extending over a period of several weeks. Precision can be expressed as
absolute (standard deviation) or relative (percentage) variablity.
Short-term precision is determined by calculating the mean and standard deviation of
two or more repeated measurements on each subject. The individual means and SDs for
all the subjects are then averaged. Nonetheless, since precision was measured for different subjects, there is the question of how to pool them. Gler et al. (45) reported that
the correct estimate is not given by the arithmetic mean of the individual subjects
precision errors, instead by RMS SD. However, it is a popular convention to express
precision data as the coefficient of variation (CV-relative) by dividing the SD by the
mean for all subjects and expressing the result as a percentage (45,47). In the special case
where two measurements are made on each subjects the CV can be expressed as Eq. 5:
d 2j /m
x /m
j=1 j
[Eq. 5]
where dj is the difference between the first and the second measurements for the duplicate measurements, m is the number of paired measurements and x is the mean of the
paired measurements.
Long-term precision estimates are used to evaluate instrument stability. The assessment of long-term in vivo precision is complex since the variability of the data may be
due to imprecision of the technique as well as to true biological changes in the measurement (e.g., age-related bone loss). For repeated measurements taken on the same subject
over time, the variability about the regression curve (i.e., the standard error of the estimate [SEE]) could be taken as an estimate of the long-term precision error. This is
expressed as (34):
SEE 2j /m
x j/m
[Eq. 6]
reached (47). One approach is to divide the CV by the annual percentage change in the
parameter due to age (responsiveness) or treatment as derived from normative data (48).
The weakness of this approach is that the annual rate of change provided by the manufacturers is usually obtained on different populations and is cross-sectional. A true
comparison of techniques could be derived if rates of change were obtained on the same
population. On the other hand, Miller et al. (49) has suggested standardizing precision
errors by calculating the ratio of percentage precision to percentage range of results (5th95th percentile).
sCV = CV%/(4SD/Meanpop)
[Eq. 7]
where SD is the population standard deviation and mean is the average for all subjects.
One criticism of this approach is that it depends on the spread of the subject group and
so the results are difficult to compare with other reports. Gler et al. (47) has suggested
CVs = CV [response rate(reference technique)]/[response rate (technique studies)]
where CV is the uncorrected precision error and sCV the standardized precision error
of the technique that is being studied. Gler (47) noted that for bone densitometry the
ideal reference technique is the posterioranterior DXA of the lumbar spine, since it has
the lowest reported CV.
[Eq. 8]
where z is the value for the desired level of confidence, CV is the precision (could be
absolute or relative) and n1 and n2 are the number of measurement at each time point.
It has been suggested that long-term precision should be used instead of short term. So,
for 95% confidence (z = 1.96) and a single measurement at baseline and follow-up, the
LSD is given by 1.96^2CV.
The least significant change is highly dependent on the power (Z) set to detect the
change. Gluer has proposed using the term trend assessment margin (TAM) for an 80%
confidence level (z = 1.26) for two sided test or 90% confidence for a single-sided test.
TAM = 1.8 CV.
The monitoring interval is the time required to observe a significant change in the
majority of the subjects. This is defined as:
MTI = LSC/response rate
[Eq. 9]
For example, for a technique with a precision error of 1% the LSC (95% confidence)
will be 2.8%, if the bone loss is 3% per year, the MTI will be 1 yr. The concept of LSC
and MTI can be useful for the identification of fast losers of bone. The inverse of the MTI
(i.e., ratio of the response rate to the precision error) has been termed the longitudinal
In interpreting a treatment effect, clinicians should be aware of the statistical phenomenon known as regression to the mean (50). This phenomenon is due in part to measurement
error and in part to biological variation. The clinical consequence is that a subject that has
apparently experienced a particularly large gain in bone mineral in the first measurement
interval is likely to show a reduced increase in BMD in the second interval (the subjects
response has regressed toward the mean of the group). Similarly, a subject who has lost
an unexpectedly large amount of bone in the first interval is likely to show less of a loss,
even a gain, in the second interval. Over a longer period of time, the extremes will be less
deviant from the mean because some of the errors of repeated measurements will smooth
the results (51). Cummings et al. (39) demonstrated this effect using data from two
randomized, double blinded, placebo-control trials of alendronate and raloxifene treatment. They concluded that effective treatment for osteoporosis should not be changed
because of moderate loss of BMD during the first year of treatment.
There is a growing awareness of osteoporosis and its economic and social costs. The
value of bone mineral density measures in fracture risk prediction is as good or better
than the ability of blood pressure to predict stroke or serum cholesterol to predict heart
attack. Currently, DXA is the most widely used technique for bone mineral assessment.
There is an increased momentum to establish the role of peripheral techniques such as
QUS and pDXA due to their low costs and potentially wide availability. Increased use of
BMD measurements is also driven by the availability of effective and acceptable therapies
for osteoporosis. Clinical questions, availability, and cost should govern the choice of site,
number of sites, and the technique. BMD or ultrasound should not be used in isolation in
the assessment of osteoporosis, but should be combined with risk factors, medical history,
physical examination, and other laboratory tests in overall patient management.
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Technical Aspects
of Skeletal Assessment
Using Quantitative Ultrasound
Mary L. Bouxsein, PhD
Fig. 1. Idealistic representation of sound propagating through particles connected with springs.
For a longitudinal wave, the particles vibrate in the direction of the wave motion.
lenges for the clinical use and interpretation of ultrasound measurements. For additional
information, the reader is referred to one of several excellent reviews of this technology
and its clinical applications (915).
[Eq. 1]
In general, the human ear is sensitive to sound waves with frequencies between 20 Hz
and 1520 kHz. Ultrasound refers to sound waves with frequencies greater than 20 kHz.
Fig. 2. Reflection and refraction of incident sound wave at the boundary of a liquid and solid
media. The top figure shows the general case of a reflected and refracted wave. The bottom
figure shows the special case where the incident wave strikes the surface at the critical angle,
thereby exciting a leaky surface skimming wave. The Omnisense multi-site device takes
advantage of this type of sound propagation phenomenon to perform velocity measurements.
Ultrasound has a number of clinical applications, including diagnostic imaging of softtissues and the developing fetus, as well as dynamic imaging of blood flow. In these
applications, sound waves with frequencies ranging from 110 MHz are customarily
employed. In comparison, due to the high attenuation of sound waves in cancellous bone,
QUS applications generally employ much lower frequencies of 0.11 MHz. Thus, the
corresponding wavelengths are typically 110 mm.
The generation of an ultrasound wave is most commonly accomplished using a piezoelectric transducer. This transducer employs special materials, often a type of ceramic,
that convert an electrical signal into a mechanical vibration. In addition to generating an
ultrasound wave, these transducers can also detect, or receive, a wave and therein convert
a mechanical vibration into an electrical signal. Thus, these tranducers are used to probe,
or interrogate, a material with ultrasound.
In general, there are two basic approaches to probe materials using ultrasound. In the
first approach, known as the reflection mode, a single transducer acts as both the transmitter
and receiver. In this method, a portion of the ultrasound wave is reflected back to the
transmitter whenever it encounters a change in the acoustic properties of the medium it is
travelling in. This method is used to produce ultrasound images, such as those used in
monitoring fetal development. The second general approach, known as the transmission
mode, uses two transducers, where one acts as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. The
received signal is compared to a standard or reference waveform to deduce the acoustic
properties of the material. The two approaches can also be used in combination. The
reflection mode is most often used in medical imaging applications. It is slightly easier to
implement as it requires only a single transducer, whereas the transmission mode requires
two transducers along with access to both sides of the tissue being evaluated.
Table 1
Typical Ultrasound Velocity, Acoustic Impedance, and Attenuation Values in Different
Biologic Tissues for Temperatures in the Range Between 20 and 37C (16)
Tissue or media
velocity (m/s)
Cancellous bone
Cortical Bone
acoustic impedance
(Ns1 m3)
1.48 10
1.66 106
4.18.1 106
1.38 106
1.65 10
1.651.74 10
0.002 dBcm1 MHz2 due to the quadratic variation with frequency of attenuation in water.
This concept explains the importance of achieving good acoustic contact between
ultrasound transducers and the skin, so that there are no air pockets to interfere with the
wave transmission. In clinical QUS devices, this coupling is achieved by either submerging the foot in a water bath (for wet systems) or by applying gel between the transducer
face and the skin (for dry systems). Thus, to decrease errors in clinical measurements
it is critical to eliminate air bubbles in the water and on the skin for the water-bath
systems, and to ensure a uniform application of gel between the transducer and skin
surface for contact devices.
trabecular bone network. During in vivo scans of the heel, the ultrasound wave
encounters an even more inhomogeneous path, as it passes through skin, underlying
soft tissue, cortical bone, and trabecular bone and marrow.
A more detailed explanation of the physics of ultrasound and ultrasound propagation
in biologic tissues can be found in the recent review by Laugier (16).
Ultrasound Velocity
The velocity of an ultrasound wave depends on the properties of the medium through
which it is passing, and the mode of propagation (i.e., longitudinal or shear wave). For
a homogeneous, solid bar whose cross-sectional dimensions are small compared to the
wavelength of the propagating wave, the velocity (v) can be related to the material
properties of the bar by the following equation,
v = E/
[Eq. 2]
where is the density of the medium (i.e., the bar), and E is the elastic modulus of the
medium. This equation cannot be directly applied to ultrasound measurements in bone
because bone, and cancellous bone in particular, is porous (i.e., is not solid), and has both
marrow and bone elements (i.e., is not homogeneous). Therefore bone does not satisfy
the conditions for which Eq. 2 was derived. Nevertheless, this relationship has been used
in in vitro studies to develop empirical relationships between velocity, elastic modulus,
and density (1921).
A number of methods are available for measuring ultrasound velocity (22). Measurement of ultrasound velocity in bone is generally performed using a transmission technique. In this approach, the ultrasound velocity is computed by dividing the propagation
distance (ie, how far the wave traveled) by the transit time (i.e., how long it took for the
wave to get from the sending to the receiving transducer). Currently there is no accepted
standard for the computation procedures or terminology. Thus, speed of sound (SOS),
ultrasound transmission velocity (UTV), apparent velocity of ultrasound (AVU), and
Table 2
Devices for Performing Transmission QUS Measurements at the Calcaneus
UBIS 5000
DMS (France)
Aloka (Japan)
McCue (UK)
Norland (USA)
Quidel Corp
Hologic (USA)
CV (%)
SCV (%)
Coupling Parameters
Short-term precision, expressed as a coefficient of variation for repeat measurements, reported in the
literature and summarized by Blake et al. (36), Njeh and Blake (13), and Cheng et al. (39).
Standardized coefficient of variation (SCV, %) computed as the CV/annual rate of change as
summarized by Njeh and Blake (13), and Cheng et al. (39).
velocity of sound (VOS) are refer to essentially the same characteristic, although they
may each be computed differently.
For transmission measurements in the calcaneus, three different methods have been
used to compute ultrasonic velocity: time-of-flight velocity, heel (or limb) velocity, and
bone velocity. Time-of-flight (TOF) velocity measurements are generally employed by
QUS devices that use a fixed transducer separation. The TOF method measures the
waves transit time in the water-bath with and without the specimen, where the distance
the wave traveled is determined by the transducer separation. Thus, the TOF velocity
method assumes a constant heel thickness, and therefore the measured velocity is influenced by the actual heel width (23,24). As such, TOF velocity measurements must be
interpreted carefully in studies where subjects have large differences in foot size, or
where follow-up measurements are made in subjects whose foot size may change (due
to growth, for example).
Both heel velocity and bone velocity measurements account for the width of the heel
or calcaneus, respectively, in the calculations. Heel velocity and bone velocity measurements are typically employed by devices in which the transducers contact the skin.
However, heel velocity measurements may also be calculated by QUS systems with a
fixed transducer separation by assuming a constant heel width for all subjects. A heel
velocity measurement is calculated by dividing the overall heel width by the transit time,
whereas the bone velocity measurement is calculated by dividing the calcaneus width by
the transit time. While a distinction is made between these three methods for estimating
ultrasound velocity in the calcaneus, in practice, the techniques yield slightly different
values that are correlated strongly (r = 0.830.98) with each other (25). In general, TOF
velocity measurements have the best precision, however heel and bone velocity measurements have a larger dynamic range, therefore increasing their sensitivity to detect
longitudinal changes or differences between groups. Miller and colleagues (25) recommended that TOF velocity measurements should be performed for water-bath systems,
whereas contact (dry) systems should use heel velocity measurements. In addition to
velocity measurements at the calcaneus, ultrasound transmission techniques have also
been used for ultrasound velocity measurements at the distal metaphysis of the phalanges
(26,27). In this case, the transmitting and receiving transducers are placed on opposite
sides of the phalanx, and the system computes an amplitutude-dependent speed of
sound (AD-SoS). The transmission methods described above may only be applied to
peripheral skeletal sites, since too much of the waves energy would be attenuated by
measurements at axial skeletal sites.
The semi-reflection technique is another method used to estimate sound velocity in
bone. In this technique, an ultrasound wave which strikes the bone surface at a particular
angle will generate a surface wave in the bone which propagates along the bone surface,
rather than across the bone. The velocity can then be measured by placing transducers
along the bone surface and measuring the transit time of the surface wave that is generated (Fig. 4).
In general, ultrasound velocity measurements at the heel range from 14002000 m/s,
with heel and bone velocity measurements higher than time-of-flight measurements
(25,2830). Transmission ultrasound velocity (AD-SoS) measurements at the distal
phalanx range from approx 19002300 m/s (31). Ultrasound velocities assessed by axial
transmission at the mid-tibia, distal radius, phalanges, and metatarsals are typically
higher, ranging from 29004300 m/s (3235).
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the semi-reflection technique for estimating sound velocity in bone.
In this technique, an ultrasound wave that strikes the bone surface at a particular angle will
generate a surface wave in the bone which propagates along the bone surface, rather than across
the bone. Thus, the velocity is measured by placing transducers along the bone surface at a known
distance apart.
precision and increase diagnostic accuracy, single parameters combining BUA and
velocity have been employed. Although there is no theoretical acoustic-related basis for
combining parameters, in practice, interpretation of scans may be easier for individuals
less familiar with QUS measurements. The first example of a combined parameter was
implemented on the Achilles (GE-Lunar, Madison, WI) system, and was called stiffness. It should be noted that the term stiffness (defined below) has no particular
physical meaning, and is not related to the mechanical behavior of bone termed stiffness.
In addition to the simplification provided by a single parameter, in the water-bath system, stiffness measurements are likely to converge to a stable value faster and be less
sensitive to temperature variations than either BUA or SOS measurements alone (36).
Stiffness = 0.67 BUA + 0.28 SOS 420
[Eq. 3]
[Eq. 4]
QUI correlates strongly with BMD at the heel, and thus has been used to provide an
estimated BMD value that may be useful for prediction of fracture risk. A third commercial device, the AOS-100 (Aloka, Japan) also reports a parameter, osteo-sono-assessment index (OSI), which is a combination of SOS and BUA. Data from prospective
cohort and clinical trials are needed to ultimately assess the clinical utility of these
combined parameters.
posterior calcaneus characterized by low attenuation (37). The location of the region of
interest can be adjusted by the operator. A unique aspect is that the UBIS 5000 measures
phase velocity, rather than group velocity. As phase velocity is strongly dependent on
frequency, the manufacturer defines an ultrasound bone velocity (UBV) as the average
phase velocity in the frequency range of 200600 kHz (38). BUA, UBV, and broadband
ultrasound backscatter (BUB) are computed for this region of interest. Measurement
time is approx 12 min.
culated for a 70 mm2 region of interest in the attenuation area of the calcaneus located
for each individual based on the location and shape of the posterior and inferior surfaces
of the calcaneus. Scanning time is approx 12 min.
The Sahara clinical bone sonometer consists of two unfocussed 19 mm diameter
transducers mounted co-axially on a motorized caliper. One transducer acts as a transmitter and the other as a receiver. The transducers are connected to semi-soft rubber pads,
and acoustic coupling is achieved using a petroleum-based gel. The device measures
BUA and SOS at a fixed region of interest in the mid-to-posterior body of the calcaneus.
The velocity measurement (SOS) is a heel velocity as it accounts for the individual
patients heel width. Two additional parameters are derived from BUA and SOS measurements: the quantitative ultrasound index (QUI) and estimated heel BMD. Measurement time is approx 1030 s.
Multisite Measurements
The Sunlight Omnisense device employs a different methodology than standard transmission ultrasound devices. This device uses a semi-reflection technique to measure
ultrasound velocity at various skeletal sites, including the one-third and ultradistal distal
radius, phalanx, metacarpal, tibia, calcaneus, and posterior spinous processes. (It should
be noted that among these sites, only the distal radius is approved in the US for clinical
evaluations.) The measurement of ultrasound velocity utilizes proprietary transducers
and measurement sequences that account for the soft tissue characteristics at the site of
interest. In general the methodology is based on critical angle propagation chronometry
and knowledge of how ultrasound signals are transmitted in bone. Essentially, as the
bone surface is probed with an ultrasound wave, the wave is reflected and refracted in
different directions within the bone. Part of the wave travels along the surface of the
bone, and can be measured at a distance from the original transducer that emitted the
probing wave (Fig. 4). The ultrasound velocity that is measured may reflect either
cortical or cancellous bone properties, depending on the cortical thickness at the given
skeletal site (18). The technique relies on the knowledge that ultrasound waves propa-
gate more quickly in dense tissue (such as cortical bone) than in soft tissues. For example,
the ultrasound velocity in soft tissues ranges from 15201550 m/s, whereas velocity in
cortical and cancellous bone ranges from 30004500 m/s and 15002400 m/s, respectively. Various arrays of tranducers are used in different probes designed for the various
skeletal sites.
QUS vs Density
On first glance, relationships between ultrasound properties and bone density appear
straightforward, as both velocity and BUA appear linearly related to bone density. Strong
Table 3
Directional Dependence of Acoustic Variables in Cancellous Bone Specimensa
Velocity (m/s)
Njeh et al. (59)
Nicholson et al. (41)
Njeh et al. (58)
Han et al. (78)
BUA (dB/MHz-cm)
Gler et al. (40)
Nicholson et al. (41)
Han et al. (78)
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis 3
Bovine femur
Human vertebrae
Human femur
Human tibia
2252 170
2249 124
2698 226
2215 298
2094 155
1761 119
2431 297
1805 147
2171 148
1709 114
2409 291
1728 166
Bovine radius
Human vertebrae
Human tibia
51.2 19.1
34.0 22.4
16.3 14.1
35.5 24.7
12.4 7.5
16.4 8.0
33.3 20.4
10.5 6.9
12.7 6.7
Bone sample
Fig. 6. Evidence of the nonlinear relationship between bone density and BUS. Reproduced with
permission from ref. 49.
linear correlations between velocity and density (r2 = 0.830.88), and BUA and density
(r2 = 0.750.94) have been reported (38,41). Despite these observations, it is now known
that the relationships between BUA and density are more complicated.
Although linear relationships between BUA and density are consistently observed
over limited density ranges, when evaluated over a large density range, BUA is a nonlinear function of density (Fig. 6) (4749). Thus, in human cancellous bone specimens,
there are strong positive relationships between BUA and density (41,4751). Yet, in
bovine cancellous bone, which is much more dense than human bone, relationships
between BUA and bone density are much weaker. Moreover, both positive and negative
correlations have been reported for bovine bone (4749,5254). Taken together, these
observations indicate that the underlying relationship between BUA and density is nonlinear, whereby BUA and density rise together until porosities of about 6075%, and
then BUA falls as density increases (4749).
These observations suggest that BUA is linearly related to bone density for the range
of cancellous bone density values seen in osteopenic individuals. However, it suggests
that ultrasound studies in bovine cancellous bone, or other species with high cancellous
bone density, must be interpreted with caution, and in particular, their relevance to
ultrasound behavior in human cancellous bone is questionable. The implications for
clinical measurements must also be considered. It may be that in healthy young subjects,
perhaps particularly in men, BUA may not be a reliable indicator of bone density.
In contrast to BUA, ultrasound velocity measurements appear to be linearly related
to bone density for both human and bovine specimens over a wide range of density
(38,41,48,49). In addition, demineralization studies in bovine cancellous bone over a
wide density range support the notion of a linear relationship between velocity and
density. However, it should be noted that velocity does vary with the orientation of the
specimen, and therefore, it certainly may reflect other characteristics besides density.
Table 4
Correlation (r) Between Ultrasound Parameters and Trabecular Structure
in Human Cancellous Bone
Hans et al. (43), Calcaneus
Gler et al. (53) used micro-computed tomography with an approximate spatial resolution of 80 to evaluate structural parameters in bovine cancellous bone. They reported
that a number of significant correlations between QUS and structural parameters, including some that were present even after adjusting for bone density. However, this study
must be interpreted with caution due to the use of high-density bovine cancellous bone
that may interact differently with ultrasound than human cancellous bone does. For
example, the mean trabecular thickness and separation for these bovine specimens was
188 and 441 , respectively. In comparison, trabecular thickness and separation in
human cancellous bone from the calcaneus are approx 85 and 900 , respectively (43).
In general, studies using human cancellous bone specimens find that ultrasound
measurements are moderately correlated with trabecular structure (Table 4). However,
when the regressions are adjusted for density, few, if any of the structural parameters
remain independent predictors of the ultrasound properties (43,45,46,6164). For
example, Hans et al. (43) performed QUS measurements on cancellous bone specimens
from human calcanei, and then performed two-dimensional histomorphometric measurements. They concluded essentially that ultrasound measurements reflected bone
quantity rather than microarchitecture. Similarly, Nicholson and colleagues (64) performed QUS and microcomputed tomography measurements on cancellous bone specimens from 48 human calcanei. They found that bone volume fraction explained 9395%
of the variability in ultrasound measurements, with an additional contribution of, at best,
4% attributable uniquely to trabecular architectural features. In total, these studies suggest strongly that ultrasound measurements in a single direction essentially reflect bone
density. Moreover, because bone density and microarchitecture are so strongly interrelated, it is unlikely that ultrasound measurements in a single direction reflect bone
structure independently of bone density.
wave, the wave travels at the bar velocity (vbar). Under these specific conditions, there
is a well-defined relationship between the bar velocity, Youngs modulus of elasticity
(E) and density ():
vbar = E/
[Eq. 5]
Thus, by measuring ultrasound velocity and density, the elastic modulus can be directly
determined. Abendschein and Hyatt (65) measured the bar velocity at 100 kHz in human
cortical bone specimens. They reported a strong linear correlation (r = 0.91) between the
elastic moduli derived from ultrasonic measurements and those obtained from traditional
mechanical testing methods. This approach has also been employed to assess the elastic
modulus of extremely small, machined cortical bone specimens (crosssection = 300 ) and
individual trabeculae, demonstrating a higher elastic modulus in cortical than trabecular
bone tissue (21 vs 15 GPa, respectively) (66).
Ultrasound bar velocity measurements in cancellous bone were developed by
Ashman and coworkers (67,68), who used low frequencies (50 kHz) to assess defatted
human and bovine cancellous bone specimens. At these low frequencies, the wavelength
was approx 20 mm, which was larger than the specimens cross-sectional dimensions
(~5 mm). They reported very strong correlations between ultrasonically and mechanically-derived elastic moduli (r2 = 0.930.96). Other investigators have also used this
technique to determine the elastic modulus of human cancellous bone from different
skeletal sites (66,6971).
When higher frequencies are employed the wavelength becomes much smaller than
the size of the specimen, and ultrasound then travels at the bulk wave velocity. Under
these conditions, there are also well-defined theoretical relationships between the wave
velocity, density and the elastic properties of the propagating medium (58,72,73). These
relationships, although similar in form, are more complex than the bar velocity/elastic
modulus relationship. They have been used to evaluate anisotropy (i.e., directional
dependence) in the material properties of cortical bone (70,7476).
Because these theoretical relationships are not strictly applicable for the case of
cancellous bone where fluid is present in the pores of the trabecular network (i.e., all in
vivo measurements), a number of studies have derived empirical relationships between
the mechanical behavior of bone specimens, bone density, and acoustic parameters
(44,51,7781). Investigators have employed both linear (78) and logarithmic (79) relationships to describe the relationship between ultrasonic parameters and mechanical
properties, such as elastic modulus and ultimate strength.
Although there is no consensus, in general, velocity has been found to be a better
predictor of the mechanical properties of cancellous bone than BUA. Studies conflict as
to whether BUA or SOS are independent of density in their ability to predict mechanical
properties. Some studies suggest that QUS parameters can add predictive power beyond
that of density alone for estimation of mechanical properties of cancellous bone, although
the additional amount of variance accounted for is usually small (~38%) (51,79,80,82).
However, other studies report that QUS gives no better explanation of mechanical
behavior than density alone (44,78). The discrepancies among these studies may relate
to differences in experimental procedures, as some investigators performed measurements in the intact cadaveric heel (51), whereas the majority used only excised cancellous bone specimens. In addition, results may vary according to whether bovine or
human bone was used.
Taken together, these data indicate that, at least in excised bone specimens, ultrasonic
measurements can reflect mechanical properties. However, their ability to predict
mechanical behavior independently of density is still controversial. It is unclear how
well these in vitro studies can be extrapolated to clinical QUS measurements, as most of
the in vitro studies were not performed at body temperature, and more importantly, the
propagation of an ultrasound wave is far more complex in vivo. In transmission measurements of the calcaneus, for example, the ultrasound signal must pass through skin,
subcutaneous tissue, the cortical shell, the cancellous bone and marrow, the second
cortical shell, and more subcutaneous tissue and skin before reaching the receiving
Another empirical approach to understanding the potential role of ultrasound measurements in the prediction of bone fragility has been to compare QUS measurements
to whole bone strength, either at the same site or at a distant skeletal site. In this regard,
Han and colleagues (83) showed that BUA of the heel correlates moderately to strongly
(r=0.79) with the strength of the calcaneus itself. Although heel QUS parameters are
moderately correlated with femoral failure loads (r2=0.400.70), in general, femoral
BMD is the best predictor of femoral load (r2=0.710.92) (8487). In contrast to observations for femoral failure loads, heel QUS variables are only moderately to weakly
correlated with vertebral failure loads (87,88). In comparison with hip and spine BMD,
the weaker correlations between heel QUS and whole bone strength are consistent with
their slightly lower predictive ability for fractures in vivo (5,6,89).
changes in acoustic parameters due to aging and/or treatment are relatively small (~15%/yr).
Thus, procedures to enhance the precision and reliability of QUS data will certainly
improve its clinical utility.
In X-ray based bone densitometry, the most common QA method is the regular scanning of a standard phantom that mimics bone and soft tissue. Regular scanning and
analysis of a standard and/or phantom can be used to monitor the performance of the
system to ensure it is operating within specified guidelines. A standard test object
generally has known acoustic properties similar to those measured in patients, and has
a relatively simple shape/geometry. In comparison, a phantom generally mimics
patient measurements both in terms of acoustic properties as well as physical shape and
geometry. Presently there are no universal standards or phantoms that can be used
effectively for all QUS devices. Therefore, for QC evaluation, each manufacturer supplies a reference standard with their device. The standards are generally composed of a
uniform plastic or rubber material, in which ultrasound velocity is well characterized.
Thus, the material can be chosen to reflect the velocity measured in patients. It is more
difficult to characterize attenuation for a given reference standard, as it depends not only
on the material comprising the standard, but also the geometry of the standard. As such,
attenuation values for each reference standard must be established empirically. Design
of a stable reference standard that reflects clinically-relevant values for BUA and SOS
has proven difficult. Nonetheless, regular measurements of the manufacturer-supplied
phantom are necessary to detect any changes in the device performance due to aging or
failure of the components of the scanner. Measurements of the reference standard do not
constitute a calibration of the device, but rather a check to ensure that the device is
operating properly.
In addition to the reference standards provided by the manufacturers, there are two
other reference standards that have been developed independently for evaluation of QUS
device performance. The Leeds phantom consists of liquid epoxy and hardener mixed
with cubic granules of gelatin. After hardening of the epoxy during production, the
gelatin is removed, the resulting pores filled with sunflower oil, and the standard is
encased in a hollow Perspex cylinder. Several standards are available in order to cover
the range of porosity (5083%), velocity (14801650 m/s), and BUA (40140 dB/MHz)
values observed clinically (96,97). The Vancouver phantom consists of a reticulated
vitreous carbon form filled with heavy grade USP oil (98). Like the Leeds phantom, there
are several Vancouver phantoms available to span the range of clinically relevant BUA
values (2570 dB/MHz). However, the ultrasound velocity (1650 m/s) is independent of
porosity, in contrast to what is seen clinically.
One QA/QC problem often encountered in clinical practice is the issue of cross-calibration of devices. Cross-calibration is necessary, for example, when an upgraded device is
installed or when subjects are involved in multi-center trials that may or may not use the
same device. Cross-calibration techniques are reasonably well established for X-ray based
bone densitometry (99101). In contrast, due to the absence of standardized QUS parameters and the lack of a universal reference phantom, methods for cross-calibration of QUS
devices have not been established. Strelitzki and colleagues (96) measured acoustic phantoms on three different QUS devices and found that variations in acoustic parameters
between different devices as well as between nominally identical devices from the same
manufacturer were of sufficient magnitude to be clinically relevant. They strongly suggested the development of universal quality standards and adaptation of consensus defi-
nitions for terminology and techniques. To study the performance and comparabilty of
different devices, Njeh et al. performed QUS measurements in 35 women who had recently
suffered a hip fracture and 35 age-matched controls using six calcaneal QUS devices, three
gel-coupled and three water-coupled (102). They reported moderate to strong correlations
between SOS (r = 0.790.93) and BUA (r = 0.710.92) measurements on the six different
devices. However, confirming previous reports, the absolute values for BUA and SOS
varied significantly between devices. The mean BUA and SOS values ranged from 53101
dB/MHz, and 14901600 m/s, respectively.
These findings confirm that, in general, QUS measurements are not comparable across
different devices. Presently, there is no accepted standard terminology or methodology
for acoustic evaluation of skeletal status. Further research is required to establish universal reference phantoms, and to evaluate the effectiveness of these phantoms for crosscalibration of QUS devices.
Error Sources
In general, the clinical accuracy of a bone densitometry method determines its ability
to identify those individuals at increased risk of fracture, whereas the precision of a
method determines its ability to monitor age-, disease- and treatment-related changes.
However, clinical accuracy and precision are not separable, as a method which has poor
reproducibility will have reduced diagnostic sensitivity (i.e., diagnostic accuracy) due
to the introduction of random error into the measurements. Barkmann and Gler (95)
have identified a number of error sources that may affect the accuracy and precision of
QUS measurements. Error sources for QUS measurements can be broadly divided into
those that are associated with the individual subject or those that are associated with the
technique itself.
Error sources that can be associated with an individual include variability in bone size,
soft tissue characteristics, bone marrow composition, and distribution of cortical versus
cancellous bone at a given skeletal site. Error sources that are associated with the technique itself include equipment error or drift, positioning, efficiency of acoustic coupling,
and limb, waterbath and ambient temperature. Moreover, in ultrasound devices that use
water for acoustic coupling, the immersion time of the foot and the concentration and
nature of wetting agents are potential sources of variability. In general, as discussed in
the previous section, equipment drift and/or failure can be detected by regular scanning
of standard reference phantoms.
Intersubject variability in bone width and cortical thickness has been shown to influence QUS measurements (23,24,103106). For example, Wu et al. (105) observed a
nonlinear relationship between BUA and bone width in vitro, and others have reported
an associated between heel width and SOS measurements in vivo (23,24). Obviously the
errors associated with variations in bone size are likely to have the greatest impact on the
interpretation of QUS measurements in growing children or in individuals with differing
body sizes.
Changes in the soft tissues surrounding the bone, such as those due to alterations in
body weight and/or retention of fluid at the measurement site, can also influence QUS
measurements. Using the Achilles commercial device, Kotzki and colleagues (24)
reported that increasing thickness of fat around cadaveric heels decreased SOS measure-
ments, but did not consistently affect BUA. Johansen and Stone (107) studied the effect
of ankle edema on QUS measurements at the calcaneus using a contact device. They
found that a decrease in heel width of 6 mm (by pressure to disperse the edema-related
fluid) led to reductions in SOS and BUA that were equivalent to approximately onequarter of a standard deviation of the reference range.
It is important to note that with regard to heel QUS systems, the calcaneus itself
exhibits significant heterogeneity both with respect to its external surface geometry as
well as the distribution of mass within the cortex (108110). Due to this heterogeneity,
ultrasound attenuation may vary as much as 30% within an individual, depending on the
region of the calcaneus being assessed (111113). This heterogeneity contributes to the
potential errors associated with use of a fixed region of interest. Indeed, several investigators have demonstrated that acoustic parameters are strongly influenced by the location of the region being evaluated as well as the position of the foot with respect to the
ultrasound probes (37,111,114,115).
For QUS devices that employ fixed transducers, and thus a standard region of interest,
interindividual differences in bone size and soft tissue thickness can influence the location of the region that is evaluated (116). The use of a fixed ROI is likely to be most
problematic in longitudinal evaluations of growing children and in cross-sectional comparisons of individuals with varied skeletal size, such as men and women. The use of
QUS devices that provide an image of the calcaneus may reduce these errors by allowing
either automated placement of the ROI or operator choice of the placement of the ROI.
For example, a region of low density and low attenuation can be found in the greater
tuberosity of the calcaneus and used to define an ROI for evaluation (117). Jorgensen et
al. (118) used a single device to show improved precision for BUA measured using this
anatomically-defined ROI (located by an imaging QUS system), compared to values
derived from a fixed ROI (CV=1.2% vs 3.8%, respectively). Similarly, Frost and colleagues (119) compared precision of two heel water-bath QUS devices and found that
the standardized precision of BUA and SOS measurements was better for an imaging system
with automated ROI placement than for a nonimaging device with a fixed ROI. However,
they also reported that the imaging system did not provide improved long-term precision
when compared to the device employing a fixed ROI, and moreover, that both systems had
similar abilities to discriminate individuals with vertebral fractures from healthy, unfractured
control subjects. Thus, while the idea of an imaging system is attractive, additional studies
are required to test whether imaging capabilities will lead to more accurate measurements,
enhanced diagnostic sensitivity, and better fracture risk prediction.
Another potential error source related to positioning is the variability in foot position
within the device. Variability in foot position can occur as mediolateral displacement,
superior-to-inferior displacement, heel-to-toe displacement, or as a rotation about the
long axis of the leg. For example, superior and inferior displacement of the optimal
region of interest by 520 mm results in up to a 3% variation in SOS and an 8% variation
in BUA values (111). Furthermore, rotation of the foot by just 2.5 causes up to a 24%
change in BUA (114,115). Whereas QUS devices with capabilities for imaging and
flexible ROI placement can potentially reduce errors associated with use of a fixed ROI
and heel-to-toe and superior-inferior displacements, they cannot compensate for variability in foot rotation (113,115,116,118,119).
QUS measurements using other devices and/or other skeletal sites are also subject to
positioning-related errors. For example, SOS measurements of the phalanges are based
on the pattern of the received ultrasound signal. The optimal pattern is achieved by as
the operator moves the transducers manually along the finger to achieve the best signal.
Thus, the precision depends on the attention, experience and motivation of the operator.
Recall that acoustic coupling may be achieved either through use of a water-bath or
through use of a gel applied directly between the transducer and the skin surface. In either
case, air bubbles in the sound path contribute significantly to error in QUS measurements. Procedures to reduce the collection of tiny air bubbles on the skin surface, such
as scrubbing the heel or use of a water jet directed at the skin, may improve measurement
reliability (120).
Another potential error source associated exclusively with water-bath systems is that
associated with immersion time of the foot (114,115). Chappard et al. (115) evaluated
QUS values for ten consecutive measurements at 3-min intervals, with no repositioning
of the foot. They showed that QUS values varied with the first few scans, but then
reached relatively stable values after the first two of three scans for BUA and after the
sixth or seventh scan for SOS. The variation in QUS values with immersion time was
most pronounced for BUA measurements in postmenopausal women, where a 21%
difference between the first and tenth scan was observed. Thus, immersion time should
be closely monitored to ensure repeatable scan data.
Acoustic properties of many biological tissues are temperature-dependent. Ultrasound velocity in fat and fatty tissues decreases with increasing temperature, whereas
water, blood and muscle show the opposite trend (121). In vitro studies of cortical bone
indicate that velocity decreases with increasing temperature at approx 6 m/s/C (122).
It is therefore likely that QUS measurements in vivo will be affected by temperature.
Accordingly, it has been shown that both the ambient temperature of the room, as well
as the temperature of the water bath and the core temperature of the foot can influence
QUS measurements (123126).
We performed QUS measurements in human cadaveric feet at controlled temperatures in the calcaneus itself ranging from 2549C, and found that ultrasound velocity
decreases linearly with increasing temperature (1.82.8 m/s/C) and BUA increases
with increasing temperature (0.210.75 dB/MHz/C) (124). Pocock and colleagues had
similar findings in their study of a single cadaveric foot (126). The negative thermal
coefficient for velocity is likely due to the influence of fat in the marrow of the calcaneus.
Thus, a different response to temperature may be observed in QUS systems that use the
semireflection technique to assess ultrasound velocity in cortical bone with little to no
fat content. Overall, however, this finding implies that QUS measurements in patients
with a greater proportion of fatty marrow (i.e., those with low bone mass, perhaps) would
tend to be most sensitive to temperature-related changes in velocity. Iki and colleagues
(125) showed that the room temperature may also affect QUS measurements. They
assessed the effect of season on QUS parameters in five healthy women, and found that
SOS and stiffness measurements were significantly greater in February (room temperature = 12.6C) than in June (room temperature = 22.4C). Taken together, these in vitro
and in vivo observations indicate that controlling temperature may reduce QUS measurement errors.
In summary, these observations indicate that in order to achieve optimal accuracy
and precision in QUS measurements, it is important to have a standardized measurement protocol with specific guidelines for monitoring immersion time, positioning,
and temperature.
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Osteoporosis is common affecting nearly 28 million women and men in the United
States. This is a major problem since the clinical consequence of osteoporosis, fracture,
results in morbidity and mortality, and contributes to health care costs (1). The challenge
for health care providers is to identify those individuals at risk prior to fracture.
Low bone mineral density (BMD) is the single best predictor of fracture risk. For
every standard deviation decrease in BMD, fracture risk increases two- to threefold. This
relationship is true whether BMD is measured at the axial or appendicular skeleton. Dual
energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the preferred technique to quantitate BMD.
However, patient access to the instrument is often limited resulting in failure to diagnose
low bone mass. The use of lower cost, portable peripheral technologies has been suggested as a means to increase osteoporosis diagnosis before fracture (2). One such
technique is quantitative ultrasound (QUS) (35).
The rate of bone loss is significant in postmenopausal women (6,12). In addition to age,
years since menopause is a significant factor in determining ultrasound values (9,11).
Factors that have an impact on DXA measurements also appear to impact the QUS measurements. Family history of osteoporosis, body weight, physical activity, and dietary
calcium intake affect QUS values (13). In contrast, smoking, alcohol and coffee consumption, activities of daily living, oral contraception use, and traumatic fractures are not
associated with QUS values (13). The strength of association of stature, physical activity,
and protein and calcium intake for the QUS measurements is similar to that observed for
DXA (14,15). QUS measurements are higher in African-Americans than Caucasians
(15,16), but these differences are attenuated by adjustment for calcaneal BMD (16).
Local factors can also impact the QUS measurements. Ankle edema is associated with
a significant decrease in both BUA and VOS (17), but calcaneal width has no impact
unless marked variability is encountered, e.g., pediatric patients (18). In ultrasound
systems using a water bath, increasing water temperature decreases QUS values (17).
Thus, the precision of ultrasound instruments may be affected by temperature variation
of the environment or of the patients limb (19).
Table 1
Correlations Between QUS and DXA Measurements
QUS calcaneus
DXA spine
DXA femoral neck
DXA total hip
QUS calcaneus
DXA spine
Table 2
Sensitivity and Specificity of QUS at Various Cutpoints
for the Diagnosis of Osteoporosis Defined as a T-Score Less
Than 0.25 at the Spine, Total Hip, and/or Femoral Neck
specificity was 64%. It was concluded that no site can predict the status of another site
with sufficiently high accuracy to be clinically useful (46). A similar conclusion was
reached using QUS evaluation in a community setting (47).
In contrast, an evaluation of five different calcaneal QUS instruments has noted that
the sensitivity and specificity of all the devices for the diagnosis of osteoporosis was
approx 80% (48). It was concluded that the instruments provide a reasonable alternative
to DXA for the initial evaluation of patients at risk for osteoporosis. Likewise, QUS of
the phalanges has been reported to be effective for the screening of osteoporosis in
postmenopausal women (49). Interestingly, this conclusion was reached with a sensitivity of 100% but a specificity of 4045% (49).
In the evaluation of the individual patient it is important not only to diagnose
osteoporosis, but to correctly identify those individuals who do not have the disease. If
one examines perimenopausal women age 4555 yr, at a sensitivity of 100% (all patients
diagnosed who have the disease) the specificity of QUS is 31% (50). Thus to insure that
no patients who actually have the disease go undiagnosed, 69% of individuals who do
not have the disease are included (false positives). This discriminatory ability is not
improved when evaluating women representing a broader age range, 5085 yr (Table 2)
(37). Thus, because of the differences in bone loss at different skeletal sites, the benefits
of increased ease of osteoporosis diagnosis with ultrasound instruments will need to be
balanced against potentially unnecessary treatment in some normal patients. If a lower
sensitivity is accepted, fewer normal patients will be included but some osteoporotic
patients will go undiagnosed (37,50). Measurement of bone mass with peripheral instruments may prove to be a valuable additional risk factor in evaluating women: a low value
is indicative of osteoporosis (Table 2), but a high value does not indicate the absence of
the disease in the spine and/or hip.
Table 3
Relative Risk of Hip Fracture for Every
Standard Deviation Decrease in Femoral
Neck BMD or QUS Measurements
Relative risk
Femoral neck BMD
1.9 (1.62.4)
2.0 (1.62.4)
1.7 (1.42.1)
principally measure bone density; however, QUS and BMD have different sources of
error and therefore contribute independently to fracture risk (53).
Retrospective studies have also demonstrated the ability of QUS to discriminate
patients with hip fractures (5566). As with the prospective studies, these reports indicate that QUS is able to identify patients with hip fractures as well as DXA and does so
independently of BMD. Furthermore, combining the results from multiple QUS measurement sites appears to improve hip fracture discrimination, with a sensitivity and
specificity of 94% (63). Thus, despite the relatively poor correlation between QUS
values and DXA of the femoral neck, low QUS values appear to comparable to low BMD
values as predictors of hip fracture risk in older women. QUS values are also able to
differentiate women with and without vertebral fractures (6772). For every standard
deviation decrease in QUS values the risk of spine fracture increases 1.32.6 fold. This
is similar to the increase in risk for every standard deviation decrease in lumbar spine
BMD (68). A prospective study has documented the observational results, for every
standard deviation decrease in BUA the risk of vertebral fracture increases 1.5-fold (73).
QUS also predicts non-vertebral fracture risk in early postmenopausal women (71,74)
and in young women performing strenuous physical activities (75). In a prospective
study, the combination of QUS with DXA appears to improve non-spine fracture discrimination (76). In a cross-sectional analysis, QUS predicted non-vertebral fractures,
but the combination of QUS and DXA did not improve fracture discrimination (77). In
contrast to the improvement in hip fracture discrimination with QUS measurement at
multiple sites (63), QUS assessment at multiple skeletal sites does seem to improve nonvertebral fracture risk assessment (78). A recent study demonstrates that QUS measurements are also able to discriminate between men with and without fractures (79). Thus,
the combined studies (5279) indicate that QUS measurements in individuals at risk of
fracture are useful indicators of skeletal fragility.
significantly decreased in early postmenopausal women (80). The most likely explanation
for these apparent differences is that the magnitude of the annual changes in the QUS
measurements is not great. This limits there use as a follow-up tool in individuals (81).
cents (97). These studies suggest that the combination of fetal skeletal demands and those
of a growing adolescent skeleton place significant demands on the maternal skeleton.
upon which to base therapeutic decisions (37,4350). Part of this discrepancy may relate
to the criteria used to diagnose osteoporosis. The World Health Organization criteria for
diagnosis may not be applicable to calcaneal QUS measurements (107,108). At a T-score
2.5, the prevalence of osteoporosis in healthy postmenopausal women is 17, 16, and
12% for lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total hip BMD, respectively. When the same
definition is used for calcaneal QUS measurements, the prevalence ranges from 2 to 8%,
depending on the device. The corresponding T-score threshold for the QUS devices
resulting in similar prevalence to the BMD measurement is 1.8 (108). However, even
at this QUS cutpoint a significant percentage of women with osteoporosis at the spine,
femoral neck, and/or hip go undiagnosed (Table 2) (37).
Future research will need to focus on the outcomes in those women who have discrepant QUS and BMD values. Pending those results, it is clear that women with low QUS
and BMD measurements are at greatest fracture risk.
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The development of new markers of bone metabolism has greatly enriched the spectrum of serum and urine analytes used in the assessment of skeletal pathologies. Both
markers of bone formation and of bone resorption are today widely used in experimental
and clinical situations to assess bone turnover, rates of bone loss, future fracture risk and
therapeutic efficacy. It should be borne in mind, however, that many of the compounds
used as markers of bone turnover may reflect, at least to a certain degree, both bone
formation and bone resorption. Furthermore, most of these markers are present in tissues
other than bone and may therefore be influenced by nonskeletal processes as well.
Thirdly, changes in biochemical markers of bone turnover are usually not disease specific, but reflect overall alterations in skeletal metabolism independent from the underlying cause. Therefore, results of bone marker measurements should always be
interpreted against the background of their basic science.
Bone mass is the net result of two counteracting metabolic processes, i.e., bone formation and bone resorption. Under normal conditions, bone formation and bone resorption are coupled to each other (1,2). However, somatic growth, normal aging, metabolic
bone diseases, states of increased or decreased mobility, therapeutic interventions and
other conditions are characterized by more or less pronounced imbalances in bone turnover. The long term result of such imbalances in bone turnover are often changes in bone
mass and structure, parameters which are usually assessed by radiological and densitoFrom: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Fig. 1. Schematic display of biochemical markers of bone turnover being synthesized through
bone formation (left side) or released by matrix degradation via osteoclasts (right side).
metric techniques. In contrast to these more static measures, molecular markers of bone
metabolism are helpful tools to detect the dynamics of the metabolic imbalance itself.
In recent years, the isolation and characterization of cellular and extracellular components of the skeletal matrix have resulted in the development of biochemical markers
that specifically reflect either bone formation or bone resorption. These new biochemical indices have greatly enriched the spectrum of analytes used in the assessment of
skeletal pathologies. Although the various serum and urinary markers of bone turnover
include enzymes, nonenzymatic peptides and mineral components, they are usually
classified according to the metabolic process they are considered to reflect. For clinical
purposes, therefore, markers of bone formation are distinguished from indices of bone
resorption (Fig.1; Tables 1 and 2). From a biochemical perspective, however, bone
consists of a calcified organic matrix. The latter is composed of 90% collagen (type I)
and 10% of noncollagenous proteins, such as osteocalcin or bone sialoprotein. Therefore, the various markers may also be classified according to the biological compartment
they belong to, i.e., parameters of osteoblast and osteoclast enzyme activity, components
released during the formation and breakdown of the organic bone matrix, and parameters
of the inorganic skeletal matrix, namely calcium and phosphorus.
Alkaline Phosphatase
Alkaline phosphatase (AP) is a ubiquitous, membrane-bound tetrameric enzyme attached to glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol moieties located on the outer cell surface (3).
Table 1
Markers of Bone Formation
Tissue of
Carboxy terminal
propeptide of type I
procollagen (PICP)
propeptide of type I
procollagen (PINP)
soft tissue,
soft tissue,
Marker (abbreviation)
Alkaline phosphatase
Bone-specific alkaline
phosphatase (BAP)
Specific for bone formation
only in the absence of
liver or biliary disease
The precise function of the enzyme is yet unknown (4), but it obviously plays an important role in osteoid formation and mineralization. The total AP serum pool (TAP) consists of several dimeric isoforms, which originate from various tissues: liver, bone,
intestine, spleen, kidney, and placenta. In addition, certain tumors may express macromolecular forms of AP (e.g., Nagao AP) (5,6).
The physiological isoforms of AP are coded by four gene loci, including three tissuespecific and one nontissue-specific gene on chromosome 1. The latter encodes for the
most abundant isoforms, namely bone, liver, and kidney AP. The differences between
these nonspecifically encoded isoenzymes are solely due to post-translational modifications in the carbohydrate moiety (7). In adults with normal liver function, approx 50%
of the total AP activity in serum is derived from the liver, whereas 50% arises from bone
(8). In children and adolescents the bone-specific isoenzyme predominates (up to 90%)
because of skeletal growth (9). The bone isoforms can be separated by HPLC into B/I,
B1, and B2, with B2 contributing to 35% of serum total AP (10).
Many techniques have been developed to differentiate between the two main isoforms
of circulating AP, including heat denaturation, electrophoresis, precipitation, selective
inhibition, and, more recently, immunoassays. All of these methods make use of the
different physicochemical and molecular properties of the two isoenzymes (1115). In
healthy adults, most methods show a good correlation between bone specific and total
Marker (abbreviation)
Tissue of
Hydroxyproline, total
and dialyzable
(OH-Pro, OHP)
soft tissue,
(PYD; Pyr)
(DPD, d-Pyr)
Carboxy terminal
crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen (ICTP)
Carboxy terminal
crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen (a-CTX,
crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen (NTx)
Bone sialoprotein
Tartrate-resistant acid
All tissues
type I
soft tissue,
Fig. 2. Correlations between serum TAP and the various serum BAP measurements. Patients with
nonskeletal disease had chronic hepatic failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or chronic
renal failure. Patients with skeletal disease had Paget disease of bone, PHPT, SHPT, or metastatic
bone disease (17).
AP. The novel immunoassays allow simple and rapid quantitation of either enzyme
activity or enzyme mass. However, like all of the other techniques, even these assays
show a certain degree of crossreactivity between bone and liver AP (1520%). Therefore, in subjects with high liver AP, results of bone AP measurements may be artificially
high, leading to false positive results (7,16,17; Fig. 2).
Serum total AP is the most widely used marker of bone metabolism due to the wide
availability of inexpensive and simple methods. Once liver disease is ruled out, serum
levels of total AP provide a good impression of the extent of new bone formation and
osteoblast activity (18,19). From a clinical perspective, however, detection of the bonespecific AP (BAP) isoenzyme is increasingly preferred because of its higher specificity
Osteocalcin (OC) is a 5.8 kDa, hydroxyapatite-binding, protein exclusively synthesized by osteoblast, odontoblasts and hypertrophic chondrocytes (2224). One of the
major characteristics of OC are three vitamin-K dependent, gamma-carboxyglutamic
acid (Gla) residues, which are responsible for the calcium binding properties of the
protein (25). At its carboxy-terminus, OC can also interact with other proteins, including
cell surface receptors. OC is therefore active in the organization of the extracellular
matrix. Earlier research has suggested that OC is involved in the process of osteoid
mineralization, as the protein is expressed mainly during this phase of bone formation.
However, although OC has been studied for more than 20 yr, its precise function has yet
to be determined. More recently, new light has been cast on this issue through the
development of an osteocalcin knockout mouse model. Unexpectedly, these animals
have increased cortical and trabecular thickness, and their bones seem mechanically
more stable than those of the wild type (26). Although the knockout model awaits further
characterization, it seems that OC is involved in the bone remodeling process and may
act via a negative feed back mechanism.
OC is considered as a specific marker of osteoblast function (27). It is estimated that,
directly after its release from osteoblasts, the largest part of the newly synthesized protein
is incorporated into the extracellular bone matrix where it constitutes approx 15% of
the noncollagenous protein fraction. A smaller fraction is released into the circulation
where it can be detected by immunoassays (2834). Serum levels of immunoreactive
OC have been shown to correlate well with the bone formation rate as assessed by
histomorphometry (35). However, the peptide is readily subject to rapid degradation in
serum, so that both intact peptides and OC fragments of various sizes coexist in the circulation (3638). Furthermore, since OC is incorporated into the bone matrix, some investigators have suggested that OC fragments may be released even during bone resorption. This
may be particularly true for some smaller N-terminal fragments of OC, which are found
in individuals with high bone turnover (3941). The ensuing heterogeneity of OC fragments in serum results in considerable limitations in the clinical application of this a priori
highly specific marker. Thus, the various assays used to measure OC in serum detect
fragments of various sizes and usually, epitope specificity and antibody cross-reactivity of
the assays are ill defined. In practice, different immunoassays have routinely yielded such
varying results in measurements that they are incomparable (4244).
Two-site immunoassays, utilizing antibodies detecting different parts of the OC
molecule, have been introduced that detect the intact 149 OC molecule. However, only
one-third of the total OC serum pool represents intact OC, and due to the instability of
OC in serum, rapid loss of immunoreactivity is seen with these assays when samples are
stored for more than 1 h at room temperature. To circumvent this problem, newer assays
measure the largest degradation product of OC, the 143 (N-terminal/mid-molecule)
fragment. This fragment, which represents 1/3 of the circulating OC pool, is a result of
proteolytic degradation of the intact molecule and may in part be generated by active
osteoblasts. Although little is known about the function of the N-terminal fragment, its
measurement eliminates in part the problem of pre-analytical instability (44,45). However,
quick processing of the blood sample after drawing is essential for most assays since a loss
of reactivity is noted within a few hours at room temperature. The same applies to sera
subjected to multiple thawing, or prolonged storage at temperatures above 25C.
Hydroxyproline (OHP) is formed intracellularly from the post-translational hydroxylation of proline and constitutes 1214% of the total amino acid content of mature
collagen. 90% of the OHP liberated during the degradation of bone collagen is primarily
Fig. 3. The collagen type I triple-helix and the molecular origin of markers of bone turnover:
PYD- and DPD-crosslinks, N- and C-terminal telopeptides, and OH-lysine glycosides.
metabolized in the liver (57). Subsequently, it is excreted in the urine where it may be
detected either as free or peptide-bound hydroxyproline by colorimetric or HPLC methods (58,59). Urinary OHP is usually considered an index of bone resorption. However,
it should be noted that significant amounts of urinary OHP are derived from the degradation of newly synthesized collagens (60). In addition, hydroxyproline can be found in other
tissues such as the skin (61) and, moreover, liberated from the metabolism of elastin and C1q
(62). Urinary hydroxyproline is therefore considered an unspecific index of collagen turnover and, consequently, has been largely replaced by more specific techniques.
These collagen-specific amino acids are formed during the posttranslational phase of
collagen synthesis and occur in two forms, namely glycosyl-galactosyl-hydroxylysine
(GGHL) and galactosyl-hydroxylysine (GHL) (63). Both components are released into
the circulation during collagen degradation and may be measured in urine by HPLC after
appropriate derivatization (64). The intrinsic advantage of hydroxylysine over that of
hydroxyproline as a marker of bone resorption is that the glycosylated forms are not
metabolized and are not influenced by dietary components (63,64). Moreover, GGHL
is present in skin and C1q, while GHL is more specific for bone. Thus the ratio of GGHL/
GHL may allow for the recognition of existent tissue specificity. Although the
hydroxylysines have potential as markers of bone resorption (6567), their major disadvantage is presently the absence of a convenient immunoassay format.
Fig. 4. Relationship between urinary concentrations of free DPD measured by ELISA and total
DPD assayed by HPLC. The data, normalized by logarithmic transformation, showed a high
correlation (r = 0.95) between the two methods with a regression equation of logey = 0.76 0.01
loge 0.42 0.06, giving the relationship ELISA = l .52(total)0.76 between values for the two
assay methods (85).
surement of both forms may be used to calculate the ratio of -CTX/-CTX as an index
of bone turnover. This ratio has been shown to be elevated in the urine of patients with
untreated Pagets disease of bone, where rapid bone formation and resorption results in
an increase of -CTx (nonisomerized octapeptide) (92).
Further to isomerization, many proteins are also subjected to racemization of certain
residues. Both processes are considered an effect of aging, as the extent of racemization
and isomerization increases with the time elapsed since synthesis of the protein. Additionally, antibodies directed against the D-aspartic acid residues in the CTX molecule
have been described (93). Thus, immunoassays now exist for all four possible isomers
of the CTX molecule: the native -L form, the -isomerized isoaspartyl peptide (L), and
the respective racemized forms -D and -D. The differential use of these assays may
possibly provide information on the age-dependent changes of collagen in health and
disease (94), although the clinical relevance is questionable.
Recently, a sandwich ELISA for the measurement of -CTX in serum has been
developed. When this assay was described initially, it utilized a polyclonal antiserum
against collagenase-digested collagen type I together with the -isomerized C-terminal
octapeptide attached to the ELISA plate (95). The newer assay uses two monoclonal
antibodies, which puportedly recognize only dipeptides containing a crosslink and two
-isomerized peptides with the same sequence as shown for the urinary assay. Although
there is no direct evidence that the antigenic determinant in serum must contain a crosslink
for immunoreactivity, this is indeed highly probable since -transformation occurs
slower than crosslinking, and single peptides do not react in the serum CTX-ELISA.
However, the crosslink component may be any kind of crosslink, similar to the ICTP
antigen in serum. Presently, standards for the original serum CTX-ELISA are made from
antigens immunopurified from human urine, but automated assays (BoehringerMannheim) utilize synthetic antigens. Serum and urinary CTX values are highly correlated (r = 0.86) suggesting that the antigen is similar in both analytical media.
assays were raised against material isolated from the spleen of a patient with hairy cell
leukemia (112) or against TRAP 5b isolated from human cord plasma (113). For the
conventional TRAP assays, care should be taken after phlebotomy to stabilize the enzyme
since TRAP loses more than 20% of its activity per hour at room temperature. This can
be prevented by the addition of citrate buffer to the sample (114).
Table 3
Preanalytical and Biological Characteristics of Bone Biomarkers
Marker (abbreviation)
Total alkaline
Stable < 20C
Bone-specific alkaline Stable < 20C
phosphatase (BAP)
Osteocalcin (OC, BGP) Unstable > 80C
Carboxy terminal
Stable < 20C
propeptide of type
I procollagen (PICP)
Stable < 20C
propeptide of type
I procollagen (PINP)
Hydroxyproline, total Stable < 20C
and dialyzable
(OH-Pro; OHP)
Stable < 20C
(PYD; Pyr)
Stable < 20C
(DPD, d-Pyr)
Carboxy terminal
Stable < 20C
crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen (ICTP)
Carboxy terminal
Stable < 20C
crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen (CTX)
Stable < 20C
crosslinked telopeptide of type I
collagen (INTP, NTx)
Stable < 20C
Bone sialoprotein
Stable < 20C
Tartrate-resistant acid Unstable > 80C
phosphatase (TRAP)
Free -carboxyglutamic
influenced by
Liver function
Liver function
Renal function
Liver function
Liver function
Renal function,
liver function
Renal function,
liver function
Liver function
Liver function
Renal function,
liver function
blood clotting
Diet (e.g., vitamin K),
blood clotting
perature or even at 20C but is stable when stored at 70C or lower (114). Multiple
freezing-thaw cycles usually have a deleterious effect on the serum TRAP activity. In
contrast, serum levels of bone sialoprotein (BSP) appear rather stable, both at room
temperature, 4 and 20C, and have been shown to not change significantly during
repeated freeze-thaw-cycles (107). However, when samples are being exposed to temperatures above 30C, an increase in signal is usually seen with the RIA.
Some assays and marker components are sensitive to hemolysis of the sample, resulting
in results that are either too low or too high. This is usually the case for osteocalcin and bone
sialoprotein, but has also been described for TRAP and some other serum markers.
In general, random samples can be used for measurement of most urinary parameters
(except urinary calcium, which always requires a 24-h sample). For convenience, measurement of bone turnover markers is usually performed either in first or second morning voids,
or in 2-h collections. In each case, values need to be corrected for urinary creatinine, which
introduces additional preanalytical and analytical variability. As an alternative, a 24-h
urine collection can be ordered and the daily excretion rate of the marker determined.
The only bone turnover marker that is markedly affected by dietary influences is
urinary hydroxyproline. Urinary levels of hydroxyproline will rise considerably after the
ingestion of hydroxyproline-rich foods, such as meat or gelatin. Therefore, it is necessary to instruct patients to keep a collagen-free diet for at least 24 h before collecting their
urine for hydroxyproline measurements. However, free and total DPD, NTX and CTX
are all affected by ingestion of large amounts (100 g) of pure gelatin (119).
The effect of acute exercise immediately or shortly before phlebotomy for bone
turnover markers has been studied with some markers appearing to rise by as much as
3040% of their baseline value, others seem to be unaffected by these activities (140).
tinine, ranges between 1626% (126). Similar results have been reported for free
pyridinoline by EIA (725%), for the N-terminal collagen type I telopeptide (NTX, 13
35%), for the C-terminal collagen type I telopeptide (CTX, 1235%) and for tartrateresistant acid phosphatase (TRAP, 1012%) (125,127). Day-to-day variability adds
considerably to the total variation of biochemical markers of bone turnover and unlike
diurnal variations, day-to-day variability cannot be controlled.
Bone turnover varies with the menstrual cycle with an overall amplitude of approx
1020% (128,129). There is evidence to support the suggestion that bone formation is
higher during the luteal than the follicular phase (128), whereas bone resorption is higher
during the mid-follicular, late-follicular and early luteal phase (130). Cyclical changes
in bone turnover have also been reported in postmenopausal women treated with sequential estrogen/gestagen regimens, showing decreases during estrogen treatment and
increases during gestagen treatment (131). In premenopausal women with metabolic
bone disease, menstrual variability should be taken into account, and the timing for
sampling is probably best during the first 37 d of the menstrual cycle.
Bone turnover and its regulation seem to vary with seasonal changes. Some studies
have shown that serum 25-OH vitamin D and urinary calcium are higher in summer
than in winter, and that parathyroid hormone levels show inverse changes (132,133).
More recently, seasonal changes were also described for markers of bone metabolism,
with a 2030% lower turnover rate in summer than in winter (134; Fig. 5). The increase
in bone turnover during the winter period may be due, at least in part, to subclinical
vitamin D deficiency.
During early childhood and then again during the pubertal growth spurt, biochemical
markers of bone turnover are significantly higher than during adulthood (135). In girls,
peak bone marker levels are observed approximately two years earlier than in boys, and
estradiol seems to be the major determinant of the increase in bone turnover. In men
between 20 and 30 yr of age, bone turnover markers are usually higher than in women
of the same age bracket. After the age of 50, most bone turnover markers tend to increase
with further ageing, but less in men than in women. In the latter, the age-related increase
in bone turnover is more pronounced due to the menopause, when both bone resorption
and formation increase by approx 50100% (136,137).
A number of nonskeletal diseases have been shown to strongly affect bone turnover
markers. These conditions mostly relate to impairments in the clearance and/or metabolism of the components measured. Thus, even moderate impairment of renal function
(GFR 50 mL/min) has been shown to have significant effects on the serum levels of
osteocalcin (138), of bone sialoprotein (109), and of the collagen type I telopeptides
(NTX, CTX) (139).
Numerous factors influence bone turnover, but there are even more sources of variability that need to be taken into account when measuring bone turnover with biochemical markers. To minimize some of the limitations linked to preanalytical and analytical
variability, standardized sampling and sample handling are mandatory to obtain reliable
results. Controllable factors such as the mode of sample collection, sample handling and
storage, diurnal and menstrual rhythms, pre-sampling exercise and pre-sampling diet
should be taken care of wherever possible. Laboratories are encouraged to establish their
own reference ranges and to use gender and age specific reference intervals. In order to
further reduce variability, standardization of bone marker assays and routine proficiency
testing programs are strongly recommended.
