Iec 61287-1

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The key takeaways from the document are that it discusses power convertors installed on board railway rolling stock and their characteristics and test methods. It discusses adopting the international standard IEC 61287-1 as the Indian standard IS 15199-1 without deviations.

The main standards discussed in the document are IS 15199-1, IEC 61287-1, IEC 50, IEC 551, IEC 529, IEC 747, IEC 1071-1, CISPR 16, ISO 9002.

The objectives of adopting international standards as Indian standards are to promote harmonious development of standardization activities in the country and to promote timely dissemination of information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 15199-1 (2002): Power Convertors Installed on Board

Railway Rolling Stock, Part 1: Characteristic and Test
Methods [ETD 31: Power Electronics]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 ( 1995 )

Indian Standard

ICS 29.200:29.280

0 BIS 2002


NEW DELHI 110002

September 2002 Price Group 14

Power Electronics Sectional Committee, ET 31


This Indian Standard ( Part 1 ) which is identical with IEC 61287-1( 1995 ) ‘Power convertors installed on
board rolling stock — Part 1: Characteristics and test methods’ issued by the International Electrotechnical
Commission ( IEC ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the
Power Electronics Sectional Committee and approval of the Electrotechnical Division Council.

The text of IEC Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain conventions are not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is
particularly drawn to the following:

a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be ‘Indian Standard’; and

b) Comma ( , ) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice
is to use a point ( . ) as the decimal marker.

Only the English text in the IEC Publication has been retained while adopting it in this Indian Standard,
and as such the page numbers have been given afresh here since they are not the same as in IEC


In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standards
also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their respective place are
listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of Equivalence

IEC 50 ( 101 ) ( 1977 ) International IS 1885 ( Part 72 ) :1993 Electro- Identical

Electrotechnical Vocabulary ( IEV ) — technical vocabulary : Part 72
Chapter 101 : Mathematics Mathematics

IEC 50 ( 551) ( 1982 ) International IS 1885 ( Part 27 ) :1993 Electro- do

Electrotechnical Vocabulary ( IEV ) — technical vocabulary : Part 27 Power
Chapter 551 : Power electronics electronics

IEC 529( 1989) Degrees of protection IS 12063 : 1987 Classification of Equivalent

provided by enclosures ( IP Code ) degrees of protection provided by
enclosures of electrical equipment

IEC 747 Semiconductor devices — {S 14901 Series — Semiconductor Identical

Discrete devices and integrated devices — Discrete devices and
circuits integrated circuits

IEC 1071-1 ( 1991 ) Power electronic IS 13648 : 1983 Power electronic Equivalent
capacitors — Part 1 : General capacitors

CISPR 16:1987 CISPR Specification IS 10052 Series — Specification for Identical

for radio interference measuring radio disturbances and immunity
apparatus and measuring methods measuring apparatus and methods

ISO 9002:1987 Quality systems — Merged with lS/lSO 9001 : 2000 do

Model for quality assurance in Quality systems — Model for
production and installation quality assurance in design,
development, production, installation
and servicing

( Continued on third cover)

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

lndian Standard

f .1 scope

This part of IEC 1287 is applicable to electronic power convertors mounted on board roll-
ing stock and intended for supplying:

- traction circuits;
auxiliary circuits of power vehicles, coaches and trailers.

This standard comprises four sections:

section 1 defines the generalities;

section 2 defines the common clauses for all types of convertors;

section 3 gives the specific rules for traction convertors;

section 4 gives the specific rules for auxiliary convertors.

For a specific type of convertor, the relevant section along with sections 1 and 2 of this
standard shall be applied.

The specific rules concerning the electronic control parts of the convertors are given in
IEC 571. In the case of gate unit, IEC 571 is relevant for the electronic parts (printed
boards, components, etc.) but service conditions, insulation and functional tests are given
in this standard.

This standard may be applied, as far as is possible, to other traction vehicles, such as
trolley buses.

The following types of supply are taken into consideration:

a.c. contact lines;

– d.c. contact lines;

autonomous supplies (such as on-board generators, accumulators and other elec-

tric energy sources).

NOTE - In this standard, the terms ‘user. and ‘manufacturer” designate the parties involved in a contract.

This standard is not applicable to convertors for electric road vehicles or low-voltage or
low-power convertors which are described in IEC 571.
Is 15199 ( part I ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

1.2 Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this
text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the ti~e of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to ‘revision, and parties
to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of
IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

IEC 38:1983, /EC standard voltages

IEC 50 (101): 1977, /nternationa/ Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 101:


IEC 50 (551): 1982, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 551: Power

IEC 50 (811): 1991, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 811:

Electric traction

IEC 77:1968, Rules for electric traction equipment

IEC 146-1-1: 1991, Semiconductor convertors – General requirements and line commu-
tated convertors - Pati 1-1: Specifications of basic requirements

IEC 146-1-2: 1991, Semiconductor COfM?ItOW – General requirements and line commu-
tated convertors – Part 1-2: Application guide

IEC 146-1-3: 1991, Semiconductor convertors – General requirements and line commu-
tated convertors – ParY 1-3: Transformers and reactors

IEC 146-2: 1974, Semiconductor convertors - Part 2: Semiconductor self-commutated


IEC 146-3:1977, Semiconductor convertors – Part 3: Semiconductor direct d.c. convertors

(d.c. chopper convertors)

IEC 310:1991, Traction transformers and inductors

IEC 349:1991, Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles

IEC 349-2:1993, Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles -
Part 2: Electronic convertor-fed alternating current motors

IEC 384-4: 1985, Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Paff 4: Sectional
specification: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid and non-solid electrolyte

IEC 411-2: 1978, Power convertors for electric traction – Part 2: Additional technical

IEC 529:1989, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

IEC 551:1987, Determination of transformer and reactor sound levels

IEC 571-1: 1990, Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles - Part 1: General require-
ments and tests for electronic equipment

IEC 571-2: 1988, Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles - Part 2: Standardization of
certain mechanical and electrical quantities – Principles of test devices

[EC 571-3: 1990, Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles - Part 3: Components,
programmable electronic equipment and electronic system reliability

IEC 631: 1978, Characteristics and tests for electrodynamics and electromagnetic braking

IEC 651: 1979, Sound level meters

IEC 664, Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems

IEC 747, Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices and integrated circuits

IEC 850: 1988, Supply voltage of traction systems

IEC 1071-1:1991, Power electronic capacitors - Part 1: General

IEC 1133: 1992, Electric traction – Rolling stock - Test methods for electric and
thermal/electric rolling stock on completion of construction and before entry into service

CISPR 16: 1987, CISPR specification for radio interference measuring apparatus and
measuring methods

ISO 9002: 1987, Quality systems – Model for quality assurance in production and
ins tallation

1.3 Definitions

Genera! definitions are given in IEC 50 (101), IEC 50 (551), IEC 50 (811), IEC 146-1-1,
IEC 146-1-2, [EC 146-1-3, [EC 146-2, IEC 146-3, IEC 310, IEC 384-4, IEC 747 and
IEC 1071-1.

For the purpose of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.

1.3.1 Sinusoidal waveform

The waveform of a voltage is considered sinusoidal in this standard, if the relative

harmonic content of this waveform does not exceed 0,1.

1.3.2 Ripp/e

The function obtained by subtracting the d.c. component from a periodic function.

1.3.3 Ripple components

The components of ripple expressed by order and r.m. s. values of the Fourier series terms
describing that function.

IS 15199 ( part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

1.3.4 Relative ripple content

The ratio of the r.m.s. value of ripple to the direct component of the function.

1.3.5 Relative peak-to-peak ripple factor

The ratio of the peak-to-peak ripple value to the direct component of the function.

1,3.6 DC ripple factor

The ratio of half the difference between the maximum and minimum value to the mean
value of a pulsating direct current. [IEV 551 -06-30]

NOTE - With low values of the d.c. ripple factor, this quantity is approximately equal to the ratio of the
difference to the sum of the maximum and the minimum values.

1.3.7 Power efficiency or efficiency

The power efficiency is the ratio of active output power to active input power.

NOTE - Both powers are to be taken as the total power as given by the formula:

P = l/T u.i.dt

T is the period of the lowest order ripple of the product u.i;
u is the instantaneous input or output voltage;
i is the instantaneous input or output current.

1.3.8 Conversion factor

Conversion factor is the ratio between the output power to the input power.

For the d.c. side the power to be used is the product of the mean values of voltage and

For the a.c. side the power to be used is the fundamental power.

1.3.9 Power factor:

Active power
Apparent power

1.3.10 Displacement factor:

Active power of the fundamental waves

Cos q =
Apparent power of the fundamental waves
IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

1.3.11 (total) Harmonic distortion

This is the ratio of the r.m. s. value of the harmonic content to the r.m. s. value of the
alternating quantity [IEV 101-04-43]:

d= Iim II ~ /n


n-+-. u,


U, is the r.m.s. value of fundamental wave of the voltage;

Ui is the range harmonic voltage with i = 2 to n.

This definition applies also to a current wave.

1.3,12 Approximate harmonics losses factor

The approximate harmonics losses factor is given by the following formula:

u; 2

n>l ‘[) n U,

U, is the r.m. s. value of the voltage;

Ui is the range harmonic voltage with i=2 ton

1.3.13 Convertor (electronic) (power)

Electronic device based on power semiconductors which changes the form of energy,
the number or value of one or more of the parameters - voltage, current, frequency - of
energy passing through it.

For the purpose of this publication, a convertor is defined by the input and output electrical
characteristics. The convertor may comprise a discrete chopper, inverter, etc. or a combi-
nation of these not necessarily in one cubicle.

