Multiple Reference Frames For Motion in The Primate Cerebellum
Multiple Reference Frames For Motion in The Primate Cerebellum
Multiple Reference Frames For Motion in The Primate Cerebellum
Knowledge of body motion through space is necessary for spatial orientation, self-motion perception, and postural control. Yet, sensory
afferent signals may not directly provide such information to the brain. Because motion detected by the vestibular end organs is encoded
in a head-fixed frame of reference, a coordinate transformation is thus required to encode body motion. In this study, we investigated
whether cerebellar motion-sensitive neurons encode the translation of the body through space. We systematically changed both the
direction of motion relative to the body and the static orientation of the head relative to the trunk. The activities of motion-sensitive
neurons in the most medial of the deep cerebellar nuclei, the rostral fastigial nucleus, were compared with those in the brainstem
vestibular nuclei. We found a distributed representation of reference frames for motion in the rostral fastigial nucleus, in contrast to cells
in the vestibular nuclei, which primarily encoded motion in a head-fixed reference frame. This differential representation of motion-
related information implies potential differences in the functional roles of these areas.
Key words: self-motion; cerebellum; frame of reference; sensorimotor; multisensory; gain field; coordinate transformation
accelerometer mounted on the primate chair. Thus, as their trunk and Phase was the difference (in degrees) between peak neural activity and
extremities were softly restrained to the chair, the motion measured by peak linear acceleration.
the accelerometer reflected the motion of the body through space. We Neural response gains and phases were subsequently plotted as a func-
point out that in this presentation, body refers to the single block of torso tion of the direction of translation and fitted (Levenberg–Marquardt
that always faced forward relative to the primate chair. optimization method) with a two-dimensional spatiotemporal model
For each recording session, the eye coil signals and the linear acceler- that represents a more generalized model than cosine tuning (Angelaki
ometer output were low-pass filtered (200 Hz; 6-pole bessel), digitized at and Dickman, 2000). This fitting procedure allowed the estimation of
a rate of 833.33 Hz (model 1401, 16-bit resolution; Cambridge Electron- four parameters: direction, gain, and phase of the maximum response as
ics Design, Cambridge, UK), and stored for off-line analysis. Extracellu- well as the minimum response gain (Angelaki, 1991; Angelaki and Dick-
lar recordings from single FN and VN neurons were obtained with man, 2000). The goodness of fit was based on the variance-accounted-for
epoxy-coated tungsten microelectrodes inserted into 26-gauge guide (VAF), computed as VAF ⫽ {1 ⫺ [var (model ⫺ data)/var (data)]}. The
tubes. Neural activity was amplified, filtered (300 Hz to 6 kHz), and fitting procedure was first applied to each head-on-trunk position sepa-
passed through a BAK Instruments (Germantown, MD) dual-time am- rately (analysis step I). This allowed estimation of all four response pa-
plitude window discriminator. Single-unit spikes triggered acceptance rameters, separately for each of the three head-on-trunk positions. This
pulses (BAK window discriminator) that were stored on a computer first step in analysis was necessary to investigate which, if any, spatial
using the event channel of a Cambridge Electronics Design (model 1401) tuning properties changed as a function of head-on-body position. Once
data acquisition system. In addition, eye movement signals, stimuli, and it was established that the only systematic difference was a spatial shift of
neural activity were stored on a digital audio tape recorder for off-line the tuning curves, data in all three head-on-trunk positions were also
spike discrimination. Stimulus protocols and data acquisition were com- fitted simultaneously by assuming that the maximum response orienta-
puter controlled using scripts written for the Spike2 (Cambridge Elec- tion for each cell was shifted through an angle, ⫾ 30°, for the rotated