Fig. 5. Seasonal variability in S-BAP and U-DPD (univariate analysis). Values are given as the
percent change from the annual mean (SEM). Only those participants were included in this
analysis who were present between January l, 1992 and December 31, 1992, rep-resented by the
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were computed according to the method of Sturges, using = (Dmax Dmin) / (1 + 3.322 lg n),
in which is the interval width, Dmax is the end of the analysis period (December 31, 1992), Dmin
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changes in response to disease processes or interventions also show substantial degrees
of variability.
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Bone turnover markers have been used in medicine for over 70 yr and have proven
indispensable in metabolic bone disorders such as Pagets disease of bone. The perturbations in bone turnover in osteoporosis are small and early markers that are not specific to
bone were not very useful in evaluating the disease. However, marker measures have
recently been introduced that are more specific for bone. In this chapter, we will consider
the approaches for the use of these markers in the evaluation of osteoporosis.
Bone formation
Bone resorption
Osteocalcin (OC)
Bone alkaline phosphatase (Bone ALP)
Procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide (PICP)
Procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP)
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD)
N-telopeptides of type I collagen (NTX)
C-telopeptides of type I collagen (CTX)
Table 2
Sources of Variability in Bone Turnover Markersa
Circadian rhythm
Menstrual rhythm
Avoidance of hemolysis and storage at appropriate temperature
See ref. 1.
tinct patterns of responses may relate to differences in the bone-specificity of the markers
and their metabolism by the kidney.
There have been recent improvements in the measurement of these markers. The
introduction of assays for collagen N-telopeptide (NTX), collagen C-telopeptide (CTX)
and Osteocalcin (OC) using automatic auto-analyzer devices has resulted in their widespread availability. Further, the intrinsic assay variability has decreased to less than 5%.
Another technical advance is the introduction of point of care devices for measurement
of urinary NTX and CTX. These devices allow for near patient testing and provide
immediate feedback, thus helping in patient management.
Fig. 1. The relationship between change in bone mineral density of the spine and bone turnover. (Left
panel) Note how the bone loss is most rapid in the first 5 yr after the menopause. (Middle panel) The
higher the rate of bone resorption (measured by NTX in a second morning void urine sample and
expressed as a ratio to creatinine) the greater the rate of bone loss. The broken lines represent the
boundaries between tertiles. (Right panel) The ability of bone resorption markers to classify individuals into upper (U), middle (M), or lower (L) tertiles of bone loss is poor with a kappa score of less than
0.2 making this approach unsuitable for use in the individual. Adapted from ref. 6.
Fig. 2. The risk of hip fracture is higher in women with low hip bone mineral density (T< 2.9),
high urinary CTX (T>2), and even higher with both low bone mineral density (T< 2.5) and high
urinary CTX (T>2).
mineral density, but this does not allow the prediction of BMD in the individual (14).
Only about 25% of patients with primary osteoporosis have bone turnover marker levels
above the reference range for young individuals (15).
Bone markers allow the identification of patients with lower rates of bone turnover.
The bone density response to antiresorptive therapy tends to be slightly less in these
individuals (16), but it is not clear that they have a lesser improvement in their risk of
fracture in response to treatment. Thus, low bone turnover markers cannot be used yet
in the selection of appropriate therapy.
High levels of bone turnover markers may indicate secondary osteoporosis and so
encourage the search for underlying diseases. For example, bone turnover markers are
increased in about 50% of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and are also
increased in thyrotoxicosis and in multiple myeloma, malignant bone disease (17,18).
Whether marker measurements are cost-effective for the detection of secondary causes
of osteoporosis is unknown.
bisphosphonates as for controls (16). This suggests that in the setting of clinical trials true
nonresponders are rare.
In clinical practice, there are situations that may result in a lack of response to
osteoporosis therapies. For instance, patients who have no change (or a decrease) in
BMD may have secondary osteoporosis. When the underlying disease is treated there
should be an increase in BMD in response to treatment. Examples include osteomalacia
(20) and thyrotoxicosis. Nonresponders might be identified using the least significant
change approach (described in more detail below for bone turnover markers), however,
the success of this approach as not been specifically evaluated.
Compliance with treatments for osteoporosis can be poor since there is rarely a reduction in symptoms and there may be adverse effects from medications such as HRT and
bisphosphonates. The discontinuation of therapy with HRT and bisphosphonates at 1 yr
can be as high as 50%. Many patients discontinue therapy within the first 3 mo. Monitoring treatment improve compliance, but this contention has yet to be tested.
Fig. 3. The effect of alendronate therapy on bone turnover markers over 6 mo. Left, note bone
resorption markers are suppressed within 4 to 8 wk of starting therapy; the decrease in bone
formation markers is somewhat slower. Right, the boxes show the least significant change bounds
for each marker. Most patients show a response to treatment at 6 mo. Patients entering studies
such as this are highly selected; in clinical practice, patients may have secondary osteoporosis
that prevents them responding to therapy, or they may not comply with instructions. Adapted
from ref. 33.
Fig. 4. NTX was measured in the second morning void urine sample in 49 patient with osteoporosis
(46) on two occasions at baseline (B1 and B2) and then after 4, 7, and 10 mo on treatment with HRT
or bisphosphonates. NTX levels vary before starting treatment, and there is an early decrease in
NTX after starting treatment. The maximum effect is seen by 4 mo in most patients. NTX levels are
in the lower half of the premenopausal reference range in most subjects after 10 mo of treatment.
It is similarly uncertain whether the change in bone markers reflects a reduction in the
risk of fracture in the individual. An increase in total hip BMD in response to alendronate
is associated with a decrease in the risk of vertebral fractures (26), but similar analyses
have not been performed of the relationships between changes in bone markers and
fracture risk.
If duplicate measurements are made at baseline and again at follow-up, and the only
change of interest is in one direction (e.g., a decrease) (i.e., one-tailed) for a p-value of
0.05, then:
LSC = 1.65*CV
For example, in our clinical practice, we make two marker measurements at baseline and
again at 4 and 7 mo on treatment (Fig. 4). The means of the two baseline and of the two followup measurements are calculated and if the percentage change (calculated as the difference
between baseline and follow-up *100/average of baseline and follow-up) exceeds the LSC
a difference is considered to be confidently established. The CV in a clinical practice setting
is 33% for NTX, and so the least significant change that we can detect is 54%.
Who to Monitor?
In fact, there is no consensus as to whether any patient should be monitored with
marker measurements during osteoporosis therapy. In the United States, National
Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines do not support this use (44), while the International
Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines do suggest this use for markers (45)! At present, we
use markers for monitoring patients with established osteoporosis. If the case can be
made that response assessed with marker measurements is associated with reduction in
fracture risk and that compliance is enhanced by monitoring change in marker levels, it
may also be reasonable to monitor all patients starting treatment for osteoporosis.
Sample Collection
Before osteoporosis therapy is begun, we obtain duplicate measurements of both formation and resorption markers and repeat those measurements at 4 and 7 mo. Blood tests
Fig. 5. (opposite page) Changes of bone turnover markers in response to HRT over 1 yr. This
postmenopausal woman had osteoporosis secondary to rheumatoid arthritis and glucocorticoid
therapy. She had two baseline collections of blood and urine (B1 and B2) and the mean was
calculated (mB1B2). Note the elevation of two of the three markers. She was then treated with
continuous combined hormone replacement therapy (estradiol valerate 2 mg/d, norethisterone
700 mcg/d) and samples were taken at 4, 7, and 10 mo (v1, 2, 3). The left panels show the actual
values of bone turnover markers with premenopausal reference intervals shown by the broken lines.
Fig. 5. (continued) The right panels show the percentage change and the broken lines indicate the
least significant change (for double measurements, one-tailed, p = 0.05). The percentage change is
calculated with the mean of the initial and later result in the denominator so that the maximum
increase or decrease is 200%. A clear response of all three markers was seen and the lumbar spine
BMD increased by 9% at 1 yr.
Fig. 6. An example of a nonresponder. This middle-aged man abused alcohol (18 U/d) and during
the first year of treatment with cyclic etidronate showed no bone turnover response and a nonsignificant decrease in spine BMD of 1.6%. In the second year he was treated with pamidronate
60 mg given intravenously every 3 mo. He had a clear response in NTX levels with an increase
in spine BMD of 6.2%.
are taken at any time of the day; urine collections are made between 9 and 11 AM. We take
this relaxed approach to blood collections because bone alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and
OC do not have large circadian rhythms. The urine collection may also be a second morning
void, or a 24-h collection, but the timed morning collection fits best into our practice.
Which Markers?
We have found bone alkaline phosphatase to be particularly useful for the detection
of Pagets disease of bone and secondary hyperparathyroidism (osteomalacia, malabsorption syndrome). We have found serum osteocalcin to be useful in glucocorticoidinduced osteoporosis and PINP and bone resorption markers to be useful for malignancy.
The telopeptide markers and PINP tend to show greater responses to antiresorptive
therapy and lower LSC thresholds. We prefer the automated analysers in view of their
reliability and high precision. In the future, there may be a role for point of care devices
as these allow immediate reporting of results.
Since the preparation of this article, Bjarnason et al. (Osteoporosis Int., 2001) have
reported that those women treated with raloxifene who had the greatest decrease in
osteocalcin had the lowest risk of vertebral fracture. There was no association of fracture
risk and change in bone mineral density. This supports the idea that bone turnover markers
may help explain the reduction in fracture risk with antiresorptive agents such as raloxifene.
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mal exercise intervention. Many critical questions have yet to be addressed, such as:
should the exercise protocol incorporate large loads or could they be small if they are
applied rapidly? For how long does one have to exercise to obtain maximal benefits? Can
exercises be designed to focally deposit new bone at skeletal sites most prone to fracture?
By identifying critical aspects of bones loading environment, it is hoped that specific
exercise interventions or devices which induce regulatory mechanical signals can be
developed to prevent the bone loss which leads to osteoporosis.
Here, we briefly overview exercise effects on bone (see Chapter 11 for more detail),
define the functional mechanical environment of bone and demonstrate that the ability
of physical signals to influence bone morphology is strongly dependent on the character
of the signal. We will then show that an improved understanding of which components of
bones mechanical milieu are perceived as osteogenic can be harnessed for the design of a
biomechanical phrophylaxis against bone loss. Further, we will provide preliminary evidence
that extremely low-level but high-frequency mechanical signals, an example for the design of
such an phrophylaxis, are osteogenic and capable of inhibiting postmenopausal bone loss.
some reports indicate that aerobic exercise (including swimming) is also capable of
eliciting an adaptive response in bone (2427), while a few strength exercise regimens
failed to increase BMD (20,28). Comparative studies often find only modest differences
among different modes of exercise, and the largest differences are frequently observed
between those who exercise and controls, rather than between athletes subjected to
differing exercise programs (12,24,27).
measure of the structural efficiency of the extracellular matrix (e.g., the architectural
alignment of trabecular bone). Neglecting bone quality poses a critical limitation for the
assessment of bone integrity, as bone is a complex structure in which mechanical function
cannot be explained just by its mass. Fluoride treatment, for instance, evokes large increases
in BMD at certain doses, yet may deteriorate the structural integrity of the bone due to poor
mineralization of the bone tissue (32). Consequently, the addition of only a small amount of
new bone that is well mineralized and deposited at a mechanically relevant site may have a more
beneficial impact than the addition of a large amount of bone that is mechanically inferior.
The difficulty of quantifying the local mechanical environment during exercise in
humans as well as the limited ability to quantitate beneficial effects of exercise on the
human skeleton are two of the reasons that many investigators have turned to animal
studies. Using animals, bones mechanical milieu can be quantified and controlled. Further, several assays are available to determine changes in bone mass at the organ as well
tissue level (e.g., CT, histomorphometry, mechanical tests, ultrasound). These tests can
detect site specific and focal changes in bone formation/resorption and can also distinguish
between altered bone quality and bone quantity in different directions within the bone. Taken
together, these assays help to define the relation of specific components of bones mechanical
milieu to changes in bone quantity and quality, thus enabling the identification of distinct
aspects of the functional loading environment that play a critical role in bone adaptation.
Fig. 1. (A) Illustration of the calculation of strain. Assuming that the original length of the bone
is L and the bone is compressed by L, then strain is determined as the ratio of deformation
L to the original length L. Thus, strain represents a normalized deformation and is dimensionless. (B) Functional load environment acting on a middiaphyseal section of a long bone consisting
of bending moments (Mx, My), a torsional moment (Mz), shear forces (Fx, Fy), and an axial force
(Fz). Many functional activities induce diaphysial strains that are generated primarily by moments. Diaphysial moments are influenced by joint and muscular forces and moments as well as
by the degree of bone curvature. Although strain, as illustrated in (A) is a conceptually simple
parameter when measured in only one direction, it is critical to realize that functional activities
produce a complex state of strain in any given cube within the bone structure. This strain state
can be characterized by normal strains (xx, yy, zz) acting perpendicular to the faces of the cube
which compress or elongate the cube. Shear strains (xy, xz, yz, etc.) that are primarily produced
by shear forces and torsional moments cause an angular change in cube geometry. Adapted from
Judex S, Whiting WC, Zernicke KF Bone biomechanics and fracture, in Biomechanics in Ergonomics (Kumar S, ed.), Taylor & Francis, London, UK, 1999.
The magnitude of these parameters can be determined during functional activities when
strain gages are surgically implanted onto a bone surface. While these gages only record
Fig. 2. Distribution of longitudinal normal strain superimposed upon a middiaphyseal tarsometatarsal section in a rooster running at a treadmill speed of 1.7 m/s. Bending moments generated
regions of large compressive strains (~15001800 ) at the anterior cortex (shaded dark) and
regions of large tensile strains (~500800 ) at the posterior cortex (white). The neutral axis
(zero strain) is dotted with strain isopleths running parallel to it. This distribution was determined
during mid-stance phase when peak strains were induced but the manner of loading (i.e., position
of the neutral axis) did not change throughout stance phase or with changes in exercise mode (see
also Fig. 3). A, anterior; M, medial.
deformation from the specific sites to which they are attached, mechanical models such as
beam theory can be used to extrapolate measured deformations to other sites within the
bone. This approach works well for cortical bone because of its accessibility to strain
gages, but is exceedingly difficult for trabecular bone where sophisticated finite element models with numerous loading assumptions are needed to estimate the strain state.
In cortical bone, strain gages have been used to quantity activity related bone strains in a
great variety of species including humans (33,34), dogs (35,36), primates (37,38), roosters
(39,40), horses (41,42), sheep (43), and rats (44). From these strain gage data, there are a number
of critical observations to be made regarding the structural demands made on the skeleton.
Regardless of species or skeletal site, vigorous physical activity induces similar peak
strains in the 20003000 (microstrain) range (4547). Since fractures usually occur
at strains 23 times greater, this indicates that bone loading and architecture is finely
tuned to achieve a safety factor with respect to the level of bone strain at which permanent
deformation (damage) is induced. Whether measured in a galloping horse (metacarpal),
running human (tibia), flying goose (humerus), trotting sheep (femur), or chewing
macaque (mandible), this dynamic strain similarity suggests that skeletal morphology
is adjusted in such a way that functional activity elicits a very specific (and perhaps
beneficial) level of strain to the bone tissue (48). This similarity in peak strain magni-
tudes also supports the hypothesis that achieving a specific level of peak strain is an
adaptive goal that bone as an organ strives for.
During locomotion, bending is the dominant form of loading in the middiaphysis of
limb bones; more than 85% of the strain measured in diaphyseal long bones is accounted
for by bending moments (46). These mididphyseal bending moments are caused by bone
curvature as well as applied bending moments and generate compressive strains on one
side of the cortex and tensile strains on the opposite side (Fig. 2). The dominance of
bending in the functional loading environment is somewhat unexpected as far less bone
mass would be required to support the same loads if the bone were loaded axially.
Nevertheless, bending may be beneficial to bone as it creates a non-uniform strain
environment that is more diverse than uniform compression, thereby enabling signaling
pathways that could not be generated by uniform loading. Perhaps more importantly,
bending causes consistent, predictable loading conditions in which specific regions
within the cortex are loaded in a similar fashion independent of the functional activity.
To demonstrate this stability of the functional strain environment, roosters were subjected to three distinct loading environments engendered by treadmill walking, treadmill
running, or drop-jumps in which roosters were released from a 5060 cm height. Tarsometatarsal middiaphyseal strain magnitudes and distribution were determined via
strain gages and linear beam theory (49). We found that peak compressive strains produced by these three activities increased from 1570 for walking to 1870 for
running and 2070 for jumping. Despite this increase in peak strains, the relative
distribution of strain across the middiaphysis remained remarkably stable across the
three activities (Fig. 3).
With bending causing tension on one surface and compression on another, the transition between these two areas creates a region of the cortex which experiences very low
peak strain magnitudes. Even though this neutral axis is far removed from the area of the
cortex subject to the peak strains, somehow tissue is retained in this low magnitude strain
state. A conceivable mechanism to save bone from resorbing in this region could be differential coupling of bone cells to the matrix with cells in low strain regions being tightly coupled
and cells from peak strain regions being more loosely coupled to the matrix. In this way, the
cells have tuned themselves to the mechanical strain environment, a means of functional
adaptation at the level of the cell. Certainly, bone cannot be presumed to be solely a compressive element, and strain cannot be presumed to be uniform across the cortex.
Recognizing that bone is first a tissue and second a mechanical structure, it is important to consider the biologic implications associated with physical stimuli. Indeed, tissue
viability may depend on aspects of the mechanical environment which may not be at all
rooted in maximal strain events. Alternatively, bone adaptation may depend on some
camouflaged subset of the mechanical milieu, for example, the mechanical strains
induced by muscle. While the symbiotic relationship between muscle and bone is inherently obvious, seldom is it explicitly considered in the context of one defining the other
(50). As muscle contraction imposes far smaller strains on the skeleton than that caused
by ground reaction loads (e.g., impact), their role in defining bone morphology has not
received much consideration. Though muscle induced strains may indeed be relatively
small, they are sustained for extended periods of time (e.g., in postural muscle activity),
and thusover timemay dominate the strain history that a bone is exposed to.
Examining this hypothesis, data from a variety of animals reveal the existence of a
broad range of strains over a wide range of frequencies in the appendicular skeleton, even
during activities such as quiet standing (51). In a variety of animals studied, an event of
1000 occurred approximately once a day, while a 100 event was 100 times more
frequent, and events on the order of a few microstrain occurred tens of thousands times
a day (Fig. 4). While reaction forces due to locomotion give rise to the large distinct strain
events (1000 ) at low frequencies (<5 Hz), the extremely small strain events are
engendered at high frequencies with significant strain information extending out to the
20 Hz range. Whether the skeleton is preferentially sensitive to a few large strain events
or a continual barrage of low magnitude events must be evaluated at the tissue level, where
specific mechanical signals can be introduced and the resultant remodeling evaluated.
In summary, it is clear that the skeletal organ is subject to a wide range of mechanical
signals, from low to high frequency strains, normal and shear strains, compressive and
tensile strains. It is also clear that the cells on and within the mineralized matrix are
subject not only to mechanical parameters such as strain, but derivatives of tissue deformation such as fluid flow and electrokinetic currents, parameters which may represent
an important physiologic pathway in mediating an adaptive response. This accentuates
the importance of studying the adaptation of bone to mechanical stimuli at its tissue level.
Fig. 4. Strain events measured in a sheep, turkey, and dog tibia over a 24-h period. Large strain
events approaching 2000 were exceedingly rare and the total number of strain events occurring
during the 24-h period (strain history) were dominated by strain events that were very small in
magnitude (210 ) but high in frequency (>5 Hz). Thus, the strain magnitude of an event
decreased with its number of occurrences. Reprinted with permission from ref. 51.
creating diverse loading conditions would be called for. Relating specific aspects of
bones mechanical milieu to an adaptive response is a critical step towards efficient
biomechanical interventions and this consideration has led to the development of models
in which the applied mechanical milieu can be quantified at the tissue level.
Models that have been used to investigate bones adaptive response to its mechanical
environment include overloads induced by osteotomies (52), vigorous exercise (49), or
exogenous loading in which external forces are applied to the bone. Physical exercise
represents a physiological means of enhanced mechanical loading, but a disadvantage of
exercise models is the limited exercise repertoire of most laboratory animals that makes
it difficult to generate and control distinct mechanical milieus. Exogenous loading models
such as the functionally isolated avian ulna (53), the axially loaded rat ulna (54), or the rat
tibia placed in a four-point bending apparatus (55) allow the generation of controllable
mechanical environments but a disadvantage of some these models is that the morphological response may be confounded by injury caused by the means of load application (54).
Since Wolffs treatise (Wolffs Law) (3), (physical laws govern the modeling and remodeling processes in bone) attention has focused primarily on strain magnitude as the dominant
determinant of bone mass and morphology. Other parameters have received limited attention. Isolating the effect of a single mechanical parameter is not trivial because of the interdependence of many of the parameters. Changing strain magnitude while maintaining a
constant loading frequency, for example, may result in a concomitant change in strain rate
(Fig. 5). Despite these difficulties, several mechanical parameters have emerged from controlled studies that relate the mechanical environment to induced morphological changes.
Strain Magnitude
When holding strain frequency and number of loading cycles constant, longitudinal
normal strain magnitude (strain in the direction of bones longitudinal axis) is highly
Fig. 5. Recording from a strain gage attached to the ventral surface of the turkey ulna subjected
to either a 0.5- or a 1-Hz load. Both frequencies cause longitudinal normal strains of about 700
in compression at this strain gage, but strain rate, the change in strain magnitude over time,
is affected by the altered frequency. The 1-Hz signals induces peak strain rates that are twice as
large (2200 /s) as the peak strain rates induced by the 0.5-Hz signal (1100 /s) as shown by
the different tangents of the sine waves.
related to the osteogenic response (54,56,57). In other words, the larger the maximal
deformation that is generated in the bone the larger the overall response of the bone. Strains
below a certain threshold cause bone loss. This relationship was first demonstrated in the
functionally isolated turkey ulna preparation to which strains in the range of 5004000
were applied for 100 cycles/d. In this model, the ulna of adult male turkeys is functionally
isolated by proximal and distal epiphyseal osteotomies, leaving the entire diaphyseal shaft
undisturbed. The only stimuli applied to the diaphysis are the mechanical regimen prescribed by the investigators, with no aberrant biophysical signals entering the preparation.
In this model, strains smaller than 1000 caused bone loss while strains larger than 1000
lead to new bone formation in a dose dependent manner (Fig. 6A).
How much strain must be generated to obtain an osteogenic effect is dependent upon the
interrelationship between strain magnitude, strain rate, and strain frequency. While in the
previously described isolated turkey ulna preparation 100 loading cycles per day at 1 Hz
inducing 1000 prevented bone loss from occurring, this threshold can be reduced to 700
when 600 loading cycles are applied at 1 Hz (58), to 270 when 36,000 loading cycles
are applied at 60 Hz (58), or to 100 when 108,000 loading cycles are applied at 30 Hz
(Fig. 6B) (70). This demonstrates that the search for a particular strain (loading) threshold
has to take other mechanical parameters into account, and that this relationship can be
exploited to design safer exercise regimens using smaller loads.
The complete strain state of bone tissue (strain tensor) induced by a functional regimen is very complex but can be described in general terms by two predominant components, normal strains and shear strains. While only normal strain were considered in
previous studies investigating the relation between strain and new bone formation, it is
essential to know whether normal, shear or some combination strain actually influences
the metabolism of the osteocyte, osteoblast, or osteoclast to retain bone homeostasis,
initiate modeling, or turn on remodeling.
Fig. 6. (A) Relation between strain magnitude and changes in bone morphology when 100 cycles per
day were applied at 1 Hz. Peak strain magnitudes engendered in the diaphyseal turkey ulna of about
1000 retained bone mass. Strain magnitudes below this threshold caused bone resorption and strain
magnitudes above 1000 were osteogenic in a dose dependent relationship. Adapted from Rubin and
Lanyon (57). (B) Empiral evidence compiled from several studies suggesting that the strain threshold
at which bone mass is maintained (grey line) can be lowered when the number of daily loading cycles
is increased; either 4 cycles of 2000 at 0.5 Hz, 100 cycles of 1000 at 1 Hz, or 108,000 cycles
of 100 at 30 Hz provide the same information with respect to the maintenance of bone tissue.
Adapted from ref. 70.
This goal of investigating the osteogenic effects of different aspects of the strain
tensor has been approached using the turkey ulna model of disuse osteopenia, in which
the modeling and remodeling response was quantified following 4 wk of either axial or
torsional loading or disuse (59). Each of the two load groups were subject to peak
principal strains of 1000 (predominately normal strain in the axial case, and shear
strain when subject to torsion). Of the three distinct groups, only disuse caused a significant change in gross areal properties (13% loss of bone). This suggests that both axial
and torsional loading conditions are substitutes for the functional signals normally
responsible for retention of bone mass, leaving the periosteal and endosteal envelopes
unphased by disparate components of the strain tensor.
The intracortical response, however, was found to depend strongly on the manner in
which the bone was loaded. Disuse failed to increase the number of sites within the cortex
actively involved in bone turnover (intracortical events), yet area was lost within the
cortex due to a threefold increase in the mean size of each intracortical remodeling site.
Axial loading increased the degree of intracortical turnover as compared to intact controls, yet the average size of each remodeling event remained identical to that of control.
Conversely, torsion elevated neither the number of remodeling events nor the area of
bone lost from within the cortex, nor the size of the remodeling event. It appears that bone
tissue can readily differentiate between distinct components of the strain tensor, with
strain per se necessary to retain coupled formation and resorption; shear strain achieving
this goal by maintaining the status quo, while normal strain elevates intracortical turnover but retains coupling. These data suggest that different components of the strain
tensor have distinct regulatory roles. It is not the aggregate of strain per se that defines
remodeling, but independent components of the strain tensor have differential responsibilities in achieving and maintaining bone mass.
Strain Rate
While strain magnitude appears to be an important determinant of bone mass, it is
critical to realize that dynamic but not static strains have osteogenic potential. At the
extreme, static loading (strain rate = 0) at strain magnitudes capable of stimulating formation when applied dynamically, produces a remodeling response similar to disuse that
results in bone resorption (60,61). Several studies support the notion that bone is sensitive
to the applied strain rate, with higher strain rates being more osteogenic (49,6264).
For instance, high speed running (1.7 m/s) increases peak strain magnitudes by approx
20% in the middiaphyseal tarsometatarsus of roosters compared to walking (0.5 m/s) (65).
This increase in strain magnitude is not accompanied by additional bone formation in the
tarsometatarsal middiaphysis when growing roosters were exercised for 15 min/d (~2600
loading cycles) for 8 wk. An exercise intervention designed to employ high impact drop
jumps revealed different effects (39). Middiaphyseal tarsometatarsal peak strain magnitudes
induced by impact were similar to those induced by high speed running but strain rates were
increased by 260% (0.32 e/s vs 0.09 e/s). In contrast to the running protocol, two-hundred
drop jumps per day for 3 wk significantly increased bone formation rates at periosteal (+40%)
and endocortical surfaces (+370%). The differential osteogenic effect associated with these
two exercise protocols could be attributed directly to the large difference in generated strain
rates. Site-specific analyses within the middiaphyseal cortex revealed that drop-jumping
deposited additional bone preferentially in those regions that were subjected to the largest
strain rates. This further emphasized bones sensitivity to high strain rates.
When considering the ideal design of exercise interventions, these results imply that
loads should be applied rapidly. Although exercise studies have been unable to identify
Cycle Number
A threshold behavior exists for the number of loading cycles. The full response can
be triggered after only a limited number of loading cycles (53,66). In the functionally
isolated turkey ulna preparation, a loading regime inducing peak strains of approx 2000
maintained bone mass with only four cycles a day. When the cycle number was increased,
this particular loading regime stimulated new bone formation. Thirty six load cycles
saturated the osteogenic response, with as many as 1800 cycles being not more effective
than 36 cycles (53). The notion that a finite number of loading cycles employing large
loads may increase BMD or inhibit bone loss is supported by exercise studies involving
weight lifters (7,15). It is critical to realize, though, that the saturation threshold of cycle
number is influenced by other mechanical parameters including strain magnitude (as
described above).
Strain Distribution
While a relation between peak strain magnitude and the resulting adaptive response
has been proposed, bone also appears to be sensitive to how the strains are distributed
across a section. Simply imposing a strain distribution that produces similar peak strain
magnitudes as habitual loading conditionsbut at different locations within the section
(i.e., rotating the strain distribution)may initiate new bone formation (67). Thus,
unusual strain events (strain errors) have been suggested to drive bone adaptation. Running, for instance, may not be the osteogenically optimal exercise partly because it may
generate strain distributions that are very similar to strain distributions induced by normal walking (Fig. 4) (40). Interestingly, sports that involve a great variety of changes in
loading directions (such as soccer or badminton) have been suggested to possess a higher
osteogenic capacity. However, it has not been confirmed that these changes in loading
directions actually cause altered bone strain distributions.
Strain Gradients
Parameters such as peak strain magnitude or strain rate were primarily tested at the
organ level. In other words, the region of the bone that was studied in response to a given
mechanical stimulus was large (e.g., the middiaphysis of a long bone) and encompassed
a large range of strain magnitudes. For instance, applying peak strain magnitudes of 2500
in bending may produce 2500 in compression on one side of the middiaphyseal cortex,
2000 in tension on the other cortex and very low strains at the midline between these
cortices. Rather than simply considering the peak magnitude of the stimulus and averaging the morphological response across a section, one could investigate whether new
bone is actually deposited in those regions where the applied stimulus is the largest (i.e.,
the distribution of a mechanical parameter can be correlated with the distribution of
bones response). If such a site-specific relationship exists, then the knowledge of this
specific osteogenic component may provide information about a mechanism by which
Fig. 7. Distribution of circumferential strain gradients and percentage of periosteal labeled surface per sector superimposed on a middiaphyseal TMT cross-section (Mean + SE). Sectors with
the largest strain gradients correlated highly (R2 = 0.63) with the sectors that exhibited the largest
regions of bone forming surfaces (mean SE). Reprinted with permission from ref. 30.
dients can be confirmed as consistent predictors of the specific sites of bone formation,
then exercise protocols could be designed in which the sites of very low strains (large
circumferential gradients) are aligned with those sites within the bone that would most
efficiently enhance the structural strength of the tissue.
Strain Frequency
A common theme of the mechanical parameters described above is that only peak
events are considered (e.g., peak strain magnitude, peak strain rate). From this, one could
conclude that mechanical modulation of bone physiology depends on large signals to
have any morphologic impact. However, the weak correlation of new bone formation
with exercise intensity or with the specific sites of peak strain magnitudes, suggests that
other factors may also be relevant for defining bone mass and morphology.
As indicated above, a nonlinear interdependence between cycle number, strain frequency, and strain magnitude was observed in the functionally isolated turkey ulna
preparation (70). When loaded at 1 Hz, peak strains larger than 700 are necessary to
maintain bone mass. This loading threshold can be reduced to 70 at 30 Hz (70). The
ability to reduce this strain threshold is most likely influenced by the increased frequency
at which loading occurred. The concept that high frequency but low magnitude strains
can be osteogenic is supported by previous studies demonstrating that whole body vibration at 1 g (1 g = Earths gravitational field) of young rats at 25 Hz for 12 h/d up to 120 d
increased the modulus of elasticity and the microhardness of cortical bone harvested
from the femur (71). Even lower levels of vibration (0.4 g) applied to the chest of the
infant human, for purposes of mobilizing bronchial secretions, promoted the formation
of radiologically evident periosteal new bone with just six 5-min treatments per day (72).
Since high frequency but low magnitude mechanical stimuli can stimulate bone formation, it is important to consider whether their presence is also responsible for preventing bone resorption. This hypothesis is based on in vivo strain data that indicate the
presence of small magnitude but high frequency strains during functional activities.
Animal models for bone resorption (such as rat-tail suspension) would remove this low
level regulatory stimulus from the hindlimbs, and may therefore allow for resorptive
activity and less bone formation. Strain as a stimulus to prevent osteoclastogenesis has
been demonstrated both in vitro (73) and in vivo (53) but these observations were based
on large magnitude strains at low frequencies (0.55 Hz).
Female, 6-mo-old Sprague-Dawley rats were used to test whether the exposure of
bone to high frequency but low magnitude stimuli may prevent bone resorption (73a).
First, the extent to which whether tail suspension (hindlimb disuse) induced changes in
bone formation rates was assessed. It was then determined whether a mechanical signal
consisting of high frequency whole body vibration at 90 Hz (0.25 g) for 10 min/d can
return altered bone formation rates to normal in hindlimb suspended animals. The ability
of this high frequency mechancal stimulation to rescue the bone phenotype was compared to control rats, as well as to rats subjected to tail suspension interrupted by weight
bearing for 10 min/d. At the end of the 28 d protocol, we found that hindlimb suspension
decreased trabecular bone formation rates by 92% compared to controls. Hindlimb
suspension interrupted by 10 min of weight-bearing per day failed to negate bone loss.
In contrast, when high-frequency low-magnitude mechanical stimulation was used for
10 min/d to combat disuse, the impact of the intervention served to normalize the re-
Fig. 8. Tibial trabecular bone formation rates (BFR/BV) of age matched controls (LTC) and after
28 d of hindlimb suspension related disuse (Dis), disuse interrupted by 10 min/d of weightbearing
(Dis+WB), and disuse interrupted by 10 min/d of high frequency low magnitude mechanical
stimulation (mean SD). Adapted from ref. 73a.
sponse back to control values (Fig. 8). This demonstrates the capability of extremely low
level vibration to inhibit the decline in bone formation rates associated with hindlimb
disuse. Clinically, these data are encouraging since this safe biomechanical intervention
effectively prevented disuse related osteopenia from occurring, even when the bone was
subjected to 23 h and 50 min/d of this strong stimulus for resorption. Based on these
observations, high frequency, low magnitude, mechanical strains may serve as a surrogate for musculoskeletal forces and, thus, may represent a countermeasure to the
osteopenia which parallels disuse.
This other than peak perspective is employed in several biologic systems which
perceive and respond to exogenous stimuli, such as vision, hearing, and touch. In considering the mechanically mediated control of bone remodeling, there is little argument that
biophysical stimuli are potent determinants of skeletal morphology but excess strain may
only damage the system. To identify the criteria by which these processes are controlled,
it is necessary to look beyond the material consequences of a structure subjected to load
and consider the biologic benefit of a viable tissue subjected to functional levels of strain.
This brief review of the effects of specific mechanical parameters on skeletal adaptation demonstrates the complexity of the interactions between the produced mechanical
environment and bones response to loading. The variety of bone adaptation phenomena
cannot be successfully explained for by a single mechanical parameter. It is likely that
bone is responsive to a combination of parameters and their individual importance may
depend on a variety of factors such as age and hormonal status. It is also conceivable that
bone is only indirectly related to mechanical matrix strain and that bone cells sense
mechanical stimuli applied to the bone through a factor that is a byproduct of matrix
strain such as interstitial fluid flow, in turn stimulating bone cells through fluid shear
stresses or electrokinetic effects. Fluid flow in bone is proportional to pressure gradients
generated in bone, which themselves are highly related to strain rate as well as strain
gradients perhaps accentuating the physiological importance of these two parameters.
may also be time to develop and employ measurement techniques that are capable of
detecting focal changes in bone mass and that can also distinguish changes in bone
quality (e.g., morphology) from changes in bone quantity. At the same time, specific
mechanical parameters derived from carefully controlled animal studies should be
incorporated into the design of exercise protocols and tested. Current data from studies
examining the ability of specific components of the mechanical milieu to stimulate bone
formation indicate that osteogenic mechanical stimuli neither have to be large in magnitude nor do they have to be applied over a long duration, important prerequisites for the
design of clinically successful exercise interventions. Ultimately, exercise protocols will
also have to take the systemic state of the patient into account (e.g., stage of development,
age, hormonal. and nutritional status), as it is unlikely that one universally applicable
exercise regimen will provide maximal efficacy to the skeleton in all clinical situations.
In summary, exercise may represent a unique means to increase bone mass as well as
to prevent bone loss. Since the strain generated by exercise is native to the bone tissue and
incorporates all aspects of the remodeling cycle (an attribute that is not shared by systemic,
pharmaceutical interventions) biomechanical interventions may provide unique advantages. Results from exercise interventions, however, have been ambiguous and the widespread use of exercise related mechanical stimuli in the treatment of skeletal disorders will
be delayed until we achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms by which they act.
This work has been supported, in part, by grants from The National Institutes of Health
(AR39278, AR41011, AR41040, and AR43498), The Whitaker Foundation, Exogen,
Inc., The National Science Foundation (PYI 865105), and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.
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The utility of exercise in preventing osteoporosis-related fractures is a topic of considerable interest and research effort. It is well-known that skeletal unloading, such as
occurs following spinal cord injury, prolonged bed rest, limb immobilization, and
microgravity, precipitate generalized skeletal loss, particularly in bones that bear weight
under normal conditions (15), and these losses are not always entirely regained upon
return to weight bearing in normal gravity. On the other hand, the association between
loading from exercise and bone accretion is both highly variable and poorly understood.
Skeletal responses to exercise vary strongly as a function of bone age, reproductive
hormone status and experimental design, including the length of time of the intervention.
In humans, the goal of an exercise intervention is not only to increase bone mineral
density, but also to reduce fractures. The etiology of osteoporotic fractures includes both
low bone density and falls. Falls account for over 90% of hip fractures and over 50% of
vertebral fractures. Thus, osteoporosis-related fractures are both disease and injury and
developing interventions that serve to improve bone density and to prevent falls will
ultimately provide the most effective strategy to reduce fractures. This chapter provides
a discussion of exercise as a means of reducing the factor of risk in order to prevent
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
The factor of risk, based on engineering principles, is defined as the ratio between the
applied load and the fracture load ( = applied load/fracture load). If the applied load is greater
than the fracture load, then fracture is probable. If the applied load is less than the fracture
load, fracture is unlikely. For example, in a 70-yr-old individual with an average hip bone
density, the factor of risk ranges from 1.25 to 3.0 for a fall from standing height (68).
Exercise is unique in that it can reduce the risk of fracture by altering both the numerator and
denominator of the factor of risk. It can affect the numerator in two ways. First, eliminating
falls, the numerator becomes zero and fracture is highly unlikely. Second, by improving
lower extremity neuromuscular function, exercise can reduce the applied load by lowering
the energy of a side fall. To raise the denominator, exercise can increase bone mineral density
and reduce skeletal fragility, thus increase the force required to fracture.
values refers to the concept that responses from bone are greatest when beginning levels are
lower than average. This effect is not often reported in the literature, and thus there are few data
that corroborate the tenet. However, we recently found that in a group of premenopausal women
engaged in impact plus resistance training, those with the lowest initial bone density at the hip
demonstrated the greatest responses after 12 mo of training (Winters & Snow, unpublished data,
2000). In addition, folk dancing 3 h/wk did not produced increases spine BMD in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis but had no effect on BMD at this site in postmenopausal
women with normal bone mass (16). An apparent contradiction to this principle is that if the load
is extremely high (i.e., greater than 10 body weights), skeletal increases are observed regardless
of initial values (17). However, this response serves to exemplify the significance of load
magnitude in osteogenesis. Diminishing returns means that once a given training level is
achieved, further responses will be slow and of small magnitude. This principle has not been
specifically evaluated in the bone literature likely due to the fact that bone responds slowly to
overload and few have evaluated bone long enough or across enough time points to observe a
plateau in the bone response. Consideration of these principles in research design will provide
a basis on which to design effective exercise interventions.
Other important factors that distinguish the exercise response of the skeletal system
from that of the muscular and cardiovascular systems are: 1) changes are small (15%), 2)
the time required to elicit a measurable response is considerable, 3) a progressive overload
is not always necessary, 4) older bone is less responsive than younger bone. Bone requires
at least 6 months to initiate adaptation and complete one remodeling cycle whereas both
the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems typically respond to a training stimulus
within 46 wk. It is increasingly clear that bone does not require a progressive overload in
order to allow time for adaptation (18,19). In fact, if the individual neuromuscular system
can withstand the load, it is advantageous to begin with high magnitude early in the
intervention period given the relatively long response time of the skeletal system. If an
exercise design incorporates the time required to reach sufficient load magnitude to stimulate osteogenesis, significant time will be spent in the lazy zone, leaving less time for
skeletal exposure to the desired load. However, a progressive approach to increasing load
magnitude and preparing the body for activity may be necessary depending upon the age
and health status of the individual. For example, to prepare older, postmenopausal women
for jumping activity, we began with lower extremity weighted vest exercise in order to
strengthen the ankle, knee and hip joints (20). Lastly, bone age is emerging as a factor in
the skeletal response to exercise. Not only does younger bone appear to respond better to
a similar activity than older bone (19), but a younger individual can withstand higher load
magnitudes than an older person. Thus, specific exercise for increasing bone or reducing
bone loss in the elderly requires lower load magnitude and longer training periods (>12
mo). For example, we observed that participation in weighted vest exercise plus jumping
did not lead to a bone response after 9 mo of training in postmenopausal women, but
prevented 4.4% bone loss at the hip after 5 yr of participation (13).
Fig. 1. Mean percentage change ( SEM) for between premenopausal exercisers and controls for
randomized interventions utilizing impact exercise (jumping and running) and running to increase
bone mass at the hip and spine. Bassey et al. (1998); significant increases in femoral trochanter BMD,
and no differences in lumbar spine BMD after six months of jumping (50 jumps/day). Snow-Harter
et al. (1992); significant increase in lumbar spine BMD, and no difference in femoral neck BMD after
eight months of running (*p < 0.05).
The approach to developing an exercise prescription for stimulating the skeletal system requires defining both the type of exercise and then the optimal dose, that is, combination of load magnitude, loading rate, repetitions (load cycles) and frequency
(sessions/wk). Type of exercise is important in that it must be site-specific and load the
target bone, in most cases, the hip and/or the spine. Ideally, the approach to defining
optimal overload should be undertaken in a manner similar to that of defining a prescription for drug therapy by carefully developing points on the response surface to relate
bone mass increases to various combinations of dose, repetitions and frequency in order
to develop the optimal combination of these variables.
Dose for bone includes load magnitude, the rate at which the load is applied, load
cycles, and frequency of exercise (number of exercise sessions per week). Loading rate
(peak force/time to peak force) appears to be of particular importance for augmenting hip
bone mass in the young and mature adult skeleton as activities with higher loading rates
(e.g., jumping) consistently increase hip bone mass whereas bone mass increases from
activities with lower loading rates (e.g., aerobic activities such as running and resistance
exercise) provide mixed results (2226). While load magnitude is similar for jogging and
jumping (24 times body weight), the loading rate for jumping can approach 200 body
weights/s and for jogging only about 75 body weights/s. This difference may explain the
fact that jumping activity increased hip trochanteric BMD 3% in mature premenopausal
women (19,27), but jogging had no effect on hip bone mass in young premenopausal
women (24) (Fig. 1). Loading rate increases when both load magnitude and the rate of
force application increase.
The effect of load magnitude on bone is well-substantiated in both human and animal
models (17,2830). An example of the importance of load magnitude emerges from studies
of muscle strength effects on bone. In cross-sectional studies, increased muscle mass and
strength are associated with higher bone at both the hip and the spine. Additionally, exercise interventions using strength training have shown that high intensity strength (>80%
of one repetition maximum) training produces increases in spine and hip bone mass (25)
and is more effective than low and moderate intensity strength training (25,31).
The relative importance of rate versus magnitude is poorly understood. However,
there are limited data in animals that indicate loading rate has an effect on bone that is
independent of load magnitude (32,33). More investigation in this area will elucidate the
independent and combined effects of these variables on bone mass accretion.
Although there is evidence from carefully controlled animal studies that load magnitude is more osteogenic than are loading cycles (17,2830), the effect of varying load
cycles on bone in humans is poorly understood. In a recent study of young children, we
reduced load cycles from 300 jumps/wk to 150 jumps/wk and observed no response at
the hip after 7 mo whereas 300 jumps had produced a 5% increase in hip bone mass over
the same time period (Fuchs and Snow, unpublished data). More work in carefullycontrolled trials will allow better understanding of the synergy between load magnitude,
rate and load cycles in the human skeleton.
In summary, although a specific exercise prescription for increasing bone mass at the
hip and spine is not defined, there is evidence that both load magnitude and loading rate
are osteogenic and that rate is particularly effective at the hip. Furthermore, data are just
emerging on the potential importance of the frequency content of the signals that overlay
a load cycle (34). Continued efforts are necessary to better define safe and effective
combinations of dose, repetitions and frequency from specific exercise activities for
increasing hip and spine bone mass at important developmental stages across the lifespan.
Studies in children and adolescents of various races generally support significant
associations between physical activity and total body, hip, spine, and forearm BMD (35
43). Evidence is accumulating to suggest that exercise confers the greatest long-term
benefit when initiated in the prepubertal years (15,44). Prepubertal gymnasts have greater
BMD at weight bearing sites than controls, an effect that strengthens as duration of
training increases (38,39,45). Compared with less active children, highly active children
have a greater rate of bone mineral accumulation for the 2 yr during which bone is most
rapidly accruing (12.5 yr for girls and 14.1 yr for boys) (43). In their report, Bailey and
coworkers noted that this greater accrual translated into 9 and 17% higher total body
bone mineral content one year after peak bone mineral content velocity for active boys
and girls, respectively. Kannus and others found that female tennis and squash players
who began playing before menarche have twice as much bone in the humeral shaft as
those who began playing after puberty (15). Slemenda and associates (46), however,
found no relationship between physical activity and BMD in peripubertal children, and
suggest that exercise exerts an influence on BMD before puberty, but that during puberty
other factors, such as estrogen, become more influential on bone acquisition, than exposure to mechanical loading. By contrast, Haapasalo and colleaqgues (47) reported that
the differences in spine BMD of athletic and control children were greatest at the
peripubertal years Tanner stages IV and V (average ages [TS IV & V] 13.5 and 15.5,
respectively). Variations in BMD response to different activities reflect the different
loading patterns of each sport and the phenomenon of site specificity (42,48). The effect
is clearly demonstrated by the fact that dominant limbs have greater BMD than nondominant limbs (49), and athletes loading their dominant limbs preferentially while exercising develop even greater bilateral disparity (50,51). In summary, the data from
cross-sectional studies agree that exercise confers the most positive benefits on the skeleton before puberty but provide mixed results as to the effect during the peripubertal years.
Since exercise interventions for bone have only recently targeted youth, there are few
data in children. However, results are consistent with cross-sectional observations.
In a study of premature infants, five repetitions of range of motion, gentle compression, flexion and extension exercises five times a week resulted in greater acquisition of
BMD at 4 wk in exercised babies than in controls (52). Six-month-old infants engaged
in gross or fine motor activity for the next 18 mo exhibited enhanced bone accretion (53).
In that study, calcium intake exerted a strong influence on the response with lower
calcium associated with reduced accrual.
In a randomized study of 89 boys and girls (mean age = 7.1 yr), jumping 300 times/wk
at ground reaction forces of eight times body weight increased femoral neck BMC and
area 5.6 and 3.2%, respectively, over control children (14). This effect was maintained
7 mo after detraining (14a) indicating that the specific program enhanced growth in
young children (Fig. 2). Areal BMD at the spine, legs and whole body increased in
prepubescent boys (mean age 10.4 yr) compared to controls in response to eight months
of weight bearing activity that supplemented regular physical education (54). A similar
response was observed in young girls who performed resistance training plus jumping
exercise for 10 mo (55). McKay et al. (56) used hopping and bounding activities and
reported that trochanteric BMD increased 1.2% in prepubescent girls.
Fig. 2. Absolute values of femoral neck bone area (A) and bone mineral content (B) in a randomized
exercise intervention of children who completed 7 mo of training followed by 7 mo of detraining.
Repeated measures analysis of covariance (covariates: initial age, and height and weight change scores)
identified a significant group by time interaction for femoral neck bone mineral content and bone area
over 14 mo (p < 0.01, p < 0.01, respectively). After training, jumpers (black bar) were higher than
controls (white bar) for bone mineral content and area, (p < 0.001, and p < 0.01, respectively). The higher
values for femoral neck bone mineral content and area were retained after detraining (p < 0.05 and p <
0.001, respectively). Training data reprinted with permission from ref. 14.
particularly difficult since adults who volunteer for an exercise study do not wish to be
controls and thus are commonly unwilling to be randomized. Additionally, there are few
studies in men due to the frequent perception that osteoporosis is a disease in women.
Adults engaged in weight-bearing exercise at intensities of >60% of aerobic capacity
have consistently greater BMD than nonexercisers or those exercising at low aerobic
intensities. These differences have been observed in the whole body (5866), spine, and/
or proximal femur (37,5861,63,6574), pelvis (60,64), distal femur (75), tibia
(58,60,72,76,77), humerus (60), calcaneus (78,79), and forearm (72). Broadband ultrasound attenuation and speed of sound transmission in the calcaneus are similarly higher
in runners than controls (63). As expected given the principle of site specificity, the high
BMD of athletes is observed at the skeletal sites loaded during their respective activities
(64,8082). Another example of this principle is the higher femoral BMD observed in
individuals that engage in weight bearing activity in the workplace compared to those
with more sedentary occupations (83).
Certain activities may not apply a sufficient stimulus to the skeleton to cause an
adaptive response (84), thus the loading from these activities would be within the lazy
zone previously described. Athletes participating in moderate to high intensity impact
activities such as running, jumping and power lifting have greater bone mass than those
performing low intensity or nonweight bearing activities (62,74,85,86). Individuals who
participate in nonweight bearing activities such as swimming have similar BMD to
nonexercisers (30,75), although limited data to the contrary exist in men (87). The degree
of swimming participation may strongly influence the effect of the activity on bone
density. Elite swimmers unload their skeletons by spending more than 20 h/wk in a
nonweight-bearing activity. Muscle forces on the skeleton during swimming do not
appear to offset the substantially reduced weight bearing activity in these athletes.
In nonexercising adults, as in children, the dominant arm exhibits greater total and
cortical bone mass than the non-dominant arm (49,88) and greater differences between
right and left side limb bone masses are evident when the dominant limb is chronically
overloaded (50,51,68,75). The difference may be accounted for by increased periosteal
area and cortical thickness rather than BMD (88). This dominance is not evident in
rowers and triathletes (89), since the loading patterns from these activities are essentially
equal bilaterally.
Although there is question as to the role of exercise in preventing age-related bone loss
(90), active people who have exercised for many years generally have higher BMD than
those who have been less active (39,61,67,9194). Furthermore, although bone loss may
be reduced by lifetime exercise, that benefit may have little or no relationship to fracture
risk. For example, Greendale and colleagues (94) reported a significant linear trend in
older men between both lifetime and current exercise and hip BMD, but found no relationship between osteoporotic fracture rate and exercise profile.
Exercise training programs enhance the bone density of young women in a site specific manner. Both resistance and weight bearing endurance exercise programs increase
spine, hip and calcaneal BMD of young adult women (18,19,24,9597). Impact loading
using jumping activities consistently results in increased trochanteric BMD of 2.54%
in mature premenopausal women (12,18,19). However, in contrast to the developing
Fig. 3. Percent changes in bone mineral density in mature premenopausal women across 12 mo of
resistance plus jump training and 6 mo of detraining. (mean SEM) at the A) greater trochanter and
B) femoral neck. Reprinted with permission, Winters & Snow, JBMR, 2000.
skeleton increased loading must be continued in order to maintain bone gains. In a recent
report, Winters and Snow (12) observed that the increases in trochanteric and femoral
neck BMD after 12 mo of resistance plus jump exercise declined to baseline values after
only 6 months of detraining in premenopausal women (Fig. 3). A parallel response was
also observed in leg strength and power (Fig. 4). In our 2-yr observations of gymnasts
(98), bone at the hip, spine, and whole body consistently increased over the training
seasons and decreased in the off-season (Fig. 5). Only a few studies have addressed the
skeletal response to loading in the years just prior to menopause. Results have indicated
that perimenopausal women who exercise will maintain BMD at loaded sites to a greater
extent than those who do not (99,100).
Fig. 4. Percent changes in lower extremity strength and power in mature premenopausal women
across 12 mo of training and 6 mo of detraining. (mean SEM) for A) knee extensor strength and
B) leg power. Reprinted with permission, Winters & Snow, JBMR, 2000.
The low estrogen levels that accompany menopause represent a powerful confounding factor when studying exercise effects on bone. Estrogen withdrawal induces rapid
bone loss in the years immediately following menopause and exercise interventions that
combine both early and late postmenopausal women (the norm in these studies) may fail
to distinguish the factor imparting the greatest effect on bone. The three reported investigations specifically targeting early postmenopausal women who were estrogen-deplete
concluded: 1) resistance exercise benefited the lumbar spine but provided insufficient
stimulus to prevent hormone-related bone loss at other skeletal sites (101), and 2) both high
Fig. 5. Changes in spine bone mineral density over 24 mo in intercollegiate gymnasts. There was
a significant seasonal quartic trend for increases and decreases in spine bone mineral density ()
as well as a significant linear trend (*). Spine BMD increased an average of 3.6% during the 8-mo
training seasons and decreased an average of 1.5% in the off-season. The overall increase in 24 mo
was 4.3%. Black bars indicate the timing of the competitive training seasons. Data are expressed
as mean SEM. Reprinted with permission, Snow et al., Calcified Tissue International, 2001.
and low impact exercise maintained spine BMD (102), and 3) high versus moderate intensity resistance training increased trochanteric BMD but had no effect on spine BMD (31).
In older postmenopausal women, resistance training programs of 924 mo duration
in estrogen-deplete postmenopausal women are generally associated with an increase or
maintenance of BMD compared to losses in control subjects at the whole body (26),
lumbar spine (26,101,103105), proximal femur (25,103,105), and radius (25), although
not without exception (27,106,107). Weight bearing aerobic exercise interventions of 7
18 mo duration are also generally associated with increases or maintenance of BMD
compared to losses in control subjects at the whole body (26,108), lumbar spine
(11,102,108110), proximal femur (26,108), radius (110), and calcaneus (111,112).
Due to the lower load magnitude associated with activity of lower intensity, these
exercise programs do not promote bone gain or reduce loss in postmenopausal women.
It is generally agreed that walking alone is not an effective strategy for osteoporosis
prevention in postmenopausal women (113). An exception to this is the report of Hatori
and colleagues (109) who found that 7 mo of walking 3 times/wk at speeds above the
anaerobic threshold increased lumbar spine BMD in postmenopausal women. The
increased forces associated with walking at higher speeds combined with lower initial
BMD values may explain the positive response. In a study of walking resistance exercise, osteoporotic women improved vertebral trabecular BMC compared to controls who
lost bone (114). In this case, the higher loads at the spine from resistance exercise were
osteogenic. By contrast, 12 mo of unloaded exercise in waist-deep water did not prevent
spine bone loss or improve femoral BMD in osteoporotic women, despite changes in
other functional fitness parameters (115).
The length of participation in weight bearing exercise may be of central importance
in a bone response in older adults. For example, although no change in femoral neck
Fig. 6. Percent changes in BMD at the femoral neck, trochanter and total hip in postmenopausal
women exercisers and controls after 5 yr. Changes for exercisers were 1.54% + 2.37 at the femoral
neck, 0.24 + 1.02% at the trochanter and 0.82 + 1.04% at the total hip whereas controls
decreased 4.43 + 0.93% at the femoral neck, 3.43 + 1.09% at the trochanter and 3.80 + 1.03 at
the total hip. Decreases in controls are significantly different from zero (unpaired t-tests). Data
are presented as means + SEM. Reprinted with permission, Snow et al., J Gerontol 2000;55A:M13.
BMD in post menopausal women was observed from nine months of jump plus resistance exercise wearing weighted vests (20), after 5 yr of participation in this program
using weighted vests, significant bone loss of more than 4% at the hip was prevented (13)
(Fig. 6). This response is similar to or better than that of estrogen and far more acceptable
to many postmenopausal women who are reluctant to take estrogen. In fact, over 60%
of postmenopausal women who begin estrogen discontinue therapy within 1 yr (116).
Given the importance of site-specificity, it is not surprising that weight bearing exercise does not increase forearm BMD in postmenopausal women (26,117). However,
specific loading of high rate and magnitude, resulted in higher forearm bone density in
osteoporotic, postmenopausal women after only five months (118,119).
Alternative approaches to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for postmenopausal
women, has prompted research that examines the efficacy of exercise in comparison to,
and in combination with HRT. In some reports, exercise enhances the bone maintenance
effect of HRT. For example, in a study of one year of resistance exercise, surgicallymenopausal women who were estrogen-replaced increased spine, total body and radial
mid-shaft BMD in compared to estrogen-replaced, non-exercising controls who maintained BMD (120). Similarly, the interaction of HRT and nine months of weight bearing
exercise (walking, jogging, stairs) resulted in greater increases in total body and lumbar
spine BMD in 6072-yr-old postmenopausal women than exercise or HRT alone (121).
By contrast, other studies report no interaction between exercise and HRT. For example,
a 3-h/wk program of resistance exercise plus walking or running for 1 yr did not enhance
the positive effect of estrogen supplementation on lumbar vertebral or femoral neck BMD
in postmenopausal women (122). Similar results were observed at the lumbar spine and hip
in early postmenopausal women on HRT, despite a positive effect of 3-h/wk exercise on
BMD in a placebo group (123). In these studies, a longer intervention period and higher
load magnitudes are likely necessary for more positive outcomes.
Although there are few longitudinal studies in men, the response of the male skeleton
to exercise is similar to that of women and is not complicated by an abrupt disruption in
reproductive hormones in adulthood. After 14 wk of intensive physical training male
army recruits increased leg BMC by 12% (76,124) and those with the lowest initial
values gained the greatest amount. Those who temporarily stopped training due to stress
fracture also gained bone density, but to a lesser degree (5%). However, 10% of recruits
lost bone density, either due to incomplete remodeling owing to the short observation
period or to abnormal remodeling due to fatigue and inadequate rest intervals from
training intensity and volume. Furthermore, the influence of training intensity on bone
response becomes apparent when results of the army trials are compared with those of
recreational athletes (85). In contrast to army recruits, men aged 2552 failed to gain
bone at the spine, humerus, femur, calcaneus or forearm following 3 mo, of either
walking (3 km, 5 d/wk), or running (5 km, 3 d/wk). Thus, bone mineral gains observed
in the army recruits reflect both the higher load magnitudes from basic training and the
younger age of the subjects. The only other report in young men, nine months of marathon training, resulted in significantly higher calcaneal BMC in the runners than
nonrunners (111). Furthermore, there was a positive associated between average distance run and percent change in BMC.
There are few exercise interventions in older men. In a study of six men aged 5073 yr
who performed step and jumping exercise for months, Welsh and Rutherford (108)
reported a significant increase in trochanteric BMD. In a recent study, Maddalozzo and
Snow (31) examined the effects of 6 mo of two different resistance training programs on
bone mass in older men (31). Following a 3-mo observational control period, 20 healthy
older men (mean age = 54.6 yr) were randomly assigned to either a high-intensity
standing free-weight program or to a moderate-intensity seated resistance-training program. High intensity training resulted in a 2% gain in lumbar spine BMD in men whereas
moderate intensity training produced no changes at this site. However, increases in bone
mass were observed at the greater trochanter for men regardless of training intensity.
Both training programs resulted in improvements in total body strength (38%) and lean
mass (4.1%). Continued research efforts should be directed at this population who are
increasingly at risk for osteoporosis as it appears that improvements in both muscle and
bone are observed in older men following specific exercise.
In contrast to the positive reports, a recent cross-sectional study of 422 women found
that even though high levels of physical activity calcium intake were associated with a
higher total body BMC than low activity levels and low calcium intake, there was no
interaction between exercise and calcium (65). In an exercise plus calcium intervention
study, 2 yr of combined aerobics and weight training increased the BMD in young
women, but calcium supplementation neither enhanced the exercise benefit nor improved
BMD in the absence of exercise (95). Thus, although exercise likely provides a greater
stimulus to bone than does calcium, adequate calcium intake is recommended to provide
the building blocks for exercise-induce gains in BMD.
Physical activity through specific exercise regimens increases peak bone mass
and slows or prevents age-related bone loss. The most osteogenic activities are those
that involve high magnitude and loading rates. Such loads are likely to be most
effective when accompanied by adequate calcium consumption and, for hypoestrogenic women, hormone supplementation. Individuals with low baseline values of
bone density or activity may experience the greatest gains in bone. Exercise-induced
changes in bone geometry are still poorly understood, but efforts should be directed
at determining the effect of increasing bone geometry, particularly at high-risk trabecular sites such as the hip and spine. In order to develop an exercise prescription
for increasing bone mass, it will be necessary to fully develop a dose response
surface by applying quantified loads to the hip and spine and determining not only
the changes in bone density, but also estimates (using theoretical models) of the
structural consequences of these changes.
Intense training is not associated with severe alterations in reproductive hormones in
men. Male athletes exercising at a range of intensities have serum concentrations of testosterone that lie within the normal range (77,78,89,141,142) including adolescents (143).
In general, available studies support a protective effect of physical activity on the risk
of fracture, especially those at the hip (151154). Specifically, the Study of Osteoporotic
Fractures, a large, prospective, community-based, observational study of healthy, older,
Caucasian women, found that moderate to vigorous activity was associated with reductions in hip and vertebral fracture incidence (151). Following exercise interventions,
individuals with normal mobility improve bone mass, VO2max, well-being, stamina,
mobility, and pain tolerance, with no higher incidence of fracture (155).
Given that over 90% of hip fractures occur from a fall (156,157), it is important to
characterize the relationship between physical activity and falls, especially injurious
falls that are most likely to precipitate hip fracture (156,158,159). Lateral instability,
muscle weakness of the lower extremities, and inability to perform a tandem gait independently predict hip fracture and falls (160163). These intrinsic risk factors for falls
respond favorably to exercise intervention (20,164,165). However, while falls to the
side raise the risk of hip fracture more than sixfold, little is known about the predictors
of side falls and, as far as we are aware, exercise interventions have not been used to
reduce side fall risk. While over 50% of vertebral fractures are associated with backward
falls (166), associations between falls, physical activity and vertebral fracture are not
well-defined (151).
As mentioned previously, exercise in unique in that it can affect both the numerator
and denominator of the factor of risk. Discussion thus far has focused on exercise as a
means of altering the denominator of the factor of risk, that is, on increasing fracture
load by influencing bone density. However, exercise is also important for fall prevention and can reduce the numerator either by preventing a fall entirely or by lowering
the applied load of those falls that do occur through improved neuromuscular responses.
The most important mechanisms involved in preventing severe trauma during a fall are
likely the eccentric contraction of lower extremity muscles during descent and the successful use of the arms to help break the fall.
Muscle weakness, postural stability and functional mobility are important risk factors for falls and hip fracture (160). Since exercise promotes and maintains muscle
strength, balance and mobility, it is thus a highly appropriate strategy for reducing
osteoporosis-related fractures (167,168). High intensity resistance training 1, 2, and 3
times per week for 24 wk significantly increased total body muscle strength and neuromuscular performance in community-dwelling men and women aged 6579 yr (169).
The lack of difference in improvement found between subjects regardless of number of
training sessions per week suggests that enhanced strength and neuromuscular function
in older adults is attainable with less commitment of time than previously thought.