NOTE - For the purpose of this publication, the converfor is a part of traction (or auxiliary) equipment. This
equipment includes for example line circuit-breaker, filter, transformer if any, etc.

1.3.14 Traction convertor

A convertor providing power for traction motors.

1.3.15 Auxiliary convertor

A convertor providing power for auxiliary services e.g. lighting, battery charging, air
conditioning, control circuits, etc. [IEV 811 -19-03]
IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

1.3.16 Direct convertor

A convertor which converts the input energy into the output energy without an intermediate

1.3.17 Indirect convertor

A convertor which converts the input energy into the output energy with an intermediate

The characteristics of the intermediate link are not specified, but considered as internal
design matter.

An example of an indirect convertor is shown in figure 1.

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- —--- ---- ---- ---- .

I t
t i
Intermediate link I
I Load
I Convertor part 1 Convertor part 2 I
I Identical
I type of load
I Load
i Convertor part 2 ,
~ ~~i~ect----convertor I
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --—- ---- -

Figure 1 - Indirect convertor example

1.3.18 Convertor system

A convertor system consists of several convertors required to operate connected together,

each having different input and/or output characteristics which also have functional

A convertor system shall be defined by a system specification in addition to the individual

specification of each different convertor making up the system.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

An example of a convertor system is shown in figure 2.

---- ----- --—- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- -~

I Different
Convertor 1 Convertor 2 i
1 I types of loads
I and convertors
Convertor 3 I
~ ~~n~e_tior system I
----- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- --

Figure 2- Convertor system example

1.3.19 Input and output (traction convertor)

The input side of a convertor denotes that side which absorbs active power in motoring
operation, the output side being that side which delivers active power in motoring

1.3.20 Maximum instantaneous output current

It is the maximum specified output current which the convertor can commutate for a
specified input voltage.

1.3.21 Maximum instantaneous input current

It is the maximum specified input current which the convertor can commutate for specified

1.3.22 Step-down chopper

A step-down chopper is a chopper of which the output voltage is lower than the input

1.3.23 Step-up chopper

A step-up chopper is a chopper of which the output voltage is higher than the input

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) : 2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

1.3.24 Fixed frequency chopper

A chopper operated at a single elementary frequency in order to ensure, by a continuous

variation of the conduction ratio, the control of the load supplying voltage between its

1.3.25 Variable frequency chopper

A chopper ensuring, by a continuous variation of the elementary frequency, the control of

the load-supply voltage between its limits.

1.3.26 Multiple frequency chopper

A chopper operated by several fixed frequencies at lower values than the fixed nominal
frequency (as a rule sub-frequencies of this frequency) to obtain the very low-load
voltages or to obtain higher efficiency.

1.3.27 Mixed control chopper

A chopper ensuring the control of the load-supply voltage by a continuous variation of the
elementary frequency arranged with a continuous variation of the conduction ratio.

1.3.28 Armature chopper

A chopper connected with the armature of a d.c. motor to control the current or voltage of
the armature.

1.3.29 Field chopper

A chopper connected with the field of a d.c. motor to control the current of the field.

1.3.30 Rheostatic chopper

A chopper connected in parallel with all or a part of a rheostat, or in series with a rheostat
to control the current of the rheostat.

1.3.31 Particular specification

The particular specification is the document which gives the particular conditions, in
addition to this standard. This specification shall be agreed by user and manufacturer.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

Section 2: Common clauses

2.1 Service conditions

2.1.1 Usual service conditions Altitude

In the absence of specified values for the height above sea-level at which the convertor
has normally to function, it is assumed that this height will not exceed 1 200 m. Temperature

In the absence of specified values for the ambient temperatures in which the convertor
has normally to function, it is assumed that temperature outside the vehicle lies between
-25 ‘C and +40 “C, with an annual average temperature not exceeding +25 ‘C. Relative humidity

In the absence of specified values concerning relative humidity of outside ambient air in
which the convertor has normally to function, and of which the temperature is less than
+40 ‘C, it is assumed that its upper value is between 90 0)0and 95 O/O. Shocks and vibrations

In the absence of specified values in the particular specification concerning the degree
of vibration and shock to which the convertor and its mounting arrangements are likely to
be subjected in service, the following values are to be applied:

vibrations are sinusoidal, their frequency of vibration f is between 1 Hz and 100 Hz,
and their amplitude “a”, expressed in millimeters, is given as a function of. f; by the

a = 251f forl<f<l OHz

a=250/f2 forl Ocfs100Hz

maximum shock accelerations are:

. horizontally (in the direction of motion of the vehicle): 30 m/s2

● transversely: 20 mtsz

● vertically: 10 m/sz Ti/ting and centrifugal/ forces

If liquid cooling is used, tilting of the vehicle, centrifugal and acceleration forces as
specified by the user shall be considered.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Nature of /clad

In view of the fact that the nature of the load may affect the operating characteristics
of a convertor or convertor component, the nature of the load shall always be specified.
The user shall state the normal conditions and the worst case conditions.

In the case of braking operation, the load becomes a power supply, the characteristic Of
which is different from that of the supply system. The voltage of this supply may be higher
than the supply system voltage. Supply system characteristics

The user, insofar as he has adequate knowledge of the system, shall define exactly
the operative conditions of the equipment, in motoring and electrical braking operation
for traction convertors, the limits of which may be very important for the design of the
equipment. AC supply system

a) Waveform of the a.c. line voltage

Unless otherwise agreed between user and manufacturer, the line-side voltage of the
traction system shall be assumed to be sinusoidal (see 1.3.1) when the concerned
convertor is switched off.

b) AC line voltage variations

In the absence of specified values, the a.c. line voltage is assumed to be maintained
between the limits given by IEC 850.

c) AC system impedance

Since the a.c. system impedance affects the performance characteristics of a convertor
and varies with the position of the vehicle, the maximum and minimum values of this
impedance shall be specified by the user.

NOTE - Care should be taken if these values are used for interference studies (see because there
can be resonant frequencies.

If possible, resonant frequencies of the a.c. system shall be specified by the user,
either directly or by means of a model of the system.

d) Overvoltage in a.c. systems

The convertor, with its protective devices and the input filter, if any, shall be able
to withstand input overvoltages as specified by the user without damage. In the event
of no specifications being issued, the overvoltage values as specified in curve 2 of
figure 3 shall be used for guidance.

The convertor shall operate normally when subjected to overvoltages as given in curve 1
of figure 3.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

i-- “
u LN - —-_—___—_
Idealized equivalent shape
of the overvoltage

--A l--t t

u LN

! I
8 — 50 Hz and 60 Hz systems
———16213Hz systems
6’ I
4 I


10° R
10-6 2 4 68 I0-5 2 4 6810A2 4 6810-3 2 4 6810-2 2 4 6 810-’ 2

Figure 3- AC supply system overvoltage levels

e) AC line frequency variation

AC line frequency may vary (IEC 850):

from 16 l/e Hz to 17 Hz for 16 2/3 Hz SyStf?rTK;

– from 49 Hz to 51 Hz for 50 Hz systems;
from 59 Hz to 61 Hz for 60 Hz systems;

provided that no other value has been agreed between user and manufacturer.

For other frequencies, permissible variations shall be defined by agreement between user
and manufacturer. DC supply system

a) Waveform of the d.c. line voltage

It will be assumed that the line side voltage of the traction system is the d.c. voltage
converted from a three-phase sinusoidal voltage by full-wave six-pulse rectification.

The user shall state any other connection from this arrangement, for example pulse
number other than 6, use of phase-controlled rectification, presence of regeneratively
braked vehicles on the system.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

b) DC voltage variations
In the absence of specified values, the d,c. line voltage is assumed to be maintained
between the limits given in IEC 850.

c) System inductance and resistance

Since the inductance and resistance of the system affect the performance charac-
teristics of a convertor and vary with the position of the vehicle, the maximum and
minimum values of inductance and resistance including internal impedance of the
source shall be specified by the user. The presence of other vehicles equipped with
convertors should also be taken into account.

NOTE - Care should be taken if these values are used for interference studies (see], because there
can be resonant frequencies.

Where possible and if necessary, resonant frequencies of the d.c. system shall be
specified by the user, either directly or by means of a model of the system.

d) Supply line overvoltages

The convertor with its protective devices and the input filter, if any, shall be able to
withstand input overvoltage as specified by the user without damage. In the event of
no specification being issued, the overvoltages as specified in curve 2 of figure 4, shall
be used for guidance.

The convertor shall operate normally when subjected to overvoltages given in curve 1 of
figure 4.

—.. —



t 6
3 4
+ 5
z 3
s’ 2

10-5 2 4 68104 2 4 6 8’10-= 2 4 6810-’2 4 6810-1 2 4 6 610° 2

Figure 4- DC supply system overvoltage levels

IS 15199 (Partl ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Input current limitations

Any limitation of the steady-state input current shall be stated by the user.

