Illusory Changes in Head Position Induced by Neck Muscle Vibration Can Alter The Perception of Elbow Position
Illusory Changes in Head Position Induced by Neck Muscle Vibration Can Alter The Perception of Elbow Position
Illusory Changes in Head Position Induced by Neck Muscle Vibration Can Alter The Perception of Elbow Position
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Paul Cordo
University of Queensland
Rachel Skoss
Shane Durrant
Paul Hodges
University of Queensland
Acuity for elbow joint position sense (JPS) is reduced when head position is modified. Movement of the
head is associated with biomechanical changes in the neck and shoulder musculoskeletal system, which
may explain changes in elbow JPS. The present study aimed to determine whether elbow JPS is also
influenced by illusory changes in head position. Simultaneous vibration of sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
and the contralateral splenius was applied to 14 healthy adult human subjects. Muscle vibration or passive
head rotation was introduced between presentation and reproduction of a target elbow position. Ten out
of 14 subjects reported illusions consistent with lengthening of the vibrated muscles. In these 10 subjects,
absolute error for elbow JPS increased with left SCM/right splenius vibration but not with right SCM/left
splenius vibration. Absolute error also increased with right rotation, with a trend for increased error with
left rotation. These results demonstrated that both actual and illusory changes in head position are
associated with diminished acuity for elbow JPS, suggesting that the influence of head position on upper
limb JPS depends, at least partially, on perceived head position.
Keywords: joint position sense, proprioception, upper limb
However, it is possible that previously reported errors in locating the elbow following changes in head position (Knox &
Hodges, 2005) are a consequence of local biomechanical effects of
the head movement or are due to reflex changes in muscle activity.
For instance, muscles such as trapezius and levator scapulae can
exert torque directly on the neck and upper limbs, so changes in
head position and posture could affect the position of the arm,
thereby introducing error in an arm proprioception task. Moreover,
changes in head position may also affect the ability to develop
torque around the elbow, possibly because of tonic neck reflexes
(Deutsch, Kilani, Moustafa, Hamilton, & Hebert, 1987; Kasai,
1991). Kasai (1991) reported errors in the reproduction of a right
elbow position toward extension with left head rotation, consistent
with the effect of tonic neck reflexes. An alternate way to investigate the relationship between head position and upper limb
position sense, while avoiding the associated biomechanical or
reflex effects, is to use illusory movements of the head. Alterations
in the perceived position of the head using the return phenomenon
have been shown to introduce deviations in straight ahead pointing
movements (Guerraz, Navarro, Ferrero, Cremieux, & Blouin,
2006; Mars, Honore, Richard, & Coquery, 1998), however this
method involves sustained rotation of the head. Although we have
previously shown that illusory head movements induced with
galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS), in the absence of any head
rotation, are associated with error in the reproduction of an elbow
position (Knox, Coppieters, & Hodges, 2006), it is not possible to
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
exclude the possible effect of vestibular reflexes. To further explore the mechanisms underlying errors in elbow proprioception
that occur with changes in head position, we used neck muscle
vibration to introduce illusory changes in head position without an
actual change in head position.
Muscle vibration was used to induce illusory rotation of the
head in seated subjects. Mechanical vibration over a muscle belly
excites muscle spindles and the associated afferent nerves (Brown,
Engberg, & Matthews, 1967), which is perceived by the CNS as
joint rotation and movement (Goodwin, McCloskey, & Matthews,
1972), as if the vibrated muscles were lengthening, provided the
vibration rate is greater than 30 Hz (Cordo et al., 1995). Although
vibration has been frequently used to induce movement illusions in
the limb muscles, few previous studies have documented kinesthetic illusions of head movement as a result of neck muscle
vibration (Gurfinkel & Levik, 1991; Roll, Vedel, & Roll, 1989;
Taylor & McCloskey, 1991). Taylor and McCloskey (1991) used
concurrent vibration of sternocleidomastoidus (SCM) and the contralateral splenius to achieve the strongest illusion of head rotation.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of illusory
changes in head position, induced by mechanical vibration of the
neck muscles, on the reproduction of elbow joint position. We
included conditions to assess neck muscle vibration with the head
fixed in a neutral position and with the head free to move around
a vertical axis. Both conditions were included because greater
illusions are induced in the limbs when vibration is applied to a
restrained limb (Rabin & Gordon, 2004), but this has not been
investigated with vibration to the neck muscles.