Most exercise interventions have focused on decreasing fall risk rather than reducing
fracture incidence. These interventions have produced improvements in performance
variables related to fall risk. Specifically, dramatic increases in muscle strength, functional mobility such as stair climbing and rising from a chair, gait speed and even
confidence in movement skills have been documented (165,170,171). However, not all
muscle-building interventions demonstrated balance improvements along with strength
gains (170). Inconsistencies in the data are probably due to variation in the modes of
exercise. For example, a range of exercise intensities (low to high) and seated versus
standing modes have been reported and these variations likely determine whether or not
the exercise outcomes transfer to activities of daily living. In community-dwelling
women, muscle strength and power gains over 9 mo of training were predictive of
improvements in lateral stability while the more elderly group experienced improvements in gait parameters. Because of the association of falling to the side and the risk of
hip fracture, improvements in lateral stability may reduce fracture risk.
Exercise interventions with falls and injurious falls as primary outcomes are limited
and the results inconsistent. Lord and coworkers (172) reported improvements in strength
and balance in elderly women but no change in incidence of falls after 12 mo of exercise
that included resistance. By contrast, Campbell (164) found that a multifactorial exercise
intervention involving muscle building plus walking exercise reduced injurious and
noninjurious falls by 40% in elderly women. However, this study required home visits by
physical therapists and it is not known which component(s) of the program (muscle building,
walking or the two combined) were most potent for reducing falls. Lastly, data from the
FICSIT trials (Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques) indicate
that activities that are most beneficial for reducing incidence of falls include those that result
in muscle strength gains and dynamic balance improvements (173).
The strong positive effect of exercise on muscle strength balance and mobility indicates that it is an important strategy for preventing osteoporosis related fractures by
improving or maintaining neuromuscular function, thus, reducing the numerator of the
factor of risk in older adults.
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The vital role that calcium plays as a second messenger in cell signaling processes
highlights its importance in a wide range of cellular activities and its fundamental
importance to the sustenance of health. In addition, calcium has a specific role in the
conduction of action potential along nerves and in the coupling of excitation and contraction in striated and cardiac muscle. These concepts are mentioned in order to
acknowledge the importance of calcium in many physiological processes, but the principle focus of this chapter will be on the mechanisms regulating extracellular calcium
levels and the ways in which they may affect bone function. In the short term, extracellular calcium balance is far more important to the survival of the individual than total
body calcium stores. Since the skeleton contains most of the total body calcium (12 kg),
it is this compartment that compensates for any reduction in extracellular calcium and
it does so at the expense of bone mineral accretion. Consequently, it is the tension between
the requirements of separate body compartments that sets the scene for the importance of
calcium nutrition in the prevention and treatment of age related osteoporosis.
At the tissue level, the principle organs involved in extracellular calcium homeostasis
are bone, gut and kidney. These structures regulate the flow of calcium into or out of the
extracellular space (Fig. 1). It is critically important that calcium is continually cycling
in and out of the blood perfusing these organs. In the kidney 98% of the calcium filtered
at the glomerulus is reabsorbed, approximating 150 mmol/d. In the bone, 5 to 10 mmol/d of
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
calcium cycles into and out of the skeleton. In the bowel, about 4 mmol/d of calcium is
secreted into the lumen from the exocrine pancreas, bile and intestinal enterocytes. Food
contributes about 20 mmol of calcium to intestinal calcium, and approx 7.0 mmol of
calcium is reabsorbed in the gut per day. Thus, calcium is in a state of continuous flux
into and out of the principle organs involved in extracellular calcium homeostasis.
Similarly, calcium is continually moving in and out of all the cells of the body. Thus the
critical issue in the control of this system is to regulate the relative activity of the various
organs and cells in order to maintain a constant internal cellular environment.
A detailed understanding of cell biology is required to appreciate the principal mechanisms involved in transmembrane calcium transportation. A unifying concept is the
similarity between calcium transport mechanisms in the kidney distal tubule, small
intestinal epithelium and bone. These calcium transport mechanisms exist to adapt to
times of nutritional calcium deprivation as well as to times of calcium sufficiency.
Fig. 2. Comparison of calcium transport in the kidney distal tubule and osteoblast. Calcium
transport is unidirectional in the kidney distal tubule but bi-directional in the osteoblast. PMCA1b
is expressed on the apical plasma membrane of osteoblasts, but on the basolateral membrane in
the kidney distal tubule. The remaining features of transmembrane calcium transport in both cells
are distinctly similar.
cium intake declines the coordinated action of PTH and calcitriol increases calcium
influx from the bowel, urine and bone compartments to ensure stability of extracellular
levels (3). Estrogen deficiency plays a central role in the development of postmenopausal osteoporosis and so there is a prima facie case for the involvement of estrogen in
the regulation of calcium transport across membranes either directly or indirectly. There
is evidence that estrogen is important in determining the rate of flux of calcium into and
out of the bone, kidney tubule and bowel lumen and thus can indirectly determine
circulating concentrations of PTH and calcitriol (4).
cells (7). The protein contains six transmembrane domains with the putative calcium
transport region occurring between transmembrane domains five and six.
Second, the presence of two intracellular calcium binding proteins, appropriately
termed calbindins, act to expedite transcellular calcium movement and prompt ion
delivery to the opposing, basolateral membrane (8). Calbindin-D28K is a 28 kD cytoplasmic protein of approximately 261 amino acid residues. It is a member of the EF-hand
loop helix proteins that bind calcium with high affinity. Each molecule has six high
affinity calcium binding sites although only four are active (9). The distribution of
Calbindin-D28K has been shown to be quite widespread in mammalian tissue. In addition
to tissue typically involved in calcium transport (the intestinal enterocyte, the distal
convoluted tubule and collecting duct of the kidney, the osteoblast), calbindin-D28K
expression has also been found in neurones, pancreatic islet cells and in testes.
Calbindin-D9K is another member of the high affinity calcium binding proteins containing two EF-hand structures. It has little sequence homology with Calbindin-D28K,
and consists of about 79 amino acid residues and two high affinity calcium binding sites
(9). The tissue distribution of Calbindin-D9K is similar to that of Calbindin-D28K.
Last, calcium efflux at the basolateral membrane involves an active transport process.
Two mechanisms exist on the basolateral membrane to subserve this purpose: the plasma
membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) and the Na+/Ca2+ (NCX) exchanger (10,11). PMCA
is a member of the P-type ATPase family, is calmodulin-dependent and forms a phosphorylated intermediate (12). Calmodulin affinity chromatography was first utilized to separate
and purify PMCA (13). At least four different genes code for PMCA proteins (PMCA1-4)
and posttranscriptional modification of each primary gene transcript produces distinct and
uniquely different isoforms which create a diversity of functional consequences (14). The
130140 kD polypeptides share about 75% of amino acids in several highly conserved
regions (14). The site of ATP binding and the site of phosphorylation represent two of these
highly conserved regions. NCX is a secondary basolateral membrane transport system. It
uses the electrochemical gradient produced by sodium ATPase activity (11) to move calcium across the membrane. It is a 970 amino acid protein with a primary structure that
contains 11 transmembrane spanning regions and a large cytoplasmic loop between transmembrane segments 6 and 7. NCX is particularly abundant in cells that handle large fluxes
of calcium across their membranes such as contractile and neuronal cells. The orientation
of NCX is determined by the interaction of two inwardly directed electrochemical gradients
generated by plasma membrane sodium and calcium pumps. This electrochemical gradient
is determined by the net activity of PMCA, the sodium ATPase pump, sequestration of
calcium within intracellular organelles and the membrane potential difference. Recent
evidence directly implicates estrogen and testosterone in stimulation of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase PMCA, a critical regulator of transmembrane calcium flux (5).
nism is uncertain and indeed it is likely that effects on both bone and kidney may be
linked as a method of buffering excess food acid.
containing calcium and intestinal calcium absorption. Calcium enters the bowel not only
from dietary sources but also from pancreatic, biliary and enterocytic secretions into the
intestine. Under conditions of low calcium intake it is possible to excrete more calcium
in the faeces from pancreatic, biliary and enterocytic secretions than is consumed in the
diet. There are several known determinants of intestinal calcium secretion. In women
these include dietary calcium intake (50) and possibly dietary phosphate intake (51). In
rats oophorectomy affects calcium secretion (52). The site of action of these determinants or the effects of calciotropic hormones on intestinal calcium secretion is unknown.
Net calcium absorption is the difference between the net amount of calcium consumed
and the amount excreted in the feces. True calcium absorption takes into account the
amount of calcium secreted into the intestine.
takes place throughout the length of the intestine and may account for two thirds of
calcium flux in the rat intestine. In the human, passive paracellular absorption appears
to have an absorption efficiency of about 15%. Thus, at high dietary intakes, it may be
possible to supply sufficient calcium to maintain extra cellular homeostasis from this
source alone. Paracellular calcium secretion also occurs, primarily in the duodenum but
also in the jejunum and ileum. Net calcium absorption is determined by the difference
between paracellular absorption and secretion (66) balanced by trancellular absorption.
resorbed area comprises the two components that define the basic multicellular unit
(BMU) (83). This is one of the physiological bases for the maintenance of extracellular
calcium homeostasis. The importance of osteoclast mediated bone resorption in the
maintenance of extracellular calcium levels is evident from the dramatic effects of
bisphosphonates, which directly inhibit osteoclast action. In Pagets disease of bone
bisphosphonate therapy results in lowering of the ionised calcium concentration and
consequent elevation of PTH and calcitriol (84). On the other hand, calcium reentry into
the skeleton occurs at the time of new bone formation. The mechanism of extracellular
calcification in the newly formed osteoid is still uncertain but may require the transport
of calcium to the mineralizing area to allow the formation of hydroxyapatite. Thus
calcium transport in the BMU consists of two major components, transport out of the
bone under the influence of osteoclastic bone resorption and transport into the bone
across the osteoblast to allow for the deposition of hydroxyapatite into matrix.
One of the principal advantages of osteoclastic-osteoblastic coupling in the BMU may
be to allow for the local replacement of bone calcium by osteoclastic resorption lost
during periods of low calcium intake. A phase of osteoblastic bone formation follows the
phase of osteoclastic resorption, providing the opportunity to regenerate resorbed bone
during a subsequent period of dietary calcium sufficiency. If the individual is in long
term calcium balance, the amount of bone removed during low calcium intakes must be
matched by the amount of bone replaced during adequate calcium intake. During episodes of calcium deprivation, there is a temporary imbalance in which bone resorption
exceeds formation, thus releasing calcium into the circulation (85). During high calcium
intakes, the bone deficit is replaced by a relative increase in bone deposition (86). This
would constitute an elegant mechanism for smoothing out the demands on the skeleton
for calcium during intermittent periods of dietary calcium deficiency without seriously
impairing the mechanical function of the bone.
The activity of each BMU is regulated by PTH and calcitriol so as to play a role in the
maintenance of extracellular calcium homeostasis. The regulation of the balance between
osteoclast mediated release of calcium from bone and osteoblast mediated uptake of
calcium into bone in relation to maintenance of extra cellular calcium homeostasis have
not been elucidated (87). In addition to hormonal influences, there are likely to be site
specific effects modulating the overall balance between bone and calcium accretion and
dissolution, including mechanical influences and the presence of microdamage.
ficult to determine the relative importance of this process in relation to the activity of the
calcium transport into and out of the BMU.
physiological needs of a cell. PMCA1b may allow transcellular Ca2+ movement as well
as the fine regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Both of these functions appear
to be mediated efficiently and effectively by the PMCA1b isoenzyme in response to
calcitriol. Localization of PMCA1b protein to the apical plasma membrane in osteoblasts and basolateral plasma membrane in kidney distal tubule cells and small intestinal
enterocytes, suggest that upregulation of PMCA1b activity by calcitriol is likely to
mediate an increase in renal tubular Ca2+ reabsorption, an increase in intestinal absorption and Ca2+ transport away from the mineralising surface of bone (109). Thus, the
effects of calcitriol on PMCA1b play a dominant role in the maintenance of calcium
homeostasis at the potential expense of bone matrix calcification, This concept may have
important implications for the understanding of the regulation of bone mineral accretion
and the maintenance of Ca2+ homeostasis.
PMCA1b and NCX1, are expressed on the same plasma membrane in the kidney distal
tubule and small intestinal enterocyte but on opposing membrane surfaces in the osteoblast. This may be important as unlike the kidney distal tubule and small intestine, where
calcium movement is unidirectional towards the ECF, the osteoblast may have to mediate bi-directional calcium fluxes. There may also be a need for the osteoblast to respond
more quickly to changes in ECF calcium concentration and the ability of calcitriol to
inhibit NCX1 activity and expression in the osteoblast basal membrane while stimulating calbindin D28K and PMCA1 at the opposing apical cell membrane could allow a rapid
transcellular calcium delivery to the ECF space. In the kidney distal tubule PMCA1 and
calbindin D28K are stimulated by calcitriol in a similar fashion but there is no corresponding effect to inhibit calcium export at the opposing plasma membrane since NCX1 is not
expressed at this site. Consequently, the delivery to the basolateral membrane of calcium
in the distal kidney tubule and small intestine epithelial cell is dependent only on the
magnitude of calcium entry through apical membrane channels. This passive process of
calcium entry into the epithelial distal kidney tubule and small intestinal enterocyte cell
may not be as dynamic nor as versatile as the regulatory mechanisms employed within
the osteoblast.
A detailed understanding of the effect of calcitriol on each Ca2+ transporter (PMCA1b,
NCX1, calbindin D28K, and calbindin D9K) and how this relates to the functional effect
of this and other hormones on transmembrane calcium transport is still not available.
However, it is probable that the effects of hormonal agents on calcium transporters occur
in a synchronized fashion. Calcitriol effects on PMCA1b, calbindin D28K and D9K hint
at a common regulatory mechanism in each tissue. Recent data from the calbindin D28K
knockout model have stimulated interest in the entire area of calcium homeostasis.
Whilst hypercalciuria develops in the calbindin D28K knockout mouse (111), circulating
serum calcium levels are maintained (112). What compensatory mechanism is operative
in bone or intestine to account for this newfound equilibrium has yet to be explained
Fig. 4. The role of calcium transport in the causation of late postmenopausal bone loss.
Dietary Factors
As gastrointestinal calcium absoption and renal calcium reabsorption decline with age,
dietary factors become important. For example, a low calcium intake exacerbates the intestinal calcium absorptive defect. A high salt intake exacerbates the renal calcium loss. Vitamin
D deficiency also can exacerbate the calcitriol deficiency and impair gut calcium absorption.
Osteoblast Defect
An important factor in the development of age-related osteoporosis is a defect in
osteoblastic bone formation that occurs with ageing. In the absence of adequate osteoblast activity the usual temporary effects of calcium deprivation on the skeleton are
converted into permanent bone loss. This may account for the sensitivity of the aging
skeleton to calcium deprivation. The causation of this age-related osteoblast defect has
not been elucidated. Possibilities include reduction of osteoblast activation by decreases
in physical activity and the stress strain effects activity induces at the bone surface. In
animal experiments it is clear that mechanical effects stimulate periosteal bone formation (121). It is possible that the strain-related increase in bone density in postmenopausal women (122) is due to stimulation of osteoblastic activity. Another potential
mechanism for the osteoblast defect is the reduction in IGF1 that occurs with aging
(123). A further possibility relates to the potential anabolic effects of estrogen on the
bone (124). Finally, there may be an intrinsic cell senescence mechanism perhaps associated with impaired generation of osteoblast precursors.
The basic mechanisms by which improvements in calcium balance prevent bone loss
and fracture are beginning to be elucidated. Cell biological and animal experiments
indicate the importance of calcium transport and highlight the significance of hormonal
regulation of calcium transport proteins. Few human studies on the hormonal regulation
of calcium transport proteins have been conducted. However, in vitro and animal studies
support the concept, and help explain why calcium supplementation and hormonal
therapy may reduce fracture risk primarily via effects on calcium homeostasis. It seems
appropriate to recommend calcium supplementation to patients at risk of fracture.
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by contrast, substitute quite well for calcium. In fact, lead binds to various calciumbinding proteins with greater avidity than does calcium itself. (This property is probably
the principal basis for lead toxicity.)
Binding of calcium to various cell proteins results in activation of their unique functions (2). These proteins range from those involved with cell movement and muscle
contraction to, for example, nerve transmission, glandular secretion, and cell division.
In most of these situations, calcium acts both as a signal transmitter from the outside of
the cell to the inside and an activator of the functional proteins within. In fact, ionized
calcium is the most common signal transmitter in all of biology, operating in cells from
bacteria all the way up to the highly specialized tissues in the higher mammals.
Fig. 1. Principal routes of calcium entry into and exit from the extracelluar fluid of an adult
human. Rates are given in mmol/d and represent typical values. (TIC is total intestinal calcium
from endogenous sources, UDC is unabsorbed dietary calcium, and EFC is endogenous fecal
calcium.) (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1996, used with permission.)
Calcium Traffic
The second role of ECF calcium is that its ions constitute the multidirectional calcium
traffic, i.e., calcium entering the circulation through absorption of dietary calcium or
resorption of bone calcium, and calcium leaving the blood in the process of bone mineralization, or through excretory or dermal losses. Both sets of processes are closely
integrated in many complex ways, one of the more obvious of which is the fact that the
physiological apparatus regulating ECF [Ca2+] also affects the fluxes in and out of the
extracellular fluid.
Figure 1 depicts the principal routes of entry into and exit from the extracellular fluid
in a healthy adult, and includes typical values for transfer rates. It is necessary to stress,
however, that the indicated values of these transfer rates are highly interdependent. The
individual processes will be considered briefly in the paragraphs that follow, but their
interrelationships can be briefly summarized with an example. When absorptive input
from the diet falls, bony resorption rises to offset the absorptive shortfall. This effect, as
noted above, is produced by an increased secretion of parathyroid hormone. The immediate consequences are maintenance of the extracellular [Ca2+] and an offsetting reduction (however small) of the bony reserves of calcium.
Similarly, vigorous physical exercise leads to sweat losses that can be 1020 the level
of resting losses shown in Fig. 1 (4). Also, various nutrient-nutrient interactions may alter
either calcium absorption efficiency or obligatory urinary calcium losses. Protein, for
example, increases urinary calcium by about 0.025 mmol for every 1 g of protein ingested
(5,6), and sodium (in the form of sodium chloride) increases urinary calcium by about 1
mmol per 100 mmol salt (7,8). These nutrient influences, together with great variability in
food choices, and hence dietary calcium intake, constitute unregulated stresses on the
system, i.e., they are perturbations to which the control mechanisms must respond. For all
such stresses, bone resorption is promptly regulated up or down to compensate.
The examples just cited represent influences that, if not countered, would result in a
lowering of ECF [Ca2+]. But the opposite stress, i.e., a trend toward hypercalcemia, can
be equally important and/or threatening. This half of the regulatory control environment
is relatively uncommonly encountered in adult human physiology, largely because
contemporary diets are low in calcium, and hypercalcemic stresses, accordingly, uncommon. However, animals with naturally high calcium intakes, subjected to thyro-parathyroidectomy but given thyroid replacement (i.e., deprived only of PTH and calcitonin) tend
to exhibit not so much hypocalcemia as wildly fluctuating levels of ECF calcium, sometimes low, sometimes high, depending almost totally on absorptive inputs from the gut.
These examples are intended simply to illustrate the push-pull character of the
regulatory system and the way it responds to unregulated inputs.
Dystrophic Calcification
With advancing age humans commonly accumulate calcium deposits in various damaged tissues, such as atherosclerotic plaques in arteries, healed granulomas, and other
scars left by disease or injury, and often in the rib cartilages as well. These deposits are
called dystrophic calcification and rarely amount to more than a few grams of calcium.
These deposits are not caused by diet calcium but by local injury, coupled with the
common tendency of proteins to bind calcium. So long as ECF [Ca2+] remains normal,
calcification in tissues other than bones and teeth is a sign of tissue damage and cell
death, not of calcium excess.
formation exceeds resorption during growth, and resorption exceeds formation during
development of osteoporosis or in the face of ongoing dietary shortage of calcium. It is
important to stress that calcium cannot be withdrawn from bone per se; instead it is
scavenged from the tearing down of structural bony units. Thus, reduction in skeletal
calcium reserves is equivalent to reduction in bone mass.
Fig. 2. Schematic depiction of the 3-arm control loop regulating ECF [Ca2+], showing specifically the
response to a drop in [Ca2+]. (Ps is serum inorganic phosphorus and Pu is urinary phosphorus clearance.) (Adapted from ref. 8). Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1981. Used with permission.)
What happens is that CT is released, in part in response to the rise in serum calcium
concentration, but even before that, in response to gut hormones signaling the digestive
activity that will lead to absorption. This burst of CT slows or halts osteoclastic resorption, thus stopping bony release of calcium. Later, when absorption falls, CT levels fall
also, and osteoclastic resorption resumes.
By contrast, CT has little significance in adults because calcium absorption is less
efficient to begin with, and the ECF is vastly larger. As a result, transient absorptive
calcemia from a high calcium diet raises the ECF [Ca2+] by only a few percentage points
(approx 1% for each 100 mg ingested at typical intakes).
Table 1
Distribution of 24-h Urinary Calcium Values
in Normal Middle-Aged Womena
Urinary Loss
Calcium losses in the urine are dependent upon filtered load except during adolescence. During this period of rapid growth, at calcium intakes typically ingested, most of
the absorbed calcium is diverted to bone growth and little spills into the urine.
Machinery for calcium transport, most extensively studied in intestinal epithelial cells, is
also present in the nephrons of the kidney, but it is not known if it is functional there. The
process is calcium load dependent, stimulated by PTH and 1,25(OH)2D, and has a microvillar
myosin I-calmodulin complex that could serve as a calcium transporter (10). Active transport
occurs in the distal convoluted tubule against a concentration gradient. Renal calcium clearance is increased when PTH concentration in blood is low, thereby protecting against hypercalcemia when bone resorption is high for reasons other than homeostatic. Tubular
reabsorption is determined to some extent by Na+ excretion. For every 100 mmol of sodium
excreted, approx 0.51.5 mmol of calcium is pulled out with it in the urine (6,7).
Urine calcium rises with absorbed calcium intake, but the relationship is loose and
depends strongly on the circulating level of PTH at the time. This alimentary rise is partly
due to the small increase in blood calcium following absorption of ingested calcium, with
a corresponding increase in the filtered load of calcium. Available data from healthy
adults indicates that urinary calcium rises on dietary intake with a slope of about +0.045,
meaning that, for every 10 mmol rise in intake, urine calcium rises by about 0.45 mmol.
But there is much variability about this average figure and the range of normal is accordingly very broad. Table 1 sets forth observed ranges in healthy estrogen-replete and
estrogen-deprived adult women, both as absolute values and as weight-adjusted values.
The latter can be applied to men since the difference in urine calcium between the sexes
is due principally to the generally greater weight of men.
Illustrative of the dependence of urine calcium on the settings of the calcium economy
is the fact that the sum of endogenous fecal and urinary losses has a much smaller
coefficient of variation than does either route alone (11). In other words, as EFCa rises,
urine calcium tends to fall, and vice versa, reflecting, in this instance, reciprocal renal
conservation in the face of varying digestive juice losses.
Dermal Loss
Calcium is contained in all cells, and organs such as the intestinal mucosa, which turns
over approximately every five days, thereby constitute a loss to the body of the calcium
those cells contain. The same is true with epidermis and skin appendages (hair and nails),
all of which contain some calcium. This shedding thereby produces a steady calcium
drain on the system. It is the sum total of these cell-related dermal calcium losses which
is represented in Fig. 1 by the rough estimate of 0.41.5 mmol/d. Sweat losses have not
been extensively studied, but such data as are available indicate that heavy physical
exercise in a hot environment, leading to extensive sweating, can increase sweat losses
to levels as high as 510 mmol/d. In one study of athletes, these losses were sufficient
to produce a measurable decrease in bone mineral density (i.e., a detectable reduction of
the nutrient calcium reserve) across a playing season, despite the relatively high dietary
calcium intakes typical of varsity athletes (3). A randomized controlled trial of calcium
supplementation in the same athletes showed that supplemental calcium, above that
which could be provided by diet, was able to prevent this seasonal, exercise-related bone
loss. This instance probably represents an extreme situation, but it illustrates nicely the
function of bone as the bodys nutrient calcium reserve, and also a point, to be discussed
further below, that, given relatively inefficient dietary extraction of calcium, there are
limits to how much calcium the organism can get from food to offset unregulated losses.
Intestinal Absorption
Intestinal calcium absorption occurs by two pathways: 1) transcellular, saturable
(active) transfer that involves a vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein, calbindin;
and 2) paracellular: a nonsaturable (diffusional) transfer that is to some extent a linear
function of the calcium content of the chyme.
Active absorption is more efficient in the duodenum and proximal jejunum where
calbindin is present in highest concentration. However, total absorption is probably
greater in the ileum where the residence time is longer. Absorption from the colon
accounts for about 5% of the total amount absorbed in normal individuals but may be
larger in patients with small bowel resections and in individuals in whom colonic bacteria break down dietary calcium complexes.
The main regulator of transport across the epithelial cell against the energy gradient
is 1,25(OH)2D, which controls the synthesis of calbindin by DNA transcription upon
binding of the hormone with receptors in the nucleus. Calbindin operates by binding
Ca2+ on the surface of the cell, then internalizing the ions via endocytic vesicles that
probably fuse with lysosomes. After release of the bound calcium in the acidic lysosomal
interior, the calbindin returns to the cell surface, and the Ca2+ ions exit the cell via the
basolateral membrane (12). Calbindin serves both as a Ca2+ translocator and a cytosolic
Ca2+ buffer. Relative Ca2+ binding capacities across the enterocyte are brush border = 1,
calbindin = 4, and the ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump = 10, a gradient that ensures unidirectional transfer of Ca2+ (15).
Fig. 3. Relationship between calcium intake and absorption fraction in women studied on their
usual calcium intakes (adapted) and in women tested with no prior exposure to the test load
(nonadapted). (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 1999. Used with permission.)
In the paracellular pathway, calcium movement occurs not through the cell interior
but through the junctions that bind one cell to another, i.e., around the cells. Theoretically, this can be in both directions, but normally the predominant direction is from
lumen into blood. Rate of transfer depends on calcium load and tightness of the junctions.
Water probably carries calcium through the junctions by solvent drag (14). Calcium
usually is freed from complexes in the diet during digestion and is released in a soluble
and probably ionized form for absorption. However, low-molecular-weight complexes,
such as calcium oxalate and calcium carbonate, can be absorbed as non-dissociated
compounds (15).
The relationship between calcium intake and absorption fraction is shown in Fig. 3.
At lower calcium intakes, the active component contributes importantly to absorbed
calcium. As calcium intakes increase, the active component becomes saturated and
vitamin D-mediated synthesis of calbindin drops. Thus an increasing proportion of
calcium is absorbed by passive diffusion. The figure illustrates that, across most of the
intake range, the adaptive component is rather small. This partly explains the inefficiency of human ability to compensate for a fall in calcium intake.
Various host factors affect calcium absorption efficiency. Vitamin D status, intestinal
transit time, mucosal mass and stage of life are the best established. In infancy, absorption is dominated by paracellular diffusion. For that reason, the vitamin D status of the
mother has little effect on calcium absorption in young breast-fed infants. Both active
and passive calcium transport are increased during pregnancy and lactation.
Calbindin and plasma 1,25(OH)2D and PTH levels increase during pregnancy. From
midlife on, absorption efficiency declines by about 0.2 absorption percentage points
per year, with an additional 2% decrease at menopause (16).
Fig. 4. Absorbed calcium plotted as a function of intake in 332 studies in middle-aged healthy women
studied on their usual calcium intakes. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2001. Used with permission.)
It has long been recognized that calcium absorption efficiency increases as the size of
the ingested load falls. This relationship has two components, an effect of load itself and
variation in vitamin D-mediated active absorption. Within individuals, absorptive efficiency generally varies approximately inversely with the logarithm of intake, but the
absolute quantity of calcium absorbed increases nonlinearly with intake (17,18). However, only 20% of the variation in calcium absorption can be accounted for by differences
in intake. Individuals seem to have preset absorptive efficiencies, some high, others low.
The canonical inverse relationship between intake and absorption fraction has often
been uncritically assumed to mean that the body can adapt perfectly well to reduced
intake. However, extensive studies in which absorption has been measured by isotopic
tracer methods show very clearly that, while fractional absorption does rise (see, for
example, Fig. 3), the rise is far short of what would be needed to maintain a constant mass
transfer rate across the intestinal mucosa. Figure 4 illustrates this point with one such set
of data. The regression line through the data in Fig. 4 is for a simple linear model, and
more detailed investigations of the low intake end of the curve indicate that the rise is
initially steeper, reflecting the active transport response to low intake discussed above.
The slope of the line in Fig. 4 is +0.158, meaning that 15.8% of ingested calcium is
absorbed, overall. If analysis is confined to intakes at the high end of the range, the slope
drops to about +0.12. This means that the body absorbs from ~12% of any additional
amount of calcium that may be ingested. At all intakes, the distribution of absorption
values is broad, as the spread of the data in Fig. 4 demonstrates.
The relationship of absorption specifically to load size is illustrated in Fig. 5, which
summarizes the data from three groups of sources: milk calcium (the principal dietary
source of calcium in the industrialized nations), calcium carbonate (the principal calcium salt used in calcium supplements), and finally calcium oxalate. What the figure
Fig. 5. Regression lines fitted to fractional absorption values at various load sizes for three
families of calcium sources. Topmost is the line for plain calcium carbonate. Next is the line for
milk calcium. The lowest is the line for calcium oxalate and the high oxalate vegetables (e.g.,
spinach and rhubarb). For all three groups there is an inverse linear relationship with the logarithm of load size, i.e., at low load sizes, a larger fraction of the load is absorbed than at high loads.
Mean fractional absorption values for various other food sources are plotted for their respective
intake loads. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney, 2001. Used with permission.)
clearly shows is that altogether apart from the intrinsic absorbability of the calcium
source, absorption varies linearly and inversely with the logarithm of the load size.
Furthermore, since all of the studies summarized in Fig. 5 were acute studies, in which
the subjects were not given an opportunity to habituate themselves to a particular calcium source or level of calcium intake, the relationships to load depicted are purely
physical, i.e., there is no physiological adjustment component, i.e., no compensating
alteration of 1,25(OH)2D-mediated active absorption.
There are several practical consequences of this load relationship. One is that dividing
calcium intake into multiple doses over the course of a day results in much more efficient
absorption than ingesting the same total quantity in a single dose. This point is illustrated
in an experiment shown in Fig. 6, in which healthy individuals were given the same
tracer-labeled calcium load (25 mmol), either as a single bolus at breakfast, or as 17
individual doses of 1.47 mmol at half-hour intervals, starting with the same breakfast
(19). Figure 6 shows graphically, and pharmacokinetic calculation reveals explicitly,
that the area under the curve (AUC) for the divided dose regimen was nearly twice that
for the single dose regimen. A related consequence deals with the interpretation of
published studies in which calcium supplements were used. Even if the aggregate daily
doses were the same in two studies, when the dosing regimens are different, the effective
delivered dose will be predictably different.
It is worth noting in passing that the primitive human diet, which would have been
relatively calcium-rich in most of its constituents, would more closely have approxi-
Fig. 6. Time course through 24 h for the mean specific activity values for two calcium dosing
regimens. In the first (labeled single), 1000 mg Ca (25 mmol) was ingested as a single bolus
at breakfast, and in the second (labeled multiple), the same total load was ingested in 17 equally
spaced doses of 59 mg (1.5 mmol) each, ingested at 0.5-h intervals. (Copyright Robert P. Heaney,
2000. Used with permission.)
mated the continuous dosing regimen. Hence, not only would the primitive calcium
intake have been higher than we currently experience, but its pattern of ingestion would
likely have delivered calcium into the body more efficiently than modern humans generally manage.
resorptive component of bone turnover which is the one most responsive, in the scheme
of Fig. 2, to alterations of input into and output from the body.
Table 2
Net Calcium Absorption at Menarche and Menopause
Ca intakea
Ca absorption efficiencyb
Endogenous fecal Cac
Net Ca absorption
NHANES-II median values
Heaney et al. (16); OBrien
793 mg/d
(19.8 mmol/d)
67 mg/d
(1.7 mmol/d)
212 mg/d
(53 mmol/d)
474 mg/d
(11.8 mmol/d)
102 mg/d
(2.5 mmol/d)
42 mg/d
(10.5 mmol/d)
et al. (20); values adjusted to intake.
HRT) may produce in postmenopausal women (36), the principal effect of ERT/HRT on
bone is to stabilize bone mass, rather than to cause restoration of what had been lost. But
this conclusion was drawn without attending to the quantitative aspects of the agerelated changes in the calcium economy, summarized in the foregoing.
Table 2 assembles published data for median calcium intake and mean data for
absorption efficiency and endogenous fecal calcium loss, and shows very clearly how
quantitative changes occurring in the 40 yr from menarche to menopause account for the
rather different performance of the two age groups. In brief (and despite an intake less
than recommended), a peripubertal girl is able to achieve net absorption of over 200 mg
(5 mmol) calcium from the median diet of her age cohort, whereas an early menopausal
woman extracts less than one-fifth as much from hers. The drop in intake amounts to
about 40%, but the fall in net absorption is 80%. As Table 2 shows, this is the resultant
of lower intake, lower absorption efficiency, and higher digestive juice calcium losses.
Given the level of total body obligatory losses at midlife, this absorbed quantity is simply
not sufficient to support an estrogen-stimulated increase in BMD. As would be predicted
from this understanding, higher calcium intakes permit estrogen to produce in postmenopausal women bony increases closer to those seen at puberty (37).
As already noted, it is commonly (and uncritically) considered that the absorptive
apparatus is able to compensate either for a change in intake or a change in excretory loss.
However, quantitative considerations make it clear that this depends entirely on the level
of calcium in the diet. Thus, an individual increasing his/her sodium intake by an amount
equivalent to a single daily serving of a fast-food, fried chicken meal experiences an
increase in urinary calcium of about 1 mmol (40 mg)/d. Without compensating adjustments in input to the ECF, [Ca2+] would drop. PTH, of course, rises, and with it, synthesis
of l,25(OH)2D, resulting ultimately in better extraction of calcium from the diet.
Published data allow rough estimation that a calcium drain of this magnitude produces
an increase in 1,25(OH)2D of about 67 pmol/L (38), and dose-response measurements
for 1,25(OH)2D indicate that this stimulus would increase calcium absorption efficiency
by about 23 absorption percentage points (39). A 23% increase in extraction from a
50-mmol (2000 mg) diet yields 11.5 mmol (4060 mg) of extra calcium, more than
enough to offset the increased urinary loss, whereas, from a 5-mmol (200 mg) diet, the
same absorptive increase yields less than 0.1 mmol (4 mg).* Thus, on a high-calcium
diet, the body easily compensates for varying drains: both bone and ECF [Ca2+] are
protected. But on a low-calcium diet, although the ECF [Ca2+] is protected, bone is not.
Why does serum 1,25(OH)2D not rise more on a low-calcium diet? Simply because the
1--hydroxylation step is responding to PTH. Bone calcium meets much (or most) of the
ECF need, and PTH secretion is regulated by ECF [Ca2+], not by bone mass.
In brief, as the body adjusts to varying demands, the portion of the demand met by bone
will be determined both by factors influencing bony responsiveness and by the level of diet
calcium, the principal component of the system that is not regulated. However, it must also
be stressed that, although an adequate calcium intake is a necessary condition for bone
building and for adaptation to varying calcium demands, it is not by itself sufficient.
Calcium alone will not stop estrogen-deficiency bone loss nor disuse bone loss (because
neither is due to calcium deficiency). But by the same token, recovery from immobilization
or restoration of bone lost because of hormone deficiency will not be possible without an
adequate supply of the raw materials needed to build bone substance.
Table 3
Various Estimates of the Calcium Requirement in Womena
1989 RDAb
All values are given in mg, as this is how the respective bodies reported their
recommendations. To convert to SI units, divide the values in the table by 40.
Ref. 40.
Recommendations for women as proposed by the Consensus
Development Conference on Optimal Calcium Intake (24).
AI refers to Adequate Intake (25), a value which, in this context, is
equivalent to an average requirement. The corresponding RDA could be 20
30% higher, i.e., 1000 in children, 1600 in adolescents, 1200 in adults out
to age 50, 1200 during pregnancy and lactation, and 1450 in those over age
50. The presence of two values in this column reflects the fact that the age
categories for the DRIs overlapped those of the NIH.
However, the timing of peak bone mass varies with the skeletal site. The hip achieves
peak bone mass at approx age 1718 yr, whereas the spine can add mass throughout most
of the 3rd decade of life in females (26). The skull accumulates bone throughout life, as
does the femur shaft (26,47).
Although 6080% of peak bone mass is genetically predetermined, a number of
environmental factors also importantly affect bone mass. The two are not mutually
exclusive because genetic factors are often expressed in the way the organism responds
to its environment. Aside from calcium intake, other lifestyle choices that affect peak
bone mass include physical activity, intake of other nutrients that alter calcium utilization (covered elsewhere in this chapter), anorexia, and substance abuse. Beyond the age
of peak bone mass, lifestyle choices can affect rate of bone loss, but the window of
opportunity to build bone is closed some time before age 30.
The mature female body contains ~2530 mol (10001200 g) calcium, and the mature
male, ~3040 mol (12001600 g). The population coefficient of variation around these
means is about 15%. Total body bone mass remains relatively constant over the reproductive years, as decreases in the proximal femur and other sites after age 18 yr are offset
by continued growth at the forearm, total spine, and head. Then, at mid life, menopausal
and age-related bone loss sets in. Menopausal loss occurs most rapidly during the two
years prior to and the three years following menopause, and amounts to 5.3% at the upper
femur and 10.5% at the lumbar spine (48). The average older adult loses bone at a rate
of 0.51%/yr, rising to as high as 3%/yr by age 80 yr (49). The explanation for bone loss
during aging includes a variety of causes, such as declining calcium intakes, declining
physical activity, decreased levels of gonadal hormones, decreased circulating levels of
1,25(OH)2D, intestinal resistance to 1,25(OH)2D, decreases in calcium absorption, and
decreases in renal calcium conservation.
The threshold intake need to maintain this bone mass during the reproductive years
is 2025 mmol 8001000 mg/d. After age 5060 yr the threshold intake required to
minimize age-related loss rises to 3040 mmol 12001600 mg/d.
Dietary Considerations
Dietary sources and calcium intakes have changed considerably during human evolution. Early humans derived calcium from roots, tubers, nuts, and greens, as well as the
bones of small prey, in quantities believed to exceed 37.5 mmol (1500 g) per day (50),
and perhaps up to twice this amount when calculated on the basis of consuming food to
meet the caloric demands of a hunter-gatherer of contemporary body size. After domestication of seed-bearing plants, calcium intakes decreased substantially because the
staple foods became cereal grains and fruits, the plant parts that contain the least calcium.
Consequently, the modern human often consumes insufficient calcium to optimize bone
density. The food group that supplies the bulk of the calcium in the Western diet is now
the dairy food group, which was not represented at all in the paleolithic diet.
The term bioavailability is pharmacologic in origin, and has complex connotations.
But for mineral ions, and particularly for calcium, these complexities reduce approximately to a simple matter of absorbability. Bioavailability can be measured in several
ways, perhaps the most direct and straightforward being the introduction of a suitable
isotopic tracer into the calcium source, and then the calibrated measurement of the appearance of that tracer in body fluids. These methods permit direct estimation of true unidirectional flux from the intestinal lumen into the body, usually expressed as a fraction of the
ingested load. Load size, as discussed earlier, is itself an important determinant of fractional absorption; hence it is not possible to establish a single value for bioavailability for
any given calcium source, since its absorption fraction will be dependent upon how much
was consumed. Clearly, therefore, comparative studies require comparable loads.
A second approach is to measure the small rise in serum total calcium or ECF [Ca2+]
following oral ingestion. As already discussed, the body attempts to damp out these
absorptive rises; hence they tend to be small and correspondingly require very precise
measurement of serum calcium (total or ionized). These methods do not permit estimation of fractional absorption, but can be useful in comparing two or more substances, and
particularly substances into which it is not possible to introduce a suitable isotopic tracer.
Less sensitive measures include measurement of the increment in urine calcium that is the
inevitable concomitant of the absorptive rise in serum calcium, or, alternatively, measurement of the decrement in serum PTH evoked by the rise in serum calcium. These are less
sensitive both because they are inherently more variable (both within and between subjects),
and because the assay methods introduce an additional level of imprecision in their own right.
In general, the isotopic tracer methods have the smallest sample size requirement, the
increment in serum calcium, an intermediate requirement, and changes in urine calcium
or PTH, the largest sample size. Finally, only the isotopic tracer methods produce results
that directly translate to true fractional absorption.
Bioavailability is important in this context because not all calcium sources have
equally available calcium. As discussed earlier (see Fig. 3), vegetable greens of the
mustard family have an intrinsic bioavailability slightly greater than that of milk, whereas
other vegetables such as beans, sweet potatoes, and at the low end of the spectrum,
spinach and rhubarb, exhibit much lower bioavailability for their calcium. Since the
range of intrinsic bioavailability values spans something close to a full order of magnitude, it is clear that the available data in food tables do not give a clear picture of the
effective calcium delivery for each. In the section that follows, I shall show data reflecting both the calcium content of various foods, and their bioavailability.
Fig. 7. Available calcium per serving for several natural foods. Available for this purpose
means the product of calcium content per serving and measured bioavailability. (Copyright
Robert P. Heaney, 1998. Used with permission.)
is the product of calcium content and measured bioavailability. The figure shows clearly
why dairy sources are so important. Foods such as the Brassica sp. vegetables exhibit
excellent calcium bioavailability (e.g., Fig. 5), but, as Fig. 7 demonstrates, depending
upon them (and other generally available vegetable sources) to meet ones intake needs
would generally not be feasible.
NutrientNutrient Interactions
Several nutrients and food constituents affect aspects of calcium homeostasis by
means other than through the straightforward effect on digestibility and absorbability
just described. Several dietary components influence urinary calcium excretion. One of
the more important, mentioned briefly at the outset, is dietary sodium (6,7,64). Sodium
and calcium share some of the same transport systems in the proximal tubule, so that each
100 mmol (2.3 g) increment of sodium excreted by the kidney pulls out approx 0.51.5 mmol
(2060 mg) of accompanying calcium. Because urinary calcium losses account for 50%
of the variability in calcium retention, dietary sodium has a disproportionately large
potential influence on bone loss. In adult women, each extra gram of sodium per day is
projected to produce an additional rate of bone loss of 1%/yr if the calcium lost in the
urine comes from the skeleton (65). A longitudinal study of postmenopausal women
showed a negative correlation between urinary sodium excretion and bone density of the
hip (66). The authors concluded, from the range of values available to them, that bone
loss could have been prevented either by a daily increase in dietary calcium of 891 mg
(~22 mmol) or by halving the daily sodium intake. As experienced clinicians will recognize, the latter option is not practicable.
Another dietary component that influences urinary calcium excretion is protein. Each
gram of protein metabolized increases urinary calcium levels by about 0.025 mmol (1 mg);
thus, doubling the amount of purified dietary proteins or amino acids in the diet increases
urinary calcium by about 50% (4). The acid load of the sulfate produced in the metabolism
of sulfur-containing amino acids is believed to be mainly responsible for this effect. At the
other extreme, inadequate protein intakes compromise bone health and may contribute to
osteoporosis in the elderly. As discussed earlier (see Quantitative Operation of the System), high protein intakes are potentially harmful only in the face of low calcium intakes.
Although widely varying ratios of dietary phosphorus and calcium have not been
associated with changes in adult calcium balance (67) (presumably because of the offset
of increased endogenous secretion of calcium by decreased urinary calcium), some
investigators have been concerned about the popular trend toward phosphate consumption in soft drinks. Acutely, phosphate loads cause increased circulating PTH secretion.
Elevated PTH levels, if sustained, could lead to bone resorption. However, when bone
resorption is measured, no such effect is found, and the Institute of Medicine found no
cause for concern in current levels of phosphorus intake, noting, in fact, that human
phosphorus intakes, when adjusted for energy, are at the extreme low end of the range
of intakes for primates and laboratory animals (25).
Although caffeine in large amounts acutely increases urinary calcium (68), 24-h urinary
calcium was not altered in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (69). Daily consumption
of caffeine equivalent to 23 cups of coffee was associated with accelerated bone loss from
the spine and total body in postmenopausal women who consumed less than 744 mg calcium
per day (70). The relationship between caffeine intake and bone loss in this observational
study may be due to a small decrease in calcium absorption (71) or to a confounding factor
such as a probable inverse association between milk intake and caffeine intake.
Fat intake has a negative impact on calcium balance only during steatorrhea. In this
condition, calcium forms insoluble soaps with fatty acids in the gut.
Increased use of calcium supplements and fortified foods has raised concern about
high calcium intakes producing relative deficiencies of several minerals. High calcium
intakes have produced relative magnesium deficiencies in rats (72); however, calcium
intake does not affect magnesium retention in humans (73). Similarly, except for a single
report in postmenopausal women (74), decreased zinc retention has not been associated
with high calcium intakes (75). The nature of this interaction is complicated and requires
further study. Iron absorption from non-heme sources is decreased by half from radiolabeled test meals in the presence of calcium intakes up to 300 mg (7.5 mmol) Ca per day,
above which there is no further reduction. However, up to 12 wk of calcium supplementation does not change iron status (76), and adolescent girls ingesting high calcium diets
are able to increase total body iron mass as well as girls with low calcium intakes (77).
This is probably because of compensating upregulation of iron absorption. Single-meal
iron absorption studies inevitably exaggerate inhibitory effects that do not appear in the
context of the whole diet and of physiological adaptation.
Fortified Foods
The notion of fortifying commonly used foods is an old one. The iodination of table
salt is an example, and is clearly responsible for virtual elimination of iodine-deficiency
goiter in countries that have adopted this practice. As the human population has moved
into regions of the world that cannot provide the nutrients to which their physiologies
have been adapted over the course of hominid evolution, they both need to discover what
the missing nutrients may be and then find ways to supply them at a population level.
Fortification has the advantage that anyone using the fortified foods gets the benefits,
without having to make a voluntary decision and without needing to adhere to that
decision over the long-term. The nutrient concerned simply becomes a part of the food
supply, just as it would have been under primitive conditions.
As noted earlier, the portions of plants that are lowest in calcium are the seeds, and,
of course, the agricultural revolution has been based upon seed crops, principally cereal
grains and legumes. Roughly 60% of the total energy intake of the worlds population
today comes from these seed food sources, whereas only a tiny fraction of the energy
intake of the evolving hominid would have been from such foods. It makes sense,
therefore, to enrich the calcium content of the seed foods, and such is beginning to
happen in several countries around the world. Others reserve fortification as an instrument of national policy and do not permit voluntary fortification by manufacturers of the
foods they produce. Admittedly, voluntary fortification is not always optimal as it often
leads to high levels of enrichment of certain foods, rather than a general improvement
of most of the food items in the diet. This is a rapidly evolving field, driven less by
nutritional science than by market forces, and it is difficult to predict exactly what the
aggregate impact of present practices will be.
Calcium is now added as various salts (principally calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and calcium sulfate) to a variety of foods, including ready-to-eat cereals, bread,
cereal bars, energy drinks, and fruit juices. Not always has the bioavailability of the
fortified product been tested. This is not just a theoretical concern. Experience has shown
that interactions between the fortificant and other food constituents may affect
bioavailability. So, as with natural foods, knowledge of the total calcium content of a
fortified food may not be enough. For the next few years, at least, it will become increasingly difficult to assess a persons effective calcium intake, since it will be necessary to
ascertain whether or not foods consumed were of a calcium-fortified variety, the level
of fortification, and the bioavailability of the aggregate calcium content of the food.
In the best of all possible worlds, the fortification of foods would raise the calcium
density of the total diet (i.e., mmol calcium per MJ of energy) to levels approximating that
of the primitive diet, i.e., ~4.8 mmol/MJ. At such a time it would no longer be necessary
to worry about or assess calcium intake, just as we no longer attempt to assess iodine intake.
Calcium supplements will often be necessary in order to achieve desired total calcium
intakes, although, with the growing availability of fortified foods, the need for supplements may well decline. Calcium supplements come in a large variety of forms involving
different anions and different dosage units. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are
probably the predominant forms, with the carbonate accounting for the lions share of
the total market. Calcium carbonate has been shown to exhibit good bioavailability (see,
for example, Fig. 5). It is economical, it is well tolerated, and it exhibits close to the
highest calcium density of any of the products available on the market. Most of the
calcium supplements on the market today exhibit nearly equivalent bioavailability with
some, such as calcium citrate malate or the calcium chelates exhibiting somewhat better
fractional absorption. But generally the differences between the products are so minor
as to be negligible, or to be easily offset by taking a single extra pill of a less expensive,
if less well absorbed, product each week.
However, not all products are equally well formulated, in a pharmaceutical sense.
While the pharmaceutics of tablet disintegration and dissolution are well understood, the
supplement market, in the United States at least, is not held to those standards, and there
was a period of time in the 1980s and 1990s during which varieties of calcium supplement tablets were widely distributed which simply did not disintegrate in the gastrointestinal tract, and hence enriched no one except their manufacturer. The United States
Pharmacopoeia (USP) has established disintegration standards for calcium supplements,
but adherence to these standards is voluntary, and regulation by the FDA in the United
States is minimal. Hence the best course of action in the foreseeable future is to use a
brand name supplement that adheres to USP standards or has been the subject of suitable
bioavailability testing (or both).
Dose Timing
If the calcium is in the food, either naturally or through fortification, then timing is not
a relevant issue, since the calcium will come into the body with the other nutrients of the
food being consumed. However, if resort is had to calcium supplements, then timing can
make a difference. Generally the safest course is to take calcium with meals. This replicates the primitive food pattern, and it tends to spread the intake out over the day, so
as to optimize absorption (see, for example, Fig. 6). There are obvious problems involved
in remembering to take multiple doses of medication, as well as adherence problems with
pill-taking generally. (That is one of the reasons why a food fortification policy is likely
to produce better population penetration than a strategy based on calcium supplements.)
An argument has been made for taking calcium supplements at bedtime, inasmuch as
much of the PTH-mediated bone resorption occurs in the early hours of the morning, and
a large calcium dose at bedtime has been shown to suppress PTH secretion. Whether, in
the last analysis, this makes any difference to bone mass has not been established. At
least one study suggests that this stratagem has little effect (78).
Drug Interference
Calcium is a nutrient and, as such, exhibits little or no interactions with most medications, as is true for most other nutrients as well. Calcium does interfere with iron absorption
in single-meal tests, but, as noted above, does not impede the accumulation of total body
iron stores in adolescent girls. Similarly, concern about negative interactions between
calcium and zinc and magnesium has proved to be unfounded (73,75). This should not be
surprising since, once again, calcium is a nutrient that was present in high concentration
in the primitive diet. If its presence there had interfered substantially with other nutrients
essential for the health of the human organism, we would never have survived as a species.
Calcium does not interfere with the action of calcium channel blockers, except insofar
as their effect on the body may be indirectly influenced by the circulating level of PTH [and,
correspondingly, 1,25(OH)2D]. Calcium, on the other hand, may interfere with the absorption of the tetracycline antibiotics, since the tetracyclines strongly adsorb to calcium crystals, which may to some extent be present in the intestinal lumen when the diet is high in
calcium. Large doses of calcium have also been reported to interfere with absorption of
thyroxine (79), although the effect is small. Nevertheless individuals being treated for
hypothyroidism should possibly separate their intakes of thyroxine and calcium.
Calcium as Co-Therapy
Till now the discussion has focused more or less exclusively on calcium as a nutrient.
There is a sense, also, in which it can be considered co-therapy particularly in the
Fig. 8. Change in bone mineral density at three skeletal sites with estrogen replacement in
postmenopausal women, both with and without supplemental calcium. (Redrawn from the data
of ref. 37; Copyright Robert P Heaney, 2000. Used with permission.)
treatment of disorders such as osteoporosis. Here the knee jerk reflex has commonly
been to think about treatment in terms of pharmacotherapy, ignoring the fact that bone
is built of mineral, not of drugs or hormones, and that the efficacy of drug or hormone
regimens may well depend to a substantial extent on providing adequate raw materials
to build or maintain bone in the presence of bone-active pharmacologic agents. All of the
modern bone active agents (bisphosphonates, SERMs, and PTH [8084]) have been
tested only in the effective presence of supplemental calcium, and it could be a mistake
to conclude that they would remain effective if they were given without additional
calcium. The additive effect of calcium is seen most clearly, perhaps, with respect to
HRT, where there is extensive experience both with and without supplemental calcium.
Figure 8 reproduces the data of a meta-analysis on this topic (37) showing the strongly
additive effect of the addition of calcium to various HRT regimens.
While 3246 mmol calcium per day may be sufficient for skeletal maintenance in an
aging population, it will probably not be sufficient to produce optimal effects of the bone
active agents in individuals with osteoporosis (85). Exact requirements for maximal
effect are not known. But one anabolic agent, fluoride, produces an extraordinary degree
of bone hunger, with a consequent requirement for calcium above 60 mmol/d (86).
Too much of any nutrient can produce signs of intoxication, and calcium is no exception. However, calcium intoxication, expressed principally as the milk alkali syndrome,
is extremely rare, and has never been reported for food calcium sources. Pastoralist
peoples of various ethnic backgrounds regularly consume 150180 mmol calcium per
day, life-long, without hint of adverse effects. All reports of this complication relate to
supplement administration, mostly calcium carbonate.
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The vitamin D compounds regulate intestinal calcium absorption and thus contribute
to the maintenance of serum calcium concentrations. They also have direct effects on
bone, where their principal action is a stimulation of bone resorption. In addition, they
impact on osteoblast activity, the kidney and a variety of other tissues. The clinical
syndrome which develops in the presence of severe vitamin D deficiency is osteomalacia, presenting in children as rickets. Osteomalacia is characterized by the presence of
unmineralized bone matrix. This occurs in vitamin D deficiency because the low concentrations of both calcium and phosphate in the extracellular fluid are inadequate to
result in the normal formation of hydroxyapatite crystals. Osteomalacia caused by vitamin D deficiency is also characterized by marked hyperparathyroidism, as the bodys
homeostatic mechanisms struggle to maintain a normal serum calcium concentration in
the face of its deficient intestinal absorption. Hyperparathyroidism results in the mobilization of calcium from bone.
Clinically apparent osteomalacia in adults is now regarded as a rarity. However, it is
increasingly apparent that less marked degrees of vitamin D deficiency are common in
those who do not venture outdoors regularly, particularly the frail elderly. These individuals also manifest secondary hyperparathyroidism and the associated acceleration of
bone loss, though they often will not have evidence of unmineralized osteoid on bone
biopsy. The hyperparathyroidism, however, contributes to the development of osteoporosis, so treatment of vitamin D deficiency becomes an important part of managing
osteoporosis in many patients.
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency depends on sunlight intensity, sunlight exposure, and, to some extent, on dietary intake (1,2), and appears to be more common in
Europe than in North America. It is particularly common in those living in institutions
and in those requiring acute admission to hospital.
While the importance of vitamin D deficiency in accelerating postmenopausal bone
loss is widely accepted, it is uncertain whether other changes in vitamin D metabolism
contribute. In advanced old age, there may be a decline in serum concentrations of 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D as a result of declining renal function, and this is likely to contribute
to the rise in parathyroid hormone with age. How important this is to the development
of postmenopausal osteoporosis is unclear and the variable results in trials of treatment
using 1-hydroxylated vitamin D metabolites, suggests that this is a relatively small
player in most individuals.
The above discussion makes clear the important distinction between supply of the
parent compound (i.e., calciferol), and that of its numerous metabolites. There is good
evidence for the biological activity of both 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D, though the latter is by far the more potent. However, there have
been suggestions that other metabolites such as 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D may also
have a role in skeletal metabolism. When calciferol is provided to a vitamin D deficient
individual, all of these metabolites are replaced, and the bodys homeostatic mechanisms
determine the balance between them. In contrast, when a single active metabolite is
administered (e.g., alfacalcidol or calcitriol) levels of other metabolites [e.g., 25(OH)D]
may actually be reduced by this intervention, producing an unphysiological balance and
a significant risk of hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia. Therefore, when reviewing the
evidence from clinical trials, it is very important to draw a distinction between treatment
of vitamin D deficiency with calciferol on the one hand, and use of its 1-hydroxylated
metabolites on the other.
a variety of baseline serum 25(OH)D concentrations. They found that vitamin D supplementation only caused suppression of parathyroid hormone levels when baseline serum
25(OH)D was less than 50 nmol/L (20 g/L). This level is still somewhat higher than the
lower end of the reference ranges used in most laboratories (usually between 2535
nmol/L [1015 g/L]), but does provide a more practical therapeutic target.
The most physiological way of replacing vitamin D is by exposing individuals to
sunlight. Reid et al. (5) have demonstrated in a randomized controlled trial that spending
30 min/d outdoors results in increases in serum 25(OH)D levels from 24 to 31 g/L.
These changes had not plateaued at the end of the 1-mo study.
The oral or parenteral administration of calciferol is also effective. Daily doses
between 4001000 international units (IU) per day are typically used and virtually never
cause vitamin D intoxication. (For calciferol, 1 g is 40 IU). Indeed doses of up to several
thousand units per day can be administered long-term without difficulties in most cases
(6). Other regimens used include 50,000 IU of calciferol once a month by mouth, 100,000 IU
every 3 mo by mouth (7), and 150,000 IU by annual intramuscular injection (8). Adams
et al. (9) have recently described the use of a single oral dose of up to 500,000 IU of
calciferol for treatment of established deficiency. The efficacy of intermittent regimens
is attributable to vitamin D being a fat soluble vitamin which is stored in adipose tissue.
The effects of vitamin D supplementation on bone density have been studied in a
number of contexts. In early postmenopausal women who are not deficient, supplementation has little if any effect on bone density (10). This was confirmed in a recent study
in Finland, though there was a downward trend in numbers of fractures at 5 yr in those
receiving 300 IU/d of calciferol alone, compared with placebo (11). However, these
women would be considered to be vitamin D deficient by most standards, since their
baseline 25(OH)D concentrations were 2430 nmol/L (12).
In older women with sub-optimal serum 25(OH)D concentrations, as defined above,
beneficial effects on bone mass of 12% are demonstrable (13,14). One study of patients
with serum 25(OH)D < 14 g/L demonstrated increases of 4% in spine and hip bone
density with calciferol replacement (9).
There have now been two large studies of the effects of monotherapy with calciferol
on fractures. Heikinheimo et al. (15) studied almost 800 elderly men and women, randomized to an annual injection of 150,000 IU vitamin D2 or to control. Mean baseline
levels of 25(OH)D were 31 nmol/L in the subjects living independently (two-thirds of
the cohort) and 14 nmol/L in those in a municipal home. The respective groups increased
to 49 nmol/L and 45 nmol/L with treatment. After a mean follow-up of 3 yr, symptomatic
fractures were reduced by 25% in the vitamin D-treated subjects (P = 0.03). In contrast,
Lips et al. (16) showed no difference in fracture incidence in 2578 independently-living
men and women over the age of 70 yr randomized to receive calciferol 400 IU/d or placebo
over a period of up to 3.5 yr. Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration in the third year of the
study was 23 nmol/L in the placebo group and 60 nmol/L in the vitamin D group.
There have also been two large studies of combined treatment with calcium and
calciferol in the elderly. In the 3-yr study of Chapuy et al. (17,18), more than 3000
women aged 69106 yr living in institutions were randomly allocated to take placebo or
1.2 g of elemental calcium plus 800 IU of vitamin D3 daily. Baseline serum 25(OH)D
concentrations were 3340 nmol/L and rose to 100105 nmol/L in those receiving active
therapy. At 18 mo, there were 32% fewer non-vertebral fractures in those receiving
active treatment (P = 0.02) and 43% fewer hip fractures (P = 0.04). At the end of 3 yr of
treatment, the probabilities of nonvertebral fractures and hip fractures were reduced by 24
and 29%, respectively (P < 0.001), in those receiving active therapy. Proximal femoral
bone mineral density (BMD) increased 2.7% in those receiving active treatment, and
declined 4.6% in the placebo group (p < 0.001). Dawson-Hughes et al. (19) have reported
similar findings. They randomized 389 men and women aged over 65 yr to treatment with
either 500 mg of calcium plus 700 IU of calciferol per day or placebo. At the end of 3 yr,
there had been new nonvertebral fractures in 26 subjects in the placebo group and in 11 in
the calcium-vitamin D group (P = 0.02). In neither of these studies is it clear whether the
calciferol, the calcium, or their combination were the key to success.
The data from these studies indicates that vitamin D deficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism are common in frail elderly subjects, and suggest that these changes
contribute to the progressive reduction in bone density which occurs in this age group.
These biochemical abnormalities are reversible with physiological doses of vitamin D
and calcium, and this results in beneficial effects on bone density and, more importantly,
on fracture rates. Not only does this lead to a substantial reduction in morbidity, but is
likely to be associated with a significant prolongation of life, since there was a 24%
mortality amongst patients developing hip fractures in the Chapuy study.
A larger number of studies have been carried out in women who already have
osteoporosis, and these are also summarized in Table 1. Falch (21) failed to find any
effects of calcitriol on forearm bone mineral content (BMC) and vertebral fractures over
3 yr in 76 women with a history of forearm fracture. The precision of the densitometer
used was suboptimal (~3%), so a small effect may have been missed. Gallagher (22) has
reported a two-center study assessing vertebral fracture incidence in 62 women over 1 yr.
There was a substantial decrease in the fracture rate of the patients at one of the centers when
a one-tailed test was used. By todays standards, this study is seriously under-powered.
A separate three-center US study has resulted in individual reports from each of the
centers. Subjects with at least one vertebral fracture were randomized to calcitriol 0.5 g/d
Masud (51)
Frediani (50)
Numbers are those completing the study.
Average dose of calcitriol in active group.
Duration in months.
Gallagher (71)
Tilyard (23)
Gallagher (22)
Ott (69)
Fujita (70)
Doseb (g/d)
Ongphiphadhanakul (20)
Falch (21)
Aloia (68)
Christiansen (45)
Jensen (46,67)
Table 1
Principal Randomized Controlled Trials of Calcitriol in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
or placebo, with dose escalation until hypercalciuria or hypercalcemia occurred. The dose
titration resulted in the patients of Ott and Chestnut receiving a mean dose of 0.43 g/d, those
of Gallagher 0.62 g/d, and those of Aloia 0.8 g/d. The Aloia patients showed betweengroups differences in bone density of 24% at the various sites (significant using onetailed tests) but had frequent hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia. The Gallagher group
also found beneficial effects (2% between-groups difference in total body BMD at 2 yr)
and averted major problems with hypercalcemia by restricting dietary calcium intake to
600 mg/d. Ott and Chestnut also had a good safety outcome by restricting calcium intake
but bone density changes tended to be more positive in the placebo group than in those
receiving calcitriol at the three skeletal sites assessed.
The largest trial of calcitriol in osteoporosis is that of Tilyard (23). Six hundred and
twenty-two women with vertebral fractures were randomized to calcitriol 0.5 g/d or
calcium 1 g/d and followed for three years. The only end-point was vertebral fracture.
There were significantly more fractures in the calcium group than in the calcitriol group
in both years two and threethe fracture rate remained stable in the calcitriol group
throughout the study but increased threefold in those taking calcium. This apparent
deleterious effect of calcium supplementation may be contributed to by the large number
of withdrawals in year one. Other issues with this study are that a number of the subjects
were vitamin D deficient at entry, the lower fracture rates in calcitriol-treated subjects were
only seen in those who had fewer than six fractures at baseline, and the study was not
double-blind. Thus, it does not establish the antifracture efficacy of calcitriol.