The user shall also state the short-time current capability of the supply system and the
nature of the protection system. Autonomous supply

Where the convertor is supplied by an autonomous supply such as battery, static

convertor, rotary set, etc., the user shall state rated values and limit values for the voltage
and impedance of the supply, and in the case of a.c. supply the frequency and waveform. Interferences

Interferences form the subject of

2.1.2 Special conditions

Special arrangements shall be defined in the particular specification and agreed upon
between user and manufacturer when conditions differ from those mentioned in the preced-
ing subclauses, for example:

altitude above 1 200 m;

ambient temperature outside the vehicle above 40 ‘C;

ambient temperature outside the vehicle below -25 “C;

annual average temperature outside the vehicle above 25””C;

relative humidity above 95 %, with a temperature above 40 ‘C;

- torrential rain, sand or snow storms, abnormal conducting dust, abnormal salinity of
the air, abnormal identified industrial pollution;

variations of the supply line voltage exceeding the values given above, for example,
in the case of systems employing regenerative braking;

sudden ambient temperature variations of about 15 K, occurring on periods of one

up to a few minutes, for example due to railway tunnels;

conditions bringing about frequent interruptions between contact line and convertor
or frequent short circuits on the contact line, for example, formation of ice on the
contact line, defrosting runs;

– when the vehicle is parked and the convertor is not connected to any power supply,
the initial start-up temperature for the convertor is assumed (in the absence of a
specified value) to be between -25 ‘C and +70 “C. The convertor shall be able to start
up at this temperature without damage.

2.2 Circuit-diagrams

This clause of the standard describes the main elementary circuit-diagrams used for
convertors installed on board rolling stock. it is not an exhaustive list of all possible circuit-

This clause of the standard is applicable for all types of convertors (traction or auxiliary).

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
lEC 61287-1 (1995)

Different types of line-commutated, load-commutated and self-commutated convertors

are used on rolling stock. For the sake of clarity, no classification of self-commutated
convertors turn-off connections has been undertaken. The symbol shown in figure 5 shall
be used for components with firing and turn-off capabilities (e.g. gate turn-off thyristor,
transistor, etc.) or for components with firing capability (e.g. thyristor) combined with a
turn-off circuit (with or without active components according to the circuit-diagram).

Figure 5- General symbol

The different circuit-diagrams of elementary convertors with which the traction and
auxiliary convertors are built are shown in 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. The three basic circuit-
diagrams used are rectifiers, choppers and inverters, but this standard is also applicable
to other circuit-diagrams such as cycloconvertors, resonant circuits, etc.

NOTE - The terms, rectifier and inverter, are used here referring to the direction of the main energy flow,
i.e. in the motoring mode for traction convertors and from the source to the load for auxiliary convefiors.
Some types of rectifiers and inverters can operate in both of those functions.

2.2.1 Rectifier Function

A rectifier changes an a.c. voltage to a d.c. voltage. In the rolling-stock applications, the
most commonly used are single-phase and three-phase rectifiers.

According to applications, energy can flow in only one direction or in both. This inversion
can be obtained by inversion of d.c. side current or voltage. ~lock diagram (see figure 6)

Source or

‘nPut --lzl--’’:’r
Figure 6- Rectifier block diagram

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Control

According to the control characteristics of the semiconductor components (uncontrolled,

fire controlled or fire and extinction controlled), the methods of controllability are:

- phase control;

- full-wave control;

- pulse-width modulation (PWM).

Phase control is a method of control characterized by a bridge arm which is fired and
subsequently turned off each half supply-voltage period. Full-wave control is characterized
by one bridge arm fired or not fired during a half supply-voltage period. Pulse-width
modulation involves one or several firing and turn-off of a bridge-arm during half a supply-
voltage period.

There are other particular methods of control used to reduce harmonics, to increase the
power factor, etc. (e.g.: a thyristor rectifier can be controlled as a mixed thyristor/diode

2.2.2 Chopper Function

A chopper changes a d.c. voltage to another d.c. voltage. Block diagram (see figure 7)

Source or o 0 Load or
input output

Figure 7- Chopper block diagram Types of chopper

There are two main types of chopper:

a) Unidirectional chopper
This type of chopper can transfer the energy only in one direction. There are step-down
choppers of which the output voltage is lower than the input voltage and step-up
choppers of which the output voltage is higher than the input voltage;

b) Bi-directional chopper
This type of chopper can transfer the energy flow in two directions. This chopper is
step-down when the energy flows in one direction and step-up when in the other,

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Control

Choppers can be differentiated according to their operating mode.

There are essentially three methods to control a chopper and obtain a variable d.c. output

a fixed frequency and a variable pulse width;

a fixed pulse-width and a variable frequency;

a combination of those two methods.

2.2.3 Inverter

2.2.3. 1 FrJrrctiorl

An inverter changes a d.c. voltage into an a.c. voltage. In the railway applications, the
most commonly used are single-phase and three-phase inverters. B/ock diagram (see figure 8)



--Lz4--L0ad0’ output

Figure 8- Inverter block diagram Types of irrverter

a) Load-commutated inverter
Inverters which derive their commutating voltage from the electrical machine connected
to their output.

NOTE - In the lower speed range, when the machine is not able to provide the necessary commutating
voltage, inverters of this type require an auxiliary commutating device or cycling interruption of the current by
another convertor.

b) Self-commutated inverter
Inverters which derive their commutating capability from components within the

1) Voltage source inverter

Voltage source inverters are self-commutated inverters which are fed from a direct
voltage power supply. They impose, on the load, an alternating voltage with a low
internal impedance.

2) Current source inverter

Current source inverters are self-commutated inverters which are fed from a direct
current power supply. They impose, on the load, an alternating current with a high
internal impedance.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Control

There are three main methods of controlling an inverter:

– load-commutated inverter: phase-control with frequency imposed by the load and

external current control;

current source inverter: variable frequency controlled by inverter and external

current control;
voltage source inverter: variable frequency controlled by inverter and voltage

a) Current source inverter

The current source inverter has a high internal impedance and only controls the output
frequency, while the load itself determines the voltage level. In this case, the input
voltage to the inverter has to be controlled to meet this level.

For traction convertors a puise width modulation (PWM) control may also be applied to
the current source inverter for low-frequency operation.

b) Voltage source inverter

There are essentially two modes of controlling an inverter:

Mode 1: Frequency control

The inverfer output phases are switched to produce maximum output three-phase
voltage to the load.

The output voltage depends on the inverter input voltage. The input voltage can be
either uncontrolled, or controlled.
This operation mode is mainly used for auxiliary inverfers.

Mode 2: Frequency and voltage control

The inverter is controlling both frequency and output voltage.

Fundamental values of frequency and voltage are controlled by changing the pulse
width. This control method by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is applied for both
auxiliary and traction inverters.

NOTE - Modulation methods are normally chosen to minimize harmonics of the output current in the
whole range of fundamental frequencies.

2.2.4 Combination of basic circuit-diagrams

A convertor can be composed of a basic circuit-diagram: rectifier, chopper, etc. and, in

this case, it is a direct convertor, or of a combination of circuit-diagrams depending on the
kind of supply and load, and, in this case, it is an indirect convertor.

As far as the indirect convertor is concerned, there is an input part, an output part, and, if
necessary, an intermediate part.

Some parallel or series connections of elementary basic circuit-diagrams are possible.

Figure 9 gives the most usual combinations of circuit-diagrams between the power supply
and the traction motor or other loads.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

DC SU@)f
(DC line or
autonomous supply)

r Transformer 1

. .——


or DC load or AC load

Figure 9- Combination of basic circuit-diagrams between the supply and the load

2.3 Characteristics

2.3.1 Characteristics of semiconductor devices

Semiconductor devices of power circuits shall comply with the stated conditions of
IEC 747 and ensure their function, in the conditions specified in clause 2.1 of the present

In the same way, semiconductor devices of control circuits shall also comply with the
requirements of IEC 571.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

~.jJ ~ Characferktics 0$ transformers, inductors and capacitors

T%e characteristics of power transformers and inductors used in convertors shall comply
with !l-~e requirements of IEC 310. Those for capacitors shall comply with the requirements
of IEC 384-4 and IEC 1071-1.

~ ~,3 ~~~ara~fe~i$f~~~ of conveflor~

~.~-~ j Geometrical characteristics - Conformity to dra wjngs

The convertor is defined by means of drawings which specify in particular:

.. components;
. fixing points;
.. area of accessibility;
.. gri~pi~g points for handling;
electrical connections and air ducts or connections to cooling system;
-- dimensions and tolerances:
,. tc.fal theoretics! mass.

NCIT-E--A contractual mass andlcv position of the centre of gravity may be specified in the general drawing
Gr hy the pa. fticulal- spe~itication.

2 3.3.2 hlarking

in the absence of any agreement between user and manufacturer, the convertor is pro-
~Ji.~ed~ri~h ~ ~~~~e~la~e on which at least the following is inscribed:

.. marwfacfuref ’s mar}c
-. number of main drawing and/or type designation;
.- seriai number of convertor;
year of manufacture;
mass. ,4cousfic noise

AGO~StiC noise emitted by the convertor defines an acoustic class. The acoustic class is
defined by one of the values given in table 1.

Table 1- Noise level

---- —.——. —
( Class x Y z

Noise level LPA 95 90 85 dBA

class A B c D E
[ .—.—.-—
Noise level LPA 80 75 70 65 60 dBA
NOTE - The noise level is defined by the parameter: LPA= A-weighted surface sound-pressure leveL

‘Test methods are defined in

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
iEC 61287-1 (1995)

In the case of a convertor with separate cooling system, if this system is only used for the
conver~or cooling, it is considered as a part of the convertor to define the acoustic class.
The characteristics of the acoustic level for a traction (or auxiliary) equipment are not
included in this standard. It is necessary to take into account that, after mounting the
convertor on the vehicle, the emitted noise level will depend upon its location and any
another precautionary measures. Classes X,Y and Z are only allowed by agreement
between user and manufacturer or if the noise is decreased by installation or by operating
conditions. Temperature of surfaces

The temperature of the surfaces of the convertor normally accessible without any
dismantling, in the specified cooling conditions (air flow if any), shall not exceed 60 ‘C,
except if another value has been specified by agreement between user and manufacturer.

