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| | File Received Date: 06/12/2018 | WA leer hig) No. of Documents IHEALTH CARE Documents Received From: fal / [DNF -]_ NEFI Platinum TPD PHOTO | | pop sNott=f 2-frop No HS Us TY & Inward Date: - -DEC-2018 Inward Date & No CL-00 Ul2s5H Patient Name satue, Ra a Policy Name Mol) Se veo Policy Classification Retail / Compare _/_Mass ‘Type of Document Network Reimbursement __/_Member Reimbursement Main Qian 7 Pre-Post 1 Addendum’ OPD / Query Type of Cla spon: RAJU Py Inward Exce: X RAY FILM IMPLANT STICKER: IMPLANT STICKER. sox{ | World Health “Organization Date ; 03.12.2018 To ICICI Lombard GIC ICICI Lombard Health Care ICICI Bank Tower, Plot No: 12 Financial District, Nanakram Guda Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500 032 , Telangana Dear Sir, Sub : Submission of Medical Bill. Reg. Ref: AL No: 110209827684 UHID No: 1L13624683404, Dt: 27.11.2018. Herewith we are submitting Medical Bill in the Name of Mr K Satya Rao along with your Authorisation Letter of Rs.19,300/-(Rupees Nineteen Thousand and Three Hundred Only) for Payment at the earliest. if coUlLsS H The Draft/Cheque may please be issue in favour of HYDERABAD EYE INSTITUTE, payable at VISAKHAPATNAM. and sent it to L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, G.M. R.Varalakshmi Campus, D.No. 11-113/1, Hanumanthawaka Juction, VISAKHAPATNAM - 530 040. Kindly acknowledge the receipt for the same. Thanks & Regards Yours Faithfully, For L.V.Prasad Eye Institute 4 Sunita fe BN SiMallarjuna Rao Administrator - Accounts Encl: Aja LY Prasad Eye Instituce, GHR Varalakshmi Cam ip No. 13H yi thawako Junction, Visakbapatram - $30 040 | Tel; *91 0891 3564000,3964656 Fax; +91 089/ 3964444 Email: GMRV4 - , e@ivpé.orp Website: wivwlvpe ICICI Lombard : Picicr@Lombard ‘Health Care “Authorization Later tothe Hospital for the Treatment and Guarantee of Paysnent Ov-I8 LV. Prasad Bye Insitute AL. Number1 10200827684 GAR Verlakshini Campus, 11-1131, Hanumanthawaa tation ‘Viaskhapatnam Andhra Praesh-S30040 Tels Mob Dear SivMadur, {We berby authorize and yaar ox paymicat wp 0 Rs 19400 (in words) Ropoes NINETEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED cal for Admtsion Pre-Autoiztin rust note en ty yos withthe flowing nfraon ‘ame ofthe patent KSATYA RAO Lib Numer rua3e2ass304 Caso Accommodation Day Cae Fer Moviional Dag seni cat Poly Pei 30-MAR-2018 To 22-MAR-2019 Date of Admission con olicy Number :4016/147635 12200000 : Manis of Conporte ‘MEDIA SERVO DRIVES PRIVATE LIMITED “Date [aa Sonctbned Amount | ~ 13404 Remark Kindly note maximum anthoricatian has been zpproved as per MOU, henes further tmnt enhancements 08 tpproved and hespital is oquested nt Lo colect his difference amouat frm the patent, Final lum seunent sekaty as per MOU and Pay TAC. Paint paid amount along wih signature are wandatory nthe colume provided bow. Foray astles iets, wile ce submit PAN of your hospital and Aachaar Number ofthe Authorizes Signtery (wth copy forsttemant ofthe moran: Te atonal fr Alison wis 1 slo te Dal ofAmasion me oro saci he Pe ge vhkeves reac Th Ahora bconcs oul and oH the pets ichgs bine ts dat of iste te kobe celeste om inate, lata Process Seen wl bem yr sss im MOUTHCA. Tg ‘heen peeted docu ths res Cie! Lombard Geter Insurance Company Lid, er Real inte Update peo in: ssw esis Hea Cans Fe eeaeee er Lambe CIC, ICICI Lonacd Health Ca, [CICL Bonk Tower, Pleo (2, Paani Dist, Navaleam Gu, Gash. Nyehnebat, 04932, Telangana, Toll FeeHelptine No: 1800 2 666, Tol Frc Fax No: 1800 209 $860, Fox No. Lin; 040.66049160/61, Pal Hheltheate@icklombard som IRDA Tiegatttinn Ne. 1S aoa: n ona - i ‘pen ao Fetlowing Details are masdstory or ean stdereat F [bat ortiechape [zane 3, DD a | [i Bit Amone 0/500 /- | ] uw [Amount Paid by Pains i200)- [SpnnavofthePuiotReative —[fowpitl Stamp & Sgnanze, | a eee ain ee rg enemnt we asenno etspate OTA Aicicr@rombard CASHLESS AUTHORIZATION REQUEST NOTE: Toll Fee ner: 1800 Ze66 + Fax Number 1800 209 6380/ 040 6E98 9180, 61 + Ernst us. casltessaques! TO SE FILLED BY THE INSURED /PATIENT EEDeeRsmSemREEE TT SSUNEEU Name fPatient MR KU PPILt} SHotye RAO TOendegr Ata Fert 3)ngeT Zeus, s)UarotSi sion “ralde TU NSE IU GS SHOU syemsitos__ UDIELIYT6 35122\00]000 Svar Pali 8) a) ConanatePatcyN, bl GerporrFoieyName _ }Emavee iD: ilyde aula anyotherhtedi Yes Na Ves, 10} tame family physica \urnber HYDMgePootAesched Aad ts _ MUREERGEENRESRESNNENEENNEE TBE FILLED BY THE TREATING DOCTOR /HOSPITAL semammammenemsstonsrearaen-% HlaiMonechihe resting doco Qe SBD wogc Codav vile: OSH - 39 SY 555 YeiNawectHowiut_L Vv PRASiD Loe STII the, TOBE SSTbBI cM ode. 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