At the time of writing, there are several new studies that have only been presented in
abstract form. Fenton et al. (24) randomized postmenopausal women to receive HRT or
calcitriol 0.5 g/d. At 1 yr, the HRT group showed BMD increases of 6.2% at the spine and
3.6% at the hip, with no change in those receiving calcitriol. In a similar study, Gallagher
(25) randomized 489 elderly women to HRT, calcitriol, neither, or both. At 3 yr, the
increases in BMD were about twice as great in those taking HRT compared with those seen
in calcitriol-treated patients, and combination therapy tended to produce the greatest increments in BMD. There was a trend for fracture rates to be lower in the calcitriol groups.
Finally, Fujita (26) has reported a large, double-blind trial comparing calcitriol 0.5 g/d
with alfacalcidol 1 g/d. The two therapies appeared to have equivalent effects on metacarpal BMD over a period of 7 mo.
The above studies are generally reassuring regarding the safety of calcitriol use,
particularly when doses do not exceed 0.5 g/d. This dose, when used in the absence of
calcium supplementation, causes only modest hypercalciuria. None of the more than 200
women treated over a 3-yr period by Tilyard et al. (23) developed renal colic, and in the
60 subjects who had renal ultrasonography after two years treatment, no evidence of
calcium deposition was seen. In most studies, serum calcium levels have remained stable
throughout the trial period, though there have been reports of hypercalcemia in routine
clinical use of calcitriol (27). However, it is quite clear that a combination of calcitriol
with calcium supplementation, or calcitriol doses >0.5 g/d will result in significant
hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia. Such patients requiring frequent monitoring.
Total number completing study.
Average dose of alfacalcidol in active
Duration in months.
Christiansen (10)
Itoi (28)
Gorai (29)
Sorensen (30)
Hoikka (31)
Itami (33)
Shiraki (32)
Fujita (26)
Orimo (34)
Fujita (37)
Menczel (35)
Orimo (38)
Lyritis (36)
Shiraki (72)
Chen (40)
Shiraki (41)
Doseb (g/d)
Table 2
Randomized Controlled Trials of Alfacalcidol in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
Fig. 1. Comparison of the effects of alendronate 5 mg/d (open circles) and alfacalcidol 1 g/d
(closed diamonds) in Japanese patients with osteoporosis. Data are mean SE. The numbers in
brackets represent the number of patients at that time-point. The significance of between-groups
differences is shown: *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001. Reprinted with permission from ref. 41.
There are now several medium-sized studies which have assessed alfacalcidol using
modern techniques of axial bone densitometry. Orimo et al. (38) used dual-energy x-ray
absorptiometry of the lumbar spine and femur in a study of 74 women (but as few as 34
were included in some analyses [e.g., femoral bone density] because of missing data).
In the lumbar spine, the change in bone density was +0.65% in the alfacalcidol group and
1.14 % in the placebo-treated subjects (P = 0.04). There was no significant treatment
effect in the proximal femur. Shiraki et al. (39) and Chen et al. (40) have also studied
women with osteoporosis, and reported modest increases in spine BMD of about 2% at
12 yr. In the Shiraki study, the numbers of subjects with data for each parameter reported
varied widely because not all subjects underwent all assessments and because almost half
of the bone density measurements were judged to be technically unsatisfactory. The Chen
study achieved a 90% retention of subjects, but was not blinded. Despite these differences,
the results of these studies are very similar. Shiraki has recently reported another study (41)
in which alfacalcidol and alendronate were compared over 48 wk. Lumbar spine BMD
increased slightly in those receiving the vitamin D metabolite, but substantially more in
those on alendronate (Fig. 1). No proximal femoral data were reported.
A further double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial has not been included in
Table 2 since it is not strictly in postmenopausal osteoporosis (42). This was carried out
in 86 elderly patients (51 women) with Parkinsons disease who were randomized to
alfacalcidol 1 g/d or to placebo. The majority were vitamin D deficient at baseline. At
18 mo, density of the second metacarpal decreased 1.2% in the alfacalcidol group compared with a loss of 6.7% in the placebo group (p < 0.0001). Much of this response may
represent the effect of treating vitamin D deficiency.
As with calcitriol, the principal safety issues with alfacalcidol are the risks of
hypercalciuria and hypercalcemia. In Japanese patients, alfacalcidol 1 g/d does not
elevate serum calcium concentrations unless it is taken in combination with a calcium
supplement (34,43). In other groups, there may be hypercalciuria with only 0.5 g/d if
calcium supplements are also used.
Taken together, these studies suggest a modest beneficial effect of alfacalcidol in
postmenopausal osteoporosis. None of the studies establish its efficacy definitively, and
those using active comparators suggest it is clearly inferior to either an anabolic steroid
or a weak bisphosphonate. Virtually all the positive data comes from studies in Japanese
subjects and may not be generalizable to European populations because of genetic and
lifestyle (e.g., dietary calcium) differences.
The combination of vitamin D and it metabolites with other therapies for osteoporosis
has been common, though only recently has evidence to support the practise been forthcoming. When combined with fluoride, vitamin D prevents the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism and the resulting loss of cortical bone (44). Early studies of
calcitriol with HRT suggested no benefit (45,46) from using both together, and similar
findings came from the use of calctriol with a bisphosphonate (47) or calcitonin (48).
Recently, however, studies have shown benefit from the addition of calcitriol to either
HRT (49) or a bisphosphonate. Frediani et al. (50) randomized women to take calcium,
calcitriol 0.5 g/d, alendronate (10 mg/d), or both (Table 1). At 2 yr, the approximate
changes in total body BMD were 2, +2, +4, and +6, respectively, the combination
therapy being significantly better than any of the other interventions. Masud et al. (51)
compared cyclical etidronate with this regimen plus calcitriol (Table 1). Again, there
was a benefit of more than 2% in the BMD changes at both the spine and hip. These
findings suggest that vitamin D metabolites have small additional positive effects on
bone density when their stimulation of bone resorption is blocked by the coadministration
of an antiresorptive agent.
Orwoll et al. (52) studied the effects of calciferol 1000 IU/d plus calcium 1000 mg/d in
a placebo-controlled trial in normal men aged 3087 yr. Seventy-seven men were studied over a 3-yr period. There was no difference in rates of change of either radial or
vertebral BMD between the two groups. However, some of the more recent studies of
vitamin D replacement have included men (15,19) and they suggest that the beneficial
effects are uniform between the sexes.
Ebeling (53) recently presented a preliminary account of a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial of calcitriol 0.5 g/d vs calcium 1 g/d in osteoporotic
men with at least one baseline fracture. The calcium group showed transient positive
changes in bone density at the hip and spine, though at 2 yr there were no differences
between the groups. Over the 2 yr of the study, there were 15 vertebral and 6
nonvertebral fractures in the calcitriol group but only a single vertebral fracture in
those taking calcium (p = 0.03). This suggests that calcitriol should not be used in
idiopathic male osteoporosis.
Trials in this area have recently been reviewed in detail (54). Two conflicting studies
of calcium and vitamin D combinations have been reported. Buckley et al. studied
patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving low-dose prednisone who were randomized
to receive placebo or calcium 500 mg/d plus vitamin D 500 IU/d (55). Those receiving
calcium and vitamin D showed 5% more positive changes in bone density than those
receiving placebo. The vitamin D status of the study subjects was not assessed. In
contrast, Adachi et al. (56) failed to show any benefit on lumbar spine density from the
use of calciferol 50,000 U/wk plus calcium 1000 mg/d in a randomised controlled trial
over 3 yr.
Two small studies have demonstrated benefit from the use of 25-hydroxyvitamin D,
but this agent is not widely available (57,58). Since much of a dose of calciferol is
converted to 25(OH)D, it is not clear that the effects of these two agents would be
expected to be different.
Calcitriol has been assessed in several randomized controlled trials. Dykman et al.
(59) found no difference between calcitriol 0.4 g/d and placebo in their effects on
forearm bone density. Sambrook et al. (60) have reported a 1-yr study in which patients
beginning glucocorticoid therapy were randomly assigned to receive calcium, calcium
plus calcitriol (mean dose 0.6 g/d) or these two agents combined with calcitonin. Bone
losses from the lumbar spine were 4.3%, 1.3% and 0.2% in the respective groups. There
was a similar, nonsignificant trend in distal radial bone loss but no evidence of reduced
bone loss in the proximal femur (3% in all groups). A recent large trial over 3 yr in cardiac
transplant patients showed no effect on lumbar spine density from calcitriol 0.25 g/d
(61), and similar findings have been reported after renal transplantation also (62). A trial
comparing the use of calcitriol 0.5 g/d with HRT in hypogonadal young women with
systemic lupus erythematosus, showed progressive bone loss in those taking the vitamin
analog in comparison with increases in density observed in those receiving hormones
(between-groups difference at the spine of 3.7% at 2 yr) (63). There was also a significant
difference between-groups at the distal radius.
Alfacalcidol has been studied by Braun et al. who demonstrated a beneficial effect at
a dose of 2 g/d on trabecular bone volume over a six month period. Following cardiac
transplantation, alfacalcidol has been shown to slow but not completely prevent femoral
neck and lumbar spine bone loss (64). A similar attenuation of lumbar spine bone loss
has been reported in a predominantly non-transplant population with the use of
alfacalcidol 1 g/d, though femoral bone density was not measured in this study (65). In
a population of patients with established steroid osteoporosis, Ringe has shown a beneficial effect at the lumbar spine (2.5% between-groups at 3 yr) of alfacalcidol 1 g/d in
comparison with calciferol plus calcium supplements (66). There was no significant
effect in the proximal femur. Thus, there is some consistency in the results with this
particular agent.
Among elderly subjects in many countries, there is consistent evidence of vitamin D
deficiency and that it results in secondary hyperparathyroidism and accelerated bone
loss. The treatment/prevention of this problem with physiological doses of calciferol
(possibly with calcium) has beneficial effects on bone mass and fracture incidence and
should be vigorously promoted.
The use of vitamin D metabolite therapy, however, is much more controversial. There
is no evidence to support its use in the prevention of bone loss in normal postmenopausal
women. In osteoporotic women, trials have produced variable results, except in Japan
where outcomes have been more consistently positive. In those studies in which beneficial effects on BMD have been found, these have generally been less than are seen with
HRT or bisphosphonates. Vitamin D metabolites may have additive effects on BMD to
those of other antiresorptive agents. There is no conclusive evidence for antifracture
efficacy of these compounds. The remaining uncertainties regarding the active metabolites of vitamin D will require considerably more data for their resolution, but whether
these studies will be completed or whether the vitamin D metabolites will be bypassed
as more promising novel therapies are developed is unclear at the present time.
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Estrogen* influences most, if not all, aspects of bone physiology during postnatal life,
including bone growth, architecture and turnover (Table 1). This review will focus on
recent advances in understanding the physiological actions of estrogen on mammalian
bone. The very interesting action of estrogen on bone and mineral metabolism in other
classes of vertebrates has been reviewed elsewhere (1). The reader is also directed to
more comprehensive reviews of the in vitro response of bone cells to estrogen (1,2).
*Estrogen refers to a family of molecules which are related to one another by structure or
activity. This family includes the sex hormone 17-estradiol, metabolites of the hormone, synthetic hormone analogs including environmental estrogens and phytoestrogens. In this review,
unless a specific compound is indicated, estrogen refers to the composite actions of this family.
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Turner et al.
Table 1
Effects of Estrogen on Rat Tibia
Cortical bone
Cross-sectional area
Marrow area
Cortical thickness
Cancellous bone
Bone volume
Trabecular number
Trabecular thickness
Trabecular separation
Growth plate
Bone volume
Cortical bone
Osteoblast number
Osteoblast activity
Osteoblast number
Osteoblast activity
Osteoclast number
Osteoclast activity
Cancellous bone
Osteoblast number
Osteoblast activity
Osteoclast number
Osteoclast activity
Growth plate
Chondrocyte proliferation
Chondroclast number
Chondroclast activity
Osteoblast number
Osteoblast activity
Osteoclast number
Osteoclast activity
Intramembranous Bone
The volume of the medullary canal in rat tibiae is enlarged following ovariectomy
due to a net increase in bone resorption (7,8). Osteoclast number is increased (8) and
bone formation remains unchanged or increased (79). In contrast, there is an increase
in bone formation at the periosteal surface (7) which is suppressed by 17-estradiol
(7,10,11). As a result of the opposing changes in radial growth and endocortical modeling, the cortical bone volume changes little in adult ovariectomized rats. Cortical bone
mass may increase in rapidly growing ovariectomized rats because the increase in
periosteal bone formation exceeds the increase in endocortical resorption (10). The
cellular mechanism for the differential response of the periosteal and endocortical bone
surfaces of the midshaft appears to be related to the different functions and populations
of cells that comprise the two bone envelopes (7,11).
Under normal circumstances, bone resorption at the periosteum of growing rats is
limited to developing vascular spaces. Osteoclasts are uncommon at other locations on
the periosteum and are not notably increased following ovariectomy (11).
One of the limitations of rat and mouse studies is that the skeleton of small rodents
does not undergo cortical bone remodeling. Ovariectomy increases endocortical bone
resorption surface and cortical porosity in dogs (12). The endocrinology of the dog limits
this species usefulness as a model for postmenopausal bone changes. As a consequence,
Turner et al.
studies in other large animals with an estrus cycle more similar to the human menstrual
cycle (e.g., nonhuman primates) are needed to fully establish the effects of sex steroids
on Haversian (cortical) bone remodeling.
The low level of periosteal resorption is contrasted with the endocortical surface,
which undergoes aggressive bone modeling during growth to increase the volume of the
marrow cavity. Treatment of ovariectomized rats with estrogens prevents the increase
in medullary area by preventing the increase in osteoclast number (7,8).
The mechanisms for the growth inhibitory actions of estrogen on cortical bone are
incompletely known. At the cellular level, estrogen reduced the number of preosteoblasts
in S-phase of the cell cycle, suggesting that the hormone inhibits the production of
osteoblasts (5,11). At the same time, estrogen decreases the steady-state mRNA levels
for bone matrix proteins and IGF-I, reduces bone matrix synthesis, reduces osteoblast
number and increases the population of bone lining cells (10,11). Estrogen inhibits bone
growth by decreasing bone formation as well as bone resorption and these changes are
associated with decreased expression of bone cell survival factors such as IGF-I.
The rat has been a valuable laboratory animal model but there are species as well as site
specific differences which preclude generalizing the effects of estrogen on bone cells. For
example, high dose 17-estradiol can result in an osteosclerotic response in ovariectomized
as well as ovary intact mice whereas the hormone inhibits bone formation in the rat (5,13).
Remodeling Balance
There is overwhelming evidence that 17-estradiol reduces the overall rate of bone
remodeling but the effects of the hormone on remodeling balance are less certain. Estrogen replacement was reported to increase trabecular mean wall thickness in postmenopausal women suggesting that in the presence of the hormone the volume of bone removed
during the resorptive phase of the remodeling cycle is exceeded by the volume of new
bone reproduced during the formation phase, leading to a positive remodeling balance
(43). In rats, ovariectomy results in dramatic decreases in trabecular number with little
or no decrease in trabecular thickness (44). Ovariectomy was reported not to alter mean
wall thickness in rats (45), but additional studies in older rats should be performed to
verify these results. Taken as a whole, these observations suggest that the principal effect
of estrogen on bone turnover in adults is to regulate the remodeling rate but that under
some circumstances the remodeling balance is improved in the hormones presence.
Turner et al.
cological industry has played an important role in the successful development of novel
therapies to prevent and/or treat osteoporosis, including antiresorbing agents such as
bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and anabolic agents
such as parathyroid hormone.
The cancellous osteopenia which occurs following ovariectomy in rapidly growing
rats is primarily due to altered bone growth and thus is mediated by a mechanism which
differs significantly from postmenopausal bone loss (4,5). In contrast, ovariectomy of
skeletally mature rats is similar to menopause in that the surgery leads to cancellous and
endocortical bone loss which is due primarily to abnormal bone remodeling. Similar
bone loss can be induced in female rats by LHRH agonists and estrogen receptor antagonists (57,58). These alternatives to ovariectomy are reversible and have proven to be very
useful for investigation of the bone loss associated with endocrine treatment of endometriosis. The predictive value of the ovariectomized rat is illustrated by the initial
recognition of tissue selective actions of tamoxifen and other estrogen receptor ligands
in that model (8). Subsequent confirmation in humans and development of selective
estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) for prevention of osteoporosis were a direct
result of the initial animal observations (59).
The mouse is the premier laboratory animal model for studying the genetic contribution to peak bone mass and age-related bone loss. There are numerous well characterized
mouse strains with differences in bone mass and response to comorbidity factors.
Additionally, transgenic technology allows the purposeful manipulation of specific gene
expression. There is a long and growing list of transgenic mice with perturbed bone
metabolism (60). Improvements in the ability to dynamically regulate genes in specific
cell types will further increase the power of the mouse model. These genetic manipulations are not without pitfalls when applied to osteoporosis. Demonstration that a gene is
associated with bone mass in the mouse does not necessarily mean that it has any role
in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. It will be essential to demonstrate that there is a
cause and effect relationship in humans.
Ovariectomy results in cancellous osteopenia and accelerated bone turnover in the
mouse. However, there are also clear differences between human and mouse physiology
regarding the actions of estrogen and SERMs (60). While these species differences do
not necessarily contraindicate its use, the ovariectomized mouse model should be
approached with extreme caution.
Other Species
Rodents are generally not suitable as models for intracortical bone remodeling. Larger
animals such as the dog are more appropriate for these studies because they have well
developed Haversian remodeling. The dog, however, is not widely used as a model for
postmenopausal osteoporosis. Whereas some investigators have detected bone loss following ovariectomy, with or without concurrent hysterectomy, other investigators have
detected no changes (42). The relative insensitivity and inconsistent response of the dog
skeleton to decreased gonadal hormones may be due to the long interval between periods
of luteal activity. The same limitation may decrease the usefulness of common barnyard
animals such as pigs and sheep as models for postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Several species of monkeys and apes have been investigated as models for postmenopausal bone loss. Monkeys and apes are generally more similar to human physiology
Turner et al.
than either rodents or barnyard animals. Another advantage that monkeys and apes have
over other large animals is the availability of molecular probes. Because of the species
similarity, many human cDNA and RNA probes are suitable for use in monkeys. Ovariectomy results in bone loss in monkeys raised in captivity (21,22). However, recent studies
in monkeys born in the wild have been less consistent. The use of monkeys and apes as a
model for osteoporosis is greatly limited by their expense and limited availability.
Fig. 1. Estrogen synthesis and metabolism. Estrone is synthesized at numerous extra ovarian sites
and represents the most important locally produced estrogen. Hydroxylation at C2 and C16
represent the most important routes of metabolism of estrone.
While conjugation of hydroxylated metabolites of 17-estradiol and estrone makes
them water soluble and facilitates their clearance, methylation by catechol-Omethyltransferase or esterification of monomethoxylated metabolites by acyl-coenzyme
A, generates lipophilic metabolites, increases their half-life and reduces their binding
affinity to the estrogen receptor. Methylation and esterification serve to inactivate estrogen receptor mediated activity but methylation at C2 confers novel activity.
Even though postmenopausal women lose bone at different rates, the levels of serum
17-estradiol do not differ among them (62). However, the serum levels of adrenal
androgens and the conversion of these androgens and 17-estradiol to other estrogen
metabolites do differ among individuals and certain races of the population and may play
a role in maintaining bone mass in certain individuals.
The predominant estrogen in postmenopausal women, estrone is primarily metabolized through two mutually exclusive hydroxylation pathways (63,64) (Fig. 1). The
catalytic conversion of estrone by the 2-hydroxylase or 16-hydroxylase enzymes results
in the formation of either 2-hydroxyestrone or 16-hydroxyestrone, respectively. The
16-hydroxyestrone has been shown to bind covalently and noncovalently to the ER, but
with lower affinity compared to 17-estradiol. However, the metabolites weak binding to
the serum binding globulin makes it more available than the 17-estradiol for estrogen
target tissues (65,66). 16-Hydroxyestrone was thought to be a complete estrogen agonist
in reproductive tissues (65,66). More recent studies suggest that it can exhibit partial tissue
selective activity (67). 2-Hydroxyestrone binds very weakly (even less than 16-
Turner et al.
hydroxyestrone) to estrogen receptors, and has been shown to have no estrogenic activity on
reproductive tissues and in some cases to act as a weak estrogen antagonist (68,69).
Lim et al. (70) reported that urinary levels of 16-hydroxyestrone were lower and
2-hydroxyestrone levels were higher in postmenopausal osteopenic individuals than in
nonostepenic individuals. Furthermore, the 16-hydroxyestrone/2-hydroxyestrone ratio was
positively correlated with bone mineral density. African-American women, who are at lower
risk for developing osteoporosis, reportedly have increased 16-hydroxylation and therefore
have a higher ratio between the two metabolites compared to European-American women
(71). When ovariectomized rats were treated with 16-hydroxyestrone, the cancellous bone
turnover associated with ovariectomy was prevented in a manner similar to 17-estradiol
(67). In contrast, 2-hydroxyestrone was inactive on bone (67). In agreement with these whole
animal findings, 16-hydroxyestrone but not 2-hydroxyestrone, mimicked the effects of
17-estradiol on the regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity and osteocalcin secretion in
an estrogen responsive osteoblast cell line stably expressing ER- (72).
4-Hydroxyestrone is a minor metabolite of estrone which is a more potent carcinogen
than the parent estrogen (73). 4-Hydroxyestrone is a less potent estrogen agonist on bone
than 16-hydroxyestrone but is more potent than 2-hydroxyestrone (74).
Another naturally occurring estrogen metabolite which has been studied is
2-methoxyestradiol. 2-Methoxyestradiol is produced primarily by the liver and has very
low affinity for estrogen receptors. 2-Methoxyestradiol has antitumorigenic activity and
may act as a physiological tumor suppressor (73). Tumor cell proliferation is inhibited,
possibly through the disruption of tubulin polymerization, and angiogenesis is reduced via
increased senescence and apoptosis of endothelial cells (75). Osteosarcoma and other
immortalized osteoblastic cells but not primary osteoblast cultures are killed by
2-methoxyestradiol by a nonestrogen receptor mediated mechanism (unpublished data).
The administration of high concentrations of 2-methoxyestradiol to rapidly growing rats has
been demonstrated to inhibit longitudinal bone growth but have no effect on either radial bone
growth or cancellous bone turnover (76). This suggests that the metabolite reduces proliferation and/or stimulates apoptosis of rapidly dividing growth plate chondrocytes.
Estrogen was reported to have different effects on bone metabolism depending upon
the route of administration to patients (77). The route of its administration has also been
shown to influence the metabolism of 17-estradiol (78). Thus, it is possible that estrogen metabolites have an impact on the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy.
Several classes of phytoestrogens have been identified. These include the isoflavones,
the lignans, and the coumestans. Phytoestrogens are found principally in plants or their
seeds, and a single dietary source often contains more than one class of phytoestrogens.
Using a competition binding assay, Kuiper et al. (79) found that although the binding
affinity of the phytoestrogens for either ER- or ER- was lower than that of 17estradiol, the relative binding affinity of phytoestrogens for ER- was significantly
greater than for ER-. In contrast to phytoestrogens, the relative binding affinity of the
class of synthetic mixed estrogen agonists/antagonists referred to as selective estrogen
receptor modulators (SERMs) which include tamoxifen and raloxifene was greater for
ER- than for ER-. Using a reporter gene construct, the phytoestrogens tested were able
to activate both estrogen receptor subtypes, although the overall potency of these compounds was much lower than 17-estradiol and many estrogen metabolites (79).
The most convincing evidence for phytoestrogen effects on bone comes from animal
studies. To date, most studies have been in rats and have examined effects of various
phytoestrogens on bone loss in ovariectomized rats, with generally positive findings. In
addition to these animal studies, there are limited studies in postmenopausal women
suggesting that phytoestrogens slow bone loss (80). Both genistein in mice and
coumestrol in rats prevented postovariectomy bone loss by reducing bone resorption and
osteoclast number in a manner very similar to 17-estradiol (81,82). In contrast, other
studies have demonstrated that the reduction of bone loss following ovariectomy in rats
given genistein or soy protein was associated with unchanged parameters of bone resorption but increased bone formation rates (8385). These data indicate that there may be
important differences between the effects of phytoestrogens and 17-estradiol on bone
and, in fact, between different phytoestrogens. It has been suggested that some effects
of phytoestrogens in different tissues may be due to estrogen receptor-independent
mechanisms, i.e., through protein tyrosine kinases or other mechanisms (86).
It is important to note phytoestrogens have often been delivered to animals in a
concentrated form using the sc route of administration. This is at least in part because
phytoestrogens have limited bioavailability when consumed orally (87). Thus, it is not
clear whether the observed effects can be achieved by consuming food containing
phytoestrogens (88).
Turner et al.
Table 2
Basic Research in SERM Ligands
Compound name
Structural class
ICI 182,780
LY compounds
MDL 103,323
Table 3
Comparative Effects of Targeted Estrogen Receptor (ER) Gene Deletions
and Gonadectomy on Mouse Bone
ER- knockout
Male Female
Cortical bone mass
Bone elongation
Cancellous bone mass
ER- knockout
Male Female
ER/ knockout
Male Female
Turner et al.
activity occur at an increased rate. There is evidence that estrogens action on bone
proceeds through a cascade (1,2). The release of cytokines such as IL-1, TNF, M-CSF,
GM-CSF, IL-6, and IGF-I, is an important component of the cascade mechanism, and
is responsible for the accelerated bone turnover. The role of growth factors in mediating
the actions of estrogen on bone metabolism have been reviewed. Briefly, the osteoblast
and/or monocyte/macrophage lineage release of numerous cytokines that are capable of
increasing osteoclast formation, differentiation or activity has been shown to be inhibited by 17-estradiol. However, which of the cytokines are most important for mediating
the actions of estrogens remains unresolved.
Elegant knockout and receptor blockade studies have shown that IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-
are important for estrogen action on bone. However, these studies do not distinguish
between permissive and regulatory roles for these cytokines. The only cytokine demonstrated to be regulated by estrogen in skeletal tissues in vivo is IGF-I, whose expression
is down regulated by the hormone (10,39).
Other factors such as osteoprotegerin (OPG), a soluble member of the TNF receptor
family, may also mediate the inhibitory effect of estrogens on bone resorption. OPG
binds to and inhibits the activity of OPG ligand (OPGL or RANKL), a TNF-related
cytokine produced by bone marrow stromal cells and osteoblasts (among other cell
types) which has been shown to be essential for osteoclast formation. Among the boneactive cytokines, OPG is unique because deletion of the OPG gene in mice generates
severe osteopenia in both cancellous and cortical bone (100), whereas mice overexpressing OPG are osteopetrotic (101). 17-Estradiol has been shown to increase OPG
expression in osteoblasts overexpressing the ER- gene (102), and this effect may be
indirect via TGF- which has been shown to increase OPG production by bone marrow
stromal osteoblast precursor cells (103). If these effects also occur in vivo, OPG may be
a key mediator of the anti-resorptive effects of estrogens.
The molecular mechanisms involved in the estrogen regulation of several cytokine gene
promoters have been studied. Many of these promoters lack consensus estrogen response
elements (EREs) and thus have revealed other mechanisms of transcriptional control by estrogen receptors which in some instances do not require direct binding of the ligand-activated
estrogen receptors to DNA. Instead, estrogen receptors interact with other transcription factors
and co-regulators to modulate the binding affinity of these proteins to their cognate regulatory
sites in the DNA. For example, repression of the IL-6 promoter by estrogen occurs because
protein-protein interactions between the ligand-activated ER- and the transcription factors
NF- and C/EBP prevent binding of the latter factors to their respective sites on DNA
(104,105). In contrast, estrogen can stimulate transcription from the IGF-I promoter via
enhanced binding of fos/jun heterodimers to AP-1 elements through interaction with activated
ER- (106). Numerous genes including retinoic acid receptor-1 (RAR-1), c-fos protooncogene, cathepsin D, IGF binding protein-4 and the epidermal growth factor receptor gene,
among others, are modulated by estrogens through the binding of ER-Sp1 transcription factor
complexes with either Sp1 sites alone or Sp1/ERE half sites (107109). However, as a note of
caution, estrogen increases IGF-I mRNA levels in osteoblastic cells in culture but decreases the
expression of this cytokine in several skeletal tissues in vivo suggesting that much remains to
be learned regarding the molecular mechanisms of the hormones action.
Alternative Mechanisms
The cascade model explains many apparently nongenomic actions of steroids which
are, in fact, genomic processes. However, there is a growing body of evidence that
steroids also influence the cell surface by nongenomic effects which involve responses
to steroids within minutes and are too rapid to be explained by genomic processes
(110,111). For instance, a possible cardioprotective effect of estrogen has been shown
to occur through the induction of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in human vascular
endothelial cells via a ligand-dependent interaction between ER- and phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase (112). In osteoblastic cells in culture, treatment with 17-estradiol has been shown to cause a rapid (within seconds) increase in intracellular calcium
ion concentration due to influx across the plasma membrane and release from intracellular stores (113). Additionally, estrogen stimulates hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol
phospholipids with the generation of diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate
which in turn activate other second messenger pathways. In osteoblasts from female
rats this effect of the hormone has been shown to be mediated by activation of phospholipase C-2 via a pertussin toxin-sensitive G proteins subunits, further supporting the existence of a nonclassical membrane estrogen receptor (114). Activation of
MAP kinases and increases in cAMP and cGMP have also been reported in osteosarcoma cells (115). The response of the target cell to estrogens may therefore be a
superimposition of genomic and nongenomic effects, although the physiological
importance of the nongenomic effects is still unclear. The putative membrane receptors for steroid hormones remain unidentified.
Estrogen is not essential for the growth and differentiation of bone and cartilage cells.
However, estrogen is important to the age-related changes in bone mass and architecture
as well as successful adaptation to the increased mineral requirements during reproduction. Changes in the levels of circulating estrogens contribute to the sexual dimorphism
of the skeleton, creation and retention of cancellous bone during growth in excess of that
required to fulfill the mechanical requirements of the skeleton, mobilization of this
reservoir during pregnancy and lactation, and extensive bone loss following menopause,
predisposing women to osteoporosis. Estrogen influences bone metabolism by regulating the rate of production, activity and lifespan of bone and cartilage cells.
Estrogen influences bone metabolism through direct and indirect actions on bone
cells. Many of the direct actions are mediated through the estrogen receptors that are
present in the target cells but evidence also exists for alternative mechanisms.
17-Estradiol has the highest affinity to estrogen receptors of any natural ligand and functions as a hormone. Estrogen metabolites are produced locally and bind to estrogen receptors
with lower affinity. The level of estrogen agonism and tissue selectivity is dependent upon the
molecular structure of the metabolite. Additionally, some estrogen metabolites have activities
which differ from 17-estradiol and may be mediated through alternative pathways.
Estrone and its metabolites are the principal estrogens in postmenopausal women.
The circulating and tissue levels of these metabolites may play a role in the rate and
severity of postmenopausal bone loss.
The mechanisms of action of estrogens on the skeleton are incompletely understood.
An improved understanding of the actions of estrogen on bone metabolism and mecha-
Turner et al.
nisms which mediate these actions is likely to lead to the development of improved
therapies to prevent the detrimental changes which follow menopause.
The authors thank Ms. Lori Rolbiecki and Ms. Peggy Backup for typing and editing
this manuscript, respectively. We also acknowledge the financial support of NIH Grant
AR45233 and Mayo Foundation.
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Turner et al.
rapid phase of bone loss of about 3%/yr in the spine that lasts for approx 5 yr after the
menopause (4). Subsequently, bone loss slows down to approx 0.5%/yr. The major
mechanism for the rapid phase of bone loss is estrogen deficiency. Estrogen deficiency
increases activation frequency and causes a remodeling imbalance. The administration
of estrogen and progestogens can prevent the initial rapid bone loss. Although the exact
mechanism of estrogen on bone is unclear, there are many possibilities. Estrogen may
work through the osteoblast causing increased synthesis of osteogenic substances like
insulin-like growth factor and transforming growth factor-.
The major action of estrogen on the skeleton is an inhibition of bone resorption via
actions on osteoclasts. Evidence in avian, rabbit, and human species suggests a direct
action on the osteoclast by regulation of specific genes. Estrogen also induces apoptosis,
reducing the life span of the osteoclast. The synergy of several cytokines such as IL-6,
IL-1, IL-2, tumor necrosis factor-, and others enhance osteoclast recruitment, differentiation, and activity. A reduction in the production of these cytokines by estrogen
prevents bone resorption. One of the most potent inhibitors of osteoclastogenesis is
osteoprotegerin (OPG). The natural ligand for OPG is related to the cytokine TNF and
identical to TRANCE/RANKL, a factor that enhances T-cell growth and function of
dendritic cells. OPG production is increased by estrogen and this effect may explain
much of the protection provided to the skeleton by estrogen (5).
Estrogens may also improve calcium balance by increasing intestinal calcium absorption either by a direct effect on the gut and indirectly by stimulation of 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D production. There may be increased tubular resorption of calcium
in the kidney through direct action on the renal tubule or via stimulation of parathyroid
hormone secretion.
2.5 mg/d; or CEE, 0.625 mg/d plus micronized progesterone (MP), 200 mg/d for 12 d/mo.
Replicate BMD measures were used to calculate within-person measurement errors. In
this study, the investigators developed several cutpoints (percentage loss criteria) to
classify subjects who were losing bone. This approach was adopted because there is no
universal agreement on the standard that defines bone loss in an individual subject. In
the first 12 mo, 1.5% of HRT users lost BMD at the lumbar spine and only 0.6% of treated
women lost BMD at the spine in months 1236. At the total hip, 2.3% of women who
were adherent to HRT lost BMD in the first 12 mo but only 0.4% were classified as losing
bone at the hip in months 1236. The authors concluded that in the first 3 yr after therapy
is begun bone loss in women taking HRT is rare. The study also implies that the first 12mo follow-up BMD may not be an accurate assessment of response to treatment in
postmenopausal women (7).
Fig. 1. Meta-analysis of fracture risk in trials utilizing HRT. Adapted from ref. 14.
Efficacy of oral and transdermal estrogens appear similar, and in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of transdermal estrogens, bone mineral density of the spine
increased from 0.8 to 3.7% (10). Transcutaneous estrogen gel has also been shown to
have a 3% increase in BMD of the spine when compared to placebo (11).
Several other interesting results have been derived from the PEPI Trial. For instance,
ascorbic acid is a required cofactor in the hydroxylations of lysine and proline necessary
for collagen formation. Using the PEPI Trial data, the cross-sectional relationship
between dietary vitamin C intake and bone mineral density was assessed. After adjustment for age, BMI, estrogen use, smoking, leisure/physical activity, calcium and total
energy intake, each 100 mg increment in dietary vitamin C intake was associated with
a 0.017 g/cm2 increment in BMD (p = 0.002 femoral neck; p = 0.005 total hip). There
was a similar association of the use of vitamin C with lumbar spine BMD, but after
adjustment this was finding not statistically significant (12).
Fig. 2. Effect of low-dose transdermal estradiol on lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD. A total
of 277 early postmenopausal women were enrolled in this placebo-controlled, two-year study.
Three different dosages (25, 50, and 75 g/d) were combined with sequential oral dydrogesterone
(20 mg/d) to prevent bone loss. At the end of two years, lumbar spine BMD as assessed by DEXA
was increased 4.7% 0.7% with estradiol (closed circles, 25 g/d), 7.3% 0.7% with estradiol
(diamonds, 50 g/d), and 8.7% 07% with estradiol (triangles, 75 g/d). There were also significant increases in the femoral neck, trochanter, and total hip BMD at all doses of estradiol compared with placebo (23).
Fig. 3. Mean percentage change from baseline of lumbar spine BMD measured by DEXA in
postmenopausal women treated with unopposed esterified estrogen (0.3 (squares), 0.625 (triangles)
or 1.25 mg/d (diamonds) or placebo (circles). BMD changes at all times and at all esterified estrogen
doses were significantly different from those occurring with placebo (P < 0.05) (25).
and slow bone loss, few studies have examined the effect of estrogen on the older
population. In one example, 31 healthy women over 70 yr of age were randomized to 12 wk
of treatment with either micronized 17-estradiol (0.5 mg/d) or 1500 mg/d elemental
calcium provided as calcium carbonate plus vitamin D (800 IU/d) (26). At the end of the
initial 12-wk treatment, both groups received calcium, vitamin D and estradiol for an
additional 12 wk. Eleven patients were followed for 36 wk without any treatment and
Fig. 4. Postmenopausal women (n = 406) were randomly assigned to receive continuous esterified estrogen (0.3, 0.625, or 1.25 mg/d) or placebo for 24 mo. In this figure, individual subject
plasma concentrations of estradiol were correlated with lumbar spine BMD changes from baseline
(P = 0.001) (25).
gen therapy. In a recently published trial, the effects of estrogen and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D therapy, provided individually or in combination, on bone loss in elderly
women were described. These women, aged 6577 yr, had normal bone density for their
age and were entered into a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that
included four treatment groups: conjugated equine estrogens (ERT) (0.625 mg/d) given
to women who had had a hysterectomy; medroxyprogesterone acetate (2.5 mg/d) was
added to ERT in women who had an intact uterus (HRT); calcitriol alone (0.25 g bid);
or a combination of HRT or ERT plus calcitriol. Over a 3-yr period, HRT/ERT produced
an increase in BMD of 2.98% at the femoral neck and 4.36% at the spine. Calcitriol alone
increased BMD 0.10% at the femoral neck and 1.65% at the spine. Combination therapy
(HRT/ERT plus calcitriol) increased BMD 3.80% at the femoral neck compared to
4.91% at the spine. All three treatment groups differed from placebo at the spine. There
were no differences between combination therapy and HRT/ERT alone on BMD at any
site when using an intention-to-treat analysis. If the analysis was performed only using
data from women who were adherent to treatment, calcitriol had a greater effect on spine
and total hip. In this group of women, HRT/ERT alone and in combination with calcitriol
therapy was highly effective to reduce bone resorption and increase BMD at the hip and
other clinically relevant sites. Significant bleeding and spotting (defined as >70 episodes) were common events. Bleeding occurred in 27% of patients within the first year,
4 and 3%, respectively in the second and third years. Twenty percent of estrogen treated
women experienced only spotting in the first year, 16% in the second year and 8% in the
third year. Episodes of hypercalciuria occurred in 8% of patients on placebo, 26% on
calcitriol, 3.3% on estrogen and 14.8% on the combination. Thus, side effects associated
with estrogen therapy were common in this older population, particularly in the initial
months. Bleeding led to discontinuation in 11% of women and 5% of women discontinued treatment due to breast tenderness (28).
A study conducted through the Washington University Older Americans Independence Center evaluated the effects of estrogen replacement in frail elderly women (29).
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluated the effects of HRT on
BMD in women aged 75 yr or older with mild-to-moderate physical frailty. Physical
frailty was defined as meeting two or three criteria: low-peak aerobic power (VO2peak)
of 1118 mL/min/kg of body weight, self-reported difficulty or need for assistance with
two instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) or one basic ADL, or modified physical
performance test score of 1822. For 9 mo, subjects were provided conjugated estrogens,
0.625 mg/d, and cyclic medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), 5 mg/d for 13 consecutive
days every third month. Patients without a uterus were not provided MPA or placebo
MPA. Treatment adherence was assessed with pill counts. BMD of the total body,
lumbar spine, and proximal femur was measured at 3-mo intervals using DEXA. Patients
who are unable to tolerate prescribed estrogen due to adverse effects (7 HRT, 2 placebo)
had the dosage reduced to 0.625 mg every other day for 14 wk, and then dosage was
increased to 0.625 daily. Those that continued to have adverse effects returned to 34
tablets/wk for the remainder of the study period. Based on intention-to-treat analyses,
increases in BMD at total body, lumbar spine, total hip and trochanter measurement sites
were larger in response to HRT compared to placebo treatment. The increases in BMD
were also larger in the subset of women who were 80% adherent to treatment compared
to all women randomized to HRT. The between group difference in women adherent to
HRT compared to placebo treatment at the femoral neck was 2.6%. With the intentionto-treat analysis, there was a between group difference (treatment vs placebo) of 3.9%
in the lumbar spine and of 1.4% in the femoral neck. Differences were also noted in BMD
at the total body, lumbar spine, total hip, and trochanter. This study provides novel
information on the skeletal response to the initiation of HRT in physically frail elderly
women. Elderly women may have a positive response because of the effects of estrogens
on calcium conservation in extraskeletal organs. Estrogen preserves intestinal responsiveness to vitamin D, increases parathyroid hormone independent tubular reabsorption
of calcium, and decreases PTH secretion during hypocalcemia. Of course, other potentially beneficial effects of estrogen include suppressive effects on bone resorbing
cytokines associated with chronic inflammation and aging (29).
an adjuvant therapy to surgical mastectomy. Tamoxifen has been shown to reduce the
risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women as reported in 1998 by the National
Cancer Institute (NCI)/National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Projects Breast
Cancer Prevention Trial. In a 5-yr study of 13,388 high-risk women, tamoxifen reduced
the risk of breast cancer by 45% (37). The FDA has approved tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer in high-risk individuals. Interim analysis of smaller, less powerful
European-based trial of tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer indicated no protective effect of the drug (38).
Several studies have indicated that tamoxifen may also act as a bone antagonist in
estrogen-replete premenopausal women. A subset of the National Cancer Institute-sponsored trial participants had BMD measurements at baseline, 1, 2, and 5 yr. The trial was
stopped early due to the success of the primary endpoint, so the number of participants
with BMD measurements at the 5-yr mark is reduced. The effects of tamoxifen on bone
and mineral metabolism in premenopausal women was surprising, since the opposite
effect was noted in postmenopausal women.
Most studies with tamoxifen suggest it has a partial protective effect on the skeleton
in postmenopausal women. Tamoxifen has been shown to prevent bone loss in ovariectomized rats, confirming this estrogen-like effect on bone. Studies by Love et al. indicated that postmenopausal women taking tamoxifen as a adjuvant therapy for breast
cancer, had less bone loss than a placebo-treated control group (36).
Tamoxifen also has estrogen-like effects on some elements of the cardiovascular
system. Tamoxifen increases high density lipoprotein cholesterol and decreases low
density lipoprotein cholesterol in breast cancer patients. Venous thrombosis is a side
effect of tamoxifen as it is with estrogen. The effect of tamoxifen on the uterus has only
recently been appreciated and with long-term use, endometrial hyperplasia with subsequent risk for endometrial cancer has been described. The most common adverse symptoms of tamoxifen therapy include hot flashes, vaginal discharge, and irregular menses.
Currently tamoxifen is utilized as adjuvant therapy for prevention of breast cancer
recurrence. The usual dose is 10 mg/d twice a day for up to 5 yr. In a patient with an intact
uterus, monitoring with yearly vaginal ultrasound or endometrial biopsy to detect endometrial hyperplasia remains controversial and consensus is not imminent. Alternatively, some clinicians utilize a progestogen to antagonize the endometrium in a manner
similar to traditional HRT. Based on limited data, monitoring of BMD in premenopausal
women using tamoxifen is warranted. In postmenopausal women, the guidelines suggested for HRT could be followed with the understanding that small positive changes in
BMD are likely to result from tamoxifen use.
and C-terminal type I procollagen peptide were measured as markers of bone formation,
and reductions in these measures were also greater in the estrogen-treated group. In this
same study, bone mineral density increased in both raloxifene and estrogen treatment
groups within the 6-mo study period, but the group of women treated with conjugated
equine estrogens had a greater increase. This head-to-head trial suggested that raloxifene
had smaller effects on bone turnover and bone density than conjugated equine estrogen.
Bone biopsies were obtained in this study and histomorphometric analysis revealed no
significant differences in static indices at baseline. Dynamic histomorphometric indices
of bone remodeling (BFR/BV, BFR/BS, and Ac.F) were decreased from baseline to the
6-mo endpoint in the conjugated equine estrogen group, but not in the raloxifene group.
Mineralizing surface (MS/BS) and MAR did not change in either treatment group suggesting that the mineralization was not adversely affected. The authors noted that bone
architecture was similar in the two treatment groups, with comparable trabecular number
and thickness.
In another study, three doses of raloxifene (or placebo) were administered to 601
postmenopausal women (Fig. 6). Women who received placebo had a decrease in their
bone mineral density. At the end of two years, the group receiving raloxifene (60 mg/d)
had a 2.4% increase in the BMD of the lumbar spine compared to those treated with
placebo, and a 2.4% increase at the total hip. Each of the groups receiving raloxifene (30,
60, or 150 mg) had a decrease in bone markers including serum osteocalcin, bone alkaline phosphatase and urinary type I collagen C-telopeptide (CTX) in comparison with
placebo. At the 60-mg dose, all bone turnover markers decreased to premenopausal
levels (40).
The Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene Evaluation (MORE) study was a multicenter,
randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial with 7,705 participants age 3180 yr.
Women were at least 2 yr postmenopausal and had a BMD T-score of 2.5. Participants
were randomized to 60 mg/d or 120 mg/d of raloxifene or placebo. The main outcome
measurements included vertebral fracture, nonvertebral fractures, and bone mineral
density. Assessment of bone markers was performed and the mean baseline serum
osteocalcin concentration was 24.1 mg/L and urinary excretion of C-telopeptide was 248
mg/mmol of creatinine. Serum osteocalcin concentrations decreased by a median 8.6,
26.3, and 31.1% after 36 mo in the placebo, 60 mg and 120 mg raloxifene, respectively.
Urinary C-telopeptide excretion decreased to a similar amount (8.1, 34.0, and 31.5% in
placebo, 60 mg and 120 mg of raloxifene, respectively). In this trial, vertebral fracture
was defined as a decrease in the anterior, mid or posterior vertebral height of at least 20%
and at least 4 mm. Baseline and follow-up radiographs were available for 89% of the
women. Women receiving raloxifene had fewer new vertebral fractures regardless if
they had existing fractures at the beginning of the study. For the 60 mg/d raloxifene
group, the relative risk (RR) of vertebral fracture was 0.7 (95% confidence interval [CI]
0.50.8) and for the 120 mg/d group, the RR was 0.5 (CI, 0.40.7). Recently, the MORE
cohort has been followed for 4 yr and the reduction of vertebral fracture risk was maintained. The relative risk in the 60 mg raloxifene-treated group was 0.64 compared with
placebo (41). The overall occurrence of nonvertebral fractures was low and although
there was a 10% reduction with raloxifene, it did not reach a level of significance (RR
0.9; 95% CI 0.11.1). Bone mineral density increased compared to placebo at the femoral neck (2.1%) and the spine (2.6%) at the 60 mg/d dose (p < 0.001). One of the major
Fig. 6. Data from the two-year time point in the mutiple outcomes of raloxifene study (MORE).
There is an increase in BMD as determined by DEXA as expressed by the mean percent change
from baseline at the doses of raloxifene tested as compared to placebo (40).
side effects was that women receiving raloxifene had an increased risk of venous thromboembolism versus placebo (RR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.56.2). Other side effects included a
slight increase in the number of hot flashes in the raloxifene-treated patients (6.4% in the
placebo group vs 9.7% in the 60 mg/d of raloxifene) and an increase in leg cramp
(placebo 3.7% vs 7.0% at 60 mg/d raloxifene) (42).
In a joint effort, European and North American study groups enrolled a total of 1,145
healthy, postmenopausal women in parallel, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of identical design. The women were randomly assigned to receive
raloxifene (30, 60, or 150 mg) or placebo daily for 3 yr. The change in lumbar spine BMD
in the placebo group was 1.32%. Lumbar spine BMD increased 0.71% in the 30 mg
raloxifene group, 1.28% in the 60 mg group and 1.20% in the 120 mg group. Similar
changes in BMD were observed at the hip. Serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
was reduced 712% below baseline in the raloxifene-treated patients. As in the MORE
trial, the only significant adverse effect was hot flashes (25% in the 60 mg raloxifene
group compared to 18% in the placebo group) (43).
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raloxifene and estrogen on bone in postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:21972202.
40. Delmas PD, Bjarnason NH, Mitlak BH, Ravoux AC, Shah AS, Huster WJ. Effects of raloxifene on
bone mineral density, serum cholesterol concentrations, and uterine endometrium in postmenopausal
women. N Engl J Med 1997;337:16411647.
41. Eastell R, Adachi J, Harper K, Sarkar S, Delmas PD, Ensrud K, et al. The effects of raloxifene on
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42. Ettinger B, Black DM, Mitlak BH, Knickerbocker RK, Nickelsen T, Genant HK, et al. Reduction of
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from a 3-year randomized trial. JAMA 1999;282:637645.
43. Johnston CCJr, Bjarnason NH, Cohen FJ, Shah A, Lindsay R, Mitlak BH, et al. Long-term effects of
raloxifene on bone mineral density, bone turnover, and serum lipid levels in early postmenopausal
women: Three-year data from 2 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Arch Intern Med
44. Alexandersen P, Riis BJ, Stakkestad JA, Delmas PD, Christiansen C. Efficacy of levormeloxifene in
the prevention of postmenopausal bone loss and on the lipid profile compared to low dose hormone
replacement therapy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001;86:755760.
The obvious impact of the menopause on skeletal health has focused much of the
research on the general action of gonadal steroids on bone on the specific effects of
estrogen. However, androgens, independently, have important beneficial effects on
skeletal development and on the maintenance of bone mass in both men and women. For
example, androgens (1) influence growth plate maturation and closure helping to determine longitudinal bone growth during development, (2) mediate dichotomous regulation of cancellous and cortical bone mass, leading to a sexually dimorphic skeleton, (3)
modulate peak bone mass acquisition, and (4) inhibit bone loss (14). In castrate animals,
replacement with nonaromatizable androgens (e.g., dihydrotestosterone) yields beneficial effects that are clearly distinct from those observed with estrogen replacement (5,6).
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
In intact females, blockade of the androgen receptor (AR) with the specific AR antagonist hydroxyflutamide results in osteopenia (7). Data suggest that combination therapy
with both estrogen and androgenic steroids is more effective than estrogen replacement
alone (811). At the same time, nonaromatizable androgen alone and in combination
with estrogen also result in distinct changes in bone mineral density in females (12).
These reports illustrate the independent actions of androgens and estrogens on the skeleton. Thus, in both men and women it is probable that androgens and estrogens each have
important, yet distinct, functions during bone development and in the subsequent maintenance of skeletal homeostasis. Given the increasing awareness of the importance of the
effects of androgen on skeletal homeostasis, and the potential use of androgen for the
treatment of bone disorders, much is yet to be learned.
The mechanism(s) by which androgens affect skeletal homeostasis are thus the focus
of intensified research. Androgen receptors have been identified in a variety of cells
found in bone tissue (13). The characterization of androgen receptor expression in these
cells thus clearly identifies bone as a target tissue for androgen. The direct actions of
androgen to influence the complex processes of proliferation, differentiation, mineralization, and gene expression in the osteoblast have also been documented (14). Androgen effects on bone cells may also be indirectly modulated and/or mediated by other
autocrine and paracrine factors in the bone microenvironment. This chapter will thus
review recent progress on the characterization of androgen action in bone cells.
Fig. 1. Nuclear androgen and estrogen receptor binding in normal human osteoblast-like cells.
Dots represent the mean calculated number of molecules per cell nucleus for each cell strain.
(Left) Specific nuclear binding of [3H]R1881 (methyltrienolone, an androgen analog) in 12
strains from normal men and 13 strains from normal women. (Right) Specific nuclear
[3H]estradiol binding in 15 strains from men and 15 strains from women. The horizontal lines
indicate the mean receptor concentrations (17).
action, the latent receptor is converted into a transcriptionally active form by simple
ligand binding. This model is now considered an over-simplification, with the understanding that signaling pathways and additional proteins (for example, coactivators or
corepressors as described below and shown in Fig. 2) within the cell can influence steroid
receptor transduction activity. For example, steroid receptor phosphorylation can result
from signal transduction cascades initiated at the cell membrane, for example with
cyclin-dependent kinases (36). It has been shown that steroid receptor phosphorylation
can lead to alteration of the responsiveness of steroid receptors to cognate ligands or, in
some cases, even result in ligand-independent activation.
Such potential modification(s) of AR action in bone cells is in fact only poorly characterized; whether the AR in osteoblasts undergoes post-translational processing that
might thus influence receptor signaling (stabilization, phosphorylation, etc.) as described
for AR in other tissues (37,38), and the potential functional implications of such modifications (39), are not known. Ligand-independent activation of AR by cellular phosphorylation cascades has been described in other tissues (40,41), but has not been
explored in bone. AR activity may also be influenced by receptor modulators, such as
the nuclear receptor coactivators or corepressors (42,43). As outlined in Fig. 2, these
coactivators/corepressors can influence the downstream signaling of nuclear receptors
through multiple mechanisms, including histone acetylation/deacetylation, respectively,
that results in chromatin remodeling. Such activities may reflect both the cellular context
and the particular promoter involved. In addition, a recent report documents direct
acetylation of the AR itself by p300/CBP (44). AR specific coactivators have been
identified (45), many of which interact with the ligand binding domain of the receptor
(46). Expression and regulation of these modulators may thus influence the ability of
steroid receptors to regulate gene expression in bone (47), but this has been underexplored
with respect to androgen action. A preliminary report has suggested the presence of
androgen-specific coactivators in osteoblastic cells (48).
In addition to the classical AR pathway present in bone cells, several other androgendependent signaling pathways have been described. Specific binding sites for weaker
adrenal androgens (dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA]) have been described (49,50),
raising the possibility that DHEA or similar androgenic compounds may also have direct
effects in bone cells. In fact, Bodine et al. (51) showed that DHEA caused a rapid
inhibition of c-fos expression in human osteoblastic cells that was more robust than that
seen with classical androgens (dihydrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone, or androstenedione). Nevertheless, all androgenic compounds significantly increased transforming
growth factor-beta (TGF-) activity in osteoblastic cells. Androgens may also be specifically bound in osteoblastic cells by a 63-kDa cytosolic protein (52). There are reports of
distinct AR polymorphisms identified in different races that may have biological impact
on androgen responses (53), but this has not been explored with respect to bone tissue.
These different AR isoforms have the potential to interact in distinct fashions with other
signaling molecules, such as c-Jun (54). Androgens may also regulate osteoblast activity
via rapid nongenomic mechanisms through elevations in intracellular calcium levels
(55,56) mediated by receptors at the bone cell surface (57), as has also been shown for
estrogen (58). Finally, AR may also interact with other transcription factors, such as NFB, CREB-binding protein and different forms of AP-1, to generally repress transcription without DNA binding (59,60). The role and biologic significance of these
nonclassical signaling pathways in androgen-mediated responses in bone are still relatively uncharacterized.
Fig. 3. The localization of AR in normal tibial growth plate and adult osteophytic human bone.
(a) Morphologically, sections of the growth plate consist of areas of endochondral ossification
with undifferentiated (small arrow head), proliferating (large arrow heads), mature (small arrow)
and hypertrophic (large arrow) chondrocytes. Bar = 80 m. An inset of an area of the primary
spongiosa is shown in b. (b) Numerous osteoblasts (small arrow heads) and multinucleated
osteoclasts (large arrow heads) on the bone surface. Mononuclear cells within the bone marrow
are also present (arrows). Bar = 60 m. (c) In the growth plate, AR is predominantly expressed
by hypertrophic chondrocytes (large arrow heads). Minimal expression is observed in the mature
chondrocytes (small arrow heads). The receptors are rarely observed in the proliferating
chondrocytes (arrow). (d) In the primary spongiosa, the AR is predominantly and highly expressed
by osteoblasts at modeling sites (arrow heads). Bar = 20 m. (e) In the osteophytes, AR is also
observed at sites of endochondral ossification in undifferentiated (small arrow heads), proliferating (large arrow heads), mature (small arrows), and hypertrophic-like (large arrow)
chondrocytes. Bar = 80 m. (f) A higher magnification of e) showing proliferating, mature, and
hypertrophic-like chondrocytes (large arrows, small arrows, and very large arrows respectively)
Bar = 40 m. (g) At sites of bone remodeling, the receptors are highly expressed in the osteoblasts
(small arrow heads) and also in mononuclear cells in the bone marrow (large arrow heads). Bar
= 40 m. (h) AR is not detected in osteoclasts (small arrow heads) Bar = 40 m. B, Bone; C,
Cartilage; BM, Bone marrow (13).
prepubertal or senescent bone. Again, no differences were found between male and
female samples, suggesting that differences in receptor number per se do not underlie
development of a sexually dimorphic skeleton. Androgen and estrogen receptors have
also been shown in bone marrow derived stromal cells (61), which are responsive to sex
(TE-85). Testosterone and DHT were nearly equally effective regulators. Hofbauer et al.
(69) examined the effect of DHT exposure on proliferation in hFOB/AR-6, an immortalized human osteoblastic cell line stably transfected with an AR expression construct (with
~4000 receptors/cell). In this line, DHT treatment inhibited cell proliferation by 2035%.
Finally, Kasperk et al. (24) reported that prolonged DHT pretreatment inhibited normal
human osteoblastic cell proliferation (cell counts) in cultures pretreated with DHT.
In contrast, the same group (70,71) also demonstrated in osteoblast-like cells in primary culture (murine, passaged human) that a variety of androgens increase DNA synthesis ([3H]thymidine incorporation) up to nearly 300%. Again, testosterone and
nonaromatizable androgens (DHT and fluoxymesterone) were nearly equally effective
regulators. Consistent with increased proliferation, testosterone and DHT have also been
Table 1
Complex Effects of Androgens on Proliferation of Osteoblastic Cells
2% FBS
2% FBS
1% csFBS
1.5% csFBS
T (10 nM), 24 h
DHT (10 nM), 72 h
1.5% csFBS
no effect
h cortical OBs
h normal OBs
DHT (1 nM), 48 h;
(24 h pretreatment
10 nM DHT)
DHT (50 g), 24 h
DHT (50 g), 24 h
1 psg, 5% csFBS
1 psg, 5% csFBS
1st psg, 2% csFBS
1st psg, 2% csFBS
1st psg, 5% csFBS
1st/2nd psg, SF
1st/2nd psg, SF
st nd
1 /2 psg,
1% csFBS
1st/2nd psg,
1% csFBS
1st/2nd psg, SF
20 d rats; in vivo
20 d rats; in vivo
h TE-85 (osteosarcoma)
m MC3T3-E1
m MC3T3-E1
r normal calvarial OBs
r normal long bone OBs
r normal long bone OBs
r diaphysis
r epiphysis
h, human; m, mouse; r, rat; OBs, osteoblasts; T, testosterone; cs, charcoal-stripped; SF, serum-free; psg,
Fig. 5. Effect of DHT on ALP positive (ALP+) and alp negative (ALP) cells in normal mouse,
normal human osteoblast-line and human osteosarcoma (TE89) monolayer cell culture. (*** =
p < 0.001; ** = p < 0.01; * = p < 0.1). control values in cells per mm2 for mouse bone cells were:
90 5; TE89 cells: 75 7; human bone cells: 83 14 (70).
more, evidence shows that the osteocytic population is particularly sensitive to the effects
of estrogen withdrawal, which induces apoptosis (82,83). Androgen exposure has been
shown to influence apoptosis in other tissues (84,85), but the effects of either androgen
exposure or androgen withdrawal in bone have not been described.
Fig. 6. Induction of total TGF- activity by gonadal and adrenal androgens in human osteoblast
(hOB) cell conditioned-media. The cells were treated for 2448 h with vehicle or steroids. After
treatment, the conditioned-media was saved and processed for the TGF- bioassay. The results
are presented as the mean SEM of 34 experiments; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.02, ***P < 0.0005
(Behrens-Fisher t-test) compared to the 48 h ethanol control. ETOH, ethanol; TEST, testosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; ASD, androstenedione; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone;
DHEA-S, DHEA-sulfate (51).
Fig. 7. Effects of orchiectomy and testosterone replacement on isoforms of TGF in long bones.
Results are mean + SE of 46 animals. Rats underwent sham operation or orchiectomy and one
week later were given either placebo or 100 mg of testosterone in 60-d slow release pellets.
Specimens were obtained 6 wk after surgery. All forms of TGF were reduced by orchiectomy
(at least p < 0.0002), while there was no change in those with testosterone replacement (96).
mRNA levels are significantly upregulated by DHT (98). Androgens may also modulate
the expression of components of the AP-1 transcription factor, as has been shown with
androgen inhibition of c-fos expression in proliferating normal osteoblast cultures (51).
Thus, androgens may accelerate osteoblast differentiation via a mechanism whereby
growth factors or other mediators of differentiation are regulated by androgen exposure.
Finally, androgens may modulate responses to other important osteotropic hormones/
regulators. Testosterone and DHT specifically inhibit the cAMP response elicited by
parathyroid hormone or parathyroid hormone-related protein in the human clonal osteoblast-like cell line SaOS-2, whereas the inactive or weakly active androgen 17epitestosterone had no effect (Fig. 8). This inhibition may be mediated via an effect on
the parathyroid hormone receptor-Gs-adenylyl cyclase (99101). The production of
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), another important regulator of bone metabolism, is also affected
by androgens. Pilbeam and Raisz (102) showed that androgens (either DHT or testosterone) were potent inhibitors of both parathyroid hormone (Fig. 9) and interleukin-1stimulated PGE2 production in cultured neonatal mouse calvaria. The effects of
androgens on parathyroid hormone action and PGE2 production suggest that androgens
could act to modulate (i.e., reduce) bone turnover in response to these agents.
Finally, both androgen (14) and estrogen (103,104) inhibit the production of
interleukin-6 by osteoblastic cells (see ref. 105). In stromal cells of the bone marrow,
androgens have been shown to have potent inhibitory effects on the production of
interleukin-6 (Table 2) and the subsequent stimulation of osteoclastogenesis by marrow
osteoclast precursors (61). Interestingly, adrenal androgens (androstenediol, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone) have similar inhibitory activities on interleukin-6
gene expression and protein production by stroma (61). The loss of inhibition of
interleukin-6 production by androgen may contribute to the marked increase in bone
remodeling and resorption that has been shown to follow orchidectomy. Moreover,
androgens inhibit the expression of the genes encoding the two subunits of the IL-6
receptor (gp80 and gp130) in the murine bone marrow, another mechanism that may
blunt the effects of this osteoclastogenic cytokine in intact animals (106). In this aspect,
the effects of androgens seem to be very similar to those of estrogen, which may also
inhibit osteoclastogenesis via mechanisms that involve interleukin-6 inhibition.
Fig. 9. Effect of testosterone (T) on PTH-stimulated PGE production in cultured neonatal calvariae
as a function of time. Each bone was precultured for 24 h in 1 mL medium with or without 109 M T
and then transferred to similar medium with 2.5 nM PTH. Media were sampled (0.1 mL) at the
indicated times. Data were corrected for the media removed. Each point represents the mean
SEM for six bones in one experiment. The effect of T on PTH-stimulated PGE production was
significant (P < 0.05) at 6, 12, and 24 h (102).
Table 2
Effect of Androgens on Cytokine-Induced IL-6 Production
by Murine Bone Marrow Stromal Cells
IL-1 + TNF
IL-1 + TNF+ testosterone (1012 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ testosterone (1011 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ testosterone (10 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ testosterone (109 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ testosterone (108 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ testosterone (107 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ dihydrotestosterone (1012 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ dihydrotestosterone (1011 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ dihydrotestosterone (1010 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ dihydrotestosterone (10 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ dihydrotestosterone (108 M)
IL-1 + TNF+ dihydrotestosterone (107 M)
Murine stromal cells (+/+ LDA11 cells) were cultured for 20 h in the absence or the presence
of different concentrations of either testosterone or dihydrotestosterone. Then IL-1 (500 U/mL)
and TNF (500 U/mL) were added and cells were maintained for another 24 h in culture. Values
indicate means ( SD) of triplicate cultures from one experiment. Data were analyzed by oneway ANOVA. *P < 0.05 vs cells not treated with steroids as determined by Dunnets test.