Fourteen healthy human subjects, 8 male and 6 female ranging in age
from 21 to 45 years, participated in this study. Twelve of the subjects were
right hand dominant and two were left hand dominant. None of the subjects
had a history of any neuromuscular disorders affecting the cervical spine or
upper limb. Prior to inclusion in the study, each subject provided informed
consent following the procedures of the Oregon Health & Science University Institutional Review Board.
Experimental Setup
Subjects performed a proprioceptive task with the elbow while seated in
a comfortable chair and with the elbow resting on a foam cushion. The
forearm rested in a U-shaped cuff, and the hand gripped a handle (Figure
1). The shoulder was abducted 50, the elbow was free to move through
its normal range, and the wrist was held in a midrange position. Beneath
the table, a DC motor (Cleveland Motion Controls, 3509C, Cleveland, OH)
controlled the angular position of the elbow via a manipulandum. The
subject wore a helmet, which was attached to a head-fixation device that
could be either secured to prevent head movement (head fixed) or released
to allow rotation of the head around the vertical axis (head unconstrained).
When fixed, the head faced forward.
Vibration was applied to the neck muscles with the eyes closed to induce
the illusion of head rotation. Custom-built vibrators (frequency: 59 64 Hz,
amplitude: 23 mm), mounted on an aluminium shoulder harness, were
positioned bilaterally and symmetrically over the SCM and splenius muscles, between the levels of the C5 and C7 spinous processes (Figure 1a).
Each vibrator consisted of a DC motor (Maxon Motor M98748, Burlingame, CA) with a cam mounted at the end of the motor shaft to deliver
mechanical pulses via a probe. The probe, constructed of nylon, was
mounted at the end of a stainless steel rod that was orthogonally oriented
with respect to the motor (Figure 1b). Vibration was applied simulta-
shoulder harness
neously to either the right or left SCM and the contralateral splenius. Pilot
trials indicated that the most consistent illusion of left rotation was induced
with vibration to the left SCM/right splenius and the most consistent
illusion of right rotation was induced with vibration to the right SCM/left
splenius. To control for any distracting audible noise from the vibrators, we
conducted trials with vibrators positioned over, but not in contact with, the
lateral aspect of the neck. During these control trials, the subjects did not
report illusory head movement. Vibration was applied with the head in the
midline position, either fixed or unconstrained.
Prior to the main experiment, the subjects perception of head position
following passive head rotation and during neck muscle vibration was
assessed. With the eyes closed, the subjects operated a pointer mounted on
a board to indicate the horizontal orientation of the head. Each subject
indicated the position of their head three to five times for each of the
following conditions: (a) head in the midline, (b) head rotated 30 to the
left, (c) head rotated 30 to the right, (d) vibration of the left SCM/right
splenius with the head unconstrained, (e) vibration of the left SCM/right
splenius with the head fixed, (f) vibration of the right SCM/left splenius
with the head unconstrained, and (g) vibration of the right SCM/left
splenius with the head fixed. Smooth head rotation (15/s) was manually
induced via a lever designed to lock at the 30 (left and right) position.
Experimental Procedure
A proprioceptive task was performed that measured the subjects ability
to reproduce a previously presented elbow position. Subjects kept their
eyes closed throughout each elbow proprioceptive trial. The manipulandum
passively moved the subjects elbow from a constant start position (70
flexion) to a constant target position at 25 of flexion relative to the start
position. The elbow movement was not pure flexion, and involved some
shoulder rotation, but was constant for all trials. The target position was
held for 3 s, and the arm was then returned, at 10 s1, to a rest position.
Four rest positions were used, 0, 3, 6, and 9 flexed from the start
position (Figure 1c, dashed lines). After 5 s in the rest position, the
manipulandum released the arm by unclutching (Inertia Dynamics SL30,
Torrington, CT) it from the actuator to allow the subject to actively
reproduce the target position. An optical encoder (HEDS, 5500 E05, US
For the trials in which the perception of head position was assessed, the
indicated position of the head following 30 rotation or during muscle
vibration was quantified, in degrees, relative to the indicated position of the
head when it remained at the midline. The absolute error (absolute difference between the target angle and the reproduced angle), constant error
(relative difference between the target angle and the reproduced angle), and
variable error (standard deviation of the constant error) for the JPS task
were measured for each trial as the difference, in degrees, between the
target position and the reproduced position. A positive constant error
represented overshooting the target and a more flexed elbow position,
whereas negative constant error represented undershooting the target and
a more extended elbow position. Trials in which the absolute error was
greater than two times the standard deviation from the mean (3.2% of
trials) were excluded from further analysis as the error in these trials was
not likely to represent true acuity for joint position. Two-way repeated
measures analyses of variance were used to compare error for elbow JPS
between the direction of real or illusory head rotation (three head rotation/
vibration conditions) and between rest positions (four rest positions). Hand
dominance for each subject was included in the analyses of variance as a
categorical covariate. Post hoc comparisons were made with Bonferronis
test. Significance was set at p .05.