tronics Design) software environment. head-in-trunk positions (analysis steps II and III). Thus, in a second stage
During initial experiments in each animal, the abducens nuclei were of analysis (step II), all data for each cell were fitted simultaneously with
first identified bilaterally. The recording sites in the FN and VN were then each of two four-parameter models corresponding to the body-fixed
identified on the basis of their stereotaxic location relative to the abdu- reference frame model ( ⫽ 0; i.e., no spatial shift of maximum response
cens nuclei and the fourth ventricle. All neural responses were obtained direction for different head-on-trunk positions) or the head-fixed refer-
from vestibular-only (VO) neurons. These neurons were recorded from ence frame model ( ⫽ 1; i.e., a ⫾30° systematic shift in the maximum
rostral portions of the medial and lateral VN within 1 mm of areas where response direction for different head-on-trunk positions). Finally, be-
eye movement-sensitive cells were recorded (Angelaki et al., 2001; Dick- cause it is possible that cells exhibit an in-between behavior, a third fitting
man and Angelaki, 2002). In the FN, neurons were recorded in the rostral procedure was used, where was allowed to vary and was one of the
portions of the nucleus, anterior to all pursuit-related and saccade- parameters fitted (analysis step III). This latter -variable model had a
related cells that we consistently encountered in the caudal FN (Gardner total of five parameters. A sequential F test (Draper and Smith, 1998) was
and Fuchs, 1975; Buttner et al., 1991). To characterize cells as VO or eye used to ascertain the statistical significance of increasing the model pa-
movement-sensitive, a standard protocol was used, including rotations, rameters by comparing the errors associated with the variable and each
fixations, and smooth pursuit eye movements (Angelaki et al., 2001). of the two -fixed models while allowing for differences in their degrees
VN and FN cells that were sensitive to linear motion also were tested of freedom. The sequential F test was the statistical test used to quantify,
using different directions of translation (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180°; on a cell-by-cell basis, whether the tuning of each neuron was best de-
defined relative to the body) (see Fig. 1), with the head secured at three scribed by the head-fixed/body-fixed or an intermediate reference frame
different positions relative to the trunk (see Fig. 1, monkey schematic model. For both the -fixed and -variable models (analysis steps II and
drawing). Initially, the animal’s head was straight-ahead relative to the III), all other parameters of cell tuning (e.g., maximum and minimum
body (h ⫽ 0°) (see Fig. 1, blue drawing). Subsequently, using the specially response gain and phase) were independent of head-on-trunk position.
constructed head holder, the head was secured 30° to the left relative to
the animal’s body (h ⫽ 30°) (see Fig. 1, green drawing), and the six-
direction translation protocol was repeated. Finally, the motion protocol Results
was also delivered with the animal’s head secured 30° to the right (h ⫽ The head and body coordinate systems were dissociated by sys-
⫺30°) (see Fig. 1, red drawing). The order in which these three head-on- tematically varying both the direction of motion and the static
trunk positions were tested was pseudo-randomized for different neu- orientation of the head relative to the body (Fig. 1). Neural activ-
rons. Such reorientations of the head in relation to the body were in- ities were recorded as animals were translated along different
tended to dissociate between body and head coordinates. Data were directions (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180°; defined relative to
collected during sinusoidal translational motion stimulation either at 0.5 their body) in the horizontal plane with the head fixed to the
or 2 Hz (⫾0.2 g, with g ⫽ 9.81 m/sec2), whichever frequency provided the trunk in one of three different positions: straight-ahead (Fig. 1,
largest cell modulation. Results were similar at the two frequencies and
blue traces) (h ⫽ 0°) as well as rotated 30° to the left (h ⫽ 30°) or
thus are presented together.