Neither testosterone nor dihydrotestosterone had an affect on cell number (61).
major determinant in the effects of gonadal hormones on bone. While available data
point to a possible role for 5-reduction in the mechanism of action for androgen in bone,
the clinical impact of this enzyme, the isozyme which may be involved, whether it is
uniformly present in all cells participating in bone modeling/remodeling, or whether
local activity is important at all remains uncertain.
The biosynthesis of estrogens from androgen precursors is catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme aromatase cytochrome P450 (P450arom, the product of the CYP19 gene). It
is an enzyme known to be both expressed and regulated in a very pronounced tissuespecific manner (118). Aromatase activity has been reported in bone from mixed cell
populations derived from both sexes (119121) and from osteoblastic cell lines (22,122
124). Aromatase expression in intact bone has been documented by in situ hybridization
and immunohistochemical analysis (121) (Table 3). Aromatase mRNA is expressed
predominantly in lining cells, chondrocytes, and some adipocytes, but there is no detectable expression in osteoclasts. At least in vertebral bone, the aromatase fibroblast (1b
type) promoter is predominantly utilized (121). The enzyme kinetics in bone cells seem
to be similar to those in other tissues, although the Vmax may be increased by glucocorticoids (123).
Aromatase can produce the potent estrogen estradiol, but also can produce in the
weaker estrogen estrone from its adrenal precursors androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone (119). In addition to aromatase itself, osteoblasts also express 17hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (110,125) that is able to interconvert estradiol and estrone
and also to convert androstenedione to testosterone; and estrone sulfatase to hydrolyze
estrone sulfate to estrone (122). Nawata et al. (119) have reported that dexamethasone
and 1a,25(OH)2D3 synergistically enhance aromatase activity and aromatase mRNA
(P450arom) expression in human osteoblast-like cells. There is no other information
concerning the regulation of aromatase in bone, although this is an area of obvious
interest given the potential importance of the enzyme and its regulation by a variety of
mechanisms (including androgens and estrogens) in other tissues (118,126).
The clinical impact of aromatase activity has been suggested by the reports of skeletal
changes in women (127) and men (128,129) with aromatase deficiencies. The presentation of men with aromatase deficiency is very similar to that of a man with estrogen
receptor- deficiency, namely an obvious delay in bone age, lack of epiphyseal closure,
and tall stature (130), suggesting that aromatase (and thus estrogen action) has a substantial role to play during skeletal development in the male. In one case, estrogen therapy
of a man with an aromatase deficiency was associated with an increase in bone mass
(131). Inhibition of aromatization in young growing orchidectomized males, with the
nonsteroidal inhibitor vorozole, results in decreases in bone mineral density and changes
in skeletal modeling, as does castration which reduces both androgens and estrogens.
However, vorozole therapy induces less dramatic effects on bone turnover (132). Inhibition of aromatization in older orchidectomized males resembles castration with similar
increases in bone resorption and bone loss, suggesting that aromatase activity may also
play a role in skeletal maintenance in males (133). These studies herald the importance
of aromatase activity (and estrogen) in the mediation of androgen action in bone.
The finding of these enzymes in bone clearly raises the difficult issue of the origin of
androgenic effects. Do they arise from direct androgen effects (as is suggested by the
actions of nonaromatizable androgens) or to some extent from the local production of
estrogenic intermediates or both? Even so, there is substantial evidence that some, if in
Mother liquor
3 14
H/ C
cpm/mg cpm/mg
3 14
H/ C
cpm/mg cpm/mg
Table 3
Steroid Metabolism in Human Bone
fact not most, of the biologic actions of androgens in the skeleton are direct. As noted
previously, both in vivo and in vitro systems reveal the effects of the nonaromatizable
androgen DHT to be essentially the same as those of testosterone (vida infra). In addition, blockade of the AR with the receptor antagonist flutamide results in osteopenia as
a result of reduced bone formation (7). These reports clearly indicate that androgens,
independent of estrogenic metabolites, have primary effects on osteoblast function.
However, the clinical reports of subjects with aromatase deficiency also highlight the
relevance of androgen metabolism to bio-potent estrogens in bone. The elucidation of
the regulation of skeletal steroid metabolism, and the potential mechanisms by which
androgenic and estrogenic effects are coordinated, will have important physiological,
pathophysiological, and therapeutic implications.
Thus, the effects of androgens on bone health are both complex and pervasive. The
effects of androgens are particularly dramatic during growth in boys, but almost certainly play an important role during this period in girls as well. Throughout the rest of
life, androgens affect skeletal function and maintenance in both sexes. Nevertheless,
given this importance, relatively little has been done to unravel the mechanisms by which
androgens influence the physiology and pathophysiology of bone, and there is still much
to be learned about the roles of androgens at all levels. The interaction of androgens and
estrogens, and how their respective actions can be utilized for specific diagnostic and
therapeutic benefit, are important but unanswered issues. With an increase in the understanding of the nature of androgen effects will come greater opportunities to use their
positive actions in the prevention and treatment of a wide variety of bone disorders.
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Males deprived of androgen action, due to a lack of functional androgen receptors,
have a female and not male phenotype (1,2), indicating that the development of the male
phenotype depends on androgen action. The skeletal male phenotype is characterized by
stronger bones than in females, primarily because male bones have greater size and not
because they contain more mineral for similar size (3,4). It would seem logical, therefore, to assume that androgen action is particularly important for gender differences in
bone size. Theoretically, androgen action may affect male skeletal homeostasis in utero,
during the neonatal period, as well as before and after puberty. Females, on the other
hand, do not secrete sex steroids before early puberty. Therefore, it is unlikely that sex
steroids affect skeletal homeostasis before early puberty in the female.
Indirect androgen action outside bone tissue, however, may be the main determinant
of early gender differences in bone size. Indeed, sex differences in skeletal growth also
depend on a gender-specific growth hormoneIGF-I secretion in the pituitary, programmed by neonatal androgen secretion (5,6).
To a large extent, skeletal growth is associated with overall body growth and growthrelated changes in body composition (7). In this respect, the strong relationship between
lean body mass and bone mineral suggests that skeletal homeostasis is associated with
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Vanderschueren et al.
Fig. 1. This figure illustrates the complexity of skeletal androgen action in an animal model.
According to this mathematical model, the end-result of testosterone action may depend on
metabolization (androgen versus estrogen) and the presence of receptors in bone cells (in different compartments) and non-bone cells. Finally, the effects may ultimately differ according to
gender and timing (neonatal period, growth and old age).
setpoints of skeletal homeostasis. Therefore, skeletal actions of sex steroids are always
to be discussed in light of their possible indirect effects on body composition. For
instance, evolution has particularly taken care of the female, probably because she needs
more bone mineral for reproduction. Therefore, bone mineral increases more than lean
body mass during puberty in women than men (7); an advantage they loose after menopause. Overall, men gain more bone mineral because they also gain more lean body mass.
However, men do not have more bone mineral with respect to volume (4). Moreover,
men have less bone with respect to lean body mass than women (at least during female
reproductive ages).
By 1969, Saville had already made similar fundamental observations in rats (9).
Relative to body weight, female rats have more bone mineral, an advantage (in accordance with women) that they loose after ovariectomy. Therefore, extra estrogen in
females (compared to males) is probably associated with the relative extra bone mineral
that females acquire during puberty. In many ways, it would seem, the adaptation of the
skeleton to both mechanical force and reproduction is similar in rodents and in humans.
In this regard, the rodent seems the appropriate model for the study of the regulation of
these processes by sex steroids. One of the important questions in this respect is: what
is the specific skeletal role of androgens? Do androgens, like estrogens, play a role in
skeletal homeostasis during and after puberty? The complexity of this question is illustrated by Fig. 1. The effects of androgens, such as testosterone, may indeed depend on
many variables, such as their action as pro-hormones for estrogens. We will mainly focus
on animal data with respect to skeletal androgen action. However, we prefer to do this
in light of their possible relevance for humans. Therefore, references to and comparisons
with human data are indicated throughout the chapter.
Vanderschueren et al.
reached by experiments in any rodent model will never be fully applicable to the human
mature skeleton. Nevertheless, some remarkable similarities between the human and the
rodent with respect to loss and gain of androgen action are apparent as will be indicated
in this chapter.
The relative lack of Haversian remodeling of cortical bone in the rat (in comparison
with human bone), should be considered in the evaluation of cortical bone (15,16).
The male orchidectomized model has many similarities with the well characterized
osteoporosis model of the female ovariectomized rat (17). However, the female rat
skeleton also differs from males. Indeed, female rats have less cortical bone and their
growth plates close earlier (18). Moreover, females react differently to ovariectomy than
males to orchidectomy: longitudinal and periosteal bone formation decrease in growing
orchidectomized males (14,19,20) whereas ovariectomized female rats respond with
increases of both longitudinal and periosteal bone formation (19,21). This opposite
adaptation to sex hormone deficiency abolishes the sexual dimorphism of the skeleton.
Therefore, a good understanding of gender differences in skeletal adaptation to sex
hormone deficiency is necessary. Finally, possible differences in skeletal adaptation
between different rat strains should also be considered (22).
Osteoporosis may be defined as a mechanical failure of bone associated with net loss
of bone mineral per unit bone volume. Neither rats nor mice, however, experience
minimal trauma fractures. Therefore, the term osteoporosis is never fully applicable
to rodents. Nevertheless, the female ovariectomized rat model is certainly a useful preclinical model for the early evaluation of pharmacological modalities in postmenopausal
osteoporotic women (17). For instance, this model has helped us to understand how sex
steroids play a role in the gain and maintenance of bone mineral, which are the cellular
events associated with these gains or losses of bone, how these changes reflect in
mechanical fragility andmost importantlyhow can we pharmacologically interfere.
The male orchidectomized rat model, on the other hand, is a model for a very specific
and uncommon form of human osteoporosis. Overt hypogonadism is not a very prevalent
condition in men. Men, in contrast with women, do not experience a natural menopause.
Partial testosterone deficiency is, however, found in about half of the healthy elderly men
(when their bioavailable testosterone concentrations are compared with young normal
testosterone ranges) (23). Therefore, the only condition in humans, fully equivalent to
a sudden and complete removal of androgens (as induced by orchidectomy of rats), is
surgical or chemical castration. Castration, however, is only performed in men suffering
from either prostatic carcinoma or paraphilia. Therefore, the comparison of skeletal
effects of androgen deficiency, observed in an orchidectomized rodent model, with the
potential skeletal effects of a much more progessive and incomplete loss of testosterone
observed in elderly men, is not justified (as will be demonstrated in greater detail). Only
about 15% of all men with spinal osteoporosis have some degree of hypogonadism (24).
The prevalence of hypogonadism in frail elderly men admitted with minimal trauma hip
fractures is probably higher (25), but it remains to be clarified to what extent their sometimes very low testosterone concentrations are induced by their comorbidity. Men with
idiopathic osteoporosis, on the other hand, have no associated hypogonadism by definition
(26). This clinical condition is characterized by a histological picture of sluggish osteoblastic performance without significant changes in most biochemical bone turnover markers
(27,28). It is clear, therefore, that the skeletal impairment in idiopathic osteoporosis may
be quite different from the skeletal changes described in orchidectomized rats.
In conclusion, the most important scientific merit of the male orchidectomized rodent
as an osteoporosis model is the understanding of how androgens act to gain and maintain
bone mass. Since male rats practically gain bone mass during a great part of their life span,
most of the information will be relevant for our understanding of androgen action on bone
gain. However, some of the information will also be relevant for the understanding of
androgen effects on skeletal maintenance. Therefore, effects of androgen deficiency in fast
growing younger rats and slow growing older rats will be discussed separately.
In young growing rats, bone grows by modeling. Bone modeling is the combined
process of bone growth at the growth plate by endochondral bone formation, at the outer
cortex by periosteal bone formation and at the inner cortex by combined endosteal bone
formation and resorption (resorption being greater than formation). Simultaneously,
cancellous bone grows by two forces: endochondral bone formation adds cancellous
bone proximally, which is resorbed again distally. The end result is a continuous enlargement of the bone marrow cavity.
Bone modeling adapts in response to changing environmental conditions. The best
characterized condition is mechanical force. Absence of mechanical strain on bone cells
during growth-as occurs during immobilization- has dramatic effects: less bone will be
added at periosteal, endosteal sites and at the growth plate (8,29). The bone marrow,
however, does not react similarly to this offsett of mechanical force: resorption goes on
and the bone marrow cavity continues to enlarge. Immobilization therefore results not
only in less cortical and trabecular bone, but also in thinner and shorter bones.
Skeletal features of androgen deficiency in growing male rats show some similarities
with the effects of immobilization. Indeed, both periosteal and longitudinal bone formation also decrease following orchidectomy (19). Therefore, less bone is added at these
sites. However, androgen deficiency (as mentioned earlier) may affect mechanical strain
(and thus bone modeling) indirectly due to failure of body weight gain (9,13,19). Furthermore, not only weight gain, but also body composition may change following orchidectomy in favor of more fat and less lean body mass. Therefore, the overall decrease
of bone mineral content in orchidectomy rats may be linked to a decrease of lean body
mass, but this remains to be firmly established. Less muscle indeed means less strain on
bone cells, which therefore will add less bone. Not only androgens, but also the growth
hormoneIGF-I axis acts as a key regulator of growth. Androgens may thus affect
skeletal growth indirectly via the GHIGF-I axis. Bone modeling decreases in growth
hormone-deficient male rats following orchidectomy (30). Therefore, androgens directly stimulate (at least partly) skeletal growth in male rats.
Despite similarities, there are also some differences between androgen deficiency and
loss of mechanical strain. Running exercise fails to prevent or reverse either net bone loss
or relative reduction of bone gain induced by orchidectomy (31). Moreover, there is now
good histomorphometric evidence that, in contrast with the low periosteal bone formation and endochondral ossification, bone resorption (characterized by greater increase
of resorption than formation) significantly increases at both cancellous and endosteal
sites (14,20,29). This increase of bone resorption within the marrow cavity is also
reflected by an increase of several biochemical markers of bone turnover (32).
Vanderschueren et al.
The end result is a dramatic decrease of both bone mineral and size following orchidectomy (32,33). Not only bone volume and size decrease in orchidectomized rats,
but also less bone mineral is added and more bone lost per volume (30). The overall
decrease of bone density observed in growing orchidectomized rats is, however, only
explained by an apparent decrease of cancellous bone density (reflected histomorphometrically in less and thinner trabeculae, without changes in real density of these
trabeculae) (20,32,33). No real changes in cortical density (when expressed as cortical
volumetric density measured by pQCT) occur in orchidectomized rats (32). Apparent density
of cortical bone by DXA, on the other hand, seems lower due to decreases in cortical size (32).
This lack of cortical changes probably relates to the lack of Haversian remodeling.
In conclusion, during androgen deficiency, growing male rats will add less bone. This
decrease of new bone formation may be associated with overall changes in growth and
body composition which are at least partly independent of the GHIGF-I axis. However,
not only will less bone be added, more bone will be resorbed as well in orchidectomized
vs intact growing rats.
In aged male rats, both growth rate and body weight gain are much less (15,3436).
Growth plates are still open but longitudinal growth is extremely low. Biochemical and
histological bone turnover parameters show age-related decreases in these older animals. Periosteal bone formation continues, but at a much lower rate (15,34,36). Because
bone marrow enlarges at a fast rate, no extra cortical bone is added (3537). Instead, a
gradual loss of cortical bone is observed. Similarly, cancellous bone volume decreases,
primarily as the result of the combination of ongoing cancellous bone resorption and
relatively decreased cancellous bone formation. Therefore, and desite a number of limitations, the aged male rat skeleton resembles age-related changes in elderly males (4,26).
Overall, in both skeletons, the age-related loss in bone size and volume is due to a
decrease of bone formation without significant increase of bone resorption.
Androgen deficiency in older rats has effects on body weight gain but body composition also changes, as evidenced by a decrease in lean body mass (38). The effects of
androgen deprivation on growth plates and periosteal surfaces are considerably less than
in growing rats, although a trend towards lower periosteal bone formation is evident
(35,36). Androgen deficiency in older rats, however, does not induce significant changes
in bone length (34,35,39,40).
The most marked skeletal response to androgen deprivation in older rats is an increase of
cancellous and endosteal bone resorption resulting in cancellous bone loss (34,37,4143).
Although cancellous bone formation also increases in response to the increased cancellous
bone resorption, bone formation increases less than resorption. This process is similar to the
uncoupling between bone resorption and formation that occurs in bone remodeling units in
early postmenopauasal women (28). At the same time, more cancellous bone remodeling
units are activated. As a result of this overall relatively increased endosteal and cancellous
bone resorption, the marrow cavity enlarges and some thinning of the cortices occurs. Moreover, an increase of cortical porosity occurs, presumably secondary to this increase of bone
turnover at the endocortical surfaces, at least in some (36,39) but not all studies (40).
Overall, net loss of cancellous bone, cortical thickness and increase of cortical porosity complete the typical skeletal picture in older androgen-deprived rats.
In men suffering from prostatic carcinoma or sexual delinquency, similar loss of
cancellous bone density is observed following either chemical or surgical castration (44
46), and this loss is associated with increased biochemical markers. Cortical changes in
bone following castration are less well described in humans. Also, the histomorphometric
changes following castration are unknown.
Vanderschueren et al.
resorption of calcified cartilage during vascular invasion of the growth plate, decreases
at the same time resorption of cartilage and bone matrix in the primary spongiosa and
further decreases bone resorption in the secondary spongiosa (54). The net result of these
three processes is an increase in cancellous bone volume explaining why estrogen
administration, resulting in only slightly supraphysiological estradiol concentrations,
increases cancellous bone volume in orchidectomized rats above intact levels. Indeed,
although growth is slow in 15 month old male Wistar rats, epiphyses are not fused (15).
Therefore, although skeletal effects of estrogen are again remarkably similar to the
effects of estrogen administration described in adult transsexual male to female men
(low bone turnover and prevention of bone loss) (55), the mechanism of action of estrogen in an animal with nonfused epiphyses is not enterily comparable to the human
In men, the estrogen pathway has received much attention because an important delay
of skeletal maturation has been described in men with a mutation in the estrogen receptor- gene (56) or in the aromatase gene (5759). Moreover, in an aromatase-deficient
man, estrogen administration was found to increase bone density at different skeletal
sites, probably as a result of increased bone maturation (59).
In rats, genetic defects of either aromatase or estrogen receptor- or - have not been
described (in contrast with mice, see further). The estrogen receptor pathway, however,
was evaluated in male rats via pharmacological modulation in one of our recent experiments (see also Fig. 2). In this experiment, male rats were treated with a specific nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor vorozole, both at 2 mo of age (active growth) (32) and 12
mo of age (41), during a period of 15 wk. Although it is difficult to ascertain that vorozole
completely blocks aromatase activity at the local tissue level in a male rat, a significant
reduction of serum estradiol (measured by gas chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry) was obtained during both experiments. In the younger rats,
less bone was added during administration of vorozole, both at cortical and cancellous
sites (32). This decrease of bone gain was similar to the effect of castration in these
animals. However, in contrast with the vorozole-treated rats, orchidectomized animals
had higher bone turnover when evaluated by biochemical markers. Vorozole administration also retarted growth rates, perhaps as a result of decreased serum IGF-I concentrations. It is possible, therefore, that the observed delay of bone gain during
vorozole treatment is mediated by indirect effects of the inhibitor on the GHIGF-I
axis. The higher bone turnover rates in orchidectomized animals and the trend to
lower bone densities (especially when castrated rats received also vorozole) suggest
additional effects of androgens via the androgen pathway. In older rats, also a decrease
of cancellous bone density was observed during vorozole administration. In this model,
cortical changes were not significant, although again a decrease of body weight gain and
lowering of serum IGF-I was observed (41).
Moreover, a selective estrogen receptor modulator was recently shown to prevent
bone loss induced both by aging and orchidectomy in adult rats (42) (see also Fig. 2).
In summary, pharmacological modulation of the estrogen receptor pathway has
important skeletal effects in male rats. Extra estrogen clearly increases cancellous bone
mineral density and decreases bone turnover, despite considerably lower overall growth
rates. Moreover, extra estrogen makes a male rat more female with respect to its bones.
Induction of estrogen deficiency decreases bone gain and maintenance but at the same
time also interferes with the growth rate. However, in men and animals with nonfused
Fig. 2. Different approaches to study the androgen versus estrogen receptor pathway in rodents
using (+) stimulators or () inhibitors of either enzymes or receptors, KO (knockout) models or
natural mutants (Tfm) of receptors. References are indicated between brackets.
epiphyses, the mechanism of action of estrogen may differ from the effects of estrogen
after growth. Indeed, estrogen not only closes growth plates in both rats and humans, but
also increases cancellous bone volume.
The observation that both estrogen administration and deprivation act on skeletal
homeostasis of male rats as well as men, at least when epiphyses are not fused, does not
exclude a role of the androgen pathway. Indeed, both in younger (14,47) and older male
rats (34), the nonaromatizable androgen DHT was able to prevent most of the skeletal
changes induced by orchidectomy.
Another model that is useful for the study of the androgen receptor pathway is the Tfm
rat (see also Fig. 2). The testicular feminized male rat model is the rat homologue of the
human syndrome. As a result of a single transition mutation in the androgen-binding
domain of the androgen receptor gene and subsequent androgen insensitivity, the affected
animals develop a female phenotype (60). Case-reports of humans with a similar syndrome are inconsistent, showing either near normal or decreased bone density (1,61,62).
Much of the confusion may be explained by the fact that most of these patients were
orchidectomized at different ages and more or less compliant to the well-established
effects of the estrogen therapy that they receive. The rat model controls for these confounders. However, it is important to realize that Tfm rats lack androgen action during
Vanderschueren et al.
their entire life span, including in utero and neonatal androgen action. The fetal androgen
action affects the GHIGF-I axis profoundly, which may explain some of the later
skeletal effects. Secondly, because of increased aromatization of their non-functional
androgens, Tfm rats have significantly higher estrogen concentrations than their normal littermates. Therefore, the Tfm male rat should essentially be regarded as a male
animal with loss of androgen action, lower GHIGF-I and higher estrogen secretion.
In order to circumvent the possible confounding role of this excess estrogen action
during puberty, the authors evaluated skeletal changes in both Tfm and male litttermates
that were orchidectomized before puberty. Both orchidectomized Tfm and
orchidectomized normal male rats had significant lower cancellous bone density at
maturity compared to intact Tfm and intact normal rats, respectively (2,63). This experiment suggests that, in accordance with the human data, testicular estrogen secretion
(which both Tfm and normal rats lack after castration) is necessary to obtain normal
cancellous bone volume. Although all the data fit with a crucial role of estrogen action
for normal cancellous bone development, cortical size again shows a different response
to changes in sex steroids during puberty. Cortical bone size was greatest in normal
males having normal androgen action, suggesting that androgen action is required in
order to obtain male bone size.
Again, androgen action may depend on indirect effect of androgens on body composition and/ or on the GHIGF-I axis.
Pharmacological modulation of androgen action via finasteride, a drug which blocks 5reductase activity, did not affect skeletal homeostasis in male rats (64) (see also Fig. 2). This
parallels the lack of skeletal side-effects of finasteride in humans (65). However, finasteride
is a specific type II 5-reductase inhibitor. Since we do no know which type of 5reductase is present in bone, the lack of skeletal effects of 5-reductase inhibitors does not
necessarily imply that 5-reductase activity is not involved in regulation of skeletal homeostasis.
cellular events following administration of weaker androgens (decrease of local osteoclast and osteoblast surfaces and bone formation rates) are similar to the effects of
estrogen (7073). However, opposite stimulatory effects of DHT on cancellous bone
formation have been reported in ovariectomized rats treated with a biphosphonate (76).
Therefore, at first glance, the mechanism of the weaker androgens on cancellous bone
turnover (although apparently androgen receptor-related) seems similar to estrogens,
whereas DHT effects appear to be different.
Androgen action on female cortical bone, on the other hand, is less consistent. Moreover, gender differences in cortical action of androgens have been reported. Indeed,
DHT stimulates periosteal bone formation in growing orchidectomized rats, but
decreases periosteal bone formation in ovariectomized females (47). However, this
gender difference of DHT was not confirmed in estrogen treated ovariectomized rats: an
increase of periosteal and longitudinal bone formation rate was reported (75). This
apparant inconsistency of DHT action in different studies may be explained by either
different dosing (which is difficult to evaluate since serum concentrations were not
reported) or by extraskeletal effects (see Fig. 1). It is possible that extraskeletal DHT
action on growth rate and body weight confounds some of the observed cortical effects
Weaker androgens do not seem do have much effect on cortical bone since they affect
neither increase of cross-sectional area, nor cortical area or longitudinal growth rate
(although a modest stimulatory effect on cortical bone formation was observed in one
study [70]).
Finally, one study has reported a decrease of total bone calcium in intact female rats
treated with the antiandrogen flutamide (77). Results of this study are difficult to interpret because of failure to document cortical and cancellous changes in bone turnover and
mass and of possible confounding effects on weight gain. Casodex, also an antiandrogen,
reduced cancellous, endosteal and periosteal bone formation rates in estrogen-replete
female rats, but did not induce changes in cancellous bone volume (78). Furthermore, no
differences in body weights were reported (see also Fig. 2).
In conclusion, most studies in female ovariectomized rats have shown modest cancellous bone sparing effects of DHEA and androstenedione without significant effects on
bone cortex. These effects are probably explained by a reduction of bone turnover and
are related to stimulation of the androgen receptor. These effects are interesting because
they already occur when concentrations of androstenedione are restored to the normal
range. The relevance of DHT effects is difficult to interpret because of the high
nonphysiological doses used and the possible extraskeletal side-effects.
Vanderschueren et al.
process in humans. According to some authors, castration of male and female mice
results in similar cancellous events (80).
The castrated mouse model also has an important scientific merit: in mice, a clear
relationship has been established between the cellular events in bone that lead to increase
of both bone resorption and formation on the one hand and the cellular changes and their
regulation in bone marrow cells on the other hand (80,8284). Indeed, the critical role
of the bone marrow stromal cell as a key regulator of bone turnover was demonstrated
in mice. Interestingly, the cellular changes in bone and bone marrow that occur
postovariectomy or -orchidectomy are completely similar. Both procedures lead to an
upregulation of CFU-GM (dependent on increased secretion of M-CSF by bone marrow
stromal cells) and increased differentiation of these cells into osteoclasts. In vitro, both
androgens and estrogens prevent these increases of cytokines that mediate the
upregulated osteoclastogenesis and subsequent bone resorption.
The crucial role of these bone marrow stromal cells, which are osteoblast precursor
cells, in the regulation of osteoclastogenesis was demonstrated in SAMP6 mice (81).
These SAMP6 mice are a model of accelerated senescence and osteopenia. They show
an age-related decrease in osteoblast progenitors which in turn leads to defective bone
formation associated with reduced bone mineral density. Orchidectomized SAMP6 mice
will develop neither increase of cancellous bone turnover nor extra cancellous bone loss
(82). This defect in osteoclastogenesis is secondary to impaired osteoblast formation and
can easily be restored by addition of osteoblastic cells from normal mice to marrow
cultures of SAMP6 mice.
Therefore, the removal of sex steroids by castration in mice (in both male and female)
primarily leads to bone marrow changes. These changes, mediated by cells of the osteoblast lineage, are characterized by an increase of osteoblast precursors which in turn
indirectly stimulate the now well documented osteoclastogenesis. Increased osteoclast
activity and decreased osteoclast apoptosis complete the picture (85).
The SAMP6 mice model may also be of relevance for humans. Indeed, SAMP6 mice
show striking similarities with human senile osteoporosis. Men loose bone primarily as
a result of defective bone formation (4). Therefore, the acute and complete androgen
withdrawal induced by orchidectomy has clearly different cellular effects in both bone
and marrow. In concordance with these findings, men suffering from idiopathic
osteoporosis seem to have low bone turnover (27) in contrast with hypogonadal
osteoporotic men who tend to have higher cancellous bone turnover (86).
Transgenic technology has created the opportunity to better study the relevance of the
estrogen receptor pathway for male skeletal homeostasis (Fig. 2). However, reports are
still limited and unfortunately mostly published in abstract form.
The androgen receptor pathway seems involved in early development of sexual
dimorphism of the mouse skeleton (87). Adult aromatase-deficient mice (ArKO), however, have an osteoporotic phenotype with low bone turnover rates (88). This finding may
also be related to overall changes in growth (although body weight changes have not been
reported), because male ArKO mice also have decreased femur length. In accordance with
ArKO mice, male estrogen receptor- knockout mice (ERKO) also have smaller and
shorter bones compared to wild type littermates (8991), which may be explained by their
lower serum IGF-I levels (90). Cancellous bone mass, however, is increased in male
ERKO mice and responds to androgen deprivation and replacement (91). Also, femurs
of male ERKO mice appear to be shorter. In contrast, there are no differences between
male estrogen receptor- knockout mice (ERKO) and age-matched wild types (92).
In summary, the role of the estrogen vs androgen receptor pathway in male skeletal
homeostasis remains also unclear in mice (79). In this regard, it should be noted that
skeletal changes induced by orchidectomy in male mice can be prevented not only by
dihydrotestosterone (93) but also by estrogen and raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator (94).
Despite a number of limitations, animal studies have increased our general understanding of the putative skeletal role of sex steroids. Animal data indicate that androgen
action is involved in gain and maintenance of the male skeleton. It is difficult, however,
to establish the extent to which this androgen action requires direct stimulation of bone
cells. In fact, androgen action on cortical bone seems closely linked to lean body mass
(probably independent of the GHIGF-I axis effects on bone or lean body mass).
Contrary to the growth promoting effects of androgens, estrogen is a growth limiting
hormone in both sexes (at least in higher concentrations). Estrogens, however, result in
extra (cancellous) bone mineral in both sexes. Removal of sex steroids induces similar
cellular events in cancellous bone and marrow in both sexes. Moreover, molecular
regulation of these cellular events seems similar in both sexes. Cancellous and cortical
bone respond to androgen and estrogen receptor stimulation in both sexes. The relative
role of both receptor pathways, however, remains to be clarified.
Our research was supported by grant G.0221.99 from the Fund for Scientific ResearchFlanders, Belgium (F.W.O.-Vlaanderen). Dr. D. Vanderschueren and Dr. S. Boonen are
both Senior Clinical Investigators of the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders, Belgium
(F.W.O.-Vlaanderen). Dr. S. Boonen is holder of the Leuven University Chair for
Metabolic Bone Diseases, founded and supported by Merck Sharp & Dohme.
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Vanderschueren et al.
Osteoporosis has long been recognized as a major cause of morbidity and mortality
in the elderly, especially in women. Because of its prevalence and clinical importance,
most of the research, therapeutic, and educational efforts have focused on postmenopausal osteoporosis. In 1940, Fuller Albright proposed that estrogen deficiency was the
causative factor in postmenopausal osteoporosis, the first suggestion that gonadal steroids play an essential role in bone metabolism (1). Albright and colleagues then demonstrated that estrogen administration reverses the negative calcium balance associated
with estrogen deficiency and that both estrogens and androgens induce positive calcium
balance in estrogen deficient osteoporotic women and eugonadal osteoporotic men (2).
Based on these early observations and accumulating experimental data, estrogen replacement soon became a powerful therapeutic agent in the treatment of postmenopausal
The clinical importance of osteoporosis in men is now receiving more attention from
clinicians and researchers. This new awareness likely corresponds to the extension of
average life span in both sexes and changing demographics in the developed world (3).
Based on the World Health Organization femoral bone mineral density (BMD) definitions of osteoporosis and osteopenia, and a male reference base, a recent study found that
36% (12 million) of non-Hispanic white American men 50 yr of age or older have
osteoporosis and 2847% (813 million) have osteopenia (4). If the same analysis is
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
performed using a female reference base, 14% (280,0001 million) of men would be
classified as osteoporotic and 1533% (49 million) classified as osteopenic (4). Thus,
while the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia in older men is less than in women,
it remains a common condition that can lead to significant clinical consequences including hip fracture30% of which occur in men (5).
Gonadal steroids play a key role in bone metabolism throughout life in men. The sharp
rise in serum testosterone (and estradiol) levels that occurs at puberty is associated with
a dramatic increase in bone mineral content and density. Conversely, aging in men is
associated with both a decline in adrenal and testicular androgens and a progressive
decrease in both trabecular and cortical BMD. Furthermore, hypogonadism is a wellrecognized and treatable risk factor for osteoporosis and fracture in men. Within the past
decade, intensive in vitro and animal investigation has begun to unravel the molecular
and cellular mechanisms that underlie these clinical observations. Many of these basic
studies have focused on the interactions of androgens and estrogens with their respective
receptors on osteoblasts and bone marrow stromal cells and the subsequent regulation
of bone resorbing cytokines and other local factors. An in-depth discussion of these
issues is provided in previous chapters and provides a framework for understanding the
clinical effects of gonadal steroids on the skeleton in men.
In this chapter, we will review the effects of gonadal steroids on bone metabolism in
men as well as the epidemiological data concerning the relationship between circulating
gonadal steroid levels and BMD. We will then review the skeletal consequences of
various disorders of gonadal steroid production, metabolism, and action in men, as
well as the therapeutic effects of gonadal steroid administration. Finally, we will give
special attention to an emerging fundamental question in male bone biologythe
differential roles of androgens and estrogens in skeletal development and homeostasis.
Fig. 1. Relation between BMD of the lumbar spine, femoral neck, and femoral shaft and pubertal
stages in female and male subjects. *P < 0.05 for comparison between male and female. Reproduced with permission from ref. 8.
higher in males compared with females, especially after corrections are made for height,
weight and stage of puberty (15,16). In fact, a recent cross-sectional study of young
African-Caribbean and Caucasian adults reported that lumbar spine BMD was similar
in men and women (17). In the same study, bone mineral apparent density (BMAD), an
estimated volumetric bone density that corrects BMD measurements for bone size (necessary because of projection errors introduced by DXA measurements), was actually
greater in women (17).
Bone size and BMC in the appendicular skeleton (predominantly cortical bone) is also
greater in males than in females and males appear to have greater cortical BMD when
measured by standard absorptiometric techniques as well (8). It is unclear, however,
whether these gender differences persist, or are reduced, when cortical BMD measurements are corrected for bone size (1719). The greater cortical bone mineral content of
males has long been hypothesized to be due to specific effects of androgens. The extent
to which the higher cortical BMC in men is related to differences in gonadal steroid
secretion also remains unclear. In fact, a recent study examined this question in a crosssectional study of 375 healthy young adults and found that the increase in midfemoral
bone mass occurring during adolescence is primarily related to increases in mechanical
loading (as reflected by body mass) as opposed to gender (20). Thus, if androgens play
a specific role in increasing cortical bone mass in men, they may be acting indirectly by
increasing body mass via their anabolic effects on other tissues. Taken together, these
observations, as well as the emerging understanding of the importance of estrogens in
skeletal development in men (discussed below), suggest that androgens may be only one
of several important modulators of the accrual of peak bone mass in men.
Fig. 2. Mean SE serum N-telopeptide levels during h-PTH-(1-34) infusion before (circles) and
6 mo after (squares) GnRH agonist-induced gonadal steroid suppression in elderly men. The P
value refers to the difference in rates of change before and after GnRH agonist administration.
Reproduced with permission from ref. 36.
estrogen levels are associated with BMD at a variety of measured sites (27,43,44).
Moreover, lower estradiol levels, but not lower androgen levels, are associated with
vertebral fractures in men (45). These epidemiological data are difficult to interpret,
however, both because of the discordant results and because of the questionable physiological relevance of associations between single hormone levels and BMD (a variable
that represents the cumulative effects of a lifetime of bone accrual and resorption).
Fig. 3. Urinary excretion of N-telopeptide (NTX) and deoxypyridinoline (DPD) before (PRE)
and after (POST) 6 mo of GnRH analog induced hypogonadism in 11 men ages 5082 with
locally advanced prostate cancer. *P < 0.001. Reproduced with permission from ref. 36.
doses of testosterone (testosterone enanthate 200 mg/wk IM for 6 mo), increase serum
osteocalcin levels with no effect on urinary hydroxyproline excretion (52). In contrast,
a modest dose of testosterone reduces bone resorption and formation markers in middle
aged osteoporotic men (53). In a 3-yr study of elderly men with mildly low or low-normal
serum testosterone levels, transdermal testosterone administration did not alter markers
of bone turnover (54), although intramuscular testosterone reduced bone resorption
significantly in a short-term study with a similar population (55).
In young men with primary or secondary hypogonadism, physiological testosterone
replacement decreases markers of bone formation and resorption significantly (56).
Conversely, in a similar group of patients, supraphysiological doses of testosterone
increase bone formation markers (57). Taken together, these findings suggest that physiological doses of testosterone inhibit bone resorption while pharmacological doses, or
doses that cause transiently elevated levels of testosterone (such as in IM preparations),
may also stimulate formation. Additionally, because the testosterone preparations
administered in these studies are also converted to estrogens, it is impossible to determine whether observed effects on bone turnover are related to androgen action, estrogen
action, or a combination of the two.
Fig. 4. Cumulative incidence of first osteoporotic fracture in men with prostate cancer with and
without orchiectomy. Intervals are times from castration to last follow-up or to first osteoporotic
fracture and from diagnosis, respectively. Numbers in parentheses indicate men evaluated at each
interval. Reproduced with permission from ref. 61.
neck was 13% lower in men who underwent castration versus those who did not (61).
Additionally, the cumulative incidence of a first osteoporotic fracture was increased
more than five fold in patients who underwent castration (Fig. 4) (61). Osteopenia is also
observed in hypogonadal patients with hemochromatosis, though these patients may
have either primary or secondary hypogonadism (62).
Studies investigating skeletal abnormalities in men with Klinefelters syndrome (KS)
have produced mixed results. Several reports have concluded that patients with KS have
reduced BMD (6365), although a more recent study found that they have normal bone
mass (66). Reports of BMD in these men may be confounded by the heterogeneity in
the degree of hypogonadism, the relatively higher estrogen/androgen ratio in patients
with KS, and the possible effects of the underlying genetic abnormality.
Fig. 5. Individual changes in lumbar spine BMD during 612 mo of decapeptyl treatment.
Reproduced with permission from ref. 49.
Greenspan et al. reported that both cortical and trabecular bone mineral density are
reduced in men with hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism compared to age-matched controls (68). Furthermore, cortical bone mineral density was negatively associated with the
duration of hyperprolactinemia (68). In a separate study, the same group of investigators
monitored bone density for 648 mo in these men while they were treated medically, surgically, or with radiation therapy. In men whose testosterone levels normalized, cortical bone
density, but not trabecular bone density, increased significantly (69). While these findings
suggest that hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism leads to loss of bone in men, it is also possible
that other factors (such as growth hormone deficiency or glucocorticoid therapy) contribute
to the bone loss in these patients. Furthermore, it has been reported that parathyroid hormonerelated peptide (PTHrP) levels are elevated in patients with hyperprolactinemia and are
inversely associated with lumbar spine BMD, suggesting that PTHrP may also play a role in
the osteopenia associated with prolactin secreting adenomas (70).
Fig. 6. Deviations of radial bone density from normal (SD-scores) in men with IHH with fused
epiphyses (group I) and with open epiphyses (group II). The cortical osteopenia in these two
groups was equally severe (p = 0.45). Reproduced with permission from ref. 71.
both trabecular and cortical BMD increased in men with open epiphyses and the increase
in cortical BMD was greater in the subjects with open epiphyses than in those with closed
epiphyses (though BMD still remained well below normal) (72). Furthermore, another
study of BMD in treated IHH patients recently reported that the severity of the osteopenia
is negatively associated with age of initial therapy (73). Together, these data suggest the
primary skeletal defect in patients with IHH is related to the accrual of peak bone mass
rather than to post pubertal bone loss and that there is a critical period in development
when gonadal steroid secretion must occur to achieve normal peak bone mass.
Fig. 7. Spinal BMD in 23 men with a history of CDP and 21 normal men. The horizontal lines
indicate group means, and the shaded areas the mean + 1 SD and + 2 SD for the normal men.
Difference between groups, P < 0.003. Reproduced with permission from ref. 75.
may be due not only to incomplete estrogen therapy after gonadectomy, but also to a
specific role of androgen action in skeletal accrual.
Fig. 8. Trabecular BMD determined by QCT at baseline and after 18 months of testosterone
replacement therapy in hypogonadal men. The horizontal lines refer to mean values. *P < 0.001
compared to the baseline. Reproduced with permission from ref. 56.
ment if their serum testosterone level was less than 475 ng/dL and their lumbar spine
BMD was below the mean for healthy controls. Thus, many enrolled subjects were not
frankly hypogonadal and the mean pretreatment serum testosterone concentration was
within the normal range (367 ng/dL). Despite a near doubling of mean total and free
testosterone levels in treated subjects, there was no difference in the amount of change
in lumbar spine or proximal femur BMD in testosterone-treated men vs untreated controls. A secondary linear regression analysis, however, did suggest that spine BMD
improved more in treated subjects with the lowest baseline testosterone levels. Thus, the
role of testosterone replacement in elderly men with mild hypogonadism remains unclear.
Finally, a recent study demonstrated that alendronate therapy increases BMD in men
with idiopathic osteoporosis, even in the presence of low testosterone levels (59). This
finding suggests that bisphosphonate therapy may increase BMD in elderly men with
modest hypogonadism. Coupled with evidence demontrating that pamidronate prevents
GnRH analog-induced bone loss (47), it appears that bisphosphonate administration
may emerge as a viable, nonhormonal, therapy in the treatment and prevention of
hypogonadal bone loss in men.
Table 1
Clinical Characteristics in Men with Aromatase Deficiency
Morishima et al. 24
Carani et al.
Estradiol Testosterone
204 cm
<7 pg/mL
2015 ng/dL
187 cm
26.1 IU/L
8.9 IU/L
19.8 ng/mL
(normal 313)
9.7 ng/mL
(normal 518)
Lumbar spine
0.93 g/cm2
(T = 1.7)
0.93 g/cm2
(T = 1.7)
Fig. 9. Changes in BMD during estrogen therapy. The percentage increase from baseline values
is shown for each site. Reproduced with permission from ref. 89.
the absence of estradiol alone. When the data were analyzed by two-factor ANOVA,
estradiol appeared to play a major role in preventing the increase in bone resorption
markers while testosterone did not. Nonetheless, the fact that urinary N-telopeptide
increased in subjects who were selectively testosterone deficient suggests that androgens may also be involved in maintaining normal bone turnover in elderly men. Finally,
estradiol has been administered to men undergoing male-to-female gender reassignment. Although such studies are confounded by multiple variables, including the pharmacological nature of the estrogen administration, increases in spinal bone density and
suppression of bone turnover, even in the face of markedly low testosterone levels, have
been consistently reported (93,94). Thus, when taken together, the data appear to suggest
an integral role for estradiol in both skeletal accrual and skeletal maintenance in men,
though a significant and important role for testosterone in both of these processes cannot
be excluded.
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Calcitonin (CT) is a 32-aminoacid peptide that is secreted by thyroidal C cells in
mammals and by the ultimobranchial gland in submammals. CT, that was originally
identified as a hypocalcemic factor present in bovine serum (1) exerts its hypocalcemic
effects primarily by directly inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption (2).
Fig. 1. The amino acid sequence of human CT, as compared to that of the rat when LEU and SER replace PHE and ALA at positions 16 and 26,
finding that receptors for CT, PTH, and many other polypeptide hormones have substantial homologies, indicates that these receptors may have evolved from a common ancestral molecule (4). The nonmammalian CTs have the most potency, even in mammalian
systems. CTs of the nonmammalian vertebrates, in particular those of fish such as salmon
and eel, have been reported to exert a greater hypocalcemic effect than mammalian CTs.
Salmon CT (sCT) is the most active molecule in humans and is the most widely used for
therapeutic purposes in the treatment of bone disorders, such as Pagets disease, hypercalcemia, and osteoporosis.
CT is related in sequence to other bioactive peptides, calcitonin gene related peptide
(CGRP) 1 and 2, adrenomedullin and amylin (5). Except for CT and CGRP 1, each of these
peptides derives from a separate gene and exerts characteristic actions at different targets.
CGRP 1 and 2 are potent vasodilators and immunomodulators, with actions in the CNS.
Adrenomedullin is also a potent vasodilator with some CNS actions. The actions of amylin
are related to carbohydrate metabolism, to gastric emptying, and to CNS function.
CGRP and amylin are homologous 37-amino-acid peptides, the genes for which have
a common ancestral origin (5) (Fig. 2). CGRP 1 is generated by alternative processing of
mRNA from CT gene, located on the short arm of chromosome 11 in the locus 11p. The
second form of CGRP, CGRP 2, differs from CGRP 1 by only 3 amino acids in humans
and 1 amino acid in rats. It is produced by a separate gene also on the short arm of
chromosome 11. These peptides have in common a 6-amino acid ring structure at the
amino-terminus created by a disulfide bond between positions 2 and 7; the carboxy terminus is amidated. Amylin has 43% sequence identity with CGRP 1 and 49% with CGRP 2.
Despite their distinct bioactivities, this family of peptides shows some cross-reactivity at each others receptor (5). There are separated specific receptors for amylin and
CGRP, with some evidence for more that one class of receptor for CGRP (6). Amylin,
CGRP, and CT displace each other from specific binding sites, indicating a significant
crossreactivity of each with the receptors of the other peptides. Amylin and CGRP have
calcitonin-like effects probably mediated by the calcitonin receptor. Recently, these
peptides have been found to stimulate osteoblast growth, presumably via a different
receptor since the CT receptor is not found in osteoblasts (7).
The CT gene consists of six exons separated by five introns. Two distinct mature
messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are generated from differential splicing of the exon regions:
one translates as a 141-residue CT precursor and the other as a 128-residue precursor for
CGRP1. CT is the major post translationally processed peptide in thyroidal C cells,
whereas CGRP-1, is the major processed peptide in neurons. The second CGRP, CGRP2, is produced by a different gene. The CT/CGRP gene is one of the earliest studied
examples of alternative RNA processing (8,9). The regulatory mechanism controlling
this event is poorly understood. This gene is transcribed in two tissue types, the thyroidal
C cell and specific neural cell types. In C cells, 95% of the CT/CGRP pre-mRNA is
processed to include exon 4; this leads to production of CT peptide. In contrast, in
neuronal cells, 99% of the CT/CGRP pre-mRNA is processed to exclude exon 4, resulting in inclusion of exons 5 and 6; this leads to the production of CGRP peptide. Interestingly, in malignant C cells, both CT and CGRP are produced in equal amounts,
resulting from changes in splicing pathways (10).
Fig. 2. Comparison of amino acid sequences of human amylin, CGRP and calcitonin. Amylin has
43% sequence identity with CGRP1, and 13% with CT.
endings. In bone, this peptide may exert skeletal and mineral metabolic actions that may
be identical to that of CT. However, pharmacological doses of CGRP are required to
reproduce the osteoclastic cell response to CT, and some studies indicate that this effect
of CGRP is mediated by cross-reaction with the CT receptors with a 500-fold lower
biopotency (18). Recently, CGRP has been shown to stimulate the formation of osteogenic cell colonies from cultured rat bone marrow stromal cells (19).
Like CT, the physiological importance of CGRP is not yet elucidated. The main
biologic effect of CGRP is vasodilation, but it also acts as a neurotrasmitter and reacts
with the CT receptors. The role of CGRP in bone is unknown, but it may be produced
locally in skeletal tissue.
Fig. 3. Isoforms of human calcitonin receptors showing the extracellular domains (e1e4) and
intracellular domains (i1 to i4). In the human CTR cloned from BIN67 ovarian carcinoma cells
(23), i1 contains a 16-amino acid insert which is not present in the CTR cloned from T47D breast
cancer cells (24).
Fig. 4. Lumbar spine BMD values according to CTR genotypes. Subjects with tt genotypes
showed significantly lower lumbar BMD in comparison with Tt genotypes (p = 0.005). Reproduced with permission from ref. 27.
mineral density and a reduced risk of fracture when compared with homozygotes (28).
These findings suggest that the CTR gene could contribute to bone mass determination
with other polymorphic genes.
The exact physiologic role of CT in calcium homeostasis and skeletal metabolism has
not been fully elucidated in humans. The principal role of CT is in the regulation of
calcium metabolism to prevent calcium depletion or excess. CT directly or indirectly
also controls the movement of other ions, such as phosphate and magnesium, in order to
maintain the ionic equilibrium. CT, acting as a hormone of mineral regulation, exerts an
effect at many levels: in bone, in the kidney and in the gastrointestinal tract.
In vitro experiments have demonstrated that CT inhibits PTH-induced osteoclastic
resorption of bone in tissue culture inducing changes in the shape of osteoclasts and
inhibiting their motility (29). CT also was reported to inhibit osteocytes and stimulate
osteoblasts, but these effects are controversial. The reduction of osteoclastic bone
resorption lowers plasma calcium. It has been postulated that the role of CT in the control
of osteoclasts and other bony cells is to regulate the movement of calcium between the
extracellular, intracellular and mitochondrial compartments. CT is claimed to enhance
the accumulation into the mitochondria, while PTH, on the other hand, is reported to
indirectly promote calcium efflux from the mitochondria.
At the cellular level, CT inhibits the cells motile and secretory functions of osteoclasts, such as the processes of margin ruffling, granule movement, enzyme release and
Secretion of Calcitonin
Calcium concentration in blood is the most important regulator of CT secretion. When
blood calcium increases acutely, there is a proportional increase in CT secretion, and an
acute decrease in blood calcium produces a corresponding decrease in plasma CT.
However, the effects of chronic hypercalcemia and chronic hypocalcemia are not fully
defined. It seems likely that C cells respond to sustained hypercalcemia by increasing CT
secretion, but if the hypercalcemia is prolonged, the C cells probably exhaust their
secretory reserve (40). The inhibitory effect on CT secretion by chronic hypocalcemia
is more difficult to demonstrate.
Fig. 5. Response of serum calcium and plasma calcitonin to 10-min infusion of calcium in 58
normal men (solid circles) and 83 normal women (open circles). Plasma CT is higher in men than
in women (p < 0.050.001) and there is a progressive decrease of the response with age in both
sexes. Reproduced with permission from ref. 46.
may cause blood levels as much as 5000 higher than normal. The plasma level falls to
below 100 pg/mL during true remission, but remains elevated after incomplete excision
of the tumor or when metastases have formed. When the blood levels of CT are normal
or only slightly elevated, the best way of detecting the MCT is to use one of the dynamic tests
based on provocation by calcium, ethanol, or pentagastrin (5355). Plasma levels of CGRP
are usually elevated in MCT (56) and it is quite possible that the episodes of flushing which
occur in this disease are due to this peptide. MCT is curable in early stages by removal of the
thyroid before the appearance of metastases to local lymph nodes, bone, and other tissues.
Although MCT is the source of the most profuse CT secretion, CT is also secreted by
other types of neoplasms. These CT-secreting tumors may be extrathyroid, such as breast
cancer or small-cell carcinoma of the lung, or originated in tissues containing C cells,
such as tissue derived from the neural crest or tissue belonging to the amine precursor
uptake decarboxylation (APUD) system (57). The CT secreted by such tumors may be
normal or abnormal in structure. However, immunoreactive CT may be a useful marker for
diagnosis and for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment in such cases (5860).
Natural porcine calcitonin and synthetic human, salmon and eel analog calcitonins are
the forms of the hormone employed in the therapeutic use, their principal indication
being bone diseases characterized by excessive bone resorption and skeletal loss such as
hypercalcemic states, Pagets disease of bone and osteoporosis. The potency of mammalian CTs is estimated between 100400 IU/mg peptide, whereas the non mammalian CTs
show higher potencies, around 20006000 IU/mg peptide. The hypocalcemizing effect
is higher and more prolonged for salmon calcitonin (sCT) than for human calcitonin
(hCT) (61,62). sCT is approx 4050 times more potent than hCT. Therefore, sCT is the
most active molecule in humans and is the most widely used for therapeutic purposes.
CTs have to be given parenterally because they are hydrolized and inactivated in the
gastrointestinal tract. Traditionally, CTs have been administered by subcutaneous and
intramuscular injection or, less often, by intravenous injection. More recently, the development of a non invasive route of administration, with the nasal spray formulation of
sCT, has offered a significant therapeutic advance that avoids the discomfort of repeated
Fig. 6. Mean ( SEM) cAMP plasma levels in 10 healthy volunteers after 10-min infusion of
salmon CT (a), human CT (b), and porcine CT (c), at two different dosages, 50 IU (upper panel)
and 100 IU (lower panel). The dose-dependent effect on cAMP levels is greater with sCT than
with hCT and pCT. Reproduced with permission from ref. 62.
The inhibitory effect of CT on bone resorption is not always sustained. This effect was
reduced or disappeared after 1248 h in cultures of bone tissue, treated with resorption stimulants, despite continuous addition of CT (77,78). The mechanism of this escape phenomenon
is still unclear. Also, long-term continuous treatments with CT are associated with a progressive decrease in responsiveness. Possible explanations include secondary hyperparathyroidism, due to the hypocalcemizing effect of the hormone, the formation of neutralizing antibodies
to CT, and a reduction in the number of specific receptors (downregulation of CTR). In longterm treatment with CT a condition of secondary hyperparathyroidism has been rarely
described. Although formation of antibodies against CT has been demonstrated in subjects
treated with sCT, there is evidence that it does not affect the biological response. Some studies
have confirmed the fact that a leveling off in the skeletal response to sCT develops independently of antibody formation (76,79). Probably, the decrease in responsiveness to CT in the
long-term, revealing an escape from the therapeutic response, is mainly due to the
downregulation of CTR (80). As downregulation is due to a reversible decrease of number and
sensitivity of specific receptors following chronic exposure to CT, it can be expected that the
responsiveness of the receptors is restored when the treatment is interrupted. Accordingly,
the optimum treatment modality for CT should be discontinuous, in order to minimize the
downregulation of receptors. In fact, some studies have shown that sCT is more effective when
given intermittently rather than continuously (81,82).
pituitary gland (91). The physiological role of the presence of CT in the CNS remains
unclear. However, the demonstration of CT binding sites, distinct from CGRP binding
sites, in rat and human brain and pituitary (13,9294) has raised the possibility that the
hormone may have some neuroactivity in the CNS.
In fact, both the CT peptide, or an analog, and CT receptors are found in areas of the
CNS involved in the control of appetite, lactation, and pain perception, and both have
also been found in the hypothalamus, suggesting that CT may have a neuromodulator
function. In animals, direct CNS administration of CT by the intracerebroventricular
route produces different effects, including reduced prolactin secretion, inhibition of
gastric acid secretion, appetite suppression, as well as effects on some neurotrasmitters
and nociception (44).
A central analgesic action of CT has been demonstrated in animals, while in humans
it is effective in relieving bone pain associated with Pagets disease, osteoporosis and
metastatic bone disease (95). The analgesic action of CT on bone pain due to skeletal
disorders appears to be independent of its action on osteoclastic bone resorption, as pain
relief precedes any change in biochemical indices of bone turnover (95). Several shortterm, mostly uncontrolled studies have reported analgesic properties of CT in
extraskeletal painful conditions of different nature. In some reports, wherein a placebocontrolled design was used, CT appeared to induce pain relief in some neurologic conditions. In patients with migraine, parenteral sCT was significantly more efficient than
placebo in reducing the frequency of pain episodes (96,97). Likewise, CT was able to
reduce the pain score in patients with the phantom limb pain syndrome in the early
postoperative period (98,99), and in mild cases of lumbar spinal stenosis (100). The
reported analgesic effect in all this conditions that are not associated with metabolic
abnormalities of bone remodeling further indicates that this action of CT is not mediated
by its effect on bone turnover. Reduction of pain has also been observed in metastatic
tumors with bone localizations (101104). The mechanism of CT-induced analgesia in
these cases may also involve a decrease of bone resorption activity in the metastases,
with reduction of bone erosion.
The mechanism underlying CT-induced analgesia is open to speculation. A number
of hypotheses have been advanced, including inhibition of prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis, interference with calcium flux, involvement of the cholinergic or
serotoninergic systems, stimulation of -endorphin release, and a direct action on CNS
receptors (95,105). In man, similarities between CT- and morphine-induced analgesia
(106,107) and reports of CT-induced elevation of plasma -endorphin level (95,108
110) suggest the possible involvement of the endogenous opiate system in mediating the
analgesic action of CT. Beta-endorphin is produced in the intermediate lobe of the
pituitary by posttranslation processing of a precursor, proopiomelanocortin, common to
ACTH and MSH (111). In studies reporting an increase in peripheral -endorphin levels
following parenteral injection of sCT, cosecretion of ACTH was also observed
(95,108,109) (Fig. 7) suggesting a potential modulatory action of CT on the secretory
activity of these pituitary cells (112). However, the evidence that the analgesic effect of
CT is mediated by an interference with the endogenous opiate system remains tenuous.
Fig. 7. Effects of placebo and salmon CT (CTS) infusion on plasma calcium (%Ca fall from
baseline), cirulating beta-endorphin material, and ACTH in five patients with malignant bone
metastases and pain. Reproduced with permission from ref. 95.
The demonstration of CT binding sites in areas of the brain involved in pain perception
and a series of animal studies have raised the possibility that CT may directly modulate
nociception in the CNS (92). In support of this hypothesis are studies in animals showing
direct effects of CT on serotonergic or monoaminergic pathways (113), on intracellular
calcium levels in the CNS (114), and observations of an analgesic effect obtained by
direct epidural or subaracnoidal injection of CT in man (115,116).
Intracerebroventricular, but not subcutaneous, administration of sCT raises the pain
threshold in rabbits (117), and this effect does not involve opiate receptors since it is not
antagonized by naloxone, and appears to be sustained on repeated dosing (118). Probably, the most likely mechanism of the analgesic effect of CT is a direct action on specific
receptors in the CNS. Nevertheless, if CT directly acts on the CNS it must cross the blood
brain barrier when given parenterally. How CT, a peptide hormone, can cross the blood
brain barrier is still unclear. A peripheral analgesic effect of CT has also been proposed,
on the basis of an inhibition of tromboxane production by the hormone (119), and the report
of an enhancement of pain threshold by locally injected CT in animals (120).
Most of the clinical studies aimed at defining the analgesic effect of CT have been
performed in osteoporotic patients with acute vertebral fractures. Although pain from
vertebral fractures is usually self-limiting and can be treated with simple analgesics and
initial bedrest, many studies have reported measurable improvement of pain scores with
Fig. 8. Pain ratings according to a visual analog scale (upper panel), and consumption of
paracetamol tablets (lower panel) in women after an acute vertebral fracture, treated with either
intramuscular salmon CT () or placebo (). Asterisks represent the significant difference
between treated and controls at each time point by t test (p < 0.050.001). Reproduced with
permission from ref. 122.
CT in subject with acute vertebral fractures, when the treatment was started within two
weeks since the acute episode (121123) (Fig. 8).
This effect was also associated with a decrease in the consumption of analgesic
required by the patients to control pain and with an improved ability to sit, stand and walk
(122,123). Although in all these studies a placebo effect, or a spontaneous partial resolution of the condition occurred, the decrease of the painful symptomatology was faster
and more pronounced in these subjects taking CT (121123). Analgesic effects have
been obtained with doses of CT commonly used for treatment of osteoporosis, and with
either parenteral or intranasal preparations.
In one controlled study comparing intranasal sCT 200 IU/d with intramuscular sCT
100 IU/d pain scores were significantly decreased by the second week with intranasal
sCT, and only by the fourth week with intramuscular sCT (124). The notion that intranasal administration is more effective than parenteral injections in inducing pain relief
remains to be confirmed. More recently, the analgesic efficacy of nasal spray (200 IU/d)
and subcutaneous (50 IU/d) formulations of sCT has been evaluated in 204 patients with
a recent, painful, vertebral crush fracture according to a double-blind, double placebo
design (125). Relief was obtained in less than 10 d for more than 50% of patients, and
the equivalence of the two formulations was demonstrated. Taken all togheter, these
controlled studies provide evidence for a potentially useful extraskeletal action of the
hormone, in addition to its antiresorptive action.
Adverse reactions occur to some extent with all the CTs. Symptoms of various types are
reported in all studies employing parenteral injections, including gastrointestinal (nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth), vascular
(facial flushing, sensation of facial warmth, tingling in the extremities), renal (polyuria,
urinary urgency), and local (erythema and pain at the site of injection) symptoms (95).
An allergic reaction with a rash has been rarely described. These side-effects are
inconvenient rather than serious. The severity of side-effects to CT is dose-dependent. In
most cases reduction of the dose either attenuates or abolishes these effects (95). As expected,
side-effects are much more severe when CT is given intramuscularly and minimized with
subcutaneous injections, because of the higher blood CT peak obtained by intramuscular
injections. Furthermore, tolerance appears to be different for each CT species.
Interestingly, some data suggest that human CT causes more adverse reactions than
teleost CTs (salmon and eel), after administration of doses of equal biological activity
(126,127). Adverse events when the hormone is given parenterally can be estimated to
occur in approx 2030% of treated patients. The most frequent complaints from injectable preparations are flushing and irritation at the injection site. Nausea was reported by
about 15% of patients, and urinary symptoms occurred in 1015% of the cases, whereas
headache and vomiting were reported by less than 10% of patients (127).
Many of the side effects experienced with the injectable forms do not occur at all with
the intranasal preparation, suggesting different absorption efficiencies and tissue distribution patterns for the two different administration routes. For the intranasal route,
flushing was still the most frequent complaint (20%), followed by local symptoms, such
as nasal congestion and irritation (16%), and rhinitis (8%) (128). Sporadic episodes of
epistaxis and partial loss of sense of small have been also reported. Although the pathogenesis of the systemic side effects is not clear, most vasomotor symptoms, including
flushing and headache, may be related to an interaction of CT with receptors for CGRP
(18), the hormone with potent vasoactive properties.
Finally, reactions to CT, which characteristically occur at the initiation of therapy,
tend to either decrease or disappear with continued administration of the hormone.
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Calcitonin, a physiologic endogenous inhibitor of bone resorption, decreases osteoclast formation (1,2), osteoclast attachment (2,3), and bone resorption in organ culture
and in animal models (1,4,5). Thus there is a rationale for treatment with calcitonin, and
specifically salmon calcitonin (S-CT), of diseases associated with increased bone
resorption, such as osteoporosis. The last twenty years has witnessed an accumulation
of clinical trials with S-CT providing supportive data for such a clinical indication. Also,
the ongoing development of newer preparations of S-CT (an oral formulation), and the
applicability of S-CT for newer indications (for pain, for hip fracture, etc.) via new
clinical trials promises continued usage of this therapeutic agent for the future management of osteoporosis.
As salmon calcitonin is the principal species of calcitonin utilized clinically, the
following discussions will deal primarily with this calcitonin preparation.
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Fig. 1. Cumulative percent of patients with new vertebral fractures by year (patients with 15
prevalent vertebral fractures). *p < 0.05 (200 IU NS-SCT compared to placebo).
without prevalent vertebral fracture, the reduction in new compression fracture was a
significant 33%. Other NS-SCT dosages including 400 IU did not demonstrate significant reduction in vertebral fracture. Eleven women needed to be treated for 3 yr with 200
IU NS-SCT to prevent 1 vertebral fracture.
This study was not designed or powered to examine the occurrence of hip fracture;
nevertheless it is of interest that there were five new hip fractures in the 200 IU NS-SCT
group, as compared to nine in the placebo group. The combination of the data from the
100 IU dosage group and 200 IU indicated a 68% reduction in hip fracture as compared
to placebo; again however such a finding is a post hoc analysis in a study not designed
to evaluate the occurrence of hip fracture.