If the installation conditions are such that the temperature of the cooling air iS liable to
cause some discomfort, an agreement between user and manufacturer shall specify the
admissible maximum temperature. Electrical and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

The input current of the convertor may contain a.c. components caused by either the a.c.
components of the supply voltage or the vehicle equipment operation.

The convertor may also produce electromagnetic interference by radiation. Interference by

conduction or radiation may affect the power supply, the telecommunication, the signaling
system and other equipment.

a) Internal interference

[t is necessary to take into consideration that any part of a convertor may interfere with
another part. The convertor shall operate properly within defined environmental inter-
ference conditions. These conditions shall be specified in the particular specification.

b) Interference with the supply system

The permissible characteristic (value of permissible a.c. current versus frequency) for
a.c. current components of the input and surveillance strategy, if any, shall be agreed
upon between user and manufacturer.

NOTE - In the event of resonances occurring in the supply network, appropriate measures will be decided
upon by mutual agreement between user and manufacturer of the vehicle.

c) Interference with radio and telecommunication systems

The convertors can cause disturbance in the radio and telecommunication systems.
Where possible, the CISPFi and CCITT recommendations on protection of radio
networks and telecommunication lines against interferences shall apply. If not
applicable, the definitions and limiting values shall be agreed’) upon between user and

NOTE - Should interference be detected, appropriate measures should be decided upon by mutual
agreement between user and manufacturer of the vehicle.

‘ ) When rolling stock is intended to run on several railway networks, agreement has to take into account the
requirements applicable to each network.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

d) Interference to the signaling system

The user may specify additional requirements regarding interference with the signaling
systems if necessary. 1) This can be done in the following ways:

in addition to the characteristic as specified in b) the user may specify a

maximum current value liable to appear at the input of the convertor due to super-
imposed a.c. harmonics from the supply line at the signaling frequencies. The
manufacturer shall take this into account so that the total interference CiJrrent
(i.e. reSultin9 in the superposition of interference from the line and the vehicle will
never exceed the level specified in b);

in addition to the characteristic as specified in b) the user may specify an

additional minimum input impedance requirement for the vehicle or convertor at the
signaling frequencies. Mechanical and cooling characteristics

a) Robustness

The convertor shall be capable of operating in the presence of the shocks and
vibrations specified in and, in these conditions, shall not sustain any damage.

b) Sealing

If the sealing is specified by the user, its degree of protection shall be selected from
those defined in clause 4 of IEC 529.

c) Cooling system

It is necessary to define the cooling interfaces between the convertor and vehicle in the
particular specification. Electrical characteristics

a) Input quantities

The convertor shall be capable of being connected to one or more of the supplies spe-
cified in 2.1.l.7to

It is necessary to indicate in the particular specification the range of supply voltage

within which full performance may be achieved.

The user shall indicate the supply characteristics, taking into account the requirements
of to, input impedance and the in-rush current of the convertor.

The particular specification shall define the limit values of the generated harmonic line
currents and their frequencies.

The convertor, including its protective devices and the input filter, if any, shall be able
to withstand the input overvoltages as specified in d) and d), without
damage. The user shall state whether or not the protective devices used are required to
be resettable.

‘) When rolling stock is intended to run on several railway networks, agreement should take into account the
requirements applicable to each network.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

b) Output quantities
The output quantities shall be defined by a particular specification, which specifies the
rated values:
- power;
- frequency;
- current;
and their variations.

The maximum values for a specified time and continuous values shall also be defined.

If the convertor has operating modes different from that defined by the rated values
above, this particular specification shall define the rated values of these modes, power,
voltage, current, frequency as well as the corresponding durations.

The characteristics on short circuit and on open circuit (short-circuit current, no-load
voltage) shall be defined by agreement between manufacturer and user.

c) Efficiency
The efficiency (see 1.3.7) is defined by the particular specification for the operating
point specified by the rated output characteristics, for the rated supply conditions (see to 2.1.1 .12) and for a specified ambient temperature.

d) Electrical isolation
The particular specification shall specify whether the convertor ensures electrical
isolation between the supply and load.

e) Clearance and creepage distances

Clearance and creepage distances shall be defined in accordance with IEC 77 and
IEC 664, taking into consideration the different working voltages within the convertor. Interfaces between convertor and control unit

It is necessary to specify the interfaces between the convertor (power part) and the control

At least, the types of interfaces may include:

- hardware interfaces:
● input signals for power circuits (semiconductor control signals);

● output signals from power circuit to control unit (sensor and alarm);

. power supply of gate unit and sensor;

● mechanical;

. thermal.
- functional interfaces:
● this part of the interface shall describe all characteristics which have an
influence on the design of the power converlor [see a)].

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

2.3.4 Technical documentation

Technical documentation and maintenance schedule to be supplied by user and manu-

facturer are subject to specific agreement.

This a~reernont shali specify a list of items and contents.

2.4 Tests

This standard is so laid out that most of the tests can normally be carried out in the manu-
facturer’s workshops: If ~nis is impossible, according to defined methods by agreement
between user and manufacturer, the tests can be carried out in a special laboratory or on

The tests ccmcern essentially the power part including gate unit. The gate unit and
possibly some other electronic equipment mounted in the power compartment shall be
previously tested in accordance with IEC 571.

For the convertor test, it is possible to use an electronic control unit equivalent to the
serial equipment.

This standard does not include combined test between load, convertor (power part)
and control unit, except for some tests of auxiliary convertor. These combined tests will
be defined in other publications. Also this standard does not include tests of traction (or
auxiliary) equipment as defined in 1.3.13.

2.4.2 Categories of tests

There are three categories of tests:

a) type tests;

b) ro~utine tests;

c) investigation tests.

Elefore type and routine tests, the manufacturer shall produce a programme showing tests
to be carried out according to this standard and particular requirements included in the
contract. At the end of the type tests the manufacturer shall establish a test report. Type tests

Type tests shall be carried out to verify that a product will meet the requirements specified
and agreed upon between user and manufacturer.

Type tests shall be carried out on a single unit of a defined design and manufacturing
procedure. For these tests, in principle, all parts of the convertor shall be identical to the
serial equipment.

If the methods of test necessitate the use of components different from those used for
series products, it is necessary to have an agreement between user and manufacturer.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (19!35)

If a complete convertor or one of its parts is identical with, or similar to, one previously
tested, the manufacturer may supply a certificate of previous tests which shall at
least cover the contractual requirements. In such cases, unless otherwise agreed, it is
not necessary to repeat the tests respectively on the complete convertor or the parts

Subject to previous agreement between user and manufacturer, some or all of these tests
may be repeated periodically on convertors, or one of their parts taken from current
production or deliveries, so as to confirm that the product quality still meets the specified

Optional type tests are to be carried out only if they are stated in the particular speci-
fication. Routine tests

Routine tests are carried out to verify that the properties of a product correspond to those
measured in the type test. Routine tests shall be carried out by the manufacturer, in
principle on all equipment of the same type.

User and manufacturer may agree to adopt an alternative test procedure (e.g. in the case
of convertors produced in large quantities under a quality assurance procedure conforming
to ISO 9002). This may permit reduced routine testing of all convertors or may require
the full tests on a proportion of convertors chosen at random from those produced on the

Optional routine tests are to be carried out only if they are stated in the particular
specification. Investigation tests

Investigation tests, the object of which is to obtain additional information on methods of

using the convertor, shall be subject to previous agreement between user and manu-
facturer. These tests are carried out only if they are expressly specified in the order.

The results of investigation tests may not be used as grounds for refusing acceptance of
the equipment or to invoke penalties.

2.4.3 Tests of convertor components and subassemblies

Convertor components and subassemblies shall be subjected to the type tests and routine
tests laid down by the relevant IEC standards, before or after assembly in the convertor:

- power semiconductor stacks: IEC 747;

control electronic and low-current components, reactors, transformers: IEC 571;

- power transformers and inductors: IEC 31 O;

- power capacitors: IEC 384-4 and IEC 1071-1.

NOTE - The present IEC 747 series does not give standards for turn-off capable power devices, power
gate turn-off ~hyristor (GTO) and static induction thyristor. Tests of convertor components and sub-
assemblies using these turn-off capable power devices shall be carried out by agreement between user and

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
[EC 61287-1 (1995)

2.4.4 Convertor tests

Type tests and routine tests intended to verify general characteristics of convertors shall
be carried out in accordance with the subclauses given in table 2 and detailed in to

Routine tests shall be carried out in the workshop. The location where generally the type
tests are carried out is given in table 2.

All these tests on convertors shall be carried out at the ambient temperature of the work-
shop or vehicle. The temperature of each type test shall be recorded in the test report.

2.4.5 f-kt of t6?StS

The list of tests to be carried out on convertors is given in table 2. This list constitutes a
minimum, it may be complemented by agreement between user and manufacturer.

Complementary tests defined in section 3 are related to traction convertors and in

section 4 are related to auxiliary convertors. These tests are carried out in addition to
those indicated in table 2.

1.S 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

Table 2- List of tests

Nature of test
Location Type test Routine test Subclause
or inspection

Visual inspection-aspect Ws’) x x

Dimension and tolerances Ws x 2)

Weighing Ws

Marking Ws x x
Cocding WS/vehicie4) x and b)

Effectiveness of filters WS/vehicle C)
Protection and measuring
Ws x x 2.46.6

Trigger equipment Ws x x

~- —

Light ioad Ws x x

Commutation WS/vehicle x

Acoustic noise Ws x

Temperature rise Ws x 2.4.6,12


Power loss determination Ws x

Supply overvoltage and

Ws x
transient energy

Sudden variation of load WS/vehicle

!nsulation Ws x x

Dielectric Ws x x

X3) X3)
Partial discharge Ws 2.4.6,18

Impulse test X3)


Safety requirements Ws x 2.46.20


Vibration and shocks Ws x

Sealing Ws x

Interference WS/vehicle x

‘) WS: the test shall be made in the workshop.

z) Some sizes and tolerances may be checked by a routine test, according to rf+Ilri?mLWS of the Pafiicular

3, Optional test.