Data analyses were performed off-line using custom-written scripts in
right (h ⫽ ⫺30°) (Fig. 1, green and red traces, respectively). Ac-
Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, MA). For each action potential, an occur- cordingly, if a neuron encodes the motion of the body, its spatial
rence time was logged. Instantaneous frequency (IFR) was then calcu- tuning should be independent of the change in head position. In
lated as 1/(interspike interval) and assigned to the middle of the interval. contrast, if a cell exclusively detects the motion of the head inde-
For each stimulus cycle (e.g., n th cycle), an integral (n ⫺ 1) times the pendently of body motion, its preferred movement direction
period was subtracted from the timing for all of the instantaneous fre- should systematically shift to the left or right to reflect the shifted
quency values for that specific cycle. The result was to “fold” all instan- direction of motion in head coordinates (Fig. 1, monkey head
taneous frequency values into a single stimulus cycle. This procedure orientation drawing). Neurons with properties reflecting either
provides no averaging, because all spike occurrences are represented in the body or the head coordinate systems were encountered in the
time. Neural response amplitude and phase were then determined by rostral fastigial nucleus, as illustrated for the two cells in Figure
fitting a sine function to both response and stimulus using a nonlinear
1 A (body coordinates) and Figure 1 B (head coordinates). For the
least squares (Levenberg–Marquardt) minimization algorithm. Portions
of the response cycle in which no spikes occur (silencing or rectification) neuron illustrated in Figure 1 A, the directions of maximum and
does not pose a problem to the fitting procedure, because only positive minimum neural response modulation (0 and 90° motion direc-
IFR values exist in the response cycle and are weighed in the least-squares tions, respectively) were the same for all three head-on-body po-
estimations. Examples of such fits have been illustrated for two cells in sitions. In contrast, for the neuron in Figure 1 B, the directions of
Figure 1. Neural response gains were expressed as spikes/second/gravity. maximum and minimum response modulation shifted for the
Shaikh et al. • Reference Frames for Motion in the Cerebellum J. Neurosci., May 12, 2004 • 24(19):4491– 4497 • 4493
These results demonstrate for the first time that subcortical
motion-sensitive neurons exist that encode translation of the
body, unlike primary vestibular afferents, which detect motion in
a head-fixed reference frame (Cullen and Minor, 2002). Interest-
ingly, the body reference frame was primarily observed in the
deep cerebellar nuclei, where approximately half of the FN cells
encoded motion of the body through space. A similar result was
not seen in brainstem neurons, raising the possibility that the
coordinate transformation might take place in the cerebellar cor-
tex. The rostral fastigial nucleus represents the main output of the
medial zone of the anterior vermis (Voogd, 1989), the role of
which in vestibular–somatosensory interactions has received
strong experimental support (Manzoni et al., 1998, 1999). In fact,
Manzoni et al. (1999) have previously reported that static neck
input modulates the responses of anterior vermis Purkinje cells
during complex vestibular stimulation in decerebrate cats. The
present results show that these vestibular–somatosensory inter-
actions implement a coordinate transformation to estimate mo-
tion of the body through space. The outcome of the reference
frame change is observed in the firing rates of a subpopulation of
FN neurons, an area that represents a main cerebellar outflow to
the spinal cord, premotor brainstem centers, and the thalamo-
cortical system.
Vestibular–somatosensory convergence
The concept of vestibular-proprioceptive interactions was origi-
nally introduced by von Holst and Mittelstaedt (1950). Several
lines of evidence have supported this idea. First and foremost,
control of muscular coordination in relationship to movement is
crucial for maintaining posture. Vestibular-proprioceptive inter-
actions have been reported for limb control (Manzoni et al., 1983;
Ezure and Wilson, 1984; Wilson et al., 1986) and neck reflexes
Figure 2. Neural response gain and phase plotted as a function of the direction of translation
for each of the three head-on-body positions. A, FN neuron encoding motion in a body reference
(Peterson et al., 1985). In addition, sensations of tilting and fall-
frame (same data as in Fig. 1 A). The firing rate of the cell is independent of head-on-trunk ing, as well as altered perception of spatial orientation can be
position. B, FN neuron encoding motion in a head reference frame (same data as in Fig. 1 B). The induced by electrical stimulation or vibration of the neck (Kar-
firing rate of the cell changes for the different head-on-trunk positions. Different symbols are nath et al., 1994; Ivanenko et al., 1999). Additional psychophys-
used for data obtained for the three head-on-trunk positions. The corresponding lines illustrate ical experiments using trunk rotation relative to the head have
the fit of the -variable spatiotemporal tuning model. sp/sec/g, Spikes/second/gravity. demonstrated that normal human subjects derive trunk motion
perception from a combination of vestibular and neck cues
F test was used (Draper and Smith, 1998). The fitted values are (Mergner et al., 1983, 1991). In addition, vibration of muscles or
summarized in Figure 4 B. For neurons encoding motion in a muscle tendons causes proprioceptive “misinformation” pro-
body reference frame, the spatial shift parameter, , was close to ducing an illusory sensation of movement (Goodwin et al., 1972).