BMD at the lumbar spine as determined by the DEXA technique increased significantly from baseline in all treatment groups through 5 yr (11.5%, p < 0.01). BMD was
maintained at the hip. There was a significant decrease in the levels of bone resorption
as determined by the serum C-telopeptide (CTx) in the 200 and 400 IU groups at 1 yr
(about 25%, p < 0.05), with persistence of such effect through 5 yr.
The distribution of adverse effects was similar among the NS-SCT and placebo groups,
except for a significant increase in rhinitis related to the study drug occurring in approx
20% of treated patients compared to 15% in placebo.
The effect of fracture reduction was persistent and sustained in the 200 IU group as
compared to placebo through 5 yr (Fig. 1). No evidence of resistance or loss of effectiveness with increased duration of treatment was apparent in the PROOF trial.
From the PROOF trial it was concluded that 200 IU of NS-SCT significantly and safely
reduces the risk of new spinal vertebral fractures, at a dosage of 200 IU as compared to
placebo, in women at high risk for such fracture (i.e., a prevalent vertebral fracture at baseline).
A number of questions have been raised regarding the PROOF study; these include the
dropout rate, the lack of a dose response, and the modest effects of NS-SCT on bone quantity
(BMD) and bone turnover (bone markersserum CTX). Each of these will be discussed.
First, 59% of study participants withdrew from the study prematurely. This dropout
rate is not greater than that seen in other recently published clinical trials (39) in elderly,
fragile, postmenopausal women. Contributing to the dropout rate was the fact that in this
long term 5-yr trial it was not considered ethical to withhold BMD results from investigator and participant, which may have caused some participants to discontinue the
study prematurely due to the approval of alendronate therapy in the United States during
the calcitonin trial: i.e., the relatively modest increase in BMD (which participants and
investigators may have perceived as a lack of efficacy) for NS-SCT as compared to a
more robust increase with alendronate, with subsequent premature discontinuation. Also,
analysis of baseline characteristics of participants at risk for a new vertebral compression
fracture at 3 and 4 yr demonstrated that the dosage groups including placebo were well
matched at those time periods, suggesting that selection bias did not occur. As well,
participants who discontinued prematurely in the placebo group were losing bone at a
greater rate than those who discontinued prematurely in the active calcitonin treatment
groups, indicating a lack of bias due to poor responders to calcitonin in the calcitonin treatment groups discontinuing the study prematurely, while continuing in the placebo group.
Second, a dose response for the reduction in risk of new vertebral fracture was not
demonstrated across dosages in this trial; there was however a significant biological effect
of 400 IU NS-SCT on both bone markers (serum CTx) and BMD. Why these effects on
these two components of osteoporotic fracture risk did not lead to significant reductions
in the rate of vertebral fracture in the 400 IU group was not clear from the study; such a lack
of a dose response was not felt however to negate the overall study conclusions.
Third, and perhaps most interestingly, NS-SCT reduced fracture risk without substantial effects on BMD, and with only modest effects on the serum CTx as a marker of bone
resorption. Such findings are perhaps discordant from findings with alendronate (40) in
which more robust effects on BMD and on markers was seen in association with vertebral fracture reduction. The PROOF study with NS-SCT is however similar to that of
raloxifene (41) in which modest effects on BMD and markers of bone resorption were
noted in association with vertebral fracture reduction. This has led to the evolving concept and hypothesis that therapeutic agents of a hormonal nature (NS-SCT and raloxifene
as examples) may reduce fracture by different mechanisms than those of the more inert
substances (such as bisphosphonates), with the former producing the majority of their
antifracture effect through an effect on bone quality rather than on bone quantity, while
the latter may exert their antifracture effect more on bone quantity and bone remodeling
(42). This hypothesis is currently being tested in the QUEST trial as noted below.
The PROOF study demonstration (39) of a modest effect of NS-SCT on BMD and
markers, particularly as compared to bisphosphonates, in association with a significant
reduction in vertebral fracture has raised questions regarding the relationships of bone
quantity (BMD-DEXA), bone turnover/remodeling (particularly bone resorption), and
bone quality (particularly microarchitecture). One study is currently underway to provide insight into this and other related issues. The Quantitative Effects Of Salmoncalcitonin Treatment (QUEST), a 2-yr, prospective placebo controlled clinical trial, is
designed to determine the effects of NS-SCT on the primary endpoint of bone micro
architecture. A number of methodologies with sequential assessments will compare the
characteristics of bone quality at multiple skeletal sites, as determined by iliac crest bone
biopsy and subsequent histomorphometry, microcomputerized tomography of the biopsy
specimen, and high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (43,44). QUEST is also
expected to provide insight into interactions and interrelationships of bone quality, bone
quantity (via DEXA and ultrasound), and BMD, and the biochemical markers of bone
resorption and formation, as well as to evaluate the capacity of the various imaging
methods utilized in the QUEST trial to define bone quality. The hypothesis being tested
is that NS-SCT acts to reduce fracture by preserving trabecular struts and rods, particularly horizontal elements, and in that way reduces vertebral compression fracture with
only modest effects on bone quantity.
Administration of SCT should be as 200 IU NS-SCT daily, or 100 IU S-CT parenterally,
at any time of day, with no relation to meals, and always with at least 1000 mg of calcium
daily, and a vitamin D supplement with 400 IU in potentially D depleted individuals (elderly
women with limited exposure to vitamin D or sunlight, etc.). There are no current data
available on fracture prevention with intermittent usage. The duration of therapy can be
through 5 yr; there are no data to confirm fracture reduction beyond that time. It is reason-
Adverse Effects
Adverse effects include only rhinitis for the NS-SCT; for the parenteral formulation
facial flushing and/or nausea and vomiting can occur following injection. For this reason
the parenteral formulation is rarely used at this time.
Monitoring the therapeutic response to S-CT includes a measurement of BMD at the
spine/hip 2 yr after initiation of therapy to assure therapeutic response. A measurement of
a bone marker of resorption (a telopeptide most frequently) 3 mo after therapy initiation
would also be indicated. As the increase in BMD with SCT is modest, preservation of BMD
(no significant loss), in combination with a significant reduction in a marker of bone
resorption (15% reduction in the serum telopeptide at 3 mo, or 30% reduction in the urinary
telopeptide at 3 mo [51]) would assure adherence to therapy and a potential therapeutic
Cost for 200 IU of NS-SCT daily for 1 yr would be about $800900.
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Bisphosphonates (BPs) are highly effective inhibitors of bone resorption and have
become the most widely used drugs for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
BPs are analogs of pyrophosphate (Pi-O-Pi), in which the oxygen has been replaced by
a carbon (Pi-C-Pi), and various side chains attached to the central carbon at either of two
sites (R1 and R2) give rise to a large family of BPs, many of which inhibit bone resorption. One of the moieties most often seen in clinically used compounds is a hydroxyl
group attached at R1, which increases the affinity of the compound to calcium hydroxyapatite, (1,2). At the R2 site there is a side chain that varies from compound to compound
and is responsible for the pharmacological and toxicological differences between BPs.
The Pi-C-Pi moiety itself has profound effects on absorption and tissue distribution and
plays a critical role in the molecular mechanism of action. Binding to hydroxyapatite also
confers several important common pharmacokinetic properties to this class of compounds.
for alendronate [ALN]). Twenty-four hours after administration, less than 3% (0.03% of
original dose) can be recovered from all organs combined except bone, where it is retained,
and kidney, the major site of excretion (4). There are no enzymes in the organism capable
of cleaving the P-C-P bonds, thus minimizing the possibility of metabolism (none was
observed for ALN). However, other BPs such as clodronate (CL2) were shown to be
metabolized into ATP analogs by substituting for the phosphates (5,6).
After reaching the bloodstream by either oral or parenteral administration, the clearance of BP is relatively rapid (t 1/2 about 1 h) via uptake in bone and the combination of
excretion and secretion via the kidney. The capacity of skeletal hydroxyapatite for BP
uptake is enormous, and BP is extracted from the blood that perfuses bone. Blood
perfusion of the skeleton and mineral exposure are not uniform and thus skeletal uptake
varies from site to site (7). The highest perfusion occurs at sites of active bone turnover
(resorption and formation), and that is the basis for the diagnostic use of methylene diphosphate technicium (Technetium-99m) bone scanning (8,9). On average, BP uptake is higher
in cancellous bone (where bone turnover is approx 30%/yr) relative to cortical bone (where
bone turnover is approx 3%/yr). Uptake is highest at sites of active bone growth or remodeling within each of these compartments. Similarly, uptake is increased at sites of bone
destruction (e.g., bone metastases or active lesions of Pagets bone disease).
Elimination of BPs from the organism occurs virtually entirely through the kidney and
can be divided kinetically into several phases (7,10). The rapid phase, occurring within
approximately the first 36 h, amounts to 4050% of the absorbed or injected BP. The
balance is retained in the skeleton. Release from the skeleton occurs as part of skeletal
turnover, yielding a terminal elimination half-life in humans of over 10 yr, with shorter
half-lives in various animal species.
Thus, the pharmacokinetics of BPs (as learned primarily from extensive ALN studies)
in humans involves: rapid, but limited (<1%), absorption in the upper gastrointestinal
tract; rapid (t 1/2 of <2 h) clearance from the circulation via uptake in the skeleton (about
50%) and excretion in the urine (about 50%); virtual lack of uptake by any other tissue;
and a slow terminal elimination time from the skeleton (t 1/2 >10 yr) (10,11).
molecules with a molecular weight at or below 10,000 daltons (ALN is 248 daltons). The
selective localization on resorption surfaces, characteristic of the potent nitrogen-containing BPs, is reduced or lost when the dose is increased (as in the case of EHDP) and
overflow to formation surfaces takes place.
The fact that BPs act inside the cell is supported by several lines of evidence. Most
compelling is that the molecular targets of BPs, both for nitrogen-containing BPs (N-BPs)
and other BPs, is cytosolic. In addition, osteoclasts that can not take up material from their
surroundings due to a mutation (oc/oc) failed to respond to tiludronate by disruption of the
cytoskeleton (actin rings), but disruption occurred when the BP was microinjected into the
cell (53). The cellular changes produced by BPs in osteoclasts includes a disappearance of
the ruffled border (12). The ruffled border, a hallmark of osteoclast activity, is part of the
osteoclast polarization that follows cytoskeleton rearrangement, reflected in the actinrich ring-like sealing zone. In addition to these morphological changes that are indicative
of osteoclast inactivation BPs may also induce osteoclast apoptosis (5456).
Therefore, at the cellular level BPs are internalized by osteoclasts resorbing a BPcovered bone surface. Inside the cell BPs cause biochemical changes that lead to osteoclast inactivation and eventually osteoclast apoptosis.
inhibited at nanomolar concentrations (IC50) by ALN, pamidronate, and RIS but not by
EHDP or CL2 (66). Recent analyses of bacterially-expressed enzyme also showed inhibition (IC50) of FPP synthase by nanomolar concentrations of ibandronate (IBA),
incadronate, minodronate and zoledronate (67). These concentrations are below those
that have been estimated to be present in the local environment of the osteoclast in vivo,
which can reach up to several hundred micromolar (12). A direct correlation between
IC50 for suppression of FPP synthase and the lowest effective dose for in vivo suppression of bone resorption has been described (67).
The importance of FPP synthesis inhibition as a mechanism for the effects of N-BPs
was actually demonstrated prior to the identification of the exact molecular target. That
N-BPs reduce isoprenylation in macrophages (68,69) and osteoclasts (66) was deduced
from the suppressed incorporation of radioactive label into proteins of molecular weight
range around 2050 kDa, following exposure of the cell cultures to radioactive
mevalonate. The explanation for this observation is that the metabolic pathway
(mevalonate pathway) leading to formation of isoprenylation precursors (FPP and
geranylgeranyl diphosphate [GGPP]) is essentially unidirectional. Mevalonate is converted to mevalonate diphosphate and then isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP). IPP and an
isomer, dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP), act as substrates for FPP synthase, which
catalyzes the condensation of two IPPs with one DMAPP to form the fifteen carbon FPP.
FPP can lead to cholesterol synthesis, can be the direct substrate for protein farnesylation,
or can be further condensed with IPP to form the twenty carbon GGPP (the substrate for
protein geranylgeranylation). Therefore the suppression of FPP synthase leads to a
reduction in the formation of isoprenylation precursors necessary for both farnesylation
and geranylgeranylation.
There is substantial pharmacological evidence that suggests the mevalonate pathway,
of which FPP synthase is a component, is critical for osteoclast function and survival.
For instance, statins, that inhibit the pathway upstream at the level of HMG-CoA reductase, can mimic N-BP effects (the induction of macrophage or osteoclast apoptosis or
the inhibition of osteoclast activity in vitro) (56,68,70). The effects of statins on
bone resportion were prevented by the addition of exogenous mevalonate, the
metabolite immediately downstream of HMG-CoA reductase. This essentially proved
that the action of statins on osteoclastic bone resorption is the result of inhibition of this
metabolic pathway. Statin effects are also prevented by the exogenous addition of
geranylgeraniol (GGOH), a lipid alcohol precursor of GGPP (70,71). Mevalonate feeds
into the metabolic pathway upstream of FPP synthase, the target of N-BPs, and is therefore ineffective at blocking N-BP suppression of bone resorption (70,71). Interestingly,
farnesol (FOH), which selectively restores FPP, is also ineffective, probably due to an
inability to channel the exogenously added FOH towards synthesis of GGPP rather than
cholesterol. Similar to effects of statins, GGOH, but not FOH, effectively reduced N-BP
suppression of osteoclastic bone resorption. Thus, even prior to the identification of FPP
synthase as the molecular target of the N-BPs critical proof was in place establishing that
suppression of the mevalonate metabolic pathway by N-BPs was the mechanism of
action of this class of bisphosphonates.
Parallel studies implicate inhibition of FPP synthase by N-BPs in the induction of
osteoclast apoptosis (56), as well as in growth suppression of keratinocytes, a cell type
used to model the tissue lining of the esophagus (72). Earlier work in macrophages
implicated inhibition of both farnesylation and geranylgeranylation in the apoptotic
effects of N-BPs (68). However, consistent with the bone resorption response, osteoclast
apoptosis induced by N-BPs could be prevented by GGOH but not FOH, implicating
geranylgeranylation as the critical process disrupted by the N-BPs (56). More recently,
a specific inhibitor of geranylgeranylation, but not farnesylation, has been shown to
induce osteoclast apoptosis and suppress bone resorption (73).
In osteoclasts, downstream effector proteins have been identified that mediate effects
of BPs on cell survival or growth regulation. One of the biochemical changes identified
to be involved in BP induction of apoptosis in osteoclasts is activation of Mst1 kinase
(56). This pro-apoptotic kinase was induced in purified osteoclast cultures by the N-BPs
alendronate and RIS, non-N-BPs CL2 and EHDP, lovastatin, treatment with staurosporine or withdrawal of the survival factor M-CSF. This effect was prevented in the case
of N-BPs and statins (but not in the case of EHDP, CL2, staurosporine or M-CSF
withdrawal) by exogenous addition of GGOH. These observations indicate that the
biochemical signaling for BP-induced apoptosis is upstream of Mst1 kinase activation,
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Bisphosphonate Treatment
of Osteoporosis
Nelson B. Watts, MD
Bisphosphonates are avid bone-seeking compounds with potent antiresorptive effects.
The share a common chemical structure (Fig. 1) of two phosphonic acids joined to a
carbon, with two side chains that can be modified to change the affinity for bone and the
antiresorptive potency. They are useful for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
and other conditions characterized by increased bone remodeling. In addition to their
diagnostic use for nuclear bone scintigraphy, bisphosphonates have been applied to the
treatment of many conditions of abnormal bone resorption and remodeling, including
myositis ossificans progressiva (1,2), fibrous dysplasia (3), heterotopic ossification (4,5),
otosclerosis (6), Pagets disease of bone (7,8), hypercalcemia due to spinal cord injury
(9), bed rest (10), malignancy (11), hyperparathyroidism (12), and other causes (1315),
bone loss due to thyroid hormone excess (16), corticosteroid excess (1720), or paraplegia (9), prevention of severe hypocalcemia after surgery for hyperparathyroidism (21),
destructive arthropathy (22,23), and skeletal involvement with metastatic cancer (24,25),
or multiple myeloma (26). Although most of the clinical applications have been in adults,
there is increasing experience on the use of bisphosphonates in children (2729).
A number of bisphosphonates have come to be accepted for use in the treatment of
osteoporosis and for prevention of bone loss in recently menopausal women (Table 1).
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
In this chapter, the clinical trial data for those compounds that are available in North
America will be reviewed.
Clinical Trials
Etidronate was the first bisphosphonate to be investigated for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Although its effects on bone seemed generally positive, continuous therapy with etidronate resulted in impaired mineralization of new bone (30). An
intermittent cyclical regimen was developed that showed safety and encouraging efficacy in small trials (3133). The current accepted regimen of intermittent cyclical
etidronate for treatment of osteoporosis is 400 mg of oral etidronate (510 mg/kg/d)
daily for 14 d, repeated every 3 mo. As is true for other bisphosphonates, etidronate must
be taken on an empty stomach (with water only). Etidronate can be taken between meals
(2 h before and 2 h after eating) or during the night.
Two prospective, randomized, controlled trials showed that intermittent cyclical
etidronate therapy significantly increased spinal bone mass and suggested a decrease in
the risk of vertebral fractures, especially among high-risk patients (34,35). The observations from these two studies have been extended through 5 yr (36) and seven years
(37,38). Postmarketing data with etidronate have shown a reduction in nonvertebral
fractures (39) and an excellent safety profile (40).
In addition to the studies for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, intermittent
cyclical etidronate has been shown to be effective for prevention of bone loss in recently
menopausal women (41,42) and for prevention (17) and treatment (43) of corticosteroidinduced osteoporosis (44). A small, open study has shown increases in bone density in
osteoporotic men treated with etidronate (45). Estrogen combined with etidronate produces greater gains in bone mineral density (BMD) than either agent used alone (46).
Side Effects
As mentioned, etidronate given continuously in high doses (10 mg/kg/d for 3 mo or
longer) may impair mineralization of newly-formed bone, leading to bone pain and
fractures (4749). No other bisphosphonate has this potential with doses that are used
clinically. The intermittent cyclical regimen of etidronate for osteoporosis avoids this
problem (50,51). Occasionally, etidronate causes diarrhea, which, when it occurs, it
Table 1
Structures of Bisphosphonates in General Clinical use in North America
Non-nitrogen-containing compounds
Nitrogen-containing compounds
typically mild. Etidronate does not seem have the potential to cause upper gastrointestinal symptoms that is seen with some nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates.
Current Use
Etidronate is approved in Canada and many other countries for use in osteoporosis, but not
in the US. However, it is available in the US for other indications (52). Because of its excellent
tolerability and relatively low cost, etidronate is frequently used off label in the US for
patients who cannot tolerate other oral bisphosphonates. It is remarkably well tolerated.
Clinical Trials
Clodronate was the next bisphosphonate in clinical use. Clodronate has been used both
orally and intravenously for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (53) and corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis (54). An intermittent intravenous regimen (200 mg infused
every 3 wk) (55), an oral cyclical regimen (400 mg daily for 25 d, then 60 d off) (56), and
continuous oral therapy (400 mg daily) (57,58) all resulted in spinal bone mineral density
significantly higher in treated patients than controls. A higher dose regimen of clodronate,
1600 mg daily, has been shown in one study to reduce new metastases in breast cancer
patients (59), however, this has not been confirmed in other trials (60,61). Given orally,
clodronate, like other bisphosphonates, must be taken on an empty stomach.
Side Effects
Clodronate is generally well tolerated.
Current Use
Clodronate is not available in the US. In Europe and Canada, where it is available,
other bisphosphonates are also available for use in osteoporosis, so clodronate is used
mainly for treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy.
Clinical trials with tiludronate were started shortly after trials with clodronate.
Tiludronate is approved in the US for treatment of Pagets disease (62). Unfortunately,
a large Phase III trial of tiludronate for treatment of osteoporosis was terminated because
of apparent lack of effect, possibly because the dose being studied was too low.
Clinical Trials
Next in development came pamidronate (sometimes called APD, for aminopropylidene diphosphonate), the first nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate to be used. It
is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy and Pagets disease of bone (63), but not for use in osteoporosis.
Intermittent intravenous infusions of pamidronate have been used to treat postmenopausal osteoporosis (64), for prevention of bone loss in recently menopausal women
(65), and in corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis (66,67). A typical regimen is an initial
dose of pamidronate 90 mg, with subsequent doses of 30 mg every third month. The 30 mg
dose can be infused over about 60 min (68).
Side Effects
Pamidronate has been associated with severe toxic skin reactions (69,70), and a case
of aseptic peritonitis (71). Eye reactions (uveitis, scleritis, episcleritis, and conjunctivitis) have been reported (7274) with a frequency of about 1:1,000. Oral pamidronate may
cause esophageal and upper gastrointestinal problems (75), and intravenous pamidronate
causes an acute phase response (fever, myalgias, lymphopenia) in about 1/3 of patients
receiving their first dose (see general side effects of bisphosphonates, below).
Current Use
Pamidronate is not approved in the US for use in osteoporosis. It is used off label
for patients who cannot tolerate or cannot absorb oral bisphosphonates.
Clinical Trials
Alendronate was the first bisphosphonate to be approved by the FDA (1995) for use in
osteoporosis. It is approved for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, for osteoporosis in men, for prevention of bone loss in recently menopausal women, and for treatment
of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis in men and women.
Alendronate is a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate (Table 1) (76). The pivotal
study with alendronate involved almost 1000 postmenopausal women who had low bone
mass. Alendronate increased bone density in the spine and hip (77). Alendronate 10 mg
daily seemed to be the optimal dose as judged by increase in spine bone mineral density.
The increases in bone mass after 3 yr of treatment appear to be maintained for at least
two years when drug is stopped (78). Of interest, the effect of alendronate (and other
bisphosphonates) differs at different skeletal sites, being greatest and occurring earliest
at the spine, less at the hip, and minimal at the forearm (Fig. 2).
Although the alendronate Phase III Study was not powered to show an effect on
fractures, by pooling all the alendronate patients it was possible to show a 48% decrease
in the incidence of new vertebral fractures (6.2% in the placebo group vs 3.2%, p < 0.05)
Fig. 2. Mean percent change ( SE) in bone mineral density as measured by dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry in the placebo group (open circles) and 10 mg alendronate group (closed diamonds) in women with established postmenopausal osteoporosis. (Adapted from ref. 109.)
(77). To fully assess the effect of alendronate therapy on fractures, the Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT) was undertaken. Postmenopausal women who had low femoral neck
BMD (2.0 SD below the manufacturers stated mean peak bone mass) were recruited.
Women who had prevalent vertebral fractures (n = 2027) were assigned to the Vertebral
Fracture Arm (79); those who did not have prevalent fractures (n = 4432) were assigned
to the Clinical Fracture Arm (80). Subjects were randomized to receive either placebo
or alendronate (the initial dose of alendronate was 5 mg daily, then increased to 10 mg
daily after the second year). The Vertebral Fracture Arm of FIT was planned to last for
3 yr but was terminated a few months early because the reduction in fracture risk was
already significant (79). The magnitude of reduction in fracture risk was remarkably
consistent: 47% for vertebral fractures, 48% for wrist fractures, and 51% for hip fractures
(Fig. 3) (79). The women in the Clinical Fracture Arm of FIT (low femoral neck BMD
without vertebral fracture on entry) were followed for over 4 yr. Probably because of an
unanticipated problem with the study design (the manufacturers data base was faulty,
resulting in many patients who did not have osteoporosis being included in the trial, thus
a lower rate of fractures than anticipated), alendronate did not show an effect on clinical
fractures, the primary end-point. However, there was a significant reduction in vertebral
fractures in the overall group, and in women whose baseline femoral neck BMD T-score
was 2.5 and below by NHANES-III standards, there was a 36% reduction in clinical
fractures (80). Similar effects on nonvertebral fractures were shown with alendronate in
another trial of over 1900 women with low BMD (81). Therapy with alendronate in FIT
was associated with a significant reduction in bed days and days of decreased activity,
indicating a favorable effect on quality of life (82).
Alendronate 5 mg daily was shown to prevent bone loss at the spine and hip in recently
menopausal women in the Early Postmenopausal Intervention Cohort (EPIC) (83). These
observations were recently extended through 4 and 5 yr (84,85),
Estrogen and alendronate 10 mg daily appear to have similar effects on BMD; patients
treated with the combination of estrogen plus alendronate show even greater gains in
BMD than patients treated with either agent alone (86). Adding alendronate 10 mg daily
Fig. 3. Percent of placebo patients (open bars) and alendronate-treated patients (shaded bars) in
the Vertebral Fracture Arm of the Fracture Intervention Trial (FIT) having new fractures after
3 yr of treatment. **P < 0.001, *P < 0.05. (Adapted from ref. 79.)
to women who had been taking estrogen was found to produce significantly greater
increases in spine and hip trochanter BMD over 12 mo compared with estrogen alone (87).
Alendronate combined with raloxifene produces similar slightly additive effects (88).
In a 2-yr study of men with osteoporosis, alendronate 10 mg daily produced BMD
changes similar to those seen in postmenopausal osteoporosis and showed a trend towards
reduction of vertebral fractures (89). Alendronate is approved for treatment of osteoporosis in men.
In a study of 477 men and women receiving corticosteroid therapy, alendronate significantly improved spine and hip BMD over 48 wk (18). At the spine, 5 mg alendronate
daily had similar effects in men and premenopausal women, but 10 mg daily had a greater
effect on spine BMD in postmenopausal women. Alendronate is now FDA-approved for
treatment of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis (10 mg daily for postmenopausal
women not taking estrogen, 5 mg daily for men and estrogen-replete women).
Etidronate for osteoporosis was given intermittently because of safety concerns.
Although daily dosing of other bisphosphonates, such as alendronate, is safe, it is not
convenient or acceptable for all patients. A recent study showed that postmenopausal
women given 70 mg alendronate once weekly had an equivalent BMD response at the
spine and hip compared with women given alendronate 10 mg daily (90). Tolerability
of the 70-mg once weekly dose was as good as or better than 10 mg taken daily.
Side Effects
Although the tolerability of alendronate in clinical trials was good (no different from
placebo), when the drug came into general use, serious esophageal events (rare, ~1/10,000)
(91) and more frequent but less serious tolerability problems became apparent (92,93).
Current Use
Alendronate is widely employed for its approved indications. The recommended dose
for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and for treatment of glucocorticoidinduced osteoporosis in men and estrogen-replete women is 5 mg daily (or 35 mg weekly).
For treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, for men with osteoporosis (not due to
glucocorticoid use), and for estrogen-deficient women with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, the dose is 10 mg daily (or 70 mg weekly).
Clinical Trials
Risedronate is a nitrogen-containing pyridinyl bisphosphonate (94). Its effectiveness
was shown in two pivotal studies of over 3600 women with low BMD and prevalent
vertebral fractures (95,96). The primary end-point in these two trials was new vertebral
fractures, which were reduced by 4149% (Fig. 4). The effect of risedronate for decreasing the risk of new vertebral fracture was significant after only 1 yr of treatment (97).
Nonvertebral fractures, a secondary end-point in these studies, were reduced by 33
39%, the latter being statistically significant (P = 0.02) (Fig. 4) (95). Risedronate therapy
significantly increased BMD at the spine and hip.
In the largest prospective, randomized trial of osteoporosis therapy to date, involving
almost 9500 women, treatment with risedronate produced a significant reduction in hip
fractures in postmenopausal women who had low bone mass (98). Of interest, a subset of
elderly women who were enrolled in the risedronate hip fracture trial because they had
clinical risk factors for fractures (but not necessarily low bone mass) did not show a benefit.
Risedronate has been shown to prevent bone loss in a study of 383 recently menopausal women (99).
Risedronate 5 mg daily was shown to be effective for prevention of corticosteroidinduced bone loss in a study of 228 patients beginning corticosteroid therapy (19) and
to increase bone density in a study of 290 patients who had been treated with glucocorticoids for an average of 5 yr (20). In a post-hoc analysis of data from these two trials,
a significant 70% reduction in new vertebral fractures was shown (100).
Side Effects
In clinical trials of almost 16,000 subjects, adverse events with risedronate were no
different from placebo. The tablet travels quickly through the esophagus (101).
Risedronate has only recently been introduced to the market (April, 2000). So far it
appears to be well tolerated.
Fig. 4. Percent of placebo patients (open bars) and risedronate-treated patients (shaded bars) in
the Vertebral Effectiveness of Risedronate Therapy (VERT) study having new fractures after
3 yr of treatment. **P = 0.003, *P = 0.023. (Adapted from ref. 95.)
Current Use
Risedronate is approved for prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis and for prevention and treatment of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. The dose is
5 mg daily for all of these indications. Although in the US, dosing instructions are the
same for alendronate (102) and risedronate (103), risedronate may offer some flexibility
in dosing. Pharmacokinetic data show similar systemic levels when risedronate is taken
2 h before or after a meal or at least 30 min before retiring in the evening compared with
after an overnight fast (104).
A number of other compounds have seen some clinical use, including olpadronate and
neridronate. Compounds in the late stages of clinical development include ibandronate
(105,106) and zoledronate (107). Ibandronate was studied in an intermittent regimen, up
to 1 mg every 3 m by intravenous injection. Despite an increase in BMD, the effect on
fractures in this trial was not significant (108). A study using oral ibandronate should be
completed soon. Zoledronate is being developed primarily for use in oncology.
Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates may have a greater effect on BMD than non-nitrogencontaining compounds. There has been a small study showing a BMD response to alendronate
in patients whose BMD failed to increase with etidronate therapy (112), and another showing
an increase in BMD with alendronate treatment following etidronate treatment (113).
There is a weak correlation between the magnitude of increase in BMD after treatment
with antiresorptive drugs and the reduction in the rate of vertebral fractures (114). In the
randomized trials of bisphosphonates, the confidence intervals surrounding the vertebral
fracture risk reduction are too broad to permit conclusions about relative effectiveness.
In a retrospective analysis of treated patients from FIT (115). Hochberg et al. concluded
that among treated patients, the greater the gain in BMD, the greater the reduction in
fracture risk. However, this relationship was not consistent at different time points or at
different skeletal sites. Based on available data, it does not appear that change in BMD
can be used to judge the relative anti-fracture effectiveness of different bisphosphonates.
For individual patients, however, treatment with bisphosphonates usually results in
measurable changes in spine BMD within a year and measurable changes at the total hip
within 24 yr. Biochemical markers of bone turnover (e.g., serum bone-specific alkaline
phosphatase, urine collagen cross links such as N-telopeptides [NTx] and deoxypyridinoline) show measurable decreases within 36 mo.
Is one bisphosphonate better tolerated than another? Again, this would require a headto-head study to answer. The available evidence suggests that few patients have tolerability problems with etidronate. Perhaps 10% of patients treated with daily alendronate
using the original formulation have gastrointestinal symptoms; the new formulation or
the once weekly dosing regimen may be better tolerated. Although clinical experience
with risedronate has been limited, tolerability seems good so far.
When should combination therapy be used? Several classes of agents have proven
effectiveness in reducing osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Although all are considered
antiresorptive agents, mechanisms of action differ, raising the possibility that combining agents with different mechanisms of action might produce greater benefit than a
single agent. Several studies have shown that combining a bisphosphonate with estrogen (46,86,87,125) or raloxifene (88) produces greater gains in bone mass than
monotherapy None of these studies are large enough to determine if there is a greater
reduction in fracture risk with combination therapy; given the wide confidence intervals
seen in fracture reduction trials, it is unlikely that such data will ever be available.
Combining agents obviously increases the cost of treatment and the likelihood of side
effects. There is also a possibility that bone turnover could be oversuppressed, resulting
in frozen bone. For these reasons, combination therapy with antiresorptive drugs
should be reserved for patients who have severe osteoporosis, and perhaps those who fail
to respond to a single drug. Combining an anabolic agent (e.g., parathyroid hormone)
with a bisphosphonate presents a model that is theoretically more appealing than the
simultaneous use of two antiresorptive medications (126,127).
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Small clinical trials using the synthetic fragment human parathyroid hormone (hPTH)
134 in the early 1970s suggested PTH could be used as an anabolic therapy for
osteoporosis (1,2). Since these initial clinical trials, numerous studies in animal models
and humans have demonstrated that PTH anabolic effect is dependent on its intermittent
administration. Continuous infusion of PTH results in decreased bone mass due to a
change in bone balance to favor bone resorption (16). Emphasizing the complexity of
the skeletal response to PTH, prolonged continued exposure to PTH as a consequence
of hyperparathyroidism shifts bone distribution from cortical bone to trabecular bone,
resulting in thinned cortical bone (110). PTH uniformly stimulates bone turnover.
Whether this results in bone mass gain, loss or equilibrium, is determined by regimen or
the presence of disease. Recent work with transgenic mice expressing a constitutively
activated PTH1 G-protein coupled receptor (PTH1R) implicated the up-regulation and
distribution of this receptor as a key step in determining outcomes at specific bone sites
(11). Despite a wealth of in vitro research on the cell and molecular actions of PTH, we
still do not understand the mechanisms resulting in these multiple effects in vivo. Moreover, none of the in vitro models fully recapitulates the anabolic effects of PTH observed
in vivo, to result in osteoblast induction and a net increase in matrix proteins.
The aims of this chapter are to briefly review studies of PTH actions at the molecular
and cellular level, including regulation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and then to discuss
the recent preclinical studies of PTH treatment and withdrawal in animals with osteonal
bone more closely resembling that of humans.
understood, although we know that PTH regulates gene expression in osteoblasts supporting synthesis of various proteins involved in bone formation and resorption. While
in vitro studies have shown inconsistent effects of PTH on bone cell proliferation (12,13),
studies in both young and old rats have provided no evidence to support PTH as a
stimulator of osteoblast proliferation (1417). In young rats, there are large pools of
proliferating cells underlying the growth plates, the metaphyseal cortical endosteal surface and the diaphyseal periosteal surfaces (18,19), which may be regulated by PTH (20
23). In the absence of evidence to support an initial stimulation of proliferation, the
presence of large numbers of proliferating cells in vivo, and the fact that these cells can
be enabled to differentiate into different lineage cells, suggest that PTH may recruit
proliferating cells into the osteoblast differentiation pathway to increase the number of
osteoblasts (2123). In older animals with closed growth plates and few proliferating
progenitors (24), it has been speculated that PTH and its analogs increase osteoblast
number by stimulating differentiation of quiescent bone surface cells (15). This hypothesis is supported by a number of studies, including electron microscopy (25); thymidine
autoradiography (15), and histomorphometry in both humans and animals. The early
increase in bone forming surfaces (Fig. 1) is more consistent with stimulation of differentiation of osteoprogenitors, than an initial increase in proliferation (1,26,27). Cyclic
AMP (cAMP) has been implicated as the key signaling pathway by which the anabolic
responses of PTH are effected upon binding to the PTH1R (1,26,27). In fibroblasts,
cAMP signaling activates protein kinase A (PKA) controlled cell growth by abrogating
signaling required for detachment of cells, and by inhibiting both progression through
the cell cycle and apoptosis . If valid for osteoprogenitors, this could provide mechanisms by which PTH promotes differentiation but not proliferation of bone cells. For a
more intensive review of signal transduction, the reader is referred to ref. 28.
An additional mechanism to increase the number of bone cells may be by PTH inhibition of existing osteoblasts (2931). However, as cells in which apoptosis is inhibited
are thought to die more slowly by alternate pathways, it is not clear if conditions that
inhibit bone cell apoptosis permit osteoblasts and osteocytes to remain fully functional.
It is also not clear if the inhibitory effect on osteoblast apoptosis occurring in metaphyseal secondary spongiosa is a direct effect of PTH, or an indirect effect associated with
changes in bone turnover and displacement of hematopoietic marrow by bone mass (32)
as a consequence of PTH treatment. In view of the recent observation that osteosarcoma
was associated with lifetime treatment of young growing rats with PTH (33), studies are
needed of the prolonged effects of PTH on bone cell biology in vivo, to determine if this
was an effect of the hormone, or a consequence of the increase in bone turnover and
changes in bone mass and geometry induced by PTH. The relevance of this phenomenon
to the osteonal skeleton of larger mammals and humans remains uncertain. Apart from
an early study on the cortical surface of very young, growing rabbits (34), there have
been no studies of PTH-regulated osteoprogenitor proliferation and apoptosis in animals
in which the response to PTH is independent of the growth and development skeletal
processes always present in rats and mice.
The time-dependent changes activated following PTH treatment (Fig. 1), and the
implications for the mechanisms operating during induction of the response, compared
to those operating after several remodeling cycles have not been well appreciated. During the early phase of the anabolic response, within 16 h of injection, PTH regulates
many osteoblastic genes mainly through the cAMP-PKA signaling pathway, with the
Fig. 1. Selected time-dependent changes in bone and hematopoietic cells after once daily PTH
treatment in young rats for up to 31 d. BFR/BS bone formation rate on endosteal trabecular
surfaces; MMPs metalloproteases; BMD bone mineral density; BMC bone mineral content; CPC
(hematopoietic) committed progenitor cells; CFU-f alkaline phosphatase-positive fibroblastic
colony forming units derived from stromal cells, and used as surrogate marker for osteoprogenitor
cells; HPP-CFC (hematopoietic) highly proliferative precursors colony forming cells; CFU-GM
(hematopoietic) granulocytes and monocyte precursor colony forming units, which are considered to contain the precursors of osteoclasts. Note the immediate activation of osteoblast function, and gene expression of cytokines associated with signal transduction to osteoclasts. When
PTH is given as continuous infusion, the time for ex-vivo osteoclast induction is shortened to
approx 14 d. Based on data in following work (17).
Fig. 2. Left graph: Dose dependent effects of rhPTH 1-34 on expression of AP-I gene family members in femur metaphysis of young male Balb/C
mice treated with once daily injections for 3 d. Expression of c-fos, assessed using RNAse protection assays, was markedly higher than the other genes;
fra-2 expression peaks about 30 min after c-fos has peaked (data not shown). No difference in magnitude was detected when genes were examined
after 7 d, compared to 13 d (8). Right graph: dose dependent effects of rhPTH 134 on bone mass, expressed as ash weight of femurs of young male
Balb/C mice treated once daily with rhPTH 134 for 28 d. Day 0 value shows ash weight in baseline group, to account for growth of young rapidly
growing mice. Data adapted from those reported in ref. 8.
sion require about 6h and translation into increased bone forming surface requires about
24 h, based on histomorphometry and in situ histohybridization (14,23). As microarrays
add to our knowledge of changing patterns of gene expression, we will better understand
the significance of these changes that represent multiple regulatory pathways.
Much less is known of the PTH-regulated genes associated with continuous infusion
or with animal models of hyperparathyroidism. It may be that these gene patterns are
those modeled by in vitro bone organ cultures and cells. In vitro, PTH acts on differentiated osteoblasts to inhibit expression and synthesis of matrix proteins, including collagen 1, osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase, independently of duration of exposure
(5153). Following continuous infusion of PTH in adult rats, peritrabecular fibrosis and
focal resorption were observed, together with hypercalcemia and increased calcitonin
(5,6,39,54). It is interesting that over-activation due to a missense mutation in the alphasubunit of Gs, a protein in a key pathway activated by the PTH1 receptor, was associated
with malfunction of mature osteoblasts, manifest as abnormal matrix composition and
collagen organization (32,55,56). The fibrosis of hyperparathyroidism and fibrous dysplasia appear to have common features (55). The fibrosis subsequent to PTH regulation
of collagen synthesis may be mediated by a changing ratio between IGF-I and IGFbinding proteins, such that IGF-I is suppressed and the IGF-binding proteins dominate
in osteoblasts. IGF-I observed in osteoblasts of rats treated with once daily PTH, was not
detected in bone lining cells during PTH infusion (57,58). Continuous infusion increased
the intensity of staining for IGF-binding proteins, IGF-BP3, BP4, and BP5 (57). These
shifts in distribution and magnitude of IGF-1 and IGF-binding proteins associated with
different PTH regimens, suggest that these may play a role in cell fate determination of
the multipotential progenitors in close proximity to active osteoblasts.
Prolonged exposure to PTH in cultured bone cells alters several nuclear matrix (NM)
proteins that mediate nuclear architecture, including NuMA and topoisomerase IIa and
IIb, which are structural components of the mitotic chromosome scaffold (59,60). The
PTH-induced upregulation of NMP4/NP, another architectural transcription factor which
binds directly to the collagen and collagenase promoters, may be a critical mechanism
regulating expression of type I collagen (61). These PTH-induced changes in osteoblast
microarchitecture via regulation of the NM may modify the profile of transcribed genes
that determine a catabolic response (59).
One of the most interesting recent developments in studies of the anabolic effects of
PTH has been the consistent finding of upregulated expression of both matrix degrading
proteins, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS-1) in addition to cytokines associated
with regulating matrix degradation and turnover, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-11
(14,43,44,47,48). Actions of matrix degrading enzymes to recondition the bone surface
may lead to cell detachment resulting in osteoblast apoptosis. Cell detachment in vivo
is suggested by the finding of a transient increase in apoptosis in proliferating cells and
osteocytes of young rat metaphyses during the initial response to PTH (62). Together,
these observations of upregulated MMPs and transient increases in apoptosis are consistent with mechanisms activating bone turnover. One consequence of activation of matrix
degrading enzymes may be that reconditioned bone surface can serve as an attractant for
newly differentiating osteoblasts to increase bone-forming surfaces (anabolic action), or
as an attractant for differentiating osteoclasts to continue resorption of old surfaces
(catabolic action) (63).
Regulation of Osteoclasts
While PTH mediates release of calcium from bone surfaces by activation of osteoclasts, recent data suggests that this is an indirect action and that proteins synthesized by
osteoblasts responding to PTH, activate osteoclasts. It is currently thought that stromal
cells and osteoblast lineage cells regulate osteoclast differentiation through cell-cell
contact, by controlling synthesis of OPG and RANKL, the ligand for the osteoclast
progenitor receptor, RANK (64,65). These two secreted proteins compete for binding to
RANK, a TNF receptor family member (65). If RANKL binding to RANK predominates, as seen following PTH treatment of cultured osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells
transfected with the PTH1 receptor (66), osteoclast progenitors differentiate into osteoclasts (65). In addition, studies in a variety of bone cells lines indicate that PTH
downregulates OPG, a potent inhibitor of osteoclast formation and function, via a cAMP/
PKA pathway (64). In young rats, mRNA expression for RANKL increases while that
for OPG decreases within 1 h of injection (46). The significance of this phenomenon is
not known, but may be part of the mechanisms by which PTH activates bone turnover.
The in vitro data (64,65) suggest that increased resorption plays a key role in the
mechanisms activated by PTH. It is not known if the activation of osteoclasts following
continuous infusion of PTH is a direct effect due to shifts in the ratio of OPG and RANKL
expression in osteoblasts and stromal cells. The shift in matrix protein synthesis by
osteoblasts to a more fibroblast-like profile (32,54,55) may results in an extracellular
matrix feedback signal to activate increased bone turnover. One limitation of these
studies is our lack of knowledge of how increased activation frequency may favor formation (anabolic effect of intermittent PTH) or resorption (catabolic effect of continuous
PTH). A mathematical model that assumes a longer delay in osteoclast activation (due
to a requirement for signals from the osteoblast to osteoclast progenitors) than the delay
required for osteoblast differentiation, argues that osteoblast function will predominate
with intermittent PTH, while resorption will be greater with continuous PTH (67). This
speculation is supported by preliminary unpublished data that show that the ex vivo
induction of osteoclasts was delayed in mice given once daily injections of PTH until 28
31 d, whereas under conditions of continuous infusion, increased ex vivo induction of
osteoclasts was detected within 14 d (68).
during the adolescence phase of skeletal growth but is not necessary after skeletal
maturation in this species (70,71). In vitro studies, using bone organ culture or cells
isolated from fetal or neonatal animals, suggest that IGF-I may be one of the mediators of
PTH effects on skeletal growth and maturation processes via its stimulatory effects on
osteoblasts (72). Alternatively, as IGF-I inhibits collagenase (73), IGF-I may mediate a
different aspect of the anabolic mechanism, namely regulating the process by which
osteoblasts condition the bone surface as a prerequisite to attract osteoclast progenitors
to bone. Since skeletal cells secrete the six known IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) and
two of the four known IGFBP-related proteins, there may be additional levels of regulation if IGF-I mediates actions of PTH in vivo (74,75).
In vitro studies have demonstrated PTH-induced regulation of gene expression of
other growth factors (e.g., fibroblast growth factor-2 [FGF-2], transforming growth
factor- [TGF-]) (76,77). However, in vivo studies have not shown these effects until
after 4 wk of treatment (50). The effects are dose-dependent and occur at higher doses
than those needed to induce an increase in bone mass (50). This delay in upregulation
suggests that an increase in growth factors may be more an indication of the highly
significant increase in osteoblast numbers and function, rather than primary mediators
of the anabolic actions of PTH. In vitro, there is strong evidence to support an intermediary role for prostaglandins in the actions of PTH in bone (53,78). In contrast, treatment
of young rats with indomethacin failed to block the anabolic effect of PTH (79), suggesting that prostaglandins are not mediators of the anabolic effects of PTH in vivo. It
remains possible, however, that prostaglandins may mediate effects on remodeling and
bone turnover in animals with osteonal skeletons.
The vitamin D metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D3), and PTH operate in mutual feedback loops. As PTH raises serum 1,25(OH)2D3 in vivo, and interacts
with 1,25(OH)2D in several molecular pathways in cultured bone cells, 1,25(OH)2D3
might mediate or contribute to PTH mechanisms of action in vivo. However, experiments in rats have failed to show that 1,25(OH)2D3 contributes to the anabolic effects of
PTH (8082).
Animal Models
Until recently, in vivo data on outcomes after PTH treatment have been predominantly derived from rat studies that have improved our understanding of alterations in
modeling drift and bone growth processes. Numerous studies in this model have demonstrated that PTH augments bone mass by stimulating bone formation and increases the
resistance of bones to fracture at all sites tested (see reviews by refs. 2 and 83). In
mature ovariectomized (OVX) rats, treatment with PTH or one of its analogs increased
bone mineral density (BMD) by more than two- to fourfold in the spine and long bones
after 6 mo (84,85). In humans, 4555% of the skeleton is osteonal Haversian cortical
bone. In animals with osteonal bone more closely resembling that of humans (e.g.,
rabbits, dogs, primates), there are effects of PTH that cannot be detected in rats and mice
that lack osteonal structure. In osteonal skeletons, PTH-induced bone mass gain, based
on dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measures, was in the range of 815% in OVX
monkeys after 18 mo (86) (Fig. 3) and in osteoporotic women after 23 yr (1,33,87,88).
Fig. 3. Change in whole body mineral content of adult, ovariectomized monkeys treated once
daily with vehicle (OVX) or rhPTH 134 at 1 (PTH1) or 5 (PTH5) mg/kg/d for up to 18 mo. Data
are shown as the percent change from baseline for each time point measured, and were regraphed
from data in refs. 9 and 10. Values for PTH5 are significantly different (*p < 0.05) from those
of OVX or PTH1, which were not significantly different from each other at any time point. Note
the time course and rapid increase in whole body bone mineral content in PTH5 monkeys.
will be necessary to determine the extent to which the molecular and cell mechanisms
in rats predict those of humans and animals with osteonal bone structure.
Fig. 4. Biomechanical properties of strength, shown as ultimate force (Fu) for midshaft humerus
and femur neck, and as yield force for lumbar vertebrae, L3&L4 resected from adult , shamoperated (sham) and ovariectomized monkeys, treated once daily with vehicle (OVX) or rhPTH
134 at 5 mg/kg/d (PTH) for up to 18 mo. PTH values are significantly different (*p < 0.05) from
either OVX or sham in the femur neck and spine. Data adapted from refs. 11 and 12.
tional bone growth. As this zone is closest to the neutral axis, the cross-sectional moment
of inertia, stiffness and ultimate force characteristics of strength remained stable in the
mid-cortex of the long bones (9597).
A clinical concern remains that, if the increase in porosity occurs prior to deposition
of PTH-induced new bone formation, an osteoporotic patient with thinned cortical bone
may be susceptible to fracture early in treatment. In rats, increases in bone matrix proteins and bone forming surfaces have been demonstrated within 24 h of the first injection
of hPTH 134 while resorption measures remained unchanged (23) (Fig. 1). More
recently, the time sequence of events has been studied in cortical bone of intact rabbits
treated with hPTH 134 for one remodeling cycle (116). The percent fluorochromelabeled (new) osteons and endocortical bone formation increased within the first cycle.
The increase in porosity was not significant until the end of the first cycle, at 70 d, while
the increase in cortical area due to appositional bone formation occurred prior to 35 d.
Collectively, these data suggest that PTH braces the bone by immediately stimulating
formation at both modeling and remodeling sites, so that an initial period of increased
susceptibility to fracture would not be predicted.
Table 1
The Effects of PTH at Each Organizational Level of Osteonal Bone
1000s up- and downregulated genes
Osteoblasts differentiate
to increase number
Regulation of bone cell
Delay in osteoclast
Bone forming surfaces
Quiescent surfaces
and endocortical bone
New osteons
Whole body BMC
Cortical and
Bone balance and
on bone strength after PTH withdrawal (124,125). In OVX monkeys treated for 12 mo,
and then examined 6 mo later, the increase in bone mass was smaller, while strength at
the spine and femur neck was not significantly different from that of monkeys treated at
equivalent doses for 18 mo (112,113,124,125). An unexpected finding was the favorable
shift in mineral distribution and size in quantitative computed tomography (QCT) images
that correlated with the retention of improved biomechanical properties of bone after
withdrawal of treatment (112,113,124,125). It will be interesting to understand if similar
phenomena occur in humans following withdrawal of PTH treatment.
Comparisons of the response to withdrawal in ovariectomized rats and monkeys suggest
that the incremental gain due to bone modeling during PTH treatment decreases after two
or more remodeling cycles (112,113,118121,125). However, in osteonal skeletons, such
as those of monkeys, there is a residual benefit associated with the remodeling processes.
Via remodeling in both trabecular and cortical bone (97,98), PTH alters bone geometry,
and rejuvenates the matrix by turnover and mineralization of new matrix. Following
withdrawal, active bone forming surfaces revert to quiescent status (97,98), so that it is
likely that, as the bone turnover rate returns to its pretreatment levels, the next fraction of
bone to be targeted for turnover will be the older fraction of bone (9094). One can
speculate that there are beneficial effects of PTH on bone quality that will persist for some
time after withdrawal of treatment. If the favorable PTH-induced changes in bone quality
persist after withdrawal in osteonal skeletons, BMD measures alone may give a misleading
evaluation of resistance to fracture. To test this speculation, clinical studies of humans with
osteoporosis, previously treated with PTH, are needed to monitor the long-term effects on
fracture rate after cessation of PTH treatment.
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Parathyroid hormone (PTH) classically causes bone resorption and bone loss. However, since 1929 (1), it has been known that PTH can also have an anabolic effect on the
skeleton. This salutary effect of PTH is the basis for the idea that PTH has the potential
to become a therapy for osteoporosis. This chapter will review the effects of endogenous
PTH, including lessons learned from primary hyperparathyroidism and the rationale for
PTH therapy in osteoporosis. Clinical trials of PTH in osteoporosis, both alone and in
combination with other drugs, will also be reviewed.
With aging, physiological levels of PTH usually increase (3). This age-related increase
in PTH has been viewed by Silverberg and Bilezikian to be potentially beneficial (4) while
these same observations have been viewed by Riggs and his colleagues to be potentially
detrimental (5). Certainly, in the absence of estrogen, the postmenopausal woman is more
likely to experience the effects of PTH whether these changes are adaptive or maladaptive
(6). In the distinctly abnormal setting, namely primary hyperparathyroidism, estrogen
deficiency in the postmenopausal woman can unmask the disease, presumably because of
enhanced sensitivity to PTH (7). Restoring estrogen to the postmenopausal woman may
reset the threshold for PTH secretion (8) thereby reducing its skeletal effects (9). This
reasoning would lead to the expectation that skeletal responsiveness to PTH should be
enhanced in estrogen deficient women with osteoporosis, a point not supported by studies
of Tsai et al. (10) or Ebeling et al. (11). On the contrary, PTH dynamics and responsiveness
could be reduced in osteoporosis, as shown by reduced nocturnal secretory peaks and
greater urinary calcium excretion in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (12). Moreover, Silverberg and her colleagues have shown that postmenopausal women with
osteoporosis do not demonstrate an age-appropriate increase in PTH to a hypocalcemic
challenge (13). Finally, Cosman et al. have shown that osteoporotic women have a higher
calcium set point than normal pre- and postmenopausal women when these groups are
administered hPTH (134) (14). These latter observations argue for a putative beneficial
adaptive increase in PTH with normal aging, and its loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Fig. 1. Cancellous bone volume in groups of hyperparathyroid, osteoporotic and normal women.
Values are expressed as mean SEM. Taken with permission from ref. 18.
of the number of junctions between trabecular plates, free ends of termini and the relative
length of trabecular struts), it was found that in primary hyperparathyroidism there is not
only greater cancellous bone volume and trabecular number, but trabecular plates are
better connected (Fig. 3). Thus age-related bone loss in primary hyperparathyroidism is
not accompanied by a significant loss of connectivity (17). Another study compared
static and dynamic histomorphometric variables of bone formation in 19 hyperparathyroid and 34 healthy postmenopausal women. Hyperparathyroid women had higher
indices of bone formation (increases in osteoid width, osteoid maturation time and
adjusted apposition rate) and a greater wall width of cancellous bone packets (20).
Fracture Reduction
It is unclear whether the anabolic effect of PTH on cancellous bone in mild primary
hyperparathyroidism is associated with a prevention of vertebral fractures. Studies have
yielded conflicting results. Vertebral fracture data was compared among 174 patients
with asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism and a historical control group, and was
found to be no higher than expected for the general population (21). Another study
examined 90 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism over 11 yr and found that the
overall fracture risk was increased prior to the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism, but not thereafter (22). Most recently, 407 patients with mild primary hyperparathyroidism seen over a 28-yr period were found to have an increase in vertebral, distal
forearm, rib and pelvic fractures (23). The increase in fracture incidence of the appendicular skeleton would be consistent with the reduced bone density of cortical bone. The
apparent increase in fracture incidence in the lumbar spine, an unexpected observation,
could be due to ascertainment bias with regard to more careful and diligent monitoring
of vertebral status by X-rays in these patients.
Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of iliac crest biopsies of a patient with primary hyperparathyroidism (top) and a control subject (bottom). Note the thinning of cortices in the patient with
primary hyperparathyroidism as well as the maintenance of cancellous bone and trabecular
connectivity. Taken with permission from ref. 16.
alendronate, risedronate and calcitonin all inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and reduce bone turnover (2426), as demonstrated by their lowering of bone markers of
formation and resorption (27,28). These antiresorptive drugs may be associated with a
small increase in bone density by reducing the remodeling space, but the increase is
typically less than 10% over 3 yr (29,30). They are variably effective in reducing fracture
risk. The concept of an anabolic agent is based upon an entirely different physiological
process, namely bone formation. Inherent in this concept is the potential for anabolic
agents to increase bone mass to a far greater extent than antiresorptives. The potential
of these agents to improve bone density more substantially than antiresorptives suggests,
in addition, that the efficacious anabolics could reduce fracture risk to a greater extent
than efficacious anti-resorptives.
Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of the iliac crest biopsy from a patient with primary hyperparathyroidism using strut analysis. Nodes, free ends and trabecular struts are superimposed on the image.
Note the high proportion of nodes compared to free ends. Abbreviations: Nd (node), Tm (terminus), Nd.Nd (node to node strut), and Td. Tm (node to termius strut) indicate some of these
structures. Taken with permission from ref. 17.
Sodium fluoride was the first of the true anabolic agents to be used in the treatment
of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Radiographic increases in bone mass were impressive
in early studies with fluoride when administered to osteopenic individuals. Fluoride, in
fact, has been used throughout the world for the treatment of osteoporosis, for nearly four
decades, although, in the United States, it is not an FDA-approved drug for osteoporosis.
One of the reasons for this is the conflicting results of the early randomized prospective
controlled trials (RPCTs) in which the use of fluoride was associated with marked
increases in vertebral BMD but no change in vertebral fracture incidence. Moreover, the
risk of nonvertebral fractures may have been somewhat higher in the trials using a
relatively high daily dosage of sodium fluoride, 75 mg (31,32). Side effects consisting
of upper gastrointestinal symptoms and a lower extremity pain syndrome were common.
The investigation of Meunier et al. was also disappointing when fluoride was used in a
somewhat lower dosage (33). Subsequently, Pak and his associates reported on a lower
dose, slow release formulation of sodium fluoride in which the pharmacokinetics and
serum levels improved the therapeutic/toxicity index. Using this preparation of fluoride,
Pak et al. showed a 50% reduction in vertebral fracture incidence along with impressive
increases in bone mass (3436). More recently, Ringe and colleagues have reported
positive results with low dose but yet another formulation of fluoride, monofluorophosphate (3739). Despite the potential for fluoride, especially when used in lower
dosages and with more favorable formulations, so as to reduce or eliminate gastrointestinal side effects, consensus about its clinical utility has still not been reached.
Other studies of anabolic agents have also produced mixed results. Androgens, growth
hormone, and IGF-1 all have shown promise in selective situations (40) but results in
general have been inconclusive or associated with the potential for substantial long-term
adverse consequences. With the exception of androgen replacement therapy for
hypogonadal men with osteoporosis, these agents are considered at this time to be highly
6 women, 2 men
90 wk
11 women, 1 man 64 wk
12 yr
11 women, 1 man 1 yr
30 women
1 yr
8 men
34 wk
5 women, 1 man
6 mo
4 women
Duration of
Control group
(only given
Each patient
their own
Trial design
0.25 mcg/d
for 3 wk out
of four, for
16 cycles
5 mg/kg for
2 wk out of 15,
for 6 cycles
Estrogen or
0.25 mcg/d
1,25(OH) D
2 3
0.25 mcg/d
Table 1
Observational Trials
Rubin and Bilezikian
90 d
48 wk
20 women
220 women
14 mo
2 women, 6 men
Control group
(on other
200 U/d
Half received
Control group
(only got
100 U/d for
8 wk after PTH
Half received
Control group
(only got
75 U/d for
42 d
Chapter 25 / Parathyroid Hormone as a Therapy for Osteoporosis
Fig. 4. Bone mineral density measured in osteoporotic men given PTH and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
D. Each point represents the mean SEM for 12 vertebrae in 4 men (trabecular bone) or 8 radii
in 8 men (cortical bone). Taken with permission from ref. 73.
along with oral 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by Slovik et al. (73). In four subjects who had
vertebral bone density measured by quantitative computed tomography, there was a remarkable two-fold increase in bone mineral density over one year, with an increase in calcium
absorption and no loss of radial bone (Fig. 4) (73). In a similar study, 30 women with
osteoporosis were given either daily hPTH (134) with calcitriol and calcium, or calcium
only, for 12 yr. Spine bone mineral density increased in the women given PTH by 12% by
dual photon absorptiometry and by 32% by quantitative computed tomography (QCT), while
there was no change in the control group. The greater increase seen with QCT is consistent
with the increases being mainly in cancellous bone. However, the increase in spine bone
mineral density seemed to plateau after 612 mo. Cortical bone density measured by single
photon absorptiometry (SPA) decreased by 5.7% with PTH, as compared to a 1.7% decrease
with calcium only (74). It is possible, however, that the cortical loss was exaggerated, reflecting the lag in bone mineralization from the PTH-induced bone turnover (48).
In these early studies, PTH was also administered together with antiresorptive agents
in small, observational trials. The antiresorptives (sex steroids, bisphosphonates, calcitonin) were used to minimize the expected cortical bone loss from PTH. hPTH (134) was
studied in 12 patients with either estrogen or nandrolone for 8 of 12 mo (75). The PTH with
estrogen group had an increase of 50% by QCT. There was no evidence of cortical bone loss
(75). Radioisotopic measures of bone formation showed increases (76) and calcium balance
improved. Biopsies of the PTH and estrogen group showed increments in cancellous bone
volume, wall width and trabecular plate width with a decrease in trabecular spacing (76,77).
Other small studies involved PTH in combination with agents in a cyclical pattern.
Short-term PTH was expected to activate a cohort of remodeling units, followed by a
progressive sequence of depressed resorption, free formation, repeated stimulation (15).
These ADFR protocols yielded mixed results. In one small study, PTH and vitamin D
were given sequentially to twelve osteoporotic patients, 11 women and 1 man. The
subjects were treated with high doses of daily hPTH (134) for 1 wk, followed by three
weeks of treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D; this was repeated for sixteen cycles.
Mean calcium balance increased, but there was an overall decrease in bone turnover and
activation frequency. Histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsy showed reductions in
resorption and formation surfaces (78).
In another study of sequential therapy, PTH and etidronate were administered in a cyclical
pattern to eight patients with osteoporosis (some of whom had been previously treated with
varied agents). Patients were given hPTH (138), because of its presumed greater potency
(67) for 2 wk. During the second week, etidronate was added for 2 wk. This cycle was
repeated six times, with 12-wk drug-free intervals in between. Calcium balance improved in
four patients and decreased in two patients, but there was no increase in bone mass (79).
A third sequential study, with PTH and calcitonin, gave more promising results. Eight
osteoporotic patients were treated with hPTH (138) at relatively high doses (720750 U/d)
in a sequential pattern for 32 wk of the year and intranasal calcitonin for 24 wk of the year.
Vertebral bone density increased 15% by QCT (as compared to a control group, who
were on other treatments) and forearm bone density did not change by single photon
absorptiometry (in both patients and controls) (80).
In yet another sequential study with PTH and calcitonin (81,82), 20 patients (17
women and 3 men) received hPTH (138) daily for 2 wk (after an initial 24-h PTH
infusion). Half then received calcitonin for 8 wk, followed by a 30-d drug-free period
before repeating the cycle. After two cycles, in the PTH-only group, bone density increased
by 13% (by dual photon absorptiometry [DPA]), while forearm mone mineral content
(BMC) (by SPA) decreased by 11%. In the PTH+calcitonin group, there were no changes
in bone density at either site. Since all subjects received PTH, it is unclear whether the
cortical decrease was from PTH, or other factors, such as estrogen deficiency (82).
A trial of PTH given alone in postmenopausal osteoporotic women used a weekly
regimen of PTH (83). The study involved 220 patients with osteoporosis who were given
weekly injections of hPTH (134) of either 50, 100, or 200 U over 48 wk. There was no
placebo group. The lumbar spine bone density increased in a dose-dependent fashion
(0.6, 3.6, and 8.1%, respectively). A densitometric measurement on the second metacarpal did not change significantly. Bone alkaline phosphatase activity increased initially
in all three groups, then fell to below baseline levels by wk 48. Urinary crosslinks
decreased in the 50- and 20-U group, but not in the 100-U group. Interestingly, the
investigators found a reduction of symptomatic back pain in 3040% of each group,
although it was not statistically significant (83).