4) WS/vehicle: the test may be made in the workshop or on the vehicle (see 2.4.1).
IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

2.4.6 Description of tests Visual inspection: verification of aspect (type test and routine test)

The object of the visual inspection is to prove that the convertor is free from physical
defects and that surface treatments have been duly carried out.

It is necessafy to check for the presence of any electrical, mechanical and cooling internal
and interface parts. Verification of dimensions and tolerances (type test)

Dimensions and their tolerances are checked by means of standard measuring devices.

Dimensions and their tolerances shall comply with those given on drawings. Weighing (optional type test)

When the mass is specified the convertor shall be weighed.

Its measured value shall comply with the specified limits of the contractual value (see Marking inspection (type test and routine test)

The marking shall comply with the requirements of Cooling tests (type tests)

There are two possible cases:

convertor with integrated cooling system;

.- convertor with separate cooling system.

In the case ~f a convertor with an integrated cooling system, the object of this test is 10
measure the flow of cooling medium passing through the various components concerned
and to verify whether it complies with the specified flow.

In the case Of a convertor with a separate cooling system, the object of this test is to verify
that the pressure drop across the convertor is in accordance with the specified range of

a) Convertor with integrated cooling system

When the fan, pump or radiator set(s) form(s) part of the convertor, the test shall be
carried out:
with the convertor having specified input and output cooling conditions;
– with power supplied to the set(s):
1) at the nominal voltage ULN and/or nominal frequency;
2) at the voltage and/or frequency corresponding to the minimum value specified.

The measured flow of cooling medium shall be in conformity with that specified by the
NOTE - In some cases the flow can be variable (e.g. when using braking energy to supply the cooling
system); these special conditions shall be agreed upon between user and manufacturer.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

b) Convertor with separate cooling system

When the fan, pump or radiator sets do not form a part of the convertor, the tests shall
be carried out with a suitable fan, pump or radiator set. The flow and pressure of
cooling medium shall comply with the values specified by the manufacturer of the con-
vertor or by the particular specification. The pressure drop shall be measured.

c) Test of effectiveness of filters (optional type test)

When necessary and agreed upon by user and manufacturer, tests shall also be carried
out to verify the effectiveness of the means provided in the convertor to reduce the
ingress of dust, snow and water. The test method shall be the subject of agreement
between user and manufacturer. Tests on protection and measuring devices (type test and routine test)

The object of the type test is to verify that the protection and measuring devices function
correctly in the whole range of operating condition.

The object of the routine test is to verify the conformity of assembly, connections and the
good working by a “’go no-go” test. Trigger equipment test (type and routine test)

The object of this test is to verify that the trigger pulses comply with the specifications. Arrangement for electrical tests in the workshop


$=i?D Figure 10- Convertor on test


The tests described in to can be carried out with a test circuit as shown in
figure 10.

The test circuit indicated in figure 10 is one example of a circuit suitable for carrying out
the tests described. In conjunction with the test descriptions, it is intended to establish a
basis for mutual agreement between user and manufacturer when testing the equipment.

Generally the test circuit includes two reversible variable voltage sources S1 and S2,
which form part of the workshop equipment. S1 is an external power supply source. The
load can be the specified load or a simulated load such as: motor, reactor/resistance,
battery, etc.

If necessary, the power taken from the load or a part of it, represented by S2 can be
returned to the input of the convertor under test, by a convertor or a generator connected
to the load.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Light-load test (type test and routine test)

This test is carried out to verify that the convertor is correctly connected, the operation of
the convertor at the rated current and the current or/and voltage sharing between valves
where applicable. This test is an operating test and not intended for temperature rise.

During the test, the converlor is supplied at its nominal value and output current is kept at
the rated value, where applicable, at reduced output power.

In the case of a current source inverter, the input current is supplied at its rated value and
output voltage is chosen to obtain a reduced output power.

In the case of a diode rectifier, the test can be carried out with reduced input voltage at
the rated output current. In addition, a test at nominal input voltage without load shall be
carried out.

If it is difficult to obtain nominal supplied voltage and rated output current simultaneously,
output current can be reduced under prior agreement between user and manufacturer.

Some other details are given for each type of convertor in sections 3 and 4. Corrrrmtatjorr test (type test)

This test is carried out to verify that the convertor will commutate the maximum specified
instantaneous output current.

The input voltage is chosen to apply the worst case conditions to the semiconductors
(maximum voltage for turn-off power devices and minimum voltage for thyristors circuit

This test is declared successful if the switched output current is higher than the maximum
specified value of the convertor, without damage to any component. Acoustic noise measurement (type test)

a) Test methods

The method is defined in IEC 551 in which the term “transformer” will be replaced by
“converlor” and the clauses and subclauses 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.2 [5.2.3 is excluded], 5.3,
6.1, 6.2 a) and appendix A shall be taken into consideration.

If, during preliminary tests, there is, between two measured points, a gap Of ~dB >10,
the number of measured points defined in 5.2 of IEC 551 will be N.

b) Operating conditions

During the test, the convertor is operating,

For an auxiliary convertor the operating point is defined by the rated output power. If
there are some particular operating modes, for example a starting motor-compressor,
the mode corresponding to the maximum noise level will be defined by a preliminary

IS 15199 ( Part 1 I :2002
[EC 61287-1 (1995)

For a traction convertor the operating conditions shall be defined between user and

c) Particular conditions
In some cases it is possible to have particular conditions such as:

emergence of fixed audible frequency;

cooling system with several speeds.

The related test conditions and relevant values shall be defined by agreement between
user and manufacturer. Temperature-rise test (type test)

Under the test conditions of, the convertor current shall be varied according to the
load profile specified in sections 3 and 4 or shall be operated at rated conditions with an
equivalent steady-state current.

Electrical thermometers (or other temperature measurement means) shall be mounted at

the specified reference points on the bodies of semiconductors and other components
considered to be liable to the maximum temperature rise and, at the start of the test,
the one which gives the maximum reading shall be ascertained. Thereafter, and for the
whole period of the test, readings of this thermometer shall be taken together with the
temperatures of the cooling flow at the inlet (and outlet if necessary) of the convertor.
The maximum temperature value reached by critics! components having difficult access-
ibility, such as in an equipment designed to be cooled by immersed type system,
the above test method may be replaced by a SUitable method which shall be decided by
agreement between user and manufacturer.

The readings obtained shall be corrected a.s a function of the difference between the
specified maximum temperature and the actual ambient temperature, if necessary, taking
into account any non-linearity of the cooling medium.

The temperature of the most critical components, correcied where necessary as indicated
above, shall at no time exceed the specific temperature limit for these components.

The ventilation conditions to be used for this test shall be in accordance with those given

In the case of natural cooling convertors, the test described above shall be carried out
by arranging the equipment so as to obtain conditions similar to the actual operating
conditions. If the equipment is designed to be cooled by the air flow caused by the
movement of the vehicle on which they will be mounted, the forced air flow used for
testing shall be decided by agreement between user and manufacturer.

In the case of Very high power convertors for which the duty cycle cannot be reproduced in
the workshop, the appropriate values of temperature determined by calculation can be
checked by reduced load tests or by sub-circuit (part of convertor) tests. The methods for
carrying out this test shall be stated in the particular specification.
IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

On agreement between user and manufacturer, the results obtained from such a test shall
be verified when the vehicle is put into service. During this test, the vehicle shall be
subjected to the specified duty cycle long enough to reach a temperature balance.

Moreover, the requirements of shall be verified. Power loss determination (type test)

This lest is carried out to calculate the efficiency.

The losses in the convertor can be determined after agreement between manufacturer and
user, either by calculation based on measurements (method of separate losses, see
IEC 146) or by direct measurements. For parts of equipment already tested and in current
use {“standard”), it is possible to replace the test by a calculation based on previous
1 measurements.

Results can be presented in diagram form showing losses in relation to the various operat-
ing conditions.

The efficiency shall be in accordance with the requirements of c). Supp/y overvoltage and transient energy test (type test)

It is recommended that this test be carried out by a suitable method as agreed between
user and manufacturer.

If the user agrees, this test can be replaced by calculations presented by the manufac-
turer, proving the ability of the convertor to meet the requirements specified in a). Sudden variations of load tests (optional type test)

The devices for self-protecting, if any, shall be connected.

The convertor shall be tested either in manufacturer’s workshop or after mounting on a

complete vehicle of the design concerned. For this test the serial control unit has to be

The test voltage shall be chosen by agreement between user and manufacturer.

The test method is described in sections 3 and 4.

Two types of test can be carried out:

short-circuit test;
- load-break test. hsuhtion resistance test (type and routine test)

This test is carried out to verify the specified value of insulation resistance. This value and
the conditions of measurement are given in the particular specification.

In the case where the convertor ensures the electrical isolation (see d)), this
function is checked by a method agreed between’user and manufacturer.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-”1 (1995) Dielectric test (type test and routine test)

Dielectric tests are carried out only to verify the correct state of the insulation of a
completely assembled convertor. They are not carried out to verify the insulation of the
elementary components and also the creepage distances.

The main terminals of the convertor, as well as the anode, cathode and gate terminals of
all semiconductor devices, shall be connected to each other.