zero. This was the case for many FN but not VN neurons. In 43% In normal subjects, vibration applied to the neck muscles causes a
(15 of 35) of the FN cells, but only one VN cell, the -variable displacement of body orientation, a shift of subjective midline,
model fit was better ( p ⬍ 0.05) than the head-fixed model fit and a consistent error in pointing and body sway (Biguer et al.,
( ⫽ 1) and statistically indistinguishable ( p ⬎ 0.05) from the 1988; Pyykko et al., 1989; Karnath et al., 1994).
body-fixed model fit ( ⫽ 0). Therefore, this subpopulation of The interaction between vestibular and joint afferents already
FN cells encodes motion in a body-fixed reference frame. The occurs at the level of the vestibular nuclei, the first central synapse
opposite result, consistent with the head-fixed reference frame of primary vestibular afferents (Boyle and Pompeiano, 1981;
predictions, was encountered in 34% (12 of 35) of the FN cells Anastasopoulos and Mergner, 1982; Wilson et al., 1990). Many
and 80% (14 of 20) of the VN cells. Thus, the majority of VN VN neurons respond to both vestibular and proprioceptive stim-
neurons and a subpopulation of FN cells encode motion in a ulation (Brink et al., 1980; Kasper et al., 1988). Given such exten-
head-fixed reference frame. The remaining neurons (eight FN sive vestibular-proprioceptive convergence in the VN and the
and five VN cells) did not favor either one of the -fixed models. fact that the paramedian zone of the anterior vermis projects
These neurons had 0.4 ⬍ ⬍ 0.7 and complied with neither the directly to the lateral vestibular nucleus (Voogd, 1989), the ob-
head-fixed nor the body-fixed coordinate system predictions, servation that the VN cell population described here used a mo-
suggesting an intermediate reference frame. The difference in the tion reference frame that was not body-fixed might appear sur-
distributions for the spatial shift parameter, , between the FN prising. Several studies have demonstrated recently that there are
and VN cell populations was statistically significant ( 2 ⫽ 23.5; differences in the VN neuron responses during rotations in which
Shaikh et al. • Reference Frames for Motion in the Cerebellum J. Neurosci., May 12, 2004 • 24(19):4491– 4497 • 4495
Figure 3. Parameters of a spatiotemporal tuning model fitted to gain and phase as a function of motion direction separately for each head-on-trunk position (analysis step I). A, The gain and
phase of the cell during motion along the maximum response direction for each of the two rotated head-on-body positions (h ⫽ ⫾30°) plotted versus the corresponding values when the head was
straight ahead relative to the body (h ⫽ 0°). Each pair of open and filled symbols corresponding to the same abscissa illustrates data from a cell for which the spatial tuning was tested in both left
and right head-on-trunk positions. A few cells were only tested either with the left (h ⫽ 30°) or the right head-on-trunk (h ⫽ ⫺30°) positions. Regression equations: y ⫽ 0.2 ⫹ 0.92 x, r 2 ⫽ 0.85
(gain); y ⫽ 0.7 ⫹ 1.01 x, r 2 ⫽ 0.96 (phase). B, The average spatial shift in the tuning curves for FN and VN neurons was plotted as a function of head-on-body position. Data were normalized before
the calculation of the averages by subtracting from the spatial angle of the maximum response direction for h ⫽ ⫾30° the respective angle with the head centered (h ⫽ 0°).
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