Range of Perceived Head Rotation
Following rotation of the head 30 to the left or right, the
subjects indicated an average of 26 left head rotation or 33 right
head rotation, respectively (Figure 2a). When vibration was applied with the head unconstrained, a consistent illusion of head
rotation was perceived in 10 out of 14 subjects. In 9 of these 10
subjects, left SCM/right splenius vibration produced an illusion of
left head rotation with an average extent of 21 (Figure 2b). Right
SCM/left splenius vibration produced an illusion of right rotation
in the same 9 subjects with an average extent of 28 (Figure 2b).
The remaining subject indicated the opposite illusions. When
vibration was applied with the head fixed, only 8 out of 14 subjects
experienced illusions of head rotation. In 5 of the 8 subjects, an
illusion of left rotation was reported with left SCM/right splenius
vibration, and an illusion of right rotation was reported with right
SCM/left splenius vibration (Figure 2c). The remaining 3 subjects
experienced the opposite direction of illusions. With the head
fixed, the average indication of illusory left rotation was 17 and
illusory right rotation was 19.
Head position ()
Data Analysis
Head position ()
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
head rotation main effect, F(2, 26) 4.5, p .05, (Figure 3, left
panels). Post hoc tests demonstrated that 30 head rotation to the
right significantly increased absolute error for elbow JPS ( p
.05), but there was no effect with left head rotation ( p .3). Head
rotation also influenced constant error for elbow JPS: head rotation
main effect, F(2, 26) 3.5, p .05. Post hoc tests indicated that
the reproduction of elbow position with head rotation to the right
was more flexed (toward the trunk) than the reproduction of elbow
position in control trials ( p .05). There was no difference in
constant error between head rotation to the left and control ( p
.9). For both directions of head rotation, and trials with no rotation,
there was a tendency to overshoot the target elbow position.
Variable error was not affected by head rotation: head rotation
main effect, F(2, 10) 0.2, p .8. There were no main effects or
interactions for hand dominance ( p .3).
Absolute error ()
p = 0.3
p < 0.05
p > 0.9
Constant error ()
p < 0.05
p >0.9
p < 0.05
Variable error ()
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30 left
30 right
Illusory rotation
Figure 3. Errors in elbow joint position sense. The top three panels show changes in absolute error, the middle
panels show constant error, and the bottom panels show variable error with actual and illusory rotation of the
head. The target position is represented by 0 error. The grey fields indicate the 95% confidence intervals for the
control trials.
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Figure 5. Effect of rest position on elbow joint position sense. From left
to right arranged by rest position, constant error is shown for elbow JPS
across all trials for passive head rotation and neck muscle vibration. Error
bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
This study demonstrated that vibration of SCM and the contralateral splenius induces illusory head rotation in 70% of subjects. Illusory left head rotation was associated with decreased
accuracy in the reproduction of a previously presented elbow
position. These findings suggest that the influence of head position
on the accuracy of upper limb movement (Knox & Hodges, 2005)
cannot be explained entirely by the biomechanical effects of head
movement on proximal body segments. It may be inferred, therefore, that the CNS requires accurate knowledge of head position to
accurately execute upper limb movement.
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Consistent illusions of head rotation may be elicited in the
majority of subjects when vibration is applied to the SCM and the
contralateral splenius. Both actual and illusory head rotation are
associated with increases in the error during the reproduction of a
target position at the elbow joint. It is important to note that the
relationship between head position and the planning and performance of upper limb movement cannot be entirely explained by
biomechanical effects of head movement. These findings add to
the growing body of evidence that knowledge of head position is
an important component of the organization of intrinsic sensory
information for upper limb position.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
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