Switchgear and contractors in main circuits, if any, shall be closed or short-circuited.

Components or subassemblies not metallically connected to main tested circuits (e.g. con-
trol circuits, motors or fans) shall be earthed during the dielectric tests. If components or
subassemblies ensure the insulation between different levels of voltage (e.g. pulse trans-
former, transductors, etc.) the terminals which have the lowest voltage shall be connected
to the ground and the other terminal shall be tested with the main circuit.

The tests shall be carried out at ambient temperature.

The test voltage at a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz shall be approximately sinusoidal form

and shall be increased to the full value in not less than 10 s continuously.

If an a.c. test voltage cannot be applied, a d.c. test voltage can be used having the peak
value of the r.m.s. test voltage UP given by the formula in c). This voltage shall
also be increased to the full value m not less than 10 s continuously.

In all cases, the voltage UP shall be applied for 1 min.

a) Dielectric test of convertor equipment with parts installed separately

All equipment parts are to be tested separately or connected to each other before
delivery according to the following recommendations.

b) Dielectric test of convedor arranged in a single housing

1) Direct convertor

The test voltage, in accordance with c) is applied between the terminals
connected together and the housing.

2) indirect convertor and convertor system

Each part of the convertor can be tested separately with a different test voltage. The
test voltage, in accordance with c) is applied between the terminals connected
together to be tested and the housing. Ail other terminals are connected to earth during
this test.

c) Test voltage

The test according to b) is carried out with a test voltage having an r.m.s.
value of:

2 Um
up = —+ 1 000v
where Um is the highest peak repetitive working voltage between any pair of concerned

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

If, for any reason, it is necessary to repeat the. dielectric test of the convertor, the valUe of
voltage for the second test shall take into consideration that the dielectric test affects the
quality of the insulation. One possibility is to reduce the value to 85 0/0 of UP. Partial discharge test (optional type and optional routine test)

This test is carried out to verify the insulation of elementary components or subassemblies.

It is recommended to carry out this test for equipment working at 1 500 V or more and
especially for new components and for semi-conductor subassemblies with a new insu-
lating technology.

The user or manufacturer shall define the list of components or subassemblies submitted
for these tests.

IEC 270 gives test and calibration methods, and describes some types of test circuits.

Among these test methods, it is recommended to use the following.

- Test method for solid insulation (see figure 11):

An r.m.s. a.c. voltage (50 Hz or 60 Hz) equal to 1,5 Um or higher is applied during the time
f, (1 rein) after 10 s to attain this value. During this time t,,some partial discharges may
be observed.

After t,,the voltage is decreased to 1,1 lJ~ in 10 s. The voltage is applied during the time
t2 (30 s). During the last 5 s, the level of partial discharge is measured.

Generally for a component a suitable value is about 10 pC and for subassemblies about
50 pc.

(50 or 60 Hz)

I h

1,1u m —--- —— -- ---- I_



- I Id=-d
10s 10s 10 s

Um = highest peak repetitive working voltage

Figure 11 - Partial discharge test voltage

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Impulse test (optional type test)

If, to meet special operating conditions of short-time overvoltage due, for example, to
atmospheric influences, an impulse test has been specified in the particular specification,
the method of execution of this test shall be agreed upon between user and manufacturer,
taking into consideration the input circuit (transformer, filter, protective device, etc.), if
any. Inspection of safety requirements (type test)

The particular specification specifies the safety requirements which the convertor shall
meet. The methods for performing tests shall be agreed upon between user and manu-

Moreover, attention should be paid to the fact that dangerous voltages can be present in
the capacitors for a certain time after switching off the convertor. The particular speci-
fication shall state the relevant arrangements. Tests for withstanding vibrations and shocks (type tests)

The complete convertor or one of its subassemblies together with its mounting arrange-
ments and auxiliaries (including shock-absorbing devices, if the convertor is designed for
mounting on such devices) shall be subjected to the tests given in a)
to c) below. When the convertor mass or design does not permit vibration tests,
these shall be carried out on certain convertor subassemblies, as agreed between user
and manufacturer.

For the tests given in a) to c), the equipment on test shall be secured in
a suitable position to a machine producing vibrations of sinusoidal form with adjustable
amplitude and frequency.

All parts of the equipment will be inspected during test using a strobe light to determine
any component and mounting resonances. Covers and inspection plates will be removed
as necessary to facilitate full inspection.

NOTE - If there is an agreement between user and manufacturer, it is not necessary to carry out the test at
frequencies lower than 3 Hz.

a) Determination of resonant frequencies

In order to determine the possible existence of critical frequencies producing resonance,

the frequency shall be varied progressively over the whole range mentioned in
within a time of not less than 4 rein, the amplitude of the oscillations being that
indicated as a function of the frequency.

b) Tests with forced vibrations

The equipment being tested is next subjected to a test with forced vibrations for a time
of not less than 15 rein, to be agreed upon between user and manufacturer:

either at the critical frequency, if such a well-defined frequency has been

detected during the test of a);

- otherwise at a frequency of 10 Hz.

In both cases, the amplitude of the vibrating table is adjusted to the value correspond-
ing to the frequency concerned (see 2.1.1 .4).

Subject to agreement between user and manufacturer, the equipment being tested
can be subjected, as an investigation test, to forced vibrations for a longer period (25 h
to 50 h).

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

c) Tests to simulate the effect of shunting shocks

The convertor shall be subjected to a series of three successive shocks in the direction
corresponding to the longitudinal movement of the vehicle on which it is to be mounted
each corresponding to a maximum acceleration of 30 m/s2.

d) Results of tests

The tests are considered to be satisfactory, if there is no resulting damage or abnor-

mality during operation.

The equipment so tested shall be able to withstand the electrical tests and, in
particular, the insulation tests. Sealing test (type test)

If a sealing test is stipulated in particular specification, it shall be performed according to

clause 8 of IEC 529., for the protective degree of protection specified in 2.3,3.6 b). Interference test (type test)

This test shall be carried out for the stated characteristic modes of operation of the conver-
tor mounted on the vehicle (e.g. motoring, braking, for a traction convertor).

a) Internal interference test (type test)

This test is to ensure that the equipment is working correctly in presence of emission
from possible sources of noise. Until general rulesl) become available, this test may be
carried out, for example, as follows:

all contractors, relays and other possible sources of noise of the traction control
circuits, on the vehicle, shall be operated in sequence to ensure that there is no
harmful electrical interference with the convertor control circuits due to electro-
magnetic or electrostatic pick-up.

NOTE - By this test not only the convertor but also the proper design of the complete vehicle is verified.
This test is considered part of the convertor recommendations until equivalent tests are specified in the
applicable vehicle recommendations.

b) External interference test (type test)

This test is to confirm that the noise currents and radiated interferences produced by
the convertor are less than the level given in the particular specification. The details of
this test shall be agreed upon- between user and manufacturer. As far as is possible,
the respective CCITT and CISPR rules shall be taken into consideration.

The limiting values of generated harmonic currents shall comply with the requirements
of b) to d). If a specified input impedance is defined in the particular
specification this value shall be proven by calculation.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out a test on the vehicle in accordance with IEC 1133.

‘) Under consideration in IEC technical committee 77

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
lEC 61287-1 (1995)

Section 3: Traction convertors

This section of the standard is applicable to convertors which have as the main function to
supply the traction motors of the vehicle or the train.

For this type of convertor, this section along with sections 1 and 2 is to be applied.

Tests specified in this section are in addition to those specified in section 2, table 2.

3.1 Characteristics

3.1.1 Load profile

Load profile [current versus time’)] is the repetitive cycle of the load current or other
specified conditions such as starting or braking. The load profile shall be defined at a
specified input voltage.

The cycle can be a theoretical traction cycle: acceleration, constant speed, braking, stop,
or the specified cycle for the vehicle in which the convertor is mounted. Generally, this
cycle is defined for nominal input voltage for traction and in other cases such as braking, it
is necessary to give the specific value in the particular specification.

This profile is used to calculate the worst case conditions of components involved and to
define the conditions of temperature rise test (see 2).

3.1.2 Electrical isolation

Generally, the traction convertor does not provide the isolation between the supply and
the load.

3.2 Rectifier for d.c. motor

This clause is applicable to the direct convertor where the main circuit-diagram is a
rectifier as defined in 2.2.1.

3.2.1 Characteristics Output voltage

The maximum and minimum output theoretical voltage at rated current shall be calculated
using the rated value of transformer leakage reactance and a.c. line voltage. To calculate
more accurately the practical value of maximum and minimum output voltage, it is
necessary to take into account the line impedance and no-load voltage.

‘) In accordance with the type of convertor used it is necessary to provide frequency versus time or voltage
versus time.
IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) interfaces between motor and convertor

Characteristics of traction motors are deal? with in IEC 349.

It is necessary to state in a detailed specification agreed between motor and convertor

manufacturers the interfaces between motor and convertor including the following charac-

the characteristic values of the output convertor quantities (rated values, variations,

. additional impedance (smoothing reactance),

. continuous current,
● maximum current considering load profile.
. peak current,
. voltage,
. frequency;

the characteristic values of the motor (rated values, variations, etc.):

● continuous power,
☛ voltage or e.m.f. (versus speed for traction and braking),
● current,
● maximum current ripple admissible considering load profile,
✎ type of d.c. motor (series, compound, etc.),
● impedance or equivalent circuit-diagram as a function of frequency,
● field characteristics,
✎ voltage between motor terminals and earth,
✎ load profile. Short-circuit and fault conditions

Motor faults (i.e. flash-over) can affect the convertor and convertor faults (faults of semi-
conductor devices, no commutation, etc.) can likewise have some effects on the motor.