3 yr
2 yr
34 women
74 women
1 yr
217 women
18 mo
1 yr
40 women
23 men
Duration of
(134) 400U/d
200 mcg
Trial design Results
500 mg/d
Vit D 400 U/d
Vit A 5000 U/d
1200 mg/d
Calcium 1200
1500 mg/d
Vit D 400
800 U/d,
6 mo before
and during
(134) 400 U/25 mcg/d Calcium
1500 mg/d
(184) placebo,
50, 75, or
100 mcg/d
Table 2
Controlled Clinical Trials
Rubin and Bilezikian
1 yr PTH
1 yr
21 mo
1637 women
2 yr
30 women
66 women
1 yr
51 women
(134) at 20
or 40 mcg/d
1000 mg/d
Vit D 800 U/d
Fig. 5. The effect of PTH in women treated with nafarelin for endometriosis. Bone mineral
density of the lumbar spine measured in the anteroposterior and lateral projections, femoral neck,
trochanter, one-third radius and total body in women receiving nafarelin alone (squares) or
nafarelin plus human parathyroid hormone (circles). Values are expressed as the percentage of
baseline (SEM). The P values are for the comparisons of changes at 12 mo between the two groups
as assessed by students t-test. The error bars for some measures in the women treated with
nafarelin alone are contained within the symbols. Adapted with permission from ref. 85.
Fig. 6. The effect of PTH withdrawal in women treated with nafarelin for endometriosis. Percent
changes in BMD of the lumbar spine measured in the AP (ANT) and lateral (LAT) prejections,
femoral neck (FN), trochanter (TRO), one third radius (RAD), and total body (TBBD) from the
baseline evaluation until the 1-yr follow-up examination in the patients treated with nafarelin alone
(group 1; solid bars) and in the women receiving nafarelin plus hPTH (134) (group 2; open bars).
Values are expressed as the mean SEM. P values are for the between-group difference in percent
change in BMD. a, P < 0.001; b, P = 0.005; c, P = 0.037. Reproduced with permission from ref. 86.
menopausal women with low bone mineral density (T scores <2.0) (87). After 1 yr,
women receiving the highest dose, 100 mg (400 IU) PTH, demonstrated a nearly 8%
increase (p < 0.0001) in spine bone mineral density with virtually no change in femoral
bone mineral density and a slight decrease in total body bone mineral density (Fig. 7)
(85). Lower doses of PTH showed lesser changes in spine bone mineral density, consistent with a dose dependent effect on trabecular bone mineral density. PTH treatment was
not associated with any major adverse events, although nearly 20% of the subjects
receiving the highest dose of PTH did have transient hypercalcemia.
The second and largest RPCT to date tested daily administration of 20 or 40 g of
subcutaneous 134 hPTH in 1637 women with postmenopausal osteoporosis (i.e., low
bone mineral density and fractures) (88). Median follow-up was 21 mo and for the two
doses of PTH spine bone mineral density increased between 1215%. Femoral bone
mineral density also increased significantly. Most impressive, however, was the relative
risk reduction for both vertebral and nonvertebral fractures in those women receiving
either 20 or 40 g of PTH: RR for vertebral fracture (20 g) = 0.35 (0.220.55), 40 mg: 0.31
(0.190.50), and RR for nonvertebral fracture = 0.46 (0.250.88) for either dose of PTH.
Nausea and headache were the most common side effects, and these occurred infrequently
and in a dose dependent manner. Less than 5% of the women had sustained increases in serum
calcium above the normal range in any of the treatment groups.
Fig. 7. PTH monotherapy in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. BMD (percent change
from baseline; mean SEM) in postmenopausal women given 100, 75, or 50 g PTH or placebo
for 1 yr. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 (compared to placebo group). Adapted with
permission from ref. 7.
idiopathic osteoporosis were randomized to hPTH (134) 400 U/d or placebo in an 18-mo
clinical trial published by Kurland et al. (91). The PTH group had an impressive increase of
lumbar spine bone density of 13.5% with an increase of femoral neck density 2.9% and only
Fig. 8. Changes in bone density after PTH (1-34) treatment in men with idiopathic osteoporosis.
Bone density at lumbar spine (A), femoral neck (B), and 1/3 site of the distal radius (C) in men
receiving PTH () and in controls (). The data are shown as percent changes from baseline
SEM for lumbar spine, FN, and 1/3 radius. *P < 0.05 for repeated measures analysis of betweengroup comparisons. **P < 0.005 for repeated measures analysis of between-group comparisons.
+,P < 0.05 for repeated measures analysis of within-group comparisons between baseline and 6,
12, or 18 mo. ++,P < 0.005 for repeated measures analysis of within-group comparisons between
baseline and 6, 12, or 18 mo. Taken with permission from ref. 91.
a minimal decrease in the distal 1/3 of the radius (Fig. 8). Bone markers of formation and
resorption increased in the PTH group and predicted changes in bone mass (91).
Fig. 9. The effect of PTH in women being treated with estrogen. Changes in lumbar spine bone
mass when estrogen was given with or without PTH over 3 yr to postmenopausal osteoporotic
women. Taken with permission from ref. 92.
the antiresorptive agent should limit any catabolic effect as well as contribute its own
effect to increase bone mineral density. In concept, therefore, anabolic and antiresorptive
therapy should be more effective than either approach alone.
effects of combination therapy are found in both the spine and in the femur, the two most
vulnerable areas for subsequent fractures.
Fig. 10. The effect of PTH to counteract bone loss due to glucocorticoids. Changes in lumbar
spine BMD when estrogen was given with or without PTH for 12 mo to postmenopausal women
on steroids. Mean percent change ( SEM) from baseline measured by QCT (top) and DXA
(bottom). *p < 0.001 between groups at 12 and 24 mo. Adapted with permission from ref. 97.
thus consolidate the gains in bone density and prevent any decline. A different
bisphosphonate, clodronate, was not able to maintain the improved bone density gained
with intermittent PTH in an early study (99). Another more encouraging, small study
evaluated 10 osteoporotic women already on alendronate; half were given daily PTH for
6 wk as well (100). The PTH + alendronate group had an increase in markers of formation
within 3 wk, which returned to baseline once PTH was stopped. This seemed to indicate
that PTH can stimulate bone formation even in the presence of a bisphosphonate (likely
de novo, since there was no preceding stimulation of resorption).
Fig. 11. Combination therapy of PTH and calcitonin. Percent changes in BMD (mean SEM)
over the lumbar spine (A) and femoral neck (B) for patients treated with cyclical PTH alone ()
and treated with PTH plus calcitonin (). ***, P < 0.001 across time; no difference in final
outcome between groups. n.s., No significant difference at baseline, across time or between
groups. Taken with permission from ref. 98.
More recently, a randomized controlled trial was performed to assess the effects of
PTH followed by alendronate (87). Sixty-six women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
were treated for 1 yr with either placebo or varying doses of hPTH, followed by one year
of alendronate for all subjects. For the first year, subjects were randomized to placebo,
50, 75, or 100 mcg of hPTH (184). During the PTH-phase, vertebral bone density
increased in a dose-dependent fashion: 6.9 and 9.2% at the two highest doses. After the
year of alendronate treatment, those who had received the highest dose of PTH had
Fig. 12. Sequential therapy with PTH followed by alendronate. BMD (percent change from baseline;
mean SEM) in postmenopausal women given 100, 75, or 50 mg PTH or placebo during the first year
followed by 10 mg alendronate daily during the second year. Month 12 data represent the changes
observed after 1 yr of PTH or placebo. Month 18 and 24 data represent the changes observed after an
additional 6 and 12 mo of alendronate treatment, respectively. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001
(compared to placebo/alendronate group). Taken with permission from ref. 87.
impressive spinal bone density increases of up to 14.6%. There was a trend toward
increased hip bone density that was not statistically significant. Total body bone density initially decreased at the end of the PTH year (by 3.5 and 2.8% in the two highest
doses), but improved by the end of the alendronate year (Fig. 12). Bone markers of both
formation and resorption significantly increased in all three treatment groups during
treatment with PTH and decreased to below baseline values after one year of alendronate.
The addition of alendronate thus seemed to halt, or reverse, loss of cortical bone and
resulted in further improvement in trabecular bone at the spine. It is unclear, however, how
much of the bone density improvement happened solely as a result of a continued anabolic
effect after PTH withdrawal, since there was no placebo group which did not receive
alendronate. What is not known, additionally, is whether PTH and a bisphosphonate used
simultaneously is better, worse or no different than sequential therapy. A randomized trial
sponsored by the NIH is currently underway to test that hypothesis.
There are important concerns about the use of PTH as an anabolic agent in osteoporosis. More fractures could theoretically occur as a result of the increased bone turnover
and remodeling space. In addition, along with the increase in cancellous bone mass, there
is the fear of cortical bone loss, or a cortical steal phenomenon (101). This could
potentially increase hip fractures, an important source of morbidity and mortality, since
the hip is composed of both cancellous and cortical bone. However, preliminary
histomorphometric analysis has not revealed a loss of cortical bone. Bone biopsy analyses of 16 osteoporotic patients treated with PTH were recently presented by Dempster
et al. (103). In eight osteoporotic men (treated for 18 mo) and eight osteoporotic women
on estrogen (treated for 36 mo), PTH increased cortical width along with connectivity
density and mantained cancellous bone mass.
PTH appears to be a safe drug. In most studies, hypercalemia and hypercalciuria are
monitored and if necessary, the PTH dose is decreased. In the dose of PTH expected to
become available, this is unlikely to be a significant problem. In some human studies,
anti-PTH antibodies were found in a few subjects, although their presence did not seem
to attenuate the effects of PTH.
Long term studies (1824 mo) with hPTH (134) administered to 6-wk-old Fisher 344 rats
have demonstrated an increased risk of osteogenic sarcoma. This effect, which is dose dependent, does appear to be related to duration of use, and would be consistent with lifetime exposure
in a growing animal to an anabolic agent which increases osteoblast proliferation. Other studies
(612 mo) in primates have failed to find an association between intermittent administration of
PTH and osteogenic sarcoma. Moreover, there have been no documented cases of osteogenic
sarcoma in patients with primary, secondary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism from several large
patient cohorts. Although further safety data are needed, it is reasonable to assume that PTH is
safe in humans for short-term administration to those most likely to benefit; i.e., postmenopausal women and men with clinical fractures and low bone mineral density.
PTH is a promising anabolic therapy for osteoporosis. Clear evidence in human trials
now documents the ability of PTH to stimulate cancellous bone formation; new evidence
shows an associated decrease in fractures. However, there are still unanswered questions
about PTH. More large-scale studies are needed to further determine the fracture rate with
PTH and the effects of PTH withdrawal. Furthermore, trabecular bone formation seems to
plateau after 1218 mo of PTH treatment, raising the possibility of a resistance to PTH
treatment over time, and concepts to design protocols to use PTH as intermittent thearpy.
In the future, PTH is likely to be modified for easier and more targeted delivery. Other
delivery systems such as oral, transdermal, or inhaler may become available. Ultimately,
when the anabolic and catabolic mechanisms of PTH can be clearly distinguished from
a mechanistic and molecular view, it may be possible to develop PTH analogs that are
purely anabolic.
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99. Hodsman AB, Fraher LJ, Adachi JD. A clinical trial of cyclical clodronate as maintenance therapy
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103. Zhou H, et al. Effects of daily treatment with parathyroid hormone on bone microarchitecture and
turnover in patients with osteoporosis: a paired biopsy study. J Bone Miner Res 2001;16(10):18461853.
The advent of immunosuppressant agents that prevent organ rejection and prolong life
has revolutionized the field of organ transplantation. However, these drugs possess
numerous side effects, including bone loss that results in osteoporosis and fracture. This
chapter will focus on the mechanism of action of the major immunosuppressants used
clinically. These include glucocorticoids, the calcineurin inhibitors (cyclosporin A [CsA]
and tacrolimus [FK506]), rapamycin, and several others, such as azathiaprine and
mycophenolate mofetil (MMF). We will describe in vitro and in vivo studies that have
elucidated their action on bone.
Effects on the Skeleton
Glucocorticoids are known to cause osteoporosis (1). It is estimated that as many as
50% of patients treated with glucocorticoids will suffer fractures (2). Both cortical and
trabecular (cancellous) bone is lost, trabecular bone being more commonly affected.
Thus, sites such as the ribs, vertebrae, and distal long bones are high-risk sites for
fractures (2). In addition to fractures, osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis is common
with glucocorticoid treatment and causes collapse of the femoral head in as many as 25%
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Zaidi et al.
of patients (3). The incidence and severity of the osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoids
is a direct function of the dosage used and the length of treatment, with the greatest bone
loss occurring during the first 612 mo of therapy (4). Postmenopausal women appear
to be at the highest risk (5). However, glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is partially
reversible when therapy is stopped (2).
Ultimately, glucocorticoids produce a low turnover osteoporosis (6,7). Initially,
osteoblast activity and proliferation is decreased, while osteoclastic activity is increased
(see Fig. 1) (8,9). This phase is characterized by an increase in the number and activity
of resorption surfaces with resulting reductions in bone volume. As a result of decreased
osteoblast activity, there is a decrease in the total amount of bone replaced in each
remodeling cycle (7). Over time, bone formation continues to be decreased and resorption falls to levels at or below normal, with resorption cavities lacking both osteoclasts
and osteoblasts (8) (Fig. 1).
hypercalciuria and reduced intestinal calcium absorption (10) and thus a net negative
calcium balance. The increase in renal calcium excretion is initially due to a rapid
decrease in bone formation and early increases in resorption, but in patients on long-term
glucocorticoid therapy, the fasting hypercalciuria is due to both increased mobilization
of calcium from the skeleton and a reduction in renal tubular reabsorption of calcium
(11,12). These alterations in calcium metabolism can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism (1). Additionally, glucocorticoids induce hypogonadism by inhibiting pituitary
gonadotropin secretion (13,14). Moreover, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) suppression and adrenal atrophy, due to exogenous glucocorticoid therapy, can result in low
levels of adrenal androgens (1). Finally, glucocorticoids inhibit growth hormone secretion in normal men (15). It is interesting to note, however, that serum levels of growth
hormone and IGF-1 are normal in patients receiving glucocorticoids (16).
Zaidi et al.
Glucocorticoids, may directly stimulate osteoclast apoptosis. Although the expression of glucocorticoid receptors in osteoclasts is still debated (54,55), there is some
evidence that apoptosis of osteoclasts is dependent on GR activation. For example, a GR
antagonist, RU-486, prevents glucocorticoid induced osteoclast apoptosis (56). In thymocytes, the induction of apoptosis likely involves gene transcription, as it requires ATP
and protein synthesis (57,58). Apoptosis may result when interference occurs with transcription factors necessary for survival. The apoptotic process may occur through the
mitochondrial pathway; it is reversed in thymocytes by the expression of Bcl-2, BclXL, Apaf-1, and caspase-9 (49).
Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a cyclic endecapeptide, initially isolated from the fungus
Tolypocladium inflatum Gams (59). It is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
(60), psoriasis, nephrotic syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease (61), but its most
recognized role is in the prevention of organ rejection after transplantation (6267). CsA
causes bone loss in humans (6268). Elucidating CsAs effect on bone mineral metabolism has been difficult because of confounding factors such as the underlying disease and
other drugs used in combination with CsA, including glucocorticoids (69,70).
CsA induces high turnover osteoporosis in several animal models. Both formation
and resorption parameters are increased, but resorption exceeds formation (7174). The
osteoporosis is severe and is dose- and duration-dependent (71). Bone histomorphometry
shows decreased percent trabecular bone volume, increased osteoclast number and
increased bone formation. Increased serum osteocalcin and urinary N-telopeptide
levels indicate an increase in bone formation and resorption, respectively (71). CsA
also increases serum 1,25-(OH)2D levels by directly increasing 1-hydroxylase activity in rats (75). Rat experiments have also shown that CsA enhances estrogen deficiencyinduced bone resorption in vivo (72).
The effect of CsA is reversible. When CsA is withdrawn, normalization of most
histomorphometric parameters, with the exception of a reduced bone volume, occurs
within 2 wk (73). CsA-induced osteoporosis is ameliorated, or even reversed, by the
administration of PGE2, 1,25-(OH)2D3, salmon calcitonin, 2-pyridinyl ethlidene
bisphosphonates (2-PEBP), alendronate, 17 estradiol in estrogen deficiency and
raloxifene (70,7679). Growth factors and cytokines that fail to reverse CsA-induced
bone loss in the rat include TGF, endothelin and IL-6.
CsA-induced osteoporosis appears to be mediated by the presence of T lymphocytes, as
CsA does not produce osteopenia in the T cell depleted nude rat (80). However, in vitro, we
have observed osteoclast inhibition by CsA, rather than the expected stimulation. Furthermore, the CsA-induced osteoclastic inhibition was not reversed at 24 or 48 h in the presence
of T-lymphocytes. The molecular basis of this discrepancy is unclear. It is possible that the
osteoblast (not present to an appreciable extent in vitro) may also mediate the CsA effect.
CsA increases the expression of IL-1, an osteoclastogenic cytokine (81). It also inhibits
IFN-, GM-CSF, and IL-2 production from lymphocytes (82). Specifically, CsA prevents
the activation of NF-AT and thus cytokine transcription (82). However, the actions of CsA
in T-cells are more complex than an inhibition of the synthesis of cytokines. For example,
CsA indirectly reduces the action of IL-2 by increasing the expression of TGF-, a known
inhibitor of IL-2-stimulated T cell proliferation (83). In addition, CsA causes partial inhibi-
Zaidi et al.
tion of IL-2 cell surface receptor expression, thus affecting the autocrine and paracrine
effects of IL-2 on the T cell (84).
CsA is lipophilic and gains access to the cytoplasm by passive diffusion (61). Within
cells, CsA binds to its intracellular protein targets: the cyclophilin (CyP) family of proteins
(84,85). This CsA-CyP complex has several actions, including the initiation of gene transcription and the regulation of protein folding. CsA-CyP first inhibits calcineurin activity.
Calcineurin (protein phosphates 2B), a ubiquitous calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein
phosphatase (86), is found in neural tissues, T and B cells, as well as osteoclasts (87). The
induction of certain cytokines such as IFN-, GM-CSF, and IL-8 are dependent upon the
calcineurin pathway, and are therefore blocked by CsA (82).
It was hypothesized that calcineurin inhibition is the molecular mechanism for
immunosupressant-induced bone loss and it was observed that mice lacking the most
abundant calcineurin isoform, A, showed a reduction, up to 50%, in bone formation
(unpublished). This was associated with reduction in cortical width, but modest reductions in trabecular bone. Moreover, osteoblast maturation was stimulated directly by
calcineurin A, consistent with the effect of calcineurin A gene deletion on bone
formation, and calcineurin upregulated key transduction and effector molecules, including the transcription regulators, NFAT1c and IB, and the type 1 isoform of the ryanodine
receptor, a Ca2+ release channel. Calcineurin was also found to dephosphorylate IB,
the NFB inhibitor, suggesting that IB may be an alternative calcineurin substrate.
The CsA-CyP complex regulates gene transcription by altering certain nuclear proteins,
such as NF-AT, AP-3, and NF-B (88,89). Specifically, it has been shown that CsA-CyP
prevents the dephosphorylation of NF-AT, probably through calcineurin inhibition (82).
CyPs may also directly regulate gene transcription by interacting with RNA polymerase
II (90) and this action may regulate genes important for cell-cycle progression through the
G2/M phase. However, the effect of CsA on this pathway remains to be established.
Additionally, CyPs have been speculated to bind to and activate steroid receptors (GR and
ER) through heat shock protein-90 (91,92). CsA inhibits this binding and activation.
CsA binds competitively to the N-terminal portion of CyPs and inhibits cis-transpeptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) activity (93). PPIases catalyze the rotation about the
peptide bond proceeding proline, that can be rate limiting for the folding of new proteins.
PPIases also regulate the activity of mature proteins by promoting the assembly or
transport of subunits. In yeast, none of the CyPs are necessary for survival (94), and it
remains to be established if CsA inhibits the folding of cell specific proteins that could
play a role in osteoporosis.
Tacrolimus (FK-506, fujimycin) is a potent lipophilic macrolide immunosuppressant
produced by Streptomyces tsukubaensis (95,96). It is a more potent immunosuppressant
than CsA and has been used effectively in organ transplantation in both humans and
animals (95,97). Tacrolimus has been shown to be associated with trabecular bone loss
in cardiac transplant patients (98). In rats, tacrolimus causes a reduction in percent
trabecular area with increased measures of both bone formation and bone resorption
(99). However, resorption exceeds formation, and net bone loss occurs. The bone loss
induced by tacrolimus is equal or greater than those with CsA and GCs (99).
While tacrolimus and CsA are chemically unrelated and have different cytosolic
binding sites (100), they have similar effects at the molecular level (95). Tacrolimus
binds to its own class of immunophilins called FK Binding Proteins (FKBPs). Four
forms of FKBP have been isolated (84); None of them are essential for growth in yeast
(94). FKBPs have PPIase activity that is inhibited by tacrolimus (84,101). Like the CsACyP complex, the tacrolimus-FKBP complex inhibits calcineurin (84,102,103) and
inhibition of IL-2, 3, 4, and IFN- has been observed in T-cells in response to tacrolimus
in vitro (101). Also like CyPs, FKBPs can bind to and activate steroid receptors with hsp90; this binding is likely inhibited by tacrolimus (91,92).
While the mechanisms of action of CsA and tacrolimus seem to be similar, the changes
in mineral metabolism induced by the two drugs may not be identical. Lower serum
calcium concentrations and a resultant increase in serum PTH levels was seen in tacrolimus
treated rats, but not in CsA treated rats. Also, CsA increases serum levels of bone gla
protein (BGP), but tacrolimus-treated rats have normal or only mildly increased levels
(99,104). A possible mechanism for these differences may be an effect of tacrolimus
actions on ryanodine (RyR)/Ca2+ release channels. The traditional Ca2+ release channel is
composed of four RyR proteins and four FKBPs, with PKA phosphorylation leading to
FKBP dissociation and channel inactivity (105). In neuroblastoma cells tacrolimus
enhances caffeine-induced Ca2+ release, an effect presumably mediated by the RyR (106).
Tacrolimus does not affect IP3-induced Ca2+ release, but does inhibit extracellular Ca2+
uptake. Several RyR isoforms, specifically type 2, exist in osteoclasts and are important
in regulating resorption (107,108). Notably, the type-2 RyR regulates extracellular Ca2+
sensing and the propagation of Ca2+ signals in osteoclasts. Thus, the effect of tacrolimus
action on FKBPs and the resulting activation of RyRs might account for the difference seen
between tacrolimus and CsA. This must be shown experimentally, however.
Rapamycin (sirolimus), a macrocyclic lactone, is a recently developed immunosupressant that is structurally similar to FK506. Rapamycin exerts immunosuppressive
effects by blocking signaling distal to IL-2 receptor activation, thereby suppressing T
cell mediated immunity (109,110).
Rapamycin binds FKBPs and FKBP-rapamycin-associated protein (FRAP or
RAFT) to inhibit the activation of p70 S6 kinase, and subsequently T-cell activation
(111). In vitro, rapamycin has been shown to enhance osteoblast differentiation,
(increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and osteopontin mRNA expression)
while it reduces proliferation (112). The molecular mechanism may be similar to that
of FK506 (i.e., FKBP binding), but the precise pathways are yet unclear. At immunosuppressive doses rapamycin has no effects on bone in vivo. However, in large doses,
rapamycin produces hypogonadism in male rats that in turn result in severe osteopenia
and fractures (113). When combined with low dose CsA, rapamycin is bone-sparing
in the rat model.
Mycophenolate Mofetil
Mycophenolate mofetil has been licensed in the United States as an immunosuppressant for use in organ transplantation. Histomorphmetric examinations of rats treated with
oral mycophenilate mofetil for 28 d revealed no evidence of bone loss (114). This drug
is rapidly replacing azathioprine in triple therapy with glucocorticoids and CsA.
Zaidi et al.
Azathioprine is a purine analog that interferes with DNA synthesis and produces its
cytostatic effect on lymphoid cells (115). Azathioprine, used alone, seems to be relatively
bone sparing. It does, however, lower serum osteocalcin levels (i.e., suppresses osteoblastic differentiation), an effect of unclear significance (115). Clinically, no untoward
effects on bone mineral metabolism have yet been reported, but this may be a result of its
limited clinical usage in situations other than transplantation.
Methotrexate causes osteoporosis in humans (116). Methotrexate osteopathy is an
uncommon clinical condition that arises from long-term oral maintenance therapy of methotrexate for childhood neoplasms such as acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) (117,118).
Although children who are given methotrexate continue to grow normally, methotrexate may
induce increased bone resorption and decreased bone formation (119121).
Cell culture and rat studies show that methotrexate can affect osteoblasts (120). Shortterm high-dose administration profoundly inhibits osteoblast function in rats, as evidenced by reductions in osteoid volume and thickness, but osteoblast numbers are
maintained (121). Another study using long-term low-dose therapy found that bone
formation was decreased, while bone resorption increased (119).
The mechanism of action of methotrexate is its competitive inhibition of folic acid
reductase. This reduces the conversion of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate and decreases
the deoxyribonucleotide (dNTP) pool, thus impairing tissue-cell (including bone marrow) reproduction and repair (122,123). Whether this mechanism underlies the
osteoporosis induced by methotrexate, or whether there are other yet uncharacterized
cellular actions, is presently unclear.
15-Deoxyspergualin (heptanamide), was initially developed for its antibiotic and
antitumor activity. In animal experiments it has also proven to be an effective and potent
immunosuppressant (124). Possible immunosuppressive mechanisms of 15-Deoxyspergualin include the inhibition of formation and differentiation of cytotoxic T-cells,
binding to hsps, and increased expression of various cytokines, including IL-2, IL-3, IL-4,
IL-10, and IFN- (125). Information about the actions of 15-Deoxyspergualin on bone
is sparse at best. The skeletal effects of other immunosuppressants such as mizoribine,
brequinar sodium, diflunomide and azaspirane are unknown.
This chapter has focused on the cellular and molecular aspects of immunosuppressant
induced osteoporosis. Three immunosuppressants were considered in detail. Glucocorticoids induce low turnover osteoporosis via a series of cellular effects. Through multiple
mechanisms, they initially induce bone resorption while also inhibiting formation. Over
time, osteoblast numbers continue to decrease followed by falls in osteoclast numbers
and a decrease in the frequency of bone remodeling. Cyclosporin and tacrolimus both
induce high turnover osteoporosis characterized by increased bone resorption. How they
induce osteoporosis remains largely unknown, but likely involves modulation of
calcineurin-dependent gene transcription, inhibition of peptidyl-proyl isomerase activity,
and regulation of T-cell cytokine production. Other immunosuppressants induce osteoporosis via various mechanisms, including alterations in DNA synthesis (methotrexate and
azathioprine), inducing osteoblast differentiation at the expense of proliferation
(rapamycin), and increasing the expression of resorptive cytokines (deoxyspergualin).
The authors acknowledge the support of the National Institutes of Health (National
Institute on Aging) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (Merit award and Geriatrics
Research Education and Clinical Center).
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Zaidi et al.
Transplantation Osteoporosis
Elizabeth Shane, MD
The introduction of cyclosporine to transplantation immunology in the early 1980s
resulted in marked improvement in short-term graft and patient survival and ushered in a
new era for patients with end-stage renal, hepatic, cardiac, pulmonary and hematopoietic
disease. The addition of cyclosporine, and later tacrolimus, to post-transplantation immunosuppression regimens permitted the use of lower doses of glucocorticoids. Therefore, it
was initially expected that glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis would be less of a problem
in the cyclosporine era. During the past decade, however, it has become clear that organ
transplant recipients managed with cyclosporine (1,2), and probably tacrolimus (3,4),
continue to sustain rapid bone loss and fragility fractures. Moreover, transplantationrelated bone loss and fractures may become increasingly common as more patients continue to undergo organ transplantation each year and survival continues to improve. This
review will summarize our current understanding of the effects of the most commonly
prescribed immunosuppressive agents on bone and mineral metabolism. The epidemiology, natural history and pathogenesis of bone loss and fracture after various types of organ
transplantation will be reviewed. Recommendations for prevention of the acute phase of
bone loss after organ transplantation, and treatment of established osteoporosis in organ
transplantation candidates and recipients will be summarized.
bone cells remove old bone tissue and replace it with new. Transplantation osteoporosis,
as with most adult metabolic bone diseases, is the result of alterations in the bone
remodeling system. Thus, it is helpful to review the orderly sequence of events that
constitutes normal bone remodeling, in order to understand the pathogenesis of transplantation osteoporosis.
The two main processes by which remodeling occurs are known as resorption and
formation (5). Conceptually, these processes are somewhat akin to the repair of cracks
and potholes that develop in surfaces of highways. Remodeling occurs on the surfaces
of both cancellous and cortical bone. The first step is activation of macrophage precursors to form osteoclasts, giant multinucleated cells that excavate or resorb a cavity on the
bone surface. Osteoclasts express receptors for calcitonin, prostaglandins, calcium and
vitronectin (integrin 13). In general, approx 0.05 mm3 of bone tissue is resorbed by
each osteoclast, leaving small resorption pits on the bone surface called Howships
lacunae. This process takes approx 23 wk. After a brief rest period known as the reversal
phase, local mesenchymal bone marrow stem cells differentiate into osteoblasts that are
attracted to the empty resorption pits. There they accumulate as clusters of plump cuboidal cells along the bone surface. Osteoblasts have two major functions. They produce the
proteins, both collagenous and non-collagenous, that constitute the matrix of the newly
formed bone. Osteoblasts are also responsible for calcification of the matrix or osteoid
after an approx 10-d period during which the osteoid has matured. Osteoblasts express
receptors for parathyroid hormone, estrogens, vitamin D3, cell adhesion molecules
(integrins) and several cytokines. The complete remodeling cycle at each remodeling
site requires approx 36 mo. This process serves to replace old, micro-damaged bone
with new, mechanically stronger bone.
In normal adults, bone remodeling results in no net change in bone mass. Bone loss
develops in any situation in which bone remodeling becomes uncoupled, such that the
rate of resorption exceeds the rate of formation. This most often occurs when the rate of
resorption is so elevated that it is beyond the capacity of the osteoblasts to restore the
original amount of bone volume. However, bone loss may also develop in the setting of
depressed bone formation, such that even normal amounts of resorbed bone cannot be
replaced. It is very likely that transplantation-related bone loss results from both a primary
decrease in the rate of bone formation and a primary increase in the rate of resorption.
Glucocorticoids, an integral component of most posttransplantation regimens, are
notorious for causing osteoporosis. Prednisone or methylprednisolone are commonly prescribed in high doses (50100 mg of prednisone or its equivalent daily) immediately after
transplantation and during episodes of severe rejection, with gradual reduction over weeks
to months. Total exposure varies with the organ transplanted, the number and management
of rejection episodes, and the practice of individual transplantation programs.
Glucocorticoids cause immunosuppression by inhibiting both proliferation of T-cells
and expression of certain cytokines. Since several of the cytokines that are suppressed
by glucocorticoids (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-, interferon-) have been found to stimulate bone
resorption (6), it is thought that glucocorticoids must cause bone loss and fractures by
mechanisms other than direct stimulation of bone resorption. These mechanisms, summarized in Table 1, include several direct and indirect effects on bone and mineral
homeostasis (7,8). Direct effects include immediate and profound inhibition of bone
Table 1
Glucocorticoid Actions That Contribute to Bone Loss
Direct effects Inhibition of bone formation
Decrease osteoblast recruitment and differentiation
Decrease osteoblast synthesis of type I collagen and osteocalcin
Induce apoptosis of osteoblasts and osteocytes
Inhibit growth hormone secretion
Reduce production/activity of skeletal growth factors (IGF-1, PGE2, TGF-)
Indirect effects Stimulation of bone resorption (controversial)
Inhibit intestinal calcium absorption
Increase urinary calcium losses
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
Decrease secretion of adrenal androgen and estrogen
doses of steroids, significant bone loss persists although it may be less rapid than previously documented (11). Moreover, it should be noted that even rather small doses of
glucocorticoids are associated with increased fracture risk. A recent British study found
that doses of prednisolone as low as 2.5 mg daily were associated with a significant 55%
increase in the relative risk of spine fractures; doses between 2.5 and 7.5 mg daily were
associated with a 2.6-fold increase in the risk of spine fracture and a 77% increase in the
risk of hip fracture (12). Thus, even in those programs that have embraced the use of
lower doses of glucocorticoids, there is still sufficient exposure in the initial year to cause
significant bone loss.
Cyclosporine is a small fungal cyclic peptide. Its activity depends upon the formation
of a heterodimer consisting of cyclosporine and its cycloplasmic receptor, cyclophilin.
This cyclosporine-cyclophilin heterodimer then binds to calcineurin (13). The
cyclosporine-cyclophilin-calcineurin complex functions as a phosphatase inhibitor that
inhibits genes expressing interleukin (IL)-2, receptors for IL-2, and the protooncogenes
H-ras and c-myc (14). In recent years, it has become clear that cyclosporine has effects
on bone and mineral metabolism that could contribute to bone loss after organ transplantation (Table 2) (6). When administered to rats in doses comparable to or in excess of
those used to prevent allograft rejection, cyclosporine consistently causes extremely
rapid and severe cancellous bone loss (15,16). The dominant histological finding in animals treated with cyclosporine is a marked increase in bone resorption. In contrast to the
skeletal effects of glucocorticoids, bone formation is increased in these animals, although
the increase in formation is insufficiently large to compensate for the increase in resorption.
The effects of cyclosporine on the skeleton are very likely mediated via T lymphocytes.
Evidence in support of this mechanism includes the observation that cyclosporine does not
cause bone loss in the athymic nude T cell-deficient rat (17). Moreover, cyclosporine H,
an analogue that neither inhibits T cell function nor has immunosuppressant properties,
does not cause bone loss in the rat (18). Zahner and colleagues (19) have also observed that
T cells mediate the stimulatory effect of cyclosporine A on osteoclast formation.
Cyclosporine may affect bone at the cellular level in other ways. Cyclosporine
increases gene expression of bone-resorbing cytokines. Both IL-1 and IL-6 mRNA are
increased in bone and bone marrow extracted from cyclosporine-treated rats (20).
Gene expression of osteocalcin is also increased by cyclosporine (20). In addition, recent
animal studies suggest that parathyroid hormone (PTH) may modify cyclosporineinduced bone loss, since parathyroidectomized rats lose less bone than intact animals
when exposed to cyclosporine (21). Recently, the gene for calcineurin (and its isoforms),
a protein that is integral to the immunosuppressive action of cyclosporine, has been
identified in osteoclasts and extracted whole rat bone. However, the calcineurin gene is
not altered by cyclosporine action in bone (22).
Given the marked increase in bone resorption consistently observed in histologic
studies, it is not surprising that drugs that inhibit bone resorption prevent or attenuate
cyclosporine-induced bone loss in the rat (6). Estrogen (23), the selective estrogen
receptor modulator, raloxifene (24), calcitonin (25), and the bisphosphonate, alendronate
(26), have all been shown to be effective in this regard. Similarly, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin
D (27) and prostaglandin E2 (28) also prevent bone loss in cyclosporine-treated rats. In
contrast, testosterone (29) does not ameliorate bone loss in this model.
Table 2
Skeletal Effects of Cyclosporine (and Tacrolimus)a
Increase expression of bone resorbing cytokines
Increase expression of osteocalcin
Increase bone resorotion
Increase bone formation
Rapid severe cancellous bone loss
Effects mediated by T lymphocytes
PTH may have permissive effect
Bone loss prevented by antiresorptive agents
Tacrolimus (FK506)
FK506 is a macrolide that binds to an immunophilin, FK binding protein, and blocks
T-cell activation in a manner similar to cyclosporine. FK506 has been shown to cause
bone loss in the rat model similar to that which occurs with cyclosporine (Table 2) (30).
The bone loss is accompanied by similar biochemical and histomorphometric alterations.
Therefore, the incidence of bone loss and fractures in organ transplant recipients managed
with FK506 may not differ significantly from those managed with cyclosporine. FK506
is being used predominantly for liver transplantation. Liver transplantation, particularly in
primary biliary cirrhosis patients managed with cyclosporine, produces a very high rate of
fractures (31). It remains unclear whether FK506 will confer any benefit over cyclosporine
with regard to fracture incidence. However, rapid bone loss occurs after cardiac (4) and
liver transplantation (3), when tacrolimus is used for immunosuppression.
Short-term administration of azathioprine does not cause bone loss in the rat model
(32). However, there is an associated decline in serum osteocalcin values, which may
represent an inhibitory effect on osteoblast function at a particular stage of development
(32). The long-term consequences of azathioprine administration in this model are
unknown. However, no adverse effects of azathioprine administration alone on bone
mass have been reported in human subjects.
Sirolimus (Rapamycin)
Rapamycin is a macrocyclic lactone that is structurally similar to FK506 and binds to
the same binding protein. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which rapamycin induces
immunosuppression is distinct from both FK506 and cyclosporine. Studies in the rat
model demonstrate that rapamycin has no adverse effect on bone (33). However, in large
doses, rapamycin caused hypogonadism in male rats that resulted in severe osteopenia
with fractures (33). This effect appears to be independent of alterations in the calmodulincalcineurin phosphatase pathway. When combined with low-dose cyclosporine,
rapamycin also has been shown to be bone sparing in rat studies (34). Thus combining
immunosuppressive agents in lower doses may provide hope for achieving adequate
immunosuppression while protecting the skeleton.
Vertebral: 1449%
Peripheral: 41%
Vertebral: 2025%
Vertebral: 321%
Peripheral: 35%
Vertebral: 1850%
Vertebral: 29%
Vertebral: 3%
Peripheral: 1149%
Vertebral: 2036%
Vertebral and
nonvertebral: 2540%
Vertebral: 310%
Peripheral: 1050%
Vertebral: 1035%
Peripheral: 4%
Vertebral: 2165%
Fracture incidence
Accepted definitions included BMD of spine and/or hip (by dual x-ray adsorptiometry) 2 SD below age- and sex-matched control or 2.5 SD below young
normal controls, or BMD below fracture threshold.
Definition of osteoporosis also included BMD of predominantly cortical sites such as the femoral shaft or proximal radius that are adversely affected by
excessive PTH secretion.
NA, data not available.
Bone marrow
Type of
Prevalence before transplantation
transplantation Osteoporosisa
Table 3
Osteoporosis Before and After Solid Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation
Cardiac Transplantation
Risk factors that may predispose patients with end stage cardiac failure to bone loss
even before transplantation include exposure to tobacco, alcohol and loop diuretics,
physical inactivity, hypogonadism and anorexia which may contribute to dietary calcium deficiency. Hepatic congestion and prerenal azotemia may also affect mineral
metabolism. Although on average bone density of patients awaiting cardiac transplantation may not differ significantly from normal, it has been observed that approx 810%
fulfill World Health Organization criteria for osteoporosis (Table 3; Fig. 1) and 4050%
have osteopenia or low bone mass (7476).
Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of bone mineral density (BMD) measurements of the lumbar spine in
patients with end-stage pulmonary disease awaiting lung transplantation (A) and in patients with
congestive heart failure (B). The data are expressed as T scores that relate BMD measurements of
individual patients to those of a young normal population of the same gender. T-score measurements
falling between 1 and 2.5 SD below the mean (hatched bars) indicate low bone mass or osteopenia
while those below 2.5 SD below the mean (crosshatched bars) indicate osteoporosis.
tional longitudinal study, 36% of patients (54% of the women and 29% of the men)
suffered one or more fractures in the first year despite daily supplementation with calcium (1000 mg) and vitamin D (400 IU) supplementation (97). Although the majority
of the fractures affected the vertebral bodies, two patients suffered multiple rib fractures
and two had fractures of the femoral neck. The mean time to first fracture was 4 mo, with
most patients sustaining their initial fracture during the first 6 mo. Lower pretransplant
BMD and female gender were associated with a trend toward increased fracture risk. In
men, however, it was the rate of bone loss after transplantation rather than the
pretransplant bone density that was associated with fracture risk. It was also notable that
many patients fractured who had normal pretransplant BMD and thus it was not possible
to predict who would fracture either on the basis of pretransplant BMD or any other
demographic or biochemical parameter (97). A European study of 159 cardiac transplant
recipients reported similar fracture incidence with approx 30% of cardiac transplant recipients sustaining vertebral fractures during the first three years (98). These studies underscore the need for a complete bone evaluation and bone mass measurements prior to, or
immediately after transplantation, as well as aggressive intervention to prevent bone loss
and fractures in all patients regardless of age, sex, or pretransplant bone density.
Biochemical changes after cardiac transplantation include sustained increases in
serum creatinine (88,90,99) and decreases in 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations
(88). On average, serum testosterone concentrations decrease in men with recovery by
the sixth post-transplant month (88,90,99). Serum osteocalcin falls precipitously and
there is a sharp increase in markers of bone resorption (hydroxyproline and pyridinium
crosslink excretion) during the first three months with return to baseline levels by the
sixth month (88,99). This biochemical pattern coincides with the period of most rapid
bone loss and highest fracture incidence and suggests that the early post-transplant
period is associated with uncoupling of formation from resorption. In contrast, several
studies of subjects treated with high doses of glucocorticoids alone confirm the decrease
in serum osteocalcin but found no increase in markers of bone resorption (100,101). This
suggests that the pathogenesis of early bone loss after cardiac transplantation may be
related both to the well-known inhibitory effects of glucocorticoids on bone formation,
and to a effect of cyclosporine A or some other agent to increase bone resorption. There
is also evidence for a high bone turnover state later in the post-transplant course perhaps
due to cyclosporine, characterized by elevations in both serum osteocalcin and urinary
excretion of resorption markers (75,77,82,86,87,90,92,99). In a recent cross-sectional
study, Eastell and colleagues (82) evaluated 50 men, ranging from 0.5 to 47 mo after
cardiac transplantation. They concluded that bone turnover is increased after cardiac
transplantation, and that the increased bone turnover is due in part to secondary hyperparathyroidism related to renal impairment. Thus biochemical changes later in the posttransplant course may be mediated, at least in part, by cyclosporine A-induced renal
insufficiency, although other etiologies cannot be excluded.
Liver Transplantation
Patients with liver failure have multiple risk factors that may predispose to low bone
mineral density before transplantation and fracture after transplantation (102). Many
patients with end-stage liver disease who are listed for liver transplantation have prevalent osteoporosis (Table 3), as evidenced by low bone mineral density (BMD) and
fragility fractures (103,104). Osteoporosis and abnormal mineral metabolism have been
described in association with alcoholic liver disease (105,106), hemochromatosis (107),
steroid-treated autoimmune chronic active hepatitis (108,109), postnecrotic cirrhosis
(110) and particularly in chronic cholestatic liver diseases such as biliary cirrhosis
(31,111). Thus, candidates for liver transplantation frequently have significant pretransplant skeletal demineralization and fractures that place them at increased risk for
fracture both before and after surgery. A study of 58 patients with cirrhotic end-stage
liver disease referred for liver transplantation (103), reported that 43% had osteoporosis
(defined as Z score > 2 S.D. below age-matched controls or presence of vertebral fractures). Serum 25-OHD, 1,25(OH)2D, intact PTH and osteocalcin (a marker of bone
formation) were lower and urinary hydroxyproline excretion (a marker of bone resorption) was higher in cirrhotic patients than controls. Male patients had lower serum
testosterone levels than controls. Another study of 56 liver transplant recipients revealed
that 23% had osteoporosis that antedated transplantation (112).
Serum osteocalcin concentrations are generally low in primary biliary cirrhosis and
other forms of chronic liver disease and histomorphometric data have confirmed that
bone formation is decreased in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (113115). Crosbie
et al. have noted biochemical evidence of both decreased bone formation and increased
bone resorption in patients with chronic liver disease (104). While serum osteocalcin
appears to be a valid marker of bone formation in cholestatic liver disease, the utility of
collagen-related markers of bone turnover has recently been called into question (115).
In fibrotic liver diseases, the synthesis of type I collagen is markedly increased.
Guanabens et al. recently evaluated osteocalcin and collagen-related markers of bone
formation (carboxy-terminal and amino-terminal propeptides of type I collagen) and
resorption (serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase or TRAP, cross-linked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen, and urinary excretion of pyridinium crosslinks,
hydroxyproline, N- and C-telopeptides) in 34 women with primary biliary cirrhosis
(115). Of these, serum osteocalcin was significantly lower than controls and tartrateresistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) was similar to controls. In contrast, all of the collagen-related markers of bone turnover were significantly higher in patients than controls
and all correlated with indices of liver fibrogenesis and disease severity rather than with
osteocalcin and TRAP. Thus, collagen-related bone turnover markers appear influenced
by liver, rather than bone, collagen metabolism and do not reflect skeletal turnover in
patients with liver disease.
Rates of bone loss and fracture vary considerably after liver transplantation (Table 3),
but are often extremely high (31,98,112,116124). In 1988, Haagsma et al. (116) reported
26 adults who were evaluated with skeletal radiographs prior to and after liver transplantation. All patients were maintained on 1-alpha cholecalciferol (1 mg/d) and oral calcium
supplements. Atraumatic vertebral fractures developed in 38%, mainly during the second three months after transplantation. In 1992, Arnold et al. (119) evaluated 48 patients
before and after liver transplantation with bone densitometry and spinal radiographs.
Lumbar spine BMD declined significantly during the initial 36 mo, after which bone
mass stabilized in the majority of patients. Atraumatic fractures developed in 31% and
the mean time to fracture was 6 mo. Mean pretransplant lumbar spine and forearm bone
mass tended to be lower in the fracture patients than in those who did not fracture.
Similarly, McDonald et al. (118) reported that spine BMD decreased by 24% during the
first 3 mo after liver transplantation, with no significant change during the remainder of
the first year. Six of 17 patients (35%) sustained atraumatic fractures during the first 6 mo.
These investigators also noted that pretransplant lumbar spine bone mass did not differ
between patients who later fractured and those who did not. However, BMD at 3 mo was
lower in the fracture group. In 1994, Navasa et al. (123) reported that symptomatic spine
fractures developed in 24% of 91 patients during the first year (median 6 4 mo) after
liver transplantation. In that study, fracture risk was found to be higher in patients with
previous atraumatic fractures, primary biliary cirrhosis, or a previous liver transplant.
Women with primary biliary cirrhosis, a disease characteristically associated with low
turnover osteoporosis, may be at even greater risk to sustain fractures after liver transplantation. Eastell et al. (31) reported that 13 of 20 of women (65%) with this disorder
suffered fractures during the initial year after transplantation. Median lumbar spine
BMD declined at a rate of 18%/yr during the first 3 mo after transplantation and then
increased slightly between 3 and 12 mo. Similar observations were made by Porayko et
al. in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (117). Meys et al., in a recent cross-sectional
study, reported that the prevalence rate of vertebral fracture in 31 liver transplant recipients studied 1 yr after transplantation was significantly higher (29 vs 8%) than in 33
patients studied prior to liver transplantation (122). These authors followed alterations
in bone mass in 16 patients and observed a mean decrease of 3.5% in the lumbar spine
BMD one year after grafting. No information was given on the incidence rate of fracture.
More recently, Keogh et al. reported that femoral neck BMD fell by 8% and lumbar spine
BMD by 2% after liver transplantation (125).
In summary, lumbar spine BMD falls by 224%, primarily in the initial year after liver
transplantation. However, at least in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, bone loss
appears to stop after 3 mo with gradual improvement by the second and third posttransplant years. Fracture incidence is also highest in the first year and ranges from 24
65%, the latter in a group of women with primary biliary cirrhosis. The vertebrae and ribs
are the most common fracture sites. No pretransplant indicator reliably predicts fracture
risk in the individual patient. However, retransplanted patients, those with primary
biliary cirrhosis and those with previous fragility fractures are at increased risk. Eastell
et al. reported that despite the high incidence of fractures in liver transplant recipients,
bone mass recovers and bone histology normalizes with increasing survival time after
transplantation (31), and other investigators have shown that there is improvement in
BMD in long-term liver transplant recipients (126). This, however, has not been a uniform finding and other studies have found continued losses rather than recovery
(121,127). Depending upon the bone density at the time of transplantation, these patients
may always be at risk for fractures as survival rates and duration increase.
Studies of calciotropic hormone levels and bone turnover markers after liver transplantation are limited. Compston et al. reported a significant rise in serum intact PTH
during the first 3 mo after liver transplantation, although levels did not exceed the upper
limit of the normal range (128). Others have found intact PTH levels to be within the
normal range in liver transplant recipients (121,122,129). With respect to bone turnover,
markers of bone formation (osteocalcin and carboxyterminal peptide of type I collagen)
were found to be significantly higher in 120 liver transplant recipients than in a normal
control population (129). Similarly, serum osteocalcin was higher than age- and sexmatched controls in 18 men and nine postmenopausal women after liver transplantation
and urinary hydroxproline excretion was also elevated (122). Significant increases in
serum osteocalcin were not observed in one study in which levels were obtained before
and 1 mo after transplantation (130). However, in other studies of longer duration, serum
osteocalcin levels were found to increase substantially during the first post-transplant
year (124,131). The balance of the data thus suggests that low bone turnover observed
in many patients with liver failure converts to a high turnover state that persists indefinitely after liver transplantation.
As is the case with renal and cardiac transplantation, the independent role of glucocorticoids and calcineurin phosphatase inhibitors in the pathogenesis of bone disease in liver
transplant patients is difficult to assess since single drug therapy is uncommon. The mechanism of bone loss after liver transplantation has been studied by bone biopsy in 21 patients,
evaluated with tetracycline labeling and transiliac crest bone biopsy, before and 3 mo after
transplantation. Before transplantation, a low turnover state was observed, with decreased
wall width and erosion depth. Postoperative biopsies showed high turnover with increased
formation rates and activation frequency, and a trend toward increased indices of resorption (132). In an earlier study, these investigators documented a significant increase in
parathyroid hormone concentrations after liver transplantation (128). While increased
PTH could account for these histomorphometric findings, similar effects are observed in
animals treated with calcineurin inhibitors without a rise in PTH concentrations.
Lung Transplantation
Hypoxemia, tobacco use, and prior glucocorticoid therapy are frequent attributes of
candidates for lung transplantation and may contribute to the pre-transplant bone loss
(Table 3; Fig. 1) which is particularly common in these patients (133,134). Cystic fibrosis (CF), a common reason for lung transplantation, is itself associated with osteoporosis
and fractures due to pancreatic insufficiency, vitamin D deficiency and calcium malabsorption and hypogonadism (135). A greatly increased rate of all fractures and severe
kyphosis has been reported in adults with cystic fibrosis (136). We have observed that
vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in CF patients, despite supplementation;
bone density was significantly lower in the D-deficient patients (137). Two cross-sectional studies have found that low bone mass and osteoporosis are present in 4575% of
candidates for lung transplantation (133,134). In both studies, glucocorticoid exposure
was inversely related to BMD. Vertebral fracture prevalence was 29% in patients with
emphysema and 25% in patients with CF (134).
Few studies have prospectively evaluated patients after lung transplantation (Table
3). A recent study of 12 patients demonstrated an average 4% decrease in lumbar spine
BMD during the first 6 mo despite calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D (138). Two men
sustained multiple vertebral fractures. Another study confirmed that osteopenia was
common before lung transplantation (139). Despite calcium and vitamin D, there was a
further decrease of approx 5% in both lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD during the
first 612 mo after lung transplantation and fractures developed in 18% of 28 patients
(139). In a retrospective analysis of 33 lung transplant recipients, who had survived at
least 1 yr after grafting, BMD was markedly decreased and 42% had vertebral fractures
(140). Moreover, our experience suggests that as many as 37% of lung transplant recipients suffer fragility fractures and significant bone loss during the first post-transplant
year despite receiving antiresorptive therapy (141). Risk factors for fracture and bone
loss included female gender, low pretransplant lumbar spine BMD, pretransplant glucocorticoid therapy, and higher bone turnover after transplantation.
Table 4
Evaluation of the Candidate for Organ Transplantation
In all candidates:
Assess risk factors for osteoporosis
Measure bone densitometry (BMD) of spine and hip by dual energy x-ray adsorptiometry
Obtain thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs
If BMD testing reveals osteoporosis or there are prevalent vertebral fractures:
Serum calcium, parathyroid hormone, 25-hydyroxyvitamin D, thyroid function tests (see text)
In men, serum total and/or free testosterone, FSH, and LH
Urine for calcium and markers of bone resorption (optional)
Table 5
Short-Term Prevention of Osteoporosis in Transplant Recipients
Measure BMD before or immediately after transplantation, and every 6 mo for 2 yr
Refer for evaluation/therapy all patients with low bone mass (T score between 1.0 and 2.5)
or osteoporosis (T score < 2.5)
Endeavor to use the lowest dose of glucocorticoids possible
Consider alternate therapies for rejection (e.g., OKT3)
Ensure calcium intake of 1500 mg/d both before and after transplantation
Ensure a vitamin D intake of 4001000 IU, or as needed to maintain serum 25-OHD
concentrations in the upper half of the normal range
Prescribe a physical rehabilitation program both before and after transplantation
Replace gonadal steroids in hypogonadal women and men
Begin antiresorptive therapy, preferably a bisphosphonate, before transplantation in patients
with antecendent osteoporosis or low bone mass
Begin antiresorptive therapy, preferably a bisphosphonate, immediately after transplantation
in patients with normal or low bone mass and continue for at least the first year
women. Although no data are yet available that therapy before transplantation improves
BMD and reduces post-transplant fracture risk, antiresorptive therapy clearly increases
BMD and reduces fracture rates in other patients. Therefore, individuals awaiting transplantation who meet World Health Organization criteria for diagnosis of osteoporosis
(T Score < 2.5), osteopenia or low bone mass (T score between 1.0 and 2.5) should
be evaluated and treated similarly to others with, or at risk, for osteoporosis (Table 5).
During the waiting period before transplantation, rehabilitation therapy should be
prescribed as tolerated to maximize conditioning and physical fitness. All transplant
candidates should receive the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin D (400800 IU)
and elemental calcium (10001500 mg, depending on dietary intake and menopausal
status). Either calcium citrate or calcium carbonate is acceptable; however, the carbonate
form should be taken with food to enhance absorption and may cause constipation.
Hormone replacement therapy should be considered in all postmenopausal women, as
well as in premenopausal amenorrheic women provided there are no contraindications to
such therapy. Hypogonadal men should also be offered testosterone replacement. Generally accepted guidelines for gonadal hormone replacement should apply to these patients.
Patients who are found to have osteoporosis before transplantation may begin
antiresorptive therapy with a bisphosphonate or a selective estrogen receptor modulator
(SERM). The pretransplant waiting period is often long enough (12 yr) for there to be
significant improvement in bone mass before transplantation. Patients with renal osteodystrophy should be managed in accordance with accepted clinical guidelines.
After transplantation, serum and urine indices of mineral metabolism are less crucial.
However, monitoring may be useful to detect developing conditions that may contribute
to bone loss (vitamin D deficiency or renal insufficiency with secondary hyperparathyroidism. Serum (and urinary) calcium must be monitored frequently if pharmacologic
doses of vitamin D are used, in order to detect hypercalciuria or hypercalcemia. Measurement of bone density, on the other hand, remains important and should be performed
at 6-mo intervals for the first 2 yr and annually thereafter. Bone biopsy may be necessary
after renal transplantation since many experts remain reluctant to use bisphosphonates
in patients with adynamic bone disease, despite lack of any data either to support or
Table 6
Management of the Long-Term Organ Transplant Recipient
In all patients:
Assess risk factors for osteoporosis
Measure bone densitometry (BMD) of spine and hip by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
Obtain thoracic and lumbar spine radiographs
Begin calcium (500 mg TID) and vitamin D (400800 ID QD) supplementation
Recommend physical rehabilitation program
If BMD testing reveals osteoporosis or there are prevalent vertebral fractures:
Serum calcium, parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, thyroid function tests
In men, serum total and/or free testosterone, FSH, and LH
Urinary/serum markers of bone resorption (optional)
Replace gonadal steroids in hypogonadal women and men, if appropriate
Begin antiresorptive therapy, preferably a bisphosphonate
exclude the use of these drugs in this setting. Although transiliac crest bone biopsy
remains a research tool, more histomorphometric studies would be very helpful in confirming theories of the pathogenesis of transplantation osteoporosis.
Bisphosphonates act by inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption. This class of drugs is
most commonly used to treat post-menopausal osteoporosis. However, they have also
Table 7
Specific Therapies
for Transplantation Osteoporosis
Vitamin D
Parent vitamin D (high dose)
25-OHD (Calcidiol)
1,25(OH)2D (Calcitriol)
Hormore replacement therapy
been used successfully both to prevent and to treat glucocorticoid-induced bone loss
(155). Published studies include first, second, and third generation bisphosphonates
such as etidronate (156), pamidronate (157), and, most recently, alendronate (158), and
risedronate (159). Both alendronate and risedronate have been approved by the FDA for
prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Since transplantation
osteoporosis can be considered one form of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and
since cyclosporine and tacrolimus-induced bone loss are characterized experimentally
by increases in both formation and resorption, bisphosphonates offer considerable hope
for prevention of transplantation osteoporosis.
Some (129,160164) studies suggest that bisphosphonates can prevent bone loss and
fractures after transplantation. In an open-label, pilot study of heart transplant recipients,
a single intravenous dose of pamidronate (60 mg) was given during the first 2 wk after
transplantation and followed by etidronate (400 mg, given cyclically for the first 14 d of
every third month) for the remainder of the first year. Lumbar spine and femoral neck
bone loss was prevented and fracture incidence significantly reduced compared to
patients who received only calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D (162). In a small, open but
randomized clinical trial, intravenous pamidronate was administered to kidney transplant recipients at time of grafting and again 1 mo later (160). Both lumbar spine and
femoral neck bone loss were completely prevented in the treated group. In contrast,
lumbar spine BMD fell by 6.4% and femoral neck BMD by 9% in the control subjects. Aris
et al., in a randomized, controlled nonblinded trial, demonstrated that intravenous pamidronate
(30 mg every 3 mo for 2 yr) was associated with 8% increases in spine and hip BMD in
patients who underwent lung transplantation for cystic fibrosis (165). Unfortunately, however, fracture rates were very high (nine patients had long bone and four patients had vertebral
fractures) and did not differ between the two treatment groups (165). Data from a retrospective study by Reeves et al. suggests that treatment with intravenous pamidronate before and
every 3 mo after liver transplantation prevented symptomatic vertebral fractures in liver
transplant recipients who had osteoporosis before transplantation (161).
Two studies suggested that bisphosphonates may not be efficacious (166,167). However, in both the only drug used was etidronate, the weakest available bisphosphonate.
Clinical trials are currently underway with alendronate in prevention of osteoporosis
after cardiac, liver, and renal transplantation and our own clinical experience suggests
that this drug is effective after cardiac transplantation (163). The recent demonstration,
in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, that once weekly dosing with oral
alendronate (70 mg) causes similar increases in BMD as daily dosing with 10 mg is of
interest (168). Serious gastrointestinal side effects were less common in the weekly
dosing group. Such regimens may prove very useful in transplant patients who have
many gastrointestinal symptoms and take large numbers of medications. For such
patients, the requirement to take oral bisphosphonates first thing in the morning and wait
3060 min before eating or taking other medications is particularly inconvenient.
At present, bisphosphonates constitute the most promising approach to the prevention
of transplantation osteoporosis. As with other forms of therapy, many issues remain to be
resolved. These include the optimal drug and route of administration, whether continuous
or intermittent (cyclical) therapy should be used, at what level of renal impairment these
drugs should be avoided, whether they are safe in renal transplant recipients with adynamic
bone disease and whether they are beneficial in the setting of pediatric transplantation.
the life threatening potential of a severely elevated serum calcium concentration. Supplemental calcium and any vitamin D preparations must be discontinued until the calcium
normalizes. Although one may be tempted to permanently discontinue pharmacologic
doses of vitamin D or its metabolites in view of the necessary serial monitoring and
potential dangers, general opinion would be to recommence therapy at a lower dose.
In summary, given the requirement for serial monitoring and the narrow therapeutic
window with respect to hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria, we regard pharmacologic
doses of vitamin D and its analogues as adjunctive rather than primary therapy for the
prevention and treatment of transplantation osteoporosis.
Calcitonin has long been used to treat Pagets disease of bone, a disease characterized
by focal areas of high bone turnover. In the therapy of osteoporosis, calcitonin has been
shown to increase bone density in patients with high turnover osteoporosis. Moreover,
this drug may have an analgesic effect upon acutely painful fractures and chronic pain
due to multiple vertebral fractures. Despite many years of experience, the optimum dose,
route of administration, and efficacy of continuous versus intermittent dosing remain
unclear. Both injectable and inhaled calcitonin has been used successfully to treat glucocorticoid-induced bone loss in humans (175). Experimental work in the rat model has
demonstrated that cyclosporine induced bone loss can be prevented by calcitonin (25)
and it is reasonable to use calcitonin to protect against transplantation osteoporosis.
However, literature on the use of calcitonin in preventing bone loss and fractures after
transplantation is not consistent. The usual practice is to prescribe synthetic salmon
calcitonin, 100 U daily by subcutaneous injection or intranasal calcitonin (100200 IU)
as soon as immunosuppressive therapy is begun. Grotz et al. randomly assigned longterm kidney transplant recipients with low bone density to receive intranasal calcitonin
(200 IU for 2 wk every third month), clodronate (a bisphosphonate available in Europe)
or no therapy (176). BMD increased similarly in all three groups. Valero et al. administered either injectable calcitonin or etidronate to long-term liver transplant recipients
and found that lumbar spine bone density increased by 68% with no difference in
efficacy between the drugs (129). Other investigators found nasal calcitonin to be ineffective after cardiac transplantation (164). Moreover, our clinical experience with injectable calcitonin suggests that it is relatively ineffective in preventing bone loss or fractures
during the first year after transplantation.
Although estrogen is of theoretical benefit, no studies have been published regarding
the effects of hormone replacement therapy in solid organ transplant recipients. Our own
experience suggests that estrogen therapy alone, is not sufficient to prevent bone loss
during the first post-transplant year in postmenopausal women. In postmenopausal
women or premenopausal women with amenorrhea or irregular menses, estrogen
replacement should be recommended provided that there are no contraindications. The
dose is the same as that used for prevention or therapy of postmenopausal osteoporosis
and may be given either orally or transdermally. In women with an intact uterus, progesterone must be prescribed in addition to prevent endometrial cancer. Continuous rather
than cyclical therapy is preferred after transplantation, as estrogen enhances hepatic
metabolism of cyclosporine (and presumably FK506) and theoretically may compro-
Hypogonadism is common in men with chronic illness. Moreover, the suppressive
effects of cyclosporine A and glucocorticoids on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal
axis often lower serum testosterone levels. Although testosterone usually normalizes by
612 mo after transplantation (88,99), approx 25% of men evaluated 12 yr after transplantation will have biochemical evidence of hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is known
to cause osteoporosis in men. Moreover, men with low serum testosterone concentrations have been shown to lose bone more rapidly after cardiac transplantation (88,99).
In general, men who are truly hypogonadal should be treated with testosterone. However, there are no data on the effect of testosterone replacement on rates of bone loss after
organ transplantation. It is also not known whether testosterone replacement is advisable
to counter the generally transient decreases observed during the early months after
transplantation. Potential benefits of testosterone therapy include increased lean body
mass and hemoglobin, and improved BMD. Potential risks include prostatic hypertrophy, abnormal liver enzymes, and acceleration of hyperlipidemia in patients already
prone to atherosclerosis from hypertension, diabetes, glucocorticoid and CsA therapy.
Therefore it is necessary to monitor serum lipids and liver enzymes, and perform regular
prostate examinations in men receiving testosterone.
Fluoride, one of the few drugs that can stimulate bone formation, is an appealing
approach to disorders such as transplantation or glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, in
which osteoblast inhibition may play a pathogenetic role. Meys et al. (83) used disodium
monofluorophosphate (26.4 mg elemental fluoride) together with 1 g of elemental calcium
and 25 mg (1000 IU) of calcidiol in cardiac transplant patients and compared these patients
to another group who received the same dose of calcium and calcidiol without the fluoride
compound. After 12 and 24 mo of therapy, there was no decline in lumbar spine bone mass
in those treated with calcium and calcidiol. In contrast, the group that received fluoride
demonstrated an increase in lumbar bone density of 12.5% after 12 and 29.5% after 24 mo,
formation recovers and the biochemical pattern is more typical of a high turnover form
of osteoporosis.