These faults shall be taken into consideration.

The manufacturer shall declare the type and method of operation of the protective devices
for these faults.

3.2.2 Tests

In addition to the tests listed in table 2, section 2, the following tests shall be carried out.
For these tests the smoothing reactance shall be considered as a part of the convertor. Sudden variation of load (optional type test)

a) Load break test

This test is carried out in order to verify that the convertor does not sustain any damage
in case of load break.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

A contactor is connected in series with the load. After the current in the load has
reached steady-state condition, the contactor switches off the current. As an alterna-
tive, the load break can be brought about by abruptly blocking the convertor via its
control equipment. The resulting fault voltage shall be detected and limited by the
protective equipment. The output voltage waveform shall be recorded.

On completion of this test no components shall be damaged.

b) Short-circuit test

This test is carried out to simulate a flash-over on the motor.

The test shall be carried out with a voltage corresponding to the highest line voltage
(IEC 850) and with an input impedance equivalent to the minimum value of the
impedances of the load and the transformer.

A resistive load shall be connected to the rectifier output. The test shall be carried out
with maximum current and nominal voltage. If the rectifier is intended for feeding series
wound d.c. machines, an impedance equivalent to the respective field windings (includ-
ing parallel resistance if any) shall be connected in series with the resistance.

A short-circuiting device shall be connected in parallel with this load in accordance with
figure 12. For a series motor, it is possible to have the connection shown in figures 12a
and 12b. In the case of figure 12a, the flash-over only affects the armature winding and
therefore only the resistor of simulated load in figure 13a shall be short-circuited. In the
case of figure 12b, all the simulated load shall be short-circuited in figure 13b. After the
current in the load resistance has reached steady-stale conditions, the short-circuiting
device shall be closed. The resulting fault current shall be detected and cleared by the
protective and fault-clearing equipment in the total time specified for that equipment to

Fuses, if any, shall not blow during this test unless otherwise specified.

This test shall be carried out once and the overcurrent waveform shall be recorded.
When this test is carried out, any smoothing reactor shall not be short-circuited.

This test is declared successful if there are no damaged components.

— —

Figure 12a Figure 12b

Figure 12 - Field/armature connections of series motor

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

Figure 13a Figure 13b

Figure 13- Short-circuit connections of simuiated ioad Load ripple current (type test)

For specified suppiy voitage, for specified ioad and at points of operation corresponding to
the maximum rippie, the vaiue of the d.c. component, the r.m.s. vaiue and the peak-to-
peak vaiue shaii be measured.

This test shaii be carried out with the specified smoothing reactor.

The test is deciared successful if the value of the rippie current is iess than the vaiue
given in

This test can be repiaced by a calculation if agreed between user and manufacturer. Separate test of the different outputs (routine and type test)

in the case of a convertor with muitipie output {armature, fieid, etc.), it is necessary to
carry out the electrical routine and type tests for each output. Additional commutation test (type test)

This test is carried out to verify the commutation capability of a forced commutation
rectifier at minimum on time and minimum off time.

The test is deciared successful if the measured vaiues of operating parameters on aii
parts of the commutation circuit (power semi-conductor, snubber, inductance, etc.) are in
accordance with specified values.

Generaiiy, it is necessary to choose different input and output conditions for the on-time
and off-time tests.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

3.3 Chopper for d.c. motor

This clause is applicable to the direct convertor where the main circuit-diagram is a
chopper as defined in 2.2.2.

3.3.1 Characteristics Interfaces between motor and convertor

Characteristics of traction motors are dealt with in IEC 349.

It is necessary to state in a detailed specification agreed between motor and convertor

manufacturers the interfaces between motor and convertor including the following charac-

the characteristic values of the output convertor quantities (rated values, variations,

● additional impedance (smoothing reactance),

● continuous current,
● maximum current considering ioad profile,

. peak current,
● voltage,

. frequency;

- the characteristic values of the motor (rated values, variations, etc.):

. continuous power,
. voltage or e.m.f. (versus speed for traction and braking),

● maximum ripple admissible considering load profile,

● type of d.c. motor (series, compound, etc.),

● impedance or equivalent circuit-diagram as a function of frequency,

● field characteristics,

. voltage between motor terminals and earth,

. load profile. Short-circuit and fault conditions

Motor faults (i.e. flash-over) can affect the convertor and convertor faults (faults of semi-
conductor devices, no commutation, etc.) can likewise have some effects on the motor.

These faults shall be taken into consideration.

The manufacturer shall declare the type and the method of operation of the protective
devices for these faults.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

3.3.2 Tests

In addition to the tests listed in table 2, section 2, the following test shall be carried out.

For these tests the smoothing reactance shall be considered as a part of the convert~r. Output vo/fage test (type test)

The voltage is measured directly at the terminals of the convertor excluding smoothing
reactance voltage drop.

a) Maximum output voltage

For minimum input voltage and maximum output current the average output voltage of
the chopper shall exceed the maximum specified value.

b) Minimum output voltage

For maximum input voltage and minimum output current, the average output voltage of
the chopper shall have a value not greater than the minimum specified voltage. Light load test (type test and routine test)

The light load test is described in In addition, for a multiphase chopper it is
possible to test each phase separately. Load ripple current (type test)

For specified supply voltage, for specified load and at points of operation corresponding
to the maximum ripple, the value of the d.c. component, the r.m.s. value and the peak-to-
peak value shall be measured.

This test shall be carried out with the specified smoothing reactor.

The test is declared successful if the value of the ripple current is less than the value
given in

This test can be replaced by a calculation if agreed between user and manufacturer. Sudden variations of load (optional type test)

a) Load break test

This test is carried out in order to verify that the convertor does not sustain any damage
in case of load break.

A contactor is connected in series with the load. After the current in the load has
reached steady-state condition, the contactor switches off the current. As an
alternative, the load break can be brought about by abruptly blocking the convertor via
its control equipment. The resulting fault voltage shall be detected and limited by the
protective equipment. The output voltage waveform shall be recorded.

On completion of this test no component shall be damaged.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

b) Short-circuit test

This test is carried out to simulate a flash-over on the motor. This test is useful only in
the case where the flash-over current flows through the chopper.

The test shall be carried out with a voltage corresponding to the highest line voltage
([EC 850) and with an input impedance equivalent to the minimum value Of the
impedance of the load.

A resistive load shall be connected to the chopper output. The test shall be carried out
with maximum current and nominal voltage. If the chopper is intended for feeding series
wound d.c. machines, an impedance equivalent to the respective field windings (includ-
ing parallel resistance if any) shall be connected in series with the resistance.

A short-circuiting device shall be connected in parallel with this load in accordance with
figure 12. For a series motor it is possible to have the connection shown in figures 12a
and 12b. In the case of figure 12a, the flash-over only affects the armature winding and
therefore only the resistor of simulated load in figure 13a shall be short-circuited. In the
case of figure 12b, all the simulated load shall be short-circuited in figure 13b. After the
current in the load resistance has reached steady-state conditions, the short-circuiting
device shall be closed. The resulting fault current shall be detected and cleared by the
protective and fault-clearing equipment in the total time specified for that equipment to

Fuses, if any, shall not blow during this test unless otherwise specified.

This test shall be carried out once and the overcurrent waveform shall be recorded.
When this test is carried out, any smoothing reactor shall not be short-circuited.

This test is declared successful if there are no damaged components. Separate test of the different outputs (routine and type test)

In the case of a convertor with multiple output (armature, field, etc.), it is necessary to
carry out the electrical routine and type tests for each output. Additional commutation test (type test)

This test is carried out to verify the commutation capability at minimum on time and
minimum off time.

This test is declared successful if the measured values of operating parameters on all
parts of the commutation circuit (power semi-conductor, snubber, inductance, etc. ) are in
accordance with specified values.

Generally, it is necessary to choose different input and output conditions for the on-time
and off-time tests.

3.4 Inverter for multiphase motor

This clause is applicable to the direct supplying multiphase motors where the circuit-
diagram is an inverter as described in 2.2.3.

Multiphase traction motors can be both rotating or linear motors. Convertors for fixed-
stator linear motors are excluded.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

3.4.1 Characteristics Interfaces between motor and inverter

Characteristics of traction motors are dealt with in IEC 349-2. The exchange of information
between the motor and convertor manufacturers is specified in 3.1 of the above-mentioned

It is necessary to state in a detailed specification agreed between motor and convertor

manufacturers the definitions of interfaces including the following characteristics:

voltage or current harmonics which have an influence on the performance of the

motor (additional power losses, pulsation torque);

electric characteristics of motor: equivalent circuit, stray inductance for fundamental

and lower value to calculate the d~dr, magnetizing current, etc.;
– load profile;

output power of convertor;

range of fundamental frequency and modulation;

output voltage of the convertor including repetitive peak voltage, voltage terminals
to ground, rate of voltage rise;
r.m. s. current;

voltage between motor terminals and earth;

input characteristics of the inverter.

These quantities shall be defined for each operating mode Fau/f protection

Motor faults (insulation fault, etc. ) can affect the convertor and convertor faults (semi-
conductor fault, commutation fault, etc. ) can likewise have some effects on the motor.

These faults shall be taken into consideration to design the convertor and the motor.

Failure mode analysis shall be carried out on both convertor and motor. As a result, the
convertor manufacturer shall declare the method of convertor protection and failure mode

3.4.2 Tests

in addition to the tests listed in table 2, section 2, the following tests shall be carried out. Light load test (type and routine test)

The light load test is described in For an inverfer, there are different methods to
carry out this test, but the method used shall respect the following points:

the input voltage shall have the nominal value;

the output current shall be the rated current; “

no modification of the power circuit of convertor is allowed but the method of control
can be changed.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
[EC 61287-1 (1995) Additional commutation test (type test)

This test is carried out to verify the commutation capability at minimum on time and
minimum off time.