During the past decade, there has been considerable progress in the diagnosis and
treatment of many forms of osteoporosis. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the
situation of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis; we now have several effective therapies for this debilitating condition, whereas prior to 1995, there were very few. There are
drugs, available and approved by the FDA, that are capable of preventing bone loss in
patients recently started on glucocorticoids and increasing bone mass in patients on longterm glucocorticoids. In addition, these therapies have been shown to reduce fracture
risk by a sizeable percentage. Although few data are available from randomized, controlled clinical trials, both bisphosphonates and calcitriol show promise in the prevention
of transplantation osteoporosis.
The National Osteoporosis Foundation, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and the American College of Rheumatology have all published practice
guidelines that recommend BMD testing and appropriate intervention in all patients on
long-term glucocorticoids and in those beginning glucocorticoids who are expected to
remain on 7.5 mg for more than 13 mo. Moreover, the Bone Mass Measurement Act
has provided for reimbursement of BMD testing in qualified patients who are taking or
expected to be taking glucocorticoids. It has been recently stated that the expenses
associated with monitoring bone density and metabolism, and treatment of osteoporosis
and fractures in transplant patients represent an unwelcome burden in transplantation
medicine (181). However, from a clinical rather than a financial perspective, it certainly
seems humane to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering, particularly since it now is
possible to accomplish this goal in many cases. It is highly likely that transplantation
osteoporosis is, in large part, a preventable condition. In the coming decade, it will be
important to firmly establish that this is the case by conducting randomized, controlled
clinical trials.
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Physiology and Therapeutic Aims
Skeletal remodeling requires a balance between the resorption and formation of bone.
Osteoclasts resorb bone, while osteoblasts are bone forming. These two processes are
closely coupled but independently regulated by various hormones and cytokines.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by excess osteoclastic activity compared to
osteoblastic activity. Because of excess osteoclastic activity bones become fragile and
may fracture, typically in the hip, spine, and wrist. Pharmacological therapy for
osteoporosis should be aimed at preventing bone loss, whether the cause is involutional,
postmenopausal, or secondary.
Osteoclasts are derived from hematopoietic progenitor cells. They are giant multinucleated (420 nuclei) cells found in bone alone. An excessive level of osteoclast
activity causes inappropriate bone destruction in several bone and joint diseases including osteoporosis, Pagets bone disease, tumor-induced osteolysis, hyperparathyroidism,
and rheumatoid arthritis. One therapeutic aim in these conditions is to prevent further
bone loss (i.e., to decrease bone resorption). Either inhibiting osteoclast activity,
decreasing their lifespan, or decreasing their formation can achieve this.
Osteoclast differentiation is controlled by a variety of cytokines including interleukin-1
(IL-1), IL-3, IL-6, IL-11, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), vitamin D3, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), macrophage colony stimulating factor
(M-CSF), and receptor activator of NF-B ligand (RANKL). RANKL with M-CSF can
From: Contemporary Endocrinology: Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by: E. S. Orwoll and M. Bliziotes Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Iqbal et al.
Future targets for therapeutic action includes mechanisms that alter internal or external cell signaling or that directly introduce regulators of osteoclast and osteoblast function into bone. Cellular signaling targets will likely focus on the induction of osteoclast
detachment and apoptosis, while those targeting osteoblasts and undifferentiated progenitor cells will likely focus on inducing proliferation and differentiation. Several
interesting therapies are being explored for targeting proteins and drugs modulating
osteoclast function to bone.
Estrogen is the therapeutic mainstay for treating and preventing postmenopausal bone
loss. For purposes of preventing bone loss, hormone replacement therapy should be considered as soon as possible after menopause for all women without contraindications; progestin
should be administered concomitantly in women who have a uterus. Estrogens given immediately after menopause may cause some patients to gain new bone, as bone formation can
transiently exceed resorption. If treatment is discontinued, rapid bone loss ensues.
Several findings are beginning to unravel the mystery of how estrogens interact with
bone cells. One finding was the discovery of a second estrogen receptor isoform, the
isoform. While the isoform predominates in the uterus, bone, and mammary glands,
the isoform is found in the cardiovascular, immune, and central nervous systems, as
well as in the kidney, lung, urinary tract, and importantly bone (4). Estrogen receptors
(ERs) are present in both osteoblasts and osteoclasts (5). ER localizes with abundance
in osteoblasts. Estrogen, through this receptor, may influence osteoblasts by altering the
expression of bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) and TGF-.
Estrogens bind to nuclear estrogen receptors. Estrogen receptors have three interacting domains: the N-terminus domain is involved in hormone-independent activation
function (AF1); the C-terminus ligand-binding domain (LBD) is important for ligand
binding, dimerization and hormone-dependent activation (AF2); and the central DNA
binding domain (DBD) (6,7). The two forms of the estrogen receptor ( and ) can
dimerize as homodimers or as , heterodimers. Dimers, in turn, are capable of binding
to estrogen response elements (EREs) present in DNA to stimulate transcription (8). This
process occurs with the help of co-activators such as SRC-1, CBP, and RIP160. Additionally, estrogen can bind indirectly to AP-1 promoters via interactions with fos and jun.
The action of estrogen receptors can be repressed with the corepressors SMRT and
NcoR, among others (for a review of molecular estrogen action, see ref. 9). Synthetic
antiestrogens acting through ER may induce bone formation by regulating transcription of BMP-4, which activates genes enhancing osteoblast differentiation and therefore
increases bone formation (10,11). Pharmacologically, synthetic estrogens preferentially
activating only one ER subtype could be designed for the treatment of osteoporosis.
In osteoblasts estrogen acts to produce a spectrum of effects including progesterone
receptor induction, enhanced procollagen production, and increased alkaline phosphatase
expression (1214). It also acts to induce mitogenesis and enhance insulin-like growth
factor 1 (IGF-1) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression (15). IGFs are autocrine
enhancers of osteoblast function (16). Osteoblasts express IGF-1 and IGF-2, as well as
6 IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), which regulate the actions of IGFs; IGFBP-5 has
received attention for its ability to positively regulate osteoblast proliferation, although
it also stimulates bone resorption via the formation of osteoclast (17). Additionally,
Iqbal et al.
studies have shown that p120cas is important in antiestrogen drug resistance (18); thus,
it is inferable that p120cas could have an intracellular signaling function preventing
apoptosis of osteoblasts.
Estrogen may modulate the synthesis of resorption-inducing growth factors and
cytokines by suppressing their transcription. For example, estrogen inhibits the production of IL-1, TNF-, and IL-6 from stromal cells, monocytes, and lymphoid cells
(1921). This can be seen clinically in that post-menopausal women treated with
estrogen have lower levels of IL-1, TNF-, GM-CSF, and reduced bone loss (22). It
is speculated that estrogen inhibits resorption by modulating NF-B signaling to prevent activation of the IL-6 promoter. This repression ability has recently been shown
to be independent of the estrogen receptors transcriptional induction capabilities (23).
This has pharmacological ramifications in that even though these two processes (induction and repression of gene transcription) occur through the same domain (LBD),
they can be regulated separately.
In osteoblasts, estrogen application stimulates rapid Ca2+ influx and phosphatidyl
inositol bisphosphate metabolism (24). These prompt actions likely occur through the
activation of an unknown membrane receptor (not the ER) and the adenylate cyclase/
cAMP pathway, which enhances Ca2+ influx across the L-type Ca2+ channel. Ca2+
mobilization has been found to occur from the endoplasmic recticulum, with the resulting formation of inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol (25).
One possible explanation for estrogens effects on osteoblasts is that estrogens
acutely stimulate nitrogen oxide synthase (NOS) activity through the adenylate
cyclase/cAMP/Ca2+ influx pathway. Estrogen-induced NOS activation has been
shown in osteoblastic cells via the eNOS pathway (26). Nitric oxide (NO) production could explain the antiresorptive effects of estrogen, as NO causes osteoclasts to
expediently contract and detach from their environment, as well as cease resorption.
Against this theory is the fact that the observed effects of estrogen on NOS induction
(minutes) are kinetically not sufficient to explain the rapid effects of estrogen seen
with Ca2+ influx (seconds).
In osteoclasts, estrogen inhibits RANKL/M-CSF-induced AP-1 dependent transcription likely via direct regulation of c-Jun kinase (see Fig. 4B) (27). Recent in vitro work
indicates that the expression of both c-Jun and c-Fos may be attenuated by estrogen by
decreasing the activation of Jun N terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) (28). Through this mechanism and others, estrogen is able to inhibit the formation of functional osteoclasts. An
estrogen deficiency causes increased osteoclast formation by enhanced phosphorylation
of the nuclear protein Egr-1 in stromal cells. This results in increased stromal cell production of M-CSF, a cytokine crucial for osteoclast formation (see Fig. 1) (29). Estrogen
application inhibits osteoclast formation via decreased levels of M-CSF. Another report
has shown that in an estrogen deficient state the number of T-cells producing TNF- is
increased and that this (increased TNF-) could explain the increase in resorption (30).
Note in Fig. 2B that both RANKL and TNF- signal to activate NF-B. Therefore, in
addition to modulating molecules like M-CSF, osteocalcin, osteonectin, and osteopontin,
estrogen can directly suppress RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation. In summary,
estrogen can inhibit osteoclast differentiation and resorption indirectly by regulating
molecules such as M-CSF and NO, and directly by suppressing signaling from and/or
transcription of RANKL, IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-.
Fig. 1. Postmenopausal estrogen loss leads to casein kinase II activation in stromal cells, which
in turn causes M-CSF transcription. M-CSF is a major inducer of osteoclast differentiation.
Bisphosphonates (BPs) are stable analogs of pyrophosphate that inhibit bone resorption. They are used therapeutically in conditions characterized by increased bone remodeling namely Pagets disease of bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy, and osteoporosis
(including glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis) (31). The efficacy of bisphosphonates
as preventive agents is not yet firmly established. However, they are FDA approved for
the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, and have been shown in these
women to cause significant reductions of fracture incidence and gains in bone mineral
density. Their main effects include decreased osteoclast progenitor development,
decreased osteoclast recruitment, and induction of osteoclast apoptosis leading to inhibition of bone resorption (3234). Because bisphosphonates are absorbed into newly
synthesized bone, very high doses can inhibit bone mineralization. This effect is most
notable in a Ca2+-deficient state, thus clinically calcium supplements must be given with
bisphosphonates to reduce the risk of mineralization defects.
In bisphosphonates the oxygen atom of the P-O-P (pyrophosphate) is replaced with
a carbon atom resulting in a P-C-P bond. Their strong avidity to bone, similar to that of
fluoride and tetracyclines, is related to their marked affinity for solid phase calcium
phosphate. The two P-C bonds are resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis. Bisphosphonate
variations are possible by changing the two lateral carbon side chains or by esterification
of the phosphate groups. Of these two side chains, R1 and R2, the R1 side chain is usually
a hydroxyl group to enhance the affinity of the compound for bone (35,36). Variations
in the structure and conformation of the R2 side chain determine the antiresorptive
potency (3537). Early bisphosphonates had a short R2 side chain, such as CH3 in
etidronate or Cl in clodronate. These bisphosphonates are less potent than later
bisphosphonates (e.g., pamidronate and alendronate), which have an amino-containing
R2 side chain (37). The most potent bisphosphonates (e.g., risedronate, zoledronate, and
ibandronate) have a tertiary amino group as their R2 side chain (37,38).
Iqbal et al.
Fig. 2 (A) In osteoclast precursors, PU.1 encodes for the M-CSF receptor gene. Interaction of the
receptor with M-CSF is essential for differentiation into the osteoclast lineage. (B) Interactions
causing differentiation and enhanced survival of osteoclast precursors. Signaling from multiple
sources converges on NF-B, which leads to alteration in gene transcription by AP-1/c-fos. (C)
Interactions in mature osteoclasts showing a possible signaling pathway from the integrin receptor
and negative regulation of IL-6 transcription by estrogen receptor dimmers. (D) The role of osteoblasts/stromal cells in controlling osteoclast differentiation. Note that osteoprotegerin is a negative
regulator of osteoclast differentiation, while RANKL is a positive regulator.
Bisphosphonates have several possible modes of action. They are best known for their
antiresorptive effects on osteoclasts. However, another premise important in certain
types of osteoporosis is that bisphosphonates inhibit osteoblast and osteocyte apoptosis
(39). In cell culture, this antiapoptotic action occurs through bisphosphonate-induced
phosphorylation and activation of extracellular signal regulated kinases (ERKs), that in
turn can enhance cell survival (39). In vivo, bisphosphonates are able to prevent glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis by decreasing the prevalence of osteoblast and osteocyte
apoptosis (39).
Regarding osteoclasts, bisphosphonates have been shown to induce apoptosis by
inhibiting the mevalonate pathway and preventing posttranslational prenylation of GTPbinding proteins, including Ras (see Fig. 3) (40). Specifically, N-containing bisphosphonates
(alendronate, risedronate, ibandronate, and pamidronate) have been found to inhibit the
Fig. 3. The effects of bisphosphonates on osteoclasts and resorption. Statins inhibit the conversion of HMG Co-A to mevalonate. Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (N-BPs) inhibit the
enzyme farnesyl diphosphate (FPP). Nonnitrogen-containing bisphosphonates (BPs) are metabolized to cytotoxic ATP analogs that induce apoptosis via the caspases. Additionally,
bisphosphonates may chelate zinc and thereby inhibit matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and
may also inhibit acid phosphatases.
Iqbal et al.
tively inhibit acid phosphatase action on bone and prevent the removal of pyrophosphate.
Bisphosphonates have also been conjugated to estrogen to enhance specificity to bone.
Calcitonin (CT) has been licensed for use in osteoporosis treatment for several years.
High-turnover osteoporosis, such as occurs in the post-menopausal form may respond
better to calcitonin than does the low-turnover form (47).
The utility of calcitonin as a therapeutic agent in states of accelerated bone resorption
has also been documented in Pagets disease and hypercalcemia of malignancy. Trials
in osteoporotic patients treated indicate that calcitonin causes a stabilization or modest
short-term increase in bone mass, particularly in trabecular bone. Calcitonin may have
the advantage of producing an analgesic effect and may be useful during postfracture
The main action of calcitonin is on bone, although at pharmacological concentrations
it may also increase renal calcium and phosphate excretion and 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol production (48). When infused into experimental animals with high bone
turnover or into human subjects with Pagets bone disease, calcitonin causes a sharp fall
in plasma Ca2+. This action is caused by inhibition of osteoclast activity and hence a
diminished Ca2+ efflux from bone to blood (49).
Calcitonin inhibits basal and stimulated resorption of intact bone in organ culture (50
55). In bone sections, calcitonin acts directly on the osteoclast to cause a rapid loss of the
ruffled border (5557). When applied for a longer term, there is a reduction in the number
of osteoclasts in bone, an action that is relevant to its use in Pagets bone disease (49).
When applied in vitro to isolated osteoclasts, fentomolar concentrations of salmon
calcitonin result in an acute cessation of cytoplasmic motility followed by gradual
pseudopodial retraction (58). Calcitonin inhibits acid hydrolase secretion, Na+-K+ATPase activity, and alters the localization of carbonic anhydrase and thus acid secretion
in osteoclasts (see Fig. 4) (46,59,60). Additionally, calcitonin inhibits the release and
synthesis of tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) in osteoclasts (61).
To discern the post-receptor effect of calcitonin on the osteoclast, we developed a
novel method to quantitate osteoclast motility. Several components of calcitonin action
affect osteoclastic bone resorption independently (63). The more rapid quiescence (Q)
component (t1/2 ~15 min) is characterized by cessation of motility, while the late retraction (R) component (t1/2 ~27 min) is characterized by pseudopodial retraction that may
reduce resorption by decreasing the area of contact with the bone surface.
The Q and R effects of calcitonin are mediated by separate transduction pathways via
distinct calcitonin receptor (CTR) subtypes (63). A cholera toxin-sensitive Gs protein
mediates the cAMP-dependent Q component. The pertussis toxin-sensitive Gq protein
mediates the R component via a rise in intracellular (Ca2+). The CTR subtype that affects
the Q component is activated by calcitonin and its related peptides amylin and calcitonin
gene-related peptide (CGRP). In contrast, the subtype mediating the R effect is highly
specific for calcitonin (64).
CTR subtypes have been cloned and sequenced. Several subtypes of the human calcitonin receptor hCTR have been discovered and result from alternative splicing of the
primary mRNA transcript (65). The two most common human subtypes differ in the
sequence by a 16 amino acid insert in the first putative intracellular domain. The hCTRC1a, or insert-positive form, is the most prevalent and is capable of transducing intrac-
Fig. 4. Effects of calcitonin on osteoclasts. Signaling from the calcitonin receptor (CTR) activates the Gs/Gi proteins leading to cessation of motility, and activates Gq proteins leading to
pseudopodial retraction. Calcitonin (CT) alters the location of carbonic anhydrase (CA) thus
inhibiting acidification, and also inhibits the release of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)
(lower right corner).
Iqbal et al.
dent upon protein kinase C (and thus the Gq-coupled CTR), but independent of the Gs/
cAMP/protein kinase A pathway (see Fig. 4) (72). Thus, activation of HEF-1 by calcitonin may cause interactions with Pyk2 and other molecules that regulate osteoclast
adhesion, although this remains to be established.
Calcitonin also has effects in other tissues that relate indirectly to bone remodeling.
The enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1alpha-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) catalyses the biosynthesis of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 from 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in renal proximal
tubules. Calcitonin has been shown to increase the mRNA expression of the CYP27B1
enzyme and thus could help regulate the production of active vitamin D3 (73).
With continuous therapeutic use of calcitonin, a decrease in bone responsiveness is
observed. This is likely due to receptor down regulation in existing osteoclasts (74). New
drug developments efforts could aim to increase receptor responsiveness to calcitonin.
The seventh transmembrane domain has been shown to be essential for phospholipase
C induction (i.e., Gq coupling) in the C1a isoform (75). Thus, drugs targeting one transmembrane domain may abolish certain functions while sparing others. Additionally, in
a study on post-menopausal women with osteoporosis it was found that they had
decreased calcitonin receptor mRNA levels compared to control subjects (76). It was
noted that the prevalence of the hCTR-2 receptor isoform was inversely proportional to
bone turnover rates (76). Because the different receptor isoforms may regulate different
functions, drugs targeting one isoform over another may reduce side effects or preferentially affect forms of osteoporosis that have high or low bone turnover rates. This is
highly speculative though.
Additionally, prostaglandin (PGE2) stimulation may be necessary for parathyroid hormone and vitamin D3-induced RANKL expression on osteoblasts (see Fig. 2D) (86).
Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) plays an important role in osteoclast
development, as its presence is required in most experimental models of osteoclastogenesis. When the M-CSF gene is mutated, as in the op/op mouse, osteoclasts fail to
differentiate (87). M-CSF acts through the c-fms receptor on osteoclast precursors, and
may act through this receptor to enhance the survival and chemotatic ability of mature
osteoclasts (see Fig. 4A) (88,89). M-CSF application maintains NF-B and increases the
mRNA expression of bcl-2 and bcl-XL (90). The likely reason that both M-CSF and
RANKL are required for osteoclast survival is that M-CSF does not activate JNK kinase
while signaling from RANK does, and conversely RANKL alone does not increase the
mRNA expression of bcl-2 and bcl-XL while M-CSF does (90). Increased stromal cell
production of M-CSF is caused by enhanced phosphorylation of the nuclear protein Egr-1
and is central to the mechanism by which estrogen deficiency increases resorption (see
Fig. 1). Transcriptional regulation of M-CSF does not appear to be regulated by stimulation but rather by suppression. Deletion of the NF-B response element of the M-CSF
gene increased basal promoter activity, thus implying that NF-B may act as a negative
regulator of M-CSF production in stromal cells and osteoblasts (91).
TNF- stimulates proliferation and differentiation of osteoclast precursors in the
marrow and potentiates the osteoclast-inducing effects of IL-1. TNF- effects are likely
involved in hypercalcemic states (92). One possible mechanism for increased resorption
is that TNF- via IL-1 triggers enhanced prostaglandin synthesis. Osteoclast progenitor
cells express the TNF receptors p55 and p75. The proliferation and differentiation effects
of TNF- are inhibited completely by an anti-p55 antibody and partially by an anti-p75
antibody (93). This may be because the p55 receptor activates NF-B, where the p75
receptor does not (94). (See section on NF-B for its effects) Thus, drugs targeted at
inhibiting the p55 TNF- receptor may be able to quell osteoclastic bone resorption.
However to stop resorption by differentiated osteoclasts via inhibiting their pit formation, IL-1 may also have to be modulated (95). TNF- is important in the activation of
NF-B and molecules controlling this interaction may include RIP (a death domain
kinase) and p62 (an adapter protein) (79).
IL-6 (produced by stromal cells, macrophages, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts) induces
osteoclast precursors to differentiate by binding to their IL-6 receptors and signaling
through gp130 (96,97). IL-6 stimulation likely serves as a costimulator for other hormones and cytokines such as vitamin D3 and may prevent apoptosis of osteoclasts (33).
IL-6 expression in osteoblasts and stromal cells is increased by several stimuli including
parathyroid hormone (PTH), IL-1 TNF-, vitamin D3, and PGE2 (96,98 99). PTH and
TNF- stimulate IL-6 production via a PKC-dependent pathway, while IL-1 functions
through a different pathway (for a further explanation see section on PTH). We have
shown that a high extracellular (Ca2+) transduced via a Ca2+-sensing receptor inhibits
Iqbal et al.
Fig. 5. Possible mechanisms causing increased intracellular (Ca2+). RyR-2 present on the plasma
membrane may serve as a Ca2+ influx channel. NAD+ may serve to induce Ca2+ release by first
being converted to cADPr that then activates RyR-1 Ca2+ channels present on the ER membrane.
Ca2+ influx initially halts resorption by causing actin rearrangement and podosomal disassembly.
However, Ca2+ influx also stimulates IL-6 transcription; IL-6 is capable of inhibiting Ca2+sensing and may allow resorption to resume.
osteoclastic resorption and causes increased IL-6 and IL-6 receptor transcription (see
Fig. 5) (100). We found that IL-6 then attenuated Ca2+-sensing and allowed resorption
to continue in spite of a high extracellular (Ca2+). Postmenopausal estrogen loss causes
an increase in PTH-induced IL-6 production and thus bone resorption (101,102). Additionally, IL-6 may contribute to postmenopausal bone loss through osteoclast recruitment (103). Pharmacologically, targeting IL-6 receptor signaling may be difficult
because both IL-6 receptors and gp130 are present in several cell types. Recombinant
forms of gp130 that block IL-6 signaling have shown marginal progress for other disease
states but ideas similar to this have yet to be applied to bone diseases.
The receptor activator of NF-B and the receptor activator of NF-B ligand, called
RANK and RANKL, respectively, are critical to osteoclast development and the stimulation of resorption. RANKL (also called TRANCE, ODF, and OPGL) is a ligand,
produced by stromal cells and osteoblasts, that interacts with its receptor on osteoclasts,
called RANK. This interaction is essential for stimulating osteoclastogenesis and bone
resorption (104). RANKL is present on the membrane of osteoblasts, stromal cells, and
T-cells, as well as secreted as a soluble molecule in the bone microenvironment by these
cells (see Fig. 2) (105). It has been shown that RANKL induces differentiation of osteoclast precursors away from a macrophage lineage to that of an osteoclast lineage (106).
Several molecules (such as interleukin-11, IL-11, and prostaglandins) can induce
expression of RANKL on osteoblasts and stromal cells and subsequently cause osteo-
Nuclear factor-B, known as NF-B, is a key osteoclast differentiation signal. NF-B
exists in the cytoplasm as either homo- or heterodimers bound to each other via a Relhomology domain (RHD). The NF-B dimer can be composed of any two of five various
protein subunits, although the classical NF-B dimer is composed of RelA and NF-B1
(112). The IBs are proteins that bind to the dimer and prevent translocation into the
nucleus from the cytoplasm. Signaling pathways such as IL-1, TNF-, and RANK lead
to the phosphorylation of IBs and their subsequent ubiquitin-related degradation (112).
When NF-B1 and NF-B2 are both knocked out, a defect in osteoclast differentiation
occurs resulting in osteopetrosis (113). Potential therapeutic uses of this pathway remain
to be established as the NF-B subunits and downstream activators of NF-B, such as
the IB kinases (IKKs), have essential functions in multiple cell types.
c-Src is a membrane tyrosine kinase that plays a role in inducing osteoclasts to resorb
bone. c-Src knockout mice have osteoclasts that are dysfunctional (114). c-Src may act
to allow cortactin-regulated adherence of osteoclasts to bone. In the c-Src pathway,
activation of Ral-GTPases have been coupled to subsequent transcription and
cytoskeletal rearrangements through tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat3 and cortactin,
respectively (115). This same group also showed that c-Src kinase activity is used differently by individual extracellular stimuli thus suggesting that different c-Src isoforms
could be involved in various signaling cascades; this fact may prove useful in designing
a c-Src inhibitor that shows preferential treatment for a particular pathway. Bone matrix
recognition results in c-Src association with microtubules (see Fig. 2C). This likely
happens via the integrin v3. Signaling from this integrin involves c-Src, as well as
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K), Pyk2, and p130cas among others (71). To this end,
c-Src knockout mice show abnormalities in their localization of v3 integrins and thus
spreading, attachment, and formation of a sealing zone (116).
Additionally, c-Src may be important for the chemotactic ability of osteoclasts. M-CSF
stimulates osteoclast motility via c-Src. Recently M-CSF stimulation at the c-fms receptor was found to cause the activation of c-Src; activated c-Src subsequently interacts via
its SH3 domain with the p85 regulatory domain of PI3-K causing translocation of PI3K to the cell periphery (117). Therefore, c-Src may play a role in osteoclast adherence
to the bone matrix via M-CSF stimulated chemotaxis and v3integrin stimulated
Iqbal et al.
Interleukins 4 and 18
Interleukin 4 (IL-4) is produced by activated T-cells and inhibits the formation of osteoclasts (122). Therapeutic implications of IL-4 show promise. Local overexpression of IL-4
in mice, introduced by a recombinant human type 5 adenovirus vector, inhibited osteoclasts
likely through decreased levels of RANKL, cathespin K, and IL-6 (123).
Interleukin-18 (IL-18) inhibits osteoclast formation indirectly. IL-18 induces
GM-CSF production by T-cells, which then inhibits osteoclasts (124). IL-18 is likely
involved in inflammatory processes as its production may be induced by histamine and
modulated by corticosteroids.
Fig. 6. Intracellular signaling from the parathyroid hormone receptor-1 (PTHR1). PTHR1, stimulated by PTH and PTHrP, can activate a Gq-coupled pathway that leads to increases in (Ca2+) with
resulting activation of PKC and gene transcription. Alternatively, PTHR1 can activate a Gscoupled pathway that leads to activation of PKA and transcription of the same or different genes.
PTH secretion. Ideally, the calcilytic should be a short acting orally administered substance that induces only a transient rise in PTH. A study with such a compound found
that whereas bone turnover increased, bone mineral density did not (131). However, in
the same study it was noted that bone resorption was reduced with coadministration of
a calcilytic with estrogen, resulting in increased bone mass. Estrogen has a range of
effects that increase bone formation including causing increased transcription of IGF-1 in
osteoblasts (132).
Another way of targeting the induction of PTHs anabolic effects on bone may be by
using Ca2+ sensing receptor agonists (calcimimetics) to intermittently decrease PTH
levels. One study found an increase in bone mineral density and cancellous bone volume
using such a compound (133). Thus, it appears that transient fluctuations, either increasing or decreasing PTH levels over time lead to increased bone volume and/or turnover.
Iqbal et al.
the major isoform expressed by osteoblasts being 1 and that by osteoclasts being 2.
Because of their localization and stimulatory effects on osteoblast proliferation, TGF-
analogs and TGF- receptor (I and II) agonists represent potential pharmaceutical targets for increasing bone formation.
TGF-1 inhibits the proliferation and fusion of osteoclast precursors to form multinucleated cells and likely induces apoptosis of osteoclasts indirectly by up regulating
osteoprotegerin (see Fig. 2D) (78). However, some reports have been contradictory
(135). Likewise, TGF-1 down regulates expression of RANKL from stromal cells and
osteoblasts, further inhibiting osteoclast differentiation (128). The stability of collagen
and fibronectin mRNAs is increased in the presence of TGF-, suggesting that it is
directly capable of enhancing bone formation (129). TGF- can also regulate osteonectin
(also known as secreted protein rich in cysteine [SPARC]) expression; osteonectin is an
extracellular matrix glycoprotein that can stimulate angiogenesis, the production of
matrix metalloproteinases, and cell-matrix interactions by binding to collagen and
hydroxyapatite (129,136). Thus, TGF-1 accomplishes two actions, osteoblast induction and osteoclast inhibition with the end result of increased bone formation. Pharmacologically, TGF-1 given to promote bone healing in rabbit skull caps lead to an
increase in bone density (137). However, clinical trials of TGF- may have the stumbling block of declining renal function with sustained administration (138).
Vitamin D3
Calcitriol or 1,25-(OH)2D3 is the active metabolite of vitamin D3. The primary regulators of calcitriol production are parathyroid hormone, calcitriol itself, and dietary
intake of calcium and phosphate (139). 1,25-(OH)2D3 has the following major effects:
it increases Ca2+ absorption from the intestine, it reduces parathyroid hormone (PTH)
levels, and it decreases PTH-mediated bone resorption. Exposing osteoblasts to TGF-
results in increased expression of 1,25-(OH)2D3 receptors, which are nuclear receptors
that act via binding to distinct vitamin D response elements (VDREs). Vitamin D receptors (VDRs) in the presence of TGF- cause the expression of type I collagen and
alkaline phosphatase (AP) by osteoblasts (134). Without TGF- the case may be reversed, as it was observed that 1,25-(OH)2D3 inhibited type I collagen synthesis in rats
by reducing steady state levels collagen mRNA (140).
In osteoblast precursors, VDR signaling inhibits Cbfa1 expression; since Cbfa1 is a
transcription factor controlling osteoblast differentiation, application of 1,25-(OH)2D3 may
inhibit osteoblast differentiation (141). Thus, any anabolic effects of 1,25-(OH)2D3 likely
result from increases in osteoblast function. However, the study of 1,25-(OH)2D3 is complicated by species differences. While application of 1,25-(OH)2D3 upregulates the expression of the osteoblast-specific protein osteocalcin in rats and humans, in mice it inhibits
osteocalcin expression (142).
1,25-(OH)2D3 may regulate osteoblastic secretion of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP),
which regulates expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin and induces the
formation of mineralized nodules. Because 1,25-(OH)2D3 treatment significantly
increases natriuretic peptide receptor-C (NPR-C) expression and NPR-C expression
determines the biological availabilities of NPs, 1,25-(OH)2D3 could regulate the expression of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin through NPR-C (143).
L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels (L-VSCCs) have been identified in osteoblasts and represent a further way in which 1,25-(OH)2D3 may regulate osteoblast func-
tion. The L-type VSCC (particularly essential is the 1c subtype) may serve as the
molecular transducer of a 1,25-(OH)2D3 action that results in Ca2+ influx (144) but the
physiological significance of this non-genomic action is unclear.
Binding of 1,25-(OH)2D3 results in a conformational change in VDR that enhances
the interaction of VDR with retinoid X receptor (RXR). VDREs in genes are recognized
by an active VDR-RXR heterodimer. AF-2 domains in both VDR and RXR facilitate
interactions with coactivators such as steroid receptor coactivators-1 (Src-1) and glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein (GRIP1). A new 170kD coactivator specific for
osteoblasts has been identified (145) and could represent an osteoblast specific target for
drug development.
Other vitamins may also be important in bone remodeling. There is some evidence that
vitamin K2 when given in vivo reduces the formation of osteoclasts, possibly by inhibiting
the effects of M-CSF (146). Vitamin K2 may also promote 1,25-(OH)2D3-induced mineralization (147) and enhance osteocalcin accumulation in the extracellular matrix of human
osteoblasts (148). It has been proposed that a vitamin K2 nuclear binding protein/receptor
with a molecular structure close to human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
(GAPDH) exists in the osteoblast (149). This binding protein could represent a target for
activating vitamin K1 and K2 analogs that enhance osteoblast formation.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide (NO) causes osteoclasts to rapidly contract, detach from their environment, and cease resorption. Superoxide (O2), which metabolizes NO, is overproduced
by osteoclasts during bone resorption and may reduce the effects of NO. NO production
occurs in response to a number of stimuli including interferon- (IFN-) with TNF-, and
fluid shear stress, among others (150). In osteoclasts, NO activates guanylate cyclase and
cGMP-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase); G-kinase through a cascade reduces membrane HCl transport (151). Thus, there is evidence that NO is a negative regulator of
osteoclast activity. However, evidence also suggests that NO derived from the iNOS
pathway may play an important role in IL-1 signal transduction (152). Thus, NO could
also positively regulate bone resorption.
Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a member of the TNF receptor family produced by osteoblasts. OPG is a soluble, secreted decoy receptor that binds to the receptor activator of
NF-B ligand, RANKL (153) (see Figs. 4B,D). RANKL, as discussed above, is a ligand
produced on stromal cells and osteoblasts that interacts with its receptor on osteoclasts
and osteoclast precursors, RANK (receptor activator of NF-B). This interaction stimulates osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. OPG binds RANKL, thus inhibiting
osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. Stimulators of osteoclast formation, such as
1,25-(OH)2D3, PGE2, parathyroid hormone, and IL-1, all decrease stromal cell and
osteoblast production of OPG (78) (see Fig. 2D). Both RANKL and OPG production by
osteoblasts is increased by the transcription factor Cbfa1 (154,155). Cbfa1 is modified
depending on other extracellular signals (such as PTH-induced PKA-dependent
transactivation of Cbfa1) and therefore could directly regulate osteoblast specific genes
and hence osteoblast differentiation, as well as regulate osteoclast formation by modulating the ratio of RANKL to OPG (156,157). A similar therapy may be developed for
osteoporotic patients.
Iqbal et al.
Ca Receptors
Extracellular Ca2+ can be sensed by osteoclasts and osteoblasts through Ca2+-sensing
receptors. This likely occurs through either a traditional G-protein coupled Ca2+ receptor, or, as we have shown, through a ryanodine receptor (RyR) (158160). High extracellular (Ca2+) inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption. Ca2+-induced inhibition of
resorption occurs in osteoclasts by actin reorganization and podosomal disassembly (see
Fig. 5) (158,161). Actin reorganization likely occurs through the tyrosine kinases c-Src
and FAK, as inhibitors of tyrosine kinases thwart actin reorganization and osteoclast
resorption activity (162). Inhibition of the tyrosine kinases leads to Ca2+ influx, which
is insensitive to dihydropyridine (DHP) but sensitive to La3+ and Ni2+ application.
Because extracellular application of cations attenuates Ca2+ influx occurring through
plasma membrane RyRs (163), it is conceivable that this process is occurring through
plasma membrane RyR Ca2+ influx channels.
High extracellular (Ca2+) also induces osteoclast apoptosis (164); Ca2+ influx controls
this Ca2+-induced osteoclast apoptosis. RyRs and IP3Rs are found on the nuclear membrane as well as on the plasma membrane (165). It remains to be determined what RyR
receptors are activated in the induction of apoptosis. Three RyR isoforms exist; isoforms
1, 2, 3 are expressed in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle or brain, respectively. The
dominant form expressed in the osteoclasts nucleus and endoplasmic recticulum is RyR1, and on the osteoclasts plasma membrane is RyR-2 (166). RyRs likely will have multiple
roles in bone resorption depending upon other stimuli. For example, in osteoclasts Ca2+
inflow through RyRs is important for stimulating IL-6 production, and that RyRs gate Ca2+
release in response to NAD+ application (see Fig. 5) (167). In osteoblasts, cytosolic and
nuclear Ca2+ influx, possibly through RyRs or IP3Rs, could be an important component of
integrin stimulated adhesion mechanisms (165,168).
Bone-Specific Targeting
Strategies targeting drugs specifically to bone would be beneficial in reducing systemic side effects. To this extent, one approach has been using drugs targeted to
hydroxyapatite (HA). HA has the advantage of existing only in hard tissues such as bones
and teeth. However, because teeth are stable after their formation, only bone will provide
for the release of drugs adsorbed to HA. Bisphosphonate-conjugated estrogens have
been used to limit the distribution of estrogen preferentially to bone (169). These conjugated compounds could potentially improve compliance by minimizing adverse effects
and reducing medication frequency.
Taking this idea one step further, amino acid sequences that cause preferential targeting to HA, such as a repeating Asp or Glu sequence, has been combined with various
drugs. It was shown that fluorescin isothiocyante (FITC), when conjugated to a repeating
sequence of six Asps and given subcutaneously, was excreted from most tissues within
24 h. However, in bone it had a half-life of 14 d (170).
Another small peptide sequence that could be used to target drugs to bone is the HIVTAT sequence. HIV-TAT facilitates entry of proteins into cells. Conjugating the HIVTAT sequence to Rho proteins allowed easy transduction transfection into osteoclasts
and induced podosome formation (171,172). Although one could easily imagine conjugating bone building or antiresorptive drugs to HIV-Tat, it must be considered that when
injected intraperitionally, these conjugates will enter all types of cells. Future directions
might consider conjugating both the HIV-Tat sequence and the Asp/Glu repeating
sequence to enhance both entry and specificity of protein-based drugs.
MZ acknowledges support of the National Institutes of Health (National Institute on
Aging, RO1 AG 14917-06) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (Merit Award and
Geriatrics Research, Education, and Clinical Center).
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aBMD. See Areal bone mineral density
Absorption, 125
Accuracy errors
DXA, 92
Achilles system, 129
Achilles+ ultrasound device, 129
Acoustic anisotropy
cancellous bone, 135
Acoustic coupling
QUS, 142
Acoustic impedance, 124
temperature, 125t
Acoustic Osteo Screener (AOS-100), 130
Acoustic scattering, 125
ACT. See Quantitative computed
calcium requirement, 280281
peak bone mass, 226
AD-SoS, 127
QUS, 150
Age-related osteoporosis, 258
osteoblast defect, 259
bone size, 4854
gonadal steroids
skeletal changes, 396397
volumetric bone mineral density,
Alendronate, 462465, 495
vs alfacalcidol, 301f
bone turnover markers, 190f
clinical trials, 462464
f: figure
t: table
Androgens, 349367
animal models, 377386
5-reductase, 361366
bone-aromatase, 361366
bone density
hypogonadism, 403404
bone formation, 359361
bone resorption, 359361
chondrogenesis, 366
female rats, 384385
gender-specificity, 366367
Murine bone marrow stromal
cells, 363t
mice, 385386
osteoblasts, 355358, 357t
skeletal homeostasis, 375387
skeleton, 376f
Animal studies, 1318
current, 1418
future direction, 1718
inbred strains, 1415
QTL analysis, 1617
single gene mutations, 1516
Anorexia nervosa
bone mass, 73
QUS, 155
AOS-100, 130
AP, 164168
APOE, 89
genetics, 52
Apolipoprotein E (APOE), 89
Apolipoprotein E 4 (APOE 4)
genetics, 52
androgens, 355358
Apparent velocity of ultrasound
(AVU), 126
AR. See Androgen receptor
Areal bone mineral density (aBMD), 33
ambiguity, 3840
bone size dependence
inherent error, 92
calcium, 70
collagen type 1, 3637
environmental variance, 53
estrogen receptor, 3738
genetically determined, 4041
genetic variance, 53
racial differences, 4748
rationale, 3940
androgens, 361366
Army recruits
bone mass, 200
androgens, 361366
deficiency, 364
temperature, 125t
Avascular necrosis
kidney transplantation, 545
AVU, 126
Axial loading, 210
Axial skeleton
peripheral bone mineral assessment,
Azathiaprine, 523, 530
Ballet dancers
bone mass, 200
BAP, 5
Pagets disease, 195
Basic multicellular unit
calcium transport
physiology, 254256
Bending, 205206
17-estradiol, 340
interconversion to estrone, 316
calcium sources, 282283
Biochemical markers. See Bone turnover
Biophysical stimuli
safe clinical application, 215216
calcium, 265
Bisphosphonates, 573575
cellular effects, 448449
combination therapy, 468
comparison, 466467
in development, 466
BUS, 134f
collagen type I alpha I gene, 78
decapeptyl, 400f
dihydrotestosterone, 402403
estrogen receptor, 8
family studies, 13
fluoride, 202
fracture risk, 110f
genome-wide linkage studies, 911
genotypes, 5253
hip fractures, 188f
HRT, 339f
hypogonadal men, 398399
interpretation, 108110
low-dose estradiol, 337f
application, 110112
diagnostic algorithms, 111112,
limitations, 113
precision, 114116
recommendations, 110112
site selection, 112113
treatment, 113117
androgen insensitivity, 401402
delayed puberty, 402
GnRH analogs, 399
hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism,
Klinefelters syndrome, 398399
PEPI, 333334
presentation, 106108
puberty, 395f
quantitative trait loci
normal variation, 31f
reference population, 106107
sibling pair approach, 1112
T-scores, 107
twin studies, 34
units of measure, 106
VDR, 67
vitamin D supplementation, 295296
x-ray measurement
calibration, 91
Z-scores, 107108
Bone modeling
PTH, 483
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), 46
Bone morphology
exercise, 199202
Bone remodeling, 268269
biochemical markers, 45
PTH, 483
system, 537538
Bone resorption, 538
androgens, 359361
biochemical markers, 166t, 169174
novel strategies, 577582
Bone sialoprotein (BSP), 173
Bone size
aging, 4854
Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase
(BAP), 5
Pagets disease, 195
Bone turnover
BMD, 187f
cardiac transplantation, 547
etidronate, 194f
gonadal steroids, 397398
kidney transplantation, 545
liver transplantation, 549550
seasonal changes, 177
Bone turnover markers, 163179,
185195, 186t
alendronate, 190f
bone formation, 164168, 165t
bone loss, 187
bone resorption, 166t, 169174
calcitonin, 424
change assessment, 191192
characteristics, 175t
fracture risk, 187
heritability, 45
HRT, 191f194f
osteoporosis diagnosis, 187188
osteoporosis treatment, 188191
advantages, 189
disadvantages, 189
validation, 190191
practical implementation, 192195
as drug, 422430
endogenous, 413422
biochemistry, 413417
molecular biology, 413417
tolerability, 430
function, 416417
metabolism, 421
pharmacodynamic properties, 424425
pharmacokinetic properties, 423
parenteral, 423
PTH, 512
QUS, 154
resistance to, 425
secretion, 420422
abnormalities, 421422
skeletal metabolism, 426
transplantation osteoporosis
prevention, 557
Calcitonin gene
molecular biology, 415
Calcitonin gene related peptide
(CGRP), 415
biosynthesis, 416417
function, 416417
Calcitonin receptors, 417419
downregulation, 420
isoforms, 418f
Calcitriol, 583584
calcium homeostasis, 248249
age-related osteoporosis, 258
osteoporosis, 303
intestinal calcium transport, 254
biosphere, 265
bone as nutrient reserve, 268269
bone mass gain, 6971
calcitonin, 422f
as co-therapy, 287288
dermal loss, 272
dose timing, 287
drug interference, 287
exercise, 233234
extracellular fluid, 267f
glucocorticoids, 524525
CGRP, 415
biosynthesis, 416417
function, 416417
calcium requirement, 280281
calcium supplements, 70
peak bone mass, 226, 227f
Cholecalciferol, 294
androgens, 366
CIRS, 98
Classical ballet dancers
bone mass, 200
Clodronate, 461
hydroxypyridinium crosslinks, 170171
Collagen type 1
alpha I gene, 78
candidate gene, 3637
Colles fracture
prevalence, 36
Complete androgen insensitivity
syndrome (cAIS), 401402
Compression wave, 122
Compton scattering, 84
Computed tomography (CT), 9495
Congenic strain
development, 30f
Constitutional delay of growth
and puberty (CDGP), 7374
Cortical bone
gender, 39
PTH, 483484
rats, 378
Cortical size cord thickness
genetics, 4245
Cortical thickness
rationale, 3940
Coumestans, 318319
Coumestrol, 318319
Cross-calibration, 139
Crosslinked telopeptides
type I collagen, 171173
CsA. See Cyclosporin
C-Src, 581
CT. See Calcitonin
C-telopeptide (CTX), 186, 343
CUBA clinical, 130
Cyclosporin (CsA), 523, 527528
osteoporosis, 527
skeleton, 540, 542t
Cytochrome P450, 364
estrogen regulation
molecular mechanism, 321322
DAT, 46
DBM Sonic 1200, 131
BMD, 400f
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA),
353, 384
Delayed puberty
bone mass, 73
bone density, 402
Deoxyspergualin, 530
Dermal loss
calcium, 272
Detector systems, 88f, 9091
DHEA, 353, 384
DHT, 381, 385
bone density, 402403
recrystallization, 365t
research, 1920
Diagnostic algorithms, 111112, 112f
QUS, 155
Dietary calcium sources, 282
Dietary fiber, 253
Dietary protein
urinary calcium excretion, 284285
Dietary sodium
urinary calcium excretion, 284
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 381, 385
bone density, 402403
recrystallization, 365t
Dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP), 452
Diminishing returns, 223
Diurnal variation, 176
DMAPP, 452
Dopamine transporter (DAT), 46
DPA, 84, 87f
skeletal effects, 537541
DTU-one ultrasound device, 129130
Dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA),
84, 87f
Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), 83,
8794, 88f, 106
beam hardening, 93
BMD determination, 9192
sources, 9294
fat distribution
dependence, 9293
patient-related sources of error, 9394
QUS, 150, 151f
radiation dose, 92
variable magnification, 93
DXA. See Dual x-ray absorptiometry
Dystrophic calcification, 268
Early Postmenopausal Intervention
Cohort (EPIC), 463
ECF, 266268
calcium, 267f
control loop regulation, 270f
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, 1718
Endochondral ossification, 309311
Endogenous calcitonin, 413422
biochemistry, 413417
molecular biology, 413417
Endogenous fecal calcium loss, 270
Endogenous parathyroid hormone
(PTH), 493494
Endometrial cancer, 557558
areal bone mineral density, 53
EPIC, 463
Epithelial calcium transport proteins
cellular localization, 252
Ergocalciferol, 294
ERT. See Estrogen replacement therapy
ES cells, 1718
Estrone, 364
17-estradiol interconversion to, 316
metabolism, 317, 317f
Etidronate, 555556
bone turnover, 194f
clinical trials, 460
current use, 461
side effects, 460461
bone mass, 223225
bone morphology, 199202
clinical studies, 201202
calcium, 233234
falls, 237238
fractures, 221239
hormone response, 235236
HRT, 232233
men, 233
peak bone mass, 225227
premenopausal, 224f
across lifespan, 225233
design, 222223
Exercise-associated amenorrhea, 235
bone mass, 7374
Exercise-related geometric
adaptation, 234
Exogenous calcitonin
tolerability, 430
Extracellular calcium balance
bone, 254256
intestine, 252254
kidney, 251252
Extracellular fluid (ECF), 266268
calcium, 267f
control loop regulation, 270f
Factor of risk, 222
exercise, 237238
Family studies, 1213
high bone mass, 12
low bone mass, 1213
skeletal phenotypes, 13
Farnesol (FOH), 452
Farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase,
fractures, 188f
volumetric CT images, 99101
Hologic DXA systems, 90
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 114
BMD, 339f
bone turnover markers, 191f194f
compliance, 335
exercise, 232233
fracture risk, 334335
meta-analysis, 334f
QUS, 154
Hormone response
exercise, 235236
HRT. See Hormone replacement therapy
Human body
calcium, 266267
Human studies, 113
genetic determinants, 513
skeletal phenotypes, 15
Hydroxyestrone, 318
Hydroxylysine-glycosides, 170
Hydroxypatite (HA), 586587
Hydroxyproline (OHP), 169170
Hydroxypyridinium crosslinks
collagen, 170171
Hypercalcemia, 556557
Hypercalciuria, 556557
cancellous bone, 494495
QUS, 155
Hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism
bone density, 399400
Hypocalcemia, 269270
Hypogonadism, 378, 558
bone density
androgens, 403404
men, 398399
Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, 235
Ibandronate, 450
IBD, 10
Idealized bone
photon attenuation, 85f
Jump training
BMD, 229f230f
Macrophage colony-stimulating factor
(M-CSF), 579
Male. See Men
Matrix mineral
genetics, 42
M-CSF, 579
Mechanical stimuli
postmenopausal bone loss, 215216
skeletal effects, 537541
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC),
Men. See also Gender
PTH, 502f
bone density
delayed puberty, 402
hyperprolactinemic hypogonadism,
IHH, 400401
bone metabolism, 404407
Katacalcin, 416
Kidney-pancreas transplantation
skeleton, 542544
Kidney transplantation
avascular necrosis, 545
bone loss, 544
bone turnover, 545
fracture, 545
mineral metabolism, 545
prevalence, 544
skeleton, 542544
Klinefelters syndrome
bone density
men, 398399
Lactate gluconate, 253
Lactation, 312
Lazy zone, 222
exercise, 233
hormone response, 236
calciferol, 302303
PTH, 508510
gonadal steroids, 393407
calcium, 278279, 279f
calcium, 278279, 279f
genotypes, 4849
QUS, 153154
Menstrual cycle
bone turnover, 177
Methotrexate, 530
Methylprednisolone, 538539
Methyoxyestradiol, 318
androgens, 385386
Mineral metabolism
cardiac transplantation, 547
kidney transplantation, 545
liver transplantation, 549550
transplantation, 541552
MMF, 523, 529
skeleton, 541
Molecular markers. See Bone turnover
Monitoring time interval
BMD measurements, 116
MORE, 343, 344f
advantages, 14
MTC, 421422
Multiple Outcomes of Raloxifene
Evaluation (MORE), 343, 344f
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), 523, 529
skeleton, 541
PTH, 506f
Nasal spray salmon calcitonin (NS-SCT)
analgesic effects, 442
fracture, 439441
mechanism of action, 441442
rats, 377384
TGF, 360f
Organ transplantation
candidates, 552t
evaluation, 552554
long-term management, 554t
osteoporosis prevention, 553t
OSI, 129
androgen receptor, 351f
androgens, 355358, 357t
calcium transport, 256
cytokine synthesis
estrogen regulation, 321322
age-related osteoporosis, 259
apoptosis differentiation
androgens, 358
functions, 538
glucocorticoids, 525526
androgens, 355358
PTH, 475480
Osteocalcin (OC), 168169, 186
glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis,
Osteoclasts, 569
calcium transport, 256
PTH, 480
alpha 1 collagen gene, 45
Osteogenic sarcoma, 516
Osteomalacia, 293
age-related, 258259
anabolic agents
rationale, 495499
CsA, 527
glucocorticoid-induced. See
molecular aspects, 523531
calciferol, 302303
PTH, 508510, 510f
molecular pharmacology, 569587
physiology, 569571
postmenopausal. See Postmenopausal
therapy, 571577
experimental strategies, 586587
monitoring, 188189
Osteoprogenitor cells, 570
Osteoprotegerin (OPG), 332, 585
Osteo-sono-assessment index (OSI), 129
Ovariectomized rodents
postmenopausal osteoporosis, 314315
Overload, 222
Pagets disease, 448, 557
BAP, 195
QUS, 155
Pain ratings
paracetamol, 429f
Pamidronate, 450, 451, 462
Paracellular pathway, 273
pain ratings, 429f
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 269270,
alendronate, 512516
as anabolic agent, 498499
anabolic effects, 479
vs catabolic effects, 482483
animal models, 481
bone modeling, 483
bone remodeling, 483
bone stimulation, 582583
calcitonin, 512
calcium homeostasis, 248249
cellular actions, 475480
clinical trials, 503506, 504t505t
combination therapy, 510516
cortical bone, 483484
effects, 485t
endogenous, 493494
estrogen, 511512
estrogen deficiency, 507510
fractures, 495
future directions, 486
glucocorticoids, 524525
growth hormone, 480481
IGF binding proteins, 480481
IGF-I, 480481
mediators, 480481
BMD, 502f
osteoporosis, 508510, 510f
nafarelin, 506f
observational studies, 499503,
osteoblasts, 475480
osteoclasts, 480
osteoporosis therapy, 493516
postmenopausal osteoporosis, 507508
preclinical studies, 481485
safety, 516
time-dependent changes, 476477
trabecular bone, 483484
treatment cessation, 484485
Parenteral calcitonin
pharmacokinetic properties, 423
Paris Ultrasound, 130
Partial volume averaging, 97
PBM. See Peak bone mass
PDGF, 570
Peak bone mass (PBM)
characteristics, 6164
impairment, 7274
time, 63
definition, 61
estrogen, 309312
exercise, 225227
importance, 61
variance, 64
Peak bone size
genetics, 4148
Peak longitudinal strain, 205f
Peak volumetric bone mineral density
genetics, 4148
PEPI, 332334
BMD, 333334
calcitonin family, 415
Peripheral bone mineral assessment
axial skeleton, 83101
defining, 3541
Photomultiplier tube (PMT), 9091
Photon attenuation
idealized bone, 85f
Physical activity
bone mass gain, 6869
Phytoestrogens, 318319
PICP, 4, 169
Piezoelectric transducer, 123
Plasma membrane calcium ATPase
(PMCA), 250254
Platelet-derived growth factor
(PDGF), 570
Pluripotent bone stem cells, 570
PMCA, 250254
PMT, 9091
Postmenopausal bone loss
mechanical stimuli, 215216
Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin
Interventions (PEPI), 332334
BMD, 333334
Postmenopausal osteoporosis
animal models, 314315
calciferol, 296300
randomized controlled trials
alfacalcidol, 299t, 300302
calciferol, 297t
SERMs, 341
Postmenopausal women
peak bone mass, 230232
Precision errors
DXA, 92
QCT, 97
Prednisone, 538539
Pregnancy, 312
QUS, 154155
Premenopausal exercise, 224f
Premenopausal jump training
BMD, 229f230f
Prevent Recurrence of Osteoporotic
Fracture (PROOF), 439441
Primary hyperparathyroidism
cancellous bone, 494495
Probe, 123
Procollagen type I propeptides, 4, 169
Professional tennis players
bone mass, 200
Projectional absorptiometry, 8487
PROOF, 439441
Propeptide of type I procollagen (PICP),
4, 169
Prostanoids, 577579
Prostate cancer
AR, 356f
bone mass, 71
calcium transport, 249250
urinary calcium excretion, 284285
renal calcium excretion, 251
Protein C kinase pathway, 477
PTH. See Parathyroid hormone
BMD, 395f
bone biochemical markers, 6566
bone mass, 73
men, 402
skeletal changes, 394396
Pyridinium crosslinks, 170f
structure, 460f
equipment, 98
QTL. See Quantitative trait loci
Quality assurance
QUS, 138140
Quality control
QUS, 138140
Quantitative computed tomography
(QCT), 62, 83, 106
error, 97
femur, 100f
physical significance, 9597
equipment, 98
spinal bone mineral assessment, 95
vertebrae, 100f
Quantitative Effects of Salmoncalcitonin
Treatment (QUEST), 441442
Quantitative trait loci (QTL), 10
animal studies, 1617
future direction, 1718
bone mineral density
normal variation, 31f
experimental steps, 29f
Quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), 129
ultrasound, 149150
Quantitative ultrasound (QUS), 106,
acoustic coupling, 142
anorexia nervosa, 155
biochemical markers, 151
bisphosphonates, 154
bone metabolism, 154155
bone size, 140
devices, 132t
measurements, 129132
calcitonin, 154
clinical aspects, 149156
vs density, 133135
dialysis, 155
DXA, 150, 151f
error sources, 140142
factors affecting, 149150
fracture risk indications, 152153,
future directions, 155156
glucocorticoids, 155
hormone replacement therapy, 154
hyperparathyroidism, 155
indicating osteoporosis, 149152
institutionalized individuals, 155
vs mechanical properties, 136138
menopause, 153154
Pagets disease, 155
positioning, 141
pregnancy, 154155
quality assurance, 138140
Resistance training
postmenopausal women, 231
Reversibility, 222
Risedronate, 450, 465466, 495
postmenopausal osteoporosis,
Sahara clinical bone sonometer, 131
Salmon calcitonin (S-CT), 437444
administration, 442443
adverse effects, 443
clinical trials, 438439
cost, 443
future, 444
indications, 442
monitoring, 443
pharmacology, 438
calcium transport, 258
S-CT. See Salmon calcitonin
Selective estrogen receptor modulators
(SERMs), 315, 319320, 558
bone metabolism, 345
first generation, 341342
ligands, 320t
postmenopausal osteoporosis, 341
SERMs. See Selective estrogen receptor
17-estradiol, 340
interconversion to estrone, 316
Sex steroids
gender-specificity, 366367
SHBG, 236
Shear wave, 122
Sibling pair approach, 1112
Single-energy x-ray absorptiometry
(SXA), 83, 86, 106
Single gene mutations
animal studies, 1516
Single-photon absorptiometry (SPA), 84
Sirolimus (rapamycin), 523, 529
Skeletal changes
puberty, 394396
Skeletal homeostasis
androgens, 375387
Skeletal metabolism
calcitonin, 426
Skeletal phenotypes, 15
biochemical markers, 45
family studies, 13
twin studies, 34
androgens, 376f
gonadal steroids
men, 393407
urinary calcium excretion, 284
renal calcium excretion, 251
Sodium fluoride, 497
Sodium iodide, 9091
Sodium reabsorption
kidney tubule, 251
SOF, 109110
SOS, 126
ultrasound, 149150
idealistic representation, 122f
Sound waves
attenuation, 125126
reflection, 124125
reflection and refraction, 123f
transmission, 124125
SPA, 84
Speed of sound (SOS), 126
ultrasound, 149150
Spinal bone mineral assessment
QCT, 95
Spinal quantitative computed tomography
commercially-available equipment, 98
volumetric CT images, 99101
QUS, 138140
gonadal. See Gonadal steroids
gender-specificity, 366367
Stiffness, 129
Strain, 207f
calculation, 203f
distribution, 211
frequency, 213214
gages, 203
recording, 208f
gradients, 211213, 212f
longitudinal norm, 204f
magnitude, 207210
bone morphology, 209f
rate, 210211
tensor, 208
Streptomyces tsukubaensis, 528
Study of Fractures (SOF), 109110
Sunlight, 295
peak bone mass, 228
SXA, 83, 86, 106
System geometries, 89
Tacrolimus (FK506), 523, 528529
skeleton, 541, 542t
Tamoxifen, 319, 341342
Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
(TRAP), 173174
calcium requirement, 280281
peak bone mass, 226
Temperature, 125t
QUS, 142
Tennis players
bone mass, 200
Testosterone, 236
cAMP, 362f
pth-stimulated PGE, 362f
transplantation osteoporosis prevention, 558
Testosterone replacement
trabecular BMD, 404f
calcium, 287
TGF-, 570
bone stimulation, 583584
calcium, 287
estrogen, 310t
trabecular bone formation rates, 214f
Tiludronate, 450, 461462
Time-of-flight (TOF)
measurements, 127
TNF-, 579
measurements, 127
Tolypocladium inflatum Gams, 527
Trabecular bone
PTH, 483484
Trabecular volumetric bone mineral
density (vBMD))
genetics, 4547
Transducers, 123
Transforming growth factor-
(TGF- ), 570
bone stimulation, 583584
Transgenic technology, 1718
Transmission mode, 123
bone, 541552
mineral metabolism, 541552
Transplantation osteoporosis,
537560, 539t
prevention, 554559
therapy, 555t
new options, 559
Transverse wave, 122
TRAP, 173174
Trend assessment margin
BMD measurements, 116
T-scores, 107
calculating, 109f
Tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), 579
Twin studies
skeletal phenotypes, 34
Type 1 collagen
crosslinked telopeptides, 171173
genetics, 5051
UBIS 5000 ultrasound device, 130
Ultra-low-dose estrogen therapy, 340
defined, 122
devices, 126, 129130
principles, 122126
velocity, 126127
temperature, 125t
Ultrasound transmission velocity
(UTV), 126
Urinary calcium
distribution, 271f
caffeine, 285
dietary protein, 284285
dietary sodium, 284
Urinary loss
calcium, 271272
UTV, 126
Vancouver phantom, 139
Variance, 4041
vBMD. See Volumetric bone mineral
VDR, 67, 67
candidate gene, 38
Velocity of sound (VOS), 126
QCT, 100f
Vitamin D, 293304
calcium transport, 258
treatment, 294296
bone density, 295296
transplantation osteoporosis
prevention, 556557
Vitamin D3
bone stimulation, 583584
Vitamin D receptor (VDR), 67, 67
candidate gene, 38
Volumetric bone mineral density
(vBMD), 33
aging, 4854
ambiguity, 3840
peak, 4148
trabecular, 4547
Vorozole, 364
VOS, 126
Water-coupled devices, 129130
Weight-bearing activities
QUS, 154
criteria, 108
P. Michael Conn, Series Editor
Pathophysiology and Clinical Management
Edited by
Eric S. Orwoll,
MD and
Michael Bliziotes,
With varying degrees of osteoporosis found in one of every four women older than 45 years of
age and in nine out of ten women older than 75, as well as in men, osteoporosis is clearly a
widespread disease with important health and economic impacts. It is also scientifically complex. In
Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology and Clinical Management, leading clinicians and researchers join forces
to illuminate in coupled chapters all the major scientific and clinical aspects of osteoporosis. By
uniquely coupling basic and clinical chapters, the book illustrates the critical interdependence of
investigators and practitioners. Traditional issues such as calcium supplementation and exercise are
juxtaposed with state-of-the-art updates on molecular pharmacology and imaging. On the basic science side, topics range from the genetics of osteoporosis and bone turnover markers, to androgen
action in bone, to the basic biology of estrogen and bone. On the clinical side the authors present the
latest thinking about the use of bone densitometry in treatment, the use of vitamin D and its metabolites, and the clinical utilization of salmon calcitonin, as well as parathyroid and bisphosphonate
therapies, SERMs, and other important treatments.
Unique in its integration of basic science and clinical practice, Osteoporosis: Pathophysiology
and Clinical Management reveals the great progress that has occurred in the field, providing basic
scientists with a clear view of the clinical state-of-the-art, and practicing physicians with a deeper
understanding of the complex biology involved.
Human and Animal Studies of the Genetics of Osteoporosis.
The Genetics of Osteoporosis: Progress in Mice, not Man. Peak
Bone Mass Acquisition. Peripheral Bone Mineral Assessment
of the Axial Skeleton: Technical Aspects. Use of Bone Densitometry in the Clinical Management of Osteoporosis. Technical
Aspects of Skeletal Assessment Using Quantitative Ultrasound.
Clinical Aspects of Skeletal Assessment with Ultrasound.
Molecular Markers of Bone Turnover: Basic and Analytical Aspects. Bone Turnover Markers: Their Place in the Investigation
of Osteoporosis. Mechanical Influences on Bone Mass and
Morphology: Investigating How Exercise May Regulate Adaptation in the Skeleton. Exercise in the Prevention of Osteoporosis-Related Fractures. The Physiology and Cell Biology of Calcium Transport in Relation to the Development of Osteoporosis. Calcium, Bone, and Life. Clinical Aspects of the Use of
Vitamin D and Its Metabolites in Osteoporosis. The Basic Biology of Estrogen and Bone. Clinical Trials of Estrogen and SERMs
Contemporary Endocrinology
ISBN: 0-89603-933-1
9 780896 039339