The test is declared successful if the measured values of operating parameters on all
parts of the commutation circuit (power semi-conductor, snubber, inductance, etc.) are in
accordance with specified values.

Generally, it is necessary to choose different input and output conditions for the on-time
and off-time tests.

3.5 Indirect convertor for d.c. or multiphase motors

This clause applies to the indirect convertor supplying d.c. or muitiphase motor. This
convertor has a main circuit-diagram composed of a basic diagram combination as
described in 2.2.4.

3.5.1 Characteristics Interface between d.c. motor and convertor

See Interface between a.c. motor and convertor

See Short-circuit and fault conditions

See Fau/? protection


3.5.2 Tests

For routine tests and type tests each part of the indirect convertor can be tested
separately or together.

If a common cooling system is provided, the temperature-rise test (see shall be
carried out with the complete indirect convertor. Dielectric test (type and routine test)

If the different parts of the indirect convertor are designed with different levels of
insulation, the L/m value (see 7) shall be in accordance with appropriate level. Indirect convertor for d.c. motors

See to Indirect convertor for multiphase motors

See 3.4.2.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

Iiary convertors

This section of the standard applies to the convertors which have as the main function to
supply the auxiliary circuits of power vehicles, coaches and trailers.

For this type of convertor this section along with sections 1 and 2 is to be applied.

Tests specified in this section are in addition to those specified in section 2, table 2. All
these additional type tests shall be carried out with a serial control unit.

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 Auxiliary convertor starting conditions

Generally, the auxiliary convertor is the first lo start, so it is necessary to specify the
starting conditions.

The main types of starting mode are:

– direct starting with input voltage:

the energy used to start the convertor is supplied by its input voltage;

starting by auxiliary battery:

the energy used to start the convertor is supplied by an auxiliary battery specific to
the convertor;

starting by rnairr vehic/e battery

the energy used to start the convertor is supplied by the main vehicle battery.

4.1.2 /npr.d characteristics Connection to the /ine

The convertor can be connected directly to the line supply, therefore the characteristics of
the input voltage are those which are defined in to

if the convertor is not directly connected to the line, all power supply characteristics shall
be specified. Connection to the traction convertor

The auxiliary convertor “is connected to an intermediate link, to the main input filter or to a
secondary auxiliary winding of main transformer. All input characteristics (steady states
and transient conditions) shall be specified. Connection to a busbar supplied by another auxiliary convertor

The input characteristics (steady-state and transient conditions) shall be specified.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

4.1.3 Output characteristics

An auxiliary convertor can have one or more outputs. List ot output characteristics

An auxiliary convertor can supply several output voltages which have different forms.

For each output it is necessary to specify at least the following characteristics:

- d.c. output voltage:

● maximum continuous power;

● voltage and tolerances or charging mode (in case of charge battery);

● d.c. current ripple factor;
● admissible overload (see 4.1 .3.2);
. instantaneous peak current;

- a.c. output voltage:

. maximum continuous power;
● voltage and tolerances;

● frequency and tolerances;

● voltage and frequency control (see 4.1 .3.3);

● total harmonic distortion and/or approximate harmonics losses factorl) ;

● admissible overload (see 4.1 .3.2);

. instantaneous peak current. Output power

An auxiliary convertor is designed for a maximum output continuous power and/or for a
load profile. In addition to the maximum continuous power, the auxiliary convertor may
have an overload capability. This overload is defined by a maximum current delivered
during a specified time. Output voltage frequency

The a.c. output voltage of the convertor can have two types:

- fixed frequency:

in this case the tolerance of the frequency value is specified;

– variable frequency:

in this case it is necessary to specify if the frequency varies continuously or by


The ratio between voltage and frequency and the rate of rise of frequency shall also be

‘ ) This factor can be used to approximate the additional harmonic losses of an asynchronous motor fed by an
auxiliary inverter.

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995) Output voltage harmonics

Harmonics are contained in the output voltage of the convertor. These harmonics are
characterized by distortion factor. Without filtering device, the voltage distortion factor of a
convertor delivering a square wave 1/3 – 2/3, is 31 O/.. Short-circuit protection

It is necessary to specify if the convertor is short-circuit-proof or not.

The behaviour of the convertor in the case of short circuit shall be described in the
particular specification.

4.1.4 Electrical isolation

If an isolating transformer is provided, the output voltage level shall be considered as

relevant for design and safety for output side.

If an isolating transformer is not provided the input voltage level shall be considered. as
relevant for design and safety. Lower level (for instance output level) can be allowed if
there is an agreement between user and manufacturer covering the following points:

the design and protection of the convertor (crowbar or other equipment);

level of insulation of loads;

safety rules.

4.2 Tests

In addition to the tests listed in table 2, section 2, the following tests shall be carried out.

4.2.1 Output characteristics test (type test)

This test is carried out to verify that the following electrical characteristics (where appli-
cable) are in accordance with those specified:


- frequency;

voltage and frequency control;

- d.c. current ripple factor;

total harmonic distortion and/or approximate harmonics losses factor;

charging mode.

Nature of the load which influences convertor operating, the test can be carried out on a
load equivalent to the actual load.

This test shall be carried out for nominal output power at minimum and maximum input
rated voltages.

This test is declared successful if the measured values are in accordance with those

IS 15199 ( Part 1 ) :2002
IEC 61287-1 (1995)

4.2.2 Starling and restarting test (type test)

This test is carried out to verify the characteristics described in 4.1.1.

This test shall be carried out for minimum and maximum input specified characteristics.

4.2.3 Light load test (routine and type test)

For an auxiliary convertor this test is replaced by a rated load test.

The load can be simulated but the convertor shall deliver the power at rated conditions.

4.2.4 Commutation test (type test)

The maximum specified instantaneous output current is defined by the overload capability
as defined in

4.2.5 Temperature-rise rest (type test)

This test shall be carried out at rated output conditions according to

4.2.6 Sudden variation of load (type test)

a) Load-break test

This test is carried out to verify that the convertor does not sustain any damage in case
of load break.

A contactor is connected in series with the load. After the current in the load has
reached steady-state condition, the contactor switches off the current. The resulting
voltage variation shall be detected by the protective equipment. This test is declared
successful if the voltage variation is in accordance with the specified values.

In the case of multiple outputs, this test shall be repeated for each output and it is
necessary to verify if the other output characteristics are in accordance with the
specified values.

On completion of this test no component of the convertor shall be damaged.

b) Short-circuit test

If the convertor is specified to withstand short circuits this test shall be carried out.

This test shall show that the behaviour of the convertor conforms with

For a multiple output convertor this test shall be carried out for all short-circuit
protected outputs.

( Continued from second cover)

The technical committee responsible for the preparation of this standard has reviewed the provisions of
the following International Standards referred in this adopted standard and has decided that it is acceptable
for use in conjunction with this standard:

IEC 38 ( 1983 ) IEC standard voltages

IEC 50 ( 811 ) ( 1991 ) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary ( IEV ) — Chapter 811: Electric traction

IEC 77 ( 1968 ) Rules for electric traction equipment

IEC 146-1-1 ( 1991 ) Semiconductor convertors — General requirements and line commutated
convertors — Part 1-1 : Specifications of basic requirements

IEC 146-1-2( 1991 ) Semiconductor convertors — General requirements and line commutated
convertors — Part 1-2: Application guide

IEC 146-1-3( 1991 ) Semiconductor convertors — GeneraI requirements and line commutated
convertors — Part 1-3: Transformers and reactors

IEC 146-2 ( 1974 ) Semiconductor convertors — Part 2: Semiconductor and self-commutated convertors

IEC 146-3( 1977) Semiconductor convertors — Part 3 : Semiconductor direct d.c. convertors
( d.c. chopper convertors )

IEC31O(I991) Traction transformers and inductors

IEC349( 19$41 ) Electric traction — Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles

IEC 349-2 ( 1993) Electric traction — Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles —
Part 2: Electronic convertor-fed alternating current motors

IEC 384-4 ( 1985 ) Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment — Part 4: Sectional specification:
Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid and non-solid electrolyte

IEC411-2 (1978) Power convertors for electric traction — Part 2: Additional technical information

IEC 551 ( 1987) Determination of transformer and reactor sound levels

IEC571-1 ( 1990) Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles — Part 1: General requirements and
tests for electronic equipment

IEC 571-2 ( 1988 ) Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles — Part 2: Standardization of certain
mechanical and electrical quantities — Principles of test devices

IEC 571-3 ( 1990 ) Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles — Part 3: Components, programmable
electronic equipment and electronic system reliability

IEC 631 ( 1978) Characteristics and tests for electrodynamics and electromagnetic braking systems

IEC 651 ( 1979) Sound level meters

IEC 664 Series Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems

IEC 850( 1988) Supply voltage of traction systems

IEC 1133(1992) Electric traction — Rolling stock — Test methods for electric and thermal/electric
rolling stock on completion of construction and before entry into service

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
Bureau oflndinn St:lndards

BiS is a statutory institution established uilder the Bureau of /ndicrn S’t([ndards Act, 1986 TO promote
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[3[S hastlle copyright ofali its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced inanyform without
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<tandard, of n~ce~sarv detai]s, such as symbols and sizes, type or- grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be address;d to the Director (Publications). BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically: a standard along with amendments is reaffli-med when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
jho~lld ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Catalogue> and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. ET31 ( 5188).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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